Evaluation of the 2019 Pension for Life Advertising Campaign

Methodology Report

PSPC Contract # 51019-191010/001/CY

POR Registration #POR 001-19

Contract Award Date: 04/17/2019

Delivery date: 12/17/2019

Ekos Research Associates Inc.

Prepared for:

Veterans Affairs Canada

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français

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Ekos Research Associates

Contact: Susan Galley

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Evaluation of the 2019 Pension for Life Advertising Campaign

Methodology Report

Prepared for the Veterans Affairs Canada

Supplier name: Ekos Research Associates

December 2019

This report summarizes results from two surveys of 2000 Canadians each.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Évaluation de la campagne de publicité sur la pension à vie de 2019

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Veterans Affairs Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at: vac.information.acc@canada.ca

Catalogue number: V49-13/2019E-PDF

International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-660-33500-1

Related publications (registration number: POR 001-19):

Catalogue Number: V49-13/2019F-PDF (Final Report, French)

ISBN: 978-0-660-33501-8

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada



As part of its responsibility, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) provides services and benefits to Veterans and their families. These include programs for well-being, disability pensions, Veterans allowances, pension advocacy, health care and commemoration. They provide compensation for hardships arising from illness or injury and lost economic opportunities, innovative health and social services, professional legal assistance and recognition of the achievements and sacrifices of Canadians during periods of war and conflict. The Government of Canada introduced the Pension for Life (PFL) on April 1, 2019. Pension for Life is a modernized financial package that Veterans will receive for their service-related illness and/or injury. These changes are part of an overall well-being package that combines financial recognition of pain and suffering, income replacement and wellness services and programs to help Veterans transition to life after service. The Pension for Life advertising campaign focused on highlighting the new Pension for Life suite of benefits. The call to action of the campaign was to encourage Veterans to visit VAC's website or call the 1-866 number for more information.


VAC's Pension for Life advertising campaign has been marketed to an extensive demographic with moderate post-campaign recall. The Pension for Life Campaign had a comprehensive set of advertising products that highlighted the importance of this new program. This included a new 30-second advertising creative that was used for this campaign. As with previous VAC campaigns, the Pension for Life campaign was supported by a multimedia strategy to provide maximum reach through traditional channels, as well as online through mobile devices and social media sites, creating multiple opportunities for Canadians to raise awareness and knowledge about the new program. Specifically, this included a call to action to join the conversation on social media, visit the Veterans.gc.ca/pensionforlife website or call the 1-866 number.

As the 2019 Pension for Life Advertising Campaign exceeded $1,000,000, public opinion research is required by Treasury Board using the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool, with additional validating and benchmarking questions following the ACET instrument. Data collection to evaluate the PFL Campaign supports the Government's and the Department's commitments to continue to improve services and access by ensuring the opinions of Veterans are considered. It also supports the continuing Government priority of accountability and performance measurement. Results will provide VAC with concrete data that will assist in developing/adjusting future media strategies.

Research Purpose

Specifically, the purpose of the quantitative post-testing is to evaluate the Pension for Life Advertising Campaign and to gauge:

Information obtained through this public opinion research will allow Veterans Affairs Canada to determine the impact of its advertising campaign and provide direction on areas where the campaign can be adjusted to reach the targeted audience. The findings will provide useful information to improve future campaigns which are more targeted, informative and geared to the target population.

Sample design

Two bilingual, national, online surveys were conducted: one as a baseline, in advance of the campaign, and one following the end of the campaign to measure change in awareness and intent to visit over time, to assess impact of the campaign. The baseline included 2,000 Canadians 18 years of age or older, and the post campaign sample also included 2,000 Canadians, also 18 years of age or older. Each survey instrument was based on the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool questions used by the Government of Canada in all of its advertising evaluation research, adding a few campaign-specific questions testing the impact on perceptions and behaviour targeted though the campaign. Each survey instrument included a sample of randomly selected respondents from all provinces and territories.

Each survey sample relied on Ekos' Probit panel, which is assembled using a random digit dial process for sampling from a blended land-line cell-phone frame, and provides full coverage of Canadians with telephone access. The distribution of the recruitment process is meant to mirror the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, the more than 100,000 member panel can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within the panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied.

