Inactive user | 37% |
Non-user | 63% |
Base: All respondents (n=750).
Veteran | 39% |
CAF member | 38% |
Family member | 14% |
RCMP member | 8% |
Prefer not to say | 1% |
SCR1. Which of the following best describes you? Base: All respondents (n=750).
English | 72% |
French | 28% |
Base: All respondents (n=750).
18 to 39 | 11% |
40 to 59 | 27% |
60+ | 61% |
Base: All respondents (n=750).
Male | 77% |
Female | 23% |
Q28. Gender. Base: All respondents (n=750).
Ontario | 29% |
Quebec | 28% |
British Columbia | 12% |
Nova Scotia | 9% |
Alberta | 6% |
New Brunswick | 5% |
Saskatchewan | 3% |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 2% |
Prince Edward Island | 2% |
Manitoba | 2% |
Yukon | 0% |
Nunavut | 0% |
Q23. In which province or territory do you live? Base: All respondents (n=750). [Refused: 2%].
High speed | 91% |
Dial-up | 3% |
Q27. What type of internet connection do you have at home? Base: Respondents who have internet access at home (n=667). [DK/NR: 6%].
By telephone | 42% |
Online (unspecified) | 42% |
By mail | 20% |
Through my VAC Account | 20% |
In person at an office | 12% |
In person somewhere else | 4% |
By email | 2% |
Other | 3% |
Don't know | 13% |
Q1A. To the best of your knowledge, what methods can you use to access or apply for VAC's benefits? [Multiple responses accepted]. Base: All respondents (n=750).
Aware of My VAC Account | 34% |
Not aware | 64% |
Can't recall | 3% |
Q1. Before we contacted you for this survey, had you heard of My VAC Account? Base: Non-users only (n=473).
Word of mouth | 27% |
VAC staff member | 15% |
Information sent by VAC | 11% |
Information sent by mail | 6% |
Veterans' organization | 6% |
Another government department/office | 6% |
Social media | 4% |
Browsing online (other website) | 4% |
Veterans' event | 3% |
Other | 4% |
Don't know/Refused | 10% |
Q6. How did you first hear about My VAC Account? Base: Respondents who were aware of My VAC account (n=436).
Provides access to VAC benefits and services (general) | 12% |
Provides online application for benefits | 11% |
Provides access to account information / My VAC profile | 9% |
Provides an online alternative to phone or mail | 8% |
Provides access to status updates | 5% |
Provides a platform to communicate with VAC staff | 4% |
Provides access to benefit claims history | 3% |
My VAC Account is difficult to navigate / not user-friendly | 1% |
Security concerns / privacy breach | 1% |
Other | 3% |
Don't know anything about My VAC Account | 58% |
Q7. What, if anything, do you know about My VAC Account? Base: Non-users aware of My VAC Account (n=159).
There are no subgroup differences to report due to low base numbers.
In the past 2 years | 35% |
Between 2 and 3 years ago | 25% |
Between 3 and 4 years ago | 17% |
More than 4 years ago | 15% |
Never | 2% |
I can't recall | 4% |
Q2. Approximately how long has it been since you last used My VAC Account? Base: Inactive users only (n=277). [NR: 1%].
Lack of need | 47% |
Lack of interest | 6% |
Online is too impersonal / prefer traditional methods | 5% |
Registration seems complicated / difficult | 4% |
Had trouble logging in / called instead | 4% |
No computer | 3% |
Unclear about advantages of using My VAC Account | 3% |
Too busy | 3% |
Can't remember password/login information | 2% |
Didn't know that it was an option | 2% |
Security concerns | 0% |
Privacy concerns | 0% |
Other | 4% |
No reason | 11% |
Q8. What is the main reason you [haven't registered to use My VAC Account/have not used My VAC Account recently]?
Base: Inactive users or non-users aware of My VAC Account (n=436) [UP TO TWO RESPONSES ACCEPTED]. [DK/NR: 5%].
Very interested | 24% |
Somewhat interested | 31% |
Not very interested | 16% |
Not at all interested | 27% |
Q9. How interested are you in learning more about this online service channel? Base: Non-users only (n=473). [DK/NR: 3%].
To apply online for VAC benefits and services | 55% |
To find information about VAC benefits and services (general) | 7% |
To track an application | 6% |
For convenience / to make things easier (general) | 6% |
To view a summary of benefits | 4% |
Case manager suggested it | 4% |
To update personal information | 4% |
To send a secure message | 0% |
To sign up for direct deposit or change banking information | 0% |
Other | 5% |
I can't recall | 7% |
Q3. What was the reason you registered for My VAC Account? Base: Inactive users only (n=277). [NR: 2%].
Very easy | 29% |
Somewhat easy | 39% |
Somewhat difficult | 13% |
Very difficult | 8% |
Q4. Did you find registering for My VAC Account very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult? Base: Inactive users only (n=277). [DK/NR: 10%].
