the DT versus democracy

A. Giroux currently holds the Global TV Network Chair
Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural
Studies Department and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship
at Ryerson University. He is the author of more than 50 books
including The Educational Deficit and the War on Youth
and Zombie
Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism.
Many of his essays, including The Spectacle of Illiteracy, appear
on his website at www.henryagiroux.com.
His interview with Bill
Moyers is must viewing.
this page
Trump is a cruder example of a social order that has always
been deeply racist -- given its legacy of settler colonialism,
chattel slavery and its violently enforced xenophobia. Trump
exemplifies a no-holds-barred form of xenophobia that shares
the ideologies of hate that produced the extremism that resulted
in the Oklahoma City bombing, the right-wing militias that ambush
immigrants on the border and the hardcore survivalists who argue
that immigrants are undermining the foundation of a white Christian
nation. This racist and xenophobic ideology, which he articulates
whenever he appears before the media, is testimony to the degree
to which racism is at the core of a society in which democracy
is in eclipse.
addition, Trump provides a more direct and arrogant persona
that produces the ugliness of a society ruled entirely by finance
capital and savage market values -- one that prides itself on
the denigration of others, justice, compassion and equality.
Trump is the hyperventilating yellow canary in the coal mine
reminding us all that social death is a looming threat. He is
emblematic of a kind of hypermasculinity that rules dead societies.
He is the zombie with the blond wig holding a flamethrower behind
his back. He is the perfect representation of the society of
the spectacle with a perverse grin and the endless discourse
of shock and humiliation. Trump’s hysterical rants are,
as Frank Rich once argued, "another symptom of a political
virus that can't be quarantined and whose cure is as yet unknown."
is the unfiltered symbol of the new authoritarianism, emblematic
of a kind of boots-on-your-face politics nurtured by an economic
and cultural system that combines the endless search for capital
with the unceasing production of violence. Trump is the living
embodiment of the main character in the film American Psycho
-- a symbol of corporate domination on steroids, an out of control
authoritarian parading and performing unknowingly as a clown
and as a symbol of unchecked narcissism and a bearer of a suffocating
culture of fear. He is the symbol of a failed society and a
declining social order.
the US public needs is an ongoing analysis that connects Trump's
remarks with a long history in the Republican Party and the
larger society in which instances of racism, anti-immigration
venom and disdain for the poor have qualified as standard rhetoric,
procedure and policy for more extremists elements in the Republican
Party and its more recent Tea Party wing. Such an analysis would
have to connect Trump's remarks to the festering institutional
and symbolic forms of racism and violence that have assumed
the status of a low-intensity war in the United States, especially
since the 1980s. This legacy of racism has been at the core
of the American experience extending from slavery and Jim Crow
to the murder of Emmett Till and the acts of racist violence,
discourses and policies that marked the birth of the civil rights
movement in the 1950s and 1960s. After 1980, it was evoked in
the language of color blindness and more recently in the Orwellian
discourse of a postracial society. All the while, its economic,
political and social underpinnings remained the same. Trump
has simply discarded the euphemisms and retreated to the crude,
older discourse of overt racism and xenophobia.
is indicative of a society marked by the inordinate influence
in the political and cultural realms of religious fundamentalists
who insist that progressives undermine the legacy of the United
States as a white, Christian nation, that social justice is
part of a Marxist ideology and is anti-Christian, that government
represents the anti-Christ, and that supporting the permanent
warfare state is central to the mission of the Christian right.
Chris Hedges captures the authoritarian and militaristic elements
in this type of Christian-right-wing fundamentalism. He writes:
cult of masculinity, as in all fascist movements, pervades the
ideology of the Christian right. The movement uses religion
to sanctify military and heroic "virtues," glorify
blind obedience and order over reason and conscience, and pander
to the euphoria of collective emotions. Feminism and homosexuality,
believers are told, have rendered the American male physically
and spiritually impotent. Jesus, for the Christian right, is
a man of action, casting out demons, battling the Antichrist,
attacking hypocrites and ultimately slaying nonbelievers. This
cult of masculinity, with its glorification of violence, is
appealing to the powerless. It stokes the anger of many Americans,
mostly white and economically disadvantaged, and encourages
them to lash back at those who, they are told, seek to destroy
them. The paranoia about the outside world is fostered by bizarre
conspiracy theories, many of which are prominent in the rhetoric
of those leading the government shutdown. Believers, especially
now, are called to a perpetual state of war with the "secular
humanist" state. The march, they believe, is irreversible.
