Visitor Satisfaction Survey 2022

Methods Report

Prepared for Parks Canada

Supplier name: Advanis Inc.
Contract number: 5P047-22-0257
Contract value: 46369,42 $ (TVH incluse)
Award date: May 20, 2022
Delivery date: October 14, 2022

Registration Number: POR 006-22

For more information on this report, please contact Parks Canada at:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

Table of Contents

Visitor Satisfaction Survey 2022

Methods Report

Prepared for Parks Canada
Supplier name: Advanis Inc.
October 2022

This report presents the methodological details for the Visitor Satisfaction Survey 2022 conducted by Advanis on behalf of the Parks Canada Agency. The probability-based, online survey was administered between September 2 and September 22, 2022 to 1,019 members of the Canadian public aged 18 or older who had visited a national park or national historic site/waterway during the summer of 2022.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Parks Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Parks Canada at:

1-888-773-8888 or or at:

Parks Canada
2nd Floor (PC-02-E)
30 Victoria street
Gatineau, Québec J8X 0B3

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Sondage 2022 sur la satisfaction des visiteurs – rapport méthodologique.

Catalogue Number:

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and the Minister responsible for Parks Canada, 2022

Executive Summary

Parks Canada protects and presents nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage on behalf of the people of Canada, and fosters public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

The Parks Canada Visitor Satisfaction Survey aimed to gather feedback from Canadians about their experiences and satisfaction with operations during their visit to national parks and/or national historic sites or waterways during the 2022 operating season. Results will be used for performance measurement.

The study employed a probability-based, online survey administered to a national sample of adult Canadians 18 years of age and older who had visited a national park or national historic site/waterway during the summer of 2022. The survey, which took approximately 4 and a half minutes to complete, was conducted from September 2 to September 22, 2022, using a multi-stage approach (phone to web recruitment). The data was weighted to the type of location visited (national park, national historic site/waterway) and the geographic region of the visit, using actual visitation volumes by region provided by Parks Canada.

A total of 1,019 Canadians completed the survey, with a response rate of 31.6 % and a margin of error of +/- 3.1 % at the national scale (19 times out of 20, at a 95 % confidence interval). The total cost of the study was $46,369.42 including taxes.

Political Neutrality Requirement and Contact Information

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Vice-President, Research and Evaluation, Nicolas Toutant signature

Nicolas Toutant,
Vice President, Research and Evaluation

1.0 Background and objectives

Parks Canada protects and presents nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage on behalf of the people of Canada, and fosters public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.

In a typical year, Parks Canada undertakes self-administered onsite paper surveys (randomly sampled visitors from mid-May to mid-October) at select parks/sites to acquire feedback and measure performance. Parks Canada receives between 10,000 and 20,000 returned surveys annually depending on participating locations.

Due to COVID-19, onsite intercept surveys, in paper or electronic format, were not feasible during the 2022 season. An alternative approach was sought to acquire feedback and measure performance. Parks Canada does not maintain a contact database of visitors. Therefore, it sourced a third party (Advanis) to find those in the general population that had visited a national park or national historic site during the designated operating season between mid-June and early September 2022. The survey aimed to collect feedback on:

2.0 Methodology

Parks Canada sought a probability-based sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18 and older drawn from the general population who had visited a national park and/or national historic site during the summer of 2022. Rather than sampling by specific province and territory, the study aimed for regional distributions to match actual visitation patterns provided by Parks Canada. The probability-based study was conducted using a two-step approach where respondents were recruited by telephone to participate in an online web survey.

2.1 Survey Design

The survey was designed by Parks Canada and programmed by Advanis ensuring all required Government of Canada standards for public opinion research were met. These requirements included but were not limited to notifications regarding privacy and voluntary participation, options for participation by those with accessibility challenges, adaptability of content based on device (e.g., smartphone, laptop screen). Standards for pre-testing were also adhered to, with a pretest conducted in both English and French. The pretest was conducted between September 2 and September 6, 2022. A total of 170 people were recruited by telephone, and 35 pretests were completed online (17 French and 18 English).

2.2 Sampling and Administration

The target audience for this project was Canadians, across all provinces and territories, who were 18 years and older who visited a national park and/or national historic site during the summer of 2022. The goal was to achieve a distribution by region and by type of location visited similar to actual visitation numbers provided by Parks Canada for the 2022 season.

Table 1: Sample plan by region of visit
Region Target population Margin of error (19 times out of 20)
Atlantic 94 +/- 10.11 %
Central 462 +/- 4.56 %
Prairie 36 +/- 16.33 %
West/North 408 +/- 4.85 %
Total 1,000 +/- 3.1 %

Table 2: Sample plan by type of location visited
Type Target population Margin of error (19 times out of 20)
National park 623 +/- 3.93 %
National historic site/waterway 377 +/- 5.05 %
Total 1,000 +/- 3.1 %

This probability-based study was conducted using a multi-stage approach. In the first phase (recruitment phase), Advanis added questions about national park visitation (whether they visited a Parks Canada location during the summer of 2022) to its internal research running within the general population. Respondents were randomly invited to participate in the internal study by telephone – both landline and mobile phones. During the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI), participants were asked for permission to send them a link to their mobile phone via short message service (SMS). Once the participant completed the online survey, their responses to the park screener question were analyzed to determine the potential pool for the Parks Canada questions. Respondents were also asked for the specific place visited to ensure there was no confusion between national and provincial parks or historic sites under other levels of jurisdiction. In total, approximately 25,000 people responded to the national park visitation question and 4,387 mentioned having visited a Parks Canada location in the summer of 2022. The incidence rate of national park or national historic site/waterway visitors was approximately 17.5 %.

