Client Service Feedback Survey – #007

February 2024

Analysis Report

Contract Information

  • Supplier name: Advanis Inc.
  • Contract number: EP082-24-0362
  • Contract value: $ 44,640.65 (before taxes)
  • Award date: May 5, 2023
  • Delivery date: February 16, 2024
Prepared For:
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
Pension Excellence Sector

For more information on this report, please contact Public Services and Procurement Canada at:

Registration number:
POR 012-23

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

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Prepared for Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Prepared for Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
February 2024

This report presents the results and methodological details for the Client Service Feedback Survey #007 conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). The survey was administered among 1,808 pension members, between November 6, and ended on December 5, 2023.

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Sondage sur la rétroaction du service à la clientèle – #007.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). For more information on this report, please contact PSPC at:

1451 Coldrey Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7P8

1.0 Summary

1.1 Background and objectives

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) provides day-to-day pension services through two service channels, the Government of Canada Pension Centre and the Pension Program secure employee portal, for pension plan members belonging to the Public Service, Canadian Forces, and Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

PSPC, in creating a culture of client service excellence, wishes to evolve service delivery based on feedback from its members. To that end, PSPC was seeking to measure member satisfaction with regards to the Pension Program’s service delivery channels.

The primary objectives of the research were to:

The probability-based study was conducted in English and French online and over the phone. Overall, 1,808 people completed the survey between November 6, 2023, and ended on December 5, 2023. The data was weighted according to the pension group of the respondents (PSSA, CFSA, or RCMP) from the population of pension plan members that were in contact with the Government of Canada Pension Centre or accessed the Online Portal between October 1, 2023, and October 31, 2023. Pension Centre respondents and Online Portal respondents were weighted separately.

A first wave of this study was conducted between March 30, 2022, and May 2, 2022, a second wave between August 3, 2022, and September 14, 2022, a third wave between November 15, 2022, and December 13, 2022, a fourth wave between February 8, 2023, and March 7, 2023, a fifth wave between July 6, 2023, and August 14, 2023, and a sixth wave between September 6, and ended on October 12, 2023. For these waves, a report was provided to PSPC. This report presents the results for the seventh wave of the study.

The results will be used by PSPC to identify opportunities for improvements in the way they deliver services.

The total cost of this research was $ 44,640.65.

1.2 Key findings

Pension Centre respondents

The main reason respondents called the Pension Centre was to request general information (41.8%). Generally, they found that the information provided was easy to understand (84.8% gave a score of at least 8 on a scale of 10).

Respondents who contacted the Pension Centre were for the most part satisfied with the service they received (89.0%). The aspects they were the most satisfied with were related to the staff. Indeed, they found the staff courteous (96.4%), helpful (93.0%) and knowledgeable (91.3%). They were less inclined to find that the automated phone system was easy to navigate, but the majority was still satisfied (78.8%).

When asked about the aspect they liked the most about their call to the Pension Centre, the most common answers were related to the agents’ helpfulness (58.9%) and their soft skills (41.6%).

Having better access to agents (22.5%), improving the phone system (17.0%), having an online access (16.6%) and the knowledge of the agents and the information provided (15.7%) were the aspects they thought could be improved the most.

Among different online/virtual contact options, Pension Centre respondents would be most likely to access their pension information from a home, personal computer (78.9%).

Online Portal respondents

The main reason for using the Online Pension Portal was to get a pension estimate (75.5%). The majority of those who used the Online Portal were satisfied with the service they received (71.3%). A proportion of 83.6% were satisfied with the ease of login and the majority said the information provided by the Online Portal was easy to understand (61.0% gave a score of at least 8 on a scale of 10). Satisfaction tended to be lower among younger respondents.

The ability to estimate their pension was the aspect respondents liked the most (44.7%) and a proportion of 32.9% liked the fact that it was user-friendly the most.

Furthermore, having access to a pension statement or other related issues was the element respondents would wish to see improved the most (22.4%), followed by the information (quality or quantity) (19.8%), and being able to get assistance (15.1%).

Online Portal respondents would be most likely to access their pension information from a home, personal computer (84.5%), among online/virtual contact options.

1.3 Extrapolating the results to a broader audience

Since the target population only includes respondents who had recently called the Pension Centre or visited the Online Portal during a specific period, results cannot be extrapolated to another period or for the broader population.

1.4 Political Neutrality Certification

Political neutrality certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada’s political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Nicolas Toutant
Vice-President, Research and Evaluation

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Sample planning and data collection

The target population for the survey was both retired and active pension members, more specifically:

This survey was sent to members of the target population who had recently called the Government of Canada Pension Centre or visited the Pension Program secure employee portal. To reach this population, Advanis used a multimodal approach. Potential Online Portal respondents were invited by email to participate in the survey. Potential Pension Centre respondents were also invited to participate in the web survey, and some were called using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) methodology.

Two different samples were sent by PSPC. The first contained a list of active and retired members who recently called the Government of Canada Pension Centre and accepted to be contacted. It included information to reach them by phone and by email. The second contained a list of active members who recently visited the Online Portal and had a Government of Canada email address, and included information to reach them by email only. For privacy reasons, members with only a personal email address listed were removed from the Online Portal list. Only those with an institutional email address at the Government of Canada were kept.

Data collection started on November 6, 2023, and ended on December 5, 2023. A pretest took place on the phone on November 6, 2023. The Government of Canada’s standards for pre-testing were adhered to, with pretests being conducted in both English and French. In total, 31 surveys were completed during the pretest. The pretest data was retained for the analysis.

Email invitations were sent for Online Portal potential respondents and Pension Centre potential respondents who had not answered the survey on the phone and had not stated their refusal. In total, 4,437 members were invited via email to participate in the study. From November 21 to December 5, 2023, 1,500 Online Portal potential respondents were invited, and 2,937 potential Pension Centre respondents. Up to two email reminders were sent to those who had not yet completed the survey and had not stated their refusal to participate.

Table 1: Number of initial invitations sent
Message ID Purpose Total Sent
1 Invitation (EN) (Online Portal) 1,140
2 Invitation (FR) (Online Portal) 360
3 Invitation (EN) (Pension Centre) 2,294
4 Invitation (FR) (Pension Centre) 643
Total 4,437

Data collection on the phone was performed from November 6, 2023, to November 17, 2023. A total of 3,644 members were called. Of those, 215 had a number that was no longer in service, a wrong number, or could not be reached for reasons related to their phone number. It is to be noted that 514 agreed to participate in the survey; however, 13 were not eligible.

In total, 1,808 respondents participated in the Client Service Feedback Survey – #007. Of those 1,808, a total of 1,343 were coming from the Pension Centre potential respondents’ sample file and 465 were coming from the Online Portal potential respondents’ sample file. All respondents invited from the Online Portal sample file answered the web survey. A total of 501 members invited as Pension Centre respondents answered the survey on the phone and 842 answered on the web.

