Canadians' Views of RCMP Policing Services 2019-20 - Final Report

February 2020

Prepared for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Supplier name: Ekos Research Associates

Contract number: M7594-202840/001/CY

Contract value: $79,822.64

Contract Award Date: December 20, 2019

Delivery date: April 17, 2020

Registration number: POR 056-19

For more information on this report, please contact the RCMP at:

This report summarizes results from a survey of 2,988 Canadians.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Sondage d'opinion des citoyens sur les services de police de la GRC.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the RCMP. For more information on this report, please contact the RCMP at:

Catalogue number: PS64-154/2020E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-28038-7

Related publications (registration number: POR 056-19):

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Background and Methodology

The RCMP has been conducting surveys of the Canadian public since 2003 to assess Canadians' opinions on quality of service, professionalism, sensitivity, community involvement, visibility, value of partnerships, and communication. Most of the previous editions of the survey were conducted by telephone. However, due to the challenges and costs associated with telephone surveys, in the 2017/18 fiscal year, the RCMP started to conduct this annual survey using an online/telephone methodology with the same representativeness used in the previous (telephone only) samples.

The current research, for the 2019/20 fiscal year, also involved an online/telephone methodology. A total of 2,988 Canadians were surveyed. As in previous surveys, the sample was drawn from across Canada and was weighted more heavily toward areas policed by the RCMP. The sample was stratified to ensure roughly equal representation from five regions (North, British Columbia, Prairies, Central, and Atlantic). We surveyed roughly 500 residents in the North, and about 600 in each of the other four regions.

As mentioned, the current survey was conducted primarily online (using our probability based online panel, Probit); however, to help with tracking previous survey results (which were conducted by telephone), and to ensure we could collect information from the North (which has a very limited number of panellists), we also conducted interviews by telephone. We completed 1,317 telephone interviews, and 1,671 cases were collected online.

Survey Findings

Outlined below are key findings from this study. The remainder of this report describes survey results in more detail.

Attitudes to the RCMP

Canadians place a great deal of importance on the RCMP's contribution to public safety; roughly nine in ten respondents (93 per cent) assign a high degree of importance to the RCMP's role in keeping Canadians safe, and seven in ten (72 per cent) are satisfied with how the RCMP fulfills its role in maintaining public safety.

Results reveal generally positive impressions of how the RCMP adheres to its core values. Three-quarters (75 per cent) agree that the RCMP demonstrates professionalism in its work, while seven in ten say the RCMP operates with integrity (69 per cent). Six in ten believe the RCMP is an accountable organization (63 per cent) and that its personnel are honest (62 per cent), objective (61 per cent), respectful (61 per cent), and compassionate (60 per cent).

Results further reveal positive overall impressions of the RCMP. More than nine in ten (95 per cent) agree that the RCMP is a recognized symbol of Canada. Three-quarters (74 per cent) are satisfied with the RCMP's efforts to provide services in both official languages. Seven in ten agree that the RCMP prioritizes quality service (71 per cent), and express trust and confidence in the RCMP (69 per cent). However, results suggest the public perceive gaps in the RCMP's service offerings: just half (50 per cent) say the RCMP provides the same quality of service to all citizens.

While Canadians have a high degree of confidence in the RCMP in general, they award lower marks when it comes to the calibre of its leadership. Just 51 per cent rate the RCMP's national leaders as effective, and slightly fewer (45 per cent) offer a positive appraisal of its local leaders. Tracking suggests a modest erosion in the public's confidence in RCMP leadership.

The RCMP receives mixed reviews when it comes to issues related to innovation and transparency. Fewer than half of respondents (46 per cent) agree that the RCMP is forward-looking and innovative, while a similar proportion (44 per cent) are satisfied with the level of information that the RCMP provides about its work. Respondents are sharply divided on whether the RCMP could be considered an open and transparent organization – 36 per cent agree with this assessment, while virtually the same proportion (38 per cent) disagree (although it is possible that Canadians may see the RCMP as appropriately not transparent, given the type of information they hold – e.g., criminal records, witness addresses, information before the courts, investigative techniques, etc.).

Turning to indicators related to sensitivity, more than half of respondents believe that the RCMP is representative of the diverse communities it serves (56 per cent) and that it is sensitive to the needs of Canada's various cultures and groups (52 per cent). When the scope of the questions is narrowed to focus on specific groups, however, the RCMP elicits less favourable reviews. Fewer than half of respondents agree that the RCMP treats women fairly (47 per cent, compared to 31 per cent who disagree), that it is respectful to the cultural needs of Indigenous people (45 per cent versus 33 per cent), or that it is sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ2 community (43 per cent versus 22 per cent).

Results suggest that the RCMP maintains a largely positive relationship with the public. The vast majority of respondents (87 per cent) say they would help the RCMP if asked, while eight in ten (79 per cent) believe they have a moral obligation to follow police orders. Seven in ten (72 per cent) say they generally support the RCMP's actions. Roughly six in ten agree that the RCMP is dealing with things that matter to their community (58 per cent) and would encourage friends and family to consider the RCMP as a career path (56 per cent).

Canadians also hold generally positive views of the RCMP's responsiveness; about six in ten agree that the RCMP keeps up with current and emerging threats (63 per cent) and that it is quick to respond to calls for assistance (58 per cent).

