PWGSC Contract #24062-170186/001/CY
POR Registration # 085-16
Contract Award Date: December 20, 2016
Delivery Date: September 11, 2017

Data Collection of the Public Service Employee Annual Survey


Submitted to:

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Prepared by:

EKOS Research Associates Inc.
September 2017

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

EKOS Research Associates

Ottawa Office
359 Kent Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0R6
Tel: (613) 235 7215
Fax: (613) 235 8498

The Public Service Employee Annual Survey (PSEAS) is a short survey that complements the more comprehensive survey that is done every three years. The 2017 PSEAS focused on current government priorities and measured employees’ opinions on different aspects of employee engagement, as well as on diversity, workplace well-being, harassment and discrimination.

Departments and agencies were invited to discuss the survey findings with their employees, and to work with them and other stakeholders to come up with and put in place solutions to issues raised in the survey. The survey results also support the Federal Public Service Mental Health Strategy and contribute to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s Departmental Results Framework.

The 2017 PSEAS questionnaire was designed as an electronic survey that respondents could complete online. It was also made available as a paper questionnaire and via telephone interview.

As with the PSES, the target population for the PSEAS was all active employees of departments and agencies in the core public administration and participating separate agencies in Schedules I, IV, and V of the Financial Administration Act. Employees who are full-time workers, indeterminate, seasonal, term, casual, and student employees were eligible to participate, along with Governor-in-Council appointees.

A total of 74 departments and agencies chose to participate in the 2017 PSEAS, representing more than 95% of the federal public service population. The other 14 elected not to participate. Of the 249,764 employees eligible to participate, 129,997 responded to the survey, including 109,681 completed in English and 20,316 completed in French, for a response rate of 52.0%. Of all respondents, 128,905 (99.2%) participated online, 1,059 (0.8%) submitted paper questionnaires, and 33 (less than 0.1%) participated via phone interviews. Based on the census approach taken, covering more than 95% of the entire population of public servants, and similarity of the sample and population across known characteristics the results can be extrapolated to the broader population of public servants within the core public service.

The total contract value for the public opinion research project was $249,843.00 (including HST).

Supplier Name: EKOS Research Associates

PWGSC Contract #24062-170186/001/CY

Contract Award Date: December 20, 2016

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