Parks Canada Awareness Tracking Study 2018-2019

Final Report

Registration Number: POR 003-18
Supplier name: EKOS Research Associates
Contract number: EP363–140002/004/CY
Contract value: $135,571.75
Award date: April 20, 2018
Delivery date: March 28, 2019

Prepared for Parks Canada Agency
30 Victoria Street, Gatineau QC, J8X 0B3

For more information on this report, please contact Parks Canada Agency at: or 1-888-773-8888.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Parks Canada Awareness Tracking Study 2018-2019

Final Report

Prepared for Parks Canada Agency
Supplier name: EKOS Research Associates
March 2019

This public opinion research report presents the results of a telephone survey conducted by EKOS Research Associates on behalf of Parks Canada Agency. The research study was conducted with 8,061 adult Canadians between May 30, 2018 and March 16, 2019 (roughly 2,000 cases per month once per quarter).

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Enquête de suivi sur la notoriété de Parcs Canada 2018-2019.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Parks Canada Agency. For more information, please contact Parks Canada Agency at or at:

Parks Canada Agency
30 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor
Gatineau, QC J8X 0B3

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Related publications (registration number: POR 003-18):
Catalogue Number ISBN R62-557/2019F-PDF

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Parks
Canada Agency, 2019


Contact: Susan Galley

Ottawa Office
359 Kent Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R6
Tel: (613) 235 7215
Fax: (613) 235 8498


Parks Canada Agency (PCA) protects and presents nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and fosters public understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment to ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations. Canada’s National Parks, National Historic Sites, and National Marine Conservation Areas attract over 20 million Canadians and international visitors annually.

PCA employs the Awareness Tracking Survey to measure and track, on an on-going basis, to understand the short term success of its proactive communications efforts on Canadians’ awareness and understanding of the Agency and the places it administers.

The survey instrument used in 2019 is consistent with previous iterations of the survey. The bilingual telephone survey involved a randomly-selected sample of Canadians 18 years of age and older. The sample included all provinces and territories, with oversamples in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Each survey wave has an associated margin of error of up to plus or minus 2.2 %, 19 times out of 20. The overall sample includes 8,061 completed interviews. Following are sample details for each wave of the survey:


Awareness of Parks Canada

Awareness of Parks Canada is strong in 2018-2019, and has increased sharply from 2017-18.

Recall of Messaging

Support for Parks Canada’s Mandate

Canadians are strong supporters of Parks Canada’s mandate.

Specific Themes

The contract value for the POR project is $135,571.75 (including HST).

Supplier Name: EKOS Research Associates

PWGSC Contract Number: EP363–140002/004/CY

Contract Award Date: April 20, 2018

To obtain more information on this study, please contact Parks Canada Agency at:

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of EKOS Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by:

Susan Galley (Vice President)
March 2019


L’Agence Parcs Canada (APC) protège et présente des exemples d’importance nationale du patrimoine naturel et culturel du Canada et favorise la compréhension, l’appréciation et le plaisir du public afin d’assurer l’intégrité écologique et commémorative de ces lieux pour les générations actuelles et futures. Les parcs nationaux, lieux historiques nationaux et aires marines nationales de conservation attirent plus de 20 millions de visiteurs canadiens et étrangers chaque année.

L’APC utilise l’Enquête de suivi de la notoriété pour mesurer, suivre, de façon continue, et comprendre le succès à court terme de ses efforts de communications proactives sur la notoriété et la compréhension de l’Agence et des lieux qu’elle administre.

L’instrument de sondage utilisé en 2019 est conforme aux itérations antérieures du sondage. Le sondage téléphonique bilingue comportait un échantillon aléatoire de Canadiens âgés de 18 ans et plus. L’échantillon incluait tous les territoires et provinces, avec des suréchantillons à Montréal, Toronto et Vancouver. Chaque vague du sondage avait une marge d’erreur respective de plus ou moins 2,2 %, 19 fois sur 20. L’échantillon global compte 8 061 entrevues réalisées. Voici les détails de l’échantillon pour chaque vague du sondage :


Notoriété de Parcs Canada

La notoriété de Parcs Canada est forte en 2018-2019, et a augmenté considérablement par rapport à 2017-2018.

Mémorisation des messages

Appui pour le mandat de Parcs Canada

Les Canadiens appuient fortement le mandat de Parcs Canada.

Thèmes particuliers

La valeur du contrat pour ce projet de recherche sur l’opinion publique (ROP) est de 135 571,75 $ (TVH incluse).


Numéro de contrat de TPSGC : EP363–140002/004/CY

Date d’octroi du contrat : 20 avril 2018

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements au sujet de la présente étude, veuillez communiquer avec l’Agence Parcs Canada à :

J’atteste par la présente, à titre de cadre supérieur des Associés de recherche EKOS Inc., que les produits livrables sont parfaitement conformes aux exigences du gouvernement du Canada en matière de neutralité politique, prévues dans la Politique de communication du gouvernement du Canada et la Procédure de planification et d’attribution de marchés de services de recherche sur l’opinion publique.

En particulier, ces produits livrables ne renferment pas d’information sur les intentions de vote électoral, les préférences quant aux partis politiques, les positions des partis ou l’évaluation de la performance d’un parti politique ou de ses dirigeants

Signature :

Susan Galley (vice-présidente)
Mars 2019


Parks Canada Agency (PCA) protects and presents nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and fosters public understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment to ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations. Canada’s National Parks, National Historic Sites, and National Marine Conservation Areas attract over 20 million Canadians and international visitors annually.

PCA employs the Awareness Tracking Survey to measure and track, on an on-going basis, to understand the short term success of its proactive communications efforts on Canadians’ awareness and understanding of the Agency and the places it administers.

To meet these objectives, EKOS Research conducted telephone interviews in June 2018 (n=2,036, May 30 – June 22, 2018), September 2018 (n=2,007, September 6 – 24, 2018), December 2018 (n=2,011, November 27 – December 13, 2018), and March 2019 (n=2,007, March 1 – 16, 2019). The margin of error for each study was +/-2.2 %, at a .05 confidence interval.