During phase two, participants identified in the previous internal analysis (visited a national park or a national historic site/waterway during the summer of 2022) were recruited over the phone to participate in the Parks Canada Visitor Satisfaction Survey. Those who agreed to participate were sent an invitation by SMS or email if requested. When a voicemail was reached, Advanis automatically sent an invitation to take part in the online survey to those who had previously agreed to participate in these studies. Invitations were grouped by province, to ensure that they were sent out during appropriate hours within each time zone. In total, 4,387 phone numbers were called between September 2 and September 15, 2022, and 3,810 people were recruited to the survey, meaning 86.8% of people called received an invitation.

Each online survey had a unique number embedded in participant hyperlinks to eliminate the possibility of duplicate responses from any one participant. After sending initial invitations, reminder messages were sent three days later to applicants who had not yet completed a survey or were not screened out of the survey. A maximum of two reminder messages was sent. Overall, 7,662 invitations and reminders were sent during the data collection period (Table 3).

Table 3: Details of survey invitations and reminders
Message ID Purpose Total Sent
1 Invitation (EN) 3,388
2 Invitation (FR) 422
3 Reminder 1 (EN) 2,329
4 Reminder 1 (FR) 282
5 Reminder 2 (EN) 1,015
6 Reminder 2 (FR) 226
Total 7,662

2.3 Weighting and Data Cleaning

This study focused on people who had visited a national park/national historic site during the 2022 summer season. There is no known ‘population’ of Canadian visitors and those who visit a particular national park/national historic site vary by a range of circumstances. Given this there was no possible comparison (nor was it necessary to compare to the Canadian population) to determine weights or response bias. Rather, the final sample of 1,019 was weighted based on the type of location visited (national park, national historic site/waterway) and the geographic region visited. This was done using actual visitation volumes by region provided by Parks Canada for the 2021 season, 2022 numbers were not available.

Table 4: Number of completes, by region of visit
Region of visit Target population Completed (unweighted) Completed (weighted)* Margin of error
(19 times out of 20)
Atlantic 94 130 96 +/- 8.6 %
Central 462 417 471 +/- 4.8 %
Prairie 36 63 37 +/- 12.3 %
West/North 408 409 416 +/- 4.9 %
Total 1,000 1,019 1,019 +/- 3.1 %
*Note: The numbers for the weighted base does not sum to exactly 1,019 due to rounding.

Table 5: Number of completes, by type of location visited
Type Target population Completed (unweighted) Completed (weighted)* Margin of error
(19 times out of 20)
National Park 623 735 635 +/- 3.61 %
National Historic Sites/Waterway 377 284 384 +/- 5.82 %
Total 1,000 1,019 1,019 +/- 3.1 %

Overall, 3,810 Canadians were invited to participate and 1,019 surveys were completed during the data collection period (Table 6). A total of 581 participants were screened out for various reasons (Table 7). The response rate was 31.6 % among eligible respondents and the overall margin of error was +/- 3.1 %, at a 95 % confidence interval (Table 6). The average survey length was around 4 minutes and a half.

Table 6: Invited and screened
Invited 3,810
Screened out 581
Completed 1,019
Response rate 31.6 %
Margin of error +/-3.1 %

Table 7: Screened-out participants, total and reason
Reason N
Did not indicate a Parks Canada location 218
Did not visit a Parks Canada location 358
Younger than 18 5
Total 581

Inclusive participation is a requirement of public opinion research conducted by the Government of Canada. Online surveys are programmed to adapt to different devices (e.g., laptops, iPads, smartphones), large tables of scaled questions on a screen are limited (i.e., difficult to navigate on some devices and by screen readers), and the needs of ability devices (e.g., screen readers, use of tab-key functions to navigate screens) are addressed through programming. Alternative survey formats (e.g., interviews) were also available upon request. The accessibility measures Advanis put in place addressed the needs of participants who may have had different needs, as no one requested alternative formats of participation.

All demographic and derived variables used in the analysis and/or weighting were included in the dataset. All open-ended question responses were coded to general themes and aggregated when the theme represented at least one percent of total responses for the question. Original and coded verbatim responses were maintained in the dataset. All questions were crossed with themed categories to provide insight into the results. The themes included the type of location visited, the region of location visited, age, and gender. Final banner tables included unweighted and weighted frequencies and percentages for each variable.

2.4 Quality Control

Advanis employs a number of quality control measures to ensure success across the entire life cycle of the project. These measures are detailed below.

Survey Programming: Advanis utilizes technology to maximize quality control in survey programming. Having developed a proprietary survey engine tool, Advanis professionals are able to design and program a survey in a browser-based environment, eliminating the need to involve a programmer who is less familiar with the survey subject matter. Below are the steps followed to ensure the quality of the survey.

CATI Methodology: The CATI recruit script was programmed on Advanis’ proprietary platform with no unforeseen challenges. Advanis was able to leverage its experience for the survey programming and the reminder process to achieve high quality standards. Advanis implemented the following to ensure high quality data collection:

To ensure high interview quality, interviewers are trained to use various interviewing techniques. As well as maintaining a professional attitude, interviewers must be convincing, read word-for-word, take notes, probe deeper on semi-open and open questions, systematically confirm the information given, and listen to the respondent.

