Continuous Qualitative Data Collection of Canadians’ Views – May 2021

Final Report

Prepared for the Privy Council Office

Supplier name: The Strategic Counsel
Contract number: 35035-182346/001/CY
Contract value: $1,618,838.00
Award date: December 18, 2020
Delivery date: October 29, 2021

Registration number: POR-005-19
For more information on this report, please email
Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Continuous Qualitative Data Collection of Canadians’ Views

Final Report

Prepared for the Privy Council Office

Supplier Name: The Strategic Counsel
May 2021
This public opinion research report presents the results of a series of focus groups conducted by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of the Privy Council Office. The eighth cycle of the second year of the study included a total of twelve focus groups with Canadian adults (18 years of age and older) between May 4th and May 27th, 2021.
Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Rapport final - Collecte continue de données qualitatives sur les opinions des canadiens – mai 2021.
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Related publications (registration number: POR-005-19):

CP22-185/20-2021F-PDF (Final Report, French)
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2021

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as a Senior Officer of The Strategic Counsel that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications – Appendix C – Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research.
Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.
Signed: __________________________________
Date: October 29, 2021
Donna Nixon, Partner
The Strategic Counsel

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Key Findings
Part I: COVID-19 Related Findings
Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)
COVID-19 Outlook/Behaviour (All Locations)
COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)
Borders and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions (All Locations)
Vaccine ‘Passports’ (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)
Part II: Other Issues
Budget 2021 Initiatives (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)
Enbridge Line 5 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)
Local Issues (Northern Alberta)
Out-of-Status Workers (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)
Detailed Findings – Part I: COVID-19
Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)
Bill C-10 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)
The Middle East (Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)
Bill 96 (Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)
COVID-19 Outlook/Behaviour (All Locations)
Views on Restrictions (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canadian Opinion Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)
Government of Canada Assistance to Ontario (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)
The Atlantic Bubble (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors)
Government of Canada’s Performance on Managing COVID-19 (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)
COVID-19 Outlook
Change in Behaviours (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare)
One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario)
COVID Fatigue (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Risker Behaviours, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)
COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)
Awareness of COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)
Performance on Obtaining Vaccines and Rolling Out Vaccinations (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)
Vaccination Experience and Behaviours among Those Who Have Been Vaccinated (Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose COVID-19 Vaccine)
Vaccine Hesitancy (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant)
COVID-19 Vaccine Ad Testing (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)
Outlook Post-Vaccination (All Locations)
Borders and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions (All Locations)
Vaccine Passports (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)
Vaccine Passports for International Travel
Vaccine Passports for Domestic Travel
Proof of Vaccination for Attendance at Concerts and Sporting Events
COVID-19 Vaccine Passports and Privacy
Detailed Findings – Part II: Other Issues
Budget 2021 Initiatives (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)
Awareness of the Budget
Systemic Racism (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)
Seniors (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)
Childcare (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare)
Housing (Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)
Enbridge Line 5 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)
Local Issues (Northern Alberta)
Out-of-Status Workers (GTA Vaccine Hesitant Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)
Appendix A – Recruiting Scripts
English Recruiting Script
French Recruiting Script
Appendix B – Discussion Guides
English Moderators Guide
French Moderators Guide
Appendix C – Advertising Concepts
COVID-19 Vaccines Explained (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta)
Ripple Video (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)
One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall (Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

Executive Summary


The Communications and Consultation Secretariat of the Privy Council Office (PCO) commissioned The Strategic Counsel (TSC) to conduct continuous cycles of focus group research across the country with members of the public on key national issues, events, and policy initiatives related to the Government of Canada.

The broad purpose of this ongoing qualitative research program is three-fold: to explore the dimensions and drivers of public opinion on the most important issues facing the country; to assess perceptions and expectations of the federal government’s actions and priorities, and; to inform the development of Government of Canada communications so that they continue to be aligned with the perspectives and information needs of Canadians, while remaining both clear and easy-to-understand.

The research is intended to be used by the Communications and Consultation Secretariat within PCO in order to fulfill its mandate of supporting the Prime Minister’s Office in coordinating government communications. Specifically, the research will ensure that PCO has an ongoing understanding of Canadians’ opinions on macro-level issues of interest to the government, as well as emerging trends.

This report includes findings from 12 online focus groups which were conducted between May 4th and 27th, 2021 in multiple locations across the country including Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Details concerning the locations, recruitment, and composition of the groups are shown in the section below.

The research for this cycle of focus groups focused primarily on COVID-19, as the pandemic continued in Canada. Related to COVID-19, topics discussed included what Canadians were hearing about the Government of Canada in the news, their outlook on COVID-19 and how the pandemic has influenced their behaviours, their views on local public health restrictions, as well as the federal government’s response to COVID-19 outbreaks across the country. The research also explored the vaccine rollout in Canada, including perceptions of the Government of Canada with respect to procuring and distributing vaccines as well as possible advertising and information to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated. Further, participants’ views on Canada’s border closures and other COVID-19 related travel restrictions were explored, including their attitudes towards vaccine ‘passports’.

Other issues unrelated to the pandemic were also discussed. These included Enbridge Line 5, local issues in Northern Alberta and out-of-status workers in Canada. In addition, a portion of the discussions in some groups focused on obtaining feedback on various Budget 2021 initiatives.

As a note of caution when interpreting the results from this study, findings of qualitative research are directional in nature only and cannot be attributed quantitatively to the overall population under study with any degree of confidence.


Overview of Groups

Target audience

  • Canadian residents, 18 and older.
  • Groups were split primarily by location.
  • Some groups focused on specific subgroups of the population including those who were vaccine hesitant, some of whom were racialized Canadians, people who were experiencing COVID-19 fatigue and exhibiting riskier behaviours, opinion leaders who were paying close attention to the news, some of whom were seniors over the age of 65, parents with children in daycare and those who had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, some of whom were seniors over the age of 65.

Detailed Approach

  • 12 focus groups across various regions in Canada.
  • Two groups were conducted with the general population in Northern Alberta and Southern Ontario.
  • The other ten groups were conducted with key subgroups including:
    • Vaccine hesitant people residing in Quebec’s Eastern Townships and vaccine hesitant racialized Canadians residing in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA);
    • Those experiencing COVID-19 fatigue and exhibiting riskier behaviours residing in the Greater Montreal Area (GMA) and in the cities of Saskatoon and Regina;
    • Opinion leaders and those paying close attention to the news in Eastern Ontario and seniors, aged 65 and over, who identified as opinion leaders and paying close attention to the news in Atlantic Canada;
    • Parents with children in daycare residing in Northern Ontario and across the Lower Mainland; and
    • Those who had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine residing in the Quebec City region and seniors, aged 65 and over, who had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in Manitoba.
  • Groups in Quebec were conducted in French, while all others were conducted in English.
  • All groups for this cycle were conducted online.
  • A total of 8 participants were recruited for each group, assuming 6 to 8 participants would attend.
  • Across all locations, 83 participants attended, in total. Details on attendance numbers by group can be found below.
  • Each participant received an honorarium. The incentive ranged from $100 to $125 per participant, depending on the location and the composition of the group.

Group Locations and Composition

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 1 English May 4 6:00-8:00 pm Vaccine Hesitant, Racialized Canadians 8
Northern Alberta 2 English May 5 8:00-10:00 pm General Population 5
Greater Montreal Area (GMA) 3 French May 6 6:00-8:00 pm People Experiencing COVID Fatigue/Exhibiting Riskier Behaviour 7
Atlantic Canada 4 English May 11 5:00-7:00 pm Opinion Leaders/Influencers/Paying more attention to news/media, Seniors 65+ 7
Northern Ontario 5 English May 12 6:00-8:00 pm Parents with Children in Daycare 6
Manitoba 6 English May 13 7:00-9:00 pm Received First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine, Seniors 65+ 5
Saskatoon and Regina 7 English May 17 8:00-10:00 pm People Experiencing COVID Fatigue/Exhibiting Riskier Behaviour 8
Quebec Eastern Townships 8 French May 18 6:00-8:00 pm Vaccine Hesitant 7
Eastern Ontario 9 English May 20 6:00-8:00 pm Opinion Leaders/Influencers/Paying more attention to news/media 7
Lower Mainland BC 10 English May 25 9:00-11:00 pm Parents with Children in Daycare 8
Southern Ontario 11 English May 26 6:00-8:00 pm General Population 8
Quebec City Region 12 French May 27 6:00-8:00 pm Received First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine 7
Total number of participants 83

Key Findings

Part I: COVID-19 Related Findings

Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)

A range of topics and issues surfaced when participants were asked what they had seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada within the last few days. Pandemic-related issues were mentioned frequently. Many participants commented on what they perceived to be both the positive and negative aspects of the Government of Canada’s handling of the issue. Some felt the vaccine rollout was proceeding well and expected it would accelerate with a pending influx of additional doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Others had heard about disagreements between the federal government and Ontario regarding the issue of reopening the borders and some were anxious given their perception that the distribution of second doses in Canada was trailing the rollout in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

A number of participants had heard or read about Bill C-10, an amendment to the Broadcasting Act, and were aware of its intent to support Canadian artists. At the same time, some had heard that the Bill may have implications towards freedom of expression on social media and expressed concerns about possible limitations in this area.

Several participants raised the issue of sexual misconduct in the military in Canada, although they did not elaborate further.

Other issues also mentioned by participants included a call by the Governor of Michigan to shut down Enbridge Line 5, implementation of a national child care program, the WE Charity scandal, the arrest of a Belarusian journalist, and federal government support for a ceasefire following an escalation of a flare-up in hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

In several groups, participants were given more details on Bill C-10 and discussed facets of this issue in greater depth. The conversation generated a number of concerns and questions pertaining to the intent and implementation of the Bill. Some expressed concerns about the financial impacts on Canadian consumers as a result of potential additional charges levied on streaming operations like Netflix and Spotify.

There were also some concerns that the Bill may not achieve an equitable distribution of payments in support of Canadians artists and that those artists who were already well established may benefit disproportionately, while aspiring creators may lose out. Some simply felt that a better approach to leveling the playing field for Canadian artists would be to fund the arts in Canada more directly, and that decisions in terms of support for various artists and artistic endeavours should be driven by market forces.

Numerous questions were raised about the impact the Bill would have on the development and consumption of a wider array of international content and whether Canadians might face some restrictions in the offerings from companies such as Netflix and Spotify. While participants expressed a desire for more information to better understand the Bill, specifically why it is needed, what it is proposing, and how it will be implemented, they nonetheless firmly supported funding for Canadian artists and were proud of the international success of Canadians working in the field of arts and culture.

On the topic of the recent conflict in the Middle East, few participants in the groups in which this was discussed in more detail had heard about the issue and were aware of how the Government of Canada had responded. Several were aware of a call by the United States for a ceasefire. A small number of participants who were unaware of Canada’s response argued for pausing relations with Israel while others argued for taking a stance similar to the U.S. Government with respect to promoting a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

Bill C-96, a proposed amendment to the Constitution to recognize Quebec as a nation and French as its only official and common language was discussed among individuals in the Quebec City Region group. There was a modest level of awareness of the Bill with some commenting that the Government of Canada’s response had been generally positive and open-minded.

COVID-19 Outlook/Behaviour (All Locations)

Throughout May, various aspects of the pandemic were explored in the focus groups including participants’ views on the public health measures and restrictions in their region and their impact on them personally, as well as perceptions of the Government of Canada’s response. Some discussions also focused on participants’ expectations with respect to the trajectory of the pandemic and, in particular, whether they felt the spread of COVID-19 would get worse or improve. In a few focus groups participants were asked about the idea of a ‘one dose summer, two dose fall’ and provided insights with regard to their interpretation of this phrase.

Views on Restrictions (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canadian Opinion Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

To begin the conversation, many participants were asked about their views and feelings toward COVID-19 restrictions in their province and region. Most participants acknowledged the necessity of COVID-19 restrictions despite the economic, educational, and mental health challenges that resulted. There was a general, albeit reluctant, acceptance that ongoing restrictions were required in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Nevertheless, there were perceptions among many participants that provincial and federal governments had been too slow to implement restrictions and had not shut down quickly enough when COVID-19 cases were rising sharply across the country. They felt that the spread of the virus could have been slowed or stopped through a much stricter lockdown over a period of two to six weeks. Overall, there was a broad view among participants that easing restrictions should only occur after COVID-19 infections have decreased significantly in their respective regions of the country.

Participants also expressed a strong concern about the enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions. Many felt that authorities had been too lax in enforcing public health orders, commenting that they had observed certain people and groups who regularly ignored or violated these restrictions. A few, however, felt that some of those charged with enforcing public health restrictions had been overzealous, with several noting instances of receiving fines for neglecting social distancing measures.

Overall, most participants felt the current level of restrictions were appropriate, and no one thought that stricter restrictions were needed. 

Government of Canada Assistance to Ontario (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)

GTA participants were told that the Government of Canada had announced it would be providing more help to Ontario at the request of the province. Reactions from participants were, on balance, positive. Some mentioned that if Ontario was in need of assistance, then the federal government had a responsibility to provide such assistance. Nevertheless, some participants were frustrated that Ontario had reached a point that required federal intervention, mentioning that they felt the vaccine rollout had been poorly mobilized and that the supply of vaccines would create roadblocks to further success.

The Atlantic Bubble (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors)

In the group held among participants residing in Atlantic Canada, the issue of reinstating the Atlantic Bubble which had been in place until November 2020 was discussed. Most participants felt that Atlantic Canada should not be reinstating the Atlantic Bubble until COVID-19 infections in all Atlantic provinces had significantly subsided. The primary factor underpinning the reluctance to do so was the threat of the new variants.

Early September was the date most participants thought travel would be reopened between Atlantic Canada and the rest of the country. There were two key considerations for participants in opening up the region to visitors from other part of Canada:

  • A high proportion of Canadians being full vaccinated; and
  • The number of infections in the rest of the country.

There was also a common view among participants that travel should only be extended to those provinces where the infection cases levels were low.

Government of Canada’s Performance on Managing COVID-19 (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

There were a wide variety of views expressed about the performance of the Government of Canada in managing the COVID-19 pandemic, with some conflating with provincial actions at times.

  • It was generally understood that managing the pandemic was new and different from other issues and problems to which governments are charged with responding. Participants acknowledged that government leaders and public health experts have been highly visible in communications with Canadians regarding the government’s decisions to stop the spread of COVID-19.
  • There was a widespread view that the federal government performed well in providing a range of financial support for individuals, families and business to weather the pandemic.
  • The travel restrictions imposed early on in the pandemic by the federal government were viewed positively by some, although several felt the federal government should have been more proactive in imposing travel restrictions.
  • Some participants thought that federal public health leaders had done a good job in utilizing scientific evidence to support their decisions, helping to avoid the politicization of public health.
  • Many participants also felt that the government had done a good job in procuring the vaccines, particularly given that Canada lacked any domestic manufacturing capacity to produce the vaccines.
  • Some expressed negative comments about the changing messaging regarding the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Several commented that the federal government should have been more consistent in its communications about the safety of this vaccine.
  • The changing length of time between the first and second vaccine dose from 14 days to up to 105 days was viewed negatively by a few participants.
  • A few felt that the constantly changing public health guidelines and regulations was also problematic. These participants did not understand the context or the rationale for these regulatory changes.
  • Finally, a few participants felt it was unacceptable that Canada did not have domestic vaccine manufacturing capability.

COVID-19 Outlook

Participants were asked about their personal outlook for the COVID-19 pandemic, including their thoughts on the spread of COVID-19 throughout the spring.

Many participants felt that the worst of the pandemic was in the past. A key part of this optimistic outlook was rooted in the view that the vaccine rollout was already gaining momentum. In short, they felt that the threat of being infected by the virus would significantly diminish. In addition to the vaccine rollout becoming more aggressive, there was a view that governments would become more skilled in addressing and managing future COVID-19 outbreaks.

Nevertheless, many participants remained uncertain as to the future course of the pandemic. Several were more pessimistic, believing the pandemic would worsen. Many of these participants resided in provinces where COVID-19 cases were still rising and robust public health restrictions were being maintained. Uncertainty and pessimism were driven by concerns about the threat of COVID-19 variants and specific concerns about reduced efficacy of the vaccines.

There was a widespread view that it would be difficult to fully eradicate the virus given the trajectory and its impact to date. In this context, it was expected that the COVID-19 virus would become a seasonal event which would need to be managed, similar to seasonal influenza, for which there is an annual flu vaccine.

Change in Behaviours (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare)

Participants were then asked if they had changed their behaviour in the past few weeks and if they were doing anything differently now in comparison to a few months ago. Relatively few participants reported changes to their daily life. Some did comment on the state of their own and other’s mental health. While mental health struggles related to the pandemic were familiar to many, some reported they had worsened in the last few months given the continued isolation and public health impacts of the pandemic.

When asked how COVID-19 and COVID-related restrictions impacted them, participants primarily recalled stories of struggle and hardship. Parents tended to mention the impact that COVID-19 had on their children, including the difficulties of online schooling and the related increase in screen time. Some parents also mentioned the difficulties of finding child care. Others mentioned that the pandemic had resulted in job loss and that they were facing financial difficulties.

One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario)

Very few participants had heard of the phrase ‘One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall,’ but interpreted it as referring to the timing of vaccinations with the intention that most Canadians would receive their first dose by the summer and the second dose sometime in the fall.

Further clarification was provided to participants and some felt the phrase made sense, noting it was clear, fairly self-explanatory, accurately depicted the outlook for those who are vaccinated, and generally reflected how they had interpreted it. However, many others commented that the phrase did not necessarily invoke any sense of a change in public health measures and restrictions and found it difficult to see the connection to what people would be able to do under each scenario.

The phrase sparked some questions from participants, including:

  • Is there a possibility of a third dose being required?
  • If people get vaccinated and public health measures remain in place, then what exactly has changed between the summer and the fall in terms of what Canadians can do?

A few participants expressed skepticism about achieving the goal of 75 per cent being fully vaccinated in the fall of 2021. When asked what types of activities they thought Canadians may be permitted to do this summer, based on the projected vaccination rates, participants felt that masks would still be required but that small outdoor gatherings with friends and family may be allowed.

By contrast, the expectation for the fall was that a return to more normal activities and social events would likely occur, including the opportunity to hold more gatherings indoors, as well as to patronize retail outlets and restaurants, and travel.

Public Health Agency of Canada Vaccine Postcard (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario)

Mid-month, participants in three groups were shown a postcard on this topic and asked for their comments.

Many participants reacted positively to both the style and content of the postcard, pointing to the colours, the graphics, and the layout. In particular, some felt the traffic light colour coding system was a useful creative tool. Participants appreciated that the postcard ostensibly laid out a plan and provided Canadians with a hopeful outlook. Most also thought the message to get vaccinated was well communicated, along with the supplementary message that doing so would protect your neighbours and your community.

A few participants were somewhat more critical, believing that increased activities and the loosening of restrictions should be more clearly linked to cases of COVID-19 rather than to vaccination rates. They also found it to be somewhat vague in terms of identifying specific types of activities that Canadians can or cannot do (e.g., church gatherings, attendance at baseball games, etc.) and felt that it essentially described the current context and expectations without providing much new information.

When asked specifically if the postcard would encourage them to book an appointment to be vaccinated, most responded in the affirmative noting that it would, at a minimum, serve as a good reminder. Although some participants commented that those who wish to be vaccinated would do so without a reminder, there was also a perception that those who are hesitant may be influenced by the information contained in the postcard.

COVID Fatigue (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

During May two focus groups were conducted with participants who reported being tired of the ongoing public health measures and restrictions, and who indicated having engaged in activities which exposed them to a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. These groups were asked to elaborate on their experience through the pandemic and, specifically, what they found most difficult about following public health advice.

Participants expressed frustration associated with the following:

  • The perceived inconsistency in the application of public health measures;
  • Isolation;
  • Loss of freedom; and
  • Line-ups at retail outlets.

A few participants in these groups mentioned having contracted COVID-19, after which they felt more comfortable visiting other family members given their sense that they had developed a natural immunity to the virus.

COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)

Participants shared their views on the COVID-19 vaccines and the vaccination campaign. This included what they had seen, heard or read about the vaccines and their perspectives on how well the Government of Canada was doing towards securing sufficient vaccine supply as well as encouraging Canadians to get vaccinated.

A wide array of participants across all groups reported they had been closely following the news about the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. Many commented upon the accelerated pace of the rollout, noting increasing vaccination rates within their respective provinces and the extension of first doses to those in younger age cohorts.

There was also widespread awareness and discussion regarding the pause in administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns about the possibility of blood clots. Some were of the opinion that this issue was occurring at a higher rate than originally thought, while others argued that scientists and experts were continuing to emphasize the rarity of this type of adverse event.

Other comments from participants focused on issues such as mixing vaccine doses, the varying levels of immunity among the vaccine brands, the issue of blood clots, a growing preference for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, concerns about the lag time between doses, and the impending receipt of a large Pfizer shipment.

Several participants commented on paying less attention in general to news and information about COVID-19, including the vaccines.

Performance on Obtaining Vaccines and Rolling Out Vaccinations (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

Participants were asked to evaluate the job the Government of Canada was doing in procuring and distributing COVID-19 vaccines to the provinces and territories. Across the groups, participants were either neutral or negative about the current response. Some felt the federal government was doing the best it could under the circumstances and that the deficiencies lay with the country’s infrastructure and lack of vaccine production capability. Others attributed the disruptions and delays in vaccine distribution to vaccine manufacturers rather than the Government of Canada.

Criticism of the federal government’s response centered around poor vaccination rates and distribution relative to the United States, the extended length of time between first and second doses, Canada’s reliance on international vaccine manufacturers and the lack of domestic production, and the communication from the federal government in general regarding the vaccine. Messaging surrounding the AstraZeneca vaccine in particular was pointed to as confusing by several participants.

Participants discussed Canada’s performance in terms of vaccinating our population and, specifically, which other countries we ought to be comparing ourselves to when evaluating our performance.

Most mentioned the United States as our key peer when it came to comparing relative vaccination rates, primarily due to its geographical proximity. Others pointed to countries in Europe, pointing to their similar population sizes. Some also mentioned the G7 or G20 countries, due to the relatively similar financial means of those groups. It was also argued that any comparison between Canada and countries with domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity was inherently one-sided.

Participants were shown data regarding Canada’s performance at the time these discussions were held. The percentage of Canadians who had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose ranged from 34 to 41 per cent depending on when in the month the focus group was held. Canada’s ranking in this metric within the G20 during this time frame was 3rd overall and the country’s international ranking was 13th overall to begin and end the month.

When asked if this information surprised them at all, many participants across the groups indicated that they were pleasantly surprised and felt Canada was doing better than expected. Many voiced that Canada’s performance should be publicized as a way to counter the narrative that the vaccination campaign was being mishandled. It was also mentioned that this strong uptake might encourage other Canadians to get vaccinated themselves.

Others expressed skepticism about the data in general, stating that these numbers could be manipulated or skewed to present more positive messaging. They felt the positive data did not reflect their perspective from the ground that the vaccine rollout had been quite slow. It was also noted that the relevant metric was the percentage of Canadians fully vaccinated, not just those who had received one dose.

Vaccination Experience and Behaviours among Those Who Have Been Vaccinated (Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose COVID-19 Vaccine)

Two groups, one based in Manitoba and the other in the Quebec City region, were invited with the understanding that they all had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. These participants discussed their experiences with the vaccination process and their thoughts on the vaccine rollout overall.

Participants were widely positive about the rollout out vaccines thus far, expressing they believed the process was proceeding quickly and effectively. The experience of booking and receiving the vaccination was also described in positive terms. Participants felt the system had been well organized and were generally impressed with the process.

Once having received their vaccination, participants stated that they felt better protected, especially against the variants, and were generally more relieved. At the same time, most remained vigilant, continuing to comply with public health measures within their provinces.

When asked about their outlook once they had received their second dose of the vaccine, participants felt that some restrictions were likely to remain. Specifically, they pointed to the likelihood that mask wearing would persist. When asked to estimate when people might be able to gather indoors with others who have been vaccinated, some suggested this may not occur until at least 75 per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.

Participants in the Manitoba group were additionally asked for their opinions on the recent recommendation from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) to delay second doses by up to four months and the decision by some regions to act on this advice. Some supported the recommendation, feeling it was more important to prioritize a wider number of Canadians receiving their first dose. Others questioned the idea, concerned that only having one dose for months on end may not be effective in combating the virus.

Vaccine Hesitancy (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant)

A pair of groups, one based in the Greater Toronto Area and the other in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, were composed of individuals who expressed at least some degree of vaccine hesitancy.

Reasons stated for their continued hesitation regarding the vaccine included a desire to wait until more data was available, a lack of trust in the pharmaceutical industry, a reluctance to be vaccinated until the interval between doses was shortened, concerns about contracting COVID-19 after getting vaccinated, as well as the belief that the decision to get the vaccine should be a personal one.

Some participants reiterated that they were not opposed to vaccines in general, but specifically to the COVID-19 vaccines. They believed these vaccines had not been put through the rigorous testing typically required of vaccinations.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ad Testing (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

Participants were shown an ad that was currently being developed by the Government of Canada regarding COVID-19 and a short video with information about the approved vaccines in Canada. Participants discussed their thoughts and reactions to each.

The key messaging of the ad, an encouragement for everyone to do their part and get vaccinated so life can get back to normal, was clear to most participants. Those who had expressed positivity regarding the COVID-19 vaccines generally found the ad heartwarming and emotionally appealing, while those participants who were vaccine hesitant argued the positive tone of the spot did little to assuage their doubts about the overall safety of the vaccine.

The groups were also shown a second video, this time providing detailed information about the vaccines approved by Health Canada and the process by which they are manufactured and tested. Participants described the video as effective, motivating, and informative. Among those who had expressed vaccine hesitancy, there was also a general positivity towards the spot, particularly its educational and informative tone. A small number of participants wished to see more information about potential side effects. Others argued it would be helpful to hear from those who had already gotten vaccinated and what their experiences had been.

Outlook Post-Vaccination

Participants discussed their views on the impact of vaccinations and whether ongoing public health measures would be necessary once everyone who wants a vaccine had been vaccinated.

Most were of the view that at least some public health measures would continue to remain in place, even as more Canadians got vaccinated. The most commonly cited measures that may persist included hand washing and sanitizing, mask wearing, socially distance when possible, gathering limits, and some travel restrictions.

While there was acknowledgement that widespread vaccinations would create the conditions for some kind of return to normalcy, most felt that the ‘new normal’ would not necessarily mean a return to pre-pandemic conditions. Others argued that with 20-30 per cent of the population expressing some degree of vaccine hesitancy, it would be unwise to lift all of the current public health restrictions. Several participants acknowledged that there was considerable pressure among certain segments of the population to get back to normal and to be able to socialize in public settings with friends and family.

When asked if they believed future restrictions, such as lockdowns, could be possible if the situation were to worsen, several participants voiced the belief that while the federal and provincial governments should have plans in place for such an eventuality, they believed the vaccines and subsequent booster shots would ward off the worst effects of the virus.

Borders and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions (All Locations)

Participants were generally familiar with Canada’s current travel restrictions, including requirements to show proof of a negative test for COVID-19 prior to entry, the 3-day hotel quarantine, 14-day isolation period, fines for those contravening these measures and general discouragement of non-essential travel. They were also aware of the ban on flights from India and Pakistan.

Overall, participants expressed high levels of support for the travel restrictions. Although they found some aspects of the restrictions confusing (such as the differences applying to those traveling by air versus land), most felt the restrictions should be more strictly enforced at the risk of any backlash from those who might feel they impinge on freedom of movement. They were concerned that some travelers were able to easily circumvent the restrictions.

When asked when the Government of Canada should consider easing these restrictions, participants were reluctant to suggest a proposed date. Rather most agreed that the decision should be contingent on three primary factors: high vaccination rates (ideally nearing the point required for herd immunity), low case counts, and low hospitalizations (e.g., stress on hospital capacity). Indeed, many participants voiced a strong desire to retain the restrictions until more individuals were vaccinated on a global basis, not just in Canada. At the same time, there was some support for loosening the requirement for the 3-day hotel quarantine, with some feeling that this particular requirement was both expensive and ineffective.

Participants favoured a case-by-case approach to opening the borders, moving cautiously to allow some countries certain border exemptions based on high vaccination rates or low case counts. A number of participants commented that proof-of-vaccination rather than country of origin was the more important criterion and were more inclined to hold off on permitting those who are not fully vaccinated entry into Canada. Most felt this approach should also apply to the U.S., noting the differing approaches to public health undertaken in Canada and the U.S. which have influenced vaccination rates in each jurisdiction, hospitalizations, testing frequency, and case counts.

The question of whether or not professional sports teams should receive certain border exemptions sparked active debate among participants. Overall, however, most participants viewed the proposed exemption to be in line with essential business travel and felt comfortable as long as proper measures were in place to ensure that travel was safe and controlled.

Vaccine ‘Passports’ (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

Most participants were both aware of and anticipating the implementation of COVID-19 vaccine ‘passports’ by the Government of Canada. Some had heard that the development of a vaccine passport prototype was already underway in Quebec.

Vaccine passports for air travel were also supported, more so for international rather than domestic air travel. There was a sense among some participants that such passports were inevitable and, in fact, not substantially different from what was already required for travel to certain countries. Some wondered why such a system had not been implemented earlier in the pandemic and felt that international travel was a key vector for transmission of the virus, particularly the spread of variants.

Participants were firmly of the view that the Government of Canada should actively engage in negotiations with other countries with the goal of establishing a vaccine passport standard in terms of which vaccines, combinations of vaccines, or interval between first and second doses would be acceptable. Even among those who disliked the idea of a vaccine passport, there was a recognition that if it was inevitable, negotiated international norms would be necessary. A few did comment that this type of system should be temporary in nature, and that the requirement for a vaccine passport should be discontinued once the pandemic has receded.

Opinions on the use of vaccine passports for domestic air travel were divided, though many were open to it as a temporary measure. Several saw domestic vaccine passports as a useful tool in the immediate future, in order to control the public health situation before Canada had reached herd immunity.

