2020 Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Survey

Final Report


Research supplier: Forum Research Inc.

Contract number: 51019-184027/001/CY

Contract value: $199,478.90

Contract award date: 2019-07-18

Delivery date: 2021-01-15

The client department or agency sponsoring the research: Veterans Affairs Canada

For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at: info@vac-acc.gc.ca


Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.


2020 Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Survey

Final Report

Prepared for Veteran Affairs Canada

Supplier name: Forum Research Inc.
January 2021

This public opinion research report presents the results of a CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) survey conducted by Forum Research Inc. on behalf of Veteran Affairs Canada. The research study was conducted with 3268 VAC clients, in two waves: February 12th–March 19th, 2020 and August 6th–October 9th, 2020.

Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Sondage National auprès des clients 2020.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Veteran Affairs Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Veteran Affairs Canada at: info@vac-acc.gc.ca

Catalogue Number:


International Standard Book Number (ISBN):


Related publications (POR 033-19):

Catalogue Number V32-343/2020F-PDF (Final Report, French)

ISBN 978-0-660-36726-2

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, 2021


Table of Contents

Table of Contents. 3

Executive Summary. 5

Research purpose and objectives. 5

Summary of key findings. 5

Methodology. 5

Contract value of the POR project. 6

Detailed Findings. 7

Introduction.. 7

Methodology. 7

Analysis and approach.. 7

Research considerations. 8

Demographics. 9

Communicating with Veterans Affairs Canada. 13

Satisfaction with Service Experience. 22

Services and Programs. 31

Case Management Services. 31

Veterans Independence Program (VIP). 39

Treatment Benefits Program.. 42

Disability Benefits Program.. 45

Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance. 47

Pension for Life. 54

Office of the Veterans Ombudsman. 56

Commemoration Initiatives. 58

Funeral and Burial Program.. 61

Satisfaction with Life. 62

Appendices. 76

Sample size and sampling procedures. 76

Dates of research fieldwork.. 76

Discussion of the potential for non-response bias. 76

Weighting procedures and margin of error. 78

Research instrument. 81

Political neutrality certification.. 98



Executive Summary

Research purpose and objectives

The purpose of this research project is to measure VAC clients’ levels of satisfaction with Service Delivery and to measure VAC client health and well-being. The survey provides valuable results on program effectiveness, Veteran well-being, satisfaction with Service Delivery and various service elements, and preferred service channels.

The research results of the VAC National Client Survey allow VAC to strengthen its performance measurement and ensure that its work is informed by evidence and feedback from Veterans and all of those served by VAC.

The objectives of the VAC National Client Survey are to:

1.       Assess satisfaction with Service Delivery;

2.      Determine preferred service channels;

3.      Measure client health and well-being; and

4.      Support improvements to Service Delivery.

Summary of key findings

In general, respondents are satisfied with VAC programs, services, and benefits. Between the six key strata of VAC clients—Veterans 85+, Veterans 65–84, Veterans under 65 (case-managed), Veterans under 65 (not case-managed), RCMP, and Survivors—a consistent pattern emerges. Survivors and Veterans 85+ tend to be the most satisfied of the six strata. Veterans under 65, particularly case-managed clients, report being the least satisfied. This striking pattern holds throughout much of the survey and shows up as a recurring sideways “U”-shaped pattern in the stacked bar charts visualizing elements of client satisfaction.

There are also interesting trends regarding clients who are members of marginalized groups. Throughout the survey, Indigenous and visible minority respondents are generally less satisfied and less well-off compared to other groups. Whether it be service experience, programs, or health and well-being, Indigenous and visible minority respondents tend to rate their VAC experience more negatively across the board.

Notable gender differences are also prevalent in the data. Compared to their male counterparts, women are more likely to give positive responses about their satisfaction with VAC programs, experience with VAC staff, and access to services and benefits. This is likely connected to the high satisfaction among Survivors, a stratum which is predominantly women.

Often, there is a positive relationship between age and satisfaction, with older respondents generally feeling more positively than younger respondents across a range of different areas. This is consistent with the paradox of aging, in which older people report higher levels of life satisfaction despite declining health and income.

There are no major declines in satisfaction or other metrics when comparing those who took the survey pre-pandemic and those who took it during the pandemic. When comparing respondents from these two groups, there are no notable negative differences. Clients are not reporting increased wait times or lower satisfaction due to the pandemic. In some cases, there even appears to be a slight “COVID bump,” where satisfaction improves post-COVID. This may be because VAC staff have helped clients navigate some COVID-related difficulties, or that services and benefits have become even more helpful in the context of the pandemic.


Forum Research administered a quantitative study to 3268 VAC clients 18 years of age and older. The sample frame used a file supplied by VAC which included six strata of interest: Veterans 85 and over, Veterans 65–84, Veterans under 65 (split between case-managed and not case-managed), RCMP, and Survivors who were either in receipt of benefits or who had applied for a benefit in the previous 12 months. This included Veterans who applied for benefits in the previous 12 months but who had been declined or who were still awaiting a decision.

The margin of error for the full sample is +/− 1.7%. For the six aforementioned strata, the margins of error are +/− 4.7% for Veterans 85 and over, +/− 3.7% for Veterans 65–84, +/− 4.1% for case-managed Veterans under 65, +/− 3.4% for Veterans under 65 who are not case-managed, +/− 4.9% for RCMP, +/− 5.3% for Survivors.

Fieldwork was conducted in two waves: February 12th–March 19th, 2020 and August 6th–October 9th, 2020. Throughout the report, “pre-COVID” refers to responses collected February–March 2020 during the first wave, and “post-COVID” represents responses collected August–October 2020, during the second wave.

The survey was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) and respondents were reached using contact information from a sample file provided by VAC.

As shown in the appendix, it does not appear that non-response bias significantly impacted the results, and this data is can be generalized to populations with the same characteristics as the sample file of VAC clients.

Contract value of the POR project


Detailed Findings


A core responsibility of Veterans Affairs Canada is to support the care and well-being of Veterans and their families through a range of benefits, services, research, partnerships, and advocacy. This research will strengthen performance measurement and ensure that VAC’s work is informed by evidence and feedback from the Veterans and all of those served by VAC. Further, as well-being has been established as the ultimate desired outcome for Veterans and their families, the results of the survey will contribute to the ongoing and systematic assessment, monitoring and improvement of programs and services that impact Veteran well-being. Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) considerations will also be included in the research design to ensure an intersectional approach.

This research supports the priorities of both the Government of Canada and Veterans Affairs Canada through the:

·    VAC Well-being Framework (2017)

·    VAC Departmental Results Framework (2017)

·    Government of Canada Policy on Results (2016)

This research project seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the Veteran client population and needs.

The VAC National Client Survey findings will be used to a) increase VAC’s understanding of clients’ experiences with these programs and services, b) inform the development of survey items for future VAC National Client Surveys, and c) inform future research to support the development, management and improvement of programs and services provided to Veterans and their families.

The purpose of this research project is to measure VAC clients’ levels of satisfaction with Service Delivery and to measure VAC client health and well-being.

The objectives of the VAC National Client Survey are to:

1.       Assess satisfaction with Service Delivery;

2.      Determine preferred service channels;

3.      Measure client health and well-being; and

4.      Support improvements to Service Delivery.


Forum Research administered a quantitative study to 3268 VAC clients, consisting of War Service Veterans, CAF Veterans and members, RCMP members and former members, and Survivors. Fieldwork was conducted in two waves: February 12th–March 19th, 2020 and August 6th–October 9th, 2020. Throughout the report, “pre-COVID” refers to responses collected February–March 2020 during the first wave, and “post-COVID” represents responses collected August–October 2020, during the second wave.

The survey was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) and respondents were reached using contact information from a sample file provided by VAC. The average response rate was 36%, which is an increase of 3% from 2017. The average duration of the questionnaire was 24 minutes and ranged from 13 minutes to 49 minutes. 

Analysis and approach

This report analyzes survey results in three ways for each question. First, the report will visualize and state the overall frequencies for the question. Then, it will break out the responses visually by a key demographic, either by age or the six main strata. The six strata which are frequently referred to throughout the report are Veterans 85+, Veterans 65–84, Veterans under 65 (case-managed), Veterans under 65 (not case-managed), RCMP, and Survivors. Here, “Veterans” refers to CAF and War Service Veterans. Then, it will add additional commentary on notable trends in the data across demographic groups. For example, if there is a noticeable difference between men and women’s responses to a question, the report will note that in the text. Where there are no noticeable differences—e.g., suppose that satisfaction with wait times are relatively consistent across age groups—then the report will generally not note that sort of non-finding.

Research considerations

Top 2 (TOP2) and bottom 2 (BTM2) reference the collective TOP2 positive and BTM2 negative responses, where applicable. For example, a TOP2 grouping referred to as “satisfied” may be the combined result of “very satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied,” where a grouping of “not satisfied” (BTM2) may be the combined result of “not very satisfied” and “not at all satisfied.”

Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up to the totals provided. For example, in some cases, the sum of all question values may add up to 101% instead of 100%. Similar logic applies to TOP2 and BTM2 groupings.

Visualizations generally exclude “don’t know” or “prefer not to say” responses, though specific notes are provided at the bottom of each page to clarify the group of respondents being visualized on the slide.



This section summarizes the demographic makeup of the respondents. All data have been weighted by age, sex, and strata[1] using proportions from a larger sample file.

Respondents are predominantly male[2]

·    Three-quarters (77%) of respondents are male.

·    Five of the six strata are predominantly male: Survivors are the exception.

·    On one in 10 (10%) respondents’ files, their sex is labelled “male” while reporting their gender as female.

·    Only 2% of respondents have their sex as “female” while reporting their gender as male.

Figure 1: Gender (%)

Question: What is your gender classification? [options not read]
Sample size: 3228
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Visible minorities make up small fraction of respondents

·    Only one in ten (10%) respondents consider themselves visible minorities.

·    These visible minorities are distributed fairly evenly among the strata.

Figure 2: Visible Minority (%)


Question: Would you consider yourself to be a member of a visible minority?
Sample size: 3155
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Few Indigenous respondents[3]

·    One in 19 respondents reports being Indigenous.

·    19 in 20 respondents do not report being Indigenous.

Figure 3: Indigenous Background (%)

Question: Are you an Indigenous person, that is: First Nations, Métis, or Inuit?
Sample size: 3218
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Indigenous respondents evenly distributed[4]

There are no notable trends concerning how Indigenous respondents are distributed among the strata.

Figure 4: Indigenous Background (%)

Question: Are you an Indigenous person, that is: First Nations, Métis, or Inuit?
Sample size: 3218
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Half of respondents have a high school education or less

·    Half (50%) of respondents have a high school diploma or less.

·    A quarter (24%) have some form of university education.

Figure 5: Education (%)

Question: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Sample size: 3183
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Great variation in education between strata

·    Veterans 85 and over, Veterans 65–84, and Survivors are more likely than other strata to have less than a high school diploma.

·    College, CEGEP, etc. are more common for Veterans under 65.

Figure 6: Education (%)

Question: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Sample size: 3183
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Older Veterans and Survivors tend to live alone

·    For Veterans 85 and over and Survivors, living alone is the most common response. More than two-thirds (69%) of Survivors live alone.

·    Other groups are more likely to live with others, most commonly with one other person.

Figure 7: Number of People Living in Household (%)

Question: Including yourself, how many people usually live in your household?
Sample size: 3268
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Some strata predominantly lower-income

·    Survivors stand out as predominantly lower-income compared to other strata. Two-thirds (65%) of Survivors make $40,000 or less after tax.

·    Veterans 65 and up also have comparatively lower incomes.

Figure 8: Income (%)
Question: Reminding you that all your answers will remain confidential, could you please tell me what is your best estimate of your total household income received by all household members, from all sources after taxes during the year ending December 31st, 2019?
Sample size: 2507
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Communicating with Veterans Affairs Canada

The most common and preferred method of contact is by phone. Those who use My VAC Account find it useful. Those who do not use it tend to cite lack of need or issues with accessing the internet or a computer. VAC generally receives positive feedback for its communications efforts.

Three in five have contacted VAC

·    Three in five (60%) say they contacted VAC in the past 12 months.

