2020 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES)

Methodological Report

Prepared For:
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

Contract Information

  • Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
  • Contract number: 24062-180203/001/CY
  • Contract Value: $201,179.58 incl taxes
  • Award date: September 3, 2020
  • Delivery date: June 28, 2021
  • Registration number: POR 089-17

For more information on this report, please contact PSES-SAFF@tbs-sct.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

This public opinion research report presents the results of an online survey conducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The research was conducted with 188,786 employees of the federal public service between November 30, 2020 and January 29, 2021.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. For more information on this report, please contact PSES-SAFF@tbs-sct.gc.ca.

  • Catalogue number: BT43-195/2020E-PDF
  • International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-37871-8
  • Related publications (registration number: POR 089-17):
    Catalogue number BT43-195/2020F-PDF

    (Sondage auprès des fonctionnaires fédéraux 2020 (SAFF) : rapport méthodologique)

    ISBN 978-0-660-37872-5

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Secretary of the Treasury Board, 2021

Executive Summary

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) conducted the comprehensive Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) every three years from 1999 to 2017. Beginning in 2018, the Government of Canada conducts the survey annually.

The objective of the PSES is to provide information to support the continuous improvement of people management practices in the federal public service. The PSES provides federal departments and agencies with ongoing evidence on key people management issues and allows them to address these issues in a timely manner. Topics covered by the 2020 survey relate to Treasury Board policies and government priorities, such as harassment and discrimination, performance management, leadership competencies, respectful and ethical practices and workplace well-being, including questions related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The target population was all active Government of Canada employees of participating departments and agencies in the core public administration and of participating separate agencies listed in Schedules I, IV and V of the Financial Administration Act. The target population included indeterminate, term, seasonal, casual and student employees, as well as Governor in Council appointees. Ministers’ exempt staff, contracted individuals and employees on leave without pay were not included.

The 2020 PSES was a voluntary census and was completed by employees online, in PDF format (printed and mailed back to Advanis), or by phone (calling in to speak to an Advanis interviewer).

A total of 87 departments and agencies chose to participate in the 2020 PSES, representing 99% of the federal public service population. Of the 311,684 employees eligible to participate, 188,786 completed the survey, for a response rate of 60.6%. 160,662 (85.1%) completed the survey in English and 28,124 (14.9%) completed in French. 188,737 (99.97%) completed the survey online, 45 (0.02%) completed it via PDF, and 4 employees completed it via the phone. Considering that the survey was administered as a census, the results can be extrapolated to the broader population of employees within the core public administration and participating separate agencies.

Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Nicolas Toutant
Vice-President, Research and Evaluation


Tabulated Data

Results for the overall public service and aggregate datasets for each department are found on the Public Service Employee Survey pages of the www.canada.ca website: https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/innovation/public-service-employee-survey.html .

Sample Size, Sampling Procedures, and Dates of Research Fieldwork

The target population was all active Government of Canada employees of participating departments and agencies in the core public administration and of participating separate agencies listed in schedules I, IV and V of the Financial Administration Act. The target population included indeterminate, term, seasonal, casual and student employees, as well as Governor in Council appointees. Ministers’ exempt staff, contracted individuals and employees on leave without pay were not included.

The bilingual survey was a voluntary census with a cross-sectional design. The census was taken with each of the 87 federal departments and agencies that participated.[1] Data were collected for all units of the target population; therefore, no sampling was done. Put differently, since the entire population of public servants meeting the criteria above was invited to participate in this study, there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported. The potential impact of non-sampling error due to non-response is discussed in a following section. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of the sampling frame on the main known characteristics.

The sample frame was created using the most current available lists of all eligible employees provided by human resources services in each participating department or agency. TBS provided an Excel template to the HR contact which specified the fields required to conduct the survey. TBS then verified, cleaned, and combined these lists to create the entire sample frame and provided it to Advanis[2]. The sampling unit is an employee.

Twice during the fieldwork period, Advanis provided lists of bounced and otherwise invalid email addresses to TBS, and TBS provided these to departments and agencies in order to have them corrected, if possible. During this same review, departments and agencies could provide TBS with additional employee email addresses (e.g., new hires) and indicate email addresses that should be deleted (e.g., for employees who left the public service during fieldwork).

The online survey of employees in participating organizations was conducted from November 30, 2020 to January 29, 2021. There were some exceptions, as listed below:

  • The online survey was accessible to Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Parks Canada and Public Service Commission of Canada employees one week earlier, on November 23. The “soft launch” was an opportunity to correct any technical issues before the launch to the rest of the federal public service.
  • A PDF version of the survey questionnaire was emailed to Fisheries and Oceans Canada between November 2 and November 4, 2020 and was distributed by the department thereafter. Those surveys were accepted and included in the final data if they were post-marked before January 15, 2021.

Note that the fieldwork period for the online and phone survey was originally scheduled to end on January 22, 2021. It was extended by one week to be consistent with 2019 and to allow extra time for those absent over the December holiday break. The survey fielding started later than in 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discussion of the Potential for Non-Response Bias

Although the 2020 PSES was a census, the response rate was 60.6%. There is the potential for non-response bias in that response rates varied by organization and for certain demographic characteristics (for example, response rates for employees in operational occupational groups tend to be lower than for other occupational groups). To adjust for this possible source of error, Advanis weighted the data following the same procedures that Statistics Canada used in previous versions of the PSES.

Weighting Procedures, the Confidence Interval, and the Margin of Error

The procedures used to adjust for non-response were similar to those used by Statistics Canada for previous versions of the PSES.

Weights were calculated using the ratio of the population and respondent counts for each occupational group within each department and agency (excluding micro-organizations), where the occupational group population count was 50 or more. When occupational group population counts were low, weights were developed by combining with occupational groups in the same occupational category, as defined by TBS. A weight was then calculated for each respondent.

The purpose of adjusting for non-response is to account for the under-representation of occupational groups in the respondent group by aligning to the population counts. In this way, the respondent group will better represent the department’s composition of occupational groups.

Since the entire population of active Government of Canada employees of departments and agencies in the core public administration and of participating separate agencies listed in schedules I, IV and V of the Financial Administration Act was invited to participate in this study, there is no margin of sampling error to be estimated or reported. The potential impact of non-sampling error due to non-response is discussed in the previous section. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of all active public servants on the main known characteristics.

Other Relevant Information about Execution of Fieldwork

Questionnaire Development and Testing

The PSES was conducted triennially from 1999 to 2017, and annually from 2018 onwards. The 2008 PSES was greatly modified from previous versions, including changes to the response scale from a four-point to a five-point scale for many of the questions. Due to these changes, comparing results from 2008 and onward with previous survey cycles should not be made.

With each iteration of the survey, consultations are held with key stakeholders to determine new survey content. TBS arranged for new or modified 2020 survey content to undergo qualitative testing. Eight focus testing sessions (four in English and four in French) with two follow-up sessions (one in English, one in French) were conducted virtually over teleconference with public service employees located across Canada from various departments and agencies. Observations were discussed and taken into account in the finalization of the survey questionnaire. Only questions that pass focus testing are included in the PSES.

The 2020 PSES was longer than the 2019 version with 122 questions, 96 opinion questions and 26 demographic questions. Participating departments and agencies were also given an opportunity to add up to ten supplemental questions to be administered to their employees and 23 departments did so. In addition, a series of supplemental questions were asked to some occupational groups found in several departments and a series of supplemental questions were asked to respondents who identified as a person with a disability.

The 2020 questionnaire was formatted as an electronic survey (to be completed online) and as a PDF version of the survey. Employees also had the opportunity to phone Advanis to complete the survey with an interviewer. The average time to complete the survey online was 24 minutes, down slightly from 25 minutes in 2019.

It was a requirement for the online survey to be fully compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, level AA or higher. Thus, the online survey development process was very exhaustive. Advanis worked with the Government of Canada to subject the survey to thorough testing and review, and the result was a fully compliant and accessible survey. The questionnaire was also fully tested by Advanis and TBS to ensure that all questions in the online version matched those in the questionnaire provided to Advanis and that all skip and branching in the survey worked as intended.

The paper questionnaire was not distributed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, a PDF version of the survey was created for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, which included the same question formatting as that of the online survey. Advanis included a separate page showing a reference list of occupational group acronyms and an organizational unit list that was tailored to Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Fisheries and Oceans Canada printed the PDF and distributed on a limited basis.

Survey Administration

As noted, the questionnaire was largely administered online (99.9% of completed surveys). TBS provided Advanis with a list of employee email addresses for each department and agency, as well as the text for an email invitation. Each email was personalized for the employee in that it had a unique link to the survey. This unique link allowed the employee to stop the survey and return to it at another time, exactly where they left off. It also meant that each employee could only complete the survey once.

A different invitation email and landing page was used for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Regular and Civilian Member participants.

Prior to the launch of the survey, TBS arranged two group meetings: TBS, Information Technology (IT) department and agency representatives, and Advanis; and TBS, Communications and Human Resources and agency representatives, and Advanis. At these meetings, TBS and Advanis shared information about the timeline, logistics, and support. In particular, Advanis shared details to allow departments and agencies to ensure that emails from Advanis would be accepted by Government of Canada servers and reach employees. Advanis also sent a specially designed survey to the IT representatives, which allowed them to test the process themselves. These meetings were held via video conference instead of in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Advanis used its proprietary software to send email invitations and reminders. Advanis sent emails to TBS, Parks Canada, and Public Service Commission of Canada on November 23, one week before the main launch of the survey, to ensure that the process worked properly. As required, Advanis then sent the email invitations to the other departments and agencies over five days from November 30 to December 4, 2020. For some large departments, such as Canada Revenue Agency, Advanis sent the emails over a few days to reduce overload on their servers. Advanis initially sent up to three reminder emails to each employee who had not yet completed the survey at the time of the reminder. After TBS approved a deadline extension from January 22 to January 29, Advanis sent a fourth reminder.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a) paper surveys were not distributed as in previous years; and b) some employees who worked from home did not have access to their government email account. To enable some Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) employees to complete the survey, Advanis created a PDF version of the questionnaire, which TBS sent to DFO and which a DFO human resources contact distributed on a limited basis. To ensure that these employees who worked from home had the opportunity to complete the survey, they could contact their department’s human resources representative to be provided with a unique link to the survey.

Departments with some employees without access to government email account
Department Level 1id Links Provided Links Used
Parks Canada 88 500 286
Global Affairs Canada (Locally Engaged Staff) 84 250 189
Statistical Survey Operations 94 105 105
Natural Resources Canada 15 34 34
Canadian Human Rights Commission 41 6 6
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 26 2 2
Statistics Canada 08 2 2
Department of National Defence 03 1 1
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 05 300 0
Departments using only unique links
(Advanis was not provided with employee email addresses)
Department Level 1id Links Provided Links Used
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 51 3600 3335
Communications Security Establishment 89 4000 2955

Advanis also sent invitations to the following employees who are not part of the target population but were surveyed as a courtesy, as in past iterations of the PSES[3]:

  • National Capital Commission employees
  • Regular and civilian members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Locally engaged staff of Global Affairs Canada

Advanis provided support to employees in three ways: via a customized support website, via email, and via telephone.

Advanis created a support website (pses-saff.advanis.ca) so that employees could get help with common issues very quickly, and at any time of the day or night, seven days a week, throughout the data collection period. When departments and agencies communicated about the PSES to employees, they provided the link to this site. The email invitation to each employee also had a link to this support website, as did the login page of the survey. By visiting this support website, employees could:

  • request a link to the survey
  • access information about the survey
    • overview
    • confidentiality information
    • eligibility criteria
  • send comments to TBS about the questions in the survey
  • find a toll-free number to call and an email address to contact for further support

Thousands of employees visited the support site. Of note, a total of 10,032 different employees chose the “Request a link to the survey” option, doing so a total of 10,449 times. Employees “requested a link” for the following reasons:

  • 50% (5199) because it was after December 7th and they hadn’t yet seen an email invitation
  • 33% (3425) because they deleted or couldn’t find the email invitation
  • 12% (1295) because it was after December 7th and they were a new employee
  • 4% (459) because their link “didn’t work”
  • 0.7% (71) because they shared the link with someone else

Comparing reasons for visiting the support site to 2019, as shown in the table below:

  • Overall support site usage decreased by 11% from 2019 to 2020.
  • Fewer employees used the site to request a link because they hadn’t received an email during the first week of invitations or because they were a new employee.
  • More employees used the site because they’d deleted or weren’t able to find their invitation (the latter perhaps due to more employees working at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • The number of employees using the support site because their link didn’t work or because they shared their link remained very low relative to the other reasons.
Advanis Support Site Requests
Year-over-year comparison

Weeks 2-7
July 29-Sep 6


Weeks 2-9
Dec 7-Jan 29

2019 to 2020 change
It is after [date] and I haven’t yet received an email invitation with the link 6761 5199 -23%
I deleted or can’t find the email invitation with the link 2637 3425 +30%
It is after [date] and I haven’t received an email invitation with a link because I am a new employee 1951 1295 -34%
My link didn’t work 308 459 +49%
I shared the link with someone else, so I need a new link to the survey 47 71 +51%
Total 11704 10449 -11%

Advanis monitored and responded to 3,433 emails from employees who needed support. Some employees emailed for multiple reasons. The breakdown of the reasons for emailing is as follows:

  • 72% (2473) requesting a link
  • 7% (250) survey closed early
  • 5% (174) technical issue Government source
  • 3% (111) wants to confirm complete rec'd
  • 2% (84) refer to TBS
  • 2% (74) general question about survey
  • 1% (39) wants to change answers or re-do entire survey
  • 1% (21) Collection Monitoring Report (CMR) /portal inquiries (not survey related)
  • 1% (19) Organizational Unit recode request
  • 1% (18) opt out from further reminders
  • 0.3% (12) need clarity on how to answer a question
  • 0.3% (10) Don't have access to Government of Canada email account (unique link request)
  • 0.2% (7) shared a link; request for new one
  • 0.2% (6) requesting link for new employees
  • 0.1% (5) requesting mail-out, copy of questions, or results
  • 0.1% (3) technical issue Advanis source
  • 0.1% (2) not a government employee
  • 0.03% (1) don't have access to the Internet
  • 4% (124) other reasons

Advanis provided a toll-free number that employees could call with questions and dealt with 137 calls. If the number was dialed outside of extended business hours, employees could leave a voicemail, which an Advanis interviewer would return the next business day. Employees called for these reasons:

  • 49% (67) requesting a link
  • 11% (15) survey closed early
  • 9% (12) technical issue Government source
  • 6% (8) wants to confirm complete rec'd
  • 4% (5) refer to TBS
  • 4% (5) need clarity on how to answer a question
  • 3% (4) phone survey complete
  • 2% (3) wants to change answers or re-do entire survey
  • 1% (2) Don't have access to Government of Canada email account (unique link request)
  • 1% (2) Organizational Unit recode request
  • 1% (2) Collection Monitoring Report (CMR) report/portal inquiries (not survey related)
  • 1% (1) opt out from further reminders
  • 1% (1) shared a link; request for new one
  • 1% (1) general question about survey
  • 7% (9) other reasons

The PDF survey option was only offered to Lightkeepers in Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Advanis prepared an electronic version of the survey, along with an organizational unit glossary, which was provided to TBS. TBS shared the survey with the department for distribution. Employees who filled out this version of the survey mailed it back to Advanis’s Edmonton office. Advanis staff entered the data into a form specifically designed for the purpose, doing so twice to allow for validation of the data.

Database Management
Data coding and cleaning procedure

Advanis used SPSS statistical software for its detailed data work. All data cleaning tasks were performed in syntax files with intermediate data files saved out along the process. This ensured that the original raw data files were never overwritten, and that each time data was produced, it incorporated all changes (unlike manual procedures).

To ensure that data cleaning and tabulation was accurate, Advanis first cleaned and checked the data. Advanis developed syntax that, among other things, handled:

  • checking questionnaire skip patterns
  • checking response ranges
  • assigning questions that respondents did not answer to be missing, using the coding for missing as defined by TBS to be consistent with historical data
  • addressing invalid data per specifications from TBS
  • identification of outliers for certain question types and recoding of same (e.g., occupational level not possible for a specific occupational group, occupational group does not exist within a certain department)
  • identification and removal of cases as they were out of scope (e.g., contracted individuals, Ministers’ exempt staff)

Checking syntax was run on test data first. Next, it was finalized by being run on pre-test data. This also ensured that data coming from the final survey would be accurate. During field, checking and cleaning continued. It was done regularly to ensure that the data continues to be valid and correct and to identify any “new” issues that might appear as more data was collected.

Micro-data File

Advanis provided micro-data files in SPSS, SAS, and comma-separated values (CSV) formats to TBS for their internal use by select analysts of the TBS Analysis and Measurement Team. The micro-data files included a micro-data file for the overall public service, and separate micro-data files of survey responses for the National Capital Commission, regular and civilian members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and locally engaged staff of Global Affairs Canada. The micro-data files included the weights for each case.

Aggregate Data Files

TBS provided historical datasets to Advanis, and where appropriate and possible, Advanis merged the historical data with the 2020 data from the micro-data file to create various aggregate data files for TBS to:

  • publish results and open data on the PSES web page
  • provide departmental datasets, including results for the overall public service and for individual departments and agencies, broken down by demographic characteristics and organizational structure, to participating departments and agencies

These aggregate data files were subject to suppression rules, as described in the next section.

Applying suppression rules to protect the confidentiality of responses

To protect the confidentiality of employees’ responses, some results needed to be suppressed:

  • Results were suppressed for groups with fewer than 10 respondents
  • For sensitive questions (e.g., harassment, discrimination), results were suppressed for response categories with only 1, 2, 3 or 4 respondents
  • Results were suppressed for sub-questions where the results from a main question were suppressed (e.g., suppression of results for sources of harassment if results for incidence of harassment were suppressed)
  • If only one group’s results for a question were suppressed, then the results for the group with the next lowest number of respondents from the same demographic variable were also suppressed (with the exception of gender, where a single suppression was allowed if gender diverse is the only group suppressed)
  • Suppression ensured that related demographic groups were consistently suppressed (e.g., if a specific occupational group was suppressed, then all levels for that group were also suppressed)

In applying the suppression rules, results were flagged that needed to be suppressed prior to creation of the final aggregate datasets. Advanis used this flag to programmatically handle the suppressions in a consistent manner across similar datasets, hiding results from some datasets and removing entire rows in others.

After suppression rules were applied to aggregate datasets, TBS conducted their own review to ensure that rules were applied. Iterations between Advanis and TBS occurred to ensure rules were applied properly and consistently with past versions of the PSES.

Response Rates

Overall Response Rate

Of the 311,684 employees eligible to participate, 188,786 completed the survey, for a response rate of 60.6%.

85% (160,662) completed the survey in English and 15% (28,124) completed in French, as was the case in 2019.

99.97% (188,737) completed the survey online, 0.02% (45) printed the PDF supplied and mailed back the survey, and 4 employees completed it via the phone. By comparison, in 2019, 98.8% completed the survey online, 1.2% completed it via paper (last year, a full printed version was supplied by some departments to some of their employees), and 1 person completed it via the phone.

To support tracking and comparability over time, survey response rates in the following table are calculated using the formula established by Statistics Canada.

Response Rate by Department/Agency
Level ID Organization Total Cases Invalid Cases 4 Valid Cases Online Phone PDF Total Response Rate
na Total 319847 8163 311684 188737 4 45 188786 60.6%
91 Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 625 27 598 429 0 0 429 71.7%
09 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 5392 81 5311 3272 0 0 3272 61.6%
32 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 603 10 593 485 0 0 485 81.8%
83 Canada Border Services Agency 15509 208 15301 7922 1 0 7923 51.8%
34 Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions 400 8 392 288 0 0 288 73.5%
75 Canada Energy Regulator 557 5 552 383 0 0 383 69.4%
01 Canada Revenue Agency 45202 770 44432 30565 0 0 30565 68.8%
78 Canada School of Public Service 686 36 650 494 0 0 494 76.0%
95121 Canadian Dairy Commission 67 0 67 48 0 0 48 71.6%
86 Canadian Food Inspection Agency 6664 87 6577 4162 0 0 4162 63.3%
25 Canadian Grain Commission 437 5 432 362 0 0 362 83.8%
20 Canadian Heritage 1935 62 1873 1316 1 0 1317 70.3%
41 Canadian Human Rights Commission 274 11 263 200 0 0 200 76.0%
35 Canadian Institutes of Health Research 521 8 513 383 0 0 383 74.7%
95103 Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 24 1 23 21 0 0 21 91.3%
95144 Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 109 0 109 89 0 0 89 81.7%
69 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 897 12 885 731 0 0 731 82.6%
31 Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 527 7 520 393 0 0 393 75.6%
51 Canadian Security Intelligence Service 3335 0 3335 1488 0 0 1488 44.6%
33 Canadian Space Agency 731 11 720 530 0 0 530 73.6%
54 Canadian Transportation Agency 346 11 335 278 0 0 278 83.0%
95114 Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP 89 1 88 64 0 0 64 72.7%
89 Communications Security Establishment Canada 2955 0 2955 1563 1 0 1564 52.9%
95105 Copyright Board of Canada 22 1 21 21 0 0 21 100.0%
04 Correctional Service Canada 18702 251 18451 8668 0 0 8668 47.0%
30 Courts Administration Service 908 91 817 446 0 0 446 54.6%
22 Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada 1917 42 1875 1277 0 0 1277 68.1%
24 Department of Finance Canada 872 25 847 511 0 0 511 60.3%
19 Department of Justice 5715 567 5148 2966 0 0 2966 57.6%
03 Department of National Defence 26937 374 26563 13958 0 0 13958 52.5%
02 Employment and Social Development Canada 30319 590 29729 19136 0 0 19136 64.4%
11 Environment and Climate Change Canada 7716 96 7620 4586 0 0 4586 60.2%
95109 Farm Products Council of Canada 17 3 14 10 0 0 10 71.4%
93 Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 310 11 299 261 0 0 261 87.3%
57 Financial Consumer Agency of Canada 173 5 168 150 0 0 150 89.3%
05 Fisheries and Oceans Canada 13901 892 13009 6551 0 45 6596 50.7%
14 Global Affairs Canada 6963 159 6804 4571 0 0 4571 67.2%
06 Health Canada 8992 196 8796 5255 0 0 5255 59.7%
23 Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada 1787 36 1751 997 0 0 997 56.9%
13 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada 9285 516 8769 5593 0 0 5593 63.8%
47 Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 463 4 459 390 0 0 390 85.0%
95149 Indian Oil and Gas Canada 86 2 84 63 0 0 63 75.0%
17 Indigenous Services Canada 6370 94 6276 3291 0 0 3291 52.4%
82 Infrastructure Canada 768 28 740 555 0 0 555 75.0%
10 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 5535 134 5401 3635 0 0 3635 67.3%
95107 International Joint Commission 45 0 45 27 0 0 27 60.0%
95115 Invest in Canada 72 0 72 64 0 0 64 88.9%
74 Library and Archives Canada 991 23 968 705 0 0 705 72.8%
95119 Military Grievances External Review Committee 54 0 54 49 0 0 49 90.7%
95101 Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada 37 2 35 27 0 0 27 77.1%
92 National Film Board of Canada 395 4 391 305 0 0 305 78.0%
50 National Research Council Canada 4394 40 4354 2599 0 0 2599 59.7%
95104 National Security and Intelligence Review Agency 68 2 66 50 0 0 50 75.8%
15 Natural Resources Canada 4672 134 4538 2880 0 0 2880 63.5%
81 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 564 16 548 403 0 0 403 73.5%
52 Office of the Auditor General of Canada 663 6 657 478 0 0 478 72.8%
40 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 985 30 955 620 0 0 620 64.9%
95110 Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada 67 0 67 52 0 0 52 77.6%
95139 Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada 28 0 28 26 0 0 26 92.9%
42 Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 185 13 172 149 0 0 149 86.6%
95147 Office of the Correctional Investigator 47 2 45 27 0 0 27 60.0%
95151 Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada 115 1 114 100 0 0 100 87.7%
95143 Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada 35 0 35 34 0 0 34 97.1%
73 Office of the Secretary to the Governor General 172 2 170 121 0 0 121 71.2%
88 Parks Canada 4368 127 4241 3297 1 0 3298 77.8%
95111 Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 78 1 77 55 0 0 55 71.4%
95145 Polar Knowledge Canada 72 4 68 46 0 0 46 67.6%
28 Privy Council Office 1108 55 1053 763 0 0 763 72.5%
70 Public Health Agency of Canada 3081 116 2965 1467 0 0 1467 49.5%
46 Public Prosecution Service of Canada 1141 21 1120 641 0 0 641 57.2%
53 Public Safety Canada 1214 46 1168 803 0 0 803 68.8%
21 Public Service Commission of Canada 842 29 813 568 0 0 568 69.9%
07 Public Services and Procurement Canada 17781 707 17074 11171 0 0 11171 65.4%
95125 RCMP External Review Committee 16 0 16 13 0 0 13 81.3%
16 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 10058 155 9903 4379 0 0 4379 44.2%
37 Shared Services Canada 7874 238 7636 4095 0 0 4095 53.6%
56 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 313 13 300 220 0 0 220 73.3%
94 Statistical Survey Operations 2095 71 2024 1016 0 0 1016 50.2%
08 Statistics Canada 6190 140 6050 3728 0 0 3728 61.6%
85 Supreme Court of Canada 251 7 244 140 0 0 140 57.4%
12 Transport Canada 6592 268 6324 4243 0 0 4243 67.1%
39 Transportation Safety Board of Canada 241 1 240 192 0 0 192 80.0%
26 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2566 168 2398 1838 0 0 1838 76.6%
18 Veterans Affairs Canada 3900 227 3673 2374 0 0 2374 64.6%
95150 Veterans Review and Appeal Board 81 1 80 51 0 0 51 63.8%
43 Western Economic Diversification Canada 406 4 402 312 0 0 312 77.6%
90 Women and Gender Equality Canada 347 11 336 252 0 0 252 75.0%
na I cannot find my department or agency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a
  • 1 As with some past versions, the National Capital Commission, the Locally Engaged Staff of Global Affairs Canada, and the Regular Member and Civilian Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police chose to invite their employees to complete the PSES. However, these organizations are outside of the target population as defined herein. Therefore, the results for these three organizations are not included in the tabulated data nor are these three organizations included in the number of participating organizations and response rates.

  • 2 Personal Record Identifiers (PRIs) were not provided to Advanis.

  • 3 The responses of the respondents in these three groups are not included in the overall results for the public service reported in this document. The datasets for these three groups were subject to the same suppression rules to protect the confidentiality of responses that were applied to the overall results.

  • 4 Invalid Cases are those dropped by TBS or the department's HR contact

Research Instrument Used (Survey Questionnaire)

Main Survey


2020 Public Service Employee Survey

I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 2020 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES).

The PSES provides an opportunity for you to express your opinion on important aspects of your workplace. In addition to focusing on the important themes you have come to expect from the PSES, including workplace well-being, diversity and inclusion, and safe and healthy workplaces, we have made updates to this year’s survey that will improve the data we collect in order to better understand, and ultimately improve, the employee experience. This includes new questions to help us learn how changes related to COVID-19 are impacting employees and more inclusive language and subgroup categories for Persons with Disabilities and Indigenous employees.

Each of you is the at heart of providing good services to Canadians. By providing your feedback, you will help your organization identify what is working well and where improvements are required. This will contribute toward public service-wide efforts in support of a high-performing world class public service.

The PSES was developed by the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). Once again, Advanis, a Canadian market and social research firm, is administering the survey on TBS’s behalf.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your responses are protected in accordance with the Privacy Act. Your identity will be further safeguarded by grouping your responses with those of other respondents when reporting results. Individual responses and results for very small groups of fewer than ten respondents will not be reported or shared with organizations. For information about Advanis and their privacy policy, please visit the Advanis website.

The survey will take approximately 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Please note that you have until January 29, 2021 to complete and submit the survey.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your views. Your opinion counts and contributes to creating a better workplace.

For technical issues, please contact Advanis at pses-saff@advanis.ca or at 1-866-539-7829.

For more information about the survey, please refer to the Public Service Employee Survey page or the PSES GCintranet page or contact TBS at pses-saff@tbs-sct.gc.ca. TTY/TDD: 1-613-369-9371. Click if you need an alternative means of accessing the survey.

Nancy Chahwan
Chief Human Resources Officer
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Privacy Statement:

The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act and will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act. Because survey responses are not attributed to any one individual, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat will not be able to provide rights to access or correction of information you have submitted. For additional information regarding this activity, please refer to Personal information Bank – PSU 938 (Outreach Activities) in Info Source. If you have any privacy concerns, please contact the TBS Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by email at atip.aiprp@tbs-sct.gc.ca or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

RCMP Introduction

2020 RCMP Employee Survey

I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 2020 RCMP Employee survey (also known as the Public Service Employee Survey or PSES). This survey is addressed to all employees of the RCMP, including regular members, civilian members, and public service employees.

The RCMP Employee Survey provides an opportunity for you to express your opinion on important aspects of your workplace. This year’s survey will focus on many important themes including workplace well-being, organizational performance, duty to accommodate, diversity and inclusion, Vision 150, and the impact COVID-19 has had on employees. By providing your feedback, you will help your organization identify what is working well and where improvements are required. This will contribute toward modernizing the RCMP, and more generally, in supporting a high-performing world class public service.

The RCMP Employee Survey was developed by the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). Once again, Advanis, a Canadian market and social research firm, is administering the survey on TBS’s behalf.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your responses are protected in accordance with the Privacy Act. Your identity will be further safeguarded by grouping your responses with those of other respondents when reporting results. Individual responses and results for very small groups of fewer than ten respondents will not be reported or shared with organizations. For information about Advanis and their privacy policy, please visit the Advanis website.

The survey will take approximately 25 to 30 minutes to complete. Please note that you have until January 29, 2021 to complete and submit the survey.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your views. Your opinion counts and contributes to creating a better workplace.

For technical issues, please contact Advanis at pses-saff@advanis.ca or at 1-866-539-7829.

For more information about the survey, please refer to the Public Service Employee Survey, the RCMP Employee Survey page or the PSES GCintranet page, or contact TBS at pses-saff@tbs-sct.gc.ca. TTY/TDD: 1-613-369-9371. Click if you need an alternative means of accessing the survey.

Nancy Chahwan
Chief Human Resources Officer
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Privacy Statement:

The information you provide is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act and will be protected in accordance with the Privacy Act. Because survey responses are not attributed to any one individual, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat will not be able to provide rights to access or correction of information you have submitted. For additional information regarding this activity, please refer to Personal information Bank – PSU 938 (Outreach Activities) in Info Source. If you have any privacy concerns, please contact the TBS Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator by email at atip.aiprp@tbs-sct.gc.ca or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

2020 Public Service Employee Survey Questionnaire

My Job

Q1. I have the tools, technology and equipment I need to do my job.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q2. The material and tools provided for my work, including software and other automated tools, are available in the official language of my choice.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q3. My physical environment (e.g., office, workspace) is suitable for my job requirements.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q4. I get the training I need to do my job.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q5. I have the information, training and equipment I need to ensure my health and safety at work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q6. I have support at work to balance my work and personal life.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q7. I get a sense of satisfaction from my work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q8. I receive meaningful recognition for work well done.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q9. I have clear work objectives.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q10. I know how my work contributes to the achievement of my department's or agency's goals.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q11. Overall, I feel valued at work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q12. I am proud of the work that I do.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q13. I have opportunities to provide input into decisions that affect my work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q14. I am encouraged to be innovative or to take initiative in my work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q15. I have support at work to provide a high level of service.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q16. Overall, I like my job.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q17. I can complete my assigned workload during my regular working hours.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18a. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of constantly changing priorities
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18b. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of lack of stability in my department or agency.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18c. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of too many approval stages.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18d. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of unreasonable deadlines.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18e. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of having to do the same or more work, but with fewer resources.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18f. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of high staff turnover.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18g. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of overly complicated or unnecessary business processes.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q18h. I feel that the quality of my work suffers because of unreliable technology.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

My Work Unit

Q19. I am satisfied with how interpersonal issues are resolved in my work unit.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q20. In my work unit, every individual is accepted as an equal member of the team.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q21. In my work unit, individuals behave in a respectful manner.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q22. The people I work with value my ideas and opinions.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q23. In my work unit, I would feel free to speak about racism in the workplace without fear of reprisal. (Racism refers to any individual action or institutional practice which treats people differently because of their colour or ethnicity.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

My Immediate Supervisor

Q24. My immediate supervisor encourages me to work collaboratively with others outside of my work unit.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q25. I receive useful feedback from my immediate supervisor on my job performance.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q26. I feel that my immediate supervisor supports my career goals.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q27. My immediate supervisor keeps me informed about the issues affecting my work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q28. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you requested flexible work hours, either formally or informally? (Flexible work hours mean that an employee is able to vary the start and end times of their workday.)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q29. During the COVID-19 pandemic, my immediate supervisor supported the use of flexible work hours.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q30. I am satisfied with the quality of supervision I receive.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

Senior Management

Q31. Senior managers in my department or agency lead by example in ethical behaviour.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q32. I have confidence in the senior management of my department or agency.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q33. Senior management in my department or agency makes effective and timely decisions.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q34. Essential information flows effectively from senior management to staff.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q35. Senior managers in my department or agency use both official languages in their interactions with employees.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

My Organization (Department or Agency)

Q36. My department or agency does a good job of communicating its vision, mission and goals.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q37. I feel that change is managed well in my department or agency.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q38. If I am faced with an ethical dilemma or a conflict between values in the workplace, I know where I can go for help in resolving the situation.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q39. My department or agency does a good job of promoting values and ethics in the workplace.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q40. I feel I can initiate a formal recourse process (e.g., grievance, complaint, appeal) without fear of reprisal.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q41. My department or agency does a good job of supporting employee career development.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q42. I believe I have opportunities for promotion within my department or agency, given my education, skills and experience.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q43a. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?
Conflict between my work obligations and my family or personal obligations
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q43b. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?
Lack of access to learning opportunities
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q43c. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q43d. To what extent have the following adversely affected your career progress in the federal public service over the last 12 months?
Accessibility or accommodation issues
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q44. I feel I would be supported by my department or agency if I proposed a new idea.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q45. I think that my department or agency respects individual differences (e.g., culture, work styles, ideas, abilities).
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q46. My department or agency implements activities and practices that support a diverse workplace. (A diverse workplace includes everyone, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital or family status, religion, age, language, culture, background, interests, views or other dimensions.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q47. My department or agency implements initiatives that promote anti-racism in the workplace. (Anti-racism may be promoted by providing access to anti-racism training, and promoting awareness of resources and self-directed learning on anti-racism. Anti-racism is an active and consistent process of change to eliminate individual, institutional and systemic racism.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q48. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns about issues related to racism in the workplace with a person of authority (e.g., immediate supervisor, senior manager, ombudsman, human resources advisor. Racism refers to any individual action or institutional practice which treats people differently because of their colour or ethnicity.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q49. Overall, my department or agency treats me with respect.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q50. I would recommend my department or agency as a great place to work.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q51. I am satisfied with my department or agency.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q52. I would prefer to remain with my department or agency, even if a comparable job was available elsewhere in the federal public service.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

Mobility and Retention

Q53. Do you intend to leave your current position in the next two years?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
  • 3) Not sure
Q54. Please indicate your reason for leaving.
  • 1) To retire
  • 2) To pursue another position within my department or agency
  • 3) To pursue a position in another department or agency
  • 4) To pursue a position outside the federal public service
  • 5) End of my term, casual or student employment
  • 6) Other


Harassment is normally a series of incidents, but it can be one severe incident that has a lasting impact on the individual.

Harassment is any improper conduct by an individual that is directed at and offensive to another individual in the workplace, including at any event or any location related to work, and that the individual knew or ought reasonably to have known would cause offence or harm. It comprises objectionable act(s), comment(s) or display(s) that demean, belittle, or cause personal humiliation or embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat. It also includes harassment within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e., based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test, or disclose the results of a genetic test), disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered).

Q55. Having carefully read the definition of harassment, have you been the victim of harassment on the job in the past 12 months?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q56. From whom did you experience harassment on the job? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) Co-workers
  • 2) Individuals with authority over me
  • 3) Individuals working for me
  • 4) Individuals for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees)
  • 5) Individuals from other departments or agencies
  • 6) Members of the public (individuals or organizations)
  • 7) Other
Q57. Please indicate the nature of the harassment you experienced. (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) Aggressive behaviour
  • 2) Excessive control
  • 3) Being excluded or being ignored
  • 4) Humiliation
  • 5) Interference with work or withholding resources
  • 6) Offensive remark
  • 7) Personal attack
  • 8) Physical violence
  • 9) Sexual comment or gesture
  • 10) Threat
  • 11) Unfair treatment
  • 12) Yelling or shouting
  • 13) Other
Q58. What action(s) did you take to address the harassment you experienced? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) I discussed the matter with my supervisor or a senior manager.
  • 2) I discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the harassment.
  • 3) I contacted a human resources advisor in my department or agency.
  • 4) I contacted my union representative.
  • 5) I used an informal conflict resolution process.
  • 6) I filed a grievance or formal complaint.
  • 7) I resolved the matter informally on my own.
  • 8) Other
  • 9) I took no action.
Q59. Why did you not file a grievance or formal complaint about the harassment you experienced? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) The issue was resolved.
  • 2) I did not think the incident was serious enough.
  • 3) The behaviour stopped.
  • 4) The individual apologized.
  • 5) Management intervened.
  • 6) The individual left or changed jobs.
  • 7) I changed jobs.
  • 8) I did not know what to do, where to go or whom to ask.
  • 9) I was too distraught.
  • 10) I had concerns about the formal complaint process (e.g., confidentiality, how long it would take).
  • 11) I was advised against filing a complaint.
  • 12) I was afraid of reprisal (e.g., having limited career advancement, being labelled a troublemaker).
  • 13) Someone threatened me.
  • 14) I did not believe it would make a difference.
  • 15) I intend to file a grievance or a formal complaint but I have not done so yet.
  • 16) Other
Q60. I am satisfied with how matters related to harassment are resolved in my department or agency.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q61. My department or agency works hard to create a workplace that prevents harassment.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable


Discrimination means treating someone differently or unfairly because of a personal characteristic or distinction, which, whether intentional or not, has an effect that imposes disadvantages not imposed on others or that withholds or limits access that is given to others. There are 13 prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e., based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test, or disclose the results of a genetic test), disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered).

Q62. Having carefully read the definition of discrimination, have you been the victim of discrimination on the job in the past 12 months?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q63. From whom did you experience discrimination on the job? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) Co-workers
  • 2) Individuals with authority over me
  • 3) Individuals working for me
  • 4) Individuals for whom I have a custodial responsibility (e.g., inmates, offenders, patients, detainees)
  • 5) Individuals from other departments or agencies
  • 6) Members of the public (individuals or organizations)
  • 7) Other
Q64. Please indicate the type of discrimination you experienced. (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) Race
  • 2) National or ethnic origin
  • 3) Colour
  • 4) Religion
  • 5) Age
  • 6) Sex
  • 7) Sexual orientation
  • 8) Gender identity and expression (including gender diverse identities or expressions such as transgender, two-spirit, or non-binary)
  • 9) Marital status
  • 10) Family status
  • 11) Genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test, or disclose the results of a genetic test)
  • 12) Disability
  • 13) Pardoned conviction or suspended record
  • 14) Other
Q65. What action(s) did you take to address the discrimination you experienced? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) I discussed the matter with my supervisor or a senior manager.
  • 2) I discussed the matter with the person(s) from whom I experienced the discrimination.
  • 3) I contacted a human resources advisor in my department or agency.
  • 4) I contacted my union representative.
  • 5) I used an informal conflict resolution process.
  • 6) I filed a grievance or formal complaint.
  • 7) I resolved the matter informally on my own.
  • 8) Other
  • 9) I took no action.
Q66. Why did you not file a grievance or a formal complaint about the discrimination you experienced? (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) The issue was resolved.
  • 2) I did not think the incident was serious enough.
  • 3) The behaviour stopped.
  • 4) The individual apologized.
  • 5) Management intervened.
  • 6) The individual left or changed jobs.
  • 7) I changed jobs.
  • 8) I did not know what to do, where to go or whom to ask.
  • 9) I was too distraught.
  • 10) I had concerns about the formal complaint process (e.g., confidentiality, how long it would take).
  • 11) I was advised against filing a complaint.
  • 12) I was afraid of reprisal (e.g., having limited career advancement, being labelled a troublemaker).
  • 13) Someone threatened me.
  • 14) I did not believe it would make a difference.
  • 15) I intend to file a grievance or a formal complaint but I have not done so yet.
  • 16) Other
Q67. I am satisfied with how matters related to discrimination are resolved in my department or agency.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q68. My department or agency works hard to create a workplace that prevents discrimination.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q69. I am satisfied with how concerns or complaints about racism in the workplace are resolved in my department or agency. (Answer if you selected "Race" in question 64.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

Stress and Well-Being

Q70a. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Risk of exposure to COVID-19
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70b. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Pay or other compensation-related issues
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70c. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Heavy workload
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70d. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Unreasonable deadlines
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70e. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Not enough employees to do the work
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70f. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Overtime or long work hours
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70g. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Balancing work and personal life
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70h. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Balancing work and caregiving responsibilities (e.g., children, elderly, family member(s)) during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70i. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Lack of control or input in decision-making
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70j. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Competing or constantly changing priorities
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70k. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Lack of clear expectations
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70l. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Lack of recognition
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70m. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Feeling disconnected from colleagues
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70n. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Information overload
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70o. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Physical work environment
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70p. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Difficulty accessing my work tools or network (e.g., work email, work device, ergonomic equipment)
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70q. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Accessibility or accommodation issues
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70r. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Harassment or discrimination
  • 8) Not at all
  • 9) To a small extent
  • 10) To a moderate extent
  • 11) To a large extent
  • 12) To a very large extent
  • 13) Don't know
  • 14) Not applicable
Q70s. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Issue(s) with my co-worker(s)
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70t. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Issue(s) with individual(s) with authority over me
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70u. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Issue(s) with individual(s) working for me
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70v. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Issue(s) with other individual(s) (e.g., members of the public, individuals from other departments or agencies)
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70w. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Lack of job security
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q70x. Overall, to what extent do the following factors cause you stress at work?
Personal issues
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q71. To what extent is stress from the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacting your ability to carry out day-to-day work responsibilities?
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q72. Overall, my level of work-related stress is…
  • 1) Very low
  • 2) Low
  • 3) Moderate
  • 4) High
  • 5) Very high
  • 6) Don’t know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q73. After my workday, I feel emotionally drained.
  • 1) Always/Almost always
  • 2) Often
  • 3) Sometimes
  • 4) Rarely
  • 5) Never/Almost never
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q74. My department or agency does a good job of raising awareness of mental health in the workplace.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q75. I believe senior managers in my department or agency take adequate steps to support the mental health of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q76. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns with my immediate supervisor about my mental health.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q77. My immediate supervisor supports my mental health and well-being.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q78. I would describe my workplace as being psychologically healthy. (A psychologically healthy workplace is one that promotes employees’ psychological well-being and actively works to prevent harm to employee psychological health due to negligent, reckless or intentional acts.)
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q79a. I feel that the information I receive from my department or agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic is clear and easy to understand.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q79b. I feel that the information I receive from my department or agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic is provided in a timely manner.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q79c. I feel that the information I receive from my department or agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic is relevant to the work that I do.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q79d. I feel that the information I receive from my department or agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic is consistent with the information provided to me by my immediate supervisor.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q79e. I feel that the information I receive from my department or agency related to the COVID-19 pandemic is available in both official languages.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q80. During the COVID-19 pandemic, my department or agency has effectively communicated the mental health services and resources that are available to me.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q81. I would feel comfortable sharing concerns with my immediate supervisor about my physical health and safety.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q82. I am satisfied with the measures my department or agency is taking to protect my physical health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q83. Are you a supervisor?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q84. I am equipped to support employees in my work unit who are experiencing mental health issues.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q85. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you managed any employees who have been working remotely?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q86. My department or agency has provided me with adequate training and/or resources to manage a remote team during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

Duty to Accommodate

The duty to accommodate refers to the employer’s obligation to eliminate disadvantages to employees, prospective employees or clients that result from a rule, practice or physical barrier that has or that may have an adverse impact on individuals or groups protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act or identified as a designated group under the Employment Equity Act. It applies to all grounds of discrimination covered by the Canadian Human Rights Act (i.e., race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy and childbirth), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics (including a requirement to undergo a genetic test, or disclose the results of a genetic test), disability or conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered). Employers must provide accommodation up to the point of undue hardship, taking into account essential job requirements.