However, in the questionnaire, respondents were first asked if they had called the Government of Canada Pension Centre or used the Online Portal most recently. This allowed them to confirm if they should answer the survey as members who called the Pension Centre or visited the Online Portal. Hence, a few respondents answered the Online Portal survey even if they were invited as Pension Centre respondents, and vice versa, as they likely had accessed both services recently. We then ended up with 1,335 Pension Centre respondents and 473 Online Portal respondents.

2.2 Questionnaire

The Client Service Feedback Survey – #007 was designed by PSPC. The questionnaire was programmed by Advanis in both English and French. An electronic version of the survey was provided to PSPC for review at several steps. A final version in both official languages for both CATI and web was created and sent to PSPC for approval.

The questionnaire was the same used during the sixth wave, except wording changes at questions D1 and Q6 to provide more clarity to respondents. The average survey length was 4 minutes and 45 seconds for completing the web survey and 9 minutes for completing the survey over the phone.

2.3 Calls Monitoring

The data collection period started after the questionnaire had been validated and tested.

The interviewers’ work schedule extended from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Occasionally, interviewers began calling earlier if requested by a respondent (appointments monitoring).

The call-back plan distributed calls during the day and over the weekend at different hours.

2.4 Weighting

The data was weighted according to the pension group of the respondents (PSSA members, CFSA members or RCMP members). Pension Centre and Online Portal respondents were weighted separately. The weights were calculated using the population files sent by PSPC. The list contained all members who had called the Pension Centre or who have visited the Online Portal and consented to participate between October 1, 2023, and October 31, 2023.

3.0 Note to readers

The respondents answered the survey in light of their experience with either the Pension Centre or the Online Portal. Hence, the survey results section of this report is divided in two subsections. The section referring to Pension Centre respondents presents the survey results for those who had recently called the Pension Centre. The section referring to Online Portal respondents presents results for those who had recently visited the Pension Program secure employee portal.

All survey results are presented excluding “Don’t know” answers from the base of valid responses.

Readers should also keep in mind that the total for percentages presented in tables and charts may not sum to exactly 100.0% due to rounding.

4.0 Results

4.1 Respondents’ profile (unweighted data)

A proportion of 73.8% of respondents had recently called the Pension Centre. The others had recently visited the Online Portal (26.2%).

Table 2: Respondent type
Type Counts %
Pension Centre 1,086 69.2%
Online Portal 484 30.8%
Total 1808 100.0%
Unweighted data – Q1: Most recently, did you call the Government of Canada Pension Centre or use the Employee Online Pension Portal?

The majority of Pension Centre respondents were PSSA members (86.6%). A proportion of 9.4% were CFSA members and the remaining were part of the RCMP pension group (4.0%). For Online Portal respondents, most were PSSA members (90.9%), while 5.5% were CFSA members and 3.6% were RCMP members.

Table 3: Pension group
Pension group Pension Centre (%) Online Portal (%)
n = 1,335 473
PSSA 86.6% 90.9%
CFSA 9.4% 5.5%
RCMP 4.0% 3.6%
Total 100% 100%
Unweighted data – Sample field

Pension Centre respondents were still employed in a proportion of 71.8%, while 28.2% were retired or had another status (including survivors and non-retired, but not currently working for the Government of Canada). The vast majority of Online Portal respondents was currently employed (95.6%).

Table 4: Status
Status Pension Centre (%) Online Portal (%)
n = 1,335 473
Active (currently employed) 71.8% 95.6%
Non-Active (retired) and others 28.2% 4.4%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Unweighted data -D1: As of today, what is your status at the Government of Canada Pension Centre?

Over half (52.0%) of Pension Centre respondents willing to give their age were between 40 and 59 years old, while 19.6% were less than 40 and 28.4% were 60 years old or older. Among Online Portal respondents, 67.9% were between 40 and 59 years old, 14.5% were less than 40 and 17.5% were 60 or older.

Table 5: Age
Age Pension Centre (%) Online Portal (%)
n = 1,314 468
Less than 40 19.6% 14.5%
40 to 59 52.0% 67.9%
60 or older 28.4% 17.5%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Unweighted data -D2: What age group do you fall under?

A proportion of 64.6% of Pension Centre respondents were not members of a visible minority, living with a disability, LGBTQ2+ or Indigenous. This was also the case for 63.2% of Online Portal respondents.

Table 6: Population groups
Population groups* Pension Centre (%) Online Portal (%)
n = 1,335 473
None 64.6% 63.2%
Members of a visible minority 14.0% 12.9%
Persons with disabilities 8.5% 7.4%
Indigenous peoples 3.9% 3.6%
LGBTQ2+ 2.7% 4.4%
Prefer not to answer 9.0% 11.0%
Unweighted data -D3: Do you belong to any of the following groups?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

Among Pension Centre respondents willing to give their gender, 56.3% were female and 43.5% were male. A proportion of 56.9% of Online Portal respondents identified as female and 42.9% as male.

Table 7: Gender
Gender Pension Centre (%) Online Portal (%)
n = 1,289 455
Male 43.5% 42.9%
Female 56.3% 56.9%
Non-Binary 0.2% 0.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Unweighted data -D4: Please identify your gender.

4.2 Pension Centre results

4.2.1 Reasons for contacting the Pension Centre (weighted data)

The main reasons for calling the Pension Centre were to request general pension information, a form or documentation (41.8%), request a buyback estimate (27.5%) and regarding their pension payments or to request an estimate of their pension (24.9%).

Table 8: Reasons for calling the Pension Centre
What was the purpose of your call to the Pension Centre?* Pension Centre (%)
n = 1,335
Request general pension information, a form or documentation 41.8%
Request a buyback estimate and/or apply to buy back service 27.5%
Pension payments / Request an estimate of my pension 24.9%
Life Events (Enrollments, marriage status, Supplementary Death Benefit) 12.9%
Update my profile (name, address, banking information, etc.) 12.3%
Obtain an update of the status of a transfer payment (transfer value, pension transfer agreement) 9.5%
Medical insurance/coverage/payment/benefits 2.2%
Other 5.7%
Q2a: What was the purpose of your call to the Pension Centre?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

4.2.2 Satisfaction with the Pension Centre (weighted data)

Overall, most Pension Centre respondents were satisfied with the service they received (89.0%). More specifically, 62.1% were very satisfied and 26.9% were satisfied.

Table 9: Satisfaction with the service received
How would you rate your experience with the service you received? Pension Centre (%)
n = 1,335
NET Satisfied 89.0%
NET Dissatisfied 6.2%
Very Satisfied 62.1%
Somewhat Satisfied 26.9%
Neutral 4.9%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 4.5%
Very Dissatisfied 1.7%
Total 100.0%
Q5: How would you rate your experience with the service you received?