In both scenarios, the most common concern raised centred on possible infringements to Canadians’ civil liberties, specifically the right of people to travel whether or not they are vaccinated. Others saw this as the first step towards a mandatory vaccination policy and felt that this might have adverse implications for marginalized groups, including those who for medical reasons could not be vaccinated. Some also worried that it may be used to restrict employment opportunities for those who are unvaccinated and severely limit their ability to provide for themselves and their families. A few believed the vaccine passport was being used as a tool to increase the uptake of vaccinations and, again, felt that this breached an individual’s right to make a personal choice about vaccination. Several put forward that the requirement to carry proof-of-vaccination documentation might become a more permanent feature in Canadians’ lives going forward.

When thinking about the application of a vaccine passport for domestic air travel, participants raised issues regarding the practicalities of such an initiative. Specifically, they questioned whether it could be effectively implemented. The discussion prompted them to consider the impact on families with children unable to get vaccinated, noting that a vaccine passport would either limit travel or make it more complex and onerous.

The discussion as to whether or not to require proof-of-vaccination in order to attend large events such as concerts or sporting events generated mixed responses and, on balance, participants were less supportive of this scenario relative to the other two. Some felt that making it a requirement would have a net positive effect on public health and wellbeing, while others were not convinced of the efficacy of such a policy or did not see this as a pressing issue. Like vaccine passports for domestic air travel, several participants voiced concerns about the difficulties of enforcing these programs and felt that it might lead to even further restrictions in the future.

Participants were also asked if they felt that vaccine passports would pose a risk to privacy, given that a proof-of-vaccination system would require some form of sharing of vaccination records between jurisdictions. Most were unconcerned, with many assuming that vast information sharing across and between levels of government was already taking place. However, some were concerned about the possibility that additional information about their medical history and status might also be captured and possibly leaked. It was argued that some groups could potentially be harmed in more significant and systemic ways and that the information could be used as a means of tracking the movement of Canadians.

Part II: Other Issues

Budget 2021 Initiatives (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

Participants discussed their thoughts on the recent federal budget, although relatively few participants were aware of Budget 2021 or were familiar with the details. Among those who were, expenditures pertaining to childcare were recalled top-of-mind, along with support for seniors and initiatives to address the issue of affordable housing. While awareness was low, participants’ impressions of Budget 2021 were neutral to positive, with many pointing to a variety of increased financial supports for Canadians as well as greater spending in what were perceived to be priority areas, such as affordable childcare.

Systemic Racism (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)

Most participants had not heard of any initiatives dedicated to fighting systemic racism and empowering racialized communities. Some noted the federal government’s goal of creating jobs for racialized individuals, particularly in the trades.

To prompt discussion, participants were shown a list of five initiatives included in Budget 2021, including funding intended to combat racism at the community level, protect communities at risk of hate-motivated crimes, improve the social and economic outcomes of Black communities, and to implement a data plan overseen by Statistics Canada to fill relevant data and knowledge gaps.

Opinions on these initiatives were largely split. Many viewed them as necessary under the current climate. Participants conveyed the need to promote greater participation by equity-deserving communities in a wider range of activities, including political, education, institutional, and employment opportunities.

Some participants held concerns regarding the accountability and transparency of such initiatives. Others specifically emphasized the importance for the funding to directly reach grassroots-level programs in order to make a tangible difference. A small number of participants raised concerns about the intentions of these initiatives, arguing they appeared to be designed to amass public support rather than provide concrete assistance.

While others acknowledged that such initiatives represented a step in the right direction, they remained concerned about the Government of Canada’s ability to finance these initiatives amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seniors (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

Groups composed of seniors, based in Atlantic Canada and Manitoba respectively, were asked whether they recalled hearing or seeing anything in Budget 2021 aimed at helping seniors. Most responded that they had not.

A list of various initiatives pertaining to seniors was then shown to participants following which the group discussed their thoughts and reaction. These initiatives included increasing regular Old Age Security (OAS) payments, providing a one-time $500 payment, $3 billion in funding towards ensuring better standards in long-term care, and $90 million toward the Age Well at Home initiative.

Participants were generally in favour of all initiatives. Funding for improving long-term care homes and the Age Well at Home initiative were especially popular. Several participants mentioned that long term care homes need to shift their focus away from profit-seeking and towards providing a high quality of care. It was also voiced that seniors should be able to live at home as long as possible and would be supported by the Age Well at Home program. It was added that the program would likely be massive in its size and scope and would potentially need further funding.

In regards to the increase of OAS payments most were generally in favour of the initiative. Opinions were initially mixed, however, regarding whether only those 75+ in age should qualify for the extra support, or whether the initiative should be expanded to all Canadians 65 and over.

When asked if it made sense to provide specific support towards those 75+ and over, participants generally agreed. Higher expenses relating to mobility, transportation, and medical costs were mentioned as reasons for why this additional support would be necessary.

Childcare (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Lower Mainland B.C. Parents with Children in Daycare)

Two groups of parents with children in daycare participated in discussions focused around Budget 2021 initiatives aimed at reducing the cost of childcare while simultaneously increasing the availability of placements. Participants expressed their views on these initiatives as well as opinions on whether the Government of Canada should invest in childcare.

Most spoke positively of the proposed measures, pointing to the $10/day daycare as particularly impactful. There was a strong sentiment among both groups that the Government of Canada should be investing in childcare. Participants widely conveyed that they felt childcare was extremely expensive at present and that placements are increasingly harder to find.

When shown a range of initiatives from Budget 2021, participants were generally supportive. Many spoke positively about the initiatives aimed at reducing childcare costs, with the implementation of $10/day childcare being especially popular. There was a widespread feeling among participants that these measures would have a direct impact on the lives of Canadian parents. Pointing to the benefits of these measures, participants indicated they would be immediately helpful in getting mothers back into the workforce. Even those who stated their own children would be too old to benefit from the initiatives voiced support that they be implemented.

Some raised concerns about the fiscal sustainability of a national childcare system. It was argued that instead of applying these initiatives universally, there should be a means-based test to determine which families should be eligible. Expanding existing benefits and tax credits were also pointed to as possible alternatives.

Reactions to increasing the median wage of childcare workers were widely positive. It was emphasized that in order to obtain the best possible childcare, wages would need to be increased to attract talented individuals to the field. However, concerns were simultaneously raised that this initiative would have the effect of increasing early learning class sizes, with poorer overall education as a consequence.

When asked if they thought the intended timeline for these initiatives was feasible, participants were uncertain. Some felt that full implementation by 2025-26 was reasonable, while others were concerned that a rapid rollout could lead to unintended and possibly negative outcomes, particularly in the context of the quality of the care and education offered to children.

There was a consensus that investment by the Government of Canada in childcare was an important priority in order to support mothers re-entering the workforce and as a policy which would have long-term positive economic impacts. Investments in early childhood education were viewed as critical to cultivating productive members of society. To others, greater investment in childcare was seen as important in order to offset the rising costs of childcare and more generally, the cost of living. When the idea was raised that some would oppose increased funding for childcare out of concern for the national deficit, participants argued that the long-term benefits of childcare investment outweighed the financial costs.

Housing (Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

In three groups where the topic of housing was discussed, participants all agreed that housing prices across Canada had increased over the past year, attributing this mainly to reduced housing stock, increased demand, and inflationary pressures on the cost of building materials. There was a sense that all levels of government had at least some ability to control housing prices, but most particularly the municipal and provincial levels of government given their responsibility for urban planning and development within and across regions. At the same time, participants acknowledged that the federal government’s role in setting the threshold for and the rules pertaining to mortgage qualification also affected housing demand and, ultimately, housing prices.

Participants had some awareness of measures and actions taken by the Government to support individuals in the market to purchase a home, including the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP), as well as rebates and tax credits for first-time home buyers. Reaction to specific measures included in the 2021 federal Budget was generally positive, although some saw these measures as only part of the solution to addressing housing affordability across Canada. With respect to the proposal to implement a 1 per cent tax on the value of foreign, non-resident owned residential homes which are considered to be vacant or underused, some felt that rate was too low to act as a strong deterrent to foreign buyers entering or operating within the Canadian housing market. When participants were asked about a recent tightening of rules on the mortgage stress test for home buyers they were generally supportive. Although some felt this would add to the challenges already facing young people looking to get into the housing market, the more common response was that it would protect consumers and prevent them from taking on an onerous and unmanageable debt load.

Enbridge Line 5 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

Participants in three groups discussed issues pertaining to Enbridge Line 5 with those in Saskatoon and Regina exhibiting higher levels of awareness of the topic relative to the other two groups. When provided with more context on the issue, participants expressed concerns about the environmental risks and safety issues, but views on whether it should be shut down or remain open varied with the location of the group. In Saskatoon and Regina participants viewed the issue primarily through an economic lens, focusing on the importance of delivering western oil by pipeline to other regions within Canada. By contrast, views were more mixed among participants in the other two groups with most examining the issue from an environmental perspective. As a result there were stronger opinions in these groups about shutting down the pipeline based not only on these risks, but on the age of the pipeline. Some noted that any environmental impact of a leak would have implications that would be felt beyond Michigan.

In line with these views, participants in Saskatoon and Regina were generally more united in their view that Enbridge Line 5 should be a high priority in Canada-U.S. relations. They were of the opinion that Canada should have authority over its own exports and imports of oil and gas and that, in general, Canada’s dependence on pipelines running through the United States would continue to be an issue in the future. Opinions varied in the other two groups – some felt it was a lower priority and that the pipeline should simply be shut down, while others saw it as a mid-to-higher level priority and one that could serve as precedent going forward.

Local Issues (Northern Alberta)

The group from Northern Alberta discussed issues specifically pertaining to the region, most notably the oil and gas, and agricultural sectors.

When asked to identify key issues, participants widely pointed to the continued vitality of the oil and gas industry and its importance to the provincial economy. Participants expressed concerns regarding declining employment in the sector and the difficulty in getting projects such as pipelines approved and built.

While most participants were unaware of any support from the federal government for the oil and gas sector, a few were able to provide examples of some specific initiatives. Some mentioned financial support for the natural gas pipeline running from the Tidewater Brazeau River facility. Others cited the Greenhouse Gas Offset System, stating that the program was a positive effort by the federal government towards helping those industries and sectors adversely affected by the federal carbon pricing system.

Few participants had heard of any specific measures by the federal government to support the agricultural sector. It was added, however, that it was possible that much of the aid provided by the Government of Canada over the past year may have gone unnoticed due to all the attention towards the pandemic.

Specifically discussing the issue of orphan wells (oil or gas wells abandoned by fossil fuel companies) participants were largely split as to whether they were aware of the problem. Some participants mentioned they had heard the clean-up of these wells was now the responsibility of the provincial government and local landowners, while others heard the federal government had stepped in to support the clean-up process.

Participants then discussed a specific initiative by the Government of Canada to spend $1.7 billion towards cleaning up orphan wells in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Opinions were mixed. Some felt the initiative was a positive development, providing jobs in the province and working to clean up the environment. Others argued that the initiative would not be necessary in the first place had the sector continued to thrive, adding that the jobs gained by this program would in no way balance out the number of jobs lost in recent years.

Out-of-Status Workers (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

Participants discussed the issue of out-of-status workers (people who were residing and working in Canada without documentation).

The impression among many participants was that the many of these individuals were those who had initially entered the country legally and had since outstayed the terms of their initial student or work visa. Several believed the category of out-of-status workers also applied to refugees seeking to obtain legal work permits as well as foreign workers filling lower wage jobs in Canada. When asked to estimate how many out-of-status workers they thought were currently in Canada, estimates varied considerably from as low as 25,000-50,000 to upwards of 5 to 10 million.

Opinions were mixed when discussing whether a path to permanent residency and citizenship should be available to these individuals. Those in favour believed these people already contributed to the Canadian economy and should be allowed a way to stay in the country permanently. Others added that many would also face adverse or dangerous conditions in their home countries were they forced to return. Some argued that while a path to citizenship should be available, it should be done on a case-by-case basis rather than a blanket provision.

Some participants were generally not convinced there was a strong economic argument in support of out-of-status workers being provided with a path to permanent residency and citizenship, arguing that many do not pay income taxes and were doing jobs where labour shortages are often experienced. The issue of fairness was also raised, arguing that we should not prioritize one group of immigrants and refugees over another just because they were a part of the workforce.

Others argued that bringing these workers into the economy would be beneficial as they would pay more in taxes, resulting in a net benefit for everyone. It was also mentioned that most of these individuals are living and working here in the same manner as most Canadians and that there was no reason to deny them a path to citizenship.


The Strategic Counsel

Contract number: 35035-182346/001/CY

Contract award date: December 18, 2020

Contract value: $1,618,838.00

Detailed Findings – Part I: COVID-19

Timeline of May Announcements

To help place the focus group discussions within the context of key events which occurred during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, below is a brief synopsis for the period beginning at the end of April and throughout the month of May 2021.

  • At the end of April
    • There had been 1.23 million cases of COVID-19 in Canada with 24,220 deaths.
    • Daily case counts had declined across Canada by 7% to an average of below 7,900 cases, however, the number of people experiencing severe and critical illness continued to rise with an average of almost 4,400 people with COVID-19 being treated in hospitals daily and 1,420 in intensive care units.
    • Over 13.1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered across Canada.
    • Canada’s border controls with the United States (U.S.) were extended again and ordered to remain in place and in effect until May 21.
  • May 1-9
    • May 3. The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) updated its recommendations on the use of COVID-19 vaccines to include advice on the use of the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. The NACI recommended the Janssen vaccine be offered to individuals 30 years of age and older, if the individual does not wish to wait for an mRNA vaccine. Additionally, the NACI reaffirmed its recommendation that the COVID-19 vaccine be offered during pregnancy.
    • May 5. Health Canada authorized the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in adolescents 12 to 15 years of age.
    • May 5. The Government of Canada announced an investment of up to $21.4 million to enhance the Youth Employment and Skills Program (YESP) and fund approximately 2,000 jobs for youth in the agriculture sector.
    • Focus groups were held with racialized Canadians who were vaccine hesitant in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) (May 4) and the general population in Northern Alberta (May 5).
    • May 6. The Government of Canada launched the Cyber Security Innovation Network program with an investment of $80 million over four years. The network will support research and development in cyber security, accelerate the commercialization of cyber security products and services, and further support the development of skilled cyber security talent across Canada.
    • May 6. Bill C-3 (An Act to amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code) received Royal Assent becoming an act of Parliament and part of the law of Canada. The enactment amends the Judges Act to restrict eligibility for judicial appointment to persons who undertake to participate in continuing education on matters related to sexual assault law. It also amends the Criminal Code to require that judges provide reasons for decisions in sexual assault proceedings.
    • Focus group was held with people experiencing COVID-19 fatigue/exhibiting riskier behaviours in the Greater Montreal Area (GMA) (May 6).
    • May 7. The Government of Canada announced additional funding of $375 million for the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator to help develop, produce, and distribute diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines to low-and-middle-income countries.
  • May 10-16
    • May 10. The Government of Canada announced its plan to issue a US-dollar-denominated global bond to provide funds to supplement and diversify Canada’s liquid foreign reserves.
    • May 11. The Minister of Transport announced that Transport Canada’s Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) will receive additional funding of $186 million over two years and also launched two new contribution funding programs to help Canada’s airports recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic:
      • The Airport Critical Infrastructure Program (ACIP) which will provide approximately $490 million to financially assist Canada’s larger airports with investments in critical infrastructure-related to safety, security or connectivity;
      • The Airport Relief Fund (ARF) which will provide approximately $65 million in financial relief to targeted Canadian airports to help maintain operations.
    • May 11. The Government of Canada announced $10.4 billion in federal funding for four public transit projects in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
    • Focus groups were held with seniors, aged 65 and older who identify as opinion leaders/influencers/those paying more attention to news/media residing in Atlantic Canada (May 11) and parents with children in daycare in Northern Ontario (May 12).
    • May 12. The Government of Canada launched the Sustainable Finance Action Council to bring together public and private sector financial expertise to support the growth of a strong, well-functioning, sustainable finance market.
    • May 13. The Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade announced Canada’s Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement Model (FIPA).
    • Focus group was held with seniors, aged 65 and older who had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in Manitoba (May 13).
  • May 17-23
    • May 17. The Government of Canada launched the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccine advertising campaign, “Ripple Effect,” to remind Canadians about the collective vaccination effort required to see a reduction in restrictions and public health measures.
    • May 18. The Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion launched Skills for Success, a skills training program to help Canadians improve their foundational skills. The program will be supported with an investment of $298 million over three years.
    • Focus groups were held with people experiencing COVID-19 fatigue/exhibiting riskier behaviours in Saskatoon and Regina (May 17) and with those who were vaccine hesitant in the Eastern Townships region of Quebec (May 18).
    • May 19. The Government of Canada announced it would invest $4,499,737 in the Clean Foundation’s Youth Climate Action Now (YouCAN) project.
    • May 20. The Government of Canada announced more than $21 million in funding for new projects under the Rail Safety Improvement Program – Infrastructure, Technology and Research to enhance rail safety in Canada.
    • May 20. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) announced that, effective June 1, 2021, it would implement a new minimum qualifying rate for all uninsured mortgages.
    • May 20. The Department of Finance Canada announced a one-year extension of draft regulations, initially released on July 2, 2020, to help employers who sponsor a registered pension plan (RPP) or deferred salary leave plan (DSLP) manage and maintain benefits for their employees through the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Focus group was held with opinion leaders/influencers/those paying more attention to news/media in Eastern Ontario (May 20).
    • May 21. The Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the Minister of Natural Resources participated virtually in the G7 Climate and Environment Ministers’ Meeting hosted by the United Kingdom.
    • May 21. The Government of Canada extended the temporary travel measures restricting entry into Canada by foreign nationals until June 21, 2021.
  • May 24-31
    • Focus groups were held with parents with children in daycare in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia (May 25) and the general population in Southern Ontario (May 26).
    • May 26. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities announced $4.2 million to operate safe voluntary isolation sites in Nova Scotia.
    • May 27. The Government of Canada launched the new Canada Greener Homes Grant to help as much as 700,000 Canadian homeowners improve their homes’ energy efficiency and reduce their energy bills with an investment of $2.6 billion over seven years.
    • Focus group was held with those who had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine in the Quebec City region (May 27).
    • May 28. The Government of Canada announced that families entitled to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) will receive additional support of up to $1,200 for each child under the age of six.
    • May 28. The Government of Canada announced $25 million in emergency relief funding to support Palestinian civilians facing urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza and the West Bank.
    • May 28. The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations issued a statement on the discovery around Kamloops Indian Residential School.
    • May 31. There had been 1,378,971 cases of COVID-19 in Canada with 25,512 deaths. Over 23 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in Canada.
      • The 7-day average was below 2,700 cases reported daily, a 70% decrease from the peak of the third wave.

Government of Canada in the News (All Locations)

Three issues tended to dominate discussions regarding what participants had seen, read, or heard about the Government of Canada within the last few days, including:

  • COVID-19 – In almost all groups participants had heard something related to the pandemic with some commenting in generally positive terms about the Government of Canada’s handling of the issue. The ongoing vaccine rollout and targeting of vaccinations to areas and regions experiencing outbreaks, a pending influx of Pfizer vaccine doses which would accelerate wider distribution, and Canadian relief efforts aimed at assisting India were specifically cited.
  • Others had heard more critical commentary. This included a lack of federal financing to a Canadian company which had developed a COVID-19 vaccine, disputes between the federal government and the Government of Ontario regarding the issue of reopening the borders, and the likely distribution of second doses in the United States and the United Kingdom by the summer which some felt reflected poorly on the scheduled rollout of second doses in Canada.
  • Some participants had also heard about other issues related to vaccinations, including a pause in the distribution of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns over adverse reactions, mixing of vaccines, and wait times between first and second doses. These comments were offered with little further elaboration.
  • The situation in terms of cases of COVID-19 across Canada and trends was mentioned infrequently, although some participants did note they had heard about a dramatic increase in cases in Alberta.
  • Bill C-10 – Unprompted, a number of participants in various groups throughout the month had heard or read about Bill C-10, an amendment to the Broadcasting Act. These participants mentioned that the Bill had a number of implications both in terms of support to Canadian artists whose work is increasingly consumed on global streaming platforms as well as the potential to limit freedom of expression on social media.
  • Sexual misconduct in the Canadian military – Several participants raised this issue in response to the question about what they had seen, read or heard in recent days about the Government of Canada. Most, however, did not make any further comments or assessments about this issue.

Other issues which were top-of-mind for some participants but were mentioned with far less frequency than those previously noted, included:

  • Closure of Enbridge Line 5;
  • Child care, specifically the creation of a national system of childcare mirroring the Quebec model;
  • The WE Charity scandal;
  • The Prime Minister’s remarks following the arrest of a Belarusian journalist who was seized after the grounding of a flight by Belarusian authorities; and
  • Federal government support for a ceasefire following an escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

Bill C-10 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

Discussions on the topic of Bill C-10, also known as An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, were held among six groups in May. The discussion centered around participants’ awareness and understanding of the Bill, as well as their perspectives on it.

Awareness of Bill C-10 was low, with few participants indicating they had read or heard anything about it. Those who were aware of the Bill mentioned having heard that it had to do with regulation of the Internet as well as Canadian content, and that the Bill was contentious.

Participants were shown the following information:

Bill C-10, referred to as An Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, is meant to modernize the Broadcasting Act for an era when Canadians are increasingly consuming music, movies, TV shows, videos and podcasts either online or through mobile apps. It would allow the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to regulate user-generated content uploaded to social media platforms, much as it regulates radio and TV content now. Changes are said to apply only to professional content and are necessary to make successful online streaming services and apps contribute to the creation, production and promotion of Canadian content and Canadian culture. Such regulations could compel streaming platforms like Netflix or Spotify to pay funds that support Canadian musicians, writers or artists, or require them to make Canadian content more visible on their platforms.

Opinions were divided as to whether Bill C-10 was a positive course of action, with some expressing openness to the prospect of modernizing the Broadcasting Act, while others voiced staunch opposition.

Participants were especially focused on the Canadian content aspect of the Act, and perspectives on this aspect of the Bill were particularly diverse.

Several looked positively on the Canadian content requirements, stating that they would benefit not only Canadian artists, but ancillary industries such as the Canadian film production industry. Others liked the idea of promoting Canadian culture, with several mentioning that they felt that at present American culture and media tend to dominate the Canadian media landscape. Several were of the opinion that implementing such requirements could help level the playing field for Canadian artists, as well as cultivate greater development of Canadian arts and entertainment.

Among those who supported implementing Canadian content requirements, there was some consensus that such measures should be directed towards supporting up and coming Canadian artists, rather than providing additional funding for artists who are already well established. Overall, many were in favour of finding ways to support Canadian artists and creators in some fashion. It was also mentioned that production companies filming in Canada (Vancouver and Regina were specifically mentioned) should make a greater effort to hire local production staff, creating more jobs for Canadians in the process.

Many participants felt that implementing Canadian content requirements was unnecessary. Several argued that if a Canadian artist were sufficiently talented, they would gain prominence on their own. Others expressed concerns that compelling service providers to fund Canadian content might negatively impact the consumer. Several believed such a course of action would end either with services becoming more expensive, or with the withdrawal of streaming services from Canadian markets altogether.

Though not a common concern, some participants were anxious that Canadian content requirements might mean that broadcasters would be obliged to show preference towards Canadian content, and that some foreign-produced content would be no longer available.

Perspectives varied widely on the idea of regulating user-generated content on social media. Several were open to the idea, feeling that such regulation was overdue. Among those who expressed support for the idea, some concerns remained that due to the ubiquity of the digital landscape it would be difficult to effectively implement regulation upon the Internet and social media companies.

Several voiced concerns about regulating the Internet, with opinions ranging from skepticism to outright opposition. Those against the idea were not convinced that such regulation would prove effective. Some were also of the feeling that the CRTC would be unable to adequately enforce any rules or regulations that might be implemented.

Concerns about censorship were mentioned often. Several were worried that the regulation of social media might lead to issues relating to freedom of expression. It was felt by some that setting rules relating to content on social media could set a precedent for the prohibition of other forms of expression online.

Subsequent to the discussion of perspectives on Bill C-10, participants were asked if they felt they had sufficient information to understand the intention of the Bill, or whether they would require additional information or a more detailed explanation.

There was a general consensus among participants that they would require more information to have a solid understanding of the meaning and intent of the Bill.

There was a strong sense among participants that several of the terms used in the prompt were vague, and non-specific. In particular, participants indicated that the term “Canadian content” needed clarification, specifically as to what does and does not qualify. Others felt that “user generated” and “professional” content were ambiguous terms, and desired clarification regarding the differences between the two.

Participants also expressed a desire for additional information about the Bill and its potential effects. Several stated they would like to know more about what would be regulated were the Bill to become law. Specifically, participants wanted more information regarding how companies might be levied or compelled to produce Canadian content. Several expressed a desire to understand the long-term goals of the Bill, in particular, what targets had been set for Canadian content. Others wanted to know what the incentivizing of Canadian content would look like in practice.

Though not directly related to the Act, some participants said that they would like additional information regarding the current condition of the arts in Canada, so that they could have a frame of reference from which to base their opinions.

The Middle East (Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

Participants in two groups were asked about the recent conflict in the Middle East. Overall, awareness of the issue was low. Fewer still were aware of the Government of Canada’s response, though some recalled that the Government of Canada had called for a ceasefire. Others were of the view that the federal government had remained silent on this issue. A few within this group felt that a non-response might have been the most diplomatic approach to take in this situation.

A few participants who were unaware of the Government of Canada’s response recommended pausing relations with Israel or putting out a clear public statement, similar to that of the United States that the bombing should cease.

Bill 96 (Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

In the group based in the Quebec City region, participants briefly discussed Bill C-96, known as the amendment of the Constitution to recognize Quebec as a nation and French as its only official and common language. There was a modest level of awareness of the Bill among participants with some commenting that the Government of Canada’s response to the Bill had been generally positive and open-minded. A few participants mentioned that the federal government had indicated the belief that Canada would formally recognize Quebec as distinct and different from the rest of Canada.

COVID-19 Outlook/Behaviour (All Locations)

Throughout May, various aspects of the pandemic were explored in the focus groups including participants’ views on the public health measures and restrictions in their region and their impact on them personally, as well as perceptions of the Government of Canada’s response. Some discussions also focused on participants’ expectations with respect to the trajectory of the pandemic and, in particular, whether they felt the spread of COVID-19 would get worse or whether the situation would improve. In a few focus groups participants were asked about the idea of a ‘one dose summer, two dose fall’ and how they interpreted this phrase.

Views on Restrictions (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canadian Opinion Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

To begin the conversation, many participants were asked about their views and feelings toward COVID-19 restrictions in their province and region. These discussions occurred during a time when restrictions were generally stricter across Canada in order to deal with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, although they varied somewhat from region to region. Overall, perspectives on the restrictions were shaped by a number of factors including:

  • The perceived level of infections in their area;
  • The level of restrictions currently in place;
  • The perceived adherence to the advice of public health experts; and
  • The broader consequences for the community – impact on liberties, freedom of choice, access to education, and economic activity in the community.

Most participants acknowledged the necessity of COVID-19 restrictions despite the economic, educational, and mental health challenges that resulted. There was a general, albeit reluctant, acceptance that the restrictions were required in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Some participants residing in Northern Alberta were relieved by the current level of restrictions as they had anticipated that the Alberta government was going to be much tougher in imposing curfews or stay at home orders.

Nevertheless, there were perceptions among many participants that provincial and federal governments had been too slow in increasing the restrictions and had not shut down enough when COVID-19 infection cases were rising sharply across the country. Additionally, there was a belief among some participants that there have been too many fluctuations in public health restrictions, therefore enabling the spread of COVID-19. They felt that the spread of the virus could have been slowed or stopped through a much stricter lockdown over a period of two to six weeks. A few participants felt those countries which had imposed stricter lockdowns had been quicker to return to normal life. Overall, there was a broad view that the easing of the restrictions should only occur after COVID-19 infections had decreased significantly in their respective regions of the country.

Participants also expressed a strong concern about the enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions. In particular, there were two different perspectives voiced about enforcement. On the one hand, many participants felt that authorities had been too lax in enforcing public health orders, commenting that they had observed some groups continuously violate these restrictions. It was felt that this lack of enforcement provided an opening for the spread of the virus into vulnerable populations, including Indigenous communities. In this context, a few commented that too many international flights with passengers from COVID-19 hotspots were being allowed into the country. On the other hand, a few participants felt those enforcing public health restrictions had been overzealous, with some noting instances of receiving fines for neglecting social distancing measures. In contrast, some participants saw the vaccine rollout as the more effective and less costly route to control the spread of COVID-19 compared to restrictions.

It was broadly accepted by participants residing across Atlantic Canada that travel restrictions implemented by their respective provincial governments had helped by precluding the need for a harsher and wider set of restrictions. In this context, most of these participants felt that life had been relatively normal. One common complaint concerned the inability to visit family members living in other provinces in the Atlantic Canada region. There was a general acceptance that the current level of restrictions has enabled residents to live a normal life without stay-at-home orders that were imposed in other provinces. Not travelling to other provinces, avoiding large crowds, and wearing face coverings were perceived as reasonable limitations on normal life.

As a result, most participants felt the current level of restrictions were appropriate, and no one thought that more severe restrictions were needed. While none of the participants were proponents of easing the restrictions at the time of their focus group, there was an expectation that, at some point, the restrictions would be eased once the threat of COVID-19 subsided.

Government of Canada Assistance to Ontario (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)

GTA participants were informed that the Government of Canada had announced it would provide more help to Ontario at the request of the province. This support included assistance from the Canadian Armed Forces in providing airlift of medical personnel from Newfoundland and Labrador and possibly other jurisdictions as well as the redeployment of the Canadian Red Cross to assist staff within medical care facilities.

