Exploring perceptions, behaviours, and experiences in relation to My VAC Account - Text Description

Figure 1: Demographic profile of survey respondents
In which province or territory do you live? Frequency
Alberta 13%
British Columbia 13%
Manitoba 4%
New Brunswick 9%
Newfoundland and Labrador 3%
Nova Scotia 17%
Ontario 23%
Prince Edward Island 1%
Quebec 14%
Saskatchewan 2%
Territories <1%
Prefer not to say 2%
18-29 1%
30-39 12%
40-49 16%
50-59 31%
60-69 25%
70-79 11%
80+ 3%
I prefer not to say <1%
% who have you EVER visited a VAC area office 45%
First Nations 3%
Métis 3%
No 88%
I prefer not to say 7%
Language Spoken at Home  
English 86%
French 17%
Another language (multiple responses accepted) 1%
Male 3%
Female 3%
Another Gender 88%
Prefer not to say 7%
Internet Commection  
Dial-up 1%
High speed 94%
Do not know 1%
No internet at home 1%
Prefer not to say 3%

Return to Figure 1

Figure 2: Type of My VAC Account User
Retired member of the CAF 67%
Serving member of the CAF 12%
Serving member of the RCMP 9%
Retired member of the RCMP 8%
A war Veteran 1%
Family member who receives benefits 1%

Return to Figure 2

Figure 3: Characteristics of focus group participants
Type of My VAC Account user Number of Participants
War Veteran 4 participants
Retired or still-serving member of the CAF 6 participants
Retired or still-serving member of the RCMP 2 participants
Frequency of using My VAC Account in the past year Number of Participants
Four to 10 times 2 participants
More than 10 times 10 participants
Age Number of Participants
30 to 39 3 participants
40 to 49 5 participants
50 to 59 2 participants
60 to 69 1 participant
70 to 79 1 participant
Gender Number of Participants
Male 10 participants
Female 2 participants
Region Number of Participants
Atlantic Canada 1 participant
Quebec 4 participants
Ontario 4 participants
West 3 participants

Return to Figure 3

Figure 4: Registration process used
GCKey 54%
Partner 43%
Cant recall/ prefer not to say  3%

Return to Figure 4

Figure 5: Reason(s) for using GCKey
I was more comfortable with GCKey. 68%
I didn't want to use my banking information. 27%
My bank wasn't an option in Sign-in Partner. 10%
I can't recall. 14%

Return to Figure 5

Figure 6: Ease of registration process
Very easy 41%
Somewhat easy 34%
Somewhat difficult 9%
Very difficult 4%
I can't recall 13%

Return to Figure 6

Figure 7: Agreement with steps required for registration
Strongly agree 40%
Agree 41%
Neutral 8%
Disagree 1%
Strongly disagree 6%
I don't know 5%

Return to Figure 7

Figure 8: Source of Awareness
VAC staff member 25%
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) 21%
Word of mouth (e.g., from a friend or colleague) 14%
Browsing the VAC website 12%
Information sent to you by VAC 12%
Veterans' organization or event 4%
Another government department/office 3%
Other, please specify 3%
I can't recall 7%

Return to Figure 8

Figure 9: Frequency of Use
At least once a day 10%
Several times a week 26%
About once a week 23%
About once a month 24%
Less than once a month 15%

Return to Figure 9

Figure 10: Use of Features
Applying online for VAC benefits/services 89%
Receiving correspondence from VAC in My VAC Account 85%
Communicating with VAC staff through secure messaging 83%
Viewing a summary of my benefits 82%
Uploading documents to support my applications 79%
Updating my personal information 70%
Signing up for direct deposit/ changing banking information 63%
Adding my email address to receive email notifications 59%
Changing communications preferences  32%
Communicating with the BPA 27%
Communicating with the VRAB 17%
Accessing COVID-19 related features/information 15%
Other 3%

Return to Figure 10

Figure 11: Helpfulness of information found on Member Task List
Very helpful 59%
Slightly helpful 27%
Not at all helpful 5%
I can't recall 7%

Return to Figure 11

Figure 12: Helpfulness of the Wait Time Tool
Very helpful 6%
Moderately helpful 21%
Slightly helpful 24%
Not at all helpful 46%

Return to Figure 12

Figure 13: Approximate time expected on application
Yes, the tool told me when to expect a decision 46%
No, the tool did not tell me when to expect a decision 48%
I can't recall 4%

Return to Figure 13

Figure 14: Usefulness of Track your Application Tool
Helped find out the status of my application 39%
Helped in part / somewhat 45%
Did not help 15%

Return to Figure 14

Figure 15: Details available through Track Your Applications Tool
Yes, the tool provides enough detail  26%
No, the tool does not provide enough detail 69%
I don't know 5%

Return to Figure 15

Figure 16: Reason(s) Track Your Applications was missing details
Lack of information at the various steps / only states which step with no additional details 30%
Encountered delays / timeline is inaccurate 29%
Information about status is too vague / generic 25%
No estimated date of approval provided 9%
Other reasons 17%

Return to Figure 16

Figure 17: Reason(s) for not using the Track Applications Tool
I did not need to use it 59%
I did not know about it 12%
It seemed complicated to use 9%
Other 15%
I don't know 9%
Prefer not to say 1%

Return to Figure 17

Figure 18: Preferred method for contacting VAC
Secure message in My VAC Account 59%
Phone 25%
Email 10%
In-person 3%
Other 2%