The report begins with an executive summary highlighting the key findings. This is followed by an analysis of the results. Appended to this report are a detailed methodology (Appendix A), and the French and English questionnaires (Appendix B).



a) Unaided Awareness of Parks Canada

Results suggest moderate – and relatively stable – unaided awareness of Parks Canada. Respondents were asked, unaided, if they could name the agency responsible for operating officially-designated national parks and national historic sites in Canada. Recall of Parks Canada is 33% and is fairly consistent across the year, ranging from 30% in June and December 2018, to 35% in September 2018, but dipping back to 33% in March 2019. In each case, a handful of respondents responded with some variation of Parks Canada’s name, such as ‘National Parks’, ‘Canadian National Parks’, or “Canada Parks’.

Table 1: Unaided Awareness of “Parks Canada” by Region and CMA
Unaided Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 33% 30% 35% 30% 33%
Atlantic 37% 39% 38% 34% 38%
Quebec 29% 28% 31% 29% 30%
Ontario 27% 25% 30% 26% 30%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 34% 29% 42% 33% 35%
Alberta 40% 41% 49% 32% 38%
British Columbia 36% 33% 40% 39% 36%
Montreal 29% 26% 28% 31% 31%
Toronto 25% 23% 26% 21% 29%
Vancouver 36% 36% 37% 38% 36%

To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada?
Base: All respondents

b) Total Awareness of Parks Canada

Those respondents who could not name Parks Canada unaided were prompted with the name Parks Canada and asked if they had heard of the organization. Combining those who identified the agency without prompting (i.e., unaided as presented in Section A), as well as those who are able to confirm that they have heard of Parks Canada, 86% Canadians recognize Parks Canada. This pattern is consistent across the four waves, as shown in Table 2. The remaining 14% of Canadians are not aware of Parks Canada, either through prompted or unprompted recall.

Table 2: Total Awareness of Parks Canada
Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
Total 86% 88% 86% 87% 86%
Unaided 32% 30% 35% 30% 33%
Unaware 14% 12% 14% 13% 14%

To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada? [IF INCORRECT: Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency?
Base: All respondents

Table 3: Total Awareness of “Parks Canada” by Region and CMA
Total Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 86% 88% 86% 87% 86%
Atlantic 91% 92% 93% 91% 90%
Quebec 80% 84% 80% 80% 79%
Ontario 85% 86% 85% 87% 86%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 90% 91% 92% 89% 91%
Alberta 94% 96% 92% 96% 93%
British Columbia 91% 91% 88% 93% 90%
Montreal 79% 84% 79% 77% 78%
Toronto 80% 80% 79% 82% 82%
Vancouver 91% 92% 88% 93% 90%

To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada? Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency? (% total awareness)
Base: All respondents

c) Aided Recall of Recent Messaging

Respondents were asked whether they had heard anything about Parks Canada or its constituent elements (i.e., national parks and national historic sites) within the past three months, with similar levels of recall across the three. About one in three recall hearing something about Parks Canada (29%), National Parks of Canada’s (31%) and/or Canada’s national historic sites. Recall is highest for each of the three in September (36% for Parks Canada, 35% for National Parks of Canada and 31% for National Historic Sites). In each case, this is a few percentage points higher than found in June (see Table 4). Recall dips considerably in December, particularly for Parks Canada, and drops marginally again in March 2019.

Table 4: Aided Recall of Recent Messaging
Message Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
Parks Canada 29% 33% 36% 25% 23%
National Parks of Canada 31% 34% 35% 27% 27%
National Historic Sites if Canada 29% 29% 31% 29% 27%

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following? (% saying “Yes”)
Base: All respondents

Table 5a: Aided Recall of Parks Canada in Recent Messaging by Region and CMA
Total Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 29% 33% 36% 25% 23%
Atlantic 37% 44% 45% 32% 29%
Quebec 27% 29% 35% 23% 21%
Ontario 25% 29% 32% 20% 20%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 28% 33% 36% 26% 17%
Alberta 42% 47% 48% 36% 36%
British Columbia 29% 31% 36% 29% 25%
Montreal 23% 24% 30% 19% 19%
Toronto 23% 25% 29% 19% 19%
Vancouver 29% 27% 34% 32% 22%

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following?
Base: All respondents

Table 5b: Aided Recall of National Parks of Canada in Recent Messaging by Region and CMA
Total Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 31% 34% 35% 27% 27%
Atlantic 33% 35% 37% 32% 29%
Quebec 32% 36% 37% 26% 26%
Ontario 28% 31% 32% 25% 22%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 30% 34% 39% 24% 26%
Alberta 41% 40% 46% 36% 41%
British Columbia 29% 33% 29% 28% 29%
Montreal 27% 27% 34% 24% 23%
Toronto 27% 28% 32% 26% 22%
Vancouver 28% 30% 28% 27% 27%

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following?
Base: All respondents

Table 5c: Aided Recall of National Historic Sites of Canada in Recent Messaging by Region and CMA
Total Awareness Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 29% 29% 31% 29% 28%
Atlantic 38% 37% 43% 42% 30%
Quebec 29% 29% 32% 24% 31%
Ontario 28% 28% 29% 29% 25%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 32% 33% 30% 36% 30%
Alberta 29% 30% 34% 25% 27%
British Columbia 25% 21% 22% 31% 27%
Montreal 27% 26% 28% 24% 30%
Toronto 24% 23% 23% 30% 20%
Vancouver 23% 21% 22% 31% 21%

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following?
Base: All respondents

d) Source of Information

Those respondents who had read, heard, or seen something about Parks Canada, national parks, or national historic sites were asked where they had heard this news. Television ranks as the most popular medium, either through a television program or documentary (22%), or through a commercial (20%). A program or documentary was indicated as a key source of information more often in December and March (25% in each cases) than it was in June or September (19% and 20%). A television commercial was the source of information most often in June (23%) and in March 2019 (21%). The next most popular source of information, according to 12% of Canadians, is social media, which is a fairly consistent source over the year, although slightly lower in December (10%). The same proportion also received information through a newspaper article (12%, ranging from 11% to 14%, with the highest cited in September). Other websites are also a source for 11%, although somewhat less so in December (9%). Other sources and more details about patterns of sources used can be found in Table 6. It should be noted that the Parks Canada website is a source of information for 5% of Canadians.