Results further reveal generally positive impressions of the impact of the RCMP on Canadians, although findings also suggest room for improvement in some areas, particularly when it comes to how the RCMP handles Indigenous matters. Three-quarters (76 per cent) express confidence in the RCMP's ability to respond to national security threats effectively. About seven in ten agree the RCMP effectively handles threats to passenger aircraft (69 per cent), diminishes the threat of organized crime (69 per cent), resolves crimes where violence is involved (67 per cent), and provides an adequate response to border threats (65 per cent). About six in ten believe the RCMP is effective in countering radicalization to violence (62 per cent), mitigating the impact of serious crime (62 per cent), reducing the distribution of illegal drugs (61 per cent), responding to cybercrime threats (60 per cent), and addressing youth crime (57 per cent). Slightly fewer agree that the RCMP is successfully lessening the impact of economic crime (55 per cent) and improving traffic safety (55 per cent). However, just half of respondents are satisfied with the RCMP's contribution to making Canadians more informed and resilient (50 per cent), its attempts to combat online scams (49 per cent), and its efforts in fostering safer Indigenous communities (47 per cent). Only four in ten (43 per cent) say the RCMP is advancing reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous peoples.

Most Canadians believe the RCMP generally acts within their authority, although a significant minority believe the organization exceeds their jurisdiction at times. Seven in ten (70 per cent) say the RCMP seldom exceeds its authority (including 45 per cent who say 'never' or 'almost never'). One in six (17 per cent), however, feel the RCMP sometimes oversteps its boundaries, and one in eight (13 per cent) believe the RCMP often or always oversteps its jurisdiction.

Finally, results suggest broad awareness of the RCMP's international undertakings. Three-quarters (73 per cent) say they are aware that the RCMP participates in international activities such as peacekeeping and training foreign police, and only one in seven (15 per cent) say they are not aware that the RCMP engages in these activities. Longer-term tracking suggests a steady rise in the public's familiarity with the RCMP's presence on the international stage.

Contact with the RCMP[1]

Three in ten respondents (31 per cent) indicate they have had contact with the RCMP in the past year. Of those who have, one in five indicate their contact involved a traffic offence or an accident (21 per cent) or a criminal matter (19 per cent).

Of those who had had contact with the RCMP, more than eight in ten (85 per cent) agree that it was easy to get in touch with the RCMP, while similar proportions say RCMP personnel were courteous and respectful (84 per cent), treated them fairly (84 per cent), and demonstrated professionalism (83 per cent). Roughly three-quarters feel that RCMP personnel were knowledgeable and competent (78 per cent), provided all the information needed (73 per cent), and delivered the service in a timely fashion (72 per cent). However, just 56 per cent feel the RCMP went beyond minimum service requirements.

Overall, three-quarters of those who had contact with the RCMP (74 per cent) express satisfaction with their encounter.


Overall, attitudes towards the RCMP are generally positive and stable. The vast majority of Canadians are satisfied with the RCMP's contribution to public safety and nearly all Canadians recognize the importance of its work. The RCMP also scores well in terms of upholding its core principles, particularly professionalism and integrity. The organization consistently enjoys its highest levels of support from seniors and those with high school education.

Nevertheless, results reveal some areas for improvement. Canadians hold mixed views when it comes to issues surrounding transparency and accountability. There are some doubts as to whether the RCMP provides Canadians with sufficient information regarding its work, and Canadians are evenly split on whether the organization could be considered transparent. The RCMP also receives mixed scores in terms of the quality of its leadership, and tracking suggests a modest erosion in the public's confidence in this area.

Another area of potential concern is sensitivity. While the RCMP does quite well on the broader indicators surrounding inclusiveness and diversity, public attitudes worsen when the scope of the question is narrowed to focus on specific groups, namely Indigenous people, women, and the LGBTQ2 community. Of particular concern are the consistently poor ratings awarded by the LGBTQ2 community; on virtually every indicator, those who identify as LGBTQ2 provide significantly less favourable ratings than other Canadians.

Results also reveal that one-third of Canadians have had contact with the RCMP in the past year. A clear majority express satisfaction with the service received, and RCMP personnel score quite well across the performance indicators examined (e.g. courteousness, fairness, and professionalism).

1. Background and Methodology

1.1 Background and Objectives

The Organizational Priorities and Strategy Management unit of the RCMP is responsible for the development and implementation of an internal performance measurement system and for the overall results reporting to the federal government. In an evidence-based environment, the RCMP requires sound metrics from the general public to assess performance and set targets for improved performance.

The RCMP has been conducting surveys of the Canadian public since 2003 to assess public opinions on quality of service, professionalism, sensitivity, community involvement, visibility, value of partnerships, and communication.

Most of the previous editions of this survey were conducted by telephone. However, due to the challenges and costs associated with telephone surveys, and to reach a broader audience, in the 2017/18 fiscal year, the RCMP started to conduct the survey using an online/telephone methodology with the same representativeness used in the previous (telephone only) samples.

1.2 Methodology

The current research also involved conducting an online/telephone survey. A total of 2,988 Canadians were surveyed in January 2020. As in previous surveys, the sample was drawn from across Canada and was weighted more heavily toward areas policed by the RCMP. The sample was stratified to ensure roughly equal representation from five regions (North, British Columbia, Prairies, Central, and Atlantic). We surveyed roughly 500 residents in the North, and about 600 in each of the other four regions.

The survey was conducted primarily online using our probability based online panel, Probit; however, to help with tracking previous survey results (which were conducted by telephone), and to ensure we could collect information from the North (which has a very limited number of panellists), we also conducted interviews by telephone. Below we provide more detail on the methodology associated with both the online and telephone components of the research.

Probit Panel (Online Sample)

We used our probability-based online panel, Probit, for the online completions. Probit is an online research panel that has been designed by Ekos to provide statistically representative data. Our panel offers complete coverage of the Canadian population (Internet, phone, cell phone), random recruitment (participants are recruited randomly, they do not opt themselves into our panel), and equal probability sampling. All respondents to our panel are recruited by telephone using random digit dialling, and their demographic information is confirmed by live interviewers.