The contract value for the POR project is $ 35,932.31 (including HST).

Supplier Name: Ekos Research Associates

PWGSC Contract #51019-191010/001/CY

Contract Award Date: April 17, 2019

To obtain more information on this study, please e-mail information@vac-acc-gc.ca, or

call 1-866-522-2122

Political Neutrality Certification

This certification is to be submitted with the final report submitted to the Project Authority.

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ekos Research Associates Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate, or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Signed by: Susan Galley (Vice President)

Appendix A


Appendix A: Methodology


The survey was conducted in two phases: a benchmarking phase prior to the campaign, and a post-campaign phase. Each survey instrument consisted of the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool questions used by the Government of Canada for evaluating campaigns over $1,000,000. The post-campaign survey added questions testing recall of one video that was key to the campaign, along with questions testing the impact of the video on perceptions and behaviour. The average time it took respondents to complete the questionnaire was 10.3 minutes for the baseline, and 12.9 minutes for the post-campaign survey. There was a pretesting phase conducted for each survey between April 11 and 12, 2019 (baseline) and between June 19 and 20, 2019 (post-campaign) to ensure each questionnaire was working well. This entailed completing cases with 14 English and 19 French (baseline), and 11 English and 15 French (post-campaign) with a suite of questions appended at the end to allow respondents a chance to describe their experience with the survey, in terms of comprehension, relevance, and technical issues. The results of the pretest surveys were reviewed to check for programming and logic errors.

In each case, respondents to the online survey were 18 years of age and older, and were randomly selected. The sample included all provinces and territories, and the survey was administered in English and French, as well as with an accessible link for those using a mobile phone or screen reading technology. The survey sample relied on an Ekos' Probit panel, which is assembled using a random digit dial process for sampling from a blended land-line cell-phone frame, and provides full coverage of Canadians with telephone access. The distribution of the recruitment process is meant to mirror the actual population in Canada (as defined by Statistics Canada). As such, the more than 100,000 member panel can be considered representative of the general public in Canada (meaning that the incidence of a given target population within the panel very closely resembles the public at large) and margins of error can be applied. All households/individuals in the Probit panel are contacted by telephone and the nature of the panel is explained in greater detail (as are privacy policies) and demographic information is collected. At this time the online/off-line as well as landline/cell phone status is ascertained in order to determine the method of completing surveys (i.e., online, telephone, or mail). This variable of ‘type of telephone service' (cell phone only, landline only or both) collected at the time of screening is used to determine cell phone only sample. As with any random digit dialling sample, Probit panel cases are considered to be a probability-based sample.

In the two surveys, the number of total completed cases in the sample is 2,000 with an associated margin of error of up to plus or minus 2.2%, at a .05 confidence interval (i.e., 19 times out of 20). Following the testing component, the baseline survey was collected between April 12 and 16, 2019. The post-campaign survey was collected between June 22 and 28, 2019.

The regional distribution of the sample is as follows:

Province/Region Baseline
British Columbia 271
Alberta 233
Manitoba & Saskatchewan 147
Ontario 778
Quebec 434
Atlantic 133
Territories 4
Total 2,000

Province/Region Post-Campaign
British Columbia 274
Alberta 232
Manitoba & Saskatchewan 118
Ontario 770
Quebec 456
Atlantic 146
Territories 4
Total 2,000

Survey data collection adhered to Government of Canada standard for public opinion research. Ekos informed respondents of their rights under the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act, and ensured that those rights were protected throughout the research process. This included: informing respondents of the purpose of the research; identifying both the sponsoring department and the research supplier; informing respondents that their participation in the study is voluntary, and that the information provided would be administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act.

Once the survey data was collected, each database was reviewed for data quality. Coding was also completed. Survey results were weighted based on Statistics Canada data according to age, gender and region to ensure the sample was representative of the general public aged 18 years and older.