Web Methodology: All Advanis online surveys are hosted internally by Advanis, and employ a rigorous and stringent set of data collection control mechanisms to ensure the highest quality for the data collected. These mechanisms include:

Data Handling and Reporting: For the data collected, Advanis develops rules to check the validity of the data. These rules include items such as:

3.0 Non-Response Bias

Surveys are subject to bias or error – sampling and non-sampling error. Sampling error stems from the fact that surveys are conducted with a portion of the population. This means that the results achieved from participants may not be reflective of the entire population. Non-sampling error often stems from differences in response from those who participated and those who did not. Non-response bias occurs when non-responders differ in a meaningful way from respondents and this difference impacts the information gathered.

Thousands of Canadian visitors to national parks were invited to participate. It is difficult to assess the presence of non-response bias because information about why those invited chose to not participate is not available, nor is it really ever available. One way to gauge the potential impact of non-response bias is to evaluate if the sample is representative by comparing the respondents' characteristics and gauge if they reflect known population characteristics (e.g., geography, demographics). If the variation is fairly small and there is no reason to believe there are other factors impacting respondents’ willingness to participate, it can be concluded that the likelihood of non-response bias impacting the information gathered is minimal. This is the case with this study. A rigorous approach also helps to increase response rates and reduce the effects of non-response bias. In addition to the measures outlined earlier, other strategies to reduce non-response bias are outlined in Table 8.

Table 8: Strategies to reduce non-response bias
Action Benefit(s)
Recruiting by telephone Achieves a higher response rate compared to email invitations
Out-pulsing local phone numbers (rather than a toll-free number) and the name of the study sponsor ("GovCanada") Increases pick-up rates (reduces call screening).
Systematic setting of the next call date /time based on the outcome of the current call Maximizes ability to reach respondents. Ensures each respondent is called methodically across days of the week and times of the day (especially those that are difficult to reach)
Sending SMS text messages directly to participants Provides a seamless transition from telephone to the online survey. Receipt can be confirmed in real-time and encourages respondents to complete the survey as soon as the call ends.
Informing potential respondents of the study sponsor Enhances credibility and reassures person that the call is not a scam
Offering the survey in both official languages Maximizes ease of completion


English Questionnaire


The Government of Canada is conducting research on the topic of national parks and national historic sites. Advanis ( has been hired to administer this survey. Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur français.

The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary and confidential. No individual will be associated with the survey’s results – the results are rolled up into large categories to protect the confidentiality of each participant. The information you provide will be managed according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation.

Should you have any questions about the survey please contact Advanis at 1-866-820-5163 or and reference project number 6393.

Please note: You have been selected at random to participate in this study. No contact information was provided by the Government of Canada for the purposes of this study.

If you get interrupted while doing the survey, you can click on the same link to pick up right where you left off.

This survey uses Advanis TellCityHall data collection methodology. This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's (CRIC) Research Verification Service. The project verification number is: 20220830-AD219. Click here to verify the legitimacy of this survey.

© 2022 Privacy Policy

We need to start by asking a couple quick questions because this survey isn't relevant for everyone, and we don't want to waste anyone's time.

First, what is your age?

11 – Less than 18 years|Less than 12
12 – Less than 18 years|12
13 – Less than 18 years|13
14 – Less than 18 years|14
15 – Less than 18 years|15
16 – Less than 18 years|16
17 – Less than 18 years|17
18 – 18 to 29 years|18
19 – 18 to 29 years|19
20 – 18 to 29 years|20
21 – 18 to 29 years|21
22 – 18 to 29 years|22
23 – 18 to 29 years|23
24 – 18 to 29 years|24
25 – 18 to 29 years|25
26 – 18 to 29 years|26
27 – 18 to 29 years|27
28 – 18 to 29 years|28
29 – 18 to 29 years|29
30 – 30 to 39 years|30
31 – 30 to 39 years|31
32 – 30 to 39 years|32
33 – 30 to 39 years|33
34 – 30 to 39 years|34
35 – 30 to 39 years|35
36 – 30 to 39 years|36
37 – 30 to 39 years|37
38 – 30 to 39 years|38
39 – 30 to 39 years|39
40 – 40 to 49 years|40
41 – 40 to 49 years|41
42 – 40 to 49 years|42
43 – 40 to 49 years|43
44 – 40 to 49 years|44
45 – 40 to 49 years|45
46 – 40 to 49 years|46
47 – 40 to 49 years|47
48 – 40 to 49 years|48
49 – 40 to 49 years|49
50 – 40 to 59 years|50
51 – 50 to 59 years|51
52 – 50 to 59 years|52
53 – 50 to 59 years|53
54 – 50 to 59 years|54
55 – 50 to 59 years|55
56 – 50 to 59 years|56
57 – 50 to 59 years|57
58 – 50 to 59 years|58
58 – 50 to 59 years|59
60 – 60 to 69 years|60
61 – 60 to 69 years|61
62 – 60 to 69 years|62
63 – 60 to 69 years|63
64 – 60 to 69 years|64
65 – 60 to 69 years|65
66 – 60 to 69 years|66
67 – 60 to 69 years|67
68 – 60 to 69 years|68
69 – 60 to 69 years|69
70 – 70 to 79 years|70
71 – 70 to 79 years|70
72 – 70 to 79 years|72
73 – 70 to 79 years|73
74 – 70 to 79 years|74
75 – 70 to 79 years|75
76 – 70 to 79 years|76
77 – 70 to 79 years|77
78 – 70 to 79 years|78
79 – 70 to 79 years|79
80 – 70 to 89 years|80
81 – 80 to 89 years|81
82 – 80 to 89 years|82
83 – 80 to 89 years|83
84 – 80 to 89 years|84
85 – 80 to 89 years|85
86 – 80 to 89 years|86
87 – 80 to 89 years|87
88 – 80 to 89 years|88
89 – 80 to 89 years|89
90 – 90 years or older

TD3 Show if Under 18

Thank you for your interest in this survey, but you must be 18 or older to participate in this study.