The distribution of the recruitment process for our panel mirrors the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, our panel can be considered representative of the general public (survey results from our online panel support confidence intervals and margin of error estimates, which is unique in Canada). The overall panel size is roughly 90,000 Canadian households. Random stratified samples are drawn from the panel database for individual research assignments.

Telephone Sample

Ekos relies on Survey Sample for the sample requirements of our telephone surveys. The software uses the most up-to-date directories as they become available and is updated quarterly. It samples by Random Digit Dial (RDD) methodology and checks its samples against published phone lists to divide the sample into "Directory Listed" (DL) and "Directory Not Listed" (DNL) RDD components. The flexibility of this software allows one to sample within specific regions or cities. One can sample according to population representativeness or stipulate stratification parameters, as required. Once the sample is determined for a specific survey, the numbers are imported into our Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) system and quotas are set for individual characteristics.

We completed 1,317 telephone interviews, and 1,671 cases were collected online. Results were weighted by region, gender, and age to ensure that the sample is representative of the Canadian population 18 years of age and older. Outlined below is the sample breakdown and margin of error (MOE) across mode and province/territory (please note the sample sizes and margins of error by province/territory are for overall results).

Margin of Error by Mode
Mode Online Phone Total Margin of error (+/−, 19 times out of 20)
Overall (phone and online) n=1,671 n=1,317 n=2,988 1.8%
Telephone only n=1,317 n=1,317 2.7%
Margin of Error by Province/Territory
Province/Territory Online Phone Total Margin of error (+/−, 19 times out of 20)
British Columbia n=414 n=200 n=614 4.0%
Alberta n=255 n=68 n=323 5.5%
Saskatchewan n=95 n=71 n=166 7.6%
Manitoba n=88 n=65 n=153 7.9%
Ontario n=230 n=100 n=330 5.4%
Quebec n=184 n=100 n=284 5.8%
New Brunswick n=110 n=52 n=162 7.7%
Nova Scotia n=171 n=51 n=222 6.6%
Prince Edward Island n=35 n=50 n=85 10.6%
Newfoundland n=83 n=50 n=133 8.5%
Yukon n=176 n=176 7.4%
Northwest Territories n=165 n=165 7.6%
Nunavut n=169 n=169 7.5%

Response Rate

The telephone response rate for this survey was 9.8 per cent. The response rate is calculated by dividing the in-scope responding (1,772) by the total (functional) sample (18,011) – see table below.

Response Rate
Description Result Total
Total Numbers Attempted 25,538
Invalid numbers 7,527
Blocked 149
Business 463
Duplicate 17
Invalid 6,898
Unresolved (U) 11,773
No answer 0
Callbacks 11,773
In-scope - Not responding (IS) 4,466
Household refusal 0
Respondent refusal 4,466
Selected respondent not available 0
Qualified respondent break-off 0
In-scope - Responding (R) 1,772
Language problem 349
Quota filled 48
Other disqualify 58
Completed interviews 1,317
Total (U + IS + R) 18,011
Response Rate (R divided by Total) 9.8%

The online response rate for this survey was 10.9 per cent. The online response rate is calculated as follows: a total of 15,418 email invitations were sent out, and 113 bounced back, for a total of 15,305 valid emails. A total of 1,671 cases were completed, so dividing 1,671 by 15,305 results in a response rate of 10.9 per cent.

Note to the Reader

The current survey was conducted using what was referred to in the RCMP's 2017/18 survey of the public as a "hybrid" methodology (online and telephone). Starting in 2018/19, this methodology was referred to as the "overall" results. Overall results are tracked to the 2017/18 survey, which also used an online and telephone methodology; however, given that previous surveys (before the 2017/18 fiscal year) were conducted solely by telephone, only telephone results are tracked for earlier years.

It should be noted that online results tend to be generally less positive than telephone results – this is due to a mode effect (social desirability bias) that is exhibited in all telephone/online surveys. Social desirability bias occurs when individuals provide different responses in the presence of an interviewer to appear in a more favourable light.

Schonlau et al. (2004)[2] studied mode effects between online and telephone surveys. This study found evidence of social desirability bias among telephone respondents for sensitive questions. In particular, this study found that telephone respondents were far more likely to rate their health as "excellent" as opposed to merely "very good".

Greene et al. (2008)[3] conducted a meta-analysis of four health related studies that contrasted the results of online and telephone studies. All of these studies revealed evidence of social desirability bias among telephone respondents.

Given the subject matter in the survey (views on a national symbol of Canada – the RCMP), it appears that telephone respondents did not want to be as critical of the RCMP as those who completed the survey through a self-administered, online survey (with no interviewer involved).

Please also note that most of the questions in this survey asked respondents to respond using five-point scales (e.g., where one means strongly disagree, five means strongly agree, and the midpoint, three, means neither disagree nor agree). Responses of one to two and four to five are aggregated when discussing the findings in this report.

2. Attitudes toward the RCMP

Please note that, throughout this report, overall results refer to findings from both the telephone and online interviews (n=2,988). Overall results are tracked to the 2017/18 fiscal year survey (which also used an online and telephone methodology); however, given that previous surveys (before the 2017/18 fiscal year) were conducted solely by telephone, only telephone results are tracked for earlier years. Also, please note that throughout the report any discussion of tracking is referring to telephone tracking only, unless otherwise specified.

In this section, figures are based on valid responses only (in other words, the figures are adjusted to exclude those who skipped a given question).

2.1 Importance of RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety

Survey findings reveal that Canadians place a great deal of importance on the RCMP's contribution to public safety. Roughly nine in ten respondents (93 per cent) assign a high degree of importance to the RCMP's role in keeping Canadians safe, and just three per cent say the RCMP's efforts to ensure public safety are of little or no importance.

Tracking suggests that these results have been largely consistent over the past several years.

Importance of RCMP's contribution to public safety

Importance of RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety. Text version below.