Please note that the questions about duty to accommodate do not apply to employees who asked for office equipment to work remotely, unless their requests pertain to specific accommodation measures that help to reduce barriers to work, as per the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Q87. Having carefully read the definition of duty to accommodate, did you have workplace accommodation measures in place before the COVID-19 pandemic which are no longer being met?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q88. Having carefully read the definition of duty to accommodate, have you requested workplace accommodation measures in the last two years?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q89. Were the requests for workplace accommodation measures related to a disability?(A disability means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment - or a functional limitation - whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society. A barrier means anything - including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice - that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q90. Were any workplace accommodation measures implemented?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q91. I am satisfied with the workplace accommodation measures that were implemented.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q92. I would feel comfortable requesting workplace accommodation measures from my immediate supervisor.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable


Q93. In the last 12 months, has your pay or other compensation been affected by issues with the Phoenix pay system?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
  • 3) Not sure
  • 4) Not applicable
Q94. Have all your pay or other compensation issues been resolved?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q95. I am satisfied with the support (e.g., regular information, follow-up, making enquiries on my behalf, offering emergency or priority pay) I received from my department or agency to help resolve my pay or other compensation issues.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q96. I am satisfied with the support I received from the Pay Centre to help resolve my pay or other compensation issues.
  • 1) Strongly agree
  • 2) Somewhat agree
  • 3) Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4) Somewhat disagree
  • 5) Strongly disagree
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable
Q97. To what extent have issues with the Phoenix pay system affected your decision to seek or accept another position (e.g., deployment, promotion, secondment, assignment, acting assignment) within your organization or the federal public service?
  • 1) Not at all
  • 2) To a small extent
  • 3) To a moderate extent
  • 4) To a large extent
  • 5) To a very large extent
  • 6) Don't know
  • 7) Not applicable

General Information

The following questions ask for general information that will be used to better understand the survey results. To ensure confidentiality, please be advised that your responses will be grouped with those of other respondents in your department or agency. Individual responses and results for very small groups are never published or shared with government departments or agencies.