Q1. Did you visit a national park, national historic site or national waterway (canal) this summer? If you visited multiple national parks/national historic sites, please consider only the one you visited last (i.e., most recently).

1 – Yes - visited a national park
2 – Yes - visited a national historic site/national waterway
3 – No, have not visited a national park, national historic site/national waterway

T1 Show if Q1 No

We're sorry but for this study you must have visited a national park, national historic site or national waterway this summer.Thank you for your time.

Q1a Show if Q1 National Park

In what region of Canada was the national park you visited located?

1 – Western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
2 – Central Canada (Ontario, Quebec)
3 – Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)
4 – Northern Canada (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut)

Q1a1 Show if Q1a Western Canada

What specific national park did you visit?

1 – Gulf Islands
2 – GwaiiHaanas
3 – Pacific Rim
4 – Mount Revelstoke – Glacier
5 – Yoho
6 – Kootenay
7 – Banff
8 – Elk Island
9 – Jasper
10 – Waterton Lakes
11 – Grasslands
12 – Prince Albert
13 – Riding Mountain
14 – Wapusk
15 – I did not visit any of these

Q1a2 Show if Q1a Central Canada

What specific national park did you visit?

1 – Bruce Peninsula / Fathom Five Marine Park
2 – Georgian Bay Islands
3 – Point Pelee
4 – Pukaskwa
5 – Thousand Islands
6 – Rouge National Urban Park
7 – La Mauricie
8 – MinganArchipelago
9 – Forillon
10 – Saguenay-St Lawrence Marine Park
11 – I did not visit any of these

Q1a3 Show if Q1a Atlantic Canada

What specific national park did you visit?

1 – GrosMorne
2 – Terra Nova
3 – Cape Breton Highlands
4 – Kejimkujik
9 – Sable Island
5 – Fundy
6 – Kouchibouguac
7 – Prince Edward Island
8 – I did not visit any of these

Q1a4 Show if Q1a Northern Canada

What specific national park did you visit?

1 – Ivvavik
2 – Kluane
3 – Aulavik
4 – Nahanni
5 – Nááts'ihch'oh
6 – TuktutNogait
7 – Wood Buffalo
8 – Auyuittuq
9 – Quttinirpaaq
10 – Sirmilik
11 – I did not visit any of these.

T2 Show if Q1a No parks

We're sorry but for this study you must have visited one of these national parks to participate. Thank you for your time.

Q1b Show if Q1 Historic Site or Waterway

In what region of Canada was the national historic site/national waterway you visited located?

1 – Western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
2 – Ontario
3 – Quebec
4 – Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)
5 – Northern Canada (Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Nunavut)

Q1b1 Show if Q1b Western Canada

What specific national historic site/national waterway did you visit?

1 - Chilkoot Trail
2 - Fort Langley
3 - Fort Rodd Hill/Fisgard Lighthouse
4 - Fort St James
5 - Gulf of Georgia Cannery
6 - Rogers Pass
7 - SGangGwaayLlnagaay (Nan Sdins)
8 - Banff Park Museum
9 - Bar-U Ranch
10 - Cave & Basin
11 - Rocky Mountain House
12 - Batoche
13 - Fort Battleford
14 - Fort Walsh
15 - Motherwell Homestead
16 - Lower Fort Garry
17 - Prince of Wales Fort
18 - Riel House
19 - The Forks
20 - York Factory
21 - I did not visit any of these

Q1b2 Show if Q1b Ontario

What specific national historic site/national waterway did you visit?

1 – Bellevue House
2 – Bethune Memorial House
3 – Fort George
4 – Fort Malden
5 – Fort St. Joseph
6 – Fort Wellington
7 – HMSC Haida
8 – Laurier House
9 – Queenston Heights
10 – Rideau Canal
11 – Sault Ste Marie Canal
12 – Trent Severn Waterway
13 – Woodside
14 – I did not visit any of these

Q1b3 Show if Q1b Quebec

What specific national historic site/national waterway did you visit?

1 – Artillery Park
2 – Battle of the Châteauguay
3 – Battle of the Restigouche
4 – Cartier Brébeuf
5 – Coteau-du-Lac
6 – Forges du Saint-Maurice
7 – Fort Chambly
8 – Fort Lennox
9 – Fort Témiscamingue
10 – Fortifications of Quebec
11 – Grosse Īle& the Irish Memorial
12 – Lévis Forts
13 – Louis S. St Laurent
14 – Manoir Papineau
15 – Point-au-Père Lighthouse
16 – Sir George-Étienne Cartier
17 – Sir Wilfrid Laurier
18 – The Fur Trade at Lachine
19 – Carillon Canal
20 – Chambly Canal
21 – Lachine Canal
22 – Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal
23 – Saint-Ours Canal
24 – I did not visit any of these

Q1b4 Show if Q1b Atlantic Canada

What specific national historic site/national waterway did you visit?