·    Almost all (97%) case-managed Veterans under 65 have had contact with VAC.

·    Only a third (35%) of Survivors say they have contacted VAC.

·    There is a gender gap: two-thirds (64%) of male respondents have contacted VAC in the past 12 months, compared to just under half (48%) of female respondents.

·    Indigenous clients (70%) are more likely than non-Indigenous clients (60%) to have contacted VAC.

·    Older respondents were less likely to have contacted VAC than younger respondents: for example, 84% for those under 40 compared to 51% for those 90 and over.

Figure 9: Contact with VAC in the Past 12 Months (%)

Question: Did you have any contact with VAC during the past 12 months?
Sample size: 3218
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most have received a letter

·    Seven in 10 (69%) respondents say they received a letter from VAC in the past 12 months.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are the most likey (92%) to have received a letter.

·    There is a slight drop-off post-COVID: 73% say they received a letter pre-pandemic compared to 65% after pandemic measures set in.

·    There is a gender gap: 71% of men vs. 64% of women

·    Older respondents are less likely than younger respondents to have received a letter.

Figure 10: Received a Letter from VAC in the Past 12 Months (%)

Question: Did you receive a letter from VAC during the past 12 months? Yes or no.
Sample size: 3058
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Phone most popular way of contacting VAC

·    Four in five (78%) respondents say they have contacted VAC by phone.

·    Half (52%) of respondents have contacted VAC through My VAC Account.

·    In person options are the least popular.

Figure 11: Ways of Contacting VAC (%)

Question: In the previous 12 months, which of the following ways have you used to contact VAC?
Sample size: 1943
Framework: Respondents who say they have contacted VAC in the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Slight variations in methods of contact between strata

·    Younger Veterans are more likely to have contacted VAC through My VAC Account: Veterans under 65 and are much more likely than Veterans 65–84 and Veterans over 85.

o   The same trend exists for email communication.

·    Survivors are the least likely to contact VAC online (i.e., through email or My VAC Account).

Figure 12: Ways of Contacting VAC (%)

Question: In the previous 12 months, which of the following ways have you used to contact VAC?
Sample size: 1943
Framework: Respondents who say they have contacted VAC in the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Phone most preferred by far

·    Phone (49%) is by far the most preferred method of communication for contacting VAC.

·    Letter (15%), My VAC Account (13%), and email (12%) are preferred relatively equally.

·    In-person options are the least preferred.

Figure 13: Preferred Methods for Contacting VAC (%)

Question: In general, what is your preferred method of contact with VAC? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 3166
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Different strata prefer different methods 0f contact

·    Survivors greatly prefer phone (58%) and letters (34%) but are unlikely to prefer contacting VAC online.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 tend to prefer phone (42%) and My VAC Account (30%) over letters (2%).

Figure 14: Preferred Methods for Contacting VAC (%)

Question: In general, what is your preferred method of contact with VAC? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 3166
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority agree that communication has been easy

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) respondents agree that communication with VAC has been easy.

·    Survivors are the most likely to agree (TOP2: 79%) while case-managed Veterans under 65 are the least likely (TOP2: 60%).

·    French-speakers are more likely (TOP2: 75%) than English-speakers (TOP2: 68%) to agree.

·    Indigenous clients (TOP2: 58%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous clients (70%).

Figure 15: “Communication with VAC Has Been Easy” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Communication with VAC has been easy.”
Sample size: 3146
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree communication is provided in a timely manner

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) agree that communication was provided in a timely manner.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 55%) are the least likely to agree.

·    Older respondents are more likely to agree than younger ones: for example, four in five (TOP2: 79%) respondents over 90 agreed, compared to just under half (TOP2: 48%) of those under 40.

·    There is no noticeable difference between pre-COVID (TOP2: 69%) and post-COVID (TOP2: 69%)

Figure 16: Communication “Provided in a Timely Manner” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Communication with VAC was provided in a timely manner.” 
Sample size: 3123
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Two-thirds say it is easy to submit the necessary info to apply

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 63%) agree that it is easy to submit the needed information.

·    Veterans under 65 (not case-managed) are the least likely to agree (TOP2: 55%).

·    No notable trends for language, gender, visible minority, or indigenous background.

Figure 17: “Easy to Submit” Info Needed for Application (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “It was easy to submit the required information to VAC needed for my application.” 
Sample size: 1151
Framework: Respondents who say they applied for a service or benefit within the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Large variances in My VAC Account usage

·    Just under half (45%) of respondents say they have used My VAC Account.

·    There is great variance among the strata: nine in 10 (92%) case-managed Veterans over 65 have used it, versus just one in 10 (8%) Survivors.

·    Younger respondents are much more likely than older ones to use My VAC Account.

·    French-speakers (55%) are more likely than English-speakers (44%) to use the service.

·    Men (51%) are much more likely than women (29%) to use it, and this is clearly connected to low usage among Survivors, who are predominantly women.

Figure 18: Usage of My VAC Account (%)

Question: My VAC Account allows you to do business online securely with Veterans Affairs Canada. Have you used My VAC Account?
Sample size: 3175
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Lack of need is the top reason for not using My VAC Account

·    Of those who do not use My VAC Account, a quarter (28%) say they have no need for it.

·    One in five (19%) say they did not know about it.

·    Other technological barriers like lack of access to a computer or internet (18%), or feeling that technology is too complex (17%) are also top reasons.

Figure 19: Reasons for Not Using My VAC Account (%)

Question: Why don’t you use My VAC Account? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 1736
Framework: Respondents who say they have not used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Barriers and awareness a theme for lower-usage groups

·    Survivors and Veterans over 85 are more likely than other strata to say they did not know about My VAC Account or that they cannot access the needed technology.

·    English-speakers (21%) are twice as likely to be unaware of My VAC Account than French-speakers (10%).

Figure 20: Reasons for Not Using My VAC Account: Top 5 (%)

Question: Why don’t you use My VAC Account? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 1736
Framework: Respondents who say they have not used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most think My VAC Account helps find out about benefits and services

·    Of those who use My VAC Account, four in five (83%) respondents say My VAC Account is a good way to find out about benefits and services.

·    Visible minority (75%) and indigenous (74%) respondents are less likely to say “yes.”

Figure 21: My VAC Account is a Good Way to Find Out About: “Benefits and Services” (%)

Question: When you used My VAC Account, was it a good way to find out about... “VAC benefits and services”
Sample size: 1379
Framework: Respondents who say they have used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Strong majority say My VAC Account is good for checking in on application status

Four in five (80%) My VAC Account users say it is a good way to find out about the status of their applications.

Figure 22: My VAC Account is a Good Way to Find Out About: “Status of My Applications” (%)

Question: When you used My VAC Account, was it a good way to find out about... “The status of my applications”
Sample size: 1332
Framework: Respondents who say they have used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Three-quarters of users say My VAC Account is good for learning VAC news

·    Three in four (76%) respondents who use my VAC Account say it is a good way to find out about VAC news.

·    Visible minority respondents (65%) are less likely to say  “yes.”

Figure 23: My VAC Account is a Good Way to Find Out About: “VAC News” (%)

Question: When you used My VAC Account, was it a good way to find out about... “VAC news”
Sample size: 1321
Framework: Respondents who say they have used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority say My VAC Account is a good way to message securely with VAC

Seven in eight (86%) say My VAC Account is a good way to communicate securely with VAC.

Figure 24: My VAC Account is a Good Way to Find Out About: “Comms. Through Secure Messaging with VAC” (%)

Question: When you used My VAC Account, was it a good way to find out about... “Communications through secure messaging with VAC”
Sample size: 1358
Framework: Respondents who say they have used My VAC Account, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Satisfaction with Service Experience

Satisfaction with the service experience is high. VAC staff receive high marks for being competent, knowledgeable, and respectful. There is no noticeable increase in wait times or drop-off in service quality when comparing pre- to post-pandemic numbers.

Most satisfied with quality of programs and services

·    Four in five (TOP2: 80%) respondents are satisfied with the quality of programs and services.

·    This is similar to 2017 (TOP2: 81%), though the number of “very satisfied” respondents increased from 29% to 42%.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 65%) are less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 90%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 72%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 80%).

Figure 25: Satisfaction with Quality of Programs and Services (%)

Question: How satisfied are you with the quality of VAC’s programs and services offered?
Sample size: 3088
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority satisfied with the quality of service delivery

·    Four in five (TOP2: 81%) respondents say they are satisfied with the quality of service delivery.

·    This maintains 2017 levels (TOP2: 81%), though the number of “very satisfied” respondents has risen from 32% to 47%.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 75%) tend to be less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 81%).

·    Veterans under 65 who are not case-managed (TOP2: 69%) are the least satisfied of the six strata.

·    There has been no drop-off in satisfaction post-COVID (TOP2: 82%) compared to pre-COVID (TOP2: 80%).

Figure 26: Satisfaction with Quality of Service Delivery (%)

Question: Now we’d like to ask how satisfied you were with the quality of service you received over the past 12 months. You may say, very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, or very satisfied. How satisfied are you with the quality of service delivery?
Sample size: 3107
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Less than half agree service has improved in the past 12 months

·    Four in nine (TOP2: 44%) agree that VAC service has improved in the past 12 months.

·    Younger respondents like those under 40 (TOP2: 23%) are less likely to agree than their older counterparts, e.g., respondents 90 and over (TOP2: 59%).

·    There is no noticeable drop-off from pre-COVID (TOP2: 45%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 43%).

Figure 27: “VAC Service Has Improved” Over Past 12 Months (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Over the past 12 months, VAC service has improved.”
Sample size: 2614
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree most recent letter was “easy to understand”

·    Seven in eight (TOP2: 84%) respondents who contacted VAC by letter agree that VAC’s most recent letter was “easy to understand.”

·    Visible minority respondents (TOP2: 76%) are less likely to agree than non-minority respondents (TOP2: 85%).

Figure 28: Most Recent Letter Was “Easy to Understand” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “The most recent letter I received from VAC was easy to understand.”
Sample size: 832
Framework: Respondents who say have contacted VAC by letter, excluding “don’t know”

Staff get high marks for service

·    Four in five (TOP2: 78%) agree that VAC staff provided satisfactory service.

·    Veterans under 65 are again least likely of the strata to agree.

·    There is no decline pre-COVID (TOP2: 78%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 78%).

Figure 29: “Overall, VAC Staff Provided Satisfactory Service” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Overall, VAC staff provided a satisfactory service.”
Sample size: 3107
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

VAC staff perceived as knowledgeable

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 77%) of respondents say VAC staff were knowledgeable about programs and services.

·    Veterans under 65 are least likely to agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 61%) are much less likely than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 78%) to agree.

Figure 30: “VAC Staff Were Knowledgeable” About  Programs and Services (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “VAC staff were knowledgeable about the programs and services I inquired about.”
Sample size: 2885
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most feel staff are competent

·    Four in five (TOP2: 78%) respondents agree that VAC staff were competent when responding to their inquiry.

·    French-speakers (TOP2: 86%) are much more likely than English-speakers (TOP2: 77%) to agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 68%) are much less likely than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 79%) to agree.

Figure 31: “VAC Staff Were Competent In Responding To My Inquiry” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “VAC staff were competent in responding to my inquiry.”
Sample size: 2943
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Many clients say VAC staff treated them exceptionally

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 77%) say VAC staff treated them exceptionally.

·    Veterans under 65 who are not case-managed are the least likely to agree (TOP2: 71%).

·    There is no drop-off in agreement from pre-COVID (TOP2: 76%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 77%).

Figure 32: “Treatment by VAC Staff Was Exceptional” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Treatment by VAC staff was exceptional.”
Sample size: 2972
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree that they were respected by VAC staff

·    Four in five (BTM2: 80%) agree that they were respected by VAC staff.

·    Only one in eight (TOP2: 13%) respondents say they feel like VAC staff did not respect them.

·    Survivors (TOP2: 22%) are the most likely to feel negatively, i.e., that they were not respected by VAC staff.

Figure 33: “I Did Not Feel Respected by Staff at VAC” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I did not feel respected by staff at VAC.”
Sample size: 2968
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree that staff were responsive to their needs

·    Three-quarters (BTM2: 74%) agree that VAC staff were responsive to their needs.