Importance of RCMP's contribution to public safety - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means unimportant, 3 means neither, and1-2 means important. Below is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % important (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "How important is the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.2 Satisfaction With RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety

Results further reveal that seven in ten Canadians (72 per cent) are satisfied with how the RCMP fulfills its role in maintaining public safety, and only one in eight (12 per cent) are dissatisfied. One in six (16 per cent) are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

Tracking (overall results) reveals a five-point drop in satisfaction with the RCMP's contribution to public safety since 2018/19 (72 per cent, down from 77 per cent in 2018/19).

Satisfaction With RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety

Satisfaction With RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety. Text version below.

Satisfaction With RCMP's Contribution to Public Safety - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means dissatisfied, 3 means neither, and1-2 means satisfied. Below is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % satisfied (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "How satisfied are you with the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.3 Impact on Sense of Safety

Results also reveal that the RCMP has a highly positive impact on the public's personal sense of safety. More than six in ten respondents (64 per cent) agree that they feel safer because of the RCMP, and just one in ten (11 per cent) disagree with this notion.

Tracking (overall results) reveals a six-point drop in the proportion of Canadians who say they feel safer from 2018/19 (64 per cent, down from 70 per cent in 2018/19).

Impact on Sense of Safety

Impact on Sense of Safety. Text version below.

Impact on Sense of Safet - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree. Below is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked if they agree or disagree with the following statement: "I feel safer because of the RCMP".

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.4 Core Values of the RCMP

Respondents were presented with a series of statements regarding the six core values of the RCMP (professionalism, integrity, accountability, honesty, respect, and compassion), as well as a question on objectivity, and asked for their views on the RCMP's performance in each of these areas. The results reveal generally positive impressions of the RCMP.

Three-quarters (75 per cent) agree that the RCMP demonstrates professionalism in its work, while seven in ten say the RCMP operates with integrity (69 per cent). Six in ten believe the RCMP is an accountable organization (63 per cent) and that its personnel are honest (62 per cent), objective (61 per cent), respectful (61 per cent), and compassionate (60 per cent). Relatively few respondents (between 10 and 21 per cent) disagree with any of these ideas.

Tracking (overall results) reveals a seven-point drop in the proportion of Canadians who perceive RCMP personnel as honest (62 per cent, down from 69 per cent in 2018/19), as well as a six-point drop in the proportion of Canadians who perceive RCMP personnel as professional in nature (75 per cent, down from 81 per cent in 2018/19). Other results are largely on par with those found last year.[4]

Core Values of the RCMP

Core Values of the RCMP. Text version below.

Core Values of the RCMP - Text version

This chart has seven horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Professionalism

Core values: Professionalism. Text version below.

Core values: Professionalism. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP demonstrates professionalism in its work."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Respect

Core values: Respect. Text version below.

Core values: Respect. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP treats people with respect*"

Respondents selected:

*Prior to 2019/2020, the statement read "RCMP personnel demonstrate respect"

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Integrity

Core values: Integrity. Text version below.

Core values: Integrity. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is an organization with integrity."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Honesty

Core values: Honesty. Text version below.

Core values: Honesty. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: RCMP personnel are honest." Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Accountability

Core values: Accountability. Text version below.

Core values: Accountability. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is an accountable organization."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Core values: Compassion

Core values: Compassion. Text version below.

Core values: Compassion. Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: RCMP personnel demonstrate compassion."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.5 Views of the RCMP (General)

Respondents were presented with five general statements about the RCMP and asked to rate the extent to which they agree or disagree with each one. Once again, results reveal positive overall impressions of the RCMP. More than nine in ten (95 per cent) agree that the RCMP is a recognized symbol of Canada. Three-quarters (74 per cent) are satisfied with the RCMP's efforts to provide services in both official languages. Seven in ten agree that the RCMP prioritizes quality service (71 per cent), and express trust and confidence in the RCMP (69 per cent). Relatively few respondents (between two and 13 per cent) disagree with these statements.

However, results suggest the public perceive gaps in the RCMP's service offerings. Just half (50 per cent) say the RCMP provides the same quality of service to all citizens, and one in three (32 per cent) disagree with this statement.

Tracking (overall results) reveals a six-point drop in the proportion of Canadians who agree that the RCMP prioritizes bilingual services (74 per cent, down from 80 per cent in 2018/19). Other findings have remained largely stable over the past year.

Views of the RCMP (General)

Views of the RCMP (General). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (General) - Text version

This chart has five horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

General views: Symbolic value of the RCMP

General views: Symbolic value of the RCMP. Text version below.

General views: Symbolic value of the RCMP - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is a recognized symbol of Canada."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

General views: Availability of services in English and French

General views: Availability of services in English and French. Text version below.

General views: Availability of services in English and French - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP places emphasis on providing services in the official language of my choice, English or French."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

General views: Emphasis on quality service

General views: Emphasis on quality service. Text version below.

General views: Emphasis on quality service - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP places an emphasis on providing quality service to the public."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

General views: Trust in the RCMP

General views: Trust in the RCMP. Text version below.

General views: Trust in the RCMP - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: I have trust and confidence in the RCMP."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.6 Views of the RCMP (Leadership)

While Canadians have a high degree of confidence in the RCMP in general, they award lower marks when it comes to the calibre of its leadership. Respondents also made little distinction between the different levels of leadership; 51 per cent rate the RCMP's national leaders as effective (compared to 20 per cent who disagree), and slightly fewer (45 per cent) offer a positive appraisal of its local leaders (versus 13 per cent who disagree).

Tracking (overall) suggests that trust in the RCMP's has eroded somewhat over the past year. The proportion of Canadians who say they trust the RCMP's national leaders is down six points from 2018/19, while trust in its local leadership is down nine points.

