2023 Remembrance and Recognition Ad Campaign ACET

December 2023

Executive summary

Contract Information

  • Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
  • Contract number: CW2334787
  • Contract Value: $57,695.50 (tax included)
  • Award date: October 24, 2023
  • Delivery date: December 19, 2023
Prepared For:
Veterans Affairs Canada
Registration number:
POR 075-23

For more information on this executive summary, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at:commsresearch-commsrecherche@veterans.gc.ca

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français.

Prepared for Veterans Affairs Canada
Supplier Name: Advanis Inc.
December 2023

This executive summary presents the methodological details for the 2023 Remembrance and Recognition Ad Campaign ACETconducted by Advanis Inc. on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. This study was completed from October 23 to October 30, 2023, in the form of a pre-campaign survey and from November 16 to December 5, 2023, in the form of a post-campaign survey. Both waves were conducted using Advanis’ General Population Representative Sample (GPRS) sample. Advanis sought a probability-based sample of 2,000 Canadian adults aged 18 or older drawn from the general population.

This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Prior written permission must be obtained from Veterans Affairs Canada. For more information on this executive summary, please contact Veterans Affairs Canada at: commsresearch-commsrecherche@veterans.gc.ca

Veterans Affairs Canada
161 Grafton Street, PO Box 7700
Charlottetown, PE, C1A 8M9

Ce rapport est aussi disponible en français sous le titre: OECP pour la campagne publicitaire de commémoration et de reconnaissance 2023 Rapport méthodologique.

© His Majesty the King in right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and the Minister responsible for Veterans Affairs Canada, 2023

1. Executive Summary

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) ran the Remembrance and Recognition campaign in the fall of 2023 to honour Canadians who served our country during times of war, military conflict and peace. This national advertising campaign seeks to encourage Canadians to engage in acts of remembrance.

As per Government of Canada requirements, all advertising campaigns valued at least $1M are required to undertake an evaluation using the Advertising and Communication Evaluation Tool (ACET) via a pre (or baseline) and post evaluation survey.

The purpose of this quantitative research was to evaluate the 2023 Remembrance and Recognition Advertising Campaign using the Government of Canada’s (GC) ACET, and as required, is conducted before and after the campaign’s paid media placement.

The results of this study will assess whether the campaign met its objectives and to inform future Veterans Affairs Canada advertising campaigns.

This first phase of the study was completed from October 23 to October 30, 2023, in the form of a pre-campaign survey through the use of Advanis’ General Population Representative Sample (GPRS) sample. The post-campaign survey was conducted from November 16 to December 5, 2023. A consistent set of questions is used in both surveys to compare across the timeframe in which the advertising campaign enters and leaves the public domain.

For both waves, Advanis sought a probability-based sample of 2,000 Canadian adults aged 18 or older drawn from the general population. Participants were invited via email or SMS to take part in a Web survey. The study was drawn from a random sample and can be extrapolated to the broader population only on a national level.

Questions within the survey further filtered out responses from anyone under the age of 18, those who did not live in Canada, and anyone working for organizations that would not qualify to participate (e.g., a market research firm). A total of 4,064 adult Canadians participated in the study. For the aided recall evaluation, a 16 second video ad was shown to respondents as well as ad visuals.

The contract value for this study was $57,695.50 (tax included).

1.1 Political Neutrality Certification

I hereby certify as Senior Officer of Advanis that the deliverables fully comply with the Government of Canada political neutrality requirements outlined in the Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Directive on the Management of Communications.

Specifically, the deliverables do not include information on electoral voting intentions, political party preferences, standings with the electorate or ratings of the performance of a political party or its leaders.

Nicolas Toutant, Vice-President, Research and Evaluation