Table 6: Source of Information
Source Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 3887 1030 1100 884 873
TV program/documentary 22% 19% 20% 25% 25%
TV commercial 20% 23% 18% 19% 21%
Social media (Facebook,
YouTube, Myspace,
Twitter, Instagram)
12% 12% 12% 10% 13%
Other websites 11% 12% 11% 9% 10%
Newspaper article 12% 11% 14% 12% 11%
Radio 7% 7% 6% 7% 7%
At National Parks/National
Historic Sites
9% 6% 13% 9% 7%
Magazine article 5% 6% 4% 6% 6%
From friends/family
members/word of mouth
4% 3% 5% 4% 5%
Parks Canada website
5% 5% 5% 5% 3%
Brochures/pamphlets 3% 4% 4% 3% 2%
At museums/other parks/sites 3% 2% 6% 1% 2%
Travel/tourism guides 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Other 4% 4% 2% 6% 4%
Don't know/No answer 5% 4% 5% 6% 5%

Where specifically do you recall hearing, watching, or reading something about Parks Canada, National Parks or National Historic Sites? (Items with 2% or more shown).
Base: Those who recalled Parks Canada, national parks, or national historic sites

e) Specific Elements Recalled

Those respondents who had read, heard, or seen something about Parks Canada, national parks, or national historic sites were asked to describe the subjects or topics they recall being covered. Responses were varied and did not focus on any one element. One in ten recalled hearing about park features, history or regulations (11%), although this is driven by a high proportion in June (16%, which then drops to 9% to 10% in subsequent waves). Travel and tourism promotions were also recalled by 9%, again with the highest proportion in June (13%, dropping to 5% to 10% thereafter). Nature and wildlife information were recalled by 8% and fewer pointed to other specific elements, with some variation from iteration to iteration of the survey, as shown in Table 7.

Table 7: Specific Elements Recalled
Element Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 3887 1030 1100 884 873
Park features/histories/regulations 11% 16% 9% 9% 10%
Travel/tourism promotion 9% 13% 10% 5% 9%
Historical sites features/histories/regulations 9% 9% 10% 10% 7%
Nature/wildlife information 8% 7% 8% 8% 7%
Location/site name only 6% 7% 5% 8% 4%
Protecting the environment (general) 5% 4% 6% 6% 6%
Wildlife protection (reintroducing species, culls) 5% 3% 4% 6% 6%
Campsites/accommodations information 5% 6% 5% 4% 6%
Recreational outdoor activities available at parks 5% 4% 6% 4% 4%
Disasters (fires, avalanche, flooding) 4% 3% 7% 2% 2%
Park/site maintenance/management 4% 5% 2% 2% 6%
History/historical sites/Canadian history (unspecified) 3% 2% 2% 4% 6%
Free admission/access to sites for Canada's 150th anniversary 3% 5% 3% 5% 2%
Funding issues/structure, fees/tax allocations 2% 2% 2% 1% 3%
New parks/historic sites opening (e.g. Sable Island, Rouge Park) 2% 2% 1% 2% 2%
New activities at historic sites/parks 1% 0% 0% 2% 3%
Education/outreach (general) 1% 0% 2% 0% 1%
Hunting/fishing 1% -- 0% 1% 2%
Planning a trip/reservations/bookings 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%
Construction/improvements to existing sites/parks 1% 0% 2% 3% 0%
Concerns about overcrowding in parks 1% 0% 3% 2% 1%
Public safety 1% 0% 2% 2% 1%
Other 3% 3% 1% 3% 4%
Don't know/No answer 24% 24% 25% 23% 23%

Can you tell me what subjects or topics concerning Parks Canada, National Parks, or National Historic Sites you recall hearing, reading, or watching something about? (Items with 2% or more shown)
Base: Those who recalled Parks Canada, national parks, or national historic sites

Table 8: Top Elements Recalled by Region and CMA
Total recall Parks features / histories Travel / tourism promotion Historical sites / features Nature / Wildlife Information
n= 3887 3887 3887 3887
National 11% 9% 9% 8%
Atlantic 14% 6% 11% 4%
Quebec 9% 12% 9% 7%
Ontario 12% 10% 11% 7%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 13% 10% 9% 8%
Alberta 9% 8% 3% 12%
British Columbia 10% 6% 9% 8%
Montreal 7% 12% 11% 7%
Toronto 11% 7% 9% 6%
Vancouver 9% 5% 7% 7%

Can you tell me what subjects or topics concerning Parks Canada, National Parks, or National Historic Sites you recall hearing, reading, or watching something about? (Items with 2% or more shown)
Base: Those who recalled Parks Canada, national parks, or national historic sites across cumulative (i.e., overall) sample

f) Support for Parks Canada’s Mandate

Results highlight broad support for Parks Canada’s mandate. When presented with a brief description of the agency’s responsibilities, the vast majority of respondents (88%) expressed support. This level of support is also very consistent throughout the year as shown in Table 9. Only 8% neither support nor oppose Parks Canada’s mandate, and only 2% are opposed to the agency’s directive.

Table 9: Support for Parks Canada Mandate
Rating Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
Oppose (1 – 2) 2% 2% 2% 1% 2%
Neither (3) 8% 8% 8% 8% 9%
Support (4 – 5) 88% 89% 89% 87% 87%

Parks Canada aims to protect and present Canada's national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas, and also to promote public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places for present and future generations. Please tell me how much you oppose or support this mandate?
Base: All respondents

Table 10: Support for Parks Canada Mandate by Region and CMA
Total Support (4 – 5) Overall June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 8061 2036 2007 2011 2007
National 88% 89% 89% 87% 87%
Atlantic 88% 90% 93% 85% 86%
Quebec 87% 88% 87% 88% 85%
Ontario 89% 90% 90% 87% 90%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 86% 89% 87% 87% 82%
Alberta 85% 84% 89% 84% 85%
British Columbia 90% 93% 88% 92% 87%
Montreal 87% 87% 87% 90% 85%
Toronto 89% 90% 89% 87% 89%
Vancouver 90% 95% 87% 92% 88%

Parks Canada aims to protect and present Canada's national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas, and also to promote public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places for present and future generations. Please tell me how much you oppose or support this mandate? % Support (4-5)
Base: All respondents


a) Recall of Parks Canada Logo

In the December 2018 and March 2019 iterations, those respondents who are familiar with Parks Canada were asked, unprompted, whether they could name the symbol that represents Parks Canada. Results highlight a considerable degree of uncertainty, with nearly half of respondents (46%) saying they “don’t know”. One-third (33%), however, correctly identified the symbol as a beaver, with a slightly higher proportion (35% found in March). Table 11 provides more detail.