Q98a. Do you currently work for [Organisation Name]?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q98b. For which department or agency are you currently working?
  • Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  • Canada Energy Regulator
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Canada School of Public Service
  • Canadian Dairy Commission
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Canadian Grain Commission
  • Canadian Heritage
  • Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
  • Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
  • Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
  • Canadian Security Intelligence Service
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • Canadian Transportation Agency
  • Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
  • Communications Security Establishment Canada
  • Copyright Board of Canada
  • Correctional Service Canada
  • Courts Administration Service
  • Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
  • Department of Finance Canada
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of National Defence
  • Employment and Social Development Canada
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Farm Products Council of Canada
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
  • Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Global Affairs Canada
  • Global Affairs Canada (Locally Engaged Staff)
  • Health Canada
  • Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
  • Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
  • Indian Oil and Gas Canada
  • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Infrastructure Canada
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Invest in Canada
  • International Joint Commission
  • Library and Archives Canada
  • Micro-organizations combined
  • Military Grievances External Review Committee
  • Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
  • National Capital Commission
  • National Film Board of Canada
  • National Research Council Canada
  • National Security and Intelligence Review Agency
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • Office of the Auditor General of Canada
  • Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
  • Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada
  • Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada
  • Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
  • Office of the Correctional Investigator
  • Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
  • Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
  • Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
  • Parks Canada
  • Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
  • Polar Knowledge Canada
  • Privy Council Office
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Public Prosecution Service of Canada
  • Public Safety Canada
  • Public Service
  • Public Service Commission of Canada
  • Public Services and Procurement Canada
  • RCMP External Review Committee
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • Shared Services Canada
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • Statistical Survey Operations
  • Statistics Canada
  • Supreme Court of Canada
  • Transport Canada
  • Transportation Safety Board of Canada
  • Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Veterans Review and Appeal Board
  • Western Economic Diversification Canada
  • Women and Gender Equality Canada
Q98c. (if confirmed or selected CRA) The CRA provided your organization unit information to the survey administrator to make completing the survey easier for you and to improve data accuracy. If you have changed jobs in the past six months and the pre-populated CRA organizational unit you see is incorrect, please confirm your new organizational unit with your supervisor prior to making a change. Otherwise, please do not change your organizational unit. Your results will remain confidential. Your organization has indicated that you work for:
  • Yes
  • No
Q98d. (CRA) Do you work for headquarters or for a regional office? Headquarters: Working for a branch, most likely out of the National Capital Region (you may report virtually to Headquarters), and generally for internal clients (other CRA employees). Regional Office: Working in a Tax Center, National Verification Collection Center, Tax Services Office, or Regional Assistant Commissioner’s office, you deliver or support the delivery of the CRA’s programs, within the regions.
  • Headquarters
  • Regional office
Q98d. (ESDC) For which organization do you work?
  • Employment and Social Development Canada: The Service Canada Regions
  • Employment and Social Development Canada: Service Canada - National Headquarters
  • Employment and Social Development Canada: Labour Program
  • Employment and Social Development Canada: Employment and Social Development
  • Employment and Social Development Canada: Accessibility Standards Canada
Q99. In which organizational unit are you currently working?
  • (1-000-000-000-000) Canada Revenue Agency
  • (1-200-000-000-000) Branches
  • (1-200-300-000-000) Commissioner's Office / Legal Services / Taxpayers' Ombudsman Office / Service, Innovation and Integration Branch
  • (1-200-300-400-000) Commissioner's Office / Legal Services / Taxpayers' Ombudsman Office
  • (1-200-300-401-000) Service, Innovation and Integration Branch
  • (1-200-300-401-500) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Branch Management and Corporate Services Division / Chief Service Office Directorate
  • (1-200-300-401-501) Research and Innovation Lab Directorate
  • (1-200-300-401-502) Information and Data Directorate
  • (1-200-300-401-503) Policy, Planning, Partnership and Reporting Directorate
  • (1-200-301-000-000) Appeals Branch
  • (1-200-301-402-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Objections and Litigation Management Directorate/Office Management
  • (1-200-301-403-000) Tax & Charities Appeals Directorate
  • (1-200-301-404-000) Relief, Redress, and Branch Services Directorate
  • (1-200-302-000-000) Assessment & Benefit Services Branch
  • (1-200-302-405-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Deputy Assistant Commissioner's Office / Digital Services Directorate
  • (1-200-302-406-000) Business Returns Directorate
  • (1-200-302-406-504) BRD Director General’s Office / Business Number Division
  • (1-200-302-406-505) GST and HST Returns & Rebates Processing Division
  • (1-200-302-406-506) Corporation & Specialty Returns Division
  • (1-200-302-406-507) Business Accounting Division / Business Projects & Services Division
  • (1-200-302-407-000) Call Centre Services Directorate
  • (1-200-302-407-508) T1 & Benefits Call Centre Support Division / Call Centre Strategic Planning and Operations Division / Director General’s Office
  • (1-200-302-407-509) Business Call Centre Support Division
  • (1-200-302-408-000) Major Projects and System Integration Directorate
  • (1-200-302-408-510) T3 Modernization Division / DGO / Projects Oversight & System Development Division / Processing Systems Renewal Division/Special Projects
  • (1-200-302-408-511) Testing & Release Management Division
  • (1-200-302-409-000) Individual Returns Directorate
  • (1-200-302-409-512) Stakeholder Relations Division / Common Tools & Support Division / DGO / Issues Management & Corporate Reporting Section
  • (1-200-302-409-513) T1 Processing Division
  • (1-200-302-409-514) Third Party Reporting Division
  • (1-200-302-410-000) Benefit Programs Directorate
  • (1-200-302-410-515) Benefit Partnerships & Services Division / Benefit Processing Division / DGO / Provincial & Territorial Partner. Sect.
  • (1-200-302-410-516) Community Outreach, and Support Division / Business Intelligence and Support Services Division
  • (1-200-302-411-000) Horizontal Integration Directorate
  • (1-200-302-411-517) Correspondence and Reporting Division / DGO / Branch Services Division
  • (1-200-302-411-518) Horizontal Programs Division
  • (1-200-302-411-519) Information Programs Division
  • (1-200-303-000-000) Audit, Evaluation, and Risk Branch
  • (1-200-304-000-000) Collections & Verification Branch
  • (1-200-304-412-000) ACO-DAC/Branch Management Services Division/Horizontal Programs & Transformation Division
  • (1-200-304-413-000) Business Compliance Directorate
  • (1-200-304-413-520) Director General’s Office / Employer Compliance Division
  • (1-200-304-413-521) Resource Management and Reporting Division
  • (1-200-304-413-522) Corporation and GST/HST Compliance Division / Innovation and Strategic Initiatives Division
  • (1-200-304-414-000) Individual Compliance Directorate
  • (1-200-304-414-523) Director General’s Office / Individual Program Support Division / Matching and Non-Resident Withholding Division
  • (1-200-304-414-524) Non-Filer Division
  • (1-200-304-414-525) Assessment Verification Division
  • (1-200-304-415-000) Technology & Business Intelligence Directorate
  • (1-200-304-415-526) Director General’s Office / Business Operations Solutions Division / Debt Management Systems Division
  • (1-200-304-415-527) Workload Management Project Division
  • (1-200-304-415-528) Business Intelligence, Research & Analytics Division
  • (1-200-304-416-000) Collections Directorate
  • (1-200-304-416-529) Director General’s Office / Initial Intervention & Resolution Division/Issues Management & Corporate Services Section
  • (1-200-304-416-530) Resource Allocation & Monitoring Division
  • (1-200-304-416-531) Transformation & Innovation Division
  • (1-200-304-416-532) Collections Enforcement Division
  • (1-200-305-000-000) Compliance Programs Branch
  • (1-200-305-417-000) Assistant Commissioner’s Office /Scientific Research & Experimental Development Directorate/ Issues management and corporate review section/ High Impact Compliance Operations
  • (1-200-305-418-000) Small & Medium Enterprises Directorate
  • (1-200-305-418-533) Director General’s Office / Small Business Audit & Non-Resident Division / Compliance Services Division
  • (1-200-305-418-534) Medium Business Audit Division / Business Intelligence Division
  • (1-200-305-419-000) GST/HST Directorate
  • (1-200-305-419-535) Director General’s Office / Aggressive GST/HST Planning & Refund Integrity Divisions / Leads and Voluntary Disclosures Division / Computer Audit Specialist Division
  • (1-200-305-419-536) Large Business Audit / Small & Medium Business Audit Division
  • (1-200-305-420-000) Criminal Investigations Directorate
  • (1-200-305-421-000) International & Large Business Directorate
  • (1-200-305-421-537) Director General's Office / Business Management Division / Integrated Risk Assessment Tools Division / Tax Avoidance Division
  • (1-200-305-421-538) Large Business Audit Division/ Competent Authority Services Division
  • (1-200-305-421-539) International Tax Division
  • (1-200-305-422-000) Compliance Services Directorate
  • (1-200-305-422-540) Director General’s office / Branch Services Division / Executive Strategic Advisor / Corporate Reporting Section
  • (1-200-305-422-541) Business Intelligence & Data Division / Systems Development & Management Division / Special Projects
  • (1-200-305-423-000) High Net Worth Compliance Directorate (HNWCD)
  • (1-200-305-423-542) Director General’s office / Audit Division / Workload Development Division
  • (1-200-305-423-543) Data and Tools Division / Business Management Division / Specialized Audit Support Division
  • (1-200-306-000-000) Finance & Administration Branch
  • (1-200-306-424-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Corporate and Management Services Division / Service Enhancement Division
  • (1-200-306-425-000) Atlantic Region, FAB
  • (1-200-306-426-000) Ontario Region, FAB
  • (1-200-306-427-000) Western Region, FAB
  • (1-200-306-428-000) Quebec Region, FAB
  • (1-200-306-429-000) Financial Management Advisory Services Directorate (FMASD)
  • (1-200-306-430-000) Security and Internal Affairs Directorate (SIAD)
  • (1-200-306-431-000) Financial Administration Directorate (FAD)
  • (1-200-306-432-000) Resource Management Directorate (RMD)
  • (1-200-306-433-000) Administration Directorate (AD)
  • (1-200-306-434-000) Real Property & Service Integration Directorate
  • (1-200-307-000-000) Human Resources Branch
  • (1-200-307-435-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Deputy Assistant Commissioner's Office / Executive Coordinator's Office / Strategic Business Integration Directorate
  • (1-200-307-436-000) National HR Operations Directorate
  • (1-200-307-436-544) Headquarters, HR
  • (1-200-307-436-545) Western Region, HR
  • (1-200-307-436-546) Atlantic Region, HR
  • (1-200-307-436-547) Ontario Region, HR
  • (1-200-307-436-548) Quebec Region, HR
  • (1-200-307-436-549) National Programs, HR
  • (1-200-307-437-000) Workplace Relations & Compensation Directorate
  • (1-200-307-437-550) Compensation Client Service Centre
  • (1-200-307-437-551) Director General’s Office / Corporate Compensation Division / Integrity & well-being Division / Labour Relations Division
  • (1-200-307-438-000) Employment Programs Directorate
  • (1-200-307-438-552) Director General’s Office / Staffing and Recruitment Programs Division / Official Languages, Employment Equity and Diversity Division
  • (1-200-307-438-553) Organizational Design & Classification Division / Competencies, Standardized Assessment, Performance & Recognition / Staffing Redesign Division / PM redesign project
  • (1-200-307-439-000) Learning and Development Directorate
  • (1-200-308-000-000) Information Technology Branch
  • (1-200-308-440-000) Assistant Commissioner and Chief Information Officer’s Office / ACO Internal and Corporate Reporting / Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Systems and Support’s Office/Branch Business Management Division
  • (1-200-308-441-000) Systems Integrity Directorate
  • (1-200-308-441-554) Director General's Office / IT Security Centre Division/ / IT Security Solutions Division
  • (1-200-308-441-555) Production Assurance Division
  • (1-200-308-442-000) Corporate Enterprise Solutions Directorate
  • (1-200-308-442-556) Director General's Office / Management Systems Division
  • (1-200-308-442-557) Business Technologies and Innovation Division
  • (1-200-308-442-558) CAS Division
  • (1-200-308-443-000) Client Service Management Directorate
  • (1-200-308-443-559) Director General's Office / Client Computing Technology Management Division / External Service Management Division
  • (1-200-308-443-560) National IT Support Division
  • (1-200-308-444-000) National Support Services Directorate
  • (1-200-308-444-561) Central Deskside IT Support Division
  • (1-200-308-444-562) Western Deskside IT Support Division
  • (1-200-308-444-563) Director General's Office / Eastern Deskside IT Support Division
  • (1-200-308-444-564) National Information Technology Service Desk Division
  • (1-200-308-445-000) Solutions Architecture and Integration Directorate
  • (1-200-308-445-565) Director General's Office / Directorate Coordination Office / IT Architecture Services Division
  • (1-200-308-445-566) Strategic Engineering and Technology Integration Division
  • (1-200-308-445-567) Engineering Tool Management and Analytics Division
  • (1-200-308-446-000) Data and Business Intelligence Directorate
  • (1-200-308-446-568) Director General's Office (includes Horizontal Initiatives Management Services) / Data Services and Technology Management Division
  • (1-200-308-446-569) Data Delivery Services Division
  • (1-200-308-446-570) Business Intelligence and Decision Support Division
  • (1-200-308-447-000) Business and Enterprise Solutions Directorate
  • (1-200-308-447-571) Director General's Office / Business Suite Assessing Systems Division
  • (1-200-308-447-572) Business Accounting and Infodec Division
  • (1-200-308-447-573) Common Financial, Office and Document Management Services Division
  • (1-200-308-447-574) Enterprise Correspondence Division
  • (1-200-308-447-575) Business Registration and Infrastructure Support Division
  • (1-200-308-447-576) Portals and E-Services Division
  • (1-200-308-448-000) Individual Returns Systems Directorate
  • (1-200-308-448-577) Director General's Office / Directorate Coordination Office / T3 Modernization Division
  • (1-200-308-448-578) Assessment Processing Division
  • (1-200-308-448-579) T1 Accounting, Enquiries, Matching and Miscellaneous Systems Division
  • (1-200-308-448-580) Individual Identification, T1 Desktop & Horizontal Services Division
  • (1-200-308-449-000) Benefits Systems Directorate
  • (1-200-308-449-581) Credit Determination Division
  • (1-200-308-449-582) BSRP Development and Project Control Division/ BSRP Quality and Production Readiness Division
  • (1-200-308-450-000) Compliance Management Directorate
  • (1-200-308-450-583) Director General's Office / Directorate Coordination Office / Advanced Analytics Division
  • (1-200-308-450-584) Compliance Portfolio Application Support Division
  • (1-200-308-450-585) Compliance Analytics, Risk and Provisioning Division
  • (1-200-308-451-000) Debt Management, Regulatory Affairs and Appeals Directorate
  • (1-200-308-451-586) Debt Management Analytics and Call Centre Solutions Division
  • (1-200-308-451-587) Debt Management Solutions Division
  • (1-200-308-451-588) Charities, Registered Plans and Legislative Policy Division
  • (1-200-308-451-589) Director General's Office / Appeals and Case Management Division
  • (1-200-309-000-000) Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs Branch
  • (1-200-309-452-000) Income Tax Rulings Directorate
  • (1-200-309-453-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Planning & Management Services Division
  • (1-200-309-454-000) Legislative Policy Directorate
  • (1-200-309-455-000) Excise & GST/HST Rulings Directorate
  • (1-200-309-456-000) Charities Directorate
  • (1-200-309-457-000) Registered Plans Directorate
  • (1-200-310-000-000) Public Affairs Branch
  • (1-200-310-458-000) Communications Directorate
  • (1-200-310-459-000) Ministerial Services and Operations Directorate
  • (1-200-310-460-000) Access to Information and Privacy Directorate
  • (1-200-310-461-000) Digital Design and Production Directorate
  • (1-200-310-462-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Branch Planning and Management Services Directorate
  • (1-201-000-000-000) Regions
  • (1-201-311-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (1-201-311-463-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / BIQA / Programs
  • (1-201-311-464-000) Newfoundland & Labrador NVCC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-464-590) Director’s Office / Program Services / Audit Division - Newfoundland & Labrador NVCC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-464-591) Call Centre Division - Newfoundland & Labrador NVCC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-464-592) Validation Division – Newfoundland & Labrador NVCC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-464-593) Verifications & Collections Division / Revenue Collections Division – Newfoundland & Labrador NVCC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-000) Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-594) Director’s Office / Program Services / Criminal Investigations Division - Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-595) Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs and Scientific Research & Experimental Development Division - Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-596) Appeals Division - Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-597) Audit Division - Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-465-598) Revenue Collections & Taxpayer Services Division - Nova Scotia TSO
  • (1-201-311-466-000) New Brunswick TSO
  • (1-201-311-466-599) Director’s Office / Program Services / Audit Division - New Brunswick TSO
  • (1-201-311-466-600) Revenue Collections Division - New Brunswick TSO
  • (1-201-311-466-601) Call Centre Division- New Brunswick TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-000) Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-602) Audit Division - Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-603) Revenue Collections Division - Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-604) Business Returns Division / Directors Office / Program Services - Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-605) Business & Accounting Division - Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-311-467-606) Rebates, Charities & Imaging Division / Print to Mail - Prince Edward Island TC/TSO
  • (1-201-312-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (1-201-312-468-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Regional Programs /Service Renewal / Corporate Secretariat / BIQA
  • (1-201-312-468-607) ACO / Regional Programs / Service Renewal / Corporate Secretariat - Ontario Region / BIQA Program Services / BIQA Workload Development Large File Income Tax and GST/HST / BIQA Director’s Office
  • (1-201-312-468-608) BIQA- GST/HST
  • (1-201-312-468-609) BIQA- Small & Medium Enterprises
  • (1-201-312-469-000) Ottawa TSO
  • (1-201-312-469-610) Director’s Office / Program Services / Criminal Investigations - Ottawa TSO
  • (1-201-312-469-611) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Ottawa TSO
  • (1-201-312-469-612) GST/HST Audit Division - Ottawa TSO
  • (1-201-312-469-613) Income Tax Audit Division – Ottawa TSO
  • (1-201-312-470-000) East Central Ontario Tax TSO
  • (1-201-312-470-614) Director’s Office / Program Services / Audit - East Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-312-470-615) Revenue Collections & Client Services - East Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-312-471-000) Toronto Centre TSO
  • (1-201-312-471-616) Director’s Office / Program Services / Administration / Scientific Research & Experimental Development - Toronto Centre TSO
  • (1-201-312-471-617) Income Tax Audit - Toronto Center TSO
  • (1-201-312-471-618) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Toronto Center TSO
  • (1-201-312-471-619) GST/HST Audit Division - Toronto Center TSO
  • (1-201-312-472-000) Kitchener-Waterloo TSO
  • (1-201-312-472-620) Director’s Office / Program Services / Revenue Collections & Client Services - Kitchener-Waterloo TSO
  • (1-201-312-472-621) Audit Division - Kitchener-Waterloo TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-000) Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-622) Director’s Office / Program Services Division / Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs Programs - Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-623) GST/HST Audit Division - Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-624) Income Tax Audit Division - Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-625) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-473-626) Call Centre - Hamilton-Niagara TSO
  • (1-201-312-474-000) London-Windsor TSO
  • (1-201-312-474-627) Director’s Office / Program Services / Income Tax Audit Division - London-Windsor TSO
  • (1-201-312-474-628) Revenue Collection & Client Services - London-Windsor TSO
  • (1-201-312-474-629) GST/HST Audit Division - London-Windsor TSO
  • (1-201-312-475-000) Sudbury TC
  • (1-201-312-475-630) Director’s Office / Program Services / Benefit Programs Division Sudbury TC/ Beienfic
  • (1-201-312-475-631) Acceptance Testing Division
  • (1-201-312-475-632) Verification and Validation Division – Sudbury TC
  • (1-201-312-475-633) Business Returns & Specialty Services Division - Sudbury TC
  • (1-201-312-475-634) Individual Returns Division - Sudbury TC
  • (1-201-312-476-000) Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-476-635) Director’s Office / Program Support / GST/HST Appeals - Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-476-636) Income Tax Audit Division - Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-476-637) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-476-638) Business Enquiries Call Centre - Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-476-639) GST/HST Audit - Toronto East TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-000) Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-640) Director’s Office / Program Support / Scientific Research & Experimental Development - Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-641) Criminal Investigations - Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-642) Income Tax Audit Division - Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-643) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-477-644) GST/HST Audit - Toronto West-Thunder Bay TSO
  • (1-201-312-478-000) Toronto North TSO
  • (1-201-312-478-645) Director’s Office / Program Support / GST/HST Audit - Toronto North TSO
  • (1-201-312-478-646) Income Tax Appeals - Toronto North TSO
  • (1-201-312-478-647) Income Tax Audit - Toronto North TSO
  • (1-201-312-478-648) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Toronto North TSO
  • (1-201-312-479-000) North Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-312-479-649) Director’s Office / Program Services / Revenue Collections & Client Services - North Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-312-479-650) Audit Division – North Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-312-479-651) Appeals – North Central Ontario TSO
  • (1-201-313-000-000) Western Region
  • (1-201-313-480-000) Assistant Commissioner's Office / Strategic Initiatives and Special Projects/ AC Admin Support/ Regional Admin Team/ Regional Program Services/ Integration & Implementation / Western Region Programs Office
  • (1-201-313-481-000) BIQA - Western Region (Pacific and Prairie)
  • (1-201-313-482-000) Winnipeg TSO
  • (1-201-313-482-652) Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs Programs/ Director’s Office / Program Services / - Winnipeg TSO
  • (1-201-313-482-653) Appeals - Winnipeg TSO
  • (1-201-313-482-654) Audit - Winnipeg TSO
  • (1-201-313-482-655) Revenue Collections - Winnipeg TSO
  • (1-201-313-483-000) Saskatchewan TSO
  • (1-201-313-483-656) Income Tax Audit/ Director’s office / Program Services / - Saskatchewan TSO
  • (1-201-313-483-657) GST/HST Audit - Saskatchewan TSO
  • (1-201-313-483-658) Revenue Collections & Client Services - Saskatchewan TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-000) Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-659) Appeals / Director’s Office / Program Services / - Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-660) Income Tax Audit - Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-661) Revenue Collections - Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-662) Call Centre - Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-484-663) Criminal Investigations- Southern Alberta TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-000) Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-664) SR&ED/ Director’s Office / Program Services / SR&ED - Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-665) Income Tax Audit - Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-666) Revenue Collections - Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-667) Call Centre - Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-485-668) GST/HST Audit – Edmonton TSO
  • (1-201-313-486-000) Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-669) Print to Mail /Director’s Office / Program Services / - Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-670) Business Returns & Specialty Services Division - Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-671) Benefit Programs Division – Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-672) Individual Returns – Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-673) Collections Division – Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-486-674) Verification and Validation Division- Winnipeg TC
  • (1-201-313-487-000) Southern Interior TSO
  • (1-201-313-487-675) Audit Division/ Director’s Office / Program Services/ - Southern Interior TSO
  • (1-201-313-487-676) Revenue Collections Division - Southern Interior TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-000) Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-677) Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs Division /Director’s Office / Director's Office Administrative Support / Program Services / - Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-678) Appeals Division - Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-679) Audit Division - Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-680) Revenue Collections Division - Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-488-681) GST/HST Audit Division - Vancouver TSO
  • (1-201-313-489-000) Vancouver Island & North TSO
  • (1-201-313-489-682) Audit Division/ Director’s Office / Corporate Support Manager / Vancouver Island & North TSO
  • (1-201-313-489-683) Revenue Collections Division- Vancouver Island & North TSO
  • (1-201-313-490-000) Surrey - National Verification Collections Centre (NVCC)
  • (1-201-313-490-684) Collections Division- Surrey NVCC
  • (1-201-313-490-685) Validation Division- Surrey NVCC / Director’s Office / Administrative Staff / Staffing Administration Team / Program Services
  • (1-201-313-490-686) Verification Division- Surrey NVCC
  • (1-201-313-491-000) Fraser Valley TSO
  • (1-201-313-491-687) Criminal Investigations / Director’s Office / Program Services / Director's Support // - Fraser Valley TSO
  • (1-201-313-491-688) Call Centre - Fraser Valley TSO
  • (1-201-313-491-689) Audit - Fraser Valley TSO
  • (1-201-313-491-690) Scientific Research & Experimental Development Division
  • (1-201-314-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (1-201-314-492-000) Assistant Commissioner’s Office / Fiscal Programs - Quebec / Directors' Office & Program Services / Corporate projects - Quebec Region
  • (1-201-314-493-000) Business Intelligence Division – Quebec Region
  • (1-201-314-494-000) Montréal TSO
  • (1-201-314-494-691) Appeals - Montréal TSO (Montréal, Laval, Shawinigan and Québec Sites)
  • (1-201-314-494-692) Audit - Montréal TSO
  • (1-201-314-494-693) Call center - Montréal TSO
  • (1-201-314-495-000) Central & Southern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-495-694) Criminal Investigations - Central & Southern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-495-695) Audit - Central & Southern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-495-696) Revenue Collections - Central & Southern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-496-000) Western Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-496-697) Audit - Western Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-496-698) Revenue Collections - Western Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-496-699) Scientific Research & Experimental Development - Western Quebec TSO (Laval, Montréal and Québec Sites)
  • (1-201-314-497-000) Eastern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-497-700) Audit - Eastern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-497-701) Revenue Collections - Eastern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-497-702) Legislative Policy & Regulatory Affairs Programs - Eastern Quebec TSO
  • (1-201-314-498-000) Shawinigan NVCC
  • (1-201-314-498-703) Collections Division - NVCC
  • (1-201-314-498-704) Validation Division - NVCC
  • (1-201-314-498-705) Verification Division - NVCC
  • (1-201-314-499-000) Jonquière TC
  • (1-201-314-499-706) Benefit and Special Services Division - Jonquière TC
  • (1-201-314-499-707) Individual Returns Division - Jonquière TC
  • (1-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (2-000-000-000-000) Employment and Social Development Canada
  • (2-200-000-000-000) The Service Canada Regions
  • (2-200-300-000-000) Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-400-000) Strategic Services / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (OADM) - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-000) Benefits Delivery Services - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-500) Benefits Delivery Services - Employment Insurance - Claims Prep and Level 2 - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-501) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan - Disability - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-502) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-503) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centre (Employment Insurance - St. John's) - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-504) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centre (Employment Insurance - Bathurst) - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-505) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centre (Pensions) - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-506) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centre (Apprenticeship Grants and Employer Contact Centre) - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-507) Benefits Delivery Services - Business Expertise - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-508) Benefits Delivery Services - Employment Insurance - Level 1 - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-401-509) Benefits Delivery Services - Old Age Security - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-402-000) Citizen Services and Program Delivery - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-402-510) Citizen Services - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-402-511) Program Delivery - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-402-512) Business Expertise - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-403-000) Integrity and National Services - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-403-513) Integrity and National Services - Regional and National Integrity Services - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-403-514) Integrity and National Services - National Services - Atlantic
  • (2-200-300-403-515) Integrity and National Services - Business Expertise, Internal Integrity and Security, and Office of the ED - Atlantic
  • (2-200-301-000-000) Ontario
  • (2-200-301-404-000) Management Services / Strategic Services / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (OADM) - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-405-000) Integrity Services - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-405-516) Integrity Services - Operations - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-405-517) Integrity Services - Business Expertise - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-406-000) Citizen Services - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-406-518) Citizen Services - Business Expertise - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-406-519) Citizen Services – Service Canada / Passport Centres - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-407-000) Program Delivery - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-407-520) Program Delivery - Operations - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-407-521) Program Delivery - Business Expertise - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-408-000) Benefits Delivery Services - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-408-522) Benefits Delivery Services - Employment Insurance - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-408-523) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-408-524) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centres - Ontario
  • (2-200-301-408-525) Benefits Delivery Services - Business Expertise - Ontario
  • (2-200-302-000-000) Quebec
  • (2-200-302-409-000) Strategic Services / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (OADM) - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-410-000) Integrity Services - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-410-526) Integrity Services - Business Expertise / Internal Integrity and Security / Office of the Executive Director
  • (2-200-302-410-527) Integrity Services - Operations – Group 1
  • (2-200-302-410-528) Integrity Services - Operations – Group 2
  • (2-200-302-411-000) Benefits Delivery Services - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-411-529) Benefits Delivery Services - Business Expertise - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-411-530) Benefits Delivery Services - Employment Insurance - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-411-531) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centres - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-411-532) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-000) Citizen Services Branch - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-533) Citizen Services - Processing Centre (Passport) - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-534) Citizen Services - Printing Centre (Passport) - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-535) Citizen Services - In-person Offices (Passport) - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-536) Citizen Services - Call Centre (Passport) - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-537) Citizen Services - Citizen Services - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-412-538) Citizen Services - Business Expertise - Including Passeport - Quebec
  • (2-200-302-413-000) Program Branch - Quebec
  • (2-200-303-000-000) Western Canada and Territories Region
  • (2-200-303-414-000) Strategic Services / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (OADM) - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-000) Citizen Services - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-539) Citizen Services - Business Expertise - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-540) Citizen Services - SAEK - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-541) Citizen Services - Lower Mainland West - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-542) Citizen Services - LME - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-543) Citizen Services - Edmonton - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-544) Citizen Services - Vancouver Island/Coast - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-545) Citizen Services - Winnipeg and Southeast - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-546) Citizen Services - Southern Saskatchewan - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-415-547) Citizen Services - NAPC - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-416-000) Program Delivery - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-416-548) Temporary Foreign Worker - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-416-549) Program Delivery - IP/BC - AB W-T - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-416-550) Program Delivery - LMSDP/Skills Link - Career - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-000) Benefits Delivery Services - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-551) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan & Foundational Services - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-552) Benefits Delivery Services - Canada Pension Plan – Disability - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-553) Benefits Delivery Services – Old Age Security / International Operations - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-554) Benefits Delivery Services - Call Centres / Specialized Processing - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-555) Benefits Delivery Services - Employment Insurance - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-556) Benefits Delivery Services - Business Expertise - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-417-557) Benefits Delivery Services - Exec Dir, Special Projects - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-418-000) Integrity Services - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-418-558) Integrity Services - BE - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-418-559) Integrity Services - Ops/Pac & N - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-200-303-418-560) Integrity Services - Ops/Prairies - Western Canada and Territories
  • (2-201-000-000-000) Service Canada - National Headquarters
  • (2-201-304-000-000) Benefits and Integrated Services Branch - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-419-000) Call Centres - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-420-000) Integrated Services Management / Board of Appeals / Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Call Centres / Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-421-000) Policy, Appeals and Quality (PAQ) - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-422-000) Program and Services Oversight - Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security (CPP & OAS) - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-423-000) Employment Insurance (EI) Benefits Processing - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-304-424-000) Strategic Directions Directorate - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-305-000-000) Citizen Service Branch - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-305-425-000) Digital Service - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-305-426-000) Strategic Directions Directorate / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-305-427-000) In-Person Operations and Strategies Directorate - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-305-428-000) Partnerships Development and Management Directorate - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-306-000-000) Chief Operating Officer's Office
  • (2-201-307-000-000) Integrity Services Branch - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-307-429-000) Identity Policy and Programs - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-307-430-000) Assistant Deputy Minister Office / Integrity Strategic Directions - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-307-431-000) Internal Integrity and Security - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-307-432-000) Integrity Operations - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-307-433-000) Temporary Foreign Worker and International Mobility - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-308-000-000) Program Operations Branch - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-308-434-000) National Grants and Contributions Delivery Centre
  • (2-201-308-435-000) Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW)
  • (2-201-308-436-000) Indigenous Programs Directorate (IPD)
  • (2-201-308-437-000) Program & Services Oversight (LMSDPO)
  • (2-201-308-438-000) Strategic Directions / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (2-201-309-000-000) Transformation Management Branch - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-309-439-000) Enterprise Major Project Execution (EMPE) (includes Benefits Delivery Modernization [BDM], Technology Platform & Partner Relationship Management [PRM]) / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office - Business Change Authority for Benefit Delivery Modernization - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-309-440-000) Major Project Execution (MPE) - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-201-309-441-000) Transformation Management and Organizational Readiness (TMOR) / Office of the Chief Transformation Officer (OCTO) - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (2-202-000-000-000) Labour Program
  • (2-202-310-000-000) Compliance, Operations and Program Development
  • (2-202-310-442-000) Federal Programs Directorate
  • (2-202-310-443-000) Workplace Directorate
  • (2-202-310-444-000) Regional Operations and Compliance Directorate / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (2-202-311-000-000) Policy, Dispute Resolution, and International Affairs
  • (2-202-311-445-000) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
  • (2-202-311-446-000) International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs
  • (2-202-311-447-000) Strategic Policy, Analysis and Workplace Information Directorate / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (2-202-312-000-000) Strategic Integration and Governance (SIG) / Deputy Minister of Labour
  • (2-203-000-000-000) Employment and Social Development
  • (2-203-313-000-000) Chief Financial Officer Branch
  • (2-203-313-448-000) Integrated Corporate Accounting and Accountability Directorate
  • (2-203-313-449-000) Investment, Procurement and Project Management
  • (2-203-313-450-000) Financial Management Advisory Services / Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  • (2-203-313-451-000) Real Property, Change Management and Regional Services
  • (2-203-313-452-000) MyEMS (SAP) Centre of Expertise
  • (2-203-313-453-000) Business Management Services Directorate / Chief Financial Officer Office
  • (2-203-314-000-000) Commissioners / Deputy Minister's Office (ESD)
  • (2-203-315-000-000) Corporate Secretariat
  • (2-203-315-454-000) Office of the Corporate Secretary / ATIP Operations Division / Privacy Management Division
  • (2-203-315-455-000) Business Management and Executive Committees Division / Ministerial Services Division / Parliamentary Affairs Division
  • (2-203-316-000-000) Human Resources Services Branch
  • (2-203-316-456-000) Compensation Directorate
  • (2-203-316-457-000) Strategic Directions and Management Services / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (2-203-316-458-000) College@ESDC
  • (2-203-316-459-000) Workforce Management Directorate
  • (2-203-316-460-000) Workplace Management Directorate
  • (2-203-317-000-000) Income Security and Social Development Branch
  • (2-203-317-461-000) Homelessness Policy Directorate
  • (2-203-317-462-000) Social Innovation and Community Development
  • (2-203-317-463-000) Office for Disability Issues
  • (2-203-317-464-000) Canada Pension Plan Disability
  • (2-203-317-465-000) Accessibility Secretariat
  • (2-203-317-466-000) Strategic Integration, Planning and Accountability / Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (2-203-317-467-000) Seniors and Pensions Policy Secretariat
  • (2-203-318-000-000) Innovation, Information and Technology Branch
  • (2-203-318-468-000) Business Solutions and Information Management
  • (2-203-318-469-000) Strategy, Architecture and Business Relations
  • (2-203-318-470-000) Enterprise Operations
  • (2-203-318-471-000) Business Solutions and Innovation
  • (2-203-318-472-000) Business Operations and Solutions Services / Benefits Delivery Modernization Technology Platform
  • (2-203-318-473-000) Branch Operations and Planning / Office of the Chief Information Officer
  • (2-203-319-000-000) Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk Management Branch
  • (2-203-320-000-000) Legal Services Unit
  • (2-203-321-000-000) Learning Branch
  • (2-203-321-474-000) Canada Education Savings Program
  • (2-203-321-475-000) Learning Policy, Partnerships and Services Directorate
  • (2-203-321-476-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Canada Service Corps Secretariat
  • (2-203-321-477-000) Canada Student Loans Program
  • (2-203-322-000-000) Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch
  • (2-203-322-478-000) Employment Communications Directorate
  • (2-203-322-479-000) Labour, Seniors and Social Development Communications Directorate / Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Branch Management Services
  • (2-203-322-480-000) Strategic Communications and Stakeholders Relations Directorate
  • (2-203-323-000-000) Policy Horizons Canada
  • (2-203-324-000-000) Skills and Employment Branch
  • (2-203-324-481-000) Labour Market Information
  • (2-203-324-482-000) Indigenous Affairs
  • (2-203-324-483-000) Employment Insurance Policy
  • (2-203-324-484-000) Employment Program Policy and Design
  • (2-203-324-485-000) Temporary Foreign Workers
  • (2-203-324-486-000) Apprenticeship and Sectoral Initiatives
  • (2-203-324-487-000) Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Strategic Integration and Corporate Affairs
  • (2-203-324-488-000) Youth and Skills Innovation
  • (2-203-325-000-000) Strategic and Service Policy Branch
  • (2-203-325-489-000) Service Policy and Strategy
  • (2-203-325-490-000) Economic Policy
  • (2-203-325-491-000) Chief data Office
  • (2-203-325-492-000) Corporate Planning & Management / Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Innovation Lab
  • (2-203-325-493-000) Social Policy / Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Transformation Secretariat
  • (2-203-325-494-000) Evaluation
  • (2-203-325-495-000) Strategic and Horizontal Policy
  • (2-203-325-496-000) Intergovernmental Affairs
  • (2-204-000-000-000) Accessibility Standards Canada
  • (2-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (3-000-000-000-000) Department of National Defence
  • (3-200-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) (ADM(Fin))
  • (3-200-300-000-000) ADM(Fin) / CFO Office / Assoc ADM (Fin) Office (AADM) / Director Planning and Coordination (DPC) / Chief Financial Management CFM
  • (3-200-301-000-000) Director General General Investment Planning and Financial Arrangements (DGIPFA)
  • (3-200-302-000-000) Director General Strategic Financial Governance (DGSFG)
  • (3-200-303-000-000) Director General Financial Operations and Services (DGFOS)
  • (3-201-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources - Civilian) (ADM(HR-Civ))
  • (3-201-304-000-000) Director General HR Operations (DGHROps)
  • (3-201-304-400-000) Director National Staffing Operations and e-Staffing / Director Staffing Policies and Programs (DSPP)
  • (3-201-304-401-000) Director Civilian Classification and Organization
  • (3-201-305-000-000) Director General Human Resources Strategic Directions (DGHRSD) & ADMO
  • (3-201-305-402-000) Director Corporate Services and Modernization
  • (3-201-305-403-000) Director Strategic Planning and Accountability / DGHRSD COS / Director Digital HR (DHR) / ADMO
  • (3-201-306-000-000) Director General Workforce Development (DGWD)
  • (3-201-306-404-000) Director Workforce Performance and Development
  • (3-201-307-000-000) Director General Workplace Management (DGWM)
  • (3-201-307-405-000) Director Total Health (DTH)
  • (3-201-307-406-000) Director Civilian Labour Relations (DCLR)
  • (3-201-308-000-000) Director General Civilian Compensation and Benefits (DGCCB)
  • (3-202-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment) (ADM(IE))
  • (3-202-309-000-000) Director General Portfolio Requirements (DG P Reqts)
  • (3-202-310-000-000) Director General Infrastructure and Environment Engineering Services (DGIEES)
  • (3-202-311-000-000) Office of Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment) / Director General Indigenous Affairs (DGIA) / Director General Strategic Portfolio Initiatives (DGSPI)
  • (3-202-312-000-000) Director General Environment Sustainable Management (DGESM) / Director Contaminated Sites (DCS) / Director Environment Sustainable Management (DESM)
  • (3-202-313-000-000) Canadian Forces Real Property Operations Group (CF RP Ops)
  • (3-202-313-407-000) Canadian Forces Real Property Operations Group Headquarters / Real Property Operations Unit North - Detachments Yellowknife and Goose Bay
  • (3-202-313-408-000) Real Property Operations Unit - Atlantic / Detachments Gander, Greenwood and Gagetown
  • (3-202-313-409-000) Real Property Operations Unit - Quebec / Detachments Valcartier, Bagotville and St-Jean
  • (3-202-313-410-000) Real Property Operations Unit - Ontario / Detachments Borden, Kingston, Trenton, Petawawa, North Bay
  • (3-202-313-411-000) Real Property Operations Unit - West / Detachments Winnipeg, Cold Lake, Shilo, Suffield and Wainwright
  • (3-202-313-412-000) Real Property Operations Unit - Pacific / Detachments Comox and Chilliwack
  • (3-203-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) (ADM(IM))
  • (3-203-314-000-000) Chief of Staff (Information Management) / Office of Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management)
  • (3-203-315-000-000) Director General Enterprise Application Services (DGEAS)
  • (3-203-315-413-000) Director Application Planning and Integration (DAPI)
  • (3-203-315-414-000) Director Defence Resource Management Information System (DDRMIS)
  • (3-203-315-415-000) Director Enterprise Information Management Services (DEIMS)
  • (3-203-315-416-000) Director Human Resources Information Management (DHRIM)
  • (3-203-315-417-000) Office of Director General Enterprise Application Services (DGEAS) / Director Enterprise Application Business Management (DEABM) / Director Knowledge and Information Management (DKIM)
  • (3-203-316-000-000) Director General Cyberspace (DG Cyber)
  • (3-203-317-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) Project Management Personnel Resources List / Director General Information Management Project Delivery (DGIMPD)
  • (3-203-318-000-000) Director General Information Management Operations (DGIMO) / Deputy Canadian Armed Forces J6
  • (3-203-318-418-000) 7 Communication Group Headquarters / 76 Communication Regiment / 76 Communication Regiment Detachment Esquimalt / 76 Communication Regiment Detachment Halifax / 76 Communication Regiment Detachment KINGSTON / 76 Comm Regt Det Selfkant / 77 Line Regiment
  • (3-203-318-419-000) Canadian Forces Electronic Warfare Centre / Canadian Forces Information Operations Group Headquarters / Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre / Canadian Forces Station Leitrim / Canadian Forces Station Leitrim Detachment Masset
  • (3-203-318-420-000) Director General Information Management Operations (DGIMO)
  • (3-203-319-000-000) Director General Information Management Technology and Strategic Planning (DGIMTSP)
  • (3-203-319-421-000) Director General Information Management Technology & Strategic Planning / Director Defence Information Management Planning / Director Information Management Capability Development / Director Business Relationship Management / Director Information Management Technology Support
  • (3-203-319-422-000) Director Information Management Engineering Integration
  • (3-203-319-423-000) Director Information Management Security / Director Information Management Technology Support
  • (3-204-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) (ADM(Mat))
  • (3-204-320-000-000) Office of Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
  • (3-204-321-000-000) Chief of Staff (Materiel) (COS(Mat)) / Director General International and Industry Programs (DGIIP)
  • (3-204-322-000-000) Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management (DGMEPM)
  • (3-204-322-424-000) Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR) / Naval Engineering Test Establishment (NETE) / Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management (DGMEPM)
  • (3-204-323-000-000) Director General Land Equipment Program Management (DGLEPM)
  • (3-204-323-425-000) Director General Land Equipment Program Management (DGLEPM) / Munitions Experimental Test Centre
  • (3-204-323-426-000) Quality Engineering Test Establishment
  • (3-204-323-427-000) 202 Workshop Depot
  • (3-204-324-000-000) Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM)
  • (3-204-324-428-000) Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM) / Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (AETE) / CF 18 Weapon System Manager Detachment Mirabel
  • (3-204-325-000-000) Director General Procurement Services (DG Proc Svcs)
  • (3-204-326-000-000) Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain (DGMSSC)
  • (3-204-326-429-000) Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain (DGMSSC)
  • (3-204-326-430-000) Director Quality Assurance (DQA)
  • (3-204-327-000-000) Director General Major Project Delivery (Air and Land)
  • (3-204-328-000-000) Director General Major Project Delivery (Sea)
  • (3-204-328-431-000) Quality Engineering Test Establishment/Munitions Experimental Test Centre
  • (3-204-328-432-000) 202 Workshop Depot
  • (3-204-329-000-000) Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management (DGAEPM)
  • (3-204-329-433-000) Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management office / Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management Student Positions / Program Management Sustainment Initiative / Director Aerospace Equipment Business Management (DAEBM)
  • (3-204-329-434-000) Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Fighters and Trainers) (DAEPM(FT)) / Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Transport) (DAEPM(T)) / Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Maritime) (DAEPM(M)) / Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Tactical Aviation & Simulation) (DAEPM(TA&S)) / Director Aerospace Equipment Program Management (Radar and Communication Systems) (DAEPM(R&CS))
  • (3-204-329-435-000) Director Aerospace Procurement (DAP)
  • (3-204-329-436-000) Director Technical Airworthiness and Aerospace Engineering Support (DTAES)
  • (3-204-330-000-000) Director General Procurement Services
  • (3-204-330-437-000) Directorate of Major Procurement (D Maj Proc) / office of Director General Procurement Services / Business Management Team
  • (3-204-330-438-000) Directorate of Electronic Systems Procurement (DES Proc)
  • (3-204-330-439-000) Directorate of Services Contracting (D Svcs C)
  • (3-204-331-000-000) Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain (DGMSSC)
  • (3-204-331-440-000) Director Business Management (DBM) / Director Materiel Systems Plans and Requirements (DMSPR) / Office of Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain / Director General Materiel Systems and Supply Chain Holding Cell / Director Quality Assurance (DQA)
  • (3-204-331-441-000) Director Quality Assurance (DQA)
  • (3-204-331-442-000) Director Materiel Policies and Procedures (DMPP)
  • (3-204-331-443-000) Director Supply Chain Operations (DSCO)
  • (3-204-332-000-000) Director General Major Project Delivery (Air and Land)
  • (3-204-333-000-000) Director General Major Project Delivery (Sea)
  • (3-205-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) (ADM(PA))
  • (3-206-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) (ADM(POL))
  • (3-206-334-000-000) ADM O/Chief of Staff/Other L1 / Director General Policy Coordination
  • (3-206-335-000-000) Director General Policy Planning / Director General International Security Policy
  • (3-207-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) (ADM(RS))
  • (3-208-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Science and Technology) (ADM(S&T))
  • (3-208-336-000-000) Office of Assistant Deputy Minister (Science and Technology) / Chief of Staff (Science and Technology)
  • (3-208-337-000-000) Director General Science and Technology Corporate Services (DGSTCS)
  • (3-208-338-000-000) Defence Research and Development Canada Support Unit (DRDC MSU)
  • (3-208-338-444-000) Defence Research & Development Canada - Corporate Services
