Final Report


Prepared for: Veterans Affairs Canada
Prepared by: Sage Research Corporation
Contract Award Date: March 6, 2018
Delivery Date: May 2018
Contract Number: 51019-174022/001/CY
POR Number: 111-17

For further information:
Veterans Affairs Canada/Anciens Combattants Canada
161 Grafton St.
Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 8M9

Ce rapport aussi disponible en français

Political Neutrality Certification
I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Sage Research Corporation that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, and standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.
Anita Pollak
Sage Research Corporation


Table of Contents



Commemoration is a key pillar of the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) mandate. In 2018, the sacrifices of Canada’s Veterans will be honoured through commemorative events to highlight military milestones such as the 65th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, the 10th anniversary of National Peacekeepers Day and the centennial of the end of the First World War - Canada's Hundred Days and its numerous battles (August 8–November 11).

A centerpiece for the upcoming Remembrance campaign is a new ad. The campaign will strategically apply a mix of traditional and digital marketing and advertising tactics, including video, to engage Canadians.

The goals of the 2018 campaign are to:

Three alternative conceptual approaches for a 30-second ad were developed in animatic format – Our Freedom, Step up, and The Torch.

Focus group research was undertaken to test the three alternative conceptual approaches for the ad, in order to:

Eight focus groups were conducted March 13-15, 2018, in Halifax, Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. In each city, the groups were split by age, with an 18-34 group and a 35 and over group.

This research was qualitative in nature, not quantitative. As such, the results provide an indication of participants’ views about the topics explored, but cannot be statistically generalized to the full population. Qualitative research does, however, produce a richness and depth of response not readily available through other methods of research. It is the insight and direction provided by qualitative research that makes it an appropriate tool for exploring reactions to the Remembrance Campaign ad concepts.

Each of the three ad concepts had some positive features, and all three conveyed the message that it is important to continue to remember and honour Veterans and their sacrifices on Remembrance Day. That said, there were differences in other aspects of the ads that affect the overall communication effectiveness of each ad concept.

The Torch

Among participants who recognized the poem In Flanders Fields, this was emotionally powerful. The opening scene showing a poppy appearing on screen conveyed right away that the ad is about Remembrance Day. In Montreal, participants felt that the ad fit with their preexisting perceptions of “anciens combattants” as being those who served in the FWW and SWW.

There were several issues with The Torch, including:

Step Up

This ad concept did fairly well among the older participants 35 and over, but less well among 18-34 year-olds. Many appreciated that the ad focused single mindedly on Veterans, and there was positive emotional connection to these images. Participants like that it showed not only FWW and SWW Veterans, but also Veterans of more recent conflicts.

Some issues with the ad concept included:

Our Freedom

This ad concept did fairly well among both the younger age group (18-34), and the older age group. Through the theme of “freedom”, the concept was seen as making a direct connection to why we as individuals should appreciate and honour Veterans – it connects the present and future with their past actions. The message was perceived to be positive and uplifting. While Remembrance Day is in some ways a sad day, the message of this ad concept was also that it should be a day on which Canadians are not only thankful but also celebrate the choices and privileges we have. Participants in the 18-34 age group were more likely to perceive this ad as more relevant to them and more modern. Of the three ad concepts, Our Freedom seemed to be the one most likely to increase involvement in Remembrance Day activities, particularly among the younger 18-34 age group.

Some issues with the ad concept included:

Contract value: $62,969.25, including HST


Research Purpose and Objectives

Through Budget 2017, the Government of Canada confirms that Canada’s Veterans deserve our greatest recognition and respect. Canada’s women and men in uniform have served our country with bravery, honour and dignity—putting their lives at risk to protect the values we cherish most. Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) exists to repay the nation's debt of gratitude toward those whose courageous efforts have given us the legacy of peace and freedom and have contributed to our growth as a nation.

Commemoration is a key pillar of VAC’s mandate. In 2018, the sacrifices of Canada’s Veterans will be honoured through commemorative events to highlight military milestones such as the 65th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, the 10th anniversary of National Peacekeepers Day and the centennial of the end of the First World War - Canada's Hundred Days and its numerous battles (August 8–November 11).