Global war, even nuclear war, is the joyful harbinger of the
Second Coming. And leading the avenging armies is an angry,
violent Messiah who dooms billions of apostates to death.
is just one egregious exemplar of the party of white men who
see themselves under siege by people of colour. It is also the
party of buffoons and anti-intellectuals such as Rick Santorum
and religious extremists who believe in apocalyptic prophecies
and the Rapture. It is also the party of political fundamentalists
who hate democracy, attack women's rights, destroy or underfund
health-care programs that benefit the poor, turn back hard fought
for voting rights, especially for black people, and believe
governance is a tool of the financial elite.
is simply the most outspoken member of a party of economic fundamentalists
who believe that state power and corporate power are synonymous
and that the forces of the market should govern all of social
life. Trump is a more visible symbol of a party, if not social
order, that produces massive inequality with policies that favor
the rich and corporations and punish everyone else as well as
those institutions that promote the common good.
personifies perfectly a party of educational fundamentalists
-- that is, a party that makes ignorance a priority while viewing
evidence-based arguments as a liability, only to be dismissed
with disdain. This is the party that censors textbooks, imposes
mindless pedagogies of memorization and test taking on students
(along with the Democratic Party), denies climate change has
anything to do with human activity, supports creationism and
floods the mainstream media with a never-ending stream of civic
Bush, considered a moderate politically, while governor of Florida
signed a bill which declared that "American history shall
be viewed as factual, not as constructed. That factual history,
the law states, shall be viewed as knowable, teachable, and
testable." For all intents and purposes, this bill did
more than undermine any form of teaching that recognized history
is subject to interpretation; it imposed a suffocating ideology
on teachers and students by declaring that matters of debate
and interpretation undermine the very process of teaching and
learning. This is more than conceptual stupidity; it is an attack
on reason itself, one that provides security for the apostles
of state power who, as Noam Chomsky has argued, is intent on
dismantling dissent in order to "protect themselves from
the scrutiny of their own populations."
Hofstadter once warned that anti-intellectualism was a strong
undercurrent of American life. Not only was he right, but he
would be shocked to discover that today anti-intellectualism
has gone mainstream and not only has been normalized but validated
by right-wing extremists governing the Republican Party, which
Trump willingly embraces. For Trump, emotion vanquishes reason,
understanding and thoughtfulness. Bullying and shock attacks
now replace any viable notion of dialogue. Of course, Trump's
embrace of ignorance and his willingness to make stupidity a
trademark of his identity points to a number of forces in American
life that are not mentioned in the media when Trump is denounced
as illiterate. As Susan Jacoby has argued, these would include:
forms of religion in current America . . . the abysmal level
of public education . . . the widespread inability to distinguish
between science and pseudoscience . . . the dumbing-down of
the media and politics [and] the consequences of a culture of
serious reading being replaced by a rapid-fire, short-attention-span-provoking,
over-stimulating, largely visual, information-spewing environment.
is representative of a publicity-branding machine that funds
and promotes conservative institutes that produce and legitimate
anti-public intellectuals whose role is to snarl at the victims
of poverty and other social problems, disdains public institutions
in the service of the public good and does everything possible
to promote a culture marked by a depoliticizing moral and political
vacancy. Trump is simply the brash and strident clown leading
a parade of politicians who are the ground troops for a new
type of authoritarianism that rewards and revels in thoughtlessness
and an updated revival of a survival-of-the-fittest ethic --
celebrated in his reality TV game show, "The Apprentice."
Trump and his ilk of like-minded politicians are the brown shirts
of our time dressed up in suits rather than menacing military
uniforms. They are the brutes whose minds are unburdened by
a complicated thought, choking on their own ignorance and moral
and political certainties. They represent one register of neoliberalism
and the army of hedge fund criminals who are aggressively attempting
to destroy democracy in the United States.
exclusively on Trump's excesses, buffoonery and incendiary remarks
is welcomed fodder for the mainstream media spectacle in which
news is replaced by entertainment, violence and idiocy parading
as serious commentary. It is also a political and depoliticizing
diversion, a kind of reality TV show engineered to misrepresent
reality rather than engage it critically. What should be addressed
when reporting about Trump is not how offensive he is politically,
intellectually and morally, but how he has come to symbolize
something dangerous in US society -- a society increasingly
haunted by the ghost of Pinochet and the legacy of other dictatorships
-- as it quickly moves toward becoming an unapologetic authoritarian
Trump is the face of a political system mired in corruption,
an economic system that is as ruthless as it is authoritarian,
and a culture that has lost its critical embrace of historical
memory, public values and moral compass that inspires and energizes.
We live in the age of not only the corrupt but also the shameless.
