Attitudes Towards Remembrance and Veterans' Week 2020: Survey of Canadians - Text Description

Figure 1: Awareness of Veterans' Week
  2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 2012 2011 2010 2008
% who have heard of Veterans' Week 57% 54% 55% 55% 55% 57% 58% 66% 65% 54%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Importance of Veterans' Week
Year Very important Moderately Neither Not very Not important at all
2020 66% 21% 8% 2% 2%
2019 71% 16% 9% 1% 3%
2018 68% 19% 10% 1% 2%
2017 68% 20% 8% 1% 1%
2016 69% 19% 8% 1% 2%
2014 64% 21% 8% 3% 3%
2012 64% 20% 10% 3% 3%
2011 65% 20% 10% 2% 2%
2010 59% 16% 16% 3% 4%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Reasons Why Veterans' Week Is Important [Over Time]
  2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2014 2012 2011
Focus on personal connections 8% 9% 8% 9% 11% 7% 10% 11%
Focus on history/remembrance 39% 41% 39% 52% 50% 41% 40% 47%
Honour Veterans/Veterans have earned respect 76% 74% 74% 65% 69% 69% 69% 65%

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Reasons Why Veterans' Week Is Important [All Responses]
Honour Veterans / Veterans Have Earned Respect
To honour / to respect the Veterans / those who died in service 43%
To recognize their contribution to our freedom / security / peace 23%
Veterans fought for our country / they served our country 12%
To recognize their service / accomplishments 10%
Canada would not be the country it is today / I would not be here if it were not for Veterans 3%
We owe them / they deserve recognition 2%
Focus on History / Remembrance
So people will remember their sacrifices 20%
Part of our heritage / our history 3%
So children can understand / learn the importance of it 3%
Good idea / good to remember 3%
Should not / cannot forget 1%
So we do not repeat past mistakes 1%
Many soldiers died in past wars 1%
Focus on Personal Connections
Family member is a Veteran / I am a Veteran 8%
Other Reasons
Believe in it / it is important to do it 3%
To show support for our troops (past and / or present) 1%

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Reasons Why Canadians View Veterans' Week Neutrally
Lack of Personal Resonance
Do not care / not important to me personally 34%
Do not have family members who are Veterans / Do not know anyone in the military 5%
Cost-Benefit Focus
We already have Remembrance Day / a week is too long 15%
There are other issues / concerns that are more important 6%
Lack of Information / Awareness
Never heard of it / Do not know about it 13%
Do not know what activities there are for Veterans' Week 2%
Wrong Focus on the Past
Happened in the past / we should focus on the present 5%
Most Veterans have died / very few Veterans left 5%
We should not celebrate war / we should focus on peace 2%
COVID-19 / the pandemic (general mentions) 6%
Should be a more private ceremony / held less often (so it is not overdone) 4%

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Participation in Veterans' Week
2020 72%
2019 91%
2018 92%
2017 91%
2016 88%
2014 81%
2012 76%
2011 73%
2010 36%
2008 33%
2007 34%
2006 35%
2002 31%

49% of respondents who did not participate in Veterans' Week this year say was due to COVID-19 restrictions / they were uncomfortable participating in person due to COVID-19

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Reasons for Participating in Veterans' Week [Honour]
2020 48%
2019 48%
2018 48%
2017 48%
2016 46%
2014 48%
2012 41%
2011 39%

Honour Veterans/Veterans have earned respect

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Reasons for Participating in Veterans' Week [Personal Connections]
2020 35%
2019 37%
2018 33%
2017 40%
2016 32%
2014 33%
2012 34%
2011 40%

Focus on personal connections

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Reasons for Participating in Veterans' Week [History]
2020 12%
2019 14%
2018 16%
2017 16%
2016 18%
2014 15%
2012 17%
2011 17%

Focus on history/remembrance

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Reasons for Participating in Veterans' Week [Important/Believe]
2020 11%
2019 15%
2018 13%
2017 10%
2016 11%
2014 13%
2012 12%
2011 12%