The courteousness of the staff was the item respondents were the most satisfied with (96.4%), followed by the helpfulness of the staff (93.0%) and their knowledge level (91.3%). The ease of navigating the automated phone system was the item they were the least satisfied with (78.8%).

The satisfaction levels were higher among respondent 60 or older for the timeliness of the service received (90.3%). Respondents under 40 years old were the least satisfied with this aspect (80.6%).

Table 10: Satisfaction with different aspects of the Pension Centre
How would you rate your satisfaction related to the following? Satisfied (%) Neutral (%) Dissatisfied (%) Total (%)
The courteousness of staff (n = 1,331) 96.4% 2.1% 1.5% 100.0%
The helpfulness of staff (n = 1,330) 93.0% 3.0% 4.0% 100.0%
The knowledge level of staff (n = 1,328) 91.3% 3.8% 4.9% 100.0%
The clarity of the information provided to you (n = 1,332) 89.1% 4.9% 6.0% 100.0%
The timeliness of the service you received (n = 1,332) 87.4% 5.6% 7.0% 100.0%
The ease of navigating the automated phone system (n = 1,313) 78.8% 12.1% 9.1% 100.0%
Q3a: Thinking back on your recent experience when calling the Government of Canada Pension Centre, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following?

4.2.3 Understanding the information provided by the Pension Centre (weighted data)

Most (84.8%) considered that the information provided was easy to understand by giving a score of at least 8 on a 10-point scale, while 12.5% gave a score ranging from 4 to 7 and 2.6% gave a score of 1 to 3.

Table 11: Understanding the information provided
Was the information you were provided, easy to understand? Pension Centre (%)
n = 1,318
NET (8 to 10) 84.8%
NET (4 to 7) 12.5%
NET (1 to 3) 2.6%
Total 100.0%
Q4: On a scale of one to 10, was the information you were provided, easy to understand?

4.2.4 Strengths and things to improve with the Pension Centre (weighted data)

When respondents were asked what they liked most of their interaction with the Pension Centre, 58.9% reported that agents they have interacted with were helpful, knowledgeable, or were able to provide answers. The agents’ soft skills were mentioned by 41.6% of respondents and 23.5% praised the efficiency of the Pension Centre.

Table 12: Most liked aspect of a respondent’s interaction with the Pension Centre
Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre? * Pension Centre (%)
n = 981
Agents are helpful/knowledgeable/provide answers 58.9%
Agents’ soft skills (ex: friendly, courteous, polite) 41.6%
Efficiency (ex: quick/easy to access/short delays) 23.5%
General comment about customer services 5.8%
Talking to a real person 5.5%
Other 7.3%
Q7a: Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

Improving access to agents which includes wait times on the phone and having different opening hours (22.5%), the phone system (17.0%) and the need for online access (16.6%), are the most mentioned suggestions to improve the interaction with the Pension Centre. Having more knowledgeable staff or improving the information provided was suggested by 15.7% of respondents.

Other responses include, among others, people pointing out mistakes made regarding their file, the complicated nature of certain processes, and the need to give more authority to agents to allow them to make decisions.

Table 13: Aspect that could be improved on most to improve interaction with the Pension Centre
Overall, what is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre a more positive experience? * Pension Centre (%)
n = 576
Improving access to agents (e.g., wait times, opening hours, ease of access) 22.5%
Phone system 17.0%
Online access (e.g., requests online access, online services or ability to communicate online) 16.6%
More knowledgeable staff/agent training/consistency and quality of information/ability to give information 15.7%
Follow-up, updates 8.3%
Delays (e.g., processing, receiving documents, emails) 6.8%
Website/portal improvements 5.4%
Better inter-department/agency communication 3.0%
Paperwork (amount/quality) 1.2%
Agents’ soft skills 0.7%
Other 16.2%
Q8a: Overall, what is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre a more positive experience?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

4.2.5 Contact Options

Among Pension Centre respondents, accessing personal pension information from a personal computer is the contact option they would be the most likely to use (78.9% gave a score of at least 8 on a 10-point likeliness scale). The contact option respondents would be the least likely to use is a webchat or Instant Messaging (43.4%), but this option is more popular with respondents under 40 years old (55.5%). Respondents under 40 years old are also more likely to be interested in a mobile application (60.3%) than others. Respondents that are 60 or older are the least likely compared to others to be interested in virtual meetings (52.9%), a mobile application (43.5%) and a webchat (35.1%).

Table 14: Contact options (Pension Centre respondents)
How likely would it be for you to use the following contact options? * NET (8 to 10) NET (4 to 7) NET (1 to 3) Total (%)
Accessing personal pension information from a home, personal laptop 78.9% 14.5% 6.6% 100.0%
Virtual meeting (Audio/Video call) with Pension Centre 57.7% 26.0% 16.3% 100.0%
Receiving text (SMS) notices/reminders 53.2% 26.1% 20.7% 100.0%
Mobile application 51.3% 26.4% 22.3% 100.0%
Webchat/IM (Instant Messaging) with Pension Centre 43.4% 29.6% 27.0% 100.0%
Q6: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would it be for you to use the following contact options if they were available?
*n = 1,335

4.2.6 Perception of the benefits available

More than three quarters (76.4%) agreed that the benefits available under their pension plan support their wellbeing.

Table 15: Perception of the benefits supporting financial wellbeing
My pension plan supports my financial wellbeing * Total Less than 40 (%) 40 to 59 (%) 60 or older (%)
n = 1,335 258 683 373
NET Agree 76.4% 74.3% 79.5% 72.8%
NET Disagree 6.0% 4.4% 3.8% 11.0%
Strongly agree 41.7% 38.1% 46.0% 37.9%
Somewhat agree 34.7% 36.2% 33.5% 34.9%
Neutral 17.6% 21.4% 16.7% 16.2%
Somewhat disagree 3.8% 1.6% 2.8% 7.1%
Strongly disagree 2.2% 2.7% 1.0% 3.9%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Q10: To what extent do you agree with the following? My pension plan supports my financial wellbeing.
* These results present the level of agreeability for people who recently called the Pension Centre. Results cannot be extrapolated to the overall population with a pension plan.

4.3 Online portal results

4.3.1 Reasons for visiting the Online Portal (weighted data)

Getting a pension estimate was by far the main reason for using the Online Portal (75.5%). The second most common reason was for the buyback estimator or to get their payment status (17.2%) followed by the use of the Online Portal to update their personal information (12.3%).

Table 16: Reasons for using the Online Portal (Online Portal respondents)
What was the reason for your use of the Online Pension Portal? * Online Portal (%)
n = 473
Get a pension estimate 75.5%
Service buyback estimator / payment status 17.2%
Update personal information (address, contact details, etc.) 12.3%
Survivor benefits estimator 7.1%
To answer a question / get information 3.4%
Other 5.5%
Q2b: What was the reason for your use of the Online Pension Portal?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

4.3.2 Satisfaction with the Online Portal (weighted data)

A proportion of 71.3% of Online Portal respondents mentioned they were satisfied with the service they received. Respondents who are 60 or older have a higher satisfaction (86.3%) and respondents under 40 years old are the least satisfied (44.6%).