Views of the RCMP (Leadership)

Views of the RCMP (Leadership). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Leadership) - Text version

This chart has two horizontal stacked bar for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Leadership: Effectiveness of national leaders

Leadership: Effectiveness of national leaders. Text version below.

Leadership: Effectiveness of national leaders - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP has effective national leaders."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Leadership: Effectiveness of local leaders

Leadership: Effectiveness of local leaders. Text version below.

Leadership: Effectiveness of local leaders - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP has effective local leaders."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

2.7 Views of the RCMP (Transparency)

The RCMP receives mixed reviews when it comes to issues related to innovation and transparency. Fewer than half of respondents (46 per cent) agree that the RCMP is a forward-looking and innovative organisation, (compared to one in four – 24 per cent – who disagree), while a similar proportion (44 per cent) are satisfied with the level of information that the RCMP provides about its work (compared to one-third – 33 per cent – who express dissatisfaction in this area). Respondents are sharply divided on whether the RCMP could be considered an open and transparent organization – 36 per cent agree with this assessment, while virtually the same proportion (38 per cent) disagree (although it is possible that Canadians may see the RCMP as appropriately not transparent, given the type of information they hold – e.g., criminal records, witness addresses, information before the courts, investigative techniques, etc.).

Tracking reveals that these results are largely unchanged from last year.

Views of the RCMP (Transparency)

Views of the RCMP (Transparency). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Transparency) - Text version

This chart has three horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Transparency: Innovation

Transparency: Innovation. Text version below.

Transparency: Innovation - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree The RCMP is a forward-looking, innovative organization."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Transparency: Communication with the public

Transparency: Communication with the public. Text version below.

Transparency: Communication with the public - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP provides Canadians with adequate information about its work."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Transparency: Openness

Transparency: Openness. Text version below.

Transparency: Openness - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is an open and transparent organization."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.8 Views of the RCMP (Sensitivity)

The RCMP scores moderately well on broader indicators related to sensitivity. More than half of respondents believe that the RCMP is representative of the diverse communities it serves (56 per cent, compared to 22 per cent who disagree) and that it is sensitive to the needs of Canada's various cultures and groups (52 per cent versus 23 per cent).

When the scope of the questions is narrowed to focus on specific groups, however, the RCMP elicits less favourable reviews. Fewer than half of respondents agree that the RCMP treats women fairly (47 per cent, compared to 31 per cent who disagree), that it is respectful to the cultural needs of Indigenous people (45 per cent versus 33 per cent), or that it is sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ2 community (43 per cent versus 22 per cent, while the remaining 35 per cent neither agree nor disagree, suggesting a fair degree of uncertainty on the matter).

Tracking (overall results) reveals a six-point decrease in agreement over the past year that the RCMP is sensitive to varying cultural needs.

Views of the RCMP (Sensitivity)

Views of the RCMP (Sensitivity). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Sensitivity) - Text version

This chart has five horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree." Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Sensitivity: Representativeness

Sensitivity: Representativeness. Text version below.

Sensitivity: Representativeness - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is representative of the diverse Canadian communities it serves."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to the needs of different groups

Sensitivity: Sensativity to the needs of different groups. Text version below

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to the needs of different groups - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of different cultures and groups."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Sensitivity: Treatment of women

Sensitivity: Treatment of women. Text version below.

Sensitivity: Treatment of women - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP treats women fairly."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to Indigenous cultural needs

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to Indigenous cultural needs. Text version below.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to Indigenous cultural needs - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is respectful to the cultural needs of Indigenous people."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to LGBTQ2 needs

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to LGBTQ2 needs. Text version below.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to LGBTQ2 needs - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ2 community."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

2.9 Views of the RCMP (Relationship With RCMP)

Results suggest that the RCMP maintains a widely positive relationship with the public. The vast majority of respondents (87 per cent) say they would help the RCMP if asked, while eight in ten (79 per cent) believe they have a moral obligation to follow police orders. Seven in ten (72 per cent) say they generally support the RCMP's actions. Roughly six in ten agree that the RCMP is dealing with things that matter to their community (58 per cent) and would encourage friends and family to consider the RCMP as a career path (56 per cent).

Views of the RCMP (Relationship With RCMP)

Views of the RCMP (Relationship With RCMP). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Relationship With RCMP) - Text version

This chart has five horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

2.10 Views of the RCMP (Visibility)

Outside of Ontario and Quebec, where residents deal primarily with their province's respective police forces rather than the RCMP, respondents rate the RCMP quite favourably in terms of visibility. Overall, half (49 per cent) agree that RCMP personnel have a visible presence in their community; however, this figure jumps to 77 per cent outside of Central Canada. A similar overall proportion (48 per cent) agree that the RCMP maintains an active presence on social media but, again, this figure is diluted by the comparatively lower levels of agreement from Central Canada.

Tracking reveals that these results have remained relatively stable over the past few years.

Views of the RCMP (Visibility)

Views of the RCMP (Visibility). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Visibility) - Text version

This chart has two horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Views of the RCMP (visibility) by region

Views of the RCMP (visibility) by region. Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (visibility) by region - Text version

This chart has four horizontal stacked bars for overall results for Central Canada and Rest of Canada, Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Central Canada: Disagree (50 per cent); neither (17 per cent); and agree (33 per cent).

Rest of Canada: Disagree (11 per cent); neither (11 per cent); and agree (77 per cent).

Central Canada: Disagree (24 per cent); neither (33 per cent); and agree (43 per cent).

Rest of Canada: Disagree (12 per cent); neither (30 per cent); and agree (58 per cent).

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Visibility: Visiblity

Visibility: Visiblity. Text version below.

Visibility: Visiblity - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP personnel have a visible presence in my community/province/territory."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Visibility: Social media presence

Visibility: Social media presence. Text version below.

