Arts &
  Arts Culture Analysis  
Vol. 19, No. 2, 2020
  Current Issue  
  Back Issues  
Robert J. Lewis
  Senior Editor
Bernard Dubé
  Contributing Editors
David Solway
Louis René Beres
Nick Catalano
Chris Barry
Don Dewey
Howard Richler
Gary Olson
Lynda Renée
Oslavi Linares
Jordan Adler
Andrew Hlavacek
Daniel Charchuk
  Music Editor
Serge Gamache
  Arts Editor
Lydia Schrufer
Mady Bourdage
  Photographer Jerry Prindle
Chantal Levesque Denis Beaumont
Emanuel Pordes
  Past Contributors
  Noam Chomsky
Mark Kingwell
Charles Tayler
Naomi Klein
Arundhati Roy
Evelyn Lau
Stephen Lewis
Robert Fisk
Margaret Somerville
Mona Eltahawy
Michael Moore
Julius Grey
Irshad Manji
Richard Rodriguez
Navi Pillay
Ernesto Zedillo
Pico Iyer
Edward Said
Jean Baudrillard
Bill Moyers
Barbara Ehrenreich
Leon Wieseltier
Nayan Chanda
Charles Lewis
John Lavery
Tariq Ali
Michael Albert
Rochelle Gurstein
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward



Unlike other viruses, COVID-19 is not easily transmitted through air - it doesn't linger in the air, it settles quickly on surfaces. So it's a bad idea to touch your nostrils or mouth; the experts say, wash your hands often and thoroughly (20 seconds, interlace the fingers to get the crooks between fingers, and don't forget the thumbs). Ordinary surgical masks don't work - they're too leaky; the N95 masks do work, but they're uncomfortable.


(1) Prepare a mixture of 50% cheap moisturizer and 50% peroxide. When going outside (shopping etc), grease nostrils as far as finger will permit. The unguent (grease) will hold up the virus while the peroxide decommissions it. At home, blow out the mixture and reapply when needed.

(2) Wear glasses or tight fitting sun glasses or fake glasses at all times in public. The eye is another entry point despite natural salinity of eye/tears.

(3) Always wear the same clothes when outside and put them in a special place when removed. Weather permitting, expose the clothes to sunlight since the virus 'probably' cannot survive extended exposure to ultraviolet light.
UV light can damage or destroy various types of pathogens, like SARS and MERS, and the destructive power of UV light depends on factors such as wavelength and the type of organism the rays are impacting.
UV energy negatively impacts the influenza virus and many similar viruses, and it may have a similar effect on the coronavirus. Sun-blessed countries (Middle America, Central Africa) show lower infection rates.

(4) Limit speech in public (breathing through mouth). When speaking in public sip water every minute or so: better that the virus be washed into the stomach than get into the lungs.

(5) After hand washing/rinsing, leave some soap on both hands. Why? The average person touches his/her face 20 times/hour.

(6) I.B. = Intelligent Breathing. When distance protocols are violated, don't breathe. Take note if you're waking upwind or downwind and hold breath accordingly. If downwind, hold breath only when the violator has passed: upwind well before you enter his/her personal space.

NOTA BENE: None of the above is science per se, but there seems to be no downside to any of the measures.


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Arts & Opinion, a bi-monthly, is archived in the Library and Archives Canada.
ISSN 1718-2034


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