from gaza to afghanhistan

A. Giroux currently holds the Global TV Network Chair
Professorship at McMaster University in the English and Cultural
Studies Department and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship
at Ryerson University. He is the author of more than 50 books
including The Educational Deficit and the War on Youth
and Zombie
Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism.
Many of his essays, including The Spectacle of Illiteracy, appear
on his website at
His interview with Bill
Moyers is must viewing.
always has this power to surprise. It surprises you with an
that it gives to questions never asked - and which are most
tempting. A great
stimulus to life is there, in the capacity to divine possible
unasked questions.
Eduardo Galeano
is like a lethal virus that takes as its first victim both historical
memory and any sense of moral and social responsibility. In
the United States and Israel, at the present moment, it is no
longer one strain of ideology that permeates these societies;
it is a general condition that gives meaning to almost all aspects
of life. Incapable of thinking beyond military solutions to
social problems, militarism absolves individuals and governments,
if not the general public, of the horror produced by the weapons
it builds; moreover, just as it erases the memory of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, it suggests that the hundreds of children killed
in Gaza is a military necessity.
apostles of militarism offer jobs to the public that engage
in the production of organized violence; they preach war as
a cleansing solution, while they sanitize language of any meaning,
erasing the suffering, misery and horror inflicted by their
drone missiles, jets, Apache helicopters, and bombs. All that
has to be invoked are the words ‘collateral damage’
or ‘military necessity’ and the death-laden actions
produced by the new militarists disappear into the dark vocabulary
of authoritarian doublespeak. War is no longer a source of alarm,
but pride, and it has become an organizing principle of many
societies. Informed by a kind of primitive tribalism, militarism
enshrines a deadly type of masculinity that mythologizes violence
and mimics the very terrorism it claims to be fighting. Militarism
and war have not only changed the nature of the political order
but the nature and character of American life.
children are killed missiles, the horror and sheer brutality
of the murderous act is wiped away by the crude argument that
such needless slaughter is a military necessity. There is no
defense for killing children, regardless of whether it is done
by the Israeli state, the United States, Hamas, or anyone else.
We live in a time in which political illiteracy and moral tranquilization
work in tandem to produce the authoritarian subject, willing
to participate in their own oppression and the oppression of
others. Thus, the silence over filling our prisons with poor
people of colour, treating desperate immigrant children as if
they were vermin, and allowing elected officials to replace
reason with forms of militant religious fundamentalism. What
kind of moral arrangements does a society give up when there
is no outrage over the fact that the United States supplies
billions of dollars in armaments to other states and thus is
complicit in the killing of young children and others through
acts of state terrorism?
militarists come from various political parties and are hooked
into a market-driven logic that disdains thinking about social
costs or the despair they create. They are unadulterated agents
of cruelty and their power serves a corrupt form of casino capitalism
that breathes and breeds the ideology and policies of the military-industrial-surveillance
complex. In the United States, trillions are spent on wars that
were based on and initiated with lies. At the same time, social
services are cut, schools abandoned, infrastructures ignored
so that the military can build F-35 jets at the cost of $200
million apiece - pieces of junk plagued by mechanical failures
and a sober witness to the United States' unwillingness to use
the money of war and violence to build a decent, democratic
society in which vulnerability and care become the watchwords
rather than violence and war.
morally reprehensible killing of children in Afghanistan, Gaza
and Iraq is part of a larger problem, one that haunts the late
modern period, which is the rise of neoliberal totalitarianism
by which I mean an economic and cultural system that is sutured
in its allegiance to money, profit, power, inequality, greed,
militarism, the punishing state and self-interests. The new
global capital societies such as the United States have replaced
the social contract with a defense contract. Zombie politics
now rules as the living dead function as parasites on their
respective societies, engulfing them with the fog of war, corruption
and death. How else would one explain bringing Dick Cheney,
John Bolton and Bill Kristol back to life on the mainstream
airwaves? Like George Romero's zombies, Cheney and his ilk proliferate
like a lethal virus out of control.
pointing to the new forms of zombie politics awash in the U.S.
and other countries is not enough. The question that must be
raised is what is it in the United States that produces an inattentiveness
to moral outrage, dissent and mass mobilizations? The failure
of conscience and the willingness to stand up against the new
authoritarians whether in Israel, England, France, Greece, or
the United States promotes a flirtation with modes of irrationality
that lie at the heart of the triumph of everyday aggression
over the slightest semblance of justice. Under such circumstances,
war and the over identification with militarism produces a new
kind of national psychosis and collective pathology. We live
in the age of killing machines, parading under the poison of
exceptionalism and empire.
