Continuous Qualitative Data Collection of Canadians’ Views – July & August 2022

Final Report

Prepared for the Privy Council Office

Supplier name: The Strategic Counsel
Contract number: 35035-182346/001/CY
Contract value: $2,428,991.50
Award date: December 16, 2021
Delivery date: September 7, 2022

Registration number: POR-005-19
For more information on this report, please email
Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Continuous Qualitative Data Collection of Canadians’ Views

Final Report

Prepared for the Privy Council Office

Supplier Name: The Strategic Counsel
July & August 2022
This public opinion research report presents the results of a series of focus groups conducted by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of the Privy Council Office. The eighth and ninth cycle of the third year of the study included a total of twelve focus groups with Canadian adults (18 years of age and older) between July 7th and August 24th, 2022.
Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Rapport final - Collecte continue de données qualitatives sur les opinions des canadiens – juillet et août 2022.
This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Privy Council Office. For more information on this report, please contact the Privy Council Office at: or at:
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Related publications (registration number: POR-005-19):

CP22-185/31-2022F-PDF (Final Report, French)
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2022

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of The Strategic Counsel that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications – Appendix C – Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research.
Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.
Signed: __________________________________
Date: September 7, 2022
Donna Nixon, Partner
The Strategic Counsel

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Key Findings
Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)
Government of Canada Priorities and Performance (All Locations)
Financial and Economic Issues (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)
COVID-19 Outlook and Vaccines (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)
Climate Change and Environment (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)
Healthcare (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)
Child Care and the Canada Child Benefit (GVA Parents of Young Children)
Government of Canada Services (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)
Housing (Atlantic Canada)
Cryptocurrency (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)
Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)
Reconciliation (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)
Local Issues (Atlantic Canada)
Detailed Findings
Timeline of July & August Announcements
Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)
Federal Service Delays (Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec)
Foreign Policy Initiatives (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)
Papal Visit (Alberta Indigenous Peoples, Outaouais Region Quebec)
Government of Canada Priorities and Performance (All Locations)
Cost of Living (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)
Job Creation (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec)
Economic Issues (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)
Environmental Issues (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)
Black Canadians (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)
Indigenous Peoples (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)
Financial and Economic Issues (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)
Economic Priorities and Terminology (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried about the Economy)
Personal Financial Outlook (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)
Canadian Economy (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)
Affordability Measures (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)
COVID-19 Outlook and Vaccines (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)
COVID-19 Perspectives (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)
COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Booster Dose’ (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid size-Centres Quebec)
COVID-19 Vaccine for Children (GVA Parents of Young Children)
Environment and Climate Change (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)
Zero-Emission Vehicles (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle)
Carbon Pricing (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)
Personal Climate Change Action (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)
Emissions Reduction Plan (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)
Healthcare (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)
Healthcare Impressions (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)
Healthcare Priorities (Outaouais Region Quebec)
Child Care and the Canada Child Benefit (GVA Parents of Young Children)
Government of Canada Services (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)
Housing (Atlantic Canada)
Cryptocurrency (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)
Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)
Reconciliation (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)
Local Issues (Atlantic Canada)
Appendix A – Recruiting Scripts
English Recruiting Script
French Recruiting Script
Appendix B – Discussion Guides
English Moderator’s Guide
French Moderator’s Guide
Appendix C – Advertising Concepts
Water Advisory Progress – Bar Graph (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)
Water Advisory Progress – Pie Chart (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)
Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

Executive Summary


The Communications and Consultation Secretariat of the Privy Council Office (PCO) commissioned The Strategic Counsel (TSC) to conduct continuous cycles of focus group research across the country with members of the public on key national issues, events, and policy initiatives related to the Government of Canada.

The broad purpose of this ongoing qualitative research program is three-fold: to explore the dimensions and drivers of public opinion on the most important issues facing the country; to assess perceptions and expectations of the federal government’s actions and priorities; and, to inform the development of Government of Canada communications so that they continue to be aligned with the perspectives and information needs of Canadians, while remaining both clear and easy-to-understand.

The research is intended to be used by the Communications and Consultation Secretariat within PCO in order to fulfill its mandate of supporting the Prime Minister’s Office in coordinating government communications. Specifically, the research will ensure that PCO has an ongoing understanding of Canadians’ opinions on macro-level issues of interest to the Government of Canada, as well as emerging trends.

This report includes findings from 12 online focus groups which were conducted between July 7th and August 24th, 2022, in multiple locations across the country including Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. Details concerning the locations, recruitment, and composition of the groups are shown in the section below.

The research for this cycle of focus groups focused largely on the Government of Canada’s priorities and performance on issues important to a wide range of subgroups and regions. These included reported delays at airports and Service Canada locations, the rising cost of living, economic issues, and the environment and climate change. In addition to this, certain issues that pertained to specific subgroups were discussed, including Black Canadians, and Indigenous peoples.

The research explored a wide range of related issues in depth, including the Government of Canada’s economic priorities, the Canadian economy more broadly, as well as various federal government affordability measures. Groups of those residing in mid-size centres in Quebec and those living pay cheque to pay cheque in eastern Ontario also engaged in a conversation regarding their personal financial outlook and economic state. Participants were also asked for their views on the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic and their perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination generally, as well as those specifically designed for young children. Environment-related topics such as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) were also discussed, including participants’ vehicle purchasing considerations, their overall awareness of ZEVs, and the federal government’s initiatives involving ZEVs in Budget 2022.

Parents residing in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) discussed the federal government’s child care initiatives and its overall affordability. Other topics discussed included Government of Canada services, particularly as it relates to passport services, housing, cryptocurrency, digital credentials, Indigenous reconciliation, and local issues in Atlantic Canada.

As a note of caution when interpreting the results from this study, findings of qualitative research are directional in nature only and cannot be attributed quantitatively to the overall population under study with any degree of confidence.


Overview of Groups

Target audience

  • Canadian residents, 18 and older.
  • Groups were split primarily by location.
  • Some groups focused on specific cohorts of the population including those looking to purchase a vehicle, recent users of federal government services, current cryptocurrency owners, Black Canadians, people living from pay cheque to pay cheque, Indigenous peoples, parents of children aged 6 months to 4 years, those concerned about climate change, and the middle class worried about the economy and employment.

Detailed Approach

  • Twelve focus groups across various regions in Canada.
  • Three groups were conducted with the general population in Atlantic Canada, mid-size centres in Quebec, and the Outaouais region in Quebec.
  • The other nine groups were conducted with key subgroups including:
    • Those looking to purchase a vehicle residing in Quebec;
    • Recent users of federal government services residing in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA);
    • Current cryptocurrency owners residing in the Lower Mainland region in British Columbia;
    • Black Canadians residing in mid-size centres in Alberta;
    • People living from pay cheque to pay cheque residing in eastern Ontario;
    • Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta;
    • Parents of children, aged 6 months to 4 years residing in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA);
    • Those concerned about climate change residing in major centres in Quebec; and
    • Middle class individuals who are worried about the economy and employment.
  • 4 groups in Quebec were conducted in French. All other groups were conducted in English.
  • All groups for this cycle were conducted online.
  • A total of 8 participants were recruited for each group, assuming 6 to 8 participants would attend.
  • Across all locations, 84 participants attended, in total. Details on attendance numbers by group can be found below.
  • Each participant received an honorarium. The incentive ranged from $100 to $125 per participant, depending on the location and the composition of the group.

Group Locations and Composition

Atlantic Canada 1 English July 7 5:00-7:00 pm General Population 7
Quebec 2 French July 12 6:00-8:00 pm Looking to Purchase a Vehicle 7
Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 3 English July 13 6:00-8:00 pm Recent Users of Federal Government Services 8
Lower Mainland British Columbia 4 English July 19 9:00-11:00 pm Current Cryptocurrency Owners 7
Mid-size Centres Alberta 5 English July 21 8:00-10:00 pm Black Canadians 7
Mid-size Centres Quebec 6 French July 27 6:00-8:00 pm General Population 6
Eastern Ontario 7 English August 4 6:00-8:00 pm People Living from Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque 8
Alberta 8 English August 9 8:00-10:00 pm Indigenous Peoples 7
Outaouais Region – Quebec 9 French August 11 6:00-8:00 pm General Population 7
Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) 10 English August 16 9:00-11:00 pm Parents of Children, aged 6 mos.-4 yrs. 8
Major Centres Quebec 11 French August 18 6:00-8:00 pm Concerned About Climate Change 6
Nova Scotia 12 English August 24 5:00-7:00 pm Middle Class Worried About Economy/Jobs 6
Total number of participants 84

Key Findings

Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)

At the outset of each group, participants were asked what they had seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada in recent days. Participants recalled a wide range of federal actions and announcements including the announcement of a one-time, $500 Housing Affordability payment for eligible Canadians, a ten per cent increase to Old Age Security (OAS) payments to seniors 75 and older, a projected increase to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for the 2022-23 benefit year, the first issuance of Climate Action Incentive Payments (CAIP) to individuals in eligible provinces, an announcement of a moratorium on directed cod fishing this year in the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, inquiries by the Government of Canada into the nationwide Rogers Communication outage on July 8th, 2022, the decision by the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates by 1%, and the recent announcement of a $1.3 billion land claim settlement between the federal government and the Siksika First Nation.

Additionally, a number of participants also mentioned items related to the Government of Canada’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other matters related to healthcare. These included the removal of the requirement for individuals travelling by air or rail within Canada to be fully vaccinated, the modification of procedures related to the ArriveCAN app required for all travellers entering Canada, ongoing efforts to compel individuals who may have ineligibly received pandemic-related financial supports such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to repay these amounts, and concerns regarding the potential of a widespread outbreak of monkeypox, a viral disease reported to be spreading in many regions across the world.

Some also mentioned having heard about recent actions by the Government of Canada on the international front, including continued support for the Ukrainian defence effort against invading Russian forces, the approval by the federal government for the return of sanctioned turbines (repaired in Montreal) to Germany to be utilized in the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany, and an announcement that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would be bolstering its presence in Latvia as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) mission.

Federal Service Delays (Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec)

Four groups engaged in a discussion regarding federal services for Canadians, specifically focusing on reported delays related to the processing of passport applications/renewals, immigration applications, and travel-related difficulties at Canadian airports. On balance, most participants were at least somewhat aware of these issues, with many having seen related reports in the news or on social media.

Several recalled hearing accounts of long delays and travel-related difficulties at Canadian airports, including flight delays and cancellations, long security line-ups, and lost baggage. While most were of the impression that these problems had been caused primarily due to staffing shortages, some expressed uncertainty as to whether these shortages were mostly on the part of airports, the airlines themselves, or both.

Many were also aware of reported delays experienced by Canadians in applying for or renewing their passports through Service Canada. Several recounted having personally waited many months for their applications to be processed, with a small number still waiting for their renewed passports to arrive in the mail. Related to this, it was said to be exceedingly difficult to access a Service Canada representative, and that those who were able to make contact were often told there was no definite timeline as to when their application would be processed.

A small number of participants who had recently immigrated to Canada recalled that it had taken almost a year for their work visas to be renewed through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) after they had expired during the pandemic. This was thought to be a particularly frustrating issue given the perception that many parts of the country were currently experiencing a labour shortage which could potentially be mitigated through the processing of immigration and visa applications at a more expedient rate.

Almost all were of the opinion that resolving these issues needed to be a priority for the federal government going forward. The ability to travel was viewed by many as both a personal and professional necessity and a large number believed that rectifying these issues was a primary responsibility of the Government of Canada. A small number felt differently, believing that travel-related issues were not key priorities at the moment, especially given concerns regarding the ongoing spread of COVID-19.

Foreign Policy Initiatives (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group, comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta, briefly discussed matters related to foreign policy initiatives by the federal government. Asked whether they were aware of any recent announcements or initiatives related to the Government of Canada’s foreign policy abroad, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine was top of mind for a number of participants. Several mentioned having heard about the federal government’s support of the Ukrainian defence effort. Questioned whether they were aware of any activities to expand Canada’s diplomatic operations in Africa, while a few recalled the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Rwanda none were aware of any specific initiatives.

Papal Visit (Alberta Indigenous Peoples, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Two groups discussed the recent visit by Pope Francis to Canada, spanning from July 24th to July 29th, 2022. Almost all participants were aware of the visit, with many hearing of it via traditional media outlets such as CBC and CTV, on social media, or through word of mouth from friends and family. In the group composed of Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta, a number of participants reported having personally experienced the visit, with some variously having attended the Holy Mass at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, volunteered at related events, or had family members who had met Pope Francis himself. Regionally, while most in the group from Quebec’s Outaouais region were of the opinion that this represented a positive step towards reconciliation, a small number questioned whether the money spent on the Papal visit might have been better allocated towards other pressing issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as the provision of clean drinking water on reserves. Participants in the group comprised of Indigenous peoples were more varied in their views. While a number of participants felt this visit had been beneficial and hoped it would help bring a sense of peace to survivors of the residential school system, it was felt by several that there had been a great deal of fanfare provided for what was expected to first and foremost be an apology on the part of the Catholic Church.

Focusing on what this visit and the Pope’s apology could mean for reconciliation going forward, participants were largely of the opinion that while this was a step in the right direction, far more work needed to be done to address long-standing issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada. Among those in the group comprised of Indigenous participants, it was believed that Pope Francis’s apology was important for many elders in their community, especially those who were survivors of the residential school system. Some also expressed appreciation that this event had allowed Indigenous peoples across Canada a chance to voice their feelings, including those individuals who continued to feel anger towards the Catholic Church. It was hoped this visit and the attention it had generated would spur further federal action towards addressing issues such as living conditions on reserves, expanded mental health resources for Indigenous peoples and communities, and greater access and representation for Indigenous peoples within the federal government itself.

Government of Canada Priorities and Performance (All Locations)

All groups In July and August engaged in discussions on issues specific to their respective local regions, backgrounds, and/or broader concerns such as the cost of living and climate change. Participants shared their perspectives regarding what they viewed as the key factors driving these issues, as well as the degree to which the federal government had been successful in addressing them.

Participants in groups located within specific geographical regions (such as Atlantic Canada, Quebec, the Greater Toronto Area, and British Columbia’s Lower Mainland) were asked to identify areas which they felt needed to be prioritized to a greater extent by the Government of Canada. Commonly cited across all groups, three key areas emerged as top priorities among participants: healthcare, housing affordability, and the increasing cost of living and high rate of inflation. In addition to these frequently cited concerns, a number of participants spoke of issues specific to their local region, including the development of non-renewable resources such as oil and gas (Atlantic Canada), issues related to official languages accessibility and the provision of English-language education and services (Quebec), and rising addiction, overdoses, and deaths related to apparent increased prevalence and usage of opioids such as fentanyl (British Columbia).

Very few participants believed the Government of Canada was currently on the right track when it came to addressing the priority areas they had identified. For most, it was felt that while the Government of Canada had begun to take actions to address important concerns such as housing affordability and the cost of living, these had produced little in the way of tangible impact thus far. Speaking more generally, several expressed the opinion that actions taken by the federal government were often reactive in nature, and that more needed to be done by federal officials to anticipate the challenges Canadians would face before they become major issues. Suggestions put forward by participants were broad in scope and included a greater focus on long-term planning, implementing transparent metrics to evaluate the success of existing initiatives and programs, and greater oversight to ensure federal spending is conducted in a responsible and efficient manner.

Cost of Living (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)

Four groups discussed a number of issues related to the cost of living at present. Asked if they could recall any major announcements from the Government of Canada on this front, several cited recent actions by the Bank of Canada to continue raising interest rates as a tool to curb inflation. Others recalled initiatives such as a 10% increase to Old Age Security (OAS) payments for seniors 75 and older, a one-time $500 housing affordability payment for some low-income Canadians, as well the announcement of a national dental care program projected to begin being implemented by the end of 2022.

All participants felt addressing the rising cost of living to be an important priority for the Government of Canada to focus on. Asked whether they felt the federal government was currently on the right track when it came to this issue, however, few believed this to be the case. For the larger number who thought the federal government was currently on the wrong track, it was widely felt that the income of most Canadians was not currently keeping pace with rising prices and that, unless something was done to either raise wages or bring down essential costs, this problem would likely continue to persist. Several participants believed that federal actions towards addressing the cost of living should have been implemented earlier and that the Government of Canada had been too reactive in its approach to this issue. Among the smaller number who thought the Government of Canada was currently on the right track, initiatives such as the introduction of a national dental care program and the raising of interest rates by the Bank of Canada were again mentioned while others spoke positively about the decision to discontinue pandemic-related benefits, such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), which was felt to have significantly contributed to inflation.

Focusing on necessary actions for the federal government to take going forward, a number of participants believed greater investments needed to be made towards making life more affordable for future generations of Canadians. This included reducing costs in areas such as housing and post-secondary tuition, which were believed to be increasingly expensive with each passing year. Several participants also called for higher taxes to be placed on large corporations, especially in sectors that were perceived as having profited financially from the COVID-19 pandemic (such as grocery stores, pharmaceutical companies and other large retailers). It was believed that by taking this action, the federal government could utilize this increased revenue to take some of the financial pressure off of individual Canadian households.

Job Creation (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Participants in two groups discussed the topic of job creation and the current state of the labour market in Canada. While a small number were of the impression that some federal programs and grants were available to encourage more employment in important sectors such as healthcare and education, none could recall specific actions taken by the Government of Canada to spur job creation. Several expressed the opinion that while there were many jobs available, these were not necessarily high-paying positions and may not be desirable to prospective employees, especially given the perceived rising cost of living. To address this, it was suggested that actions could be taken by the federal government to encourage businesses to offer higher wages. Some believed this could be done through the provision of wage supplements to small businesses, to assist them with the additional costs this would incur.

Asked whether they were aware of the current national unemployment rate, while a small number of participants speculated it was likely around 6%, none could provide a specific figure. To aid discussion, it was clarified that the current unemployment rate in Canada was around 4.9% and that this was the lowest level observed in the 40 or more years that Statistics Canada had been tracking this metric. While most believed this number to be encouraging at face value, many were skeptical as to whether it accurately reflected the true state of the Canadian labour market. Several put forward the view that while more Canadians may be employed now than in previous years, given the rising cost of living some may be having to work multiple jobs in order to make ends meet financially.

Economic Issues (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

This group, comprised of participants who identified as middle class and were worried about the economy, discussed a number of economic matters, including the intersection between economic goals and potential actions to mitigate the environmental impacts of climate change. Focusing on the federal government’s performance in addressing the economic issues facing Canadians, participants were largely negative in their appraisals, with all believing the Canadian economy was currently headed in the wrong direction. Several identified housing affordability as a major issue of concern, believing it was becoming increasingly difficult for Canadians to afford to purchase homes as well as to rent. A number of participants expressed skepticism about the perceived emphasis placed by the federal government on transitioning to greener technology and practices. It was believed that this may have the effect of further exacerbating the cost of living for Canadians in the short term. Asked if they believed there to be any potential economic benefits that may arise from green policies, several expressed the view that a stable environment and climate would be more conducive to a stable economy, and that addressing climate change was in the greater interest of all Canadians.

Focusing on actions taken by the Government of Canada to help address climate change, a number of participants mentioned the Incentives for Zero-Emissions Vehicles (iZEV) Program and the Canada Greener Homes Initiative. Asked if they believed there to be a positive connection between economic and environmental initiatives as a strategy to address economic issues, most participants thought this was possible. It was felt, however, that more needed to be done to ensure the perceived additional financial burden of pursuing greener policies was not being placed on individual Canadians.

Participants were next shown a number of environmental initiatives pertaining to the economy that were recently announced by the Government of Canada. These included driving down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector, investments in clean electricity, and supporting industries to develop and adopt clean technology that would assist them in reaching net-zero emissions. Asked whether they felt these actions could also have economic benefits, most predicted that they would. It was thought that the initiatives to invest in clean electricity and help industries develop and adopt clean technology could lead to the creation of high-paying jobs and represented a growing sector in which Canada could be a global leader.

Environmental Issues (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Two groups of participants residing in Quebec shared their perspectives regarding the environment and the Government of Canada’s work to reduce the impacts of climate change. One group was derived of individuals from the general population, while the other was comprised of those who had previously identified as being personally concerned about climate change. All participants identified climate change as a top priority for the Government of Canada, with many believing it to be the most important area for policymakers to focus on. Rather than viewing the environment and the economy as being at odds, it was thought by many that it was essential to develop economic policies that work within the framework of sustainability. The view was added that environmental degradation would have a negative impact on every other aspect of society, including areas such as agriculture and energy generation, which were seen as essential for human survival.

Asked what, specifically, within the broader topic of climate change they were concerned about, participants provided a range of responses. These included pollution and environmental degradation, the need for expanded recycling and waste reduction programs, and increasing temperatures and extreme weather events. Participants were varied in their opinions when evaluating the actions taken thus far by the Government of Canada to address the threat of climate change. Most in the group of those concerned about climate change were generally positive in their assessments and all believed the federal government had improved in its management of this issue in recent years. The group of participants from the general population felt differently, with most believing the federal government to currently be on the wrong track in its handling of this issue.

Among those who thought the Government of Canada was headed in the right direction, it was believed that there had been a significant emphasis at the federal level on environmental initiatives such as transitioning towards renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and investing in greener technology, such as ZEVs and public transportation. It was generally felt that the federal government was doing the best it could to protect Canadians against climate change while also balancing other important priorities, such as the economy. For those who felt the Government of Canada was headed in the wrong direction when it came to addressing climate change, several believed the transition towards renewable energy was occurring too abruptly and that a greater focus should be placed on continuing to develop non-renewable resources such as oil and gas in the interim. While most were in favour of eventually transitioning to renewable energy, it was thought this should be a gradual process rather than this perceived sudden shift in approach. A small number felt otherwise, believing this transition was occurring too slowly and that greater efforts were needed to limit emissions in the immediate future to protect Canadians against the impacts of climate change.

Black Canadians (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group, comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta, engaged in a discussion about issues related to the Government of Canada as well as those specifically facing the Black community in Canada.

Prompted to identify issues facing Black Canadians more specifically, as well as actions which could be taken by the Government of Canada to address these concerns, participants identified the need for greater support for Black-owned businesses and increased programming focusing on Canada’s Black community as two key areas requiring further attention. Asked whether they could recall any past actions or initiatives undertaken by the Government of Canada related to these issues, it was widely felt that little had been done specifically to support Black Canadians. While a small number were aware of the Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP), it was said that the application process and criteria for accessing this support were overly burdensome and had limited the ability of Black Canadians to utilize this program.

Several believed racism to be an ongoing issue in Alberta, as well as throughout the rest of Canada. Though thought to be less prevalent relative to other jurisdictions (such as the United States), many recalled being personally impacted by anti-Black racism. It was felt that numerous employers often gave less consideration to prospective candidates with ethnic-sounding surnames and that Black patrons tended to be treated differently than other Canadians when visiting restaurants or retail stores. While few participants had personally experienced this, it was thought that Black Canadians often experienced racial profiling by law enforcement officials, especially in larger urban centres. Almost all participants believed anti-Black racism to be a systemic problem in Canadian society, even if it often occurred in more subtle ways.

Focusing on ways in which the Government of Canada could help address this issue, it was reiterated that more could be done to provide further financial assistance for education and cultural programming spotlighting the culture, contributions, and history of Black Canadians. Related to this, it was suggested by several participants that these funding programs needed to be made more accessible, including less stringent criteria and a more straightforward application process.

Indigenous Peoples (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

This group, consisting of Indigenous participants residing in Alberta, discussed a number of issues specific to Indigenous peoples. To begin this conversation, participants were asked to identify what they felt to be the top issues facing Indigenous peoples that required greater prioritization from the federal government. A number of responses were provided, including the lack of clean drinking water on some reserves, ongoing discoveries of unmarked graves at former residential school sites, the continued issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), a perceived lack of mental health resources in Indigenous communities, and the need for greater acknowledgement and enforcement of existing treaties and land claims.

Asked whether they recalled any recent actions by the Government of Canada related to these issues, a number of participants reported hearing about actions related to resolving clean drinking water on reserves, as well as efforts towards addressing a number of the existing land claims. It was generally thought, however, that while some progress had been made on these fronts, there was a great deal of work still to be done. No participants felt the Government of Canada was currently on the right track when it came to addressing these priorities. While it was acknowledged that there had been a greater public focus on Indigenous issues in recent years, it was largely thought that little in the way of tangible progress had been made towards improving the overall quality of life in these communities.

Focusing specifically on the issue of clean drinking water in Indigenous communities, while a small number of participants recalled hearing about the implementation of a boil water advisory in Iqaluit in late 2021 and subsequent action by the federal government (including the deployment of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel) to resolve the issue, few other initiatives could be recalled. Upon receiving information detailing the work currently being undertaken by the federal government to lift long-term drinking water advisories on Indigenous reserves a number of individuals spoke positively about the progress that had been made on this issue, with some citing the lifting of 82% of all drinking water advisories as an especially important development. Several, however, were more skeptical. They questioned whether the lifting of these advisories represented a permanent fix to the clean drinking water issues or whether it was likely that these concerns would arise again in time. A small number were of the opinion that sufficient progress would not be made until all Indigenous communities had access to clean drinking water, believing this to be a basic necessity of life and the bare minimum in terms of achieving a quality standard of living. While no participant felt that challenges related to clean drinking water had worsened as of late, several reiterated the view that water was of the utmost importance to these communities.

Financial and Economic Issues (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

Participants in four groups shared their views on various financial and economic issues. In two groups, the discussion centered mainly on participants’ personal financial circumstances and their reactions to a series of measures announced by the Government of Canada to support Canadians. The conversation in another two groups focused on broader economic goals and priorities for Canadians, as well as participant perceptions regarding the current state of the Canadian economy and their outlook for the future.

Economic Priorities and Terminology (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried about the Economy)

Priorities for Canada’s economy were discussed in a group comprising residents from Nova Scotia who were worried about the state of the economy. To begin, participants were asked to identify which economic issues they felt needed further prioritization from the federal government. A wide range of issues were cited, including inflation and the cost of living, housing affordability, perceived worker shortages, and the need for greater domestic manufacturing and self-sufficiency.

Participants were shown several phrases describing various types of approaches to economic development and asked how they interpreted each. These phrases included a fair economy, a green economy, a progressive economy, an economy that works for all Canadians, and an inclusive economy.

Focusing first on a fair economy, participants largely thought this referred to an economy in which every individual had an equal opportunity to participate, and that one’s success would be determined by merit. Many viewed this as an economy in which competition would be encouraged and career advancement would be closely linked to one’s work ethic and contributions.

Several envisioned a green economy as one which would be centered around innovations such as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), comprehensive recycling and waste reduction programs, a shift away from single-use plastics, and a focus on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro. Some also felt this meant that all economic activity would be encompassed within an overarching framework of sustainability and that individual Canadians would be encouraged to engage in activities that would reduce their carbon footprint.

Participants largely imagined a progressive economy would be one in which innovation would be encouraged. They viewed it as an economic structure whereby entrepreneurs and small business owners would be financially incentivized and supported by the federal government through loans and grants.

A number of participants believed an economy that works for all Canadians described a system in which all Canadians would be supported, from both an economic and social perspective. It was thought that such an economy would include an expansion of social welfare and assistance programs in addition to greater investments in education, ensuring all individuals would have an opportunity to succeed.

Many felt that an inclusive economy would be one in which all individuals, regardless of gender, background, or socioeconomic status would be able to prosper and succeed. Participants viewed this as an economy free of barriers to participation, and one in which any Canadian could potentially lead an organization rather than being excluded simply due to preferential treatment, such as cronyism.

Having shared their initial impressions, participants were next asked to indicate which of these economic frameworks the Government of Canada should be aiming to build going forward. By a wide margin, participants exhibited a preference for the prioritization of a fair economy and an economy that works for all Canadians. It was felt by several that these two concepts shared a great deal in common and would likely lead to a system in which all Canadians could benefit and be rewarded for their efforts. While few selected the other options available, it was thought that values such as inclusiveness, progressiveness, and a green transition would likely be incorporated into a fair economy as well as one which works for all Canadians.

Participants were asked to evaluate the terms supporting the middle class and supporting workers and identify what differences, if any, they felt existed between the two concepts. While some perceived there to be a partial relation between the terms, in that middle income individuals included workers, it was largely felt that ‘workers’ was a broader term that included lower income Canadians and those living below the poverty line, not just the middle class. Asked how the Government of Canada could better support workers, participants suggested more thorough enforcement of workplace safety standards, increased financial supports for those with longer-term disabilities, greater education provided towards improving financial literacy among Canadians, and efforts to raise the minimum wage.

Personal Financial Outlook (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)

Responses varied across the two groups when asked about their financial situation and specifically whether it had changed over the last year. Among those who felt their economic situation had worsened over the past year, many cited inflation and the rising cost of living as the primary factors. Several also reported that their wages had not kept pace with the rate of inflation and that it was becoming increasingly difficult to afford essential goods and services. Participants also spoke about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their financial situation. Some had lost their jobs or were temporarily out of work and were accessing savings or using debt financing in order to make ends meet month-to-month. Even among those who had said they had subsequently regained full-time employment several commented that they continued to face financial pressures as they attempted to rebuild their savings while also coping with rising inflation.

For participants whose financial situation had improved over the past year, many attributed this to their ability to continue to work during the pandemic or a recent return to full-time employment. Some also reported having recently received wage increases, allowing them to eliminate a portion of their personal debt and begin to build up savings.

Among participants whose financial situation had remained the same, several expressed concern over the continued high rate of inflation and worried that their finances may begin to weaken if this trend continued.

Looking ahead over the next year, participants were asked if they felt their situation would likely improve, worsen, or stay the same. Most in the group residing in Quebec were largely optimistic, with about as many anticipating that their situation would improve as those who expected it to remain much the same. By contrast, very few participants living pay cheque to pay cheque felt their circumstances would improve or get worse. On balance, the sense among this group was that their financial situation would likely remain unchanged. Though many of these participants expressed concern about inflation, a small number were optimistic that it would ultimately taper off and that the situation would begin to improve in 2023.

Canadian Economy (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)

One group comprising cryptocurrency owners engaged in a discussion about the Canadian economy. Most participants were negative in their outlooks, citing inflation and market volatility (specifically, related to the domestic securities market) as key concerns. Some worried that Canada’s economy was highly exposed and could be adversely affected by a number of disruptive forces, including the emergence of another pandemic or public health emergency, expansion of the conflict in Eastern Europe, or a downturn in vital sectors of the economy such as the housing market.

A smaller number held a more positive view, commenting that Canada’s economic situation had been improving and had recovered significantly following the COVID-19 pandemic. This more optimistic outlook was predicated on a view that Canada’s rich natural resources and the potential of its agriculture and agri-food sector positioned the Canadian economy to withstand economic shocks resulting from wider global events.

Asked if economic conditions in Canada had changed over the last year, most believed the economy had declined. Participants commented on rising inflation and wages that had not kept pace with the cost of living, in addition to perceived labour shortages among the skilled trades. For the few who believed the economy was now in better shape, there was a sense that Canada had weathered the pandemic reasonably well, that Canadians were returning to work in large numbers, and that the financial outlook for many would improve through 2022.

Looking ahead, almost all participants expected Canada’s economy to worsen over the course of the next year. Several were concerned about the risks of a crisis in Canada’s housing market and the possibility of Canada sliding into a recession in 2023. Some were specifically concerned about the state of the U.S. economy, believing it to be increasingly volatile. It was felt that any downturn in the American economy would have serious ramifications for the Canadian economy as well. Several were also concerned about labour shortages in vital sectors such as healthcare and education and anticipated that this situation would worsen.

Focusing on actions the Government of Canada could take to address the economic challenges facing Canadians, several suggested placing a greater emphasis on the development of domestic natural resources, including non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas. It was felt that given increasing global tensions and the economic consequences still being felt in the wake of the pandemic, the federal government should prioritize developing an economy centered on increased self-sufficiency and domestic production. In addition, it was thought that efforts could be taken to accelerate the pace of foreign credential recognition, ensuring a more expeditious process for foreign workers to gain status in their field of expertise.

Affordability Measures (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)

Participants in one group discussed a number of measures announced by the Government of Canada to help support Canadians. Provided with information related to a number of recent actions and announcements, participants shared their perspectives as to which would have the greatest impact on them personally. Most felt the implementation of a national dental plan would have the most immediate effect on their personal financial situation. Several were also supportive of the indexing of benefits to keep pace with the rate of inflation and felt this would be beneficial. Participants were hopeful that by taking these actions the Government of Canada would be able to assist in reducing the financial stress believed to be facing many low and middle-income households.

Participants were then shown a second set of announced initiatives specifically focused on addressing the issue of housing affordability in Canada. On balance, participants responded positively to these initiatives, although they expressed some uncertainty as to whether they would or could personally benefit. Most believed that the introduction of a new Housing Accelerator Fund would help to increase the housing supply across Canada, while programs such as the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) and the doubling of the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC) would be advantageous for those looking to enter the housing market, especially younger Canadians who had a longer time horizon to accumulate savings towards the purchase of their first home.

After reviewing and discussing the various initiatives many participants reported feeling more optimistic about the current economic situation. While some felt the impact of these initiatives would not necessarily be felt for many years, they were nevertheless reassured that the federal government had committed to taking these actions. Asked what more could be done by the Government of Canada to assist those whose financial situations were somewhat more precarious, participants put forward a number of suggestions. These included further support directed at improving the ability of families to purchase nutritional foods, initiatives aimed at increasing the number of higher-paying jobs available to Canadians, and debt relief or forgiveness, particularly for those paying off student loans.

COVID-19 Outlook and Vaccines (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)

Three groups discussed a number of issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including participant perspectives regarding the Government of Canada’s handling of the pandemic, views on past and present public health measures, and opinions related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 Forecast (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta shared their opinions regarding the federal government’s management of the pandemic to date, as well as the effectiveness of public health requirements implemented to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Asked to identify areas where the Government of Canada had been successful in its response to the pandemic, a number of participants mentioned financial assistance programs such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Focusing on aspects of the federal government’s response which could have been improved upon, some felt that stronger guidance could have been provided to provincial/territorial public health authorities regarding how best to respond to the pandemic, with a focus on fostering a more unified, national approach to combatting the virus.

Focusing on COVID-19 public health requirements, participants were asked whether they felt measures such as requiring international travellers to be vaccinated, mandating facemasks at airports and on planes, and implementing randomized testing for travellers arriving in Canada were still necessary to have in place. Participants were mixed in their responses; some believed existing restrictions could be removed with minimal risk to public safety and were of the impression that other jurisdictions, including the U.S., had already done so with little negative effect. A roughly equal number, however, felt measures such as wearing facemasks and vaccine requirements for international travellers were important to maintain, especially as travel increased during the summer months.

Prompted to consider what daily life may be like in the summer of 2023 in the event that COVID-19 remained an issue, few participants expressed concern about possibly contracting the virus, while many were worried about the potential of increased restrictions being implemented. Several were of the view that the return of public health measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and limits on social gatherings and activities would lead to increased mental health challenges for many and a breakdown of communities which were still believed to be rebuilding after the disruption of the past two years. While no participants wished to see further public health measures implemented, several expected this would likely occur if the situation surrounding the virus worsened considerably in the autumn and winter months.

When asked if changing public health requirements and protocols over the course of the pandemic (such as wearing facemasks, social distancing, and vaccination mandates) had altered their opinions regarding the benefits of following these measures, few participants felt this to be the case. Though some few reported that they had been less vigilant regarding the extent to which they follow public health measures, this was primarily due to diminished concern regarding contracting the virus rather than a response to changes in public guidance. Questioned whether they continued to wear facemasks in public settings, a larger number of participants reported no longer doing so than those who were.

COVID-19 Vaccines (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec)

Two groups shared their experiences and perspectives regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, with a particular focus on the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, also known as a ‘booster dose’. While all participants had received their initial two doses of the vaccine, when asked if they had received a booster dose, a greater number of participants had not compared to those who had done so. For those who had received a COVID-19 booster dose, reasons for having done so included a desire to protect themselves and their loved ones, plans to travel internationally, and work-related reasons, with some anticipating a third dose would eventually be required as part of future vaccine-related mandates. Among the larger number who had not received a booster dose, many felt there was not much point in doing so, believing it would do little to curb the spread of COVID-19. Several were also of the impression that the current COVID-19 vaccines had been designed specifically to combat the virus in its original form and were less effective against newer variants (such as Omicron) that had emerged following the vaccines’ development. A few indicated that if an updated vaccine was available which focused on newer variants or provided longer-term protection, they would be more open to receiving a third dose.

Asked if they believed vaccinations and booster doses prevent infection and/or serious illness from COVID-19, participants were mixed in their responses. A number were of the impression that even individuals who were fully up to date on their vaccinations were still at risk of severe outcomes related to contracting COVID-19. Some were also of the view that the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccinations and booster doses varies with the physical health and medical history of the individual, as well as the specific variant of the virus they are infected with. Discussing vaccinations more generally, almost all were of the view that vaccines and booster doses were generally useful in preventing infection and serious illness (especially for those who were immunocompromised or otherwise vulnerable), even if they harboured some doubts regarding the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines more specifically.

While few reported feeling comfortable with the prospect of contracting COVID-19, several reported being resigned to the expectation that they would likely become infected with the virus at some point in the future. In addition to the potential negative health outcomes associated with contracting COVID-19 for themselves as well as their loved ones, several were worried about the interruptions an infection may have on their work and ability to earn an income. When asked if they were worried about any potential side-effects related to COVID-19 vaccines, most participants were not. For the smaller number who were concerned, issues such as blood clots, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), and strokes were cited as potential risks they believed to be associated with the vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccines for Children (GVA Parents of Young Children)

In this group, parents of children aged between 6 months and 4 years briefly discussed the COVID-19 vaccine for children. It was clarified for participants that, as of July 14th, 2022, Health Canada had approved the use of the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine for children within this age range. Asked whether they had gotten their children vaccinated or made an appointment to do so, no participants had.

Sharing the concerns they held that were influencing their decisions to not vaccinate their children at this time, several cited what they perceived to be a lack of a long-term track record related to the vaccine. As such, it was felt that not enough was known about the potential side-effects, especially in children whose bodies were still developing. While a number of participants expressed that they would likely get their children vaccinated against COVID-19 at some point, most were in no rush to do so. This sentiment was in part influenced by the general impression that the virus was becoming less dangerous with each additional variant and that the overall risk to young children remained exceptionally low. For the small number who planned on getting their child vaccinated in the immediate future, it was felt that the vaccine would provide them with the peace of mind that their family was as protected against the virus as possible.

Climate Change and Environment (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Participants in three groups engaged in conversations related to the environment and climate change. A number of topics were discussed, including zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), the federal carbon pricing system, personal actions that can be taken to address climate change, and the Government of Canada’s recently announced Emissions Reduction Plan.

Zero-Emission Vehicles (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle)

This group, comprised of participants residing in Quebec who were expecting to purchase a vehicle within the next five years, discussed ZEVs. Describing their current primary means of transportation, most relied upon gasoline-powered vehicles, while a smaller number reported owning electric or hybrid-type vehicles. For several, the desire to purchase a new car was primarily driven by lifestyle changes (such as having children) while others were looking to upgrade from their current vehicle. All participants indicated that affordability, both in terms of the price of the vehicle as well as fuel costs, was a leading consideration influencing the type of vehicle they would decide to purchase. Other important factors mentioned by participants included environmental considerations as well as the ability to repair one’s own vehicle rather than having to rely upon the manufacturer. Questioned specifically if fuel efficiency was important to them, all indicated that it was. This was felt to be particularly the case for those living in more rural areas who often had to drive long distances as part of their everyday activities.

Asked if they were contemplating purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle, almost all participants indicated that they were. Several were looking to purchase a fully electrically powered automobile while a smaller number were considering a hybrid vehicle. For most, affordability and environmental considerations were cited as the primary drivers behind their purchasing decisions. A large number identified a perceived lack of affordability as a key barrier that might potentially influence their decision as to whether to purchase a ZEV. It was widely thought that, even with subsidies such as the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program, these types of vehicles remained quite costly and were likely prohibitively expensive for many Canadians. Others also mentioned a perceived lack of charging stations (especially outside of urban centres) as well as outstanding questions related to the distances these vehicles can travel as well as how they would fare in the extreme cold experienced in several regions of the country during the winter months.

Almost all participants felt it important for ZEVs and/or ZEV parts to be made in Canada. Several expected that investments in the domestic manufacturing of ZEVs would be beneficial for Canada’s economy, especially as the adoption of these vehicles became more widespread. It was thought that by investing in this sector, the Government of Canada could position the country as a leader in ZEV manufacturing and reap the economic benefits of exporting this technology to other markets. The view was added that increasing domestic ZEV production would likely lead to the creation of numerous high-paying jobs for Canadians, including those already working in the automotive industry.

Participants next engaged in an exercise where they were shown a number of initiatives related to ZEVs that were recently announced as part of the 2022 federal Budget and instructed to select which, if any, they felt would have the most positive impact.

The first set of initiatives shown to participants focused on the goal of reducing emissions produced by driving. On balance, all initiatives were received positively, with each receiving a relatively similar level of support among participants. Several commented positively regarding the focus of these initiatives on a wide range of vehicle types. It was felt that by prioritizing these actions, the federal government would be assisting in providing Canadians with different options as to the ZEVs available to them for purchase. In addition, it was also seen as beneficial to specifically focus on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) which were seen as among the highest emitters currently.

The group was next shown a second set of two initiatives, each with a focus on making the transition to ZEVs more affordable for Canadians. Both initiatives were met with positive reactions, with slightly more participants voicing support for the investment of $1.7 billion (over five years) to extend the iZEV program until March 2025. This was seen as a significant investment into ZEVs and was expected to be helpful in incentivizing more individuals to consider purchasing a ZEV as their next automobile. A number of participants expected the provision of up to $5,000 of purchase incentives for eligible ZEVs would also be personally helpful for them.

Participants were next shown a final set of initiatives aimed at building a national network of electric vehicle charging stations. While all initiatives were thought to be important, participants largely gravitated towards the plans to invest $500 million and $400 million respectively to develop ZEV charging infrastructure in urban as well as suburban and remote communities. These actions were seen as crucial to the success of a large-scale transition to ZEVs, as many believed that a lack of charging stations represented one of the primary barriers holding individuals back from purchasing these vehicles at present.

Considering the federal government’s ZEV plan as a whole, most felt these various initiatives represented a positive step forward towards the transition to widespread ZEV use. Several, however, were skeptical as to whether it would be possible to accomplish all these initiatives within the proposed timeframes. It was widely felt that managing a societal shift towards ZEVs would be a massive challenge for the federal government and could potentially be delayed in the event of an economic recession and/or a lack of willingness from the general public to switch to ZEVs.

