Assessment of Seasonal Influenza Immunization Coverage in the Canadian Population, 2016-17 - Text Descriptions - Text Descriptions

Image 1. Reasons for Not Taking the Flu Vaccine in 2016-17 (Q3)
I do not need it / I am not a person at high risk / It is not recommended for me 47%
I do not believe in its effectiveness 19%
I did not get the time to do it 15%
I fear side effects 6%
I believe vaccines are unsafe (risks associated to vaccine) 5%
I do not like needles / I am scared of needles 2%
I did not have enough information 2%
I am allergic 1%
I had difficulty making an appointment 1%
I had difficulty getting to clinic / doctor's office 1%
I did not want to pay for a vaccine / too expensive 1%
I did not know it existed 1%
I was sick / I was in the hospital 1%
Other reason 2%
Refusal 5%

Image 2. Form of Flu Vaccine Received (Q4)
Flu shot 99%
Nasal spray (Flumist) 1%
Don't remember 0%

Image 3. First Time Receiving the Flu Vaccine (Q12)
Yes 36%
No 58%
Don't know / Don't remember 6%

Image 4. Number of doses received by children between 6 months and 9 years of age, receiving the vaccine for the first time (Q13)
One dose 58%
Two doses 28%
Don't know / Don't remember 14%

Image 5. Reasons for Children Not Receiving a Second Dose (Q14)
We did not have enough information 18%
We did not know there was a second dose 16%
He/she does not need it / It is not recommended for him/her 7%
We did not get the time to do it 3%
Other reason 18%
Refusal 39%

Image 6. Reasons for Children Not Receiving the Vaccine This Year (Q15)
He/she does not need it / is not at high risk / It is not recommended for him/her 36%
I do not believe in its effectiveness 24%
I did not get the time to do it 8%
I or he/she fear(s) side effects 5%
I believe vaccines are unsafe (risks associated to vaccine) 4%
I did not think of it 4%
He/she does not like needles / is scared of needles 3%
He/she is allergic 1%
I had difficulty making an appointment 1%
I had difficulty getting to clinic / doctor's office 1%
Other reason 4%
Refusal 10%

Image 7. Other Care Providers Seen in the Last 12 Months (Q19OP)
Massage therapist 7%
Physiotherapist 6%
Osteopath 2%
Surgeon 1%
Optometrists / optician 1%
Other 2%
Did not see another care provider 83%

Image 8. Flu Vaccine Promoters (Q23A)
Yes 40%
No 59%
Don't know / Don't remember 0%

Image 9. Flu Vaccine Detractors (Q24A)
Yes 14%
No 85%
Don't know / Don't remember 1%

Image 10. Flu Vaccine Detractors (Q24)
Friends 50%
Family 30%
Coworker / employer 13%
Family doctor 3%
Nurse practitioner 3%
Chiropractor 2%
Advertisement (e.g. media, billboards) 2%
Medical specialist (e.g. gynecologist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, optometrist, allergist, orthopedist, psychiatrist) 1%
At school 1%
Other 7%
None of the above 2%
Refusal 0%