Data tables were created for each survey to isolate results for major subgroups to be used in the analysis (e.g., results for each age segment, gender, education segment, employment, income segment, region, households with children under 18, those born outside of Canada, by mother tongue, awareness of ads, importance of advertisements to promote Canada's Veterans, importance of activities to remember and honour Canada's Veterans and importance of programs).

Response Rates and Non-Response Bias

The response rate for the online baseline survey is 11.3%. This is calculated using the formula developed by the Marketing Research Intelligence Agency in conjunction with the Government of Canada. https://mria-arim.ca/standards/response-rate-calculation-formula. A total of 23,496 email invitations were sent, of which 157 were returned as undeliverable. A total of 2,000 valid cases were completed, and combined with another 630 sampled panel members who were screened out of the survey due to their responses or a filled quota as the numerator in the calculation of the response rate.

For the post-campaign online survey, the response rate is 7.8%, using the same formula. This includes 34,177 email invitations sent, of which 232 were returned as undeliverable. The 2,000 valid cases completed are combined with another 635 sampled panel members who were screened out of the survey due to their responses or a filled quota to form the numerator in the calculation.

A comparison of each unweighted sample with 2016 Census figures from Statistics Canada suggests that there are similar sources of systematic sample bias in each survey, following patterns typically found in most general public surveys. These include a more educated sample in each survey than found in the population with 40% reporting university degrees in the baseline and 44% in the post-campaign compared with 25% in the general population. Each sample under represents Canadians with a high school level of education or below (24% in the baseline and 19% in the post-campaign compared with 41% in the population as per 2016 Census figures). There is also an under representation of Canadians born outside of Canada in each survey (11% in the baseline survey and 12% in the post-campaign versus 27% in the general population). This is reflected in an under representation of native speakers of non-official languages and an over representation of native English speakers. In the baseline survey, 7% of the sample reported having a mother tongue of something other than English or French, which increased to 8% in the post campaign. This is almost one third of the 22% incidence in the population at-large. In the baseline survey, 75% of respondents reported English as their mother tongue and 73% in the baseline compared to 56% in the general population. As previously described, each sample was weighted by age, gender, and region.

Appendix B

Baseline Questionnaire (English)

Appendix B: Baseline Questionnaire (English)


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey dealing with current issues of interest to Canadians. Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential and anonymous. The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. This survey is being directed by Ekos Research, and is being administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act.

To view our privacy policy, click here.

If you require any technical assistance, please contact online@ekos.com.

D1A [1,7]

Does anyone in your household work for any of the following organizations?

Select all that apply

A marketing research firm 1

A magazine or newspaper 2

An advertising agency or graphic design firm 3

A political party 4

A radio or television station 5

A public relations company 6

Federal or provincial government 7

None of the above 98

Prefer not to say 99


Are you...

Male gender 1

Female gender 2

Gender diverse 3

Prefer not to say 99


In which of the following age categories do you belong?

Less than 18 years old 1

18 to 24 2

25 to 34 3

35 to 44 4

45 to 54 5

55 to 64 6

65 or older 7


In which province or territory do you live?

Newfoundland and Labrador 1

Prince Edward Island 2

Nova Scotia 3

New Brunswick 4

Quebec 5

Ontario 6

Manitoba 7

Saskatchewan 8

Alberta 9

British Columbia 10

Yukon 11

Northwest Territories 12

Nunavut 13

None of the above 99


Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any advertising from the Government of Canada?

Yes 1

No / Do not remember 2

Prefer not to say 99

Q2_A [1,18]

Think about the most recent ad from the Government of Canada that comes to mind. Where have you seen, read or heard this ad?

Select all that apply

Cinema 1

Facebook 12

Internet website 2

Magazines 3

Newspaper (daily) 4

Newspaper (weekly or community) 5

Outdoor billboard 6

Pamphlet or brochure in the mail 7

Public transit (bus or subway) 8

Radio 9

Television 10

Twitter 11

Youtube 13

Instagram 14

LinkedIn 15

Snapchat 16

Spotify 17

Other, specify: 77

Prefer not to say 99


What do you remember about this ad?

77 77

Don't remember 97


How did you know that it was an ad from the Government of Canada?

77 77

Don't remember 97


Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any Government of Canada advertising about Canadian Veterans?