1 - Cape Spear
2 - Castle Hill
3 - Hawthorne Cottage
4 - L’Anse aux Meadows
5 - Port au Choix
6 - Red Bay
7 - Ryan Premises
8 - Signal Hill
9 - Green Gables House
10 - Skmaqn–Port-la-Joye–Fort-Amherst
11 - Alexander Graham Bell
12 - Canso Islands & Grassy Island Fort
13 - Fort Anne
14 - Fort Edward
15 - Fortress of Louisbourg
16 - Grand Pré
17 - Halifax Citadel
18 - Marconi
19 - Port Royal
20 - York Redoubt
21 - Carleton Martello Tower
22 - Fort Beauséjour
23 - Monument-Lefebvre
24 - St. Andrew’s Blockhouse
25 - I did not visit any of these

Q1b5 Show if Q1b Northern Canada

What specific national historic site/national waterway did you visit?

1 – Klondike National Historic Sites (i.e., Dawson Historical Complex, SS Keno, the Dredge)
2 – S.S. Klondike (the ship)
3 – I did not visit any of these

T3 Show if Q1b No sites or waterways

We're sorry but for this study you must have visited one of these national sites or national waterways to participate.Thank you for your time.

Q2. Parks Canada values the opinions of visitors to assist in managing the visitor experience at national parks and national historic sites. As a recent visitor to a national park or national historic site, Parks Canada welcomes your feedback on your visit.

Was this your first visit to Park/Site/Waterway?

1 - Yes, first time
2 - No, I have been there before

Q3. What were your primary motivations for travel this summer? Select all that apply.

1 - To seek solitude/isolation *
2 - Rest and Relaxation *
3 - Pursuit of interests/activities *
4 - Connect with friends and family *
5 - See/do something new or different *
6 - Get a break from my day to day environment *
7 - Gain knowledge of history, other cultures *
8 - Create lasting memories *
9 - Stimulate my mind *
10 - To be pampered and looked after *
11 - Other (specify): __________________________________________________
12 - None of the above (Exclusive)
Levels marked with * are randomized

Q4. Why did you select visiting a Parks Canada location versus other destinations? Select all that apply.

1 - Accessible/Proximity *
2 - Cost/value *
3 - Level of service offer/everything I was looking for *
4 - Family tradition/repeat visit *
5 - Familiar with Parks Canada places *
6 - Bucket list trip/always wanted to visited *
7 - Advertisement/publication *
8 - To be in the place where history happened *
9 - Specific attraction/activity/event *
10 - Part of itinerary/larger area being visited *
11 - Considered the park/site a safe place to visit *
12 - Abundant nature/wildlife viewing opportunities *
13 - Wanted to stay and support local *
14 - Other (specify): __________________________________________________
15 - None of the above (Exclusive)
Levels marked with * are randomized

Q5. How much did you enjoy your visit?

5 - 5 - A lot
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Strongly disagree

Q6. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following elements of your visit.

1 - Trip planning information (e.g., what to expect prior to arrival, what was open, what to bring) *
2 - Staff making you feel welcome *
3 - Wayfinding/directional signage *
4 - Information on how to act responsibly around wildlife *
5 - Trails/Pathways *
6 - Washroom cleanliness *
7 - Day Use areas/facilities *
8 - Interpretive programming (educational panels, guided tours) *
Levels marked with * are randomized
5 - 5 - Very satisfied
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Not at all satisfied

Q7. Please rate your level of satisfaction with your overall visit to PCAplace.

5 - 5 - Very satisfied
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Not at all satisfied

Q8. How much do you agree with the following statements?

1 - The park/site is important to me *
2 - Visiting the park/site was important for my physical health (exercise, recreation) *
3 - Visiting the park/site was important for my mental health *
4 - I would recommend visiting the park/site to friends and family *
Levels marked with * are randomized
5 - 5 - Strongly agree
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Strongly disagree

Q9. Any additional comments you would like to share about your visit?

Please do not enter personally-identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.
-9 – No additional comments __________________________________________________

Q10. In which province or territory do you currently live?

1 - Alberta (AB)
2 - British Columbia (BC)
3 - Manitoba (MB)
4 - New Brunswick (NB)
5 - Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
6 - Northwest Territories (NT)
7 - Nova Scotia (NS)
8 - Nunavut (NU)
9 - Ontario (ON)
10 - Prince Edward Island (PE)
11 - Quebec (QC)
12 - Saskatchewan (SK)
13 - Yukon (YT)
-8 - Prefer not to say

Q11. With which gender category do you most identify?

1 - Male gender
2 - Female gender
3 - Gender diverse
-8 - Prefer not to say

The team at Parks Canada thanks you for taking the time to provide your thoughts. They look forward to seeing you again in the future.

If you'd like to see results from other studies conducted by Advanis via TellCityHall, please visit .

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French Questionnaire


Le gouvernement du Canada mène des recherches sur le thème des parcs nationaux et lieux historiques nationaux. Advanis a été embauché pour administrer cette enquête. If you prefer completing the survey in English, please click on English.

Il vous faudra environ 5 minutes pour répondre à ce sondage et votre participation est volontaire et confidentielle. Aucune personne ne sera associée aux résultats de l’enquête – les résultats sont regroupés en grandes catégories afin de protéger la confidentialité de chaque participant. Les renseignements que vous fournissez seront gérés conformément aux exigences de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, de la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et de toute autre loi pertinente.

Si vous avez des questions concernant l’enquête, veuillez communiquer avec Advanis au 1-866-820-5163 ou nous envoyer un courriel à l’adresse en indiquant le numéro de référence de l’étude 6393.