A centerpiece for the upcoming Remembrance campaign is a new ad. The campaign will strategically apply a mix of traditional and digital marketing and advertising tactics, including video, to engage Canadians.
Veterans Affairs Canada needs to continue to build a strong sense of trust and confidence among Canadians that the Government of Canada remembers the sacrifices and achievements of Canada’s traditional and modern-day Veterans and those who continue to serve.

The goals of the 2018 campaign are to:

As this is a new campaign, it is critical that the Department ensure that the ad campaign will resonate with intended audiences. By conducting qualitative focus groups, the Department will be able to assess the effectiveness of the creative treatments and make adjustments as required based on feedback from focus group participants.

Three alternative conceptual approaches for a 30-second ad were developed for evaluation– Our Freedom, Step up, and The Torch.

Research Objectives

Focus group research was undertaken to test the three alternative conceptual approaches in animatic format for a 30-second ad, in order to:

How the Research Will be Used

The results of the research will be used to assess the effectiveness of the creative treatments and make adjustments as required.

Approach & Methodology

Number and Location of Focus Groups

A total of eight 2-hour in-person focus groups were conducted March 13-15, 2018, with two groups in each of the following cities, split by age:

Group Types:


Halifax (E)

Toronto (E)

Calgary (E)

Montréal (F)

18-34 years of age






35 years of age and over












Participant Qualifications

The participant qualifications were the same for all focus groups, with the exception of family status.

The target group was broadly defined as 18 years of age and older. In each group we targeted for a representative mix of individuals along the following dimensions:

The following were excluded:

All participants met the GC Qualitative Standards for past participation in qualitative research: had not attended a qualitative session in the past six months, nor attended five or more qualitative sessions in the past five years.

Group Size

A total of 63 participants were included in the eight focus groups.
There were between eight and nine respondents in each focus group in all cities except Halifax where due to a severe winter storm, a total of 11 participants turned out for the two sessions.


The recruiting for the six English language sessions was done by Synchro Marketing Research Ltd., and by Ad hoc recherche for the two French language sessions.

Participants for the sessions were recruited from Synchro and Ad hoc’s opt-in database of people who have indicated an interest and willingness to be contacted for possible inclusion in a research study.

Discussion Approach

Participants were asked to evaluate the following three ad concepts in animatic format (to view the three concepts, please go to Appendix 2):

The ads were shown one at a time and each was played twice. After seeing each, participants were asked to fill in a brief questionnaire on their individual reactions to the ad concept. After all three concepts were shown, participants ranked the ad concepts on personal relevance – most to least. Group discussion then followed.

The presentation of the ads was rotated across groups.

Participant Honoraria

Participants received an honorarium of $100.

Overall Perceived Personal Relevance

The reaction to the ad concepts was different between the two age groups and between participants in Montreal and the three English cities.

General reactions to the ad concepts in the three English cities were much more positive than in Montreal, where reactions were lukewarm overall.

Ad Concept: Our Freedom

Overview of Reactions

In the English sessions, most participants rated the Our Freedom ad concept either excellent or good, particularly those in the 18-34 age group.

The types of emotive words most associated with the Our Freedom ad concept were:

The general reaction to the ad concepts in the three English cities was much more positive than in Montreal where it was rated as either good or OK. That said, the positive emotive words associated with the Our Freedom ad concept in Montreal were similar to the English groups: proud, joy and compassion.

Message and Call-to Action

Perceived Strengths

Additional strengths of the Our Freedom ad concept mentioned in the English-language sessions:

Perceived Issues

Ad Concept: Step Up

Overview of Reactions

In the English sessions, most participants rated the Step Up ad concept as either excellent or good, in both age groups.

In Montreal, the Step Up ad concept was rated as either good or OK by those 35+ whereas with one exception, the 18-34 year-olds rated the Step Up ad concept as OK.

The types of emotive words most associated with the Step Up ad concept were:

Message and Call-to Action

Perceived Strengths

Additional strengths of the Step Up ad concept mentioned in the English-language sessions:

Perceived Issues


Ad Concept: The Torch

Overview of Reactions

In the English sessions, most participants rated The Torch ad concept as either good or OK, in both age groups.

In Montreal, The Torch ad concept was rated differently by the two age groups: all the 35+ participants rated the ad concept as either good or OK, whereas the 18-34 year-olds seemed to be split, with as many rating the ad as excellent or good as gave it a rating of OK or not very good.