  • (3-208-338-445-000) Centre for Operational Research and Analysis
  • (3-208-338-446-000) Defence Research and Development Canada - Atlantic
  • (3-208-338-447-000) Defence Research & Development Canada - Ottawa
  • (3-208-338-448-000) Defence Research & Development Canada - Toronto
  • (3-208-338-449-000) Defence Research & Development Canada - Suffield
  • (3-208-338-450-000) Defence Research & Development Canada - Valcartier
  • (3-209-000-000-000) Canadian Army (CA)
  • (3-209-339-000-000) Canadian Army Headquarters / Chief of the Army Staff
  • (3-209-340-000-000) Canadian Army Doctrine & Training Centre
  • (3-209-340-451-000) Canadian Army Command and Staff College / Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre Headquarters / Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC)
  • (3-209-340-452-000) Combat Training Centre (CTC)
  • (3-209-341-000-000) 5th Canadian Division
  • (3-209-341-453-000) 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
  • (3-209-341-454-000) 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown Detachment Charlottetown / 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown Detachment Aldershot / 5th Canadian Division Support Group Signal Squadron / 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown Detachment St John's / 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown Detachment Sydney
  • (3-209-341-455-000) Canadian Combat Support Brigade Headquarters / Canadian Army Intelligence Regiment / 21 Electronic Warfare Regiment / Information Activities Task Force / 4 Engineer Support Regiment / 4th Artillery Regiment (General Support), Royal Canadian Artillery / 5th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group / 36 Canadian Brigade Group / 37 Canadian Brigade Group / 5th Canadian Division Headquarters / 5th Canadian Division Training Center
  • (3-209-342-000-000) 2nd Canadian Division
  • (3-209-342-456-000) 2nd Canadian Division Support Group, Valcartier
  • (3-209-342-457-000) 2nd Canadian Division Support Group, Detachment St-Jean
  • (3-209-342-458-000) 2nd Canadian Division Support Group, Detachment Montreal
  • (3-209-342-459-000) 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
  • (3-209-342-460-000) 2nd Canadian Division Headquarters / 2nd Canadian Division Support Group Signal Squadron / 34 Canadian Brigade Group / 35 Canadian Brigade Group / 2nd Canadian Division Battalion Services
  • (3-209-343-000-000) 4th Canadian Division
  • (3-209-343-461-000) Canadian Forces Base Kingston
  • (3-209-343-461-500) Cleaners and Routledge Hall Kitchen
  • (3-209-343-462-000) 4th Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa / 4th Canadian Division Support Group Signal Squadron / 4th Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa, Detachment Toronto
  • (3-209-343-462-501) Emergency Services
  • (3-209-343-463-000) 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group
  • (3-209-343-464-000) 4th Canadian Division Headquarters / 4th Canadian Division Training Centre/ 31 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters / 32 Canadian Brigade Group / 33 Canadian Brigade Group
  • (3-209-344-000-000) 3rd Canadian Division
  • (3-209-344-465-000) Canadian Forces Base Suffield
  • (3-209-344-466-000) 3 Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton
  • (3-209-344-467-000) 4 Canadian Division Support Base Edmonton and Det Wainwright
  • (3-209-344-468-000) Canadian Forces Base Shilo
  • (3-209-344-469-000) BATUS-Incremental Civilian Establishment
  • (3-209-344-470-000) 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group / 3 CDSG Signals Squadron
  • (3-209-344-471-000) 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signal Squadron / 39 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters / 3rd Canadian Division Headquarters / 3rd Canadian Division Training Centre / 38 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters / 41 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters / 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
  • (3-210-000-000-000) Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM)
  • (3-211-000-000-000) Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA)
  • (3-211-345-000-000) Canadian Forces Housing Agency - Head Office (Ottawa)
  • (3-211-346-000-000) Canadian Forces Housing Agency - Pacific and Western region
  • (3-211-347-000-000) Canadian Forces Housing Agency - Central region
  • (3-211-348-000-000) Canadian Forces Housing Agency - Quebec and Eastern region
  • (3-212-000-000-000) Canadian Forces Intelligence Command (CFINTCOM)
  • (3-212-349-000-000) Canadian Forces Intelligence Group (CF INT Gp)
  • (3-212-350-000-000) Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI)
  • (3-213-000-000-000) Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)
  • (3-213-351-000-000) Canadian Forces Joint Operational Support Group (CFJOSG)
  • (3-213-352-000-000) Canadian Joint Operations Command Headquarters / Joint Task Force (North) Headquarters / Joint Task Force (West) Headquarters / Operation Presence / 1st Canadian Division Headquarters / Canadian Joint Warfare Centre
  • (3-213-353-000-000) Canadian Materiel Support Group Headquarters
  • (3-213-353-472-000) 25 Canadian Forces Supply Depot
  • (3-213-353-473-000) 7 Canadian Forces Supply Depot / Canadian Material Support Group HQ
  • (3-213-353-474-000) Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Angus / Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Bedford / Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Dundurn / Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Rocky Point
  • (3-214-000-000-000) Corporate Secretary
  • (3-214-354-000-000) National Security Intelligence Review and Oversight Coordination Secretariat / Corporate Secretary / Director Strategic Corporate Services (DSCS) / Director Litigation Implementation Team
  • (3-214-355-000-000) Directorate Access to Information and Privacy (DAIP)
  • (3-215-000-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister (Data, Innovation and Analytics) (ADM(DIA)) / Office of Chief Military Judge (CMJ) / Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces Legal Advisor (DND/CFLA) / SMRC
  • (3-216-000-000-000) Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG)
  • (3-217-000-000-000) Chief of Military Personnel (CMP) / Military Personnel Command
  • (3-217-356-000-000) Assistant Chief of Military Personnel / Chief of Military Personnel / Chief of Military Personnel Outside Canada - Europe / Director Professional Military Conduct (Operation Honour) / Director General Military Personnel Support Services
  • (3-217-357-000-000) Director General Compensation and Benefits (DGCB)
  • (3-217-358-000-000) Canadian Forces Recruiting Group / Canadian Forces Recruiting Centres and Detachments / Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters / Director General Morale and Welfare Services / Chaplain General
  • (3-217-359-000-000) Canadian Armed Forces Transition Group / All Canadian Armed Forces Transition Units and Detachments
  • (3-217-360-000-000) Director General Military Personnel (DGMP) / Director General Military Careers (DGMC) / Director General Litigation Implementation
  • (3-217-361-000-000) Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis (DGMPRA)
  • (3-217-362-000-000) Canadian Defence Academy Headquarters / Canadian Defence Academy Detachments / Canadian Forces College / Canadian Forces Training Development Centre
  • (3-217-362-475-000) Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)
  • (3-217-362-476-000) Canadian Defence Academy Headquarters
  • (3-217-362-477-000) Canadian Forces Base Borden / CFLTC / CFTDC / CFFCA
  • (3-217-362-478-000) Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School
  • (3-217-362-479-000) Royal Military College Saint-Jean
  • (3-217-362-480-000) Canadian Forces Language School / Canadian Forces Language School Detachment Saint-Jean
  • (3-217-363-000-000) Canadian Forces Health Services Group
  • (3-217-363-481-000) 1 Health Services Group Headquarters and detachment / 1 Field Ambulance and detachments / 11 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 12 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 21 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 22 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 23 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific) / Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Pacific) detachment
  • (3-217-363-482-000) Canadian Forces Health Services Group Headquarters and Detachments / Central Medical Equipment Depot and Detachment / Canadian Forces Environmental Medicine Establishment / 1 Canadian Field Hospital and detachment / Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre
  • (3-217-363-483-000) Canadian Forces Health Services Centre Ottawa and Detachments
  • (3-217-363-484-000) Canadian Forces Health Services - all Dental Units
  • (3-217-363-485-000) 4 Health Services Group Headquarters and Detachments / Canadian Forces Health Services Centre (Atlantic) / 2 Field Ambulance / 5 Field Ambulance and detachment / 24 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachment / 25 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 26 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / 27 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / 31 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / 32 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / 33 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre / 41 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments / 42 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre and detachments
  • (3-218-000-000-000) Ombudsman
  • (3-219-000-000-000) Royal Canadian Air Force
  • (3-219-364-000-000) Royal Canadian Air Force Headquarters / Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre
  • (3-219-364-486-000) Chief of the Air Force Staff
  • (3-219-365-000-000) 2 Canadian Air Division
  • (3-219-365-487-000) Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering / Canadian Forces School of Search and Rescue / 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School / 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School / Canadian Forces School of Survival and Aeromedical Training / Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Control Operations / Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw / 419 Tactical Fighter Training Squadron / 16 Wing Headquarters / 2 Canadian Air Division Headquarters / 402 Squadron / 431 Air Demonstration Squadron
  • (3-219-365-488-000) Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg (17 Wing Winnipeg) / Canadian Forces Base Winnipeg Detachment Dundurn
  • (3-219-366-000-000) 1 Canadian Air Division
  • (3-219-366-489-000) Canadian Forces Base Trenton (8 Wing Trenton) / Aerospace and Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron
  • (3-219-366-490-000) Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake (4 Wing Cold Lake)
  • (3-219-366-491-000) Canadian Forces Base Greenwood (14 Wing Greenwood)
  • (3-219-366-492-000) Canadian Forces Base Bagotville (2 & 3 Wing Bagotville)
  • (3-219-366-493-000) Canadian Forces Base Comox (19 Wing Comox)
  • (3-219-366-494-000) 1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters / 1 Canadian Air Division Headquarters Detachment Ottawa / 1 Wing Headquarters / 12 Wing Headquarters / 1, 3, 8, 12, 14, 19 Air Maintenance Squadron / 10 Field Technical Training Squadron / 12 Radar Squadron / Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Halifax, Trenton / 103 Search and Rescue Squadron / 2 Air Expeditionary Squadron / 2 Air Movements Squadron / 8 Air Communications and Control Squadron / 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron / 51 Aerospace Control and Warning Operational Training Squadron / Aerospace and Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron
  • (3-219-366-495-000) Canadian Forces Base Gander, Goose Bay, North Bay
  • (3-219-366-496-000) 400, 408, 430, 438, 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron / 403 Helicopter Operational Training Squadron / 423, 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron / Helicopter Operational Test and Evaluation Facility / 4 Construction Engineering Squadron / 406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron / 409, 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron / 410 Tactical Operational Training Squadron / 412, 429, 436, 437 Transport Squadron / 413, 424, 435, 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron / 426 Transport Training Squadron / 444 Combat Support Squadron / 404 Long Range Patrol and Training Squadron / 405, 407 Long Range Patrol Squadron / 415 Long Range Patrol Force Development Squadron
  • (3-220-000-000-000) Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)
  • (3-220-367-000-000) Chief of the Naval Staff / Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre / Canadian Forces Maritime Warfare Centre Detachment Ottawa
  • (3-220-368-000-000) Maritime Forces Pacific
  • (3-220-368-497-000) Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters / Canadian Fleet Pacific Headquarters / Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific) / Naval Reserve Headquarters / Canadian Submarine Force headquarters / Maritime Operations Group Four Headquarters
  • (3-220-368-498-000) Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt / Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Detachment Matsqui
  • (3-220-368-499-000) Naval Fleet School (Atlantic) / Naval Fleet School (Pacific) / Naval Training Development Centre (Pacific) / Naval Training Development Centre (Atlantic) / Naval Personnel and Training Group Headquarters/Naval Fleet School Quebec
  • (3-220-368-600-000) Fleet Maintenance Facility - CAPE BRETON
  • (3-220-369-000-000) Maritime Forces Atlantic
  • (3-220-369-601-000) Maritime Forces Atlantic Headquarters / TRINITY - Maritime Operations Support and Intelligence Centre / Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) / Fifth Maritime Operations Group Headquarter / Canadian Fleet Atlantic Headquarters
  • (3-220-369-602-000) Canadian Forces Base Halifax / Canadian Forces Base Halifax Detachment Cape Breton
  • (3-220-369-603-000) Fleet Maintenance Facility - CAPE SCOTT
  • (3-221-000-000-000) Strategic Joint Staff (SJS)
  • (3-222-000-000-000) Vice Chief of Defence Staff (VCDS)
  • (3-222-370-000-000) Chief of Programme / Chief of Force Development
  • (3-222-371-000-000) Canadian Forces Military Police Group (CF MP GP)
  • (3-222-371-604-000) 2 Military Police Squadron / Canadian Forces Military Police Group Head Quarters / Military Police Unit Ottawa / Naval Military Police Group Headquarters / Special Operations Force Military Police Unit / 1, 2, 3, 5 Military Police Regiment / 1 Military Police Squadron / Air Force Military Police Group Headquarters / Canadian Forces Military Police Academy / Canadian Forces National Investigation Service / Military Police Unit Borden / Military Police Unit Esquimalt / Military Police Unit Halifax
  • (3-222-372-000-000) National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group (NATL CJCR SP GP) / National Defence Headquarters Transformation / Chief of the Defence Staff / Deputy Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (DVCD) / Canadian Defence Liaison Staff Washington / Director Foreign Liaison / OUTCAN Coordination and Support / Vice Chief of the Defence Staff
  • (3-222-373-000-000) Canadian Forces Support Unit (Ottawa) / Canadian Forces Support Unit (Europe)
  • (3-222-374-000-000) Director General Defence Security (DGDS)
  • (3-222-375-000-000) Cadets / Director General Integrated Complaint and Conflict Management
  • (3-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (4-000-000-000-000) Correctional Service of Canada
  • (4-200-000-000-000) Sectors and National Headquarters
  • (4-200-300-000-000) Communications & Engagement Sector
  • (4-200-301-000-000) Corporate Services Sector
  • (4-200-301-400-000) Corporate Services Sector - National Comptroller's Branch
  • (4-200-301-401-000) Corporate Services Sector - Assistant Commissioner Office (ACCS) / Resource Management Branch
  • (4-200-301-402-000) Corporate Services Sector - Technical Services and Facilities
  • (4-200-302-000-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector
  • (4-200-302-403-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector - Assistant Commissioner's Office (ACCOP) / OMS Modernization
  • (4-200-302-404-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector - Offender Programs and Reintegration Branch
  • (4-200-302-405-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector - Security Branch
  • (4-200-302-406-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector - Preventive Security and Intelligence Branch
  • (4-200-302-407-000) Correctional Operations and Programs Sector - CORCAN
  • (4-200-302-407-500) CORCAN - Atlantic Region
  • (4-200-302-407-501) CORCAN - Quebec Region
  • (4-200-302-407-502) CORCAN - Ontario Region
  • (4-200-302-407-503) CORCAN - Prairie Region
  • (4-200-302-407-504) CORCAN - Pacific Region
  • (4-200-302-407-505) CORCAN - National Headquarters
  • (4-200-303-000-000) Commissioner's Office / Executive Secretariat / Legal Services / Women Offender Sector / Internal Audit / Intergovernmental Relations
  • (4-200-304-000-000) Health Services Sector
  • (4-200-304-408-000) Health Services Sector - National Headquarters (NHQ)
  • (4-200-304-409-000) Health Services Sector - Atlantic Region (including Health services employees of Shepody Healing Centre)
  • (4-200-304-410-000) Health Services Sector - Quebec Region (including Health services employees of the Regional Mental Health Centre)
  • (4-200-304-411-000) Health Services Sector - Ontario Region (including Health services employees of the Regional Treatment Centre)
  • (4-200-304-412-000) Health Services Sector - Prairie Region (including Health services employees of the Regional Psychiatric Centre)
  • (4-200-304-413-000) Health Services Sector - Pacific Region (including Health services employees of the Regional Treatment Centre)
  • (4-200-305-000-000) Human Resource Management Sector
  • (4-200-305-414-000) Human Resource Management Sector - Classification, Resourcing and Operations Branch - All Regions
  • (4-200-305-415-000) Human Resource Management Sector - Human Resource Modernization and Governance Directorate - All Regions
  • (4-200-305-416-000) Human Resources Management Sector - Labour Relations and Workplace Management Branch - All Regions
  • (4-200-305-417-000) Human Resource Management Sector - Learning and Development Branch (including employees of the Correctional Learning & Development Centres and the National Training Academy)
  • (4-200-306-000-000) Information Management Services
  • (4-200-306-418-000) Information Management Services - Application services
  • (4-200-306-419-000) Information Management Services - Internal Partnerships and Service Relations
  • (4-200-306-420-000) Information Management Services - Chief Information Officer's Office / Information Management / Strategy, Architecture and Security / Projects, Quality and Management Services
  • (4-200-307-000-000) Policy Sector
  • (4-200-307-421-000) Policy Sector - Assistant Commissioner’s Office (ACP) / Values, Integrity and Conflict Management (VICM)
  • (4-200-307-422-000) Policy Sector - Strategic Policy and Planning Branch (including Research Branch)
  • (4-200-307-423-000) Policy Sector - Rights, Redress and Resolution Branch
  • (4-200-308-000-000) Senior Deputy Commissioner - Incident Investigations Branch / Aboriginal Initiatives
  • (4-201-000-000-000) Regions
  • (4-201-309-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (4-201-309-424-000) Atlantic Region - Regional Headquarters
  • (4-201-309-425-000) Atlantic Region - Springhill Institution
  • (4-201-309-426-000) Atlantic Region - Dorchester Penitentiary Cluster (including the formerly known Westmorland Institution and the Shepody Healing Centre (excluding employees from the Health Services Sector))
  • (4-201-309-427-000) Atlantic Region - Atlantic Institution
  • (4-201-309-428-000) Atlantic Region - Nova Institution for Women
  • (4-201-309-429-000) Atlantic Region - Parole Office - Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador Districts (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-309-430-000) Atlantic Region - Parole Office - New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island District (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-310-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (4-201-310-431-000) Quebec Region - Regional Headquarters
  • (4-201-310-432-000) Quebec Region - Federal Training Centre Cluster (including formerly known Montée St-François Institution)
  • (4-201-310-433-000) Quebec Region - Donnacona Institution
  • (4-201-310-434-000) Quebec Region - Joliette Institution
  • (4-201-310-435-000) Quebec Region - Archambault Institution Cluster (including formerly known Ste-Anne-des-Plaines Institution; and Regional Mental Health Centre (RMHU), excluding employees from Health Services Sector)
  • (4-201-310-436-000) Quebec Region - Regional Reception Centre (including Special Handling Unit - SHU)
  • (4-201-310-437-000) Quebec Region - Drummond Institution
  • (4-201-310-438-000) Quebec Region - Cowansville Institution
  • (4-201-310-439-000) Quebec Region - La Macaza Institution
  • (4-201-310-440-000) Quebec Region - Port-Cartier Institution
  • (4-201-310-441-000) Quebec Region - Parole Office - Montréal Metropolitan District (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-310-442-000) Quebec Region - Parole Office - East-West Quebec District (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-311-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (4-201-311-443-000) Ontario Region - Regional Headquarters
  • (4-201-311-444-000) Ontario Region - Millhaven Institution (including the Regional Treatment Centre and excluding employees from Health Services Sector)
  • (4-201-311-445-000) Ontario Region - Bath Institution
  • (4-201-311-446-000) Ontario Region - Collins Bay Institution Cluster (including formerly known Frontenac Institution)
  • (4-201-311-447-000) Ontario Region - Beaver Creek Institution Cluster (including formerly known Fenbrook Institution)
  • (4-201-311-448-000) Ontario Region - Joyceville Institution Cluster (including formerly known Pittsburgh Institution)
  • (4-201-311-449-000) Ontario Region - Warkworth Institution
  • (4-201-311-450-000) Ontario Region - Grand Valley Institution for Women
  • (4-201-311-451-000) Ontario Region - Parole Office - Greater Ontario and Nunavut District (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-311-452-000) Ontario Region - Parole Office - Central Ontario District (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-312-000-000) Prairies Region
  • (4-201-312-453-000) Prairie Region - Regional Headquarters
  • (4-201-312-454-000) Prairie Region - Regional Psychiatric Centre (excluding employees from Health Services Sector)
  • (4-201-312-455-000) Prairie Region - Stony Mountain Institution Cluster (including formerly known Rockwood Institution)
  • (4-201-312-456-000) Prairie Region - Saskatchewan Penitentiary Cluster (including formerly known Riverbend Institution)
  • (4-201-312-457-000) Prairie Region - Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge
  • (4-201-312-458-000) Prairie Region - Willow Cree Healing Lodge
  • (4-201-312-459-000) Prairie Region - Drumheller Institution Cluster (including formerly known Drumheller Annex)
  • (4-201-312-460-000) Prairie Region - Grande Cache Institution
  • (4-201-312-461-000) Prairie Region - Pê Sâkâstêw Centre
  • (4-201-312-462-000) Prairie Region - Bowden Institution Cluster (including formerly known Bowden Annex)
  • (4-201-312-463-000) Prairie Region - Edmonton Institution for Women
  • (4-201-312-464-000) Prairie Region - Edmonton Institution
  • (4-201-312-465-000) Prairie Region - Grierson Institution
  • (4-201-312-466-000) Prairie Region - Parole Office - Manitoba / Saskatchewan / NW Ontario District Office (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-312-467-000) Prairie Region - Parole Office - Alberta / Northwest Territories District Office including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-201-313-000-000) Pacific Region
  • (4-201-313-468-000) Pacific Region - Regional Headquarters
  • (4-201-313-469-000) Pacific Region - William Head Institution
  • (4-201-313-470-000) Pacific Region - Matsqui Institution
  • (4-201-313-471-000) Pacific Region - Pacific Institution (including the Regional Treatment Centre; excluding employees from Health Services Sector)
  • (4-201-313-472-000) Pacific Region - Mountain Institution
  • (4-201-313-473-000) Pacific Region - Kent Institution
  • (4-201-313-474-000) Pacific Region - Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Village
  • (4-201-313-475-000) Pacific Region - Mission Institution Cluster (including formerly known Ferndale Institution)
  • (4-201-313-476-000) Pacific Region - Fraser Valley Institution for Women
  • (4-201-313-477-000) Pacific Region - Parole Office (including Community Correctional Centres)
  • (4-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organisational unit
  • (5-000-000-000-000) Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • (5-200-000-000-000) Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Including Regions
  • (5-200-300-000-000) Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Headquarters (HQ)
  • (5-200-300-400-000) CCG HQ - Commissioner's Office, Coast Guard Personnel/ Innovation, Planning and Egagement
  • (5-200-300-401-000) CCG HQ - Integrated Technical Services
  • (5-200-300-402-000) CCG HQ - Office of the Deputy Commissioner Strategy and Shipbuilding / Vessel Procurement / Major Crown Projects
  • (5-200-300-403-000) CCG HQ - Office of the Deputy Commissioner Operations/ Operations
  • (5-200-300-404-000) CCG HQ - Response
  • (5-200-301-000-000) Canadian Coast Guard College - Sydney, Nova Scotia
  • (5-200-301-405-000) CCG College - Employees
  • (5-200-301-406-000) CCG College - Students / Officer Cadets
  • (5-200-302-000-000) CCG Arctic Region
  • (5-200-302-407-000) CCG Arctic Region- Integrated Business Management Services / Assistant Commissioner's Office / Integrated Technical Services
  • (5-200-302-408-000) CCG Arctic Region - Incident Management/ Programs
  • (5-200-303-000-000) CCG Atlantic Region
  • (5-200-303-409-000) CCG Atlantic Region- Shore-Based Personnel
  • (5-200-303-409-500) CCG Atlantic Region - Integrated Business Management Services / Assistant Commissioner's office / Safety and Security / Fleet (shore based)
  • (5-200-303-409-501) CCG Atlantic Region - Integrated Technical Services
  • (5-200-303-409-502) CCG Atlantic Region - Incident Management
  • (5-200-303-409-503) CCG Atlantic Region - Navigational Programs
  • (5-200-303-410-000) CCG Atlantic Region - Lightkeepers
  • (5-200-303-411-000) CCG Atlantic Region - Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-303-411-504) CCG Atlantic Region - South Atlantic Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-303-411-505) CCG Atlantic Region - North Atlantic Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-304-000-000) CCG Central Region
  • (5-200-304-412-000) CCG Central Region - Shore-Based Personnel
  • (5-200-304-412-506) CCG Central Region - Assistant Commissioner's office / Integrated Business Management Services / Safety and Security / Fleet (shore based)
  • (5-200-304-412-507) CCG Central Region - Integrated Technical Services
  • (5-200-304-412-508) CCG Central Region - Incident Management
  • (5-200-304-412-509) CCG Central Region - Navigational Programs
  • (5-200-304-413-000) CCG Central Region - Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-304-413-510) CCG Central Region - C&A Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-304-413-511) CCG Central Region - QC Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-200-305-000-000) CCG Western Region
  • (5-200-305-414-000) CCG Western Region - Shore-Based Personnel
  • (5-200-305-414-512) CCG Western Region - Assistant Commissioner's office /Integrated Business Management Services / Safety and Security /Fleet (shore based) /Transformation Engagement Partnerships / Oceans Protection Plan
  • (5-200-305-414-513) CCG Western Region- Integrated Technical Services
  • (5-200-305-414-514) CCG Western Region- Incident Management
  • (5-200-305-414-515) CCG Western Region - Navigational Programs
  • (5-200-305-415-000) CCG Western Region - Lightkeepers
  • (5-200-305-416-000) CCG Western Region - Seagoing Personnel
  • (5-201-000-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region
  • (5-201-306-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Executive Management (includes Regional Director General's Office and Associate Regional Director General's Office / Communications / Policy and Economics)
  • (5-201-307-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Human Resources and Corporate Services (excluding IM&TS and Finance and Administration) / Real Property, Safety and Security
  • (5-201-308-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Science
  • (5-201-308-417-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Science (non-Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS))
  • (5-201-308-418-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Science- Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)
  • (5-201-309-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Ecosystems and Fisheries Management
  • (5-201-309-419-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Fisheries Management (including Regional Director’s Office) /Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO, etc.) / Integrated Business Management (IBM) / Director’s office / Licensing / Vessel Monitoring System Units (VMS) / Resource Management & Indigenous Fisheries
  • (5-201-309-420-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Ecosystems Management (includes Fisheries Protection Program- formerly named Habitat, Aquaculture Management, Species at Risk, and Oceans Management)
  • (5-201-309-421-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Small Craft Harbors
  • (5-201-309-422-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Conservation and Protection (including area offices)
  • (5-201-309-422-516) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Conservation and Protection - Headquarters including Offshore Compliance
  • (5-201-309-422-517) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Conservation and Protection - Area 1
  • (5-201-309-422-518) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Conservation and Protection - Area 2
  • (5-201-309-423-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region - Area Offices (non-Conservation & Protection)- Ecosystems and Fisheries Management including Eastern/Central, Labrador and Straits and Southern/Western
  • (5-202-000-000-000) Maritimes Region
  • (5-202-310-000-000) Maritimes Region - Executive Management (including Regional Director General and Associate Regional Director General Offices / Communications / Policy & Economics / Atlantic Fisheries Fund)
  • (5-202-311-000-000) Maritimes Region - Human Resources and Corporate Services (excluding IM&TS and Finance and Administration)
  • (5-202-311-424-000) Maritimes Region - Human Resources (reports to RDG)
  • (5-202-311-425-000) Maritimes Region - Real Property, Safety and Security
  • (5-202-312-000-000) Maritimes Region - Science
  • (5-202-312-426-000) Maritimes Region - Science (Non-Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS))
  • (5-202-312-426-519) Maritimes Region - Non CHS - Regional Director's Office and Science Planning, Advice and Data
  • (5-202-312-426-520) Maritimes Region - Non CHS - Population Ecology Division
  • (5-202-312-426-521) Maritimes Region - Non CHS - Ocean and Ecosystem Science Division
  • (5-202-312-426-522) Maritimes Region - Non CHS - Coastal Ecosystem Science Division
  • (5-202-312-427-000) Maritimes Region - Science (Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS))
  • (5-202-313-000-000) Maritimes Region - Ecosystems & Fisheries and Harbours Management
  • (5-202-313-428-000) Maritimes Region - Conservation and Protection
  • (5-202-313-429-000) Maritimes Region - Resource and Aboriginal Fisheries Management / Integrated Business Management
  • (5-202-313-430-000) Maritimes Region - Aquatic Ecosystems (includes Ecosystem Management (Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program and Species at Risk), Marine Planning and Conservation, Aquaculture Management)
  • (5-202-313-431-000) Maritimes Region - Small Craft Harbours (includes Gulf region but excludes Area offices)
  • (5-202-313-432-000) Maritimes Region - Area Offices (non-Conservation and Protection)- Eastern Nova Scotia Area / South Western New Brunswick / South Western Nova Scotia Area (includes Small Craft Harbour reporting to Area Director)
  • (5-203-000-000-000) Gulf Region
  • (5-203-314-000-000) Gulf Region - Executive Management (including Regional Director General's and Associate Regional Director General's Offices / Communications / Policy and Economics)
  • (5-203-315-000-000) Gulf Region - Human Resources and Corporate Services (excluding IM&TS, Finance and Administration and Fast Track Staffing)
  • (5-203-316-000-000) Gulf Region -Science (non-Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS))
  • (5-203-317-000-000) Gulf Region - Aquatic Ecosystems, Fisheries Management and Area Offices (includes Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Conservation and Protection and Aquatic Ecosystems)
  • (5-203-317-433-000) Gulf Region - Regional Director Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Office, Resource and Aboriginal Fisheries Management, Integrated Business Management and Licensing
  • (5-203-317-434-000) Gulf Region - Aquatic Ecosystems Management (Fisheries Protection Program, Oceans and Species at Risk)
  • (5-203-317-435-000) Gulf Region - Conservation and Protection (RHQ, Area offices, Detachments and Sub-detachments)
  • (5-203-317-436-000) Gulf Region - Area Offices (non-Conservation and Protection) integrating Eastern New Brunswick, Gulf Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Areas
  • (5-204-000-000-000) Québec Region
  • (5-204-318-000-000) Quebec Region - Executive Management (including Regional Director General / Associate Regional Director General Offices / Communications / Strategic Services / Quebec Fisheries Fund)
  • (5-204-319-000-000) Quebec Region - Human Resources and Corporate Services and Real Property, Safety and Security - (excluding IM&TS and Finance and Administration)
  • (5-204-320-000-000) Quebec Region - Sciences
  • (5-204-320-437-000) Quebec Region - Science - (excluding Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS))
  • (5-204-320-437-523) Quebec Region - Science - Regional Science Branch and Scientific Advice, Information and Support Branch
  • (5-204-320-437-524) Quebec Region - Science- Pelagics and Ecosystem Science
  • (5-204-320-437-525) Quebec Region - Science- Demersal and Benthic Science
  • (5-204-320-438-000) Quebec Region - Science - Canadian Hydrographic Service
  • (5-204-321-000-000) Quebec Region - Ecosystems and Fisheries Management
  • (5-204-321-439-000) Quebec Region - Ecosystems Management (including Marine Planning and Conservation, Species at Risk Management, Fish and Fish Habitat Protection-Partnerships and Integrated Planning, Fish and Fish Habitat Protection-Regulatory Reviews)
  • (5-204-321-440-000) Quebec Region - Small Craft Harbours
  • (5-204-321-441-000) Québec Region - Fisheries Management
  • (5-204-321-441-526) Quebec Region - Fisheries Management (including Resource Management, Aboriginal programs, Aquaculture, Statistics and Licenses)
  • (5-204-321-441-527) Quebec Region - Conservation and Protection (including Conservation and Protection in area offices)
  • (5-204-321-441-528) Quebec Region - Area Offices (excluding Conservation and Protection and Small Craft Harbours)- Iles-de-la-Madeleine, North Shore, Bas Saint-Laurent/Gaspesie
  • (5-205-000-000-000) Arctic Region
  • (5-206-000-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region
  • (5-206-322-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Executive Management (including Regional Director General / Associate Regional Director General / Communications / Policy & Economics / Human Resources
  • (5-206-323-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Real Property, Safety and Security / Small Craft Harbours
  • (5-206-324-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Science
  • (5-206-324-442-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Science – non-Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)
  • (5-206-324-442-529) Ontario and Prairie Region - Science - Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries Science
  • (5-206-324-442-530) Ontario and Prairie Region - Science - Arctic Aquatic Science and Regional Director's Office
  • (5-206-324-443-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Science - Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)
  • (5-206-325-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Aquatic Ecosystems
  • (5-206-325-444-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - AE- Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program - Aquaculture
  • (5-206-325-445-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - AE - Aquatic Invasive Species Programs (includes: Asian Carp Group; AIS Group; and Sea Lamprey Group) and Regional Director's Office
  • (5-206-326-000-000) Ontario and Prairie Region - Conservation and Protection
  • (5-207-000-000-000) Pacific Region
  • (5-207-327-000-000) Pacific Region - Executive Management (including Regional Director General’s / Associate Regional Director General Offices / Legal Services / Communications / Policy / Human Resources reporting to RDG)
  • (5-207-328-000-000) Pacific Region - Human Resources and Corporate Services (excluding IM&TS and Finance and Administration)
  • (5-207-329-000-000) Pacific Region - Real Property, Safety and Security
  • (5-207-330-000-000) Pacific Region - Science
  • (5-207-330-446-000) Pacific Region - Regional Director's Office / Strategic Science Initiatives
  • (5-207-330-447-000) Pacific Region - Ocean Sciences Division
  • (5-207-330-448-000) Pacific Region - Science (Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)) - Institute of Ocean Sciences
  • (5-207-330-449-000) Pacific Region - Aquatic Diagnostics, Genomics and Technology Division
  • (5-207-330-450-000) Pacific Region - Ecosystem Science Division
  • (5-207-330-451-000) Pacific Region - Stock Assessment and Research Division
  • (5-207-331-000-000) Pacific Region - Ecosystems Management Branch
  • (5-207-331-452-000) Pacific Region - Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program and Transmountain Expansion Project
  • (5-207-331-453-000) Pacific Region - Salmonid Enhancement Program
  • (5-207-331-454-000) Pacific Region - Oceans Program, Species at Risk, Regional Director's Office, Business Management Services
  • (5-207-332-000-000) Pacific Region - Ecosystems and Fisheries Management
  • (5-207-332-455-000) Pacific Region - Resource Management (Program Delivery, Regional Director's Office, Business Client Services, Business Management Services, (Salmon)- Regional Headquarters
  • (5-207-332-456-000) Pacific Region - Aquaculture- Region
  • (5-207-332-457-000) Pacific Region - Small Craft Harbours
  • (5-207-333-000-000) Pacific Region - Reconciliation and Partnerships -Treaty and Aboriginal Policy- Regional Headquarters
  • (5-207-334-000-000) Pacific Region - Conservation and Protection
  • (5-207-334-458-000) Pacific Region - Conservation & Protection Regional Programs (reporting to Regional Director’s office; Policy, Regulations & Whales; Program & Operational Readiness; Recruitment, Training & Standards; Enforcement Operations; and, British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program)
  • (5-207-334-459-000) Pacific Region - Conservation & Protection Area Staff (reporting to North Coast Area; South Coast Area; Lower Fraser Area; BC Interior/Yukon Transboundary Area and National Fisheries Intelligence Services staff located in the Area)
  • (5-207-335-000-000) Pacific Region - Area Offices - British Columbia South Coast Area
  • (5-207-335-460-000) Pacific Region - South Coast Area Executive Management- Area Director's Office and Business Management Services, South Coast Area Fisheries Management (non-Conservation and Protection) (including Resource Management, Aboriginal Fisheries Strategies/ Treaties and Aboriginal Policy
  • (5-207-335-461-000) Pacific Region - South Coast Area Science Stock Assessment
  • (5-207-336-000-000) Pacific Region - British Columbia Fraser River and Interior Area
  • (5-207-336-462-000) Pacific Region - Executive Management - Area Director's Office and Business Management Services, Fisheries Management (non-Conservation and Protection) (including Resource Management, Aboriginal Fisheries Strategies/ Treaties and Aboriginal Policy)
  • (5-207-336-463-000) Pacific Region - Fraser - Science Stock Assessment
  • (5-207-337-000-000) Pacific Region - Area Offices - Yukon and Transboundary Rivers Area (including Resource Management, Treaties and Aboriginal Policy/ Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, Stock Assessment Division, Area Director's Office, Business Management Strategies)
  • (5-207-338-000-000) Pacific Region - Area Offices - British Columbia North Coast Area - Executive Management- Area Director's Office and Business Management Services, Fisheries Management (non-Conservation and Protection) (including Resource Management, Aboriginal Fisheries Strategies/ Treaties and Aboriginal Policy and Stock Assessment)
  • (5-208-000-000-000) National Capital Region (NCR) - Headquarters
  • (5-208-339-000-000) NCR HQ - Executive Offices - Minister's Departmental Staff / Deputy Minister and Associate Deputy Minister Offices / Office of Sr. ADM Delivery and Results / Internal Audit Directorate / Legal Services
  • (5-208-340-000-000) NCR HQ - Human Resources and Corporate Services (HRCS)
  • (5-208-340-464-000) NCR HQ - HRCS - Assistant Deputy Minister`s Office and Program Planning and Coordination / Real Property and Environmental Management (RPEM)
  • (5-208-340-465-000) NCR HQ - HRCS -Safety, Security and Emergency Services (SSES)
  • (5-208-340-466-000) NCR HQ - HRCS -Human Resources
  • (5-208-340-466-531) NCR HQ - HRCS - HR - HR-to-Pay Systems and Employee Support
  • (5-208-340-466-532) NCR HQ - HRCS -HR - Labour Relations Centre of Expertise and Workplace Well-Being
  • (5-208-340-466-533) NCR HQ - HRCS -HR - Organizational Design and Talent Acquisition
  • (5-208-340-466-534) NCR HQ - HRCS - HR - Organizational Performance and Executive Services and DG's Office
  • (5-208-340-467-000) NCR HQ - HRCS - Information Management and Technology Services (IM&TS) (including regions)
  • (5-208-340-467-535) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Science and Transformation Solutions (STS)
  • (5-208-340-467-536) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Application Competency Center (ACC)
  • (5-208-340-467-537) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Fisheries Management and Corporate Solutions (FMCS)
  • (5-208-340-467-538) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Business Line Support Services (BLSS)
  • (5-208-340-467-539) NCR HQ - HRCS -IM&TS - External Service Management & IT Security (ESMITS)
  • (5-208-340-467-540) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Information Management Branch (IM)
  • (5-208-340-467-541) NCR HQ -HRCS - IM&TS - IT Business and Service Desk (SD)
  • (5-208-340-467-542) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Desktop Engineering and Asset Management (DEAM)
  • (5-208-340-467-543) NCR HQ - HRCS - IM&TS - Business Management, Integration and Engagement (BMIE) / Chief Information Officer's Office / Deputy CIO Office
  • (5-208-340-468-000) NCR HQ - HRCS - Access to Information and Privacy
  • (5-208-341-000-000) NCR HQ - Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (including Finance and Administration in regions)
  • (5-208-341-469-000) NCR HQ - Chief Financial Officer's Office (CFO) and Planning, Results and Evaluation
  • (5-208-341-470-000) NCR HQ and Regions - CFO - Budget Planning and Financial Management
  • (5-208-341-470-544) NCR HQ - CFO - Budget Planning and Financial Management - NCR only
  • (5-208-341-470-545) NCR HQ - CFO - Budget Planning and Financial Management - Finance and Administration (Regions only)
  • (5-208-341-471-000) NCR HQ - CFO - Investment Planning, Materiel Procurement Management
  • (5-208-341-471-546) NCR HQ - CFO - Headquarters & Regions Materiel Management
  • (5-208-341-471-547) NCR HQ - CFO - Headquarters Procurement& Fredericton Hub
  • (5-208-341-472-000) NCR HQ - CFO - Financial Operations (NCR only) and NCR HQ - Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP) Project(NCR Only)
  • (5-208-341-473-000) NCR HQ and Regions - CFO - Financial Operations (Regions Only) and Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP) Project(Regions Only)
  • (5-208-342-000-000) NCR HQ - Strategic Policy
  • (5-208-342-474-000) NCR HQ - Strategic Policy - Senior Assistant Deputy Minister`s Office, Strategic Policy and Priorities
  • (5-208-342-475-000) NCR HQ - Strategic Policy - Aquaculture Policy / Indigenous and Sectoral Policy
  • (5-208-342-476-000) NCR HQ - Strategic Policy - International and Intergovernmental Affairs / Economics, Statistics and Data Governance
  • (5-208-342-477-000) NCR HQ - Strategic Policy - Communications
  • (5-208-343-000-000) NCR HQ - Ecosystems & Oceans Science
  • (5-208-343-478-000) NCR HQ - Ecosystems & Oceans Science - Science (non-Canadian Hydrographic Service) including Ecosystems Science, Strategic and Regulatory Science, Science Programs and Assistant Deputy Minister`s Office
  • (5-208-343-479-000) NCR HQ - Ecosystems & Oceans Science - Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)
  • (5-208-344-000-000) NCR HQ - Aquatic Ecosystems
  • (5-208-344-480-000) NCR HQ - Aquatic Ecosystems - Biodiversity Management (including Aquatic Ecosystems Assistant Deputy Minister Office)
  • (5-208-344-481-000) NCR HQ - Aquatic Ecosystems - Marine Planning and Conservation
  • (5-208-344-482-000) NCR HQ - Aquatic Ecosystems - Ecosystems Management
  • (5-208-345-000-000) NCR HQ - Fisheries and Harbour Management
  • (5-208-345-483-000) NCR HQ -Fisheries and Harbour Management - Business Innovation (including Fisheries and Harbour Management Assistant Deputy Minister's Office)
  • (5-208-345-484-000) NCR HQ - Fisheries and Harbour Management - Small Craft Harbours
  • (5-208-345-485-000) NCR HQ - Fisheries and Harbour Management - Fisheries Resource Management (including Catch Certification Office)
  • (5-208-345-486-000) NCR HQ - Fisheries and Harbour Management - Conservation and Protection
  • (5-208-345-487-000) NCR HQ - Fisheries and Harbour Management - Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation Directorate
  • (5-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (6-000-000-000-000) Health Canada
  • (6-200-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office
  • (6-201-000-000-000) Covid - 19 Task Force
  • (6-202-000-000-000) Ombudsman, Integrity and Resolution Office
  • (6-203-000-000-000) Legal Services
  • (6-204-000-000-000) Strategic Policy Branch
  • (6-205-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (6-205-300-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Branch Renewal and Enterprise Architecture Directorate / Planning, Integration and Management Services Division
  • (6-205-300-400-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Branch Renewal and Enterprise Architecture Directorate / Planning, Integration and Management Services Division (excluding ATIP)
  • (6-205-300-401-000) Access to Information and Privacy Operations Division
  • (6-205-301-000-000) Human Resources Services Directorate
  • (6-205-301-402-000) Director General's Office / Executive Group Services
  • (6-205-301-403-000) Human Resources Client Services
  • (6-205-301-404-000) Labour Relations
  • (6-205-301-405-000) National Central HR Services
  • (6-205-301-406-000) Corporate Policies and Programs and Mental Health Division
  • (6-205-301-407-000) Workplace Wellbeing and Workforce Development
  • (6-205-302-000-000) Information Management Services Directorate
  • (6-205-302-408-000) Director General's Office / Service Management Division
  • (6-205-302-409-000) IT Service Delivery Division
  • (6-205-302-410-000) Solutions Centre
  • (6-205-302-411-000) Information and Knowledge Management Division
  • (6-205-302-412-000) Enterprise Projects Division
  • (6-205-303-000-000) Real Property and Security Directorate
  • (6-205-303-413-000) Director General's Office / National Accommodations & Facilities Management / National Asset Management & Laboratory Operations / National Program Management / National Project Management & Professional & Technical Services
  • (6-205-303-414-000) National Security Management
  • (6-205-304-000-000) Specialized Health Services Directorate
  • (6-205-304-415-000) Employee Assistance Services / Director General's Office
  • (6-205-304-416-000) Public Service Occupational Health Program
  • (6-206-000-000-000) Chief Financial Officer Branch
  • (6-206-305-000-000) Office of the Chief Financial Officer /Financial Operations Directorate-DGO /Resource Management Directorate - DGO/Cost Recovery & Investment Plan
  • (6-206-306-000-000) Financial Operations Directorate (excluding DGO)
  • (6-206-306-417-000) Accounting Operations and System Division
  • (6-206-306-418-000) Policy, Internal Controls and Corporate Accounting Division
  • (6-206-306-419-000) Material and Assets Management Division
  • (6-206-307-000-000) Resource Management Directorate (excluding DGO) Planning & Corporate Management Practices/
  • (6-207-000-000-000) Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
  • (6-207-308-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Policy, Planning and Integration
  • (6-207-309-000-000) Environmental and Radiation Health Sciences Directorate
  • (6-207-309-420-000) Radiation Protection Bureau
  • (6-207-309-421-000) Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau
  • (6-207-309-422-000) Consumer and Clinical Radiation / Director General's Office / Office of Science Policy, Liaison and Coordination / Office of Management Services Planning and Evaluation/Science Policy Liaison & Coordination
  • (6-207-310-000-000) Safe Environments Directorate
  • (6-207-310-423-000) New Substances Assessment and Control Bureau
  • (6-207-310-424-000) Existing Substances Risk Assessment Bureau / Risk Management Bureau
  • (6-207-310-425-000) Water and Air Quality Bureau
  • (6-207-310-426-000) Climate Change and Innovation Bureau / Chemicals and Environmental Health Management Bureau / Business Process Improvement Bureau / Director General's Office
  • (6-207-311-000-000) Consumer and Hazardous Product Safety Directorate
  • (6-207-311-427-000) Risk Assessment Bureau / Director General's Office
  • (6-207-311-428-000) Risk Management Bureau / Workplace Hazardous Materials Bureau
  • (6-208-000-000-000) Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch
  • (6-208-312-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Branch Operational Support Services
  • (6-208-313-000-000) Substance Use and Addictions/ Canadian Pain Task Force/Key Initiatives/ Opioid Response Team
  • (6-208-314-000-000) Compliance Directorate
  • (6-208-315-000-000) Controlled Substances Directorate
  • (6-208-316-000-000) Licensing and Medical Access Directorate
  • (6-208-316-429-000) DGO/Licensing & Security
  • (6-208-316-430-000) Office of Medical Access
  • (6-208-317-000-000) Strategic Policy Directorate
  • (6-208-318-000-000) Tobacco Control Directorate
  • (6-209-000-000-000) Health Products and Food Branch
  • (6-209-319-000-000) Policy Planning and International Affairs Directorate
  • (6-209-319-431-000) Director General's Office /Strategic Horizontal Policy Division
  • (6-209-319-432-000) Office of Legislative and Regulatory Modernization
  • (6-209-320-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office /Resource Management and Operations Directorate
  • (6-209-320-433-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office /Director General's Office /Governance Division /Internal Communications Division /Operations Management and Scientific Learning Division
  • (6-209-320-434-000) Strategic Planning and Accountability Division
  • (6-209-320-435-000) Transformation and Business Informatics Division
  • (6-209-320-436-000) Office of Submissions and Intellectual Property
  • (6-209-321-000-000) Biologics and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate
  • (6-209-321-437-000) Director General’s Office /Office of Policy and International Collaboration /Office of Business Integration /Office of Quality and Information Management
  • (6-209-321-438-000) Centre for Biologics Evaluation
  • (6-209-321-439-000) Centre for the Evaluation of Radiopharmaceuticals and Biotherapeutics
  • (6-209-321-440-000) Centre for Regulatory Excellence, Statistics and Trials
  • (6-209-322-000-000) Food Directorate
  • (6-209-322-441-000) Director General's Office /Bureau of Business Systems & Operations
  • (6-209-322-442-000) Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs /Bureau of Food Surveillance and Science Integration
  • (6-209-322-443-000) Chemical Safety:Director’s Office /Chemical Health Assessment
  • (6-209-322-444-000) Chemical Safety - Food Research/Toxicology Research/Scientific Services
  • (6-209-322-445-000) Nutritional Sciences:Director’s Office /Nutrition Regulation Standards
  • (6-209-322-446-000) Nutrition Research / Nutrition Premarket Assessment
  • (6-209-322-447-000) Microbial Hazards
  • (6-209-323-000-000) Marketed Health Products Directorate
  • (6-209-323-448-000) Director General’s Office /Bureau of Strategic Engagement and Integrated Management Services
  • (6-209-323-449-000) Office of Policy Risk Advisory and Advertising
  • (6-209-323-450-000) Bureau of Biologics, Radiopharmaceuticals and Self-care products
  • (6-209-323-451-000) Health Products Surveillance and Epidemiology Bureau
  • (6-209-323-452-000) Marketed Pharmaceuticals Bureau
  • (6-209-324-000-000) Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate
  • (6-209-324-453-000) Director General’s Office /Bureau of Strategic Planning and Business Services /Operational Readiness Division
  • (6-209-324-454-000) Bureau of Program Policy, Risk Management and Stakeholder Engagement /Bureau of Consumer Health Product Modernization
  • (6-209-324-455-000) Bureau of Product Review and Assessment
  • (6-209-324-456-000) Bureau of Licensing Services and Systems
  • (6-209-325-000-000) Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  • (6-209-326-000-000) Therapeutic Products Directorate
  • (6-209-326-457-000) Director General's Office /Bureau of Medical Sciences/Bureau of Policy, Science and International Programs
  • (6-209-326-458-000) Office of Planning, Performance and Review Services
  • (6-209-326-459-000) Bureau of Cardiology, Allergy and Neurological Sciences
  • (6-209-326-460-000) Bureau of Metabolism, Oncology and Reproductive Sciences
  • (6-209-326-461-000) Bureau of Gastroenterology, Infection and Viral Diseases
  • (6-209-326-462-000) Bureau of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • (6-209-326-463-000) Office of Clinical Trials
  • (6-209-327-000-000) Medical Devices Directorate
  • (6-209-327-464-000) Director General's Office / Bureau of Planning and OperationsBureau of policy and international programsBureau of Investigational Testing Authorization, Special Access Program and Post-market Surveillance
  • (6-209-327-465-000) Bureau of Licensing Services
  • (6-209-327-466-000) Bureau of Evaluation
  • (6-209-328-000-000) Veterinary Drugs Directorate
  • (6-210-000-000-000) Pest Management Regulatory Agency
  • (6-210-329-000-000) Health Evaluation Directorate (HED)
  • (6-210-330-000-000) Registration Directorate (RD) and Executive Director's Office (EDO)
  • (6-210-331-000-000) Environmental Assessment Directorate (EAD)
  • (6-210-332-000-000) Value Assessment and Re-evaluation Directorate (VRD)
  • (6-210-333-000-000) Policy and Operations Directorate (POD)
  • (6-211-000-000-000) Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch
  • (6-211-334-000-000) Planning and Operations Directorate
  • (6-211-335-000-000) Medical Devices and Clinical Compliance Directorate
  • (6-211-335-467-000) Clinical Compliance and Border Operations / Director General's Office
  • (6-211-335-468-000) Medical Devices Compliance Program
  • (6-211-336-000-000) Health Products Compliance Directorate
  • (6-211-336-469-000) Health Product Compliance and Risk Management / Director General’s Office
  • (6-211-336-470-000) Health Product Inspections and Licensing
  • (6-211-337-000-000) Laboratories Directorate
  • (6-211-337-471-000) Drug Analysis Service and Cannabis Laboratory / Director General’s Office
  • (6-211-337-472-000) Health Products, Food and Pesticide Laboratories
  • (6-211-338-000-000) Policy and Regulatory Strategies Directorate / Community of Federal Regulators / Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (6-211-339-000-000) Environmental Health and Pesticides Directorate
  • (6-211-339-473-000) Pesticide Compliance Program
  • (6-211-339-474-000) Environmental Health and Internationally Protected Persons Programs / Director General’s Office
  • (6-211-340-000-000) Consumer Products and Controlled Substances Directorate
  • (6-211-340-475-000) Consumer Product Safety Program
  • (6-211-340-476-000) Controlled Substances, Tobacco and Vaping Program / Director General's Office
  • (6-211-341-000-000) Cannabis Directorate
  • (6-212-000-000-000) Communications and Public Affairs Branch
  • (6-212-342-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office /Ministerial Communications Directorate
  • (6-212-343-000-000) Strategic Communications Directorate / Pandemic Communications Response Team
  • (6-212-344-000-000) Public Affairs Directorate
  • (6-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (7-000-000-000-000) Public Services and Procurement Canada
  • (7-200-000-000-000) Executive Office
  • (7-200-300-000-000) Executive Office - Deputy Minister's Office / General Counsel / Chief of Staff / Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health
  • (7-200-301-000-000) Executive Office - Office of the Procurement Ombudsman / Office of the Chief Audit Executive
  • (7-201-000-000-000) Pay Solutions Branch
  • (7-201-302-000-000) PSB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (7-202-000-000-000) Defence and Marine Procurement Branch