Table 17: Satisfaction with the service received
How would you rate your experience with the service you received? Online Portal (%)
n = 473
NET Satisfied 71.3%
NET Dissatisfied 14.4%
Very Satisfied 24.5%
Somewhat Satisfied 46.8%
Neutral 14.2%
Somewhat Dissatisfied 11.1%
Very Dissatisfied 3.3%
Total 100.0%
Q5: How would you rate your experience with the service you received?

Most respondents (83.6%) were satisfied with the ease of login on the Online Portal. A proportion of 77.1% were satisfied with the ease of self-service options and 76.4% with the ease of landing page. A proportion of 22.0% of those in the less than 40 age group are not satisfied about the ease of landing page and 28.9% are not satisfied with the ease of self-service options.

Table 18: Satisfaction with different aspects of the Online Portal
How would you rate your satisfaction related to the following? Satisfied (%) Neutral (%) Dissatisfied (%) Total (%)
Ease of login (n = 471) 83.6% 11.4% 5.1% 100.0%
Ease of self-service options (n = 472) 77.1% 13.1% 9.9% 100.0%
Ease of Landing Page navigation (n = 471) 76.4% 15.6% 8.0% 100.0%
Q3b: Thinking back on your recent experience using the Online Pension Portal, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following?

4.3.3 Understanding the information provided by the Online Portal (weighted data)

The information provided by the Online Portal was easy to understand for the majority. A proportion of 61.0% gave a score of at least 8 on a 10-point scale, when evaluating how easy to understand the information was (10 meaning the information was easy to understand and 1 meaning they did not understand at all). A proportion of 42.1% of those under 40 found the information easy to understand.

Table 19: Understanding the information provided
Was the information you were provided, easy to understand? Online Portal (%)
n = 465
NET (8 to 10) 61.0%
NET (4 to 7) 31.4%
NET (1 to 3) 7.6%
Total 100.0%
Q4: On a scale of one to 10, was the information you were provided, easy to understand?

4.3.4 Strengths and things to improve on the Online Portal (weighted data)

The most liked aspect of respondents’ interaction with the Online Portal was having the ability to estimate their pension (44.7%) followed by finding it user-friendly (32.9%). A proportion of 18.6% also mentioned enjoying the ability to access information.

Table 20: Most liked thing about respondent’s interaction with the Online Portal
Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your use of the Online Pension Portal? * Online Portal (%)
n = 256
Ability to estimate pension/calculator 44.7%
User-friendly (ex: fast and easy to use/navigate) 32.9%
Ability to access information 18.6%
Short delays (ex: no waiting time) 6.3%
Quality of information 3.2%
Positive comments about agents (e.g., being able to talk to an agent, knowledgeable, etc.) 2.7%
General positive comments (e.g., good service, it's good, etc.) 0.4%
Other 6.8%
Q7b: Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your use of the Online Pension Portal?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

Among responses obtained, 22.4% of respondents said they would improve the access to pension statements and 19.8% would improve the amount or quality of information provided on the Online Portal. A proportion of 15.1% requested for the Online Portal to give the ability to get assistance and 13.8% requested improvements or reported issues with the calculator.

Table 21: Thing that could be improved on most to improve interaction with the Online Portal
What is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your use of the Online Pension Portal a more positive experience? * Online Portal (%)
n = 220
Access to pension statement or other related issues 22.4%
Information (more information, quality of information, up to date information) 19.8%
Being able to get assistance (e.g., chat, having someone available to speak to) 15.1%
Improvement or issues related to calculator 13.8%
Easier access (e.g., mobile app, being able to access outside of work system) 11.1%
User-friendly/modernize online platform/make it less confusing 9.4%
Increase online capacities (e.g., ability to transfer documents online, ability for users to update information, ability to download documents/data) 5.8%
Short delays/faster response time/efficiency for online requests 2.2%
Other 10.9%
Q8b: Overall, what is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your use of the Online Pension Portal a more positive experience?
*Multiple selections were allowed at this question.

4.3.5 Contact Options

Accessing personal pension information from a personal laptop is also the contact option Online Portal respondents would be the most likely to use if available. Indeed, 84.5% reported they would use it by giving a score of at least 8 on a 10-point likeliness scale. The contact options they would be the least likely to use are SMS notices or reminders (48.6%).

Table 22: Contact options (Online Portal respondents)
How likely would it be for you to use the following contact options? * NET (8 to 10) NET (4 to 7) NET (1 to 3) Total (%)
Accessing personal pension information from a home, personal laptop 84.5% 10.7% 4.8% 100.0%
Virtual meeting (Audio/Video call) with Pension Centre 60.1% 27.3% 12.6% 100.0%
Webchat/IM (Instant Messaging) with Pension Centre 53.2% 28.8% 18.0% 100.0%
Mobile application 52.9% 25.1% 21.9% 100.0%
Receiving text (SMS) notices/reminders 48.6% 27.5% 23.9% 100.0%
Q6: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would it be for you to use the following contact options if they were available?
*n = 473

4.3.6 Perception of the benefits available

Almost three quarters (73.7%) of respondents agreed that the benefits available under their pension plan support their wellbeing.

Table 23: Perception of the benefits supporting financial wellbeing
The benefits available to me under my pension plan support my financial wellbeing. * Total Less than 40 (%) 40 to 59 (%) 60 or older (%)
n = 473 68 318 82
NET Agree 73.7% 70.7% 74.3% 73.6%
NET Disagree 8.5% 10.5% 8.5% 6.0%
Strongly agree 40.0% 38.6% 41.1% 35.3%
Somewhat agree 33.7% 32.1% 33.1% 38.2%
Neutral 17.8% 18.8% 17.2% 20.4%
Somewhat disagree 6.1% 7.6% 5.8% 4.8%
Strongly disagree 2.4% 2.8% 2.7% 1.2%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Q10: To what extent do you agree with the following? The benefits available to me under my pension plan support my financial wellbeing.
*These results present the level of agreeability for people who recently accessed the Online Portal. Results cannot be extrapolated to the overall population with a pension plan.

5.0 Conclusion

Pension Centre respondents

Respondents were generally satisfied with the service they received when calling the Pension Centre (89.0%). They were especially satisfied with the courteousness (96.4%), helpfulness (93.0%) and knowledge level of the staff (91.3%).

When asked about what they like the most about the Pension Centre, finding that the agents were helpful, knowledgeable, and able to provide answers was the most recurrent theme about their interaction (58.9%), followed by the agents’ soft skills (41.6%).