are in the midst of something different in the current historical
moment. Democracy is losing its appeal, fascists are gaining
in popularity around the globe, and millions of men, women and
children are now considered excess, disposable, because they
are dehumanized, considered other, or fall outside of the blessings
of a rabid consumerist society. The new breed of politicians
unleashed by the Reagan revolution disdain the government, except
when it benefits the rich and celebrates individual solutions
to larger public issues, rendering individuals vulnerable, powerless,
anxious and disillusioned. Technology rather than ethics and
compassion now provide the answers to society's problem. Data
has replaced words, ethics and the hard work, as Marx once observed,
of teaching everyone to be able to engage in a "ruthless
criticism of everything."
current crises surrounding Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the
looting of the public treasury by the rich and financial elite
speak to a crisis of individual, social and historical agency.
Democratic governance is no longer part of the vocabulary of
the militarists because the latter would suggest an understanding
of the morally rightful use of power, rule, representation,
justice and equality. The death dealing zones of ethical tranquillization
called Silicon Valley now provide the new model of the consumer-tech
obsessed citizen - a largely illiterate, privatized, overly
specialized, asocial being so depoliticized that it becomes
difficult for them to even talk on the phone with another person,
never mind have actual, corporeal, thinking relationships with
others. It also models a society that has no memory, ethics,
sense of justice or the future.
is a new form of illiteracy and psychosis, symptomatic of the
failure of civic courage because it demands obedience and punishes
people who are critical, capable of questioning authority, and
are willing to address important social issues. Edward Snowden
and other courageous whistleblowers are considered traitors
because they revealed the massive violation of civil liberties
by the government and the existence of an authoritarian surveillance
society in which the state and corporations fuse in their attempts
to squelch dissent and freedom. Bill Gates is considered a hero,
though he may be the most powerful force in the United States
destroying public education and a grotesque symbol of massive
inequality. Illiterate militarists such as Senators John McCain,
Lindsay Graham and most of the Republican Party are given endless
airtime even though their discourse is immersed in the blight
of militarism, war and state violence.
Obama is defended by liberals in spite of his shredding of civil
liberties and his unparalleled and unconscionable support of
the financial crooks and policies that caused the great recession
in 2007. What Obama has made clear is that liberalism is now
the new conservatism and that the two party system is completely
in the hands of the rich, corporations and financial services.
The reach of violence and death is everywhere permeating the
culture like an endless sandstorm that destroys everything it
touches. Major articles and even a movie appear in the militarized
state praising Ivy League schools, though they produce the criminogenic
environments that gave us the intellectual killers that produced
the slaughter in Vietnam, Iraq, and the endless forms of foreign
and domestic terrorism that now reside in many of the advanced
societies of the world. Some would say we live in troubled times
and, that is only partly true, because the times in which we
live are more than troubled; they are close to coming to an
end as the logic of the bomb expresses itself in the blowing
up and ecological destruction of the planet.
we have learned from the dominant ideologies, vocabularies,
values and social relations must be re-examined, discarded when
necessary, and in its place we need a new political language,
a new understanding of governance locally and globally. We need
to resurrect a radical notion of what we all have in common,
the common good and public values, and think hard about what
work has to be done not just to survive, but to thrive in a
democratically inspired world. Time has overcome us, outpaced
our capacities to slow down and think critically and act courageously.
This does not suggest we need to change the world, a cliché
used by Gates and other Silicon Valley, Wall-Street agents of
conformity. What it does suggests is a notion of social, economic
and political change inspired by a vision of a democracy to
come, a society in which it is reprehensible to even consider
using torture, killing children as a military necessity, and
destroying social benefits to increase the wealth of corporations,
hedge fund managers and bankers who are soulless and a powerful
threat to democracy and the planet.
is time to identify the people, institutions, social relations,
values and power relations that constitute the new authoritarianism
and to hold them accountable. It is also time to remember the
suffering caused by militarists in the past, and it is time
to remember the struggles waged by working people, women, young
people and others who dared to believe that another kind of
vision, another kind of future, is possible. We don't have much
time left. Resistance is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity.