21st century manifesto

Bardhan is an economist and professor at the University of California,
Berkeley. His most recent books are Globalization, Democracy
and Corruption: An Indian Perspective and Awakening Giants,
Feet of Clay: Assessing the Economic Rise of China and India.
ago, in one of my first conversations with colleague Paul Rosenstein-Rodan,
a pioneer development economist at MIT, he asked about the nature
of my politics. I said, “left of center.” He put his
hand on his chest and said “my heart too is slightly to
the left of center.” Today all over the world hearts to
the left of center are pounding anxiously as signs of right-wing
populism and nativism rage ominously all around – not just
in Trump’s America and post-Brexit Britain, but in France,
Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Russia, India, the
Philippines and so on. Should the moderate left of center despair
or cower?
the right-wing is frothing in the mouth “full of passionate
intensity,” as suggested by W.B. Yeats in his 1919 poem,
the traditional left and their age-worn rhetoric and recipes “lack
all conviction.” Here is an attempt to put together a few
ideas of possible directions to take, some old, some new, some
primarily for developing countries but some relevant to rich countries
as well.
The prevailing
mood among the disaffected and the displaced under the shadow
of new technology and globalization is that of anger against remote,
insensitive, centralized elites. Of course, it is interesting
to note that the disaffected are led by elite affluent demagogues,
like Trump, a hereditary real estate mogul in the United States,
and elite conservatives in the United Kingdom, including Farage,
a rich commodities trader, and Johnson and Gove of posh Oxford
Union background. In this context one cannot underestimate the
importance of decentralization and the role of elected local bodies.
But elected bodies are sometimes captured by local nativists.
Again interestingly, in both the US and the UK anti-immigrant
resentment is sometimes more apparent in districts where the proportion
of immigrants is relatively low.
unions and their local branches once played an active role in
overcoming and superseding narrow sectarian differences among
workers. In the union-bashing culture of recent decades, the successful
portraying of unions by business interests and media as a narrow
special-interest group has weakened this traditional bulwark against
xenophobia and sectarianism. Unions now represent a dwindling
proportion of workers, though in some countries service-sector
workers are organizing.
In poor
countries the major failure of the trade unions is in their failure
to organize the vast masses of informal workers and hence they
lack influence among the latter in resisting sectarian and revanchist
forces. In rich countries the growing numbers of freelancers and
independent contractors in the so-called gig economy are like
the informal workers of poor countries, largely outside the organized
labour movement. Unions everywhere should also take the lead in
demanding more decentralization inside the firm; going beyond
the standard demands for wage increases or job security, they
should pay more attention to the internal organization of the
firm and demand a move toward at least some worker participation
in management, thus giving the workers some voice in the firm’s
decisions to outsource and relocate.
In general,
the left and the liberals must be much more active in local politics
in resisting sectarian capture of local bodies. They must organize
both formal and informal workers, and heighten the sense of belonging
anchored to local neighbourhoods and workplaces. Many, disoriented
with fast-paced changes, miss that sense of belonging these days
and find themselves drawn toward nativist and ultra-nationalist
frenzy. The activists should also give more energy to local community-building
projects where immigrants and minorities are invited to participate
and contribute, focus on the multidimensional aspects of identity
for everyone in the community, and encourage community centers
to celebrate all cultural occasions for different communities,
while not letting multiculturalism take precedence over some basic
universal liberal values. In developing countries, against the
crass centralizing tendencies of the likes of Russia’s Putin,
Turkey’s Erdogan or India’s Modi, the left must forsake
its own statist inclinations and side with pluralism, community-level
development and devolution of power.
left everywhere, of course, often share the anti-globalization
anxieties of the older unskilled workers in the factories and
dockyards. In this many of them are in effect asking to turn
the clock back, instead of concentrating on sustained ways of
smoothing the shock, readjusting and regrouping.
are also out of tune with large numbers of aspiring youth in the
growing globalized manufacturing and service sectors of China,
India, Indonesia, Mexico or the Philippines, not to speak of the
young women in the thriving garment export industries of Bangladesh,
Vietnam and Cambodia or the small-scale horticulture exporters
from Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya and Ethiopia.
focus has to be on how to find a niche in the ever-changing
global value chain while at the same time resisting the corporate
capture of the negotiation process in global trade agreements,
how to devise vocational training programs to adapt to the changing
demands for skills and how to design a viable social-transfer
scheme to cushion those who lose out in the economic churning
that innovations and market integration inevitably bring about.
In this
context both the left and liberals should give serious thought
to the old idea of a universal basic income. In poor countries
this would be great relief for the millions of workers in back-breaking
oppressive work. For women everywhere basic income can be a much-needed
boost to their financial autonomy. In rich countries it can provide
some assurance for the dreaded future when robots may replace
workers in many sectors. Such an income would not enable people
to abandon work and should not substitute for public education
and health care.
a global slowdown, depressed effective demand and discouraged
private investors, the left and liberals should push their agenda
of public investment – not just big infrastructure building
like highways and bridges but also a whole array of job-creating
small-scale public works planned and deployed at the community
level – of the kind likely to pump-prime private investment.
In new avenues like green technology and renewable energy, the
market and technological uncertainties are often too daunting
for private investors, unless public investment and initiative
show the way and bear the initial risks. In many developing countries,
rising land values and booming real estate sectors, along with
other rent-thick sectors, hold a considerable scope for capital
gains and wealth taxation, which can be mobilized to fund some
of this public investment.
demagogues thrive when the institutions of democracy are hollowed
out. The capture of the electoral and legislative process has
paved the way for some forms of plutocracy in rich countries.
In several developing-country democracies, the police and the
bureaucracy are under the thumb of the elected semi-authoritarians
who along with their foot-soldiers regularly trample upon basic
human rights. The left should ally with the liberals and rights
activists in agitating against all forms of human rights abuses
and accountability failures. They must pursue electoral reforms,
the most important of which is regulating campaign finance, much
of it currently from illicit or undocumented sources, and administrative
reforms aimed at restoring the autonomy of civil service and independence
of regulatory bodies and the judiciary.
the left and liberals, allied with all pro-democratic and decentralized
citizens and labour movements – engaged with pro-global
forces up to some moderate limits and active in programs of public
investment in infrastructure and green technology – can
provide formidable opposition to the raging forces of populism
that are currently damaging our economies and democratic polities.
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