Carbon Pricing (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)

Participants based in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) briefly discussed the Government of Canada’s actions to place a price on carbon pollution. While a small number of participants were aware of this initiative, none could recall any specific details. To clarify, participants were provided information related to this program, including the detail that 90% of proceeds collected through this initiative would be directly returned to residents in eligible provinces in the form of incentive payments. Upon receiving this information, several expressed confusion as to why funds were subsequently returned to individual households. Many questioned the purpose of this pricing system and largely felt this approach would not encourage Canadians to reduce their emissions. While most participants felt this system was fair for individual Canadians, due to the high cost of gasoline and other essentials at present, few thought these incentive payments would have any tangible impact on their financial situation.

Personal Climate Change Actions (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

One group engaged in a discussion related to actions that can be taken at the individual level against climate change. All participants in this group had previously indicated that while they were concerned about climate change, they found it difficult to find ways to effectively address its impacts. Asked to identify ways in which they have attempted to fight climate change and reduce their personal emissions, participants provided a wide range of responses. A number of participants living in larger urban centres such as Montreal reported utilizing public transit whenever possible, though this was said to be more difficult for those living in rural areas where public transportation options were more limited. For others, actions taken included eating less meat, cutting down on their consumption of single-use plastics, and participating in environmentally focused holidays and events. All participants indicated that they also regularly engaged in activities such as recycling and composting, believing this to be a fairly common practice in their communities.

While a number of participants expressed interest in purchasing a ZEV as a further action against climate change, the perceived lack of affordability of these vehicles was cited as a prohibitive factor. A few also expressed skepticism as to whether a ZEV would be able to meet their lifestyle needs, including regularly driving long distances as well as handling extreme weather conditions during the winter months. A small number indicated that they were taking action to reduce their consumption wherever possible, though this was felt to be difficult at times and required a considerable amount of personal discipline.

Emissions Reduction Plan (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Participants in this group engaged in a discussion related to the Emissions Reduction Plan recently announced by the Government of Canada. Only a small number reported having previously heard about this initiative, and few could recall any specific details. To aid in conversation, participants were provided information related to the plan and a number of ways in which the Government of Canada would be taking action to reduce emissions by 2030. While all participants reacted positively to the initiatives contained within this plan, a number believed these to be somewhat ambitious and questioned whether the federal government would be able to achieve all these priorities, especially given the 2030 timeline.

The initiative to drive down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector received the highest level of support among participants. Several were of the impression that large oil and gas companies were among the highest producers of greenhouse gas emissions and believed that by taking this action, the federal government could bring about a significant impact on the fight against climate change. To achieve this goal, many suggested the implementation of stricter regulations on the oil and gas sector as well as increasing the federal price on carbon for these larger companies.

Many were also in favour of the initiative to assist industries in the development and adoption of clean technology in their journey to net-zero emissions. Reiterating the importance of curbing the emissions of large corporations, several believed this would be an important step in addressing the issue of climate change. It was thought that while transitioning to greener practices had become a growing trend in many sectors, further support from the Government of Canada would likely assist with accelerating this process. Some also suggested that by assisting industries in developing clean technology, Canada could become a global leader on this front and potentially achieve additional economic benefits from exporting this technology to other parts of the world.

A number of participants spoke positively of the commitment to powering the economy with renewable energy such as solar, wind, and hydro. Many felt this to be a step in the right direction and a necessary transition in order to ensure a more sustainable environment in the long term. Several also suggested that there may be economic benefits to taking this action, believing it could lead to the creation of numerous high-paying jobs as well as lead to a more energy-efficient manufacturing process. While some participants hoped to see this transition take place as soon as possible, others were more cautious, expecting that it may take a longer period of time to make these changes and that this would likely be a gradual process.

Healthcare (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Two groups based in Quebec discussed a number of issues related to healthcare provision in their province as well as across Canada more broadly. These discussions focused on participant experiences and perspectives related to the Canadian healthcare system as well as identifying which areas most needed to be prioritized by the Government of Canada going forward.

Healthcare Impressions (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)

To begin, participants shared their impressions regarding the healthcare system in Canada as a whole. On balance, participants were largely positive in their perspectives, believing healthcare in Canada to be generally of high quality. Several reported having access to a family physician whom they could see on short notice. In addition, it was believed that many Canadians were now able to access healthcare services through digital platforms and/or via the telephone, improving the availability of these services for those living in more rural or remote locations. Identifying areas where healthcare provision could potentially be improved, a number of participants spoke of increasingly long wait times in emergency rooms and at walk-in clinics. Many believed this issue had been exacerbated by staff shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and several expressed concerns about the physical and mental health of those still working in the healthcare field who were believed to have taken on extra work as a result of these shortages.

Focusing specifically on accessibility, while few reported having personally experienced healthcare-related challenges, most were of the impression that for some, especially those without family doctors, healthcare services were becoming increasingly difficult to access. Many recalled having personally heard accounts from family and friends regarding the difficulty in finding available specialists, with waiting lists often running for several months to over a year. Asked if they felt accessibility to healthcare had worsened over the course of the pandemic, all believed this to be the case. Additionally, a number of participants thought there to be insufficient mental health resources available at present, believing many in need of treatment in this regard were often unable to access care.

Asked an additional question as to whether they had recently accessed any healthcare services in their area, almost all participants in the group from Quebec’s Outaouais region reported that they had. Among this group, all spoke positively of their experience, with many describing their visit as quick and effective in addressing their medical concerns. Focusing on areas where improvements could be made to the quality of service they had received, it was felt there could be greater collaboration among family doctors, specialists, and other healthcare service providers, especially for those patients required to undergo tests, consultations, and/or procedures at more than one location. Several also reiterated the view that more needed to be done to ensure all Canadians had access to a family doctor, believing this to be a crucially important aspect in terms of receiving personalized and high-quality care.

Healthcare Priorities (Outaouais Region Quebec)

Participants in the group based in Quebec’s Outaouais region engaged in an expanded discussion related to healthcare, with a specific focus on which areas most needed to be prioritized by the Government of Canada in the immediate future. Prompted to identify the most significant challenges currently impacting healthcare provision in their region, almost all focused on perceived healthcare worker shortages, believing this to be a pressing concern. Additionally, several spoke of a general lack of specialists and family doctors in their area, believing this to be a prevalent issue throughout the region

Asked if they were aware of any recent announcements or initiatives from the Government of Canada related to healthcare, none were. To aid in discussion, participants were informed that the federal government had recently identified five key priority areas for healthcare services in Canada. These included addressing health worker shortages and reducing wait times, increasing access to family health services, improving long term and home care, addressing mental health and substance use, and modernizing health data management and virtual care. On balance, participants were largely supportive of all priorities, believing each represented an important step towards finding solutions to the healthcare challenges currently impacting Canadians.

Many participants viewed addressing healthcare shortages and reducing wait times as a top priority for the Government of Canada at present. A number of participants, however, felt there was little the federal government could do apart from increasing funding, given their understanding that healthcare was primarily a provincial/territorial responsibility. All felt that addressing this situation would positively impact themselves and their communities, believing more Canadians would be inclined to seek out medical care if they knew they would be able to access it with relative ease. Related to this, several also identified increasing access to family health services as an important initiative. Several commented that family doctors were important in the process of initially detecting medical issues in their patients and played a pivotal role in ensuring those in need of medical care were referred to the proper specialists.

A large number of participants identified improving long term and in-home care as a much-needed action on the part of the federal government. Many hoped to see additional investments by the Government of Canada into these facilities as well as towards initiatives that would allow seniors to remain in their homes for longer. It was thought that by taking these actions, the federal government would assist not only seniors, but their families as well, who were thought to typically assume the emotional and financial strain of caring for their elderly parents and other loved ones.

All participants felt that addressing mental health and substance use was an important area on which the Government of Canada should focus. Many viewed mental health as a growing issue and believed that with greater access to resources, more individuals would be able to get the help they need at an earlier stage, preventing their mental health challenges from progressing further. Related to addictions, a number of participants were of the opinion that there needed to be a greater effort to educate Canadians, especially younger individuals, about the dangers of addiction and how it can progress.

While fewer participants spoke specifically about the initiative to modernize health data management and virtual care, this was still felt to be a useful action on the part of the federal government. A number of participants believed the expansion of virtual care could be helpful for those living in more rural or remote areas, such as those in Canada’s North. Related to modernizing health data management, a few participants felt this could be a helpful step towards improving communication throughout the healthcare system, allowing medical records to be transferred among different providers with relative ease.

Child Care and the Canada Child Benefit (GVA Parents of Young Children)

Participants residing in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) and parents of children six months to four years in age, engaged in a discussion related to affordable child care and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). Many reported having children currently enrolled in child care, with several participants recalling having encountered challenges in finding and securing a place for their child. In a number of instances, participants had been placed on long waiting lists, in some cases waiting for over two years for an opening to become available. Along with challenges related to availability, child care was also seen as having become increasingly expensive, with participants reporting monthly costs ranging from $900 to $2100 per child, per month.

Asked if they were aware of any recent actions or announcements from the federal government related to child care, many recalled the agreements it had reached with each province and territory to provide $10-per-day, on average, child care throughout Canada. While supportive of the initiative to provide Canadians with more affordable child care, several expressed uncertainty as to the specific details of these programs. Speaking as parents, participants largely felt that they had not received much information about the implementation of these programs or the steps one would need to take to access them.

Informed that the Government of Canada’s plan was to lower the cost of child care to an average of $10/day and create 250,000 new child care spaces across Canada by 2025-2026, several expressed concern as to whether this commitment would be financially feasible for the federal government. Some expressed curiosity as to whether these programs would be open to all families, or if there would be different eligibility criteria based on income level. Concerns were also raised as to whether there would be enough early childhood educators available to accommodate the expected increase in parents accessing child care under this program, with a number of participants under the impression that there was already a shortage of skilled workers in this sector.

Discussing the potential impact of these agreements, a number of participants were uncertain as to the extent to which they would personally benefit. It was largely felt that while helpful at face value, many questions remained as to how and when these programs would become widely accessible for parents. Several expressed a desire for the development of a detailed timeline and action plan from the federal and provincial governments as a way to provide parents with clearer expectations as to when these programs would be implemented in their communities. All participants viewed the provision of affordable child care as an important priority for the Government of Canada. It was largely thought that the cost of raising a child had become increasingly expensive in recent years and any actions towards alleviating these costs represented a welcome development.

Focusing on supports and programs for parents more broadly, participants expressed enthusiasm for a number of existing initiatives targeted towards assisting parents with the additional costs of raising children. Specific programs mentioned included the provision of 12-month maternity leave, the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). Focusing on the CCB in particular, all participants indicated that they were aware of the program and were current recipients of it. Several spoke positively of the financial assistance the CCB provided, the perceived ease of the application process, as well as the benefit of not being subject to taxation. Suggesting areas for improvement, a small number expressed the opinion that the existing adjusted family net income (AFNI) thresholds were too low at present and needed to be re-evaluated to address issues such as high inflation and the rising cost of living. Asked how they would typically utilize the CCB benefit they receive, most identified child-related expenses such as diapers, food, savings for unexpected emergencies, or investments into their children’s RESPs.

Government of Canada Services (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)

In a group comprised of individuals who had recently utilized services provided by the Government of Canada participants discussed their service experience and offered suggestions for improvements. With respect to the types of services and interactions participants had experienced, many spoke about renewing their passports (or those of family members) via Service Canada. A few others had also recently interacted with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

While those who had dealt with the IRCC and CRA commented positively on their experience, almost all participants who had interacted with Service Canada, either in general or specific to passport renewal, were more critical in terms of the process and their interactions. Many reported experiencing long lineups when visiting offices in-person, commenting that it was necessary to begin queuing with other members of the public very early in the morning in order to be assured of speaking with a service representative at some point during the business day. For those who had submitted their applications and had yet to receive their passports, there was a general feeling of uncertainty as to how long this process may take. Many also recounted difficulties when it came to contacting Service Canada representatives for updates regarding the status of their passport applications.

Participants were shown a list of factors that could have implications for passport services and asked about their impact on any delays they had experienced or had heard about. This list included an increase in the volume of applications, a shift to more time-consuming mail applications, public health restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and a larger proportion of complex applications. Almost all participants felt an increase in the volume of applications was the primary driver behind the reported issues related to passport services. It was believed that many individuals had allowed their passports to lapse during the COVID-19 pandemic and that this had led to a significant backlog of renewal applications as increasing numbers of Canadians were now looking to visit destinations outside of Canada for the first time in two years. Several felt these challenges, combined with increasingly complex applications due to life changes during the pandemic (such as new addresses, changes in marital status, and new or additional dependents) had likely made passport applications somewhat more time-consuming to review and process. While few identified a shift to mail-in applications as a major contributor to these perceived delays, it was suggested that Service Canada should develop a more comprehensive and user-friendly tracking system which would allow applicants to easily check the status of their application online. All participants believed addressing these issues to be an important priority for the Government of Canada. In addition to increasing the number of staff, it was suggested that there were opportunities to further streamline and simplify the passport application process, including innovations such as allowing current passport holders to renew their passports online.

Housing (Atlantic Canada)

Participants residing in Atlantic Canada engaged in a discussion related to housing, with a specific focus on numerous housing-related initiatives announced as part of the 2022 federal Budget. Engaging in a series of exercises, participants were asked to evaluate various sets of initiatives, each focusing on addressing a specific challenge related to housing.

Among the first set of initiatives, which focused primarily on actions to increase the housing supply across Canada, a large number of participants identified the creation of a new Housing Accelerator Fund, providing funding to municipalities to build 100,000 homes across Canada, as a promising initiative. Many believed that a lack of available housing was the primary driver behind rising housing prices and expected that these efforts would go a long way towards improving housing affordability in several regions. The announcement of an additional $1.5 billion investment over two years for new affordable housing units for those experiencing homelessness or domestic violence was also popular among participants. It was largely felt that the federal government should prioritize those experiencing these challenges, and that a significant financial commitment such as this was a necessary step towards addressing this issue.

Numerous participants felt the initiative to allocate $216 million towards incentivizing developers to build new rental units charging less than the average rent in their areas to also be an effective component of the federal government’s housing strategy. Many identified increasing rental costs as a growing challenge for Canadians, particularly those residing in urban centres where rent was believed to have risen substantially in recent years. A number of participants also felt the provision of an additional $750 million in public transit funding to communities which commit their own funding towards building new housing to be an important initiative. Several believed that by taking this action, the federal government could increase the capacity and ridership of existing transit systems while also expanding these services into suburban and rural areas where public transit is currently less accessible.

Participants were next presented with a second set of priorities, this time focusing on the issue of housing affordability and creating additional pathways to homeownership for Canadians. On balance, most initiatives received a considerable level of support, with a number of participants expressing the view that all of these actions would likely have a positive impact towards improving housing affordability for Canadians. Several participants were especially supportive of those initiatives aimed at assisting first-time home buyers, such as the commitment to doubling First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC), the expansion of the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive, and (to a lesser extent) the creation of a new Tax-Free First Home Savings Account. It was felt by many that the significant costs of entering the housing market (typically including a sizeable down payment) represented the greatest barrier for prospective homebuyers and that by taking these actions, the federal government would be providing many with the additional financial support necessary to purchase their first home.

The allocation of an additional $200 million towards increasing rent-to-own housing options also received considerable support among participants. It was widely believed that many were currently struggling with high rent costs, and that this program represented an alternative pathway to homeownership for those currently finding it difficult to save up for a sufficient down payment. Many also spoke positively of the investment of $562 million towards organizations addressing homelessness, as well as an additional $62 million specifically addressing this issue among veterans. It was widely believed that these actions would provide a great deal of positive impact and represented the right thing to do on the part of the federal government.

Participants next evaluated a third set of initiatives, this time focused on protecting Canadians in the housing market. Among these, the initiative to end blind bidding received the highest level of support among participants. Several had personally participated in this process when buying their own homes and believed it had led to increased anxiety as well as pressuring them to submit higher than necessary bids to secure their purchase. The action to create new taxation penalties to stop landlords from “renovicting” tenants also received considerable attention from participants. Many recalled hearing first-hand accounts from loved ones who had been subject to this practice, believing it to be unfairly punitive to renters who would likely struggle to find affordable alternative housing.

Reflecting on their overall impressions related to the federal government’s housing plan, a number of participants expressed concern regarding the significant scope of these actions. Several were of the opinion that rather than pursuing such a wide range of initiatives, the federal government should instead focus on a few key priorities at a time. Asked, however, whether they felt it was realistic to expect the Government of Canada to be able to accomplish all of these initiatives, participants were mostly optimistic, believing that with enough time and commitment, all of these initiatives could realistically be implemented.

Cryptocurrency (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)

One group, comprised exclusively of individuals who owned cryptocurrencies, engaged in a wide-ranging conversation on their experiences with digital currencies. While a few participants had only recently learned about and invested in cryptocurrencies in the past year, others reported being aware of and engaged in the purchase and trade of currencies such as Bitcoin for many years. When asked how they typically obtained information about cryptocurrencies, most said they conducted their own online research via Google or followed subject matter experts on platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok. Several participants viewed cryptocurrencies as a high-risk/high-reward asset class and did not expect to rely heavily on them in their financial portfolios or in planning their financial future. By contrast, a few participants felt that digital currencies represented the future of financial investing.

Participants’ experiences with cryptocurrencies were mixed. A few described trading these financial instruments as fun and exciting due to the potential for high returns. Many, however, were of the view that cryptocurrencies represented an exceedingly risky investment. Expanding upon this point, some expressed concerns about a lack of involvement from the formal banking system. Several participants recalled having previously experienced significant fluctuations in their cryptocurrency portfolios, describing cryptocurrencies as tremendously volatile. Elaborating on their key concerns about cryptocurrencies, participants identified areas such as a lack of financial security, challenges related to the scalability of cryptocurrencies, the prospect of increased regulation of these currencies going forward, and a high degree of volatility within the cryptocurrency market.

On balance, most were opposed to further regulation of cryptocurrencies by the Government of Canada. While several were of the view that more regulation could be implemented, particularly of the major exchanges which facilitate the trading of large quantities of cryptocurrencies, they did not advocate for broader regulatory action across the sector. Nevertheless, several were concerned that mismanagement within these companies could lead to substantial losses for investors and that more could be done to ensure appropriate oversight of their operations. Almost all participants were concerned about the potential of scams involving cryptocurrencies. Related to this, most felt the Government of Canada should do more to educate Canadians regarding cryptocurrencies, especially in terms of how to recognize potential scams and invest in a responsible manner.

Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

One group engaged in a discussion regarding digital credentials and their potential implementation across Canada. Asked whether they were aware of the concept of a ‘digital credential’, very few were. To clarify, participants were informed that digital credentials represent a way for individuals to provide information about themselves electronically and that these credentials served as an electronic equivalent of physical documents.

While a number of participants thought that digital credentials might be a more convenient way for individuals to present their identification, many expressed concerns about the widespread usage of this technology. Several were worried about the security risks of storing sensitive personal information on their mobile devices, believing digital credentials could be vulnerable to hackers and/or at serious risk in the event that their device was lost or stolen. While most participants expressed a preference for continuing to use physical identification, it was felt by some that digital credentials may be useful as a companion to these physical cards so long as they did not replace them entirely.

Focusing on types of digital credentials that were already in use, several participants pointed to existing technology such as contactless digital payment options (such as Apple Wallet and Google Pay), pandemic-related tools such as digital proof of vaccination documents, and the ArriveCAN app. Several participants felt there to be potential for digital credentials to be utilized in fields such as healthcare, allowing patients to have all their medical information in one place as well as for parents to have an easily accessible record of their children’s medical history. Some also suggested that these credentials could have widespread security applications, combining technology and biometrics to provide an extra layer of protection for those seeking to gain access to secure areas such as residential buildings.

Asked to identify the benefits of using digital credentials, a number of participants believed using these would likely make it easier to update their information in the event of an address or name change, as this could be performed digitally and would no longer require the creation of a new physical card. A few also speculated that for those with a number of different identifications and qualifications all of their vital information could be consolidated in a single app rather than necessitating separate identification cards.

Prompted to share any concerns they may have related to this technology, several reiterated worries related to identity theft and the security of their personal data. Many also questioned who would be able to access this data and what protocols and regulations would be implemented to ensure it would not be utilized by third parties. Concerns were also raised that a widespread adoption of digital credentials might possibly be discriminatory towards low-income individuals, due to the high costs of associated technology required to present this information.

Asked what impacts they expected would be felt by a society in which digital credentials were widely used, a number of participants believed daily life would feel far more restricted and were skeptical of assigning such high responsibility to a single department or agency to manage these credentials (based on their perceptions that a government department would be managing all credentials). Some also expressed concern about the potential for older Canadians to feel isolated due to lack of familiarity with digital credentials and devices (in general), causing them to withdraw from a society in which this technology was widely adopted. It was thought that due to these factors, widespread adoption of digital credentials by Canadians may be difficult to achieve, especially among cohorts of society who may already be somewhat distrustful of public institutions.

Reconciliation (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

One group, comprised of Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta, talked through a number of issues related to reconciliation. Participants were shown information detailing several actions recently announced by the federal government to address concerns currently facing Indigenous communities.

Presented with the first set of initiatives, focusing on addressing past harms and discrimination related to Indigenous children, several spoke positively about the commitment to allocate $4 billion towards the implementation of Jordan’s Principle, which asserts that all Indigenous children should have access to the products, services, and supports they need, when they need them. It was expressed by a number of participants that accessibility to goods and services was limited in many Indigenous communities, and that funding such as this would likely go a long way towards addressing this issue and ensuring Indigenous children have all that they require. On balance, participants expressed support for all other initiatives shown, though a small number shared concerns regarding the commitment of $5.1 million towards ensuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) would be able to support community-led responses to unmarked burial sites. Some questioned the involvement of the RCMP in this process, especially given the perceived role played by the agency in the enforcement of the historic residential school system.

Participants were next shown a second set of initiatives, this time focusing on actions to support stronger and healthier Indigenous communities. While all initiatives received primarily positive reactions, participants were particularly interested in the Government of Canada’s commitment to provide $4 billion to support the development of housing in Indigenous communities. Speaking on housing, several were of the view that affordable housing was currently in short supply on many reserves and that much of the housing that was available was in poor condition and in need of repair. It was thought that improving the housing situation within these communities would likely have a positive impact on many Indigenous individuals. Participants felt that by providing those currently struggling with a solid foundation in the form of housing, these individuals would likely be able to improve other aspects of their lives, such as their economic and social wellbeing.

In addition to housing, several identified the perceived low quality of education at all levels to be one of the most pressing issues currently facing Indigenous communities and believed the initiative to provide $310.6 million towards ensuring Indigenous children living on-reserve receive a high-quality education would have a significant impact. A number of participants were of the opinion that the quality of education on-reserve could be greatly improved and hoped these investments would yield long-term benefits for Indigenous children going forward. It was suggested that this additional funding could be utilized to recruit skilled teachers and support staff to work in these communities, as well as to provide critically needed infrastructure upgrades for on-reserve schools.

The group was next shown a third set of initiatives, focusing on advancing self-determination and economic development for Indigenous communities. Several expressed interest in the commitment of $103.4 million from the federal government to provide opportunities for Indigenous communities to benefit from natural resource projects. It was widely felt that this represented a promising opportunity for Indigenous peoples to economically benefit from the land and resources in their area and could go a long way towards fostering sustainable job creation in these communities. It was also thought that this would provide Indigenous peoples with a greater sense of autonomy in terms of determining how these resources should be utilized going forward. A few reacted favourably to the announcement of $35 million to increase Indigenous communities’ participation in economic projects and specialized training opportunities delivered by Indigenous communities. It was expected that this would help stimulate economic growth and provide Indigenous workers with an expanded skillset to contribute to their local economies. Though believed to be a step in the right direction, a number of participants felt the amounts allocated to address major issues such as climate change and Northern economic development ($29.6 million and 15 million respectively) would not be enough to achieve tangible progress on these fronts.

Local Issues (Atlantic Canada)

Participants residing in Atlantic Canada briefly discussed issues related to their region, with a specific focus on key economic sectors/industries in their respective communities. Prompted to share which sectors they were currently employed in, participants identified areas such as education, financial services, restaurants and hospitality, and technology/software development. Asked if they believed there to be sufficient employment opportunities in their respective sectors, most felt this to be the case, with a large number commenting that there were several opportunities available, especially in the education, hospitality, and software development fields. The impression was added that a number of sectors were currently dealing with a shortage of skilled workers and that many employers had recently faced challenges in filling key positions.

Asked to identify the most important sectors for their local communities, participants from all provinces mentioned industries such as fisheries, tourism, and the public sector as important economic drivers across Atlantic Canada. Focusing on which sectors were in most need of support from the Government of Canada, several identified healthcare, believing perceived worker shortages had been acutely felt in this sector, leading to long wait times in emergency rooms and walk-in clinics and difficulties for many in accessing the care they require. A number of others thought greater assistance should be provided to small businesses, especially in the tourism sector which was felt to still be facing considerable challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Strategic Counsel

Contract number: 35035-182346/001/CY

Contract award date: December 16, 2021

Contract value: $2,428,991.50

Detailed Findings

Timeline of July & August Announcements

To help place the focus group discussions within the context of key events which occurred during the two months, below is a brief synopsis for the months of July and August 2022.

  • July 1-7
    • July 1. The Government of Canada announced an investment of $5.2 million, in addition to the funding announced in 2021, to support a new seniors centre in South Vancouver.
    • July 4. The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the plaintiffs in the Moushoom and Trout class actions reached and signed a final settlement agreement, which will provide $20 billion in compensation for First Nations children and families.
    • Focus group was held with the general population in Atlantic Canada (July 7).
    • July 7. The Government of Canada announced over $14 million in investments through the Community Efficiency Financing initiative to help recapitalize a home energy retrofit financing program in the City of Toronto.
    • July 7. The Government of Canada announced an investment of $10 million under a collaboration between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research with Heath Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The investment will seek to create a pan-Canadian platform to support research on outpatient medications for COVID-19.
  • July 8-15
    • July 11. The Minister of Transport announced the new Incentives for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles (iMHZEV) Program, which will extend over four years with approximately $550 million in program funding, to support the transition of Canadian businesses and communities to zero-emission vehicles.
    • July 12. In partnership with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the European Space Agency, NASA released the James Webb Space Telescope’s first full-colour science images and spectroscopic data.
    • Focus groups were held with those looking to purchase a vehicle in Quebec (July 12) and recent users of federal government services in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) (July 13).
    • July 14. Health Canada announced the authorization of the use of the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine in children 6 months to 5 years of age.
    • July 14. The Government of Canada and 22 First Nations communities in Quebec signed a $1.1 billion education agreement to allow communities to implement education programs that will support the academic success of First Nations students.
  • July 16-22
    • July 18. The Minister of Canadian Heritage announced the Government of Canada’s $17.7 million investment over a three-year period through the Canada-Northwest Territories Agreement on Indigenous Languages to increase the number of Indigenous-language resources available in the Northwest Territories.
    • July 18. The Government of Canada announced advance payments totalling over $870 million to the Government of British Columbia through the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) to support disaster recovery in the province.
    • July 19. The Government of Canada announced the resumption of mandatory random testing for travellers who qualify as fully vaccinated, arriving in Canada by air to four major Canadian airports.
    • Focus group was held with current cryptocurrency owners in the Lower Mainland region in British Columbia (July 19).
    • July 20. The Government of Canada announced the establishment of the National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials.
    • July 20. The Government of Canada announced approximately $40 million in federal funding to support 73 projects in Canada through Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP).
    • Focus group was held with Black Canadians in mid-size centres in Alberta (July 21).
    • July 21. The Government of Canada announced $200 million, through the Indigenous Community Infrastructure Fund (ICIF), in support of the Cree Nation Government and the Cree Nation Housing Strategy to provide more housing options to community members.
  • July 23-31
    • July 25. The Government of Canada announced a $29 million investment, over a seven-year period, to support housing priorities for Métis settlements of Alberta.
    • July 26. The Government of Canada announced over $384 million in funding to strengthen marine safety as the next phase of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan.
    • Focus group was held with the general population in mid-size centres in Quebec (July 27).
    • July 27. The Government of Canada announced over $33 million, over a five-year period, to support the Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness (STAR) program.
    • July 28. The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry announced a $17.6 million federal investment as part of the second phase of the Digital Literacy Exchange Program (DLEP) to support digital literacy skills training.
    • July 29. The Government of Canada announced a $15-million contribution to UNAIDS for 2023-2025.
  • August 1-8
    • August 1. The Minister of Health announced a total of $17.9 million for the distribution of HIV self-testing kits, as well as other methods of HIV testing, to improve access for populations disproportionately affected by HIV across the country (people living in northern, remote, or isolated [NRI] communities).
    • Focus group was held with those living from pay cheque to pay cheque in Eastern Ontario (August 4).
    • August 4. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced $20.5 million in funding from the Broadband Fund to support ten projects which aim to support the rollout of mobile wireless and Internet access services in Manitoba, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
    • August 4. The Government of Canada announced $41.8 million in funding from the Building Safer Communities Fund (BSCF) to the Government of Quebec to support gun and gang violence prevention and intervention activities in municipalities and Indigenous communities in the province.
    • August 5. The Government of Canada announced a temporary ban on the importation of restricted handguns.
    • August 5. The Governments of Canada and British Columbia announced over $29.5 million in joint funding to reduce and mitigate the risk of floods and slide events in 11 communities in British Columbia.
  • August 9-16
    • August 9. The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, Indigenous Services, and Northern Affairs issued a statement recognizing the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.
    • Focus group was held with Indigenous peoples in Alberta (August 9).
    • August 10. The Government of Canada announced a non-repayable investment of $10 million to support the in-person return of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).
    • August 10. The Minister of International Development announced a concessional loan of up to $120 million to support Jordan’s education sector and $25 million in international assistance.
    • Focus group was held with the general population in the Outaouais region in Quebec (August 11).
    • August 12. The Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion announced the doubling of the Government of Canada’s investments in Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, from more than $2 billion over a nine-year period to approximately $4 billion.
    • August 15. The Government of Canada announced up to $11.6 million in funding for 11 projects to address the financial empowerment of low-income adults.
    • Focus group was held with parents of children, aged 6 months to 4 years, in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) (August 16).
    • August 16. The Governments of Canada and Manitoba announced a joint investment of over $550 million for the second phase of upgrades to the North End Sewage Treatment Plant in Winnipeg.
  • August 17-23
    • August 17. The Minister of Finance announced the disbursement of $450 million in loans to Ukraine, through the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Multi-Donor Administered Account for Ukraine, to support the purchase of necessary heating fuel in advance of the winter months.
    • Focus group was held with those concerned about climate change (August 18).
    • August 18. The Government of Canada and the Grand Chief of the Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation announced the ratification of a Reconciliation and Rights Recognition Agreement. The Agreement aims to encourage and increase the First Nation’s participation in Parks Canada activities on the Wolastokuk, the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik.
    • August 18. The Government of Canada announced over $39 million in funding to support the construction of a regional mechanical wastewater treatment facility and collection network to service four communities (Niverville, Taché, Hanover, and Ritchot) in southeastern Manitoba.
    • August 23. The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry announced partnerships with two leading German automakers, Volkswagen AG and Mercedes-Benz AG to help secure Canada’s position as a leader in the manufacturing of electric vehicles and batteries. Both parties gathered for the signing of a Joint Declaration of Intent, committing Canada and Germany to collaboration in the export of clean Canadian hydrogen to Germany.
  • August 24-31
    • August 24. The Government of Canada announced the signing of the Safe Long-Term Care Fund (SLTCF) agreement with Alberta and an investment of over $115 million.
    • August 24. The Government of Canada announced over $19 million in investments from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to support research on environmental sustainability, health innovation, and artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.
    • Focus group was held with those in the middle class who are worried about the economy and employment (August 24).
    • August 25. The Government of Canada announced the signing of the SLTCF agreement with Manitoba and an investment of over $37 million.
    • August 26. The Government of Canada announced an investment of up to $45.3 million to improve efforts in preventing African swine fever from entering Canada and preparing for a potential outbreak.
    • August 29. The Government of Canada announced $5 million in funding for humanitarian assistance in response to the heavy monsoon rains and floods in Pakistan.
    • August 31. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced the implementation of a new 9-8-8 phone number for those who are in need of immediate mental health crisis and suicide prevention intervention.

Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)

At the outset of each group, participants were asked what they had seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada in recent days. Participants recalled a wide range of federal actions and announcements, including:

  • The announcement of a one-time, $500 Housing Affordability Payment to be provided to nearly one million low-income Canadians who were currently facing challenges related to the cost of housing;
  • A ten per cent increase to Old Age Security (OAS) pension payments to seniors 75 years and older, beginning in July 2022;
  • A projected increase to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for the 2022-23 benefit year, indexed to the rate of inflation. It was hoped this increase would assist low and middle-income families who were currently struggling due to the higher cost of living;
  • The first issuance of Climate Action Incentive Payments (CAIP) on July 15th, 2022 to individuals in eligible provinces. A number of participants in groups based in Ontario and Alberta recalled receiving these payments;
  • An announcement by the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard of a moratorium on directed cod fishing this year in the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence in efforts to rebuild and ensure the long-term viability of the Northern Gulf cod stock. This was mentioned by a few participants in the group from Atlantic Canada;
  • Inquiries by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regarding the causes behind a nationwide Rogers Communications outage. The outage began on July 8th, 2022, and lasted for several days afterwards, leaving millions of Canadians without phone or Internet services;
  • The decision by the Bank of Canada on July 13th, 2022 to raise interest rates by 1%. This action was believed by several participants to have been taken as a measure to curb the high rate of inflation at present; and
  • The announcement on June 2nd, 2022 of a $1.3 billion land claim settlement between the Government of Canada and the Siksika First Nation. A small number of participants in the group comprised of Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta (and who identified as being of the Siksika Nation) recalled the Prime Minister visiting their reserve as part of this announcement.

Additionally, a number of participants also mentioned items related to the Government of Canada’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other matters related to healthcare. These included:

  • The further loosening of pandemic-related travel requirements, including the removal (as of June 20th, 2022) of the requirement for individuals seeking to travel by air or rail within Canada to be fully vaccinated. A few participants in the group from Atlantic Canada spoke positively regarding this, believing this would likely increase the number of visitors to the region and aid in revitalizing the region’s tourism and hospitality sector;
  • The continued use of the ArriveCAN app for all travellers entering Canada. Some participants recalled hearing that the procedures associated with the app had been modified to decrease wait times at airports for incoming travellers;
  • Ongoing efforts by the Government of Canada to compel individuals who may have ineligibly received pandemic-related financial supports such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to repay these amounts; and
  • Concerns regarding the potential of a widespread outbreak of monkeypox, a viral disease reported to be spreading in many regions across the world. A few participants recalled hearing that Health Canada was closely monitoring the situation and advising caution among those groups most vulnerable to the virus.

Some also mentioned having heard about recent actions by the Government of Canada on the international front, including:

  • Continued support for the Ukrainian defence effort against invading Russian forces. These included the provision of financial and military aid, as well as the implementation of sanctions against various Russian and Belarussian individuals and entities;
  • The decision by the federal government to grant a time-limited and revocable permit to Siemens Canada to allow for the return of sanctioned turbines (repaired in Montreal) to Germany. The turbines were expected to subsequently be returned to Russia and put to use as part of the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline linked between Germany and Russia; and
  • An announcement by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would be bolstering its presence in Latvia as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) mission. These personnel were expected to assist in the training of Latvian forces, as well as participate in the development of increased defence preparation in the region.

Asked how they typically receive news related to the federal government, participants provided a wide range of responses. Many reported continuing to use traditional media sources such as television (CBC, CTV), radio, and local newspapers. Additionally, several recalled frequently utilizing digital platforms such as YouTube, Google News, and Apple News, as well as social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. A number of participants reported that they would also be likely to use official websites hosted by the federal government to learn additional details about items of interest to them as well as a way of verifying information they had encountered on social media or through word of mouth.

Federal Service Delays (Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec)

Four groups engaged in a discussion regarding federal services for Canadians, specifically focusing on reported delays related to the processing of passport applications/renewals, immigration applications, and travel-related difficulties at Canadian airports. On balance, most participants were at least somewhat aware of these issues, with many having seen related reports in the news or on social media.

Several recalled hearing accounts of long delays and travel-related difficulties at Canadian airports, including flight delays and cancellations, long security line-ups, and lost baggage. Some believed that these issues had been particularly felt by those travelling through major airports, with a few specifically mentioning Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto. While most were of the impression that these problems had been caused primarily due to staffing shortages, some expressed uncertainty as to whether these shortages were mostly on the part of airports, the airlines themselves, or both. In addition, a small number had heard that these difficulties had been exacerbated by the ArriveCAN app, which was perceived as causing further delays for travellers entering Canada.

Many were also aware of reported delays experienced by Canadians in applying for or renewing their passports through Service Canada. Several recounted having personally waited many months for their applications to be processed, with a small number still waiting for their renewed passports to arrive in the mail. Related to this, a number of participants expressed frustration regarding attempts to contact Service Canada regarding this issue. It was said to be exceedingly difficult to access a Service Canada representative, and that those who were able to make contact were often told there was no definite timeline as to when their application would be processed. In response to these issues, a few participants reported having postponed the process of applying for or renewing their passports altogether for the time being.

A small number of participants who had recently immigrated to Canada recalled that it had taken almost a year for their work visas to be renewed through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) after they had expired during the pandemic. This was thought to be a particularly frustrating issue given the perception that many parts of the country were currently experiencing a labour shortage which could potentially be mitigated through the processing of immigration and visa applications at a more expedient rate.

Asked whether they were aware of any recent actions taken by the Government of Canada to address these issues, while a small number recalled hearing that there had been efforts to recruit additional staff as well as modify the ArriveCAN process to make international travel more efficient, none could provide any specific details. Almost all were of the opinion that resolving these issues needed to be a priority for the federal government going forward. The ability to travel was viewed by many as both a personal and professional necessity and a large number believed that rectifying these issues was a primary responsibility of the Government of Canada. A small number felt differently, believing that travel-related issues were not key priorities at the moment, especially given concerns regarding the ongoing spread of COVID-19. While most thought further efforts should be taken to address these issues, it was acknowledged by several that extenuating factors such as widespread worker shortages may be at least partially outside the federal government’s control.

Foreign Policy Initiatives (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group, comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta, briefly discussed matters related to foreign policy initiatives by the federal government. Asked whether they were aware of any recent announcements or initiatives related to the Government of Canada’s foreign policy abroad, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine was top of mind for a number of participants. Several mentioned having heard about the federal government’s support (in partnership with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies) of the Ukrainian defence effort. Questioned whether they were aware of any activities to expand Canada’s diplomatic operations in Africa, while a few recalled the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Rwanda none were aware of any specific initiatives. No participants were aware of any actions taken by the Government of Canada to build stronger relationships with Caribbean nations through the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM).

Papal Visit (Alberta Indigenous Peoples, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Two groups discussed the recent visit by Pope Francis to Canada, spanning from July 24th to July 29th, 2022. Almost all participants were aware of the visit, with many hearing of it via traditional media outlets such as CBC and CTV, on social media, or through word of mouth from friends and family. In the group composed of Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta, a number of participants reported having personally experienced the visit, with some variously having attended the Holy Mass at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, volunteered at related events, or had family members who had met Pope Francis himself. Regionally, while most in the group from Quebec’s Outaouais region were of the opinion that this represented a positive step towards reconciliation, a small number questioned whether the money spent on the Papal visit might have been better allocated towards other pressing issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as the provision of clean drinking water on reserves. Participants in the group comprised of Indigenous peoples were more varied in their views. While a number of participants felt this visit had been beneficial and hoped it would help bring a sense of peace to survivors of the residential school system, it was felt by several that there had been a great deal of fanfare provided for what was expected to first and foremost be an apology on the part of the Catholic Church. A few took particular issue with the decision by leadership from the Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations to gift Pope Francis with a ceremonial headdress, believing this to be inappropriate given the past history between Indigenous peoples and the Church.

Focusing on what this visit and the Pope’s apology could mean for reconciliation going forward, participants were largely of the opinion that while this was a step in the right direction, far more work needed to be done to address long-standing issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada. Among those from the Outaouais region, it was hoped this would provide validation to Indigenous peoples for the suffering and trauma they and previous generations had endured. Several also hoped that the Catholic Church would continue to work with Indigenous communities, especially in terms of providing funding for the excavation of former residential school sites in search of additional unmarked graves. Most in this group, however, felt that as they were not Indigenous themselves, they did not have the lived experience required to properly comment on this issue. Among those in the group comprised of Indigenous participants, it was believed that Pope Francis’s apology was important for many elders in their community, especially those who were survivors of the residential school system. It was hoped this would provide these individuals with a sense of closure and the ability to heal and move forward. Some also expressed appreciation that this event had allowed Indigenous peoples across Canada a chance to voice their feelings, including those individuals who continued to feel anger towards the Catholic Church. It was hoped this visit and the attention it had generated would spur further federal action towards addressing issues such as living conditions on reserves, expanded mental health resources for Indigenous peoples and communities, and greater access and representation for Indigenous peoples within the federal government itself.

Government of Canada Priorities and Performance (All Locations)

All groups In July and August engaged in discussions on issues specific to their respective local regions, backgrounds, and/or broader concerns such as the cost of living and climate change. Participants shared their perspectives regarding what they viewed as the key factors driving these issues, as well as the degree to which the federal government had been successful in addressing them.

Participants in groups located within specific geographical regions (such as Atlantic Canada, Quebec, the Greater Toronto Area, and British Columbia’s Lower Mainland) were asked to identify areas which they felt needed to be prioritized to a greater extent by the Government of Canada. Commonly cited across all groups, a number of issues were identified as key priority areas. These included:

  • Healthcare – A large number of participants mentioned the healthcare systems in their respective regions/provinces. Many cited experiencing issues such as long wait times at emergency rooms and walk-in clinics, a perceived shortage of doctors and nurses, and challenges faced by many in finding a family physician. While acknowledging that healthcare was primarily a responsibility at the provincial level, it was felt by several individuals that more could be done at the federal level to help address these issues. Several participants also felt that mental health in particular needed to be prioritized to a greater extent, with greater funding at all levels allocated to address these challenges;
  • Housing affordability – Several participants also mentioned a perceived lack of affordable housing as a growing problem in their communities. Housing prices were thought to have risen considerably in recent years, with home ownership becoming increasingly out of reach for many Canadians. A few were also of the impression that homelessness, in their respective communities, had increased considerably in recent years; and
  • Inflation and the cost of living – The high rate of inflation and increasing cost of living were cited by a large number of participants. It was felt that the prices of essential goods such as groceries and gasoline had risen substantially as of late. Some said this has made it more challenging financially to make ends meet, compelling them to rethink their spending habits.