Table 11: Recall of Parks Canada Logo
Parks Logo Overall December 2018 March 2019
n= 3522 1755 1767
Beaver 33% 32% 35%
Maple leaf 5% 5% 5%
Trees/Forest/Tree line 5% 5% 4%
Other flora or plant 4% 4% 4%
Other animal or fauna 4% 4% 4%
Other 2% 2% 3%
Don't know/No answer 46% 48% 45%

What is the symbol or corporate logo of Parks Canada? Items with 2% or more shown
Base: Those who are familiar with Parks Canada

Table 12: Recognition of the Beaver Logo by Region and CMA
Beaver Symbol Overall December 2018 March 2019
n= 3522 1755 1767
National 33% 32% 35%
Atlantic 49% 49% 50%
Quebec 37% 37% 37%
Ontario 25% 23% 28%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 28% 31% 28%
Alberta 44% 42% 46%
British Columbia 32% 30% 34%
Montreal 36% 36% 36%
Toronto 22% 19% 25%
Vancouver 32% 29% 33%

What is the symbol or corporate logo of Parks Canada? % indicating beaver logo
Base: Those who are familiar with Parks Canada

b) Top-of-Mind Impressions of Parks Canada

In December 2018 and March 2019, those respondents who are familiar with Parks Canada were asked, unprompted, how they would describe Parks Canada to a friend. Virtually all respondents described some form of positive imagery. Although themes were varied, two stand out. One in five (19%) used images related to nature and the wilderness, and other 14% spoke of parks as beautiful and scenic. Table 13 provides more detail.

Table 13: Top-of-Mind Impressions of Parks Canada
Impressions Overall December 2018 March 2019
n= 3522 1755 1767
Nature, wilderness, the great outdoors 19% 20% 18%
Beautiful landscapes, scenic 14% 14% 13%
Camping, RV accommodations, cottages 8% 8% 8%
Conservation/Protection of the environment/national parks 8% 9% 7%
Well-kept/Maintained/Organized 8% 8% 8%
Organization that takes care of parks (no government mention) 8% 8% 7%
Government agency 6% 5% 7%
Conservation/protection of natural resources, caretakers of land/water/nature 5% 4% 7%
Enjoyable, enjoy with family/friends 5% 5% 5%
Heritage/History, historical sites, preserves natural history 5% 4% 5%
Holiday/Vacation destination 4% 3% 5%
Physical activities at parks (e.g., skiing, hiking) 4% 3% 4%
Animals/Wildlife 3% 3% 4%
Specific national parks/sites/places 3% 3% 3%
Vast/Large/Expansive 3% 3% 3%
Amazing/Majestic/Awesome/Spectacular % 4% 3%
Lakes/Waterways/Rivers/Beaches (including water activities) 3% 3% 2%
Conservation/Protection of wildlife/animals/species 2% 2% 2%
Parks/National parks (general mention) 4% 2% 5%
Peaceful, relaxing 2% 2% 3%
Accessibility 2% 2% 2%
Important/Valuable/Necessary 2% 2% 2%
Provides good services 2% 2% 3%
Treasure that needs to be preserved for future generations, so we can continue to enjoy 1% -- 2%
Other 3% 3% 3%
Don't know/No answer 15% 14% 15%

When you think about Parks Canada, what are the words you would use to describe Parks Canada to a friend? Items with 2% or more shown
Base: Those who are familiar with Parks Canada


In June and September, respondents were presented with a list of eight of Parks Canada’s specific conservation activities and asked to rate the extent to which they are familiar with each one. Results suggest that most Canadians are familiar with the agency’s conservation efforts, although awareness is more limited when it comes to its science and engagement activities. Half of respondents said they are highly familiar with Parks Canada’s efforts to protect at-risk species (54%; slightly higher in June at 57% than in September at 52%). Slightly fewer (47%) are familiar with activities related to long-term tracking of plant and animal health, which is consistent between the two waves. Familiarity with Parks Canada’s use of controlled fires to rejuvenate forest habitats is also fairly high at 44%, although marginally higher in June (46%) than in September (42%). About the same proportion (39%) said they are familiar with its scientific research, which is consistent between June and September. Roughly one-third expressed a high degree of familiarity with the agency’s actions to create new protected water and land areas (37%), its collaboration with Indigenous peoples, its public engagement in conservation activities, and its efforts to monitor the effects of climate change (35% in each case, again consistent across the two survey waves).

Table 14: Familiarity with Parks Conservation Activities
Conservation Activity Overall June 2018
% High interest
(4 – 5)
September 2018
% High interest
(4 – 5)
n= 4043 2036 2007
Efforts to protect species at risk in national parks 54% 57% 52%
Long term tracking of the health of plants and animals in national parks 47% 48% 46%
Use of controlled fires to rejuvenate forest habitats 44% 46% 42%
Scientific research on environment in national parks 39% 39% 38%
Actions to create new protected water and land areas 37% 38% 35%
Collaboration with Indigenous peoples to protect and manage national parks 35% 36% 35%
Public engagement in conservation activities 35% 36% 34%
Monitoring and limiting the impacts of climate change in national parks 35% 36% 33%

How would you rate your level of awareness of the following activities that occur in these places? % High interest (4 or 5 on a 5 point scale)
Base: All respondents