Notez s’il vous plaît : Vous avez été sélectionné au hasard pour participer à cette étude. Aucune information de contact n’a été fournie par le gouvernement du Canada aux fins de cette étude.

Si vous êtes interrompu, vous pouvez appuyer sur le même lien et reprendre là où vous étiez rendu.

Cette enquête utilise la méthodologie de collecte de données MaVilleÉcoute d'Advanis. Cette enquête est enregistrée auprès du Service de vérification de la recherche du Conseil de recherche et d’intelligence marketing canadien (CRIC). Le numéro de vérification du projet est : 20220830-AD219. Cliquez icipour vérifier la légitimité de ce sondage.

© 2022 Politique de confidentialité

Nous devons commencer par poser quelques questions rapides, car cette enquête n'est pas pertinente pour tout le monde et nous ne voulons pas faire perdre de temps à qui que ce soit.

Tout d'abord, quel est votre âge?

11 - Moins de 18 ans|Moins de 12
12 - Moins de 18 ans|12
13 - Moins de 18 ans|13
14 - Moins de 18 ans|14
15 - Moins de 18 ans|15
16 - Moins de 18 ans|16
17 - Moins de 18 ans|17
18 - 18 à 29 ans|18
19 - 18 à 29 ans|19
20 - 18 à 29 ans|20
21 - 18 à 29 ans|21
22 - 18 à 29 ans|22
23 - 18 à 29 ans|23
24 - 18 à 29 ans|24
25 - 18 à 29 ans|25
26 - 18 à 29 ans|26
27 - 18 à 29 ans|27
28 - 18 à 29 ans|28
29 - 18 à 29 ans|29
30 - 30 à 39 ans|30
31 - 30 à 39 ans|31
32 - 30 à 39 ans|32
33 - 30 à 39 ans|33
34 - 30 à 39 ans|34
35 - 30 à 39 ans|35
36 - 30 à 39 ans|36
37 - 30 à 39 ans|37
38 - 30 à 39 ans|38
39 - 30 à 39 ans|39
40 - 40 à 49 ans|40
41 - 40 à 49 ans|41
42 - 40 à 49 ans|42
43 - 40 à 49 ans|43
44 - 40 à 49 ans|44
45 - 40 à 49 ans|45
46 - 40 à 49 ans|46
47 - 40 à 49 ans|47
48 - 40 à 49 ans|48
49 - 40 à 49 ans|49
50 - 50 à 59 ans|50
51 - 50 à 59 ans|51
52 - 50 à 59 ans|52
53 - 50 à 59 ans|53
54 - 50 à 59 ans|54
55 - 50 à 59 ans|55
56 - 50 à 59 ans|56
57 - 50 à 59 ans|57
58 - 50 à 59 ans|58
59 - 50 à 59 ans|59
60 - 60 à 69 ans|60
61 - 60 à 69 ans|61
62 - 60 à 69 ans|62
63 - 60 à 69 ans|63
64 - 60 à 69 ans|64
65 - 60 à 69 ans|65
66 - 60 à 69 ans|66
67 - 60 à 69 ans|67
68 - 60 à 69 ans|68
69 - 60 à 69 ans|69
70 - 70 à 79 ans|70
71 - 70 à 79 ans|71
72 - 70 à 79 ans|72
73 - 70 à 79 ans|73
74 - 70 à 79 ans|74
75 - 70 à 79 ans|75
76 - 70 à 79 ans|76
77 - 70 à 79 ans|77
78 - 70 à 79 ans|78
79 - 70 à 79 ans|79
80 - 80 à 89 ans|80
81 - 80 à 89 ans|81
82 - 80 à 89 ans|82
83 - 80 à 89 ans|83
84 - 80 à 89 ans|84
85 - 80 à 89 ans|85
86 - 80 à 89 ans|86
87 - 80 à 89 ans|87
88 - 80 à 89 ans|88
89 - 80 à 89 ans|89
90 - 90 ans ou plus

TD3 Montrer si Moins de 18 ans

Merci de votre intérêt envers ce sondage, toutefois pour participer à cette étude vous devez avoir 18 ans ou plus.

Q1 Avez-vous visité un parc national, un lieu historique national ou une voie navigable nationale (canal) cet été?

Si vous avez visité plusieurs parcs nationaux ou lieux historiques nationaux, veuillez ne prendre en compte que le dernier que vous avez visité (c’est-à-dire le plus récemment).

1 -Oui - j’ai visité un parc national
2 -Oui - j’ai visité un lieu historique ou voie navigable
3 -Non - je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

T1 Montrer si Q1 Non

Nous sommes désolés, mais pour participer à cette étude vous devez avoir visité un parc national, un site historique national ou des canaux historiques et des voies navigables cet été. Merci pour votre temps.

Q1a Montrer si Q1 Parc national

Dans quelle région du Canada se trouve ce parc national que vous avez visité ?