·    Only one in seven (TOP2: 14%) say that VAC staff was not responsive to their needs.

·    RCMP (BTM2: 82%) are the most likely to feel positively about staff’s responsiveness.

·    Survivors (TOP2: 22%) are the most likely to feel negatively.

Figure 34: “VAC Staff Were Not Responsive to My Needs” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “VAC staff were not responsive to my needs.”
Sample size: 2962
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most think wait time at VAC location is reasonable

·    Two-thirds (BTM2: 66%) of respondents say that they did not have to wait too long to speak to someone at a VAC location.

·    Survivors (TOP2: 26%) are the most likely to say they had to wait too long.

·    There are no noticeable changes pre-COVID (TOP2: 19%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 19%).

Figure 35: “I Had to Wait Too Long to Speak to Someone at a VAC Location” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I had to wait too long to speak to someone at a VAC location.”
Sample size: 2816
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority agree that they were communicated with in official language of choice

·    19 in 20 (TOP2: 95%) respondents agree that they were communicated with in the official language of their choice.

·    French-speakers (TOP2: 96%) are just as likely as English-speakers (TOP2: 95%) to agree.

Figure 36: “VAC Staff Communicated with Me in My Official Language of Choice” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “VAC staff communicated with me in my official language of choice.”
Sample size: 3098
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Variation in timeliness of obtaining services and benefits

·    Overall, seven in 10 (TOP2: 70%) respondents say they obtained a service or benefit in a timely manner.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 42%) are the least likely to agree.

·    Survivors (TOP2: 87%) and Veterans 85 and up (TOP2: 87%) are the most likely to agree.

Figure 37: “I Obtained a Service or Benefit in a Timely Manner” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I obtained a service or benefit in a timely manner.”
Sample size: 3089
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most understand services and benefits offered

·    Overall, seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) respondents agree that they understand the services and benefits offered by VAC.

·    Younger respondents like those under 40 (TOP2: 58%) are less likely to agree than their older counterparts, e.g., respondents 90 and over (TOP2: 80%).

·    Men (TOP2: 68%) are less likely to agree than women (TOP2: 74%).

Figure 38: “I Understand the Services and Benefits Offered by VAC” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I understand the services and benefits offered by Veterans Affairs Canada.”
Sample size: 3168
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most have not applied for a service or benefit recently

·    Three in eight (37%) respondents say they have applied for a service or benefit in the past 12 months.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (69%) are the most likely strata to say they applied recently.

·    Survivors (12%) are the least likely to say they applied.

·    Women (23%) are less likely than men (41%) to say they applied in the past 12 months.

Figure 39: Applying for Services and Benefits (%)


Question: Did you apply for a service or benefit within the past 12 months? Yes or no.
Sample size: 3224
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Veterans under 65 less likely to find application process easy

·    Three in five (TOP2: 58%) respondents who applied for a service or benefit in the last 12 months agreed that the application process was easy.

·    Veterans over 85 (TOP2: 77%) are most likely to agree.

·    Veterans under 65 are least less likely to agree.

·    There is no difference in agreement between French-speakers (TOP2: 58%) and English-speakers (TOP2: 58%).

Figure 40: The Application Process Was Easy” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Overall, the application process was easy.”
Sample size: 1159
Framework: Respondents who say they applied for a service or benefit within the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Veterans under 65 do not agree that information is easy to find

·    Half (TOP2: 53%) of respondents who applied for a service or benefit in the past 12 months agree that the information needed to apply was “easy to find.”

·    Once again, Veterans under 65 are the two strata least likely to agree.

Figure 41: Information for Applying Was “Easy to Find” (%)

Question: [Explanation of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Overall, the information I needed to apply for a service or benefit that I am eligible for was easy to find.”
Sample size: 1153
Framework: Respondents who say they applied for a service or benefit within the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

A third say “nothing could be improved”

·    When asked about potential improvements to the application process, a third (33%) of respondents who applied say nothing could be improved.

·    The most popular improvement areas are frequency of status updates (16%), clearer explanations regarding decisions (12%) and simplification of forms (10%).

Figure 42: Potential Improvements to the Application Process (%)

Question: What part of the application process could be improved?
Sample size: 1114
Framework: Respondents who say they applied for a service or benefit within the past 12 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Services and Programs

Case Management Services

Three-quarters are satisfied with case management services and two-thirds say it improves their quality of life. Most are generally satisfied with the working relationship they have with their case manager. Younger respondents tend to be less satisfied with case management.

Most case-managed respondents have a case manager[5]

·    Of the respondents who are on file as case-managed, nine in 10 (90%) say they currently have a case manager

·    This question serves as a screener for the next section of the survey. Those who responded “yes” to this question are asked further questions about case management and other relevant services and programs.

Figure 43: Do You Have a Case Manager? (%)

Question: A case manager helps Veterans and former RCMP members set goals and find the services they need to overcome a challenge in their life. Do you currently have a case manager who works with you to obtain services?
Sample size: 381
Framework: Respondents who are case-managed, excluding “don’t know” and refused

High satisfaction with case management; varies by age[6]

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 75%) of respondents who say they have a case manager agree that they are satisfied with case management services.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 69%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 76%).

·    There is a clear age trend, as see in the figure. Respondents 60 and over are more likely to agree than respondents under 40.

·    French-speakers (TOP2: 82%) more satisfied than English-speakers (TOP2: 73%).

Figure 44: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied with Case Management Services” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Overall, I have been satisfied with case management services.”
Sample size: 337
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Case management seen as beneficial[7]

·    Of those who say they have a case manager, four in five (TOP2: 80%) agree that case management services were beneficial to them.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 73%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 81%).

·    Veterans 60 and older (TOP2: 89%) are more likely to agree than younger veterans, like those under 40.

·    Respondents are more likely to agree post-COVID (TOP2: 84%) than pre-COVID (TOP2: 77%).

Figure 45: “Case Management Services Were Beneficial to Me” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “Case management services were beneficial to me.”
Sample size: 335
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Two-thirds say lives improved due to case management7

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 66%) of respondents who say they have a case manager agree that case management has improved their lives.

·    Women (TOP2: 71%) are slightly more likely than men (TOP2: 65%) to agree.

Figure 46: “As a Result of Case Management Services,  My Life Has Improved” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “As a result of case management services, my life has improved.”
Sample size: 334
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree a manager was assigned reasonably quickly

·    Of those who say they have case managers, three-quarters (TOP2: 76%) agree that they were assigned their case manager in a reasonable amount of time.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 68%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 77%).

·    As seen in the figure, older respondents are more likely to agree than younger respondents.

·    No COVID drop-off: post-COVID levels (TOP2: 78%) are similar to pre-COVID (TOP2: 75%) levels.

Figure 47: “I Was Assigned Case Manager in Reasonable Amount of Time” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I was assigned a case manager in a reasonable amount of time.”
Sample size: 338
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most have a good relationship with case manager[9]

·    Eight in 10 (TOP2: 78%) respondents agree that they are happy with the working relationship they have with their current case manager.

·    Once again, there is a clear age trend in the graph: older respondents are more likely to be happy than younger respondents.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 16%) are slightly more likely to be unhappy than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 11%).

Figure 48: “Not Happy” with Working Relationship with Current Case Manager (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I am not happy with the working relationship I have with my current case manager.”
Sample size: 336
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority feel case plan goals do reflect their needs[10]

·    Seven in 10 (BTM2: 72%) agree that the goals in their case plan reflect their needs.

·    Only one in eight (TOP2: 12%) respond negatively.

·    More respondents are likely to feel positively post-COVID (TOP2: 77%) than pre-COVID (TOP2: 67%).

Figure 49: “The Goals in My Case Plan Do Not Reflect My Needs” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “The goals in my case plan do not reflect my needs.”
Sample size: 327
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree they were involved in developing case plan goals[11]

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 73%) of respondents agree that they were involved in developing goals for their case plan.

·    Women (TOP2: 79%) are more likely than men (TOP2: 71%) to agree.

Figure 50: “I Was Involved in Developing My Goals for My Case Plan” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I was involved in developing my goals for my case plan.”
Sample size: 328
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Half had the opportunity to involve family and supporters[12]

·    Five in nine (TOP2: 54%) agree that they had the opportunity to involve family and other supporters in case plan development.

·    This maintains 2017 levels (TOP2: 53%).

·    As seen in the figure, younger respondents are less likely to agree than older respondents.

·    Women (TOP2: 45%) are less likely to agree than men (TOP2: 55%).

Figure 51: “I Had the Opportunity to Involve Family and Other Supporters in the Development of My Case Plan” (%)


Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I had the opportunity to involve family and other supporters in the development of my case plan.”
Sample size: 318
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Regular contact with case manager varies[13]

·    Overall, three in five (TOP2: 61%) agree that they had regular contact with their case manager to discuss progress on their goals.

·    Those under 40 (TOP2: 48%) are much less likely to agree.

·    Women (TOP2: 65%) are slightly more likely to agree than men (TOP2: 60%).

·    No drop-off post-COVID (TOP2: 63%) vs. pre-COVID (TOP2: 59%).

Figure 52: “I Had Regular Contact with My Case Manager to Discuss If I Was Reaching My Goals” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I had regular contact with my case manager to discuss if I was reaching my goals.”
Sample size: 330
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority pleased with progress towards achieving goals[14]

·    Three in five (TOP2: 60%) agree that they are pleased with their progress towards achieving their goals.

·    As seen in the figure, older respondents are slightly more likely to agree compared to younger respondents.

·    Visible minorities (TOP2: 56%) are slightly less likely than non-minorities (TOP2: 61%) to agree.

Figure 53: “I Have Been Pleased with My Progress Towards Achieving My Goals” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “I have been pleased with my progress towards achieving my goals.”
Sample size: 327
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Case managers helping inform about programs and services[15]

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) say their case manager better informed them on accessing VAC’s programs and services.

·    Older respondents are more likely than younger ones to agree, as shown in the figure.

·    Respondents are more likely to agree post-COVID (TOP2: 74%) than pre-COVID (TOP2: 65%), showing how helpful case managers are for clients navigating the pandemic.

Figure 54: Working with My Case Manager “Better Informed” Me on How to Access VAC Programs and Services (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “In working with my case manager, I became better informed on how to access VAC´s programs and services that I needed.”
Sample size: 334
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Case managers pointing to community supports[16]

·    Six in 10 (TOP2: 63%) agree that case managers informed them of helpful supports and services in their community.

·    Post-COVID (TOP2: 68%) respondents are more likely to agree than pre-COVID (TOP2: 59%).

·    Once again, there is a clear positive trend between age and agreement. Older respondents are more likely to agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 57%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 64%).

Figure 55: My Case Manager Informed Me of Services and Supports in My Community That Could Help Me” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “My case manager informed me of services and supports in my community that could help me.”
Sample size: 331
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most say case managers are responding to calls promptly[17]

·    Four in five (TOP2: 80%) agree that case managers are responding to their calls in a reasonable amount of time.

·    Women (TOP2: 86%) are more likely to agree than men (TOP2: 79%).

·    There has been no drop-off pre-COVID (TOP2: 76%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 84%), but rather an improvement.

Figure 56: “My Case Manager Responded to My Calls in a Reasonable Amount of Time” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “My case manager responded to my calls in a reasonable amount of time.”
Sample size: 335
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most feel case plan goals are relevant[18]

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 77%) of respondents agree that their case plan goals were relevant.

·    Indigenous (TOP2: 69%) and visible minority (TOP2: 70%) respondents are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 78%) and non-minority (TOP2: 79%) respondents.

Figure 57: “My Case Plan Goals Were Relevant” (%)

Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “My case plan goals were relevant.”
Sample size: 325
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority agree case plan goals were helpful[19]

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 72%) respondents agree that their case plan goals were helpful.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2:64%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 75%).

Figure 58: “My Case Plan Goals Were Helpful” (%)
Question: [Reminder of 5-point scale as a measure of agreement with the statement.] … “My case plan goals were helpful.”
Sample size: 327
Framework: Respondents who say they have a case manager, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Veterans Independence Program (VIP)

VIP receives very positive feedback from program recipients. The vast majority are satisfied with the program. Overwhelmingly, respondents say VIP has met their needs, helped keep them in their community, and been a benefit to them.