Reactions from participants were, on balance, positive. Some mentioned that if Ontario was in need of assistance, then the federal government had a responsibility to provide such assistance. A few participants who knew of family and friends in the medical field were particularly pleased with these actions, in the hopes it would relieve some stress on the health care system and its workers. Nevertheless, some participants were frustrated that Ontario had reached a point that required federal intervention, mentioning that the vaccine rollout had been poorly mobilized and that the supply of vaccines would create roadblocks to success. Some also wondered if Ontario truly needed the support, or if the Government of Canada was using this as an opportunity to improve their reputation with Ontario residents.

The Atlantic Bubble (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors)

In the group held among participants residing in Atlantic Canada, the issue of reinstating the Atlantic Bubble which had previously been in place until November 2020 was discussed. Most participants felt that Atlantic Canada should not reinstate the Atlantic Bubble until COVID-19 infections had significantly subsided. The primary factor underpinning the reluctance to reinstate the regional bubble was the threat of new variants. Participants noted this concern had not been evident last year when the regional bubble was first established. There was widespread concern that these newer variants were much more contagious relative to the initial virus, and could be more lethal as a result. Most participants expressed a deeper worry about the variants because Atlantic Canadians have been shielded more from the COVID-19 virus and, as a result, they felt they might be more vulnerable to the variants.

Early September was the date most participants thought travel would be opened up between Atlantic Canada and the rest of the country. A few suggested December. There were two key considerations for participants in opening up the region to visitors from other parts of Canada:

  • A high proportion of Canadians being full vaccinated; and
  • The number of COVID-19 cases in the rest of the country.

There was also a well voiced opinion among participants that travel should only be extended to those provinces where case counts were low. There was also widespread agreement that reinstatement of the Atlantic bubble should precede opening up to travel and visitations from the rest of the country. This was viewed as the safest approach and one with which participants were comfortable.

Government of Canada’s Performance on Managing COVID-19 (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

A wide variety of views were expressed regarding the performance of the Government of Canada in managing the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. Many comments were directed at governments in general and/or advisory committees, rather than the federal government specifically.

It was generally understood that managing the pandemic was new and different from other issues and problems that government officials are more experienced in managing. Participants acknowledged that leaders and public health experts had been highly visible in communications with Canadians regarding the federal government’s actions to stop the spread of COVID-19. Many participants felt these actions by the Government of Canada in the early stages of the pandemic demonstrated strong leadership.

There was also a widespread view that the federal government performed well in providing a range of financial supports for individuals, families, and business to weather the pandemic. These financial initiatives were perceived to be essential towards helping Canadians.

The travel restrictions imposed early on in the pandemic by the federal government were positively viewed by some, though others argued the federal government should have been more proactive in imposing travel restrictions.

Some felt that federal public health leaders had done a strong job in utilizing scientific evidence to support their decisions, helping to avoid the politicization of public health. They felt that these senior leaders effectively communicated complex messages at a time when details were largely unclear. A few participants were more critical of the messaging surrounding masks, noting that initially masks were not considered necessary for the public yet were later subsequently declared as an important factor to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

Many participants also felt that the government had done an effective job in procuring vaccines, particularly given that Canada did not have a domestic manufacturing capacity to produce the vaccines. It was noted that some vaccine manufacturers had not kept to their timelines regarding vaccine shipment deliveries. Others were more critical, arguing that the federal government had over promised regarding the pace of the vaccine rollout, while others noted that vaccine distribution was a provincial responsibility.

Some expressed negative comments regarding the changing messaging for the AstraZeneca vaccine. There were some who felt that the federal government should have been more consistent in its communications about potential side effects of this vaccine. Some speculated that changing recommendations related to this vaccine had reduced enthusiasm towards getting it.

The National Advisory Committee’s (NACI) advice to extend the length of time between the first and second vaccine dose from 14 days to up to 105 days was viewed negatively by a few participants, commenting that it was a mistake to not follow the guidance of the manufacturer and they did not understand the rationale for this decision.

Some felt that the constantly changing provincial public health regulations had also been a problem. These participants did not understand the context or the rationale for these regulatory changes. It was expressed that these frequent changes and the lack of consistency had served to extend the duration of the pandemic. There was a great deal of discussion surrounding the benefits of a consistent regulatory regime.

A few participants stated that it was unacceptable that Canada did not have domestic vaccine manufacturing capability. Going forward, they felt that the federal government needed to ensure that this capability be developed to provide the country with greater access to vaccines in the future.

COVID-19 Outlook

Participants were asked about their personal outlook for the COVID-19 pandemic, including their thoughts on the spread of COVID-19 throughout the spring.

Many participants felt that the worst of the pandemic was in the past. A key rationale for this optimistic outlook was rooted in the view the vaccine rollout was gaining momentum. A prevailing feeling across participants was that as more of the country gets vaccinated, the worst elements of the pandemic will affect people much less.

The pace of vaccine rollout was viewed as highly important towards curbing the dangers and threats posed by emerging COVID-19 variants. Some participants stated that they believed lineups for vaccination clinics would get longer as the appetite to get vaccinated increased.

Several participants also shared the view that both the federal and provincial governments would become more adept at managing future COVID-19 outbreaks as time went on. A few participants believed that as the summer progressed, the virus would recede in a similar fashion to 2020.

Many participants were unsure or did not know what to predict regarding the future course of the pandemic. Many of these participants tended to reside in provinces where stay-at-home orders were more restrictive. They also tended to be less aware of the increasing pace of the vaccination rollout that had occurred in the weeks and months prior to these discussions A small number of participants stated the belief that the pandemic would worsen in the months to come due to the emergence of the delta variant (among others).

There was a widespread view among most participants that it would be highly difficult to eradicate the virus entirely given how far it had progressed to date. In this context, it was anticipated that the COVID-19 virus would become an annual seasonal event that would need to be managed similarly to the flu.

Change in Behaviours (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare)

Participants were asked if they had changed any behaviours in the past few weeks and if they were doing anything differently now in comparison to a few months ago.

In general, few participants reported changes to their daily life. Many mentioned they were continuing to adhere to public health guidelines and had cancelled indoor family and friend gatherings that they might have otherwise held prior to the third wave of COVID-19 in their provinces.

A notable change mentioned by some were reports of declining mental health. While mental health struggles related to the pandemic were familiar to many, some reported they had worsened in the last few months due to the continued isolation and public health impacts of the pandemic. Those who reported being particularly social prior to the pandemic and those with children were particularly vocal regarding how their mental health had declined more so as of late.

When asked how COVID-19 and related restrictions impacted them, participants primarily recalled and mentioned stories of struggle and hardship. Parents tended to mention the impact that COVID-19 had on their children, including the difficulties of online schooling and the related increase in screen time. Some parents also mentioned the difficulties of finding childcare for their kids when they worked outside the home.

Others made a point of mentioning that they had stopped listening to the news as a result of COVID fatigue and the feelings of hopelessness the news often elicited. Others mentioned that they or loved ones had lost their jobs during the pandemic and had faced financial difficulties. A few looked at COVID-related restrictions as the new normal and were focusing their energy on adapting to these new routines.

One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario)

Very few participants had heard of the phrase ‘One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall,’ although most participants understood it as referring to the timing of vaccinations with most Canadians having received their first dose during the summer and the second dose sometime in the fall. Concurrent with the rollout of vaccinations there was also an expectation by some that public health measures would be loosened as more Canadians became fully vaccinated. Effectively, however, participants interpreted the phrase as alluding to the vaccination schedule.

Further clarification was provided to participants that the phrase had been used as a way of explaining the sort of things that could be enjoyed this summer if 75 per cent of Canadians received their first dose, and then what might be possible in the fall if 75 per cent of the country were fully vaccinated.

Some participants felt this made sense, noting it was clear, fairly self-explanatory, accurately depicted the outlook for those who are vaccinated, and generally reflected how they had interpreted the phrase. A few commented that it may encourage more people to get vaccinated and, in this respect, they felt the phrase was aspirational in its tone.

Many others, however, commented that the phrase did not necessarily invoke any sense of a change in public health measures and restrictions. This explanation of the phrase did not resonate with them, given their sense that the phrase referred to the timing of vaccinations through the summer and fall. Participants had interpreted the phrase to mean that those Canadians who received their first dose in the summer would be eligible for the second dose by the fall.

The phrase sparked some questions from participants, including:

  • Was there a possibility of a third dose being required? Some participants had heard that Pfizer may recommend a third dose six to twelve months following the second dose in order to provide enhanced protection against the variants.
  • If people get vaccinated and public health measures remain in place, then what exactly will have changed between the summer and the fall in terms of what Canadians can do?

A few participants expressed skepticism about achieving the goal of 75 per cent fully vaccinated by the fall of 2021. They described this claim as overly optimistic and worried that public statements of this nature may give Canadians false hope.

When asked what types of activities they thought Canadians may be permitted to do this summer, based on the projected vaccination rates, participants felt that masks would still be required but that small outdoor gatherings with friends and family may be allowed. Several also believed that some outdoor sports may be reinitiated (such as tennis or small group sports activities).

By contrast, the expectation for the fall was that a return to more normal activities and social events would likely occur, including the opportunity to travel, hold more gatherings indoors and once again patronize retail outlets and restaurants. Some commented that while a loosening of public health measures may coincide with higher vaccinations rates, rising cases of COVID-19 may necessitate altering the proposed path to reopening.

Public Health Agency of Canada Vaccine Postcard (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario)

Participants in three groups were shown a postcard on this topic and asked for their comments.

The above image has a navy blue header, with white text reading ‘Vaccinated Against COVID-19? Here’s what happens next’ with an outline of a maple leaf in the right corner. Below, there is a tan header with navy blue text reading ‘More people getting vaccinated means fewer people getting sick. When you get your shot, you make it safer in your community so that certain measures can be lifted and we can gather safely.’ Below, there is a white backdrop split into three sections by light grey lines. The leftmost section has a red circle with a needle in the middle with the word ‘SPRING’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are high and vaccine coverage is low’ in bold font. In regular font, the text reads ‘Continue following local public health advice and maintain individual protective measures whether or not you have been vaccinated to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe. More people need to be vaccine before restrictions can be lifted. Reach out to help friends, family or neighbours who might need help booking or getting to a vaccination appointment.’ Below, a red box outlines the text ‘stay home. stay safe. get vaccinated’ in navy blue font. The middle section has a yellow circle with a needle and the word ‘SUMMER’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are low and vaccine coverage is high for one dose and increasing for second’ in bold font. In regular font, text reads ‘IF 75% of those eligible for vaccines have one dose and 20% have a second dose. THEN restrictions start to lift based on conditions in your area, but you still need to follow local public health advice and keep up with individual measures like physical distancing and wearing a mask. You can look forward to small, outdoor gatherings with family and friends. You should still avoid crowds.’ With words ‘IF’ and ‘THEN’ bolded and underlined. Below, a yellow box outlines the text ‘camping. hiking. picnics. patios’ in navy blue font. The rightmost section has a green circle with two needles and the word ‘FALL’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are low and two dose vaccine coverage is high’ in bold font. In regular font, text reads ‘IF 75% of those eligible for vaccines have received a full COVID-19 vaccination series. THEN local public health will be able to lift more measures and you should be able to do more activities indoors with people outside your household. However, COVID-19 will not be eliminated so you will still need to follow some public health measures.’ With words ‘IF’ and ‘THEN’ bolded and underlined. Below, a green box outlines the text ‘colleges. indoor sports. family gatherings’ in navy blue font. Below, a tan banner with black font reads ‘For more information visit:’ where the website is in bold font. The very bottom of the image has a navy blue banner with the Public Health Agency of Canada department wordmark in the left-hand corner and the Government of Canada wordmark in the right-hand corner.

Many participants reacted positively to both the style and content of the postcard, pointing to the colours, the graphics and the layout. In particular, some felt the traffic light colour coding system was a useful creative tool. They viewed it as a reasonable depiction of what one could expect through the summer and fall based on both vaccination coverage and cases of COVID-19. Participants appreciated that the postcard ostensibly laid out a plan and provided Canadians with a hopeful outlook. They felt the postcard struck an appropriate balance between optimism and caution, under the circumstances. Most also thought the message to get vaccinated was clearly communicated, along with the supplementary message that doing so would protect your neighbours and your community. In this respect, they supported the upbeat tone and the ‘neighbourly’ message.

A few participants were somewhat more critical, believing that increased activities and the loosening of restrictions should be linked more to cases of COVID-19 rather than to vaccination rates. They also found it to be somewhat vague in terms of identifying specific types of activities that Canadians can or cannot do (such as church gatherings, attendance at baseball games, etc.) and felt that it essentially described the current expectations without providing much new information. Several also expressed some disappointment finding the proposed summer and fall scenarios to be overly severe in terms of ongoing public health restrictions following first and second dose vaccinations.

When asked specifically if the postcard would encourage them to book an appointment to be vaccinated, most responded in the affirmative that it would, at least, serve as a good reminder. Although some participants commented that those who wish to get vaccinated would do so without a reminder, there was also a perception that those who were hesitant may be influenced by the information contained in the postcard.

In particular, participants felt the positive outlook associated with widespread vaccinations would be motivating for those who had expressed some reluctance to be vaccinated. At the same time, comments from some participants suggested that those who are hesitant likely have other concerns that the postcard does not respond to. They felt that this group would require supplementary information.

COVID Fatigue (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Risker Behaviours, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

Two focus groups were composed of participants reporting general fatigue with the pandemic and related public health measures and restrictions, and who indicated having engaged in activities which exposed them to a higher risk of contracting COVID-19. These groups were asked to elaborate on their experiences during the pandemic and, specifically, what they found most difficult about following public health advice.

Participants expressed frustration associated with the following:

  • The perceived inconsistency in the application of public health measures – Some participants commented on being able to sit with up to four other people at a restaurant, but also simultaneously being told they should not have anyone from outside their immediate household visit indoors in their home. Questions were also raised about the number of people permitted in big box stores, often mingling in contradiction of the recommended two-metre physical distance. Some also wondered why masks were required in some circumstances and not in others.
  • Isolation – Several participants mentioned their concerns about being unable to visit in-person with family members and friends, and their general dissatisfaction with having to do so virtually. For those with aging parents or relatives who needed more day-to-day care, this was a particular irritant. Others spoke about the impact of isolation, specifically the lack of outlets for physical exertion such as athletic activities on their mental health.
  • Loss of freedom – A few participants were particularly disappointed by the impact of restrictions on their social life, specifically commenting on the absence of typical nightlife activities.
  • The cycle of opening and closing – Participants were somewhat frustrated by the fluidity of the situation and the changing nature of public health measures. They expressed some concern about what they perceived to be a lack of long-term planning to address COVID-19 and the ever-changing nature of the situation. Some felt poor communications regarding public health measures had contributed to a level of confusion, noting what they felt was mixed messaging from governments at all levels. At the same time, there was some acknowledgement that the circumstances of the pandemic were unprecedented.
  • Line-ups at retail outlets – While a minor point, and raised by only a few participants, there was some annoyance and fatigue associated with having to wait in lengthy queues when running basic errands.

A few participants in these groups mentioned having contracted COVID-19, after which they felt more comfortable visiting other family members given their sense that they had developed a natural immunity to the virus.

COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)

Throughout the month of May, focus group participants shared their views on the COVID-19 vaccines, including what they had seen, read, or heard about them and how well the Government of Canada was doing in securing vaccine supplies as well as vaccinating Canadians.

Awareness of COVID-19 Vaccines (All Locations)

Participants in all groups were closely following news regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. Many commented on the accelerated pace of the rollout, noting increasing vaccination rates within their province and the extension of first doses to those in younger age cohorts (e.g., minimum 40 years of age and, in some jurisdictions, even younger age groups). In the group made up of participants located in Southern Ontario, some indicated that the province would soon be opening up vaccinations to those as young as age 12 following approval by Health Canada that children aged 12 to 15 years were authorized to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (after initially authorizing it for use in individuals 16 years of age and older). Those in Quebec City, who had received their first dose, spoke about an advancement in the timing of the second dose from September to sometime in August. This contributed to a sense among these participants that, overall, the vaccine program was going well.

There was also widespread awareness and discussion regarding the pause in administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to concerns about the possibility of blood clots. Some were of the opinion that this issue was occurring at a higher rate than originally believed, although others acknowledged that scientists and experts were continuing to emphasize the rarity of this type of adverse event. Several mentioned that this vaccine was only permitted for use among those aged 60 and over.

Other comments from participants suggested that they were particularly focused on the following:

  • The issue of mixing and matching vaccines, specifically whether a decision had been made in regards to both the safety and efficacy of this approach. While some expressed concern and questioned whether there was scientific data and evidence to support this approach, others felt that mixing and matching could be a good option in the event of any supply shortages;
  • Varying levels of immunity or efficacy associated with each of the vaccine brands, with some having heard that those receiving AstraZeneca may require additional booster shots to achieve the same level of immunity relative to Pfizer and Moderna;
  • Related to the above point, and the issue of blood clots, a growing preference among Canadians wishing to be vaccinated with the Pfizer and Moderna brands;
  • Concerns about the lag time between first and second doses, which some felt ran counter to vaccine manufacturers’ recommendations; and
  • Receipt, or impending receipt, of a large shipment of the Pfizer vaccine.

There was some variability across the groups, reflecting the composition of the group as well as the locations from which participants were drawn. In the group composed of vaccine hesitant and racialized Canadians residing in the Greater Toronto Area, participants expressed skepticism upon hearing that people aged 18 and older were eligible to be vaccinated, questioning the safety of the vaccine given their perception that it was developed and marketed very quickly. This group also mentioned the lower uptake of vaccinations amongst younger demographics as well as racialized communities, believing this was at least in part due to younger people being less affected by the virus in general, and experiencing fewer serious consequences. Some noted that local public health units were diligently working to increase vaccination rates among these target groups.

Those who self-reported as being hesitant to get vaccinated were highly attuned to news about the AstraZeneca vaccine, including possible side effects and expressed concerns that those who received AstraZeneca as a first dose may not be able to get a second dose of another vaccine. They were also more interested in the extent of research (or lack thereof) that went into the development of the vaccines. Moreover, these individuals asserted that information from different sources regarding the vaccines was contradictory and had led to some confusion.

Opinion leaders in Eastern Ontario also commented on what they felt was mixed messaging from public health officials and key organizations (e.g., Health Canada and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). Confusion appeared to center on two issues in particular: the appropriate timing between first and second doses, and the mixing and matching of doses. These participants wanted more and clearer information on these questions.

Several participants mentioned paying less attention overall to news and information about COVID-19, including the vaccines.

Performance on Obtaining Vaccines and Rolling Out Vaccinations (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

Government of Canada Performance Procuring and Distributing the Vaccines

In six of the twelve groups held in May, participants were asked to evaluate the performance of the Government of Canada in procuring and distributing the vaccine to the provinces and territories. On balance, most participants were neutral to somewhat negative in their response.

Those who tended to be neutral in their assessment generally felt that the federal government was doing the best that it could under the circumstances, noting that Canada was at an initial disadvantage given the lack of infrastructure to manufacture the vaccines domestically. Additionally, while some felt that Canada had experienced several unanticipated interruptions in the supply of vaccines, they attributed this to vaccine manufacturers being unable to meet agreed upon timelines for delivery rather than being the fault of the federal government. A few also emphasized that the Government of Canada, along with other jurisdictions in Canada and around the world, was navigating ‘uncharted waters’ and that it was adapting to very fluid circumstances as best they could.

Criticism of the federal government’s performance focused around the following key issues:

  • Comparisons to the U.S., a nation some participants felt was distributing the vaccine more widely and at a far quicker pace relative to Canada. Some specifically commented on what they felt was a slow rollout in densely populated major urban centres, such as Toronto, which were experiencing increasingly higher rates of transmission;
  • Concerns about extending the length of time between shots. Additionally, some participants who had received their first dose of the vaccine were unsure when they would be able to get their second dose and this uncertainty negatively impacted their confidence both in the vaccine and in the federal government; and
  • Canada’s reliance on vaccine manufacturers based outside the country which some felt had resulted in Canada receiving vaccine supply later than was the case in other countries. In a related comment, some participants expressed frustration that an initial deal to purchase vaccines had fallen through.

Perceptions that the communications around what the federal government has done with regards to securing and distributing vaccines could have been better. By way of example, it was felt that the Government of Canada could have done a better job promoting the benefits and efficacy of AstraZeneca, and of vaccines in general, including communicating more effectively with data on the possible side effects, underscoring the low risk of occurrence. Some participants felt the federal government had not provided this kind of information and thus, vaccine uptake did not rollout as quickly or as effectively as it could have. Having said this, a few other participants expressed concern about the AstraZeneca vaccine, believing that additional supply of the vaccine offered by the U.S. stemmed from perceptions among Americans that this vaccine was not as effective as others.

Canada’s Performance Regarding Vaccinations

Participants were asked about Canada’s performance in terms of vaccinating its population and, specifically, which countries we should compare our progress to. Most participants volunteered that the most relevant comparison was with the United States given its geographic proximity. A few disputed the appropriateness of comparisons with the U.S. or any other country with domestic vaccine manufacturing capacity and suggested that this placed other countries at an inherent advantage relative to Canada. Other participants suggested that a more relevant comparison would be to European nations, especially those countries with a similar population size. A few participants mentioned the G20 or the G7, commenting that Canada should be comparing its performance against other countries with similar financial means. Australia was mentioned in this context. Some participants argued that global rankings should be considered, remarking that Canada had fallen behind other much smaller countries such as the Maldives. Some noted that the question itself was difficult to answer given Canada’s vast geography and diverse population.

Throughout the month of May, as vaccinations progressed across the country, data was shared with participants about the percentage of Canadians who had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and regarding Canada’s ranking both internationally and within the G20. The chart below indicates the information participants were given, by location of the group:

Group % of Canadians who had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose Canada’s International Ranking Canada’s Ranking within the G20
GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians 34% 13 3
Northern Alberta 35% 13 3
GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours 35% 14 3
Atlantic Canadian Opinion Leaders Seniors 39% 14 3
Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare 40% 13 3
Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Seniors 41% 13 3

Once provided with this information, participants were then asked if the numbers surprised them in any way or if Canada’s rate of vaccinations and its current standing were about what they had expected.

Most participants were pleasantly surprised and felt that Canada was doing better than they had expected, on the basis of these statistics. Some participants commented that they had thought Canada was much further behind, relative to other G20 nations. Others noted that the information emphasized the extent to which Canada had accelerated the vaccine rollout within the last several weeks. Many felt that Canadians should be made more aware of this information, to counter ongoing misimpressions about Canada’s performance to date. Some thought that a demonstration of progress might also be encouraging news for those who were hesitant to get vaccinated. At the same time, a few participants were concerned that Canada remained behind the United States and some questioned why the rate of transmission of the virus remained as high as it was in certain parts of the country.

Participants in two groups in particular – Northern Alberta and the group from the Greater Toronto Area made up of vaccine hesitant and racialized Canadians, were more inclined to question the information they had been given. These groups expressed skepticism about the credibility of the data noting that it could be manipulated to underpin more positive messaging. They also felt that the data did not align with their perception on the ground as they were of the view that Canada’s response had been slower to start.

A few others commented that a more relevant statistic was the percentage of the population that had been fully vaccinated, rather than those who had received just their first dose. Several participants commented that, while the numbers did suggest that Canada was doing better than they had expected, they nevertheless wanted to examine the data more closely. They were concerned that the national picture could mask considerable regional variation in vaccination rates. Moreover, there was a prevailing sense that ICU capacity in some centres was continuing to be overwhelmed by cases of COVID-19. Ultimately, many felt that Canada could do much better.

Vaccination Experience and Behaviours among Those Who Have Been Vaccinated (Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose COVID-19 Vaccine)

Two groups of participants were invited into discussion groups on the basis of their having received the first dose of the vaccine. A portion of the discussion focused on their outlook and behaviours after receiving the first dose as well as their views on the vaccination process overall.

Overwhelmingly, participants in these groups were of the opinion that the vaccination rollout was proceeding quickly and efficiently, although some felt it had been somewhat slow initially. The experience of booking and receiving the vaccination was also described in positive terms – participants felt it had been well organized and were generally impressed with the process.

Once having received their vaccination, participants stated that they felt better protected, especially against the variants, and were generally more relieved. At the same time, most remained vigilant, continuing to comply with public health measures. In this respect, participants noted that their day-to-day routine and behaviours had not changed much, if at all.

In further discussion, participants indicated they continued to comply with public health guidelines and restrictions in their region and that they would be unlikely to alter their behaviours until more people had been fully vaccinated and restrictions were officially lifted. Some commented that, in their view, at least two-thirds of the population would need to be fully vaccinated before they would personally feel safe to open up. At the same time, several participants acknowledged they were now more comfortable visiting other family members – children, grandchildren and grandparents – and frequenting retail outlets. Some mentioned removing masks while sharing a vehicle with coworkers. By contrast, many remained reluctant to patronize restaurants.

When asked about their outlook once they had received their second dose of the vaccine, participants felt that some restrictions were likely to remain. Specifically, they pointed to the likelihood that wearing masks indoors in public places and on public transportation would be required. They were hesitant to estimate when people might be able to gather indoors with others who have been vaccinated, although some suggested that this may not occur until at least 75 per cent of the population were fully vaccinated and/or more effective treatments for COVID-19 become available.

Extension of the Interval between Doses (Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

In the group from Manitoba made up of participants who had received their first dose of the vaccine, participants were asked what they thought about the recommendation by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) to delay second doses by up to four months and the decision by some regions to do so based on this advice.

Participants were split in their opinion on this issue. Some accepted NACI’s recommendation, but stated they would be concerned if there were any further delays beyond four months. These participants tended to prioritize wider first-dose coverage among the population over a shorter interval time rather than immediately receiving the second dose of the vaccine. Others who did not favour delaying the second dose, questioned the effectiveness of one dose against the variants and the overall effectiveness of the vaccines given a delay of four months between the first and second doses. They felt that ensuring more people were fully vaccinated should be the priority and that this was the most effective approach to reducing transmission of COVID-19.

Vaccine Hesitancy (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant)

Participants in two groups were composed of those who had expressed reluctance to get the COVID-19 vaccine at the time they were recruited. Several questions were asked of these participants to better understand their views on the vaccines as well as the barriers and motivators towards getting vaccinated.

Virtually all participants in both groups reconfirmed their uncertainty about being vaccinated. Reasons for their continued hesitation included:

  • A preference to wait until more people had been vaccinated and greater data was available on the efficacy and side effects of the vaccine, particularly as they pertain to certain racial groups – there was a feeling among some participants that very few ethnic groups had been involved in the clinical testing of the vaccines;
  • A lack of trust in the pharmaceutical industry (‘Big Pharma’) and in elected officials as some participants viewed the COVID-19 vaccination program as a worldwide clinical trial;
  • Interest in doing more personal research and educating themselves on the vaccine, given their perception that a new technology was being used to manufacture the vaccines and that the vaccines had been developed and approved quickly ( more rapidly than other vaccines);
  • A reluctance to be vaccinated until the interval between first and second doses was shortened;
  • Concerns about contracting COVID-19 even after being vaccinated. Moreover, some had heard stories about people contracting COVID-19 from the vaccination itself; and
  • A general belief that the decision to be vaccinated, and when to be vaccinated, was a personal one, and not one that participants felt should be “forced” upon citizens. A few participants commented that they felt they were at low risk of contracting COVID-19 given their lifestyle and, as such, they were comfortable holding off on being vaccinated.

Some participants made the point that they were not opposed to vaccines in general, but specifically to the COVID-19 vaccines. It was their view that these vaccines had not been put through the same rigorous testing or trials as other vaccines.

The main questions that participants held about the vaccines centered on:

  • The ingredients or elements contained in the vaccines;
  • The potential risks and side effects from the vaccines; and
  • How it was possible to manufacture and distribute these vaccines so quickly.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ad Testing (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

Participants were shown an advertisement that was currently being developed by the Government of Canada regarding COVID-19 and a short video with information about the approved vaccines in Canada. The order in which these were shown was rotated in each of the three groups to reduce any bias related to the sequence in which participants were exposed to them. After viewing each, participants discussed their thoughts and reactions.

Participants’ initial response to the proposed spot described below varied to some extent across the three groups.


The above video ad begins with a woman getting vaccinated, the camera then shifts right and shows a man getting vaccinated as well. The camera pans right again and shows the man standing up and walking away. In front of him, a man in an apron with an open sign above him is setting a tablecloth on a table, in front of him, a woman in a wheelchair is holding cotton candy next to a man holding a stuffed bear. In front of them, three people dance under a disco ball. To their left, two Indigenous women are singing together into microphones. The camera shifts right again and shows a man pulling a suitcase and holding a ticket under a sign that shows an airplane landing. In front of him, a woman is wearing a graduation cap and gown and holding a scroll while she steps onto a stage with flashing lights. In front of her, there is a man and woman holding a hand drum and sitting down on a bench. In front of them, children in hockey gear skate towards each other, cheering after scoring a goal. The camera shifts left again and shows a man setting his child down, who runs to an older lady and hugs her. Next, a white screen appears with bold text reading ‘We can all help’ with each word in a different colour (brown, blue, orange and yellow, respectively) and smaller blue text reading ‘get there by getting vaccinated.’ At the bottom of the screen, small blue text reads ‘Continue to follow public health measures as vaccines roll out, regardless of your vaccination status.’ As the ad plays, the following script is read overtop ‘It all starts with one small action, but even the smallest action can create a ripple. If enough of us do our part by getting vaccinated, that ripple can become a wave. We can all help get there by getting vaccinated. A message from the Government of Canada.’ The ad ends with a white screen and as the Government of Canada wordmark is displayed, the Government of Canada jingle plays.

In two groups – Northern Alberta and the GMA – participants reacted positively, finding the ad inclusive, hopeful, heartwarming, and emotionally appealing. By contrast, those in the Greater Toronto Area (comprising vaccine hesitant and racialized Canadians) thought the ad was emotionally compelling yet remained skeptical. They felt the spot would have been more effective if it had taken a more informational and educational approach. They were generally not moved by the appeal to a resumption of normal activities as more Canadians became vaccinated, commenting that the messaging did little to address their reservations and concerns about the vaccine.