Yes 1

No 2

I don't remember / Not sure 3

Prefer not to say 99

T1B [1,18]

Where have you seen, read or heard this Government of Canada ad about Canadian Veterans?

Select all that apply

Cinema 1

Facebook 12

Internet website 2

Magazines 3

Newspaper (daily) 4

Newspaper (weekly or community) 5

Outdoor billboard 6

Pamphlet or brochure in the mail 7

Public transit (bus or subway) 8

Radio 9

Television 10

Twitter 11

Youtube 13

Instagram 14

LinkedIn 15

Snapchat 16

Spotify 17

Other, specify: 77

Don't know 98

T1C [1,3]

What do you remember about this ad? What words, sounds or images come to mind?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99

T1D [1,16]

Which sources would you rely on when looking for information about services and benefits for Canada's Veterans?

Select all that apply

Facebook 1

Twitter 2

YouTube 3

Instagram 4

LinkedIn 5

Television 10

Internet website, please specify: 6

Magazines, please specify: 7

Newspaper (daily), please specify: 8

Journal or newspaper (weekly or community), please specify: 9

Other, specify: 77

Prefer not to say 99


Over the past three weeks, have you seen or read content related to Canadian Veterans on social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn?

Yes 1

No 2

Prefer not to say 99


How important do you think it is for the Government of Canada to invest in…


Advertising to promote services and benefits for Canada's Veterans

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


Activities to remember and honour Canada's Veterans

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


A wide range of programs and benefits to support Veterans and their families

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


What word best describes how you feel about Canadian Veterans?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99


Veterans Affairs Canada is the government department responsible for the care of members of the Canadian Armed Forces once they have retired from the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Army.

How familiar are you with Veterans Affairs Canada? Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means not at all familiar and 5 means very familiar.

Not at all familiar 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Very familiar 5 5

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 9


Can you name any Veterans Affairs Canada programs you may have heard of?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99


Here is a list of services for Veterans. For each of the items, how important is it for Veterans to receive these services from Veteran Affairs Canada? Please use a 5-point scale this time, where 5 means it is very important and 1 means it is not important at all.


Career Transition Services

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Financial benefits such as providing benefits to replace loss of earnings, benefits for severe physical and/or mental impairments and additional retirement benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Group health insurance and other health benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Disability benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Mental health support

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Rehabilitation services, including medical, psychosocial and vocational family support

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Veterans Independence Program which is a national home care program that helps Veterans remain healthy and independent in their own homes or communities

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Treatment benefits like hearing aids, medications, etc.

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Long Term Care

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Funeral and burial assistance

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Education benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Pension for Life

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Centre of Excellence on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


And in closing, a few questions that will help us to analyze the survey results.


Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...?

Working full-time (30 or more hours per week) 1 Working part-time (less than 30 hours per week) 2

Self-employed 3

Unemployed, but looking for work 4

A student attending school full-time 5

Retired 6

Not in the workforce (Full-time homemaker, unemployed but not looking for work) 7

Other employment status (please specify) 77

Prefer not to say 99


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less 1

Some high school 2

High school diploma or equivalent 3

Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma 4

College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma 5

University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level 6

Bachelor's degree 7

Post graduate degree above bachelor's level 8

Prefer not to say 99


Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?

Yes 1

No 2

Prefer not to say 99


Which of the following categories best describes your total annual household income, including income from all household members, before taxes are deducted?

Under $20,000 1

Between $20,000 and $39,999 2

Between $40,000 and $59,999 3

Between $60,000 and $79,999 4

Between $80,000 and $99,999 5

Between $100,000 and $149,999 6

$150,000 or above 7

Prefer not to say 99


Where were you born?

Born in Canada 1

Born outside Canada (Specify the country): 2

Prefer not to say 99


In what year did you first move to Canada?

Record year: 77

Prefer not to say 99

D7 [1,2]

What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

English 1

French 2

Other (specify): 77

Prefer not to say 99


That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. In the coming months the report will be available from Library and Archives Canada. We thank you very much for taking the time to answer this survey. Your help is greatly appreciated.