  • (7-202-303-000-000) DMPB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Washington Sector / Defence Major Projects Sector / Land and Aerospace Equipment Procurement and Support Sector
  • (7-202-304-000-000) DMPB - Large Combat Ship Construction Sector / Large Ship Construction Sector / Marine Services & Small Vessels Sector / Defence and Marine Strategic Program Management / Major Marine Construction Sector
  • (7-203-000-000-000) Departmental Oversight Branch
  • (7-203-305-000-000) DOB - Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Branch Planning and Management Services Sector / Special Investigations and Internal Disclosure Sector / Security Systems Management Sector
  • (7-203-306-000-000) DOB - Integrity and Forensic Accounting Management Group
  • (7-203-307-000-000) DOB - Industrial Security Sector
  • (7-203-308-000-000) DOB - Security and Emergency Management Sector
  • (7-204-000-000-000) Digital Services Branch
  • (7-204-309-000-000) DSB - Business Travel, Accessibility, and Management Services
  • (7-204-310-000-000) DSB - Enterprise Architecture and GC Programs and Solutions Sector
  • (7-204-311-000-000) DSB - Digital Projects Oversight and Delivery
  • (7-204-312-000-000) DSB - Service and Digital Partnerships
  • (7-204-313-000-000) DSB - Information Management & IT Security & Innovative Solutions
  • (7-204-314-000-000) DSB - Technology Services and Support
  • (7-204-315-000-000) DSB - Business Partner Solutions
  • (7-205-000-000-000) Finance and Administration Branch
  • (7-205-316-000-000) FAB - Office of the Chief Financial Officer / Branch Planning and Management Services / Cabinet Submissions and Investment Management / Budget and Cost Management / FAB-SENIOR DIR INT INVEST PLAN
  • (7-205-317-000-000) FAB - National Financial Management Advisory Services
  • (7-205-318-000-000) FAB - Financial Operations
  • (7-205-319-000-000) FAB - SIGMA
  • (7-205-320-000-000) FAB - Corporate Accommodation and Material Management
  • (7-206-000-000-000) Human Resources Branch
  • (7-206-321-000-000) HRB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Office of HR Transformation and Engagement / Branch Planning and Management Services / People Development Services
  • (7-206-322-000-000) HRB - Executive and Organizational Design Services
  • (7-206-323-000-000) HRB - HR-to-Pay Integrated Client Services
  • (7-206-324-000-000) HRB - Strategic People Management
  • (7-206-325-000-000) HRB - Workplace Services
  • (7-207-000-000-000) Pay Administration Branch
  • (7-207-326-000-000) PAB - Compensation Sector Pay / Strategic, Operational and Project Oversight Sector
  • (7-207-327-000-000) PAB - Public Service Pay Centre
  • (7-207-328-000-000) PAB - Client Contact Centre
  • (7-208-000-000-000) Policy, Planning and Communications Branch
  • (7-208-329-000-000) PPCB - Assistant Deputy Minister's Office / Portfolio and Government Affairs / Branch Planning and Management Services / Evaluation & Integrated Risk Management / Defense Procurement Canada Secretariat
  • (7-208-330-000-000) PPCB - Strategic Policy and Planning
  • (7-208-331-000-000) PPCB - Corporate Secretariat and Accessibility Sector
  • (7-208-332-000-000) PPCB - Communications Sector
  • (7-209-000-000-000) HR-to-Pay Program Office
  • (7-209-333-000-000) HRPPO - Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (7-209-334-000-000) HRPPO - Strategic Engagement
  • (7-210-000-000-000) Procurement Branch
  • (7-210-335-000-000) PB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Acquisitions Program Transformation
  • (7-210-336-000-000) PB - Commercial and Alternative Acquisitions Management Sector
  • (7-210-337-000-000) PB - Services and Technology Acquisition Management Sector
  • (7-210-338-000-000) PB - Procurement Business Management Sector
  • (7-210-339-000-000) PB - Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and Strategic Engagement
  • (7-210-340-000-000) PB - Procurement Support Services Sector
  • (7-210-341-000-000) PB - Strategic Policy Sector
  • (7-211-000-000-000) Receiver General and Pension Branch
  • (7-211-342-000-000) RGPB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Branch Planning / Receiver General – Modernization / Receiver General – Accounting and Treasury
  • (7-211-343-000-000) RGPB - Government of Canada Pension Centre
  • (7-211-344-000-000) RGPB - Specialized Services
  • (7-211-345-000-000) RGPB - Government Information Services
  • (7-211-346-000-000) RGPB - Imaging and Receiver General Operations Directorate
  • (7-211-347-000-000) RGPB - Pension Excellence Sector
  • (7-212-000-000-000) Real Property Branch
  • (7-212-348-000-000) RPS - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Associate Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Real Property and Service Integration for CRA / Senior Account Executive: Sciences / Senior Account Executive: Security
  • (7-212-349-000-000) RPS - Workplace Solutions
  • (7-212-350-000-000) RPS - Client Relationship and Demand Management
  • (7-212-351-000-000) RPS - National Capital Area Project Delivery
  • (7-212-352-000-000) RPS - Infrastructure and Asset Management
  • (7-212-353-000-000) RPS - Strategic Sourcing
  • (7-212-354-000-000) RPS - Program and Resource Management Sector
  • (7-212-355-000-000) RPS - Property and Facility Management
  • (7-212-356-000-000) RPS - Real Estate Services
  • (7-212-357-000-000) RPS - Portfolio and Asset Management
  • (7-212-358-000-000) RPS - Project Management
  • (7-212-359-000-000) RPS - Technical Services
  • (7-213-000-000-000) Science and Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch
  • (7-213-360-000-000) SPIB - Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office / Program, Portfolio and Client Relationship Management
  • (7-213-361-000-000) SPIB - Centre Block Rehabilitation Program / LTVP Project Management and Delivery
  • (7-213-362-000-000) SPIB - Enterprise Planning & Operations Sector / Partnership, Strategy and Program Management Sector / Science and Policy Sector / Strategic Engagement and Change Management Sector / Project Delivery / South Blocks Program
  • (7-213-363-000-000) SPIB - Strategic Planning and Corporate Services / Strategic Contracting, Procurement and Indigenous Relations Management
  • (7-213-364-000-000) SPIB - Operations and Accommodations
  • (7-214-000-000-000) Translation Bureau
  • (7-214-365-000-000) TB - Office of the Chief Executive Officer / Corporate Services / Business Strategies and Partnerships
  • (7-214-366-000-000) TB - Linguistic Services
  • (7-214-367-000-000) TB - Service to Parliamentary and Interpretation
  • (7-215-000-000-000) Atlantic- Regional Director General
  • (7-215-368-000-000) ATL - Regional Director General's Office / Strategic Management & Communications / Human Resources / Cape Breton Operations Portfolio Management
  • (7-215-369-000-000) ATL - Small & Medium Enterprises / Procurement
  • (7-215-370-000-000) ATL - Client Service Team / Environmental Services
  • (7-215-371-000-000) ATL - Real Property Accommodation and Portfolio Management
  • (7-215-372-000-000) ATL - Real Property Professional and Technical Services
  • (7-216-000-000-000) Quebec - Regional Director General
  • (7-216-373-000-000) QUE - Corporate Services, Strategic Management and Communications / Human Resources / Regional Director General's Office
  • (7-216-374-000-000) QUE - Procurement Services / Small and Medium Enterprises
  • (7-216-375-000-000) QUE - Real Property Professional and Technical Services
  • (7-216-376-000-000) QUE - Real Property Accommodation and Portfolio Management
  • (7-217-000-000-000) Ontario - Regional Director General
  • (7-217-377-000-000) ONT - Regional Director General's Office / Client Service Team / Human Resources / Corporate Services, Strategic Management and Communications
  • (7-217-378-000-000) ONT - Parks Canada Infrastructure / Environmental Services and Contaminated Sites Management
  • (7-217-379-000-000) ONT - Procurement Services / Office of Small and Medium Enterprises
  • (7-217-380-000-000) ONT - Real Property Accommodation and Portfolio Management
  • (7-217-381-000-000) ONT - Professional and Technical Services
  • (7-218-000-000-000) Western - Regional Director General
  • (7-218-382-000-000) WST - Small and Medium Enterprises / Corporate Services, Strategic Management and Communications / Human Resources / Regional Director General's Office
  • (7-218-383-000-000) WST - Environmental Services and Contaminated Sites Management / Real Property Accommodation and Portfolio Management
  • (7-218-384-000-000) WST - Real Property Professional and Technical Services
  • (7-218-385-000-000) WST - Procurement Services
  • (7-219-000-000-000) Pacific - Regional Director General
  • (7-219-386-000-000) PAC - Small and Medium Enterprises / Client Service Team / Corporate Services, Strategic Management and Communications / Human Resources / Regional Director General's Office
  • (7-219-387-000-000) PAC - Real Property Accommodation and Portfolio Management
  • (7-219-388-000-000) PAC - Procurement Services
  • (7-219-389-000-000) PAC - Real Property Professional and Technical Services
  • (7-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (8-000-000-000-000) Statistics Canada
  • (8-200-000-000-000) Office of the Chief Statistician of Canada
  • (8-201-000-000-000) Audit and Evaluation
  • (8-202-000-000-000) Corporate Strategies and Management Field
  • (8-202-300-000-000) Field 3 ACS Office or Field 3 Branch Offices
  • (8-202-301-000-000) Workforce and Workplace Branch
  • (8-202-301-400-000) HR Business Intelligence, Wellness and Transformation Division
  • (8-202-301-401-000) Pay, Ethics and Workforce Management Division
  • (8-202-301-402-000) Recruitment and Development Division
  • (8-202-301-403-000) Organizational Design and Classification Division
  • (8-202-301-404-000) Security and Facilities Division
  • (8-202-302-000-000) Finance, Planning and Procurement Branch
  • (8-202-302-405-000) Financial Planning Division
  • (8-202-302-406-000) Financial Operations Division
  • (8-202-302-407-000) Business Planning and Performance Division
  • (8-202-302-408-000) Procurement, Financial Systems an Internal Controls Division
  • (8-203-000-000-000) Economic Statistics Field
  • (8-203-303-000-000) Field 5 ACS Office or Field 5 Branch Offices
  • (8-203-304-000-000) Macroeconomic Accounts Branch
  • (8-203-304-409-000) National Economic Accounts Division
  • (8-203-304-410-000) International Accounts and Trade Division
  • (8-203-304-411-000) Public Sector Statistics Division
  • (8-203-304-412-000) Industry Accounts Division
  • (8-203-305-000-000) Industry Statistics Branch
  • (8-203-305-413-000) Mining, Manufacturing and Wholesale Trade Division
  • (8-203-305-414-000) Retail and Service Industries Division
  • (8-203-305-415-000) Tourism and Transportation Statistics Division
  • (8-203-306-000-000) Economy-wide Statistics Branch
  • (8-203-306-416-000) Consumer Prices Division
  • (8-203-306-417-000) Producer Prices Division
  • (8-203-306-418-000) Industrial Organization and Finance Division
  • (8-203-306-419-000) Investment, Science and Technology Division
  • (8-203-307-000-000) Agriculture, Energy and Environment Statistics Branch
  • (8-203-307-420-000) Agriculture Division
  • (8-203-307-421-000) Centre for Special Business Projects
  • (8-203-307-422-000) Environment and Energy Statistics Division
  • (8-203-307-423-000) Canadian Centre for Energy Information
  • (8-204-000-000-000) Strategic Data Management, Methods and Analysis Field
  • (8-204-308-000-000) Field 6 ACS Office or Field 6 Branch Offices
  • (8-204-309-000-000) Analytical Studies Branch
  • (8-204-309-424-000) Economic Analysis Division
  • (8-204-309-425-000) Health Analysis Division
  • (8-204-309-426-000) Social Analysis and Modelling Division
  • (8-204-309-427-000) Strategic Analysis, Publication and Training Division
  • (8-204-310-000-000) Strategic Data Management Branch
  • (8-204-310-428-000) Data Stewardship Division
  • (8-204-310-429-000) Data Integration Infrastructure Division
  • (8-204-310-430-000) Office of Privacy Management and Information Coordination
  • (8-204-310-431-000) Statistical Geomatics Centre
  • (8-204-311-000-000) Modern Statistical Methods and Data Science Branch
  • (8-204-311-432-000) Economic Statistics Methods Division
  • (8-204-311-433-000) Statistical Integration Methods Division
  • (8-204-311-434-000) Social Statistics Methods Division
  • (8-204-311-435-000) International Cooperation and Methodology Innovation Centre
  • (8-204-311-436-000) Data Science Division
  • (8-205-000-000-000) Census, Regional Services and Operations Field
  • (8-205-312-000-000) Field 7 ACS Office or Field 7 Branch Offices
  • (8-205-313-000-000) Collection and Regional Services Branch
  • (8-205-313-437-000) Eastern Region (Halifax, Montreal, Sherbrooke)
  • (8-205-313-438-000) Central Region (Ottawa, Toronto, Sturgeon Falls)
  • (8-205-313-439-000) Western Region and Northern Territories (Edmonton, Regina, Calgary, Winnipeg, Vancouver)
  • (8-205-313-440-000) Collection Planning and Research Division
  • (8-205-314-000-000) Processing and Operations Branch
  • (8-205-314-441-000) Operations and Integration Division
  • (8-205-314-442-000) Enterprise Statistics Division
  • (8-205-315-000-000) Census Program Branch
  • (8-205-315-443-000) Census Operations Division
  • (8-205-315-444-000) Census Program Transformation Project Division
  • (8-206-000-000-000) Social, Health and Labour Statistics Field
  • (8-206-316-000-000) Field 8 ACS Office or Field 8 Branch Offices/Census Subject Matter Secretariat/Education, Labour and Income Statistics Branch
  • (8-206-317-000-000) Social Data, Insights, Integration and Innovation Branch
  • (8-206-317-445-000) Centre for Social Data Integration and Development
  • (8-206-317-446-000) Centre for Social Insights and Innovation
  • (8-206-317-447-000) Centre for Indigenous Statistics and Partnerships
  • (8-206-318-000-000) Labour Market, Education and Socioeconomic Well-being
  • (8-206-318-448-000) Canadian Centre for Education Statistics Division
  • (8-206-318-449-000) Centre for Income and Socioeconomic Well-being Statistics Division
  • (8-206-318-450-000) Centre for Labour Market Information
  • (8-206-319-000-000) Health, Justice, Diversity and Populations Branch
  • (8-206-319-451-000) Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics
  • (8-206-319-452-000) Centre for Population Health Data
  • (8-206-319-453-000) Diversity and Sociocultural Statistics Division
  • (8-206-319-454-000) Centre for Demography
  • (8-207-000-000-000) Strategic Engagement Field
  • (8-207-320-000-000) Field 4 ACS Office or Field 5 Branch Offices
  • (8-207-321-000-000) Data Access and Dissemination Branch
  • (8-207-321-455-000) Dissemination Division
  • (8-207-321-456-000) Microdata Access and CDER
  • (8-207-322-000-000) Strategic Communications and Outreach Branch
  • (8-207-322-457-000) Engagement and Stakeholder Relations Division
  • (8-207-322-458-000) Office of the Chief Editor
  • (8-208-000-000-000) Digital Solutions Field
  • (8-208-323-000-000) Field 9 ACS Office or Field 9 Branch Offices
  • (8-208-324-000-000) Digital Technology Enablement Branch
  • (8-208-324-459-000) Information Technology Project Delivery Division
  • (8-208-324-460-000) Cloud and Workload Migration Division
  • (8-208-325-000-000) Information Technology Operations Branch
  • (8-208-325-461-000) Information Technology Operations Services Division
  • (8-208-325-462-000) Information Technology Solutions Lifecycle Management
  • (8-208-326-000-000) Office of the CIO and IT Transformation
  • (8-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (9-000-000-000-000) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • (9-200-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office
  • (9-201-000-000-000) Market and Industry Services Branch
  • (9-201-300-000-000) ADMO / Policy Planning and Emergency Management
  • (9-201-301-000-000) Regional Operations
  • (9-201-302-000-000) Sector Development and Analysis
  • (9-201-303-000-000) Trade Agreements and Negotiations
  • (9-202-000-000-000) Strategic Policy Branch
  • (9-202-304-000-000) ADMO / BPRM / Policy Development and Analysis
  • (9-202-305-000-000) Policy, Planning and Integration
  • (9-202-306-000-000) Research and Analysis
  • (9-203-000-000-000) Corporate Management Branch
  • (9-203-307-000-000) ADMO / Strategic Management / Results and Delivery Unit / Community Pastures Program / Fixed Asset Review / Pay Transformation
  • (9-203-308-000-000) Finance and Resource Management Services
  • (9-203-309-000-000) The Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (CPMA)
  • (9-203-310-000-000) Human Resources Directorate
  • (9-203-311-000-000) Real Property and Asset Management
  • (9-203-312-000-000) Integrated Services
  • (9-204-000-000-000) Programs Branch
  • (9-204-313-000-000) ADMO / Management Services / Service and Program Excellence
  • (9-204-314-000-000) Innovation Programs
  • (9-204-315-000-000) Business Risk Management Program
  • (9-204-316-000-000) Business Development and Competitiveness
  • (9-204-317-000-000) Farm Income Programs
  • (9-205-000-000-000) International Affairs Branch
  • (9-205-318-000-000) Market Access Secretariat
  • (9-206-000-000-000) Information Systems Branch
  • (9-206-319-000-000) CIO / Strategic Management
  • (9-206-320-000-000) Application and Knowledge Services
  • (9-206-320-400-000) Knowledge Services
  • (9-206-320-401-000) DGO / Science and Collaborative Solutions / Enterprise Information Solutions / Program and Service Delivery Solutions
  • (9-206-321-000-000) Transformation and Modernization Services
  • (9-206-321-402-000) DGO / Financial Management Applications / Transformational Project Delivery / Modernization Project Delivery
  • (9-206-321-403-000) IT Client Services
  • (9-207-000-000-000) Public Affairs Branch
  • (9-207-322-000-000) ADMO / Branch Planning and Resource Management / Strategic Planning, Advice and Coordination
  • (9-207-323-000-000) Communications Services
  • (9-208-000-000-000) Office of Audit and Evaluation
  • (9-209-000-000-000) Science and Technology Branch
  • (9-209-324-000-000) ADMO / Partnerships and Planning Directorate
  • (9-209-325-000-000) Coastal Region
  • (9-209-325-404-000) RDT - Agassiz, Summerland
  • (9-209-325-404-500) Agassiz - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-404-501) Summerland - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-405-000) RDT - St. John's, Kentville
  • (9-209-325-405-502) St. John's - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-405-503) Kentville - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-406-000) RDT - Fredericton, Charlottetown
  • (9-209-325-406-504) Fredericton - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-406-505) Charlottetown - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-325-406-506) Pest Management Centre
  • (9-209-326-000-000) Prairie Region
  • (9-209-326-407-000) RDT - Alberta
  • (9-209-326-407-507) Lacombe - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-326-407-508) Lethbridge - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-326-408-000) RDT - Saskatchewan
  • (9-209-326-408-509) Saskatoon - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-326-408-510) Swift Current - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-326-409-000) RDT - Manitoba
  • (9-209-326-409-511) Brandon - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-326-409-512) Morden - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-000-000) Ontario - Québec Region
  • (9-209-327-410-000) RDT - Harrow, London
  • (9-209-327-410-513) Harrow - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-410-514) London - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-411-000) RDT - Ottawa
  • (9-209-327-411-515) Ottawa - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-411-516) Biodiversity and Collections
  • (9-209-327-412-000) RDT - Guelph, Saint Hyacinthe
  • (9-209-327-412-517) Guelph - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-412-518) Saint Hyacinthe - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-413-000) RDT - Sherbrooke, Québec
  • (9-209-327-413-519) Sherbrooke - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-413-520) Québec - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-414-000) RDT - Agroecosystem Resilience
  • (9-209-327-414-521) Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu - Research and Development Centre
  • (9-209-327-414-522) AgroClimate, Geomatics, and Earth Observations Division
  • (9-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (10-000-000-000-000) Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • (10-200-000-000-000) Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB)
  • (10-201-000-000-000) Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
  • (10-201-300-000-000) CIPO-Patent Branch
  • (10-201-300-400-000) Patent Branch-Patent Services and Standards and Business and Strategic Affairs/Patent Policy and International Affairs Division/Director General's Office
  • (10-201-300-401-000) Patent Branch-Electrical Division
  • (10-201-300-402-000) Patent Branch-Biotechnology Division
  • (10-201-300-403-000) Patent Branch-Chemistry Division
  • (10-201-300-404-000) Patent Branch-Mechanical Division
  • (10-201-301-000-000) CIPO-Corporate Strategies and Services Branch/Executive Office
  • (10-201-302-000-000) CIPO-Services to Business Branch
  • (10-201-303-000-000) CIPO-Trademarks and Industrial Designs Branch
  • (10-201-303-405-000) Trademarks and Industrial Designs Branch - Other
  • (10-201-303-406-000) Trademarks and Industrial Designs Branch-Examination Directorate
  • (10-201-303-407-000) Trademarks and Industrial Designs Branch-Operational Services
  • (10-201-304-000-000) CIPO-Programs Branch
  • (10-201-305-000-000) CIPO-Patent Appeal Board/Trademarks Opposition Board
  • (10-202-000-000-000) Competition Bureau (CB)
  • (10-202-306-000-000) CB-Compliance and Operations Branch (COB)
  • (10-202-306-408-000) COB-Enforcement Services Directorate
  • (10-202-306-409-000) COB-Finance and Administration Directorate and Talent Management and Development Directorate
  • (10-202-307-000-000) CB-Cartels and Deceptive Marketing Practices Branch
  • (10-202-307-410-000) Cartels Directorate (include Pacific and Ontario Regions)
  • (10-202-307-411-000) Deceptive Marketing Practices Directorate (include Atlantic and Quebec Regions)
  • (10-202-308-000-000) CB-Competition Promotion Branch
  • (10-202-309-000-000) CB-Mergers and Monopolistic Practices Branch
  • (10-202-309-412-000) Mergers Directorate
  • (10-202-309-413-000) Monopolistic Practices Directorate
  • (10-203-000-000-000) Deputy Minister’s Office (DMO)
  • (10-203-310-000-000) DMO-Office of the Deputy Minister/Legal Services (LS)/Ombudsman for Mental Health and Employee Well-Being
  • (10-203-311-000-000) DMO-Office of the Corporate Secretary
  • (10-204-000-000-000) Digital Transformation Service Sector (DTSS)
  • (10-204-312-000-000) DTSS-Chief Information Office (CIO)
  • (10-204-312-414-000) CIO-Application Support and Maintenance Division
  • (10-204-312-415-000) CIO - Digital Services Division and Chief Information Office
  • (10-204-312-416-000) CIO-Strategy and Information Services Division
  • (10-204-312-417-000) CIO-Digital Workplace Services Division
  • (10-204-313-000-000) DTSS-Digital Design Branch
  • (10-204-314-000-000) DTSS-Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Strategic Planning and Corporate Services Branch/Digital Adoption Branch
  • (10-205-000-000-000) Innovation Canada Sector (ICS)
  • (10-205-315-000-000) ICS-Performance and Partnerships
  • (10-205-316-000-000) ICS-Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office/Innovation Superclusters Initiative
  • (10-205-317-000-000) ICS-Innovative Solutions Canada/Management Services
  • (10-205-318-000-000) ICS-Strategic Innovation Fund Branch
  • (10-205-319-000-000) ICS-Innovators Experience Branch
  • (10-206-000-000-000) Industry Sector (IS)
  • (10-206-320-000-000) IS-Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Corporate Services Directorate/Investment Review Division
  • (10-206-321-000-000) IS-Automotive, Transportation and Digital Technologies Branch
  • (10-206-322-000-000) IS-Tourism Branch
  • (10-206-323-000-000) IS-Industrial and Technological Benefits Branch
  • (10-206-324-000-000) IS-Economic Strategy Tables and Skills Branch
  • (10-206-325-000-000) IS-Aerospace, Defence and Marine Branch
  • (10-206-326-000-000) IS-Manufacturing and Life Sciences Branch
  • (10-207-000-000-000) Science and Research Sector (SRS)
  • (10-207-327-000-000) SRS-Science Programs and Partnerships
  • (10-207-328-000-000) SRS-Science Policy
  • (10-207-329-000-000) SRS-Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister / Strategic Planning and Corporate Services/Science, Technology and Innovation Council Secretariat / Office of the Chief Science Advisor
  • (10-207-330-000-000) SRS-Clean Technology and Clean Growth / Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy /Clean Growth Hub (from IC)
  • (10-208-000-000-000) Small Business and Marketplace Services Sector (SBMS)
  • (10-208-331-000-000) SBMS-Measurement Canada (MC)
  • (10-208-331-418-000) MC-Eastern Region
  • (10-208-331-419-000) MC-Ontario Region
  • (10-208-331-420-000) MC-Western Region
  • (10-208-331-421-000) MC-Other National Capital Region (NCR)
  • (10-208-331-422-000) MC-NCR Engineering and Laboratory Services
  • (10-208-332-000-000) SBMS-Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB)
  • (10-208-332-423-000) OSB-Deputy Superintendent Operations' Office/Planning, Information Management and Corporate Services OSB-National Headquarters (includes Executive Offices / Program Policy and Regulatory Affairs / Operations and Corporate Services Branch / Insolvency Communications Analysis & Business Applications Branch)
  • (10-208-332-424-000) OSB-Western Region (includes Prairies and Pacific)
  • (10-208-332-425-000) OSB-Eastern Region (includes Atlantic and Quebec)
  • (10-208-332-426-000) OSB-Ontario Region (includes Ottawa district office)
  • (10-208-333-000-000) SBMS-Corporations Canada (CC)
  • (10-208-333-427-000) CC- Incorporations and Information Products and Services
  • (10-208-333-428-000) CC-Directors General's Office/Compliance and Policy/Corporate Services
  • (10-208-334-000-000) SBMS-Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Strategic Planning and Management Services/Small Business Branch
  • (10-209-000-000-000) Strategic Communications and Marketing Sector (SCMS)
  • (10-209-335-000-000) SCMS-Strategic Ministerial Services and Media Relations
  • (10-209-336-000-000) SCMS-Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Digital Media and Marketing Services/Strategic Planning and Management Services
  • (10-210-000-000-000) Strategy and Innovation Policy Sector (SIPS)
  • (10-210-337-000-000) SIPS-Regional Offices (RO)
  • (10-210-337-429-000) RO-Pacific Region (SIPS)
  • (10-210-337-430-000) RO-Atlantic Region (SIPS)
  • (10-210-337-431-000) RO-Québec Region (SIPS)
  • (10-210-337-432-000) RO-Prairie and Northern Region (SIPS)
  • (10-210-337-433-000) RO-Ontario Region (SIPS)
  • (10-210-338-000-000) SIPS-Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario (FedNor)
  • (10-210-338-434-000) FedNor-Director General's Office; Corporate Services; Communications; Policy, Planning and Coordination
  • (10-210-338-435-000) FedNor-Program Delivery Northern Ontario
  • (10-210-339-000-000) SIPS- National Capital Region (NCR)
  • (10-210-339-436-000) SIPS-Marketplace Framework Policy Branch (MFPB)
  • (10-210-339-437-000) SIPS-External and Trade Policy Branch (ETPB)
  • (10-210-339-438-000) SIPS-Telecommunications and Internet Policy Branch (TIPB)
  • (10-210-339-439-000) SIPS- Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office (ADMO) and Strategic Planning and Corporate Services (SPCS)
  • (10-210-339-440-000) SIPS-Strategy, Research and Results Branch (SRRB)
  • (10-211-000-000-000) Spectrum and Telecommunications Sector (STS)
  • (10-211-340-000-000) STS-Connected Canada Branch
  • (10-211-341-000-000) STS-Governance, Policy Coordination and Planning Branch and Assistant Deputy Minister Office
  • (10-211-342-000-000) STS-Spectrum Management Operations Branch (SMOB)
  • (10-211-342-441-000) SMOB-National Capital Region (NCR)
  • (10-211-342-442-000) SMOB-Ontario and Atlantic
  • (10-211-342-443-000) SMOB-Quebec
  • (10-211-342-444-000) SMOB-West
  • (10-211-343-000-000) STS-Engineering, Planning and Standards Branch
  • (10-211-344-000-000) STS-Spectrum Licensing Policy Branch
  • (10-211-345-000-000) STS-Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC)
  • (10-211-345-445-000) CRC-Business Development and Corporate Affairs
  • (10-211-345-446-000) CRC-Campus Operations/CRC-Chief Technology Office
  • (10-211-345-447-000) CRC-Applications and Performance
  • (10-211-345-448-000) CRC-Wireless Technologies
  • (10-212-000-000-000) Corporate Management Sector (CMS)
  • (10-212-346-000-000) CMS-Corporate Finance, Systems and Procurement Branch (CFSPB)
  • (10-212-346-449-000) CFSPB-Contracts and Materiel Management
  • (10-212-346-450-000) CFSPB-Financial Operations Directorate
  • (10-212-346-451-000) CFSPB-Financial Policy and Systems Directorate/Quality Assurance and Internal Control
  • (10-212-347-000-000) CMS-Human Resources Branch (HRB)
  • (10-212-347-452-000) HRB-Executive Management and Leadership Development
  • (10-212-347-453-000) HRB-Health and Workplace Culture
  • (10-212-347-454-000) HRB-People Operations
  • (10-212-347-455-000) HRB-Strategic People Management
  • (10-212-348-000-000) CMS-Corporate Facilities and Security Branch (CFSB)
  • (10-212-349-000-000) CMS-Resource Planning and Investments Branch (RPIB)
  • (10-212-350-000-000) CMS-CFO Assistant Deputy Minister's Office/Corporate Planning and Governance Branch
  • (10-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (11-000-000-000-000) Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • (11-200-000-000-000) Canadian Wildlife Service
  • (11-200-300-000-000) ADMO / Biodiversity Policy and Partnerships
  • (11-200-301-000-000) Protected Areas
  • (11-200-302-000-000) Regional Operations
  • (11-200-302-400-000) Canadian Wildlife Service Atlantic
  • (11-200-302-401-000) Canadian Wildlife Service North
  • (11-200-302-402-000) Canadian Wildlife Service Ontario
  • (11-200-302-403-000) Canadian Wildlife Service Pacific
  • (11-200-302-404-000) Canadian Wildlife Service Prairie
  • (11-200-302-405-000) Canadian Wildlife Service QC
  • (11-200-303-000-000) Strategic Priorities / ROD DGO
  • (11-200-304-000-000) Wildlife Assessment and Information
  • (11-200-305-000-000) Wildlife Management
  • (11-201-000-000-000) Corporate Services and Finances Branch
  • (11-201-306-000-000) Assets, Real Property & Security Directorate
  • (11-201-307-000-000) Branch Planning and Management Services Directorate / Corporate Management Directorate / ADMO
  • (11-201-308-000-000) Financial Management Directorate
  • (11-201-309-000-000) Office of the Chief Information Officer / Planning and Client Portfolio Management Division / Departmental Project Management Office Division
  • (11-201-309-406-000) Business Applications and Solutions Directorate / Corporate and Enterprise Products and Services / Business eSolutions / Applied Science applications
  • (11-201-309-407-000) Digital Strategies and Information Management Directorate / Renewal & Emerging Technology Division / Records and Information Management Division
  • (11-201-309-408-000) Service Management and Infrastructure Task Force Directorate / Service Management / Shared Services Canada Liaison Office
  • (11-201-310-000-000) Procurement, Account & Control Directorate
  • (11-202-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office, Legal Services, Audit & Evaluation
  • (11-203-000-000-000) Enforcement Branch
  • (11-203-311-000-000) Enforcement Services Directorate / CEO's Office / Policy, Planning and Coordination Directorate / Risk Assessment Directorate
  • (11-203-312-000-000) Environmental Enforcement Directorate
  • (11-203-313-000-000) Wildlife Enforcement Directorate
  • (11-204-000-000-000) Environmental Protection Branch
  • (11-204-314-000-000) ADMO / Branch Coordination / Carbon Pricing Bureau
  • (11-204-315-000-000) Energy & Transportation Directorate
  • (11-204-315-409-000) Cross Sectoral Energy Division
  • (11-204-315-410-000) DGO / Electricity and Combustion Division / Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
  • (11-204-315-411-000) Transport Division
  • (11-204-316-000-000) Environmental Protection Operations Directorate
  • (11-204-316-412-000) Environmental Protection Operations Directorate: Regions: PYR, PNR, ON, QC, ATL
  • (11-204-316-413-000) HQ: DGO / Environmental Emergencies / Environmental Assessment and Marine Protection / Compliance Promotion / Contaminated Site
  • (11-204-317-000-000) Industrial Sectors and Chemicals Directorate
  • (11-204-317-414-000) Chemical Management Division / Products Division
  • (11-204-317-415-000) DGO / Chemical Production Division
  • (11-204-317-416-000) Forest Product and Fisheries Act Division / Mining and Processing Division
  • (11-204-318-000-000) Legislation & Regulatory Affairs Directorate
  • (11-204-319-000-000) Plastics & Waste Management
  • (11-205-000-000-000) Human Resources Branch
  • (11-205-320-000-000) Chief Human Resources Management Office / Executive Services & Management Development Programs / Pay Liaison Office
  • (11-205-321-000-000) HR Business Transformation Directorate
  • (11-205-322-000-000) Integrated Classification and Staffing Solutions
  • (11-205-323-000-000) Workforce Development & Wellness
  • (11-206-000-000-000) International Affairs Branch
  • (11-207-000-000-000) Meteorological Service Canada
  • (11-207-324-000-000) Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction Services
  • (11-207-324-417-000) Canadian Meteorological Centre Operations
  • (11-207-324-418-000) National Prediction Development
  • (11-207-324-419-000) Training & Career Development / Forecast Systems Integration & Innovation / DGO
  • (11-207-325-000-000) Monitoring Data & Services Directorate
  • (11-207-325-420-000) Atmospheric Monitoring
  • (11-207-325-421-000) National Hydrological Services
  • (11-207-325-422-000) Transformation, Innovation and Engineering / Monitoring Strategies & Data Services / DGO
  • (11-207-326-000-000) Policy, Planning and Partnerships Directorate / ADM's Office
  • (11-207-327-000-000) Prediction Services Directorate
  • (11-207-327-423-000) Aviation and Defense Services
  • (11-207-327-424-000) National Program & Business Development / DGO
  • (11-207-327-425-000) Prediction Services Operations Atlantic and Ice
  • (11-207-327-426-000) Prediction Services Operations Central (QC & ON)
  • (11-207-327-427-000) Prediction Services Operations West (PNR/PYR)
  • (11-208-000-000-000) Public and Indigenous Affairs and Ministerial Services Branch
  • (11-208-328-000-000) Communications Directorate
  • (11-208-329-000-000) Corporate Secretariat Directorate / Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation Directorate / Innovation and Youth Engagement Division / ADM's Office
  • (11-209-000-000-000) Pan-Canadian Framework Implementation Office
  • (11-210-000-000-000) Science and Technology Branch
  • (11-210-330-000-000) Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate
  • (11-210-330-428-000) Air Quality Research Division
  • (11-210-330-429-000) Climate Research Division / DG's Office
  • (11-210-330-430-000) Meteorological Research Division
  • (11-210-331-000-000) Science and Risk Assessment Directorate
  • (11-210-331-431-000) Ecological Assessment Division / Emerging Priorities Division
  • (11-210-331-432-000) Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division / Program Integration Division
  • (11-210-331-433-000) Program Development and Engagement Division / DGO
  • (11-210-332-000-000) Science and Technology Strategies / ADM's Office / Oil Sands Secretariat
  • (11-210-333-000-000) Water Science and Technology Directorate
  • (11-210-333-434-000) Aquatic Contaminants Research Division / DG's Office
  • (11-210-333-435-000) Environmental Science and Technology Laboratories
  • (11-210-333-436-000) Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance
  • (11-210-333-437-000) Watershed Hydrology and Ecology Research Division
  • (11-210-334-000-000) Wildlife and Landscape Science Directorate
  • (11-210-334-438-000) Ecotoxicology and Wildlife Health Division
  • (11-210-334-439-000) Wildlife Research Division / Landscape Science and Technology Division / Director General's Office (DGO)
  • (11-211-000-000-000) Strategic Policy Branch
  • (11-211-335-000-000) ADMO / Sustainability Directorate / Results, Delivery and Reporting Directorate
  • (11-211-336-000-000) Economic Analysis Directorate
  • (11-211-337-000-000) Regional Director General - Ontario
  • (11-211-338-000-000) Regional Director General - Quebec and Atlantic
  • (11-211-339-000-000) Regional Director General - Western & Northern
  • (11-211-340-000-000) Strategic Policy Directorate
  • (11-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (12-000-000-000-000) Transport Canada
  • (12-200-000-000-000) Safety and Security - National Capital Region
  • (12-200-300-000-000) Aircraft Services
  • (12-200-301-000-000) Aviation Security
  • (12-200-302-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-200-303-000-000) Intermodal Surface, Security & Emergency Preparedness
  • (12-200-304-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-200-305-000-000) Multimodal Strategies and Program Integration / Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister Safety and Security
  • (12-200-306-000-000) Rail Safety
  • (12-200-307-000-000) Transportation of Dangerous Goods
  • (12-201-000-000-000) Policy - National Capital Region
  • (12-201-308-000-000) Air Policy
  • (12-201-309-000-000) Crown Corporations and Portfolio Governance
  • (12-201-310-000-000) Environmental Policy
  • (12-201-311-000-000) International Relations & Trade Policy
  • (12-201-312-000-000) Marine Policy
  • (12-201-313-000-000) Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister / Strategic Planning & Integration
  • (12-201-314-000-000) Strategic Policy
  • (12-201-315-000-000) Surface Transportation Policy
  • (12-201-316-000-000) Transportation & Economic Analysis
  • (12-202-000-000-000) Corporate Services - National Capital Region
  • (12-202-317-000-000) Financial Planning and Resource Management
  • (12-202-318-000-000) Finance and Administration
  • (12-202-319-000-000) Human Resources
  • (12-202-320-000-000) Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister Corporate Services / Corporate Planning and Reporting / Access to Information and Privacy / Cost Recovery
  • (12-203-000-000-000) Digital Services and Transformation Office - National Capital Region
  • (12-203-321-000-000) Digital Services
  • (12-203-322-000-000) Transformation
  • (12-204-000-000-000) Communications - National Capital Region
  • (12-205-000-000-000) Executive Offices - National Capital Region
  • (12-205-323-000-000) Audit and Evaluation Services
  • (12-205-324-000-000) Minister and Deputy Minister Offices / Legal Services/ Corporate Secretariat
  • (12-206-000-000-000) Programs - National Capital Region
  • (12-206-325-000-000) Air, Marine and Environmental Programs
  • (12-206-326-000-000) Innovation Centre
  • (12-206-327-000-000) Regulatory Stewardship & Indigenous Affairs / Strategic and Horizontal Services / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (12-206-328-000-000) Transportation and Infrastructure Programs
  • (12-207-000-000-000) Oceans Protection Plan - National Capital Region
  • (12-208-000-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (12-208-329-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-208-330-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (12-208-331-000-000) Regional Management and Issues & Program Management - (Includes Office of the RDG / Communications / Issues & Program Management)
  • (12-208-332-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-208-333-000-000) Surface
  • (12-208-334-000-000) Transportation Security
  • (12-209-000-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (12-209-335-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-209-336-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (12-209-337-000-000) Regional Management and Issues & Program Management - (Includes Office of the RDG / Communications / Issues & Program Management)
  • (12-209-338-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-209-339-000-000) Surface
  • (12-209-340-000-000) Transportation Security
  • (12-210-000-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (12-210-341-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-210-342-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (12-210-343-000-000) Regional Management and Issues & Program Management - (Includes Office of the RDG / Communications / Issues & Program Management)
  • (12-210-344-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-210-345-000-000) Surface
  • (12-210-346-000-000) Aviation Security
  • (12-211-000-000-000) Prairie & Northern Region
  • (12-211-347-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-211-348-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (12-211-349-000-000) Regional Management and Issues & Program Management - (Includes Office of the RDG / Communications / Issues & Program Management)
  • (12-211-350-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-211-351-000-000) Surface
  • (12-211-352-000-000) Transportation Security
  • (12-212-000-000-000) Pacific Region
  • (12-212-353-000-000) Civil Aviation
  • (12-212-354-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (12-212-355-000-000) Regional Management and Issues & Program Management - (Includes Office of the RDG / Communications / Issues & Program Management)
  • (12-212-356-000-000) Marine Safety & Security
  • (12-212-357-000-000) Surface
  • (12-212-358-000-000) Transportation Security
  • (12-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (13-000-000-000-000) Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada
  • (13-200-000-000-000) Chief Financial Officer
  • (13-200-300-000-000) Administration and Security Branch
  • (13-200-300-400-000) Administration
  • (13-200-300-401-000) Others (ASA)
  • (13-200-301-000-000) Financial Partnership Branch
  • (13-200-301-402-000) Financial Management Advisory Services
  • (13-200-301-403-000) Others (FPB)
  • (13-200-302-000-000) Financial Operations Branch
  • (13-200-302-404-000) Accounting Ops
  • (13-200-302-405-000) Others (FOB)
  • (13-200-303-000-000) Financial Strategy Branch
  • (13-200-304-000-000) Others (CFO)
  • (13-201-000-000-000) Corporate Services Sector
  • (13-201-305-000-000) Integrated Corporate Business Branch
  • (13-201-305-406-000) Access to Information and Privacy
  • (13-201-305-407-000) Others (ICB)
  • (13-201-306-000-000) Human Resources Branch
  • (13-201-306-408-000) Stewardship and Renewal Division
  • (13-201-306-409-000) Learning Academy
  • (13-201-306-410-000) Integrated Service Delivery Division
  • (13-201-306-411-000) Others (DGO, HR to Pay Stabilization & Workplace Effectiveness)
  • (13-201-307-000-000) Others (CSS)
  • (13-202-000-000-000) Executive Sector
  • (13-202-308-000-000) Communications Branch
  • (13-202-308-412-000) E-Communications
  • (13-202-308-413-000) Others (Communications)
  • (13-202-309-000-000) COVID-19 Response and Recovery Team
  • (13-202-310-000-000) Others (Executive)
  • (13-203-000-000-000) Operations Sector
  • (13-203-311-000-000) Case Management Branch
  • (13-203-311-414-000) Investigations and Exceptional Cases Division
  • (13-203-311-415-000) Litigation Management Division
  • (13-203-311-416-000) Others (CMB)
  • (13-203-312-000-000) Centralized Network
  • (13-203-312-417-000) CN Admin Support Unit
  • (13-203-312-418-000) CN DGO and HQ (PSSD)
  • (13-203-312-419-000) CPC Edmonton
  • (13-203-312-420-000) CPC Mississauga
  • (13-203-312-421-000) CPC Ottawa
  • (13-203-312-422-000) CPC Sydney
  • (13-203-312-423-000) OSC
  • (13-203-313-000-000) Citizenship and Passport Program Guidance Branch
  • (13-203-313-424-000) Passport
  • (13-203-313-425-000) Others (CPPG)
  • (13-203-314-000-000) Client Experience Branch
  • (13-203-314-426-000) Client Support Centre
  • (13-203-314-427-000) Others (CEB)
  • (13-203-315-000-000) Domestic Network
  • (13-203-315-428-000) Director General's Office & Resource Management Services
  • (13-203-315-429-000) Transformation and Operational Integration Division & Dedicated Service Channel
  • (13-203-315-430-000) Citizenship and Immigration East Area
  • (13-203-315-431-000) Citizenship and Immigration Greater Ontario Area
  • (13-203-315-432-000) Citizenship and Immigration Greater Toronto Area
  • (13-203-315-433-000) Citizenship and Immigration West Area
  • (13-203-315-434-000) Innovation Division
  • (13-203-315-435-000) Passport Entitlement and Investigation Division
  • (13-203-315-436-000) Humanitarian, Migration and Integrity Division
  • (13-203-316-000-000) Immigration Program Guidance Branch
  • (13-203-316-437-000) Project Management Office
  • (13-203-317-000-000) Integrity Risk Management Branch
  • (13-203-318-000-000) International Network
  • (13-203-318-438-000) National Headquarters (NHQ) or Regional office in Canada
  • (13-203-318-439-000) Mission outside of Canada
  • (13-203-319-000-000) Migration Health Branch
  • (13-203-320-000-000) Operations Planning and Performance Branch
  • (13-203-321-000-000) Resettlement Ops
  • (13-203-322-000-000) Others (OPS)
  • (13-204-000-000-000) Settlement and integration Sector
  • (13-204-323-000-000) Settlement and Integration Policy Branch
  • (13-204-324-000-000) Settlement Network
  • (13-204-324-440-000) Integration BCY
  • (13-204-324-441-000) Integration NHQ
  • (13-204-324-442-000) Integration PNT
  • (13-204-324-443-000) Integration Ontario
  • (13-204-324-444-000) Others (SN)
  • (13-204-325-000-000) Others (SIS)
  • (13-205-000-000-000) Strategic and Program Policy Sector
  • (13-205-326-000-000) Admissibility Branch
  • (13-205-327-000-000) Chief Data Officer
  • (13-205-328-000-000) Citizenship Branch (within SPP sector)
  • (13-205-329-000-000) Immigration Branch (within SPP sector)
  • (13-205-330-000-000) International and Intergovernmental Relations Branch
  • (13-205-331-000-000) Refugee Affairs Branch
  • (13-205-332-000-000) Research and Evaluation Branch
  • (13-205-333-000-000) Strategic Policy and Planning Branch
  • (13-205-334-000-000) Others (SPP)
  • (13-206-000-000-000) Transformation and Digital Solutions Sector
  • (13-206-335-000-000) Digital Strategy Branch
  • (13-206-335-445-000) Information Management
  • (13-206-336-000-000) IT Operations Branch
  • (13-206-336-446-000) IT Service Operations
  • (13-206-336-447-000) IT Development Operations
  • (13-206-337-000-000) Projects Branch
  • (13-206-338-000-000) Others (TDSS)
  • (13-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (14-000-000-000-000) Global Affairs Canada
  • (14-200-000-000-000) ACM - International Platform
  • (14-200-300-000-000) ACM - ADM Office / ABD - Platform Planning, Engagement and Results / ACME - Major Projects - Tokyo / AFD - Client Relations and Mission Operations
  • (14-200-301-000-000) AAD - Platform Corporate Services
  • (14-200-302-000-000) AWD - Delivery, Professional & Technical Services
  • (14-200-303-000-000) ARD - Strategic Planning and Stewardship
  • (14-201-000-000-000) BFM - International Business Investment and Innovation
  • (14-201-304-000-000) BFM - ADM Office / BED - Trade Analysis / BID - Investment, Innovation and Education / BPD - Trade Portfolio Strategy and Coordination
  • (14-201-305-000-000) BTD - Trade Commissioner Service - Operations
  • (14-201-306-000-000) BBD - Trade Sectors
  • (14-201-307-000-000) BSD - Regional Trade Operations and Intergovernmental Relations
  • (14-202-000-000-000) CFM - Consular, Security and Emergency Management
  • (14-202-308-000-000) CFM - ADM Office / CBMO - Business Management Office / CFH - Health Incident Task Force / CND - Consular Operations / CPD - Consular Policy Bureau
  • (14-202-309-000-000) CSD - Security and Emergency Management
  • (14-203-000-000-000) MIN - Ministers Offices /DM - Deputy Ministers' Offices /USS
  • (14-203-310-000-000) MINA - Minister of Foreign Affairs / MINE - International Development / MINT - Minister of International Trade / USS - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs / DMA - Associate DM of Foreign Affairs / DME - Deputy Minister of International Development / DMT - Deputy Minister of International Trade / DMX - Coord, International Economic Relations
  • (14-204-000-000-000) DCD - Corporate Secretary
  • (14-204-311-000-000) DCD - Corporate Secretary Office / DCB - Executive Briefing Division / DCC - Ministerial Correspondence / DCL - Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs Division / MINL - Departmental Liaison Unit
  • (14-204-312-000-000) DCP - Access to Information and Privacy
  • (14-205-000-000-000) DSMX - Summits Management Office
  • (14-205-313-000-000) DSMX - ADM Office / DSMO - Director General Planning / DSMP - Director General Programs / DWD - Director General Expo Dubaï 2020
  • (14-206-000-000-000) EGM - Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb
  • (14-206-314-000-000) EGM - ADM Office / ECD - Office of the Senior Arctic Official and DG of Arctic, Eurasian and European Affairs
  • (14-206-315-000-000) EUD - Bureau of European Affairs
  • (14-206-316-000-000) ESD - Middle East Bureau
  • (14-206-317-000-000) ELD - North Africa, Israel, West Bank/Gaza
  • (14-207-000-000-000) HCM - Employees on Foreign Language Training (FRLNG) or in a Special Assignment Pool (SAP)
  • (14-207-318-000-000) HCM - Employees on Foreign Language Training (FRLNG) or in a Special Assignment Pool (SAP)
  • (14-208-000-000-000) HCM - Human Resources
  • (14-208-319-000-000) HCM - ADM Office / HWD - Workplace Relations and Corporate Health Bureau
  • (14-208-320-000-000) HSD - Corporate and Operational Human Resources
  • (14-208-321-000-000) HFD - Assignments and Executive Management
  • (14-208-322-000-000) CFSI - Canadian Foreign Service Institute
  • (14-208-323-000-000) HED - FSD Services and Policy Bureau / HLD - Locally Engaged Staff
  • (14-209-000-000-000) IFM - International Security and Political Affairs
  • (14-209-324-000-000) IFM - ADM Office / ICD - Bureau for International Crime and Terrorism / IOD - Office of Human Rights, Freedoms and Inclusion
  • (14-209-325-000-000) IGD - International Security Policy Bureau
  • (14-209-326-000-000) IRD - Peace & Stabilization Operations Pro
  • (14-209-327-000-000) IND - Foreign Intelligence Bureau
  • (14-210-000-000-000) DPD - International Assistance Operations /JUS - GAC Legal Services /VBD - Office of the Chief Audit Executive /WPSA - Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security /ZID - Inspection, Integrity and Values & Ethics
  • (14-210-328-000-000) DPD - Int'l Assistance Operations Bureau / JUS - GAC Legal Services / VBD - Office of the Chief Audit Executive / WPSA - Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security / ZID - Inspection, Integrity and Values & Ethics Bureau
  • (14-211-000-000-000) JFM - Legal Adviser
  • (14-211-329-000-000) JLD - Legal Affairs (Deputy Legal Adviser) / JLT - Trade Law (Deputy Legal Adviser)
  • (14-212-000-000-000) KFM - Partnerships for Development
  • (14-212-330-000-000) KFM - ADM Office / KED - Engaging Canadians / KGD - Inc. Growth, Governance & Innovation / KSD - Canadian Part. for Health & Social / KWD - Partnership for Gender Equality
  • (14-213-000-000-000) LCM - Public Affairs
  • (14-213-331-000-000) LCM - ADM Office / LBMO - Business Management Office for Public Affairs and Special Bureaux / LCA - Development / LCC - Trade / LCD - Strategic Communications
  • (14-213-332-000-000) LDD - Digital Communications
  • (14-214-000-000-000) MFM - Global Issues and Development
  • (14-214-333-000-000) MFM - ADM Office / MED - Economic Development / MFMA - Business Management & Administration Unit / MFMZ - Business Intelligence Unit / MHD - International Humanitarian Assistance / MLD - Innovative and Climate Finance Bureau
  • (14-214-334-000-000) MGD - Social Development / MND - Health and Nutrition / MSD - Food Security and Environment
  • (14-214-335-000-000) MID - International Organizations
  • (14-215-000-000-000) NGM - Americas
  • (14-215-336-000-000) NGM - ADM Office / NGD - North America Strategy Bureau / NMD - Geographic Coordination and Mission Support Bureau
  • (14-215-337-000-000) NND - North America Advocacy and Commercial Programs
  • (14-215-338-000-000) NLD - South America and Inter-American Affairs
  • (14-215-339-000-000) NDD - Central America & Caribbean
  • (14-216-000-000-000) OGM - Asia Pacific
  • (14-216-340-000-000) OGM - ADM Office / OSD - Southeast Asia
  • (14-216-341-000-000) OPD - Trade & Diplomacy North Asia
  • (14-216-342-000-000) OAD - South Asia
  • (14-217-000-000-000) PFM - Strategic Policy
  • (14-217-343-000-000) PFM - ADM Office / PED - International Economic Policy / POD - Foreign Policy / PRD - Evaluation and Results Bureau / PVD - International Assistance Policy
  • (14-218-000-000-000) SCM - Corporate Planning, Finance and Information Technology
  • (14-218-344-000-000) SCM - ADM Office / SED - Export & import controls system / SPD - Procurement, Asset Management / SRD - Corporate Planning and Reporting
  • (14-218-345-000-000) SWD - Financial Planning and Management
  • (14-218-346-000-000) SMD - Financial Operations
  • (14-218-347-000-000) SGD - Grants and Contributions Management
  • (14-218-348-000-000) SID - Information Management and Technology (Chief Information Officer)
  • (14-219-000-000-000) TFM - Trade Policy and Negotiations
  • (14-219-349-000-000) TFM - ADM Office / TFMA - Associate ADM / TFMU - Corporate Administrative Services / TMD - Chief Air Negotiator / Intellectual Property and Services Trade / TPD - Market Access
  • (14-219-350-000-000) TCD - Trade Negotiations / TND - North American Trade Policy and Negotiations Bureau
  • (14-219-351-000-000) TID - Trade and Export Controls
  • (14-220-000-000-000) WGM - Sub-Saharian Africa
  • (14-220-352-000-000) WGM - ADM Office / WFD - Pan-Africa Bureau / WWD - West and Central Africa Bureau
  • (14-220-353-000-000) WED - Southern and Eastern Africa Bureau
  • (14-221-000-000-000) XDD - Office of Protocol
  • (14-221-354-000-000) Office of the Chief of Protocol / XDC - Diplomatic Corps Services / XDE - Summits, Official Events & Management Services / XDV - Official Visits
  • (14-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (15-000-000-000-000) Natural Resources Canada
  • (15-200-000-000-000) Canadian Forest Service Sector (CFS)
  • (15-200-300-000-000) CFS Atlantic Forestry Centre
  • (15-200-301-000-000) CFS Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
  • (15-200-302-000-000) CFS Great Lakes Forestry Centre
  • (15-200-303-000-000) CFS Laurentian Forestry Centre
  • (15-200-304-000-000) CFS Northern Forestry Centre
  • (15-200-305-000-000) CFS Pacific Forestry Centre
  • (15-200-306-000-000) CFS Trade, Economics and Industry Branch
  • (15-200-307-000-000) CFS Science Policy Integration Branch
  • (15-200-308-000-000) CFS Planning, Operations and Information Branch/ Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (15-201-000-000-000) Corporate Management and Services Sector (CMSS)
  • (15-201-309-000-000) CMSS Chief Information Officer and Security
  • (15-201-309-400-000) CMSS Digital Services and Libraries Division
  • (15-201-309-401-000) CMSS Business Service Mgmt Division
  • (15-201-310-000-000) CMSS Finance & Procurement
  • (15-201-310-402-000) CMSS Finance, Procurement, Grants and Contributions, Services and Systems
  • (15-201-311-000-000) CMSS- Human Resources (HR) Management
  • (15-201-311-403-000) CMSS HR Services & Systems
  • (15-201-312-000-000) CMSS ADMO / Planning and Operations Branch / Real Property and Workplace Services Branch
  • (15-201-312-404-000) Real Property and Workplace Services Branch
  • (15-202-000-000-000) Communications and Portfolio Sector (CP‎S)
  • (15-202-313-000-000) Engagement and Digital Communications Branch (EDCB)
  • (15-202-314-000-000) Public Affairs Branch
  • (15-203-000-000-000) Low Carbon Energy Sector (LCES)
  • (15-203-315-000-000) ES Electricity (EL) Resource
  • (15-203-316-000-000) ES Energy Policy (EP)
  • (15-203-317-000-000) Clean Fuels Branch
  • (15-203-318-000-000) ES OE Office Energy Efficiency
  • (15-204-000-000-000) ETS Innovation & Energy Tech
  • (15-204-319-000-000) ETS CanmetENERGY Ottawa
  • (15-204-320-000-000) ETS CanmetENERGY Varennes
  • (15-204-321-000-000) ETS Office of Energy Resources and Development
  • (15-204-322-000-000) ETS CanmetMATERIALS Hamilton
  • (15-205-000-000-000) LMS-Lands & Mineral Sector
  • (15-206-000-000-000) LMS Business Management Service & Data Branch
  • (15-207-000-000-000) LMS CanmetMINING
  • (15-207-323-000-000) LMS-Green Mining Innovation
  • (15-208-000-000-000) LMS-Explosives Safety and Security
  • (15-216-000-000-000) LMS-Geological Survey of Canada
  • (15-216-324-000-000) LMS GSC Central Canada
  • (15-216-325-000-000) LMS GSC Northern Canada
  • (15-216-326-000-000) LMS GSC Québec
  • (15-216-327-000-000) LMS-GSC Atlantic
  • (15-216-328-000-000) LMS-GSC Calgary
  • (15-216-329-000-000) LMS-GSC Pacific
  • (15-209-000-000-000) LMS Hazards, Adaptation and Operations Branch
  • (15-209-330-000-000) LMS - Cdn Hazard Info Serv
  • (15-210-000-000-000) LMS Policy & Economics
  • (15-211-000-000-000) LMS-Surveyor General Branch (SGB)
  • (15-211-331-000-000) LMS-SGB Eastern Canada
  • (15-211-332-000-000) LMS-SGB Western Canada
  • (15-212-000-000-000) SPPIO Strategic Petroleum Policy & Investment Office
  • (15-212-333-000-000) SPPIO Petroleum Resources
  • (15-212-334-000-000) SPPIO CanmetENERGY Devon
  • (15-213-000-000-000) SPIS-Strategic Policy and Innovation Sector
  • (15-213-335-000-000) SPRS-Canadian Centre Mapping and Earth Observation
  • (15-213-335-405-000) SPRS-Canadian Centre Remote Sensing
  • (15-213-335-406-000) SPRS-GeoBase
  • (15-213-336-000-000) SPRS-Planning, Delivery and Results
  • (15-214-000-000-000) Audit Evaluation, Deputy Minister Office, Legal Services Sector
  • (15-215-000-000-000) Indigenous Partnerships Office West, Major Projects Management Office, AECL Sector, TMX, Indigenous Policy & Coord, Office of the Chief Scientist
  • (15-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (16-000-000-000-000) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
  • (16-200-000-000-000) B Division (Newfoundland and Labrador)
  • (16-201-000-000-000) C Division (Quebec)
  • (16-202-000-000-000) D Division (Manitoba)
  • (16-203-000-000-000) E Division (British Columbia)
  • (16-203-300-000-000) E Division Headquarters
  • (16-203-301-000-000) E Division Island District