1 - L’ouest canadien (la Colombie-Britannique, l’Alberta, la Saskatchewan, le Manitoba)
2 - Le centre du Canada (l’Ontario et le Québec)
3 - Le Canada atlantique (le Nouveau-Brunswick, la Nouvelle-Écosse, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador)
4 - Le nord du Canada (le Yukon, les Territoires du Nord-Ouest ou le Nunavut)

Q1a1 Montrer si Q1a Ouest canadien

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Îles-Gulf
2 - Réserve et site haïdaGwaiiHaanas
3 - Pacific Rim
4 - Mont-Revelstoke et Glaciers
5 - Yoho
6 - Kootenay
7 - Banff
8 - Elk Island
9 - Jasper
10 - Lacs-Waterton
11 - Prairies
12 - Prince Albert
13 - Mont-Riding
14 - Wapusk
15 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1a2 Montrer si Q1a Centre du Canada

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Péninsule-Bruce/ Fathom Five
2 - Îles-de-la-Baie-Georgienne
3 - Pointe-Pelée
4 - Pukaskwa
5 - Mille-Îles
6 - Parc urbain national de la Rouge
7 - La Mauricie
8 - Réserve de l'Archipel-de-Mingan
9 - Forillon
10 - Saguenay-Saint-Laurent
11 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1a3 Montrer si Q1a Canada atlantique

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Gros-Morne
2 - Terra-Nova
3 - Hautes-Terres-du-Cap-Breton
4 - Kejimkujik
9 - l'Île-de-Sable
5 - Fundy
6 - Kouchibouguac
7 - Île-du-Prince-Édouard
8 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1a4 Montrer si Q1a Nord du Canada

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Ivvavik
2 - Kluane
3 - Aulavik
4 - Nahanni
5 - Nááts'ihch'oh
6 - TuktutNogait
7 - Wood Buffalo
8 - Auyuittuq
9 - Quttinirpaaq
10 - Sirmilik
11 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

T2 Montrer si Q1a Aucun parc

Nous sommes désolés, mais vous devez avoir visité un de ces parcs nationaux pour participer. Merci pour votre temps.

Q1b Montrer si Q1 lieu historique ou voie navigable

Dans quelle région du Canada se trouve ce lieu historique ou cette voie navigable que vous avez visitée ?

1 - L’ouest canadien (la Colombie-Britannique, l’Alberta, la Saskatchewan, le Manitoba)
2 - Ontario
3 - Québec
4 - Le Canada atlantique (le Nouveau-Brunswick, la Nouvelle-Écosse, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador)
5 - Le nord du Canada (le Yukon, les Territoires du Nord-Ouest ou le Nunavut)

Q1b1 Montrer si Q1b Ouest Canadien

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Piste-Chilkoot
2 - Fort-Langley
3 - Fort Rodd Hill/Phare-de-Fisgard
4 - Fort-St James
5 - Gulf of Georgia Cannery
6 - Col-Rogers
7 - SGangGwaayLlnagaay (Nan Sdins)
8 - Musée-du-Parc-Banff
9 - Ranch- Bar U
10 - Cave & Basin
11 - Rocky Mountain House
12 - Batoche
13 - Fort-Battleford
14 - Fort-Walsh
15 - Homestead-Motherwell
16 - Lower Fort Garry
17 - Fort Prince-de-Galles
18 - Maison-Riel
19 - La Fourche
20 - York Factory
21 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1b2 Montrer si Q1b Ontario

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Villa-Bellevue
2 - Maison-Commémorative-Bethune
3 - Fort-George
4 - Fort-Malden
5 - Fort-St. Joseph
6 - Fort-Wellington
7 - NCSM Haida
8 - Maison-Laurier
9 - Hauteurs-de-Queenston
10 - Canal-Rideau
11 - Canal-de-Sault Ste. Marie
12 - Voie-Navigable-Trent-Severn
13 - Woodside
14 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1b3 Montrer si Q1b Québec

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Parc-de-l;Artillerie
2 - Bataille-de-la-Châteauguay
3 - Bataille-de-la-Ristigouche
4 - Cartier-Brébeuf
5 - Coteau-du-Lac
6 - Forges-du-Saint-Maurice
7 - Fort-Chambly
8 - Fort-Lennox
9 - Fort-Témiscamingue
10 - Fortifications-de-Québec
11 - Grosse-Île-et-le-Mémorial-des-Irlandais
12 - Forts-de-Lévis
13 - Louis-S.-St-Laurent
14 - Manoir-Papineau
15 -Phare-de-Pointe-au-Père
16 - Sir-George-Étienne-Cartier
17 - Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier
18 - Commerce-de-la-Fourrure-à-Lachine
19 - Canal-de-Carillon
20 - Canal-de-Chambly
21 - Canal-de-Lachine
22 - Canal-de-Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
23 - Canal-de-Saint-Ours
24 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1b4 Montrer si Q1b Canada atlantique

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Cap Spear
2 - Castle-Hill
3 - Cottage-Hawthorne
4 - L’Anse aux Meadows
5 - Port au Choix
6 - Red Bay
7 - Établissement-Ryan
8 - Signal Hill
9 - Maison Green Gables
10 - Skmaqn–Port-la-Joye–Fort-Amherst
11 - Alexander-Graham-Bell
12 - Îles-Canso/Fort-de-l'Île-Grassy
13 - Fort-Anne
14 - Fort-Edward
15 - Fortresse-de-Louisbourg
16 - Grand-Pré
17 - Citadelle-d-‘Halifax
18 - Marconi
19 - Port-Royal
20 - Redoute-York
21 - Tour-Martello-de-Carleton
22 - Fort-Beauséjour
23 - Monument-Lefebvre
24 - Blockhaus-de-St. Andrews
25 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

Q1b5 Montrer si Q1b Nord du Canada

Pouvez-vous indiquer l'endroit que vous avez visité ?

