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Baseline and Post-Emergency Preparedness Public Awareness Campaign-ACET


Executive Summary

Prepared for Public Safety Canada

Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs

Contract Number: CW2247851

Contract value: $78,919.20

Award Date: 22 December 2022

Delivery Date: 30 April 2023

Registration number: POR 078-22

For more information on this report, please contact Public Safety Canada at:






Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français



I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ipsos that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Mike Colledge


Ipsos Public Affairs




Baseline and Post-Emergency Preparedness Public Awareness Campaign-ACET

Executive Summary


Prepared for Public Safety Canada

Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs

April 2023


This public opinion research report presents the methodology of the Baseline and Post-Emergency Preparedness Public Awareness Campaign-ACET online survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of Public Safety Canada. The baseline survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,006 Canadians between the ages of 25 to 55 years old from January 31st to February 8th, 2023. The post-wave survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,008 Canadians between the ages of 25 to 55 years old from March 15th and March 24th, 2023.


This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Public Safety Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Public Safety Canada at or at:



Public Safety Canada

269 Laurier Avenue West

ON K1A 0P8



Catalogue Number:




International Standard Book Number (ISBN):




Related publications (registration number: POR 078-22)

Catalogue Number PS9-29/2-2023F-PDF  (Final Report, French)

ISBN  978-0-660-47718-3





© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2023

Executive Summary

1.    Background

Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity in Canada. Some of the most expensive years for disaster losses ever in Canada occurred over the last decade. Disaster losses are likely to continue to increase in the foreseeable future in part due to climate change, the impacts of which are already being felt across Canada, increasing the frequency and intensity of hazards.

A key element in building a stronger more resilient Canada is empowering citizens to educate themselves and to take action to mitigate risks to their property and personal safety. A national advertising campaign will seek to educate and inform a broad swath of Canadians about the risks they could potentially face in their region. This advertising initiative aims to increase the preparedness and readiness of Canadians when it comes to disasters and emergencies, helping to not only reduce the financial costs of disaster response and recovery but ultimately to increase the resiliency of all individuals and communities in Canada.

The national campaign will feature the continuation of the successful Emergency Preparedness Awareness campaign launched in March 2021 and allow for a refresh of the brand and its existing assets. This advertising campaign will target Canadians between 25 and 55 years old, newcomers to Canada, and those with a lower socio-economic status which are less likely to know the specific risks in their area.

Public Safety Canada’s (PSC) marketing team would like to conduct Public Opinion Research (POR) to evaluate both the baseline and post-campaign via the advertising campaign evaluation tool (ACET) to determine the recall effectiveness of advertising messages

The value of this contract, including HST, is $78,919.20.

2.    Research Objectives

The research objectives for the pre-campaign evaluation (ACET) are to assess and later to track campaign performance using the advertising campaign evaluation tool, in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada. Results from ACET testing allow for comparison with past and future campaigns providing valuable trend information for the department, allowing Public Safety Canada to evaluate the performance and improve future phases of the campaign.

The objectives of the ACET (Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool) research are as follows:

·        Determine if people have seen the advertisements associated with the campaign

·        Determine where the ads have been seen

·        Measure recall of specific elements of the campaign

·        Identify attitudinal and behavioral changes as a result of the advertising campaign

A baseline survey was conducted prior to ads being run in the media and a post-campaign survey, using the same online panel, was conducted after the ads have been run in the media. Both surveys ask similar questions to allow comparisons.

Post-campaign evaluation research is conducted to assess and track campaign performance via the advertising campaign evaluation tool (ACET), in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.

The Government of Canada’s Policy on Communications and Federal Identity requires the evaluation of all advertising campaigns exceeding $1 million in media through the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET).

Target Audience

The target audience for both surveys was as follows:

·        General Canadian population 25-55 years of age

·        Newcomers to Canada

·        Those with a lower socio-economic status

·        Indigenous communities

Secondary Target Audience:

· Canadian home and property owners

3.    Methodology

3.1 Online Sample


This project involved two (2) waves of surveying – a baseline survey and a post-campaign survey. Both surveys were executed online using a non-probability online panel. This is the standard approach for all Government of Canada advertising evaluation surveys. The initial baseline survey was conducted before the campaign launched and the recall survey was conducted following the completion of the campaign.


Respondents for the survey samples were drawn from a trusted partner panel vendor, Canadian Viewpoint Inc. The baseline survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,006 Canadians ages 25-55 and the post-wave survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,008 Canadians ages 25-55. Interviews were conducted in the language of their choice, either English or French.

For the baseline survey, a pre-test was conducted on January 31st, 2023, with 40 completes (19 English / 21 French) to confirm the survey length before fully deploying the questionnaire. An open-ended question was asked at the end of the survey where any problems, questions, or unclear statements could be brought to our attention. No issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between February 1st and February 8th, 2023.

For the post-wave survey, a pre-test was conducted on March 15th, 2023, with 31 completes (16 English / 15 French).  An open-ended question was asked at the end of the survey where any problems, questions, or unclear statements could be brought to our attention. Again, no issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between March 16th and March 24th, 2023.

For both surveys, quotas were set to ensure representation by region, age, and gender, according to the latest Census information.  In the end, within natural fallout, we obtained our targets without having to oversample.  The unweighted counts are shown below.


Baseline Survey

Post-wave Survey

Those with lower socio-economic status (Under $40K)



Indigenous communities



Newcomers to Canada (<10 years in Canada)







The sampling methodology utilized email invitations and router technology to invite participants.  Each participant received a unique URL link. This link could only be used once, with respondents being allowed to pause during completion and return to complete. On average, the online interviews took 7 minutes for the baseline and 10 minutes for the post-wave survey to complete.