In addition to these frequently cited concerns, a number of participants spoke of issues specific to their local region, including:

  • Resource development – A number of participants from Atlantic Canada identified the development of non-renewable resources and further support for the oil and gas sector as an important priority for the federal government. It was thought that an increased focus should be placed on developing and utilizing domestic non-renewable energy sources. This was believed to be an especially pressing issue considering perceived high gasoline prices and interruptions to the global oil supply as a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
  • Official languages issues – A number of participants residing in Quebec raised concerns related to the use of official languages in the province. It was felt that more needed to be done at the federal level to ensure Anglophones living in Quebec had sufficient access to English-language education and services; and
  • Addiction and drug overdoses – A number of participants in the group based in B.C.’s Lower Mainland mentioned the ongoing opioid crisis within the province. Several were of the impression that illicit drug use and overdoses related to substances such as fentanyl had increased substantially in recent years and that not enough addiction treatment programs and facilities were in place to sufficiently address this issue.

Very few participants believed the Government of Canada was currently on the right track when it came to addressing the priority areas they had identified. While many had a negative overall impression of the federal government’s performance on these fronts, a number of participants felt they did not know enough about the actions taken by the federal government to determine whether it was handling these issues effectively. For most, it was felt that while the Government of Canada had begun to take actions to address important concerns such as housing affordability and the cost of living, these had produced little in the way of tangible impact thus far. Speaking more generally, several expressed the opinion that actions taken by the federal government were often reactive in nature, and that more needed to be done to anticipate the challenges Canadians would face before they become major issues. Suggestions put forward by participants were broad in scope and included a greater focus on long-term planning, implementing transparent metrics to evaluate the success of existing initiatives and programs, and greater oversight to ensure federal spending is conducted in a responsible and efficient manner. Focusing on worker shortages in key sectors such as healthcare, a number of participants suggested an acceleration of the credential recognition process for workers from outside Canada, making it easier for these individuals to work in their selected fields.

Cost of Living (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)

Four groups discussed a number of issues related to the cost of living at present. Asked if they could recall any major announcements from the Government of Canada on this front, several cited recent actions by the Bank of Canada to continue raising interest rates as a tool to curb inflation. Other initiatives recalled included the announcement of a 10% increase to Old Age Security (OAS) payments for seniors 75 and older, a one-time $500 housing affordability payment for some low-income Canadians, as well the announcement of a national dental care program projected to begin being implemented by the end of 2022.

All participants felt addressing the rising cost of living to be an important priority for the Government of Canada to focus on. Asked whether they felt the federal government was currently on the right track when it came to this issue, however, few believed this to be the case. Regionally, those in the group from Quebec’s Outaouais region were more positive in their assessment, while almost all in the groups from eastern Ontario, the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA), and mid-size centres in Quebec felt the federal government was headed in the wrong direction when it came to lowering the cost of living.

For the larger number who thought the federal government was currently on the wrong track when it came to addressing the rising cost of living, many were of the view that while some actions had been taken in recent months, these had not had any tangible impact on making life more affordable for Canadians. It was widely felt that the income of most Canadians was not currently keeping pace with rising prices and that, unless something was done to either raise wages or bring down essential costs, this problem would likely continue to persist. Several participants believed that federal actions towards addressing the cost of living should have been implemented earlier and that the Government of Canada had been too reactive in their approach, only acting once the issue had started making media headlines.

Among the smaller number who thought the Government of Canada was currently on the right track, initiatives such as the introduction of a national dental care program and the raising of interest rates by the Bank of Canada were again mentioned. Others spoke positively about the decision to discontinue pandemic-related benefits, such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), which was felt to have significantly contributed to inflation. A few also recalled recent housing affordability initiatives to assist first-time home buyers such as the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive and the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC), though did not reference these programs by name.

Focusing on what actions needed to be taken by the federal government going forward, a number of participants believed greater investments needed to be made towards making life more affordable for future generations of Canadians. This included reducing costs in areas such as housing and post-secondary tuition, which were believed to be increasingly expensive with each passing year. It was added that many young Canadians were currently being forced to take on significant debt in order to pursue post-secondary education or find a secure place to live, limiting their financial options as they enter adulthood. Several participants also called for higher taxes to be placed on large corporations, especially in sectors that were perceived as having profited financially from the COVID-19 pandemic (such as grocery stores, pharmaceutical firms, and other large retailers). It was believed that by taking this action, the federal government could utilize this increased revenue to offset some of the financial pressure of individual Canadian households. A few also hoped to see greater collaboration between the federal government and those governments at the provincial/territorial and municipal levels. It was hoped that such an approach would yield regionally-tailored solutions to address the economic challenges facing many parts of the country.

Job Creation (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Participants in two groups also discussed the topic of job creation and the current state of the labour market in Canada. While a small number were of the impression that some federal programs and grants had been made available to encourage increased employment in sectors such as healthcare and education, none could recall specific actions taken by the Government of Canada to spur job creation. A number of participants believed that there was currently a shortage of available workers in many regions of the country and questioned whether job creation was a top priority at present. Discussing further, several expressed the opinion that while there were many jobs available, these were not necessarily high-paying positions and may not be desirable to prospective employees, especially given the perceived rising cost of living. To address this, it was suggested that actions could be taken by the federal government to encourage businesses to offer higher wages. Some believed this could be done through the provision of wage supplements to small businesses, to assist them with the additional costs this would incur. A few also believed a greater emphasis should be placed on expediting the foreign credential recognition process for workers from outside of Canada. It was thought that many skilled workers arriving in Canada were unable to work in their fields of expertise due to approval delays of their credentials or the need for further training and certification to meet Canadian employment standards.

Asked whether they were aware of the current national unemployment rate, while a small number of participants speculated it was likely around 6%, none could provide a specific figure. To aid discussion, it was clarified that the current unemployment rate in Canada was around 4.9% and that this was the lowest level observed in the 40 or more years that Statistics Canada had been tracking this metric. While most believed this number to be encouraging at face value, many were skeptical as to whether it accurately reflected the true state of the Canadian labour market. Several put forward the view that while more Canadians may be employed now than in previous years, given the rising cost of living some may have to work multiple jobs in order to make ends meet financially. Others questioned whether this statistic included part-time and/or temporary work, believing this number may be somewhat misleading if this were the case. A few were also concerned that this relatively low unemployment rate may not fully take account of the economic ramifications brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic that were only now beginning to be felt. The view was added that if Canada were to enter an economic recession in the next year, the unemployment rate might be expected to rise substantially as a result.

Economic Issues (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

This group, comprised of participants who identified as middle class and were worried about the economy, discussed a number of economic matters, including the intersection between economic goals and potential actions to mitigate the environmental impacts of climate change. Asked whether they were aware of any recent actions by the Government of Canada to address economic issues, while recall was limited, a small number indicated awareness of the $10 per day (on average) child care agreements reached with the individual provinces and territories. Focusing on the federal government’s performance in addressing the economic issues facing Canadians, participants were largely negative in their appraisals, with all believing the Canadian economy was currently headed in the wrong direction. Several identified housing affordability as a major issue of concern, believing it was becoming increasingly difficult for Canadians to afford to purchase homes as well as to rent. A number of others spoke negatively of pandemic-related financial supports such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), expressing the opinion that these programs had been offered too widely and were provided to Canadians for too long. A number of participants expressed skepticism about the perceived emphasis placed by the federal government on transitioning to greener technology and practices. Asked if they believed there to be any potential economic benefits that may arise from green policies, the view was expressed that a stable environment and climate would be more conducive to a stable economy, and that addressing climate change was in the greater interest of all Canadians. A few took a more nuanced perspective, believing that while these policies may be beneficial in the long-term, they could put further costs on households who were already struggling with the cost of living. It was felt that this too would need to be addressed by the federal government as this transition towards greener policy continued.

Focusing on actions taken by the Government of Canada to help address climate change, though not by name a number of participants mentioned the Incentives for Zero-Emissions Vehicles (iZEV) Program and the Canada Greener Homes Initiative. Asked if they believed there to be a positive connection between economic and environmental initiatives as a strategy to address economic issues, most participants thought this was possible. It was also felt, however, that actions needed to be taken to ensure that the perceived additional financial burden associated with pursuing greener policies was not being placed on individual Canadians. Perceiving energy costs to be a potential concern for Canadian households, a few participants suggested making greater investments into alternative energy technology. Examples provided included nuclear power as well as an emphasis on developing non-renewable domestic energy sources, such as oil and gas. It was also thought that further resources could be allocated to expanding the accessibility and ridership of public transportation systems, believing this could bring about positive impacts for both the environment and the economy.

Participants were next shown a number of environmental initiatives pertaining to the economy that were recently announced by the Government of Canada. These included:

  • Driving down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector;
  • Investing in clean electricity; and
  • Helping industries develop and adopt clean technology to assist them in reaching net-zero emissions

Asked whether they felt these actions could also have economic benefits, most predicted that they would. It was thought that the initiatives to invest in clean electricity and assist industries in developing and adopting clean technology could lead to the creation of high-paying jobs and represented a growing sector in which Canada could be a global leader. A few participants also suggested the potential for the Government of Canada to export clean technology to other regions of the world, creating a financial benefit for the Canadian economy while also assisting with the challenge of reducing emissions in developing nations.

Environmental Issues (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Two groups of participants residing in Quebec shared their perspectives regarding the environment and the Government of Canada’s work to reduce the impacts of climate change. One group was derived of individuals from the general population, while the other was comprised of those who had previously identified as being personally concerned about climate change. All participants identified climate change as a top priority for the Government of Canada, with many believing it to be the most important area for policymakers to focus on. Several expressed the view that, if left unaddressed, climate change would negatively impact everyone. This was felt to be especially the case for future generations, who some worried would be left with an unliveable environment if tangible action was not taken. Rather than viewing the environment and the economy as being at odds, it was thought by many that it was essential to develop economic policies that work within the framework of sustainability. The view was added that environmental degradation would have a negative impact on every other aspect of society, including areas such as agriculture and energy generation, which were seen as essential for human survival. A few participants thought that a greater emphasis from the Government of Canada needed to be placed on encouraging greener practices on a global scale, believing international cooperation would be essential to mitigating the threat of climate change.

Asked what, specifically, within the broader topic of climate change they were concerned about, participants provided a range of responses. These included:

  • Pollution and environmental degradation – Several spoke of concerns related to what they viewed as the ongoing pollution of the environment, both from industrial activities as well as emissions produced by the everyday activities of Canadians. Many were especially concerned about the potential negative impact this has had on vital environmental systems such as the world’s oceans, as well as the quality of necessary conditions for life such as the air and soil;
  • Recycling and waste reduction – A number of participants felt more efforts should be taken by the federal government to implement more effective recycling practices throughout Canada. It was said that a more comprehensive recycling program would not only help to preserve the environment but would reduce manufacturing costs for those sectors able to utilize these recycled materials. It was felt that more needed to be done to limit the use of single-use items and emphasize a greater focus on more sustainable everyday practices; and
  • Increasing temperatures and extreme weather events – Some individuals also shared concerns regarding rising temperatures and the seeming increase in the prevalence of extreme weather events in recent years. A few were of the impression that temperatures, especially in the summer months, had risen on average in recent years and expressed concern about this trend continuing in the years to come. Some were specifically worried about the impact this issue might have on the livability of higher-risk regions of the country and the increased potential for dangerous weather events such as wildfires and mass floods.

Apart from the Government of Canada’s commitment to requiring that 100% of car and passenger truck sales be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2035, few participants in the group comprised of members of the general population could recall any recent news or announcements related to the environment. In the group of individuals concerned about climate change, however, several other initiatives were recalled. These included regulations regarding the prohibition of single-use plastics, financial supports for schools and businesses seeking to undertake energy saving and energy efficiency projects, grants for Canadian households looking to retrofit their homes through the Canada Greener Homes Grant (though not mentioned by name), and a greater emphasis on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro.

Participants were mixed in their opinions when it came to evaluating the actions taken thus far by the Government of Canada to address the threat of climate change. Most in the group of those concerned about climate change were generally positive in their assessments and all believed the federal government had improved in its management of this issue in recent years. The group of participants from the general population felt differently, with most believing the federal government to currently be on the wrong track in its handling of this issue.

Among those who thought the Government of Canada was headed in the right direction, it was believed that there had been a significant emphasis at the federal level on environmental initiatives such as transitioning towards renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and investing into greener technology, such as ZEVs and public transportation. It was generally felt that the federal government was doing the best it could to protect Canadians against climate change while also balancing other important priorities, such as the economy. A few participants also spoke positively about efforts to educate younger Canadians about the importance of the environment, believing the uptake of practices such as recycling, composting, and reducing one’s carbon footprint had been higher amongst this age group.

Among those who felt the Government of Canada was headed in the wrong direction when it came to addressing climate change, several believed the transition towards renewable energy was occurring too abruptly and that a greater focus should be placed on continuing to develop non-renewable resources such as oil and gas in the interim. A few participants raised concerns about the environmental impact of new technology such as ZEVs, expressing the impression that the raw materials utilized for the batteries of these vehicles were quite costly to acquire and doing so often involved harmful environmental practices (such as open pit mining). While most were in favour of eventually transitioning to renewable energy, it was thought this should be a gradual process rather than this perceived sudden shift approach. A small number felt otherwise, believing this transition was occurring too slowly and that greater efforts were needed to limit emissions in the immediate future to protect Canadians against the impacts of climate change. The view was also added that there should be a greater focus from the federal government on major emitters, such as large corporations, rather than emphasizing sustainability at the individual level. It was thought that even if the majority of Canadians committed to engaging in more sustainable everyday practices, the impact of this would be negligible if large-scale emitters were permitted to continue their current practices unabated.

Black Canadians (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group, comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta, engaged in a discussion about issues related to the Government of Canada as well as those specifically facing the Black community in Canada.

Prompted to identify issues facing Black Canadians more specifically, as well as actions which could be taken by the Government of Canada to address these concerns, participants identified two main areas in need of greater attention:

  • Greater support for Black-owned businesses – A number of participants believed that there was currently not enough federal support for Black-owned businesses. It was often viewed as more difficult for Black entrepreneurs to obtain the loans necessary to establish or improve their businesses. It was suggested that a greater focus should be placed on developing programs and increased funding specifically targeted towards assisting Black business-owners and entrepreneurs; and
  • Increased programming focusing on Canada’s Black community – Several believed that there were insufficient focus on the accomplishments and contributions of Black Canadians. Participants felt there were opportunities to enhance and increase programming regarding the legacy, history, achievements, and rich culture of Canada’s Black community. While supportive of initiatives to raise awareness of Canada’s colonial history and address issues facing Indigenous people, a few participants were of the view that the important contributions of other visible minority groups were not being profiled to the same extent.

Asked whether they could recall any past actions or initiatives undertaken by the Government of Canada related to these issues, it was widely felt by participants that little had been done specifically to support Black Canadians. While a small number were aware of the Black Entrepreneurship Program (BEP), it was said that the application process and criteria for accessing this support were overly burdensome and had limited the ability of Black Canadians to utilize this program. It was widely felt that more should be done to support not just Black Canadians, but all people of colour residing in Canada.

Several believed racism to be an ongoing issue in Alberta, as well as throughout the rest of Canada. Though thought to be less prevalent relative to other jurisdictions (such as the United States), many recalled being personally impacted by anti-Black racism. It was felt that numerous employers often gave less consideration to prospective candidates with ethnic-sounding surnames and that Black patrons tended to be treated differently than other Canadians when visiting restaurants or retail stores. While few participants had personally experienced this, it was thought that Black Canadians often experienced racial profiling by law enforcement officials, especially in larger urban centres. Almost all participants believed anti-Black racism to be a systemic problem in Canadian society, even if it often occurred in more subtle ways.

Focusing on ways in which the Government of Canada could help address this issue, it was reiterated that more could be done to provide further financial assistance for education and cultural programming spotlighting the culture, contributions, and history of Black Canadians. Related to this, it was suggested by several participants that these funding programs needed to be made more accessible, including less stringent criteria and a more straightforward application process. Participants suggested that the federal government help bolster provincial and territorial human right acts and codes to ensure Black Canadians and other people of colour would not face unfair discrimination from employers based on their backgrounds.

Indigenous Peoples (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

This group, consisting of Indigenous participants residing in Alberta, discussed a number of issues specific to Indigenous peoples. To begin this conversation, participants were asked to identify what they felt to be the top issues facing Indigenous peoples that required greater prioritization from the federal government. A number of responses were provided, including:

  • Clean drinking water – Several participants identified the lack of potable drinking water in a number of Indigenous communities as an ongoing issue requiring urgent attention from the federal government. A few believed that this represented a long-standing issue facing Indigenous peoples and should have been dealt with by the Government of Canada many years ago;
  • Residential school grave discoveries – Some also brought attention to the ongoing discoveries of suspected mass graves at former residential school sites. It was believed that greater efforts needed to be taken by the federal government into excavating these sites and holding those involved accountable;
  • Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) – It was also recommended that further emphasis be placed on investigations into the disappearances of numerous MMIWG in recent decades and addressing an ongoing pattern of violence against Indigenous women and girls;
  • Mental health – A number of participants felt challenges related to mental health to be a growing issue in their communities. This was felt to be a particularly significant issue facing Indigenous peoples due to the long-standing intergenerational trauma experienced by many related to the historic residential school system. Several viewed mental health resources as difficult to access in their areas and said that more needed to be done to ensure Indigenous people can receive the treatment they need; and
  • Treaties and land claims – A few identified addressing land claims between Indigenous Nations and the Government of Canada as an important priority. It was felt by these participants that more needed to be done to ensure existing treaties between Indigenous groups and the federal government were upheld and that the land rights of Indigenous peoples were acknowledged.

Asked whether they recalled any recent actions by the Government of Canada related to these issues, a number of participants reported hearing about actions related to resolving clean drinking water on reserves, as well as efforts towards addressing a number of the existing land claims. It was generally thought, however, that while some progress had been made on these fronts, there was a great deal of work still to be done. While a few participants also mentioned the availability of a number of federal grants and assistance programs for Indigenous peoples, it was felt that greater effort should be taken to expand the responsibility in allocating these resources to a number of ministries and departments, rather than primarily distributing them through Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). It was felt such an approach would likely provide more effective service provision for Indigenous peoples going forward. No participants felt the Government of Canada was currently on the right track when it came to addressing these priorities. While it was acknowledged that there had been a greater public focus on Indigenous issues in recent years, it was largely thought that little in the way of tangible progress had been made towards improving the overall quality of life in these communities.

Focusing specifically on the issue of clean drinking water in Indigenous communities, while a small number of participants recalled hearing about the implementation of a boil water advisory in Iqaluit in late 2021 and subsequent action by the federal government (including the deployment of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel) to resolve the issue, few other initiatives could be recalled.

To aid in conversation, participants were shown the following infographics detailing the work currently being undertaken by the federal government to lift long-term drinking water advisories on Indigenous reserves:

The image above depicts a selection of statistics and a bar graph demonstrating the progress made by the federal government towards lifting long-term drinking water advisories (LT-DWAs) on Indigenous reserves since November 2015. The top left portion of the image contains a water drop logo with a checkmark inside, accompanied by the text: ‘135 long-term drinking water advisories lifted since November 2015,’ in teal font, with the ‘135’ larger and in bold. Separated by a single dotted teal line, the top right contains text stating: ‘31 long-term drinking water advisories in effect in 27 communities,’ in teal font, with the ‘31’ and ‘27’ larger and in bold. The bottom two-thirds of the graphic depict a bar graph. The y-axis for the graph is ‘Number of LT-DWAs lifted or added’, the x-axis is ‘Total of LT-DWAs added’ and ‘Total of LT-DWAs lifted’, with a maroon and teal bar representing each, respectively. The data depicted on the bar graph is as follows: 2015 – 3 LT-DWAs added/4 LT-DWAs lifted, 2016 – 10 added/17 lifted, 2017 – 13 added/19 lifted, 2018 – 10 added/38 lifted, 2019 – 6 added/9 lifted, 2020 – 13 added/11 lifted, 2021 – 7 added/28 lifted, 2022 – 4 added/9 lifted’. The infographic was updated as of July 18th, 2022.

The image above is primarily comprised of a pie graph and accompanying statistics demonstrating the progress made by the federal government towards lifting long-term drinking-water advisories (LT-DWAs) on Indigenous reserves in recent years. The leftmost third of the image is a dark teal background with white text: ‘Progress on lifting long-term drinking water advisories,’ with the word ‘progress’ in larger font and emboldened. Above this text is a water drop logo with an encircled checkmark inside, and below is an Indigenous-inspired artwork in white, accompanied by the Indigenous Services Canada logo underneath it. In the bottom right of the image is the Government of Canada wordmark. The rest of the image is comprised of the pie graph depicting the progress made by the federal government on the matter thus far. The data is as follows: 82% – Advisory Lifted (dark teal), 8% – Project to address advisory complete, lift pending (light blue), 7% – Project to address advisory under construction (beige), 2% – Project to address advisory in design phase (light purple), and 1% – Feasibility study being conducted to address advisory (maroon).

Upon receiving this information, a number of individuals spoke positively about the progress that had been made on this issue, with a few citing the lifting of 82% of all drinking water advisories as an especially important development. Several, however, were more skeptical. They questioned whether the lifting of these advisories represented a permanent fix to the clean drinking water issues or whether it was likely that these concerns would arise again in time. A small number were of the opinion that sufficient progress would not be made until all Indigenous communities had access to clean drinking water, believing this to be a basic necessity of life and the bare minimum in terms of achieving a quality standard of living. Asked whether seeing this information had changed their opinions regarding the progress made by the Government of Canada on this front, a few felt that it had, sharing the view that the water quality in their own communities had improved considerably in recent decades. While no participant felt that challenges related to clean drinking water had worsened as of late, several reiterated the view that water was of the utmost importance to these communities. They believed a greater focus needed to be placed, not just on ensuring that all Indigenous peoples had access to clean drinking water, but that these resources continued to be protected in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.

Financial and Economic Issues (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

Participants in four groups shared their views on various financial and economic issues. In two groups, the discussion centered mainly on participants’ personal financial circumstances and their reactions to a series of measures announced by the Government of Canada to support Canadians. The conversation in another two groups focused on broader economic goals and priorities for Canadians, as well as participant perceptions regarding the current state of the Canadian economy as well as their outlook for the future.

Economic Priorities and Terminology (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried about the Economy)

Priorities for Canada’s economy were discussed in a group comprising residents from Nova Scotia who were worried about the state of the economy. To begin, participants were asked to identify which economic issues they felt needed further prioritization from the federal government. A wide range of issues were cited, including:

  • Inflation and the cost of living – Several participants identified rising inflation and increases in the cost of living as a top concern. It was felt that the price of essential consumer goods such as groceries and gasoline had risen considerably in recent months and that this trend was likely to continue for the foreseeable future. A number of participants pointed to high fuel costs as a particularly pressing issue, commenting that the rise in input costs was adversely affecting the manufacturing and transportation sectors and would eventually be felt more keenly by average Canadians. A few participants expressed fears that Canada may be headed towards a recession within the next year;
  • Housing affordability – A number of participants were also concerned about housing affordability, noting that the prospect of home ownership had become increasingly out of reach for many Canadians. This was felt to be an issue of particular concern for younger Canadians as participants thought it was becoming increasingly onerous to amass the down payment required to purchase a home;
  • Worker shortages – Some were concerned about a lack of skilled workers in Canada, and the healthcare sector was specifically mentioned in this regard. Similar to participants in other groups, it was suggested that the federal government should consider expediting the credential recognition process for those arriving from outside Canada. A few believed that more emphasis should be given to engaging the skills of Ukrainians who had recently come to Canada to escape the conflict in their homeland; and
  • Domestic production – A small number also recommended that a priority be placed on increased domestic manufacturing capability. These participants felt that the pandemic and the crisis in eastern Europe had exposed issues within Canada’s manufacturing sector, specifically an overreliance on goods produced outside of Canada.

Within the context of this discussion, some participants also raised the issue of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. They commented on the urgent need to address various economic and social issues affecting Indigenous communities in Canada, including a lack of clean drinking water on some reservations.

Participants were shown several phrases describing various types of approaches to economic development and asked how they interpreted each:

  • A fair economy;
  • A green economy;
  • A progressive economy;
  • An economy that works for all Canadians; and
  • An inclusive economy.

Focusing first on a fair economy, participants largely thought this referred to an economy in which every individual had an equal opportunity to participate, and that one’s success would be determined by merit. Several viewed this as an economy in which competition would be encouraged and career advancement would be closely linked to one’s work ethic and contributions.

Several envisioned a green economy as one which would be centered around innovations such as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), comprehensive recycling and waste reduction programs, a shift away from single-use plastics, and a focus on renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro. Some also felt this meant that all economic activity would be encompassed within an overarching framework of sustainability and that individual Canadians would be encouraged to engage in activities that would reduce their carbon footprint.

Participants largely imagined a progressive economy would be one in which innovation would be encouraged. They viewed it as an economic structure whereby entrepreneurs and small business owners would be financially incentivized and supported by the federal government through loans and grants. In addition, it was suggested that such an economy would likely include universal healthcare and pharmacare, affordable post-secondary education, and investments in infrastructure with an eye toward building a more resilient future.

A number of participants believed an economy that works for all Canadians described a system in which all Canadians would be supported, from both an economic and social perspective. It was thought that such an economy would include an expansion of social welfare and assistance programs in addition to greater investments in education, ensuring all individuals would have an opportunity to succeed. Some also thought that this type of economy would have a focus on reducing wealth inequality among Canadians, as well as ensuring full participation in Canadian society by marginalized groups such as seniors and those living with disabilities.

Many felt that an inclusive economy would be one in which all individuals, regardless of gender, background, or socioeconomic status would be able to prosper and succeed. Participants viewed this as an economy free of barriers to participation, and one in which any Canadian could potentially lead an organization rather than being excluded simply due to preferential treatment, such as cronyism. Some also commented that inclusivity was inherently a part of the other types of economies discussed earlier.

Having shared their initial impressions, participants were next asked to indicate which of these economic frameworks the Government of Canada should be aiming to build going forward. By a wide margin, participants exhibited a preference for the prioritization of a fair economy and an economy that works for all Canadians. It was felt by several that these two concepts shared a great deal in common and would likely lead to a system in which all Canadians could benefit and be rewarded for their efforts. A few clarified, however, that while they hoped to see an economy built in which all individuals had equal opportunity, they did not want to see anybody rewarded for not contributing and spoke negatively of the establishment of programs such as a Universal Basic Income (UBI). While very few selected the other options available, it was thought that values such as inclusiveness, progressiveness, and a green transition would likely be incorporated into a fair economy as well as one which works for all Canadians. Asked if they felt the incorporation of any of these economies would have an impact towards addressing the economic concerns they had identified earlier, several felt it would be a step in the right direction. Most, however, were of the view that the economic problems facing Canadians such as inflation and the rising cost of living were quite complex and would not be rectified solely by a change in strategy. A few were of the opinion that some economic issues, such as those influenced by geopolitics and overseas conflicts, were outside the Government of Canada’s control and that there was little that could be done on these fronts apart from adapting as best as possible.

Participants were asked to evaluate the terms supporting the middle class and supporting workers and identify what differences, if any, they felt existed between the two concepts. While some perceived there to be partial interrelation between the terms, in that middle income individuals included workers, it was largely felt that ‘workers’ was more of a broader term that included lower income Canadians and those living below the poverty line, not just the middle class. Asked how the Government of Canada could better support workers, participants suggested more thorough enforcement of workplace safety standards, increased financial supports for those with longer-term disabilities, greater education provided at the secondary level towards improving financial literacy among Canadians, and efforts to raise the minimum wage as well as wages in general for all workers. Focusing on ways the federal government could support the middle class more specifically, participants suggested actions such as lowering income taxes, further measures to reduce the cost of child care, and greater financial support for those required to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for their jobs.

Asked briefly to share their impressions of the terms labour force and workforce a number of participants felt these categories to be more or less synonymous with one another. While most were of the opinion that the terms were quite similar, a small number speculated that while ‘workforce’ may encompass all workers, ‘labour force’ might possibly be a specific term referring to those individuals whose jobs required physical labour as part of their responsibilities.

Personal Financial Outlook (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)

Responses varied across the two groups when asked about their financial situation and specifically whether it had changed over the last year. Most participants in the group based in Quebec felt their situation had remained unchanged. By contrast, a larger portion in the group from Eastern Ontario generally believed their financial situation had worsened over the last year, though a smaller number commented that their circumstances had remained unchanged or had improved.

Among those who felt their economic situation had worsened over the past year, many cited inflation and the rising cost of living as the primary factors. Many also reported that their wages had not kept pace with the rate of inflation and that it was becoming increasingly difficult to afford essential goods and services. A few participants specifically commented on the affordability of nutritional food options which they found were now less accessible to them as a result of increasing prices for these items in recent months. Participants also spoke about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their financial situation. Some had lost their jobs or were temporarily out of work and were accessing savings or using debt financing in order to make ends meet month-to-month. Even among those who had said they had subsequently regained full-time employment several commented that they continued to face financial pressures as they attempted to rebuild their savings while also coping with rising inflation. Some mentioned that ongoing financial struggles have had a negative impact on their overall mental health.

For participants whose financial situation had improved over the past year, many attributed this to their ability to continue to work during the pandemic or a recent return to full-time employment. Some also reported having recently received wage increases, allowing them to eliminate a portion of their personal debt and begin to build up savings. Speaking more generally, a few participants were of the view that the pandemic had strengthened the economic conditions for local businesses in their community. It was their perception that remote working, and a reduction in those commuting to major urban centres, had contributed to an increase in spending by residents in their local area.

Among participants who commented that their financial situation was unchanged, several expressed concern over the continued high rate of inflation and worried that their financial situation may begin to weaken if this trend continued. A few were especially concerned about the impact of inflation and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine on energy costs and were projecting an increase through the winter months.

Looking ahead over the next year, participants were asked if they felt their situation would likely improve, worsen, or stay the same. Participants were again varied in their responses. Participants in the group conducted among those based in Quebec were largely optimistic, with about as many anticipating that their situation would improve as those who expected it to remain much the same. By contrast, very few participants living pay cheque to pay cheque felt their circumstances would improve or get worse. On balance, the sense among this group was that their financial situation would likely remain unchanged. Though many of these participants expressed concern about inflation, a few were optimistic that the situation would begin to improve in 2023. Those who were more pessimistic expected that ongoing supply chain issues combined with increasing transportation costs would continue to put upward pressure on the price of goods and services to consumers. They felt that this, in turn, would drive up the cost of living and place immense pressure on Canadians and Canadian families.

Canadian Economy (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)

One group comprising cryptocurrency owners engaged in a discussion about the Canadian economy. Most participants were negative in their outlook, citing inflation and market volatility (specifically, related to the domestic securities market) as key concerns. They described the current state of the economy as unstable, volatile, and stagnant. Some worried that Canada’s economy was highly exposed and could be adversely affected by a number of disruptive forces, including the emergence of another pandemic or public health emergency, expansion of the conflict in Eastern Europe, or downturn in vital sectors of the economy such as the housing market.

A smaller number held a more positive view, commenting that Canada’s economic situation had been improving and had recovered significantly following the COVID-19 pandemic. These participants described the economy as growing and sustainable. This more optimistic outlook was predicated on a view that Canada’s rich natural resources and the potential of its agriculture and agri-food sector positioned the Canadian economy to withstand economic shocks resulting from wider global events. There was also a sense that North American economic integration and Canada’s strong and unique trading relationship with a powerful economy such as the United States would be a positive factor for the long-term outlook of the economy.

Asked if economic conditions in Canada had changed over the last year, most believed the economy had declined. Participants commented on rising inflation and wages that had not kept pace with the cost of living, in addition to perceived labour shortages among the skilled trades. On this latter point, the impression of some participants was that pandemic-related supports such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) had served to discourage some from returning sooner to the labour force. For the few who believed the economy was now in better shape, there was a sense that Canada had weathered the pandemic reasonably well, that Canadians were returning to work in large numbers, and that the financial outlook for many would improve through 2022.

Looking ahead, almost all participants expected Canada’s economy to worsen over the course of the next year. Several were concerned about the risks of a crisis in Canada’s housing market and the possibility of Canada sliding into a recession in 2023. Some were specifically concerned about the state of the U.S. economy, believing it to be increasingly volatile. It was felt that any downturn in the American economy would have serious ramifications for the Canadian economy as well. Several were also concerned about labour shortages in vital sectors such as healthcare and education and anticipated that this situation would worsen. Additionally, a few commented on the impact of growing climate-related challenges, specifically underscoring the linkages between climate-related disasters and economic disruption or dislocation.

Focusing on actions the Government of Canada could take to address the economic challenges facing Canadians, several suggested placing a greater emphasis on the development of domestic natural resources, including non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas. It was felt that given that the economic consequences are still being felt in the wake of the pandemic, the federal government should prioritize developing an economy centered on increased self-sufficiency and domestic production. In addition, it was thought that efforts could be taken to accelerate the pace of foreign credential recognition, ensuring a more expeditious process for foreign workers to gain status in their field of expertise. They felt doing so would address serious labour shortages in key sectors of the Canadian economy. In addition, several participants commented on the need to enhance financial literacy among Canadians and suggested that this should be embedded as part of the standard secondary school curriculum.

Affordability Measures (Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque)

Participants in one group discussed a number of measures recently announced by the Government of Canada to help support Canadians. These included:

  • A new dental care program for families with an income of less than $90,000 annually, beginning with children under 12 in 2022. This program was expected to begin with under 12-year-olds in 2022, before expanding to under 18-year-olds, seniors and persons living with a disability in 2023, followed by full implementation by 2025. The program is restricted to families with an income of less than $90,000 annually, with no co-pays for anyone under $70,000 annually in income;
  • Increasing benefits to match inflation (indexing) (benefits include things like the Canada Child Benefit, the GST Credit, the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement);
  • Increasing Old Age Security payments by 10% for seniors aged 75 or older;
  • Increasing the amount that eligible Canadians may receive through the Canada Workers Benefit (low-income single individuals can receive up to $1,395 for the basic amount; low-income families can receive up to $2,403); and
  • Providing a 50% reduction in average parent fees for licensed early learning and child care by the end of 2022.

Participants were aware of some of the above-noted measures, specifically the national dental care program, the indexing of certain benefits to match the rate of inflation, and increases to the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB). They recalled having heard about these measures primarily via word-of-mouth, traditional broadcast media such as CTV and CBC, and through social media.

Most felt the implementation of a national dental plan would have the most immediate positive impact on their personal financial situation. Several were also supportive of the indexing of benefits to keep pace with the rate of inflation and felt this would be beneficial. Participants were hopeful that by taking these actions the Government of Canada would be able to assist in reducing the financial stress believed to be facing many low and middle-income households. While some thought other initiatives such as enhancements to Old Age Security (OAS), and more affordable child care would likely be helpful for others, few expected they would personally benefit from these actions.

Participants were then shown a second set of announced initiatives specifically focused on addressing the issue of housing affordability in Canada. These included:

  • A new Housing Accelerator Fund providing money to municipalities to build 100,000 new homes;
  • A one-time $500 payment to Canadians facing housing affordability challenges;
  • A Tax-Free First Home Savings Account allowing prospective first-time homebuyers to save up to $40,000 tax-free to put towards their purchase; and
  • Doubling the existing First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000

While few were previously aware of these initiatives, several recalled hearing at least some details about the new Housing Accelerator Fund, the one-time $500 affordability payment, and the introduction of a new Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA).

On balance, participants responded positively to these initiatives, although they expressed some uncertainty as to whether they would or could personally benefit. Most believed that the Housing Accelerator Fund would help to increase the housing supply across Canada, while programs such as the FHSA and the doubling of the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC) would be advantageous for those looking to enter the housing market, especially younger Canadians who have seemingly had a longer time horizon to accumulate savings towards the purchase of their first home.

After reviewing and discussing the various initiatives many participants reported feeling more optimistic about the current economic situation. While some felt the impact of these initiatives would not necessarily be felt for many years, they were nevertheless reassured that the federal government had committed to taking these actions.

Asked what more could be done by the Government of Canada to assist those whose financial situations were somewhat more precarious, participants put forward the following suggestions:

  • Support directed at improving the ability of families to purchase nutritional foods – some felt it was particularly critical to ensure the overall health of younger Canadians;
  • Initiatives aimed at increasing the number of higher-paying jobs available to Canadians; and
  • Debt relief or forgiveness, particularly for those paying off student loans.

COVID-19 Outlook and Vaccines (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, GVA Parents of Young Children)

Three groups discussed a number of issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including participant perspectives regarding the Government of Canada’s handling of the pandemic, views on past and present public health measures, and opinions related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 Perspectives (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians)

One group comprised of Black Canadians residing in Alberta shared their opinions regarding the federal government’s management of the pandemic to date, as well as the effectiveness of public health requirements implemented to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Asked to identify areas where the Government of Canada had been successful in its response to the pandemic, a number of participants mentioned financial assistance programs such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). It was thought that these supports had been critical in ensuring Canadians were able to continue to make ends meet financially, especially for those whose income had been impacted by lockdowns and other public health measures. Focusing on aspects of the federal government’s response which could have been improved upon, several mentioned what they perceived to be a general inconsistency in the approaches taken by individual provinces/territories towards the pandemic. Some felt that the federal government could have provided stronger guidance to provincial/territorial public health authorities regarding how best to respond to the pandemic, focusing on fostering a more unified, national approach to combatting the virus. Additionally, a small number were critical of federal vaccination mandates, believing many in federally regulated industries had lost their jobs unfairly due to their decision to not get vaccinated.

Focusing on COVID-19 public health requirements, participants were asked whether they felt measures such as requiring international travellers to be vaccinated, mandating facemasks at airports and on planes, and implementing randomized testing for travellers arriving in Canada were still necessary to have in place. Participants were mixed in their responses; some believed existing restrictions could be removed with minimal risk to public safety and were of the impression that other jurisdictions, including the U.S., had already done so with little negative effect. A roughly equal number, however, felt measures such as wearing facemasks and vaccine requirements for international travellers were important to maintain, especially as travel increased during the summer months. Among these participants, concerns were raised regarding the potential for the COVID-19 virus to continue to mutate and produce new variants of concern, and that so long as the virus remained highly contagious, these measures remained necessary.

Prompted to consider what daily life may be like in the summer of 2023 in the event that COVID-19 remained an issue, few participants expressed concern about possibly contracting the virus, while many were worried about the potential of increased restrictions being implemented. Several were of the view that the return of public health measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, and limits on social gatherings and activities would lead to increased mental health challenges for many and a breakdown of communities which were still believed to be rebuilding after the disruption of the past two years. It was suggested the reimplementation of restrictions would also have a potentially negative impact on education in the event that students were once again no longer able to attend in-person classes. A small number were also concerned about the impact that increased restrictions would potentially have on the global supply chain and economy as a whole. While no participants wished to see further public health measures implemented, several expected this would likely occur if the situation surrounding the virus worsened considerably in the autumn and winter months. A few expected that any new public health measures would likely focus primarily on those who had not been vaccinated or were not up to date on their vaccinations.

When asked if changing public health requirements and protocols over the course of the pandemic (such as wearing facemasks, social distancing, and vaccination mandates) had altered their opinions regarding the benefits of following these measures, a few participants felt this to be the case. A number of participants felt comfortable following the evolving guidance from Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer as well as the Chief Medical Officer at the provincial level and did not see an issue with practices changing as the understanding of the virus increased. While a few reported that they had been less vigilant regarding the extent to which they follow public health measures, this was primarily due to diminished concern regarding contracting the virus rather than a response to changes in public guidance. Questioned whether they continued to wear facemasks in public settings, a larger number of participants reported no longer doing so than those who were. Of those who continued to wear masks, while a small number reported wearing the N95 facemask, most typically opted for disposable procedure or cloth masks.

COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Booster Dose’ (Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid size-Centres Quebec)

Two groups shared their experiences and perspectives regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, with a particular focus on the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, also known as a ‘booster dose’. While all participants had received their initial two doses of the vaccine, when asked if they had received a booster dose, a greater number of participants had not compared to those who had done so. Regionally, slightly more in the group from Quebec had received their third dose than those residing in Alberta. For those who had received a COVID-19 booster dose, reasons for having done so included a desire to protect themselves and their loved ones, plans to travel internationally, and work-related reasons, with some anticipating a third dose would eventually be required as part of future vaccine-related mandates. Among the larger number who had not received a booster dose, many felt there was not much point in doing so, believing it would do little to curb the spread of COVID-19. Several were also of the impression that the current COVID-19 vaccines had been designed specifically to combat the virus in its original form and were less effective against newer variants (such as Omicron) that had emerged following the vaccine’s development. A few indicated that if an updated vaccine was available which focused on newer variants or provided longer-term protection, they would be more open to receiving a third dose. A small number of participants were adamantly opposed to receiving any additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, expressing skepticism of the necessity of doing so and a general lack of trust in corporations such as Pfizer and Moderna, which they viewed as being primarily focused on financial profits rather than public health.

Asked if they believed vaccinations and booster doses prevent infection and/or serious illness from COVID-19, participants were mixed in their responses. While most in the group from Alberta believed the vaccine provided at least some protection against the virus, those residing in Quebec were more split, with a roughly equal number perceiving the vaccine as effective as those who were more skeptical. Clarifying further, several said that while they felt the vaccine had been helpful thus far in reducing serious illness and death, it did not provide all-encompassing protection. A number were of the impression that even individuals who were fully up to date on their vaccinations were still at risk of severe outcomes related to contracting COVID-19. Some were also of the view that the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccinations and booster doses varies with the physical health and medical history of the individual, as well as the specific variant of the virus they are infected with. Discussing vaccinations more generally, almost all were of the view that vaccines and booster doses were generally useful in preventing infection and serious illness (especially for those who were immunocompromised or otherwise vulnerable), even if they harboured some doubts regarding the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine more specifically.