Regarding suggestions for improvement, 22.5% of respondents suggested improving the access to agents. Also, 17.0% suggested improvements to the phone system. Additionally, 16.6% highlighted the importance of online access and 15.7% mentioned the need for more knowledgeable staff or better information from the staff.

Requesting general pension information, a form or documentation were the main reasons for calling the Pension Centre (41.8%). Overall, respondents also found the information they were provided easy to understand. Indeed, 84.8% gave a score of at least 8 on a 10-point scale regarding this aspect.

The contact option Pension Centre respondents would be the most likely to use was a personal computer (78.9%). The webchat or Instant Messaging was the one they would be the least likely to use (43.4%).

Pension Centre respondents were of the opinion that the benefits available under the pension plan supported their financial wellbeing in a proportion of 76.4%.

Online Portal respondents

A majority of respondents used the Online Portal to get a pension estimate (75.5%) and under three quarters (71.3%) expressed satisfaction with the Online Portal's services. Notably, satisfaction levels varied across age groups, with those under 40 being the least satisfied at 44.6%, while those 60 or older were the most satisfied at 86.3%.

Regarding the usability of the Online Portal, a substantial majority of respondents were satisfied with the ease of login (83.6%), self-service options (77.1%), and landing page navigation (76.4%). Satisfaction tended to be lower among those who are less than 40 years old.

A proportion of 61.0% of respondents gave a score of at least 8 on a 10-point scale about the Online Portal's ability to present information in an understandable manner. However, 42.1% of those under 40 found the information easy to understand.

While the ability to estimate their pension was the most liked thing about the Online Portal for 44.7% of respondents, having access to a pension statement or other related issues was mentioned as being the thing that could be improved on the most by 22.4% of respondents, followed by a desire for more or higher-quality information on the portal (19.8%). Additionally, 15.1% requested improvements in order to be able to get assistance, and 13.8% reported issues or suggested improvements with the calculator.

A personal computer is the most preferred contact option, with 84.5% of respondents expressing a likelihood of using it. Conversely, SMS notices or reminders were the least favoured option, with only 48.6% expressing a likelihood of using them.

Finally, according to 73.7% of respondents, the benefits available under their pension plan support their financial wellbeing.

6.0 Appendix

Appendix A: Methodology

The Client Service Feedback Survey – #007 was designed by PSPC. The questionnaire was programmed by Advanis in both official languages.

The survey was administered among members of the target population who had recently called the Government of Canada Pension Centre or visited the Pension Program secure employee portal.

The target population was both retired and active pension members, more specifically:

Online Portal users were sent an email inviting them to participate in a web survey. Potential Pension Centre respondents were invited to participate in the web survey as well. Some were also called using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) methodology.

Two different samples were sent by PSPC. The first contained a list of 3,644 active and retired members who recently called the Government of Canada Pension Centre and included information to reach them by phone and by email. The second contained a list of 8,188 active members who recently visited the Online Portal and included information to reach them by email only. Data collection started on November 6, 2023, and ended on December 5, 2023.

From November 21 to November 30, 2023, we sent 1,500 invitations for Online Portal users and 2,937 invitations for Pension Centre users (4,437 in total). For potential Pension Centre and Online Portal respondents, up to two email reminders were sent to those who had not yet completed the survey and had not stated their refusal to participate.

Appendix B: Email invitations sent

Table 24-1: Initial invite
Email sent Pension Centre Online Portal Total
Total 2,937 1,500 4,437
bounced 118 145 263
clicked 987 502 1,489
opened 1,364 153 1,517
sent 468 700 1,168
Table 24-2: First reminder
Email sent Pension Centre Online Portal Total
Total 2,362 1,082 3,444
bounced 0 1 1
clicked 487 232 719
opened 1,176 62 1,238
sent 699 787 1,486
Table 24-3: Second reminder
Email sent Pension Centre Online Portal Total
Total 2,141 952 3,093
bounced 0 0 0
clicked 230 83 313
opened 949 43 992
sent 962 826 1,788
Total 7,440 3,534 10,974
Table 24-4: Totals
Pension Centre Online Portal Total
7,440 3,534 10,974

Appendix C: Data collection statistics (Respondents from the Pension Centre sample)

Call statistics
Pension Centre Survey %
Available 3,644 100.0%
Used 3,644 100.0%
Not in service 55 1.5%
Duplicate 8 0.2%
No Phone number 0 0.0%
Not residential 0 0.0%
Problem with the line 19 0.5%
Fax 13 0.4%
Wrong number/Bounced email 120 3.3%
Not Valid 215 5.9%
Valid 3,429 94.1%
Not eligible 13 0.4%
Language barrier 0 0.0%
Age - illness 1 0.0%
Out Of Sample 14 0.4%
Sample 3,415 93.7%
No answer 28 0.8%
Answering Machine 1,489 43.6%
Appointments 246 7.2%
Incomplete 78 2.3%
Household refusal 78 2.3%
Respondent refusal 152 4.5%
Final refusal 1 0.0%
Prolonged absence 0 0.0%
Total Completes 1,343 39.3%
Web Completes 842 62.7%
CATI Completes 501 37.3%
Other call data
Status %
% Refusals 6.8%
% Completes 39.3%
Response Rate (Cati Only) 19.5%
Response Rate (Total) 39.3%

Appendix D: Response rate

For the consultation among respondents contacted from the Pension Centre sample, the response rate was calculated by dividing the number of respondents (1,343) by the number of eligible members in the sample (3,415) for a response rate of 39.3%.

For respondents contacted from the Online Portal sample, the response rate was calculated by dividing the number of respondents (465) by the number of initial email invitations who reached potential respondents (1,355). Hence the response rate for the Online Portal portion of this study was 34.3%.

Appendix E: The weights

As previously mentioned, the data was weighted according to the pension group of the respondents (PSSA members, CFSA members or RCMP members). Pension Centre and Online Portal respondents were weighted separately. The weights were calculated using the population files sent by PSPC. The first list contained all members who had called the Pension Centre, and consented to participate in the survey, between October 3, 2023, and October 31, 2023. The second list contained all members who had visited the Online Portal between October 1, 2023, and October 30, 2023 and had a Government of Canada e-mail address.

As mentioned in section 1.3, results cannot be extrapolated to another period or for the broader population, since the target population only includes respondents who had recently called the Pension Centre or visited the Online Portal during a specific period.

Table 25: Weights
Weights by Pension Groups Pension Centre Online Portal
n = 1,335 473
(1) PSSA 0.987 0.975
(2) CFSA 1.222 1.188
(3) RCMP 0.829 1.350

Appendix F: Additional notes

When surveying only a sample of a broader population, there are always risks that results suffer from a non-response bias. This happens when characteristics of those who answered the survey differ from those who did not answer. For this study, several strategies were employed to increase response rates and reduce the effects of non-response bias. This includes communicating the purpose and importance of research at the beginning of the survey as well as reassuring respondents on the confidentiality of their responses and on the legitimacy of the survey.