The types of emotive words most associated with The Torch ad concept were:

In the English-language groups, the words dark and gloomy were also associated with the ad.

Message and Call-to Action

Perceived Strengths

Additional strengths of The Torch ad concept mentioned in the Montreal sessions:

Perceived Issues

Appendix 1: Study Materials

Screening Questionnaire

Hello/Bonjour, I'm ___________ of [name of recruiting company], a marketing research company. We are organizing a research project on behalf of the Government of Canada. I’d like to ask you some questions to see if you would be interested in possibly taking part in this study. This will take about 5 or 6 minutes.

May I continue?

Would you prefer that I continue in English or in French? Préférez-vous continuer en français ou en anglais? [If prefers French, either switch to the French screener and continue, or say the following and then hang up and arrange French-language call-back] Nous vous rappellerons pour mener cette entrevue de recherche en français. Merci. Au revoir.

In this project, an individual like yourself is chosen to sit down with several others and give ideas and opinions in a two-hour discussion session.

[If prefers to continue in English for the Montreal French-language focus groups, ask:] The discussion will be held entirely in French, and participants will be asked to review and discuss written communication materials written only in French. Would you be comfortable with this?

[If prefers to continue in French for the Toronto, Halifax or Calgary English-language focus groups, ask:] La discussion se déroulera entièrement en anglais et nous demanderons aux participants de passer en revue du matériel de communication en anglais seulement puis d'en discuter. Seriez-vous à l'aise avec cela?

The Government of Canada is planning to run an advertising campaign later this year. They have several alternative ideas for how to do this advertising campaign. In the discussion session, you would be asked to review some of these advertising materials and give your ideas and opinions about these materials.

Your participation is voluntary and confidential. All information collected, used and/or disclosed will be used for research purposes only and administered per the requirements of the Privacy Act. The names of participants will not be provided to the government. May I continue?

I need to ask you a few questions to see if you fit the profile of the type of people we are looking for in this research.

Note to recruiter: When terminating a call because of their profile say: Thank you for your cooperation. We already have enough participants who have a similar profile to yours, so we are unable to invite you to participate at this time.

0) Record gender (Quota: 50/50)

1a) First of all, do you, or does anyone in your household, work for . . . ?  (Read list; If “yes” to any, thank and terminate)

1b) Have you ever served in the Canadian Armed Forces either on active duty or in the Reserves?

1c) Have you ever been a Cadet?

2) We would like to talk to people in different age groups.  Into which one of the following groups should I place you?  (Read list)

3a) Were you born in Canada or were you born elsewhere?

3b) Are you a Canadian citizen?

3c) In what country were you born?  (Record below, Quota: 1-3 born outside of Canada)

4) What is the highest level of education you have received?  (Do not read list; Recruit mix)

5) What is your current family status? [Do not read]

6) Do you have any children 18 or under living with you at home? (Older group Quota: 50% have children living with them)

7) We would like to talk to a cross-section of people with different income levels. Which one of the following groups best describes your annual household income from all sources before taxes? (Read list; Recruit mix)

I have just a few more questions to ask you.

8) Have you ever participated in an in-depth research interview or a focus group involving a small group of people where people were asked to discuss different topics?

9a) What topics have you ever discussed? (If related to advertising, thank and terminate)

9b) And when was the last time you attended an interview or discussion group?

9c) In the past 5 years, how many in-depth research interviews or discussion groups have you attended? Would you say less than 5 in total, or would you say 5 or more?

Let me tell you some more about this study to see if you would like to take part.

10) As I mentioned earlier, the research involves taking part in a focus group discussion. In the group discussion, you will be asked to fill in some short questionnaires in English (French). Also, participants in focus groups are asked to express their thoughts and opinions freely in an informal setting with others. Do you feel comfortable doing this?

Terminate if person gives a reason such as verbal ability, sight, hearing, or related to reading/writing ability, or if they think they may have difficulty expressing their thoughts.
If respondent wears glasses, remind them to bring them to the session.

Participants in the discussion group will be asked to turn off any electronic devices during the discussion. Would you be willing to do so?