High overall satisfaction with VIP

·    Nine in 10 (TOP2: 90%) respondents who receive benefits from VIP agree that they are satisfied with the program overall.

·    Seven in 10 (71%) strongly agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (64%) are slightly less likely to strongly agree than non-Indigenous respondents (71%).

Figure 59: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied” with VIP (%)

Question: The Veterans Independence Program offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist clients to remain independent at home … “Overall, I have been satisfied with the Veterans Independence Program.”
Sample size: 1652
Framework: Respondents who are in receipt of benefits from the Veterans Independence Program, excluding “don’t know” and refused

VIP relied on to keep recipients in their homes and communities

Nine in 10 (TOP2: 91%) respondents who are in receipt of VIP benefits agree that they rely on VIP to help them remain in their home and community.

Figure 60: “I Rely on VIP Services to Help Me Remain in My Home and Community” (%)

Question: The Veterans Independence Program offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist clients to remain independent at home … “I rely on VIP services to help me remain in my home and community.”
Sample size: 1682
Framework: Respondents who are in receipt of benefits from the Veterans Independence Program, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most able to find providers to help with VIP services

·    Six in seven (TOP2: 85%) of those in receipt of benefits agree that they are able to find service providers to help them with needed VIP services.

·    This is down from 2017 (TOP2: 93%).

·    Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 78%) are the least likely to agree of the five strata.

·    French-speakers (TOP2: 79%) are slightly less likely than English-speakers (TOP2: 85%) to agree.

Figure 61: “I Have Been Able to Find Service Providers to Help Me with the VIP Services I Need” (%)

Question: The Veterans Independence Program offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist clients to remain independent at home … “I have been able to find service providers to help me with the VIP services I need.”
Sample size: 1589
Framework: Respondents who are in receipt of benefits from the Veterans Independence Program, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority agree that VIP meets their needs

Six in seven (TOP2: 84%)of those in receipt of benefits from VIP agree that VIP meets their needs.

Figure 62: VIP “Meets My Needs” (%)

Question: The Veterans Independence Program offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist clients to remain independent at home … “The VIP program meets my needs.”
Sample size: 1633
Framework: Respondents who are in receipt of benefits from the Veterans Independence Program, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Overwhelming number say VIP has been a benefit to them

·    19 in 20 (TOP2: 95%) respondents in receipt of benefits from VIP say that it has been a benefit to them.

·    Four in five (82%) strongly agree.

Figure 63: VIP “Has Been a Benefit to Me” (%)

Question: The Veterans Independence Program offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist clients to remain independent at home … “The VIP program has been a benefit to me”
Sample size: 1651
Framework: Respondents who are in receipt of benefits from the Veterans Independence Program, excluding “don’t know” and refusedProgram, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Treatment Benefits Program

Four in five respondents are satisfied with the Treatment Benefits Program. Most people say the program meets their needs and that the reimbursement time is reasonable. Around nine in 10 are able to access their benefits. The biggest barrier to accessing benefits is lack of approval from VAC.

Program enjoys high satisfaction

·    Overall, four in five (TOP2: 82%) respondents who used treatment benefits over the past 24 months agree that they are satisfied.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 69%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 83%).

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 73%), are less likely to agree than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 88%).

Figure 64: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied with the Treatment Benefits Program” (%)

Question: Overall, I have been satisfied with the Treatment Benefits program.
Sample size: 2012
Framework: Respondents who have used treatment benefits over the past 24 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree reimbursement time was reasonable

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 76%) of those who used treatment benefits in the past 24 months agree that the time it took to get reimbursed was reasonable.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 58%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 77%).

·    Visible minorities (TOP2: 66%) are less likely to agree than non-minorities (TOP2: 77%).

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 63%) are the least likely to agree.

Figure 65: Reimbursement Time for Treatment Benefits and Services Was “Reasonable” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale... “The time it took to get reimbursed for treatment benefits and services was reasonable.”
Sample size: 1873
Framework: Respondents who have used treatment benefits over the past 24 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

For most, the Treatment Benefits Program meets their needs

·    Four in five (TOP2: 78%) agree that the program meets their needs.

·    This is down from 2017 (TOP2: 84%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 72%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 79%).

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 71%) are less likely to agree than older respondents like those 90 and over (TOP2: 85%).

Figure 66: “The Treatment Benefits Program Meets My Needs” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale... “The Treatment Benefits Program meets my needs.”
Sample size: 1971
Framework: Respondents who have used treatment benefits over the past 24 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority able to access needed treatment benefits

·    Eight in nine (TOP2: 87%) respondents who used treatment benefits in the past 24 months say they were able to access their needed benefits.

·    Women (TOP2: 81%) are less likely than men (TOP2: 87%) to say yes.

Figure 67: Able to Access Their Needed Treatment Benefits (%)

Question: Were you able to access the treatment benefits you needed?
Sample size: 1985
Framework: Respondents who have used treatment benefits over the past 24 months, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Lack of VAC approval for benefits/services top reason for lack of access

·    Of those who say they were not able to access their needed treatment benefits, four in 10 (37%) say the benefit or service was not approved by VAC.

·    One in five (20%) say the wait time to access the benefits was too long.

·    Visible minorities (51%) and Indigenous respondents (45%) are more likely than average to say their benefit or service was not approved by VAC.

Figure 68: Reasons for Not Accessing Needed Benefits (%)

Question: Why haven’t you accessed the benefits you needed? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 241
Framework: Respondents who say they were not able access the treatment benefits they needed, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Some variation by strata

·    RCMP are the most likely to cite lack of approval (54%) and wait times (40%) compared to other strata.

·    Having to pay out of pocket (29%) is the most prevalent among case-managed Veterans under 65.

Figure 69: Reasons for Not Accessing Needed Benefits: Top 8 (%)

Question: Why haven’t you accessed the benefits you needed? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 241
Framework: Respondents who say they were not able access the treatment benefits they needed, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Disability Benefits Program

Most program recipients are satisfied with the Disability Benefits Program. A majority agree that the program recognizes their service-related disability and compensates them for it.

High satisfaction with program, though varies between strata

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 72%) respondents agree that they are satisfied with the Disability Benefits Program overall.

·    Veterans under 65 are least satisfied among the six strata.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 63%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 73%).

·    Men (TOP2: 71%) are less satisfied than women (TOP2: 77%).

Figure 70: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied with the Disability Benefits Program” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “Overall, I have been satisfied with the Disability Benefits program.”
Sample size: 2965
Framework: Respondents whose Disability Program account status is “in-pay” or “entitlement only,” excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree benefits recognize their disability

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 73%) of respondents agree that their disability benefits recognize their service-related disability.

·    Veterans under 65 are the least likely of the six strata to agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 68%) are slightly less likely than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 73%) to agree.

Figure 71: My Disability Benefits “Recognize My Service-Related Disability” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “The disability benefits I receive from VAC recognize my service-related disability.”
Sample size: 2870
Framework: Respondents whose Disability Program account status is “in-pay” or “entitlement only,” excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority agree benefits compensate them for disability

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 67%) of respondents agree that their disability benefits compensate them for their service-related disability.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 58%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 67%).

·    In general, younger respondents are less likely than older respondents to agree.

Figure 72: My Disability Benefits “Compensate Me for the Effects of My Service-Related Disability” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “The disability benefits I receive from VAC compensate me for the effects of my service-related disability.”
Sample size: 2851
Framework: Respondents whose Disability Program account status is “in-pay” or “entitlement only,” excluding “don’t know” and refused


Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance

Seven in 10 are satisfied with the rehabilitation services and vocational assistance. A majority say it helped improve their quality of life. Fewer people say that the program helped them return to work/their main activity, or that it improved barriers in their life.

Medical and psychosocial rehabilitation most common

When asked which rehabilitation program streams they had participated in, two-thirds (68%) say medical rehabilitation, three in five (61%) say psychosocial rehabilitation, and four in nine (44%) say vocational rehabilitation.

Figure 73: Participation in Rehabilitation Program Streams (%)

Question: What stream(s) of VAC rehabilitation program have you participated in? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 466
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Strata evenly-represented in each stream[20]

·    Various strata are generally evenly-represented in each rehabilitation program stream.

·    The notable exception is that Veterans 65–84 are much less likely than younger Veterans to participate in vocational rehabilitation, likely because more are retired at that age.

Figure 74: Participation in Rehabilitation Program Streams (%)

Question: What stream(s) of VAC rehabilitation program have you participated in? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 466
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most are satisfied with vocational assistance and rehabilitation[21]

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 70%) of respondents agree that they are satisfied with VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 61%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 71%).

Figure 75: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied” with Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “Overall, I have been satisfied with VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program.” 
Sample size: 451
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree program improved quality of life[22]

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 64%) of respondents agree that participation in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program has helped improve their quality of life.

·    Women (TOP2: 70%) are more likely to agree than men (TOP2: 62%).

Figure 76: Participation in Rehabilitation Program “Helped Me Improve My Quality Of Life” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “My participation in VAC's Rehabilitation Program has helped me improve my quality of life.”
Sample size: 454
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Fewer agree that the program helped them return to work[23]

·    Only a quarter (TOP2: 24%) of respondents agree that the program helped them enter the workforce or return to their main activity.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 10%) are far less likely than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 25%) to agree.

Figure 77: Participation in Rehabilitation Program “Helped Me Enter the Workforce” or Return to “Main Activity” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “My participation in the Rehabilitation program has helped me enter the workforce or return to my main activity.”
Sample size: 426
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority agree rehabilitation has benefited their supporters[24]

·    Three in five (TOP2: 59%) agree that participating in rehabilitation has been beneficial to their family others for support them.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 50%) are less likely than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 60%) to agree.

Figure 78: “Participation in Rehabilitation Has Been Beneficial to My Family” or Other Supporters (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “My participation in rehabilitation has been beneficial to my family or other people who support me.”
Sample size: 466
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree that rehabilitation was personally beneficial[25]

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) agree that participating in rehabilitation was beneficial to them.

·    Once again, Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 60%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 69%).

Figure 79: “My Participation in Rehabilitation Was Beneficial to Me” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “My participation in rehabilitation was beneficial to me.”
Sample size: 455
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Level of participation generally perceived as reasonable[26]

·    Four in five (TOP2: 78%) respondents agree that the level of participation expected of them in the rehabilitation program was reasonable.

·    Respondents aged 60–69 are slightly less likely to agree.

Figure 80: Level of Participation Expected of Me in the Rehabilitation Program “Was Reasonable” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “The level of participation in the Rehabilitation program that was expected of me was reasonable.”
Sample size: 452
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority agree that they tried hard to follow their plan[27]

·    Nine in 10 (TOP2: 90%) respondents say they tried hard to follow their rehabilitation plan.

·    There is no noticeable drop-off from pre-COVID (TOP2: 91%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 90%) in determination to follow the plan.

Figure 81: “I Tried Hard To Follow My Rehabilitation Plan” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “I tried hard to follow my rehabilitation plan.”
Sample size: 446
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Respondents split on whether participation decreased barriers[28]

·    Three in 10 (TOP2: 31%) agree that their barriers decreased after participating.

·    A similar number (BTM2: 33%) disagreed.

·    Indigenous respondents (BTM2: 41%) are more likely to disagree than non-Indigenous respondents (BTM2: 32%).

Figure 82: “Since Participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, My Barriers Have Decreased” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased.” 
Sample size: 443
Framework: Respondents whose sample files indicate they are “eligible” or have “completed” rehabilitation, or respondents whose files indicate they are “active” or “in progress” with respect to vocational rehabilitation, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Home and community top areas where barriers worsened

·    Of those who disagreed that their barriers improved, the most commonly-cited areas where barriers worsened are at home (48%) and in the community (46%).

·    Three in 10 (31%) say their barriers worsened at work.

·    One in five (21%) say their barrier(s) have not worsened, presumably because they have stayed the same.