Appendix G: English questionnaire

Canada Pension Members Survey wave 7



Good afternoon/evening. I would like to speak to <<>>.


My name is ________ of Advanis and I am calling on behalf of Public Services and Procurement of Canada (PSPC).

We are contacting members who called the Pension Center or accessed the Online Pension Portal in the last three months to learn more about your experience as a pension plan member when accessing our services. Feedback from you is essential to improve the services.

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and your participation is voluntary and confidential.

Would you have time to complete this with me now? PLEASE VALIDATE Would you continue in English or in French?

[IF ASKED ABOUT THE LEGITIMACY OF THE SURVEY]: If you would like to verify the authenticity of this survey, please visit the Government of Canada Pension Centre web page ( or call the Government of Canada Pension Centre at 1-800-561-7930.

[IF ASKED ABOUT PRIVACY] :Your answers will remain anonymous and the information you provide will be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act, and any other pertinent legislation.

[IF ASKED FOR AN ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF COMPLETING THE SURVEY] :If you experience any difficulties with the survey, or for an alternative means of accessing the survey, please contact Advanis by telephone at 1-866-509-6986 or by e-mail at :


Please be aware that this call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes and that your participation is voluntary. Your responses are confidential and will be grouped with those from other participants. This project also has been registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council.

Login page

Login page

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur « Français ».

Public Services and Procurement of Canada ( PSPC ) is conducting a survey to learn more about your experience as a pension plan member when accessing our services.

We are contacting members who called the Pension Center or accessed the Online Pension Portal in the last three months. Feedback from you is essential to improve the services.

Note: If you need to leave the survey and come back to it later, you may use the same link and the survey will resume where you left off. Your participation is voluntary and your answers will remain strictly confidential. This survey is registered with the Canadian Research Insights Council's ( CRIC ) Research Verification Service. The project verification number is: 20230628-AD511. Click here (opens in a new window) to verify the legitimacy of this survey. If you experience any difficulties with the survey, or for an alternative means of accessing the survey, please contact Advanis by telephone at 1-866-509-6986 or by e-mail at :

Survey Questions

Main questions

Most recently, did you...?


CATI: For the remainder of this survey, please respond based on your call to the Pension Centre
experience with the Online Pension Portal. What was the purpose of your call to the Pension Centre? Did you call...? [IF DOES NOT REMEMBER CALLING THE PENSION CENTER]: We are surveying people who have contacted the Pension Centre in the last three (3) months.

WEB: For the remainder of this survey, please respond based on your call to the Pension Centre
experience with the Online Pension Portal. What was the purpose of your call to the Pension Centre?


WEB: Select all that apply


CATI: For the remainder of this survey, please respond based on your call to the Pension Centre
experience with the Online Pension Portal. What was the reason for your use of the Online Pension Portal? Was it...?

WEB: For the remainder of this survey, please respond based on your call to the Pension Centre
experience with the Online Pension Portal. What was the reason for your use of the Online Pension Portal?


WEB: Select all that apply


CATI: Thinking back on your recent experience when calling the Government of Canada Pension Centre, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following? Would you say you are Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied or Very dissatisfied with...?

WEB: Thinking back on your recent experience when calling the Government of Canada Pension Centre, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following?


CATI: Thinking back on your recent experience using the Online Pension Portal, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following? Would you say you are Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied or Very dissatisfied with...?

WEB: Thinking back on your recent experience using the Online Pension Portal, how would you rate your satisfaction related to the following?


CATI: On a scale of one to 10, where 1 means Did not understand at all and 10 means Easy to understand , was the information you were provided, easy to understand?

WEB: On a scale of one to 10, was the information you were provided, easy to understand?

CATI: IF NECESSARY: The information being referred to would be from the pension expert on the phone
the information found on the portal.

WEB: The information being referred to would be from the pension expert on the phone
the information found on the portal.


CATI: How would you rate your experience with the service you received? Were you...?

WEB: How would you rate your experience with the service you received?


CATI: On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means Not likely at all and 10 means Very likely , how likely would it be for you to use the following contact options if they were available:

WEB: On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would it be for you to use the following contact options if they were available:


CATI: To what extent do you agree with the following? My pension plan supports my financial wellbeing. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree?

WEB: To what extent do you agree with the following? My pension plan supports my financial wellbeing.

Code "neither agree nor disagree" as 3 - neutral



As of today, what is your status at the Government of Canada Pension Centre?

[READ LIST] If the respondent says they will retire soon, consider them active (currently employed).

What age group do you fall under?


Do you belong to any of the following groups?


WEB: Select all that apply


CATI: Please identify your gender. Are you...?

WEB: Please identify your gender:


Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.



Overall, what is the one thing you liked most about your use of the Online Pension Portal?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.



Overall, what is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your call with the Government of Canada Pension Centre a more positive experience?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.



Overall, what is the one thing you believe could be improved on most to make your use of the Online Pension Portal a more positive experience?

Please do not enter personally identifying information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, mailing address), as anything you enter may be shared with the sponsor of this research.


Survey quality
End of the survey

This is the end of the survey. On behalf of Public Services and Procurement of Canada, we would like to thank you for your participation. Public Services and Procurement of Canada has contracted an independent public opinion research company, Advanis (opens in a new window) , to conduct the research on its behalf. Advanis Logo © 2023 Privacy Policy CRIC Pledge

(Status code -1)


We have asked you all of our questions. We hope you've found this interesting, and we sincerely thank you for your time.

(Status code -1)

CRIC: Advanis is a registered member of the Canadian Research Insights Council. Advanis upholds their pledge. This can be accessed at:

Contact info: Sue Day at 1-888-883-7094

If you are having some stress/emotional difficulties at this time, it might help to talk to someone. I have a toll free number I could give you if you were interested in talking to someone.

Canada: 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

US: 1-800-273-8255

Appendix H: French questionnaire

Canada Pension Members Survey wave 7

Intro ITAO


Bonjour/Bonsoir. J'aimerais parler à <<>>.


Je suis _____ de la firme Advanis et je vous appelle pour le compte des Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada (SPAC).

Nous contactons des personnes qui ont appelé le Centre des pensions ou utilisé le portail de pension en ligne au cours des trois derniers mois pour en savoir plus sur votre expérience en tant que membre du régime de retraite lorsque vous accédez à nos services. Votre rétroaction est essentielle pour améliorer les services.

Ce sondage est d’une durée de moins de 10 minutes. Votre participation est volontaire et confidentielle.

Avez-vous le temps de répondre à ce sondage maintenant? Veuillez VALIDER Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais?

[SI LE RÉPONDANT SE QUESTIONNE SUR LA LÉGITIMITÉ DU SONDAGE]: Si vous souhaitez vérifier l’authenticité de ce sondage, veuillez visiter le site web du Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada ( ou appelez le Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada au 1-800-561-7930.