Table 15: Familiarity with Parks Conservation Activities by Region
Conservation Activity Atlantic Quebec Ontario MB/SK Alberta BC
n= 419 986 1336 388 422 444
Efforts to protect species at risk in national parks 59% 49% 55% 52% 64% 55%
Long term tracking of the health of plants and animals in national parks 48% 41% 51% 44% 51% 46%
Use of controlled fires to rejuvenate forest habitats 42% 31% 46% 45% 61% 49%
Scientific research on environment in national parks 39% 35% 40% 36% 42% 39%
Actions to create new protected water and land areas 41% 29% 40% 31% 36% 44%
Collaboration with Indigenous peoples to protect and manage national parks 39% 29% 38% 31% 33% 42%
Public engagement in conservation activities 38% 26% 39% 30% 38% 38%
Monitoring and limiting the impacts of climate change in national parks 38% 31% 36% 31% 33% 38%

How would you rate your level of awareness of the following activities that occur in these places? % High interest (4 or 5 on a 5 point scale)
Base: All respondents

a) Interest in Learning About Parks Canada’s Science and conservation Activities

In June and September, respondents were asked about their interest in learning more about Parks Canada’s science and conservation activities. Overall, 56% indicated an interest in learning more about the agency’s science and conservation pursuits, ranging from 54% in June to 58% in September. Three in ten (29%) indicated a moderate interest, and just 15% said they have limited interest in learning about Parks Canada conservation activities.

Table 16: Interest in Learning About Parks Canada’s Science and Conservation Activities
Interest Level Overall June 2018 September 2018
n= 4042 2036 2007
Low (1 – 2) 15% 16% 14%
Moderate (3) 29% 29% 28%
High (4 – 5) 56% 54% 58%
Don’t know 1% 1% 1%

How interested are you in learning more about these science and conservation activities Parks Canada does? Would you be...?
Base: All respondents

Table 17: Interest in Learning about Parks Canada’s Science & Conservation Activities by Region and CMA
High Interest Overall June 2018 September 2018
n= 4043 2036 2007
National 56% 54% 58%
Atlantic 60% 56% 65%
Quebec 58% 57% 59%
Ontario 55% 55% 56%
Manitoba/Saskatchewan 51% 52% 50%
Alberta 52% 49% 55%
British Columbia 59% 55% 67%
Montreal 61% 63% 59%
Toronto 55% 51% 58%
Vancouver 60% 53% 67%



The survey instrument used in 2019 is consistent with previous iterations of the survey, and consists of core questions, plus four demographic indicators. On occasion, specific questions were included in each wave; however, the final questionnaire maintained a consistent measurement of key performance indicators to ensure comparability with previous results. The length of the interview was six minutes.

Respondents to the telephone survey were 18 years of age and older, and were randomly selected. The sample included all provinces and territories, and the survey was administered in English and French. The survey sample relied on a random digit dial method of sampling households from a wider sample frame of listed and unlisted landlines in Canada and is therefore considered to be a probability sample that is representative of the wider universe (exclusive of households with only cell phones). The study was designed to target a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adult Canadians (aged 18 and over) per survey wave and oversamples (where necessary) to statistically analyse the results by three census metropolitan areas - Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Each survey way has an associated margin of error of up to plus or minus 2.2 %, at a .05 confidence interval (i.e., 19 times out of 20). Following are sample details for each wave of the survey:

The regional distributions of the samples are as follows:

-- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
Province/Region Total Margin of error Total Margin of error Total Margin of error Total Margin of error
British Columbia & Yukon 242 6.3% 202 6.9% 287 5.8% 298 5.7%
Alberta & Northwest Territories 216 6.7% 206 6.8% 208 6.8% 250 6.2%
Manitoba & Saskatchewan 194 7.1% 194 7.1% 135 8.4% 142 8.2%
Ontario 671 3.8% 665 3.8% 720 3.7% 657 3.8%
Quebec & Nunavut 489 4.4% 497 4.4% 498 4.4% 515 4.3%
Atlantic 201 6.9% 218 6.7% 138 8.3% 139 8.3%
Missing 23 -- 25 -- 25 -- 6 --
Montreal CMA 254 6.2% 251 6.2% 263 6.0% 252 6.2%
Toronto CMA 234 6.4% 251 6.2% 276 5.9% 256 6.1%
Vancouver CMA 125 8.8% 152 8.0% 162 7.7% 154 7.9%
Total 2,036 2.2% 2,007 2.2% 2,011 2.2% 2,007 2.2%

Prior to beginning the full fieldwork, the study objectives and sampling of the survey, as well as the meaning and intent of specific items in the interview were thoroughly covered in training sessions with the full complement of interviewers who worked on the study. Test or practice interviews were conducted to familiarize interviewers with the questions, categories, flow and skip logic.

Survey supervisors continuously monitored interviewing during the data collection process, using a dual audio and visual monitoring system. A portion of interviews from each survey interviewer were monitored to ensure consistency of questionnaire administration and interviewing techniques.

The landline sample for this study was derived from Survey Sample Software. If this person was under 18, we asked to speak to another member of the household who was 18 years or older. Eight call-backs (nine total calls) were made to each selected household in the original sample before retiring a case and substituting another household. Follow-up calls were made on subsequent days, at varying time periods to maximize the potential for reaching a given respondent and appointments were taken at the convenience of the respondent. All individuals were given the choice of conducting the interview in either official language.

The survey was registered with the National Survey Registration System. Survey data collection adhered to Government of Canada standard for public opinion research. EKOS informed respondents of their rights under the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, and ensured that those rights were protected throughout the research process. This included: informing respondents of the purpose of the research; identifying both the sponsoring department and the research supplier; informing respondents that their participation in the study is voluntary, and that the information provided would be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act.

Once the survey data was collected, the database was reviewed for data quality. Coding was also completed (starting after the first 300 cases and completed a few days following the end of the survey collection period). Survey results were weighted based on Statistics Canada data according to age, gender, and region to ensure the sample was representative of the general public aged 18 years and older.

Data tables were created to isolate results for major subgroups to be used in the analysis (e.g., results for each region, for the three key CMAs, age segment, gender, as well as among households with children under 18, those born outside of Canada, and among those aware and not aware of Parks Canada).

