Featured Contributing Writers



Clinton Van Inman


Clinton Van Inman is a high school teacher in Hillsborough County, Fl, and a graduate of San Diego State University. He was born in England. OTHER PUBLISHED WORKS: BlackCatPoems, Inclement Magazine Summer 2011, Tower Journal, Spring 2011, Down in Dirt, May-July, Essence Jul 2011, New Writer, The Journal, Literary Magazine, Hot Air Quarterly, Nibble, Cynic On-Line, Hudson View Poetry, this issue, Munyori.com, this issue, Vox Poetica, and Cynic Magazine, besides many contributions to the SOP.org. Email: Clinton Van Inman

Michael Internicola


Michael Internicola is the author of three previous novels, KISS ME BABY, SUNFLOWERS!, CHAZ, and ALL OUR SKIES ARE BLUE. The poems included here are from two separate poetry books, MALISM and THE DARKEST PLACE IS UNDER A STREETLIGHT, both completed in early 2004. His poems, prose and fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Subterranean Quarterly, Tryst3, Half Drunk Muse, Slow Trains, Words Dance, Poetry Super Highway, Mouseion, Locust Magazine, 63 Channels, Spoken War, Confused In A Deeper Way, Willow Lake Press, Open Wide Magazine, Edifice Wrecked, Snakeskin, The 2nd Hand, Caffeine Magazine, Zygote In My Coffee, Remark, Ragged Edge,The Quadrangle, Mule, Spent Meat, The-Hold, Antipatico, Lunatic Chameleon, Kant Magazine, Subtle Tea, Fragment Magazine, The Surface, The God Particle, Thieves Jargon, Smokebox, James River Poetry Review and The Mosquito Lounge Review. He lives in New York City.


Lisa Iris

If the artwork of Lisa Iris seems familiar, it is because her imagery has beckoned to you over the years from the internet, Doreen Virtue's Oracle cards, (Hay House, Inc.) and the covers of CDs, magazines and books. Iris majored in Art History at York University, Toronto. She spent countless hours at The Royal Ontario Museum, exploring the connections between art, myth and spirituality. Using acrylics on canvas, Lisa paints myriad expressions of life affirming beauty and renewal. She is a member of the Fort Erie Arts Council. Please visit her Web Site
Email Lisa Iris

Anisa Irwin

Anisa Irwin is the creator and co-owner of Writer's Carnival, Reader's Carnival and Writer's Carnival Classes, and has been published in a few different e-zines such as Long Story Short, 69 Flavors of Paranoia and Blood Magazine. Her self-published collection, Midnight Abyss, did relatively well in that it received just over sixty unique reviews between Amazon.com and Goodreads, the majority being four and five stars. Email: Anisa Irwin

Wesley R. Irvin
Email: Wesley R. Irvin

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