[SI LE RÉPONDANT SE QUESTIONNE SUR LA CONFIDENTIALITÉ] :Vos réponses resteront anonymes et les informations recueillies seront administrées conformément à la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, la Loi sur l’accès à l’information et toute autre législation pertinente.

[POUR UNE MANIÈRE ALTERNATIVE DE REMPLIR LE SONDAGE] : Si vous éprouvez des difficultés en lien avec le sondage ou souhaitez remplir le sondage à l’aide d’un moyen alternatif, veuillez contacter Advanis par téléphone au 1-866-509-6986 ou par courriel au

  • ○ (1) Oui, continuer au téléphone
  • ○ (3) Rappeler plus tard
  • ○ (2) Non - Refus (n'a pas accepté le courriel ni le message texte)

Sachez que cet appel pourrait être enregistré à des fins d'assurance qualité et que votre participation est volontaire. Vos réponses sont confidentielles et seront regroupées avec celles des autres participants. Ce projet est également enregistré auprès du Conseil de recherche et d'intelligence marketing canadien.


If you prefer to complete the survey in English, please click on "English".

Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada ( SPAC ) mènent une étude pour en savoir plus sur votre expérience en tant que membre du régime de retraite lorsque vous accédez à nos services.

Nous contactons des personnes qui ont appelé le Centre des pensions ou utilisé le portail de pension en ligne au cours des trois derniers mois. Votre rétroaction est essentielle pour améliorer les services.

Note: : Si vous devez remplir le sondage en plusieurs sessions, vous pouvez utiliser à nouveau le même lien et le sondage reprendra là où vous l'avez laissé. Votre participation est volontaire et vos réponses resteront strictement confidentielles. Cette enquête est enregistrée auprès du Conseil de recherche et d’intelligence marketing canadien ( CRIC ). Le numéro de vérification du projet est : 20230628-AD511. Cliquez ici (s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) pour vérifier l'authenticité de cette enquête. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés en lien avec le sondage ou souhaitez remplir le sondage à l’aide d’un moyen alternatif, veuillez contacter Advanis par téléphone au 1-866-509-6986 ou par courriel au

  • ○ (1) Sondage assisté pour les personnes souffrant d'un handicap (lecteur d'écran activé)
  • ○ (2) Commencer le sondage

Questions du sondage

Questions principales

Laquelle de ces actions avez-vous faites le plus récemment? Avez-vous...?

  • ○ (1) Appelé le Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada
  • ○ (2) Utilisé le portail de pension en ligne des employés

CATI: Pour le reste de cette enquête, veuillez répondre en fonction de votre appel au Centre des pensions
expérience avec le portail de pension en ligne. Quel était le but de votre appel au Centre des pensions? Avez-vous appelé...? [SI NE SE SOUVIENT PAS D'AVOIR APPELÉ LE CENTRE DES PENSIONS]: Nous sondons les personnes ayant contacté le centre des pensions au cours des trois (3) derniers mois.

WEB: Pour le reste de cette enquête, veuillez répondre en fonction de votre appel au Centre des pensions
expérience avec le portail de pension en ligne. Quel était le but de votre appel au Centre des pensions?


WEB: Sélectionnez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent

  • □ (1) Pour un versement de pension / demander une estimation de votre pension
  • □ (2) Pour obtenir une mise à jour du statut d'un paiement de transfert (valeur de transfert, accord de transfert de pensions)
  • □ (3) Pour demander un devis de rachat et/ou appliquer au rachat de service
  • □ (4) Pour demander des renseignements généraux sur la pension, un formulaire ou de la documentation
  • □ (5) Pour mettre à jour votre profil (nom, adresse, informations bancaires, etc.)
  • □ (6) En raison d'événements de la vie (inscriptions, statut matrimonial, prestations supplémentaires de décès)
  • □ (97) Autre (veuillez préciser) :

CATI: Pour le reste de cette enquête, veuillez répondre en fonction de votre appel au Centre des pensions
expérience avec le portail de pension en ligne. Pour quelle raison avez-vous utilisé le portail de pension en ligne? Était-ce pour..?

WEB: Pour le reste de cette enquête, veuillez répondre en fonction de votre appel au Centre des pensions
expérience avec le portail de pension en ligne. Pour quelle raison avez-vous utilisé le portail de pension en ligne?


WEB: Sélectionnez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent

  • □ (1) Obtenir une estimation de pension
  • □ (2) Mettre à jour les informations personnelles (adresse, coordonnées, etc.)
  • □ (3) L'estimateur de rachat de service / pour connaître le statut de paiement
  • □ (4) Estimateur de prestations de survivant
  • □ (5) Autre (veuillez préciser) :

CATI: En pensant à votre expérience récente lors de votre appel au Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada, comment évalueriez-vous votre satisfaction à l'égard des éléments suivants? Diriez-vous que vous êtes Très satisfait(e), Satisfait(e), Neutre, Insatisfait(e) ou Très Insatisfait(e) avec...?

WEB: En pensant à votre expérience récente lors de votre appel au Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada, comment évalueriez-vous votre satisfaction à l'égard des éléments suivants?

  • 1. La facilité de navigation dans le système téléphonique automatisé
  • 2. La courtoisie du personnel
  • 3. La serviabilité du personnel
  • 4. Le niveau de connaissance du personnel
  • 5. La clarté des informations qui vous ont été données
  • 6. La ponctualité du service que vous avez reçu
  • ○ (1) Très satisfait(e)
  • ○ (2) Satisfait(e)
  • ○ (3) Neutre
  • ○ (4) Insatisfait(e)
  • ○ (5) Très insatisfait(e)
  • ○ (-8) Ne s'applique pas

CATI: En pensant à votre récente expérience d'utilisation du portail de pension en ligne, comment évalueriez-vous votre satisfaction pour chacun des éléments suivants? Diriez-vous que vous êtes Très satisfait(e), Satisfait(e), Neutre, Insatisfait(e) ou Très Insatisfait(e) avec...?

WEB: En pensant à votre récente expérience d'utilisation du portail de pension en ligne, comment évalueriez-vous votre satisfaction pour chacun des éléments suivants?

  • 1. Facilité de connexion
  • 2. Facilité de navigation sur la page d'accueil
  • 3. Facilité d'utilisation des options de libre-service
  • ○ (1) Très satisfait(e)
  • ○ (2) Satisfait(e)
  • ○ (3) Neutre
  • ○ (4) Insatisfait(e)
  • ○ (5) Très insatisfait(e)
  • ○ (-8) Ne s'applique pas

CATI: Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, où 1 signifie Je n'ai pas du tout compris et 10 signifie Facile à comprendre , les informations qui vous ont été fournies étaient-elles faciles à comprendre?