While few reported feeling comfortable with the prospect of contracting COVID-19, several reported being resigned to the expectation that they would likely become infected with the virus at some point in the future. In addition to the potential negative health outcomes associated with contracting COVID-19 for themselves as well as their loved ones, several were worried about the interruptions an infection may have on their work and ability to earn an income. Some were less concerned, believing the risk presented by COVID-19 to be similar to that of a common cold or influenza. When asked if they were worried about any potential side-effects related to COVID-19 vaccines, most participants were not. For those who were concerned, issues such as blood clots, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), and strokes were cited as potential risks they believed to be associated with the vaccine. A few expressed concerns specifically related to young children receiving the vaccine, believing this could have a negative impact on their immune systems, which were still in the process of developing.

COVID-19 Vaccine for Children (GVA Parents of Young Children)

In this group, parents of children aged between 6 months and 4 years briefly discussed the COVID-19 vaccine for children. It was clarified for participants that, as of July 14th, 2022, Health Canada had approved the use of the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine for children within this age range. Asked whether they had gotten their children vaccinated or made an appointment to do so, no participants had. While a small number reported that they would likely book an appointment in the near future, most participants were inclined to delay doing so for the time being.

Asked to share any concerns that were influencing their decisions to not vaccinate their children at this time, several cited what they perceived to be a lack of a long-term track record related to the vaccine. As such, it was felt that not enough was known about the potential side-effects, especially in children whose bodies were still developing. While a number of participants expressed that they would likely get their children vaccinated against COVID-19 at some point, most were in no rush to do so. This sentiment was in part influenced by the general impression that the virus was becoming less dangerous with each additional variant and that the overall risk to young children remained exceptionally low. A few said they would likely defer to the guidance of their family physician when deciding whether or not to get their child vaccinated. Related to this, some asked whether there was an ideal time in their child’s development to receive the vaccine to provide the greatest protection. For the small number who planned on getting their child vaccinated in the immediate future, they felt that the vaccine would provide them with the peace of mind that their family was as protected against the virus as possible.

Environment and Climate Change (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Participants in three groups engaged in conversations related to the environment and climate change. A number of topics were discussed, including zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), the federal carbon pricing system, personal actions that can be taken to address climate change, and the Government of Canada’s recently announced Emissions Reduction Plan.

Zero-Emission Vehicles (Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle)

This group, comprised of participants residing in Quebec who were expecting to purchase a vehicle within the next five years, discussed ZEVs. Describing their current primary means of transportation, most relied upon gasoline-powered vehicles, while a smaller number reported owning electric or hybrid-type vehicles. Some also reported occasionally utilizing public transportation or self-powered options such as bicycles. For several participants, the desire to purchase a new car was primarily driven by lifestyle changes (such as having children) while others were looking to upgrade from their current vehicle. All participants indicated that affordability, both in terms of the price of the vehicle as well as fuel costs, was a leading consideration influencing the type of vehicle they would decide to purchase. Other important factors mentioned by participants included environmental considerations as well as the ability to repair one’s own vehicle rather than having to rely upon the manufacturer. Questioned specifically if fuel efficiency was important to them, all indicated that it was. Most viewed current gasoline prices as a growing concern for their community. This was felt to be particularly the case for those living in more rural areas who often had to drive long distances as part of their everyday activities. Several attributed the recent rise in gasoline prices to global events such as the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe. A number of participants expressed concern that fuel costs may continue to rise in the future, and a few suggested the federal government should consider further developing domestic oil and gas resources to ensure a greater level of energy self-sufficiency.

Asked if they were contemplating purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle, almost all participants indicated that they were. Several were looking to purchase a fully electrically powered automobile while a smaller number were considering a hybrid vehicle. For most, affordability and environmental considerations were cited as the primary drivers behind their purchasing decisions. While a small number reported owning a ZEV, no participant could provide a precise definition for the term. To aid in conversation, participants were provided with the following information:

A ZEV is a vehicle that has the potential to produce no tailpipe emissions. They can still have a conventional internal combustion engine, but they are also able to operate without using it. Examples of ZEVs include battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Essentially, an electric vehicle is a type of ZEV; a hydrogen fuel cell is another type of ZEV.

A large number identified a perceived lack of affordability as a key barrier that might potentially influence their decision as to whether to purchase a ZEV. It was widely thought that, even with subsidies such as the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program, these types of vehicles remained quite costly and were likely prohibitively expensive for many Canadians. Others also mentioned a perceived lack of charging stations (especially outside of urban centres) as well as outstanding questions related to the distances these vehicles can travel as well as how they would fare in the extreme cold experienced in several regions of the country during the winter months. A small number also cited a lack of variety in the brands and types of ZEVs available, believing the selection available to Canadians to currently be somewhat limited.

Almost all participants felt it important for ZEVs and/or ZEV parts to be made in Canada. Several expected that investments in the domestic manufacturing of ZEVs would be beneficial for Canada’s economy, especially as the adoption of these vehicles became more widespread. It was thought that by investing in this sector, the Government of Canada could position the country as a leader in ZEV manufacturing and reap the economic benefits of exporting this technology to other markets. The view was added that increasing domestic ZEV production would likely lead to the creation of numerous high-paying jobs for Canadians, including those already working in the automotive industry. Additionally, some were of the impression that Canada would likely have higher manufacturing standards relative to other jurisdictions and expected that ZEVs produced in Canada would be of exceptionally high quality. A small number expressed concern about the possible environmental drawbacks of expanding ZEV manufacturing in Canada, believing the process of mining the raw materials utilized in ZEV batteries to be potentially damaging to the environment. Though few felt that a ZEV being made in Canada would be a determining factor in their decision as to whether to buy one of these vehicles, most thought further investments into this sector should be a priority for the Government of Canada. Very few were aware of any announcements or initiatives from the federal government related to ZEVs and none had heard anything about actions to support ZEV manufacturing in Quebec or in other parts of the country.

Participants next engaged in an exercise where they were shown a number of initiatives related to ZEVs that were recently announced as part of the 2022 federal Budget and instructed to select which, if any, they felt would have the most positive impact. The first set, focusing on the goal of reducing emissions produced by driving, included:

  • Put in place a sales mandate to ensure at least 20% of new light-duty vehicle sales will be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2026, at least 60 per cent by 2030, and 100 per cent by 2035;
  • To reduce emissions from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs), reach 35% of total MHDV sales being ZEVs by 2030; and
  • Develop a medium- and heavy-duty ZEV regulation to require 100% of MHDV sales to be ZEVs by 2040 for a subset of vehicle types based on feasibility. This initiative is based on feasibility because not all medium-or heavy-duty vehicles can transition to zero-emissions at the same rate.

On balance, all initiatives were received positively, with each receiving a relatively similar level of support among participants. Several commented positively regarding the focus of these initiatives on a wide range of vehicle types. It was felt that by prioritizing these actions, the federal government would be assisting in providing Canadians with different options as to the ZEVs available to them for purchase. In addition, it was also seen as beneficial to specifically focus on medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) which were seen as among the highest emitters currently. A number of participants felt the timelines presented within these initiatives to be achievable and believed their implementation would further encourage a large-scale transition from gasoline-powered vehicles to ZEVs.

The group was next shown a second set of initiatives, this time with a focus on making the transition to ZEVs more affordable for Canadians. These included:

  • Continue to offer purchase incentives of up to $5,000 for eligible ZEVs. This program has helped Canadians purchase or lease over 136,000 new ZEVs, but more support is needed to help Canadians get behind the wheel of zero-emission vehicles; and
  • Provide $1.7 billion over five years to extend the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program until March 2025. Eligibility under the program will also be broadened to support the purchase of more vehicle models, including more vans, trucks, and SUVs, which will help make ZEVs more affordable.

Both initiatives were met with positive reactions, with slightly more participants voicing support for the investment of $1.7 billion (over five years) to extend the iZEV program until March 2025. This was seen as a significant investment into ZEVs and was expected to be helpful in incentivizing more individuals to consider purchasing a ZEV as their next automobile. A number of participants expected the provision of up to $5,000 of purchase incentives for eligible ZEVs would also be personally helpful for them. More generally, it was felt by some that the 2025 deadline was too soon and hoped the iZEV program could eventually be extended further.

Participants were next shown a final set of initiatives aimed at building a national network of electric vehicle charging stations:

  • Invest $500 million in large-scale urban and commercial ZEV charging and refueling infrastructure;
  • Provide $400 million over five years to fund the deployment of ZEV charging infrastructure in suburban and remote communities; and
  • Provide $2.2 million over five years to conduct readiness assessments of federal buildings required to facilitate the transition of the federal vehicle fleet to ZEVs.

While all initiatives were thought to be important, participants largely gravitated towards the plans to invest $500 million and $400 million respectively to develop ZEV charging infrastructure in urban as well as suburban and remote communities. These actions were seen as crucial to the success of a large-scale transition to ZEVs, as many believed that a lack of charging stations represented one of the primary barriers holding individuals back from purchasing these vehicles at present. While also seen as potentially beneficial, no participants prioritized the provision of $2.2 million (over five years) to conduct readiness assessments of federal buildings related to the transition of the federal vehicle fleet to ZEVs.

Considering the federal government’s ZEV plan as a whole, most felt these various initiatives represented a positive step forward towards the transition to widespread ZEV use. Several, however, were skeptical as to whether it would be possible to accomplish all these initiatives within the proposed timeframes. It was widely felt that managing a societal shift towards ZEVs would be a massive challenge for the federal government and could potentially be delayed in the event of an economic recession and/or a lack of willingness from the general public to switch to ZEVs. It was widely expected that the success of these initiatives would be dependent on the ability of the federal government to make ZEVs more affordable for regular Canadians as well as ensuring these vehicles would be able to adapt to the winter climate, especially for those living in more rural areas.

Carbon Pricing (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)

Participants based in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) briefly discussed the Government of Canada’s actions to place a price on carbon pollution. While a small number of participants were aware of this initiative, none could recall any specific details. To clarify, participants were provided with the following information:

In 2016 the Government of Canada announced a plan to ensure a price on carbon pollution across the country, giving each province and territory the flexibility to develop a system that works for their circumstances, provided it meets the federal standard. In the five provinces that currently do not meet this standard – Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Alberta – the federal pricing system is in place.

All proceeds collected from the federal system in Ontario stay in Ontario – 90% is returned directly to residents in the form of an incentive payment, with a typical household receiving about $745. Until now, individuals have received this in their annual tax return. Starting this July, individuals will be receiving these payments 4 times a year.

The Parliamentary Budget Officer found that 80% of households in affected provinces get more money back, in the form of incentive payments, than they spend on carbon pricing through their household purchases – for example, fuel for cars, gas to heat the home, etc.

Upon receiving this information, several participants expressed confusion as to why funds were subsequently returned to individual households. Many questioned the purpose of this pricing system and largely felt this approach would not encourage Canadians to reduce their emissions. A small number communicated that they would prefer the federal government to focus on initiatives to subsidize gasoline prices rather than returning the proceeds generated by the carbon pricing system in the form of incentive payments. While most participants felt this system was fair for individual Canadians, due to the high cost of gasoline and other essentials at present, few thought these incentive payments would have any tangible impact on their financial situation.

Personal Climate Change Action (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

One group engaged in a discussion related to actions that can be taken at the individual level against climate change. All participants in this group had previously indicated that while they were concerned about climate change, they found it difficult to find ways to effectively address its impacts. Asked to identify ways in which they have attempted to fight climate change and reduce their personal emissions, participants provided a wide range of responses. A number of participants living in larger urban centres such as Montreal reported utilizing public transit whenever possible, though this was said to be more difficult for those living in rural areas where public transportation options were more limited. For others, actions taken included eating less meat, cutting down on their consumption of single-use plastics, and participating in environmentally focused holidays such as la Journée nationale de l’arbre (Arbor Day). All participants indicated that they also regularly engaged in activities such as recycling and composting, believing this to be a fairly common practice in their communities. Most, however, felt their individual actions would likely have only a small impact on the fight against climate change. Expanding upon this, many were of the opinion that large corporations, not individuals, were the primary producers of greenhouse gas emissions and that any actions taken at the individual level would likely be negligible so long as this remained the case.

While a number of participants expressed interest in purchasing a ZEV as a further action against climate change, the perceived lack of affordability of these vehicles was cited as a prohibitive factor. A few also expressed skepticism as to whether a ZEV would be able to meet their lifestyle needs, including regularly driving long distances as well as handling extreme weather conditions during the winter months. A small number indicated that they were taking action to reduce their consumption wherever possible, though this was felt to be difficult at times and required a considerable amount of personal discipline. While most believed that some tangible impact may be possible if the majority of Canadians acted against climate change, the view was expressed by several that this was a planetwide challenge and one that would require the participation of the entire global community in order to effectively address the problem.

Emissions Reduction Plan (Major Centres Quebec Concerned About Climate Change)

Participants in this group engaged in a discussion related to the Emissions Reduction Plan recently announced by the Government of Canada. Only a small number reported having previously heard about this initiative, and few could recall any specific details. To aid in conversation, participants were provided with the following information:

The Government of Canada has said it is working with Canadians in all parts of the country and all sectors of the economy to achieve Canada’s climate goals and seize new economic opportunities. The 2030 plan is designed to be evergreen—a comprehensive roadmap that reflects levels of ambition to guide emissions reduction efforts in each sector.

In the 2030 plan, the Government of Canada is taking action by:

  • Helping to reduce energy costs for our homes and building;
  • Making it easier for Canadians to switch to electric vehicles;
  • Driving down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector;
  • Powering the economy with renewable electricity;
  • Helping industries develop and adopt clean technology in their journey to net-zero emissions;
  • Supporting farmers as partners in building a clean, prosperous future; and
  • Maintaining Canada’s approach to pricing pollution, including to increase the price on pollution in the coming years

While all participants reacted positively to this list of initiatives, a number believed this plan to be somewhat ambitious and questioned whether the federal government would be able to achieve all these priorities, especially given the 2030 timeline. A few expressed the desire for greater specifics and measurable goals, believing the list to be quite generalized and lacking in observable metrics.

The initiative to drive down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector received the highest level of support among participants. Several were of the impression that large oil and gas companies were among the highest producers of greenhouse gas emissions and believed that by taking this action, the federal government could bring about a significant impact on the fight against climate change. To achieve this goal, many suggested the implementation of stricter regulations on the oil and gas sector as well as increasing the federal price on carbon for these larger companies. While most believed this would be effective, a few were concerned that these companies would simply choose to no longer operate in Canada rather than comply with increased regulation.

Many were also in favour of the initiative to assist industries in the development and adoption of clean technology in their journey to net-zero emissions. Reiterating the importance of curbing the emissions of large corporations, several believed this would be an important step in addressing the issue of climate change. It was thought that while transitioning to greener practices had become a growing trend in many sectors, further support from the Government of Canada would likely assist with accelerating this process. Some also suggested that by assisting industries in developing clean technology, Canada could become a global leader on this front and potentially achieve additional economic benefits from exporting this technology to other parts of the world.

A number of participants spoke positively of the commitment to powering the economy with renewable energy such as solar, wind, and hydro. Many felt this to be a step in the right direction and a necessary transition in order to ensure a more sustainable environment in the long term. Several also suggested that there may be economic benefits to taking this action, believing it could lead to the creation of numerous high-paying jobs as well as lead to a more energy-efficient manufacturing process. While some participants hoped to see this transition take place as soon as possible, others were more cautious, expecting that it may take a longer period of time to make these changes and that this would likely be a gradual process. A few were concerned as to the ability of renewable energy sources to meet the large-scale needs of Canadian households and businesses and believed there would continue to be a need for non-renewable sources such as oil and gas in the interim.

Though also seen as important, only a few participants identified maintaining Canada’s approach to carbon pricing and supporting farmers in building a clean, prosperous future as top priorities among these initiatives. A small number thought that farming (and meat production in particular) was a major source of carbon emissions and pollution and believed that immediate action should be taken to develop more sustainable agricultural practices. Very few participants commented on the initiatives to help reduce energy costs for Canadian homes and buildings as well as making it easier for Canadians to switch to electric vehicles.

Healthcare (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)

Two groups based in Quebec discussed a number of issues related to healthcare provision in their province as well as across Canada more broadly. These discussions focused on participant experiences and perspectives related to the Canadian healthcare system as well as identifying which areas most needed to be prioritized by the Government of Canada going forward.

Healthcare Impressions (Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec)

To begin these conversations, participants were prompted to share their impressions regarding the healthcare system in Canada as a whole. On balance, participants were largely positive in their perspectives, believing healthcare in Canada to generally be of high quality. Several reported having access to a family physician whom they could see on short notice. In addition, it was believed that many Canadians were now able to access healthcare services through digital platforms and/or via the telephone, improving the availability of these services for those living in more rural or remote locations. A number of participants spoke positively regarding the quality of healthcare services in Canada compared to other jurisdictions, such as the United States, where these services were generally seen as more costly and difficult to access. Identifying areas where healthcare provision could potentially be improved, some spoke of increasingly long wait times in emergency rooms and at walk-in clinics. Many believed this issue had been exacerbated by staff shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, which had forced many healthcare professionals to work exceedingly long hours, putting them at risk of burnout and/or a long-term absence from their positions. Several expressed concerns about the physical and mental health of those still working in the healthcare field who were believed to have taken on extra work as a result of these shortages. The concern was raised by some that if nothing was done to address these issues, the healthcare system itself may be vulnerable to a large-scale collapse.

Focusing specifically on accessibility, while few participants reported having personally experienced healthcare-related challenges, most were of the impression that healthcare services were becoming increasingly difficult to access for many Canadians. This was felt to be especially the case for those without a family doctor. Many recalled having personally heard accounts from family and friends regarding the difficulty in finding available specialists, with waiting lists often running for several months to over a year. Several reiterated hearing reports of long wait times at emergency rooms, an issue which was viewed as increasingly prevalent as of late. Asked if they felt accessibility to healthcare had worsened over the course of the pandemic, all believed this to be the case. Additionally, a number of participants thought there to be insufficient mental health resources available at present, believing many in need of treatment in this regard were often unable to access care. Regionally, a small number residing in the Outaouais region spoke positively of the ease with which they were able to access care in both Quebec and Ontario depending on the services they needed. This was felt to be greatly helpful for those living in close proximity to the border between the two provinces.

Asked an additional question as to whether they had recently accessed any healthcare services in their area, almost all participants in the group from Quebec’s Outaouais region reported that they had. Among this group, all spoke positively of their experience, with many describing their visit as quick and effective in addressing their medical concerns. A few added that while they had anticipated encountering long wait times, their visit had been quite expedient relative to their expectations. Focusing on areas where improvements could be made to the quality of service they had received, a number of participants thought that greater efforts could be taken to improve communication among the various facets of the healthcare system. It was felt there could be greater collaboration among family doctors, specialists, and other healthcare service providers, especially for those patients required to undergo tests, consultations, and/or procedures at more than one location. Several also reiterated the view that more needed to be done to ensure all Canadians had access to a family doctor, believing this to be a crucially important aspect in terms of receiving personalized and high-quality care.

Healthcare Priorities (Outaouais Region Quebec)

Participants in the group based in Quebec’s Outaouais region engaged in an expanded discussion related to healthcare, with a specific focus on which areas most needed to be prioritized by the Government of Canada in the immediate future. Prompted to identify the most significant challenges currently impacting healthcare provision in their region, almost all focused on perceived healthcare worker shortages, believing this to be a pressing concern. Related to this, some recalled hearing that smaller municipalities in their area had begun closing local emergency rooms on weekends due to staff shortages, while others had heard accounts of prolonged wait times for ambulances and other emergency services. Additionally, several spoke of a general lack of specialists and family doctors in their area, believing this to be a prevalent issue throughout the region. Related to these perceived shortages, a number of participants raised concerns about the potential of less-qualified healthcare workers being recruited to fill these positions and were worried the quality of care may diminish as a result.

Asked if they were aware of any recent announcements or initiatives from the Government of Canada related to healthcare, none were. To aid in discussion, participants were informed that the federal government had recently identified five key priority areas for healthcare services in Canada. These included:

  • Addressing health worker shortages and reducing wait times;
  • Increasing access to family health services;
  • Improving long term care and home care;
  • Addressing mental health and substance use; and
  • Modernizing health data management and virtual care.

On balance, participants reacted largely positively to all priorities, believing each represented an important step towards finding solutions to the healthcare challenges currently impacting Canadians. Several participants were of the impression that these priority areas aligned with a number of the concerns they had raised earlier in the discussion and felt reassured that the Government of Canada was cognizant of these issues and prepared to take action towards addressing them. Asked whether they viewed any of these priorities as particularly important, participants mentioned a wide range of initiatives, including reducing wait times and worker shortages, expanding mental health and addictions treatment, improving long-term and in-home care, and increasing the availability of family doctors across Canada.

Many participants viewed addressing healthcare shortages and reducing wait times as a top priority for the Government of Canada at present. A number of participants, however, felt there was little the federal government could do apart from increasing funding, given their understanding that healthcare was primarily a provincial/territorial responsibility. Some were also under the impression that long wait times and a lack of healthcare workers such as nurses, family doctors, and specialists had been long-standing issues dating back to well before the pandemic and had only been exacerbated in recent years. All felt that addressing this situation would positively impact themselves and their communities, believing more Canadians would be inclined to seek out medical care if they knew they would be able to access it with relative ease. Related to this, several also identified increasing access to family health services as an important initiative. Several commented that family doctors were important in the process of initially detecting medical issues in their patients and played a pivotal role in ensuring those in need of medical care were referred to the proper specialists. While most expected that this would have minimal impact on them (in that they already had access to a family doctor), increasing the availability of family doctors was seen as critical to improving the overall health of those in their community.

A large number of participants also identified improving long term and in-home care as a much-needed action on the part of the federal government. It was widely felt that many seniors were currently living in sub-optimal conditions and that long term care facilities lacked the funding and space they would need to accommodate those requiring supplementary care. Many hoped to see additional investments by the Government of Canada into these facilities as well as towards initiatives that would allow seniors to remain in their homes for longer. It was thought that by taking these actions, the federal government would assist not only seniors, but their families as well, who were thought to typically assume the emotional and financial strain of caring for their elderly parents and other loved ones.

All participants felt that addressing mental health and substance use was an important area on which the Government of Canada should focus. Many viewed mental health as a growing issue and believed that with greater access to resources, more individuals would be able to get the help they need at an earlier stage, preventing their mental health challenges from progressing further. Related to addictions, a number of participants were of the opinion that there needed to be a greater effort to educate Canadians, especially younger individuals, about the dangers of addiction and how it can progress. A few participants also suggested that the federal government should consider decriminalizing small quantities of illicit substances, believing this would reduce the stigma and encourage more individuals to seek treatment for their addictions.

While fewer participants spoke specifically about the initiative to modernize health data management and virtual care, this was still felt to be a useful action on the part of the federal government. A number of participants believed the expansion of virtual care could be helpful for those living in more rural or remote areas, such as those in Canada’s North. Some were of the impression that at present, many living in rural communities often had to travel for several hours to consult with a physician. Related to modernizing health data management, a few participants felt this could be a helpful step towards improving communication throughout the healthcare system, allowing medical records to be transferred among different providers with relative ease.

Child Care and the Canada Child Benefit (GVA Parents of Young Children)

Participants residing in the Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) and parents of children six months to four years in age, engaged in a discussion related to affordable child care and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). Many reported having children currently enrolled in child care, with several participants recalling having encountered challenges in finding and securing a place for their child. In a number of instances, participants had been placed on long waiting lists, in some cases waiting for over two years for an opening to become available. In addition to accessibility, child care was seen as increasingly expensive at present, with participants reporting monthly costs ranging from $900 to $2100 per child, per month.

Asked if they were aware of any recent actions or announcements from the federal government related to child care, many recalled the agreements it had reached with each province and territory to provide $10-per-day, on average, child care throughout Canada. While supportive of the initiative to provide Canadians with more affordable child care, several expressed uncertainty as to the specific details of these programs. As parents, participants felt they had not received much detail about the implementation of these programs or the steps one would need to take to access them. While a small number were of the understanding that a number of pilot programs had already been put into place, participants were mostly unsure as to how to locate these initiatives or register their children in them. A very small number had enrolled their children in one of these programs.

To provide further clarification, participants were provided with the following information:

The Government of Canada’s plan is to lower the cost of child care to an average of $10/day and create 250,000 child care spaces across Canada by 2025-2026. In British Columbia, the plan is for average parent fees for regulated and funded child care for children under 5 to be reduced by 50% by December 2022.

Reacting to this information, several expressed concern as to whether this commitment would be financially feasible for the federal government. A small number also questioned the timeline, expressing the opinion that reducing fees by a rate of 50 per cent by December 2022 would likely not be realistically attainable. Some expressed curiosity as to whether these programs would be open to all families, or if there would be different eligibility criteria based on income level. A number of participants also questioned whether this program would be compulsory for all child care facilities, with some believing that not all providers would be willing to opt-in to the program voluntarily. Concerns were also raised as to whether there would be enough early childhood educators available to accommodate the expected increase in parents accessing child care under this program, with a number of participants under the impression that there was already a shortage of skilled workers in this sector.

Discussing the potential impact of these agreements, a number of participants were uncertain as to the extent to which they would personally benefit. It was largely felt that while helpful at face value, many questions remained as to how and when these programs would become widely accessible for parents. A small number expected that while the program would likely benefit numerous parents in the future, it would not be implemented in an expedient enough timeframe for them to take advantage of their existence. Several expressed a desire for the development of a detailed timeline and action plan from the federal and provincial governments as a way to provide parents with clearer expectations as to when these programs would be implemented in their communities.

All participants viewed the provision of affordable child care as an important priority for the Government of Canada. It was largely thought that the cost of raising a child had become increasingly expensive in recent years and any actions towards alleviating these costs represented a welcome development. This was felt to be a particularly important issue at present given the perceived rising cost of living and high rate of inflation, with several indicating that they had experienced increasing challenges in affording everyday goods and services such as groceries, gasoline, and other essentials.

Focusing on supports and programs more broadly, participants expressed enthusiasm for a number of initiatives targeted towards assisting parents with the additional costs of raising children. Asked if they could identify any initiatives from the federal government to assist parents, a number mentioned existing programs such as the provision of 12-month maternity leave, the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), and the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). Focusing on the CCB in particular, all participants indicated that they were aware of the program and current recipients of it. Several spoke positively of the financial assistance the CCB provided, the perceived ease of the application process, as well as the benefit of not being subject to taxation. Suggesting areas for improvement, a small number expressed the opinion that the existing adjusted family net income (AFNI) thresholds were too low at present and needed to be re-evaluated to address issues such as high inflation and the rising cost of living. Asked how they would typically utilize the CCB benefit they receive, most identified child-related expenses such as diapers, food, savings for unexpected emergencies, or investments into their children’s RESPs. Though all participants expressed appreciation for the CCB, most felt its impact to be relatively small, believing the amount paid to be too small to make any tangible difference. Focusing on ways the Government of Canada could provide additional supports to parents and families, many suggested increasing the amounts paid through benefits such as the CCB to reflect rising inflation rates, reiterating the additional expenses they viewed the rising cost of living to be placing on households with young children.

Government of Canada Services (GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services)

In a group comprised of individuals who had recently utilized services provided by the Government of Canada participants discussed their service experience and offered suggestions for improvements. With respect to the types of services and interactions participants had experienced, many spoke about renewing their passports (or those of family members) via Service Canada. A few others had also recently interacted with Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

While those who had dealt with the IRCC and CRA commented positively on their experience, almost all participants who had interacted with Service Canada, either in general or specific to passport renewal, were more critical in terms of the process and their interactions. Many reported experiencing long lineups when visiting offices in-person, commenting that it was necessary to begin queuing with other members of the public very early in the morning in order to be assured of speaking with a service representative at some point during the business day. Some also recalled hearing accounts of individuals having to wait in line overnight or for multiple days at some Service Canada locations. For those who had submitted their applications and had yet to receive their passports, there was a general feeling of uncertainty as to how long this process may take. Many also recounted difficulties when it came to contacting Service Canada representatives for updates regarding the status of their passport applications. This level of uncertainty contributed to challenges planning and booking travel. A few participants mentioned that delays in receiving their passports had impacted them professionally as well as financially as they had been limited in their ability to engage in international travel required for their work. A small number reported having to cancel their travel plans altogether because they had not received their renewed passport within the expected or anticipated timeframe. Speaking more generally, several participants were of the view that the quality and timeliness of the services they received had diminished in recent years. Asked specifically whether they had ever received any conflicting information when accessing services from the federal government, very few felt this had been their experience. For these participants, these instances were primarily related to inquiries regarding their federal income tax returns where they believed they had been provided contradictory information depending on the representative with whom they were speaking.

Participants were shown a list of factors that could have implications for passport services and asked about their impact on any delays they had experienced or had heard about:

  • An increase in the volume of applications;
  • A shift to mail applications which take more time to process;
  • Public health restrictions; and
  • A large proportion of complex applications (e.g., applications with changes that may have occurred since the first application, where contact information is outdated, dependents recently turned 18, missing documents, etc.).

Almost all participants felt an increase in the volume of applications was the primary driver behind the reported issues related to passport services. It was believed that many individuals had allowed their passports to lapse during the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting public health requirements which caused them to cancel or postpone their travel plans. As a result, participants felt that this had led to a significant backlog of renewal applications as increasing numbers of Canadians were now looking to visit destinations outside of Canada for the first time in two years. Several felt these challenges, combined with increasingly complex applications due to life changes during the pandemic (such as new addresses, changes in marital status, and new or additional dependents) had likely also made passport applications somewhat more time-consuming to review and process. While few identified a shift to mail-in applications as a major contributor to these perceived delays, it was suggested that Service Canada should develop a more comprehensive and user-friendly tracking system which would allow applicants to easily check the status of their application online. It was believed this would assist in further streamlining the application process as well as free up more resources to focus on processing passport applications rather than responding to status inquiries. Several participants also speculated that staffing shortages were likely a key contributor to delays, with a number being of the impression that numerous workers had taken sick leave due to contracting COVID-19 or had moved on to new careers during the pandemic.

Few participants had heard anything about Service Canada hiring approximately 600 new employees in 2022 (with plans to hire an additional 600 in the future), although all felt that this represented a step in the right direction. Asked if they could recall any other recent actions taken by the Government of Canada to address these issues, a small number had heard that some Service Canada locations had expanded their hours to include evenings and weekends.

Almost all participants believed addressing these issues to be an important priority for the Government of Canada. In addition to increasing the number of staff, it was suggested that there were opportunities to further streamline and simplify the passport application process, including innovations such as allowing current passport holders to renew their passports online. It was also recommended that applicants be provided with the ability to book an appointment at a specific time and location to minimize the amount of time spent waiting in line. A few also suggested additional training and development for Service Canada employees. Specifically, participants felt there should be a focus on ensuring a high standard of service and consistency among the agency’s staff and a better overall experience for Canadians seeking to access these services.

Housing (Atlantic Canada)

Participants residing in Atlantic Canada engaged in a discussion about housing, with a specific focus on numerous housing-related initiatives announced as part of the 2022 federal Budget. Asked whether they could recall any recent news or announcements from the federal government related to housing, very few could.

Engaging in an exercise, participants were asked to evaluate various sets of initiatives, each focusing on addressing a specific challenge related to housing. The first set, containing issues focused on increasing the housing supply in Canada, included:

  • A new Housing Accelerator Fund providing money to municipalities to build 100,000 new homes;
  • Repurposing existing infrastructure budgets to prioritize the construction of additional new homes;
  • Providing $750 million in new public transit funding to municipalities that commit their own money to building new housing;
  • An additional $1.5 billion investment over two years for new affordable housing units for those experiencing homelessness or domestic violence;
  • An additional $2.9 billion over four years for the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, which creates new low-income housing and repairs existing low-income housing;
  • An additional $216 million to incentivize developers to build new rental units that charge less than the average rent in the areas they are built in;
  • An additional $500 million investment to expand co-operative housing in Canada, with a pledge to give an additional $1 billion in loans to co-op housing projects; and
  • An additional $150 million over two years for housing in the northern territories.

A large number of participants identified the creation of a new Housing Accelerator Fund, providing funding to municipalities to build 100,000 homes across Canada, as a promising initiative. Many were of the view that a limited housing supply was the primary driver behind rising housing prices and believed that these efforts could go a long way towards improving housing affordability in several parts of Canada. A small number expressed concerns about the types of homes that would be built as part of this program, emphasizing the need for new homes to be accessible to all Canadians, including low-income individuals as well as those belonging to marginalized communities.

The announcement of an additional $1.5 billion investment over two years for new affordable housing units for those experiencing homelessness or domestic violence was also popular among participants. It was felt by many that the federal government should prioritize those experiencing these challenges, and a large number of participants believed that a significant financial commitment of this nature was a necessary step towards addressing this issue.

Numerous participants felt the initiative to allocate $216 million towards incentivizing developers to build new rental units charging less than the average rent in the areas in which they are built to also be an effective component of the federal government’s housing strategy. Many identified increasing rental costs as a growing challenge for Canadians, particularly those residing in urban centres where rent was believed to have risen substantially in recent years. It was said that this program would likely be of particular benefit to young people and new families, providing them with greater financial flexibility and the ability to build up savings by no longer having to devote such a large portion of their monthly income to housing costs. A number of participants also felt the provision of an additional $750 million in public transit funding to communities which commit their own funding towards building new housing to be an important initiative. Several believed that by taking this action, the federal government could increase the capacity and ridership of existing transit systems while also expanding these services into suburban and rural areas where public transit was currently less accessible.

Few commented on the initiatives to repurpose existing infrastructure budgets to prioritize the construction of additional new homes as well as the provision of an additional $2.9 billion (over four years) to the National Housing Co-Investment Fund. Likewise, the initiatives to provide an additional $500 million investment to expand co-operative housing in Canada and $150 million (over two years) for housing in the northern territories, received very little attention from participants. It was generally felt that these initiatives would have little in the way of tangible impact on participants’ respective communities.

Participants were next presented with a second set of priorities, this time focusing on the issue of housing affordability and creating additional pathways to homeownership for Canadians. These initiatives included:

  • A Tax-Free First Home Savings Account allowing prospective first-time home buyers to save up to $40,000 tax-free to put towards their purchase;
  • Doubling the existing First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000;
  • A one-time $500 payment to Canadians facing housing affordability challenges;
  • Expanding the First Time Home Buyer Incentive to allow more flexibility and making it easier for single Canadians to access;
  • An additional $200 million to increase rent-to-own housing options; and
  • A $562 million investment over two years in funding organizations addressing homelessness, plus $62 million specifically to address homelessness among veterans.

On balance, most initiatives received a considerable level of support, with a number of participants expressing the view that all of these actions would likely have a positive impact towards improving housing affordability for Canadians. Several participants were especially supportive of those initiatives aimed at assisting first-time home buyers, such as the commitment to doubling First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit (HBTC). It was felt by many that the significant costs of entering the housing market (typically including a sizeable down payment) represented the greatest barrier for prospective homebuyers and that by doubling the HBTC, the federal government would be providing many with the additional financial flexibility necessary to purchase their first home. The initiative to expand the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive was met with a similar level of enthusiasm, with many identifying the increased support for single Canadians as an important component of this program. Though to a lesser extent, participants also reacted positively to the announcement of a new Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA). A small number of participants expected that this initiative would personally impact either themselves or their family members, assisting them in their goal of saving towards the purchase of a home.

The allocation of an additional $200 million towards increasing rent-to-own housing options also received considerable support among participants. It was widely believed that many were currently struggling with high rent costs, and that this program represented an alternative pathway to homeownership for those currently finding it difficult to save up for a sufficient down payment. Several, including those who were already homeowners, expressed support for this initiative, commenting that this type of program would have been immensely helpful for them when they were first attempting to enter the housing market.

Many also spoke positively of the investment of $562 million towards organizations addressing homelessness, as well as an additional $62 million specifically addressing this issue among veterans. It was widely believed that these actions would provide a great deal of positive impact and represented the right thing to do on the part of the federal government. A number of participants identified veterans in particular as a group requiring additional support and viewed this investment as an important step towards assisting these individuals as well as demonstrating gratitude for their service.

Very few were supportive of the provision of a one-time $500 payment to Canadians facing housing affordability challenges. A large number reacted negatively to this initiative, expressing the opinion that the amount was far too low to have any tangible impact towards assisting Canadians with housing affordability in the long-term.

Participants next evaluated a third set of initiatives, this time focused on protecting Canadians in the housing market. These included:

  • Ending blind bidding (blind bidding is where home buyers don’t know how much others are bidding);
  • Creating taxation penalties to stop landlords from doing ‘renovictions’ (a renoviction occurs when a landlord evicts a tenant by claiming they will complete major renovations);
  • A ban on all non-Canadians buying residential properties in Canada for two years;
  • New taxation rules to deter house flipping; and
  • Making assignment sales of new and renovated housing taxable to deter speculators from buying homes and leaving them vacant (an assignment sale is when a seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession).

The initiative to end blind bidding received the highest level of support among participants. Several had personally participated in this process when buying their own homes and believed it had led to increased anxiety as well as pressuring them to submit higher than necessary bids to secure their purchase. The action to create new taxation penalties to stop landlords from renovicting tenants also received considerable attention from participants. Many recalled hearing first-hand accounts from loved ones who had been on the receiving end of this practice, believing it to be unfairly punitive to renters who would likely struggle to find affordable alternative housing.

While a number identified the prevalence of vacant homes as a growing issue in their communities, the announcement of making assignment sales of new and renovated housing taxable as a way of deterring speculators garnered little attention among participants. Likewise, the initiative to introduce new taxation rules to deter house flipping as well as the implementation of a two-year ban on all non-Canadians from purchasing residential properties received only minimal support.

Reflecting on their impressions related to the federal government’s overall housing plan, a number of participants expressed concern regarding the significant scope of these actions. Several were of the opinion that rather than pursuing such a wide range of initiatives, the federal government should instead focus on a few key priorities at a time, ensuring these are implemented correctly before moving on to another set of actions. A small number expressed confusion about the plan in general, finding it difficult to understand how each individual initiative would fit within a more cohesive overall framework and believing the plan may be overly complex. Asked, however, whether they felt it was realistic to expect the Government of Canada to be able to accomplish all of these initiatives, participants were mostly optimistic, believing that with enough time and commitment, all or most of these initiatives could realistically be implemented to support Canadians.

Cryptocurrency (Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners)

One group, comprised exclusively of individuals who owned cryptocurrencies, engaged in a wide-ranging conversation on their experiences with digital currencies. Participants described cryptocurrency as a secure, decentralized, and open-sourced form of currency that is widely visible and protected through blockchain, a distributed ledger technology. Several added that cryptocurrency was a unit of financial exchange which they believed to be the same as any other form of fiat currency. While a few participants had only recently learned about and invested in cryptocurrencies in the past year, others reported being aware of and engaged in the purchase and trade of currencies such as Bitcoin for many years. When asked how they typically obtained information about cryptocurrencies, most said they conducted their own online research via Google or followed subject matter experts on platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok.

Several participants viewed cryptocurrencies as a high-risk/high-reward asset class and did not expect to rely heavily on them in their financial portfolios or in planning their financial future. By contrast, a few participants felt that digital currencies represented the future of financial investing. They were of the view that cryptocurrencies would increase in popularity as technology and finance continued to become further intertwined.

Participants’ experiences with cryptocurrencies were mixed. A few participants described trading these financial instruments as fun and exciting due to the potential for high returns. Many, however, were of the view that cryptocurrencies represented an exceedingly risky investment. Expanding upon this point, some expressed concerns about a lack of involvement from the formal banking system. As a result, they often felt the experience of investing in cryptocurrency was akin to gambling or playing the lottery. Several participants recalled having previously experienced significant fluctuations in their cryptocurrency portfolios, describing cryptocurrencies as tremendously volatile. Some commented on their mostly negative experience with cryptocurrencies, having entered the market in late 2021 and witnessed their investment decrease considerably in the months that followed.

Participants elaborated on their key concerns about cryptocurrencies, as follows:

  • Lack of financial security – Several mentioned what they viewed as a general lack of security regarding cryptocurrency investments. Participants commented that, unlike fiat currency deposits which are secured by organizations such as the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), there is no form of insurance or recourse available to those who lose their cryptocurrency investments to speculative activities or hackers;
  • Challenges related to scalability of cryptocurrencies – Some questioned whether it was realistic to expect that cryptocurrencies would be adopted by the public on a mass scale. Participants believed that the existing financial infrastructure and energy capacity (e.g., power required to ‘mine’ cryptocurrency) were insufficient for cryptocurrency to be widely accepted and used by a majority of the population;
  • Increased regulation – A few participants were worried about the prospect of increased regulation of cryptocurrency. They anticipated there would be increased support for re-examining and possibly tightening the current regulatory framework surrounding cryptocurrencies in Canada as digital currencies gain in popularity among the investing public. Several commented that lax regulation in this field had been a factor in prompting their initial interest in cryptocurrency; and
  • Volatility – Several reiterated their concerns about the high degree of volatility of these currencies and the potential for investors to lose significant amounts of money due to the perceived riskiness of the cryptocurrency market.

On balance, most were opposed to further regulation of cryptocurrencies by the Government of Canada. While some felt a relative lack of regulation was one of the more appealing aspects of these currencies, others were skeptical as to whether digital currencies could be effectively regulated. While several were of the view that more regulation could be implemented, particularly of the major exchanges which facilitate the trading of large quantities of cryptocurrencies, they did not advocate for broader regulatory action across the sector. Nevertheless, they were concerned that mismanagement within these companies could lead to substantial losses for investors and that more could be done to ensure appropriate oversight of their operations. Almost all participants were concerned about the potential of scams involving cryptocurrencies. On this point, several cited the recent June 2022 collapse of Luna, a leading crypto token which lost almost all of its value within a short period of time. Related to this, most felt the Government of Canada should do more to educate Canadians regarding cryptocurrencies, especially in terms of how to recognize potential scams and invest in a responsible manner.

Relatively few participants felt they had a strong understanding of the tax implications of cryptocurrency investments. Several were under the impression that cryptocurrency holders were required to report these investments on their federal income taxes. Some believed there were methods of investing in digital currencies in ways that were non-taxable, although they were not able to elaborate on any specific details.

Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

One group engaged in a discussion regarding digital credentials and their potential implementation across Canada. Participants were first questioned as to whether they were aware of the concept of a ‘digital credential’. While a small number of individuals assumed this referred to platforms such as LinkedIn where one would display their professional credentials and qualifications, no other participants expressed any familiarity with the term. To clarify, participants were provided with the following information:

Digital credentials are a way for individuals to provide information about themselves electronically. Digital credentials are completely voluntary and can be used during service transactions instead of having to show up in person to provide required documents (or instead of providing a scan or photo of physical documents). In the same way that you would store your physical documents in a safe place, or in your wallet, your digital credentials can be securely stored on a personal device.