Trump is simply the infantile and offensive persona of a society
dominated by financial barbarians who are more than willing
to place most Americans in strangulating debt, relegate young
people to low paying jobs, impose levels of inequality that
destroy families, produce life-threatening abjection, and celebrate
corporate criminogenic cultures and institutions. Under such
circumstances, the rich commit crimes with impunity while the
poor are put in jail in record numbers. Depravity and illegality
feed each other as words, sustained arguments and any vestige
of thoughtfulness are replaced by sound bites, one-liners and
promotional announcements. Under such circumstances, as many
of Trump's interviews make clear, dialogue becomes a political
liability and is replaced by the spectacle of bullying, shouting
and unfettered arrogance.
than focusing on Trump's idiotic statements, which offers him
endless platforms in which to turn his buffoonery into a performance,
there is a need to critically engage his performative displays
within a broader context of political, economic and social corruption
and the criminogenic policies and practices that sustain it
and offer people points of identification. One important line
of inquiry might focus on what cultural circuits, points of
connection, internalized values, discourses and pedagogies of
repression are responsible for both producing and legitimating
the likes of Donald Trump. What does Trump's celebrity status
and the conditions that produce it say about his connection
to the group of despicable patriotic fakers, who largely constitute
the Republican Party, a party with a long legacy of racism recently
made clear in the debate over the Confederate flag and the synergies
of hate it inspires?
might Trump's sudden popularity among conservative constituencies
be understood within a plethora of media platforms that serve
to flatten consciousness, erase public memory and champion the
thrills of the digital revolution at the expense of what Leon
Wieseltier calls "the old pleasures of erudition and interpretation."
What is the role between money in politics and Trump's run for
the Republican presidential nomination? What does Trump's appearance
within the current historical conjuncture suggest about the
crisis of historical memory, agency and democracy? How might
Trump's campaign be used not in the service of the spectacle
but as a serious starting point for analyzing the deadening
economic policies, persistent racism and culture of cruelty
that mark neoliberal capitalism? How might the historical transition
from the high point of social democracy under Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson to the start of neoliberal rule
under Ronald Reagan and its endpoint under the presidential
nomination of Donald Trump be understood in political, economic
and pedagogical terms?
than despair or laugh over the spectacle of Trump's media romp,
a more promising beginning might be to recognize the utter intellectual,
moral and political bankruptcy of the extremists now running
the US government and economy of which Trump is symptomatic.
This suggests the possibility of rethinking politics in the
way the Black Lives Matter movement is doing, one that is connecting
different groups under the banner not of isolated and short-lived
protest demonstrations but calls for real ideological and structural
I believe
that Trump's candidacy offers the possibility for a new discourse
of critique and hope, of sustained criticism and the possibility
to imagine what the next decade could be like in the advent
of a massive, innovative social and political formation willing
to unite a fragmented left around a call for a radical democracy,
rather than simply liberal reforms. The good news is that economic
domination, which is what Trump personifies, cannot by itself
maintain an oppressive social system. Ruptures and contradictions
happen under neoliberalism but they must be seized as a matter
of informed consciousness, as a detour through new framing mechanisms
and as an investment in new concepts, ideas and thoughts that
unsettle common sense, offer new alternatives and infuse the
present with a sense of a future that is ripe with new possibilities.
Henry Giroux hits the nail on the head again, as he so often
does. In a perverse may, the Donald may be the best thing
that happened to the Democrats, as even some republicans are
revolted by his clownish and dangerous stupidity. If he is
nominated, I would expect Hillary Clinton would win by a landslide.
However, that is based on the assumption that most American
voters have some intellectual capacity, and one should never,
of course, underestimate the power of stupid people in large
My take on The Donald is America is in love, and the beloved
can do no wrong. Whether or not this crazy little thing called
love will survive until next November is anyone's guess --
but so far all the guesses have been wrong. The jaded public
has watched America decline under both Democrats and Republicans
during the past 25 years: they're willing to roll the dice.
Also, his shooting of at the mouth is no different than Tom
Dick and Harry speaking their minds around a B'BQ and a few
beers. So while his rhetoric is -- in theory -- unacceptable
for a presidential candidate, the public see themselves reflected
in him and overlook in him what they are really overlooking
in themselves. In other words he is appealing to the lowest
common denominator which just happens to be the single largest
voting group. I would not bet on a DT crash -- .
When will we have the courage to see the situation in the
Middle East and related areas as a political problem, not
a religious one? Unlikely to be soon since as long as we can
frame it within religious terms, it is "them over there,
the non-Christians and non-Jews," while viewing developments
as political would necessitate looking at American and Western
policies in general and their impact on those regions. In
short, just some more political cowardice covered as self-righteousness,
leaving the field open to the hallucinations of a Trump and
his sewer kind.