WEB: Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, les informations qui vous ont été fournies étaient-elles faciles à comprendre?

CATI: SI NÉCESSAIRE: L'information à laquelle nous faisons référence proviendrait de l'expert en pension au téléphone
de l'information présentée sur le portail.

WEB: L'information à laquelle nous faisons référence proviendrait de l'expert en pension au téléphone
de l'information présentée sur le portail.

  • ○ (1) 1 - Je n'ai pas du tout compris
  • ○ (2) 2
  • ○ (3) 3
  • ○ (4) 4
  • ○ (5) 5
  • ○ (6) 6
  • ○ (7) 7
  • ○ (8) 8
  • ○ (9) 9
  • ○ (10) 10 - Facile à comprendre
  • ○ (-8) Ne s'applique pas

CATI: Comment évalueriez-vous votre expérience avec le service que vous avez reçu? Étiez-vous...?

WEB: Comment évalueriez-vous votre expérience avec le service que vous avez reçu?

  • ○ (5) Très satisfait(e)
  • ○ (4) Satisfait(e)
  • ○ (3) Neutre
  • ○ (2) Insatisfait(e)
  • ○ (1) Très insatisfait(e)

CATI: Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, où 1 signifie Pas du tout probable et 10 signifie Très probable quelle est la probabilité que vous utilisiez les options de contact suivantes si elles vous étaient offertes :

WEB: Sur une échelle de 1 à 10, quelle est la probabilité que vous utilisiez les options de contact suivantes si elles vous étaient offertes :

  • 1. Accéder aux renseignements personnels sur le régime de retraite à partir d'un ordinateur personnel (portable ou de bureau)
  • 2. Recevoir des rappels/notifications par message texte (SMS)
  • 3. Webchat/messagerie instantanée avec le Centre des pensions
  • 4. Rencontre virtuelle (audio/vidéo) avec le Centre des pensions
  • 5. Application mobile
  • ○ (10) 10 - Très probable
  • ○ (9) 9
  • ○ (8) 8
  • ○ (7) 7
  • ○ (6) 6
  • ○ (5) 5
  • ○ (4) 4
  • ○ (3) 3
  • ○ (2) 2
  • ○ (1) 1 - Pas du tout probable

CATI: Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d'accord avec l'énoncé suivant? Mon régime de retraite soutient mon bien-être financier. Êtes-vous totalement d'accord, plutôt d'accord, ni d'accord ni en désaccord, plutôt en désaccord ou totalement en désaccord?

WEB: Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d'accord avec l'énoncé suivant? Mon régime de retraite soutient mon bien-être financier.

Coder "ni d'accord ni en désaccord" en 3 - Neutre
  • ○ (1) Totalement en accord
  • ○ (2) Plutôt d'accord
  • ○ (3) Neutre
  • ○ (4) Plutôt en désaccord
  • ○ (5) Totalement en désaccord



En date d'aujourd'hui, quel est votre statut au Centre des pensions du gouvernement du Canada?

[LIRE LA LISTE] Si le répondant dit qu'il prendra bientôt sa retraite, considérez-le comme actif (actuellement employé(e)).
  • ○ (1) Actif (actuellement employé(e))
  • ○ (2) Non-actif (retraité(e))
  • ○ (3) Survivant
  • ○ (4) Autre (veuillez préciser) :

Dans quel groupe d'âge vous situez-vous?

  • ○ (1) 19 ans ou moins
  • ○ (2) 20 à 29 ans
  • ○ (3) 30 à 39 ans
  • ○ (4) 40 à 49 ans
  • ○ (5) 50 à 59 ans
  • ○ (6) 60 à 69 ans
  • ○ (7) 70 ans ou plus
  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre

Appartenez-vous à l'un des groupes suivants?


WEB: Sélectionnez toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent

  • □ (2) Autochtones
  • □ (3) LGBTQ2+
  • □ (4) Personnes handicapées
  • □ (5) Membres d'une minorité visible
  • □ (1) Non, je n'appartiens à aucun de ces groupes <<catiDoNotRead>>
  • □ (7) Je préfère ne pas répondre <<catiDoNotRead>>

CATI: Veuillez identifier votre genre. Êtes-vous un(e)...?

WEB: Veuillez identifier votre genre:

  • ○ (1) Homme
  • ○ (2) Femme
  • ○ (3) Non-binaire
  • ○ (4) Autre (veuillez préciser) :
  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre

Dans l'ensemble, quelle est la chose que vous avez le plus appréciée dans votre appel avec le Centre des pensions du Gouvernement du Canada?

Veuillez ne pas entrer d'informations d'identification personnelle (par exemple, nom, adresse courriel, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale), car tout ce que vous entrez peut être partagé avec le commanditaire de cette recherche.


  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre

Dans l'ensemble, quelle est la chose que vous avez le plus appréciée dans votre utilisation du portail de pension en ligne?

Veuillez ne pas entrer d'informations d'identification personnelle (par exemple, nom, adresse courriel, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale), car tout ce que vous entrez peut être partagé avec le commanditaire de cette recherche.


  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre

Dans l'ensemble, qu'est-ce qui pourrait être amélioré le plus pour faire de votre appel avec le Centre des pensions du Gouvernement du Canada une expérience plus positive?

Veuillez ne pas entrer d'informations d'identification personnelle (par exemple, nom, adresse courriel, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale), car tout ce que vous entrez peut être partagé avec le commanditaire de cette recherche.


  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre

Dans l'ensemble, qu'est-ce qui pourrait être amélioré le plus pour faire de votre utilisation du portail de pension en ligne une expérience plus positive?

Veuillez ne pas entrer d'informations d'identification personnelle (par exemple, nom, adresse courriel, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale), car tout ce que vous entrez peut être partagé avec le commanditaire de cette recherche.


  • ○ (-8) Je préfère ne pas répondre
Fin du sondage

Ceci est la fin de l'enquête. Au nom de Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, nous tenons à vous remercier de votre participation.

Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada a mandaté une société indépendante de recherche sur l'opinion publique, Advanis (s'ouvre dans une autre fenêtre) , pour réaliser l'étude en son nom. Advanis © 2023 Politique de confidentialité Engagement du CRIC

(Code de statut -1)


Nous vous avons posé toutes nos questions. Nous espérons que vous avez trouvé le sondage intéressant et nous vous remercions sincèrement pour votre temps.

CRIC: Advanis est un membre enregistré du Conseil de recherche et d'intelligence marketing canadien Canadian et respecte l'engagement de ce dernier. Vous pouvez le consulter à cette adresse:

Contact: Sue Day at 1-888-883-7094

Si vous souffrez de stress ou de difficultés émotionnelles en ce moment, il peut être utile de parler à quelqu'un. J'ai un numéro sans frais que je peux vous donner si vous souhaitez parler à quelqu'un.

Canada: 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

US: 1-800-273-8255