Note that digital credentials are not the same thing as scanning or taking a photo of physical documents; these digital credentials are essentially the electronic equivalent of physical documents.

Participants were also shown the following visual example of a digital credential and the moderator shared the following:

This is an example of a digital services card that was introduced in the province of British Columbia, Canada. On the right, you can see the electronic equivalent of the physical B.C. Services Card (on the left) which allows you to get access to provincial services, including health care.

The image above depicts an example image of a digital credential. The image is in two parts. On the left side, a traditional British Columbia ID card is depicted. The top-most part of the card says ‘British Columbia Services Card’ in white block letters, and directly below ‘British Columbia CAN’ in larger, blue block letters. Below this is the individual’s name, ‘Cook, Tamara Rosa’ and accompanying photograph with the ID holder’s signature below. This image is accompanied by information including: date issued, date expired, sex, address, and date of birth. The centre-right of the ID shows the British Columbia official Coat of Arms as well as holographic image of the ID holder accompanied by their year of birth. Beside this ID card is a left-ward arrow pointing to an example of a digital version of this ID card. Shown in the frame of a smartphone, we see an app depicting a digital ID card with the text ‘BC Services Card’ and the individual’s name, ‘Cook, Tamara Rosa’ and picture below. Below this sample ID, we see three tappable options: ‘Use My Mobile Card,’ ‘Enter Pairing Code,’ and ‘My Account’. At the bottom of the framed image is the British Columbia logo.

While a number of participants thought that digital credentials might be a more convenient way for individuals to present their identification, many expressed concerns about the widespread usage of this technology. Several were worried about the security risks of storing sensitive personal information on their mobile devices, believing digital credentials could be vulnerable to hackers and/or at serious risk in the event that their device was lost or stolen. Related to this, many were concerned about the potential for identity theft. Some thought this was particularly a concern for certain Canadians who may be less familiar with technology, such as smartphones, and how to securely store their information. While most participants expressed a preference for continuing to use physical identification, it was felt by some that digital credentials may be useful as a companion to these physical cards so long as they did not replace them entirely.

Focusing on types of digital credentials that were already in use, several participants pointed to existing technology such as contactless digital payment options (such as Apple Wallet and Google Pay), pandemic-related tools such as digital proof of vaccination documents, and the ArriveCAN app. A few participants also mentioned the GiveBlood app designed by Canadian Blood Services, which allowed individuals to book, manage, and keep track of their donations, believing this to be another example of a digital credential. Several participants felt there to be potential for digital credentials to be utilized in fields such as healthcare, allowing patients to have all their medical information in one place as well as for parents to have an easily accessible record of their children’s medical history. Some also suggested that these credentials could have widespread security applications, combining technology and biometrics to provide an extra layer of protection for those seeking to gain access to secure areas such as residential buildings.

Asked to identify the benefits of using digital credentials, a number of participants believed using these would likely make it easier to update their information in the event of an address or name change, as this could be performed digitally and would no longer require the creation of a new physical card. A few also speculated that for those with a number of different identifications and qualifications (e.g., a driver’s licence, fishing permit, firearms licence, etc.) all of their vital information could be consolidated in a single app rather than necessitating separate identification cards. A small number were opposed to utilizing digital credentials under any circumstance, believing they represented too much of a risk to their personal information. It was suggested that as an alternative to using digital credentials, a scannable QR code containing this information could instead be incorporated into their existing physical identification.

Prompted to share any concerns they may have related to this technology, several reiterated worries related to identity theft and the security of their personal data. Many also questioned who would be able to access this data and what protocols and regulations would be implemented to ensure it would not be utilized by third parties. A number expressed uncertainty as to what would happen in the event one misplaced their mobile device and suddenly found themselves without any method to identify themselves. A few questioned whether digital credentials could be adequately relied upon, especially given the potential vulnerability of network crashes (such as the nationwide Rogers Communication outage in July 2022). Concerns were also raised that a widespread adoption of digital credentials might possibly be discriminatory towards low-income individuals, due to the high costs of associated technology required to present this information.

Asked what impacts they expected would be felt by a society in which digital credentials were widely used, a number of participants believed daily life would feel far more restricted and were skeptical of assigning such high responsibility to a single department or agency to manage these credentials (based on their perceptions that a government department would be managing all credentials). Some also expressed concern about the potential for older Canadians to feel isolated due to lack of familiarity with digital credentials and devices (in general), causing them to withdraw from a society in which this technology was widely adopted. It was thought that due to these factors, widespread adoption of digital credentials by Canadians may be difficult to achieve, especially among cohorts of society who may already be somewhat distrustful of public institutions.

Reconciliation (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

One group, comprised of Indigenous peoples residing in Alberta, talked through a number of issues related to reconciliation. Participants were shown information detailing several actions recently announced by the federal government to address concerns currently facing Indigenous communities. The first set of initiatives, focusing on addressing past harms and discrimination related to Indigenous children, included:

  • $4 billion to ensure First Nations children receive the support they need through Jordan’s Principle. This funding will also support long-term reforms to improve the implementation of Jordan’s Principle;
  • $87.3 million to help Indigenous communities implement Indigenous child welfare laws;
  • $209.8 million to document, locate, and memorialize burial sites at former residential schools;
  • Appointment of a Special Interlocutor to work with Indigenous peoples to strengthen federal laws to protect and preserve unmarked burial sites;
  • $5.1 million to ensure the RCMP can support community-led responses to unmarked burial sites; and
  • $25 million to support the digitization of millions of documents relating to the federal Indian Day School System, which will ensure survivors and all Canadians have access to them.

Several participants spoke positively about the initiative to allocate $4 billion towards the implementation of Jordan’s Principle, which asserts that all Indigenous children should have access to the products, services, and supports they need, when they need them. It was expressed by a number of participants that accessibility to goods and services was limited in many Indigenous communities, and that funding such as this would likely go a long way towards addressing this issue and ensuring Indigenous children have all that they require. A few were concerned as to whether there would be sufficient oversight regarding how this money would be spent, while a small number expressed unfamiliarity with the concept of Jordan’s Principle altogether. On balance, participants expressed support for all other initiatives shown, though a small number expressed concerns regarding the commitment of $5.1 million towards ensuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) would be able to support community-led responses to unmarked burial sites. Some questioned the involvement of the RCMP in this process, especially given the perceived role played by the agency in the enforcement of the historic residential school system. Speaking more generally, a few were of the view that while these initiatives represented a positive first step, additional funding and a more long-term approach would likely be needed to address the perceived systemic challenges facing Indigenous peoples throughout Canada.

Participants were next shown a second set of initiatives, this time focusing on actions to support stronger and healthier Indigenous communities. These included:

  • $268 million to provide high-quality health care in remote and isolated First Nations communities on-reserve;
  • $190.5 million to help Indigenous communities and organizations address the ongoing impacts of COVID-19;
  • $227.6 million to maintain trauma-informed, culturally appropriate, Indigenous-led services to improve mental wellness;
  • $310.6 million to help ensure First Nations children living on reserve receive a high-quality education that meets their unique needs; and
  • $4 billion to support housing in Indigenous communities.

While all initiatives received primarily positive reactions, participants were particularly interested in the Government of Canada’s commitment to provide $4 billion to support the development of housing in Indigenous communities. Speaking on housing, several were of the view that affordable housing was currently in short supply in many Indigenous communities and that much of the housing that was available was in poor condition and in need of repair. It was thought that improving the housing situation within these communities would likely have a positive impact on many Indigenous individuals. Participants felt that by providing those currently struggling with a solid foundation in the form of housing, these individuals would likely be able to improve other aspects of their lives, such as their economic and social wellbeing. While also supportive of further investments into Indigenous housing, a few believed there needed to be a system of accountability for those benefiting from these initiatives, ensuring that these properties would be properly taken care of and would not fall into disrepair. In addition to housing, several identified the perceived low quality of education at all levels to be one of the most pressing issues currently facing Indigenous communities.

In addition to housing, several identified the perceived low quality of education at all levels to be one of the most pressing issues currently facing Indigenous communities and believed the initiative to provide $310.6 million towards ensuring Indigenous children living on-reserve receive a high-quality education would have a significant impact. A number of participants were of the opinion that the quality of education on-reserve could be greatly improved and hoped these investments would be able to yield long-term benefits for Indigenous children going forward. It was suggested that this additional funding could be utilized to recruit skilled teachers and support staff to work in these communities, as well as to provide critically needed infrastructure upgrades for on-reserve schools. A few participants expressed the desire for greater supports for those who wished to pursue secondary studies off-reserve, believing that this would present additional opportunities for those seeking to attend college or university. Though reactions to all initiatives shown were primarily positive, a small number questioned whether addressing the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 remained an important priority. It was believed by these participants that this funding could potentially be better spent elsewhere.

The group was next shown a third set of initiatives, focusing on advancing self-determination and economic development for Indigenous communities:

  • $29.6 million to support self-determined action in addressing Indigenous peoples’ climate priorities;
  • $103.4 million to provide opportunities for Indigenous communities to benefit from all types of natural resources projects;
  • $150 million to advance shovel-ready economic opportunities in Indigenous communities;
  • $15 million to support Indigenous economic development in the North;
  • $35 million to help increase Indigenous communities’ participation in economic projects, including specialized training opportunities delivered by Indigenous-led organizations; and
  • Forgive up to 50% of COVID-related loans provided to Indigenous businesses during the pandemic.

Several expressed interest in the commitment of $103.4 million from the federal government to provide opportunities for Indigenous communities to benefit from natural resource projects. It was widely felt that this represented a promising opportunity for Indigenous peoples to economically benefit from the land and resources in their area and could go a long way towards fostering sustainable job creation in these communities. It was also felt that this would provide Indigenous peoples with a greater sense of autonomy in terms of determining how these resources should be utilized going forward. A few also reacted favourably to the announcement of $35 million to increase Indigenous communities’ participation in economic projects and specialized training opportunities delivered by Indigenous communities. It was thought this would help stimulate economic growth and provide Indigenous workers with an expanded skillset to contribute to their local economies. A small number also viewed the forgiveness of up to 50% of COVID-19 related loans provided to Indigenous businesses during the pandemic as a helpful initiative, believing that this would likely assist a number of businesses in remaining open and recovering from the economic challenges of the past two years. Though believed to be a step in the right direction, a number of participants felt the amounts allocated to address major issues such as climate change and Northern economic development ($29.6 million and 15 million respectively) would not be enough to achieve tangible progress on these fronts. Additionally, a few participants expressed concerns that the federal funding allocated for these initiatives could potentially be taken out of the existing budget for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and were worried that existing Indigenous-oriented programs could potentially be underfunded as a result.

Local Issues (Atlantic Canada)

Participants residing in Atlantic Canada briefly discussed issues related to the region, with a specific focus on key economic sectors/industries within their respective communities. To begin, participants were prompted to share which sectors they were currently employed in. A wide range of areas were identified, including education, financial services, restaurants and hospitality, and technology/software development. A small number of participants were retired. Asked if they believed there to be sufficient employment opportunities in their respective sectors, most felt this to be the case, with a large number commenting that there were several opportunities available, especially in the education, hospitality, and software development fields. The impression was added that a number of sectors were currently dealing with a shortage of skilled workers and that many employers had recently faced challenges in filling key positions. A few participants clarified their response, explaining that while there were a lot of opportunities in sectors such as education and hospitality, the wages offered were likely too low to attract qualified candidates.

Prompted to identify the most important sectors or industries for their local communities, participants from all provinces identified fisheries, tourism, and the public sector as important economic drivers throughout Atlantic Canada. Many also identified other important areas within their respective provinces. These included construction and shipbuilding (Nova Scotia), forestry and post-secondary education (New Brunswick), and healthcare, banks, and small businesses (Newfoundland and Labrador). A small number of participants from Prince Edward Island (PEI), expressed the opinion that their province would likely benefit by diversifying the types of sectors operating within the province, believing employment pathways to be quite limited at present and primarily concentrated within the fisheries and tourism/hospitality sectors.

Asked which sectors were most in need of support from the Government of Canada, a wide range of areas were mentioned. Several identified healthcare, believing perceived worker shortages had been acutely felt in this sector, leading to long wait times in emergency rooms and walk-in clinics and difficulties for many in accessing the care they require. A number of others felt greater assistance should be provided to small businesses, especially in the tourism sector which was felt to still be facing considerable challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A few also suggested greater support for the forestry industry, believing it had been negatively impacted by perceived low prices for lumber at present. Participants residing in Nova Scotia expressed a desire for the further development of agriculture and food production in their province, believing a greater emphasis needed to be placed on increasing the availability of locally sourced food options.

Appendix A – Recruiting Scripts

English Recruiting Script

Privy Council Office

Recruiting Script – July 2022

English Groups

Recruitment Specifications Summary

  • Groups conducted online.
  • Each group is expected to last for two hours.
  • Recruit 8 participants.
  • Incentives will be $100 per person and will be sent to participants via e-transfer following the group.

Specifications for the focus groups are as follows:

1 Thurs., July 7th 5:00-7:00 6:00-8:00 (ADT)
6:30-8:30 (NDT)
Atlantic Canada General Population DN
3 Wed., July 13th 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Recent Users of Federal Government Services DN
4 Tues., July 19th 9:00-11:00 6:00-8:00 (PDT) Lower Mainland – British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners TBW
5 Thurs., July 21st 8:00-10:00 6:00-8:00 (MDT) Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians TBW

Recruiting Script


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I'm calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French? / Préfériez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? [CONTINUE IN LANGUAGE OF PREFERENCE]




On behalf of the Government of Canada, we’re organizing a series of online video focus group discussions to explore current issues of interest to Canadians.

The format is a “round table” discussion, led by an experienced moderator. Participants will be given a cash honorarium in appreciation of their time.

Your participation is completely voluntary, and all your answers will be kept confidential. We are only interested in hearing your opinions - no attempt will be made to sell or market you anything. The report that is produced from the series of discussion groups we are holding will not contain comments that are attributed to specific individuals.

But before we invite you to attend, we need to ask you a few questions to ensure that we get a good mix/variety of people in each of the groups. May I ask you a few questions?




1. Have you, or has anyone in your household, worked for any of the following types of organizations in the last 5 years?

A market research firm
A marketing, branding or advertising agency
A magazine or newspaper
A federal/provincial/territorial government department or agency
A political party
In public/media relations
In radio/television
No, none of the above

1a. IN ALL LOCATIONS: Are you a retired Government of Canada employee?



2. In which city do you reside?

Atlantic Canada Cities include (but are not limited to):

NS: Halifax, Dartmouth, Cape Breton-Sydney.
NB:Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton, Dieppe, Miramichi, Edmundston.
PEI: Charlottetown, Summerside.
N&L: St. John’s, Conception Bay, Mount Pearl, Corner Brook.

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Cities include:

City of Toronto.
Region of Halton: Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Halton Hills.
Region of Peel: Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon.
Region of York: Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Stouffville, Aurora, King, Newmarket, East Gwillimbury, Georgina.
Region of Durham: Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Clarington, Scugog, Uxbridge, Brock.

Lower Mainland – British Columbia Cities include: Vancouver, Abbotsford, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, Delta, Langley, White Rock, Chilliwack, Mission Hope, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody.

Mid-size Centres Alberta Cities include (but are not limited to):

Mid-size population = 50,000 – 99,999
Red Deer, Lethbridge, Wood Buffalo, Airdrie, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray


2a. How long have you lived in [INSERT CITY]? RECORD NUMBER OF YEARS.

Less than two years THANK AND END
Two years or more CONTINUE
Don’t know/Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


3. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 3 When did you last access services provided by the Government of Canada? This could include, for example, visiting a Service Canada Centre or passport office, or contacting the Canada Revenue Agency.

Less than a month ago CONTINUE

1-2 months ago CONTINUE

3-4 months ago CONTINUE

7 months-1 year ago THANK AND END

Over 1 year ago THANK AND END


3a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 3 What Government of Canada service did you last access?

Passport services (e.g., applying for a new passport or passport renewal at a Service Canada Centre or passport office) CONTINUE

Canada Revenue Agency services (e.g., services for income tax, GST/HST, payroll, business numbers, savings and pension plans, tax credits and benefits, etc.) CONTINUE

Employment Insurance (EI) CONTINUE

Social Insurance Number (SIN) CONTINUE

Veterans Affairs Canada Services CONTINUE

Other, please specify: ____________


3b. ASK IF PASSPORT SERVICES AT Q.3a When applying for or renewing your passport, which type of service did you use?

In-person CONTINUE


VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


3c. ASK IF PASSPORT SERVICES AT Q.3a When applying for or renewing your passport, which type of service did you use?

Urgent pick-up (passport needed in 2 business days or less) CONTINUE

Express pick-up (passport needed in 3 to 45 business days) CONTINUE

Standard pick-up (passport needed in 46 business days or more) CONTINUE


4. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 Do you currently have investments in any type of cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD Coin, etc.)?



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

4a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 Which of the following types of cryptocurrency are you currently invested in? (Please select all that apply).





Binance Coin (BNB) CONTINUE

Other, please specify: ____________


4b. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 How long ago did you last invest in cryptocurrency?

0-1 year ago CONTINUE

2-5 years ago CONTINUE

5+ years ago CONTINUE

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


5. ASK ALL GROUPS Which of the following racial or cultural groups best describes you? (multi-select)


South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)



Latin American



Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai)

Korean or Japanese


Other (specify)

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


6. Would you be willing to tell me in which of the following age categories you belong?

25 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 54
Prefer not to answer





8. Are you familiar with the concept of a focus group?


No EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING “a focus group consists of six to eight participants and one moderator. During a two-hour session, participants are asked to discuss a wide range of issues related to the topic being examined.”

9. As part of the focus group, you will be asked to actively participate in a conversation. Thinking of how you engage in group discussions, how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means ‘you tend to sit back and listen to others’ and 5 means ‘you are usually one of the first people to speak’?



10. As this group is being conducted online, in order to participate you will need to have high-speed Internet and a computer with a working webcam, microphone and speaker. RECRUITER TO CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING. TERMINATE IF NO TO ANY.

Participant has high-speed access to the Internet

Participant has a computer/webcam

11. Have you used online meeting software, such as Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., in the last two years?



12. How skilled would you say you are at using online meeting platforms on your own, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are not at all skilled, and 5 means you are very skilled?



13. During the discussion, you could be asked to read or view materials on screen and/or participate in poll-type exercises online. You will also be asked to actively participate online using a webcam. Can you think of any reason why you may have difficulty reading the materials or participating by video?

14. Have you ever attended a focus group discussion, an interview or survey which was arranged in advance and for which you received a sum of money?



15. How long ago was the last focus group you attended?

Less than 6 months ago THANK AND END

More than 6 months ago CONTINUE

16. How many focus group discussions have you attended in the past 5 years?

0-4 groups CONTINUE

5 or more groups THANK AND END

17. On what topics were they and do you recall who or what organization the groups were being undertaken for?



Now we have just a few final questions before we give you the details of the focus group, including the time and date.

18. Which of the following best describes the industry sector in which you are currently employed?

Accommodation and Food Services

Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation


Educational Services

Finance and Insurance

Health Care and Social Assistance

Information and Cultural Industries

Management of Companies and Enterprises


Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Other Services (except Public Administration)

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

Public Administration

Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

Retail Trade

Transportation and Warehousing


Wholesale Trade


Full Time Student


Other, please specify: ______________


19. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less

Some high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma

College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma

University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level

Bachelor's degree

Post graduate degree above bachelor's level

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


20. Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2021? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

Under $20,000

$20,000 to just under $40,000

$40,000 to just under $60,000

$60,000 to just under $80,000

$80,000 to just under $100,000

$100,000 to just under $150,000

$150,000 and above

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


21. The focus group discussion will be audio-taped and video-taped for research purposes only. The taping is conducted to assist our researchers in writing their report. Do you consent to being audio-taped and video-taped?




I would like to invite you to this online focus group discussion, which will take place the evening of [INSERT DATE/TIME BASED ON GROUP # IN CHART ON PAGE 1]. The group will be two hours in length and you will receive $100 for your participation following the group via an e-transfer.

Please note that there may be observers from the Government of Canada at the group and that the discussion will be videotaped. By agreeing to participate, you have given your consent to these procedures.

Would you be willing to attend?



May I please have your full name, a telephone number that is best to reach you at as well as your e-mail address if you have one so that I can send you the details for the group?


Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

You will receive an e-mail from The Strategic Counsel with the instructions to login to the online group. Should you have any issues logging into the system specifically, you can contact our technical support team at

We ask that you are online at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session in order to ensure you are set up and to allow our support team to assist you in case you run into any technical issues. We also ask that you restart your computer prior to joining the group.

You may be required to view some material during the course of the discussion. If you require glasses to do so, please be sure to have them handy at the time of the group. Also, you will need pen and paper in order to take some notes throughout the group.

This is a firm commitment. If you anticipate anything preventing you from attending (either home or work-related), please let me know now and we will keep your name for a future study. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible at [1-800-xxx-xxxx] so we can find a replacement.

Thank you very much for your time.

RECRUITED BY: ____________________

DATE RECRUITED: ____________________

Privy Council Office

Recruiting Script – August 2022

English Groups

Recruitment Specifications Summary

  • Groups conducted online.
  • Each group is expected to last for two hours.
  • Recruit 8 participants.
  • Incentives will be $100 per person and will be sent to participants via e-transfer following the group.

Specifications for the focus groups are as follows:

1 Thurs., August 4th 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) Eastern Ontario People Living from Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque DN
2 Tues., August 9th 8:00-10:00 6:00-8:00 (MDT) Alberta Indigenous Peoples DN
4 Tues., August 16th 9:00-11:00 6:00-8:00 (PDT) Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) Parents of Children, aged 6 mos.-4 yrs. TBW
6 Wed., August 24th 5:00-7:00 6:00-8:00 (ADT) Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy/Jobs TBW

Recruiting Script


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I'm calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French? / Préfériez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? [CONTINUE IN LANGUAGE OF PREFERENCE]




On behalf of the Government of Canada, we’re organizing a series of online video focus group discussions to explore current issues of interest to Canadians.

The format is a “round table” discussion, led by an experienced moderator. Participants will be given a cash honorarium in appreciation of their time.

Your participation is completely voluntary and all your answers will be kept confidential. We are only interested in hearing your opinions - no attempt will be made to sell or market you anything. The report that is produced from the series of discussion groups we are holding will not contain comments that are attributed to specific individuals.

But before we invite you to attend, we need to ask you a few questions to ensure that we get a good mix/variety of people in each of the groups. May I ask you a few questions?




1. Have you, or has anyone in your household, worked for any of the following types of organizations in the last 5 years?

A market research firm
A marketing, branding or advertising agency
A magazine or newspaper
A federal/provincial/territorial government department or agency
A political party
In public/media relations
In radio/television
No, none of the above

1a. IN ALL LOCATIONS: Are you a retired Government of Canada employee?



2. In which city do you reside?

Eastern Ontario Cities include (but are not limited to): Ottawa, Kingston, Belleville, Cornwall, Brockville, Prince Edward, Russell, Greater Napanee, Pembroke, Rockland, Hawkesbury, Smiths Falls, Embrun, Renfrew, Arnprior, Prescott, Perth.

Alberta Cities include (but are not limited to): Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Fort McMurray, Wood Buffalo, Medicine Hat, Grande Prairie, Spruce Grove, Lloydminster, Fort Saskatchewan, Chestermere, Camrose, Sylvan Lake, Brooks, Strathmore, High River, Wetaskiwin, Cold Lake.

Greater Vancouver Area (GVA) Cities include: Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam, Township of Langley, Delta, Maple Ridge, District of North Vancouver, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, City of North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Port Moody, City of Langley, White Rock, Pitt Meadows, Bowen Island, Anmore, Lions Bay, Belcarra.

Nova Scotia Cities include: Halifax, Dartmouth, Cape Breton – Sydney, Truro, New Glasgow, Glace Bay, Sydney Mines, Kentville, Amherst, Bridgewater, New Waterford, Yarmouth, Windsor.


2a. How long have you lived in [INSERT CITY]? RECORD NUMBER OF YEARS.

Less than two years THANK AND END
Two years or more CONTINUE
Don’t know/Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

3. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 2 Do you identify as Indigenous?



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

3a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 2 Do you identify as…?

First Nations (Off-reserve) CONTINUE

First Nations (On-reserve) CONTINUE



None of the above THANK AND END


4. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 Do you have any children under the age of 5?



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

4a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 Could you please tell me the ages of these children?

Child Age


5. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 1 Which of the following best describes your household’s current financial situation?

We live from pay cheque to pay cheque with no money left over in case of an emergency or to save. CONTINUE

We spend more than we take in each month, drawing down on our savings or taking on more debt. CONTINUE

We get paid more than we spend each month and save or invest the excess funds. THANK AND END


6. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 6 Thinking about your household’s financial circumstances and outlook, would you consider yourself to be a member of Canada’s middle class, or not?

Not middle class THANK AND END

Member of the middle class CONTINUE TO Q.7

7. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 6 How many dependents do you have?




5 or more


8. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 6 When you think about Canada’s economy today, do you think it is …

Growing rapidly THANK AND END

Growing slowly THANK AND END

Stagnating CONTINUE

In a recession/or heading into a recession CONTINUE

In a depression/or heading into a depression CONTINUE



9. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 6 Thinking about the job market across the country today, do you think the number of full-time, well-paying jobs in Canada has increased in the past 5 years, decreased, or stayed about the same?


Stayed about the same CONTINUE

Decreased CONTINUE



10. ASK ALL GROUPS Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2021? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

Under $20,000

$20,000 to just under $40,000

$40,000 to just under $60,000

$60,000 to just under $80,000

$80,000 to just under $100,000

$100,000 to just under $150,000

$150,000 and above

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END



11. ASK ALL GROUPS Which of the following racial or cultural groups best describes you? (multi-select)


South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)



Latin American



Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai)

Korean or Japanese


Other (specify)

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


12. Would you be willing to tell me in which of the following age categories you belong?

18 - 24 CONTINUE
25 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 54
Prefer not to answer





14. Are you familiar with the concept of a focus group?


No EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING “a focus group consists of six to eight participants and one moderator. During a two-hour session, participants are asked to discuss a wide range of issues related to the topic being examined.”

15. As part of the focus group, you will be asked to actively participate in a conversation. Thinking of how you engage in group discussions, how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means ‘you tend to sit back and listen to others’ and 5 means ‘you are usually one of the first people to speak’?



16. As this group is being conducted online, in order to participate you will need to have high-speed Internet and a computer with a working webcam, microphone and speaker. RECRUITER TO CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING. TERMINATE IF NO TO EITHER.

Participant has high-speed access to the Internet

Participant has a computer/webcam

17. Have you used online meeting software, such as Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., in the last two years?



18. How skilled would you say you are at using online meeting platforms on your own, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are not at all skilled, and 5 means you are very skilled?



19. During the discussion, you could be asked to read or view materials on screen and/or participate in poll-type exercises online. You will also be asked to actively participate online using a webcam. Can you think of any reason why you may have difficulty reading the materials or participating by video?

20. Have you ever attended a focus group discussion, an interview or survey which was arranged in advance and for which you received a sum of money?



21. How long ago was the last focus group you attended?

Less than 6 months ago THANK AND END

More than 6 months ago CONTINUE

22. How many focus group discussions have you attended in the past 5 years?

0-4 groups CONTINUE

5 or more groups THANK AND END

23. On what topics were they and do you recall who or what organization the groups were being undertaken for?



Now we have just a few final questions before we give you the details of the focus group, including the time and date.

24. Which of the following best describes the industry sector in which you are currently employed?

Accommodation and Food Services

Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation


Educational Services

Finance and Insurance

Health Care and Social Assistance

Information and Cultural Industries

Management of Companies and Enterprises


Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Other Services (except Public Administration)

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

Public Administration

Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

Retail Trade

Transportation and Warehousing


Wholesale Trade


Full Time Student


Other, please specify: ______________


25. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less

Some high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma

College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma

University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level

Bachelor's degree

Post graduate degree above bachelor's level

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


26. The focus group discussion will be audio-taped and video-taped for research purposes only. The taping is conducted to assist our researchers in writing their report. Do you consent to being audio-taped and video-taped?




I would like to invite you to this online focus group discussion, which will take place the evening of [INSERT DATE/TIME BASED ON GROUP # IN CHART ON PAGE 1]. The group will be two hours in length and you will receive $100 for your participation following the group via an e-transfer.

Please note that there may be observers from the Government of Canada at the group and that the discussion will be videotaped. By agreeing to participate, you have given your consent to these procedures.

Would you be willing to attend?



May I please have your full name, a telephone number that is best to reach you at as well as your e-mail address if you have one so that I can send you the details for the group?


Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

You will receive an e-mail from The Strategic Counsel with the instructions to login to the online group. Should you have any issues logging into the system specifically, you can contact our technical support team at

We ask that you are online at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session in order to ensure you are set up and to allow our support team to assist you in case you run into any technical issues. We also ask that you restart your computer prior to joining the group.

You may be required to view some material during the course of the discussion. If you require glasses to do so, please be sure to have them handy at the time of the group. Also, you will need a pen and paper in order to take some notes throughout the group.

This is a firm commitment. If you anticipate anything preventing you from attending (either home or work-related), please let me know now and we will keep your name for a future study. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible at [1-800-xxx-xxxx] so we can find a replacement.

Thank you very much for your time.

RECRUITED BY: ____________________

DATE RECRUITED: ____________________

French Recruiting Script

Bureau du Conseil privé

Questionnaire de recrutement – juillet 2022

Groupes en français

Résumé des consignes de recrutement

  • Groupes tenus en ligne.
  • Durée prévue de chaque rencontre : deux heures.
  • Recrutement de huit participants.
  • Incitatifs de 125 $ par personne, versés aux participants par transfert électronique après la rencontre.

Caractéristiques des groupes de discussion :

2 12 juillet 18 h-20 h 18 h-20 h Québec Personnes comptant acheter un véhicule M. Proulx
6 27 juillet 18 h-20 h 18 h-20 h Villes de taille moyenne du Québec Population générale M. Proulx

Questionnaire de recrutement


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I’m calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French?/Préféreriez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais?




Nous organisons, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada, une série de groupes de discussion vidéo en ligne afin d’explorer des questions d’actualité qui intéressent les Canadiens.

La rencontre prendra la forme d’une table ronde animée par un modérateur expérimenté. Les participants recevront un montant d’argent en remerciement de leur temps.

Votre participation est entièrement volontaire et toutes vos réponses seront confidentielles. Nous aimerions simplement connaître vos opinions : personne n’essaiera de vous vendre quoi que ce soit ou de promouvoir des produits. Notre rapport sur cette série de groupes de discussion n’attribuera aucun commentaire à une personne en particulier.

Avant de vous inviter à participer, je dois vous poser quelques questions qui nous permettront de former des groupes suffisamment diversifiés. Puis-je vous poser quelques questions?




1. Est-ce que vous ou une personne de votre ménage avez travaillé pour l’un des types d’organisations suivants au cours des cinq dernières années?

Une société d’études de marché REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Une agence de commercialisation, de marque ou de publicité REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un magazine ou un journal REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un ministère ou un organisme gouvernemental fédéral, provincial ou territorial REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un parti politique REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans les relations publiques ou les relations avec les médias REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans le milieu de la radio ou de la télévision REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Non, aucune de ces réponses CONTINUER

1a. POUR TOUS LES LIEUX : Êtes-vous un ou une employé(e) retraité(e) du gouvernement du Canada ?



2. Quelle est la première langue que vous avez apprise lorsque vous étiez enfant et que vous parlez toujours couramment aujourd’hui?



Autre [Préciser ou non la langue, selon les besoins de l'étude] REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

3. Dans quelle ville habitez-vous ?

Québec Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre :

Grandes villes = Population 100 000+
Pour les grandes villes : Montréal, Gatineau, Québec City, Saguenay, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Saint-Jérôme, Chicoutimi – Jonquière.

Taille moyenne = Population 50 000-99 999 Pour les villes de taille moyenne : Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Chateauguay, Drummondville, Granby, Saint-Hyacinthe.

Petites villes = Population > 49 999
Pour les petites villes : Saint-Georges, Val-d’Or, Sept-Îles, Varennes, Alma.

Villes de taille moyenne du Québec Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre :

Taille moyenne = Population 50 000-100 000
Pour les villes de taille moyenne :
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Chateauguay, Drummondville, Granby, Saint-Hyacinthe.


3a. Depuis combien de temps habitez-vous à [INSÉRER LE NOM DE LA VILLE]? NOTER LE NOMBRE D’ANNÉES.

Deux ans ou plus CONTINUER
Ne sais pas/Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE


4. Seriez-vous prêt/prête à m’indiquer votre tranche d’âge dans la liste suivante?

25 à 34
35 à 44
45 à 54
55 ans ou plus


5. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 2 Prévoyez-vous acheter ou louer un nouveau véhicule au cours des cinq prochaines années?




5a. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 2 Lequel ou lesquels des types de véhicules suivants prévoyez-vous acheter ou louer au cours des cinq prochaines années? (Veuillez sélectionner toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent.)

SI DES ÉCLAIRCISSEMENTS SONT NÉCESSAIRES : Les véhicules hybrides rechargeables (VHR) utilisent deux types de carburants (l’essence ou le diesel et l’énergie électrique stockée dans la batterie), alors que les véhicules électriques à batterie (VEB) sont entièrement électriques.

Véhicule à essence ou à moteur dieselCONTINUER

Véhicule hybride rechargeable (VHR)CONTINUER

Véhicule électrique à batterie (VEB)CONTINUER

Véhicule à pile à hydrogèneCONTINUER


5b. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 2 Et quand pensez-vous faire cet achat ou ces achats?

Dans la prochaine annéeCONTINUER

Dans les deux à trois prochaines annéesCONTINUER

Dans les quatre à cinq prochaines années CONTINUER






7. Est-ce que vous connaissez le concept du « groupe de discussion »?


NonEXPLIQUER QUE : « un groupe de discussion se compose de six à huit participants et d’un modérateur. Au cours d’une période de deux heures, les participants sont invités à discuter d’un éventail de questions reliées au sujet abordé ».

8. Dans le cadre du groupe de discussion, on vous demandera de participer activement à une conversation. En pensant à la manière dont vous interagissez lors de discussions en groupe, quelle note vous donneriez-vous sur une échelle de 1 à 5 si 1 signifie « j’ai tendance à ne pas intervenir et à écouter les autres parler » et 5, « je suis habituellement une des premières personnes à parler » ?



9. Étant donné que ce groupe se réunira en ligne, vous aurez besoin, pour participer, d’un accès Internet haut débit et d’un ordinateur muni d’une caméra Web, d’un microphone et d’un haut-parleur en bon état de marche. CONFIRMER LES POINTS CI-DESSOUS. METTRE FIN À L’APPEL SI NON À L’UN DES TROIS.

Le participant a accès à Internet haut débit

Le participant a un ordinateur avec caméra Web

10. Avez-vous utilisé des logiciels de réunion en ligne tels que Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., au cours des deux dernières années ?



11. Sur une échelle de 1 à 5 où 1 signifie que vous n’êtes pas du tout habile et 5 que vous êtes très habile, comment évaluez-vous votre capacité à utiliser seul(e) les plateformes de réunion en ligne ?



12. Au cours de la discussion, vous pourriez devoir lire ou visionner du matériel affiché à l’écran, ou faire des exercices en ligne comme ceux qu’on trouve dans les sondages. On vous demandera aussi de participer activement à la discussion en ligne à l’aide d’une caméra Web. Pensez-vous avoir de la difficulté, pour une raison ou une autre, à lire les documents ou à participer à la discussion par vidéo?

13. Avez-vous déjà participé à un groupe de discussion, à une entrevue ou à un sondage organisé à l’avance en contrepartie d’une somme d’argent?



14. À quand remonte le dernier groupe de discussion auquel vous avez participé ?

À moins de six mois,REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

À plus de six mois, CONTINUER

15. À combien de groupes de discussion avez-vous participé au cours des cinq dernières années?

0 à 4 groupes, CONTINUER

5 groupes ou plus REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

16. Quel était leur sujet, et vous rappelez-vous pour qui ou pour quelle organisation ces groupes étaient organisés?



Il me reste quelques dernières questions avant de vous donner les détails du groupe de discussion, comme l’heure et la date.

17. Parmi les choix suivants, lequel décrit le mieux le secteur d’activité dans lequel vous travaillez ?

Administrations publiques

Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse

Arts, spectacle et loisirs

Autres services, sauf les administrations publiques

Commerce de détail

Commerce de gros


Extraction minière, exploitation en carrière, et extraction de pétrole et de gaz


Finance et assurances

Gestion de sociétés et d'entreprises

Hébergement et services de restauration

Industrie de l'information et industrie culturelle

Services administratifs, services de soutien, services de gestion des déchets et services


Services d'enseignement

Services immobiliers et services de location et de location à bail

Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques

Services publics

Soins de santé et assistance sociale

Transport et entreposage

Sans emploi

Aux études à temps plein


Autre situation ou autre secteur ; veuillez préciser : ______________


18. Lequel ou lesquels des groupes raciaux ou culturels suivants vous décrivent le mieux? (Plusieurs choix possibles)


    Sud-asiatique (p. ex., indien, pakistanais, sri-lankais)






    Asiatique du sud-est (p. ex., vietnamien, cambodgien, thailandais)

    Coréen ou japonais


    Autre groupe racial ou culturel (préciser)

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


19. Quel est le niveau de scolarité le plus élevé que vous avez atteint ?

    École primaire

    Études secondaires partielles

    Diplôme d’études secondaires ou l’équivalent

    Certificat ou diplôme d’apprenti inscrit ou d’une école de métiers

    Certificat ou diplôme d’un collège, cégep ou autre établissement non universitaire

    Certificat ou diplôme universitaire inférieur au baccalauréat


    Diplôme d’études supérieur au baccalauréat

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


20. Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu annuel total de votre ménage en 2021 – c’est-à-dire le revenu cumulatif de l’ensemble des membres de votre ménage avant impôt?

    Moins de 20 000 $

    20 000 $ à moins de 40 000 $

    40 000 $ à moins de 60 000 $

    60 000 $ à moins de 80 000 $

    80 000 $ à moins de 100 000 $

    100 000 $ à moins de 150 000 $

    150 000 $ ou plus

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


21. La discussion sera enregistrée sur bandes audio et vidéo, strictement aux fins de la recherche. Les enregistrements aideront nos chercheurs à rédiger leur rapport. Est-ce que vous consentez à ce qu’on vous enregistre sur bandes audio et vidéo?




J’aimerais vous inviter à ce groupe de discussion en ligne, qui aura lieu le [DONNER LA DATE ET L’HEURE EN FONCTION DU NO DE GROUPE INDIQUÉ DANS LE TABLEAU, PAGE 1]. La discussion durera deux heures et vous recevrez 125 $ pour votre participation. Ce montant vous sera envoyé par transfert électronique après la tenue du groupe de discussion.

Veuillez noter que des observateurs du gouvernement du Canada pourraient être présents au groupe et que la discussion sera enregistrée sur bande vidéo. En acceptant de participer, vous donnez votre consentement à ces modalités.

Est-ce que vous accepteriez de participer ?



Puis-je avoir votre nom complet, le numéro de téléphone où vous êtes le plus facile à joindre et votre adresse électronique, si vous en avez une, pour vous envoyer les détails au sujet du groupe?

Nom :

Numéro de téléphone :

Adresse courriel :

Vous recevrez un courrier électronique du Strategic Counsel expliquant comment rejoindre le groupe en ligne. Si la connexion au système vous pose des difficultés, veuillez en aviser notre équipe de soutien technique à :

Nous vous prions de vous mettre en ligne au moins 15 minutes avant l’heure prévue, afin d’avoir le temps de vous installer et d’obtenir l’aide de notre équipe de soutien en cas de problèmes techniques. Veuillez également redémarrer votre ordinateur avant de vous joindre au groupe.

Vous pourriez devoir lire des documents au cours de la discussion. Si vous utilisez des lunettes, assurez-vous de les avoir à portée de main durant la rencontre. Vous aurez également besoin d’un stylo et de papier pour prendre des notes.

Ce rendez-vous est un engagement ferme. Si vous pensez ne pas pouvoir participer pour des raisons personnelles ou professionnelles, veuillez m’en aviser dès maintenant et nous conserverons votre nom pour une étude ultérieure. Enfin, si jamais vous n’êtes pas en mesure de participer, veuillez nous prévenir le plus rapidement possible au [1-800-xxx-xxxx] pour que nous puissions trouver quelqu’un pour vous remplacer.

Merci de votre temps.

RECRUTEMENT FAIT PAR : ____________________

DATE DU RECRUTEMENT : __________________

Bureau du Conseil privé

Questionnaire de recrutement – août 2022

Groupes en français

Résumé des consignes de recrutement

  • Groupes tenus en ligne.
  • Durée prévue de chaque rencontre : deux heures.
  • Recrutement de huit participants.
  • Incitatifs de 125 $ par personne, versés aux participants par transfert électronique après la rencontre.

Caractéristiques des groupes de discussion :

3 11 août 18 h-20 h 18 h-20 h Région de l’Outaouais Population générale MP
5 18 août 18 h-20 h 18 h-20 h Grandes villes du Québec Les croyants du changement climatique qui pensent qu'il est difficile d'agir MP

Questionnaire de recrutement


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I’m calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French?/Préféreriez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais?




Nous organisons, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada, une série de groupes de discussion vidéo en ligne afin d’explorer des questions d’actualité qui intéressent les Canadiens.

La rencontre prendra la forme d’une table ronde animée par un modérateur expérimenté. Les participants recevront un montant d’argent en remerciement de leur temps.

Votre participation est entièrement volontaire et toutes vos réponses seront confidentielles. Nous aimerions simplement connaître vos opinions : personne n’essaiera de vous vendre quoi que ce soit ou de promouvoir des produits. Notre rapport sur cette série de groupes de discussion n’attribuera aucun commentaire à une personne en particulier.

Avant de vous inviter à participer, je dois vous poser quelques questions qui nous permettront de former des groupes suffisamment diversifiés. Puis-je vous poser quelques questions?




1. Est-ce que vous ou une personne de votre ménage avez travaillé pour l’un des types d’organisations suivants au cours des cinq dernières années?

Une société d’études de marché REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Une agence de commercialisation, de marque ou de publicité REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un magazine ou un journal REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un ministère ou un organisme gouvernemental fédéral, provincial ou territorial REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un parti politique REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans les relations publiques ou les relations avec les médias REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans le milieu de la radio ou de la télévision REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Non, aucune de ces réponses CONTINUER

1a. POUR TOUS LES LIEUX : Êtes-vous un ou une employé(e) retraité(e) du gouvernement du Canada ?