Return to Figure 18

Figure 19: Use of Secure Messaging in past 12 months
Yes, I have used secure messaging 80%
No, I have not used secure messaging 15%
I can't recall 4%

Return to Figure 19

Figure 20: Frequency of Connecting with VAC Staff via Secure Messaging
  Past 6 months Past 12 months
Once 12% 8%
Twice 14% 12%
3 to 4 times 16% 15%
5 to 9 times 15% 17%
10+ times 7% 15%
Many times (unspecified) 2% 2%
I can't recall 22% 24%
I haven't connected 10% 6%

Return to Figure 20

Figure 21: Waiting time for Secure Messaging reply
Actual Expected
Less than one business day 3% 4%
1-2 business days 38% 43%
3-5 business days 47% 43%
More than 5 business days 9% 8%

Return to Figure 21

Figure 22: Connecting with case manager via Secure Messaging
Connected with case manager 33%
Did not connect with case manager 26%
Do not have a case manager 37%
I can't recall 4%

Return to Figure 22

Figure 23: Satisfaction with secure messaging system
  Past 6 months Past 12 months
Very satisfied 37% 35%
Satisfied 29% 31%
Neutral 13% 12%
Dissatisfied 11% 12%
Very dissatisfied 9% 10%

Return to Figure 23

Figure 24: Need for follow up with VAC staff
Yes, had to follow up 55%
No, did not need to re-contact VAC 36%
I can't recall 8%

Return to Figure 24

Figure 25: Preferred method to receive VAC updates
Through My VAC Account 61%
Email 32%
Mail 2%

Return to Figure 25

Figure 26: News and Notifications Section
I don't know 8%
Something else 5%
Commemoration events and related news 30%
Mental health information and services 47%
New programs and services  77%
Updates to My VAC Account and new features  78%
Changes to benefits  82%

Return to Figure 26

Figure 27: Preferred frequency of VAC news
I don't know 3%
Only when necessary 17%
Once a year 1%
Twice a year 10%
Once a month 51%
Once a week 16%

Return to Figure 27

Figure 28: Experience accessing information on My VAC Account
I generally find everything I need 29%
I generally find most of what I need 38%
I generally find some of what I need 28%
I generally find none of what I need 4%

Return to Figure 28

Figure 29: Reason(s) for not finding all the information needed
The information does not have enough detail 67%
The information is difficult to understand 22%
My VAC Account is hard to navigate 15%
My VAC Account is complicated to access 6%
Some forms are hard to find/use 4%
Wait times are inaccurate/not up-to-date 4%
Other 6%

Return to Figure 29

Figure 30: Perceptions of the information in My VAC Account
  Strongly Agree Agree Neither  Disagree Strongly Disagree I Don't Know
Information is easy to find 20% 46% 18% 11% 4%  
Information is easy to understand 18% 43% 20% 14% 5%  
I understand the next steps 16% 40% 22% 14% 6%  
Information includes helpful external resources 14% 36% 27% 9% 5% 7%
 Information has the right amount of detail 13% 28% 17% 27% 14%  

Return to Figure 30

Figure 31: Perceptions of different aspects of My VAC Account
  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree I Don't Know
I think My VAC Account uses practices that ensure system security. 27% 56% 10%     4%
I would recommend My VAC Account to others. 35% 44% 12% 3% 4%  
I can do the business I need to with VAC through My VAC Account. 21% 47% 19% 8% 4%  
My VAC Account is visually appealing. 12% 46% 31% 6% 3%  
I like the updates that I have seen in My VAC Account in the past year. 17% 41% 28% 5% 4% 4%

Return to Figure 31

Figure 32: Reasons for disagreeing with the statements about My VAC Account
Statement Feedback
I think My VAC Account uses practices that ensure system security. No one disagreed with this statement.
I would recommend My VAC Account to others. (n=40)

Those who disagreed tended to point to their perception that My VAC Account is not easy to use (e.g., it is hard to navigate) or not particularly useful because the information provided is not helpful (e.g., it provides generic information about the processing of applications).
I can do the business I need to with VAC through My VAC Account. (n=65) Reasons for disagreeing with this statement ranged from the perception that the site provides inaccurate wait times for the processing of applications, to having to call VAC to resolve the issue or get the information they tried to find on My VAC Account, to this site providing generic information or information that lacks the necessary details.
My VAC Account is visually appealing. (n=38) Those who disagreed that My VAC Account is visually appealing attributed this to myriad reasons including, but not limited to, the following: it looks "old" and/or "dated", it looks like a "typical government website", "it is boring", it is "too busy", it is not intuitively designed nor mobile friendly, and it feels "drab" and "dull".
I like the updates that I have seen in My VAC Account in the past year. (n=41) My VAC Account users who disagreed with this statement tended to point to the following: their perception that there have not been any updates to My VAC Account and their opinion that the updates have not improved/addressed the issues they have with My VAC Account, such as wait times and the lack of detailed information provided when tracking applications.

Return to Figure 32

Figure 33: Overall satisfaction with My VAC Account
Very satisfied 31%
Satisfied 40%
Neither 15%
Dissatisfied 9%
Very dissatisfied 4%

Return to Figure 33

Figure 34: Reason for dissatisfaction with My VAC Account
Not enough details provided to find forms / specific information 59%
Lack of support / assistance 59%
Minimal communication / updates from VAC 49%
Features are difficult to use 31%
Technical difficulties 27%
Trouble finding information 26%
Other 12%
I don't know 2%
Prefer not to say 5%

Return to Figure 34