  • (16-203-302-000-000) E Division LMD District
  • (16-203-303-000-000) E Division North District
  • (16-203-304-000-000) E Division Southeast District
  • (16-203-305-000-000) E Division Southwest District
  • (16-203-306-000-000) E Division Other
  • (16-204-000-000-000) F Division (Saskatchewan)
  • (16-205-000-000-000) G Division (Northwest Territories)
  • (16-206-000-000-000) H Division (Nova Scotia)
  • (16-207-000-000-000) J Division (New Brunswick)
  • (16-207-307-000-000) J Division (excluding Miramichi-Firearms)
  • (16-207-308-000-000) Firearms – Miramichi
  • (16-208-000-000-000) K Division (Alberta)
  • (16-209-000-000-000) L Division (Prince Edward Island)
  • (16-210-000-000-000) M Division (Yukon)
  • (16-211-000-000-000) National Division (Ontario & Quebec)
  • (16-212-000-000-000) O Division (Ontario)
  • (16-213-000-000-000) T Division - Depot (Saskatchewan)
  • (16-214-000-000-000) V Division (Nunavut)
  • (16-215-000-000-000) National Headquarters
  • (16-216-000-000-000) Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
  • (16-217-000-000-000) Specialized Policing Services
  • (16-217-309-000-000) Canadian Firearms Program
  • (16-217-310-000-000) Chief Information Officer- RCMP
  • (16-217-311-000-000) Chief Information Officer- Shared Services Canada
  • (16-217-312-000-000) Forensic Science & Identification Services
  • (16-217-313-000-000) Technical Operations
  • (16-217-314-000-000) Canadian Police College
  • (16-217-315-000-000) Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC)
  • (16-218-000-000-000) Contract and Indigenous Policing
  • (16-219-000-000-000) Federal Policing
  • (16-220-000-000-000) Commanding Officer National Headquarters office
  • (16-221-000-000-000) Human Resources (including Executive/Officer Development and Resourcing)
  • (16-222-000-000-000) Professional Responsibility Sector
  • (16-223-000-000-000) Public Affairs (including National Communications Services, Musical Ride, Strategic Partnerships and Heritage)
  • (16-224-000-000-000) Strategic Policy and Planning (including Access to Information and Privacy)
  • (16-225-000-000-000) Commissioner's Office / Legal Services / National Audit and Evaluation and other Headquarters
  • (16-226-000-000-000) Action, Innovation & Modernization (AIM)
  • (16-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organisational unit
  • (17-000-000-000-000) Indigenous Services Canada
  • (17-200-000-000-000) Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
  • (17-200-300-000-000) Corporate Accounting and Transfer Payments
  • (17-200-301-000-000) Planning & Resource Management
  • (17-200-302-000-000) Information Management Branch
  • (17-200-303-000-000) Administrative Services Branch
  • (17-201-000-000-000) Child and Family Services Reform - HQ
  • (17-202-000-000-000) Communications
  • (17-203-000-000-000) Corporate Secretariat
  • (17-204-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office
  • (17-205-000-000-000) Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships
  • (17-205-304-000-000) Education
  • (17-205-305-000-000) Social Policy & Programs
  • (17-206-000-000-000) First Nations & Inuit Health
  • (17-206-306-000-000) First Nations & Inuit Health - Headquarters
  • (17-206-306-400-000) SADMO FNIH-HQ / ADMO FNIH-RO / Capacity, Infrastructure and Accountability Directorate / Synergy In Action
  • (17-206-306-401-000) Non-Insured Health Benefits
  • (17-206-306-402-000) Primary Health Care
  • (17-206-306-403-000) Internal Client Services
  • (17-206-306-404-000) Population & Public Health
  • (17-206-306-405-000) Strategic Policy Planning & Info
  • (17-206-307-000-000) First Nations & Inuit Health - Regional Operations
  • (17-206-307-406-000) FNIH - Alberta Region
  • (17-206-307-407-000) FNIH - Atlantic Region
  • (17-206-307-408-000) FNIH - Manitoba Region
  • (17-206-307-409-000) FNIH - Northern Region
  • (17-206-307-410-000) FNIH - Ontario Region
  • (17-206-307-411-000) FNIH - Quebec Region
  • (17-206-307-412-000) FNIH - Saskatchewan Region
  • (17-207-000-000-000) Land and Economic Development
  • (17-207-308-000-000) Economic Business Opportunities
  • (17-207-309-000-000) Economic Policy Development
  • (17-207-310-000-000) Lands Environmental Management
  • (17-208-000-000-000) Regional Operations
  • (17-208-311-000-000) RO - Headquarters
  • (17-208-311-413-000) Individual Affairs
  • (17-208-311-414-000) Community Infrastructure
  • (17-208-311-415-000) Sector Operations
  • (17-208-311-416-000) Regional Infrastructure Delivery
  • (17-208-312-000-000) RO - Alberta Region
  • (17-208-313-000-000) RO - Atlantic Region
  • (17-208-314-000-000) RO - British Columbia Region
  • (17-208-315-000-000) RO - Manitoba Region
  • (17-208-316-000-000) RO - Ontario Region
  • (17-208-317-000-000) RO - Quebec Region
  • (17-208-318-000-000) RO - Saskatchewan Region
  • (17-209-000-000-000) Strategic Policy and Partnerships
  • (17-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (18-000-000-000-000) Veterans Affairs Canada
  • (18-200-000-000-000) Office of the Deputy Minister / Office of the Associate Deputy Minister / Legal Services / Audit and Evaluation
  • (18-201-000-000-000) Office of the Veterans Ombudsman
  • (18-202-000-000-000) Bureau of Pensions Advocates
  • (18-203-000-000-000) Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Services Branch
  • (18-203-300-000-000) Human Resources Division
  • (18-203-301-000-000) Finance Division / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (18-203-302-000-000) Information Technology, Information Management & Administration Division
  • (18-203-302-400-000) Office of the Director General / Privacy & Information Management / Admin Services
  • (18-203-302-401-000) IT Operations
  • (18-203-302-402-000) Application Management Directorate
  • (18-204-000-000-000) Service Delivery Branch
  • (18-204-303-000-000) Service Delivery & Program Management Division
  • (18-204-303-403-000) Office of the Director General / Strategic & Enabling Initiatives
  • (18-204-303-404-000) Rehabilitation & Income Support / Online Services
  • (18-204-303-405-000) Health Care Programs / Case Management & Support
  • (18-204-304-000-000) Centralized Operations Division
  • (18-204-304-406-000) Office of the Director General / Support Services
  • (18-204-304-407-000) Benefit Operations
  • (18-204-304-407-500) Claims Preparation / Escalation / Diminished Earnings Capacity / Integrated Disability Adjudication
  • (18-204-304-407-501) Benefits Adjudication & Processing
  • (18-204-304-407-502) Veteran Benefits Team
  • (18-204-305-000-000) Health Professionals Division/Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister SD
  • (18-204-306-000-000) Field Operations Division
  • (18-204-306-408-000) Office of the Director General / Issues & Operational Priorities / Strategic Partnerships and Program Integrity
  • (18-204-306-409-000) Southwest Ontario Area
  • (18-204-306-410-000) Central Ontario Area
  • (18-204-306-411-000) National Capital Area
  • (18-204-306-412-000) Quebec Area
  • (18-204-306-413-000) Newfoundland, Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island Area
  • (18-204-306-414-000) Nova Scotia Area
  • (18-204-306-415-000) Prairies Area
  • (18-204-306-416-000) British Columbia and the North Area
  • (18-204-306-417-000) Transition, Coordination and Integrated Service
  • (18-205-000-000-000) Strategic Policy & Commemoration Branch
  • (18-205-307-000-000) Policy & Research Division / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (18-205-308-000-000) Commemoration and European Operations Divisions
  • (18-206-000-000-000) Strategic Oversight & Communications Branch
  • (18-206-309-000-000) Corporate Secretariat / Strategic Planning, Results & Cabinet Business
  • (18-206-310-000-000) Communications Division / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (18-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (19-000-000-000-000) Department of Justice
  • (19-200-000-000-000) Minister's Office, Deputy Minister Cluster, Privy Council Office Legal Services Sector
  • (19-201-000-000-000) Management Sector
  • (19-201-300-000-000) Information Solutions Branch
  • (19-201-301-000-000) ADMO and Finance and Planning Branch
  • (19-201-302-000-000) Human Resources Branch and Workplace Branch
  • (19-201-303-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (19-201-304-000-000) Legal Practices Branch
  • (19-202-000-000-000) Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio
  • (19-202-305-000-000) Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio – CIRNAC/ISC LSU
  • (19-202-306-000-000) Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio – Other (ADMO, SPBM, ALC, RS)
  • (19-203-000-000-000) Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio
  • (19-204-000-000-000) Central Agencies Portfolio
  • (19-205-000-000-000) Communications Branch
  • (19-206-000-000-000) Public Law and Legislative Services Sector
  • (19-206-307-000-000) Public Law
  • (19-206-308-000-000) Legislative Services
  • (19-207-000-000-000) National Litigation Sector (NLS)
  • (19-207-309-000-000) NLS – NCR : Civil Litigation Section
  • (19-207-310-000-000) NLS - National Capital Region (NCR): Other
  • (19-207-311-000-000) NLS - Atlantic Regional Office
  • (19-207-312-000-000) NLS - BC and Northern Regional Offices
  • (19-207-313-000-000) NLS - Ontario Regional Office
  • (19-207-314-000-000) NLS - Québec Regional Office
  • (19-207-315-000-000) NLS - Prairie Regional Offices
  • (19-207-315-400-000) Alberta
  • (19-207-315-401-000) Saskatchewan
  • (19-207-315-402-000) Manitoba
  • (19-208-000-000-000) Policy Sector
  • (19-208-316-000-000) Criminal Law Policy
  • (19-208-317-000-000) Programs Branch
  • (19-208-318-000-000) Family, Children & Youth Section and Youth Justice & Strategic Initiatives Section
  • (19-208-319-000-000) Policy Sector - Other (SADMO, ILPS, PICS)
  • (19-209-000-000-000) Public Safety, Defence & Immigration Portfolio
  • (19-210-000-000-000) Tax Law Services Portfolio
  • (19-210-320-000-000) NCR - Tax Law Services - DLSU & ADMO
  • (19-210-321-000-000) NCR - Tax Law Services Section (11th floor)
  • (19-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (20-000-000-000-000) Canadian Heritage
  • (20-200-000-000-000) Direct Reports
  • (20-200-300-000-000) Deputy Ministers' Office; Office of Values and Ethics; Legal Services; Office of the Chief Audit Executive
  • (20-200-302-000-000) Corporate Secretariat
  • (20-200-303-000-000) Communications
  • (20-200-304-000-000) Human Resources and Workplace Management
  • (20-201-000-000-000) Strategic Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs Sector
  • (20-201-305-000-000) ADM's Office SPPC; Resource Management Directorate; Modernization; LGTBQ2 Secretariat
  • (20-201-306-000-000) Strategic Policy and International Affairs
  • (20-201-307-000-000) Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Research
  • (20-201-308-000-000) Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Financial Management
  • (20-201-309-000-000) Office of the Chief Information Officer
  • (20-202-000-000-000) Sport, Major Events, Commemorations and Portfolio Affairs Sector
  • (20-202-310-000-000) ADM's Office SMECPA; Sector Management, Strategic Policy and Planning; Special Projects; Portfolio Affairs
  • (20-202-311-000-000) Major Events, Commemorations and Capital Experience
  • (20-202-312-000-000) Sport Canada
  • (20-203-000-000-000) Community and Identity Sector
  • (20-203-314-000-000) ADM's Office CI; Resource Management Directorate; Youth Secretariat
  • (20-203-315-000-000) Multiculturalism
  • (20-203-316-000-000) Indigenous Languages
  • (20-203-317-000-000) Community Building
  • (20-204-000-000-000) Official Languages, Heritage and Regions Sector
  • (20-204-314-000-000) ADM's Office OLHR; Strategic Management and Regional Affairs; Resource Management Directorate; Business Process Innovation
  • (20-204-316-000-000) Official Languages
  • (20-204-317-000-000) Heritage
  • (20-204-318-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (20-204-319-000-000) Québec Region
  • (20-204-320-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (20-204-321-000-000) Prairies and Northern Region
  • (20-204-322-000-000) Western Region
  • (20-205-000-000-000) Cultural Affairs Sector
  • (20-205-324-000-000) ADM's Office CA; Strategic Policy and Management; Resource Management Directorate
  • (20-205-325-000-000) International Trade
  • (20-205-326-000-000) Broadcasting, Copyright and Marketplace
  • (20-205-327-000-000) Arts
  • (20-205-328-000-000) Cultural Industries
  • (20-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (21-000-000-000-000) Public Service Commission of Canada
  • (21-200-000-000-000) President's Office / Corporate Secretariat / Internal Audit and Evaluation / Legal Services / Office of the Ombudsman / Corporate Affairs Sector
  • (21-200-300-000-000) President's Office / Corporate Secretariat / Internal Audit and Evaluation / Legal Services / Office of the Ombudsman / CAS - Vice-President's Office / CAS - Sector Management Service / CAS - Human Resources Management Directorate
  • (21-200-301-000-000) Finance and Administration Directorate
  • (21-200-302-000-000) Information Technology Services Directorate
  • (21-201-000-000-000) Oversight and Investigations Sector
  • (21-201-303-000-000) Data Services and Analysis Directorate / OIS - Vice-President's Office / OIS - Sector Management Service
  • (21-201-304-000-000) Audit Directorate / Investigations Directorate
  • (21-202-000-000-000) Policy and Communications Sector
  • (21-202-305-000-000) Communications and Parliamentary Affairs Directorate / Policy and Strategic Direction Directorate / PCS - Vice-President's Office / PCS - Sector Management Service
  • (21-202-306-000-000) Staffing Support, Priorities and Political Activities Directorate / Office of Renewal
  • (21-203-000-000-000) Services and Business Development Sector
  • (21-203-307-000-000) National Recruitment Directorate / Business Development and Systems Directorate / SBDS - Vice-President's Office
  • (21-203-308-000-000) Personnel Psychology Centre
  • (21-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (22-000-000-000-000) Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
  • (22-200-000-000-000) Audit and Evaluation
  • (22-201-000-000-000) Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
  • (22-202-000-000-000) Corporate Secretariat
  • (22-203-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office
  • (22-204-000-000-000) Human Resources and Workplace Services
  • (22-204-300-000-000) Human Resources Client Service Delivery
  • (22-205-000-000-000) Implementation Sector
  • (22-205-301-000-000) Treaty Implementation
  • (22-206-000-000-000) Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat
  • (22-207-000-000-000) Legal Services
  • (22-208-000-000-000) Northern Affairs Organization
  • (22-208-302-000-000) NAO - Headquarters
  • (22-208-302-400-000) Natural Resources and Environment
  • (22-208-302-401-000) Northern Contaminated Sites Program
  • (22-208-303-000-000) NAO - Nunavut Region
  • (22-208-304-000-000) NAO - Northwest Territories
  • (22-208-305-000-000) NAO - Yukon Region
  • (22-209-000-000-000) Policy and Strategic Direction
  • (22-209-306-000-000) Indigenous and External Relations
  • (22-210-000-000-000) Resolution and Partnerships
  • (22-210-307-000-000) Specific Claims
  • (22-210-308-000-000) Settlement Agreement and Childhood Claims
  • (22-210-309-000-000) Indigenous Institutions and Governance Modernization
  • (22-211-000-000-000) Treaties and Aboriginal Government
  • (22-211-310-000-000) Negotiations - West Branch
  • (22-211-311-000-000) Negotiations - Center Branch
  • (22-211-312-000-000) Negotiations - East Branch
  • (22-211-313-000-000) Policy Development and Coordination Branch
  • (22-211-314-000-000) Fiscal Branch
  • (22-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organisational unit
  • (23-000-000-000-000) Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  • (23-200-000-000-000) Chairperson’s Office; Executive Director’s Office; Integrity Office; Governor in Council Secretariat Services; Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs
  • (23-200-300-000-000) Chairperson’s Office; GIC Secretariat, Integrity Office, Legacy, Executive Director's Office (Finance-Procurement)
  • (23-200-301-000-000) Policy, Planning and Corporate Affairs
  • (23-201-000-000-000) Human Resources and Administration Branch (HRAB)
  • (23-201-302-000-000) Workforce Management Directorate (WFM)
  • (23-201-303-000-000) Director General Office; Administration; Integrated Planning Directorate (IPD), Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM)
  • (23-202-000-000-000) Legal Services
  • (23-203-000-000-000) Tribunal Services
  • (23-203-304-000-000) IM/IT
  • (23-203-305-000-000) RRSS - All Regions
  • (23-203-305-400-000) Central Region
  • (23-203-305-401-000) Eastern Region
  • (23-203-305-402-000) National Capital Region and Western Region
  • (23-203-306-000-000) Research, ATIP, Linguistic Services, Planning
  • (23-204-000-000-000) Immigration Appeal Division
  • (23-205-000-000-000) Refugee Appeal Division
  • (23-206-000-000-000) Immigration Division
  • (23-207-000-000-000) Refugee Protection Division
  • (23-207-307-000-000) Central Region
  • (23-207-308-000-000) Eastern Region
  • (23-207-309-000-000) National Capital Region and Western Region
  • (23-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (24-000-000-000-000) Department of Finance Canada
  • (24-200-000-000-000) Consultations and Communications Branch
  • (24-201-000-000-000) Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch
  • (24-202-000-000-000) Economic Development and Corporate Finance Branch
  • (24-203-000-000-000) Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy Branch
  • (24-204-000-000-000) Financial Sector Policy Branch
  • (24-205-000-000-000) International Trade and Finance Branch
  • (24-206-000-000-000) Tax Policy Branch
  • (24-207-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (24-208-000-000-000) Other Offices (includes employees in small offices such as Minister's Office, Deputy Minister's Office, Associate Deputy Minister's Office, Office of the Associate Deputy Minister, and G7/G20 & FSB Deputy for Canada, Canada Investment and Savings, Office of the Minister of State, Internal Audit, and Law Branch)
  • (24-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (25-000-000-000-000) Canadian Grain Commission
  • (25-200-000-000-000) Executive/Innovation and Strategy
  • (25-201-000-000-000) Grain Research Laboratory
  • (25-202-000-000-000) Industry Services HQ/Information Management and Technology Services
  • (25-203-000-000-000) Industry Services Eastern
  • (25-204-000-000-000) Industry Services Western
  • (25-205-000-000-000) Finance/Human Resources
  • (25-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (26-000-000-000-000) Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • (26-200-000-000-000) Policy Sectors
  • (26-200-300-000-000) Canadian Digital Services
  • (26-200-301-000-000) Office of the Chief Information Officer
  • (26-200-301-400-000) Digital Policy and Services
  • (26-200-301-401-000) Office of the Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • (26-200-301-402-000) Digital Change
  • (26-200-302-000-000) Expenditure Management Sector
  • (26-200-303-000-000) Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
  • (26-200-303-403-000) Employment Conditions and Labour Relations
  • (26-200-303-404-000) Executive Management and Leadership Development
  • (26-200-303-405-000) Workplace Policies and Services
  • (26-200-303-406-000) People Management Systems and Processes
  • (26-200-303-407-000) Pensions and Benefits Sector
  • (26-200-303-408-000) Research, Planning and Renewal
  • (26-200-304-000-000) Office of the Comptroller General
  • (26-200-304-409-000) Acquired Services and Assets Sector
  • (26-200-304-410-000) Financial Management Sector
  • (26-200-304-411-000) Financial Management Transformation Sector
  • (26-200-304-412-000) Internal Audit Sector
  • (26-200-305-000-000) Regulatory Affairs Sector
  • (26-201-000-000-000) Program Sectors
  • (26-201-306-000-000) Economic Sector
  • (26-201-307-000-000) Government Operations Sector
  • (26-201-308-000-000) International Affairs, Security and Justice Sector
  • (26-201-309-000-000) Social and Cultural Sector
  • (26-202-000-000-000) Enabling Sectors
  • (26-202-310-000-000) Corporate Services Sector
  • (26-202-311-000-000) Human Resources Division
  • (26-202-312-000-000) Internal Audit and Evaluation Bureau
  • (26-202-313-000-000) Legal Services
  • (26-202-314-000-000) Priorities and Planning Sector
  • (26-202-315-000-000) Strategic Communications and Ministerial Affairs Sector
  • (26-203-000-000-000) Minister's and Deputy Ministers' Offices
  • (26-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organisational unit
  • (28-000-000-000-000) Privy Council Office
  • (28-200-000-000-000) Office of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council
  • (28-200-300-000-000) Office of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council
  • (28-200-301-000-000) Audit and Evaluation
  • (28-201-000-000-000) Office of the National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister
  • (28-201-302-000-000) Office of the National Security and Intelligence Advisor to the Prime Minister
  • (28-201-303-000-000) Intelligence Assessment Secretariat
  • (28-201-303-400-000) IAS Operations
  • (28-201-303-400-500) Intelligence Analyst Learning Program
  • (28-201-303-401-000) Europe & South Asia
  • (28-201-303-402-000) Middle East & Africa
  • (28-201-303-403-000) Asia Pacific & Americas
  • (28-201-304-000-000) Security and Intelligence
  • (28-201-304-404-000) Client Relations
  • (28-201-304-405-000) S & I Operations
  • (28-201-304-406-000) Security Operations
  • (28-201-304-406-501) Security & Emergency Management
  • (28-201-304-406-502) Management and Development
  • (28-201-304-406-503) Security Centre of Excellence (SCoE)
  • (28-201-304-407-000) S & I Strategic Policy and Planning
  • (28-202-000-000-000) Office of Foreign and Defence Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister
  • (28-202-305-000-000) Office of Foreign and Defence Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister
  • (28-202-306-000-000) Foreign and Defence Policy
  • (28-203-000-000-000) Legal Services
  • (28-203-307-000-000) Office of the Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council and ADM, Privy Council Office Legal Services Sector
  • (28-203-308-000-000) Cabinet Confidentiality Legal Unit
  • (28-203-309-000-000) Legal Operations
  • (28-204-000-000-000) Governance
  • (28-204-310-000-000) Office of the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Governance)
  • (28-204-311-000-000) Legislation and House Planning
  • (28-204-311-408-000) Parliamentary Returns
  • (28-204-311-409-000) Parliamentary Affairs
  • (28-204-311-410-000) Cabinet Affairs
  • (28-204-311-411-000) Government House Leader Liaison
  • (28-204-312-000-000) Machinery of Government
  • (28-204-312-412-000) Democratic Institutions
  • (28-204-312-413-000) MOG Operations
  • (28-204-312-414-000) Strategic Policy
  • (28-205-000-000-000) Plans and Consultation
  • (28-205-313-000-000) Office of Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Plans and Consultations)
  • (28-205-314-000-000) Communications & Consultations
  • (28-205-314-415-000) Strategic Communication
  • (28-205-314-415-504) Socio-economic Communications
  • (28-205-314-415-505) Corporate Strategic Integration
  • (28-205-314-415-506) Defense, International and Security
  • (28-205-314-416-000) Corporate Communications
  • (28-205-314-416-507) Media Affairs
  • (28-205-314-416-508) Ministerial and Corporate Communications
  • (28-205-314-417-000) Consultations and Public Engagement
  • (28-205-314-417-509) Advertising and Marketing
  • (28-205-314-417-510) Public Opinion Research
  • (28-205-314-418-000) Communication Community Office
  • (28-205-314-419-000) PM and Visual Communication
  • (28-205-314-419-511) PM Products
  • (28-205-314-419-512) PM Web
  • (28-205-314-419-513) Social Media
  • (28-205-314-419-514) Visual Communications
  • (28-205-314-419-515) Deputy Prime Minister Communications
  • (28-205-315-000-000) Priorities and Planning
  • (28-205-316-000-000) Liaison Secretariat for Macroeconomic Policy
  • (28-206-000-000-000) Operations
  • (28-206-317-000-000) Office of the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations)
  • (28-206-318-000-000) Operations and Cabinet Affairs
  • (28-206-318-420-000) Strategic Policy and Planning Unit
  • (28-206-318-421-000) Cabinet Committee Coordination Unit
  • (28-206-318-422-000) Cabinet Papers System Unit
  • (28-206-319-000-000) Economic and Regional Development Policy
  • (28-206-320-000-000) Social Development Policy
  • (28-206-321-000-000) Orders in Council
  • (28-206-322-000-000) Review of Laws and Policies to Indigenous Peoples
  • (28-207-000-000-000) Senior Personnel and Public Service Renewal
  • (28-207-323-000-000) Office of the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Senior Personnel and Public Service Renewal)
  • (28-207-324-000-000) Public Service Renewal Secretariat
  • (28-207-324-423-000) Engagement and Outreach Directorate
  • (28-207-324-424-000) Priorities and Planning Directorate
  • (28-207-325-000-000) Senior Personnel Secretariat
  • (28-207-325-425-000) Appointments Directorate
  • (28-207-325-426-000) Compensation and Leadership Development Directorate
  • (28-208-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (28-208-326-000-000) Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister (Corporate Services)
  • (28-208-327-000-000) Logistics and Special Services Directorate
  • (28-208-327-427-000) Accommodations and Inventory Management
  • (28-208-327-428-000) Procurement
  • (28-208-327-429-000) PCO Tour Group / Multimedia Services / Secure Communications
  • (28-208-327-430-000) Printing and Graphics
  • (28-208-327-431-000) Mail, Messenger and Conference Services
  • (28-208-328-000-000) Access to Information and Privacy and Information Management Directorate
  • (28-208-328-432-000) Access to Information and Privacy and PCO Parliamentary Returns Division
  • (28-208-328-433-000) Executive Correspondence Services
  • (28-208-328-434-000) Information Management Operations
  • (28-208-328-435-000) Library Services, Information Management Policy and Web Publishing
  • (28-208-329-000-000) Finance and Corporate Planning Directorate
  • (28-208-329-436-000) Financial Management and Corporate Planning Division
  • (28-208-329-437-000) Operations and Reporting Division
  • (28-208-330-000-000) Human Resources Directorate
  • (28-208-330-438-000) HR Corporate Division
  • (28-208-330-439-000) HR Operations Division
  • (28-208-331-000-000) Information Technology Services DirectorateInformation Technology Services Directorate
  • (Information Technology Services Directorate)
  • (28-208-331-440-000) Workplace Technology Solutions / Technical Support Officers
  • (28-208-331-441-000) Information Technology Services Management / Mobility and Technologies / IT Security
  • (28-208-331-442-000) Application Services Group / Planning and Project Management
  • (28-208-332-000-000) Corporate Analytics, Governance and Engagement Directorate
  • (28-208-333-000-000) Ministers’ Regional Offices
  • (28-209-000-000-000) Results and Delivery
  • (28-209-334-000-000) Office of the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Results and Delivery
  • (28-209-335-000-000) Impact and Innovation Unit
  • (28-209-336-000-000) Results and Delivery
  • (28-210-000-000-000) Intergovernmental Affairs
  • (28-210-337-000-000) Office of the Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
  • (28-210-338-000-000) Intergovernmental Affairs
  • (28-210-338-443-000) Bilateral Relations
  • (28-210-338-444-000) Multilateral Relations and Policy
  • (28-211-000-000-000) Office of the Deputy Minister for the COVID-19 response (Communications)
  • (28-211-339-000-000) COVID-19 Communications Planning
  • (28-211-340-000-000) COVID-19 Communications Priorities
  • (28-211-341-000-000) Office of the Deputy Minister for the COVID-19 response (Communications)
  • (28-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (29-000-000-000-000) National Capital Commission
  • (29-200-000-000-000) Public, Legal and Corporate Affairs / Executive Office / Audit, Research, Evaluation and Ethics / Major Real Estate Development
  • (29-201-000-000-000) Capital Stewardship
  • (29-202-000-000-000) Capital Planning
  • (29-203-000-000-000) Corporate Services / Human Resources
  • (29-204-000-000-000) Official Residences
  • (29-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (30-000-000-000-000) Courts Administration Service
  • (30-200-000-000-000) Corporate Secretariat and Corporate Services
  • (30-201-000-000-000) National Capital Region - Judicial and Registry Services
  • (30-202-000-000-000) Eastern, Ontario and Western Regions - Judicial and Registry Services
  • (30-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (31-000-000-000-000) Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
  • (31-200-000-000-000) Broadcasting
  • (31-201-000-000-000) Compliance and Enforcement
  • (31-202-000-000-000) Consumer, Research and Communications
  • (31-202-300-000-000) Consumer Affairs and Strategic Policy
  • (31-202-301-000-000) Communications and External Relations
  • (31-203-000-000-000) Corporate Services and Operations
  • (31-203-302-000-000) Information Management and Technology (IM/IT)
  • (31-203-303-000-000) Human Resources
  • (31-203-304-000-000) Finance & Administrative Services
  • (31-203-305-000-000) Planning & Process
  • (31-203-306-000-000) Decisions Division
  • (31-204-000-000-000) Secretary General's Office/Chairman's Office
  • (31-205-000-000-000) Legal Services
  • (31-206-000-000-000) Telecommunications
  • (31-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (32-000-000-000-000) Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • (32-200-000-000-000) Head Office
  • (32-200-300-000-000) FCS - Finance & Corporate Services / President’s office / Legal Services
  • (32-200-301-000-000) PPC - Policy, Programs and Communications (including Ottawa & MLO)
  • (32-201-000-000-000) New Brunswick Region
  • (32-202-000-000-000) Nova Scotia Region
  • (32-203-000-000-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Region
  • (32-204-000-000-000) Prince Edward Island Region
  • (32-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (33-000-000-000-000) Canadian Space Agency
  • (33-200-000-000-000) President Office / Senior Vice-President Office / Programs and Integrated Planning / Audit and Evaluation
  • (33-201-000-000-000) Communications and Public AffairsCommunications and Public Affairs
  • (Communications and Public Affairs)
  • (33-202-000-000-000) Policy
  • (33-203-000-000-000) Finance
  • (33-204-000-000-000) Corporate Services and HR
  • (33-205-000-000-000) Information Management & Information Technology
  • (33-206-000-000-000) Space Exploration
  • (33-206-300-000-000) Astronauts, Life Sciences and Space Medicine
  • (33-206-301-000-000) Director's General Office
  • (33-206-302-000-000) Space Exploration Development
  • (33-206-303-000-000) Space Exploration Operations & Infrastructure
  • (33-207-000-000-000) Space Science and Technology
  • (33-207-304-000-000) Space Science and Technology (without Engineering Development)
  • (33-207-305-000-000) Engineering Development
  • (33-208-000-000-000) Space Utilization
  • (33-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (34-000-000-000-000) Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  • (34-200-000-000-000) Operations
  • (34-201-000-000-000) Policy and Communications
  • (34-202-000-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (34-203-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office
  • (34-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (35-000-000-000-000) Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • (35-200-000-000-000) Research Programs Portfolio (RP)
  • (35-201-000-000-000) Executive Vice-President Portfolio (EVP)
  • (35-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (37-000-000-000-000) Shared Services Canada
  • (37-200-000-000-000) Chief Financial Officer Branch
  • (37-200-300-000-000) Senior Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (37-200-301-000-000) Comptroller
  • (37-200-301-400-000) Accounting Operations
  • (37-200-301-401-000) Corporate Accounting and Financial Policies
  • (37-200-301-402-000) Financial Systems and Business Intelligence
  • (37-200-301-403-000) Internal Controls
  • (37-200-302-000-000) Deputy Chief Financial OfficerDeputy Chief Financial Officer
  • (Deputy Chief Financial Officer)
  • (37-200-302-404-000) Branch Business Planning (CFOB)
  • (37-200-302-405-000) Financial Strategies
  • (37-200-302-406-000) Resource Management
  • (37-200-302-407-000) Treasury Board Submissions Unit
  • (37-200-303-000-000) Financial Advisory Services
  • (37-200-303-408-000) Costing Operations and Financial Community Development
  • (37-200-303-409-000) Financial Management Advisory Services
  • (37-200-303-410-000) Project Financial Management
  • (37-200-303-411-000) Special Projects
  • (37-201-000-000-000) Chief Technology Officer Branch
  • (37-201-304-000-000) Senior Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (37-201-305-000-000) Cloud Services
  • (37-201-305-412-000) Broker Operations
  • (37-201-305-413-000) Cloud Business Oversight
  • (37-201-305-414-000) Cloud Governance Liaison and Change Management
  • (37-201-305-415-000) Cloud Product Management
  • (37-201-305-416-000) Cloud Program Management Office
  • (37-201-305-417-000) Cloud Research and Development
  • (37-201-305-418-000) Cloud Service Operations
  • (37-201-305-419-000) Cloud Service Strategy
  • (37-201-305-420-000) Director General’s Office - CS
  • (37-201-305-421-000) Enabling Operations
  • (37-201-306-000-000) Digital Enablement
  • (37-201-306-422-000) Data Science & Analytics
  • (37-201-306-423-000) Digital Platforms
  • (37-201-306-424-000) Director General’s Office - DE
  • (37-201-306-425-000) Software Defined Networks & Infrastructure
  • (37-201-307-000-000) Digital Strategy
  • (37-201-307-426-000) Branch Business Planning - CTO
  • (37-201-307-427-000) Digital Design and Strategy
  • (37-201-307-428-000) Senior Director’s Office - DS
  • (37-201-308-000-000) Enterprise Architecture
  • (37-201-308-429-000) Architecture Center of Excellence
  • (37-201-308-430-000) Director General’s Office - EA
  • (37-201-308-431-000) Evolution of Service and Project Architecture
  • (37-201-308-432-000) Partner Enterprise Architecture Liaison
  • (37-201-308-433-000) Strategic Direction
  • (37-201-309-000-000) Science Program
  • (37-201-309-434-000) Director General’s Office - SP
  • (37-201-310-000-000) Security Management and GovernanceSecurity Management and Governance
  • (Security Management and Governance)
  • (37-201-310-435-000) Compliance
  • (37-201-310-436-000) Governance
  • (37-201-310-437-000) IT Risk Management
  • (37-202-000-000-000) Citizen and Business Branch
  • (37-202-311-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (37-202-312-000-000) Canada Border Services Agency
  • (37-202-313-000-000) Canada Revenue Agency
  • (37-202-314-000-000) Employment and Social Development Canada
  • (37-202-315-000-000) Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada/Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
  • (37-203-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (37-203-316-000-000) Office of the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (37-203-317-000-000) Branch Business Planning
  • (37-203-318-000-000) Chief Information Office
  • (37-203-318-438-000) Business Informatics Solution
  • (37-203-318-439-000) Chief Information and Security Officer
  • (37-203-318-440-000) Client Experience and Partnership
  • (37-203-318-441-000) Collaboration Solutions, Departmental IT Plan and Reporting
  • (37-203-318-442-000) Departmental Security and Deputy Security
  • (37-203-318-443-000) Enterprise & Information Services
  • (37-203-318-444-000) Vendor Management Office
  • (37-203-319-000-000) Human Resources and WorkplaceHuman Resources and Workplace
  • (Human Resources and Workplace)
  • (37-203-319-445-000) Business Solutions and InnovationBusiness Solutions and Innovation
  • (Business Solutions and Innovation)
  • (37-203-319-446-000) Classification
  • (37-203-319-447-000) Executive Services
  • (37-203-319-448-000) Learning and Development
  • (37-203-319-449-000) Mental Health
  • (37-203-319-450-000) Pay Stabilization
  • (37-203-319-451-000) Staffing Operations and HR Service Desk
  • (37-203-319-452-000) Strategic Services, Human Resources and Workplace
  • (37-203-319-453-000) Workplace Relations
  • (37-203-320-000-000) Procurement and Vendor Relations
  • (37-203-320-454-000) Business Systems
  • (37-203-320-455-000) Data Centre and Internal Services
  • (37-203-320-456-000) Networks, End Users and Cyber Security
  • (37-203-320-457-000) Procurement Modernization
  • (37-203-320-458-000) Procurement Policy, Governance, Engagement and Training
  • (37-203-320-459-000) Strategic Procurement Planning
  • (37-203-321-000-000) Security, Accommodation and Materiel Management
  • (37-203-321-460-000) Materiel Management
  • (37-203-321-461-000) Planning, Policies
  • (37-203-321-462-000) Project Management
  • (37-203-321-463-000) Real Property, Accommodation
  • (37-203-321-464-000) Security
  • (37-203-321-465-000) Strategic Accommodation and Client Liaison
  • (37-203-321-466-000) Tenant Services
  • (37-204-000-000-000) Data Centre Services Branch
  • (37-204-322-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (37-204-323-000-000) Enterprise Operations
  • (37-204-323-467-000) Application and Desktop Virtualization
  • (37-204-323-468-000) Director's General's Office - EA
  • (37-204-323-469-000) Enterprise Data Integration Division
  • (37-204-323-470-000) Enterprise Infrastructure Operations Services
  • (37-204-323-471-000) Enterprise Solution Engineering and Alignment
  • (37-204-323-472-000) Regional Operations
  • (37-204-323-473-000) Workload Migration
  • (37-204-324-000-000) Facilities Management
  • (37-204-324-474-000) Director General’s Office - FM
  • (37-204-324-475-000) Enterprise Facilities Operations
  • (37-204-324-476-000) Facilities Transformation
  • (37-204-324-477-000) Legacy Facilities Operations
  • (37-204-325-000-000) Integrated High-Performance Computing (HPC) Management
  • (37-204-325-478-000) Advanced Computing and Data Systems
  • (37-204-325-479-000) Data Integration Solutions
  • (37-204-325-480-000) Director General’s Office - HPC
  • (37-204-325-481-000) Service Evolution and Oversight
  • (37-204-326-000-000) Linux/Unix Management
  • (37-204-326-482-000) Director General’s Office - LUM
  • (37-204-326-483-000) Team A
  • (37-204-326-484-000) Team B
  • (37-204-327-000-000) Mainframe & Bulk Print Management
  • (37-204-327-485-000) Mainframe Operations
  • (37-204-327-486-000) Mainframe Products & Services
  • (37-204-328-000-000) Planning and Engagement
  • (37-204-328-487-000) Account Operations Management
  • (37-204-328-488-000) Branch Business Planning (DC)
  • (37-204-328-489-000) Consolidated Contracts - Technical Authority
  • (37-204-328-490-000) Director General’s Office - P&E
  • (37-204-328-491-000) Senior Director - P&E
  • (37-204-328-492-000) Strategy & DCS Projects
  • (37-204-329-000-000) Platform Services
  • (37-204-329-493-000) Database Services
  • (37-204-329-494-000) Director General’s Office - PS
  • (37-204-329-495-000) Hosting Production Services
  • (37-204-329-496-000) Middleware Services
  • (37-204-330-000-000) Storage, Back-Up & Archive File Services
  • (37-204-330-497-000) Archives and File Services
  • (37-204-330-498-000) Director General’s Office - SBU&AFS
  • (37-204-330-499-000) Team A
  • (37-204-330-600-000) Team B
  • (37-204-331-000-000) Windows and Virtualization Management
  • (37-204-331-601-000) Director General’s Office - WVM
  • (37-204-331-602-000) Team A
  • (37-204-331-603-000) Team B
  • (37-204-331-604-000) Team C
  • (37-205-000-000-000) Digital Government and Science Branch
  • (37-205-332-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (37-205-333-000-000) Portfolio 1
  • (37-205-333-605-000) Global Affairs Canada
  • (37-205-333-606-000) Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada /Transport Canada /Infrastructure Canada
  • (37-205-333-607-000) Office of the Director General
  • (37-205-333-608-000) Public Services and Procurement Canada/Canada School of Public Service/Public Service Commission/Shared Services Canada
  • (37-205-333-609-000) Statistics Canada
  • (37-205-334-000-000) Portfolio 2
  • (37-205-334-610-000) Canadian Heritage /Parks Canada /Library and Archives Canada
  • (37-205-334-611-000) Correctional Service Canada/Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada/Public Safety Canada
  • (37-205-334-612-000) Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada/Indigenous Services Canada/Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
  • (37-205-334-613-000) Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario/Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency/Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions/Western Economic Diversification Canada/(124)
  • (37-205-334-614-000) Office of the Director General
  • (37-205-334-615-000) Privy Council Office
  • (37-205-334-616-000) Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat /Department of Finance Canada/Department of Justice Canada
  • (37-205-335-000-000) Science Portfolio
  • (37-205-335-617-000) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada /Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • (37-205-335-618-000) Environment and Climate Change Canada /Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
  • (37-205-335-619-000) Health Canada /Public Health Agency of Canada
  • (37-205-335-620-000) National Research Council Canada/Canadian Space Agency
  • (37-205-335-621-000) Natural Resource Canada /Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • (37-205-335-622-000) Office of the Director General
  • (37-206-000-000-000) National Defence and Policing Branch
  • (37-206-336-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office
  • (37-206-337-000-000) National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces/Veterans Affairs Canada
  • (37-206-338-000-000) Policing Infrastructure Operations
  • (37-207-000-000-000) Networks, Security and Digital Services Branch
  • (37-207-339-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office, Network and Security
  • (37-207-340-000-000) Infrastructure Security Operations
  • (37-207-340-623-000) Directory Services
  • (37-207-340-624-000) Enterprise Mandated Services Network
  • (37-207-340-625-000) GCSI Operations
  • (37-207-340-626-000) Operations Management Optimization & Reporting
  • (37-207-340-627-000) Protective Security Services A
  • (37-207-340-628-000) Protective Security Services B
  • (37-207-340-629-000) Strategic Direction and Business Planning
  • (37-207-341-000-000) Network Planning, Engineering and Managed Services
  • (37-207-341-630-000) Engineering, Service Architecture and Design
  • (37-207-341-630-500) Engineering
  • (37-207-341-630-501) Service Architecture
  • (37-207-341-631-000) Planning
  • (37-207-341-632-000) Planning and Services Management
  • (37-207-341-632-502) Managed Services
  • (37-207-341-632-503) Satellite Services
  • (37-207-341-632-504) Service Life-Cycle and Product Management
  • (37-207-341-633-000) Strategic Integration
  • (37-207-341-634-000) Service Architecture
  • (37-207-342-000-000) Networks Operations
  • (37-207-342-635-000) DND and International Support Operations
  • (37-207-342-635-505) DND National Network Operations
  • (37-207-342-635-506) DND Regional Network Operations
  • (37-207-342-635-507) International Support Operations
  • (37-207-342-636-000) Infrastructure Support Operations
  • (37-207-342-636-508) Field Operations Atlantic
  • (37-207-342-636-509) Field Operations Ontario
  • (37-207-342-636-510) Field Operations Quebec
  • (37-207-342-636-511) Field Operations West 1
  • (37-207-342-636-512) Field Operations West 2
  • (37-207-342-636-513) NCR Partner Group 1
  • (37-207-342-636-514) NCR Partner Group 2
  • (37-207-342-636-515) RCNet Operations
  • (37-207-342-636-516) Science Operations
  • (37-207-342-636-517) Social Operations
  • (37-207-342-637-000) Modernization Implementation
  • (37-207-342-637-518) Enterprise Operations
  • (37-207-342-637-519) Service Operations
  • (37-207-342-637-520) Wi-Fi Operations
  • (37-207-343-000-000) Partnerships and Strategic Direction
  • (37-207-343-638-000) Business Planning Management and Reporting
  • (37-207-343-639-000) Business Demand Division
  • (37-207-343-640-000) Consolidated Contracts & Integrated Purchasing Strategies
  • (37-207-343-641-000) Strategic Direction
  • (37-207-343-642-000) Strategic Engagement
  • (37-207-344-000-000) Real Property Workplace IT Fit-ups
  • (37-207-344-643-000) Project Delivery Operations
  • (37-207-344-643-521) Portfolio 2
  • (37-207-344-643-522) Portfolio 3
  • (37-207-344-644-000) Strategic Planning, Oversight and Delivery
  • (37-207-344-644-523) Portfolio 1
  • (37-207-344-644-524) Project Coordination and Large RP Project Delivery
  • (37-207-345-000-000) Regional Service Delivery
  • (37-207-346-000-000) Security Planning and Engineering
  • (37-207-346-645-000) Integration and Engineering
  • (37-207-346-646-000) Infrastructure Security, Planning and Capability Development
  • (37-207-346-647-000) Planning, Strategy and Architecture
  • (37-207-347-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office, Digital Services
  • (37-207-348-000-000) Telecommunications
  • (37-207-348-648-000) Product Management and Strategic Integration
  • (37-207-348-648-525) Contact Centre Operations
  • (37-207-348-648-526) Contact Centre Product Management
  • (37-207-348-648-527) Internal Services
  • (37-207-348-648-528) Service Architecture and Engineering Contact Centre Operations
  • (37-207-348-648-529) Voice Services Product Management
  • (37-207-348-649-000) Telecommunications Services
  • (37-207-348-649-530) Activation Centre and Provisioning
  • (37-207-348-649-531) Conferencing Services
  • (37-207-348-649-532) Enterprise Mobile Device Management
  • (37-207-348-649-533) Voice Services Support
  • (37-207-348-649-534) Voice Services
  • (37-207-349-000-000) Email and Workplace Technology Devices
  • (37-207-349-650-000) Digital Communication and Collaboration Services
  • (37-207-349-650-535) Solution Design
  • (37-207-349-650-536) Strategy and Adoption
  • (37-207-349-650-537) Integration Services
  • (37-207-349-651-000) Workplace Technology Provisioning and Emerging Technology
  • (37-207-349-652-000) Workplace Technology Services
  • (37-207-349-652-538) Service Evolution
  • (37-207-349-652-539) Workplace Technology Services – Engineering
  • (37-207-349-652-540) Workplace Technology Services– Support
  • (37-207-350-000-000) E-mail Services
  • (37-207-350-653-000) Email Solution Management
  • (37-207-350-654-000) In-house Email services – Division A
  • (37-207-350-655-000) In-house Email services – Division B
  • (37-208-000-000-000) Next Generation HR & Pay Branch
  • (37-208-351-000-000) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  • (37-208-352-000-000) Pilot Project and Program
  • (37-209-000-000-000) Operations Management Branch
  • (37-209-353-000-000) Office of the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (37-209-354-000-000) Business Planning and Client Support
  • (37-209-354-656-000) Branch Business Planning
  • (37-209-354-657-000) Client Executive Support and Partnership Planning
  • (37-209-354-658-000) Enterprise Business Intake and Demand Management
  • (37-209-354-659-000) Performance Reporting and Benefits Realization
  • (37-209-354-660-000) Service Strategy, Business Analytics and Benchmarking
  • (37-209-355-000-000) Service Management Operations
  • (37-209-355-661-000) Change and Release Management
  • (37-209-355-662-000) Monitoring and Discovery Solutions
  • (37-209-355-663-000) Service Asset and Configuration Management
  • (37-209-355-664-000) Service Management Operations Support
  • (37-209-355-664-541) IT Continuity & Emergency Management
  • (37-209-355-664-542) Service Management Transition Planning and Support
  • (37-209-355-665-000) Service Operations
  • (37-209-355-665-543) Enterprise Command Centre
  • (37-209-355-665-544) Incident Management
  • (37-209-355-665-545) Problem Management
  • (37-209-355-665-546) Service Desk and Request Fulfillment
  • (37-209-355-665-547) Service Desk Transition
  • (37-209-356-000-000) Service Management Transformation
  • (37-209-356-666-000) ITSM Solution Support
  • (37-209-356-667-000) Process Development Center of Expertise
  • (37-209-356-668-000) Service Strategy and Design
  • (37-209-356-669-000) Services Management, Program and Policy
  • (37-209-356-670-000) Strategic Initiatives
  • (37-210-000-000-000) President
  • (37-210-357-000-000) Chief of Staff
  • (37-210-358-000-000) Chief Operating Officer
  • (37-210-359-000-000) Executive Vice-President
  • (37-210-360-000-000) Office of Audit and Evaluation
  • (37-210-360-671-000) Director General’s Office
  • (37-210-360-672-000) Evaluation
  • (37-210-360-673-000) Internal Audit and Practice Management
  • (37-210-360-674-000) Internal Audit Operations
  • (37-210-361-000-000) Office of the Ombudsman
  • (37-211-000-000-000) Project Management and Delivery
  • (37-211-362-000-000) Customer Projects Portfolios B
  • (37-211-363-000-000) Branch Business Planning - PMD
  • (37-211-364-000-000) Customer Projects Portfolios A
  • (37-211-365-000-000) Data Centre Services Projects
  • (37-211-366-000-000) Networks, Telecom and Security Projects
  • (37-211-367-000-000) Portfolio Management
  • (37-211-367-675-000) Modernization Project Planning
  • (37-211-367-676-000) Project Management Centre of Excellence
  • (37-211-367-677-000) Workload Migration Program
  • (37-212-000-000-000) Strategic Engagement Branch
  • (37-212-368-000-000) Communications
  • (37-212-368-678-000) Creative and Engagement Services
  • (37-212-368-679-000) Media and Operations
  • (37-212-368-680-000) Strategic Communications
  • (37-212-369-000-000) Corporate Secretariat
  • (37-212-369-681-000) Access to Information and Privacy
  • (37-212-369-682-000) Briefing and Correspondence Unit
  • (37-212-369-683-000) Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs
  • (37-212-369-684-000) Executive Committees and Governance
  • (37-212-370-000-000) Enterprise and Transformation
  • (37-212-370-685-000) Design and Service Culture
  • (37-212-370-686-000) Implementation and Engagement
  • (37-212-371-000-000) Leadership
  • (37-212-372-000-000) Senior Assistant Deputy Minister’s Office - SEB
  • (37-212-373-000-000) Strategy
  • (37-212-373-687-000) Drafting Centre of Expertise on Cabinet Documents
  • (37-212-373-688-000) Enterprise Strategic Policy Integration
  • (37-212-373-689-000) Strategic Planning, Policy, Accountability and Risk
  • (37-212-373-690-000) Strategic Relations and Engagement
  • (37-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (39-000-000-000-000) Transportation Safety Board of Canada
  • (39-200-000-000-000) Office of the chair / Office of the COO/ Communications / ATIP
  • (39-200-300-000-000) Chair Office
  • (39-200-301-000-000) Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • (39-200-302-000-000) Communications
  • (39-200-303-000-000) General Counsel and Access to Information and Privacy
  • (39-201-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (39-201-304-000-000) Director General Office
  • (39-201-305-000-000) Finance, Corporate Planning and Reporting
  • (39-201-306-000-000) Human Resources
  • (39-201-307-000-000) Technology and Information Management
  • (39-201-308-000-000) Administration
  • (39-202-000-000-000) Air Investigations Branch
  • (39-202-309-000-000) All regions and Head Office
  • (39-203-000-000-000) Marine Investigations Branch
  • (39-203-310-000-000) All regions and Head Office
  • (39-204-000-000-000) Rail and Pipeline Investigations Branch
  • (39-204-311-000-000) All regions and Head Office
  • (39-205-000-000-000) Operational Services Branch
  • (39-205-312-000-000) Engineering lab
  • (39-205-313-000-000) Human Factors and Macro Analysis
  • (39-205-314-000-000) Learning, Performance and Standards
  • (39-205-315-000-000) Director's Office
  • (39-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (40-000-000-000-000) Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
  • (40-200-000-000-000) Commissioner of Canada Elections
  • (40-201-000-000-000) Elections Canada
  • (40-201-300-000-000) Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (includes Chief of Staff and Planning & Internal Audit Units)
  • (40-201-301-000-000) Electoral Events and Innovation
  • (40-201-301-400-000) Field Governance and Operational Readiness
  • (40-201-301-401-000) Electoral Data Services and Development
  • (40-201-301-402-000) Voting Services and Development
  • (40-201-301-403-000) Analytics & Performance Measurement, Electoral Redistribution and DCEO Office - EEI
  • (40-201-302-000-000) Regulatory Affairs
  • (40-201-302-404-000) Legal Services, Electoral Integrity and DCEO Office - RA
  • (40-201-302-405-000) Political Financing
  • (40-201-303-000-000) Digital Transformation
  • (40-201-303-406-000) CIO and DCEO Office - DT
  • (40-201-303-407-000) Human Resources
  • (40-201-303-408-000) Enterprise Security
  • (40-201-304-000-000) Public Affairs and Civic Education
  • (40-201-305-000-000) Chief Financial Officer
  • (40-201-305-409-000) Procurement, Facilities & Workforce Innovation
  • (40-201-305-410-000) CFO and DCFO and Integrated Administration
  • (40-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (41-000-000-000-000) Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • (42-000-000-000-000) Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
  • (42-200-000-000-000) Compliance Assurance Branch
  • (42-201-000-000-000) Policy and Communications Branch
  • (42-202-000-000-000) Corporate Management Branch and others
  • (42-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (43-000-000-000-000) Western Economic Diversification Canada
  • (43-200-000-000-000) Headquarters
  • (43-201-000-000-000) Policy and Strategic Direction
  • (43-202-000-000-000) Region - Manitoba
  • (43-203-000-000-000) Region - Saskatchewan
  • (43-204-000-000-000) Region - Alberta
  • (43-205-000-000-000) Region - British Columbia
  • (43-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (46-000-000-000-000) Public Prosecution Service of Canada
  • (46-200-000-000-000) Headquarters
  • (46-200-300-000-000) Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) / Office the Direction of Public Prosecutions (Office of the DPP)/Executive Secretariat/Internal Audit Division
  • (46-200-301-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (46-200-301-400-000) Senior Director General, Corporate Services
  • (46-200-301-401-000) Agent Affairs Division
  • (46-200-301-402-000) Human Resources Directorate
  • (46-200-301-403-000) Administration Services Division
  • (46-200-301-404-000) Corporate Planning and External Relations Directorate/Communications Division
  • (46-200-302-000-000) Finance and Acquisitions Directorate
  • (46-200-303-000-000) Legal Groups / Office of the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution (Drugs, National Security and Northern Prosecutions) / Office of the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution (Regulatory and Economic Prosecutions and Management) / HQ Counsel Division / Law Practice Management Division / Regulatory and Economic Prosecutions (REP) Division / Integrated Market Enforcement Team (IMET) Division / Office of the Corporate Counsel
  • (46-201-000-000-000) Prosecution Services - Regional Offices
  • (46-201-304-000-000) British Columbia Region
  • (46-201-305-000-000) Alberta Region
  • (46-201-306-000-000) Saskatchewan Region
  • (46-201-307-000-000) Manitoba Region
  • (46-201-308-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (46-201-309-000-000) National Capital Region
  • (46-201-310-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (46-201-311-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (46-201-312-000-000) Nunavut Region
  • (46-201-313-000-000) Northwest Territories Region
  • (46-201-314-000-000) Yukon Region
  • (46-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (47-000-000-000-000) Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
  • (47-200-000-000-000) President's Office
  • (47-200-300-000-000) Legal Services Division
  • (47-201-000-000-000) Operations Sector
  • (47-201-301-000-000) Operations, Vice President's Office
  • (47-201-301-400-000) Crown Consultations Division
  • (47-201-301-401-000) National Programs Division
  • (47-201-301-402-000) Regional Operations Directorate
  • (47-201-301-403-000) Review Panels Division
  • (47-201-301-404-000) Atlantic Regional Office
  • (47-201-301-405-000) Quebec Regional Office
  • (47-201-301-406-000) Ontario Regional Office
  • (47-201-301-407-000) Prairie and Northern Regional Office
  • (47-201-301-408-000) Pacific and Yukon Regional Office
  • (47-201-301-409-000) Newfoundland and Labrador Satellite Office
  • (47-202-000-000-000) External Relations and Strategic Policy Sector
  • (47-202-302-000-000) ERSP, Vice President's Office
  • (47-202-302-410-000) External Relations and Engagement Division
  • (47-202-302-411-000) Strategic Policy Division
  • (47-202-302-412-000) Intergovernmental Affairs and Legislative and Regulatory Affaires Directorate
  • (47-203-000-000-000) Corporate Services Sector
  • (47-203-303-000-000) Corporate Services, Vice President's Office
  • (47-203-303-413-000) Communications Division
  • (47-203-303-414-000) Corporate Finance, Procurement and Administration Services Division
  • (47-203-303-415-000) Human Resources, Wellness and ATIP Division
  • (47-203-303-416-000) Information Services Division
  • (47-203-303-417-000) Innovation and Transformation Division
  • (47-203-303-418-000) Planning, Results and Executive Services Division
  • (47-203-303-419-000) Security and Facilities Division
  • (47-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (50-000-000-000-000) National Research Council Canada
  • (50-200-000-000-000) Advanced Electronics and Photonics (AEP)
  • (50-200-300-000-000) Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre (CPFC)
  • (50-200-301-000-000) Materials & Devices and Operation Support groups
  • (50-201-000-000-000) Aerospace (AERO)