There may be some people from the Government of Canada who have been involved in this project observing the session. However, they will not take part in the discussion in any way, and they will not be given your name. Is this acceptable to you?

The session will be audio-recorded. These recordings are used to help with analyzing the findings and writing the report. Your name will not appear in the research report. Is this acceptable to you?

Thank you. We would like to invite you to participate in one of our group discussions. Refreshments will be provided, and you will be paid $100 in cash for your participation immediately at the end of the group discussion. The discussion will last approximately 2 hours starting at (Insert time), and will be held (Insert date).
Would you be willing to attend?



Type of group:


Tues., March 13


35 years & over
18-34 years

6:00 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 10:00 pm

Wed., March 14

Ad hoc recherche

18-34 years
35 years & over

6:00 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 10:00 pm

Wed., March 14

Consumer Vision

18-34 years
35 years & over

6:00 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 10:00 pm

Thurs., March 15

Qualitative Coordination

35 years & over
18-34 years

6:00 – 8:00 pm
8:00 – 10:00 pm

As part of our quality control measures, we ask everyone who is participating in the focus group to bring along a piece of I.D., picture if possible. You may be asked to show your I.D.

As these are small groups and with even one person missing, the overall success of the group may be affected, I would ask that you make every effort to attend the group. But, in the event you are unable to attend, let us know as soon as possible so we can find a replacement. Please call us at [Insert recruiting company phone #] and ask for [Insert recruiting company contact name]. Also note that you may not send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend.

Please also arrive 15 minutes prior to the starting time. The discussion begins promptly at [TIME]. Only those who participate in the discussion will receive the $100.

Someone from our office will be calling you back to confirm these arrangements. May I please have your contact information where we can reach you during the evening and during the day?

Evening phone:
Day time phone:
Email address:

Thank you very much!

Discussion Materials

2018 Remembrance Day Advertising Pre-testing Discussion Guide

Introduction (15 minutes)

Review ad concepts (25 minutes)

Overview of procedure: The Government of Canada is planning to run an advertising campaign, and they have developed three alternative concepts for the design of the ads.

I’m going to show you the advertising concepts one at a time, and after each one I’ll ask you to complete a short questionnaire on your reactions to it. After you have seen everything, I’ll ask you for your opinions about the different advertising concepts.
Explanation of how ad concepts have been rendered:

The ad campaign would consist of a 30-second ad. None of the ads actually have been produced yet. Instead, each ad is represented by an animation, with drawings instead of real footage and music and voices that aren’t final as well. This is just to give you the idea of what the ad would look and sound like, before it gets produced with real footage and professional announcers and music. They’re like sketches that an artist would do before the final painting.

I will present each concept by playing these animations. Again, these aren’t the final ads, which would have real footage instead of drawings, and a different announcer, as well a professionally recorded sound track.

In order to evaluate these ads, you will have to overlook the fact that these are rough animations, and instead focus on the messages of these ads, the feelings they give you, and how effective you think the overall ideas are. We will not be talking about the quality of the drawings, or the quality of the sound track. Instead, I want you to remember that these animations would be produced later on with real photography, real announcers and more professional music and soundtracks, and react to the ads on that basis.

Present first ad concept (order will be rotated across groups)

I am going to play the first ad for you and I will play it twice. After that I will ask you to complete a brief questionnaire

Pass out and review ad concept questionnaire

Have participants complete the questionnaire.

Present the other two ad concepts, using the above procedure

Rotation system based on group time:


March 13

March 14

March 14

March 14

Group 1

35 & over
1. Step Up
2. The Torch
3. Our Freedom

1. Our Freedom
2. Step Up
3. The Torch

1. Our Freedom
2. Step Up
3. The Torch

35 & over
1. The Torch
2. Our Freedom
3. Step Up

Group 2

1. Step Up
2. The Torch
3. Our Freedom

35 & over
1. Our Freedom
2. Step Up
3. The Torch

35 & over
1. Our Freedom
2. Step Up
3. The Torch

1. The Torch
2. Our Freedom
3. Step Up

Assignment of letters to ads

Do vote on personal relevance (5 minutes)

To help me get started, I’d first like to find out what choice you made on the last questionnaire you filled in – that is, which of the three ad concepts did you find most relevant to you personally? (Do vote and use the voting pattern to decide on order of discussion in Step 4 below)

Review campaign concepts (60 minutes)

For each ad concept (replay the ad as a reminder):
To help me get started, I’d first like to find out how you rated the ad. (Do votes on Q.5 in the self-completion questionnaires)

Start the discussion with those most positive towards the ad

Note to moderator on intended ad campaign objectives (February 23 document):

Wrap-up (5 minutes)

These are all the questions I have for you, but before we go, do you have anything else you would like to add about the material we discussed today?