Nevertheless, the main message of the ad was clear to all participants. Most agreed the ad was attempting to encourage vaccinations as the best way towards getting back to normal and that everyone needed to do their part in this effort. Some strongly supported what they perceived to be a very blatant pro-vaccine stance, especially the use of a ‘ripple effect’ in an analogy to underscore the need to achieve a certain level of vaccinations in order to have a significant impact, and the idea that a simple action can have a major influence. Others suggested that the ad, while highly emotive, may do little to motivate those whose main concerns about being vaccinated have more to do with safety and the science behind the vaccines. These participants suggested that an additional spot containing more information would be required to address these issues.

With the exception of those participants who expressed some hesitancy towards getting vaccinated, most participants found that the ad effectively communicated the necessity of a collective effort towards vaccinations and found this to be an important aspect of the messaging. They felt this was an important message to convey, adding that a sense of community during this difficult time was essential to overcoming COVID-19, and may also have the unintended effect of bringing people together during a time of division (pointing to existing racial tensions).

When asked if there was anything about the spot that they particularly disliked, few participants pointed to anything specifically. A minor point was made regarding the imagery of people with suitcases which some felt was inappropriate at a time when travel, particularly for non-essential purposes, was highly restricted and not recommended. At the same time, this imagery served as a reminder to those who self-reported as vaccine hesitant that they may ultimately need to get vaccinated if they wished to travel.

Participants were shown a second video about the approved vaccines in Canada (as described below). Across all groups, the reaction was widely positive.

Dr Sharma Authorized Quickly

The above video ad begins with a blue-grey backdrop with the square images of nine different people (representing a variety of genders, ages and ethnicities) all of whom are smiling towards the camera. On the right-hand side of the screen, there is also a white outline of a maple leaf. As the video plays, all the images fold onto one another and eventually disappear while white, bold text reads ‘COVID-19 vaccines were authorized quickly. How do we know they are safe?’ The next screen has the same maple leaf displayed in the right hand corner and white text reads ‘Vaccine Safety. COVID-19 Vaccines Explained’ where the words ‘vaccine safety’ are in bold. The video then switches to Dr. Supriya Sharma, Chief Medical Advisor for Health Canada. Dr. Sharma proceeds to say ‘COVID-19 vaccines went through exactly the same type of review that any vaccine would. In Health Canada, we have dedicated special teams that are only reviewing these vaccines and they look at the same amount of data as they would for any vaccine that would be authorized in Canada, they just do that faster. So the teams are only working on one COVID-19 vaccine at a time, they are working 24/7 and they are making sure that all of the data shows us that these vaccines are safe and effective and that ultimately the benefits outweigh the potential risks.’ The scene then switches back to the blue-grey backdrop where bold white text at the top of the screen reads ‘Got questions?’ Below, there are three white text bubbles with blue-grey font reading ‘Are the vaccines effective? Are side effects common? What is an mRNA vaccine?’ The next screen reads, in white bold text ‘Good. We’ve got answers.’ with ‘ in white font. The ad ends with a black screen and as the Government of Canada wordmark is displayed, the Government of Canada jingle plays.

Participants described the video as effective, motivating, and informative. The approach and the information provided was viewed as reassuring and led to a sense that the Government of Canada was being more open, honest, and transparent about the vaccines.

For the group of participants who had expressed some vaccine hesitancy, several indicated that the educational nature of the video caught their interest. They commented that it was encouraging and had given them pause to consider the facts. While many in this group noted that the video would not necessarily sway them towards getting vaccinated, they nevertheless felt it was helpful when making a decision regarding vaccination. These individuals favoured the more serious tone and specifically appreciated the emphasis on the website where people could go to get more information and find answers to their questions. Some of these participants mentioned that they would have preferred to see more data about the vaccines, rather than hearing from a health professional whose goal they felt was to convince them that the vaccines were safe. Some still wanted to know more about some of the side effects and potential risks. A few were left feeling somewhat more confused, especially questioning the risks associated with the various types of vaccines now available.

On balance, however, most participants felt that the video worked well in conjunction with the previous ad, this ad focusing more on facts and information while the former tended to have a stronger emotional appeal. It was felt that this spot contained important information and responded to many of the questions that people have about the vaccinations such as whether they were effective, the steps that had been taken to test and approve the vaccines, how quickly they were developed, and where one could go for more information about the vaccines.

While some participants felt the video had addressed most of their questions and concerns about the vaccine, specifically the issue of rapid development, others still had questions or reservations. In particular, they wanted to hear from people who had been vaccinated regarding how they were feeling one or two weeks post-vaccination. Other questions that remained outstanding for participants included the following:

  • How would the vaccines affect fertility and pregnancy?
  • Physiologically, what is the vaccine doing to the body? How is the vaccine metabolized?
  • How can one expect to feel immediately after being vaccinated?
  • How effective are the vaccines? How effective are they against the variants?
  • How do the various available vaccines compare in terms of efficacy?
  • Is a 3-4 month interval between first and second doses too long?
  • Will booster shots be required?
  • Is data being collected on side effects and long-term consequences? And, does the Government of Canada have a plan to address these issues if they are determined to be serious?

Outlook Post-Vaccination (All Locations)

Participants discussed their views on the impact of vaccinations and the need for ongoing public health measures once everyone who wants a vaccine has been vaccinated. Most were of the view that key public health measures and practices were likely to remain in place for some time given concerns about the variants, including:

  • Hand sanitizing and proliferation of sanitation stations;
  • Mask wearing, specifically indoors in public places such as grocery stores, hospitals and medical centres, and on airplanes;
  • Physical distancing in areas where people tend to come in close contact with one another, such as grocery stores, gyms, offices and classrooms;
  • Some limitations to numbers permitted to gather; and
  • Some travel restrictions, particularly to countries with low vaccination rates, high rates of transmission, or evidence of an increase in variants.

While there was acknowledgement that widespread vaccinations would create the conditions for some kind of return to normalcy, most felt that the ‘new normal’ would not necessarily mean a return to pre-pandemic conditions. They equated the shift in attitudes and behaviours post-pandemic with what took place following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, suggesting that the experience of COVID-19 would permanently alter the way society operates especially among the ‘COVID generation.’ There was a sense among some participants that the pandemic had impacted the economy in an irreversible fashion and that businesses which had pivoted in terms of their operational model (such as shifting operations online) would not likely revert back to previous ways of doing business.

Some also commented that with 20-30 per cent of the population expressing some degree of vaccine hesitancy, it would be unwise to lift all of the current public health restrictions. A number of participants were comfortable with maintaining certain public health measures and were hopeful that these would remain in place. In their opinion, people had generally adapted well to the circumstances, particularly to working remotely, and they saw them as improvements to overall quality of life.

At the same time, several participants noted that there was considerable pressure among certain segments of the population to get back to normal and to be able to publicly socialize among friends and family. In this respect, they felt it was inevitable that various precautionary measures would ultimately be scaled back or eliminated.

When asked whether it may be necessary in the future to reintroduce restrictive measures as a result of the spread of the variants, many felt that booster shots would effectively address this eventuality. Several were of the opinion that COVID-19, some variant of COVID-19, or some other type of virus would become a normal aspect of public life and public health, meaning that governments would need to plan for the possibility of future lockdowns. In the same vein, some participants thought that COVID-19 would prompt research into the rapid development of a new vaccine which would be incorporated into the routine immunization schedule for children.

Borders and COVID-19 Travel Restrictions (All Locations)

Many participants were familiar with Canada’s current travel restrictions including the following:

  • Discouragement of non-essential travel;
  • A ban on flights from India and Pakistan;
  • The requirement to provide proof of a negative test for COVID-19 prior to entry into Canada;
  • A government-mandated quarantine at the traveler’s expense for a 3-day period in a designated hotel;
  • A 2-week quarantine period for those coming into or returning to Canada; and
  • Fines imposed on those who fail to comply with the regulations.

In addition to those listed above, some participants spoke about travel between certain provinces being prohibited, the land border points between Canada and the U.S. being closed to non-essential travelers traveling by vehicle, limitations on entry into Canada of foreign students, and the requirement to wear a mask while on board flights.

When asked about travel restrictions, participants took the opportunity to comment on their perceived effectiveness. Some felt the restrictions were confusing, particularly the different rules applying to those traveling by air versus those traveling over land, and the variability in travel restrictions between or within provinces. Others had a sense that many people were not abiding by the travel restrictions specifically in terms of circumventing the quarantine period or providing fake negative test results for COVID-19. There were also concerns expressed that some travelers claimed their trips were essential when in fact it was more likely that they were not, and that this might account for what they perceived to be a high volume of people taking flights in and out of Canada. A few participants were concerned about the fact that airlines were flying at full capacity, without any physical distancing measures within their seating plans. Several commented that travel restrictions should have been in place earlier and that this would have flattened the COVID-19 curve much quicker.

When participants were provided with additional details on the current travel regulations, high levels of support for the restrictions were expressed. At the same time, participants felt that these restrictions should be more strictly enforced and consistently applied to both air and land travellers. A few participants also favoured shutting down all air travel as a pre-emptive measure to reduce transmission of the new variants. Some felt that, at a minimum, travel from the U.K. should have been halted at the time they were experiencing a surge in the spread of COVID-19 variants. Several also pointed out that while flights to and from India and Pakistan had been banned, this did not stop residents of these countries from arriving via alternate or more circuitous flight paths. They felt that anyone originating from these countries should not be permitted entry into Canada at this time. Some commented that travel for reasons other than an emergency or required business should be strictly prohibited. Overall, participants generally placed societal well-being ahead of the individual freedoms of Canadian citizens, although it was pointed out by some that maintaining these restrictions may cause frustration among some Canadians.

On the question of when the Government of Canada should ease restrictions, participants were reluctant to suggest a proposed date. Rather, most agreed that the decision should be contingent on three primary factors: high vaccination rates (ideally nearing the point required for herd immunity), low case counts and hospitalizations (e.g., the stress on hospital capacity).

Effectively, participants felt that a point needed to be reached where the pandemic would be far more manageable – endemic rather than epidemic in nature. Some also argued that implementing vaccine passports and rapid COVID-19 testing at airports were necessary preconditions to loosening travel restrictions. Many participants voiced a strong desire to maintain the restrictions until more individuals were vaccinated on a global basis, not just in Canada. Continued spread of variants was a strong rationale underpinning participants’ support for extending restrictions until more evidence confirmed that the pandemic was under control.

In regard to the specific travel restrictions, several participants took issue with the mandated three-night stay in an approved accommodation (hotel) while awaiting the results of their COVID-19 arrival test. Certain participants believed that a hotel stay should no longer be required as they felt it was both expensive and ineffective. Conversely, other participants were hesitant about relaxing this particular restriction too quickly and believed that it was a necessary measure until more Canadians are fully vaccinated.

On the topic of allowing some countries certain border exemptions based on high vaccination rates or low case counts, most felt that reopening by utilizing a case-by-case approach made sense. They believed that the border should only be open to those countries that meet these specific criteria in order to minimize risk. Several participants also expressed that the key requirement should be based on a proof-of-vaccination and not country of origin. Overall, opening the border exclusively to fully vaccinated travellers was viewed by many as the more responsible approach to the borders in order to protect both Canadians and international travelers alike. Several also suggested that fully vaccinated individuals should not be required to quarantine upon entry into Canada. Vaccine passports were seen as crucial to this effort and some participants suggested that a universal passport should be created to ensure that the passports are accepted internationally and to avoid what they viewed as a more complicated system involving each country creating their own national vaccine passport.

When asked about the United States-Canada border specifically, participants expressed support for the Government of Canada’s decision to close the borders to non-essential travel from U.S. destinations or points of origin. Many participants felt that it was a necessary measure, noting the differing approaches to public health undertaken in Canada and the U.S. which they believed had influenced vaccination rates in each jurisdiction, as well as hospitalizations, testing frequency and case counts. A few participants also noted that the safety of opening the border with the U.S. should be evaluated on the same basis as any other country’s border.

The question of whether or not professional sports teams should receive certain border exemptions prompted some debate in each of the groups. Some participants did not feel professional athletes should get special exceptions given that the virus posed a threat to them and those around them. Several participants commented that there is a significant risk in terms of increasing community spread of COVID-19 given the many people involved with holding professional sports events and frequent interactions between players and the media. Overall, however, most participants viewed the proposed exemption to be in line with essential business travel and felt comfortable as long as proper measures were in place to ensure that travel was safe and controlled such as having all players stay in the same hotel and minimizing contact with others, including their own families.

Vaccine Passports (GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

The subject of vaccine ‘passports’ was raised in several of the focus groups with a particular focus on what participants had heard about them, as well as their use in a variety of scenarios (e.g., international and domestic travel, and attendance at events). The issue of privacy as it relates to vaccine passports was also discussed.

Most participants were aware of the potential implementation of COVID-19 vaccine passports and many said that they had heard that the Government of Canada was considering implementing this type of proof of vaccination system and that one may already be under development. In some groups, participants were aware that Quebec was already underway in developing a prototype of a vaccine passport. Others noted that vaccination certification has been required for some time for travel to particular parts of the world. In this respect, they believed the idea of a vaccine passport confirming proof-of-vaccination for COVID-19 was not novel.

In each group several participants commented on negative feedback they had heard regarding vaccine passports or a sense that there was not a great desire among the Canadian public to implement such a program for Canadians. Concerns with which participants were familiar centered on:

  • The issues this would cause for those individuals who did not wish to be vaccinated. Some felt their personal choice in this regard should be respected. It was felt that the right to travel should not be restricted only to those who are vaccinated;
  • In line with the above, the issues the vaccine passport may pose for those who, for medical reasons, are unable to be vaccinated;
  • Intra-family disputes that the issue of a vaccine passport seemed to be causing among family members with varying attitudes towards vaccination;
  • The requirement to show documentation which, for some, seemed overly intrusive;
  • Implications for employment status as some felt that employers may deny work to those who are unvaccinated;
  • Comments that a vaccine passport was simply unnecessary; and
  • Similar debates taking place in other countries about the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a vaccine certification system. For some, this also flagged the need for vaccine passports to be developed cooperatively on an international basis and for clear communication between countries on this front.

Vaccine Passports for International Travel

Participants were largely supportive of vaccine passports for international travel, particularly as a means of combating emerging variants. However, some of those who expressed openness to a vaccine passport specified that they would only support such measures for entry into Canada, but not for use in daily life within the country.

Several viewed vaccine passports as an inevitability for international travel. They expected other countries would also be implementing them and that, as a result, they would become a requirement for Canadians planning to travel abroad. These participants were also of the opinion that the Government of Canada should actively engage in negotiations with other countries with the goal of establishing a common vaccination standard. In particular, some saw a need to establish international standards in terms of which vaccines, combinations of vaccines, or interval between first and second doses would be acceptable. Indeed, some wondered why a proof-of-vaccination system had not been implemented earlier, given their perception that much of the transmission of the virus was stemming from international travel.

Even among those who disliked the idea of a vaccine passport, there was a recognition that if a vaccine passport were inevitable, negotiated international norms would be necessary. Others felt that the requirement for a vaccine passport made sense at this time, but anticipated that it may only be temporary. They saw no reason to continue with it once the pandemic has receded.

Several concerns were raised about vaccine passports, similar to those that were brought up in earlier parts of the discussion. Many mentioned the impact of implementing vaccine passports on civil liberties, viewing it as an infringement on the ability of unvaccinated people to travel. Several who were skeptical regarding vaccine passports felt that they would force people to get vaccinated in order to travel, which they viewed as undue coercion. Others were concerned that the implementation of vaccine passports was the first step towards a mandatory vaccination policy. They felt that moving in this direction was in direct contravention of Canadians’ right to choose in this case whether or not to be vaccinated, and that it might possibly impact employment opportunities and the ability of those who are unvaccinated to financially support their families. A few participants also commented on the potential for vaccine passports to further marginalize particular communities, including minority groups and others who are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons. Among those who held this view, there was a concern about potential discrimination based on vaccination status.

Vaccine Passports for Domestic Travel

Participants were asked for their views on the potential implementation of a vaccine passport for domestic air travel. Opinions on domestic vaccine passports were divided, though many were open to a domestic vaccine passport as a temporary measure. Several saw proof of vaccination documents as a useful tool in the immediate future, in order to control the public health situation until Canada reached herd immunity.

Several indicated that they were aware of concerns being raised surrounding civil rights pertaining to vaccine passports, but they felt that the wider public health benefits of immunization outweighed the personal inconvenience of proof-of-vaccination documentation or the arguments made by those who viewed it as an affront to their Charter rights. Others saw the risk posed by variants – particularly the Delta Variant – as a compelling reason why vaccine passports should be implemented for domestic air travel.

Some participants indicated they would like to see domestic vaccine passports implemented, as it would allow them to more easily travel to visit relatives and friends, many of whom they had not seen since the beginning of the pandemic. In particular, participants pointed to the Atlantic Bubble as a situation where a domestic vaccine passport would be useful, as they assumed that it would allow them to travel to the region without having to quarantine, or at least having the quarantine period reduced. Others who were open to a domestic vaccine passport felt that it would be best suited in advance of air travel – travel by air was seen as the main vector for transmission of the virus and as being a riskier activity relative to travel by vehicle, for example.

At the same time, concerns were raised by a number of participants. Several spoke about the logistics of vaccine passports, specifically the form that they would take (e.g., attached to a passport, a driver’s license-type card, or some type of digital certificate), and where they would be necessary. There was some skepticism that such a program could be effectively implemented. Others were concerned about how the requisite regulations would be implemented, particularly the question of exemptions for those who could not be vaccinated. Several wondered how a vaccine passport would impact families with children under the minimum age for vaccination, noting that a vaccine passport would make travel more complex and onerous.

Though not a widely held view, some were firmly opposed to the idea of a domestic vaccine passport. Among these participants, the general feeling was that if a regular passport was not required for travel within Canada, a vaccine passport should not be required either. Others who voiced opposition said that their resistance to vaccine passports was contingent on Canada having obtained herd immunity status, rendering a proof-of-vaccine system unnecessary.

Some mentioned that vaccine passports could be a means of encouraging vaccine uptake. Among those who made such comments, views varied as to whether this could be viewed as a positive course of action or one that might be perceived as more punitive in nature.

Proof of Vaccination for Attendance at Concerts and Sporting Events

The discussion of vaccine passports extended to the issue of whether or not proof of vaccination should be required for entry into events such as concerts, festivals, or sporting events. As with vaccine passports for travel, participants’ views varied and many had mixed emotions on this issue. On balance, participants were more supportive towards requiring proof of vacation for air travel than they were for attendance at events.

Those who were supportive of the idea felt it would have a net positive effect on public health and wellbeing. Several noted that if they were to attend large events, they would most certainly want to know that others in attendance had been vaccinated. They viewed large events and gatherings as high risk or ‘super spreader’ activities. Some also commented that they would favour implementing such a system if it meant a faster return to some semblance of normalcy.

Some indicated that they were open to the implementation of such a program, though they were as yet unconvinced of the efficacy of such a policy. The feeling among these participants was that if sufficiently compelling information were presented to them proving the efficacy of proof-of-vaccination, they would support such an initiative. A few also felt that individuals could make their own choice as to whether or not they wanted to participate in an event knowing that there may be a mix of unvaccinated and vaccinated people in attendance.

Several indicated that they did not view this as a pressing issue, as they did not expect such events to take place until the vaccine rollout was sufficiently widespread as to render a proof-of-vaccination requirement irrelevant.

A number of participants voiced anxieties about proof-of-vaccination. From a practical perspective, some felt it might be difficult to enforce. They raised issues regarding who would be responsible for the program and how they could be certain of an individual’s vaccination status. Many mentioned that requiring proof-of-vaccination for activities other than travel could be seen as overly intrusive and an infringement on Canadian civil liberties. Instituting this type of system made them question whether further restrictions would be imminent and, in particular, whether it would become a permanent aspect of life in Canada.

COVID-19 Vaccine Passports and Privacy

Participants were asked if they felt that vaccine passports would pose a risk to privacy, given that a proof-of-vaccination system would require some form of sharing of vaccination records between levels of government. Many were unconcerned about their privacy, with some saying that they assumed such information sharing was already taking place.

Some were concerned about the sharing of medical information between levels of government, in particular, the possibility that this might put their medical records at risk of being hacked. Among those who expressed unease, several felt that vaccine passports might give rise to vaccination status-based discrimination, and that the impact would be most strongly felt by minority populations. Others who held concerns about privacy were worried that vaccine passports might require that people disclose medical information beyond basic information as to whether or not they had been vaccinated for COVID-19. Though not a widely held view, some expressed anxieties over the possibility that vaccine passports could be used as a means of tracking the movements of Canadians.

Detailed Findings – Part II: Other Issues

Budget 2021 Initiatives (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

Awareness of the Budget

Participants discussed their thoughts and reactions regarding the recent federal budget. When asked, some indicated they had heard something about the budget while most were largely unaware. Several of those who had not heard much, if anything about the budget, commented that they simply were not interested or that they continued to be overwhelmed by news and information about the pandemic.

Among those expressing some familiarity with the budget, specific initiatives were recalled. The extent to which they were mentioned varied, but underscored participants’ interest in budget initiatives that impacted them directly, including:

  • Assistance to seniors, most commonly mentioned by participants who themselves were seniors;
  • Disability credits;
  • Affordable childcare and the Children’s Education Relief Fund, stood out for many and particularly those participants who were parents with children in daycare;
  • Investments in infrastructure and initiatives related to affordable housing;
  • Investments for Indigenous communities; and
  • Support for post-secondary students.

Others referred more generally to their overall perception of the budget, commenting that it included high expenditure items or that it focused heavily on issues of importance to women.

When asked for their overall opinions of the budget, participants were generally neutral to positive in their assessment. Many participants responded favourably to funding and initiatives related to affordable childcare, housing, and medical research. Some also felt that the focus of the budget on providing tangible support for Canadians in the wake of the economic and social hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic was a prudent use of federal funding.

Those who were somewhat more critical expressed concerns about the financial implications of the proposed budget measures and the impact on Canada’s debt and deficit.

Systemic Racism (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians)

Most participants had not heard of any initiatives dedicated to fighting systemic racism and empowering racialized communities. Those who were at least partially aware of these developments specifically noted the federal government’s goal of creating jobs for racialized individuals, particularly in the trades.

To prompt discussion, participants were shown a list of five initiatives included in Budget 2021:

  • $11 million over two years to allow the Canadian Race Relations Foundation to scale up efforts to empower racialized Canadians and help community groups combat racism in all its forms;
  • $2 million to Public Safety Canada to enhance its programming to protect communities at risk of hate-motivated crimes;
  • $200 million to establish a new Black-led Philanthropic Endowment Fund to help combat anti-Black racism and improve social and economic outcomes in Black communities;
  • $100 million to support Black-led non-profit organizations so they can better serve Black Canadian communities;
  • $172 million to Statistics Canada to implement a data plan to fill data and knowledge gaps.

Opinions on these initiatives were largely split. Many viewed the initiatives as necessary under the current climate. They emphasized the need to include black communities in political, educational, institutional, and employment opportunities.

Some participants held concerns regarding the accountability and transparency of such initiatives. Several individuals specifically emphasized the importance for the funding to directly reach grassroots level programs and benefit the groups that are truly in need. Some participants acknowledged that while it is great that the federal government is taking action against pressing social issues, they equally explained that the funding will serve minimal purpose if it is not distributed properly.

A small number of participants were concerned about the intentions of this initiative. It was voiced that such initiatives were performative to amass support, specifically among racialized minorities.

While others acknowledged that such initiatives represented a step in the right direction towards combating systemic racism, they were more concerned about the ability of the federal government to financially support this initiative amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

A few who did not understand the specific use of the term ‘Black’ in the list of initiatives and expressed concern that the use of a specific term can exacerbate divisions between immigrants.

Seniors (Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors)

In two groups among seniors (residing in Atlantic Canada and Manitoba respectively), participants were asked whether they recalled hearing or seeing anything in the budget aimed towards helping seniors. Most had not, and emphasized that they felt they would have recalled hearing about any budget initiatives directed towards seniors.

A list of various initiatives pertaining to seniors which were included in the federal budget was then shown to participants following which they discussed their thoughts and reaction.

  • Increasing regular Old Age Security (OAS) payments by 10% for seniors 75 years of age or older on an ongoing basis as of July 2022.
  • Providing a one-time payment of $500 in August 2021 to OAS pensioners who will be 75 or over as of June 2022.
  • Providing $3 billion over five years to ensure standards for long-term care are applied and permanent changes are made, keeping seniors safe and improving their quality of life.
  • Providing $90 million over three years starting in 2021-22 to launch the Age Well at Home initiative aimed at assisting community-based organizations in providing support that helps low-income and other vulnerable seniors age in place, such as matching seniors with volunteers who can help with meal preparations, home maintenance, daily errands and the like which would result in seniors staying in their homes.

Most participants favoured all of the initiatives. They were particularly in favour of increased funding for long-term care homes (LTCHs) as well as the Age Well at Home initiative. Participants indicated that the pandemic had exposed the need for additional investment and a review of the current standards within many long-term care homes. Having said this, participants acknowledged that long-term care homes fell under the umbrella of both federal and provincial governments. Some spoke about their personal experiences with LTCHs with a parent or spouse and specifically how they had been negatively affected. There was a general consensus that the industry contained an abundance of private LTCHs which they felt were more motivated by profits, resulting in understaffed homes and an absence of a patient-centric focus. There was also a perception among participants that the profits generated by LTCHs were not being adequately reinvested in terms of patient care. However, participants also stressed that this was not a reflection of the industry as a whole.

Many favoured supporting seniors being able to age in place, indicating that this approach would reduce the strain on LTCHs. Moreover, it was the general view that many seniors preferred to stay at home for as long as possible. Additionally, several participants noted that, given that seniors make up a rapidly growing segment of the Canadian population, a robust age in place initiative was essential for lessening the burden on LTCHs and the wider retirement home industry in the future. Many also expressed concern regarding what they perceived to be the disparity between the amount of funding dedicated to the long-term care sector ($3 billion over five years) and the $90 million allocated to the Age Well at Home initiative. Participants felt that keeping seniors within their own home is a challenge in itself and that often seniors require extensive, if not round the clock, care to provide the support needed to allow them to age in place. There was a general consensus that a program of this size and scope would require significantly more funding. Several also expressed reservations about the mention of a volunteer-based approach. The concern was that relying heavily on volunteers would not be sufficient and that it would be difficult to recruit the appropriate number of volunteers to ensure a successful program.

With respect to an increase in Old Age Security (OAS) payments for seniors 75 years of age or older, participants were generally supportive of the initiative. However, a few participants felt that the qualifying age should be lowered to 65 years. Among these participants there was a perception that people between the ages of 65 and 74 are more active in the community and that distributing additional OAS funds to those aged 65 and over would result in a boost to the economy. On the other hand, several participants noted that additional OAS payments should be income-tested as opposed to distributed evenly. It was felt that seniors who are financially well off are not in need of additional OAS payments.

While supportive of the initiatives, most participants expressed that at this point in time they would have no direct impact upon their own personal situations.

When asked specifically for their thoughts regarding applying a 10 per cent increase to regular OAS payments only to those over the age of 75 rather than all seniors, participants were split in their views. Some reiterated their initial thoughts, noting that those aged 65 to 74 are typically more socially and physically active with increased expenses and an increased ability to spend money in ways which would support and boost the economy. Other participants felt that, regardless of age, the increase should be distributed evenly among all seniors. The latter group of participants noted that all individuals receiving OAS payments would be considered seniors. Moreover, they felt that seniors at any age would likely be incurring additional expenses whether health-related or otherwise. Several participants were indifferent, if not outright supportive, indicating that they trusted the federal government to have undertaken the necessary background research and to support their decision to increase payments only for those over the age of 75.

To conclude the discussion on this topic, participants were asked if it made sense to provide additional help directed only to seniors over the age of 75, given that some studies have shown that older seniors have higher expenses. Overall, a number of participants agreed, indicating that they could understand areas in which older seniors may experience additional costs. These areas included but were not limited to health-related items (e.g. prescription drugs), a need for additional assistance to maintain their home, and transportation services.

Childcare (Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare)

Two groups of parents with children in daycare participated in discussions focused on Budget 2021 initiatives aimed at reducing the cost of childcare while simultaneously increasing the availability of placements. Participants were asked for their views on these initiatives, as well as their perspectives regarding whether the federal government should be investing in childcare.

Participants largely spoke positively about the measures in the budget aimed at lowering the costs of childcare. In particular, participants felt that lowering costs to an average of $10 per day would be significantly impactful.

There was a strong sentiment among both groups that the Government of Canada should be investing in childcare.

Budget 2021 Childcare Initiatives

To prompt discussion, participants were shown the following list of initiatives from Budget 2021:

  • Working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to establish the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System. To support this vision, Budget 2021 proposes new investments totaling up to $30 billion over the next five years, and $8.3 billion ongoing for childcare.
  • This would allow for a 50% reduction in average fees for regulated early learning and childcare in all provinces outside of Quebec, to be delivered before or by the end of 2022.
  • An average of $10 a day by 2025-26 for all regulated child care spaces in Canada.
  • Ongoing annual growth in quality affordable child care spaces across the country.
  • Improving and expanding before- and after-school care in order to provide more flexibility for working parents.
  • Working with provinces and territories to support primarily not-for-profit sector child care providers to grow quality spaces across the country.
  • Building a growing, qualified workforce to ensure that early childhood educators are at the head of the system with a median wage of $19.20 per hour.
  • Building a baseline of common, publicly available data on which to measure progress, report to Canadians, and help continuously improve the system.

Overall, participants were supportive of the initiatives. Many spoke positively about the initiatives aimed at reducing childcare costs, with the implementation of an average of $10/day childcare being particularly popular. It was seen as timely as well as positively impactful to the financial position of parents. There was a strong feeling amongst the groups that these initiatives would have direct, tangible impacts on the lives of participants.