We regret that your responses have shown that you are ineligible to participate in this survey. Thank you for your time.

Appendix C

Post-Campaign Questionnaire (English)

Appendix C: Post-Campaign Questionnaire (English)


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey dealing with current issues of interest to Canadians. Si vous préférez répondre au sondage en français, veuillez cliquer sur « Français » dans le coin supérieur droit.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be kept entirely confidential and anonymous. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. This survey is being directed by Ekos Research, and is being administered according to the requirements of the Privacy Act.

To view our privacy policy, click here.

If you require any technical assistance, please contact online@ekos.com.

D1A [1,7]

Does anyone in your household work for any of the following organizations?

Select all that apply

A marketing research firm 1

A magazine or newspaper 2

An advertising agency or graphic design firm 3

A political party 4

A radio or television station 5

A public relations company 6

Federal or provincial government 7

None of the above 98

Prefer not to say 99


Are you...

Male gender 1

Female gender 2

Gender diverse 3

Prefer not to say 99


In which of the following age categories do you belong?

Less than 18 years old 1

18 to 24 2

25 to 34 3

35 to 44 4

45 to 54 5

55 to 64 6

65 or older 7


In which province or territory do you live?

Newfoundland and Labrador 1

Prince Edward Island 2

Nova Scotia 3

New Brunswick 4

Quebec 5

Ontario 6

Manitoba 7

Saskatchewan 8

Alberta 9

British Columbia 10

Yukon 11

Northwest Territories 12

Nunavut 13

None of the above 99


Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any advertising from the Government of Canada?

Yes 1

No / Do not remember 2

Prefer not to say 99

Q2_A [1,18]

Think about the most recent ad from the Government of Canada that comes to mind. Where have you seen, read or heard this ad?

Select all that apply

Cinema 1

Facebook 12

Internet website 2

Magazines 3

Newspaper (daily) 4

Newspaper (weekly or community) 5

Outdoor billboard 6

Pamphlet or brochure in the mail 7

Public transit (bus or subway) 8

Radio 9

Television 10

Twitter 11

Youtube 13

Instagram 14

LinkedIn 15

Snapchat 16

Spotify 17

Other, specify: 77

Prefer not to say 99


What do you remember about this ad?

77 77

Don't remember 97


How did you know that it was an ad from the Government of Canada?

77 77

Don't remember 97


Over the past three weeks, have you seen, read or heard any Government of Canada advertising about Canadian Veterans?

Yes 1

No 2

I don't remember / Not sure 3

Prefer not to say 99

T1B [1,18]

Where have you seen, read or heard this Government of Canada ad about Canadian Veterans?

Select all that apply

Cinema 1

Facebook 12

Internet website 2

Magazines 3

Newspaper (daily) 4

Newspaper (weekly or community) 5

Outdoor billboard 6

Pamphlet or brochure in the mail 7

Public transit (bus or subway) 8

Radio 9

Television 10

Twitter 11

Youtube 13

Instagram 14

LinkedIn 15

Snapchat 16

Spotify 17

Other, specify: 77

Don't know 98

T1C [1,3]

What do you remember about this ad? What words, sounds or images come to mind?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99

T1D [1,16]

Which sources would you rely on when looking for information about services and benefits for Canada's Veterans?

Select all that apply

Facebook 1

Twitter 2

YouTube 3

Instagram 4

LinkedIn 5

Television 10

Internet website, please specify: 6

Magazines, please specify: 7

Newspaper (daily), please specify: 8

Journal or newspaper (weekly or community), please specify: 9

Other, specify: 77

Prefer not to say 99


Over the past three weeks, have you seen or read content related to Canadian Veterans on social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn?

Yes 1

No 2

Prefer not to say 99


How important do you think it is for the Government of Canada to invest in...


Advertising to promote services and benefits for Canadian Veterans

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


Activities to remember and honour Canadian Veterans

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


A wide range of programs and benefits to support Veterans and their families

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Prefer not to say 99


What word best describes how you feel about Canadian Veterans?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99


Recently, various ads about Canadian Veterans aired. Click to watch.


Over the past three weeks, have you seen this ad?

