Solway's most recent book is The Big Lie: On Terror, Antisemitism,
and Identity. His editorials appear regularly in
and broadcasters commonly refer to their reports as “stories,”
a giveaway term that should alert us to the nature of their
presentations. Each item tends to read or sound or look like
another installment in an ongoing soap opera or melodramatic
fiction in which actual events are treated as material to be
arranged into a favoured narrative. The key is simplification
to accord with an editorial bias meant not to inform but to
influence the news audience and to facilitate a process of ideologically-oriented
political consumption.
had we relied for news during the 40s on the New York Times,
we would scarcely have realized that the Holocaust was underway,
which didn’t fit the newspaper’s editorial story
line. The story to be crafted and told was a sanitized fiction.
Caveat lector. Times change but the Times
do most of the other news outlets. If we listen primarily to
the BBC and read The Guardian in England—two of the most
cambered news organizations in the Western world—or in
Canada read mainly The Globe and Mail or The Toronto
Star and tune in to CBC Radio’s As It Happens
or CBC TV’s various news programs (and its French counterpart,
Radio Canada), or are addicted to the Washington
Post, The Nation and CNN in the U.S., we will
have a completely distorted view of current events and international
can reasonably prescind to the world press in general, which
has bevelled sharply to the Left, a phenomenon we can observe
in country after country. A bellwether Swedish poll determined
that only 5% of the population cast their votes for the Communist
parties as compared with 30% of journalists. Israel furnishes
a particularly acute example of this tendency. There journalists
regularly cross the line into politics to join the parties of
the Left: e.g., Shulamit Aloni who helped found the far-Left
Meretz party was a radio host, Shelly Yacimovitch of Channel
2 news is a Labor MK, Daniel Ben-Simon of the Left daily Haaretz
has also joined Labor, Kadima Prime Minister Ehud Olmert reported
for BaMahaneh.
is not that much different here in America where a demonstrably
biased liberal press was indispensable in the election of Barack
Obama. “Most members of today’s U.S. media,”
writes Richard Grenier in Capturing the Culture, are
“ ‘citizens of the world,’ with no demonstrable
loyalty to the country which assures them of safety and freedom.”
As a former correspondent for the New York Times and
a columnist for the Washington Times, Grenier should
know. In pushing what is decidedly an accommodationist or “internationalist”
approach, the media have, by and large, become the greatest
enablers of historical ignorance and misperception in the contemporary
world, clearing houses for left-wing messages and tilted analyses.
the media also practice another, time-honoured form of subterfuge,
namely, omission. In an article for The Quarterly Journal
of Economics (Vol. CXX, Issue 4, November 2005), entitled
“A Measure of Media Bias,” Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey
Milyo conducted a quantifiable analysis of how media prejudice
cribbles the news, estimating that for every sin of commission,
“there are hundreds, and maybe thousands, of sins of omission—cases
where a journalist choses facts or stories that only one side
of the political spectrum is likely to mention.” In the
concluding statements to their 47 page study, the authors find
“a systematic tendency for the United States media outlets
to slant the news to the left,” in which the tactic of
omission figures prominently. Despite its analytical complexity
and its mammoth data collection, the study is worth consulting
by anyone who still doubts the fact of media one-sidedness or
that so much of the news we are fed resembles blacked-out letters
from the front.
A recent
powerful example of such dissimulation involves the virtual
suppression of disturbing material, translated from the Arabic,
emanating from reams of recently disinterred Iraqi documents
as well as from witnesses’ accounts, that Saddam may indeed
have possessed WMD. These would have been shipped out of Iraq
(with Russian help) prior to the second Gulf War by truck convoy
to Syria, conceivably to a prepared site in the northern province
of Deir al Zour, where a nuclear installation was bombed by
the Israelis in September 2007. The evidence suggests that Saddam
may have acted with respect to his alleged stocks of WMD, or
a considerable portion of them, precisely as he did with his
airforce in the early days of the first Gulf War, only the destination
on that occasion was not Syria but Iran. The hypothesis is certainly
a plausible one. The U.S. recently facilitated the removal of
550 metric tonnes of remnant “yellowcake” uranium
stockpiled at the Tuwaitha nuclear complex twelve miles south
of Baghdad—the port of destination was my home city of
Montreal (Associated Press, July 6, 2008).
media’s intention, of course, is to hinder the extrapolation
from the Iraq situation to Iran’s current nuclear project
in a misplaced effort to avoid the cost of pre-emptive action—the
Ostrich Syndrome that comes so naturally to us. The tactic of
omission is probably an even more effective form of lying than
that of its two correlatives, misrepresentation and exaggeration.
