Survey of Canadians’ Views on Statistics Canada

Supplier name: EKOS Research Associates INC.
PWGSC Contract # 45045-180010/001/CY
POR Registration # POR 010-18
Contract value: $17,119.50
Contract award date: 24/05/2018
Delivery date: July 13, 2018

Methodological Report

Prepared for Statistics Canada

For more information on this report, please email:

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Survey of Canadians’ Views on Statistics Canada

Methodological Report

Prepared for Statistics Canada
Supplier name: EKOS Research Associates Inc.
July 2018

This public opinion research report presents the methodological report of an online survey by EKOS Research Associates Inc. on behalf of Statistics Canada. The research study was conducted with 2,050 Canadian adults between June 1 – 21, 2018.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: Enquête sur les opinions des Canadiens à l’égard de Statistique Canada.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Statistics Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Statistics Canada at or at:

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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2018

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Table Of Contents

Under Separate Cover: Data Tables

1. Executive Summary

Background and Objectives

Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

As Canada's central statistical office, Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this function for the whole of Canada and each of the provinces and territories. In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are approximately 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life.

Objective statistical information provides a solid foundation for informed decisions by elected representatives, businesses, unions and non-profit organizations, as well as individual Canadians. As a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission, Statistics Canada endorses the fundamental principles of official statistics. Statistics Canada is committed to protecting the confidentiality of all information entrusted to the Agency and to ensuring that the information delivered is timely and relevant to Canadians.

In 2017, as part of the Government’s Innovation and Skills Plan, Minister Bains proposed a vision for an independent and responsive statistical agency. The vision involves identifying new methods of collecting and integrating data from a variety of sources; providing easier access to government data; and encouraging more end users, whether they are businesses or individuals, to make evidence-based decisions using data.

Over the past year, Statistics Canada has been shaping its modernization agenda to focus on user-centric service delivery, which necessarily includes an ongoing dialogue with Canadians.

The purpose of this public opinion research (POR) was to gather the opinions of Canadians regarding the following four Statistics Canada themes:

The POR data will be used to contribute to corporate activities, such as improving client services; updating corporate branding and communications strategies; and providing information for corporate performance reporting and the corporate risk profile.


An online survey was used to collect this information from Canadians across the country. The survey was completed through the use of EKOS’ online panel (designed to be statistically representative of the general public) with a sample of 2,050 Canadian adults. The survey was approximately 8 minutes in length and was conducted from June 1 - 21, 2018.


The contract amount for this project was $17,119.50 (including HST).

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of EKOS Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Derek Jansen
Vice President
EKOS Research

2. Methodology

Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

The methodology for this study involved an online survey of 2,050 Canadians examining their views on Statistics Canada. The survey was approximately 8 minutes in length and was conducted from June 1 – 21, 2018.

2.1 Survey Programming and Pre-test

Statistics Canada provided EKOS with both the English and French versions of the questionnaire. EKOS programmed the questionnaires, and then pretested the survey with 30 respondents (14 English and 16 French). Appended to the pre-test questionnaire was a diagnostic battery of questions which allowed respondents to provide an assessment of the clarity, length, and flow of the questionnaire, and provide any final comments about the survey. No significant problems were encountered in the pretest, and the survey was then administered to the full sample.

2.2 Survey Administration/Quality Control

The final questionnaire was administered using a bilingual e-mail invitation and a bilingual questionnaire, installed on a web-server controlled by EKOS. The e-mail invitation included a description of the survey (in both languages) along with a link to the survey website. When respondents clicked on the survey link, they were taken to a website containing the survey instrument. Once inside the survey, the respondent had the choice of completing the questionnaire in French or English (and they could change the survey language between French and English at any time). The survey database was mounted using a Personalized Identification Number (PIN), so only individuals with a PIN were allowed access to the survey (the PIN was included in the e-mail invitation). The PIN also allowed respondents to exit and re-enter the survey at any time to complete or change information before the questionnaire was completed/submitted.

The survey was registered with the National Survey Registration System. Survey data collection adhered to Government of Canada standard for public opinion research as well as all applicable industry standards as set out by the Market Research Intelligence Agency, of which EKOS is a Gold Seal member. EKOS informed respondents of their rights under the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, and ensured that those rights were protected throughout the research process.