Many participants spoke about the significant expense of obtaining childcare, with some describing it as debilitating in terms of the financial hardship placed on some families. It was also added that finding placements was becoming increasingly challenging. Several felt that lowering the cost for families to $10 per day on average would be hugely impactful, not only for their personal finances and opportunities, but for other families as well. Working mothers in particular were pointed to as a group who stood to benefit massively from these initiatives. Some noted that by the time this plan was fully implemented, it would not meaningfully impact them, as their children would no longer be of daycare age. Despite this, these participants remained supportive of the initiative.

There was some confusion as to how exactly a $10 per day childcare program would work, with some participants being under the impression that $10 referred to the amount that would be subsidised. Additionally, some raised concerns about the fiscal sustainability of such a policy. Those who questioned how the Government of Canada could afford the policy suggested that instead of making the policy available to all, the federal government should instead implement a means-tested childcare benefit, or expand existing benefits and tax credits.

Reactions to the initiative aimed at increasing the median wage of childcare workers were widely positive. There was agreement among those who mentioned this initiative that current wage levels were insufficient, and that in order to obtain the best possible childcare, they should be increased. Some who spoke in support of increasing wages indicated that in their opinion a median wage of $19.20/hour remained insufficient.

Participants raised concerns about how the initiatives might negatively impact early learning class sizes and quality of education. The general feeling among these participants was that the policies could lead to larger class sizes as well as a poorer quality of education overall.

When asked if they thought the intended timeline for these initiatives was feasible, participants were uncertain. Some felt that full implementation by 2025-26 ought to be ample time, while others were concerned that a rapid rollout could lead to unintended and negative outcomes, particularly in the realm of quality of early learning education.

Subsequent to the discussion of specific initiatives from Budget 2021, participants were asked to discuss whether they believed that the Government of Canada should be investing in childcare.

There was a wide belief that investment by the Government of Canada in childcare should be an important priority. Participants provided various explanations as to why they valued such investments. To several, investments in childcare provided valuable support to families, in that it allowed both parents to work, as well as removed a significant barrier preventing many mothers from returning to the workforce. Several stressed that the burden of childcare falls primarily on women, and that by funding childcare programs and initiatives, the federal government could offset this disparity.

Some saw investment in childcare as an investment in the economy, both at present and towards future generations. Several mentioned helping parents to remain in the workforce as an immediate benefit, while others argued that it would also help parents save money. In the long-term, several stressed the importance of early childhood education in producing productive members of society.

To others, greater investment in childcare was seen as important in order to offset the rising costs of raising children and more generally, the cost of living.

When the idea was raised that some would oppose increased funding for childcare out of concern for the national deficit, participants argued that the long-term benefits of childcare investment outweighed the financial costs. Several pointed to the economic benefit of having more parents employed and better educated future generations as reasons they were unconcerned about potential impacts on the deficit. Others believed that rather than increasing the deficit, these programs could be paid for by reallocating funds from elsewhere.

Housing (Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine)

Issues related to housing were discussed in groups across Lower Mainland British Columbia, Southern Ontario, and the Quebec City Region. The conversation focused on participants’ views of the housing market in their area as well as actions and initiatives by the Government of Canada related to affordable housing.

Participants agreed that housing prices had increased over the past year and that several factors were responsible for this trend:

  • Many spoke about issues of supply and demand, specifically low housing stock in their area and high demand from homebuyers. Some noticed that dramatic increases in housing prices were occurring not only in major urban centres, but also in surrounding areas and smaller towns as prospective home buyers migrated to these areas in hopes of finding more affordable housing;
  • Related to the above, an influx of foreign buyers and foreign investment in Canadian real estate was also seen as contributing to a tighter supply, particularly in the Lower Mainland;
  • Less ‘developable’ land in some urban centres was viewed as a factor, driving up the price that developers paid and subsequently passing the increase on to home buyers;
  • General inflation and the rising cost of building and construction materials; and
  • Relatively low mortgage rates.

Some participants noted that many parents were leveraging the equity in their own homes in order to provide financial assistance to their offspring who otherwise would be unable to amass the down payment necessary to purchase a home. This was described by some as a relatively new phenomenon and served to underscore the critical barriers to home ownership that exist in certain markets (e.g., Vancouver) and which affect mainly younger first-time home buyers.

Participants were asked what level of government had the most ability to control housing prices or if prices should be left entirely to market forces. Many felt that the municipal and provincial levels of government were able to have the most impact. It was argued that municipal governments in particular were more engaged in land-use studies and in urban planning, and had more interactions with developers in their community. Several noted that provincial government oversight of planning at a regional level also had some impact on housing prices, including the ability for the province to levy taxes on investment properties.

A few participants pointed out that the federal government’s role in setting the threshold for and rules pertaining to mortgage qualification (including the requirements for a down payment and mortgage loan insurance), also affected housing demand and, ultimately, prices. Some commented that the federal government should be doing more to help first-time home buyers.

A small number of participants were of the view that governments at all levels had very little influence on housing prices and played no particular role with respect to housing supply, demand, and prices. Some of these participants were also of the view that governments should refrain from actively intervening in the housing market.

When asked specifically if the Government of Canada had done anything to support individuals who aimed to purchase a home, participants identified several actions, as follows:

  • Implementation of the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) which allows buyers to withdraw from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) to buy or build a qualifying home;
  • General mention of rebates and tax credits for first-time home buyers; and
  • Specific mention of loans and grants for first-time home buyers and assistance provided through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Some referenced a Government of Canada website for more information on these types of programs.

The following information was then shared with participants regarding measures in Budget 2021 related to affordable housing:

The Budget proposes advancing and reallocating previously announced funding in order to:

  • Accelerate the creation of new units and the repair of existing units
  • Support the construction, repair, and operating costs of an estimated 560 units of transitional housing and shelter spaces for women and children fleeing violence
  • Support the conversion of vacant commercial property (e.g. retail and office space) into rental housing

Participants reacted positively to these initiatives, particularly the conversion of vacant commercial property. Several did, however, express some concerns regarding the proposals. While there was general support for housing directed at low income groups which would provide accommodation for women and children fleeing violence, there were concerns about the creation of ‘housing ghettos.’ They wanted to ensure that this transitional housing would be fully integrated into the wider community. Others felt that these proposals represented only part of the solution regarding affordable housing in Canada, expecting more actions to be directed toward the general population of homebuyers. There were also concerns expressed that mandating developers to build subsidized or transitional housing may result in higher costs to other home buyers as developers would seek ways to cover the costs of any lower income housing units they were required to build. Several others commented that they hoped these initiatives could be implemented quickly.

The conversation shifted to a discussion of the Government of Canada’s plans to tax the unproductive use of Canadian housing by foreign non-resident owners, which is sometimes referred to as the ‘foreign-buyers tax,’ of which some participants were aware. To stimulate further discussion, participants were provided with additional details:

The Budget also proposes a national 1% tax on the value of foreign, non-resident-owned residential homes considered to be vacant or underused. The federal government estimates that the tax could increase federal revenues by $700 million over four years starting in 2022-23. The tax will require owners, other than Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, to file a declaration as to the current use of the property, with significant penalties for failure to file.

Participants supported this initiative, although a number of them felt that a 1 per cent tax was too low to act as a significant deterrent to foreign buyers entering or operating within the Canadian housing market. As well, many felt that it was important to distinguish between completely vacant homes that had clearly been bought for speculative or investment purposes versus other units that were in fact used by the homeowner, if not on a full-time basis, at least occasionally. The sense was that a higher tax should apply to the former category. When asked if they felt this initiative would have an impact on the housing market, the general sense was that it would but that the tax, at 1 per cent, was not sufficiently high given the overall wealth and purchasing power of foreign investors. Some also thought that foreign buyers would be able to find loopholes or workarounds to having to pay this tax, while others were concerned that imposing the tax would adversely affect the rental market. Still others felt this was an issue that affected Canada’s largest home markets, principally the Greater Toronto Area and Vancouver, and as a result it would have little impact in other regions.

Participants were also asked about the new mortgage stress test. Awareness was modest overall – higher in some groups and lower in others. Some participants were concerned that the higher rate being applied to the stress test might add to the challenges already facing young people who are looking to get into the housing market. Before continuing, additional information was shown to participants:

Recently, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions within the Government of Canada announced a tightening of rules on the mortgage stress test for homebuyers with insured and uninsured mortgages (residential mortgages with a down payment of 20% or more) starting June 1, 2021. The minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages will rise either the contracted rate plus two percentage points or 5.25%, whichever is higher.

As it stands, any buyer whose down payment on a home is 20% of the purchase price or more has to show that they can afford mortgage payments if the interest rate was two percentage points higher than what the bank is offering them or the five-year benchmark rate published by the Bank of Canada, which sits at 4.79%, whichever is higher.

Given these further details, most participants responded favourably, believing that the tightening of the rules on the mortgage stress test acted as a safety net by way of protecting consumers and preventing them from taking on too much debt. A few expressed some concerns. They believed that more of a balance should be struck to assist first-time home buyers while at the same time ensuring a well-functioning and affordable housing market in Canada.

Further illumination on this issue was offered. Participants were told that the Bank of Canada has said that many households have taken on large mortgages relative to their household income, limiting the latitude they have to deal with unanticipated financial shocks such as job loss and that total household debt in Canada has increased by 4 per cent since the start of the pandemic. Knowing this positively reinforced participants’ general support for the changes to the mortgage stress test, although some felt that it should be reviewed post-pandemic given a potentially vastly different job market and economic circumstances.

Enbridge Line 5 (Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

Participants in three groups were engaged in a conversation about Enbridge Line 5. To begin, participants were asked about their awareness of Enbridge Line 5. Greater familiarity was apparent among participants in Saskatoon and Regina, while awareness of the issue was minimal in the other two groups. Those who knew something about it were aware that the line ran between the U.S. and Canada and that it had been shut down or that it was being threatened with closure. Some participants mistakenly conflated Line 5 with the Colonial pipeline in the U.S. that had recently been temporarily shut down as a result of a cyberattack.

Before continuing, and to provide additional context, participants were shown the following statement, and asked for their thoughts.

Enbridge Line 5 is a nearly 70-year-old pipeline that has been carrying oil from Western Canada, through the U.S., to Eastern Canada. It accounts for nearly half of the supply of light crude oil, light synthetic crude oil and natural gas liquids in Ontario and Quebec. Michigan has ordered the company to shut down the pipeline as of May 12, over concerns about the risk of an environmental oil spill in the Great Lakes. Enbridge says the pipeline is safe and that it will not shut it down unless ordered to do so by a court or its regulator.

In response, the Government of Canada has submitted a U.S federal court filing stating that Michigan does not have the right to act unilaterally, since a 1977 Canada-U.S. pipeline treaty guarantees the free flow of oil between the two nations. The court brief also said that Canada’s economy and energy sector would suffer massive and potentially permanent disruption from a shutdown.

Opinions varied across the three groups. In Saskatoon and Regina participants viewed the issue primarily through an economic lens, focusing on the importance of delivering Western oil by pipeline to other regions within Canada. There was a consensus that if the pipeline was deemed to be safe and there was minimal risk of environmental damage to the Great Lakes system, it should be able to remain open. Participants perceived the possibility of shutting down the pipeline as another potential blow to Alberta’s economy. Although many acknowledged that more could be done to ensure the safety of the pipeline, participants noted that given the existing agreement between the two countries with respect to the operation of Enbridge Line 5, the focus should remain on the free flow of oil and gas to Eastern Canada. Many viewed the potential of a unilateral directive by Michigan to shut down the pipeline as a serious issue and a valid rationale for the Government of Canada to take action through a filing with the U.S. federal court.

Participants residing in the Eastern Townships of Quebec were less united in their views although many also favoured closing the pipeline. Among those holding this view, concerns focused on the environmental risk that could stem from a leak. There was a shared feeling that the environment should take priority over the continued operation of the pipeline. Participants felt that any potential environmental risk should result in the closure of the pipeline and that it should not reopen until it was clearly established that there would not be any adverse environmental impact. The age of the pipeline, at nearly 70 years old, was also a factor in this discussion. Participants felt it further reinforced the need to reassess the integrity of the line. By contrast, those participants who believed the pipeline should remain open discussed the issue of the possible negative effects on gasoline prices and availability. Some indicated that economic benefits outweighed any other concerns. At the same time it was also acknowledged that continued operation of the pipeline would require ongoing inspection and the implementation of a range of precautions. There was also a view that it may become necessary to shut the pipeline down in the future if it was deemed to be no longer necessary to supply as much fuel to Eastern Canada.

In the group held among Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, participants also viewed the issue primarily from an environmental point of view. However, while many felt the line should remain open to avoid any interruption to the flow of oil and natural gas liquids into Ontario, most participants focused on the belief that environmental concerns should be prioritized over the Ontario economy. It was acknowledged that the environmental impact of a leak would have implications beyond Michigan. Some participants alluded to a previous oil spill that had impacted Michigan, noting that as a result of this experience, many residents in that state had their own concerns about the line. They also expressed the view that many Indigenous groups in Ontario would favour shutting the pipeline down and felt the Government of Canada’s agreement to do so would demonstrate its broader commitment to the environment and to addressing climate change.

Those residing in Saskatoon and Regina were united in their view that the issue of Enbridge Line 5 should be a high priority in Canada-U.S. relations. It was felt that Canada should have authority over its own exports and imports of oil and gas and that, in general, Canada’s dependence on pipelines running through the United States would continue to be an issue in the future. Furthermore, some indicated that the issue was of even greater importance due to the absence of an alternative delivery system other than transport by rail or truck (such as an east-west energy supply corridor within Canada), and the significance of the ability to export these commodities for the Alberta and Saskatchewan economies.

Opinions were mixed in the other two groups on the question of whether this issue should be a high priority in Canada-U.S. relations. Some felt that the pipeline should simply be shut down until the two countries could come to a common view. Others saw the issue as a mid to higher level priority based on the economic and environmental implications and one which could set a precedent going forward.

Local Issues (Northern Alberta)

Local issues of concern were discussed amongst participants residing in Northern Alberta to gauge their perspectives on the key sectors and industries within their region, as well as awareness of and the need for support from the federal government.

Participants overwhelmingly identified the oil and gas sector as vital to the regional economy followed by forestry and farming. When asked which sectors and industries participants felt most needed federal support, the oil and gas industry was once again top-of-mind. Participants specifically expressed concern over the decline in employment within the oil and gas sector within the province and the related impact on municipal economies. Some spoke about the challenges of constructing pipelines and their feeling that without this type of additional infrastructure the sector would continue to suffer and decline further. A few also mentioned, unprompted, their perception that the federal carbon pricing system would hinder recovery within the oil and gas sector.

When asked what the Government of Canada has done to support the oil and gas industry, participants were either unaware of any support, or felt that little assistance had been offered.  A few did indicate that there had been some support for the natural gas pipeline running from the Tidewater Brazeau River facility to the Keephills and Sundance Generating Stations, which ensured that this project would not be cancelled.  Some mentioned the implementation of a carbon credit system - the Greenhouse Gas Offset System – and funding available to communities and businesses to invest in green initiatives.  Participants felt the Greenhouse Gas Offset System was primarily an effort by the federal government to help those industries and sectors which had been adversely affected by the federal carbon pricing system. 

Participants were then asked for their thoughts on whether the Government of Canada had done enough in terms of agriculture and farming in their regions and Northern Alberta more broadly. Most were not aware of any specific actions the Government of Canada had taken. Some acknowledged it was quite possible that the federal government had taken steps to provide support to the agriculture and farming sectors within their area, however, given the focus on the pandemic within the past year any news on this regard may have gone unnoticed. A few participants again spoke to the effects of the federal government’s carbon pricing system and expressed concern that farmers in Northern Alberta, who are already paying high fuel costs, would be even more disadvantaged with the implementation of this system.

About as many participants had heard about the issue of orphan wells as had not. Among those who had heard something, it was understood that the existence of orphaned wells (wells left abandoned by oil and gas companies) stemmed from the bankruptcy of companies who no longer had the funds to properly undertake the decommissioning and reclamation of the wells once they were out of production. Participants noted that the cost of decommissioning these abandoned wells then became the responsibility of the province or the local landowner where the well was located. Some also acknowledged that they had heard that the federal government was contributing financial aid to help fund the clean-up. Participants also mentioned that companies currently seeking drilling at the moment were required to provide a security deposit toward future cleanup in order to mitigate against the number of orphan wells and related environmental issues.

As a final part of the discussion, participants were given the following clarification and asked for their thoughts.

Last year, the Federal Government announced that it would be investing $1.7 billion to clean up orphan wells in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan to keep people working during the COVID-19 pandemic. This investment was expected to help maintain 5,200 jobs in Alberta alone. Acknowledging the struggling energy sector in these regions, it was also aimed to keep energy services companies going during these difficult times, while bringing sites back to their original condition, leaving a cleaner environment for the future.

Participants were split in their views. Among those who reacted positively, it was thought that the initiative would be beneficial in that it maintained jobs and was favourable towards the environment. Some noted, however, that the cleanup of orphan wells would not have been necessary if the energy sector in the area had remained more active and had been better supported by the federal government. Those who reacted more negatively expressed dismay that the 5,200 jobs expected to be maintained by the initiative was not at all comparable to the number of jobs lost within the sector overall. When asked if participants felt this was an important issue for Alberta, most indicated that it was. At the same time, they noted that it was a lower priority for Albertans relative to the larger issue of the decline in economic activity in the province and resulting increase in unemployment and economic insecurity.

Out-of-Status Workers (GTA Vaccine Hesitant Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

The topic of out-of-status workers was discussed in three groups held in the early part of May. Most participants were familiar with the term, understanding it to mean people who were residing and working in Canada illegally (without proper documentation such as a working visa or student visa, etc.). Several participants referred to these individuals as ‘illegal aliens,’ agreeing that the term ‘out-of-status workers’ was more appropriate and acceptable.

The impression among some participants was that these were individuals who had entered Canada legally, either with appropriate work permits or as immigrants and tourists, but whose original documentation was no longer valid. A few felt this may have occurred as a result of bureaucratic procedures which meant that their paperwork was not processed in a timely fashion. Several also thought that the category of out-of-status workers applied to refugees who were seeking to obtain legal work permits or to temporary foreign workers filling lower wage in-demand jobs in Canada, such as general labourers, that may be less appealing to others.

Before continuing with the discussion, a working definition of out-of-status workers was provided to participants noting that the term refers to individuals in Canada who do not have legal status but are participating in the Canadian labour force. Some examples were offered to further clarify: those who have stayed after their temporary work permit expired, some who arrived as visitors but started working without getting a work permit, as well as those who have made refugee claims which were denied. These people are often employed as personal support workers or care aides in long-term facilities and in the construction and agricultural sectors. When asked to estimate how many out-of-status workers they thought were currently in Canada, estimates varied considerably from as low as 25,000-50,000 to upwards of 5 to 10 million. Some participants provided estimates as a percentage of the total population – assuming it could be in the order of 5 per cent or more of the population. Participants acknowledged that they had little context on which to base their estimates.

Participants discussed their views on giving out-of-status workers a path to permanent residency and citizenship. Again, participants’ opinions were mixed and varied from one group to another. Those in the group from the Greater Toronto Area, composed of racialized Canadians, were mostly supportive. They commented that these individuals were deserving of an opportunity to make their home in Canada, especially given that they were willing to work and had been doing so, albeit without appropriate documentation. There were also concerns that they may face adverse conditions if they were required to return to their country of origin. The point was also made that, as Canada is a country that was built on immigration, providing a path to permanent residency fully aligned with Canadians’ values and history. Some commented that this was reflective of the experience of their own families. Others mentioned that legalizing their status would permit them to make an economic contribution and pay taxes, leading to an improved quality of life for them and other Canadians. Additionally, some suggested that there were few other options given the circumstances created by the pandemic.

Views were more mixed among participants from Northern Alberta – some favoured giving out-of-status workers a path towards permanent residency and citizenship, but maintained that criminal record checks should be conducted, while others felt that the very fact they were working in the country without legal status gave rise to questions about their character and values. There was a desire among some of these participants to assess out-of-status workers’ situations on a case-by-case basis and to ensure that in giving them a path to citizenship this did not set a precedent which would lead to curtailing the current processes in place for those following existing immigration application procedures. At the same time, there was some recognition that a quicker process was necessary in order to address labour shortages in specific sectors across Canada.

Participants in the group held among those residing in the Greater Montreal Area tended to be more opposed to the suggestion of permanent residency for out-of-status workers mainly because they thought a more transparent process should be followed. Similar to participants in Northern Alberta, they favoured looking at each individual on a case-by-case basis. They wanted some assurance that any reasons for a lapse in their current status would not also negate their eligibility for permanent residency in Canada.

Participants were generally not convinced there was a strong economic argument in support of out-of-status workers being provided with a path to permanent residency and citizenship as many did not pay income taxes and are doing jobs where labour shortages are often experienced. They framed the issue as one of fairness, and many participants commented that doing so would give the appearance of allowing one group of immigrants and refugees to circumvent the current process to gaining Canadian citizenship at the expense of others. A few reiterated their preference to consider these individuals’ status on a case-by-case basis.

In contrast to the views of most participants, several also commented that the current pathway to citizenship is overly strict, and time consuming. As such they felt that any efforts to accelerate this process were worthwhile and that, moreover, bringing out-of-status workers into the regular economy whereby they would pay taxes would be beneficial to everyone. Some also commented that out-of-status workers were no different from others who work in one part of the country but pay taxes in the province or territory in which they are officially a resident. From this perspective, they felt it made sense to legitimize their working status.

Appendix A – Recruiting Scripts

English Recruiting Script

Privy Council Office

Recruiting Script – May 2021

English Groups

Recruitment Specifications Summary

  • Groups conducted online
  • Each group is expected to last for two hours
  • Recruit 8 participants
  • Incentives will be $100 per person and will be sent to participants via e-transfer following the group

Specifications for the focus groups are as follows:

1 Tues., May 4 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) GTA Vaccine Hesitant – Racialized Canadians DN
2 Wed., May 5 8:00-10:00 6:00-8:00 (MDT) Northern Alberta General Population TBW
4 Tues., May 11 5:00-7:00 6:00-8:00 (ADT) 6:30-8:30 (NDT) Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders/ Influencers/Paying more Attention to News/Media – Seniors 65+ TBW
5 Wed., May 12 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare DN
6 Thurs., May 13 7:00-9:00 6:00-8:00 (CDT) Manitoba Recipient of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine – Seniors 65+ DN
7 Mon., May 17 8:00-10:00 6:00-8:00 (CST) Saskatoon and Regina People Experiencing COVID-19 Fatigue/Exhibiting Riskier Behaviours TBW
9 Thurs., May 20 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders/ Influencers/Paying more Attention to News/Media DN
10 Tues., May 25 9:00-11:00 6:00-800 (PST) Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare DN
11 Wed., May 26 6:00-8:00 6:00-8:00 (EDT) Southern Ontario General Population TBW

Recruiting Script


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I'm calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French?/Préfériez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? [CONTINUE IN LANGUAGE OF PREFERENCE]




On behalf of the Government of Canada, we’re organizing a series of online video focus group discussions to explore current issues of interest to Canadians.

The format is a “round table” discussion, led by an experienced moderator. Participants will be given a cash honorarium in appreciation of their time.

Your participation is completely voluntary and all your answers will be kept confidential. We are only interested in hearing your opinions - no attempt will be made to sell or market you anything. The report that is produced from the series of discussion groups we are holding will not contain comments that are attributed to specific individuals.

But before we invite you to attend, we need to ask you a few questions to ensure that we get a good mix/variety of people in each of the groups. May I ask you a few questions?




1. Have you, or has anyone in your household, worked for any of the following types of organizations in the last 5 years?

A market research firm
A marketing, branding or advertising agency
A magazine or newspaper
A federal/provincial/territorial government department or agency
A political party
In public/media relations
In radio/television
No, none of the above

1a. IN ALL LOCATIONS: Are you a retired Government of Canada employee?



2. In which city do you reside?

GTA Cities include: City of Toronto, Durham (Ajax, Clarington, Brock, Oshawa, Pickering, Whitby), Halton (Burlington, Halton Hills, Oakville, Milton), Peel (Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga), York (Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora), Dufferin County (Mono, Orangeville) and Simcoe County

Northern Alberta Cities could include (but are not limited to): Fort McMurray, Grand Prairie, Peace River, Slave Lake, Cold Lake, Whitecourt, Athabasca, Grimshaw, Fairview, Rainbow Lake, Wembley

Atlantic Canada Cities could include (but are not limited to):
NS: Halifax, Cape Breton
NB: Moncton, Saint John, Fredericton, Dieppe, Miramichi, Edmundston
PEI:Charlottetown, Summerside
N&L: St. John’s, Conception Bay, Mount Pearl, Corner Brook

Northern Ontario Cities could include (but are not limited to): Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Timmins, Kenora, West Nipissing, Elliot Lake, Temiskaming Shores, Kapuskasing, Dryden

Manitoba Cities could include (but are not limited to): Winnipeg, Brandon, Steinbach, Thompson, Portage La Prairie, Winkler, Selkirk, Dauphin, Morden, Flin Flon, The Pas, Stonewall, Swan River, Virden

Saskatoon and Regina Cities include: Saskatoon and Regina

Eastern Ontario Cities could include: Ottawa-Gatineau, Kingston, Kanata, Beleville, Cornwall, Brockville, Pembroke, Petawawa, Rockland, Carleton Place, Kawkesbury, Arnprior

Lower Mainland Cities include: Vancouver, Abbotsford, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, Delta, Langley, White Rock, Chilliwack, Mission Hope, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody

Southern Ontario Cities could include: Hamilton, Waterloo, Halton Region (Burlington, Halton Hills, Oakville, Milton), Middlesex County (London, Strathroy, Mount Brydges) Wellington County (Guelph, Fergus, Elora, Belwood), Brantford

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer - THANK AND END

2a. How long have you lived in [INSERT CITY]? RECORD NUMBER OF YEARS.

Less than two years THANK AND END
Two years or more CONTINUE
Don’t know/Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


3. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 1 Which of the following best describes what you would do if a COVID-19 vaccine became available?

I have already gotten a COVID-19 vaccine THANK AND END

I would get the vaccine as soon as I became eligible for it THANK AND END

I will probably get the vaccine, but would want to wait a while CONTINUE TO Q3b – HESITATOR.

I’m not sure if I would get the vaccine CONTINUE TO Q3b – HESITATOR.

I would not get the vaccine THANK AND END

Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


3a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 1 Which of the following racial or cultural groups best describes you? (multi-select)

White/Caucasian THANK AND END

South Asian (e.g., East Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan)



Latin American



Southeast Asian (e.g., Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai)

Korean or Japanese


Other (specify)

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


4. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 OR 9 How often are you watching, reading or listening to the news/media?






4a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 4 OR 9 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  • In discussions with family/friends, I am usually the one who shares my opinion most often.
  • In discussions with family/friends, I am often used as a source for advice.

Strongly agree CONTINUE = GROUP 4 OR 9

Somewhat agree CONTINUE = GROUP 4 OR 9

Somewhat disagree THANK AND END

Strongly disagree THANK AND END

Employment Insurance (EI) CONTINUE

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END


5. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 5 OR 10 Do you have any children under the age of 12?



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

6. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 5 OR 10 Are any of these children currently in a child care program (e.g., full day program, before or after school program, etc.)?

Yes, they currently are in a child care program CONTINUE

No, they are not in a childcare program THANK AND END


7. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 6Which of the following statements best describes your current COVID-19 vaccination status?

I have not received any doses of a COVID-19 vaccine yet THANK AND END

I have received my first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine CONTINUE

I have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine THANK AND END

Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

8. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 7 Have you attended a social gathering or event outside your home in the last month?



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

8a. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 7 Which of the following best describes your current situation?

I am only seeing those currently living in my household CONTINUE

I am seeing extended family from time to time CONTINUE – EXHIBITING RISKIER BEHAVIOURS

I am seeing friends and or neighbours from time to time CONTINUE – EXHIBITING RISKIER BEHAVIOURS

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END

8b. ASK ONLY IF GROUP 7 With COVID-19 restrictions having been in place for over a year, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  • I feel like I have made a lot of personal sacrifices in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.
  • I am tiring of having to continue to adhere to public health measures, like mask wearing and social distancing.
  • I don’t pay as much attention anymore to messages from public health and government officials about COVID-19.
  • I am tiring of having to avoid seeing extended family, friends and/or neighbours.

Strongly agree COVID FATIGUED

Somewhat agree COVID FATIGUED

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer



9. Would you be willing to tell me in which of the following age categories you belong?

20 - 34
35 - 49
50 - 64



VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer THANK AND END





11. Which of the following best describes the industry sector that you are currently employed in?

Accommodation and Food Services

Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting

Arts, Entertainment and Recreation


Educational Services

Finance and Insurance

Health Care and Social Assistance

Information and Cultural Industries

Management of Companies and Enterprises


Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction

Other Services (except Public Administration)

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

Public Administration

Real Estate and Rental and Leasing

Retail Trade

Transportation and Warehousing


Wholesale Trade


Full Time Student


Other, please specify: ______________


12. Are you familiar with the concept of a focus group?


No EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING “a focus group consists of six to eight participants and one moderator. During a two-hour session, participants are asked to discuss a wide range of issues related to the topic being examined.”

13. As part of the focus group, you will be asked to actively participate in a conversation. Thinking of how you engage in group discussions, how would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means ‘you tend to sit back and listen to others’ and 5 means ‘you are usually one of the first people to speak’?



14. As this group is being conducted online, in order to participate you will need to have high-speed Internet and a computer with a working webcam, microphone and speaker. RECRUITER TO CONFIRM THE FOLLOWING. TERMINATE IF NO TO ANY.

Participant has high-speed access to the Internet

Participant has a computer/webcam

15. Have you used online meeting software, such as Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., in the last two years?



16. How skilled would you say you are at using online meeting platforms on your own, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are not at all skilled, and 5 means you are very skilled?



