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Polygamy in Canada: Legal and Social Implications for Women and Children – A Collection of Policy Research Reports

An International Review of Polygamy:
Legal and Policy Implications for Canada

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Agadjanian, V. and A.C. Ezeh. 2000. "Polygyny, Gender Relations, and Reproduction in Ghana." Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 31(4): 427-441.

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Al-Krenawi, A. 1999. "Women of Polygamous Marriages in Primary Health Care Centres." Contemporary Family Therapy. 21(3): 417-430.

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Al-Krenawi, A., J.R. Graham and A. Izzeldin. 2001. "The Psychosocial Impact of Polygamous Marriages on Palestinian Women." Women and Health. 34(1): 1-16.

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Elbedour, S., A.J. Onwuegbuzie, C. Caridine and H. Abu-Saad. 2002. "The Effect of Polygamous Marital Structure on Behavioural, Emotional, and Academic Adjustment in Children: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature." Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. 5(4): 255-271.

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