Both the e-mail invitation and the survey instructions included an e-mail address and a 1-800 number that respondents could use in the event that there were questions about the study or completing the questionnaire.

In order to increase the response rate to the survey, all non-respondents were sent three bilingual reminder e-mails, emphasizing the relevance and importance of the survey, and asking them to take the time needed to participate.

2.3 Sample source/Data Analysis

The sample for the survey was drawn from EKOS’ in-house Probit panel. Probit is a research panel that has been designed by EKOS to provide statistically representative data. Our online panel offers complete coverage of the Canadian population (i.e., Internet, phone, cell phone), random recruitment (in other words, participants are recruited randomly, they do not opt themselves into our panel), and equal probability sampling. All respondents to our panel are recruited by telephone using random digit dialling and are confirmed by live interviewers.

Our panel is considered to be probability based as it is recruited from random digit dial (RDD) sample, both landline and cell phone. The overall panel size is roughly 90,000 Canadian households. Random stratified samples are drawn from the panel database for individual research assignments.

Once the survey data was collected, the database was reviewed for data quality. Coding of open-ended questions was also completed. Survey results were weighted based on Statistics Canada data according to age, gender and region to ensure the sample was representative of the general public aged 18 years and older.

Data tables were created with crosstabulations across key sub-groups (e.g., region, age, gender, education, familiarity with Statistics Canada, etc).

2.4 Response rate

The response rate for the survey was 31.3%. This is calculated using the formula developed by the Marketing Research Intelligence Agency in conjunction with the Government of Canada. A total of 6,541 email invitations were sent out, and a total of 2,050 cases were completed, for a response rate of 31.3 %.

Appendix A - Questionnaire


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

To better serve Canadians, the Government of Canada is seeking your input through this research survey. EKOS has been hired to administer the survey. Your participation will allow us to improve our services to you.

Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur « français » ci-dessous.

The survey takes about 8 minutes to complete and is voluntary and completely confidential. Your answers will remain anonymous. The survey is registered with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. <Click here> if you wish to verify its authenticity. To view our privacy policy, <click here>.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please consider the questions and your answers carefully. On each screen, after selecting your answer, click on the "Continue" or "Back" buttons at the bottom of the screen to move forward or backwards in the questionnaire. If you leave the survey before completing it, you can return to the survey URL later, and you will be returned to the page where you left off. Your answers up to that point in the survey will be saved. If you have any questions about how to complete the survey, please call EKOS at 1-866-211-8881 or email us at Thank you in advance for your participation.

When you think of "Statistics Canada", what is the first thing that comes to mind?

How familiar are you with Statistics Canada?

How would you describe your general perception of Statistics Canada:

Please explain your response.

Have you ever used or referred to information produced by Statistics Canada for any purpose, such as study, work, or personal interest?

Q5 [1,7]
If... Q4 = 1,2
You stated you have used Statistics Canada information, how did you get to the information?
Select all that apply.

Q6 [1,11]
Yes, Q4
If... Q4 = 1,2
For what purpose do you generally use Statistics Canada information?
Select all that apply.

How much of a contribution do you believe the activities of Statistics Canada make to the quality of life of Canadians?

What communication channels should Statistics Canada use to provide information to Canadians?
Please rank your top three preferences.

Ranking #1
(Select 1)

Ranking #2
(Select 1)

Ranking #3
(Select 1)

Statistics Canada would like to better understand how Canadians like to use information.
Please rate the following from your most preferred to least preferred:

Ranking #1
(Select 1)

Ranking #2
(Select 1)

Ranking #3
(Select 1)

Ranking #4
(Select 1)

Please indicate to what extent you trust each of the institutions listed:

The media

Private market research or polling companies

Government institutions

Statistics Canada

Banks and financial institutions

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "I trust the quality of the data that Statistics Canada produces."

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "I believe that the personal information I provide to Statistics Canada will be kept confidential."

These last few questions will be used for statistical purposes only.

In what year were you born?

Are you ...

What is your province or territory of residence?

What is your annual household income from all sources before taxes?

What is the highest level of schooling that you have completed?

Thank you for participating in our survey.