17. During the discussion, you could be asked to read or view materials on screen and/or participate in poll-type exercises online. You will also be asked to actively participate online using a webcam. Can you think of any reason why you may have difficulty reading the materials or participating by video?

18. Have you ever attended a focus group discussion, an interview or survey which was arranged in advance and for which you received a sum of money?



19. How long ago was the last focus group you attended?

Less than 6 months ago THANK AND END

More than 6 months ago CONTINUE

20. How many focus group discussions have you attended in the past 5 years?

0-4 groups CONTINUE

5 or more groups THANK AND END

21. On what topics were they and do you recall who or what organization the groups were being undertaken for?


Now we have just a few final questions before we give you the details of the focus group, including the time and date.

22. What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less

Some high school

High school diploma or equivalent

Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma

College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma

University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level

Bachelor's degree

Post graduate degree above bachelor's level

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer


23. Which of the following categories best describes your total household income in 2020? That is, the total income of all persons in your household combined, before taxes?

Under $20,000

$20,000 to just under $40,000

$40,000 to just under $60,000

$60,000 to just under $80,000

$80,000 to just under $100,000

$100,000 to just under $150,000

$150,000 and above

VOLUNTEERED Prefer not to answer


24. The focus group discussion will be audio-taped and video-taped for research purposes only. The taping is conducted to assist our researchers in writing their report. Do you consent to being audio-taped and video-taped?




I would like to invite you to this online focus group discussion, which will take place the evening of [INSERT DATE/TIME BASED ON GROUP # IN CHART ON PAGE 1]. The group will be two hours in length and you will receive $100 ($125 if in Quebec) for your participation following the group via an e-transfer.

Please note that there may be observers from the Government of Canada at the group and that the discussion will be videotaped. By agreeing to participate, you have given your consent to these procedures.

Would you be willing to attend?



May I please have your full name, a telephone number that is best to reach you at as well as your e-mail address if you have one so that I can send you the details for the group?


Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

You will receive an e-mail from The Strategic Counsel with the instructions to login to the online group. Should you have any issues logging into the system specifically, you can contact our technical support team at

We ask that you are online at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session in order to ensure you are set up and to allow our support team to assist you in case you run into any technical issues. We also ask that you restart your computer prior to joining the group.

You may be required to view some material during the course of the discussion. If you require glasses to do so, please be sure to have them handy at the time of the group. Also, you will need pen and paper in order to take some notes throughout the group.

This is a firm commitment. If you anticipate anything preventing you from attending (either home or work-related), please let me know now and we will keep your name for a future study. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible at [1-800-xxx-xxxx] so we can find a replacement.

Thank you very much for your time.

RECRUITED BY: ____________________

DATE RECRUITED: ____________________

French Recruiting Script

Bureau du Conseil privé

Questionnaire de recrutement – mai 2021

Groupes en français

Résumé des consignes de recrutement

  • Groupes tenus en ligne.
  • Durée prévue de chaque rencontre : deux heures.
  • Recrutement de huit participants.
  • Incitatifs de 125 $ par personne, versés aux participants par transfert électronique après la rencontre.

Caractéristiques des groupes de discussion :

3 6 mai 18 h-20 h Grande région de Montréal – y compris la ville de Montréal Personnes lasses de la COVID-19 ou ayant des comportements plus à risque M. Proulx
8 18 mai 18 h-20 h Cantons de l’Est (Québec) Personnes qui hésiteraient à se faire vacciner M. Proulx
10 27 mai 18 h-20 h Région de la ville de Québec Personnes ayant reçu la première dose d’un vaccin contre la COVID-19 M. Proulx

Questionnaire de recrutement


Hello, my name is [RECRUITER NAME]. I’m calling from The Strategic Counsel, a national public opinion research firm, on behalf of the Government of Canada/Bonjour, je m’appelle [NOM DU RECRUTEUR]. Je vous téléphone du Strategic Counsel, une entreprise nationale de recherche sur l’opinion publique, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada.

Would you prefer to continue in English or French?/Préféreriez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais?




Nous organisons, pour le compte du gouvernement du Canada, une série de groupes de discussion vidéo en ligne afin d’explorer des questions d’actualité qui intéressent les Canadiens.

La rencontre prendra la forme d’une table ronde animée par un modérateur expérimenté. Les participants recevront un montant d’argent en remerciement de leur temps.

Votre participation est entièrement volontaire et toutes vos réponses seront confidentielles. Nous aimerions simplement connaître vos opinions : personne n’essaiera de vous vendre quoi que ce soit ou de promouvoir des produits. Notre rapport sur cette série de groupes de discussion n’attribuera aucun commentaire à une personne en particulier.

Avant de vous inviter à participer, je dois vous poser quelques questions qui nous permettront de former des groupes suffisamment diversifiés. Puis-je vous poser quelques questions?




1. Est-ce que vous ou une personne de votre ménage avez travaillé pour l’un des types d’organisations suivants au cours des cinq dernières années?

Une société d’études de marché REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Une agence de commercialisation, de marque ou de publicité REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un magazine ou un journal REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un ministère ou un organisme gouvernemental fédéral, provincial ou territorial REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Un parti politique REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans les relations publiques ou les relations avec les médias REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Dans le milieu de la radio ou de la télévision REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Non, aucune de ces réponses CONTINUER

1a. POUR TOUS LES LIEUX : Êtes-vous un ou une employé(e) retraité(e) du gouvernement du Canada ?



2. Quelle langue parlez-vous le plus souvent à la maison ?



Autre [Préciser ou non la langue, selon les besoins de l'étude] REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

3. Dans quelle ville habitez-vous ?

Grande région de Montréal (GRM) – y compris la ville de Montréal Les villes de la GRM peuvent notamment comprendre : Montréal, Laval, Longueuil, Terrebonne, Brossard, Saint-Jérôme, Blainville, Mirabel, Dollard-des-Ormeaux

Cantons de l’Est (Québec) Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre : Sherbrooke, Granby, Magog, Cowansville, Drummondville, Victoriaville, Thetford Mines, Saint-Jean-sur-Richilieu, Lac-Mégantic

Région de Québec Ces villes peuvent notamment comprendre :
Québec, Lévis, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, L’Ancienne-Lorette, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, Boischatel, Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval, Lac-Beauport, Shannon


3a. Depuis combien de temps habitez-vous à [INSÉRER LE NOM DE LA VILLE]? NOTER LE NOMBRE D’ANNÉES.

Deux ans ou plus CONTINUER
Ne sais pas/Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE


4. DEMANDER UNIQUEMENT AU GROUPE 3 Au cours du dernier mois, avez-vous participé à un rassemblement ou à une activité sociale à l’extérieur de votre domicile?




4a. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 3 Lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux votre situation actuelle?

Je fréquente uniquement les membres de mon ménage REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je fréquente des amis ou des voisins CONTINUER – COMPORTEMENTS PLUS À RISQUE


4b. DEMANDER SEULEMENT POUR LE GROUPE 3 Sachant que les restrictions de la COVID-19 sont en place depuis plus d’un an, à quel point êtes-vous d’accord ou non avec les énoncés suivants?

  • J’ai le sentiment d’avoir fait beaucoup de sacrifices personnels pour freiner la propagation de la COVID-19.
  • Je suis fatigué(e) de devoir continuer à respecter les mesures de santé publique comme le port du masque et la distanciation physique.
  • Je n’accorde plus autant d’attention aux messages de la santé publique et des responsables gouvernementaux à propos de la COVID-19.
  • J’en ai assez de devoir éviter de voir ma famille élargie, mes amis ou mes voisins.

Tout à fait d’accord LASSÉS DE LA COVID-19

Plutôt d’accord LASSÉS DE LA COVID-19

Plutôt en désaccord

Tout à fait en désaccord

RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE Préfère ne pas répondre



5. DEMANDER UNIQUEMENT AU GROUPE 8 Lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux ce que vous feriez si un vaccin contre la COVID-19 devenait disponible?

J’ai déjà reçu un vaccin contre la COVID-19 REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je me ferais vacciner dès que je serais admissible REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je me ferais probablement vacciner, mais je préférerais attendre un certain temps REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je ne suis pas sûr que je me ferais vacciner REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je ne me ferais pas vacciner REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE


6. DEMANDER UNIQUEMENT AU GROUPE 12 Lequel des énoncés suivants décrit le mieux votre statut de vaccination contre la COVID-19?

Je n’ai encore reçu aucune dose d’un vaccin contre la COVID-19 CONTINUER

J’ai reçu deux doses d’un vaccin contre la COVID-19 REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

Je préfère ne pas répondre REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

7. Seriez-vous prêt/prête à m’indiquer votre tranche d’âge dans la liste suivante?

25 à 34
35 à 44
45 à 54
55 ans ou plus






9. Parmi les choix suivants, lequel décrit le mieux le secteur d’activité dans lequel vous travaillez ?

Administrations publiques

Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse

Arts, spectacle et loisirs

Autres services, sauf les administrations publiques

Commerce de détail

Commerce de gros


Extraction minière, exploitation en carrière, et extraction de pétrole et de gaz


Finance et assurances

Gestion de sociétés et d'entreprises

Hébergement et services de restauration

Industrie de l'information et industrie culturelle

Services administratifs, services de soutien, services de gestion des déchets et services


Services d'enseignement

Services immobiliers et services de location et de location à bail

Services professionnels, scientifiques et techniques

Services publics

Soins de santé et assistance sociale

Transport et entreposage

Sans emploi

Aux études à temps plein PAS D’ÉTUDIANTS ÉTRANGERS


Autre situation ou autre secteur ; veuillez préciser : ______________


10. Est-ce que vous connaissez le concept du « groupe de discussion »?


NonEXPLIQUER QUE : « un groupe de discussion se compose de six à huit participants et d’un modérateur. Au cours d’une période de deux heures, les participants sont invités à discuter d’un éventail de questions reliées au sujet abordé ».

11. Dans le cadre du groupe de discussion, on vous demandera de participer activement à une conversation. En pensant à la manière dont vous interagissez lors de discussions en groupe, quelle note vous donneriez-vous sur une échelle de 1 à 5 si 1 signifie « j’ai tendance à ne pas intervenir et à écouter les autres parler » et 5, « je suis habituellement une des premières personnes à parler » ?



12. Étant donné que ce groupe se réunira en ligne, vous aurez besoin, pour participer, d’un accès Internet haut débit et d’un ordinateur muni d’une caméra Web, d’un microphone et d’un haut-parleur en bon état de marche. CONFIRMER LES POINTS CI-DESSOUS. METTRE FIN À L’APPEL SI NON À L’UN DES TROIS.

Le participant a accès à Internet haut débit

Le participant a un ordinateur avec caméra Web

13. Avez-vous utilisé des logiciels de réunion en ligne tels que Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts/Meet, etc., au cours des deux dernières années ?



14. Sur une échelle de 1 à 5 où 1 signifie que vous n’êtes pas du tout habile et 5 que vous êtes très habile, comment évaluez-vous votre capacité à utiliser seul(e) les plateformes de réunion en ligne ?



15. Au cours de la discussion, vous pourriez devoir lire ou visionner du matériel affiché à l’écran, ou faire des exercices en ligne comme ceux qu’on trouve dans les sondages. On vous demandera aussi de participer activement à la discussion en ligne à l’aide d’une caméra Web. Pensez-vous avoir de la difficulté, pour une raison ou une autre, à lire les documents ou à participer à la discussion par vidéo?

16. Avez-vous déjà participé à un groupe de discussion, à une entrevue ou à un sondage organisé à l’avance en contrepartie d’une somme d’argent?



17. À quand remonte le dernier groupe de discussion auquel vous avez participé ?

À moins de six mois,REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

À plus de six mois, CONTINUER

18. À combien de groupes de discussion avez-vous participé au cours des cinq dernières années?

0 à 4 groupes, CONTINUER

5 groupes ou plus REMERCIER ET CONCLURE

19. Quel était leur sujet, et vous rappelez-vous pour qui ou pour quelle organisation ces groupes étaient organisés?


Il me reste quelques dernières questions avant de vous donner les détails du groupe de discussion, comme l’heure et la date.

20. Quel est le niveau de scolarité le plus élevé que vous avez atteint ?

    École primaire

    Études secondaires partielles

    Diplôme d’études secondaires ou l’équivalent

    Certificat ou diplôme d’apprenti inscrit ou d’une école de métiers

    Certificat ou diplôme d’un collège, cégep ou autre établissement non universitaire

    Certificat ou diplôme universitaire inférieur au baccalauréat


    Diplôme d’études supérieur au baccalauréat

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


21. Laquelle des catégories suivantes décrit le mieux le revenu annuel total de votre ménage en 2019— c’est-à-dire le revenu cumulatif de l’ensemble des membres de votre ménage avant impôt?

    Moins de 20 000 $

    20 000 $ à moins de 40 000 $

    40 000 $ à moins de 60 000 $

    60 000 $ à moins de 80 000 $

    80 000 $ à moins de 100 000 $

    100 000 $ à moins de 150 000 $

    150 000 $ ou plus

    RÉPONSE SPONTANÉE : Préfère ne pas répondre


22. La discussion sera enregistrée sur bandes audio et vidéo, strictement aux fins de la recherche. Les enregistrements aideront nos chercheurs à rédiger leur rapport. Est-ce que vous consentez à ce qu’on vous enregistre sur bandes audio et vidéo?




J’aimerais vous inviter à ce groupe de discussion en ligne, qui aura lieu le [DONNER LA DATE ET L’HEURE EN FONCTION DU NO DE GROUPE INDIQUÉ DANS LE TABLEAU, PAGE 1]. La discussion durera deux heures et vous recevrez 125 $ pour votre participation. Ce montant vous sera envoyé par transfert électronique après la tenue du groupe de discussion.

Veuillez noter que des observateurs du gouvernement du Canada pourraient être présents au groupe et que la discussion sera enregistrée sur bande vidéo. En acceptant de participer, vous donnez votre consentement à ces modalités.

Est-ce que vous accepteriez de participer ?



Puis-je avoir votre nom complet, le numéro de téléphone où vous êtes le plus facile à joindre et votre adresse électronique, si vous en avez une, pour vous envoyer les détails au sujet du groupe?

Nom :

Numéro de téléphone :

Adresse courriel :

Vous recevrez un courrier électronique du Strategic Counsel expliquant comment rejoindre le groupe en ligne. Si la connexion au système vous pose des difficultés, veuillez en aviser notre équipe de soutien technique à :

Nous vous prions de vous mettre en ligne au moins 15 minutes avant l’heure prévue, afin d’avoir le temps de vous installer et d’obtenir l’aide de notre équipe de soutien en cas de problèmes techniques. Veuillez également redémarrer votre ordinateur avant de vous joindre au groupe.

Vous pourriez devoir lire des documents au cours de la discussion. Si vous utilisez des lunettes, assurez-vous de les avoir à portée de main durant la rencontre. Vous aurez également besoin d’un stylo et de papier pour prendre des notes.

Ce rendez-vous est un engagement ferme. Si vous pensez ne pas pouvoir participer pour des raisons personnelles ou professionnelles, veuillez m’en aviser dès maintenant et nous conserverons votre nom pour une étude ultérieure. Enfin, si jamais vous n’êtes pas en mesure de participer, veuillez nous prévenir le plus rapidement possible au [1-800-xxx-xxxx] pour que nous puissions trouver quelqu’un pour vous remplacer.

Merci de votre temps.

RECRUTEMENT FAIT PAR : ____________________

DATE DU RECRUTEMENT : __________________

Appendix B – Discussion Guides

English Moderators Guide



INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) All Locations

  • Moderator or technician should let participants know that they will need pen and paper in order to take some notes, jot down some thoughts around some material that we will show them later in the discussion.

GOVERNMENT OF CANADA IN THE NEWS (10-25 minutes) All Locations

  • What have you seen, read or heard about the Government of Canada in the last few days?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Has anyone seen, read or heard anything about the federal budget?
      • What did you hear?
      • What are your overall impressions of it? Was there anything you liked or disliked in it?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians Have you heard anything in the budget regarding fighting systemic racism and empowering racialized communities?

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians SHOW ON SCREEN
In the Government of Canada’s fight against systemic racism, among many other initiatives, the recent federal budget proposes to provide the following:

    • $11 million over two years to allow the Canadian Race Relations Foundation to scale up efforts to empower racialized Canadians and help community groups combat racism in all its forms.
    • $2 million to Public Safety Canada to enhance its programming to protect communities at risk of hate-motivated crimes.
    • $200 million to establish a new Black-led Philanthropic Endowment Fund to help combat anti-Black racism and improve social and economic outcomes in Black communities.
    • $100 million to support Black-led non-profit organizations so they can better serve Black Canadian communities.
    • $172 million to Statistics Canada to implement a data plan to fill data and knowledge gaps.
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians What are your thoughts about these initiatives?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians Do you think they will be effective in fighting against systemic racism?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Do you recall anything hearing or seeing anything in the budget aimed at helping seniors?

Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors SHOW ON SCREEN/CLARIFY: Among many initiatives, the federal budget included some of the following provisions:

    • Increasing regular Old Age Security (OAS) payments by 10% for seniors 75 years of age or older on an ongoing basis as of July 2022.
    • Providing a one-time payment of $500 in August 2021 to OAS pensioners who will be 75 or over as of June 2022.
    • Providing $3 billion over five years to ensuring standards for long-term care are applied and permanent changes are made, keeping seniors safe and improving their quality of life.
    • Providing $90 million over three years starting in 2021-22 to launch the Age Well at Home initiative aimed at assisting community-based organizations in providing support that helps low-income and other vulnerable seniors age in place, such as matching seniors with volunteers who can help with meal preparations, home maintenance, daily errands and the like which would result in seniors staying in their homes.
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors What are your thoughts about these initiatives?
    • Would they have an impact on you?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Thinking about the increase of the regular Old Age Security payments by 10% for seniors 75 years of age or older, how do you feel about it applying only to those over the age of 75 rather than all seniors?
    • Some studies have shown that older seniors have higher expenses. Does that make sense to you?
      • Assuming the conclusions in these studies are accurate, do you think it makes sense to provide seniors over the age of 75 additional help, rather than all seniors?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare Do you recall seeing, reading or hearing anything in the federal budget aimed at helping young families with children in daycare?

Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare SHOW ON SCREEN/CLARIFY: Among the many initiatives, the federal budget included some of the following provisions related to helping those with children in daycare:

    • Working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to establish the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System. To support this vision, Budget 2021 proposes new investments totaling up to $30 billion over the next five years, and $8.3 billion ongoing for childcare.
      • This would allow for a 50% reduction in average fees for regulated early learning and childcare in all provinces outside of Quebec, to be delivered before or by the end of 2022.
      • An average of $10 a day by 2025-26 for all regulated child care spaces in Canada.
      • Ongoing annual growth in quality affordable child care spaces across the country.
      • Improving and expanding before- and after-school care in order to provide more flexibility for working parents.
    • Working with provinces and territories to support primarily not-for-profit sector child care providers to grow quality spaces across the country.
    • Building a growing, qualified workforce to ensure that early childhood educators are at the head of the system with a median wage of $19.20 per hour.
    • Building a baseline of common, publicly available data on which to measure progress, report to Canadians, and help continuously improve the system.
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare What are your thoughts about these initiatives?
    • Would they have an impact on you?
    • How would having to pay only $10/day for daycare impact you personally?
      • Do you think this is a feasible goal?
    • Do you think that the Government of Canada will be able to make this happen by 2025-26?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare Do you think it’s important that the Government of Canada invests in childcare, or not? What makes you say that?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare FOR THOSE WHO THINK IT’S IMPORTANT: Some people, such as those who don’t have kids, may feel that the Government of Canada should not be investing more in childcare, when it is currently running a large deficit. What would you say to them in response?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Has anyone seen, read or heard anything recently about Enbridge Line 5?

Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders SHOW ON SCREEN:
Enbridge Line 5 is a nearly 70-year-old pipeline that has been carrying oil from Western Canada, through the U.S., to Eastern Canada. It accounts for nearly half of the supply of light crude oil, light synthetic crude oil and natural gas liquids in Ontario and Quebec. Michigan has ordered the company to shut down the pipeline as of May 12, over concerns about the risk of an environmental oil spill in the Great Lakes. Enbridge says the pipeline is safe and that it will not shut it down unless ordered to do so by a court or its regulator.

In response, the Government of Canada has submitted a U.S federal court filing stating that Michigan does not have the right to act unilaterally, since a 1977 Canada-U.S. pipeline treaty guarantees the free flow of oil between the two nations. The court brief also said that Canada’s economy and energy sector would suffer massive and potentially permanent disruption from a shutdown.

  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders What are your thoughts about this issue?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Do you think Line 5 should be shut down or remain open?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Thinking about Canada-U.S. priorities, where do you think this issue ranks, in terms of things Canada should be raising with the U.S.?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Has anyone seen, read or heard anything recently about Bill C-10, or as some may know as new rules regarding the regulation of internet companies?

Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine SHOW ON SCREEN/CLARIFY: Bill C-10, referred to as an Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other acts, is meant to modernize the Broadcasting Act for an era when Canadians are increasingly consume music, movies, TV shows, videos and podcasts either online or through mobile apps. It would allow the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to regulate user-generated content uploaded to social media platforms, much as it regulates radio and TV content now. Changes are said to apply only to professional content and are necessary to make successful online streaming services and apps contribute to the creation, production and promotion of Canadian content and Canadian culture. Such regulations could compel streaming platforms like Netflix or Spotify to pay funds that support Canadian musicians, writers or artists, or require them to make Canadian content more visible on their platforms.

  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine What are your thoughts about this?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Do you feel like you have an understanding of what the Bill is proposing, or do you feel you need more information?
    • IF MORE INFO NEEDED (OR SAY IT’S COMPLICATED/CONFUSING): What additional information would be helpful to know?
      • If you had this information, would that alleviate any concerns you may have?
  • Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Some of you may have heard about the latest conflict in the Middle East. I don’t want to focus on the conflict itself. Rather, I just want to know if you’re aware of anything the Government of Canada has said about it?
    • IF PARTICIPANTS SAY GOVERNMENT HAS NOT, BUT SHOULD: What would be an appropriate response?


    • IF YES, what have you heard?
    • IF PARTICIPANTS MENTION ANYTHING: Do you think the government needs to say more?
  • Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Has anyone seen, read or heard anything recently about Bill C-96, or as some may know as the amendment of the Constitution to recognize Quebec as a nation and French as its only official and common language.
    • IF YES, what did you hear?
    • What has the Government of Canada’s response to it been?

COVID-19 OUTLOOK/VACCINES (45-60 minutes) All Locations
Let’s talk about COVID-19…

  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare Recently, Ontario has strengthened restrictions across the province, including lengthening the stay-at-home order by two weeks, reducing interprovincial travel, limiting gatherings to members of your own household except for those who live alone, restricting outdoor recreational amenities, closing nonessential construction and reducing capacity in box stores.
  • Northern Alberta In various regions across Alberta, certain restrictions are being strengthened, including placing further limits on outdoor gatherings and prohibiting personal gatherings, moving more schools to online learning, limiting restaurants to takeout and delivery only, placing further limits on cultural and faith-based gatherings, and closing some businesses, such as hair and nail salons.
  • GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours Recently, Quebec has strengthened restrictions in some regions, including stricter curfews and the closure of non-essential businesses, and has implemented new interprovincial travel restrictions. As part of the travel restrictions, travellers from Ontario cannot enter without a valid reason (e.g. they live or work in Quebec, they are transporting goods, etc.). Anyone returning to Quebec from Ontario must isolate for 14 days unless they fall under one of the listed exceptions. Quebec has also recently loosened certain restrictions in some regions (like Quebec City and Abitibi-Témiscamingue), allowing some schools and non-essential stores to reopen, and pushing back the curfew.
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors In various regions across Atlantic Canada, and as we have recently seen in places like Nova Scotia, certain restrictions are being strengthened, including closing schools, malls, gyms, bars, restaurants, and retail stores – and closing some provincial borders to non-essential travel.
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Across Manitoba, certain restrictions have recently been strengthened, including closing restaurants, bars, patios, personal services such as estheticians, barbers and salons, seating in food courts, gyms, fitness centres, museums, galleries, and libraries. Outdoor gatherings from different households are limited to five people and indoor and private gatherings are still limited to household contacts, except for people who live alone who are allowed one designated visitor.
    • What do you think about the current restrictions in place?
    • Should they be lifted? Should more things be opened up now?
    • Should they be more restricted?
    • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare How have they had an impact on your families?

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare The Government of Canada announced that it will be providing more help to Ontario in response to the province’s request for assistance. It is providing support from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and funding the redeployment of the Canadian Red Cross to augment or relieve staff within medical care facilities. In addition, the CAF is providing the airlift of medical personnel from Newfoundland and Labrador and possibly other jurisdictions.

  • What do you think about this additional help for Ontario?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Overall, how do you think the Government of Canada has managed the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning?
    • What have they done well?
    • What have they done poorly?
    • What about over the last few months? Would you say they have improved or have they been worse?
  • What do you know about Canada’s current travel restrictions?

The Government of Canada has put in place several measures related to international travel in order to stop further spread of COVID-19 from other countries. Some of these measures include requirements to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours, with additional testing upon entry for those entering by air and land, and an additional mandatory 3-night stay at their own cost at a Government-Approved Accommodation (hotel) while they wait for the results of their arrival test for those entering by air. They’ve also recently introduced a travel ban for passenger and business flights from India and Pakistan to curb the spread of COVID-19 variants.

  • What do you think about these actions from the Government of Canada?
    • Are they appropriate? Why/why not?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors Should travel restrictions be reinforced and made tougher? Or should they be loosened?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine When should the Government of Canada decide to ease restrictions?
    • What are some of the key factors you would consider when making this decision?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Keeping in mind that mandatory COVID-19 tests might be in place for a long time to come, when do you think they could end quarantine hotels?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine When should they allow some non-essential travel into Canada?
  • Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine How would you feel about giving some countries certain border exemptions? For example, opening up to countries with a high vaccination rate or low case counts?
    • How would you feel about opening up the Canada-US border?
  • Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine What if the border was only open to non-essential travelers into Canada who have received both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine? Do you think that’s a good approach, or not?
    • IF NO: What if they still had to follow the other travel measures in place – that is, they were still tested for COVID, and they still had to quarantine when they arrived in Canada?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine How would you feel about giving certain sports teams certain border exemptions? For example, hockey players crossing the border for the Stanley Cup playoffs or other sporting events in Canada?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours Do you think that the spread of COVID-19 is going to get worse throughout the spring?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Do you think that the spread of COVID-19 is going to get worse in the near term?
    • Or, are we in the middle of it now?
    • Or, is the worst behind us?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors As you may remember, the Atlantic region had created an Atlantic Bubble allowing unrestricted travel among the four provinces, and restricted travel from Canadians who live outside of Atlantic Canada. This was in place until November 2020.
    • As we head into the end of spring and the beginning of summer, do you think the Atlantic Bubble should be reinstated? Why, why not?
    • Are you worried that new COVID-19 variants could spread faster throughout the Atlantic region should the Bubble be reinstated?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors When do you think travel should open up between Atlantic Canada and the rest of Canada?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors What criteria should Atlantic Canada use to decide whether to open up?
  • Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors Do you think there needs to be an Atlantic Bubble first, or do you think your province could open up to all the provinces and territories at the same time? What makes you say that?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Have you changed your behaviour in the last few weeks? What are you doing differently now compared to a couple of months ago?
    • What have you done?
    • IF YES: Why are you doing these things more?
    • IF NO: Why haven’t you changed your behaviour?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare How have COVID-19 and COVID-related restrictions impacted you?
    • How have the restrictions impacted your family?
    • Has it been hard on your kids?
    • Has it been hard on you as a parent?
    • How does it compare to restrictions last spring – is it harder, easier, or about the same now? What makes you say that?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare Are any of your kids still going to daycare or has your daycare been closed?
    • KIDS IN DAYCARE: Are you worried about sending your kids to daycare? What worries you the most about it?
      • PROMPT AS NECESSARY: Your kids’ health? Your kids passing COVID-19 on to you or other family members? Something else?
    • KIDS STAYING HOME: How has that impacted your day to day behaviours? Has it had an impact on your job?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare What do you think is most needed in order to make things safer in daycares?
    • PROBE: Do daycares need more space so kids can be spaced out more? Do they need to hire more daycare workers? Hire more cleaning staff? Something else?
  • What have you seen, read or heard about COVID-19 vaccines recently?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant When we asked you to participate in this focus group, we asked whether you thought you would get vaccinated or not. Some of you said you would, but you preferred to wait, and others of you said you were unsure. Is this still the case? Why/why not?
    • (FOR THOSE WHO ARE HESITANT) What are the factors that will influence your decision on whether or not to get vaccinated?
  • Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant Are there any questions about COVID-19 vaccines you would like answers to that would help you decide to get vaccinated or not?

GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours When we invited you to this session, some of you said you have recently attended a social gathering or event outside your home recently and/or are seeing friends, neighbours or extended family from time to time. Some of you also said you’re tiring of having to continue to adhere to public health measures, or you’re not paying attention anymore about public health advice, or that you’re getting tired of having to avoid seeing people…

  • What do you find tiring or difficult about following public health advice?

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours I’m now going to show you an ad that is currently being developed by the Government of Canada for possible advertising regarding COVID-19. You will notice that it may not be in the finished form. We will view the video twice and then I will ask you a few questions about it.

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours SHOW VIDEO #1

  • What are your initial thoughts about this video?
  • What is the main message of this ad? Is the message easy to understand?
    • PROMPT AS NEEDED: Does it communicate that a collective effort is required for vaccination to have an impact? Why or why not?
  • Does this ad speak to you? Why or why not?

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours I’m going to show you another short video about the approved vaccines in Canada.