Visibility: Social media presence - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is present on the Web and social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.11 Views of the RCMP (Responsiveness)

Turning to views on responsiveness, results reveal that Canadians hold generally positive views of the RCMP in this area. About six in ten agree that the RCMP keeps up with current and emerging threats (63 per cent) and that it is quick to respond to calls for assistance (58 per cent). Fewer than one in five disagree with either of these statements.

Tracking reveals that results have largely remained stable over the past few years.[5]

Views of the RCMP (Responsiveness)

Views of the RCMP (Responsiveness). Text version below.

Views of the RCMP (Responsiveness) - Text version

This chart has two horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Responsiveness: Understanding of current threats

Responsiveness: Understanding of current threats. Text version below.

Responsiveness: Understanding of current threats - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is keeping up with current and emerging trends and threats."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Responsiveness: Effectiveness of response

Responsiveness: Effectiveness of response. Text version below.

Responsiveness: Effectiveness of response - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effective at responding quickly to calls for assistance."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

2.12 Impact of the RCMP

Results also reveal generally positive impressions of the impact of the RCMP on Canadians, although findings also suggest room for improvement in some areas, particularly when it comes to how the RCMP handles Indigenous matters. Three-quarters (76 per cent) express confidence in the RCMP's ability to respond to national security threats effectively. About seven in ten agree the RCMP effectively handles threats to passenger aircraft (69 per cent), diminishes the threat of organized crime (69 per cent), and resolves crimes where violence is involved (67 per cent), while slightly fewer (65 per cent) believe the RCMP provides an adequate response to border threats. About six in ten believe the RCMP is effective in countering radicalization to violence (62 per cent), mitigating the impact of serious crime (62 per cent), reducing the distribution of illegal drugs (61 per cent), responding to cybercrime threats (60 per cent), and addressing youth crime (57 per cent). Slightly fewer agree that the RCMP is successfully lessening the impact of economic crime (55 per cent) and improving traffic safety (55 per cent).

However, just half of respondents are satisfied with the RCMP's contribution to making Canadians more informed and resilient (50 per cent), its attempts to combat online scams (49 per cent), and its efforts in fostering safer Indigenous communities (47 per cent). Only four in ten (43 per cent) say the RCMP is advancing reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous peoples.

Overall results have largely remained stable over the past few years.[6]

Impact of the RCMP

Impact of the RCMP. Text version below.

Impact of the RCMP - Text version

This chart has sixteen horizontal stacked bars for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: National security

Impact: National security. Text version below.

Impact: National security - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effectively responding to threats to national security."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Threats to passenger aircraft

Impact: Threats to passenger aircraft. Text version below.

Impact: Threats to passenger aircraft - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effectively responding to threats to Canadian passenger aircraft."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Organized crime

Impact: Organized crime. Text version below.

Impact: Organized crime - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: Reducing the threat and impact of organized crime."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Border security

Impact: Border security. Text version below.

Impact: Border security - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effectively responding to threats at the border between the ports of entry."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Radicalization

Impact: Radicalization. Text version below.

Impact: Radicalization - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effectively responding by countering radicalization to violence."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Serious crimes

Impact: Serious crimes. Text version below.

Impact: Serious crimes - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is reducing the threat and impact of serious crime, such as murder, sexual assault, robbery, and arson."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Sale and distribution of illegal drugs

Impact: Sale and distribution of illegal drugs. Text version below.

Impact: Sale and distribution of illegal drugs - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is reducing the sale and distribution of illegal drugs."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Cybercrime threats

Impact: Cybercrime threats. Text version below.

Impact: Cybercrime threats - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is effectively responding to cybercrime threats."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Youth involvement in crime

Impact: Youth involvement in crime. Text version below.

Impact: Youth involvement in crime - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is addressing youth involvement in crime as both victims and offenders."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Economic crime

Impact: Economic crime. Text version below.

Impact: Economic crime - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is reducing the impact of economic crime*."

Respondents selected:

*Prior to 2019/2020, respondents were prompted with specific examples of economic crime

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Resilience of Canadians

Impact: Resilience of Canadians. Text version below.

Impact: Resilience of Canadians - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: Is contributing to more informed and resilient Canadians."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Impact: Safety of Indigenous communities

Impact: Safety of Indigenous communities. Text version below.

Impact: Safety of Indigenous communities - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: The RCMP is contributing to safer Indigenous communities."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

2.13 Incidence of the RCMP Exceeding Their Authority

Results reveal that most Canadians believe the RCMP generally acts within their authority, although a significant minority believe the organization exceeds their authority at times. Seven in ten (70 per cent) say the RCMP seldom exceeds its authority (including 45 per cent who say 'never' or 'almost never'). One in six (17 per cent), however, feel the RCMP sometimes oversteps its boundaries, and one in eight (13 per cent) believe the RCMP often or always oversteps its authority.

Incidence of the RCMP Exceeding Their Authority

Incidence of the RCMP Exceeding Their Authority. Text version below.

Incidence of the RCMP Exceeding Their Authority - Text version

This chart has five bars for overall (unweighted) results.

Respondents were asked: "About how often would you say that the RCMP in your neighbourhood exceeds their authority?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

2.14 Awareness of RCMP's International Activities

Results suggest broad awareness of the RCMP's international undertakings. Three-quarters (73 per cent) say they are aware that the RCMP participates in activities such as peacekeeping and training foreign police, and only one in seven (15 per cent) say they are not aware that the RCMP engages in these activities. Longer-term tracking suggests a steady rise in the public's familiarity with the RCMP's presence on the international stage.

Awareness of RCMP's International Activities

Awareness of RCMP's International Activities. Text version below.