  • (50-201-302-000-000) Aerodynamics Laboratory (AL)
  • (50-201-303-000-000) Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre (AMTC)
  • (50-201-304-000-000) Flight Research Laboratory (FRL)
  • (50-201-305-000-000) Gas Turbine Laboratory (GTL)
  • (50-201-306-000-000) Structures and Materials Performance Laboratory (SMPL) & Management Services Office (MSO) & DG Office
  • (50-202-000-000-000) Aquatic and Crop Resource Development (ACRD)
  • (50-203-000-000-000) Automotive and Surface Transportation (AST)
  • (50-203-307-000-000) AST-Ontario
  • (50-203-308-000-000) AST-Québec
  • (50-204-000-000-000) Communications Branch (CB)Communications Branch (CB)
  • (Communications Branch (CB))
  • (50-205-000-000-000) Construction (CONST)
  • (50-206-000-000-000) Design and Fabrication Services (DFS)
  • (50-207-000-000-000) Digital Technologies (DT)
  • (50-208-000-000-000) Energy, Mining and Environment (EME)
  • (50-208-309-000-000) Greater Montreal – R&D Staff
  • (50-208-310-000-000) Ottawa & Mississauga – R&D Staff
  • (50-208-311-000-000) Vancouver – R&D Staff/Operations/DGO
  • (50-209-000-000-000) Finance and Procurement Services Branch (FPS)
  • (50-209-312-000-000) Financial Advisory Services & Resource Management
  • (50-209-313-000-000) Other
  • (50-210-000-000-000) Groups less than 50 employees (CSC, HSE, SB, VPOs, PO, Finitiative)
  • (50-211-000-000-000) Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics (HAA)
  • (50-212-000-000-000) Human Health Therapeutics (HHT)
  • (50-213-000-000-000) Human Resources Branch (HRB)
  • (50-214-000-000-000) Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
  • (50-214-314-000-000) Pacific Region
  • (50-214-315-000-000) Prairie Region
  • (50-214-316-000-000) Ontario Region
  • (50-214-317-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (50-214-318-000-000) Atlantic and Nunavut Region
  • (50-214-319-000-000) Division Service (including Program Expertise)
  • (50-214-320-000-000) L&D/IIO/Concierge/Strategic project unit/INT/VPO
  • (50-215-000-000-000) Knowledge and Information Technology Services (KITS)
  • (50-216-000-000-000) Medical Devices (MD)
  • (50-217-000-000-000) Metrology (METRO)
  • (50-218-000-000-000) Nanotechnology (NANO)
  • (50-219-000-000-000) National Programs and Business Services (NPBS)
  • (50-220-000-000-000) Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering (OCRE)
  • (50-221-000-000-000) Real Property Planning and Management (RPPM)
  • (50-222-000-000-000) Secretary General's Office (CS, IIO, OAE, PSP)
  • (50-223-000-000-000) Security and Disruptive Technologies (SDT)
  • (50-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (51-000-000-000-000) Canadian Security Intelligence Service
  • (51-200-000-000-000) CSIS - 100
  • (51-201-000-000-000) CSIS - 200
  • (51-202-000-000-000) CSIS - 300
  • (51-203-000-000-000) CSIS - 400
  • (51-204-000-000-000) CSIS - 500
  • (51-205-000-000-000) CSIS - 600
  • (51-206-000-000-000) CSIS - 700
  • (51-207-000-000-000) CSIS - 800
  • (51-208-000-000-000) CSIS - 900
  • (51-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (52-000-000-000-000) Office of the Auditor General of Canada
  • (52-200-000-000-000) Attest Audit Practice
  • (52-201-000-000-000) Performance Audit Practice
  • (52-202-000-000-000) Corporate Services
  • (52-203-000-000-000) Audit Services, Human Resources, Legal Services, Communications, Parliamentary Liaison and International, Practice Review and Internal Audit, Strategic Planning and Executive Office
  • (52-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (53-000-000-000-000) Public Safety Canada
  • (53-200-000-000-000) Community Safety and Countering Crime Branch
  • (53-200-300-000-000) Research, Intergovernmental Affairs, and Horizontal Policy / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (53-200-301-000-000) Law Enforcement and Border Strategies Directorate
  • (53-200-302-000-000) Policing Policy Directorate
  • (53-200-303-000-000) Crime Prevention, Corrections and Criminal Justice Directorate
  • (53-201-000-000-000) Corporate Management Branch
  • (53-201-304-000-000) Corporate Services Directorate / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (53-201-305-000-000) Office of the Comptroller and Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  • (53-201-306-000-000) Human Resources Directorate
  • (53-201-307-000-000) Chief Information Officer Directorate
  • (53-202-000-000-000) Emergency Management & Programs Branch
  • (53-202-308-000-000) Government Operations Centre / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (53-202-309-000-000) Policy and Outreach Directorate
  • (53-202-310-000-000) Programs Directorate
  • (53-203-000-000-000) National and Cyber Security BranchNational and Cyber Security Branch
  • (National and Cyber Security Branch)
  • (53-203-311-000-000) National Security Policy Directorate / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (53-203-312-000-000) National Cyber Security Directorate / National Security Operations Directorate
  • (53-203-313-000-000) Critical Infrastructure and Strategic Coordination Directorate
  • (53-204-000-000-000) Portfolio Affairs and Communications Branch
  • (53-204-314-000-000) Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs and Executive Services Directorate / Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
  • (53-204-315-000-000) Strategic Policy, Research, Planning and International Affairs Directorate / Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence
  • (53-204-316-000-000) Communications Directorate
  • (53-205-000-000-000) Minister's Office / Deputy Minister's Office / Internal Audit and Evaluation Directorate / Legal Services
  • (53-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (54-000-000-000-000) Canadian Transportation Agency
  • (54-200-000-000-000) Legal and Secretariat Services Branch; Analysis and Outreach Branch; Chair's Office
  • (54-201-000-000-000) Dispute Resolution Branch
  • (54-202-000-000-000) Internal Services Branch
  • (54-203-000-000-000) Determinations and Compliance Branch
  • (54-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (56-000-000-000-000) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • (56-200-000-000-000) President's Office, Corporate Affairs, Stakeholder Engagement and Advancement of Society, and CASD
  • (56-201-000-000-000) Research Programs
  • (56-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (69-000-000-000-000) Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
  • (69-200-000-000-000) President's Office / Legal Services / Commission Secretariat
  • (69-201-000-000-000) Regulatory Operations Branch
  • (69-201-300-000-000) Directorate of Nuclear Cycle and Facilities Regulation
  • (69-201-301-000-000) Directorate of Nuclear Substance Regulation
  • (69-201-302-000-000) Directorate of Power Reactor Regulation
  • (69-201-303-000-000) Directorate of Regulatory Improvement and Major Projects Management
  • (69-202-000-000-000) Technical Support Branch
  • (69-202-304-000-000) Directorate of Assessment and Analysis
  • (69-202-305-000-000) Directorate of Environmental and Radiation Protection and Assessment
  • (69-202-306-000-000) Directorate of Safety Management
  • (69-202-307-000-000) Directorate of Security and Safeguards
  • (69-203-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (69-203-308-000-000) Finance and Administration Directorate
  • (69-203-309-000-000) Human Resources Directorate
  • (69-203-310-000-000) Information Management Technology Directorate
  • (69-204-000-000-000) Regulatory Affairs Branch
  • (69-204-311-000-000) Regulatory Policy Directorate
  • (69-204-312-000-000) Strategic Communications Directorate
  • (69-204-313-000-000) Strategic Planning Directorate
  • (69-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (70-000-000-000-000) Public Health Agency of Canada
  • (70-200-000-000-000) Office of the President / Office of the Chief Public Health Officer
  • (70-201-000-000-000) Office of Strategic Policy and Planning
  • (70-202-000-000-000) Office of Audit and Evaluation
  • (70-203-000-000-000) Health Security Infrastructure Branch
  • (70-203-300-000-000) Office of Business Integration and Planning and the Vice President's Office
  • (70-203-301-000-000) Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • (70-203-302-000-000) Centre for Biosecurity
  • (70-203-303-000-000) Personal Protective Equipment Team
  • (70-203-304-000-000) Office of the Director General - Regional Operations, Atlantic Region and Northern Unit
  • (70-203-305-000-000) Western Region
  • (70-203-306-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (70-203-307-000-000) Ontario and Manitoba and Saskatchewan Region
  • (70-204-000-000-000) Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch
  • (70-204-308-000-000) Vice President's Office / Office of Business Integration and Planning
  • (70-204-309-000-000) Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control
  • (70-204-310-000-000) Centre for Foodborne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
  • (70-204-311-000-000) Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Infectious Diseases
  • (70-204-312-000-000) National Microbiology Laboratory / Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses
  • (70-204-313-000-000) Office of the Assistant Vice President/ Data Partnerships and Innovation Hub/Office of the Chief Science Officer
  • (70-205-000-000-000) Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • (70-205-314-000-000) Financial, Analytics, & Client Services Division​
  • (70-205-315-000-000) Resource Management & Analysis Division​
  • (70-205-316-000-000) Centre for Grants and Contributions​
  • (70-206-000-000-000) Office of International Affairs
  • (70-207-000-000-000) Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch
  • (70-207-317-000-000) Vice President’s Office/ Strategic Planning & Business Operations / Office of the Chief Dental Officer
  • (70-207-318-000-000) Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Equity
  • (70-207-319-000-000) Centre for Health Promotion
  • (70-207-320-000-000) Centre for Surveillance and Applied Research
  • (70-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (73-000-000-000-000) Office of the Secretary to the Governor General
  • (74-000-000-000-000) Library and Archives Canada
  • (74-200-000-000-000) Office of the Librarian and Archivist of Canada / Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary /
  • (74-201-000-000-000) Communication Branch
  • (74-202-000-000-000) Corporate Services Sector
  • (74-202-300-000-000) Office of the ADM / Financial Services and Procurement Branch / Real Property Branch / Corporate Planning and Accountability
  • (74-202-301-000-000) Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch
  • (74-202-302-000-000) Human Resources and Security Branch
  • (74-203-000-000-000) Operations Sector
  • (74-203-303-000-000) Office of the Chief Operating Officer / Archives Branch
  • (74-203-304-000-000) Preservation and Digital Operations Branch
  • (74-203-305-000-000) Public Services Branch
  • (74-203-306-000-000) Published Heritage Branch
  • (74-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (75-000-000-000-000) Canada Energy Regulator
  • (75-200-000-000-000) Energy Adjudication
  • (75-201-000-000-000) Field Operations/System Operations
  • (75-202-000-000-000) People and Workforce
  • (75-203-000-000-000) Integrated Energy Info & Analysis
  • (75-204-000-000-000) Communications & Engagement
  • (75-205-000-000-000) Performance and Results/Data & Information Management
  • (75-206-000-000-000) Board of Directors; Commission; Chief Executive Officer; Executive Office; Transparency & Strategic Engagement; Regulatory Group; Projects; Modernization Implementation; Technical Excellence; Secretary & Regulatory Services; Legal Services
  • (75-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (78-000-000-000-000) Canada School of Public Service
  • (78-200-000-000-000) Deputy Minister/President's Office (DM/PO)
  • (78-200-300-000-000) President's Office/Ombud's Office/Communication and Engagement
  • (78-200-301-000-000) HRM/Classif&LR/Staffing, Corporate Policies & HR Program/HR Systems, Data Reporting & Express Staffing
  • (78-201-000-000-000) Business Enablement and Assurance Services Branch (BEASB)
  • (78-201-302-000-000) Chief Digital Officer/VP Business Enablement and Assurance Services Branch
  • (78-201-303-000-000) Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Accommodations, Procurement and Integrated Security
  • (78-201-304-000-000) Registrar and Performance Metrics
  • (78-202-000-000-000) Innovation and Policy Services Branch (IPSB)
  • (78-203-000-000-000) Learning Programs Branch (LPB)
  • (78-203-305-000-000) Executive Learning
  • (78-203-306-000-000) VPO/National Operations, Departmental Client Services, Language Training and Faculty/User experience
  • (78-203-307-000-000) Transferrable Skills/GC Public Sector Skills/Inclusive Respectful Workplace/Indigenous Learning
  • (78-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (81-000-000-000-000) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
  • (81-200-000-000-000) Common Administrative Services
  • (81-201-000-000-000) President's Office, TGMS, Strategy and Transformation, and Communications, Corporate and International Affairs
  • (81-202-000-000-000) Research Grants and Scholarships
  • (81-203-000-000-000) Research Partnerships
  • (81-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (82-000-000-000-000) Infrastructure Canada
  • (82-200-000-000-000) Program Operations Branch and Communities and Rural Economic Development Branch
  • (82-201-000-000-000) Corporate Services Branch
  • (82-202-000-000-000) Investments, Partnerships and Innovation Branch
  • (82-203-000-000-000) Policy and Results Branch
  • (82-204-000-000-000) Audit and Evaluation Branch, Communications Branch, Corporate Secretariat and Deputy Minister's Office
  • (82-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (83-000-000-000-000) Canada Border Services Agency
  • (83-200-000-000-000) Headquarters
  • (83-200-300-000-000) President's Office, Executive Vice-President's Office, Legal Services
  • (83-200-301-000-000) Internal Audit & Program Evaluation
  • (83-200-302-000-000) CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM)
  • (83-200-303-000-000) Chief Transformation Officer
  • (83-200-304-000-000) Commercial and Trade Branch
  • (83-200-304-400-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-304-401-000) CARM Business Readiness and Implementation
  • (83-200-304-402-000) Commercial and Trade Projects and Program Development
  • (83-200-304-403-000) Commercial Program
  • (83-200-304-404-000) Indigenous Affairs Secretariat
  • (83-200-304-405-000) Trade and Anti-Dumping Programs
  • (83-200-305-000-000) Finance and Corporate Management Branch
  • (83-200-305-406-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-305-407-000) Agency Comptroller
  • (83-200-305-408-000) Corporate Planning and Reporting
  • (83-200-305-409-000) Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Resource Management
  • (83-200-305-410-000) National Real Property and Accommodations
  • (83-200-305-411-000) Recourse
  • (83-200-305-412-000) Security and Professional Standards
  • (83-200-305-413-000) Transformation and Border Infrastructure Renewal
  • (83-200-306-000-000) Human Resources Branch
  • (83-200-306-414-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-306-415-000) Labour Relations, Compensation and Values
  • (83-200-306-416-000) Management Cadre Programs and Services
  • (83-200-306-417-000) Training and Development
  • (83-200-306-418-000) Human Resources Programs
  • (83-200-307-000-000) Information, Science and Technology Branch
  • (83-200-307-419-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-307-420-000) Information Management & Common Services
  • (83-200-307-421-000) Enterprise Services
  • (83-200-307-422-000) Project Services Management Directorate
  • (83-200-307-423-000) Business Applications Services
  • (83-200-307-424-000) Corporate Projects and Portfolio Management
  • (83-200-307-425-000) Science and Engineering
  • (83-200-308-000-000) Intelligence and Enforcement Branch
  • (83-200-308-426-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-308-427-000) Enforcement
  • (83-200-308-428-000) Intelligence and Targeting
  • (83-200-308-429-000) Preparedness and Response
  • (83-200-308-430-000) Transformation, Planning and Integration
  • (83-200-309-000-000) Strategic Policy Branch
  • (83-200-309-431-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-309-432-000) Chief Data Officer
  • (83-200-309-433-000) Communications
  • (83-200-309-434-000) Immigration Enforcement, Customs and External Review Policy
  • (83-200-309-435-000) International Policy and Partnerships
  • (83-200-309-436-000) Strategic and Traveller Policy
  • (83-200-310-000-000) Travellers Branch
  • (83-200-310-437-000) Vice-President's Office
  • (83-200-310-438-000) Travellers Transformation
  • (83-200-310-439-000) Travellers Operational Guidance and Support
  • (83-200-310-440-000) Travellers Policy and Programs
  • (83-201-000-000-000) Regions
  • (83-201-311-000-000) Atlantic Region
  • (83-201-311-441-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-311-442-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-311-443-000) Enforcement and Intelligence
  • (83-201-311-444-000) Southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island District
  • (83-201-311-444-500) Ferry Point Area
  • (83-201-311-444-501) St. Stephen 3rd Bridge Area
  • (83-201-311-444-502) District Office and St. John Area (Includes Fredericton, Moncton, Bathurst and Charlottetown)
  • (83-201-311-445-000) North-West New Brunswick District
  • (83-201-311-445-503) Andover / Four Falls Area
  • (83-201-311-445-504) Woodstock Area
  • (83-201-311-445-505) District Office and Edmundston Area
  • (83-201-311-446-000) Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador District
  • (83-201-311-446-506) District Office and Halifax Stanfield International Airport
  • (83-201-311-446-507) Marine, Container Examination Facility, Waterfront Cargo Inspection Unit, Halifax Commercial, Sydney and Yarmouth
  • (83-201-311-446-508) Newfoundland and Labrador Area
  • (83-201-312-000-000) Quebec Region
  • (83-201-312-447-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-312-448-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-312-449-000) Enforcement and Intelligence
  • (83-201-312-450-000) Trade Operations
  • (83-201-312-451-000) Airports District
  • (83-201-312-452-000) Montérégie Border District
  • (83-201-312-453-000) East Border District
  • (83-201-312-454-000) St. Laurent District
  • (83-201-313-000-000) Northern Ontario Region
  • (83-201-313-455-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-313-456-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-313-457-000) Enforcement and Intelligence Operations
  • (83-201-313-458-000) Northwestern District
  • (83-201-313-459-000) Ottawa District
  • (83-201-313-460-000) St. Lawrence District
  • (83-201-314-000-000) Greater Toronto Area Region
  • (83-201-314-461-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-314-462-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-314-463-000) Enforcement and Intelligence Operations
  • (83-201-314-464-000) Trade Operations
  • (83-201-314-465-000) Commercial Operations
  • (83-201-314-466-000) Outport and Postal Operations
  • (83-201-314-467-000) Passenger Operations
  • (83-201-314-468-000) Special Border Interdiction
  • (83-201-315-000-000) Southern Ontario Region
  • (83-201-315-469-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-315-470-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-315-471-000) Enforcement
  • (83-201-315-472-000) Ambassador Bridge District
  • (83-201-315-473-000) Fort Erie District
  • (83-201-315-474-000) Niagara Falls District
  • (83-201-315-475-000) St. Clair District
  • (83-201-315-476-000) Windsor Detroit Tunnel District
  • (83-201-316-000-000) Prairie Region
  • (83-201-316-477-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-316-478-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-316-479-000) Enforcement and Intelligence Operations
  • (83-201-316-480-000) Trade Operations
  • (83-201-316-481-000) Central Manitoba, Central Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories District
  • (83-201-316-482-000) Central Alberta District
  • (83-201-316-483-000) South Alberta and South Saskatchewan District
  • (83-201-316-484-000) Southern Manitoba District
  • (83-201-317-000-000) Pacific Region
  • (83-201-317-485-000) Regional Director General's Office
  • (83-201-317-486-000) Corporate and Program Services
  • (83-201-317-487-000) Enforcement and Intelligence Operations
  • (83-201-317-489-000) Trade Operations
  • (83-201-317-490-000) Metro Vancouver District
  • (83-201-317-491-000) Okanagan and Kootenay District
  • (83-201-317-492-000) Pacific Highway District
  • (83-201-317-493-000) Vancouver International Airport
  • (83-201-317-494-000) West Coast and Yukon District
  • (83-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (84-000-000-000-000) Global Affairs Canada (Locally Engaged Staff)
  • (84-200-000-000-000) ACM - International Platform
  • (84-200-300-000-000) ACM - ADM Office / ABD - Platform Planning, Engagement and Results / ACME - Major Projects - Tokyo / AFD - Client Relations and Mission Operations
  • (84-201-000-000-000) EGM - Europe, Arctic, Middle East and Maghreb
  • (84-201-301-000-000) EGM - ADM Office / ECD - Office of the Senior Arctic Official and DG of Arctic, Eurasian and European Affairs
  • (84-201-301-400-000) Ankara
  • (84-201-301-401-000) Belgrade
  • (84-201-301-402-000) Copenhagen
  • (84-201-301-403-000) Helsinki
  • (84-201-301-404-000) Istanbul
  • (84-201-301-405-000) Kyiv
  • (84-201-301-406-000) Moscow
  • (84-201-301-407-000) Kazakhstan
  • (84-201-301-408-000) Oslo
  • (84-201-301-409-000) Reykjavik
  • (84-201-301-410-000) Stockholm
  • (84-201-302-000-000) EUD - Bureau of European Affairs
  • (84-201-302-411-000) Athens
  • (84-201-302-412-000) Barcelona
  • (84-201-302-413-000) Berlin
  • (84-201-302-414-000) Berne
  • (84-201-302-415-000) Bratislava
  • (84-201-302-416-000) Brussels
  • (84-201-302-417-000) Brussels EU (European Union)
  • (84-201-302-418-000) Bucharest
  • (84-201-302-419-000) Budapest
  • (84-201-302-420-000) Dublin
  • (84-201-302-421-000) Düsseldorf
  • (84-201-302-422-000) Lisbon
  • (84-201-302-423-000) London
  • (84-201-302-424-000) Madrid
  • (84-201-302-425-000) Munich
  • (84-201-302-426-000) Paris
  • (84-201-302-427-000) Prague
  • (84-201-302-428-000) Riga
  • (84-201-302-429-000) Rome
  • (84-201-302-430-000) Tallinn
  • (84-201-302-431-000) The Hague
  • (84-201-302-432-000) Vatican
  • (84-201-302-433-000) Vienna
  • (84-201-302-434-000) Vilnius
  • (84-201-302-435-000) Warsaw
  • (84-201-302-436-000) Zagreb
  • (84-201-303-000-000) ESD - Middle East Bureau
  • (84-201-303-437-000) Abu Dhabi
  • (84-201-303-438-000) Amman
  • (84-201-303-439-000) Baghdad
  • (84-201-303-440-000) Beirut
  • (84-201-303-441-000) Doha
  • (84-201-303-442-000) Dubai
  • (84-201-303-443-000) Erbil
  • (84-201-303-444-000) Kuwait City
  • (84-201-303-445-000) Riyadh
  • (84-201-304-000-000) ELD - North Africa, Israel, West Bank/Gaza
  • (84-201-304-446-000) Algiers
  • (84-201-304-447-000) Cairo
  • (84-201-304-448-000) Rabat
  • (84-201-304-449-000) Ramallah
  • (84-201-304-450-000) Tel Aviv
  • (84-201-304-451-000) Tripoli
  • (84-201-304-452-000) Tunis
  • (84-202-000-000-000) IFM - International Security and Political Affairs
  • (84-202-305-000-000) IGD - International Security Policy Bureau
  • (84-202-305-453-000) Brussels NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
  • (84-202-305-454-000) Vienna OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
  • (84-203-000-000-000) MFM - Global Issues and Development
  • (84-203-306-000-000) MID - International Organizations
  • (84-203-306-455-000) Geneva UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) / Geneva WTO (World Trade Organization)
  • (84-203-306-456-000) New York PERM (Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations)
  • (84-203-306-457-000) Paris UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
  • (84-204-000-000-000) NGM - Americas
  • (84-204-307-000-000) NGM - ADM Office / NGD - North America Strategy Bureau / NMD - Geographic Coordination and Mission Support Bureau
  • (84-204-307-458-000) Palo Alto
  • (84-204-308-000-000) NND - North America Advocacy and Commercial Programs
  • (84-204-308-459-000) Acapulco
  • (84-204-308-460-000) Atlanta
  • (84-204-308-461-000) Boston
  • (84-204-308-462-000) Cancun
  • (84-204-308-463-000) Chicago
  • (84-204-308-464-000) Dallas
  • (84-204-308-465-000) Denver
  • (84-204-308-466-000) Detroit
  • (84-204-308-467-000) Guadalajara
  • (84-204-308-468-000) Houston
  • (84-204-308-469-000) Los Angeles
  • (84-204-308-470-000) Mazatlán
  • (84-204-308-471-000) Mexico City
  • (84-204-308-472-000) Miami
  • (84-204-308-473-000) Minneapolis
  • (84-204-308-474-000) Monterrey
  • (84-204-308-475-000) New York
  • (84-204-308-476-000) Playa del Carmen
  • (84-204-308-477-000) Puerto Vallarta
  • (84-204-308-478-000) San Diego
  • (84-204-308-479-000) San Francisco
  • (84-204-308-480-000) San José del Cabo
  • (84-204-308-481-000) Seattle
  • (84-204-308-482-000) Washington, D.C.
  • (84-204-309-000-000) NLD - South America and Inter-American Affairs
  • (84-204-309-483-000) Belo Horizonte
  • (84-204-309-484-000) Bogotá
  • (84-204-309-485-000) Brasilia
  • (84-204-309-486-000) Buenos Aires
  • (84-204-309-487-000) Caracas
  • (84-204-309-488-000) La Paz
  • (84-204-309-489-000) Lima
  • (84-204-309-490-000) Montevideo
  • (84-204-309-491-000) Porto Alegre
  • (84-204-309-492-000) Quito
  • (84-204-309-493-000) Recife
  • (84-204-309-494-000) Rio de Janeiro
  • (84-204-309-495-000) Santiago
  • (84-204-309-496-000) São Paulo
  • (84-204-309-497-000) Washington, D.C. OAS (Organization of American States)
  • (84-204-310-000-000) NDD - Central America & Caribbean
  • (84-204-310-498-000) Bridgetown
  • (84-204-310-499-000) Georgetown
  • (84-204-310-500-000) Guatemala City
  • (84-204-310-501-000) Havana
  • (84-204-310-502-000) Kingston
  • (84-204-310-503-000) Managua
  • (84-204-310-504-000) Panama City
  • (84-204-310-505-000) Port of Spain
  • (84-204-310-506-000) Port-au-Prince
  • (84-204-310-507-000) Punta Cana
  • (84-204-310-508-000) San José
  • (84-204-310-509-000) San Salvador
  • (84-204-310-510-000) Santo Domingo
  • (84-204-310-511-000) Tegucigalpa
  • (84-205-000-000-000) OGM - Asia Pacific
  • (84-205-311-000-000) OGM - ADM Office / OSD - Southeast Asia
  • (84-205-311-512-000) Bandar Seri Begawan
  • (84-205-311-513-000) Bangkok
  • (84-205-311-514-000) Hanoi
  • (84-205-311-515-000) Ho Chi Minh City
  • (84-205-311-516-000) Jakarta
  • (84-205-311-517-000) Kuala Lumpur
  • (84-205-311-518-000) Manila
  • (84-205-311-519-000) Phnom Penh
  • (84-205-311-520-000) Singapore
  • (84-205-311-521-000) Vientiane
  • (84-205-311-522-000) Yangon
  • (84-205-312-000-000) OPD - Trade & Diplomacy North Asia
  • (84-205-312-523-000) Auckland
  • (84-205-312-524-000) Beijing
  • (84-205-312-525-000) Canberra
  • (84-205-312-526-000) Chongqing
  • (84-205-312-527-000) Guangzhou
  • (84-205-312-528-000) Hong Kong
  • (84-205-312-529-000) Kitakyushu
  • (84-205-312-530-000) Seoul
  • (84-205-312-531-000) Shanghai
  • (84-205-312-532-000) Sydney
  • (84-205-312-533-000) Taipei
  • (84-205-312-534-000) Tokyo
  • (84-205-312-535-000) Ulaanbaatar
  • (84-205-312-536-000) Wellington
  • (84-205-313-000-000) OAD - South Asia
  • (84-205-313-537-000) Ahmedabad
  • (84-205-313-538-000) Bangalore
  • (84-205-313-539-000) Chandigarh
  • (84-205-313-540-000) Chennai
  • (84-205-313-541-000) Colombo
  • (84-205-313-542-000) Dhaka
  • (84-205-313-543-000) Hyderabad
  • (84-205-313-544-000) Islamabad
  • (84-205-313-545-000) Kabul
  • (84-205-313-546-000) Karachi
  • (84-205-313-547-000) Kolkata
  • (84-205-313-548-000) Mumbai
  • (84-205-313-549-000) New Delhi
  • (84-206-000-000-000) PFM - Strategic Policy
  • (84-206-314-000-000) SCM - ADM Office / SED - Export & import controls system / SPD - Procurement, Asset Management / SRD - Corporate Planning and Reporting
  • (84-206-314-550-000) Paris OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)
  • (84-207-000-000-000) WGM - Sub-Saharian Africa
  • (84-207-315-000-000) WGM - Sub-Saharian Africa
  • (84-207-315-551-000) Abidjan
  • (84-207-315-552-000) Abuja
  • (84-207-315-553-000) Accra
  • (84-207-315-554-000) Bamako
  • (84-207-315-555-000) Dakar
  • (84-207-315-556-000) Kinshasa
  • (84-207-315-557-000) Lagos
  • (84-207-315-558-000) Ouagadougou
  • (84-207-315-559-000) Yaoundé
  • (84-207-316-000-000) WED - Southern and Eastern Africa Bureau
  • (84-207-316-560-000) Addis Ababa
  • (84-207-316-561-000) Dar es Salaam
  • (84-207-316-562-000) Harare
  • (84-207-316-563-000) Johannesburg
  • (84-207-316-564-000) Juba
  • (84-207-316-565-000) Khartoum
  • (84-207-316-566-000) Kigali
  • (84-207-316-567-000) Lusaka
  • (84-207-316-568-000) Maputo
  • (84-207-316-569-000) Nairobi
  • (84-207-316-570-000) Pretoria
  • (84-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (85-000-000-000-000) The Supreme Court of Canada
  • (86-000-000-000-000) Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • (86-200-000-000-000) Operations Branch
  • (86-200-300-000-000) NCR Area
  • (86-200-300-400-000) VP's Office/AVP's Office/Inspector General/Business and Workforce Enablement
  • (86-200-300-401-000) Strategy and Business Integration
  • (86-200-300-402-000) Inspection Support
  • (86-200-300-402-500) Executive Director's Office/National Issues Management/Ask CFIA/OGE-Food
  • (86-200-300-402-501) OGE-Plant/OGE-Animal/Office of Food Safety and Recall
  • (86-200-301-000-000) Operations: West
  • (86-200-301-403-000) Operations West: Director General / Senior Director / Area Quality, Planning, Integration Unit / Area Operational Specialists Units / Enforcement and Investigation Services – West / Area Management Services
  • (86-200-301-404-000) Operations West: Manitoba Region
  • (86-200-301-405-000) Operations West: Southern Alberta Region
  • (86-200-301-406-000) Operations West: Northern Alberta / Saskatchewan Region
  • (86-200-301-407-000) Operations West: BC Animal and Food Region
  • (86-200-301-408-000) Operations West: BC Plant and Food Region
  • (86-200-302-000-000) Operations: Ontario
  • (86-200-302-409-000) Operations Ontario: Director General / Senior Director / Area Quality, Planning, Integration Unit / Area Operational Specialists Units / Enforcement and Investigation Services – Ontario / Area Management Services
  • (86-200-302-410-000) Operations Ontario: South-West Region
  • (86-200-302-411-000) Operations Ontario: Central Region
  • (86-200-302-412-000) Operations Ontario: Toronto Region
  • (86-200-302-413-000) Operations Ontario: North East Region
  • (86-200-303-000-000) Operations: Quebec
  • (86-200-303-414-000) Operations Quebec: Director General / Senior Director / Area Quality, Planning, Integration Unit / Area Operational Specialists Units / Enforcement and Investigation Services – Quebec / Area Management Services
  • (86-200-303-415-000) Operations Quebec: St-Hyacinthe Region
  • (86-200-303-416-000) Operations Quebec: Quebec Office
  • (86-200-303-417-000) Operations Quebec: Montreal Region
  • (86-200-303-418-000) Operations Quebec: Centre Region
  • (86-200-304-000-000) Operations: Atlantic
  • (86-200-304-419-000) Operations Atlantic: Director General / Senior Director / Planning, Quality and Integration / Operational Specialist Units / Investigation and Law Enforcement Unit Staff / Operational Center Management Services Unit
  • (86-200-304-420-000) Operations Atlantic: New Brunswick Regional Office
  • (86-200-304-421-000) Operations Atlantic: Nova Scotia Regional Office
  • (86-200-304-422-000) Operations Atlantic: Prince Edward Island Regional Office
  • (86-200-304-423-000) Operations Atlantic: Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Office
  • (86-201-000-000-000) Science Branch
  • (86-201-305-000-000) Science: Vice President's Office / Chief Science Operating Officer / Strategic Business & Partnerships
  • (86-201-306-000-000) Science: Food Safety Science Directorate / Canadian Food Safety Information Network
  • (86-201-307-000-000) Science: Animal Health Science Directorate
  • (86-201-308-000-000) Science: Plant Health Science Directorate
  • (86-201-309-000-000) Science: Eastern Laboratory Network
  • (86-201-309-424-000) Science Eastern Lab Network: Charlottetown Laboratory / Network Administration
  • (86-201-309-425-000) Science Eastern Lab Network: Dartmouth Laboratory
  • (86-201-309-426-000) Science Eastern Lab Network: St. Hyacinthe Laboratory / Network Administration
  • (86-201-309-427-000) Science Eastern Lab Network: Longueuil Laboratory
  • (86-201-310-000-000) Science: Ontario Laboratory Network
  • (86-201-310-428-000) Science Ontario Laboratory Network: Network Administration
  • (86-201-310-429-000) Science Ontario Lab Network: Ottawa Laboratory (Fallowfield)
  • (86-201-310-430-000) Science Ontario Lab Network: Ottawa Laboratory (Carling)
  • (86-201-310-431-000) Science Ontario Lab Network: Greater Toronto Area Laboratory
  • (86-201-311-000-000) Science: Western Laboratory Network
  • (86-201-311-432-000) Science Western Lab Network: Saskatoon Laboratory
  • (86-201-311-433-000) Science Western Lab Network: Calgary Laboratory / Network Administration
  • (86-201-311-434-000) Science Western Lab Network: Burnaby Laboratory
  • (86-201-311-435-000) Science Western Lab Network: Sidney Laboratory
  • (86-201-312-000-000) Science: National Centres for Animal Disease (NCAD)
  • (86-201-312-436-000) Science: National Centres for Animal Disease (NCAD) - Winnipeg laboratory
  • (86-201-312-437-000) Science: National Centres for Animal Disease (NCAD) - Lethbridge Laboratory
  • (86-202-000-000-000) Policy and Programs Branch (PPB)
  • (86-202-313-000-000) PPB: Vice President and Associate Vice President / Business Administration Services / Strategic Partnerships
  • (86-202-314-000-000) PPB: Animal Health Directorate
  • (86-202-315-000-000) PPB: Plant and Biosecurity Directorate
  • (86-202-316-000-000) PPB: Domestic Food Safety Systems & Meat Hygiene Directorate
  • (86-202-317-000-000) PPB: Policy and Regulatory Affairs
  • (86-203-000-000-000) Corporate Management Branch (CMB)
  • (86-203-318-000-000) CMB: Assets and Security Management Directorate
  • (86-203-319-000-000) CMB: Financial Services
  • (86-203-320-000-000) CMB: Horizontal Enterprise Management & Integration Directorate / Vice President's Office
  • (86-204-000-000-000) Human Resources Branch (HRB)
  • (86-204-321-000-000) HRB: Office of the Vice President / Collective Bargaining & Labour Relations Directorate / Executive Group Services / Workplace Health & Diversity / Values, Integrity and Conflict Resolution
  • (86-204-322-000-000) HRB: HR Planning, Systems and Analytics / Learning
  • (86-204-323-000-000) HRB: HR Services
  • (86-205-000-000-000) Innovation, Business and Service Development Branch (IBSDB)
  • (86-205-324-000-000) IBSDB: Vice-President's Office / Innovation and Design
  • (86-205-325-000-000) IBSDB: Information and Risk Management
  • (86-205-326-000-000) IBSDB: Enterprise Technology Management
  • (86-205-327-000-000) IBSDB: Platform Applications, Development and Operations
  • (86-206-000-000-000) Communications and Public Affairs Branch (CPAB)
  • (86-207-000-000-000) International Affairs Branch (IAB)
  • (86-208-000-000-000) Audit and Evaluation Branch (AEB)
  • (86-209-000-000-000) President's Office / Integrity and Redress Secretariat / Agriculture and Food Inspection Legal Services
  • (86-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (88-000-000-000-000) Parks Canada
  • (88-200-000-000-000) National Office
  • (88-200-300-000-000) Executive Offices
  • (88-200-300-400-000) Office of the CEO / Office of the Chief of Staff and Corporate Secretary / Ombudsman and Director, Center for Values and Ethics / Office of the Vice-President, Special Projects / Office of Internal Audit and Evaluation
  • (88-200-301-000-000) Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Directorate
  • (88-200-301-401-000) Office of the Vice-President / Protected Areas Establishment and Conservation Branch / Conservation Strategy Branch
  • (88-200-301-402-000) Law Enforcement Branch
  • (88-200-301-403-000) Conservation Programs Branch
  • (88-200-301-404-000) Natural Resource Management Branch
  • (88-200-301-405-000) Office of the Chief Ecosystem Scientist
  • (88-200-302-000-000) Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage Directorate
  • (88-200-302-406-000) Vice-President, Indigenous Affairs and Cultural Heritage Directorate / Executive Director, Cultural Heritage / Heritage Designations and Programs Branch
  • (88-200-302-407-000) Archaeology and History Branch
  • (88-200-302-408-000) Collections, Curatorial and Conservation Branch
  • (88-200-302-409-000) Cultural Heritage Policies Branch
  • (88-200-302-410-000) Indigenous Affairs Branch
  • (88-200-303-000-000) External Relations and Visitor Experience Directorate
  • (88-200-303-411-000) Office of the Vice-President / National Celebrations Branch / Social Sciences Branch
  • (88-200-303-412-000) Corporate Communications Branch
  • (88-200-303-413-000) Strategic Partnering Branch / Outreach & Marketing Branch
  • (88-200-303-414-000) Brand Experience Branch
  • (88-200-303-415-000) Visitor Experience Branch
  • (88-200-304-000-000) Human Resources and Employee Wellness Directorate
  • (88-200-304-416-000) Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer / Workforce Engagement and Contribution Branch / Human Resources Strategic Planning and Executive Group Services Management Branch
  • (88-200-304-417-000) Human Resources Operations Branch
  • (88-200-304-418-000) Human Resources Corporate Branch
  • (88-200-305-000-000) Strategic Policy and Investment Directorate
  • (88-200-305-419-000) Office of the Vice-President, Strategic Policy and Investment / Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs Branch / Strategic Planning and Reporting
  • (88-200-305-420-000) Investment Management Branch / Investment Planning and Portfolio Management Branch / Realty Branch
  • (88-200-305-421-000) Chief Information Officer Branch
  • (88-200-305-422-000) Asset Management and Project Delivery Branch
  • (88-200-305-423-000) Asset and Environmental Management Branch
  • (88-200-306-000-000) Finance Directorate
  • (88-200-306-424-000) Office of the Chief Financial Officer / Corporate Resource Management Branch / Finance and Business Management Advisory / Investment Planning
  • (88-200-306-425-000) Comptrollership Branch
  • (88-200-306-426-000) Procurement and Contracting
  • (88-201-000-000-000) Operations
  • (88-201-307-000-000) Western Newfoundland & Labrador Field Unit
  • (88-201-308-000-000) Eastern Newfoundland Field Unit
  • (88-201-309-000-000) Cape Breton Field Unit
  • (88-201-310-000-000) Mainland Nova Scotia Field Unit
  • (88-201-311-000-000) Prince Edward Island Field Unit
  • (88-201-312-000-000) Southern New Brunswick Field Unit
  • (88-201-313-000-000) Northern New Brunswick Field Unit
  • (88-201-314-000-000) Mingan Field Unit
  • (88-201-315-000-000) Gaspésie Field Unit
  • (88-201-316-000-000) Québec Field Unit
  • (88-201-317-000-000) Mauricie and Western Quebec Field Unit
  • (88-201-318-000-000) Saguenay-St.Lawrence Marine Park Field Unit
  • (88-201-319-000-000) Nunavut Field Unit
  • (88-201-320-000-000) Southwestern Ontario Field Unit
  • (88-201-321-000-000) Northern Ontario Field Unit
  • (88-201-322-000-000) Georgian Bay and Ontario East Field Unit
  • (88-201-323-000-000) Rouge Field Unit
  • (88-201-324-000-000) Ontario Waterways
  • (88-201-325-000-000) Quebec Waterways
  • (88-201-326-000-000) Manitoba Field Unit
  • (88-201-327-000-000) Riding Mountain Field Unit
  • (88-201-328-000-000) Northern Prairies Field Unit
  • (88-201-329-000-000) Saskatchewan South Field Unit
  • (88-201-330-000-000) Southwest Northwest Territories Field Unit
  • (88-201-331-000-000) Western Arctic Field Unit
  • (88-201-332-000-000) Yukon Field Unit
  • (88-201-333-000-000) Highway Service Center
  • (88-201-334-000-000) Coastal British Columbia Field Unit
  • (88-201-335-000-000) Gwaii Haanas Field Unit
  • (88-201-336-000-000) Banff Field Unit
  • (88-201-337-000-000) Jasper Field Unit
  • (88-201-338-000-000) Yoho / Kootenay / Lake Louise Field Unit and Hot Springs Enterprise Unit
  • (88-201-339-000-000) Mount Revelstoke / Glacier Field Unit
  • (88-201-340-000-000) Waterton Lakes / Bar U Field Unit
  • (88-201-341-000-000) Office of the Senior VP Ops / Office of the ED, Atlantic / Office of the ED, Quebec and Nunavut / Office of the ED, Ontario and Waterways / Office of the ED, Prairies and Northwest Territories / Office of the ED, Alberta / Office of the ED, British Columbia and Yukon
  • (88-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (89-000-000-000-000) Communications Security Establishment Canada
  • (89-200-000-000-000) CSE 1
  • (89-200-300-000-000) CSE 300
  • (89-200-301-000-000) CSE 301
  • (89-200-302-000-000) CSE 302
  • (89-200-303-000-000) CSE 303
  • (89-201-000-000-000) CSE 2
  • (89-201-304-000-000) CSE 304
  • (89-201-305-000-000) CSE 305
  • (89-201-306-000-000) CSE 306
  • (89-201-307-000-000) CSE 307
  • (89-202-000-000-000) CSE 3
  • (89-202-308-000-000) CSE 308
  • (89-202-308-400-000) CSE 400
  • (89-202-308-401-000) CSE 401
  • (89-202-309-000-000) CSE 309
  • (89-202-310-000-000) CSE 310
  • (89-202-310-402-000) CSE 402
  • (89-202-310-403-000) CSE 403
  • (89-202-310-404-000) CSE 404
  • (89-202-311-000-000) CSE 311
  • (89-202-311-405-000) CSE 405
  • (89-202-311-406-000) CSE 406
  • (89-202-312-000-000) CSE 312
  • (89-202-313-000-000) CSE 313
  • (89-203-000-000-000) CSE 4
  • (89-203-314-000-000) CSE 314
  • (89-203-314-407-000) CSE 407
  • (89-203-314-408-000) CSE 408
  • (89-203-314-409-000) CSE 409
  • (89-203-315-000-000) CSE 315
  • (89-203-315-410-000) CSE 410
  • (89-203-315-411-000) CSE 411
  • (89-203-316-000-000) CSE 316
  • (89-203-316-412-000) CSE 412
  • (89-203-316-413-000) CSE 413
  • (89-203-317-000-000) CSE 317
  • (89-203-317-414-000) CSE 414
  • (89-203-317-415-000) CSE 415
  • (89-203-318-000-000) CSE 318
  • (89-204-000-000-000) CSE 5
  • (89-204-319-000-000) CSE 319
  • (89-204-320-000-000) CSE 320
  • (89-204-321-000-000) CSE 321
  • (89-204-321-416-000) CSE 322
  • (89-204-322-000-000) CSE 323
  • (89-205-000-000-000) CSE 6
  • (89-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (90-000-000-000-000) Women and Gender Equality Canada
  • (90-200-000-000-000) Deputy Minister's Office, Corporate Services and Human Resources
  • (90-201-000-000-000) Policy and Gender-Based Violence
  • (90-202-000-000-000) Programs
  • (90-203-000-000-000) Communications and Research
  • (90-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (91-000-000-000-000) Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
  • (91-200-000-000-000) Canadian International Trade Tribunal Secretariat
  • (91-201-000-000-000) Canada Industrial Relations Board Secretariat
  • (91-202-000-000-000) Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board Secretariat
  • (91-203-000-000-000) Social Security Tribunal Secretariat (SST)
  • (91-203-300-000-000) SST Registry Operations
  • (91-203-301-000-000) All other SST Secretariat Functions
  • (91-204-000-000-000) All other secretariats (CART, CCPERB, CHRT, CT, NJC, PSDPT, SCT, TATC)
  • (91-205-000-000-000) Internal Services
  • (91-205-302-000-000) Corporate Services (Accommodations and Security, HR, Finance, Planning and Communications)
  • (91-205-303-000-000) All other Internal Services Directorates (Information Services and Solutions Team, Chief Administrator's Office)
  • (91-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (92-000-000-000-000) National Film Board of Canada
  • (92-200-000-000-000) Office of the Government Film Commissioner and Chairperson of the NFB / Institutional, Legal and Human Resources Services
  • (92-201-000-000-000) Creation and Innovation
  • (92-202-000-000-000) Finance, Operations and Technology
  • (92-203-000-000-000) Distribution, Communications and Marketing
  • (92-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (93-000-000-000-000) Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
  • (93-200-000-000-000) Waterloo/Peterborough
  • (93-201-000-000-000) Toronto
  • (93-202-000-000-000) Ottawa
  • (93-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (94-000-000-000-000) Statistical Survey Operations
  • (94-200-000-000-000) Eastern Region
  • (94-200-300-000-000) Eastern Region SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-200-300-400-000) Sherbrooke SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-200-300-401-000) Halifax SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-200-301-000-000) Eastern Region SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) Employees
  • (94-200-301-402-000) Quebec (Montreal) SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-200-301-403-000) Atlantic (Halifax) SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-201-000-000-000) Central Region
  • (94-201-302-000-000) Central Region SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) Employees
  • (94-201-302-404-000) SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-201-303-000-000) Central Region SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) Employees
  • (94-201-303-405-000) SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-202-000-000-000) Western & Northern Territories Region
  • (94-202-304-000-000) Western Region SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-202-304-406-000) Winnipeg SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-202-304-407-000) Edmonton SSO-CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) Employees
  • (94-202-305-000-000) Western Region SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) Employees
  • (94-202-305-408-000) Manitoba & Nunavut SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-202-305-409-000) Saskatchewan SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-202-305-410-000) Alberta and NWT SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-202-305-411-000) BC & Yukon SSO-CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) Employees
  • (94-999-000-000-000) I cannot find my organizational unit
  • (95-000-000-000-000) Micro-organizations combined
  • (95-101-000-000-000) Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada
  • (95-103-000-000-000) Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
  • (95-104-000-000-000) National Security and Intelligence Review Agency
  • (95-105-000-000-000) Copyright Board of Canada
  • (95-107-000-000-000) International Joint Commission
  • (95-109-000-000-000) Farm Products Council of Canada
  • (95-110-000-000-000) Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Canada
  • (95-111-000-000-000) Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
  • (95-114-000-000-000) Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
  • (95-115-000-000-000) Invest in Canada
  • (95-119-000-000-000) Military Grievances External Review Committee
  • (95-121-000-000-000) Canadian Dairy Commission
  • (95-125-000-000-000) RCMP External Review Committee
  • (80-000-000-000-000) Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
  • (95-139-000-000-000) Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada
  • (95-143-000-000-000) Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
  • (95-144-000-000-000) Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency
  • (95-145-000-000-000) Polar Knowledge Canada
  • (95-147-000-000-000) Office of the Correctional Investigator
  • (95-149-000-000-000) Indian Oil and Gas Canada
  • (95-150-000-000-000) Veterans Review and Appeal Board
  • (95-151-000-000-000) Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
Q100. Are you currently a shift worker?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q101. Do you work full-time or part-time?
  • 1) Full-time
  • 2) Part-time
Q102. Which of the following best describes your current work situation?
  • 1) Working on-site
  • 2) Working remotely or teleworking
  • 3) A combination of working on-site and working remotely or teleworking
  • 4) Other
Q103. During the COVID-19 pandemic, have you taken “Other Leave with Pay” (code 699 or its equivalent) specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic? (“Other Leave with Pay”, code 699, was put in place on an exceptional basis during the COVID-19 pandemic to address specific issues faced by employees as the federal and provincial governments implemented measures to prevent the spread of infection?)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
  • 3) Not sure
Q104. Since the beginning of November 2020, have you taken “Other Leave with Pay” (code 699 or its equivalent) specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic? (“Other Leave with Pay”, code 699, was put in place on an exceptional basis during the COVID-19 pandemic to address specific issues faced by employees as the federal and provincial governments implemented measures to prevent the spread of infection?)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
  • 3) Not sure
Q105. What is your current employee status?
  • 1) Indeterminate (permanent)
  • 2) Seasonal
  • 3) Term
  • 4) Casual
  • 5) Student
  • 6) Contracted via a temporary help services agency
  • 7) Governor in council appointee
  • 8) Other (e.g., ministers' exempt staff)
Q106a. Please indicate your occupational group.
  • 1) AB
  • 2) AC
  • 3) AD (NFB)
  • 4) AD (NRC)
  • 5) AG
  • 6) AI
  • 7) AO
  • 8) AP-FIN
  • 9) AP-VFM
  • 10) AR
  • 11) AS
  • 12) AS (NFB)
  • 13) ASG
  • 14) AU
  • 15) BI
  • 16) CH
  • 17) CIASC
  • 18) CIEXC
  • 19) CIPTC
  • 20) CISPC
  • 21) CM
  • 22) CO
  • 23) CR
  • 24) CS
  • 25) CX
  • 26) DA
  • 27) DD
  • 28) DE
  • 29) DE (NFB)
  • 30) DM
  • 31) DS
  • 32) DX
  • 33) EC
  • 34) ED
  • 35) EG
  • 36) EL
  • 37) EN
  • 38) ES
  • 39) EU
  • 40) EX
  • 41) EXPCX
  • 42) FB
  • 43) FI
  • 44) FO
  • 45) FR
  • 46) FS
  • 47) FT
  • 48) GL
  • 49) GR
  • 50) GR-EX
  • 51) GS
  • 52) GT
  • 53) HP
  • 54) HR
  • 55) HR/RH (CRA)
  • 56) HS
  • 57) IM
  • 58) IN
  • 59) IS
  • 60) ITS/LA
  • 61) LC
  • 62) LE
  • 63) LE-GS
  • 64) LI
  • 65) LIB (NRC)
  • 66) LP
  • 67) LS
  • 68) MA
  • 69) MD
  • 70) MG
  • 71) MGT (CNSC)
  • 72) MGT (NRC)
  • 73) MT
  • 74) NB
  • 75) ND
  • 76) NU
  • 77) OE
  • 78) OM
  • 79) OP
  • 80) OP (NFB)
  • 81) OP (NRC)
  • 82) PC
  • 83) PE
  • 84) PG
  • 85) PH
  • 86) PI
  • 87) PM
  • 88) PM-MCO
  • 89) PO-IMA
  • 90) PO-TCO
  • 91) PR
  • 92) PS
  • 93) PX/AAG/AG
  • 94) PY
  • 95) RCO
  • 96) RE
  • 97) REG
  • 98) REX
  • 99) RLE
  • 100) RO
  • 101) RO (NRC)
  • 102) SC
  • 103) SE
  • 104) SG
  • 105) SI
  • 106) SO
  • 107) SP (CRA)
  • 108) SP (NFB)
  • 109) SR
  • 110) SR (CFIA)
  • 111) ST
  • 112) SW
  • 113) TC
  • 114) TI
  • 115) TO
  • 116) TR
  • 117) UNI
  • 118) UT
  • 119) VM
  • 120) WP
  • 121) Other
Q106b. Please indicate your level.
  • 1) 00
  • 2) 01
  • 3) 02
  • 4) 03
  • 5) 04
  • 6) 05
  • 7) 06
  • 8) 07
  • 9) 08
  • 10) 09
  • 11) 10
  • 12) 11
  • 13) 12
  • 14) 13
  • 15) 14
  • 16) 15
  • 17) 16
  • 18) 17
  • 19) 18
  • 20) 19
  • 21) 20
Q107. With which of the following communities do you most closely identify in relation to your current job? (A community is made up of employees who share common work purposes, functions and professional interests. While many employees identify with at least one such community, not all employees do.)
  • 1) Client contact centre
  • 2) Health care practitioners
  • 3) Federal regulators
  • 4) Compliance, inspection and enforcement
  • 5) Communications or public affairs
  • 6) Access to information and privacy
  • 7) Security
  • 8) Science and technology
  • 9) Library services
  • 10) Legal services
  • 11) Administration and operations
  • 12) Human resources
  • 13) Financial management
  • 14) Procurement
  • 15) Real property
  • 16) Materiel management
  • 17) Information management
  • 18) Information technology
  • 19) Internal audit
  • 20) Evaluation
  • 21) Data sciences
  • 22) Policy
  • 23) Project management
  • 24) Other services to the public
  • 25) None of the above
Q108. In total, how many years have you been working in the federal public service?
  • 1) Less than one year
  • If one or more years, please indicate the number of years. ___
Q109. In total, how many years have you been working in your current department or agency?
  • 1) Less than one year
  • If one or more years, please indicate the number of years. ___
Q110. What is your first official language?
  • 1) English
  • 2) French
Q111. Do you occupy a position in which you provide services directly to the public as a regular part of your job?
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q112. In which province or territory do you work?
  • 1) National Capital Region
  • 2) Ontario (excluding National Capital Region)
  • 3) Quebec (excluding National Capital Region)
  • 4) Northwest Territories
  • 5) Nunavut
  • 6) Yukon
  • 7) British Columbia
  • 8) Alberta
  • 9) Saskatchewan
  • 10) Manitoba
  • 11) New Brunswick
  • 12) Nova Scotia
  • 13) Prince Edward Island
  • 14) Newfoundland and Labrador
  • 15) Outside Canada
Q113. Do you work in one of the following designated bilingual areas of Quebec or Ontario?
  • 1) The bilingual region of Montréal (the counties of Deux-Montagnes, Île-de-Montréal and Île-Jésus, La Prairie, and Vaudreuil)
  • 2) The bilingual regions of other parts of Quebec (the counties of Bonaventure, Gaspé-Est, Brome, Compton, Huntingdon, Missisquoi, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Argenteuil and Pontiac)
  • 3) The bilingual region of Eastern Ontario (the counties of Glengarry, Prescott, Russell and Stormont
  • 4) The bilingual region of Northern Ontario (the counties of Algoma, Cochrane, Nipissing, Sudbury and Timiskaming)
  • 5) I do not work in one of these areas.
Q114. What is your age group?
  • 1) 24 years and under
  • 2) 25 to 29 years
  • 3) 30 to 34 years
  • 4) 35 to 39 years
  • 5) 40 to 44 years
  • 6) 45 to 49 years
  • 7) 50 to 54 years
  • 8) 55 to 59 years
  • 9) 60 years and over
Q115. What is your gender?
  • 1) Male
  • 2) Female
  • 3) Or please specify
Q116. Are you an Indigenous person? (An Indigenous person is a member of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuk (Inuit). First Nations (North American Indians) include Status and Non-Status Indians.)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q117. You indicated that you are an Indigenous person. If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group to which you belong.
  • 1) First Nations (North American Indian)
  • 2) Métis
  • 3) Inuk (Inuit)
Q118. Are you a person with a disability? (A disability means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment - or a functional limitation - whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society. A barrier means anything - including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice - that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q119. You indicated that you are a person with a disability. If you wish to provide further details, please select the box(es) that apply to you. (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) A seeing disability affects vision, including total blindness, partial sight and visual distortion
  • 2) A hearing disability affects ability to hear, including being hard of hearing, deafness or acoustic distortion
  • 3) A mobility issue affects ability to move your body, including the required use of a wheelchair or a cane, or other issues impacting your mobility
  • 4) An issue with flexibility or dexterity affects ability to move joints or perform motor tasks, especially with your hands
  • 5) A mental health issue affects psychology or behaviour, such as anxiety, depression or social / compulsive disorder or phobia or psychiatric illness
  • 6) A sensory / environmental disability affects sensitivity to light, sounds or other distractions, as well as allergens and other environmental sensitivities
  • 7) A chronic health condition or pain affects ability to function on a regular or episodic basis due to migraines, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other disabilities or health conditions
  • 8) A cognitive disability affects ability to carry out tasks involving executive functioning, such as planning and organization, learning information, communication and memory, including autism or Asperger’s syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities
  • 9) An intellectual disability affects your ability to learn and to adapt behaviour to different situations
  • 10) Other disability (including: learning disabilities, developmental disabilities and all other types of disabilities)
  • Please specify here. ____________
Q120. Are you a member of a visible minority group? (A member of a visible minority in Canada may be defined as someone (other than an Indigenous person) who is non-white in colour or race, regardless of place of birth. For example: Black, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, South Asian or East Indian, Southeast Asian, non-white West Asian, North African or Arab, non-white Latin American, person of mixed origin (with one parent in one of the visible minority groups in this list), or other visible minority group.)
  • 1) Yes
  • 2) No
Q121. You indicated that you are a member of a visible minority group. If you wish to provide further details, please select the box(es) that apply to you. (Mark all that apply.)
  • 1) Black
  • 2) Chinese
  • 3) Filipino
  • 4) Japanese
  • 5) Korean
  • 6) South Asian/East Indian (including: Indian from India; Bangladeshi; Pakistani; East Indian from Guyana, Trinidad, East Africa; etc.)
  • 7) Southeast Asian (including: Burmese; Cambodian; Laotian; Thai; Vietnamese; etc.)
  • 8) Non-White West Asian, North African or Arab (including: Egyptian; Libyan; Lebanese; Iranian; etc.)
  • 9) Non-White Latin American (including: indigenous persons from Central and South America, etc.)
  • 10) Person of mixed origin (with one parent in one of the visible minority groups)
  • 11) Other visible minority group
  • Please specify here. ___________
Q122. What is your sexual orientation? (Refers to a person’s sexual identity in relation to the gender(s) to which they are sexually attracted. This can include being sexually attracted to no one, to some genders, to all genders, or to a specific gender.)
  • 1) Heterosexual
  • 2) Gay or lesbian
  • 3) Bisexual
  • 4) Or please specify
  • Please specify your sexual orientation here. ____
  • 5) I prefer not to answer this question.