Figure 83: Where Barriers Worsened (%)

Question: Where has one of your barriers worsened? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 143
Framework: Respondents who rated their agreement with the statement “Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased” as a 2 or lower, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Even spread among strata[29]

·    There are no drastic differences between strata regarding where barriers worsened.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are slightly more likely to say their barriers worsened at home, in the community, and at work.

Figure 84: Where Barriers Worsened (%)

Question: Where has one of your barriers worsened? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 143
Framework: Respondents who rated their agreement with the statement “Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased” as a 2 or lower, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Improvements in barriers tended to be at home

·    Of those who agree that their barriers have decreased as a result of participation, seven in 10 (69%) say they experienced this improvement at home.

·    A third (35%) say they experienced the improvement in the community.

·    One in five (22%) say they saw an improvement at work.

Figure 85: Where Barriers Improved (%)

Question: Where is the improvement in one of your barriers noticeable? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 129
Framework: Respondents who rated their agreement with the statement “Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased” as a 4 or higher, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Barrier improvements evenly distributed among strata[30]

There are no great variations between strata regarding where barriers improved.

Figure 86: Where Barriers Improved (%)

Question: Where is the improvement in one of your barriers noticeable? [multiple responses allowed]
Sample size: 129
Framework: Respondents who rated their agreement with the statement “Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased” as a 4 or higher, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Pension for Life

Around half of respondents received information from VAC about Pension for Life. For most, it did not change their personal benefits. For those whose benefits changed, most understood the changes.

Half of respondents received information[31]

·    Just under half (48%) of respondents received information from VAC about their personal benefits as a result of Pension for Life.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (70%) are more likely than older respondents, like those 90 and over (32%) to have received information about Pension for Life.

·    Men (52%) are more likely than women (36%) to have received information.








Figure 87: “Did You Receive Information from VAC About Your Personal Benefits as a Result of Pension for Life?” (%)

Question: On April 1, 2019, the Government of Canada launched Pension for Life. Pension for Life is a combination of benefits that provide recognition, income support and stability to members and Veterans who experience an illness or injury related to service. Did you receive information from VAC about your personal benefits as a result of Pension for Life?
Sample size: 2889
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Most saw no change in benefits[32]

·    Only a quarter (28%) of respondents saw a change in their benefits as a result of Pension for Life.

·    Men (30%) are more likely to have seen a change than women (21%).

·    Younger people, like those under 40 (53%) are more likely to have seen a change than older respondents, like those 90 and above (18%).

Figure 88: “Have Your Benefits Changed as a Result of  Pension for Life?” (%)

Question: Have your benefits changed as a result of Pension for Life?
Sample size: 2796
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused




Most understood benefits changes[33]

·    Of those who say they experienced changes to their personal benefits, seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) say they understood the changes.

·    Understanding is the lowest among Veterans under 85.

·    Women (TOP2: 74%) are more likely to understand than men (TOP2: 68%).

Figure 89: “I Understood the Changes to My Personal Benefits as a Result of Pension for Life” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree … “I understood the changes to my personal benefits as a result of Pension for Life.”
Sample size: 757
Framework: Respondents who say that their benefits have changed as a result of Pension for Life, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Office of the Veterans Ombudsman

Half of respondents are aware of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman. Of those who are aware, around half are familiar with the Office’s services. Many heard about the Office from VAC or through word of mouth.

Just over half are aware with the Office

·    Five in nine (55%) of respondents are aware of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman.

·    Survivors (33%) and Veterans 85 and over (42%) are the least likely to be aware of the Office.

·    Visible minorities (45%) are less likely to be aware than non-minorities (56%).

·    Women (40%) are less likely to be aware than men (59%).

Figure 90: “Were You Aware of the  Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?” (%)

Question: The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is an independent organization that works to ensure that VAC clients receive the services and benefits that they require in a fair, timely, and efficient manner. Prior to today, were you aware of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?
Sample size: 3200
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

VAC and word of mouth most popular source of awareness

·    Of those who are aware of the Office, many either heard from VAC (18%) or through word of mouth (17%).

·    Other popular sources of awareness are newspapers and magazines (13%), the internet (10%), and Veterans service organizations (9%).

·    Social media (3%) is the least popular place to have heard about the Office.

Figure 91: Where Did You First Hear About the Office? (%)

Question: Where did you first hear about the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?
Sample size: 1747
Framework: Respondents who say they are aware if the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Some variations by strata

·    Veterans 85 and older are the least likely (7%) of the six strata to have heard about the Office through word of mouth.

·    Survivors are the least likely to have heard about the Office through the internet (2%), while RCMP are the most likely (20%).

Figure 92: Where Did You First Hear About the Office? (%)

Question: Where did you first hear about the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?
Sample size: 1235
Framework: Respondents who say they are aware if the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, excluding “don’t know,” “other,” and refused

Survivors are least familiar with the Office’s services

·    Half (TOP2: 52%) of respondents who are aware of the Office say they are familiar with the Office’s services.

·    Survivors (TOP2: 39%) are the stratum least familiar with the services of the Office.

Figure 93: Familiarity with the Services of the Office (%)

Question: How familiar are you with the services of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?
Sample size: 1718
Framework: Respondents who say they are aware if the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Commemoration Initiatives

Most are satisfied with VAC’s commemoration initiatives and the way they honour those who served. To ensure more Canadians are aware of VAC’s commemoration initiatives, respondents suggest reaching out to schools, community groups, and via social media.

Most satisfied with commemoration overall

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 71%) agree that they are satisfied with VAC’s commemoration initiatives.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 55%), are less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 86%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 63%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 71%).

·       Women (TOP2: 77%) are more satisfied than men (TOP2: 69%).

·       French-speakers (TOP2: 79%) are more satisfied than English-speakers (TOP2: 70%).

Figure 94: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied with VAC’s Commemorative Initiatives” (%)

Question: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “Overall, I have been satisfied with VAC´s commemorative initiatives.”
Sample size: 2988
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority satisfied with how initiatives honour those who served

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 71%) respondents agree that they are satisfied with the way VAC’s commemorative initiatives honour those who served.

·    Older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 86%), are more satisfied than younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 60%).

Figure 95: “I Am Satisfied with the Way VAC’s Commemorative Initiatives Honour Those Who Served” (%)

Question: Moving on to VAC's commemorative initiatives, which include ceremonies, learning resources, funding for community projects, cemetery and Veterans grave maintenance. Back to our 5-point response scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I am satisfied with the way VAC’s commemorative initiatives honour those who served our country and preserve the memory of their achievements and sacrifices.”
Sample size: 2922
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Three main suggestions for raising awareness

The three most popular suggestions for raising awareness for commemoration initiatives are social media (55%), local organizations and community groups (41%), and through schools (40%).

Figure 96: Ways of Raising Awareness for Initiatives: Top 10 (%)

Question: What could VAC do to ensure more Canadians are aware of VAC’s commemorative initiatives?
Sample size: 2618
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

No great variation between strata

Social media is less commonly suggested by Veterans 65 and over (49%).

Figure 97: Ways of Raising Awareness for Initiatives: Top 5 (%)

Question: What could VAC do to ensure more Canadians are aware of VAC’s commemorative initiatives?
Sample size: 2618
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Funeral and Burial Program

Two-thirds of respondents are satisfied with the Funeral and Burial Program. Two-thirds are satisfied with the access to financial assistance for Veterans’ estates.

Most satisfied with program overall

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 67%) of respondents are satisfied with the Funeral and Burial Program overall.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 54%) are consistently less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 81%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 58%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 67%).

·    Women (TOP2: 74%) more satisfied than men (TOP2: 64%).

Figure 98: “Overall, I Have Been Satisfied with the Program” (%)

Question: VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program provides financial assistance for funeral, burial, and grave marking services for Veterans whose deaths are attributable to their military service and for Veterans who have insufficient funds. … “Overall, I have been satisfied with the program that provides funding for funerals and burials to eligible Veterans.”
Sample size: 2322
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Two-thirds satisfied with financial assistance for estates

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 67%) of respondents are satisfied that the estates of Veterans have access to financial assistance through VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 59%), are less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 80%).

·    Women (TOP2: 73%) are more satisfied than men (TOP2: 64%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 55%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 67%).

Figure 99: I Am Satisfied that Veterans’ Estates “Have Access to Financial Assistance” Through the Program (%)

Question: VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program provides financial assistance for funeral, burial, and grave marking services for Veterans whose deaths are attributable to their military service and for Veterans who have insufficient funds. … “I am satisfied that the estates of Veterans have access to financial assistance through VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program.”
Sample size: 2460
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Satisfaction with Life

Three-quarters of respondents are satisfied with life in general. Consistently, case-managed Veterans under 65 are the least satisfied, while Survivors and Veterans 85+ are the most satisfied. Indigenous and visible minority respondents are generally less satisfied. There are few notable gender differences.

Most common main activity in past 12 months is retirement

·    When asked what their main activity has been in the past 12 months, four in nine (45%) say retirement.

·    Working/running a business was cited by one in eight (13%).

·    English-speakers (46%) are more likely to be retired than French-speakers (37%).

Figure 100: Main Activity in the Past 12 Months (%)

Question: What has been your main activity in the past 12 months?
Sample size: 3194
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Some variation for main activity between strata

·    Unsurprisingly, strata comprising respondents under 65 are much less likely to be retired and more likely to be working or running a business.

·    Conversely, strata with older respondents are more likely to be retired and less likely to be working.

Figure 101: Main Activity in the Past 12 Months: Top 5 (%)

Question: What has been your main activity in the past 12 months?
Sample size: 3194
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most are satisfied with main job or activity

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 73%) of respondents are satisfied with their main job or activity.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are the least satisfied (TOP2: 49%) of the six strata.

·    Older respondents tend to be more satisfied than younger respondents.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 64%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 74%).

Figure 102: Satisfaction with “Main Job or Activity” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “main job or activity?”
Sample size: 3038
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most are satisfied with life in general

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 76%) of respondents say they are satisfied with life in general.

·    This is slightly down from 2017 (TOP2: 85%).

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are the least satisfied strata: less than half (TOP2: 49%) are satisfied.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 62%) and visible minorities (TOP2: 67%) are less satisfied than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 77%) and non-minorities (TOP2: 77%).

Figure 103: Satisfaction with “Life in General” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “life in general?”
Sample size: 3227
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

High satisfaction with overall well-being; variations by strata

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) respondents are satisfied with their overall well-being.

·    This represents a decrease from 2017 (TOP2: 80%).

·    Once again, case-managed Veterans under 65 are the least satisfied (TOP2: 43%).

·    Younger respondents are less satisfied than older respondents.

·    Indigenous (TOP2: 61%) and visible minority (TOP2: 61%) respondents are less satisfied than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 69%) and non-minority (TOP2: 69%) respondents.

·    There is no noticeable drop-off from pre-COVID (TOP2: 67%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 71%).

Figure 104: Satisfaction with Their “Overall Well-Being” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “overall well-being?”
Sample size: 3228
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority satisfied with leisure activities

·    Two-thirds (TOP2: 65%) of respondents are satisfied with their leisure activities.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 36%) are much less satisfied than other strata.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 47%), tend to be less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 74%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 53%) less satisfied than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 66%).

·    Visible minority respondents (TOP2: 56%) less satisfied than non-minority respondents (TOP2: 66%).

Figure 105: Satisfaction with “Leisure Activities” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “leisure activities?”
Sample size: 3144
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most are satisfied with their finances

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 72%) respondents are satisfied with their financial situation.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 53%), are generally less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 82%).

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 57%) are less satisfied than other strata.

Figure 106: Satisfaction with Their “Financial Situation” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “financial situation?”
Sample size: 3221
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Strong majority satisfied with their family relationships

·    Six in seven (TOP2: 85%) respondents are satisfied with their relationships with their family members.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 61%) are the least satisfied of the six strata.

·    Younger respondents, like those under 40 (TOP2: 69%), tend to be less satisfied than older respondents, like those 90 and over (TOP2: 94%).

Figure 107: Satisfaction with Their “Relationships with Other Family Members” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “relationships with other family members?”
Sample size: 3190
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most say they are satisfied with their friendships

·    Four in five (TOP2: 81%) say they are satisfied with their relationships with their friends.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 54%) are the least satisfied of the six strata.