Awareness of RCMP's International Activities - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall results Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree. Below is a line graph for overall and telephone only results – % important (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree: I am aware that the RCMP participates in a variety of international activities, such as peacekeeping missions and offering training to foreign police?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

3. Contact with the RCMP

This section looks at incidence of recent contact with RCMP, the reasons behind these contacts, and client satisfaction with the contact along a number of key measures. In order to remain consistent with past iterations of this survey, the figures reported in this section are unweighted.

Note that "DK/NR" – or "Don't know/No response" – is used to denote those respondents who did not provide a response to a question.

3.1 Incidence of Contact With the RCMP

Respondents were asked if they have had any direct contact with the RCMP in the past year. Three in ten (31 per cent) indicate yes, while the majority (67 per cent) say no.

Tracking reveals that these results have remained largely stable over the past few years.

Incidence of Contact With the RCMP

Incidence of Contact With the RCMP. Text version below.

Incidence of Contact With the RCMP - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall (unweighted) and telephone only results Based on a scale: DK/NR, no, and yes. Below is a line graph for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 (% yes).

Respondents were asked: "In the past year, did you have any direct contact with the RCMP, such as reporting a crime, being stopped for a traffic offence or accident, seeking information, or any other reason?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=2,988, MOE +/− 1.8%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Canadians; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=1,317, MOE +/− 2.7%, 19 times out of 20

3.2 Nature of Contact With RCMP

Those who indicated they had had contact with the RCMP in the past year were asked the reason for their most recent contact. Responses varied, with one in five indicating their contact involved a traffic offence or an accident (21 per cent) or a criminal matter (19 per cent). One in ten say the contact involved a complaint (12 per cent) or a crime prevention activity (11 per cent).

Tracking reveals that results have remained largely stable over the past two years, though the proportion of traffic-related contacts is down eight points from 2016/17.

Nature of contact with RCMP

Nature of contact with RCMP. Text version below.

Nature of contact with RCMP - Text version

This chart has five stacked bars composed of three categories each: 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 for overall results (unweighted).

Respondents were asked: "[If yes] What was the reason for your most recent contact with the RCMP?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Tracking nature of contact with RCMP

Tracking nature of contact with RCMP. Text version below.

Tracking nature of contact with RCMP - Text version

This chart has six stacked bars composed of four categories each: 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 for telephone only results (unweighted).

Respondents were asked: "[If yes] What was the reason for your most recent contact with the RCMP?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

3.3 Origin of Contact With the RCMP

Those who indicated they had contact with the RCMP in the past year were also asked if they had initiated the contact. Most (62 per cent) indicate that they did initiate the contact, while about four in ten (38 per cent) did not.

Tracking reveals that the proportion who initiated contact with the RCMP has remained unchanged over the past two years, though it is up nine points since 2016/2017.

Origin of contact with the RCMP

Origin of contact with the RCMP. Text version below.

Origin of contact with the RCMP - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results Based on a scale: DK/NR, no, and yes. Below is a line graph for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 (% yes).

Respondents were asked: "Still thinking of the most recent contact, did you initiate the contact with the RCMP yourself?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

3.4 Views on Contact With RCMP

Those who indicated they had contact with the RCMP in the past year were then asked for their views on RCMP performance during this contact. Results are generally positive with more than eight in ten (85 per cent) agreeing that it was easy to get in touch with the RCMP, while similar proportions say RCMP personnel were courteous and respectful (84 per cent), treated them fairly (84 per cent), and demonstrated professionalism (83 per cent). Roughly three-quarters feel that RCMP personnel were knowledgeable and competent (78 per cent), provided all the information needed (73 per cent), and delivered the service in a timely fashion (72 per cent). Results are more mixed in terms of the RCMP going beyond minimum requirements in providing good service: 56 per cent feel the RCMP went beyond minimum service requirements, and 20 per cent disagree with this idea.

Tracking reveals that these results have remained largely stable over the past few years.

Views on contact with RCMP

Views on contact with RCMP. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP - Text version

This chart has eight horizontal stacked bars for overall results (unweighted) Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means disagree, 3 means neither, and1-2 means agree and an additional point for don’t know/not applicable.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance."

Respondents selected:

*Asked only of those who initiated contact with the RCMP (n=577, MOE +/− 4.1%, 19 times out of 20)

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Ease of contact

Views on contact with RCMP: Ease of contact. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Ease of contact - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. It was easy to get in touch with the RCMP."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Initiated contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=577, MOE +/− 4.1%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Initiated contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=308, MOE +/− 5.6%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Courtesy and respect

Views on contact with RCMP: Courtesy and respect. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Courtesy and respect - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel were courteous and respectful."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Fairness

Views on contact with RCMP: Fairness. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Fairness - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel treated me fairly."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Professionalism

Views on contact with RCMP: Professionalism. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Professionalism - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel demonstrated professionalism."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Knowledge and competence

Views on contact with RCMP: Knowledge and competence. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Knowledge and competence - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel were knowledgeable and competent."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Knowledge and competence

Views on contact with RCMP: Receipt of needed information. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Receipt of needed information - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel gave me all the information that I needed for the situation."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Timeliness

Views on contact with RCMP: Timeliness. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Timeliness - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel delivered the service in a timely fashion."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Views on contact with RCMP: Incidence of exceeding basic requirements

Views on contact with RCMP: Incidence of exceeding basic requirements. Text version below.

Views on contact with RCMP: Incidence of exceeding basic requirements - Text version

This chart is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % agree (1-2) – for the years 2012/13, 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance. RCMP personnel went beyond minimum requirements in providing good service."

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

3.5 Satisfaction With Contact With RCMP

Those who indicated they had had contact with the RCMP in the past year were also asked to rate their overall satisfaction with the service they received from the RCMP. Three in four (74 per cent) expressed satisfaction, and only 17 per cent were dissatisfied.