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours SHOW VIDEO #2

  • What are your initial thoughts about this video?
  • Does it answer any of the questions you had about the approved vaccines in Canada?
  • Does it provide you with the kind of information you need to make an informed decision to get vaccinated? Why or why not?
  • Are there other questions about COVID-19 vaccines you would like answers to?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Do you think the Government of Canada is doing a good job in procuring and distributing the vaccine to provinces and territories, or not?
    • Why do you think that?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors When evaluating how well Canada is doing in terms of vaccinating people, what do you think is the best comparison? Is it compared to the U.S.? Europe? The G20? Our global ranking? Something else?

GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians Roughly 34% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 13th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

Northern Alberta Roughly 35% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 13th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours Roughly 35% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 14th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors Roughly 39% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 14th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare Roughly 40% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 13th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Roughly 41% of Canadians have now received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, placing Canada 13th internationally, and 3rd among the G20 countries, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Is this about what you expected, or do these numbers surprise you?
    • IF SURPRISED: is that because Canada is doing better or worse than you thought?
  • GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Now that I have provided some additional information about how Canada is doing, do any of these numbers change how you feel about how Canada is doing on vaccines? How so?
  • Do you think things will get back to normal once everyone who wants a vaccine has been vaccinated, or do you think COVID-19 measures will remain in place for a while after?
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Let’s say we reach a point in the near future where things go back to normal. Do you think it will stay that way, or do you think there could be restrictive measures put in place again in a year or two because of variants?
    • Do you think that COVID-19 will become like something similar to the flu, where people need to get a new vaccine every year because of variants?
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors Following the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI)’s recommendation to delay second doses of the two-shot COVID-19 vaccine by up to four months, some regions have extended the interval between doses to follow these recommendations. How do you feel about this?
    • Do you think it makes more sense to delay the second dose so that more people can get the first dose as soon as possible, or do you think it makes more sense to stick to the original schedule to ensure being vaccinated is as effective as possible?
  • Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario Have any of you heard the following: “one dose summer, two dose fall”?
    • What does that mean to you?

Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario CLARIFY AS NEEDED
“One dose summer, two dose fall” has been used as a way of explaining the kinds of things we can do this summer if 75% of Canadians get their first dose, and then the kinds of things that we can do this fall if 75% get fully vaccinated.

  • What do you think of that?
    • Is this a good way to frame what people will be allowed to do under each scenario?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders, Southern Ontario What type of activities do you think people will be allowed to do this summer?
    • What about this fall?

Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Now, I’m going to show you a postcard on this subject and try to gauge your reactions to it. This is the type of postcard that you would get in the mail from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders SHOW POSTCARD ON SCREEN

  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders What are your thoughts about this postcard?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders What is the main message?
  • Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders Would this serve as a reminder to book your vaccine appointment? Is it encouraging?
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine When we asked you to participate in this discussion group, all of you had mentioned having received a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. How do you feel the vaccination process is going? How has it been for you?
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Have all of you received the first dose only? Now that you have received a COVID-19 vaccine dose, how do you feel? Do you feel protected against COVID-19 and the variants?

Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine IF ANY HAVE NOW RECEIVED A SECOND DOSE:

  • What about those who have received both doses? How do you feel? And, do you feel protected against COVID-19 and the variants?
  • Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Since receiving the vaccine (either the first dose only or both doses), have you changed any of your behaviours? IF YES: What are you doing differently now? (MODERATOR AND NOTE-TAKERS TO OBSERVE ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED THEIR FIRST DOSE ONLY VS. THOSE HAVING RECEIVED BOTH DOSES.) IF RECEIVED FIRST DOSE ONLY AND NOT DOING ANYTHING DIFFERENTLY, PROBE: Do you think you will be able to do anything differently after you get your second dose? What will you do differently?
    • ASK ALL: Do you feel like you can go out without wearing a mask in public? Without having to maintain physical distance? Why/why not? IF NOT: At which point do you think you will be able to do things like this? ASK THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED FIRST DOSE ONLY: Do you think you will be able to do so once you get your second dose?
    • ASK ALL: Do you feel like you can get together indoors with other people who have been vaccinated? Why/why not? IF NOT: At which point do you think you will be able to do things like this? ASK THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED FIRST DOSE ONLY: Do you think you will be able to do so once you get your second dose?

OUT-OF-STATUS WORKERS (20 minutes) GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours
I’d like to talk to you about out-of-status workers in Canada…

  • Are you familiar with the term “out-of-status” or “undocumented” workers?
    • What are out-of-status workers?

CLARIFY: Out-of-status workers are individuals in Canada who do not have legal status in Canada, who are participating in the Canadian labour force. For example, some are individuals who have stayed in Canada after their temporary work permit expired, some arrived as visitors but started working without getting a work permit, and some have made refugee claims that were denied.

People without legal status are often employed as personal support workers or care aides in long-term care facilities, and in sectors like construction and agriculture.

  • If you were to estimate, how many out-of-status workers do you think there are in Canada?
  • Do you think out-of-status workers should be given a path to permanent residency and citizenship?
    • Why or why not?
  • Given that many out-of-status workers don’t pay income taxes and are doing jobs where labour shortages are experienced often, is there an economic argument in support of providing them with a path to permanent residency and citizenship?

LOCAL ISSUES (20 minutes) Northern Alberta
Let’s shift our focus a little bit.

  • What are the most important sectors and industries in northern Alberta?
  • Which sectors and industries in northern Alberta do you feel need the most help? Why do these issues need federal support?

NOTE TO MODERATOR: For two or three major sectors named, probe if the Government of Canada has done anything to support this sector? What else can the Government of Canada do to support these sectors?

  • (IF NOT MENTIONED) Do you think that the Government of Canada has done enough in terms of agriculture and farming in your region and in northern Alberta more broadly?
  • (IF NOT MENTIONED) Now thinking about the oil and gas sector in northern Alberta, are you aware of anything the Government of Canada has done to support this sector?
    • What else should the Government of Canada do to support the oil and gas sector?
  • Have you heard anything about orphan wells in Alberta recently? What have you heard? What are the issues?
  • Have you heard about what the Government of Canada is doing to address the issue of orphan wells? What have you heard?


Last year, the Federal Government announced that it would be investing $1.7 billion to clean up orphan wells in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan to keep people working during the COVID-19 pandemic. This investment was expected to help maintain 5,200 jobs in Alberta alone. Acknowledging the struggling energy sector in these regions, it was also aimed to keep energy service companies going during these difficult times, while bringing sites back to their original condition, leaving a cleaner environment for future generations.

  • What are your thoughts about this initiative?
  • Is this addressing an important issue for Alberta? Why/why not?

COVID-19 VACCINE PASSPORTS (20 minutes) GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Atlantic Canada Opinion Leaders Seniors, Northern Ontario Parents with Children in Daycare, Manitoba Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Seniors, Saskatoon and Regina Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours, Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders

I’d like to now gauge your opinion about vaccine passports.

  • Have you read, heard or seen anything recently about vaccine passports? What are they?

A vaccine passport is essentially a proof-of-vaccination system that could be implemented as a requirement to enter another country.

  • Should Canada coordinate with other countries regarding vaccine passports related to international travel?
    • IF NO: What if other countries required a vaccine passport upon entering their country – should Canada have a similar requirement for people wanting to enter Canada?
  • Should Canada have vaccine passports for domestic air travel?
  • How about requiring proof of vaccination to be able to attend things like concerts or sporting events?
  • Do you have any concerns about your privacy when it comes to vaccination passports or certificates?
    • PROMPT AS NECESSARY: A proof-of-vaccination system would require some sort of sharing of vaccination records between levels of government. Do you have any concerns about that?

FEDERAL BUDGET/DAYCARE (15 minutes) Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare

  • Has anyone seen, read or heard anything about the federal budget?
    • What did you hear?
  • Do you recall seeing, reading or hearing anything in the federal budget aimed at helping young families with children in daycare?

SHOW ON SCREEN/CLARIFY: Among the many initiatives, the federal budget included some of the following provisions related to helping those with children in daycare:

    • Working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to establish the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System. To support this vision, Budget 2021 proposes new investments totaling up to $30 billion over the next five years, and $8.3 billion ongoing for childcare.
      • This would allow for a 50% reduction in average fees for regulated early learning and childcare in all provinces outside of Quebec, to be delivered before or by the end of 2022.
      • An average of $10 a day by 2025-26 for all regulated child care spaces in Canada.
      • Ongoing annual growth in quality affordable child care spaces across the country.
      • Improving and expanding before- and after-school care in order to provide more flexibility for working parents.
    • Working with provinces and territories to support primarily not-for-profit sector child care providers to grow quality spaces across the country.
    • Building a growing, qualified workforce to ensure that early childhood educators are at the head of the system with a median wage of $19.20 per hour.
    • Building a baseline of common, publicly available data on which to measure progress, report to Canadians, and help continuously improve the system.
  • What are your thoughts about these initiatives?
    • Would they have an impact on you?
    • How would having to pay only $10/day for daycare impact you personally?
      • Do you think this is a feasible goal?
    • Do you think that the Government of Canada will be able to make this happen by 2025-26?
  • Do you think it’s important that the Government of Canada invests in childcare, or not? What makes you say that?
  • FOR THOSE WHO THINK IT’S IMPORTANT: Some people, such as those who don’t have kids, may feel that the Government of Canada should not be investing more in childcare since it is currently running a large deficit. What would you say to them in response?

HOUSING (30 minutes) Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare, Southern Ontario, Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Lower Mainland Parents with Children in Daycare I’d like to talk to you about housing in BC…
Southern Ontario I’d like to talk to you about housing in Southern Ontario…
Quebec City Region Recipients of First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine I’d like to talk to you about housing in Quebec City…

  • Have the housing prices gone up over the past year?
    • IF YES: Why do you think they have gone up?
  • Does this affect you personally?
    • In a good way? In a bad way? How so?
  • In your opinion, what level of government do you think has the most ability to control housing prices? Or do you think it’s not possible for any level of government to control this (e.g. it’s all market based)?
  • Has the Government of Canada done anything to support individuals who want to buy a home?

Now I’d like to talk about some of the measures in the 2021 federal Budget related to affordable housing…

The Budget proposes advancing and reallocating previously announced funding in order to:

    • Accelerate the creation of new units and the repair of existing units
    • Support the construction, repair, and operating costs of an estimated 560 units of transitional housing and shelter spaces for women and children fleeing violence
    • Support the conversion of vacant commercial property (e.g. retail and office space) into rental housing
  • How do you feel about these initiatives?
    • Do you think it will help address affordable housing needs?
  • Have you heard of the Government of Canada’s plans to tax the unproductive use of Canadian housing by foreign non-resident owners? (sometimes referred to in the media as a “foreign buyers tax”)

The Budget also proposes a national 1% tax on the value of foreign, non-resident-owned residential homes considered to be vacant or underused. The federal government estimates that the tax could increase federal revenues by $700 million over four years starting in 2022-23. The tax will require owners, other than Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, to file a declaration as to the current use of the properly, with significant penalties for failure to file.

  • What do you think about this initiative?
  • Do you think that this initiative will have an impact on the housing market?
  • Have you seen, read or heard anything recently about the new mortgage stress test?
    • If so, what did you hear?

Recently, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions within the Government of Canada announced a tightening of rules on the mortgage stress test for homebuyers with insured and uninsured mortgages (residential mortgages with a down payment of 20% or more) starting June 1, 2021. The minimum qualifying rate for uninsured mortgages will rise either the contracted rate plus two percentage points or 5.25%, whichever is higher.

As it stands, any buyer whose down payment on a home is 20% of the purchase price or more has to show that they can afford mortgage payments if the interest rate was two percentage points higher than what the bank is offering them or the five-year benchmark rate published by the Bank of Canada, which sits at 4.79%, whichever is higher.

  • What are your thoughts about these new mortgage rules?

The Bank of Canada has said that many households have taken on large mortgages compared with their income, limiting their flexibility to deal with an unforeseen financial shock like the loss of a job. The total household debt has increased by 4% since the start of the pandemic, picking up sharply since the housing market started to heat up across Canada.

  • Does hearing that affect your thoughts on these new mortgage rules?
  • Will these changes affect you? How?

CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

French Moderators Guide



INTRODUCTION (10 minutes) Tous les lieux

  • Le modérateur ou la personne responsable du soutien technique doit faire savoir aux participant(e)s qu’un stylo et du papier seront nécessaires afin de prendre des notes et d’écrire quelques réflexions au sujet des pièces de communication que nous leur montrerons plus tard au cours de la discussion.


  • Qu’avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu au sujet du gouvernement du Canada au cours des derniers jours ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion ainé(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet du budget fédéral ?
      • Qu’avez-vous entendu ?
      • Quelles sont vos impressions globales ? Contenait-il quoi que ce soit qui vous a plu ou déplu ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT Avez-vous entendu quoi que ce soit contenu dans le budget qui vise à lutter contre le racisme systémique et à renforcer l’autonomie des communautés racisées ?

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN
Dans le cadre de la lutte du gouvernement du Canada contre le racisme systémique, le récent budget fédéral propose, parmi de nombreuses autres initiatives, les investissements suivants :

    • 11 millions de dollars sur deux ans pour permettre à la Fondation canadienne des relations raciales d’intensifier ses efforts destinés à renforcer l’autonomie des Canadiens racisés et à aider les groupes communautaires à lutter contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes.
    • 2 millions de dollars à Sécurité publique Canada pour renforcer ses programmes qui visent à protéger les communautés qui risquent d’être victimes de crimes haineux.
    • 200 millions de dollars afin d’établir un nouveau Fonds de dotation philanthropique dirigé par les Noirs pour contribuer à la lutte contre le racisme envers les Noirs, et améliorer les résultats sur les plans sociaux et économiques dans les communautés noires.
    • 100 millions de dollars pour appuyer les organismes à but non lucratif dirigés par des Noirs afin qu’ils puissent mieux servir les communautés noires du Canada.
    • 172 millions de dollars à Statistique Canada en vue de mettre en œuvre un plan d’action sur les données qui comblera les écarts en matière de données et de connaissances.
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT Pensez-vous qu’elles seront efficaces dans la lutte contre le racisme systémique ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, ainé(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Vous souvenez-vous avoir entendu ou vu quoi que ce soit contenu dans le budget qui vise à aider les aînés ?

Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN/ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT : Parmi de nombreuses initiatives, le budget fédéral comprenait certaines des dispositions suivantes :

    • Augmenter de 10 % les paiements réguliers de la Sécurité de la vieillesse (SV) pour les pensionnés de 75 ans ou plus à compter de juillet 2022 en permanence.
    • Verser un paiement unique de 500 $ en août 2021 aux pensionnés de la SV qui auront 75 ans ou plus à compter de juin 2022.
    • Accorder un financement de 3 milliards de dollars sur cinq ans pour assurer l’application des normes relatives aux soins de longue durée et apporter des changements permanents afin de protéger les aînés et d’améliorer leur qualité de vie.
    • Accorder un financement de 90 millions de dollars sur trois ans, à compter de 2021-2022, afin de lancer l’initiative pour vieillir dans la dignité à la maison qui vise à aider les organismes communautaires à apporter du soutien aux aînés à faible revenu et autrement vulnérables à vieillir chez eux, y compris par le jumelage d’aînés avec des bénévoles qui les aideront à préparer les repas, à faire l’entretien ménager, les courses et ainsi de suite, ce qui amènerait les aînés à rester chez eux plus longtemps.
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
    • Est-ce qu’elles auraient un impact sur vous ?
  • Leaders d’opinion ainé(e)s du Canada atlantique, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba En songeant à l’augmentation de 10 % des paiements réguliers de la Sécurité de la vieillesse pour les pensionnés de 75 ans ou plus, que pensez-vous du fait qu’elle s’applique uniquement aux personnes âgées de plus de 75 ans, plutôt qu’à tous les aînés ?
    • Certaines études ont démontré que les aînés qui sont plus âgés ont des dépenses plus élevées. Cela vous semble-t-il logique ?
      • En supposant que les conclusions de ces études soient exactes, pensez-vous qu’il soit logique d’accorder une aide supplémentaire aux personnes âgées de plus de 75 ans, plutôt qu’à tous les aînés ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Vous souvenez-vous avoir vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit contenu dans le budget fédéral qui vise à aider les jeunes familles avec des enfants en garderie ?

Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN/ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT : Parmi les nombreuses initiatives, le budget fédéral contenait certaines des dispositions suivantes visant à aider les parents d’enfants en garderie :

    • Collaborer avec ses partenaires provinciaux, territoriaux et autochtones en vue d’établir un système pancanadien d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants. Pour soutenir cette vision, Budget 2021 prévoit de nouveaux investissements totalisant jusqu’à 30 milliards de dollars au cours des cinq prochaines années, et 8,3 milliards de dollars sur une base permanente, pour la garde des jeunes enfants.
      • Ceci permettrait une réduction de 50 % des frais moyens des services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants réglementés dans toutes les provinces à l’extérieur du Québec, à livrer avant ou pour la fin de 2022.
      • Une moyenne de 10 $ par jour d’ici 2025 à 2026 pour toutes les places autorisées en garderie au Canada.
      • La croissance annuelle permanente des places en garderie abordables de qualité partout au pays.
      • Améliorer et élargir les services de garde avant et après l’école afin d’offrir une plus grande souplesse aux parents qui travaillent.
    • La collaboration avec les provinces et les territoires pour soutenir principalement les fournisseurs de services de garde d’enfants du secteur sans but lucratif en vue d’accroître le nombre de places de qualité partout au pays.
    • Développer une main-d’œuvre de plus en plus qualifiée pour faire en sorte que les éducateurs de la petite enfance soient au cœur du système avec un salaire médian de 19,20 $ par heure.
    • Établir une base de référence solide de données communes accessibles au public par rapport auxquelles il sera possible de mesurer les progrès, de rendre des comptes aux Canadiens et de contribuer à l’amélioration continue du système.
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
    • Est-ce qu’elles pourraient avoir un impact sur vous ?
    • Quels seraient les effets sur vous d’avoir à payer seulement 10 $ par jour pour la
      garde d’enfants ?
      • Pensez-vous que cet objectif est réalisable ?
    • Pensez-vous que le gouvernement du Canada sera en mesure d’y parvenir d’ici 2025-2026 ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Pensez-vous qu’il est important que le gouvernement du Canada investisse dans les services de garde des jeunes enfants, ou non ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario POUR LES PERSONNES QUI PENSENT QUE CELA EST IMPORTANT : Certaines personnes, comme celles qui n’ont pas d’enfants, peuvent penser que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas investir davantage dans les services de garde des jeunes enfants, alors qu’il accuse actuellement un important déficit. Que leur répondriez-vous ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet de la ligne 5 d’Enbridge ?

Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN :
La ligne 5 d’Enbridge est un pipeline vieux de près de 70 ans qui transporte du pétrole de l’Ouest canadien vers l’Est du Canada en passant par les États-Unis. Elle représente près de la moitié de l’approvisionnement en pétrole brut léger, en pétrole brut synthétique léger et en liquides de gaz naturel en Ontario et au Québec. Le Michigan a ordonné à la société de fermer l’oléoduc à compter du 12 mai, en raison des inquiétudes suscitées par le risque de déversement de pétrole dans les Grands Lacs. Enbridge affirme que l’oléoduc est sécuritaire et qu’elle ne le fermera pas à moins d’en recevoir l’ordre d’un tribunal ou de son organisme de réglementation.

En réponse, le gouvernement du Canada a déposé un mémoire devant la cour fédérale des États-Unis, affirmant que le Michigan n’a pas le droit d’agir unilatéralement, puisque le traité canado-américain de 1977 sur les pipelines de transit assure le flux ininterrompu des hydrocarbures entre les deux pays. Le mémoire présenté à la cour fait aussi valoir que l’économie et le secteur énergétique du Canada subiraient des perturbations massives et potentiellement permanentes en cas de fermeture.

  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Que pensez-vous de cet enjeu ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Pensez-vous que la « ligne 5 » devrait être fermée ou être maintenue ouverte ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario En pensant aux priorités canado-américaines, où se situe cet enjeu, selon vous, parmi les sujets que le Canada devrait aborder avec les États-Unis ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu ou entendu quelque chose récemment au sujet du projet de loi C-10, ou de ce que certaines personnes connaissent comme étant les nouvelles règles qui visent à réglementer les sociétés Internet ?

Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN/ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT : Le projet de loi C-10, intitulé Loi modifiant la Loi sur la radiodiffusion et apportant des modifications connexes et corrélatives à d’autres lois, vise à moderniser la Loi sur la radiodiffusion à une époque où la population canadienne consomme de plus en plus de musique, de films, d’émissions de télévision, de vidéos et de balados en ligne ou par le biais d’applications mobiles. Il permettrait au Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC) de réglementer le contenu généré par les utilisateurs et téléversé sur les plateformes des médias sociaux, tout comme il réglemente actuellement le contenu radiophonique et télévisuel. Les changements ne s’appliqueraient qu’au contenu professionnel et sont nécessaires pour que les plateformes de diffusion en continu, qui connaissent un grand succès, contribuent à la création, à la production et à la promotion du contenu canadien et de la culture canadienne. Cette réglementation pourrait contraindre les plateformes de diffusion en continu comme Netflix ou Spotify à verser des fonds qui soutiennent les musiciens, écrivains ou artistes canadiens, ou les obliger à rendre le contenu canadien plus visible sur leurs plateformes.

  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Qu’en pensez-vous ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Avez-vous l’impression de comprendre ce qui est proposé dans le projet de loi, ou pensez-vous avoir besoin de plus d’informations ?
    • SI DES INFORMATIONS SUPPLÉMENTAIRES SONT NÉCESSAIRES (OU SI L’ON DIT QUE C’EST COMPLIQUÉ OU QUE ÇA PRÊTE À CONFUSION) : Quelles sont les informations supplémentaires qui seraient utiles de connaître ?
      • Si vous possédiez cette information, est-ce que cela atténuerait toute préoccupation que vous pourriez avoir ?
  • Personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Certains d’entre vous ont peut-être entendu parler du dernier conflit au Proche-Orient. Je ne veux pas me concentrer sur le conflit lui-même. Je veux plutôt savoir si vous êtes au courant de ce qu’a dit le gouvernement du Canada à ce sujet.

Personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario POSEZ LES QUESTIONS SUIVANTES, UNIQUEMENT SI QUELQU’UN A ENTENDU CE QU’A DIT LE GOUVERNEMENT DU CANADA. SINON, PASSEZ À LA SECTION SUIVANTE.

    • SI OUI, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
    • SI LES PARTICIPANT(E)S MENTIONNENT QUOI QUE CE SOIT : Pensez-vous que le gouvernement doit en dire davantage ?
  • Personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit récemment au sujet du projet de loi C-96, ou ce que certaines personnes connaissent comme étant l’amendement de la Constitution pour reconnaître le Québec comme une nation et le français comme sa seule langue officielle et commune.
    • SI OUI, qu’avez-vous entendu ?
      • Quelle a été la réponse du gouvernement du Canada à cela ?

PERSPECTIVES LIÉES À LA COVID-19 ET AUX VACCINS (45-60 minutes) Tous les lieux
Parlons de la COVID-19…

  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Récemment, l’Ontario a renforcé les restrictions dans toute la province, y compris prolonger de deux semaines l’ordre de rester à la maison, réduire les déplacements interprovinciaux, limiter les rassemblements aux membres de votre propre ménage, à l’exception des personnes qui vivent seules, restreindre l’accès aux installations récréatives extérieures, fermer les chantiers de construction non essentiels et imposer une capacité réduite dans les magasins à grande surface.
  • Nord de l’Alberta Dans diverses régions de l’Alberta, certaines restrictions se voient renforcées, notamment l’imposition de limites supplémentaires aux rassemblements en plein air et l’interdiction des rassemblements personnels, amener plus d’écoles à passer à l’apprentissage en ligne, limiter les restaurants aux plats à emporter et à faire livrer, imposer des limites supplémentaires aux rassemblements culturels et confessionnels et fermer certains commerces, comme les salons de coiffure et de manucure.
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Récemment, le Québec a renforcé les restrictions dans certaines régions, y compris des couvre-feux plus stricts, la fermeture de commerces non essentiels, et a mis en place de nouvelles restrictions sur les déplacements interprovinciaux. Dans le cadre de ces restrictions, les voyageurs en provenance de l’Ontario ne peuvent pas entrer sans une raison valable (p. ex., ils vivent ou travaillent au Québec, ils transportent des marchandises, etc.). Toute personne qui revient au Québec en provenance de l’Ontario doit s’isoler pendant 14 jours, à moins d’être visée par l’une des exceptions énumérées. Par ailleurs, le Québec a récemment assoupli certaines restrictions dans quelques régions (telles que la ville de Québec et l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue), permettant la réouverture de certaines écoles et de magasins non essentiels, en plus de repousser le couvre-feu.
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Dans diverses régions du Canada atlantique, et comme nous l’avons vu récemment dans des endroits comme la Nouvelle-Écosse, certaines restrictions se voient renforcées, y compris la fermeture des écoles, des centres commerciaux, des gymnases, des bars, des restaurants et des magasins de détail — ainsi que la fermeture de certaines frontières provinciales aux voyages non essentiels.
  • Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Partout au Manitoba, certaines restrictions ont récemment été renforcées, y compris la fermeture des restaurants, des bars, des terrasses, des services personnels comme les esthéticiennes, les coiffeurs[-euses] et les salons, les places assises dans les aires de restauration, les gymnases, les centres de conditionnement physique, les musées, les galeries et les bibliothèques. Les rassemblements extérieurs de ménages différents sont limités à cinq personnes et les rassemblements intérieurs et les rassemblements privés sont toujours limités aux membres d’un même ménage, sauf pour les personnes qui vivent seules qui ont droit à un visiteur désigné.
    • Que pensez-vous des restrictions actuellement en vigueur ?
    • Devraient-elles être levées ? Est-ce que plus de choses devraient maintenant être rouvertes ?
    • Devraient-elles être resserrées davantage ?
    • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Quel fut l’impact de celles-ci sur vos familles ?

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé qu’il offrira davantage de soutien à l’Ontario en réponse à la demande d’aide de la province. Il fournit le soutien des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et finance le redéploiement de la Croix-Rouge canadienne (CRC) afin d’augmenter ou de soulager le personnel des établissements de soins médicaux. De plus, les FAC fourniront des services de transport aérien de personnel médical provenant de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et possiblement d’autres juridictions.

  • Que pensez-vous de cette aide supplémentaire offerte à l’Ontario ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Dans l’ensemble, que pensez-vous de la façon dont le gouvernement du Canada a géré la pandémie de COVID-19 depuis ses débuts ?
    • Qu’ont-ils fait de bien ?
    • Qu’ont-ils fait de moins bien ?
    • Qu’en est-il au cours des derniers mois ? Diriez-vous qu’ils se sont améliorés ou que leur gestion de la pandémie s’est détériorée ?
  • Que savez-vous des restrictions de voyage actuelles du Canada ?

Le gouvernement du Canada a mis en place plusieurs mesures relatives aux voyages internationaux afin d’arrêter la propagation de la COVID-19 en provenance d’autres pays. Certaines de ces mesures incluent l’obligation de fournir une preuve de résultat négatif à la COVID-19 dans les 72 heures avant le vol, en plus d’un test à l’arrivée pour les personnes qui entrent par voie aérienne ou terrestre, ainsi qu’un séjour supplémentaire obligatoire de trois nuits à leurs propres frais dans un lieu d’hébergement (hôtel) autorisé par le gouvernement, en attendant les résultats de leur test à l’arrivée pour celles qui entrent par voie aérienne. Il a également annoncé récemment une suspension des vols de passagers et des vols d’affaires en provenance de l’Inde et du Pakistan afin de freiner la propagation des variants de COVID-19.