·    Respondents aged 80–89 (TOP2: 94%) are the most satisfied age group, while those aged 49 and under (TOP2: 60%) are the least satisfied.

Figure 108: Satisfaction with Their “Relationships with Friends” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “relationships with friends?”
Sample size: 3216
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority are satisfied with housing

·    Nine in 10 (TOP2: 90%) respondents say they are satisfied with their housing.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 78%) are the least satisfied stratum.

·    Indigenous (TOP2: 84%) and visible minority (TOP2: 83%) respondents are less satisfied than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 90%) and non-minority (TOP2: 91%) respondents.

Figure 109: Satisfaction with “Housing” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “housing?”
Sample size: 3242
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority are satisfied with their neighbourhood

·    Nine in 10 (TOP2: 90%) respondents are satisfied with their neighbourhood.

·    Indigenous (TOP2: 84%) and visible minority (TOP2: 85%) respondents tend to be less satisfied than their non-Indigenous (TOP2: 90%) and non-minority (TOP2: 90%) counterparts.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 79%) are the least satisfied of the strata.

Figure 110: Satisfaction with Their “Neighbourhood” (%)

Question: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being. Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. How satisfied are you with your … “neighbourhood?”
Sample size: 3212
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Respondents split when asked to rate their health

·    Less than a third of respondents said their health was very good or excellent (TOP2: 27%).

·    More respondents rated their health as poor or fair (BTM2: 38%).

·    Older respondents tend to rate their health better than younger respondents. Respondents 90 and over (TOP2: 40%) are more positive than those under 40 (TOP2: 23%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 16%) are less positive than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 28%).

Figure 111: In General, My Health Is… (%)

Question: In general, would you say your health is…
Sample size: 3257
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Case-managed Veterans least positive about mental health

·    Two in five (TOP2: 43%) respondents rated their mental health as very good or excellent.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are the most negative about their mental health (BTM2: 66%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 31%) are less positive.

·    There is no noticeable drop-off from pre-COVID (TOP2: 41%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 44%).

Figure 112: In General, My Mental Health Is… (%)

Question: In general, would you say your mental health is…
Sample size: 3241
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most agree that they have a life purpose

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 69%) respondents agree that they have a purpose in life.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 45%) are much less likely to agree compared to other strata and a quarter (BTM: 25%) actually disagree.

Figure 113: “I Have a Purpose in Life” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I have a purpose in life.”
Sample size: 3178
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Just under half agree they are physically active

·    Under half (TOP2: 46%) of respondents agree that they are physically active.

·    Only a quarter (TOP2: 27%) of case-managed Veterans under 65 agree.

·    Respondents under 40 and over 59 tend to be more active than respondents aged 40–59.

·    There is no noticeable drop-off from pre-COVID (TOP2: 46%) to post-COVID (TOP2: 47%).

Figure 114: I Am “Physically Active” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I would describe myself as physically active.”
Sample size: 3232
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Case-managed Veterans under 65 less likely to socialize

·    Three-quarters (TOP2: 73%) of respondents agree that they interact with other people at least once a day.

·    Once again, case-managed Veterans under 65 are the exception, with only half (TOP2: 52%) agreeing.

·    Pre-COVID (TOP2: 73%) levels of agreement have maintained (TOP2: 73%) throughout the pandemic.

Figure 115: “I Interact with Other People at Least Once a Day” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I interact with other people at least once a day.”
Sample size: 3235
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Great variation in the helpfulness of faith

·    Three in five (TOP2: 60%) respondents agree that their faith gives them a feeling of security.

·    However, there is great variation among strata: Veterans 85 and over (TOP2: 77%) and Survivors (TOP2: 83%) are the most likely to agree, compared to case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 31%) who are the least likely to agree.

Figure 116: “My Faith Gives Me a Feeling of Security” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “My faith gives me a feeling of security.”
Sample size: 3062
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Many do not belong to a community group

·    Four in nine (BTM2: 44%) disagree that they belong to at least one community group.

·    The number is highest for case-managed Veterans under 65 (BTM2: 62%).

·    Women (TOP2: 52%) are more likely to agree than men (TOP2: 46%).

Figure 117: “I Belong to At Least One Community Group” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I belong to at least one community group.”
Sample size: 3175
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most are happy with their living arrangement

·    Eight in nine (TOP2: 86%) respondents agree that they are happy living with the people they live with or living on their own.

·    Respondents under 60 (TOP2: 79%) are slightly less likely than older respondents to agree.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 33%) more likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 26%).

·    Visible minority respondents (TOP2: 39%) more likely to agree than non-minority respondents (TOP2: 25%).

Figure 118: “I Am Happy Living with the Person or People that I Live with or Happy Living on My Own” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I am happy living with the person or people that I live with or happy living on my own.”
Sample size: 3215
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Many case-managed Veterans under 65 feel depressed

·    Only one in five (TOP2: 21%) respondents say they feel down, depressed, or hopeless.

·    This number is almost double for case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 38%).

·    Visible minorities (TOP2: 31%) are more likely than non-minorities (TOP2: 19%) to agree.

Figure 119: “I Often Feel Down, Depressed, or Hopeless” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I often feel down, depressed, or hopeless.”
Sample size: 3194
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Few need help preparing meals

·    A quarter (TOP2: 24%) of respondents agree that they need help preparing meals.

·    A majority (BTM2: 62%) disagree with the statement.

·    Older respondents, especially those 90 and over (TOP2: 40%), are most likely to agree with the statement.

·    Women (TOP2: 27%) are more likely to agree than men (TOP2: 23%).

Figure 120: “I Need Help Preparing Meals” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5-point rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. … “I need help preparing meals.”
Sample size: 3185
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most have savings set aside for unexpected expenses

·    Three in five (TOP2: 60%) respondents agree that they have savings set aside for an unplanned expense.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 (TOP2: 50%) are the least prepared for unplanned expenses of the six strata.

Figure 121: “I Have Savings Set Aside for an Unplanned Expense” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to financial health, life skills, and preparedness. … “I have savings set aside for an unplanned expense.”
Sample size: 3166
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Majority would not move to a better home even if they could

·    Almost two-thirds (BTM2: 63%) of respondents would not move to a better home even if they could, showing that they are happy where they are.

·    Case-managed Veterans under 65 are the most likely to agree, with almost half (TOP2: 48%) wanting to move out if they could.

·    Indigenous (TOP2: 33%) more likely to agree than non-Indigenous (TOP2: 26%)

·    Visible minority (TOP2: 39%) more likely to agree than non-minority (TOP2: 25%)

Figure 122: “I Would Move to a Better Home If I Could” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to financial health, life skills, and preparedness. … “I would move to a better home if I could.”
Sample size: 3193
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority feel they live in a safe neighbourhood

·    Nine in 10 (TOP2: 89%) agree that they live in a safe neighbourhood.

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 79%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 90%).

·    Visible minorities (TOP2: 82%) are less likely to agree than non-minority respondents (TOP2: 90%).

Figure 123: “I Live in a Safe Neighbourhood” (%)

Question: The following questions focus on well-being related to financial health, life skills, and preparedness. … “I live in a safe neigbourhood.”
Sample size: 3217
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Great variance in post-service transition

·    Seven in 10 (TOP2: 68%) respondents agree that they have transitioned well into life after service.

·    Only a quarter (TOP2: 26%) of case-managed Veterans under 65 agree.

·    Women (TOP2: 62%) are less likely to agree than men (TOP2: 68%).

·    Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 49%) are less likely to agree than non-Indigenous respondents (TOP2: 69%).

Figure 124: “I Have Transitioned Well from Military Service to Life After Service” (%)

Question: “I have transitioned well from military service to life after service.”
Sample size: 2588
Framework: Respondents who are Veterans, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Vast majority have a family doctor

·    Eight in nine (88%) respondents say they have a family doctor.

·    A quarter of Veterans (25%) under 65 (not case-managed) do not have family doctors.

·    Younger respondents are the least likely to have a family doctor: those under 40 (38%) and those aged 40–49 (27%) are much more likely to not have a family doctor.

Figure 125: Do You Have a Family Doctor? (%)

Question: Regarding your health care… Do you have a family doctor?
Sample size: 3253
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused

Most do not have a nurse practitioner

·    Only one in five (20%) respondents have a nurse practitioner.

·    Veterans 85 and up (28%) are the most likely stratum to have a nurse practitioner.Figure 126: Do You Have a Nurse Practitioner? (%)

Question: Do you have a nurse practitioner?
Sample size: 3225
Framework: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and refused


Sample size and sampling procedures

Forum Research administered a quantitative study to 3268 VAC clients 18 years of age and older. The sample frame used a file supplied by VAC which included six strata of interest: Veterans 85 and over, Veterans 65–84, Veterans under 65 (split between case-managed and not case-managed), RCMP, and Survivors who were either in receipt of benefits or who had applied for a benefit in the previous 12 months. This included Veterans who applied for benefits in the previous 12 months but who had been declined or who were still awaiting a decision.



Veterans > 85


Veterans 65–84


Veterans < 65 (CM)


Veterans < 65 (not CM)









Survey collection method was CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) using sample file provided by VAC. 30 pretest interviews were conducted starting on September 5th, 2019 until January 16th, 2020 (15 in English and 15 in French). The average response rate was 36%, which is an increase of 3% from 2017. This response rate was calculated using American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) response rate formula 4.1, detailed here by the AAPOR. The average duration of the questionnaire was 24 minutes and ranged from 13 minutes to 49 minutes. 

To ensure valid data throughout the research process, all interviewers were specifically trained on the questionnaire and had to read the questions exactly as they appeared. A minimum of 10% of all interviews were monitored for quality assurance purposes.

Dates of research fieldwork

Fieldwork was conducted in two waves: February 12th–March 19th, 2020 and August 6th–October 9th, 2020. Fieldwork was extended from the originally planned dates due to COVID-19, which is why data was collected in two separate waves. Throughout the report, “pre-COVID” refer to responses collected February–March 2020, and “post-COVID” represents responses collected August–October 2020.

Discussion of the potential for non-response bias

To examine and identify any potential non-response bias, we examined the results of our study compared with the population parameters for gender and age.

As outlined below, the sample of respondents (both weighted and unweighted) corresponds very closely to the sample file on the two variables examined (gender and age). Therefore, it is safe to assume that non-response bias does not significantly impact the resulting dataset.


Unweighted sample size (n)

Unweighted sample proportion (%)

Weighted sample proportion (%)

Sample file proportion (%)

























































































































Weighting procedures and margin of error

For overall results including all six strata (e.g., “70% of all respondents agree” or “50% of all male respondents agree”), the data are weighted by age, sex, and strata based on population parameters from the sample file provided by VAC. The population parameters are as follows:


Proportion (%)







































Proportion (%)









Proportion (%)

Veteran 85+


Veteran 65-84


Veteran <65 CM


Veteran <65 Not CM







For results broken out by strata (e.g., “20% of Veterans 85 and over agree”), the data are weighted using the age and sex proportions within each stratum. The proportions, drawn from the sample file, are as follow:


Veterans >85

Veterans 65–84

Veterans <65 (CM)

Veterans <65 (not CM)



































































































































Veterans >85

Veterans 65–84

Veterans <65 (CM)

Veterans <65 (not CM)

























The margin of error is +/− 1.7%. For the six strata, the margins of error are +/− 4.7% for Veterans 85 and over, +/− 3.7% for Veterans 65–84, +/− 4.1% for case-managed Veterans under 65, +/− 3.4% for Veterans under 65 who are not case-managed, +/− 4.9% for RCMP, +/− 5.3% for Survivors.


Research instrument

recruitment screener


NOTE: Conversations will begin in the preferred spoken language as indicated by the sample file [SPOKEN].

INTRO1. Hello, bonjour my name is ___________, and I am calling from Forum Research on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada.

S1. Can I please speak with [NAME]?

1 = Available -> proceed

2 = Unavailable


-Confirm correct contact info

-Attempt to schedule a callback

Would you prefer to continue in English or en Français ?

1 – English

2 – French

S2. How are you today?