Response Rates 1

The response rate for the landline sample per wave are as follows:

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Total Sample # of people # of people # of people # of people
Valid and invalid sample attempted 42,636 52,769 34,805 26,840

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Out of Scope # of people # of people # of people # of people
Invalid number, blocked by Bell, fax/modem, duplicate 9,231 10,744 12,881 10,506

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Unresolved (U) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Busy, no answer answering machine 28,140 34,223 15,243 7,803

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
In-Scope- non responding (IS) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Language Problem 393 444 535 476
Refusal 3,119 5,524 4,117 5,909
Qualified respondent break-off 102 12 163 97
Total 3,614 6,053 4,815 6,482

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
In-scope – Responding Units (R) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Completed interviews 1,608 1,657 1,793 1,862
Ineligible, quota filled 43 92 73 187
Total 1,651 1,749 1,866 2,049

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Unresolved (U) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Response Rate = R/(U+IS+R) 4.9% 4.2% 8.5% 12.5%

The response rate for the cell phone sample per wave are as follows:

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Total Sample # of people # of people # of people # of people
Valid and invalid sample attempted 13,280 15,000 5,507 8,852

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Out of Scope # of people # of people # of people # of people
Invalid number, blocked by Bell, fax/modem, duplicate 2,509 1,777 1,952 1,028

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Unresolved (U) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Busy, no answer answering machine 8,788 11,795 2,874 6,911

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
In-Scope- non responding (IS) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Language Problem 44 35 29 30
Refusal 1,468 1,005 389 696
Qualified respondent break-off 26 12 35 18
Total 1,538 1,052 453 744

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
In-scope – Responding Units (R) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Completed interviews 428 350 218 145
Ineligible, quota filled 17 26 10 24
Total 445 376 228 169

June 2018 (n=2,036) September 2018 (n=2,007) December 2018 (n=2,011) March 2019 (n=2,007)
Unresolved (U) # of people # of people # of people # of people
Response Rate = R/(U+IS+R) 4.1% 2.8% 6.4% 2.2%

The response rate for the telephone survey is calculated by dividing the cooperative call-backs (i.e., those who completed the study, those who we spoke to but were ineligible, and the quota filled) by the functional sample. The functional sample is the sample remaining after numbers not in service, business and fax numbers, duplicate numbers and numbers blocked by the phone company are removed.

Data analysis

For each survey wave, the database was reviewed for data quality and invalid values (e.g., where interviewers backtracked in responses from respondents), cleaning the data prior to analysis. A coding scheme was developed in close consultation with the client in the first survey wave and the same themes were used in subsequent waves unless a significant new theme was found in responses from later waves. Each data file was weighted to the latest Census population figures for age, gender, and region2. Data tables were produced for each wave in .csv format, in English and French to be published on the Library and Archives Canada website. These banner tables present overall results as well as results by age group (18-34 vs. 35+), presence of children in the home vs. no children at home, aware of Parks Canada vs. not aware, gender, household income, education, language, and born in Canada/non. Results for geographic areas are presented for Montreal – Toronto – Vancouver, as well as by region: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

Non-Response Bias

A comparison of the unweighted sample with 2016 Census figures from Statistics Canada suggests that there are some sources of systematic sample bias in the survey, following patterns typically found in most general public surveys. These include the following:

Demographic Characteristics of the Sample

Following are the characteristics of individual/households in the sample in terms of gender, age, region using unweighted percentages, as well as having children in the home, or being born in Canada using weighted percentages.

Table 1: Demographic Table

Table 1a: Gender (unweighted)

- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 2036 2007 2011 2007
Male 44% 44% 48% 47%
Female 55% 55% 52% 53%
Prefer not to say 1% 1% 0% 0%

Table 1b: Age (unweighted)

- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 2036 2007 2011 2007
18-34 19% 11% 19% 15%
35-44 16% 15% 16% 15%
45-54 20% 19% 17% 18%
55-64 21% 23% 23% 23%
65 up 24% 31% 25% 28%
Prefer Not to Say 0% 1% 1% 1%

Table 1c: Province (unweighted)

- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 2036 2007 2011 2007
British Columbia 12% 10% 14% 15%
Alberta 11% 10% 10% 12%
Saskatchewan/Manitoba 10% 10% 6% 7%
Ontario 33% 33% 36% 33%
Quebec 24% 25% 25% 25%
Atlantic 10% 11% 7% 7%
Prefer not to say/No answer 1% 1% 1% 1%

Table 1d: Children under the age of 18 currently living in your household (Weighted)

- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 2036 2007 2011 2007
Yes 25% 28% 23% 26%
No 74% 71% 76% 73%
Prefer not to say/No answer 1% 1% 1% 0%

Table 1e: Which of the following best describes you? (Weighted)

- June 2018 September 2018 December 2018 March 2019
n= 2036 2007 2011 2007
I am a Canadian Citizen, born in Canada 81% 81% 82% 81%
I immigrated to Canada 18% 19% 17% 18%
No answer 1% 1% 1% 1%


APPENDIX B: Questionnaires

June and September 2018 (English, followed by French)


Good morning/afternoon/evening,

My name is _______________ and I am calling from EKOS Research Associates, a public opinion research company. We are conducting a study to find out what people think about some important issues on Canada's natural environment and historical places. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything. This survey is registered with the national survey registration system.

We choose telephone numbers at random and then select one person from each household to be interviewed. To do this, we would like to speak to the person in your household, 18 years of age or older, who has had the most recent birthday. Would that be you?

Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or French?/Préférez-vous répondre en français ou en anglais?


This call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes.


With which gender do you identify? (DO NOT READ OPTIONS)


In what year were you born?

NOTE: ANSWER THE FULL YEAR, I.E. 1977 as "1977"


If 2000, confirm if at least 18

Are you at least 18 years of age?


If hesitant

May we place your age into one of the following general age categories?


In which province or territory do you live?


Parks Canada skipped past Q2

To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada?



Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency?

PQ3 Parks Canada, Q1 or yes, Q2

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following?