Believe in it/it's important

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Reasons for Participating in Veterans' Week [All Responses]
Honour Veterans / Veterans Earned Respect
To honour / to respect the Veterans / those who died in service 40%
To recognize their contribution to our freedom / security / peace 8%
To recognize their service / accomplishments 5%
Veterans fought for our country / they served our country 1%
Canada would not be the country it is if it were not for Veterans 1%
Focus on Personal Connections
Family member is a Veteran / I am a Veteran 25%
Know / am related to someone who is currently in the military / I am currently in the military 8%
I / someone I know participates in events 3%
Focus on History / Remembrance
So people will remember their sacrifices 5%
So children can understand / learn the importance of it 4%
Good idea / good to remember 3%
Believe in it / it is important to do it 11%
Tradition / habit / we do it every year 8%
To show support for our troops (past and/or present) 5%
Show some (national) pride 3%

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [Lack of Knowledge]
2020 16%
2019 25%
2018 23%
2017 26%
2016 26%
2014 30%
2012 20%
2011 18%

Lack of Knowledge/Awareness

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [Practical Reasons]
2020 15%
2019 49%
2018 50%
2017 50%
2016 46%
2014 45%
2012 34%
2011 49%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [Lack of Personal Resonance]
2020 12%
2019 13%
2018 11%
2017 9%
2016 15%
2014 13%
2012 24%
2011 12%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [Lack of Opportunity]
2020 6%
2019 9%
2018 7%
2017 10%
2016 8%
2014 6%
2012 6%
2011 11%

No Opportunity to Participate

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [Participated in Other Ways]
2020 3%
2019 2%
2018 5%
2017 3%
2016 5%
2014 2%
2012 3%
2011 8%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Reasons for Not Participating in Veterans' Week [All Responses]
COVID-19 restrictions in my area / uncomfortable participating in person due to COVID-19 49%
Lack of Knowledge / Awareness
Never heard of it / do not know about it 14%
Do not know what activities there are for Veterans' Week 2%
Practical Reasons
Too busy / no time to attend 8%
Had to work / not available to participate 5%
Cannot participate due to health reasons / age 3%
Lack of Personal Resonance
Do not care / not important to me personally 7%
Do not have family members who are Veterans / do not know anyone in the military 5%
I am an immigrant 1%
No Opportunity
There are no activities for Veterans' Week in the area 4%
No occasion / opportunity / chance to participate 2%
Participated in Other Ways
Participate in Remembrance Day events / observe Remembrance Day 2%
Remember by wearing a poppy 1%
We should not celebrate war / we should focus on peace 2%
Do not have family nearby 1%
Other 1%

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Participation in Activities to Commemorate Veterans
Wore a poppy 72%
Observed a moment of silence 69%
Watched a Remembrance Day 2020 ceremony on TV 43%
Watched a virtual Remembrance Day ceremony 40%
Participated in a remembrance activity on social media 22%
Participated in a remembrance ceremony in community 15%
Made an effort to remember Veterans and those who died in service outside of Veterans' Week 55%

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Participation in Veterans' Week Activities [Over Time]
  Wore a poppy Observed a moment of silence Watched Remembrance Day ceremony on TV* Participated in ceremony in community** Participated on social media*
2020 72% 69% 43% 15% 22%
2019 78% 71% 43% 37% 22%
2018 82% 72% 46% 38% 20%
2017 79% 71% 45% 39% 25%
2016 83% 45% 38% 29%
2014 82% 56% 36% 24%
2012 79% 50% 35% 18%
2011 45% 25% 24%
2010 51% 34% 21%
2008 54% 30%

% who participated in activities

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Importance of Remembrance Initiatives
  Very important Somewhat Neutral Not very Not important at all
Providing educational materials for schools 72% 19% 5% 1% 2%
Supporting and leading commemorative events in Canada* 59% 26% 11% 1% 2%
Posting remembrance-related content on social media 47% 27% 18% 3% 4%
Providing funding for commemorative projects 42% 31% 18% 3% 4%
Creating remembrance-related ads  40% 30% 21% 4% 4%
Creating virtual or online remembrance ceremonies 43% 26% 21% 4% 5%
Providing promotional materials, such as posters and pins 37% 25% 27% 5% 5%
Supporting and leading commemorative events outside Canada* 24% 22% 35% 8% 10%