(Pause to wait for answer)

INTRO2. On behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada, we are calling clients to participate the 2020 Veterans Affairs Canada National Client Survey. Veterans Affairs Canada is always trying to improve it’s service offerings and your feedback would be extremely helpful.  If you agree to participate, your feedback would be completely voluntary, totally anonymous, confidential and your participation will have no affect on the benefits or services you receive.

To verify the legitimacy of this survey or for more information on the survey objectives and use of results, please call Veterans Affairs Canada's National Contact Centre Network toll-free line at 1-866-522-2122, or the project authority Dr. Lisa Garland Baird, contact number:  1 902 394 6923 or by email lisa.garlandbaird@canada.ca

The survey should take about 25 minutes and can be conducted in whichever official language you prefer.

Please note this call may be recorded for quality and training purposes.

S3. Have I reached you today on a landline or Cellphone? [interviewer note- this is for screening people who are on a cellphone and driving]

1 = LL

2 = Cell

S4. [IF S3=2] Are you able to safely speak with me right now?


2=No -> Schedule a call back and Terminate

S4. May I begin the survey now?

1 – Yes [Continue]

2 – No, not at this time [Attempt to Schedule callback]

3 – No, refusal [Code as hard or soft refusal]


[If respondent asks how we obtained their number: “VAC provided Forum Research with a list of clients for the purposes of this survey only. Your participation is voluntary and will not affect your benefits or services in any way.”]


[If respondent asks if results will be published: “Aggregate Results will be posted to the Library and Archives Canada website within six months.”]


Opening Questions

Script: Throughout the remainder of the interview, I will refer to Veterans Affairs Canada as ‘VAC’. Please note this call may be recorded for quality and training purposes.



Did you have any contact with VAC during the past 12 months? YES or No.


1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA



[IF OP_Q01=1] In the previous 12 months, which of the following ways have you used to contact VAC?

1: In person at VAC service location

2: Over the phone

3: By letter

4: By email

5: Through My VAC Account

6. In person at your home

7. Other, please specify [Text box]

Yes/No for each channel



*part of CO const-


In general, what is your preferred method of contact with VAC?

1: In person at VAC service location

2: Over the phone

3: By letter

4: By email

5: Through My VAC Account

6: In person at your home

7: Other please specify [Text box]

8: DNK

9: DNA

Open response, coded from list


Did you apply for a service or benefit within the past 12 months? Yes or no.


1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA



[IF OP_Q05 = 1] What part of the application process could be improved?

<select response from list>

1: Simplification of Forms

2: Access to information needed to apply

3: Frequency of status updates

4: Clearer explanations regarding decisions

5: Other

6: Nothing could be improved

7: DNK (Do not read – DNR)

8: DNA (DNR)


Did you receive a letter from VAC during the past 12 months? Yes or no.


1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA



50 seconds for opening questions



Methods of Contact Used & Satisfaction with Communication


Script: In each question below, I will pose a statement. Using a rating scale where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree, please indicate the extent you agree or disagree with the statement by giving us a number between 1 and 5 (Interviewer note: please feel free to remind respondent of the scale at any time, 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree)


             <Interviewer note: acknowledge the respondent understands the scale/provide more clarity if needed>


             If you do not know what the question is asking, you can say “don’t know”

             Let’s get started.
















Communication with VAC has been easy.









Communication with VAC was provided in a timely manner.









[IF OP_Q05=1] It was easy to submit the required information to VAC needed for my application.









Script: My VAC Account allows you to do business online securely with Veterans Affairs Canada.


[IF CO_Q04 = 1] Have you used My VAC Account?


2: No

3: DNK (DNR)

4: DNA (DNR)



[IF CO_Q05 = 1] When you used My VAC Account, was it a good way to find out about…

[Randomize answer option 1 thru 4, anchor 5,6,7]


1. VAC benefits and services

2. The status of my applications

3. VAC news

4. Communications through secure messaging with VAC






[IF CO_Q05 = 2] Why don’t you use My VAC Account?


1:  I’m not registered for My VAC Account

2: Did not know about My VAC Account until now

3:  Lack of Interest

4:  Lack of need

5:  Unclear about the advantages of using My VAC account

6:  Lack of access (computer/internet)

7:  Complexity of Technology

8:  Security/Privacy Concerns

9: Prefer traditional methods (e.g., phone or mail)

10: I lost my password

11: I lost my ID

12: Other [Text box]

13: DNK

14: DN

<open response> (multi-response question)


Time: 1:24 Methods of Contact/Communication



Satisfaction with VAC Service Experience

VAC Service Experience



Script: For each question below use the same rating scale as we discussed before where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree, to indicate the extent you agree or disagree with each statement. 















Over the past 12 months, VAC service has improved.










[IF OP_Q05=1] Overall, the application process was easy.










[IF OP_Q05=1] Overall, The information I needed to apply for a service or benefit that I am eligible for was easy to find.




















[IF OP_Q02 = 3] The most recent letter I received from VAC was easy to understand.










Overall, VAC staff provided a satisfactory service.










VAC staff were knowledgeable about the programs and services I inquired about.










VAC staff were competent in responding to my inquiry.










Treatment by VAC staff was exceptional.










I did not feel respected by staff at VAC.










VAC staff were not responsive to my needs.










I had to wait too long to speak to someone at a VAC location.










VAC staff communicated with me in my official language of choice.




















I obtained a service or benefit in a timely manner.











I understand the services and benefits offered by  Veterans Affairs Canada.




















Script: Now we’d like to ask how satisfied you were with the quality of service you received over the past 12 months. You may say, very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, or very satisfied.

Interviewer note: quality of service delivery means, overall quality of any services received in the last 12 months.


How satisfied are you with the quality of service delivery?











How satisfied are you with the quality of VAC’s programs and services offered?










Time 2:40 seconds – includes explaining the scale










Satisfaction with Services and Programs

Case Management


Script: A case manager helps Veterans and former RCMP members set goals and find the services they need to overcome a challenge in their life. 




Context: These items will be linked to clients’ data file and only clients who have had a case plan for 90 days or more will respond to these items.


IF [CM] = ‘Y’ ask question SP_Q02 thru SP_Q15


From: sample:


Case Managed

Y or Blank






Do you currently have a case manager who works with you to obtain services?

1. Yes

2: No

3: DNK (DNR)

4: DNA (DNR)





[IF SP_Q02 = 1] Ask questions SP_Q03 thru SP_Q16





 Script: For the next few statements, we’re going to once again ask you to use the scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. How much do you agree or disagree with the following?















I was assigned a case manager in a reasonable amount of time.










I am not happy with the working relationship I have with my current case manager .










The goals in my case plan do not reflect my needs.










I was involved in developing my goals for my case plan.










I had the opportunity to involve family and other supporters in the development of my case plan.










I had regular contact with my case manager to discuss if I was reaching my goals.










I have been pleased with my progress towards achieving my goals. 










In working with my case manager, I became better informed on how to access VAC’s programs and services that I needed.










My case manager informed me of services and supports in my community that could help me.










My case manager responded to my calls in a reasonable amount of time.










My case plan goals were relevant.










Case Management services were beneficial to me.










As a result of Case Management Services, my life has improved.










Overall, I have been satisfied with Case Management Services.










Time 1:52 Case Management










Veterans Independence Program (VIP)


Script: The Veterans Independence Program or VIP offers funding for housekeeping, grounds maintenance, and other home care support services that assist eligible recipients to remain independent at home. This set of questions asks about this program.




Context: Only clients who have been VIP recipients for 90 days or more will answer the questions below. 


IF [VIP STATUS] = ‘In Receipt of Benefits’ ask questions VI_Q02 thru VI_Q07


From sample:

VIP Status

VIP Account Status

In Receipt of Benefits, Expired, Terminated
















I rely on VIP services to help me remain in my home and community.









I have been able to find service providers to help me with the VIP services I need.









The VIP program meets my needs.









The VIP program has been a benefit to me.









Overall, I have been satisfied with the Veterans Independence Program.









Time:  47 secs VIP









Treatment Benefits Program


Script: Health care benefits and services for eligible recipients are paid for by VAC’s Treatment Benefits Program.


<<Interviewer Notes: If you qualify for the Treatment Benefits program, you will receive a VAC healthcare card.

This healthcare card provides coverage for such things as home health or hospital services, nursing services, appointments with specialists (such as physiotherapists, audiologists, and mental health providers), medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescriptions.

The extent of your coverage will depend on a number of factors, including how you qualified, your health needs and your individual circumstances.>>




Context: Only clients who are eligible for treatment benefits will respond to the questions below.


IF [TRTMNT] = ‘Y’ ask questions TR_Q02 thru TR_Q06


From sample:


Use of Treatment Benefits over past12 mths

Y or Blank
















Script: Back to our 5-point response scale









The time it took to get reimbursed for treatment benefits and services was reasonable.









The Treatment Benefits Program meets my needs.









Were you able to access the treatment benefits you needed? 

1. Yes

2: No

3: DNK (DNR)

4: DNA (DNR)









[IF TR_Q04 = 2] Why haven’t you accessed the benefits you needed?


  1. Wait time to access treatment benefits is too long
  2. No health care providers are located near me
  3. Had to pay out of pocket
  4. Won’t accept my ID card
  5. Poor service from provider(s)
  6. Benefit and/or service was not approved by VAC
  7. Other [Text box]

<more than one response>


Script: Back to our 5-point response scale









Overall, I have been satisfied with the Treatment Benefits program









Time:  1:29 Treatment Benefits Program









Disability Benefits Program


Script: The Disability Benefits program compensates for economic and non-economic effects of service-related disability, critical injuries, and death.


<<Interviewer Notes:

A disability benefit is a tax-free, financial payment to support your well-being.

The amount you receive depends on the degree to which your condition is related to your service (entitlement) and the severity of your condition, including its impact on your quality of life (assessment).>>



Context: The following items will be posed to clients who are receiving disability benefits.


IF [DP Status] = ‘In-Pay’ or ‘Entitlement Only’ then ask questions DB_Q02 thru DB_Q04


From sample:

DP Status

Disability Program Account Status

In-Pay, Suspended,


Entitlement Only



Script: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree














The disability benefits I receive from VAC recognize my service-related disability.









The disability benefits I receive from VAC compensate me for the effects of my service related disability.









Overall, I have been satisfied with the Disability Benefits program.









Time 34 sec  Disability Benefits Program









Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance


Script: The VAC Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance program provides services such as medical and psycho-social rehabilitation to aid in Veteran’s re-establishment in life after service.


<<Interviewer Note: Rehabilitation services can improve your health and help you adjust to life at home, in your community or at work. Depending on your circumstances and needs, it may include treatment and therapies to overcome or cope with a service-related illness or injury.>>


Context: The following items will be posed to clients receiving rehabilitation services for 90 days or longer.


IF [Rehab] = ‘Eligible’ OR ‘Completed’


IF [Voc Rehab] = ‘A’ OR ‘IP’

Ask questions RE_Q02 thru RE_Q12


From Sample:


Rehabilitation Indicator


Not Eligible



Voc Rehab

Vocational Rehabilitation

R = Referred

A = Active

I  =  In Active

IP = In Progress



What stream(s) of VAC rehabilitation program have you participated in?


a)     Medical Rehabilitation

b)     Psychosocial Rehabilitation

c)     Vocational Rehabilitation

<open response, may have more than one response>

DK or NA skip to next section
















Script: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree: my participation in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program has helped me improve my quality of life.









My participation in the Rehabilitation program has …

helped me enter the workforce or return to my main activity.









My participation in rehabilitation has been beneficial to my family or other people who support me.









My participation in rehabilitation was beneficial to me.









The level of participation in the Rehabilitation program that was expected of me was reasonable.









I tried hard to follow my rehabilitation plan.









Script: Barriers refer to the presence of a temporary or permanent physical or mental health problem that limits or prevents a client’s performance of roles in the workplace, home, or community.









Since participating in VAC’s Rehabilitation Program, my barriers have decreased. [Interviewer note: if respondent needs a reminding of the scale “Please use a number from 1 through 5, where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree]









[IF RE_Q09 =1 or 2] Where has one of your barriers worsened?