2. Quelle est la première langue que vous avez apprise lorsque vous étiez enfant et que vous parlez toujours couramment aujourd’hui?



Autre [Préciser ou non la langue, selon les besoins de l'étude] REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

3. Dans quelle ville habitez-vous ?

Région de l’Outaouais Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre : Gatineau, Les Collines-de-l’Outaouais : Val-des-Monts, Cantley, Le Pêche, Chelsea, Pontiac, L'Ange-Gardien, Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette.

Grandes villes du Québec Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre :

Grandes villes = Population 100 000+
Pour les grandes villes :
Montréal, Gatineau, Québec City, Saguenay, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Saint-Jérôme, Chicoutimi – Jonquière.


3a. Depuis combien de temps habitez-vous à [INSÉRER LE NOM DE LA VILLE]? NOTER LE NOMBRE D’ANNÉES.

Deux ans ou plus CONTINUER
Ne sais pas/Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE


4. Seriez-vous prêt/prête à m’indiquer votre tranche d’âge dans la liste suivante?

25 à 34
35 à 44
45 à 54
55 ans ou plus


5. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 5 À votre avis, est-ce que le changement climatique est…

Un problème très graveCONTINUER

Un problème quelque peu graveREMERCIER ET CONCLURE



5a. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 5 Pensez-vous que le changement climatique est causé principalement par l’activité humaine, causé principalement par des cycles naturels, ou qu’il n’y a pas de preuve solide que la terre se réchauffe?

Activité humaineCONTINUER


Pas de preuve solideREMERCIER ET CONCLURE

5b. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 5 Êtes-vous entièrement d'accord, assez d'accord, pas vraiment d'accord, ou pas du tout d'accord avec chacun des énoncés suivants?

Je me sens frustré(e) que je ne peux pas personnellement effectuer du vrai changement en ce qui concerne la lutte contre le changement climatique

Je n’ai pas de confiance que les gouvernements ni les entreprises peuvent faire assez pour s’adresser au changement climatique de mon vivant






7. Est-ce que vous connaissez le concept du « groupe de discussion »?


NonEXPLIQUER QUE : « un groupe de discussion se compose de six à huit participants et d’un modérateur. Au cours d’une période de deux heures, les participants sont invités à discuter d’un éventail de questions reliées au sujet abordé ».

8. Dans le cadre du groupe de discussion, on vous demandera de participer activement à une conversation. En pensant à la manière dont vous interagissez lors de discussions en groupe, quelle note vous donneriez-vous sur une échelle de 1 à 5 si 1 signifie « j’ai tendance à ne pas intervenir et à écouter les autres parler » et 5, « je suis habituellement une des premières personnes à parler » ?



9. Étant donné que ce groupe se réunira en ligne, vous aurez besoin, pour participer, d’un accès Internet haut débit et d’un ordinateur muni d’une caméra Web, d’un microphone et d’un haut-parleur en bon état de marche. CONFIRMER LES POINTS CI-DESSOUS. METTRE FIN À L’APPEL SI NON À L’UN DES TROIS.

Le participant a accès à Internet haut débit

Le participant a un ordinateur avec caméra Web

10. Avez-vous utilisé des logiciels de réunion en ligne tels que Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., au cours des deux dernières années ?



11. Sur une échelle de 1 à 5 où 1 signifie que vous n’êtes pas du tout habile et 5 que vous êtes très habile, comment évaluez-vous votre capacité à utiliser seul(e) les plateformes de réunion en ligne ?



12. Au cours de la discussion, vous pourriez devoir lire ou visionner du matériel affiché à l’écran, ou faire des exercices en ligne comme ceux qu’on trouve dans les sondages. On vous demandera aussi de participer activement à la discussion en ligne à l’aide d’une caméra Web. Pensez-vous avoir de la difficulté, pour une raison ou une autre, à lire les documents ou à participer à la discussion par vidéo?

13. Avez-vous déjà participé à un groupe de discussion, à une entrevue ou à un sondage organisé à l’avance en contrepartie d’une somme d’argent?



14. À quand remonte le dernier groupe de discussion auquel vous avez participé ?

À moins de six mois,REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

À plus de six mois, CONTINUER

15. À combien de groupes de discussion avez-vous participé au cours des cinq dernières années?

0 à 4 groupes, CONTINUER

5 groupes ou plus REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

16. Quel était leur sujet, et vous rappelez-vous pour qui ou pour quelle organisation ces groupes étaient organisés?



Il me reste quelques dernières questions avant de vous donner les détails du groupe de discussion, comme l’heure et la date.

17. Parmi les choix suivants, lequel décrit le mieux le secteur d’activité dans lequel vous travaillez ?

Administrations publiques

Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse

Arts, spectacle et loisirs

Autres services, sauf les administrations publiques

Commerce de détail

Commerce de gros


Extraction minière, exploitation en carrière, et extraction de pétrole et de gaz


Finance et assurances

Gestion de sociétés et d'entreprises

Hébergement et services de restauration

Industrie de l'information et industrie culturelle

Services administratifs, services de soutien, services de gestion des déchets et services


Services d'enseignement

Services immobiliers et services de location et de location à bail

Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques

Services publics

Soins de santé et assistance sociale

Transport et entreposage

Sans emploi

Aux études à temps plein


Autre situation ou autre secteur ; veuillez préciser : ______________


18. Lequel ou lesquels des groupes raciaux ou culturels suivants vous décrivent le mieux? (Plusieurs choix possibles)


    Sud-asiatique (p. ex., indien, pakistanais, sri-lankais)






    Asiatique du sud-est (p. ex., vietnamien, cambodgien, thailandais)

    Coréen ou japonais


    Autre groupe racial ou culturel (préciser)

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


19. Quel est le niveau de scolarité le plus élevé que vous avez atteint ?

    École primaire

    Études secondaires partielles

    Diplôme d’études secondaires ou l’équivalent

    Certificat ou diplôme d’apprenti inscrit ou d’une école de métiers

    Certificat ou diplôme d’un collège, cégep ou autre établissement non universitaire

    Certificat ou diplôme universitaire inférieur au baccalauréat


    Diplôme d’études supérieur au baccalauréat

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


20. Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu annuel total de votre ménage en 2021 – c’est-à-dire le revenu cumulatif de l’ensemble des membres de votre ménage avant impôt?

    Moins de 20 000 $

    20 000 $ à moins de 40 000 $

    40 000 $ à moins de 60 000 $

    60 000 $ à moins de 80 000 $

    80 000 $ à moins de 100 000 $

    100 000 $ à moins de 150 000 $

    150 000 $ ou plus

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


21. La discussion sera enregistrée sur bandes audio et vidéo, strictement aux fins de la recherche. Les enregistrements aideront nos chercheurs à rédiger leur rapport. Est-ce que vous consentez à ce qu’on vous enregistre sur bandes audio et vidéo?




J’aimerais vous inviter à ce groupe de discussion en ligne, qui aura lieu le [DONNER LA DATE ET L’HEURE EN FONCTION DU NO DE GROUPE INDIQUÉ DANS LE TABLEAU, PAGE 1]. La discussion durera deux heures et vous recevrez 125 $ pour votre participation. Ce montant vous sera envoyé par transfert électronique après la tenue du groupe de discussion.

Veuillez noter que des observateurs du gouvernement du Canada pourraient être présents au groupe et que la discussion sera enregistrée sur bande vidéo. En acceptant de participer, vous donnez votre consentement à ces modalités.

Est-ce que vous accepteriez de participer ?



Puis-je avoir votre nom complet, le numéro de téléphone où vous êtes le plus facile à joindre et votre adresse électronique, si vous en avez une, pour vous envoyer les détails au sujet du groupe?

Nom :

Numéro de téléphone :

Adresse courriel :

Vous recevrez un courrier électronique du Strategic Counsel expliquant comment rejoindre le groupe en ligne. Si la connexion au système vous pose des difficultés, veuillez en aviser notre équipe de soutien technique à :

Nous vous prions de vous mettre en ligne au moins 15 minutes avant l’heure prévue, afin d’avoir le temps de vous installer et d’obtenir l’aide de notre équipe de soutien en cas de problèmes techniques. Veuillez également redémarrer votre ordinateur avant de vous joindre au groupe.

Vous pourriez devoir lire des documents au cours de la discussion. Si vous utilisez des lunettes, assurez-vous de les avoir à portée de main durant la rencontre. Vous aurez également besoin d’un stylo et de papier pour prendre des notes.

Ce rendez-vous est un engagement ferme. Si vous pensez ne pas pouvoir participer pour des raisons personnelles ou professionnelles, veuillez m’en aviser dès maintenant et nous conserverons votre nom pour une étude ultérieure. Enfin, si jamais vous n’êtes pas en mesure de participer, veuillez nous prévenir le plus rapidement possible au [1-800-xxx-xxxx] pour que nous puissions trouver quelqu’un pour vous remplacer.

Merci de votre temps.

RECRUTEMENT FAIT PAR : ____________________

DATE DU RECRUTEMENT : __________________

Appendix B – Discussion Guides

English Moderator's Guide

MODERATOR’S GUIDE – July/August 2022


INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) All Locations

  • Moderator or technician should let participants know that they will need pen and paper in order to take some notes, jot down some thoughts around some material that we will show them later in the discussion.

Alberta Indigenous Peoples Alberta Indigenous Peoples

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this focus group on behalf of the Government of Canada.

In keeping with Indigenous Protocol and building respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, it is customary to acknowledge the Traditional Territories or Ancestral Lands of Indigenous peoples.

We are meeting virtually so I’d like to acknowledge that the Indigenous peoples are the traditional stewards of the lands and waters in the places where each of us are attending the meeting this evening. We recognize and deeply appreciate their historic connection to these places. We also recognize the contributions that Métis, Inuit, and First Nations have made, both in shaping and strengthening our communities, provinces, and the country as a whole.


NOTE TO MODERATOR: Inform participants that we will be discussing potentially triggering topics (e.g., topics related to residential schools); emphasize that their participation is voluntary, and they can take a break or ask to move past a question if anything is triggering.

Topics could be intensely emotional. We want to acknowledge this upfront and reassure you that we are here to listen. Please share only what you feel comfortable sharing and feel free to turn off your video.

I’m going to provide the number for the National Indian Residential School crisis line in the chat as a resource anyone can call at any time. This will also be posted at the end of the group for your reference.


National Indian Residential School crisis line: 1-866-925-4419

GOVERNMENT OF CANADA IN THE NEWS (10-20 minutes) All Locations

  • What have you seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada in the last few days?
    • Atlantic Canada, Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy Do you remember where you heard this news?
  • Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers IF NOT MENTIONED: Have you seen, read or heard anything recently about the Government of Canada’s plan to address issues related to services for Canadians? If yes, what have you heard?
    • PROBE IF NECESSARY: Have you heard anything about delays related to processing passports and/or immigration applications, or of any issues at Canadian airports? If yes, what have you heard?
  • Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Have you heard of anything the federal government has done to address these issues? What have you heard?
  • Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Do you think this is a priority for the federal government? Why/why not?
  • Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Do you think the federal government is doing enough to address issues related to services for Canadians? Why/why not?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians IF NOT MENTIONED: Have you seen, read or heard anything recently about the Government of Canada’s foreign policy abroad? If yes, what have you heard?
    • PROBE IF NECESSARY: Have you heard anything about expanding diplomatic operations in Africa? If yes, what have you heard?
    • PROBE IF NECESSARY: Have you heard anything about Canada’s plans to build stronger relationships with Caribbean nations through CARICOM (the Caribbean Community, an international organization)? If yes, what have you heard?
  • Alberta Indigenous Peoples, Outaouais Region Quebec PROMPT AS NECESSARY: What about Pope Francis’ recent visit to Canada?
    • What have you heard, read, or seen?
    • Where did you hear, read, or see it?
    • How do you feel about what you heard, read, or saw?
    • What, if anything, does this visit and the Pope’s apology mean for Indigenous peoples or reconciliation in Canada? What next steps, if any, do you hope to see?

PRIORITIES AND PERFORMANCE (15-30 minutes) All Locations

  • In your opinion, what are the top issues [Atlantic Canadians are facing/Quebecers are facing/faced by those living in the GTA/British Columbians are facing/Black Canadians are facing/Indigenous peoples are facing] that the [federal government/Government of Canada] should be prioritizing?
  • Atlantic Canada, Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Alberta Indigenous Peoples What news have you ever seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada’s past work on any of these issues?
  • Atlantic Canada, Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians What work, if any, is the federal government planning to do on these files?
  • Atlantic Canada, Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Alberta Indigenous Peoples On [these priorities/the environment and climate change], [is the federal government generally/has the Government of Canada generally been] on the right track or wrong track? Why?
  • Atlantic Canada, Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle, GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Alberta Indigenous Peoples, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers For those who say they are on the wrong track, what could the federal government do to get on the right track?
  • Atlantic Canada, Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners How big of an issue is the shortage of healthcare workers in [Atlantic Canada/British Columbia]? Have you been personally impacted by this?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians In your opinion, what would you say the federal government is doing well? Why do you say that?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians What areas do you think the federal government needs to improve in? Why do you say that?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians Has your opinion of the federal government gotten better or worse over time? Why?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians Are you aware of any other work the Government of Canada has done, or is planning to do, to help Black Canadians?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years IF NOT MENTIONED: What about with the cost of living?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy What work, if any, is the [federal government/Government of Canada] doing to [help with the cost of living/address economic issues]?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy When it comes to addressing [the cost of living/economic issues], is the Government of Canada generally on the right or wrong track? [Why?/What makes you say that?]
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians IF NOT MENTIONED: What about anti-Black racism? How prevalent is anti-Black racism in Canada?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians What work, if any, is the federal government doing to address anti-Black racism?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians When it comes to combating anti-Black racism, is the federal government generally on the right or wrong track? Why?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians When it comes to engaging with Black Canadians, would you say the federal government is generally on the right or wrong track?
    • What are better ways for the federal government to engage with Black Canadians?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers IF NOT MENTIONED: What about the environment and climate change? How does the environment and climate change rank as a top priority? Why?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers What, specifically, within the broader topic of the environment and climate change are you most concerned about? What specific areas do you think are the most important?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers What major news or announcements over past years, if any, do you remember seeing/hearing about the Government of Canada’s work on the environment and climate change?
    • Mid-size Centres Quebec What do you take away from this? How, if at all, does this impact your impressions of the federal government?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec, Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers Has the federal government gotten better or worse at handling environment and climate change issues over time?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec, GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy What major news or announcements over the past few months, if any, do you remember seeing/hearing about the Government of Canada’s work on [reducing the cost of living/addressing economic issues]?
    • What do you take away from this?
    • Mid-size Centres Quebec How, if at all, does this impact your impressions of the federal government?
  • Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers, Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy What work, if any, is the Government of Canada doing to help with the environment and climate change?
  • Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers When it comes to addressing the environment and climate change, is the Government of Canada generally on the right or wrong track? What makes you say that?
  • Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy When you think of things the Government of Canada has done, or could do, on the environment and climate change, do you see these kinds of actions as being a part of a strategy to address economic issues, or not connected? What makes you say that?
    • In your opinion, would policies like this help build a fair, inclusive, or progressive economy?
    • Do you think they could support workers? The middle class? How so?

Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy SHOW ON SCREEN:
Some of the things the Government of Canada’s has announced it is doing include:

  • Driving down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector
  • Investing in clean electricity
  • Helping industries develop and adopt clean technology to assist them in reaching net-zero emissions
  • Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy Does knowing about these things change your perception as to whether action on the environment and climate change are connected to addressing economic issues?
    • Do any of these 3 seem more connected to economic issues than others?

Access to Clean Drinking Water Alberta Indigenous Peoples

  • IF NOT MENTIONED: What about clean drinking water on reserves?
    • Have you seen, read, or heard anything about actions the Government of Canada has taken to ensure access to clean drinking water on reserves? What has it done?

I’m going to show you an infographic about the work being done by the federal government to lift long-term drinking water advisories and I will ask you for your opinion about it afterwards.

Show the infographic ‘Long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves’ and ‘Progress on lifting long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves.’


  • What are your reactions to these infographics?
  • Now that you’ve seen this, how would you rate the progress the Government of Canada has made on this issue? Would you say they’ve made a lot of progress, a bit, or none?
    • Does anyone think that they have made things worse?
    • What more do you think could be done?

Employment Issues Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque, Outaouais Region Quebec

  • IF NOT MENTIONED: What about job creation?
  • What work, if any, is the Government of Canada doing to create jobs?
  • When it comes to creating jobs, is the Government of Canada generally on the right or wrong track? Why?
    • For those who say they are on the wrong track, what could the federal government do to get on the right track?
  • What major news or announcements over the past few months, if any, do you remember seeing/hearing about the Government of Canada’s work on job creation?
    • What do you take away from this?
  • Does anyone know what Canada’s current unemployment rate is?

The unemployment rate is currently 4.9%, which is the lowest level since Statistics Canada started measuring comparable data over 40 years ago.

  • What do you think when you hear this?
    • Does it surprise you?
    • Does it make you feel better about the job situation in Canada?
    • Does it make you feel better about the Canadian economy?
    • Does it change your opinion as to whether the Government of Canada is on the right track or wrong track when it comes to job creation? How so?

Childcare Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy


Now, let’s talk about childcare.

  • What work, if any, is the Government of Canada doing to make childcare more affordable for parents?
  • When you think of things the Government of Canada has done, or could do, on childcare, do you see these kinds of actions as being a part of a strategy to addressing economic issues, or not connected? What makes you say that?
    • In your opinion, does this work on childcare help build a fair, inclusive, or progressive economy?
    • Do you think it supports workers? The middle class? How so?

PROMPT IF NEEDED: The Government of Canada has reached agreements with all provinces and territories to make childcare services more affordable. The Government of Canada’s plan is to lower to cost of childcare to an average of $10/day and create 250,000 childcare spaces across Canada by 2025-2026.

IF CHILD CARE AGREEMENTS NOT BROUGHT UP EARLIER, ASK: Does knowing about these agreements and policies change your answer at all?

LOCAL ISSUES (25 minutes) Atlantic Canada

Now I’d like to focus on your local community.

  • What are the sectors and industries you currently work in or are planning/studying to work in?
    • Are there jobs in these sectors/industries you could get in your province, or would you need to move?
  • What are the most important sectors and industries for your local community?
  • Which sectors and industries would you like to see the Government of Canada prioritize?

HOUSING (35 minutes) Atlantic Canada

  • Have you heard anything about the Government of Canada’s plan on housing?

I’m now going to show you various housing initiatives included in the budget. There are a few different categories, and we’ll go through each category individually.

POLL: Here is the first set. I’d like you to select the ones that you think will have the most positive impact on the housing market in Canada. You can select up to 3. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any.

Building New Homes

    • A new Housing Accelerator Fund providing money to municipalities to build 100,000 new homes.
    • Repurposing existing infrastructure budgets to prioritize the construction of additional new homes.
    • Providing $750 million in new public transit funding to municipalities that commit their own money to building new housing.
    • An additional $1.5 billion investment over two years for new affordable housing units for those experiencing homelessness or domestic violence.
    • An additional $2.9 billion over four years for the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, which creates new low-income housing and repairs existing low-income housing.
    • An additional $216 million to incentivize developers to build new rental units that charge less than the average rent in the areas they are built in.
    • An additional $500 million investment to expand co-operative housing in Canada, with a pledge to give an additional $1 billion in loans to co-op housing projects.
    • An additional $150 million over two years for housing in the northern territories.
  • Out of all the items in this section, which one do you think would be the most helpful for dealing with the housing crisis?
  • Would any of these personally impact you?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?

POLL: Here is the second set. Again, select the ones that you think will have the most positive impact on the housing market in Canada. (REPEAT INSTRUCTION AS NEEDED: You can select up to 3. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any).

Housing Affordability

    • A Tax-Free First Home Savings Account allowing prospective first-time homebuyers to save up to $40,000 tax-free to put towards their purchase.
    • Doubling the existing First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000.
    • A one-time $500 payment to Canadians facing housing affordability challenges.
    • Expanding the First Time Home Buyers’ Incentive to allow more flexibility and making it easier for single Canadians to access.
    • An additional $200 million to increase rent-to-own housing options.
    • A $562 million investment over two years in funding organizations addressing homelessness, plus $62 million specifically to address homelessness among veterans.
  • Out of all the items in this section, which one do you think would be the most helpful for dealing with the housing crisis?
  • Would any of these personally impact you?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?

POLL: And here is the final set. Again, select the ones that you think will have the most positive impact on the housing market in Canada. (REPEAT INSTRUCTION AS NEEDED: You can select up to 3. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any).

Protecting Canadians

    • Ending blind bidding (blind bidding is where home buyers don’t know how much others are bidding).
    • Creating taxation penalties to stop landlords from doing ‘renovictions’ (a renoviction occurs when a landlord evicts a tenant by claiming they will complete major renovations).
    • A ban on all non-Canadians buying residential properties in Canada for two years.
    • New taxation rules to deter house flipping.
    • Making assignment sales of new and renovated housing taxable to deter speculators from buying homes and leaving them vacant (an assignment sale is when a seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession).
  • Out of all the items in this section, which one do you think would be the most helpful for dealing with the housing crisis?
  • Would any of these personally impact you?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?
  • Now reflecting back on all the new housing policies we have discussed today, what is your overall impression of the Government of Canada’s new housing plan? What impact do you think this approach would have on the housing challenges in Canada?
  • Do you think it’s realistic that all of these initiatives can be fulfilled?

PLANNING TO PURCHASE A VEHICLE (15 minutes) Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle

  • What are your current means of transportation? For you, your family? Probe for transportation used most frequently on a day-to-day basis (e.g., personal vehicle, public transit, bicycle/e-bike, etc.)
    • Do you have access to any other means of transportation? If so, what are they?

I understand that everyone in this group may be looking to purchase or lease a new vehicle sometime in the next 5 years.

  • What are your main reasons for wanting to purchase or lease a vehicle?
  • When you are looking to purchase or lease this vehicle, what are your main considerations? (e.g., price, model, etc.)
    • NOTE TO MODERATOR: Allow time to explore in some detail.
  • How important, if at all, is fuel efficiency to you? Are current gas prices impacting your decision in any way? If yes, how so?
  • How big of a concern are gas prices in your community? What’s causing the recent increases in gas prices?
    • What do you expect the future of gas prices to be?
    • What can be done in responding to rising gas costs?
  • IF NOT RAISED EARLIER: Is anyone considering or looking to purchase or lease an electric vehicle – fully electric, hybrid or plug-in? What are your main reasons for doing so?

ZERO-EMISSION VEHICLES (30 minutes) Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle

  • Does anyone know what zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) are? Can you provide a brief description?
    • Does anyone currently own or lease a ZEV?
    • IF UNAWARE: What about electric vehicles? Do you know what these are?

A ZEV is a vehicle that has the potential to produce no tailpipe emissions. They can still have a conventional internal combustion engine, but they are also able to operate without using it. Examples of ZEVs include battery-electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. So essentially, an electric vehicle is a type of ZEV; hydrogen fuel cell is another type of ZEV.

  • What are your thoughts about zero-emission vehicles? Do you see yourselves ever buying one?
    • IF YES: When do you think you would make this purchase? In 5 years, 10 years, longer?
    • IF NOT: What is holding you back?
    • What are the most important things that would sway you to consider buying a zero-emission vehicle?
  • What are the biggest barriers to purchasing a ZEV?
    • PROMPT AS NEEDED: Are ZEVs affordable? Is there the charging infrastructure to support ZEVs? Is there a good selection of ZEV makes/models to choose from?
  • How important is it that ZEVs and/or ZEV parts be made in Canada?
    • Is ‘made-in-Canada’ an important attribute when making this type of purchase?
    • What impacts would it have if ZEVs and/or ZEV parts were made in Canada?
      • PROMPT AS NEEDED: For example, on cost, on jobs, etc.
    • Should the federal government be prioritizing ZEVs and the manufacturing of ZEVs in Canada? Why/why not?

2022 BUDGET AND ZEVs (30 minutes) Quebec Looking to Purchase a Vehicle

  • Have you heard anything about the Government of Canada’s plan for ZEVs?
  • Has anyone seen, read, or heard anything about the federal government supporting ZEV manufacturing in Quebec or elsewhere? If yes, what have you heard?

I’m now going to show you various initiatives related to zero emissions vehicles included in the 2022 federal budget. There are a few different categories, and we’ll go through each category individually.

POLL: Here is the first set. I’d like you to select the one you think will have the most positive impact. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any.

Reducing Emissions on the Road

    • Put in place a sales mandate to ensure at least 20% of new light-duty vehicle sales will be zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by 2026, at least 60 per cent by 2030, and 100 per cent by 2035.
    • To reduce emissions from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs), reach 35% of total MHDV sales being ZEVs by 2030.
    • Develop a medium- and heavy-duty ZEV regulation to require 100% of MHDV sales to be ZEVs by 2040 for a subset of vehicle types based on feasibility. (IF ASKED: This initiative is based on feasibility because not all medium- or heavy- duty vehicles can transition to zero-emissions at the same rate).
  • What are your reactions to this list?
  • Which one of these will have the greatest impact and why?
  • Will any of these impact you personally?
  • Do any of these not make sense?
  • Should any of these not be on the list?

POLL: Here is the second set. Again, I’d like you to select the one you think will have the most positive impact. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any.

Making the Switch to Zero-Emission Vehicles More Affordable

    • Continue to offer purchase incentives of up to $5,000 for eligible ZEVs. This program has helped Canadians purchase or lease over 136,000 new ZEVs, but more support is needed to help Canadians get behind the wheel of zero-emission vehicles.
    • Provide $1.7 billion over five years to extend the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program until March 2025. Eligibility under the program will also be broadened to support the purchase of more vehicle models, including more vans, trucks, and SUVs, which will help make ZEVs more affordable.
  • What are your reactions to this list?
  • Which one of these will have the greatest impact and why?
  • Will any of these impact you personally?
  • Do any of these not make sense?
  • Should any of these not be on the list?

POLL: Here is the final set. Again, I’d like you to select the one you think will have the most positive impact. If you don’t think any will have a positive impact, don’t select any.

Building a National Network of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

    • Invest $500 million in large-scale urban and commercial ZEV charging and refueling infrastructure.
    • Provide $400 million over five years to fund the deployment of ZEV charging infrastructure in suburban and remote communities.
    • Provide $2.2 million over five years to conduct readiness assessments of federal buildings required to facilitate the transition of the federal vehicle fleet to ZEVs.
  • What are your reactions to this list?
  • Which one of these will have the greatest impact and why?
  • Will any of these impact you personally?
  • Do any of these not make sense?
  • Should any of these not be on the list?

The federal government has helped build almost 1,500 charging stations across the country.

  • Now, reflecting back on all of the ZEV measures discussed today, what is your overall impression of the Government of Canada’s ZEV plan?
  • Do you think it’s realistic for all of these initiatives to be fulfilled?
  • What will you be looking for to prove this plan was successful?
  • IF NOT MENTIONED: Does anyone have any concerns or questions about ZEVs or the Government of Canada’s ZEV plan? What are they?

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES (45 minutes) GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services

I understand that everyone in this group has had a recent experience accessing Government of Canada services.

  • PROBE FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS: I’d like to begin this part of the discussion by asking each of you what federal government services you have recently accessed.
    • What was the service that you accessed?
    • PROBE IF NECESSARY: Has anyone accessed services recently related to passports, immigration applications, or recently visited a Canadian airport?
  • Can you tell us about this recent experience accessing federal government services?
    • How did this contact happen (e.g., by phone, mail, website, in person)?
      • PROBE FOR THOSE WHO WENT IN-PERSON: What did you think of the wait times?
    • How would you describe your experience?
      • PROBE ON VARIOUS SERVICE ATTRIBUTES: For example, employee knowledge, consistency of information, resolving in timely fashion, etc.
    • Can you tell me about aspects of the experience you had that went well, or not so well?
      • If you encountered issues, what were they? Were any steps taken to resolve the issue?
        • Were they resolved to your satisfaction?
        • What impact did this experience or interaction have on you personally?
    • Did you ever receive conflicting information? Can you tell me about this? What kind of conflicting information did you get?
      • Where did you get it from? How did you handle this?
    • Did you experience any issues or delays?
    • Has the issue been resolved or is it still an active issue?
  • Is this different from your previous experience accessing federal government services? If different, please explain how it was different.
  • Whether you’ve experienced issues directly or just heard about them indirectly, what do you think is causing issues with accessing passport services?
    • SHOW LIST ON SCREEN THEN ASK: Which of the following, if any, do you think is having the biggest impact on passport services? Why do you feel this way? Do you feel any of the following are not having a major impact? If yes, which ones?
      • (a) an increase in the volume of applications
      • (b) a shift to mail applications which take more time to process
      • (c) public health restrictions
      • (d) a large proportion of complex applications (i.e., applications with changes that may have occurred since the first application, e.g., contact information is outdated, dependents turned 18, missing documents, etc.)
  • Have you heard of anything the federal government has done to address these issues? What have you heard?
    • CLARIFY AS NECESSARY: Has anyone heard about Service Canada hiring approximately 600 new employees this year, and are hiring up to 600 additional employees?
      • What do you think about what you’ve just heard?
      • Do you think they will be successful in addressing these issues?
      • What else should they be doing?
  • Do you think this is a priority for the federal government? Why/why not?
  • Do you think the federal government is doing enough to address issues related to services for Canadians? Why/why not?
  • Do you have any other suggestions for how to improve Government of Canada services to Canadians, based on your experience?

CARBON PRICING (15 minutes) GTA Recent Users of Federal Government Services, Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians

  • Have you heard anything about the Government of Canada’s plan on pricing carbon pollution? What can you tell me about carbon pricing?

In 2016 the Government of Canada announced a plan to ensure a price on carbon pollution across the country, giving each province and territory the flexibility to develop a system that works for their circumstances, provided it meets the federal standard. In the five provinces that currently do not meet this standard – Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Alberta – the federal pricing system is in place.

All proceeds collected from the federal system in [Ontario/Alberta] stay in [Ontario/Alberta] – 90% is returned directly to residents in the form of an incentive payment, with a typical household receiving about [$745/$1,079]. Until now, individuals have received this in their annual tax return. Starting this July, individuals will be receiving these payments 4 times a year.

  • What do you think about this plan?


The Parliamentary Budget Officer found that 80% of households in affected provinces get more money back, in the form of incentive payments, than they spend on carbon pricing through their household purchases – for example, fuel for cars, gas to heat the home, etc.

  • What are your reactions when you hear this?
  • Does this approach seem fair?
  • Does the carbon pricing system seem affordable?

CANADA’S ECONOMIC OUTLOOK (30 minutes) Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners

  • Let’s now focus on economic issues in general. How would you say the Canadian economy as a whole is doing these days?
    • MODERATOR TO ASK PARTICIPANTS TO USE PEN AND PAPER: Off the top of your head, can you write down one word that you would use to describe the economy these days?
      • NOTE TO MODERATOR: Ask each participant what word they wrote down.
      • Why do you say this?
  • Would you say that things are better or worse than they were a year ago? In what way?
    • What about for you personally? Is your financial situation better or worse than it was a year ago?
  • How do you think the economy will be in coming years? Do you think things will get better or worse next year? Why? Why not?
    • What about for you personally? Do you think you will be better off, worse off, or do you anticipate no change in the next year?
  • What do you see as the biggest threats to Canada’s economy in the coming year?
  • What kind of things do you think the Government of Canada can do to improve the current state of the economy?
  • In your own words, how would you explain what inflation is?
    • CLARIFY AS NECESSARY: Essentially, inflation is a persistent rise in the average level of prices over time.
  • How big a concern, if at all, is inflation? Are you worried about it?
  • Would you say that inflation is impacting you, as well as your friends and family? If yes, how so?
  • Would you be able to describe some solutions to inflation? What are some things individuals can do to cope with inflation? What could the federal government do?
  • Who do you trust to give you good advice on personal financial decisions? Why do you say so?
    • PROBE: Would you trust economists, banks, friends/family, crypto investors, or social media?
    • Who would you trust the least from this list? Why?

CRYPTOCURRENCY (40 minutes) Lower Mainland British Columbia Current Cryptocurrency Owners

For the final topic of this evening, I’d like to shift focus and talk about cryptocurrency.

  • In your own words, can you please describe cryptocurrency to me?
  • How did you first learn about cryptocurrencies? When did you first become interested in buying cryptocurrencies?
  • Where do you go for credible information on cryptocurrencies?
  • What has your experience with cryptocurrencies been?
  • What are the benefits of owning cryptocurrencies?
  • What are your biggest concerns, if any, with cryptocurrencies? What are the biggest risks?
  • What advice would you give to someone who may be interested in purchasing cryptocurrencies?
  • What would you say is your level of knowledge regarding tax implications of cryptocurrency investments?
  • Do your digital assets play any role in shaping your economic or financial outlook?
    • Do you feel better/worse about your financial future because of your digital assets? Why?
  • Should the federal government be regulating cryptocurrencies in any way? Why/why not?
  • What do you think the federal government should be doing to educate Canadians about cryptocurrency?
  • What do you believe the future of cryptocurrencies holds? Why do you say that?
  • How concerned, if at all, are you about cryptocurrency scams?

COVID-19 OUTLOOK/VACCINES (25-40 minutes) Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec

I’d like to talk about COVID-19 now…

  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians When it comes to how the Government of Canada has performed throughout the pandemic, what are some things you think they have been doing well?
    • What makes you say that?
    • What could they be doing better?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians With the arrival of summer, more and more Canadians are traveling. Do you think the various COVID-19 travel requirements are still needed (e.g., proof of vaccination, masking at airports and on planes, random COVID-19 testing upon entry to Canada)? What makes you say that?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians Assuming COVID-19 is still an issue a year from now, what do you think daily life will be like? For example, do you think things will mostly be back to normal? Or do you expect restrictions will still be implemented whenever case counts climb? Or something else?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians Various public health measures have changed over the course of the pandemic (like mask mandates or capacity limits). As these measures have changed, has your opinion about the benefits of following these measures changed? What makes you say that?
    • Are you continuing to wear a mask in indoor/outdoor public spaces all the time, some of the time, rarely/never? Under what circumstances do you wear a mask? And, what kind of mask do you typically wear?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec How many of you have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine? Two doses? Finally, how many of you have received a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine? (SHOW OF HANDS FOR EACH)
    • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED 3RD DOSE: Have you made an appointment to get a third dose? (SHOW OF HANDS)


  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec What made you decide to get a third dose?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Do you think you will get a fourth dose? Why/why not?


  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Why haven’t you/What are the reasons why you haven’t] received or made an appointment to receive your third dose?
    • PROBE IF NECESSARY: Do you have questions about COVID-19 vaccines in general, or [do you want answers specifically about the third dose/about the third dose in particular]?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec What other information do you need to help you decide about getting a third dose?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Do you believe that vaccination and boosters prevent COVID-19 infection? What about serious illness from COVID-19?
    • Do you think it’s important to prevent infection and serious illness through vaccination and boosters?
    • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians Are you comfortable with the possibility of becoming infected?
    • Mid-size Centres Quebec How do you feel about the possibility of becoming infected? Would you be comfortable if this happened?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec What safety concerns do you have about the COVID-19 vaccine, if any?
  • Mid-size Centres Alberta Black Canadians, Mid-size Centres Quebec Are you concerned about the potential long-term impacts of vaccines?
    • PROBE FOR: What concerns you the most?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec And, how many of you have now received a 4th dose or have an appointment booked?
    • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE: What made you decide to get a 4th dose? FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN’T GOTTEN A 4TH DOSE: Do you think you will get a 4TH dose? Why/why not?

PERSONAL FINANCIAL OUTLOOK/FINANCIAL SITUATION (15 minutes) Mid-size Centres Quebec, Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque

Mid-size Centres Quebec I’d like to shift topics…

  • Compared to a year ago, how would you rate your financial situation today? That is, would you say it has gotten better, worse or that it has remained roughly the same?
    • FOR THOSE WHO SAY GOTTEN BETTER: Why has it gotten better? (IF NEEDED: For example, do you have less debt now, have you reduced monthly expenses, has your income increased, etc.)?
    • FOR THOSE WHO SAY GOTTEN WORSE: Why has it gotten worse? (IF NEEDED: For example, do you have more debt now, have your monthly expenses increased, has your income decreased, etc.)?
  • And thinking ahead to a year from now, do you think your financial situation will be better, worse or roughly the same as it is now? What makes you say that?
  • Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque IF NOT ALREADY MENTIONED: We know that the rate of inflation is rising in Canada. How has that impacted your household finances, if at all?
    • IF YES: Where have you felt the impact of inflation? Groceries? Gas? Housing? Something else?

HEALTH CARE (20-50 minutes) Mid-size Centres Quebec, Outaouais Region Quebec

Now I’d like to focus on Canada’s health care system. First, I’d like to get your impressions of the quality of health care services in Canada, and then we’ll focus on access to health care services.

  • Overall, how would you rate the quality of Canada’s health care system? What makes you say that?
  • And what about access to health care services? What makes you say that?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec Have any of you had any recent experiences with health care services?
  • Mid-size Centres Quebec FOR THOSE WHO HAVE: How was your experience?
    • What worked well?
    • What needs to be improved?

Healthcare Priorities Outaouais Region Quebec

Thinking now specifically about healthcare priorities…

  • What are the biggest challenges facing healthcare in your area?
  • Has anyone heard about any recent commitments or announcements made by the Government of Canada on healthcare?

The Government of Canada announced five priority areas in healthcare:

  • (1) addressing health worker shortages and reducing wait times;
  • (2) increasing access to family health services;
  • (3) improving long term care and home care;
  • (4) addressing mental health and substance use; and
  • (5) modernizing health data management and virtual care.
  • What are your initial reactions when you see this priority list?
  • Are there any priorities listed that you think are particularly important?
  • Are there any priorities listed that you do not think should be there? Why is that?


  • How would you expect the Government of Canada to address this priority? (PROBE FOR: Policies, investments, etc.)
    • Do you have any questions about this priority? Do you have any questions about what the Government of Canada plans to do to address this priority?
    • Is this something you think will have a positive impact? Will it impact you directly?

AFFORDABILITY MEASURES (45 minutes) Eastern Ontario Living Pay Cheque to Pay Cheque

I’m now going to show you various measures the Government of Canada has announced to help support Canadians. I’ve got 2 different sets of initiatives. Here is the first set:


  • A new dental care program for families with an income of less than $90,000 annually, starting with children under 12 in 2022*
  • Increasing benefits to match inflation (indexing) (benefits include things like the Canada Child Benefit, the GST Credit, the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement)
  • Increasing Old Age Security payments by 10% for seniors aged 75 or older
  • Increasing the amount that eligible Canadians may receive through the Canada Workers Benefit (low-income single individuals can receive up to $1,395 for the basic amount; low-income families can receive up to $2,403)
  • Providing a 50% reduction in average parent fees for licensed early learning and child care by the end of 2022

The new dental care program starts with under 12-year-olds in 2022, then expands to under 18-year-olds, seniors and persons living with a disability in 2023, then full implementation by 2025. The program is restricted to families with an income of less than $90,000 annually, with no co-pays for anyone under $70,000 annually in income.

POLL: I’d like you to select any measures you have heard of. If you haven’t heard of any, then do not select any.


  • Where did you hear about this?

POLL: Now I’m going to show you the same list of items but this time I’d like you to select any measures that you think will have a positive impact on your financial situation. If you don’t think any will, then do not select any.

  • A new dental care program for families
  • Increasing benefits to match inflation (indexing)
  • Increasing Old Age Security payments by 10% for seniors aged 75 or older
  • Increasing the amount that eligible Canadians may receive through the Canada Workers Benefit
  • Providing a 50% reduction in average parent fees for licensed early learning and child care


  • Why did you not select this one?


POLL: Here is the second set. Again, I’d like you to select any measures you have heard of. If you haven’t heard of any, then do not select any.


  • Where did you hear about this?

POLL: And again, I’m going to show you the same list of items but this time I’d like you to select any measures that you think will have a positive impact on your financial situation. If you don’t think any will, then do not select any.

  • A new Housing Accelerator Fund providing money to municipalities to build 100,000 new homes
  • A one-time $500 payment to Canadians facing housing affordability challenges
  • A Tax-Free First Home Savings Account allowing prospective first-time homebuyers to save up to $40,000 tax-free to put towards their purchase
  • Doubling the existing First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000
  • Now, reflecting back on the various Government of Canada measures we have discussed today, what is your overall impression of the Government of Canada’s plan to address cost of living issues?
    • AS NEEDED: Has your impression of whether the Government of Canada is on the right or wrong track in this respect changed? How so?
  • If you could suggest one thing to the Government of Canada that it could do to help improve your financial situation, what would it be?
    • IF DIRECT PAYMENTS OR TAX CUTS SUGGESTED, PROBE: Do you think that this kind of policy could make inflation worse? Why/why not?

RECONCILIATION (65 minutes) Alberta Indigenous Peoples

I’m now going to show you various initiatives the Government of Canada has announced to help Indigenous peoples and communities. Note that what I am going to show you are new measures announced in the most recent federal Budget; they do not include other initiatives already underway*.

Here is the first set.

Addressing Past Harms and Discrimination Related to Indigenous Children and Families

  • A. $4 billion to ensure First Nations children receive the support they need through Jordan’s Principle. This funding will also support long-term reforms to improve the implementation of Jordan’s Principle.
  • B. $87.3 million to help Indigenous communities implement Indigenous child welfare laws.
  • C. $209.8 million to document, locate, and memorialize burial sites at former residential schools.
  • D. Appoint a Special Interlocutor to work with Indigenous peoples to strengthen federal laws to protect and preserve unmarked burial sites.
  • E. $5.1 million to ensure the RCMP can support community-led responses to unmarked burial sites.
  • F. $25 million to support the digitization of millions of documents relating to the federal Indian Day School System, which will ensure survivors and all Canadians have access to them.
  • What do you think about these initiatives?
  • What kind of impact, if at all, do you think these will have?
  • Would any of these personally impact you or your family?
  • Which ones, if any, do you think are particularly important?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?
  • Each initiative has a letter beside it. Are there any of these in particular that you would like to discuss?


Here is the second set.