  • Que pensez-vous de ces mesures adoptées par le gouvernement du Canada ?
    • Que pensez-vous de ces mesures adoptées par le gouvernement du Canada ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Est-ce que les restrictions de voyage devraient être renforcées et rendues plus strictes ? Ou faut-il les assouplir ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Quand le gouvernement du Canada devrait-il décider d’assouplir les restrictions ?
    • Quels sont certains des facteurs clés dont vous tiendriez compte pour prendre cette décision ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec En gardant à l’esprit que les tests COVID-19 obligatoires pourraient être en place pendant longtemps encore, quand pensez-vous qu’il pourrait mettre fin aux hôtels de quarantaine ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Quand devrait-il autoriser certains voyages non essentiels à destination du Canada ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Que diriez-vous d’accorder à certains pays certaines exemptions aux frontières ? Par exemple, l’ouverture des frontières aux pays ayant un taux de vaccination élevé ou un faible nombre de cas ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Et si la frontière n’était ouverte qu’aux voyageurs non essentiels au Canada qui ont reçu leurs deux doses du vaccin COVID-19 ? Pensez-vous que c’est une bonne approche, ou non ?
    • SI NON : Et si ces personnes devaient quand même suivre les autres mesures de voyage en place — c’est-à-dire qu’elles devaient quand même subir un test de dépistage de la COVID et devaient quand même être mises en quarantaine à leur arrivée au Canada ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Que diriez-vous d’accorder à certaines équipes sportives certaines exemptions à la frontière ? Par exemple, les joueurs de hockey qui traversent la frontière pour les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley ou d’autres événements sportifs au Canada ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Pensez-vous que la propagation va prendre de l’ampleur au cours du printemps ?
  • Leaders d’opinion ainé(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Pensez-vous que la propagation de la COVID-19 risque de s’aggraver à court terme ?
    • Ou bien, sommes-nous actuellement au cœur de celle-ci ?
    • Ou bien, est-ce que le pire est derrière nous ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Comme vous vous en souvenez peut-être, la région de l’Atlantique avait créé une bulle atlantique qui autorisait les déplacements sans restriction entre les quatre provinces, et limitait les déplacements des Canadiens qui vivent en dehors de la région de l’Atlantique. Ceci était en vigueur jusqu’en novembre 2020.
    • Alors que nous arrivons à la fin du printemps et au début de l’été, pensez-vous que la bulle atlantique devrait être rétablie ? Pourquoi, pourquoi pas ?
    • Craignez-vous que de nouveaux variants de la du COVID-19 puissent se propager plus rapidement dans la région de l’Atlantique si la bulle est rétablie ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Quand pensez-vous que l’on devrait autoriser les déplacements entre le Canada atlantique et le reste du Canada ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Quels critères devrait utiliser le Canada atlantique pour décider s’il ouvre ces frontières ?
  • Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Pensez-vous qu’il doit d’abord y avoir une bulle atlantique, ou pensez-vous que votre province pourrait s’ouvrir à toutes les autres provinces et tous les territoires en même temps ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Avez-vous modifié votre comportement au cours de ces dernières semaines ? Que faites-vous différemment aujourd’hui par rapport à il y a quelques mois ?
    • Qu’avez-vous fait ?
    • SI OUI : Pourquoi faites-vous davantage ces choses ?
    • SI NON : Pourquoi n’avez-vous pas changé votre comportement ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Quel a été l’impact de la COVID-19 et des restrictions liées à la COVID sur vous ?
    • Quels ont été les effets des restrictions sur votre famille ?
    • Est-ce que cela a été difficile pour vos enfants ?
    • Est-ce que cela a été difficile pour vous en tant que parent ?
    • Comment est-ce que cela se compare aux restrictions du printemps dernier — est-ce plus difficile, plus facile, ou à peu près la même chose maintenant ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Est-ce que vous avez encore des enfants qui vont à la garderie ou ont-elles été fermées ?
    • ENFANTS EN GARDERIE : Vous inquiétez-vous quant à envoyer vos enfants à la garderie ? Qu’est-ce qui vous inquiète le plus par rapport à cela ?
      • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : La santé de vos enfants ? Que vos enfants vous transmettent la COVID ou la transmettent à d’autres membres de votre famille ? Autre chose ?
    • ENFANTS QUI RESTENT À LA MAISON : Quel impact cela a-t-il eu sur vos comportements quotidiens ? Cela a-t-il eu un impact sur votre travail ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario À votre avis, de quoi a-t-on le plus besoin pour rendre les choses plus sûres dans les garderies ?
    • SONDER : Est-ce que les garderies ont besoin de plus d’espace afin de placer les enfants à plus grande distance les uns des autres ? Doivent-elles embaucher plus d’éducateur(-trice)s ? Doivent-elles embaucher plus de personnel d’entretien ménager ? Y a-t-il autre chose ?
  • Qu’avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu au sujet des vaccins COVID-19 récemment ?
  • Personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec Lorsque nous vous avons invité à participer à ce groupe de discussion, nous vous avons demandé si vous pensiez vous faire vacciner ou non. Il y en a parmi vous qui ont répondu oui, mais que vous préfériez attendre, et d’autres personnes se sont dites incertaines. Est-ce toujours le cas ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
    • [SI TOUJOURS RÉTICENT(E)] Quels sont les facteurs qui influenceront votre décision de vous faire vacciner ou non ?
  • Personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec Y a-t-il des questions sur les vaccins COVID-19 auxquelles vous aimeriez obtenir des réponses, qui vous aideraient à décider de vous faire vacciner ou non ?

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Lorsque nous vous avons invité à cette séance, certains d’entre vous ont dit que vous aviez récemment participé à un rassemblement ou à un événement social à l’extérieur de votre domicile ou que vous alliez voir des amis, des voisins ou des membres de votre famille élargie de temps à autre. Certains d’entre vous ont également indiqué que vous en aviez assez de devoir continuer à respecter les mesures de santé publique, ou que vous ne prêtiez plus attention aux conseils de santé publique, ou encore que vous en aviez assez de devoir éviter de voir des gens…

  • Qu’est-ce qui vous ennuie ou que trouvez-vous difficile lorsqu’il s’agit de suivre les conseils de santé publique ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Je vais maintenant vous montrer une publicité que développe actuellement le gouvernement du Canada en vue d’une éventuelle campagne publicitaire concernant la COVID-19. Vous remarquerez qu’elle n’est peut-être pas dans sa forme définitive. Nous visionnerons la vidéo deux fois, puis je vous poserai quelques questions à son sujet.

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM AFFICHER LA VIDÉO No 1

  • Quelles sont vos premières impressions de cette vidéo ?
  • Quel est le message principal de cette publicité ? Est-ce que le message est facile à comprendre ?
    • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Est-ce qu’il communique qu’un effort collectif est nécessaire pour que la vaccination ait un impact ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Est-ce que la publicité vous interpelle ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Je vais vous montrer une autre courte vidéo sur les vaccins autorisés au Canada.

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM AFFICHER LA VIDÉO No 2

  • Quelles sont vos premières impressions de cette vidéo ?
  • Est-ce qu’elle répond aux questions que vous vous posiez sur les vaccins autorisés au Canada ?
  • Est-ce qu’elle vous fournit le genre d’informations dont vous avez besoin pour faire un choix éclairé en vue de vous faire vacciner ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Y a-t-il d’autres questions sur les vaccins COVID-19 auxquelles vous aimeriez obtenir des réponses ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Pensez-vous que le gouvernement du Canada fait un bon travail pour ce qui est de l’achat et de la distribution du vaccin aux provinces et territoires, ou non ?
    • Pourquoi pensez-vous cela ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Lorsqu’on évalue la performance du Canada en matière de vaccination, quelle est, selon vous, la meilleure comparaison ? Est-ce par rapport aux États-Unis ? À l’Europe ? Au G20 ? Notre classement mondial ? Quelque chose d’autre ?

Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT Environ 34 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 13e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Nord de l’Alberta Environ 35 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 13e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM Environ 35 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 14e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique Environ 39 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 14e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario Environ 40 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 13e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.
Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Environ 41 % des Canadiens ont maintenant reçu au moins une dose de vaccin COVID-19, ce qui place le Canada au 13e rang international et au 3e rang parmi les pays du G20, derrière seulement les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni.

  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Est-ce à peu près ce à quoi vous vous attendiez, ou est-ce que ces chiffres vous surprennent ?
    • SI SURPRIS(E) : Est-ce parce que le Canada réussit mieux ou moins bien que vous le pensiez ?
  • Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion ainé(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba Maintenant que j’ai fourni des informations supplémentaires sur le bilan du Canada, est-ce que certaines de ces données changent votre opinion sur la performance du Canada en matière de vaccins ? De quelle façon ?
  • Pensez-vous que les choses reviendront à la normale une fois que toutes les personnes qui le souhaitent auront été vaccinées, ou pensez-vous que les mesures relatives à la COVID-19 resteront en vigueur pendant un certain temps par la suite ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, Personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Supposons que nous en arrivions à un point où les choses reviennent à la normale dans un avenir rapproché. Pensez-vous que cela restera ainsi, ou pensez-vous que des mesures restrictives pourraient à nouveau être mises en place dans un an ou deux à cause des variants ?
    • Pensez-vous que la COVID-19 deviendra quelque chose de semblable à la grippe, où les gens doivent recevoir un nouveau vaccin chaque année en raison des variants ?
  • Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba À la suite de la recommandation du Comité consultatif national de l’immunisation (CCNI) d’allonger jusqu’à quatre mois l’administration des deuxièmes doses d’un vaccin contre la COVID-19 à deux doses, l’Ontario s’apprête à prolonger l’intervalle entre les doses conformément à ces recommandations. Qu’en pensez-vous ?
    • Pensez-vous qu’il soit plus judicieux de prolonger l’administration de la deuxième dose afin que davantage de personnes puissent recevoir une première dose dès que possible, ou pensez-vous qu’il soit plus judicieux de s’en tenir au calendrier initial afin que la vaccination soit aussi efficace que possible ?
  • Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, Sud de l’Ontario Y en a-t-il parmi vous qui avez entendu l’expression suivante : « un été à une dose, un automne à deux doses » ?
    • Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour vous ?

Parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, Sud de l’Ontario ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT AU BESOIN
L’expression « un été à une dose, un automne à deux doses » a été utilisée pour expliquer le genre de choses que nous pouvons faire cet été si 75 % de la population canadienne reçoit leur première dose, puis le genre de choses que nous pouvons faire cet automne si 75 % de la population canadienne sont complètement vaccinés.

  • Que pensez-vous de cela ?
    • Est-ce une bonne façon de décrire ce que les gens seront autorisés à faire dans chaque scénario ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario, Sud de l’Ontario À quel genre d’activités pensez-vous que les gens seront autorisés à prendre part cet été ?
    • Qu’en est-il de cet automne ?

Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Je vais maintenant vous montrer une carte postale qui porte sur ce sujet et évaluer vos réactions à celle-ci. Il s’agit du genre de carte postale que vous recevriez par la poste de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada.

Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario AFFICHER LA CARTE POSTALE À L’ÉCRAN

  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Quelles sont vos impressions de cette carte postale ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Quel est le message principal ?
  • Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario Est-ce que ceci pourrait servir à vous rappeler de prendre votre rendez-vous pour le vaccin ? Est-ce encourageant ?
  • Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Lorsque nous vous avons demandé de participer à ce groupe de discussion, tout le monde avait indiqué avoir reçu une première dose du vaccin COVID-19. Comment pensez-vous que le processus de vaccination se déroule ? Comment cela s’est-il passé pour vous ?
  • Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Avez-vous toutes et tous reçu la première dose seulement ? Maintenant que vous avez reçu une dose de vaccin COVID-19, comment vous sentez-vous ? Vous sentez-vous protégé contre la COVID-19 et ses variants ?

Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec SI QUICONQUE A REÇU UNE DEUXIÈME DOSE :

  • Qu’en est-il des gens qui ont reçu les deux doses ? Comment vous sentez-vous ? Et, vous sentez-vous protégé contre la COVID-19 et ses variants?
  • Aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de la région de Québec Depuis que vous avez reçu le vaccin (soit la première dose seulement, soit les deux doses), avez-vous modifié certains de vos comportements ? SI OUI : Que faites-vous différemment maintenant ? (LE MODÉRATEUR ET LES PRENEURS DE NOTES SONT PRIÉS DE TENIR COMPTE DES DIFFÉRENCES ENTRE LES PERSONNES QUI ONT REÇU LA PREMIÈRE DOSE SEULEMENT ET CELLES QUI ONT REÇU LES DEUX DOSES.) SI L’ON A REÇU LA PREMIÈRE DOSE UNIQUEMENT ET QUE L’ON NE FAIT RIEN DE DIFFÉRENT, SONDER : Pensez-vous que vous pourrez faire quelque chose de différent après avoir reçu votre deuxième dose ? Que ferez-vous différemment ?
    • DEMANDER À TOUTES ET TOUS : Avez-vous l’impression de pouvoir sortir sans porter de masque en public ? Sans avoir à maintenir la distanciation physique ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ? SI NON : À quel moment pensez-vous pouvoir faire ce genre de choses ? DEMANDER AUX PERSONNES QUI ONT REÇU LA PREMIÈRE DOSE SEULEMENT : Pensez-vous pouvoir faire cela une fois que vous aurez reçu votre deuxième dose ?
    • DEMANDER À TOUTES ET TOUS : Avez-vous l’impression de pouvoir vous réunir à l’intérieur avec d’autres personnes vaccinées ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ? SI NON : À quel moment pensez-vous pouvoir faire ce genre de choses ? DEMANDER AUX PERSONNES QUI ONT REÇU LA PREMIÈRE DOSE SEULEMENT : Pensez-vous pouvoir faire cela une fois que vous aurez reçu votre deuxième dose?

TRAVAILLEURS SANS STATUT (20 minutes) Canadiens racisés et hésitants à la vaccination de la RGT, Nord de l’Alberta, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM
J’aimerais vous parler des travailleurs sans statut au Canada…

  • Connaissez-vous les termes « travailleurs sans statut » ou « sans papiers » ?
    • Qu’est-ce qu’un travailleur sans statut ?

ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT : Les travailleurs sans statut sont des personnes qui n’ont pas de statut légal au Canada et qui participent à la population active canadienne. Par exemple, certaines personnes sont restées au Canada après l’expiration de leur permis de travail temporaire, d’autres sont arrivées en tant que visiteurs, mais ont commencé à travailler sans obtenir de permis de travail, et d’autres encore ont présentées des demandes de statut de réfugié qui furent rejetées.

Les personnes sans statut légal sont souvent employées en tant que préposés aux services de soutien à la personne ou aides-soignants dans des établissements de soins de longue durée, et dans des secteurs comme la construction et l’agriculture.

  • Si vous aviez à donner une estimation, combien de travailleurs sans statut pensez-vous qu’il y ait au Canada ?
  • Pensez-vous que les travailleurs sans statut devraient bénéficier d’une voie vers la résidence permanente et la citoyenneté ?
    • Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?
  • Étant donné que de nombreux travailleurs sans statut ne paient pas d’impôt sur le revenu et qu’ils occupent des emplois dans des secteurs où l’on enregistre souvent des pénuries de main-d’œuvre, existe-t-il un argument économique en faveur de leur offrir une voie vers la résidence permanente et la citoyenneté ?

ENJEUX LOCAUX (20 minutes) Nord de l’Alberta
Portons notre attention sur autre sujet pour un moment.

  • Quels sont les industries et les secteurs les plus importants dans le nord de l’Alberta ?
  • Quels sont, selon vous, les industries et les secteurs du nord de l’Alberta qui ont le plus besoin d’aide ? Pourquoi, est-ce que ceux-ci ont besoin de soutien fédéral ?

NOTE AU MODÉRATEUR : Pour deux ou trois des secteurs importants cités, demander si le gouvernement du Canada a fait quoi que ce soit pour soutenir ce secteur. Que pourrait-il faire de plus le gouvernement du Canada pour soutenir ces secteurs ?

  • (SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ) Selon vous, est-ce que le gouvernement du Canada en a fait assez par rapport à l’agriculture et l’élevage dans votre région et, plus largement, le nord de l’Alberta ?
  • (SI CE N’EST PAS MENTIONNÉ) En songeant maintenant au secteur pétrolier et gazier du nord de l’Alberta, êtes-vous au courant de quoi que ce soit que le gouvernement du Canada a fait pour soutenir ce secteur ?
    • Que pourrait-il faire d’autre le gouvernement du Canada pour soutenir le secteur pétrolier et gazier ?
  • Avez-vous entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet des puits abandonnés en Alberta récemment ? Qu’avez-vous entendu ? Quels sont les enjeux ?
  • Avez-vous entendu parler de l’annonce du gouvernement du Canada sur les puits abandonnés ? Qu’avez-vous entendu ?

L’an dernier, le gouvernement fédéral a annoncé qu’il investirait 1,7 milliard de dollars pour nettoyer les puits abandonnés en Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta et en Saskatchewan afin de permettre aux gens de continuer à travailler pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Cet investissement devait permettre de maintenir 5 200 emplois rien qu’en Alberta. Reconnaissant les difficultés du secteur de l’énergie dans ces régions, cette initiative visait également à maintenir les entreprises de services énergétiques en activité pendant cette période difficile, tout en remettant les sites dans leur état originel, laissant un environnement plus propre aux générations futures.

  • Que pensez-vous de cette initiative ?
  • Est-ce que cela répond à un enjeu important pour l’Alberta ? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas ?

PASSEPORT VACCINAL COVID-19 (20 minutes) Personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de la RGM, leaders d’opinion aîné(e)s du Canada atlantique, parents d’enfants en garderie du Nord de l’Ontario, aîné(e)s ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 du Manitoba, personnes qui ressentent la fatigue de la COVID et qui adoptent des comportements plus risqués de Saskatoon et de Régina, personnes hésitantes à la vaccination des Cantons de l’Est du Québec, leaders d’opinion de l’Est de l’Ontario

J’aimerais maintenant connaître votre opinion sur les passeports vaccinaux.

  • Avez-vous lu, entendu ou vu quoi que ce soit récemment au sujet des passeports vaccinaux ?
    Que sont-ils ?

Un passeport vaccinal est essentiellement un système de preuves de vaccination qui pourrait être mis en place comme condition d’entrée dans un autre pays.

  • Est-ce que le Canada devrait coordonner ses efforts avec ceux d’autres pays en ce qui concerne les passeports vaccinaux pour les voyages internationaux ?
    • SI NON : Et si d’autres pays exigeaient un passeport vaccinal à l’entrée dans leur pays — le Canada devrait-il avoir une exigence similaire pour les personnes qui veulent entrer au Canada ?
  • Est-ce que le Canada devrait avoir des passeports vaccinaux pour les voyages aériens intérieurs ?
  • Que pensez-vous d’exiger une preuve de vaccination pour pouvoir assister à des choses telles que des concerts ou des événements sportifs ?
  • Avez-vous quelques préoccupations que ce soit concernant la protection de votre vie privée relativement aux passeports vaccinaux ou aux certificats de vaccination ?
    • DEMANDER AU BESOIN : Un système de preuve de vaccination nécessiterait une sorte de partage des dossiers de vaccination entre les différents niveaux de gouvernement. Avez-vous quelques préoccupations que ce soit à ce sujet ?

BUDGET FÉDÉRAL/SERVICE DE GARDE (15 minutes) Parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland

  • Est-ce que quelqu’un a vu, lu, ou entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet du budget fédéral ?
    • Qu’avez-vous entendu ?
  • Vous souvenez-vous avoir vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit contenu dans le budget fédéral qui vise à aider les jeunes familles avec des enfants en garderie ?

AFFICHER À L’ÉCRAN/ÉCLAIRCISSEMENT : Parmi les nombreuses initiatives, le budget fédéral contenait certaines des dispositions suivantes visant à aider les parents d’enfants en garderie :

    • Collaborer avec ses partenaires provinciaux, territoriaux et autochtones en vue d’établir un système pancanadien d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants. Pour soutenir cette vision, Budget 2021 prévoit de nouveaux investissements totalisant jusqu’à 30 milliards de dollars au cours des cinq prochaines années, et 8,3 milliards de dollars sur une base permanente, pour la garde des jeunes enfants.
      • Ceci permettrait une réduction de 50 % des frais moyens des services d’apprentissage et de garde des jeunes enfants réglementés dans toutes les provinces à l’extérieur du Québec, à livrer avant ou pour la fin de 2022.
      • Une moyenne de 10 $ par jour d’ici 2025 à 2026 pour toutes les places autorisées en garderie au Canada.
      • La croissance annuelle permanente des places en garderie abordable de qualité partout au pays.
      • Améliorer et élargir les services de garde avant et après l’école afin d’offrir une plus grande souplesse aux parents qui travaillent.
    • La collaboration avec les provinces et les territoires pour soutenir principalement les fournisseurs de services de garde d’enfants du secteur sans but lucratif en vue d’accroître le nombre de places de qualité partout au pays.
    • Développer une main-d’œuvre de plus en plus qualifiée pour faire en sorte que les éducateurs de la petite enfance soient au cœur du système avec un salaire médian de 19,20 $ par heure.
    • Établir une base de référence solide de données communes accessibles au public par rapport auxquelles il sera possible de mesurer les progrès, de rendre des comptes aux Canadiens et de contribuer à l’amélioration continue du système.
  • Que pensez-vous de ces initiatives ?
    • Est-ce qu’elles pourraient avoir un impact sur vous ?
    • Quels seraient les effets sur vous d’avoir à payer seulement 10 $ par jour pour la
      garde d’enfants ?
      • Pensez-vous que cet objectif est réalisable ?
    • Pensez-vous que le gouvernement du Canada sera en mesure d’y parvenir d’ici 2025-2026 ?
  • Pensez-vous qu’il est important que le gouvernement du Canada investisse dans la garde des jeunes enfants ou non ? Qu’est-ce qui vous fait dire cela ?
  • POUR LES PERSONNES QUI PENSENT QUE CELA EST IMPORTANT : Certaines personnes, comme celles qui n’ont pas d’enfants, pourraient être d’avis que le gouvernement du Canada ne devrait pas investir davantage dans les services de garde des jeunes enfants, alors qu’il accuse actuellement un important déficit. Que leur répondriez-vous ?

LOGEMENT (30 minutes) Parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland, Sud de l’Ontario, personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de le région de Québec

Parents d’enfants en garderie du Lower Mainland J’aimerais vous parler de logement en C.-B.…
Sud de l’Ontario J’aimerais vous parler de logement dans le sud de l’Ontario…
Personnes ayant reçu une première dose de vaccin contre la COVID-19 de le région de Québec J’aimerais discuter avec vous de la question du logement à Québec…

  • Est-ce que les prix des logements ont augmenté au cours de la dernière année ?
    • SI OUI : Pourquoi pensez-vous qu’ils ont augmenté ?
  • Cela vous affecte-t-il personnellement ?
    • De façon positive ? De façon négative ? De quelle manière plus précisément ?
  • Selon vous, quel palier de gouvernement est le plus en mesure de contrôler les prix des logements ? Ou bien pensez-vous qu’aucun palier de gouvernement ne peut contrôler cela (par exemple, tout est en fonction du marché) ?
  • Est-ce que le gouvernement du Canada a fait quoi que ce soit pour venir en aide aux personnes qui souhaitent accéder à la propriété ?

J’aimerais maintenant vous parler de certaines mesures contenues dans le budget fédéral de 2021 en matière de logement abordable…

Le budget propose d’avancer et de réaffecter des fonds précédemment annoncés afin de :

    • Accélérer la création de nouvelles unités et de réparer des unités existantes
    • Appuyer les coûts de construction, de réparation et d’exploitation d’environ 560 logements de transition et places en refuge pour les femmes et les enfants qui fuient la violence
    • Appuyer la conversion des locaux commerciaux vacants (p. ex. locaux de commerce de détail et espace à bureaux) en logements locatifs
  • Que pensez-vous de cette initiative ?
    • Pensez-vous que cela contribuera à répondre aux besoins en logements abordables ?
  • Avez-vous entendu parler des projets du gouvernement du Canada qui visent à taxer l’utilisation improductive des logements canadiens par des propriétaires étrangers non résidents ? (Parfois qualifiée dans les médias de « taxe sur les acheteurs étrangers ».)

Le budget propose également une taxe nationale annuelle de 1 % qui s’appliquerait sur la valeur des biens immobiliers résidentiels considérés comme vacants ou sous-utilisés appartenant à des propriétaires étrangers non résidents. Le gouvernement fédéral estime que cette taxe pourrait augmenter les recettes fédérales de 700 millions de dollars sur quatre ans, à compter de 2022-23. En vertu de cette taxe, tous les propriétaires, autres que les citoyens canadiens ou les résidents permanents du Canada, devront produire une déclaration concernant l’utilisation actuelle du bien. Des sanctions importantes seront imposées à ceux qui ne le feront pas.

  • Que pensez-vous de cette initiative ?
  • Pensez-vous que cette initiative aura un impact sur le marché du logement ?
  • Avez-vous vu, lu ou entendu quoi que ce soit au sujet du nouveau test de résistance hypothécaire ?
    • Le cas échéant, qu’avez-vous entendu dire ?

Récemment, le Bureau du surintendant des institutions financières du gouvernement du Canada a annoncé un resserrement des règles relatives au test de résistance des prêts hypothécaires pour les acheteurs de maison ayant des prêts hypothécaires assurés et non assurés (prêts hypothécaires résidentiels avec une mise de fonds de 20 % ou plus) à compter du 1er juin 2021. Le taux admissible minimal applicable aux prêts hypothécaires non assurés augmentera au taux contractuel majoré de deux points de pourcentage, ou à 5,25 %, selon le plus élevé des deux taux.

Dans l’état actuel des choses, tout acheteur dont la mise de fonds sur une habitation est inférieure à 20 % du prix d’achat doit montrer qu’il serait en mesure d’effectuer ses paiements hypothécaires si le taux d’intérêt était de deux points de pourcentage plus élevé que ce que la banque lui propose, ou s’il était équivalent au taux de référence de cinq ans publié par la Banque du Canada, actuellement de 4,79 %, selon le plus élevé des deux taux.

  • Que pensez-vous de ces nouvelles règles hypothécaires ?

La Banque du Canada a souligné que de nombreux ménages avaient contracté des prêts hypothécaires importants par rapport à leur revenu, ce qui limite encore plus leur flexibilité pour affronter un choc financier comme la perte d’un emploi. La dette totale des ménages a augmenté de 4 % depuis le début de la pandémie, et s’est fortement accentuée alors que le marché immobilier se faisait de plus en plus actif partout au Canada.

  • Est-ce que le fait d’entendre cela affecte votre opinion sur ces nouvelles règles hypothécaires ?
  • Ces changements vous affecteront-ils ? De quelle façon ?

CONCLUSION (5 minutes)

Appendix C – Advertising Concepts

COVID-19 Vaccines Explained (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta)

The above video ad begins with a blue-grey backdrop with the square images of nine different people (representing a variety of genders, ages and ethnicities) all of whom are smiling towards the camera. On the right-hand side of the screen, there is also a white outline of a maple leaf. As the video plays, all the images fold onto one another and eventually disappear while white, bold text reads ‘COVID-19 vaccines were authorized quickly. How do we know they are safe?’ The next screen has the same maple leaf displayed in the right hand corner and white text reads ‘Vaccine Safety. COVID-19 Vaccines Explained’ where the words ‘vaccine safety’ are in bold.. The video then switches to Dr. Supriya Sharma, Chief Medical Advisor for Health Canada. Dr. Sharma proceeds to say ‘COVID-19 vaccines went through exactly the same type of review that any vaccine would. In Health Canada, we have dedicated special teams that are only reviewing these vaccines and they look at the same amount of data as they would for any vaccine that would be authorized in Canada, they just do that faster. So the teams are only working on one COVID-19 vaccine at a time, they are working 24/7 and they are making sure that all of the data shows us that these vaccines are safe and effective and that ultimately the benefits outweigh the potential risks.’ The scene then switches back to the blue-grey backdrop where bold white text at the top of the screen reads ‘Got questions?’ Below, there are three white text bubbles with blue-grey font reading ‘Are the vaccines effective? Are side effects common? What is an mRNA vaccine?’ The next screen reads, in white bold text ‘Good. We’ve got answers.’ with ‘ in white font. The ad ends with a black screen and as the Government of Canada wordmark is displayed, the Government of Canada jingle plays.

Ripple Video (GTA Vaccine Hesitant and Racialized Canadians, Northern Alberta, GMA Experiencing COVID Fatigue and Riskier Behaviours)

The above video ad begins with a woman getting vaccinated, the camera then shifts right and shows a man getting vaccinated as well. The camera pans right again and shows the man standing up and walking away. In front of him, a man in an apron with an open sign above him is setting a tablecloth on a table, in front of him, a woman in a wheelchair is holding cotton candy next to a man holding a stuffed bear. In front of them, three woman dance under a disco ball. To their left, two Indigenous woman are singing together into microphones. The camera shifts right again and shows a man pulling a suitcase and holding a ticket under a sign that shows an airplane landing. In front of him, a woman is wearing a graduation cap and gown and holding a scroll while she steps onto a stage with flashing lights. In front of her, there is a man and woman holding a hand drum and sitting down on a bench. In front of them, children in hockey gear skate towards each other, cheering after scoring a goal. The camera shifts left again and shows a man setting his child down, who runs to an older lady and hugs her. Next, a white screen appears with bold text reading ‘We can all help’ with each word in a different colour (brown, blue, orange and yellow, respectively) and smaller blue text reading ‘get there by getting vaccinated.’ At the bottom of the screen, small blue text reads ‘Continue to follow public health measures as vaccines roll out, regardless of your vaccination status.’ As the ad plays, the following script is read overtop ‘It all starts with one small action, but even the smallest action can create a ripple. If enough of us do our part by getting vaccinated, that ripple can become a wave. We can all help get there by getting vaccinated. A message from the Government of Canada.’ The ad ends with a white screen and as the Government of Canada wordmark is displayed, the Government of Canada jingle plays.

One Dose Summer, Two Dose Fall (Quebec Eastern Townships Vaccine Hesitant, Eastern Ontario Opinion Leaders)

The above image has a navy blue header, with white text reading ‘Vaccinated Against COVID-19? Here’s what happens next’ with an outline of a maple leaf in the right corner. Below, there is a tan header with navy blue text reading ‘More people getting vaccinated means fewer people getting sick. When you get your shot, you make it safer in your community so that certain measures can be lifted and we can gather safely.’ Below, there is a white backdrop split into three sections by light grey lines. The leftmost section has a red circle with a needle in the middle with the word ‘SPRING’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are high and vaccine coverage is low’ in bold font. In regular font, the text reads ‘Continue following local public health advice and maintain individual protective measures whether or not you have been vaccinated to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe. More people need to be vaccine before restrictions can be lifted. Reach out to help friends, family or neighbours who might need help booking or getting to a vaccination appointment.’ Below, a red box outlines the text ‘stay home. stay safe. get vaccinated’ in navy blue font. The middle section has a yellow circle with a needle and the word ‘SUMMER’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are low and vaccine coverage is high for one dose and increasing for second’ in bold font. In regular font, text reads ‘IF 75% of those eligible for vaccines have one dose and 20% have a second dose. THEN restrictions start to lift based on conditions in your area, but you still need to follow local public health advice and keep up with individual measures like physical distancing and wearing a mask. You can look forward to small, outdoor gatherings with family and friends. You should still avoid crowds.’ With words ‘IF’ and ‘THEN’ bolded and underlined. Below, a yellow box outlines the text ‘camping. hiking. picnics. patios’ in navy blue font. The rightmost section has a green circle with two needles and the word ‘FALL’ inside a navy blue rectangle on the right. Below, black text reads ‘Cases are low and two dose vaccine coverage is high’ in bold font. In regular font, text reads ‘IF 75% of those eligible for vaccines have received a full COVID-19 vaccination series. THEN local public health will be able to lift more measures and you should be able to do more activities indoors with people outside your household. However, COVID-19 will not be eliminated so you will still need to follow some public health measures.’ With words ‘IF’ and ‘THEN’ bolded and underlined. Below, a green box outlines the text ‘colleges. indoor sports. family gatherings’ in navy blue font. Below, a tan banner with black font reads ‘For more information visit:’ where the website is in bold font. The very bottom of the image has a navy blue banner with the Public Health Agency of Canada department wordmark in the left-hand corner and the Government of Canada wordmark in the right-hand corner.