1: At home

2: At work

3: In the community

4: My barrier(s) have not worsened

5: Other [Text box]

6: DNK (DNR)

7: DNA (DNR)

<selected response, select more than one response>


[IF RE_Q09 =4 or 5] Where is the improvement in one of your barriers noticeable?

1: At home

2: At work

3: In the community

4: There has been no improvement

5: Other [Text box]

6: DNK (DNR)

7: DNA (DNR)

<selected response, select more than one response>


Overall, I have been satisfied with VAC’s Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program.









Time  2:26 Rehabilitation



Pension for Life


Script: On April 1, 2019, the Government of Canada launched Pension for Life. Pension for Life is a combination of benefits that provide recognition, income support and stability to members and Veterans who experience an illness or injury related to service. 


Did you receive information from VAC about your personal benefits as a result of Pension for Life?

1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA


Have your benefits changed as a result of Pension for Life?

1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK (DNR)

4: DNA (DNR)
















[IF PE_Q02 = 1]

 Back to our 5-point response scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree

 I have understood the changes to my personal benefits as a result of Pension for Life.









Time  1:00  Pension for Life


Office of the Veterans Ombudsman


Script: The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman is an independent organization that works to ensure that VAC clients receive the services and benefits that they require in a fair, timely, and efficient manner.


Prior to today, were you aware of the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman?

1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK  (DNR)



[IF VO_Q01=1]

Where did you first hear about the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman? 


Prompts: (Do not read if no prompt needed)

a.       Internet

b.       Social Media

c.       Veteran Service Organization

d.       VAC

e.       Word of Mouth

f.        Newspaper/Magazine

g.       Other


[IF VO_Q01=1]

How familiar are you with the services of the office of the Veterans Ombudsman?

1: Not at all familiar

2: Not very familiar

3: Somewhat familiar

4: Very familiar

5: DNK (DNR)

6: DNA (DNR)

VAC Commemoration


Script: Moving on to VAC’s commemorative initiatives, which  include: ceremonies, learning resources, funding for community projects, cemetery and Veterans’ grave maintenance.


Script: Back to our 5-point response scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree















[IF CI_Q01 = 1] I am satisfied with the way VAC’s commemorative initiatives honour those who served our country and preserve the memory of their achievements and sacrifices. 









What could VAC do to ensure more Canadians are aware of VAC’s commemorative initiatives?


1: Promotion through social media

2: Promotion through local organizations and community groups

3: Promotion through schools

4: Other [Text box]

5: DNK

6: DNA



[IF CI_Q01 = 1] Overall, I have been satisfied with VAC’s commemorative initiatives.









Time 41 sec VAC Commemoration









VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program


Script: VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program provides financial assistance for funeral, burial and grave marking services for Veterans whose deaths are attributable to their military service and for Veterans who have insufficient funds.

















I am satisfied that the estates of Veterans have access to financial assistance through VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program.









[IF FB_Q01 = 1] Overall, I have been satisfied with the program that provides funding for funerals and burials to eligible Veterans.









Time: 39 sec VAC’s Funeral and Burial Program










Satisfaction with Life (Well-Being)

Context: The well-being framework was developed Thompson et al. (2016) who identified 7 domains of well-being for Veterans. These domains are represented in this section.  


Script: This next set of questions surveys your satisfaction with different aspects of your well-being.

Use the response scale: Very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied.


What has been your main activity in the past 12 months? (Do not read)


1: Worked at a job or ran a business

2 a. Worked in Regular Force

2: Worked in the reserve force

3: Was retired and not looking for work

4: Attended school or training

5: Looked for work

6: Cared or nurtured a family member or partner

7: Was disabled or on disability

8: Other [Text box]

9: DNK

10: DNA

<open response>


How satisfied are you with your …



















… main job or activity?









… life in general?









… leisure activities?










… financial situation?









… overall wellbeing?









… relationships with other family members?

(DO NOT READ IF NOT NEEDED FOR CONTEXT. Interviewer note: family members include spouse, relatives etc.)









… relationships with friends?









… housing?









… neighbourhood?



















In general, would you say your health is:

Scale: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, DNK, DNA










In general, would you say your mental health is:

Scale: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, DNK, DNA









Time: 1:17 sec Well-being 2017 items












Script: The following questions focus on well-being related to employment or other meaningful activities in your life. Please use our original 5 point rating scale where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree














I have a purpose in life.









I would describe myself as physically active.









I interact with other people at least once a day.









My faith gives me a feeling of security.









I belong to at least one community group.









I am happy living with the person or people that I live with or happy living on my own.









I often feel down, depressed, or hopeless.









I need help preparing meals.  









I have savings set aside for an unplanned expense.









I would move to a better home if I could.









I live in a safe neighbourhood.









Context: The item below is for Veterans.


[IF Client Type = V]

From Sample:

Client Type

V = Veteran

S  = Survivor


I have transitioned well from military service to life after service.









Do you have a family doctor?

1. Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA









Do you have a nurse practitioner?

1. Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA









Time: 2:25 Wellbeing Part 2









Please use this protocol when a person’s responses are equal to the following:


[WBQ10-11= Fair or Poor] AND

WBQ13-32=1 or 2 except for negative worded questions WB 14, 21,22,23,34,27,28 when =4 or 5]


“We are nearing the end of the survey, and we wanted to share with you about a service called :The VAC Assistance line, which is available at the following phone number 24/7. It is available by calling 1-800-268-7708 or TTD/TTY number is 1-800-567-5803. The VAC assistance line provides help for mental health or personal difficulties that a Veteran, RCMP or family member/caregiver is experiencing. It provides you up to 20hrs of psychological support for any given issue that you may be facing.”


Interviewer note: If the person asks for a contact at VAC and is not showing signs of immediate danger: provide the project authorities number:

“Would you like to contact the project authority (PA), Dr. Lisa Garland Baird at 1-902-394-6923 or lisa.garlandbaird@canada.ca to discuss any help that VAC may be able to provide?”




Script: We are almost done. These final questions are used to describe our clients’ demographic characteristics and are for statistical purposes only.


Demographic Questions


Context: Since biological sex is known from the clients file, we only ask for gender identification. The categories for gender have been drawn from Statistics Canada’s GBA+ framework.


Interviewer note: Gender identity is an internal and deeply felt sense of being a man, women, both, or neither. This may be the same as a person’s sex at birth or it may be different.  There are 3 classifications for gender: male, female, and gender-diverse.


What is your gender classification?


1: Male

2: Female

3: Another Gender 

4: DNK (DNR)

5: DNA (DNR)

<open response>


Would you consider yourself to be a member of a visible minority?

1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK (DNR)


<selected response>


Are you an Indigenous person, that is: First Nations, Métis, or Inuit?

1: No, not an Indigenous person

2: Yes, First Nations (e.g., North American Indian)

3: Yes, Metis

4: Yes,  Inuit

5: DNK (DNR)

6: DNA (DNR)

<open response>


What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

Prompts (DNR unless required and person does not provide answer):

1. Less than high school diploma or equivalent

2: High school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate

3: Trade certificate or diploma

4: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma (other than trades certificates or diplomas)

5: University certificate or diploma below the bachelor’s level

6: Bachelor’s degree (e.g., BA, BSC, LLB)

7: University certificate, diploma, degree above the bachelor’s level



<open response>


Including yourself, how many people usually live in your household?



<open response>


Interviewer note: A person’s household income is another indicator of their wellbeing. When income is compared to the average Canadian income, it gives us an idea of how well our clients and their families are doing.


 Reminding you that all your answers will remain confidential, could you please tell me what is your best estimate of your total household income received by all household members, from all sources After taxes during the year ending December 31st 2019?


*(If necessary only, read:  Income can come from various sources such as from work, investments, pensions or government. Examples include employment insurance, social assistance, the child tax benefit and other income such as child support, alimony and rental income)


Interviewer Note: If respondent is unsure or hesitant, ask the questions below. Otherwise just complete the following three questions based on the response they provided you:


Is it less than $50,000 or at least $50,000

1. Less than $50k

2: $50k or more

3: DNK (DNR)

4: DNA (DNR)



[If DE_Q06 = 1]

Is it?

1: $10k or less

2: 10k- 20K

3: 20K-30K

4: 30k-40k





[If DE_Q06 = 2]

Is it?

1: 50K-60k

2: 60k-70k

3: 70k-80k

4: 90k-100k

5: 100k or more




Time 1:25 Demographic Items


Closing Questions


Script: To help VAC improve programs and services, we would like to align your survey information with other information VAC has in your file. This information is protected by the Privacy Act, is confidential and will be stored on VAC’s secure servers. This information will not affect your benefits or services and will be used for research purposes only.


Interviewer note – read if needed: Once again, the information you provided will remain confidential. You will not be identified in the results provided to VAC and your responses will not affect any benefits or services you receive. The information will not be recorded in your client notes or file.


For further analysis within VAC , do we have your permission to share your confidential survey data?         

Interviewer note – read if needed: If you say no to this further analysis, VAC will not receive access to this data directly, and instead your anonymous data will only be included in the aggregate totals of Forum's report. "                  

<open response>



1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA


Are you interested in participating in similar projects conducted by                 

VAC in the future? For example, focus groups or interviews.

<open response>



1: Yes

2: No

3: DNK

4: DNA


Time: 48 sec Closing Questions


Closing Script: Thank you so much for completing our survey. Your information will help VAC better assist Veterans and their families. Thank you again,  and thank you for your service to Canada. Have a great day. Good-bye. 


If needed: To verify the legitimacy of this survey or for more information on the survey objectives and use of results, please call Veterans Affairs Canada's National Contact Centre Network toll-free line at 1-866-522-2122. Project authority is Dr. Lisa Garland Baird, email lisa.garlandbaird@canada.ca, contact number 1 902 394 6923.

Political neutrality certification

This certification is to be submitted with the final report submitted to the Project Authority.


I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Forum Research Inc. that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications – Appendix C: Mandatory Procedures for Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.



William Schatten
Vice-President, Research & Analytics
Forum Research



November 26, 2020

[1] Recall that the six strata are Veterans 85+, Veterans 65–84, Veterans under 65 (case-managed), Veterans under 65 (not case-managed), RCMP, and Survivors. “Veterans” refers to CAF and War Service Veterans.

[2] Non-binary respondents not shown due to small sample size (n = 3).

[3] Note the small sample size for “Yes, Inuit” (n = 4), which may result in difficulty seeing the corresponding bar.

[4] “Yes, Inuit” not shown due to small sample size (n = 4).

[5] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed).

[6] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[7] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[8] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[9] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[10] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[11] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[12] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[13] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[14] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework

[15] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[16] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[17] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework

[18] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework.

[19] Strata breakout unavailable due to small sample sizes for all strata other than Veterans <65 (case-managed). Age categories over 69 excluded due to small sample sizes within the current framework


[20] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 35). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have one or no respondents in the framework.

[21] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[22] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[23] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.


[24] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[25] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[26] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[27] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[28] Results for Veterans 65–84 should be interpreted with caution due to low sample size (n = 32). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[29] Results for Veterans 65–84 are excluded due to low sample size (n = 9). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.

[30] Results for Veterans 65–84 are excluded due to low sample size (n = 11). Strata breakout unavailable for Veterans 85+, RCMP, and Survivor, which have no respondents in the framework.


[31] “Did You Receive Information from VAC About Your Personal Benefits as a Result of Pension for Life?”

Framework: All respondents, excluding ‘don’t know’, and refused.

All respondents answered this self-reported question that measured their recall of receiving information from VAC about Pension for Life (PFL). It is important to note that when men and women Veterans’ responses are broken out from the total respondents, men and women Veterans have similar responses; with 53% of men and 55% of women reporting that they received information about their personal benefits as a result of PFL.









[32] “Have your benefits changed as a result of Pension for Life?”

All respondents answered this self-reported question that measured their perceptions of their benefits changing as a result of Pension for Life (PFL). It is important to note that when men and women Veterans’ responses are broken out from the total respondents, men and women Veterans have similar responses; with 35% of men and 36% of women reporting that their personal benefits changed as a result of PFL.




[33] Results for Veterans 85+ (n = 67), RCMP (n = 43), and Survivor (n = 33) should be interpreted with caution due to smaller sample sizes.