Supporting Strong and Healthy Communities

  • A. $268 million to provide high-quality health care in remote and isolated First Nations communities on-reserve.
  • B. $190.5 million to help Indigenous communities and organizations address the ongoing impacts of COVID-19.
  • C. $227.6 million to maintain trauma-informed, culturally appropriate, Indigenous-led services to improve mental wellness.
  • D. $310.6 million to help ensure First Nations children living on reserve receive a high-quality education that meets their unique needs.
  • E. $4 billion to support housing in Indigenous communities.
  • What do you think about these initiatives?
  • What kind of impact, if at all, do you think these will have?
  • Would any of these personally impact you or your family?
  • Which ones, if any, do you think are particularly important?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?
  • Each initiative has a letter beside it. Are there any of these in particular that you would like to discuss?


Here is the last set.

Advancing Self-Determination and Property

  • A. $29.6 million to support self-determined action in addressing Indigenous peoples’ climate priorities.
  • B. $103.4 million to provide opportunities for Indigenous communities to benefit from all types of natural resources projects.
  • C. $150 million to advance shovel-ready economic opportunities in Indigenous communities.
  • D. $15 million to support Indigenous economic development in the North.
  • E. $35 million to help increase Indigenous communities’ participation in economic projects, including specialized training opportunities delivered by Indigenous-led organizations.
  • F. Forgive up to 50% of COVID-related loans provided to Indigenous businesses during the pandemic.
  • What do you think about these initiatives?
  • What kind of impact, if at all, do you think these will have?
  • Would any of these personally impact you or your family?
  • Which ones, if any, do you think are particularly important?
  • Is there anything in this section that the Government of Canada should not be doing?
  • Each initiative has a letter beside it. Are there any of these in particular that you would like to discuss?



  • $6 billion over five years to support community infrastructure projects in Indigenous communities, including the launch of the $4.3 billion Indigenous Community Infrastructure Fund;
  • $1.04 billion from the $4.3 billion Indigenous Community Infrastructure Fund to support water and wastewater systems on reserve;
  • $1.4 billion over five years to maintain and transform essential health care services for First Nations and Inuit, including funding to support First Nations communities’ reliable access to clean water.
  • $2.2 billion over five years to respond to the tragedy of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls;
  • $1 billion over five years to help keep families together and reduce the number of children in care;
  • $2.5 billion over five years to build on the distinctions-based approach to Indigenous early learning and child care, including before- and after-school care on reserve;
  • $1.2 billion over five years to invest in the future of First Nations children by strengthening elementary and secondary education; and
  • $2.7 billion over ten years in funding for core programs and services provided through ten-year grants to ensure funding keeps pace with the needs of First Nations.

CHILD CARE (20 minutes) GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years

I’d now like to talk about child care…

  • Do any of you have kids in child care or are in the process of making child care arrangements? (SHOW OF HANDS)
    • How much does it cost you/do you anticipate it will cost you?
    • How easy or difficult is it to find and secure a spot?
  • Have you seen, read, or heard anything about the Government of Canada and child care?
    • PROMPT AS NECESSARY: Have you heard about any agreements between the Government of Canada and individual provinces and territories?

CLARIFY AS NECESSARY: The Government of Canada has reached agreements with provinces and territories to make child care services more affordable.

  • When it comes to making child care services more affordable and accessible, do you have a sense of what that specifically could mean for you and your family? PROMPT FOR: Reduced fees, more spaces/making it easier to find spaces, etc.
    • IF CAN PROVIDE AN ANSWER: By when do you expect to see some of these changes taking place? Have you noticed any already?

CLARIFY AS NECESSARY: The Government of Canada’s plan is to lower the cost of child care to an average of $10/day and create 250,000 child care spaces across Canada by 2025-2026. In British Columbia, the plan is for average parent fees for regulated and funded child care for children under 5 to be reduced by 50% by December 2022.

  • What is your reaction to this plan?
    • What impact do you think this plan will have on your family?
  • When you think of various policies the Government of Canada could implement to reduce the cost of living, do you think investing to lower the cost of child care is an important one? Why/why not?

CANADA CHILD BENEFIT (20 minutes) GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years

I’d now like to talk more broadly about services and programs for parents…

  • What policies, programs, services, or benefits, if any, has the Government of Canada put in place that support parents?
    • Has anyone heard of the Canada Child Benefit?
    • Do you receive the Canada Child Benefit, or have you received it in the past?
  • What, if anything, do you like about the Canada Child Benefit?
  • What, if anything, do you not like about the Canada Child Benefit?
  • For those who get the Canada Child Benefit, how do you use that money?
    • How big of an impact, if at all, does the Canada Child Benefit have on your family’s cost of living?
  • What more could the Government of Canada do to help support parents and families?

COVID-19 VACCINE FOR CHILDREN (20 minutes) GVA Parents of Children aged 6 months to 4 years

Now I’d like to focus on COVID-19 vaccination…

As you may be aware, Health Canada has approved COVID-19 vaccines made for children between 6 months and 4 years old. (NOTE TO MODERATOR: Health Canada approved the Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months to 4 years old on July 14, 2022).

  • Have any of you had your kids under 5 vaccinated? (SHOW OF HANDS)
    • FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT: Have you made an appointment to get your kids vaccinated? (SHOW OF HANDS)


  • What made you decide to get your kids vaccinated?


  • What are the factors that will influence your decision on whether or not to get your kids vaccinated?
  • Are there questions about administering COVID-19 vaccines to kids that you would like answers to?

PERSONAL CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION (20 minutes) Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers

I’d like to shift away from what the Government of Canada is doing and focus on you as individuals…

  • Still thinking about climate change, what actions, if any, have you taken to fight climate change or reduce emissions in your daily life?
    • What kind of impact do you think your actions have when it comes to fighting climate change? (PROMPT AS NEEDED: A small impact? Medium? Major?)
  • Are there other things you would like to do to fight climate change, but currently aren’t?
    • If you were doing these things, what kind of impact do you think these actions would have?
    • What is preventing you from doing these things?
      • PROMPT AS NEEDED: Do you face any barriers to taking these actions?
  • And let’s say the majority of Canadians started implementing the various actions we’ve discussed (including actions you would like to take but currently aren’t), what kind of impact do you think this would have in terms of fighting climate change?

EMISSIONS REDUCTION PLAN (35 minutes) Major Centres Quebec Climate Change Believers

  • Have you heard about the Government of Canada’s recent announcement of its Emissions Reduction Plan?
    • IF YES: What have you heard?
      • Where did you hear/see it?
      • What do you think about what you heard?

The Government of Canada has said it is working with Canadians in all parts of the country and all sectors of the economy to achieve Canada’s climate goals and seize new economic opportunities. The 2030 plan is designed to be evergreen—a comprehensive roadmap that reflects levels of ambition to guide emissions reduction efforts in each sector.

In the 2030 plan, the Government of Canada is taking action by:

    • Helping to reduce energy costs for our homes and buildings
    • Making it easier for Canadians to switch to electric vehicles
    • Driving down carbon pollution from the oil and gas sector
    • Powering the economy with renewable electricity
    • Helping industries develop and adopt clean technology in their journey to net-zero emissions
    • Supporting farmers as partners in building a clean, prosperous future
    • Maintaining Canada’s approach to pricing pollution, including to increase the price on pollution in the coming years
  • What are your initial reactions when you see this priority list?

POLL: Now I’d like for you to choose which of these priorities you believe are the most important. You can select up to 3.


  • Why did you choose this priority? Why is it important to you?
    • IF FEW OR NONE SELECTED AN OPTION: Why didn’t you choose this option?
  • What do you expect to see? What impacts do you expect this to have?
  • Is it achievable? What barriers might there be to success?
  • Are there any priorities listed that you do not think should there? Why is that?

ECONOMIC PRIORITIES & TERMINOLOGY (35 minutes) Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy

  • In your opinion, what are the top issues the Government of Canada should be prioritizing?
    • IF NOT MENTIONED: What about the economy?
    • Thinking of the various issues you’ve mentioned, where does the economy rank as a top priority? What makes you say that?
    • What specifically with respect to the economy are you most concerned about – what do you think is the most pressing economic issue?

We’ve been discussing the economy, how you prioritize economic issues and your concerns. I would now like to get a better understanding from you about what comes to mind when you hear the following:


  • A fair economy
  • A green economy
  • A progressive economy
  • An economy that works for all Canadians
  • An inclusive economy


  • What does this term mean to you?
  • What would a [INSERT AS APPLICABLE]: fair/green/progressive/inclusive economy/economy that works for all Canadians look like to you?

POLL: Now I’d like you to choose the kind of economy the Government of Canada should be aiming to build:

  • A fair economy
  • A green economy
  • A progressive economy
  • An economy that works for all Canadians
  • An inclusive economy



  • Would having this kind of economy address the economic issue you mentioned earlier/the one you are most concerned about? What makes you say that?

Here’s another set of terms I’d like your thoughts on:


  • Supporting the middle class
  • Supporting workers
  • What is the difference, if any, between these two terms?
  • How should the Government of Canada support workers?
    • Would this address the economic issue you mentioned earlier? What makes you say that?
  • How should the Government of Canada support the middle class?
    • Would this address the economic issue you mentioned earlier? What makes you say that?

Now, the final set of terms…


  • Labour force
  • Workforce
  • What is the difference, if any, between these two terms?

DIGITAL CREDENTIALS (30 minutes) Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About Economy

I’d like to shift to a completely different topic now…

  • Does anyone know what digital credentials are?
    • IF YES: How would you explain it?

Digital credentials are a way for individuals to provide information about themselves electronically. Digital credentials are completely voluntary and can be used during service transactions instead of having to show up in person to provide required documents (or instead of providing a scan or photo of physical documents). In the same way that you would store your physical documents in a safe place, or in your wallet, your digital credentials can be securely stored on a personal device.

  • Note that digital credentials are not the same thing as scanning or taking a photo of physical documents; these digital credentials are essentially the electronic equivalent of physical documents. I will show you an example of what I mean.


  • This is an example of a digital services card that was introduced in the province of British Columbia, Canada. On the right, you can see the electronic equivalent of the physical B.C. Services Card (on the left) which allows you to get access to provincial services, including health care.
  • What are your initial reactions to digital credentials?
  • Can you think of any examples of digital credentials that currently exist?
  • Can you think of situations where individuals could use digital credentials?
    • PROMPT AS NEEDED: I provided an example of a digital services card from B.C., which can be used to access provincial services, such as health care. Can you think of other situations where individuals could use digital credentials?
    • IF ONLY SITUATIONS PROVIDED FOR THE B.C. EXAMPLE*: Can you think of any other types of digital credentials aside from the B.C. example we’ve been discussing? How could these be used?

*NOTE TO MDOERATOR: Other examples of how the B.C. digital credentials can be used include accessing online services such as medical records, driver’s licencing, school records, etc.

  • What benefits, if any, do you think there are to using digital credentials?
  • What concerns, if any, do you have about using digital credentials?
  • Do you have any questions about digital credentials?
  • Now, let’s say digital credentials were widely used across Canada. What would that look like to you?
    • PROMPT AS NEEDED: For example, do you think service transactions would change? How so?

CONCLUSION (10-15 minutes) All Locations

  • Before we close, is there anything else you would like to say to the federal government? It can be an additional point related to anything we discussed today, or it could be something you think is important but wasn’t discussed.

Alberta Indigenous Peoples And before we leave, I’m going to provide the number for the National Indian Residential School crisis line again. We have also listed the contact information for the Hope for Wellness Help Line.

Alberta Indigenous Peoples SHOW ON SCREEN:
National Indian Residential School crisis line: 1-866-925-4419

Alberta Indigenous Peoples First Nations, Inuit and Métis seeking immediate emotional support can contact the Hope for Wellness Help Line toll-free at 1-855-242-3310, or by online chat at

French Moderator’s Guide



INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) Tous les lieux

  • Le modérateur ou la personne responsable du soutien technique doit faire savoir aux participantes et aux participants qu’un stylo et du papier seront nécessaires afin de prendre des notes et d’écrire quelques réflexions au sujet des pièces de communication que nous leur montrerons plus tard au cours de la discussion.

Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta

Je vous remercie, au nom du gouvernement du Canada, de prendre le temps de participer à ce groupe de discussion.

En accord avec le protocole autochtone et pour établir des relations respectueuses entre les peuples autochtones et non autochtones du Canada, il est de coutume de reconnaître les territoires traditionnels ou les terres ancestrales des peuples autochtones.

Comme nous nous réunissons virtuellement, je tiens à rappeler que les peuples autochtones sont les gardiens traditionnels des terres et des eaux dans chacun des endroits d’où nous participons à cette séance de discussion ce soir. Nous reconnaissons et apprécions profondément leur lien historique avec ces lieux. Nous reconnaissons également les contributions des Métis, des Inuits et des autres peuples autochtones, qui ont façonné et renforcé nos communautés, nos provinces et le pays dans son ensemble.


NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : Informer les participantes et participants que nous allons discuter de sujets potentiellement déclencheurs (par exemple, des sujets liés aux pensionnats) ; insister sur le fait que leur participation est volontaire et qu’elles ou ils peuvent prendre une pause ou demander à ce qu’on passe à une autre question si quelque chose est déclencheur.

Les sujets peuvent être intensément émotionnels. Nous tenons à le reconnaître d’emblée et à vous rassurer sur le fait que nous sommes là pour vous écouter. Veuillez ne partager que ce avec quoi vous vous sentez à l’aise et n’hésitez pas à éteindre votre caméra.

Je vais vous transmettre le numéro de la Ligne d’écoute nationale des pensionnats indiens dans la boîte de clavardage à titre de ressource que toutes personnes peuvent appeler à tout moment. Ce numéro sera également affiché à la fin du groupe à titre de référence.

Ligne d’écoute nationale des pensionnats indiens : 1-866-925-4419


  • Qu’avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu au sujet du gouvernement du Canada au cours des derniers jours ?
    • Canada atlantique, Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule, personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec, classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Vous souvenez-vous où vous avez entendu cette nouvelle ?
  • Canada atlantique, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu quelque chose récemment concernant le plan du gouvernement du Canada pour remédier aux enjeux de prestation de services à la population canadienne ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
    • DEMANDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Avez-vous entendu parler de retards dans le traitement des passeports ou des demandes d’immigration, ou encore de tout autre enjeu dans les aéroports canadiens ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
  • Canada atlantique, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Avez-vous entendu quelque chose au sujet de ce que le gouvernement fédéral a fait en réponse à ces enjeux ? Qu’avez-vous entendu ?
  • Canada atlantique, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Pensez-vous que ceci constitue une priorité pour le gouvernement fédéral ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Canada atlantique, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Pensez-vous que le gouvernement fédéral en fait assez pour remédier aux enjeux de prestation de services à la population canadienne ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu quelque chose récemment au sujet de la politique étrangère du gouvernement du Canada ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
    • SONDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Avez-vous entendu quelque chose au sujet d’une expansion des opérations diplomatiques en Afrique ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
    • SONDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Avez-vous entendu parler des plans du Canada qui visent à renforcer les relations avec les pays des Caraïbes à travers son engagement auprès de la CARICOM (la Communauté des Caraïbes, une organisation internationale) ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
  • Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta, région de l’Outaouais québécois MENTIONNER AU BESOIN : Qu’en est-il de la récente visite du pape François au Canada ?
    • Qu’avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu ?
    • Où avez-vous entendu, lu ou vu cela ?
    • Quelle est votre réaction à ce que vous avez entendu, lu ou vu ?
    • Que signifient, le cas échéant, cette visite et les excuses du pape pour les peuples autochtones ou pour la réconciliation au Canada ? Quelles prochaines étapes, le cas échéant, espérez-vous voir mises en place ?

PRIORITÉS ET PERFORMANCE (15-30 minutes) Tous les lieux

  • À votre avis, quels sont les principaux enjeux auxquels sont confrontés [les Canadiens de l’Atlantique/les Québécois/les habitants de la RGT/les Britanno-Colombiens/les Canadiens noirs/les peuples autochtones] et dont le gouvernement fédéral devrait traiter en priorité ?
  • Canada atlantique, Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule, personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, peuples autochtones de l’Alberta Quelles nouvelles avez-vous déjà vues, lues ou entendues au sujet du travail effectué par le gouvernement du Canada dans le passé sur l’un de ces dossiers ?
  • Canada atlantique, Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule, personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Quel travail, le cas échéant, le gouvernement fédéral prévoit-il de faire dans ces dossiers ?
  • Canada atlantique, Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule, personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec, peuples autochtones de l’Alberta En ce qui concerne [ces priorités/l’environnement et le changement climatique], [le gouvernement fédéral/le gouvernement du Canada] est-il généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie ? Pourquoi ?
  • Canada atlantique, Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule, personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique, Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, peuples autochtones de l’Alberta, région de l’Outaouais québécois, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec Pour les personnes qui disent qu’il est sur la mauvaise voie, que pourrait faire le gouvernement fédéral pour se mettre sur la bonne voie ?
  • Canada atlantique, détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique Dans quelle mesure la pénurie de personnel de la santé est-elle un enjeu [au Canada atlantique/en Colombie-Britannique] ? Avez-vous été personnellement touché par cette situation ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta À votre avis, que fait de bien le gouvernement fédéral ? Pourquoi dites-vous cela ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Selon vous, sur quels plans le gouvernement fédéral doit-il s’améliorer ? Pourquoi dites-vous cela ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Votre opinion du gouvernement fédéral s’est-elle améliorée ou détériorée au fil du temps ? Pourquoi ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Êtes-vous au courant de tout autre travail que le gouvernement du Canada a fait, ou prévoit de faire, pour aider les Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, région de l’Outaouais québécois, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il du coût de la vie ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, région de l’Outaouais québécois, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV, classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Quel travail [le gouvernement fédéral/le gouvernement du Canada] fait-il, le cas échéant, pour [aider avec le coût de la vie/pour traiter des enjeux économiques] ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, région de l’Outaouais québécois, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV, classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Pour ce qui est de [sa réponse au coût de la vie/traiter des enjeux économiques], le gouvernement du Canada est-il généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie ? [Pourquoi ?/Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?]
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il du racisme anti-Noirs ? Dans quelle mesure le racisme anti-Noirs est-il répandu au Canada ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Quel travail le gouvernement fédéral fait-il, le cas échéant, pour lutter contre le racisme anti-Noirs ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta En ce qui concerne la lutte contre le racisme anti-Noirs, le gouvernement du Canada est-il généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie ? Pourquoi ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta En ce qui concerne interagir avec les Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs, le gouvernement fédéral est-il généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise ?
    • Quelles sont de meilleures façons pour le gouvernement fédéral d’interagir avec les Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il de l’environnement et le changement climatique ? Où se classe l’environnement et le changement climatique parmi les principales priorités ? Pourquoi ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec Dans le contexte plus large de l’environnement et du changement climatique, qu’est-ce qui vous préoccupe le plus ? Ou encore, quels sont les aspects spécifiques qui, selon vous, sont les plus importants ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec Quelles sont les principales nouvelles ou annonces que vous vous souvenez d’avoir vues ou entendues au cours des dernières années, le cas échéant, concernant le travail du gouvernement du Canada en matière d’environnement et de changement climatique ?
    • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Que retenez-vous de cela ? Comment, le cas échéant, cela affecte-t-il vos impressions sur le gouvernement fédéral ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec La gestion des questions liées à l’environnement et au changement climatique par le gouvernement fédéral s’est-elle améliorée ou détériorée au fil du temps ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, région de l’Outaouais québécois, parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV, classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Quelles sont les principales nouvelles ou annonces que vous vous rappelez avoir vues ou entendues au cours des quelques derniers mois, le cas échéant, concernant le travail du gouvernement du Canada quant à [réduire le coût de la vie/traiter des enjeux économiques] ?
    • Que retenez-vous de cela ?
    • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Comment, le cas échéant, cela affecte-t-il vos impressions sur le gouvernement fédéral ?
  • Climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec, classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Quel travail, le cas échéant, le gouvernement du Canada fait-il en matière d’environnement et de changement climatique ?
  • Climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec En matière d’environnement et de changement climatique, le gouvernement du Canada a-t-il été généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Lorsque vous pensez à ce que le gouvernement du Canada a fait ou pourrait faire en matière d’environnement et de changement climatique, avez-vous l’impression que les actions de ce genre font partie d’une stratégie qui vise à traiter des enjeux économiques, ou qu’il n’y a aucun lien ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
    • À votre avis, de telles politiques aideraient-elles à bâtir une économie juste, inclusive ou progressive ?
    • Pensez-vous qu’elles pourraient contribuer à soutenir les travailleuses et les travailleurs ? La classe moyenne ? Comment ?

Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN :
Parmi certaines des choses que le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé qu’il faisait figurent les suivantes :

  • Réduire la pollution par le carbone dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier
  • Investir dans l’électricité propre
  • Aider les industries à développer et à adopter des technologies propres qui leur serviront à atteindre la carboneutralité
  • Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie Le fait de connaître ces choses change-t-il votre perception quant au lien entre l’action sur l’environnement et le changement climatique et traiter des enjeux économiques ?
    • Parmi ces trois, est-ce que certaines semblent plus liées aux enjeux économiques que d’autres ?

L’accès à l’eau potable Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta

  • SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il de l’eau potable propre dans les réserves ?
    • Avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu quelque chose au sujet des actions prises par le gouvernement du Canada pour assurer l’accès à l’eau potable propre dans les réserves ? Qu’a-t-il fait ?

Je vais vous montrer un document infographique portant sur le travail qu’effectue le gouvernement fédéral afin de lever les avis à long terme sur la qualité de l’eau potable et ensuite je vous demanderai votre opinion à ce sujet.


AFFICHER LE DOCUMENT INFOGRAPHIQUE « Avis sur la qualité de l’eau potable à long terme touchant des systèmes publics dans les réserves » et « Progrès dans la levée des avis à long terme concernant la qualité de l’eau potable visant les systèmes publics d’approvisionnement en eau dans les réserves ».


  • Quelles sont vos réactions à ces infographies ?
  • Maintenant que vous avez vu cela, comment évaluez-vous les progrès réalisés par le gouvernement du Canada quant à cette question ? Diriez-vous qu’il a fait beaucoup de progrès, un peu, aucun, ou qu’il a aggravé la situation ?
    • Y a-t-il quelqu’un qui pense qu’ils ont aggravé la situation ?
      • Que pensez-vous que l’on puisse faire de plus ?

Enjeux en matière d’emploi Personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario, région de l’Outaouais québécois

  • SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il de la création d’emplois ?
  • Quel travail, le cas échéant, le gouvernement du Canada fait-il pour créer des emplois ?
  • En ce qui concerne la création d’emplois, le gouvernement fédéral est-il généralement sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie ? Pourquoi ?
    • Pour les personnes qui disent qu’il est sur la mauvaise voie, que pourrait faire le gouvernement fédéral pour se mettre sur la bonne voie ?
  • Quelles sont les principales nouvelles ou annonces que vous vous souvenez d’avoir vues ou entendues au cours des derniers mois, le cas échéant, concernant le travail du gouvernement du Canada en matière de création d’emplois ?
    • Que retenez-vous de cela ?
  • Est-ce que quelqu’un sait quel est le taux de chômage actuel au Canada ?

Le taux de chômage actuel se situe à 4,9 %, soit le niveau le plus bas depuis que Statistique Canada a commencé à mesurer des données comparables il y a plus de 40 ans.

  • Que pensez-vous lorsque vous entendez cela ?
    • Cela vous surprend-il ?
    • Cela vous rassure-t-il quant à la situation de l’emploi au Canada ?
    • Cela vous rassure-t-il quant à l’économie canadienne ?
    • Est-ce que cela vous fait changer d’avis quant à savoir si le gouvernement du Canada est sur la bonne voie ou sur la mauvaise voie en ce qui concerne la création d’emplois ? Comment ?

Garde des jeunes enfants Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie


Maintenant, parlons de garde de jeunes enfants.

  • Quel travail, le cas échéant, le gouvernement du Canada fait-il pour rendre les services de garde des jeunes enfants plus abordable pour les parents ?
  • Lorsque vous pensez à ce que le gouvernement du Canada a fait ou pourrait faire en matière de garde de jeunes enfants, avez-vous l’impression que les actions de ce genre font partie d’une stratégie qui vise à traiter des enjeux économiques, ou qu’il n’y a aucun lien ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
    • À votre avis, ce travail en matière de garde de jeunes enfants aide-t-il à bâtir une économie juste, inclusive ou progressive ?
    • Selon vous, cela soutient-il les travailleuses et les travailleurs ? La classe moyenne ? Comment ?

PRÉCISER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Le gouvernement du Canada a conclu des ententes avec toutes les provinces et territoires pour rendre les services de garde des jeunes enfants plus abordable. Le plan du gouvernement du Canada vise à réduire les frais de garde d’enfants à 10 $ par jour en moyenne et à créer 250 000 places en garderie au Canada d’ici 2025-2026.

SI LES ENTENTES SUR LA GARDE D’ENFANTS N’ONT PAS ÉTÉ ÉVOQUÉES PRÉCÉDEMMENT, DEMANDER : Est-ce que le fait d’avoir pris connaissance de ces ententes et politiques vous amène à changer de réponse d’une quelconque façon ?

ENJEUX LOCAUX (25 minutes) Canada atlantique

Maintenant, je voudrais qu’on se concentre sur votre communauté locale.

  • Quels sont les secteurs et les industries dans lesquels vous travaillez actuellement ou prévoyez de travailler, ou étudiez pour pouvoir y travailler ?
    • Y a-t-il des emplois que vous pourriez obtenir dans ces secteurs ou industries à l’Î.-P.-É. ou serait-il nécessaire pour vous de déménager ?
  • Quels sont les plus importants secteurs et industries pour votre communauté locale ?
  • Quels sont les secteurs et les industries auxquels vous souhaiteriez que le gouvernement du Canada accorde une priorité ?

LOGEMENT (35 minutes) Canada atlantique

  • Avez-vous entendu quelque chose au sujet du plan du gouvernement du Canada en matière de logement ?

Je vais maintenant vous montrer diverses initiatives en matière de logement qui figurent dans le budget. Il y a quelques catégories différentes, et nous allons les passer en revue individuellement.

SONDAGE : Voici la première série. Je voudrais que vous choisissiez celles qui, selon vous, auront l’impact le plus positif sur le marché du logement au Canada. Vous pouvez en choisir jusqu’à trois. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.

Construction de logements neufs

    • Un nouveau Fonds pour accélérer la construction de logements versera de l’argent aux municipalités dans le but de construire 100 000 nouveaux logements.
    • Réaffecter les budgets d’infrastructure existants pour prioriser la construction de nouveaux logements supplémentaires.
    • Investir 750 millions de dollars de nouveaux fonds pour le transport en commun aux municipalités qui s’engagent à investir leurs propres fonds dans la construction de nouveaux logements.
    • Un investissement supplémentaire de 1,5 milliard de dollars sur deux ans pour la construction de nouveaux logements abordables destinés aux personnes en situation d’itinérance ou de violence familiale.
    • Un montant supplémentaire de 2,9 milliards de dollars sur quatre ans pour le Fonds national de co-investissement pour le logement qui contribue à créer de nouveaux logements ainsi qu’à réparer des logements existants pour les personnes à faible revenu.
    • Des fonds supplémentaires de 216 millions de dollars pour inciter les promoteurs à construire de nouveaux logements locatifs dont le prix de location est inférieur au prix moyen dans les zones où ils sont construits.
  • Parmi tous les éléments contenus dans cette section, lesquels seraient, selon vous, les plus utiles pour traiter la crise du logement ?
  • Parmi ces éléments est-ce qu’il y en a qui vous toucheraient personnellement ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?

SONDAGE : Voici la deuxième série. Une fois de plus, veuillez choisir celles qui, selon vous, auront l’impact le plus positif sur le marché du logement au Canada. (RÉPÉTER LES INSTRUCTIONS AU BESOIN : Vous pouvez en choisir jusqu’à trois. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.)

Abordabilité du logement

    • Le Compte d’épargne libre d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première propriété, qui permet aux acheteurs éventuels d’une première maison d’épargner jusqu’à 40 000 $ libres d’impôt pour faire l’acquisition.
    • Doubler le montant du crédit d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première habitation de 5 000 $ à 10 000 $.
    • Un paiement unique de 500 $ aux personnes qui font face à des difficultés d’accès au logement abordable.
    • Élargir l’Incitatif à l’achat d’une première propriété afin d’offrir plus de souplesse et de faciliter l’accès pour les Canadiens et Canadiennes sans conjoint ou conjointe.
    • Un montant supplémentaire de 200 millions de dollars visant à accroître les possibilités de location avec option d’achat.
    • Un investissement de 562 millions de dollars sur deux ans pour financer les organismes qui luttent contre l’itinérance, ainsi que 62 millions de dollars pour combattre l’itinérance chez les vétérans.
  • Parmi tous les éléments contenus dans cette section, selon vous, lesquels seraient les plus utiles pour traiter la crise du logement ?
  • Parmi ces éléments est-ce qu’il y en a qui vous toucheraient personnellement ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?

SONDAGE : Et voici la dernière série. Une fois de plus, veuillez choisir celles qui, selon vous, auront l’impact le plus positif sur le marché du logement au Canada. (RÉPÉTER LES INSTRUCTIONS AU BESOIN : Vous pouvez en choisir jusqu’à trois. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.)

Protéger les Canadiens

    • Mettre fin aux offres à l’aveugle (les offres à l’aveugle sont celles où les acheteurs ne connaissent pas l’offre des autres).
    • Créer des pénalités fiscales pour empêcher les propriétaires de procéder à des « réno-évictions » (une réno-éviction survient lorsqu’un propriétaire évince un locataire en prétextant qu’il effectuera des rénovations majeures).
    • Interdire aux non-Canadiens d’acheter des propriétés résidentielles au Canada pour une période de deux ans.
    • De nouvelles règles fiscales visant à décourager les opérations immobilières de vente-achat (flip immobilier).
    • Rendre les cessions de contrat de vente de logements neufs et rénovés taxables afin de dissuader les spéculateurs d’acheter des propriétés résidentielles et de les laisser vacantes (une cession de contrat de vente est une opération par laquelle un vendeur vend ses intérêts dans une propriété avant d’en prendre possession).
  • Parmi tous les éléments contenus dans cette section, selon vous, lesquels seraient les plus utiles pour traiter la crise du logement ?
  • Parmi ces éléments est-ce qu’il y en a qui vous toucheraient personnellement ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?
  • Maintenant, si l’on réfléchit à toutes les nouvelles politiques en matière de logement dont nous avons discuté aujourd’hui, quelle est votre impression globale du nouveau plan sur le logement du gouvernement du Canada ? Quel serait, selon vous, l’impact de cette approche sur les défis que pose la question du logement au Canada ?
  • Pensez-vous qu’il est envisageable que toutes ces initiatives puissent être réalisées ?

PROJET D’ACHAT D’UN VÉHICULE (15 minutes) Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule

  • Quels moyens de transport utilisez-vous actuellement ? Pour vous-même, pour votre famille ? Sondez le moyen de transport utilisé le plus fréquemment au quotidien (par exemple, véhicule personnel, transports en commun, vélo ou vélo électrique, etc.).
    • Avez-vous accès à d’autres moyens de transport ? Si oui, quels sont-ils ?

Je comprends que tout le monde dans ce groupe envisage l’achat ou la location d’un véhicule neuf d’ici cinq ans.

  • Quelles sont les principales raisons pour lesquelles vous souhaitez faire l’achat ou la location d’un véhicule ?
  • Lorsque vous envisagez l’achat ou la location de ce véhicule, quelles sont vos principales considérations ? (par exemple, le prix, le modèle, etc.)
    • NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : Prévoir suffisamment de temps pour explorer la question en détail.
  • Dans quelle mesure le rendement énergétique est-il important pour vous, le cas échéant ? Le prix actuel de l’essence a-t-il un impact quelconque sur votre décision ? Si oui, comment ?
  • Dans quelle mesure le prix de l’essence est-il un sujet de préoccupation dans votre collectivité ? Quelle est la cause des récentes hausses des prix de l’essence ?
    • Selon vous, quel sera l’avenir du prix de l’essence ?
    • Que peut-on faire en réaction à la hausse des prix de l’essence ?
  • SI CELA N’A PAS ÉTÉ ABORDÉ ANTÉRIEUREMENT : Est-ce que quelqu’un considère ou prévoit faire l’achat ou la location d’un véhicule électrique — entièrement électrique, hybride ou rechargeable ? Quelles sont les principales raisons qui vous motivent à le faire ?

VÉHICULES ZÉRO ÉMISSION (VZE) (30 minutes) Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule

  • Est-ce que quelqu’un sait ce que sont les VZE ? Pouvez-vous nous donner une brève description ?
    • Est-ce que quelqu’un est propriétaire d’un VZE ou en loue un actuellement ?
    • SI ON L’IGNORE : Qu’en est-il des véhicules électriques ? Savez-vous ce qu’ils sont ?

Un VZE est un véhicule qui a la capacité de ne produire aucune émission d’échappement. Il peut être équipé d’un moteur à combustion interne conventionnel, mais il doit pouvoir fonctionner sans ce moteur. Des exemples de VZE incluent les véhicules électriques à batterie, les véhicules hybrides électriques rechargeables et les véhicules à pile à hydrogène. Donc, en gros, un véhicule électrique est un type de VZE ; un véhicule à pile à hydrogène est un autre type de VZE.

  • Que pensez-vous des véhicules zéro émission ? Vous voyez-vous un jour en acheter un ?
    • SI OUI : Quand pensez-vous faire cet achat ? Dans cinq ans, dans dix ans, plus longtemps ?
    • SI NON : Qu’est-ce qui vous retient ?
    • Quelles sont les choses les plus importantes qui vous inciteraient à envisager l’achat d’un véhicule zéro émission ?
  • Quels sont les principaux obstacles à l’achat d’un VZE ?
    • SONDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Les VZE sont-ils abordables ? Existe-t-il l’infrastructure de recharge nécessaire pour les VZE ? Existe-t-il une bonne sélection de marques et de modèles de véhicules VZE parmi lesquels choisir ?
  • Dans quelle mesure est-il important que les VZE ou les pièces de VZE soient fabriqués au Canada ?
    • La mention « fabriqué au Canada » est-elle un attribut important pour ce type d’achat ?
    • Quels en seraient les impacts si les VZE ou les pièces de VZE étaient fabriqués au Canada ?
      • SONDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Par exemple, sur le coût, sur les emplois, etc.
    • Le gouvernement fédéral devrait-il faire une priorité des VZE et de la fabrication des VZE au Canada ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

BUDGET 2022 ET LES VZE (30 minutes) Québécois[es] qui envisagent d’acheter un véhicule

  • Avez-vous entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet de plan du gouvernement du Canada relatif aux VZE ?
  • Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit selon lequel le gouvernement fédéral soutiendrait la fabrication de VZE au Québec ou ailleurs ? Si oui, qu’avez-vous entendu ?

Je vais maintenant vous montrer diverses initiatives relatives aux véhicules zéro émission contenues dans le budget fédéral 2022. Il y a quelques catégories différentes, et nous allons les passer en revue individuellement.

SONDAGE : Voici la première série. Veuillez choisir celle qui, selon vous, aura l’impact le plus positif. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.

Réduire les émissions sur la route

    • Mettre en place une obligation de vente pour veiller à ce qu’au moins 20 % des ventes de nouveaux véhicules légers soient des véhicules zéro émission (VZE) d’ici 2026, au moins 60 % d’ici 2030 et 100 % d’ici 2035.
    • Pour réduire les émissions des véhicules moyens et lourds (VML), faire en sorte que 35 % de tous les VML vendus soient des VZE d’ici 2030.
    • Élaborer un règlement sur les véhicules moyens et lourds à zéro émission qui exigerait que les VZE représentent 100 % des ventes de VML d’ici 2040 pour une sous-catégorie de véhicules selon la faisabilité. (SI ON LE DEMANDE : Cette initiative est fonction de la faisabilité, car tous les véhicules moyens ou lourds ne peuvent pas passer à zéro émission au même rythme.)
  • Quelles sont vos réactions à cette liste ?
  • Laquelle de ces initiatives aura le plus grand impact et pourquoi ?
  • Parmi celles-ci, y en a-t-il qui vous toucheront personnellement ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne font pas sens ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne devraient pas figurer sur la liste ?

SONDAGE : Voici la deuxième série. Une fois de plus, veuillez choisir celle qui, selon vous, aura l’impact le plus positif. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.

Rendre l’adoption des véhicules zéro émission plus abordable

    • Continuer à offrir des incitatifs à l’achat pouvant atteindre 5 000 $ pour des VZE admissibles. Ce programme a permis aux Canadiens d’acheter ou de louer plus de 136 000 VZE neufs, mais un soutien supplémentaire est nécessaire pour aider les Canadiens à devenir conducteurs d’un véhicule zéro émission.
    • Verser 1,7 milliard de dollars sur cinq ans en vue de prolonger le programme Incitatifs pour l’achat de véhicules zéro émission (iVZE) jusqu’en mars 2025. L’admissibilité au programme sera également élargie pour appuyer l’achat d’un plus grand nombre de modèles de véhicules, notamment les fourgonnettes, les camions et les véhicules utilitaires sport (VUS), ce qui aidera à rendre les VZE plus abordables.
  • Quelles sont vos réactions à cette liste ?
  • Laquelle de ces initiatives aura le plus grand impact et pourquoi ?
  • Parmi celles-ci, y en a-t-il qui vous toucheront personnellement ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne font pas sens ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne devraient pas figurer sur la liste ?

SONDAGE : Voici la dernière série. Une fois de plus, veuillez choisir celle qui, selon vous, aura l’impact le plus positif. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’aurait un impact positif, n’en choisissez pas.

Établir un réseau national de bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques

    • Investir 500 millions de dollars dans l’infrastructure de recharge et de ravitaillement des VZE urbaine et commerciale à grande échelle.
    • Verser 400 millions de dollars sur cinq ans afin de financer le déploiement de l’infrastructure de recharge des véhicules zéro émission dans les communautés suburbaines et éloignées.
    • Verser 2,2 millions de dollars sur cinq ans pour effectuer des évaluations de l’état de préparation des immeubles fédéraux nécessaires pour faciliter la transition du parc automobile fédéral aux VZE.
  • Quelles sont vos réactions à cette liste ?
  • Laquelle de ces initiatives aura le plus grand impact et pourquoi ?
  • Parmi celles-ci, y en a-t-il qui vous toucheront personnellement ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne font pas sens ?
  • Y en a-t-il qui ne devraient pas figurer sur la liste ?

Le gouvernement fédéral a contribué à la construction de près de 1 500 bornes de recharge partout au pays.

  • Maintenant, si l’on réfléchit à toutes les mesures concernant les VZE dont nous avons discuté aujourd’hui, quelle est votre impression globale du plan du gouvernement du Canada relatif aux VZE ?
  • Est-il réaliste, selon vous, de voir toutes ces initiatives menées à bien ?
  • Qu’est-ce qui constituera pour vous une preuve de la réussite de ce plan ?
  • SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Est-ce que quelqu’un a des préoccupations ou des questions concernant les VZE ou le plan du gouvernement du Canada relatif aux VZE ? Quelles sont-elles ?

SERVICES GOUVERNEMENTAUX FÉDÉRAUX (45 minutes) Personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT

Je crois comprendre que chaque personne dans ce groupe a eu une expérience récente avec l’accès aux services du gouvernement du Canada.

  • SONDER CHAQUE PARTICIPANT[E]S : J’aimerais commencer cette partie de la discussion en demandant à chacun d’entre vous à quels services du gouvernement fédéral vous avez récemment accédé.
    • Quel était le service auquel vous avez accédé ?
    • SONDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Est-ce que quelqu’un a récemment accédé à des services en lien avec les passeports, les demandes d’immigration, ou encore avez-vous récemment visité un aéroport canadien ?
  • Pouvez-vous nous parler de cette récente expérience d’accès aux services du gouvernement fédéral ?
    • De quelle manière ce contact a-t-il eu lieu (par exemple, par téléphone, par la poste, sur le site Web, en personne) ?
    • SONDER LES PERSONNES QUI SONT ALLÉES EN PERSONNE : Qu’avez-vous pensé des temps d’attente ?
    • Comment décririez-vous votre expérience ?
      • SONDER SUR DIVERS ATTRIBUTS DE SERVICE : Par exemple, les connaissances des employé[e]s, la cohérence de l’information, obtenir une résolution en temps opportun, etc.
    • Pouvez-vous me parler des aspects de votre expérience qui se sont bien déroulés, ou qui se sont moins bien déroulés ?
      • Si vous avez rencontré des problèmes, quels étaient-ils ? Y a-t-il des démarches qui ont été entreprises pour résoudre le problème ?
        • Ont-ils été résolus à votre satisfaction ?
        • Quel impact cette expérience ou interaction a-t-elle eu sur vous personnellement ?
    • Avez-vous parfois reçu des informations contradictoires ? Pouvez-vous m’en parler ? Quel type d’information contradictoire avez-vous reçue ?
      • D’où provenait-elle ? Comment avez-vous géré cela ?
    • Avez-vous rencontré des problèmes ou des retards ?
    • Le problème a-t-il été résolu ou persiste-t-il ?
  • Est-ce différent de vos expériences précédentes d’accès à des services du gouvernement fédéral ? Si c’est le cas, veuillez expliquer en quoi c’est différent.
  • Que vous ayez connu des problèmes directement ou que vous en ayez entendu parler indirectement, qu’est-ce qui cause les difficultés d’accès aux services de passeport, selon vous ?
    • o AFFICHER LA LISTE À L’ÉCRAN PUIS DEMANDER : Lequel des éléments suivants, le cas échéant, a, selon vous, le plus grand impact sur les services de passeport ? Pourquoi pensez-vous cela ? Pensez-vous que certains des éléments suivants n’ont pas d’impact majeur ? Si oui, lesquels ?
      • a) une augmentation du volume de demandes
      • b) un recours aux demandes par la poste, dont le délai de traitement est plus long
      • c) les restrictions de santé publique
      • d) une forte proportion de demandes complexes (c.-à-d. des demandes qui comportent des changements qui ont pu se produire depuis la première demande, par exemple, des coordonnées périmées, des personnes à charge qui ont atteint l’âge de 18 ans, des documents manquants, etc.)
  • Avez-vous entendu quelque chose sur ce que le gouvernement fédéral a fait pour remédier à cette situation ? Qu’avez-vous entendu ?
    • ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT AU BESOIN : Est-ce que quelqu’un a entendu parler de l’embauche par Service Canada d’environ 600 nouveaux employés cette année, et de l’embauche de jusqu’à 600 employés supplémentaires ?
      • Que pensez-vous de ce que vous venez d’entendre ?
      • Pensez-vous qu’ils réussiront à y remédier ?
      • Que devraient-ils faire d’autre ?
  • Pensez-vous que cela est une priorité pour le gouvernement fédéral ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Pensez-vous que le gouvernement fédéral en fait assez pour remédier aux enjeux relatifs à la prestation de services aux Canadiens ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • En fonction de votre expérience, avez-vous d’autres suggestions pour améliorer les services qu’offre le gouvernement du Canada à la population canadienne ?