Process was complicated / not user-friendly (general) | 41% |
It took too long / too many steps | 17% |
Experienced trouble linking My VAC to their account | 16% |
Experienced password issues | 12% |
Didn't know what a GCKey was | 5% |
Other | 12% |
Q5. What did you find difficult about registering for My VAC Account? Base: Inactive users who found the registration process difficult (n=58) [UP TO TWO RESPONSES ACCEPTED]. [DK/NR: 10%].
There are no subgroup differences to report due to low base numbers.
1 - Not a factor at all | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 - Very important factor | |
Do not have a computer or access to one | 72% | 3% | 5% | 3% | 15% |
Do not have internet access or access is unreliable | 68% | 4% | 6% | 4% | 15% |
Not comfortable using online services | 56% | 7% | 12% | 7% | 16% |
Lack of interest in using online services | 48% | 8% | 15% | 7% | 20% |
Lack of understanding of the benefits of My VAC Account | 43% | 8% | 19% | 8% | 15% |
Concerns about the security of personal information | 40% | 10% | 15% | 9% | 23% |
Q12. There are various reasons why some people might not want to use My VAC Account to connect with Veterans Affairs Canada. I'm going to read you some of these. For each one, please tell me how relevant it is to you personally, using a 5-point scale, where '1' means not a factor at all and '5' means a very important factor. How about…? Base: All respondents (n=750). [DK/NR: range from 3% to 6%].
A need to use My VAC account benefits (general) | 15% |
Increased awareness of the service | 13% |
Understanding the benefits of using My VAC Account | 13% |
Make it easier to register for the service | 7% |
Make it easier to navigate the service / more user-friendly | 5% |
Online technical support available | 3% |
Confidence that personal information will be safe | 2% |
Having access to a computer | 2% |
Having access to internet | 2% |
1-800 technical support line | 1% |
Other | 3% |
Nothing - I intend to use the service in the future | 13% |
Nothing - I have no intention of using the service | 22% |
Q13. What, if anything, would encourage or motivate you to [start using My VAC Account/use My VAC Account again]? Base: All respondents (n=750) [UP TO TWO RESPONSES ACCEPTED]. [DK/NR: 6%].
1 - Not a factor at all | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 - Very important factor | |
Receiving VAC news updates | 26% | 9% | 17% | 13% | 31% |
Ease of applying with a guided web form | 24% | 5% | 15% | 14% | 35% |
Having a record of a conversation with VAC | 24% | 5% | 15% | 13% | 39% |
Receiving documents online rather than waiting for mail | 27% | 5% | 11% | 11% | 42% |
Uploading documents rather than sending by mail | 27% | 5% | 10% | 13% | 42% |
Able to update profile and direct deposit information | 21% | 5% | 11% | 14% | 45% |
Able to check the application status anytime | 22% | 4% | 11% | 11% | 48% |
Email notifications of application status changes | 21% | 4% | 9% | 12% | 50% |
Q14. There are potential benefits to using My VAC Account. I'm going to read some of these to you. For each one, please tell me how relevant it is to you personally, using a 5-point scale, where '1' means not a factor at all and '5' means a very important factor. How about…? Base: All respondents (n=750). [DK/NR: ranged from 4% to 7%].
Very likely | 23% |
Likely | 33% |
Neither likely nor unlikely | 7% |
Unlikely | 16% |
Very unlikely | 17% |
Q10. How likely or unlikely would you be to [register for My VAC Account/start using My VAC Account again]? Base: All respondents (n=750). [DK/NR: 3%].
No need | 39% |
Prefer not to use computers / not tech-savvy | 12% |
Don't have access to a computer | 9% |
It's faster / more efficient to call | 6% |
Had technical problems | 6% |
Don't have access to internet | 5% |
Don't know the benefits of My VAC Account | 5% |
Prefer to contact VAC in person | 4% |
Security concerns | 4% |
Other | 3% |
No reason / just don't want to | 19% |
Q11. Why are you not likely to [register for My VAC Account/start using My VAC Account again]? Base: Respondents who said they are unlikely to start using My VAC Account (n=250) [UP TO TWO RESPONSES ACCEPTED]. [DK/NR: 2%].
There are no subgroup differences to report due to low base numbers.
Very likely | 31% |
Likely | 22% |
Neither likely nor unlikely | 6% |
Unlikely | 15% |
Very unlikely | 24% |
Q16. How likely or unlikely would you be to submit your next benefit application through My VAC Account? Base: All respondents (n=750). [DK/NR: 2%].
Very likely | 26% |
Likely | 29% |
Neither likely nor unlikely | 7% |
Unlikely | 16% |
Very unlikely | 20% |
Q18. How likely or unlikely would you be to use secure messaging to communicate with VAC? Base: All respondents (n=750). [DK/NR: 1%].