Thank you for coming this evening and giving us your opinions.
Please leave all the papers on the table. On your way out, please don’t forget to see the host to sign for and receive your incentive envelope.

Group 1: There is another group waiting out there to have this same discussion. So please don’t talk about anything related to what we have done here to make sure they don’t have any more information than you did before the discussion.

Ad Concept G Questionnaire

  1. Please write down any emotion words that describe your reaction to this ad concept:
  2. What are main ideas or messages of the ad?
  3. Please write down anything that you particularly like about this ad:
  4. Please write down anything that you don’t like about this ad or anything that you found confusing:
  5. Overall, thinking both about what the ad is saying, and how the ad is done, would you say the ad is – please circle a number between 1 and 4:








Not very good

Ad Concept N Questionnaire

  1. Please write down any emotion words that describe your reaction to this ad concept:
  2. What are main ideas or messages of the ad?
  3. Please write down anything that you particularly like about this ad:
  4. Please write down anything that you don’t like about this ad or anything that you found confusing:
  5. Overall, thinking both about what the ad is saying, and how the ad is done, would you say the ad is – please circle a number between 1 and 4:








Not very good

Ad Concept R Questionnaire

  1. Please write down any emotion words that describe your reaction to this ad concept:
  2. What are main ideas or messages of the ad?
  3. Please write down anything that you particularly like about this ad:
  4. Please write down anything that you don’t like about this ad or anything that you found confusing:
  5. Overall, thinking both about what the ad is saying, and how the ad is done, would you say the ad is – please circle a number between 1 and 4:








Not very good

Last Questionnaire

The three ad concepts were G, N and R.

Appendix 2: Advertising Campaign Concepts

Our Freedom

I am free. Free to stand up for what I believe.
Description: Drawing of a woman holding up a sign

Thanks to them, I am free. Free to say what needs to be said.
Description: Drawing of a smiling man and woman

I am free. Free to be, who I’m meant to be.
Description: Drawing of the face of a woman wearing a hijab

Free to remember
Description: Drawing of the face of a man

why we’re true north,
Description: Drawing of the face of another man

strong and free.
Description: Drawing of the face of a female soldier in uniform

November 11th, remember those who fought for freedom.
Description: Drawing of a hand placing a poppy at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Description: Hashtag Canada Remembers.

A message from the Government of Canada
Description: The Canada wordmark



They were young. They were bold.
Description: Drawing of a young soldier in uniform from one of the world wars

Their memory will never grow old.
Description: Drawing of smiling face of another young soldier from one of the world wars

Brave in fight for what’s right.
Description: Drawing of the face of a contemporary young soldier in a combat helmet

Canada’s Veterans.
Always stepping up for peace, and our security.
Description: Drawing of the face of a peacekeeping soldier

We owe them everything we have as Canadians.
Description: Drawing of the face of a young soldier in uniform

On November 11, we step up and remember our Veterans.
Description: Hashtag Canada Remembers.

A message from the Government of Canada
Description: The Canada wordmark


The Torch

To you,
Description: Drawing of an older person’s hands folded together

from failing hands, we throw the torch.
Description: Drawing of an older person’s hands holding a poppy

To you,
Description: Drawing of the face of a young woman

Description: Drawing of the In Service to Canada inscription on the National War Memorial

be yours to hold it high.
Description: Drawing of the face of a young man

be yours to hold it high.
Description: Drawing of the face of a young woman

if ye break faith with us who die,
Description: Drawing of the face of another young woman

we shall not sleep, though poppies grow.
Description: Drawing of a hand placing a poppy at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

On November 11th,
Description: Drawing of sentries at the National War Memorial

Remember to remember those who stood up for freedom.
Description: The Canada wordmark

A message from the Government of Canada
Description: Picture 11, Canada wordmark