Baseline and Post-Campaign Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool for the Mental Health Ad Campaign 2022-2023


Executive Summary

Prepared for Veterans Affairs Canada

Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs

Contract Number: CW2265609

Contract value: $58,343.54

Award Date: 16 December 2022

Delivery Date: 30 March 2023

Registration number: POR 098-22

For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at:





Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français







I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Ipsos that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada and Procedures for Planning and Contracting Public Opinion Research. Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Mike Colledge


Ipsos Public Affairs




Baseline and Post-Campaign ACET for the Mental Health Ad Campaign 2022-2023

Executive Summary


Prepared for Veterans Affairs Canada

Supplier name: Ipsos Public Affairs

March 2023


This public opinion research report presents the methodology of the Baseline and Post-Campaign ACET for the Mental Health Ad Campaign 2022-2023 online survey conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. The baseline survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,168 Canadians ages 18+ between 20 December 2022, and 3 January2023, and the post-wave survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,163 Canadians ages 18+ between 10 February and 2 March 2023.


Cette publication est aussi disponible en français sous le titre : Référence et post-campagne ACET pour la Campagne Médiatique sur la Santé Mentale 2022-2023 



This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Veterans Affairs Canada. For more information on this report, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at  or at:



Veterans Affairs Canada

161 Grafton Street

Charlottetown PE

C1A 8M9



Catalogue Number:



International Standard Book Number (ISBN):



Related publications (registration number: POR 098-22)

Catalogue Number V44-21/2023F-PDF (Final Report, French)

ISBN  978-0-660-49545-3








Executive Summary

1.    Background


Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) is responsible for delivering support services associated with mental and physical health and wellness to current or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and family members of these individuals (Veteran community). These individuals can access a wide range of mental health services, support and information to help reduce the potential stress during the transition to post-military service and to address mental illness, when present. These services include a network of eleven operational stress injury (OSI) clinics (10 outpatient and 1 inpatient), located across the country, and 9 OSI satellite sites that provide services close to where Veterans live. In addition, there is a national network of approximately 12,000 independent mental health professionals across Canada, registered with the Department to deliver mental health treatment.


For 2022-23, the goal of the national Mental Health Services for Veterans and their Families advertising campaign is to increase awareness among the Veteran community of the mental health services and supports available to them and how they can be accessed. A variety of channels will be used to reach the target audiences including radio, print and online ads.


2.    Research Objectives

VAC is looking to assess the impact of its Mental Health Services for Veterans and their Families advertising campaign in raising awareness of the mental health services and supports available to them and how they can be accessed. This would be done with a baseline survey to collect information on status of awareness and use of these resources, followed by a post-campaign survey to see the affect after the communications intervention. This research will help to evaluate the impact of this advertising campaign, such as:

• Manner in which research is prescribed by legislative, policy, evaluation, or litigation requirement

• Manner in which research supports government or departmental priorities

• Manner in which research findings will benefit Canadians

• Alternate approaches and information sources considered and reasons for their unsuitability

• Risks associated with information gathering and dissemination

• Risks associated with failing to secure information

The results of this research will allow VAC to evaluate the performance of this campaign. It will also help VAC to improve any future phases of the campaign (or similar).

The Government of Canada’s Policy on Communications and Federal Identity requires the evaluation of all advertising campaigns exceeding $1 million in media through the Advertising Campaign Evaluation Tool (ACET).

Target Audience

The target audience of the research is as follows:

·       Canadians 18+

·       Canadian Veterans (including former Reservists and Rangers), CAF members, family members, caregivers, and survivors.

·       Former Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) members, their families, and survivors.


3.    Methodology

3.1  Online Sample


This project involved two (2) waves of surveying – a baseline survey and a post-campaign survey. Both surveys were executed online using a non-probability online panel. This is the standard approach for all Government of Canada advertising evaluation surveys. The initial baseline survey was conducted before the campaign launched and the recall survey was conducted following the completion of the campaign.


Respondents for the survey samples were drawn from a trusted partner panel vendor, Canadian Viewpoint Inc. The baseline survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,168 Canadians ages 18+ and the post-wave survey was conducted with a sample of n=2,163 Canadians ages 18+. Interviews were conducted in the language of their choice, either English or French.

For the baseline survey, a pre-test was conducted on 20 December 2022, with 25 completes (15 English / 10 French), to confirm survey length before fully deploying the questionnaire. An open-ended question was asked at the end of the survey where any problems, questions, or unclear statements could be brought to our attention. no issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between 21 December 2022, and 3 January 2023.

For the post-wave survey, a pre-test was conducted on February 10, 2023, with 46 completes (26 English / 20 French).  An open-ended question was asked at the end of the survey where any problems, questions, or unclear statements could be brought to our attention. Again, no issues were flagged. The survey was fully launched and ran between 10 February and 2 March 2023.

For both surveys, quotas were set to ensure representation by region, age, and gender, according to the latest Census information.  Sampling targets were obtained through natural fallout. An oversample of Veterans (including 160) was conducted per survey, n=549 in the baseline survey and n=518 in the post-survey. The unweighted Veterans counts are shown below.


Target audience

Baseline Survey


Canadian Veterans (including former Reservists and Rangers), CAF members, family members, caregivers, and survivors.





The sampling methodology utilized email invitations and router technology to invite participants. Each participant received a unique URL link. This link could only be used once, with respondents being allowed to pause during completion and return to complete. On average, the online interviews took 10 minutes for the baseline and post wave survey to complete.