Tracking suggests that satisfaction has remained stable over the past few years.

Satisfaction with contact

Satisfaction with contact. Text version below.

Satisfaction with contact - Text version

This chart has one horizontal stacked bar for overall results (unweighted) Based on a five-point scale where 4-5 means dissatisfied, 3 means neither, and 1-2 means satisfied, with an additional point for DK/NR. Below is a line graph for overall (unweighted) and telephone only (unweighted) results – % satisfied (1-2) – for the years 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Respondents were asked: "How satisfied were you with the service you received during your contact(s) with the RCMP?"

Respondents selected:

Base (overall): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=936, MOE +/− 3.2%, 19 times out of 20

Base (phone): Had contact with the RCMP; most recent data point Jan. 9-27, 2020, n=470, MOE +/− 4.5%, 19 times out of 20

Appendix A: Questionnaire

Phone Introduction

Good afternoon/evening. My name is [name of caller] and I am calling from Ekos, a public opinion research company. May I speak with [name of participant]?

Confirm whether respondent prefers English or French

We are conducting a study on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to determine satisfaction with specific aspects of the RCMP's performance. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything. The survey is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential and anonymous. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

[If asked:] You can call the RCMP contact, Dr. James Lea, at 613-843-6143 to verify that the survey is legitimate. May we begin with the survey?

Yes: 1

No: 2


This call may be recorded for quality control or training purposes.

Web Introduction

We are conducting a study on behalf of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to determine satisfaction with specific aspects of the RCMP's performance. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything. The survey is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential and anonymous.

The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

You can call the RCMP contact, Dr. James Lea, at 613-843-6143 to verify that the survey is legitimate.


How important is the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe?


How satisfied are you with the RCMP's contribution to keeping Canadians safe?


I feel safer because of the RCMP.


Is the RCMP your local policing service?


For each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree.



The RCMP demonstrates professionalism in its work.


The RCMP is an organization with integrity.


RCMP personnel are honest.


RCMP personnel demonstrate compassion.


The RCMP is an accountable organization.


The RCMP treats people with respect.


The RCMP places an emphasis on providing quality service to the public.


The RCMP provides the same quality of service to all citizens.


The RCMP places emphasis on providing services in the official language of my choice, English or French.


The RCMP is a recognized symbol of Canada.


I have trust and confidence in the RCMP.


I would encourage friends and family members to apply to the RCMP.

PQ5L - Relationship with the RCMP


The RCMP has effective local leaders.


The RCMP has effective national leaders.


The RCMP provides Canadians with adequate information about its work.


The RCMP is an open and transparent organization.


The RCMP is representative of the diverse Canadian communities it serves.


The RCMP is dealing with the things that matter to people in this community.


I feel a moral duty to follow police orders.


I generally support how the RCMP usually acts.


I would help the RCMP if asked.

PQ5U - Sensitivity


The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of different cultures and groups.


The RCMP is respectful to the cultural needs of Indigenous people.


The RCMP treats women fairly.


The RCMP is sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ2 community.

PQ5Y - Visibility and responsiveness


The RCMP personnel have a visible presence in my community/province/territory.


The RCMP is present on the Web and social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.


The RCMP is effective at responding quickly to calls for assistance.


The RCMP is contributing to traffic safety in my province or territory.


The RCMP makes decisions based on facts.


The RCMP is a forward-looking, innovative organization.

PQ5EE - Priorities of the RCMP


The RCMP is addressing youth involvement in crime as both victims and offenders.


The RCMP is reducing the threat and impact of organized crime.


The RCMP is reducing the threat and impact of serious crime, such as murder, sexual assault, robbery, and arson.


The RCMP is effective at resolving crimes where violence is involved.


The RCMP is effectively responding to threats to national security.


The RCMP is effectively responding by countering radicalization to violence.


The RCMP is effectively responding to threats to Canadian passenger aircraft.


The RCMP is contributing to safer Indigenous communities.


The RCMP is advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples of Canada.


The RCMP is contributing to more informed and resilient Canadians.


The RCMP is reducing the overall impact of economic crime.


The RCMP is effectively responding to cybercrime threats.


The RCMP is effectively addressing online scams.


The RCMP is reducing the sale and distribution of illegal drugs.


The RCMP is effectively responding to threats at the border between the ports of entry.


The RCMP is keeping up with current and emerging trends and threats.


I am aware that the RCMP participates in a variety of international activities, such as peacekeeping missions and offering training to foreign police.


About how often would you say that the RCMP in your neighbourhood exceeds their authority?


In the past year, did you have any direct contact with the RCMP, such as reporting a crime, being stopped for a traffic offence or accident, seeking information, or any other reason?


If... Q7 = 1

What was the reason for your most recent contact with the RCMP?


If... Q7 = 1

Still thinking of the most recent contact, did you initiate the contact with the RCMP yourself?


If... Q7 = 1

Regarding your contact(s) with the RCMP in the last year, please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements about the RCMP's performance.

If a statement does not apply, select "Not applicable".


If... Q9 = 1

It was easy to get in touch with the RCMP.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel treated me fairly.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel demonstrated professionalism.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel were courteous and respectful.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel were knowledgeable and competent.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel delivered the service in a timely fashion.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel went beyond minimum requirements in providing good service.


If... Q7 = 1

RCMP personnel gave me all the information that I needed for the situation.


If... Q7 = 1

How satisfied were you with the service you received during your contact(s) with the RCMP?


In which of the following age categories do you belong?


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?


Do you consider yourself...

Select all that apply.


Which of the following best describes the community you live in:


Do you live in an Indigenous community, settlement or reserve?


What is your gender?


Please indicate the first three characters of your postal code:

Thank you

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.