Meanwhile the public welfare is dismissed as subordinate to
the ideological gradient of the media barons who, like the mass
of pontificating public intellectuals, political experts and
Beltway operators, are for the most part deliberate obfuscators
passing themselves off as oracular symposiarchs.
the highly respected London Review of Books runs a
promo for a new The Spokesman pamphlet, entitled Legacies
of Harm, with contributions from Noam Chomsky, Usamah Hamden,
Jimmy Carter, Johan Galtung and the like. Its cover portrays
a porcine, Bush-like Great Satan and a stereotypical Jewish-featured
Little Satan, the Dr. Evil and Mini Me of current political
discourse, both robed in white, leaving darkness and spoliation
behind them. In the same issue, among the “personals,”
we find an ad by a certain Baader seeking a Meinhoff for undercover
action to “smash the state” (Volume 29, Number 18,
20 September 2007).
culture organs have also upped the volume of this staple propaganda
program. The 40th anniversary issue of Rolling Stone
magazine features interviews with a host of third-tier, left-wing
illuminati such as Jon Stewart, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep,
Tom Hanks, Chris Rock, Billy Joe Armstrong, and George Clooney,
flanked by the somewhat more reverend, second-tier figures of
Al Gore, Bill Maher, Jane Goodall and Cornel West. Counterpunch,
for its part, is at least up-front about its purpose, defined
by editors Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn as “muckraking
with a radical attitude.” But it’s still muckraking.
are only among the crudest and most bathetic samples among a
veritable moraine of such instances. More often than not, expressions
of opinion, even in the more reputable organs, are presented
as apodictic but without credible and well-researched evidence.
Just as often, the news is staged or slanted in such a way that
intentional fraud cannot be objectively distinguished from subjective
bias which, being under the radar, is considerably more damaging
in its effects upon public credulity.
example, anti-Zionist events, demonstrations and declarations
are reported in such a way as to give the impression that no
larger or alternative reading exists. Thus an article in the
Montreal Gazette (May 11, 2008), covering a pro-Palestinian
naqba march attended by sympathetic Jews, interviewed a member
of the freakish and negligible Jewish Neturei Karta movement
which opposes the Jewish state, as if it were a respectable
and representative group when nothing could be further from
the truth. The strategy of malign synecdoche is a standard feature
of the left-wing press and can be readily discerned from even
a cursory perusal of the mainstream dailies and news programs.
trouble is that most of us have little time to dig for reliable
information on our own initiative: the demands of the 9 to 5
realm preclude a valid and in-depth understanding of the 9/11
realm, confining us to above-the-fold newspaper reports and
six o’clock newscasts digested with supper. Others, regrettably,
have little inclination to demystify ideas that have become
sanctified by inertia and a certain illusory comfort—the
comfort of a supposedly manageable and rational world that conforms
to the dictionary of received opinions. Machiavelli was sadly
correct when he observed in The Prince that “the great
majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though
they were realities, and are often more influenced by things
that seem, than by those that are.”
tend to believe what they want to believe, that which consoles,
flatters, confirms, while the more skeptical and independent-minded
observers are frustrated by the clandestine stratagems of an
activist media, which has tended to become an open mike for
the Left and the jihadists. New York, London, Madrid, Mumbai:
not a terrorist in sight! It’s like trying to find Waldo.
In this way, conventional wisdom is reinforced and the real
nature of our predicament escapes our attention, leading to
an escalation of the crises in which we find ourselves.
people form their opinions from what they read, see and hear,
or from what they are prevented from reading, seeing and hearing,
and if what they read, see and hear, or don’t read, see
and hear, is almost universally contrived to foreground the
triad of modern bêtes noirs, anti-Americanism, anti-Israelism
and anti-(neo)conservatism, our political leaders are thereby
constrained by public opinion to make decisions keyed to short-term
popularity rather than long-term advantage—assuming, of
course, that they have not been infected themselves. Secondhand
opinion is far more dangerous than secondhand smoke; it is the
air that almost everyone breathes today, the kind of “manufactured
consent” that Chomsky never envisaged.
a new kind of Pulitzer should be instituted: the Walter Duranty
Prize, for which there would be no dearth of worthy recipients.
the Heart of the United Nations
Big Lie
Then and Now
Ball at the Wailing Wall
You Like It
Chesler: Secular Islam on the Rise
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Interview
the Terrorist Mind