LA TARIFICATION DU CARBONE (15 minutes) Personnes ayant récemment utilisé des services du gouvernement fédéral de la RGT et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta

  • Avez-vous entendu parler du plan du gouvernement du Canada sur la tarification de la pollution par le carbone ? Que pouvez-vous me dire sur la tarification du carbone ?

En 2016, le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé un plan visant à assurer la tarification de la pollution par le carbone dans l’ensemble du pays, en donnant à chaque province et territoire la souplesse nécessaire pour élaborer un système qui convient à leur situation, pour autant qu’il respecte la norme fédérale. Dans les cinq provinces qui ne satisfont pas actuellement à cette norme — l’Ontario, la Saskatchewan, le Manitoba, le Nouveau-Brunswick et l’Alberta —, le système de tarification fédéral est actuellement en place.

Toutes les sommes perçues par le système fédéral en [Ontario/Alberta] restent en [Ontario/Alberta] — 90 % sont remises directement aux résidents sous la forme d’un paiement incitatif, un ménage typique peut ainsi recevoir environ [745 $/1 079 $]. Jusqu’à présent, les particuliers recevaient ces paiements par le biais de leur déclaration de revenus annuelle. À compter de juillet, les particuliers recevront ces paiements quatre fois par année.

  • Que pensez-vous de ce plan ?

Le directeur parlementaire du budget a constaté que 80 % des ménages des provinces concernées reçoivent plus d’argent, sous forme de paiements incitatifs, que ce qu’ils dépensent pour la tarification du carbone sur les achats du ménage — par exemple, l’essence pour les voitures, le gaz pour chauffer la maison, etc.

  • Quelles sont vos réactions lorsque vous entendez cela ?
  • Cette approche vous semble-t-elle juste ?
  • Le système de tarification du carbone vous semble-t-il abordable ?

PERSPECTIVE ÉCONOMIQUE DU CANADA (30 minutes) Détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique

  • Penchons-nous maintenant sur les enjeux économiques en général. Selon vous, comment se porte l’économie canadienne dans son ensemble ces jours-ci ?
    • LE MODÉRATEUR DEMANDERA AUX PARTICIPANT[E]S D’UTILISER UN STYLO ET DU PAPIER : De manière spontanée, pouvez-vous écrire un mot que vous utiliseriez pour décrire l’économie ces jours-ci ?
      • NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : Demandez à chaque participante et participant quel mot elle ou il a écrit.
      • Pourquoi dîtes-vous cela ?
  • Diriez-vous que les choses sont meilleures ou pires qu’il y a un an ? De quelle manière ?
    • Qu’en est-il pour vous personnellement ? Votre situation financière est-elle meilleure ou pire qu’il y a un an ?
  • Selon vous, comment se portera l’économie dans les années à venir ? Pensez-vous que les choses iront mieux ou moins bien l’année prochaine ? Pourquoi ? Pourquoi pas ?
    • Qu’en est-il pour vous personnellement ? Pensez-vous que votre situation s’améliorera, se détériorera ou n’anticipez-vous aucun changement au cours de la prochaine année ?
  • Que percevez-vous comme les plus grandes menaces pour l’économie canadienne au cours de l’année à venir ?
  • Quels genres de choses, selon vous, le gouvernement du Canada peut-il faire pour améliorer l’état actuel de l’économie ?
  • En vos propres mots, comment expliqueriez-vous ce qu’est l’inflation ?
    • ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT AU BESOIN : Essentiellement, l’inflation est une hausse persistante du niveau moyen des prix au fil du temps.
  • Dans quelle mesure l’inflation est-elle préoccupante, le cas échéant ? Est-ce que cela vous inquiète ?
  • Diriez-vous que l’inflation a un impact sur vous, ainsi que sur vos amis et votre famille ? Si oui, comment ?
  • Seriez-vous en mesure de nous décrire des solutions à l’inflation ? Quelles sont certaines des choses qu’une personne peut faire pour composer avec l’inflation ? Que pourrait faire le gouvernement fédéral ?
  • À qui faites-vous confiance pour vous offrir de bons conseils quant à vos décisions financières personnelles ? Pourquoi dites-vous cela ?
    • SONDER : Feriez-vous confiance aux économistes, aux banques, aux amis ou à la famille, aux investisseurs en cryptomonnaies ou aux médias sociaux ?
    • En qui auriez-vous le moins confiance dans cette liste ? Pourquoi ?

CRYPTOMONNAIE (40 minutes) Détenteur[-trice]s de cryptomonnaie du Lower Mainland de la Colombie-Britannique

Comme dernier sujet de discussion ce soir, j’aimerais qu’on se concentre sur la cryptomonnaie.

  • En vos propres mots, pouvez-vous me décrire de ce qu’est la cryptomonnaie ?
  • Comment avez-vous pris connaissance des cryptomonnaies ? Quand avez-vous commencé à vous intéresser à l’achat de cryptomonnaies ?
  • Où trouvez-vous des informations crédibles sur les cryptomonnaies ?
  • Quelle a été votre expérience avec les cryptomonnaies ?
  • Quels sont les avantages de posséder des cryptomonnaies ?
  • Quelles sont vos principales préoccupations, le cas échéant, relatives aux cryptomonnaies ? Quels sont les plus grands risques ?
  • Quels conseils donneriez-vous à quelqu’un qui serait intéressé d’acheter des cryptomonnaies ?
  • Comment qualifieriez-vous votre niveau de connaissance des implications fiscales des investissements en cryptomonnaies ?
  • Vos actifs numériques jouent-ils un rôle dans l’élaboration de vos perspectives économiques ou financières ?
  • Vous sentez-vous mieux ou moins bien à l’égard de votre avenir financier en raison de vos actifs numériques ? Pourquoi ?
  • Le gouvernement fédéral devrait-il réglementer les cryptomonnaies de quelque manière que ce soit ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Selon vous, que devrait faire le gouvernement fédéral pour éduquer les Canadiennes et les Canadiens au sujet des cryptomonnaies ?
  • À votre avis, quel est l’avenir des cryptomonnaies ? Pourquoi dites-vous cela ? Pourquoi dites-vous cela ?
  • Dans quelle mesure les arnaques liées aux cryptomonnaies vous préoccupent-elles, le cas échéant  ?

PERSPECTIVES LIÉES À LA COVID-19 ET AUX VACCINS (25-40 minutes) Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec

Je voudrais maintenant qu’on parle de COVID-19…

  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta En ce qui concerne la performance du gouvernement du Canada pendant la pandémie, à votre avis, quelles sont les choses qu’il a faites de bien jusqu’à maintenant ?
    • Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
    • What could they be doing better?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Avec l’été qui arrive, de plus en plus de Canadiennes et de Canadiens voyagent. Pensez-vous que les diverses exigences de voyage liées à la COVID-19 sont toujours nécessaires (p. ex. la preuve de vaccination, le port du masque dans les aéroports et les avions, les tests aléatoires de dépistage de la COVID-19 à l’arrivée au Canada) ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta En supposant que la COVID-19 soit toujours un enjeu dans un an, à quoi la vie quotidienne ressemblera-t-elle selon vous ? Par exemple, pensez-vous que la vie sera revenue en grande partie à la normale ? Ou vous attendez-vous à ce que l’on mette en place des restrictions lorsqu’il y a une augmentation des cas ? Autre chose ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Diverses mesures de santé publique ont changé au cours de la pandémie (comme le port du masque obligatoire ou les limites de capacité d’accueil). Au fur que ces mesures ont changé, votre opinion sur les avantages de respecter ces mesures a-t-elle changé ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
    • Continuez-vous à porter un masque dans les espaces publics intérieurs ou extérieurs tout le temps, parfois, rarement ou jamais ? Dans quelles circonstances portez-vous un masque ? Et, quel type de masque avez-vous l’habitude de porter ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Combien d’entre vous avez reçu au moins une dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 ? Deux doses ? Finalement, combien d’entre vous avez reçu une troisième dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 ? (À MAIN LEVÉE POUR CHAQUE OPTION)
    • POUR LES PERSONNES N’AYANT PAS REÇU UNE TROISIÈME DOSE : Avez-vous pris un rendez-vous pour recevoir une troisième dose ? (À MAIN LEVÉE)


  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Qu’est-ce qui a fait que vous avez décidé de recevoir une troisième dose ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Pensez-vous que vous irez chercher une quatrième dose ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?


  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec [Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas/Quelles sont les raisons pour lesquelles vous n’avez pas] reçu ou pris un rendez-vous pour recevoir votre troisième dose ?
    • DEMANDER SI NÉCESSAIRE : Avez-vous des questions liées aux vaccins contre la COVID-19 en général, ou [voulez-vous des réponses spécifiquement au sujet de la troisième dose/au sujet de la troisième dose en particulier] ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec De quelles autres informations avez-vous besoin pour vous aider dans votre décision de recevoir une troisième dose ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Croyez-vous que la vaccination et les rappels préviennent l’infection par la COVID-19 ? Qu’en est-il des maladies graves causées par la COVID-19 ?
    • Pensez-vous qu’il est important de prévenir les infections et les maladies graves par le biais de la vaccination et des rappels ?
    • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta Êtes-vous à l’aise avec la possibilité de devenir infecté ?
    • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Comment vous sentez-vous quant à la possibilité d’être infecté ? Seriez-vous à l’aise si cela se produisait ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Quelles préoccupations avez-vous concernant la sécurité du vaccin contre la COVID-19, le cas échéant ?
  • Canadiennes et Canadiens noirs des centres de taille moyenne de l’Alberta, centres de taille moyenne du Québec Les possibles effets à long terme des vaccins vous préoccupent-ils ?
    • SONDER POUR : Qu’est-ce qui vous préoccupe le plus ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Et, combien d’entre vous avez reçu une quatrième dose ou avez un rendez-vous de fixé pour l’obtenir ?
    • POUR LES PERSONNES QUI ONT REÇU UNE QUATRIÈME DOSE : Qu’est-ce qui a fait que vous avez décidé de recevoir une quatrième dose ? POUR LES PERSONNES N’AYANT PAS REÇU UNE QUATRIÈME DOSE : Pensez-vous que vous irez chercher une quatrième dose ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

PERSPECTIVES SUR LES FINANCES PERSONNELLES/SITUATION FINANCIÈRE (15 minutes) Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario

Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Je voudrais passer à un autre sujet…

  • Par rapport à l’année dernière, comment évalueriez-vous votre situation financière actuelle ? Autrement dit, diriez-vous qu’elle s’est améliorée, qu’elle s’est détériorée ou qu’elle est restée à peu près la même ?
    • POUR LES PERSONNES QUI DISENT, S’EST AMÉLIORÉE : Pourquoi s’est-elle améliorée ? (AU BESOIN : par exemple, avez-vous moins de dettes maintenant, avez-vous réduit vos dépenses mensuelles, vos revenus ont-ils augmenté, etc.)
    • POUR LES PERSONNES QUI DISENT, S’EST DÉTÉRIORÉE : Pourquoi s’est-elle détériorée ? (AU BESOIN : par exemple, avez-vous plus de dettes, vos dépenses mensuelles ont-elles augmenté, vos revenus ont-ils diminué, etc.)
  • Et si vous vous projetez dans un an, pensez-vous que votre situation financière sera meilleure, pire, ou à peu près la même qu’aujourd’hui ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’OntarioSI CELA N’A PAS DÉJÀ ÉTÉ MENTIONNÉ : Nous savons que le taux d’inflation est en hausse au Canada. En quoi cela a-t-il eu un impact sur les finances de votre ménage, le cas échéant ?
    • SI OUI : Sur quoi avez-vous ressenti l’impact de l’inflation ? L’épicerie ? L’essence ? Le logement ? Autre chose ?

SOINS DE SANTÉ (20-50 minutes) Centres de taille moyenne du Québec, région de l’Outaouais québécois

J’aimerais maintenant me pencher sur le système de soins de santé du Canada. J’aimerais d’abord recueillir vos impressions sur la qualité des services de soins de santé au Canada, puis nous nous pencherons sur l’accès aux services de soins de santé.

  • Dans l’ensemble, comment évalueriez-vous la qualité du système de soins de santé du Canada ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Et qu’en est-il de l’accès aux services de soins de santé ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec Y a-t-il parmi vous des personnes qui ont eu recours récemment à des services de soins de santé ?
  • Centres de taille moyenne du Québec POUR LES PERSONNES QUI Y ONT EU RECOURS : Comment s’est déroulée votre expérience ?
    • Qu’est-ce qui a bien fonctionné ?
    • Qu’est-ce qui doit être amélioré ?

Priorités en matière de soins de santé Région de l’Outaouais québécois

Maintenant, en pensant tout particulièrement aux priorités en matière de soins de santé…

  • Quels sont les plus grands défis liés aux soins de santé dans votre région ?
  • Est-ce que quelqu’un a entendu parler de récents engagements ou d’annonces faites par le gouvernement du Canada en matière de soins de santé ?

Le gouvernement du Canada a récemment annoncé cinq domaines prioritaires en matière de soins de santé :

  • (1) remédier aux pénuries de personnel de la santé et réduire les temps d’attente ;
  • (2) augmenter l’accès aux soins de santé familiale ;
  • (3) améliorer les soins de longue durée et les soins à domicile ;
  • (4) s’attaquer aux questions de santé mentale et de consommation de substances ;
  • (5) moderniser la gestion des données sur la santé et les soins virtuels.
  • Quelles sont vos premières réactions lorsque vous voyez cette liste de priorités ?
  • Parmi les priorités énumérées, y en a-t-il qui vous semblent particulièrement importantes ?
  • Y a-t-il des priorités qui, selon vous, ne devraient pas figurer sur la liste ? Pour quelles raisons ?


  • De quelle manière vous attendriez-vous à ce que le gouvernement du Canada réponde à cette priorité ? (SONDER POUR : politiques, investissements, etc.)
    • Avez-vous des questions au sujet de cette priorité ? Avez-vous des questions en lien avec ce que le gouvernement du Canada prévoit de faire pour répondre à cette priorité ?
    • Pensez-vous que ce soit quelque chose qui aura un impact positif ? Aura-t-elle un impact direct sur vous ?

MESURES POUR RENDRE LA VIE PLUS ABORDABLES (45 minutes) Personnes qui vivent de paie en paie de l’Est de l’Ontario

Je vais maintenant vous montrer diverses mesures que le gouvernement du Canada a annoncées en vue de soutenir les Canadiens. J’ai deux séries d’initiatives différentes. Voici la première série :


  • Un nouveau programme de soins dentaires pour les familles dont le revenu familial s’élève à moins de 90 000 $ par année, à commencer par les enfants âgés de moins de 12 ans en 2022*
  • Augmenter les prestations en fonction de l’inflation (indexation) (les prestations comprennent notamment l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants, le crédit pour la TPS, la pension de la Sécurité de la vieillesse et le Supplément de revenu garanti).
  • Augmenter les paiements de la Sécurité de la vieillesse de 10 % pour les personnes âgées de 75 ans ou plus
  • Augmenter le montant que les Canadiens admissibles peuvent recevoir par l’intermédiaire de la Prestation canadienne pour travailleurs (les personnes célibataires à faible revenu peuvent recevoir jusqu’à 1 395 $ pour le montant de base ; les familles à faible revenu peuvent toucher jusqu’à 2 403 $)
  • Réduire de 50 % les frais moyens à la charge des parents pour les places réglementées dans les services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants d’ici la fin de 2022

Le nouveau programme de soins dentaires commence avec les moins de 12 ans en 2022, puis s’étend aux moins de 18 ans, aux personnes âgées et aux personnes en situation de handicap en 2023, pour une mise en œuvre complète en 2025. Le programme est limité aux familles ayant un revenu annuel inférieur à 90 000 $, et toute personne ayant un revenu annuel inférieur à 70 000 $ n’aura pas à payer de quote-part.

SONDAGE: Je voudrais que vous choisissiez toutes les mesures dont vous avez entendu parler. Si vous n’en avez entendu parler d’aucune, alors n’en choisissez pas.


  • Où en avez-vous entendu parler ?

SONDAGE: Je vais maintenant vous montrer la même liste d’éléments, mais cette fois, je voudrais que vous choisissiez les mesures qui, selon vous, auront un impact positif sur votre situation financière. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’en aura, alors n’en choisissez pas.

  • Un nouveau programme de soins dentaires pour les familles
  • Augmenter les prestations en fonction de l’inflation (indexation)
  • Augmenter les paiements de la Sécurité de la vieillesse de 10 % pour les personnes âgées de 75 ans ou plus
  • Augmenter le montant que les Canadiens admissibles peuvent recevoir par l’intermédiaire de la Prestation canadienne pour travailleurs.
  • Réduire de 50 % les frais moyens à la charge des parents pour les places réglementées dans les services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants


  • Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas choisi celle-ci ?


SONDAGE : Voici une deuxième série. Une fois de plus, je voudrais que vous choisissiez toutes les mesures dont vous avez entendu parler. Si vous n’en avez entendu parler d’aucune, alors n’en choisissez pas.

  • Un nouveau Fonds pour accélérer la construction de logements versera de l’argent aux municipalités dans le but de construire 100 000 nouveaux logements.
  • Un paiement unique de 500 $ aux personnes qui font face à des difficultés d’accès au logement abordable.
  • Le Compte d’épargne libre d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première propriété, qui permet aux acheteurs éventuels d’une première maison d’épargner jusqu’à 40 000 $ libres d’impôt pour faire l’acquisition.
  • Doubler le montant du crédit d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première habitation de 5 000 $ à 10 000 $.


  • Où en avez-vous entendu parler ?

SONDAGE : Je vais encore une fois vous montrer la même liste d’éléments, mais cette fois, je voudrais que vous choisissiez toutes les mesures qui auront un impact positif sur votre situation financière. Si vous pensez qu’aucune n’en aura, alors n’en choisissez pas,

  • Un nouveau Fonds pour accélérer la construction de logements versera de l’argent aux municipalités dans le but de construire 100 000 nouveaux logements.
  • Un paiement unique de 500 $ aux personnes qui font face à des difficultés d’accès au logement abordable.
  • Le Compte d’épargne libre d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première propriété, qui permet aux acheteurs éventuels d’une première maison d’épargner jusqu’à 40 000 $ libres d’impôt pour faire l’acquisition.
  • Doubler le montant du crédit d’impôt pour l’achat d’une première habitation de 5 000 $ à 10 000 $.
  • Maintenant, en réfléchissant aux diverses mesures du gouvernement du Canada dont nous avons discuté aujourd’hui, quelle est votre impression globale du plan du gouvernement du Canada pour traiter des enjeux liés au coût de la vie ?
    • AU BESOIN : Votre impression à savoir si le gouvernement du Canada est sur la bonne ou sur la mauvaise voie à cet égard a-t-elle changé ? De quelle manière ?
  • Si vous pouviez suggérer au gouvernement du Canada une chose qu’il pourrait faire pour contribuer à améliorer votre situation financière, quelle serait-elle ?
    • SI DES PAIEMENTS DIRECTS OU DES RÉDUCTIONS D’IMPÔTS SONT SUGGÉRÉS, SONDER : Pensez-vous que ce genre de politique risque d’aggraver l’inflation ? Pourquoi/pourquoi pas ?

RÉCONCILIATION (65 minutes) Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta

Je vais maintenant vous présenter diverses initiatives que le gouvernement du Canada a annoncées afin d’aider les peuples et les communautés autochtones. Veuillez noter que celles que je vais vous présenter sont les nouvelles mesures annoncées dans le plus récent budget fédéral ; elles ne comprennent pas d’autres initiatives déjà en cours*.

Voici la première série.

Lutter contre la discrimination et les préjudices passés subis par les enfants et les familles autochtones

  • A. 4 milliards $ pour s’assurer que les enfants des Premières Nations reçoivent l’aide dont ils ont besoin par l’application du principe de Jordan. Ce financement appuiera également des réformes à long terme qui visent à améliorer la mise en œuvre du principe de Jordan.
  • B. 87,3 millions $ en vue d’appuyer les communautés autochtones à mettre en œuvre des lois sur la protection des enfants autochtones.
  • C. 209,8 millions $ afin de documenter, localiser et commémorer les lieux de sépulture dans les anciens pensionnats.
  • D. Nommer un interlocuteur spécial qui travaillera avec les peuples autochtones en vue de renforcer les lois et les pratiques fédérales pour protéger et préserver les lieux de sépulture non marqués.
  • E. 5,1 millions $ pour s’assurer que la Gendarmerie royale du Canada peut appuyer les interventions dirigées par la communauté liées aux lieux de sépulture non marqués.
  • F. 25 millions $ pour appuyer la numérisation de millions de documents relatifs au régime fédéral d’externat autochtone, ce qui offrira aux survivants et à tous les Canadiens un accès véritable à ces documents.
  • Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
  • Quel genre d’impact, le cas échéant, pensez-vous qu’elles auront ?
  • Est-ce que certaines de ces initiatives auraient un impact sur vous personnellement ou sur votre famille ?
  • Lesquelles, le cas échéant, sont à votre avis particulièrement importantes ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?
  • Vous remarquerez une lettre à côté de chaque initiative. Y a-t-il des initiatives précises dont vous souhaiteriez discuter ?


Voici la deuxième série.

Appuyer des communautés fortes et en santé

  • A. 268 millions $ pour fournir des soins de haute qualité dans les communautés éloignées et isolées des Premières Nations dans les réserves.
  • B. 190,5 millions $ en vue d’aider les communautés et les organismes autochtones à continuer d’atténuer les répercussions de la COVID-19.
  • C. 227,6 millions $ pour maintenir des services adaptés à la culture, qui tiennent compte des traumatismes et qui sont dirigés par des Autochtones en vue d’améliorer le mieux-être mental.
  • D. 310,6 millions $ pour veiller à ce que les enfants des Premières Nations vivant dans les réserves reçoivent un enseignement de grande qualité qui répond à leurs besoins uniques.
  • E. 4 milliards $ pour soutenir le logement dans les communautés autochtones.
  • Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
  • Quel genre d’impact, le cas échéant, pensez-vous qu’elles auront ?
  • Est-ce que certaines de ces initiatives auraient un impact sur vous personnellement ou sur votre famille ?
  • Lesquelles, le cas échéant, sont à votre avis particulièrement importantes ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?
  • Vous remarquerez une lettre à côté de chaque initiative. Y a-t-il des initiatives précises dont vous souhaiteriez discuter ?


Voici la dernière série.

Faire progresser l’autodétermination et la prospérité

  • A. 29,6 millions $ afin de soutenir des actions autodéterminées pour répondre aux priorités climatiques des peuples autochtones.
  • B. 103,4 millions $ pour fournir aux communautés autochtones l’occasion de tirer parti de tous les types de projets de ressources naturelles.
  • C. 150 millions $ afin de favoriser des possibilités économiques prêtes à démarrer dans les communautés autochtones.
  • D. 15 millions $ pour soutenir le développement économique autochtone dans le Nord.
  • E. 35 millions $ pour aider à accroître la participation des communautés autochtones dans des projets économiques, y compris des possibilités de formation spécialisée offertes par des organismes dirigés par des Autochtones.
  • F. Radier jusqu’à 50 % des prêts liés à la COVID qui ont été consentis aux entreprises autochtones durant la pandémie.
  • Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
  • Quel genre d’impact, le cas échéant, pensez-vous qu’elles auront ?
  • Est-ce que certaines de ces initiatives auraient un impact sur vous personnellement ou sur votre famille ?
  • Lesquelles, le cas échéant, sont à votre avis particulièrement importantes ?
  • Y a-t-il quelque chose dans cette section que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas faire ?
  • Vous remarquerez une lettre à côté de chaque initiative. Y a-t-il des initiatives précises dont vous souhaiteriez discuter ?



  • 6 milliards $ sur cinq ans pour appuyer des projets d’infrastructure dans les communautés autochtones, y compris le lancement du Fonds d’infrastructure aux communautés autochtones de 4,3 milliards $ ;
  • 1,04 milliard $ provenant des 4,3 milliards $ du Fonds d’infrastructure dans les communautés autochtones pour soutenir les réseaux d’aqueducs et d’eaux usées sur les réserves ;
  • 1,4 milliard de dollars sur cinq ans afin de maintenir et de transformer les services de soins de santé essentiels pour les Premières Nations et pour les Inuits, y compris du soutien financier pour s’assurer que les communautés des Premières Nations ont un accès fiable à de l’eau salubre ;
  • 2,2 milliards $ sur cinq ans pour mettre fin à la tragédie des femmes et des filles autochtones disparues et assassinées ;
  • 1 milliard $ sur cinq ans pour aider à garder les familles unies et à réduire le nombre d’enfants pris en charge ;
  • 2,5 milliards $ sur cinq ans pour renforcer l’approche fondée sur les distinctions en matière d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants autochtones, y compris les services de garde avant et après l’école dans les réserves ;
  • 1,2 milliard $ sur cinq ans afin d’investir dans l’avenir des enfants des Premières Nations en renforçant l’enseignement primaire et secondaire ;
  • 2,7 milliards $ sur dix ans pour que le financement des programmes et des services essentiels qui reposent sur les subventions décennales réponde aux besoins des Premières Nations.

LA GARDE DE JEUNES ENFANTS (20 minutes) Parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV

Je voudrais maintenant parler de garde de jeunes enfants…

  • Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui ont des enfants en garderie ou qui se préparent à faire garder leurs enfants ? (À MAIN LEVÉE)
    • Combien cela vous coûte-t-il ou estimez-vous que cela vous coûtera ?
    • Dans quelle mesure a-t-il été facile ou difficile de trouver et d’obtenir une place ?
  • Avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit par rapport au gouvernement du Canada et la garde des jeunes enfants ?
    • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Avez-vous entendu parler de quelconques ententes entre le gouvernement du Canada et des provinces et territoires individuels ?

ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT AU BESOIN : Le gouvernement du Canada a conclu des ententes avec toutes les provinces et territoires pour rendre les services de garde des jeunes enfants plus abordable.

  • Lorsqu’il est question de rendre les services de garde d’enfants plus abordables et accessibles, avez-vous une idée de ce que cela pourrait signifier concrètement pour vous et votre famille ? SONDER POUR : Réduction des frais, un plus grand nombre de places/faire en sorte qu’il soit plus facile de trouver des places, etc.
    • SI L’ON PEUT OFFRIR UNE RÉPONSE : D’ici quand vous attendez-vous à voir certains de ces changements se produire ? En avez-vous déjà constaté ?

ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT AU BESOIN : Le plan du gouvernement du Canada vise à réduire les frais de garde d’enfants à 10 $ par jour en moyenne et à créer 250 000 places en garderie au Canada d’ici 2025-2026. En Colombie-Britannique, le plan prévoit de réduire les frais de garde moyens à la charge des parents pour les services de garde réglementés et subventionnés destinés aux enfants de 0 à 5 ans de 50 % d’ici décembre 2022.

  • Quelle est votre réaction à ce plan ?
    • Quel impact, selon vous, ce plan aurait-il sur votre famille ?
  • Lorsque vous pensez aux diverses politiques que le gouvernement du Canada pourrait mettre en œuvre pour réduire le coût de la vie, pensez-vous qu’investir pour réduire les frais de garde des jeunes enfants en est une qui est importante ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

ALLOCATION CANADIENNE POUR ENFANTS (20 minutes) Parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV

Je voudrais maintenant parler plus largement des services et programmes destinés aux parents…

  • Quels politiques, programmes, services ou prestations, le cas échéant, le gouvernement du Canada a-t-il mis en place pour soutenir les parents ?
    • Est-ce que quelqu’un a entendu parler de l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants ?
    • Recevez-vous l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants, ou l’avez-vous déjà reçue dans le passé ?
  • Qu’est-ce qui vous plaît, le cas échéant, de l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants ?
  • Qu’est-ce qui vous déplaît, le cas échéant, de l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants ?
  • Pour les personnes qui reçoivent l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants, comment utilisez-vous cet argent ?
    • Dans quelle mesure l’Allocation canadienne pour enfants a-t-elle un impact, le cas échéant, sur le coût de la vie de votre famille ?
  • Que pourrait faire de plus le gouvernement du Canada pour aider à soutenir les parents et les familles ?

VACCIN CONTRE LA COVID-19 POUR LES ENFANTS (20 minutes) Parents d’enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans de la RGV

Je voudrais maintenant me pencher sur la vaccination contre la COVID-19…

Comme vous le savez peut-être, Santé Canada a approuvé les vaccins contre la COVID-19 destinés aux enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans. (NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : Santé Canada a approuvé le vaccin Moderna Spikevax contre la COVID-19 pour les enfants âgés de 6 mois à 4 ans le 14 juillet 2022.)

  • Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui ont fait vacciner leurs enfants de moins de 5 ans ? (À MAIN LEVÉE)
    • POUR LES PERSONNES QUI NE L’ONT PAS FAIT : Avez-vous pris un rendez-vous pour faire vacciner vos enfants ? (À MAIN LEVÉE)


  • Qu’est-ce qui a fait que vous avez décidé de faire vacciner vos enfants ?


  • Quels sont les facteurs qui influenceront votre décision de faire vacciner ou non vos enfants ?
  • Y a-t-il des questions sur la vaccination des enfants contre la COVID-19 auxquelles vous aimeriez obtenir des réponses ?

ACTIONS INDIVIDUELLES CONTRE LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES (20 minutes) Climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec

J’aimerais m’éloigner de ce que fait le gouvernement du Canada et me concentrer sur vous en tant qu’individu…

  • Toujours en pensant au changement climatique, quelles actions, le cas échéant, avez-vous entreprises pour lutter contre le changement climatique ou pour réduire les émissions dans votre vie quotidienne ?
    • Quel genre d’impact pensez-vous que vos actions ont en matière de lutte contre le changement climatique ? (DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Un petit impact ? Moyen ? Majeur ?)
  • Y a-t-il d’autres choses que vous aimeriez faire pour lutter contre le changement climatique, mais que vous ne faites pas actuellement ?
    • Si vous faisiez ces choses, quel genre d’impact pensez-vous que ces actions auraient ?
    • Qu’est-ce qui vous empêche de faire ces choses ?
      • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Rencontrez-vous des obstacles à entreprendre ces actions ?
  • Et supposons que la majorité de la population canadienne commençait à entreprendre les diverses actions dont nous avons discuté (y compris les actions que vous aimeriez entreprendre, mais que vous ne faites pas actuellement), quel genre d’impact pensez-vous que cela aurait sur la lutte contre le changement climatique ?

PLAN DE RÉDUCTION DES ÉMISSIONS (35 minutes) Climato-convaincu[e]s des grands centres du Québec

  • Avez-vous entendu parler de l’annonce récente du gouvernement du Canada concernant son Plan de réduction des émissions ?
    • SI OUI : Qu’avez-vous entendu ?
      • Où en avez-vous entendu parler ou l’avez-vous vu ?
      • Que pensez-vous de ce que vous avez entendu ?

Le gouvernement du Canada a déclaré qu’il travaille avec les Canadiens de toutes les régions du pays et de tous les secteurs de l’économie pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques du Canada et saisir les nouvelles possibilités économiques. Le plan pour 2030 est évolutif ; il s’agit d’une feuille de route exhaustive fondée sur divers niveaux d’ambition pour guider les efforts de réduction des émissions dans chaque secteur.

Au titre du plan pour 2030, le gouvernement du Canada prendra les mesures suivantes :

    • Abaisser les coûts en énergie des maisons et des immeubles
    • Faciliter la transition des Canadiens vers les véhicules électriques
    • Réduire la pollution par le carbone dans le secteur pétrolier et gazier
    • Alimenter l’économie avec de l’électricité renouvelable
    • Aider les industries à développer et à adopter des technologies propres au cours de leur transition vers la carboneutralité
    • Soutenir les agriculteurs en tant que partenaires de la création d’un avenir propre et prospère
    • Maintenir l’approche canadienne de tarification de la pollution, y compris augmenter le prix de la pollution dans les années à venir
  • Quelles sont vos premières réactions en voyant cette liste de priorités ?

SONDAGE: Maintenant, je voudrais que vous choisissiez parmi ces priorités celles qui, selon vous, sont les plus importantes. Vous pouvez en choisir jusqu’à trois.


  • Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cette priorité ? Pourquoi est-elle importante pour vous ?
    • SI PEU OU PERSONNE N’A CHOISI UNE QUELCONQUE OPTION : Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas choisi cette option ?
  • À quoi vous attendez-vous ? Quels en seront les impacts, selon vous ?
  • Est-ce réalisable ? Quels sont les obstacles à la réussite ?
  • Y a-t-il des priorités énumérées qui, selon vous, ne devraient pas figurer dans la liste ? Pour quelle raison ?

PRIORITÉS ÉCONOMIQUES ET TERMINOLOGIE (35 minutes) Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie

  • Selon vous, quels sont les principaux enjeux dont le gouvernement fédéral devrait en faire une priorité ?
    • SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ : Qu’en est-il de l’économie ?
    • Si vous pensez aux différents enjeux que vous avez mentionnés, où se situe l’économie comme priorité absolue ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
    • Quel est l’aspect spécifique de l’économie qui vous préoccupe le plus — quel est, selon vous, l’enjeu économique le plus urgent ?

Nous venons de discuter de l’économie, de la priorité que vous accordez aux enjeux économiques et de vos préoccupations. J’aimerais maintenant que vous me disiez ce qui vous vient à l’esprit lorsque vous entendez ce qui suit :


  • Une économie juste
  • Une économie verte
  • Une économie progressive
  • Une économie qui travaille pour tous les Canadiens
  • Une économie inclusive


  • Que signifie ce terme pour vous ?
  • À quoi ressemblerait pour vous une économie [juste/verte/progressive/inclusive/qui travaille pour tous les Canadiens] ?

SONDAGE: Maintenant, je voudrais que vous choisissiez le type d’économie que le Gouvernement du Canada devrait viser à bâtir :

  • Une économie juste
  • Une économie verte
  • Une économie progressive
  • Une économie qui travaille pour tous les Canadiens
  • Une économie inclusive



  • Ce type d’économie permettrait-il de traiter de l’enjeu économique que vous avez mentionné précédemment ou de celui qui vous préoccupe le plus ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?

Voici une autre série de termes pour lesquels je souhaiterais avoir votre avis :


  • Soutenir la classe moyenne
  • Soutenir les travailleuses et les travailleurs
  • Quelle est la différence, le cas échéant, entre ces deux termes ?
  • De quelle façon le gouvernement du Canada devrait-il soutenir les travailleuses et les travailleurs ?
    • Cela permettrait-il de traiter de l’enjeu économique que vous avez mentionné précédemment ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • De quelle façon le gouvernement du Canada devrait-il soutenir la classe moyenne ?
    • Cela permettrait-il de traiter de l’enjeu économique que vous avez mentionné précédemment ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?

Maintenant, la dernière série de termes…


  • Population active
  • Main-d’œuvre
  • Quelle est la différence, le cas échéant, entre ces deux termes ?

JUSTIFICATIFS NUMÉRIQUES (30 minutes) Classe moyenne de la Nouvelle-Écosse qui s’inquiète de l’économie

J’aimerais maintenant passer à un sujet complètement différent…

  • Y a-t-il quelqu’un qui sait ce qu’est un justificatif numérique ?
    • SI OUI : Comment l’expliqueriez-vous ?

Les justificatifs numériques sont un moyen pour les personnes de fournir des renseignements sur leur identité par voie électronique. Les justificatifs numériques reposent sur une base entièrement volontaire et peuvent être utilisés lors de transactions de services plutôt que de devoir se présenter en personne pour fournir les documents requis (ou plutôt que de devoir transmettre une version numérisée ou une photo de documents physiques). De la même façon que vous placeriez vos documents physiques dans un endroit sûr ou dans votre portefeuille, vos justificatifs numériques peuvent être stockés de manière sécurisée sur un appareil personnel.

  • Veuillez noter que les justificatifs numériques ne sont pas la même chose que de numériser ou prendre une photo de documents physiques ; ces justificatifs numériques sont essentiellement l’équivalent électronique de documents physiques. Je vais vous montrer un exemple pour illustrer mon propos.


  • Voici un exemple de la carte de services numérique adoptée par la province de la Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Vous pouvez voir l’équivalent électronique de la carte de services physique de la C.-B. (à gauche), qui vous permet d’accéder aux services provinciaux, y compris les soins de santé.
  • Quelles sont vos premières réactions à l’égard des justificatifs numériques ?
  • Pouvez-vous penser à des exemples de justificatifs numériques qui existent actuellement ?
  • Pouvez-vous penser à des situations où une personne pourrait se servir de justificatifs numériques ?
    • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Je vous ai donné l’exemple d’une carte de services numérique de la Colombie-Britannique qui peut être utilisée pour accéder à des services provinciaux, comme les soins de santé. Pouvez-vous penser à d’autres situations où une personne pourrait se servir de justificatifs numériques ?
    • SI LES SITUATIONS PROPOSÉES NE SONT QUE POUR L’EXEMPLE* DE LA C.-B. : Pouvez-vous penser à d’autres types de justificatifs numériques autres que l’exemple de la Colombie- Britannique dont nous avons discuté ? De quelle façon pourraient-ils être utilisés ?

* NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : D’autres exemples de la façon dont les justificatifs numériques de la C.-B. peuvent être utilisés comprennent l’accès à des services en ligne tels que les dossiers médicaux, les permis de conduire, les dossiers scolaires, etc.

  • Quels avantages, le cas échéant, pensez-vous qu’il y a à utiliser des justificatifs numériques ?
  • Quelles sont vos préoccupations, le cas échéant, concernant l’utilisation des justificatifs numériques ?
  • Avez-vous des questions au sujet des justificatifs numériques ?
  • Maintenant, supposons que les justificatifs numériques soient largement utilisés partout au Canada. À quoi cela ressemblerait-il pour vous ?
    • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Par exemple, pensez-vous que les transactions de service changeraient ? Comment ?

CONCLUSION (10-15 minutes) Tous les lieux

  • Avant de conclure, y a-t-il autre chose que vous souhaiteriez dire au gouvernement fédéral ? Il peut s’agir de précisions sur les sujets abordés aujourd’hui ou d’un sujet que vous jugez important, mais dont nous n’avons pas discuté.

Et avant de nous quitter, je vais à nouveau afficher le numéro de la ligne d’écoute nationale des pensionnats indiens. Nous avons également affiché les coordonnées de la Ligne d’écoute d’espoir pour le mieux-être.

Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN :
Ligne d’écoute nationale des pensionnats indiens : 1-866-925-4419

Peuples autochtones de l’Alberta Les membres des Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis qui souhaitent obtenir un soutien émotionnel immédiat peuvent communiquer avec la Ligne d’écoute d’espoir pour le mieux-être au numéro sans frais 1-855-242-3310 ou par clavardage à

Appendix C – Advertising Concepts

Water Advisory Progress – Bar Graph (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

The image above depicts a selection of statistics and a bar graph demonstrating the progress made by the federal government towards lifting long-term drinking water advisories (LT-DWAs) on Indigenous reserves since November 2015. The top left portion of the image contains a water drop logo with a checkmark inside, accompanied by the text: ‘135 long-term drinking water advisories lifted since November 2015,’ in teal font, with the ‘135’ larger and in bold. Separated by a single dotted teal line, the top right contains text stating: ‘31 long-term drinking water advisories in effect in 27 communities,’ in teal font, with the ‘31’ and ‘27’ larger and in bold. The bottom two-thirds of the graphic depict a bar graph. The y-axis for the graph is ‘Number of LT-DWAs lifted or added’, the x-axis is ‘Total of LT-DWAs added’ and ‘Total of LT-DWAs lifted’, with a maroon and teal bar representing each, respectively. The data depicted on the bar graph is as follows: 2015 – 3 LT-DWAs added/4 LT-DWAs lifted, 2016 – 10 added/17 lifted, 2017 – 13 added/19 lifted, 2018 – 10 added/38 lifted, 2019 – 6 added/9 lifted, 2020 – 13 added/11 lifted, 2021 – 7 added/28 lifted, 2022 – 4 added/9 lifted’. The infographic was updated as of July 18th, 2022.

Water Advisory Progress – Pie Chart (Alberta Indigenous Peoples)

The image above is primarily comprised of a pie graph and accompanying statistics demonstrating the progress made by the federal government towards lifting long-term drinking-water advisories (LT-DWAs) on Indigenous reserves in recent years. The leftmost third of the image is a dark teal background with white text: ‘Progress on lifting long-term drinking water advisories,’ with the word ‘progress’ in larger font and emboldened. Above this text is a water drop logo with an encircled checkmark inside, and below is an Indigenous-inspired artwork in white, accompanied by the Indigenous Services Canada logo underneath it. In the bottom right of the image is the Government of Canada wordmark. The rest of the image is comprised of the pie graph depicting the progress made by the federal government on the matter thus far. The data is as follows: 82% – Advisory Lifted (dark teal), 8% – Project to address advisory complete, lift pending (light blue), 7% – Project to address advisory under construction (beige), 2% – Project to address advisory in design phase (light purple), and 1% – Feasibility study being conducted to address advisory (maroon).

Digital Credentials (Nova Scotia Middle Class Worried About the Economy)

The image above depicts an example image of a digital credential. The image is in two parts. On the left side, a traditional British Columbia ID card is depicted. The top-most part of the card says ‘British Columbia Services Card’ in white block letters, and directly below ‘British Columbia CAN’ in larger, blue block letters. Below this is the individual’s name, ‘Cook, Tamara Rosa’ and accompanying photograph with the ID holder’s signature below. This image is accompanied by information including: date issued, date expired, sex, address, and date of birth. The centre-right of the ID shows the British Columbia official Coat of Arms as well as holographic image of the ID holder accompanied by their year of birth. Beside this ID card is a left-ward arrow pointing to an example of a digital version of this ID card. Shown in the frame of a smartphone, we see an app depicting a digital ID card with the text ‘BC Services Card’ and the individual’s name, ‘Cook, Tamara Rosa’ and picture below. Below this sample ID, we see three tappable options: ‘Use My Mobile Card,’ ‘Enter Pairing Code,’ and ‘My Account’. At the bottom of the framed image is the British Columbia logo.