Parks Canada


National Parks of Canada


National Historic Sites of Canada

Q4 [1,23]

Yes, Q3A/B/C

Where specifically do you recall hearing, watching or reading something about Parks Canada, National Parks or National Historic Sites?


Q5 [1,3]

Yes, Q3A/B/C

And can you tell me what subjects or topics concerning Parks Canada, National Parks or National Historic Sites you recall hearing, reading or watching something about?



Parks Canada aims to protect and present Canada's national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas, and also to promote public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places for present and future generations.

On a 5 point scale, where 1 means completely oppose, 3 means neither support nor oppose and 5 means completely support, please tell me how much you oppose or support this mandate.


Conservation of Canada's national parks and national marine conservation areas involves a number of activities to ensure these places remain healthy.

On a 5 point scale, where 1 means very low and 5 means very high, how would you rate your level of awareness of the following activities that occur in these places?


Efforts to protect species at risk in national parks


Collaboration with Indigenous peoples to protect and manage national parks


Long term tracking of the health of plants and animals in national parks (such as tagging turtles, monitoring salmon, butterflies or birds)


Use of controlled fires to rejuvenate forest habitats


Actions to create new protected water and land areas


Monitoring and limiting the impacts of climate change in national parks


Scientific research on environment in national parks


Public engagement in conservation activities, such as bird counts


On a 5 point scale, where 1 means not at all interested and 5 very interested, how interested are you in learning more about these science and conservation activities Parks Canada does? Would you be...


Now I have a few more questions to be used for statistical purposes only.


Missing admin postal code

What is the postal code of your permanent residence?



Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?


Which of the following best describes you?


Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.



Je m'appelle _____________________ et je représente les Associés de recherche EKOS, une entreprise de recherche sur l'opinion publique. Nous réalisons une étude pour savoir ce que les gens pensent au sujet d'enjeux importants auxquels font face les milieux naturels et les sites historiques du Canada. Soyez assuré que nous ne faisons pas de vente ni de sollicitation. Cette étude a été inscrite dans le système national d'enregistrement des sondages.

Nous choisissons les numéros de téléphone au hasard puis nous sélectionnons une personne de chaque foyer pour répondre à l'étude. Pour ce faire, j'aimerais parler à la personne âgée d'au moins 18 ans qui a fêté son anniversaire de naissance le plus récemment. Est-ce vous?

Préférez-vous répondre aux questions du sondage en français ou en anglais?/Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or French?


Cet appel peut être enregistré pour contrôle de la qualité ou formation.


À quel sexe vous identifiez-vous? (NE PAS LIRE LA LISTE)


En quelle année êtes-vous né(e)?



Si 2000, confirmez si répondant a moins de 18 ans

Avez-vous au moins 18 ans?



Puis-je inscrire votre âge dans l'une des catégories suivantes?


Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous?


Parks Canada, sauter Q2

À votre connaissance, quel est le nom de l'organisme ou du ministère gouvernemental qui gère officiellement les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada désignés?



Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Parcs Canada, qui est une agence du gouvernement fédéral?

PQ3 Parcs Canada, Q1 ou oui, Q2

Au cours des trois derniers mois, avez-vous entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose au sujet de ce qui suit?


Parcs Canada


Parcs nationaux du Canada


Lieux historiques nationaux du Canada

Q4 [1,23]

Oui, Q3A/B/C

Où vous souvenez-vous précisément d'avoir entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose au sujet de Parcs Canada, des parcs nationaux ou des lieux historiques nationaux?

Q5 [1,3]

Oui, Q3A/B/C

Et, pouvez-vous me dire quels sont les sujets ou les thèmes relatifs aux parcs nationaux ou aux lieux historiques nationaux à propos desquels vous vous souvenez d'avoir entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose?



Le mandat de Parcs Canada est de protéger et de présenter les parcs nationaux, les lieux historiques et les aires marines de conservation du Canada, ainsi que de favoriser la connaissance, l'appréciation et l'utilisation de ces lieux par le public, qu'il s'agisse des générations actuelles ou des générations futures.

Sur une échelle de 5 points, où 1 signifie que vous vous opposez totalement, 3 signifie que vous n'êtes ni pour ni contre et 5 signifie que vous appuyez totalement, veuillez indiquer dans quelle mesure vous vous opposez à ce mandat ou vous l'appuyez.


La conservation des parcs nationaux et des aires marines nationales de conservation requiert de nombreuses activités de conservation pour faire en sorte de préserver la santé de ces endroits.

Sur une échelle de 5 points, où 1 signifie très faible et 5 signifie très élevé, veuillez indiquer votre niveau de connaissance des activités suivantes qui ont lieu dans ces endroits.


Efforts pour protéger les espèces en péril dans les parcs nationaux


Collaboration avec les peuples autochtones pour protéger et gérer les parcs nationaux


Suivi à long terme de la santé des plantes et des animaux dans les parcs nationaux (comme le marquage de tortues, la surveillance des saumons, des papillons ou des oiseaux)


Recours à des feux contrôlés pour régénérer les habitats forestiers


Mesures pour créer de nouvelles aires terrestres et marines protégées


Surveillance et limitation des impacts du changement climatique dans les parcs nationaux


Recherche scientifique sur l'environnement dans les parcs nationaux


Participation du public dans des activités de conservation, comme le dénombrement des oiseaux


Sur une échelle de 5 points, où 1 signifie « pas du tout intéressé » et 5 signifie « très intéressé », quel serait votre intérêt à en apprendre plus sur ces activités scientifiques et de conservation que Parcs Canada réalise? Vous seriez...


J'ai maintenant quelques questions qui serviront à des fins de statistiques uniquement.


Manquant code postal admin

Quel est le code postal de votre résidence permanente?



Des enfants de 18 ans et moins habitent-ils actuellement dans votre foyer?


Laquelle des catégories suivantes vous décrit le mieux?


Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de répondre à notre sondage.

December 2018 and March 2019 (English, followed by French)


Phone Intro

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

My name is _______________ and I am calling from EKOS Research Associates, a public opinion research company. We are conducting a study to find out what people think about some important issues on Canada's natural environment and historical places. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything.