Yes 1

No 2

Prefer not to say 99

T1I [1,18]

Where have you seen this ad?

Select all that apply

Cinema 1

Facebook 12

Internet website 2

Magazines 3

Newspaper (daily) 4

Newspaper (weekly or community) 5

Outdoor billboard 6

Pamphlet or brochure in the mail 7

Public transit (bus or subway) 8

Radio 9

Television 10

Twitter 11

YouTube 13

Instagram 14

LinkedIn 15

Snapchat 18

Spotify 19

Other, specify: 77

Don't know 98

T1J [1,3]

What do you think is the main point this ad is trying to get across?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99


Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about this ad.


This ad catches my attention

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad is relevant to me

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad is difficult to follow

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad does not favour one political party over another

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad talks about an important topic

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad provides new information

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


This ad clearly conveys that the Government of Canada wants you to know that there are services and benefits for Canadian Veterans

Strongly Disagree 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree 5 5

Prefer not to say 99


Veterans Affairs Canada is the government department responsible for the care of members of the Canadian Armed Forces once they have retired from the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Army.

How familiar are you with Veterans Affairs Canada? Please use a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means not at all familiar and 5 means very familiar.

Not at all familiar 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

Very familiar 5 5

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 9


Can you name any Veterans Affairs Canada programs you may have heard of?

Specify 77

Prefer not to say 99


Here is a list of services for Veterans. For each of the items, how important is it for Veterans to receive these services from Veteran Affairs Canada? Please use a 5-point scale this time, where 5 means it is very important and 1 means it is not important at all.


Career Transition Services

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Financial benefits such as providing benefits to replace loss of earnings, benefits for severe physical and/or mental impairments and additional retirement benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Group health insurance and other health benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Disability benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Mental health support

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Rehabilitation services, including medical, psychosocial and vocational family support

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Veterans Independence Program which is a national home care program that helps Veterans remain healthy and independent in their own homes or communities

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Treatment benefits like hearing aids, medications, etc.

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Long Term Care

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Funeral and burial assistance

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Education benefits

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Pension for Life

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Centre of Excellence on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


Caregiver Recognition Benefit

Not at all important 1 1

2 2

3 3

4 5

Very important 5 7

Don't know/ Prefer not to say / No answer 99


And in closing, a few questions that will help us to analyze the survey results.


Which of the following categories best describes your current employment status? Are you...?

Working full-time (30 or more hours per week) 1

Working part-time (less than 30 hours per week) 2

Self-employed 3

Unemployed, but looking for work 4

A student attending school full-time 5

Retired 6

Not in the workforce (Full-time homemaker, unemployed but not looking for work) 7

Other employment status (please specify) 77

Prefer not to say 99


What is the highest level of formal education that you have completed?

Grade 8 or less 1

Some high school 2

High school diploma or equivalent 3

Registered Apprenticeship or other trades certificate or diploma 4

College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma 5

University certificate or diploma below bachelor's level 6

Bachelor's degree 7

Post graduate degree above bachelor's level 8

Prefer not to say 99


Are there any children under the age of 18 currently living in your household?

Yes 1

No 2

Prefer not to say 99


Which of the following categories best describes your total annual household income, including income from all household members, before taxes are deducted?

Under $20,000 1

Between $20,000 and $39,999 2

Between $40,000 and $59,999 3

Between $60,000 and $79,999 4

Between $80,000 and $99,999 5

Between $100,000 and $149,999 6

$150,000 or above 7

Prefer not to say 99


Where were you born?

Born in Canada 1

Born outside Canada (Specify the country): 2

Prefer not to say 99


In what year did you first move to Canada?

Record year: 77

Prefer not to say 99

D7 [1,2]

What is the language you first learned at home as a child and still understand?

English 1

French 2

Other (specify): 77

Prefer not to say 99


That concludes the survey. This survey was conducted on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. In the coming months the report will be available from Library and Archives Canada. We thank you very much for taking the time to answer this survey. Your help is greatly appreciated.


We regret that your responses have shown that you are ineligible to participate in this survey. Thank you for your time.