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Importance of Remembrance Initiatives [Over Time]
  Provide educational materials* Create remembrance ads* Post remembrance content on social media* Provide promotional materials Support/lead commemorative events in Canada** Provide funding for commemorative projects* Support and lead commemorative events outside of Canada***
2020 91% 70% 73% 62% 85% 73% 46%
2019 89% 68% 69% 66% 86% 74% 52%
2018 90% 72% 74% 66% 81% 75%
2017 86% 76% 71% 65% 87% 70%
2016 86% 80% 73% 64% 87% 70%
2014 82% 72% 62% 59% 80% 66%
2012 82% 75% 62% 61% 80% 66%

% who see each as important

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Attitudes Towards Veterans and Commemoration
  Completely agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Completely disagree
Veterans and those who died in service should be recognized for their service 84% 11% 4% 1% 1%
Veterans and those who died in service have made major contributions to Canada  76% 16% 6% 1% 2%
Participation in commemorative activities increases awareness of and appreciation for Veterans and those who died in service 60% 24% 11% 2% 2%
I make an effort to demonstrate my appreciation to those who served our country 47% 24% 18% 5% 5%
VAC effectively honours Veterans and preserves memory of their achievements 46% 27% 19% 3% 2%

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Attitudes Towards Veterans and Commemoration [Over Time]
  Recognition* Contributions Appreciation Honours Participation
2020 95% 92% 71% 73% 84%
2019 96% 93% 75% 70% 86%
2018 96% 93% 74% 73% 86%
2017 96% 92% 73% 74% 86%
2016 96% 89% 73% 76%
2014 93% 83% 66% 73%
2012 91% 86% 66% 75%
2011 93% 83% 67%
2010 91% 83% 66%
2008 92% 84% 66%

% who agree with each statement

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Attitudes Towards and Knowledge of Canada's Military Role
  Completely agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Completely disagree
I am proud of military role 39% 32% 22% 4% 2%
I am knowledgeable about military role 59% 22% 13% 3% 2%

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Attitudes Towards and Knowledge of Canada's Military Role [Over Time]
  Pride Knowledge
2020 81% 71%
2019 83% 71%
2018 83% 71%
2017 82% 72%
2016 82% 73%
2014 82% 69%
2012 80% 73%
2011 78% 73%
2010 79% 70%

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: Presentation and Care of Memorials, Cemeteries and Grave Markers
  Completely agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Completely disagree
It is important that Veterans Affairs Canada recognize and honour
Canadian Veterans and those who died in service through the
presentation and care of memorials, cemeteries and grave markers.
76% 16% 6% 1% 1%
I am satisfied with how Veterans Affairs Canada recognizes and honours
Canadian Veterans and those who died in service through
the presentation and care of memorials, cemeteries and grave markers.
36% 28% 22% 4% 2%

Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: Presentation and Care of Memorials, Cemeteries and Grave Markers [Over Time]
  Important that VAC recognize and honour Canadian Veterans and those who died in service Satisfied with how VAC recognizes and honours Canadian Veterans and those who died in service
2020 92% 64%
2019 93% 61%
2019 93% 61%
2018 93% 59%
2017 93% 63%
2016 91% 65%
2014 89% 62%
2012 88% 66%
2011 92% 65%
2010 88% 59%

Return to Figure 27

Figure 28: Importance of Providing Funeral and Burial Assistance
  Completely agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Completely disagree
It is important that Veterans Affairs Canada recognize and honour
deceased Canadian Veterans by providing funeral and burial assistance.
75% 16% 5% 1% 1%
I am satisfied with how Veterans Affairs Canada recognizes and honours
deceased Canadian Veterans through the provision of funeral and burial assistance.
31% 24% 25% 3% 3%

Return to Figure 28

Figure 29: Importance of Providing Funeral and Burial Assistance [Over Time]
  Important that VAC recognize and honour deceased Canadian Veterans by providing funeral and burial assistance Satisfied with how VAC recognizes and honours deceased Canadian Veterans through the provision of funeral and burial assistance
2020 91% 55%
2019 92% 56%
2018 91% 52%
2017 93% 63%
2016 91% 65%

% who agree with each statement

Return to Figure 29

Figure 30: Importance of Commemorating Anniversaries associated with Military Conflicts
  Very important Moderately important Neutral Not very important Not important at all
...with military conflicts? 62% 25% 10% 1% 2%
...with military conflicts like the World Wars, the Korean War, or the war in Afghanistan? 56% 25% 14% 2% 1%

"How important is it for Canada and Canadians to mark milestone anniversaries associated…"

Return to Figure 30