Supplemental Questions

Global Affairs Canada (14) and Global Affairs Canada (Locally Engaged Staff) (84)

1. Please indicate your employee category/type
  • Rotational employee (as a condition of employment accepts assignments in Canada or abroad)
  • Mobile employee (as a condition of employment accepts assignments in the National Capital Region).
  • Non pool-managed employee who works at headquarters or in a regional office
  • Locally Engaged Staff (LES) (an employee hired locally by GAC in support of various departmental programs at one of Canada’s missions abroad)
2. I have conversations with my immediate supervisor about my career development and aspirations.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. My immediate supervisor would respond appropriately if I talked to him or her about workload management issues.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I have the capabilities (abilities, processes, tools) to deal with harassment and discrimination when I encounter it.
  • Yes - Discrimination
  • Yes - Harassment
  • Yes – Both
  • No, I do not have the capabilities
5. If you encountered a situation where you suspected wrongdoing, would you report it internally to GAC? (e.g. to either your supervisor or to the Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure- Values and Ethics).
  • Yes (Go to Q7)
  • No (Go to Q6)
  • Don't know (Go to Q7)
6. For which reason(s) would you not use the department’s disclosure mechanisms to address suspected wrongdoing? (Mark all that apply)
  • Fear of reprisal
  • Confidentiality of information related to the issues or conflict raised
  • Lack of confidence in the individuals responsible for the mechanisms (e.g. immediate supervisor, Senior Officer for Internal Disclosure, Deputy Head)
  • Unaware of the department’s disclosure mechanisms
  • Disclosure mechanisms are too complicated and demanding
  • Other reason
7. My immediate supervisor demonstrates the values and ethical behaviours.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. Disrespectful behaviour and incivilities in my workplace are addressed effectively and in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. My department has practical tools and services available to help me better manage health and security issues in the workplace. (By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. If I experienced a health issue, I would be comfortable discussing it with my immediate supervisor.(By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (69)

1. When I raise an issue with my immediate supervisor, I am confident that he or she will address it in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I am encouraged to work collaboratively with others outside of my work unit.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. My immediate supervisor addresses incivility in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I am encouraged to let my professional opinion be known (at work or through external publication).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I believe that the CNSC is undertaking the right initiatives to improve its safety culture.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Statistical Survey Operations (94)

1. Please indicate your employee category/type.
  • CAPI
  • CATI
  • Don’t know
2. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. Which of the following would prevent you from talking to someone at Statistical Survey Operations (SSO) if you were being harassed or discriminated against?
  • Fear of retribution
  • I don’t know where to get help
  • I would rather transfer out of the group instead of talking to someone
  • I have never seen complaints stop harassment in the workplace in the past
  • I don’t know my rights
  • It may label me as a “trouble-maker”
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • None of the above
  • Not applicable
4. My immediate supervisor is committed to minimizing unnecessary stress at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I have conversations with my immediate supervisor about my career development and aspirations.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I have little opportunity for initiative in my day-to-day tasks.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I experience ongoing harassment from respondents in my job.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. My job has limited upward mobility.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. My job has unstable hours.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. When senior management is referred to in this survey, who comes to mind?
  • Senior Interviewers (local)
  • Data Collection Managers (local)
  • Program/District Managers (local)
  • Assistant Directors/Directors (regional)
  • Director General/Assistant Chief Statistician/Chief Statistician (national)

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (23)

1. I have the capabilities (abilities, processes, tools) to deal with harassment and discrimination when I encounter it.
  • Yes - Discrimination
  • Yes - Harassment
  • Yes - Both
  • No, I do not have the capabilities
2. Which of the following would prevent you from talking to someone at IRB if you were being discriminated against? (Mark all that apply)
  • Fear of retribution from the person against whom I would need to lodge the complaint
  • I don’t know where to get help
  • I would rather transfer out of the group instead of talking to someone
  • I have never seen complaints stop discrimination in the workplace in the past
  • I don’t know my rights
  • It may label me as a "trouble-maker"
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • None of the above
  • Not applicable
3. I understand my responsibilities under the Code of Values and Ethics for the Public Service.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. If I experienced a health issue, I would be comfortable discussing it with my immediate supervisor. (By health issues, we mean: By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. My department has tools available to help me to better manage health issues in the workplace. (By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Public Services and Procurement Canada (07)

Systemic racism, also known as institutional racism, are those cultural and values-based patterns of behaviour, policy, or practice that, either intentionally or unintentionally, perpetuate disadvantages for racialized persons or groups including Black, Indigenous and other persons of colour.

1. Understanding that systemic racism exists, in your experience to what extent is systemic racism prevalent within the department?
  • To a very large extent
  • To a large extent
  • To a moderate extent
  • To a small extent
  • Not at all
  • Don’t know, refuse to answer
  • Not applicable
2. If issues of harassment and discrimination arise in the workplace, I am aware of the process and tools to deal with them.
  • Yes - Discrimination
  • Yes - Harassment
  • Yes - Both
  • No, I am not aware of the process and tools
3. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I feel isolated at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. When I report my health and safety concerns to my immediate supervisor, he/she addresses them in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I have confidence in my immediate supervisor’s ability to guide my work team through organizational challenges (e.g. reorganization, changing priorities, adapt to ongoing changes, transformation in the department, etc.).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I feel comfortable in my ability to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. Please rank the following list of factors from what will be most important to least important in the workplace over the next 5 years. One (1) being what you feel is the most important and five (5) being the least important.
  • _____ Technology
  • _____ A more flexible/remote workforce
  • _____ Increased multi-department, shared space locations
  • _____ Mental Health and well-being
  • _____ Diversity and inclusion
9. Upon your return to the workplace, what elements would be important for you in the list below? Please select your top 3 elements.
  • Quiet spaces for focused work or to take a break
  • Meeting rooms and collaborative spaces
  • Kitchens and lunchrooms
  • Space to conduct technical or specialized activities (e.g. IT kiosk, layout of large drawings, products or service testing environment, etc.)
  • Technology to support flexible work
  • Workplace culture that supports digitalization, mobility, flexibility and remote working

Communications Security Establishment (89)

1. I have confidence in my supervisor's ability to guide my work team through organizational challenges (reorganization, changing priorities, etc).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I feel comfortable in my ability to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I feel that management is providing me with the appropriate support to allow me to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I receive regular informal feedback from my supervisor on my job performance.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I would feel comfortable raising concerns with management.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Correctional Service Canada (04)

1. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I feel supported by my immediate supervisor to participate in mental health and well-being initiatives.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I would feel comfortable raising harassment incidents with appropriate resources within the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (10)

1. My department has practical tools and services available to help me better manage health and security issues in the workplace. (By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. People in my workplace have a good understanding of the importance of employee mental health.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I feel supported by my immediate supervisor to participate in mental health and well-being initiatives.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. My learning and development needs are adequately considered as part of my performance discussions.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I feel like I belong in the department or agency I work for.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I feel free to be myself at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I feel that management is providing me with the appropriate support to allow me to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Background and Definition:

In order to foster and maintain a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment, we would like to gauge civility within the organization. (Civility is behaviour involving politeness and regard for others in the workplace, within workplace norms for respect.)

8. Please choose up to three (3) uncivil behaviours from the list below that you feel most negatively affected you in the past 12 months. (Mark up to three)
  • Using cellphone, checking emails or texting during meetings or conversations
  • Not paying attention during a meeting or conversation
  • Failing to say “please” and “thank you”
  • Using email to send a sensitive message to avoid facing the person
  • Interrupting or patronizing someone
  • Placing the blame on others instead of accepting responsibility
  • Taking credit for someone else’s work or ideas
  • Doubting someone’s judgement
  • Paying little or no attention to someone’s opinion
  • Ignoring someone
  • Speaking loudly or making noise in open work areas
  • Using inappropriate facial expressions or body language
  • Taking part in or encouraging gossip about someone
  • Making degrading remarks
  • Making jokes that make people uncomfortable
  • Using foul or vulgar language
  • Yelling, screaming and other aggressive behaviours
  • Other
  • None
9. Which of the following would prevent you from talking to someone at ISED if you were being discriminated against?
  • Fear of retribution
  • I don’t know where to get help
  • I would rather transfer out of the group instead of talking to someone
  • I have never seen complaints stop harassment in the workplace in the past
  • I don’t know my rights
  • It may label me as a “trouble-maker”
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • None of the above
  • Not applicable

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (09)

1. How aware are you of AAFC’s Communities and Networks that connect and support public servants on matters such as diversity and inclusion, communities of practice, and professional development?
  • I am completely unaware
  • I am aware of one or two groups
  • I am aware of a number of groups
  • I am aware of most or all groups
  • I don’t know my rights
2. Do you participate in one or more of AAFC’s Communities or Networks?
  • Yes, one
  • Yes, two or more
  • No
  • Not sure
3. I feel AAFC’s Communities and Networks have had a positive impact within the department (e.g. information sharing, events, stewardship).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. Are there any barriers that prevent you from participating in AAFC’s Communities and Networks? (Mark all that apply)
  • Lack of awareness of the networks
  • My workload
  • Concerned about how coworkers would perceive my participation
  • Concerned about how my supervisor would perceive my participation
  • Personal reasons
  • I don’t feel my department encourages participation in Communities and Networks
  • I am not interested
  • Other
  • No barriers: I feel free to join the community or network of my choice

Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (91)

1. I feel supported by my immediate supervisor to participate in mental health and well-being initiatives.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. My immediate supervisor would respond appropriately if I talked to him or her about workload management issues.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. The amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable for my position.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I would feel comfortable raising concerns with management.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Veterans Review and Appeal Board (95-150)

1. When I raise an issue with my immediate supervisor, I am confident that he or she will address it in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I have confidence in my supervisor's ability to guide my work team through organizational challenges (reorganization, changing priorities, etc.).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. My immediate supervisor supports my learning and career development needs.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. Overall, employees in my work unit are treated with respect.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. In my department or agency, I have the opportunities I need to implement ideas on how to improve my work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I am encouraged to work collaboratively with others outside of my work unit.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. In my work unit, roles and responsibilities are clear.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. I get a sense of satisfaction from providing high quality services.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. I am motivated to give my very best at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. In my daily work, whether through written or oral communication, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

National Film Board (92)

1. In my work unit, roles and responsibilities are clear.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. In my department or agency, I have the opportunities I need to implement ideas on how to improve my work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. My immediate supervisor regularly engages us in discussions on departmental change and transformation initiatives.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I can count on my immediate supervisor to help resolve conflicts within the workplace.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I believe the NFB deals effectively with unsatisfactory performance.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. In my department, different work units collaborate effectively to get the job done.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I have conversations with my immediate supervisor about my career development and aspirations.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. I receive on-going feedback, throughout the year, from my immediate supervisor on my job performance.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. When I raise an issue with my immediate supervisor, I am confident that he or she will address it in a timely manner.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. If I experienced a health issue, I would be comfortable discussing it with my immediate supervisor.(By health issues, we mean: mental health, leave of absence from the workplace due to illness, injury, return to work after health related absence, etc.)
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (40)

1. I feel supported by my immediate supervisor to participate in mental health and well-being initiatives.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. People in my workplace have a good understanding of the importance of employee mental health.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I feel I can claim overtime compensation (in money or in leave) for the overtime hours that I work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. My immediate supervisor would respond appropriately if I talked to them about workload management issues.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I have the capabilities (abilities, processes, tools) to deal with harassment and discrimination when I encounter it.
  • Yes - Discrimination
  • Yes - Harassment
  • Yes - Both
  • No, I do not have the capabilities
7. Which of the following would prevent you from talking to someone at the Agency if you were being discriminated against? (Mark all that apply)
  • Fear of retribution from the person against whom I would need to lodge the complaint
  • I don’t know where to get help
  • I would rather transfer out of the group instead of talking to someone
  • I have never seen complaints stop discrimination in the workplace in the past
  • I don’t know my rights
  • It may label me as a "trouble-maker"
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • None of the above
  • Not applicable
8. Which of the following would prevent you from talking to someone at the Agency if you were being harassed? (Mark all that apply)
  • Fear of retribution from the person against whom I would need to lodge the complaint
  • I don’t know where to get help
  • I would rather transfer out of the group instead of talking to someone
  • I have never seen complaints stop discrimination in the workplace in the past
  • I don’t know my rights
  • It may label me as a "trouble-maker"
  • Confidentiality concerns
  • None of the above
  • Not applicable
9. I feel that management is providing me with the appropriate support to allow me to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. What is your current employee status.
  • Casual 165
  • Term – Elect (work relating to the delivery of an electoral event)

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (13)

1. In my workplace, I have access to the department's resources and knowledge regarding personal and workplace wellness.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I would feel comfortable approaching my supervisors to discuss issues related to my mental health.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I have been provided with on-the-job learning opportunities within the last 12 months.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I understand my responsibilities under the Code of Values and Ethics for the Public Service.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I feel that management is providing me with the appropriate support to allow me to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. My immediate supervisor leads by example by demonstrating the values and ethics of the public service.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I feel supported by my immediate supervisor to participate in mental health and well-being initiatives/activities.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. I have confidence in my supervisor's ability to guide my work team through organizational challenges (reorganization, changing priorities, etc.).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. I feel comfortable in my ability to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. I receive internal services (i.e. human resources, security, real property/accommodation, IT, etc.) in the official language of my choice?
  • Always/Almost always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never/Almost never
  • Don’t know
  • Not applicable

Canada Energy Regulator (75)

1. I have confidence in my immediate supervisor to provide me with the resources I need to succeed (e.g. time, training, flexibility, feedback, coaching, information, etc.).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I have confidence in my immediate supervisor to show compassion/empathy when I have personal issues that affect my work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I have confidence in the members of the senior leadership team of the CER to seek out and consider diverse opinions in order to make fully informed decisions.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I have confidence in the members of the senior leadership team of the CER to create a workplace that is safe, healthy and respectful for all employees.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. Actions or behaviours that negatively impact my confidence in my leader: (Mark all that apply)
  • Disrespectful behaviour - behaviours that could reasonably be expected to diminish a person's sense of dignity and/or self-esteem, including any behaviour that would reasonably be seen to interfere with the CER’s commitment to create a workplace free of discrimination, harassment and other harmful behaviours
  • Ethical issues - behaviour, action, or lack of action that is inconsistent with, or is perceived to be inconsistent with, CER Values (Respect for Democracy, Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, and Excellence), Guiding Principles (Prevention of Harm and Adjudicative Independence), (Code of Conduct, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring adjudicative independence)
  • Lack of leadership experience
  • Provides no support (e.g. training, coaching, compassion, access to them, instruction/direction, feedback, etc.)
  • Unclear expectations (e.g. regarding performance, deliverables, timelines, etc.)
  • Lack of communication
  • Past experience
  • Other
  • Does not apply; I have full confidence in my leader
6. Actions or behaviours that negatively impact my confidence in my leader’s leader: (Mark all that apply)
  • Disrespectful behaviour - behaviours that could reasonably be expected to diminish a person's sense of dignity and/or self-esteem, including any behaviour that would reasonably be seen to interfere with the CER’s commitment to create a workplace free of discrimination, harassment and other harmful behaviours
  • Ethical issues - behaviour, action, or lack of action that is inconsistent with, or is perceived to be inconsistent with, CER Values (Respect for Democracy, Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, and Excellence), Guiding Principles (Prevention of Harm and Adjudicative Independence), (Code of Conduct, maintaining confidentiality, and ensuring adjudicative independence)
  • Lack of leadership experience
  • Provides no support (e.g. training, coaching, compassion, access to them, instruction/direction, feedback, etc.)
  • Unclear expectations (e.g. regarding performance, deliverables, timelines, etc.)
  • Lack of communication
  • Past experience
  • Other
  • Does not apply; I have full confidence in my leader’s leader
Background and Definition:

The CER Code of Conduct defines an ethical issue or concern as any situation in which a behaviour, action, or lack of action is inconsistent with, or is perceived to be inconsistent with, CER Values:

  • 1. Respect for Democracy
  • 2. Respect for People
  • 3. Integrity
  • 4. Stewardship
  • 5. Excellence

and Guiding Principles:

  • 1. Prevention of Harm
  • 2. Adjudicative Independence

Maintaining Confidentiality, Ensuring Adjudicative Independence and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest impose specific requirements in certain situations; failure to meet those specific requirements may also give rise to ethical issues or concerns.

7. Having carefully read the above definition of ethical issues or concerns, in the past 12 months have you experienced any behaviour, action or lack of action that is inconsistent with the CER’s values or guiding principles?
  • Yes
  • No
8. Indicate the nature of the ethical issues you have experienced: (Mark all that apply)
  • Withholding relevant information, analysis or advice from decision-makers/giving inappropriate advice or direction to a decision-maker
  • Disrespectful behaviour or actions
  • Failure to recognize and respect constitutionally protected Indigenous rights
  • Disrespecting Official Language rights, or their spirit and intent
  • Perceived or real conflicts of interest
  • Failure to protect personal and confidential information
  • Witnessing behaviour that is not transparent, fair and unbiased
  • Failure to effectively and efficiently use public money, property and resources
  • Failure to protect the reputation of the CER
  • Failure to exercise informed decision-making based on evidence, data and input from regulated companies, Indigenous peoples and stakeholders
  • Failure to respect the authority of adjudicative decision makers
  • Other
9. What actions did you take to address the ethical issues or concerns you experienced? (Mark all that apply)
  • I discussed the matter with my immediate supervisor or senior manager
  • I discussed the matter with the person whose behaviour, action, or inaction gave rise to the ethical issue or concern
  • I contacted the Ethics Committee
  • I contacted a human resources advisor at the CER
  • I contacted my union representative
  • I contacted the Ombuds
  • I took no action
10. Why did you not take action? (Mark all that apply)
  • The issue was resolved to my satisfaction
  • I did not think the issue was serious enough to pursue further action
  • Management intervened
  • The individual left or changed jobs
  • I left or changed jobs
  • I did not know what to do, where to go or whom to ask
  • I was afraid of reprisal (having limited career advancement, being labelled a troublemaker)
  • Someone threatened me
  • I did not believe it would make a difference because this issue has been raised before and no action was taken
  • I did not believe it would make a difference because similar behaviour demonstrated by others has been tolerated or accepted in the past
  • Other

Department of National Defence (03)

1. My department works hard to address racism in the workplace.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. Have you personally experienced an incident of racism in the past 12 months?
  • Yes
  • No
3. Have you directly witnessed an incident of racism on the job in the past 12 months?
  • Yes
  • No
4. I would feel comfortable raising harassment incidents with appropriate resources within the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I have the capabilities (abilities, processes, tools) to deal with harassment and discrimination when I encounter it.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I feel free to be myself at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. Do you feel you would be supported by your supervisor if you requested COVID-19 related leave?
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. Do you feel you would be supported by your supervisor if you requested COVID-19 related accommodations in order to effectively work at home?
  • Yes
  • No
9. My department works hard to support employees struggling because of COVID-19.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. My stress level at work has (complete the sentence) because of COVID 19.
  • Significantly increased
  • Increased
  • Remained the same
  • Decreased
  • Significantly decreased
  • Not applicable

Statistics Canada (08)

1. I feel like I belong in the department or agency I work for.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I have positive working relationships with my co-workers.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I feel free to be myself at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I feel isolated at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I have confidence in my supervisor's ability to guide my work team through organizational challenges (reorganization, changing priorities, etc.).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I feel comfortable in my ability to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. I feel that management is providing me with the appropriate support to allow me to adapt to ongoing changes and transformation in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. My immediate supervisor is committed to minimizing unnecessary stress at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. My immediate supervisor would respond appropriately if I talked to him or her about workload management issues.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (47)

1. I feel comfortable in my ability to adapt to ongoing changes and transformations in the department.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. My supervisor helps me prepare for future and manage ongoing changes in the organization.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Public Safety (53)

1. My immediate supervisor would help me if I talked to them about workload management issues.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. I am satisfied with the measures being taken by my organization to address my mental health and wellbeing in the last 12 months.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. The amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable for my current position.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. Current employee behaviors in my department support a values-driven culture (the values of Public Safety are: service, unity, respect and excellence).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (26)

Background and Definition:

TBS’s Every Day commitment is a shared commitment from the entire TBS executive community to all TBS employees.

This commitment describes how we can support a respectful, fulfilling and productive work environment each and every day. It also clearly articulates the workplace and workforce we want to have – one where we can attract, retain and develop the very best people.

1. To what extent are you aware of the “Every Day” commitment?
  • Very aware
  • Somewhat aware
  • Not really aware (Go to Q3)
2. My manager demonstrates the positive behaviours that are aligned with the “Every Day” commitment.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Background and Definition:

In order to foster and maintain a safe, respectful and inclusive work environment, we would like to gauge the views on respect within the organization. (Respect is behaviour involving politeness and regard for others in the workplace, within workplace norms.)

3. Please choose up to three (3) disrespectful behaviours from the list below that you feel most negatively affected you in the past 12 months. (Mark up to three)
  • Using cellphone, checking emails or texting during meetings or conversations
  • Not paying attention during a meeting or conversation
  • Failing to say “please” and “thank you”
  • Using email to send a sensitive message to avoid facing the person
  • Interrupting or patronizing someone
  • Placing the blame on others instead of accepting responsibility
  • Taking credit for someone else’s work or ideas
  • Doubting someone’s judgement
  • Paying little or no attention to someone’s opinion
  • Ignoring someone
  • Speaking loudly or making noise in open work areas
  • Using inappropriate facial expressions or body language
  • Taking part in or encouraging gossip about someone
  • Making degrading remarks
  • Making jokes that make people uncomfortable
  • Using foul or vulgar language
  • Yelling, screaming and other aggressive behaviours
  • Other
  • None
4. From whom did you experience these disrespectful behaviour(s) the most?
  • Co-workers
  • Individuals with authority over me
  • Individuals working for me
  • Individuals from other departments or agencies
  • Members of the public (individuals or organizations)
  • Other
5. How often do individuals in your work unit show you respect?
  • Always/Almost always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never/Almost never
  • Don’t know
  • Not applicable
6. How often do individuals in your department show you respect?
  • Always/Almost always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never/Almost never
  • Don’t know
  • Not applicable
7. My manager models the public sector values in their behaviour and in how they resolve ethical situations.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. In my work unit, we model the public sector values in our behaviour and in how we resolve ethical situations.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. My supervisor discusses ethical issues concerning our work when required.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. Please select the three most important factors from the list below for which you would like TBS to provide greater support. (Most important, Second most important, Third most important)
  • Managing work life balance
  • Mental Health and social supports
  • Technological challenges (access to the network, adapting to new technology)
  • Adequate time from immediate supervisor (virtual time, timeline feedback)
  • On the evolution and status of the pandemic and the impact on work
  • Social connection with colleagues
  • Timely communication

Department of Finance (24)

1. I feel I can claim overtime compensation (in money or in leave) for the overtime hours that I work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. In my work unit, I believe that we hire people who can do the job.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. In my work unit, the process of selecting a person for a position is done fairly.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. When I prepare written materials, including emails, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. During meetings in my work unit, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. When I communicate with my immediate supervisor, I feel free to use the official language of my choice.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Canada Revenue Agency (01)

1. I would feel comfortable raising issues with management. (e.g., issues with staffing, security, wrongdoing, harassment or discrimination).
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. a) I would use the formal mechanisms within the CRA to address these issues.
  • Yes (Go to question 3)
  • No (Go to next question)
  • Don't know (Go to next question)
2. b) For which reason(s) would you not use the CRA’s formal mechanisms to address these issues? (Mark all that apply)
  • Fear of reprisal
  • Confidentiality of information related to the issues or conflicts raised
  • Lack of confidence in the individuals responsible for the mechanisms (e.g., immediate supervisor, senior ethics officer, etc.)
  • Unaware of the CRA’s disclosure mechanisms
  • Disclosure mechanisms are too complicated and demanding
  • Other reasons
3. Do you think the “Respectful Workplace and Well-being Strategy” has made a positive change within your workplace since its launch in October 2016?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, because we were already working in a respectful environment
  • Don't know
4. Disrespectful behaviour in my workplace is addressed effectively.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. My immediate supervisor demonstrates the CRA's values and ethical behaviours.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. I am encouraged to work collaboratively with others outside of my work unit.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. In my department, different work units collaborate effectively to get the job done.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. All CRA activities are supported by a culture of service excellence.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

RCMP (non-public servants only)

1. Senior management supports my health and safety at work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. In my work unit, colleagues support one another.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. When I need assistance, my supervisor can be counted on to help me.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. Poor employee performance is dealt with effectively by my supervisor.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I have a sense of belonging as an employee in the RCMP.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. The current culture of the RCMP promotes well-being.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. The RCMP is innovative.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. The RCMP is delivering excellence in policing services.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

As the RCMP approaches its 150th anniversary in 2023, Vision 150 is the RCMP's strategy for modernization and transformation in four key areas: Our People, Our Culture, Our Stewardship, and Our Policing Services.  Based on what you know about Vision 150, please rate the following statements:

9. Vision 150 is addressing issues that are important to me.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. Vision 150 is making positive changes to the RCMP.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable

Questions that will be incorporated into existing Occupational Group Level PSES Questions for RCMP (non-public servants only), but shown here as they are supplemental questions just for RCMP. They are the RCMP equivalent of Q106a, b, c, d.

a. What is your category of employee?
  • Regular member
  • Civilian member
  • Reserve
  • Other, please specify:
b. Please indicate your rank. [Ask if regular member] (If you are in an acting position, specify the group of the acting position.)
  • Special constable
  • Constable
  • Corporal
  • Staff Sergeant/Sergeant Major/Sergeant
  • Inspector
  • Superintendent
  • Chief Superintendent or higher
c. Please indicate your occupational group and level (01-10 for each selection). (If you are in an acting position, specify the group of the acting position.)
  • AC
  • AD
  • ADM
  • AME
  • CHP
  • CK
  • CP
  • EDU
  • EE
  • ESS
  • ETEC
  • EVO
  • EX
  • FIN
  • FIT
  • FSLS
  • FSLT
  • FWP
  • GTEC
  • HN
  • IM
  • LAW
  • LDO
  • LN
  • MA
  • MAL
  • MO
  • PADM
  • PN
  • PRO
  • PSY
  • PT
  • PTEC
  • RS
  • RWP
  • SAT
  • SE
  • SUR
  • TC
  • TM
  • TO
  • TRL

Federal Scientists

You indicated you are part of the federal scientist community. Would you be willing to answer a few more questions specific to the federal scientist community?
  • Yes
  • No
1. Collaborating with others outside my team on scientific projects is important to complete my work.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
2. In the past year, I have been supported by my immediate supervisor to work on a collaborative scientific project with people outside my team.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
3. I feel that my work outcomes would be improved if my laboratory or facility was shared with collaborators.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
4. I feel that it is difficult to collaborate with partners inside the federal government.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
5. I feel that it is difficult to collaborate with partners outside the federal government.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
6. My laboratory or facility (excluding equipment or computers) is suitable for my job requirements.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
7. The condition of the scientific equipment (not including computing capability) in my laboratory or facility is suitable for my job requirements.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
8. My access to high performance computing capability is suitable for my job requirements.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. I feel that my work suffers because of a lack of ability to communicate results to the public.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. In the past year, my work has resulted in: (Mark all that apply.)
  • Contributions to support public policy
  • Contributions to a regulatory framework
  • Contributions to supporting program delivery
  • New intellectual property
  • Publications
  • Dataset/software

Office of Public Service Accessibility

You indicated that you are a person with a disability. Would you be willing to answer a few more questions about your experiences as an employee with a disability?
  • Yes
  • No
1. Which one of the following categories most closely describes the nature of your primary health condition or disability, meaning the one that puts you most at risk of facing barriers in the workplace?
  • A chronic health condition or pain affects ability to function on a regular or episodic basis due to migraines, Crohn’s disease, colitis, and other disabilities or health conditions.
  • A mental health issue affects psychology or behaviour, such as anxiety, depression or social / compulsive disorder or phobia or psychiatric illness.
  • A mobility issue affects ability to move your body, including the required use of a wheelchair or a cane, or other issues impacting your mobility.
  • A cognitive disability affects ability to carry out tasks involving executive functioning, such as planning and organization, learning information, communication and memory, including autism or Asperger’s syndrome, attention deficit disorder, and learning disabilities.
  • Issues with flexibility or dexterity affects ability to move joints or perform motor tasks, especially with your hands.
  • A seeing disability affects vision, including total blindness, partial sight and visual distortion.
  • A hearing disability affects ability to hear, including being hard of hearing, deafness or acoustic distortion.
  • A sensory / environmental disability affects sensitivity to light, sounds or other distractions, as well as allergens and other environmental sensitivities.
  • An intellectual disability affects your ability to learn and to adapt behaviour to different situations.
  • Other disability; please specify __________________________________________________
2. If you requested a workplace accommodation for yourself in the past 12 months, which of the following best describes the main reason for the accommodation request that was most important or impactful for you during this period?
  • To address barriers in the workplace related to my health condition or disability
  • For another purpose, such as for family or religious reasons
  • Not applicable: I did not request an accommodation for myself in the past 12 months (Go to question 6)
  • I prefer not to answer
3. Which of the following types of documentation or formal assessments by a healthcare professional or other specialist were required as evidence to support your accommodation request? (Mark all that apply.)
  • Medical note or certificate from a healthcare professional or specialist
  • Fitness to work assessment and report
  • Ergonomic assessment and report
  • Other type of formal assessment
  • Other evidence not listed above
  • No evidence required
  • Not applicable: my request was denied (Go to question 6)
  • Not applicable: I did not request an accommodation for myself in the past 12 months (Go to question 6)
4. How long did it take to receive a decision for your accommodation request after you provided all required information including, if applicable, any requested medical certificate, assessment reports or other evidence?
  • Less than 2 weeks
  • 2 weeks to less than 1 month
  • 1 month to less than 2 months
  • 2 months to less than 3 months
  • 3 months to less than 6 months
  • 6 months to less than 12 months
  • 12 months or more
  • Not applicable: I have not yet received a decision (please specify the number of months that you have been waiting for a decision) ______________
5. How long did it take for your accommodation to be fully put in place and working properly (including related training) after the request was approved?
  • Fully in place and working properly in less than 2 weeks after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 2 weeks to less than 1 month after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 1 month to less than 2 months after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 2 months to less than 3 months after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 3 months to less than 6 months after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 6 months to less than 12 months after approval
  • Fully in place and working properly in 12 months or more after approval
  • My accommodation has been put in place but it is not working properly and/or it does not fully meet my requirements
  • My accommodation has not been put in place yet and the accommodation was approved less than 1 month ago
  • My accommodation has not been put in place yet and the accommodation was approved more than 1 month ago(please specify the number of months that you have been waiting since the request was approved)______________________
  • I am still waiting for a decision about my accommodation request (not yet approved or denied)
  • My accommodation request was denied
6. Have you self-identified as having a disability at work? (Mark all that apply.)
  • Yes, I discussed my disability with my immediate supervisor.
  • Yes, I discussed my disability with my colleagues.
  • Yes, I identified my disability through a self-identification form. (Go to question 8)
  • No
7. Why did you not self-identify as having a disability with your employer using a self-identification form? (Mark all that apply.)
  • I did not think my disability affected my work
  • I did not know how or where to use the self-identification form
  • I had concerns about privacy
  • I was afraid of being judged or stigmatized
  • I intend to self-identify, but I have not done so yet
  • Other
8. When working in an office space provided by my employer, I face physical barriers related to my disability.
  • Always/Almost always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never/Almost never
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
9. When using software, technology and equipment provided by my employer, I face barriers related to my disability.
  • Always/Almost always
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never/Almost never
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
10. I am satisfied with the actions taken to remove accessibility-related barriers in my workplace.
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree
  • Don't know
  • Not applicable