We choose telephone numbers at random and then select one person from each household to be interviewed. To do this, we would like to speak to the person in your household, 18 years of age or older, who has had the most recent birthday. Would that be you?

Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or French?/Préférez-vous répondre en français ou en anglais?


This call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes.


With which gender do you identify? (DO NOT READ OPTIONS)


In what year were you born?

NOTE: ANSWER THE FULL YEAR, I.E. 1977 as "1977"


If 2002, confirm if at least 18

Are you at least 18 years of age?


If hesitant

May we place your age into one of the following general age categories?


In which province or territory do you live?


Parks Canada skipped past Q2

To the best of your knowledge, what is the name of the organization or government department that operates officially designated national parks and national historic sites of Canada?


Q2 No or DK, go to Q8

Have you ever heard of Parks Canada, which is a federal government agency?


Parks Canada, Q1 OR Yes, Q2

What is the symbol or corporate logo of Parks Canada?


Q4 [1,3]

Parks Canada, Q1 OR Yes, Q2

When you think about Parks Canada, what are the words you would use to describe Parks Canada to a friend?

PQ5 Parks Canada, Q1 or Yes, Q2

In the past three months, have you heard, read, or watched anything about the following?


Parks Canada


National Parks of Canada


National Historic Sites of Canada

Q6 [1,23] Yes Q5a/b/c

Where specifically do you recall hearing, watching or reading something about Parks Canada, National Parks or National Historic Sites?


Q7 [1,3] Yes Q5a/b/c

And can you tell me what subjects or topics concerning Parks Canada, National Parks or National Historic Sites you recall hearing, reading or watching something about?



Parks Canada aims to protect and present Canada's national parks, historic sites and marine conservation areas, and also to promote public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places for present and future generations.

On a 5 point scale, where 1 means completely oppose, 3 means neither support nor oppose and 5 means completely support, please tell me how much you oppose or support this mandate.


Now I have a few more questions to be used for statistical purposes only.


What is the postal code of your permanent residence?



Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?


Which of the following best describes you?


What is the highest level of schooling that you have completed?


Thank you very much for your time and assistance. This survey was conducted on behalf of Parks Canada, and is registered under the Federal Access to Information Act.

(PROVIDE CONTACT ONLY IF RESPONDENT ASKS FOR MORE INFORMATION) : Parks Canada can be reached by phone at 1-888-773-8888 phone or by email at


Phone Intro


Je m'appelle _____________________ et je représente les Associés de recherche EKOS, une entreprise de recherche sur l'opinion publique. Nous réalisons une étude pour savoir ce que les gens pensent au sujet d'enjeux importants auxquels font face les milieux naturels et les sites historiques du Canada. Soyez assuré que nous ne faisons pas de vente ni de sollicitation.

Nous choisissons les numéros de téléphone au hasard puis nous sélectionnons une personne de chaque foyer pour répondre à l'étude. Pour ce faire, j'aimerais parler à la personne âgée d'au moins 18 ans qui a fêté son anniversaire de naissance le plus récemment. Est-ce vous?

Préférez-vous répondre aux questions du sondage en français ou en anglais?/Would you prefer to be interviewed in English or French?


Cet appel peut être enregistré pour contrôle de la qualité ou formation.


À quel sexe vous identifiez-vous? (NE PAS LIRE LA LISTE)


En quelle année êtes-vous né(e)?



If 2002, confirm if at least 18

Avez-vous au moins 18 ans?


If hesitant

Puis-je inscrire votre âge dans l'une des catégories suivantes?


Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous?


Parks Canada, sauter Q2

À votre connaissance, quel est le nom de l'organisme ou du ministère gouvernemental qui gère officiellement les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux du Canada désignés?


Q2 Si non ou DK, aller à Q8

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Parcs Canada, qui est une agence du gouvernement fédéral?


Parcs Canada, Q1 ou Oui, Q2

Quel est le symbole ou logo de Parcs Canada ?


Q4 [1,3]

Parcs Canada, Q1 ou Oui, Q2

Quand vous pensez à Parcs Canada, quels sont les mots que vous utiliseriez pour décrire Parcs Canada à un ami?

PQ5 Parcs Canada, Q1 ou Oui, Q2

Au cours des trois derniers mois, avez-vous entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose au sujet de ce qui suit?


Parcs Canada


Parcs nationaux du Canada


Lieux historiques nationaux du Canada

Q6 [1,23] Oui Q5a/b/c

Où vous souvenez-vous précisément d'avoir entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose au sujet de Parcs Canada, des parcs nationaux ou des lieux historiques nationaux?


Q7 [1,3] Oui, Q5a/b/c

Et, pouvez-vous me dire quels sont les sujets ou les thèmes relatifs aux parcs nationaux ou aux lieux historiques nationaux à propos desquels vous vous souvenez d'avoir entendu, lu ou vu quelque chose?



Le mandat de Parcs Canada est de protéger et de présenter les parcs nationaux, les lieux historiques et les aires marines de conservation du Canada, ainsi que de favoriser la connaissance, l'appréciation et l'utilisation de ces lieux par le public, qu'il s'agisse des générations actuelles ou des générations futures.

Sur une échelle de 5 points, où 1 signifie que vous vous opposez totalement, 3 signifie que vous n'êtes ni pour ni contre et 5 signifie que vous appuyez totalement, veuillez indiquer dans quelle mesure vous vous opposez à ce mandat ou vous l'appuyez.


J'ai maintenant quelques questions qui serviront à des fins de statistiques uniquement.


Manquant code postal admin

Quel est le code postal de votre résidence permanente?



Des enfants de 18 ans et moins habitent-ils actuellement dans votre foyer?


Laquelle des catégories suivantes vous décrit le mieux?


Je vous remercie de votre temps et de votre collaboration. L'enquête a été réalisée pour le compte de Parcs Canada et elle est enregistrée conformément à la Loi fédérale sur l'accès à l'information.

(DONNER UNIQUEMENT LES COORDONNÉES SI LE RÉPONDANT DEMANDE PLUS D'INFORMATION) : Vous pouvez joindre Parcs Canada par téléphone au 1-888-773-8888 ou par courriel à