1 - Lieux historiques nationaux du Klondike (c.-à-d. le Complexe-Historique-de-Dawson, une vieille ville, le SS Keno, la Drague) 2 - S.S. Klondike
3 - Je n'ai visité aucun de ces endroits

T3 Montrer si Q1b Aucun site ou voie navigable Nous sommes désolés, mais vous devez avoir visité un de ces sites nationaux ou un des canaux historiques ou voies navigables pour participer. Merci pour votre temps.

Q2. Parcs Canada accorde de l’importance aux opinions des visiteurs pour l’aider à gérer l’expérience du visiteur dans les parcs nationaux et les lieux historiques nationaux. En tant que visiteur récent d’un parc national ou d’un lieu historique national, Parcs Canada vous invite à faire part de vos commentaires sur votre expérience.

S’agissait-il de votre première visite à aux/au/à la/à> Parc/Site/voie navigable

1 -Oui, la première fois
2 -Non, je l’ai déjà visité

Q3.Quels ont été les principaux motifs qui vous ont amené à voyager cet été ? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s'applique.

1 - Rechercher la solitude/l’isolement *
2 - Repos et détente *
3 - Poursuite d’intérêts/activités *
4 - Se rapprocher des amis et de la famille *
5 - Voir/faire quelque chose de nouveau ou de différent *
6 - Rompre avec l’environnement quotidien *
7 - Acquérir des connaissances sur l’histoire, d’autres cultures *
8 - Créer des souvenirs durables *
9 - Stimuler mon esprit *
10 - Être choyé et pris en charge *
11 - Autre (précisez) : __________________________________________________
12 - Aucune de ces réponses (Exclusif)
* Ces niveaux sont présentés dans un ordre aléatoire

Q4. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de visiter un lieu de Parcs Canada plutôt que d’autres destinations? Sélectionnez tout ce qui s'applique.

1 - Accessible/proximité *
2 - Coût/valeur *
3 - Niveau de l’offre de service/tout ce que je recherchais *
4 - Tradition familiale/visite renouvelée *
5 - Familiarisé avec les lieux de Parcs Canada *
6 - Voyage sur la liste des choses à faire/toujours voulu visiter *
7 - Annonce/publication *
8 - Être dans un lieu chargé d’histoire *
9 - Attraction/activité/événement spécial *
10 - Partie de l’itinéraire/zone plus vaste visitée *
11 - Parc/lieu considéré comme un endroit sûr à visiter *
12 - Nombreuses possibilités d’observation de la nature et de la vie sauvage *
13 - Désir de rester et soutien local *
14 - Autre (précisez) : __________________________________________________
15 - Aucune de ces réponses (Exclusif)
* Ces niveaux sont présentés dans un ordre aléatoire

Q5. Avez-vous apprécié votre visite?

5 - 5 - Beaucoup
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Pas du tout

Q6. Veuillez évaluer votre niveau de satisfaction concernant les éléments suivants de votre visite.

1 - Renseignements sur la planification du voyage (par exemple, ce à quoi s’attendre avant l’arrivée, ce qu’il faut apporter, ce qui était disponible) *
2 - Le personnel vous fait sentir le bienvenu *
3 - Orientation/signalisation directionnelle *
4 - Information sur les comportements responsables en présence d’animaux sauvages *
5 - Sentiers/voies *
6 - Propreté des toilettes *
7 - Aires/installations de fréquentation diurne (accessibles de jour) *
8 - Programmes d’interprétation (panneaux éducatifs, visites guidées) *
* Ces niveaux sont présentés dans un ordre aléatoire

5 - 5 - Très satisfait
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Pas du tout satisfait
-9 - Sans objet

Q7. Veuillez noter votre niveau de satisfaction pour votre visite en général à PCAplace.

5 - 5 - Très satisfait
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Pas du tout satisfait

Q8. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec les énoncés suivants?

1 - Le parc/lieu est important pour moi *
2 - La visite du parc/lieu était importante pour ma santé physique (exercice, loisirs) *
3 - La visite du parc/lieu était importante pour ma santé mentale *
4 - Je recommanderais la visite du parc/lieu à mes amis et à ma famille *
* Ces niveaux sont présentés dans un ordre aléatoire

5 - 5 - Tout à fait d’accord
4 - 4
3 - 3
2 - 2
1 - 1 - Fortement en désaccord

Q9. Avez-vous d’autres commentaires à faire sur votre visite?

Veuillez ne pas entrer d'identifiants d'information personnelle (par ex., nom, courriel, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale), puisque toute information pourra être partagé avec le commanditaire de cette étude. ___-9 – Pas de commentaires supplémentaires_______________________________________________

Q10. Dans quelle province ou quel territoire habitez-vous ?

1 - Alberta
2 - Colombie-Britannique
3 - Manitoba
4 - Nouveau Brunswick
5 - Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
6 - Territoires du Nord-Ouest
7 - Nouvelle-Écosse
8 - Nunavut
9 - Ontario
10 - Île-du-Prince-Édouard
11 - Québec
12 - Saskatchewan
13 - Yukon
-8 - Préfère ne pas répondre

Q11. À quelle catégorie de genre vous identifiez-vous le plus ?

1 - Genre masculin
2 - Genre féminin
3 - Diverses identités de genre
-8 - Préfère ne pas répondre

L'équipe de Parcs Canada vous remercie d'avoir pris le temps de partager vos idées. Ils ont hâte de vous voir en 2023.

Si vous souhaitez consulter les résultats d'autres études réalisées par MaVilleÉcoute d'Advanis, veuillez visiter

© 2022 Politique de confidentialité