C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C A L B U L L E T I N C A N A D I E N D E S E T U D E S A N C I E N N E S VOLUME/TOME 1, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL RELEASE NO. 1/BULLETIN SPECIAL NO 1, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1994 09 24 Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publie par courrier electronique par la societe canadienne des etudes anciennes President: J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa JCYARD@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Secretary/Secretaire: M. Silverthorne, McGill University Treasurer/Tresorier: J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg MCDOUGLL@UWPG02.UWINNIPEG.CA Edited by/redige par K.H. Kinzl, Trent University KKINZL@TRENTU.CA ISSN 1198-9149 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (1) MCMASTER UNIVERSITY 1. The Department of Classics of McMaster University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Greek Art and Archaeology. Preference will be given to scholars with primary interest in a central area of Greek Art. 2. Requirements are a Ph.D. and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research. 3. Duties will include teaching classical civilization, Greek and Latin at the undergraduate level. 4. Salary dependent upon qualifications; minimum salary for Assistant Professor in 1994/95 is $39,981. 5. Applications, including curriculum vitae and letters sent by by three or more academic referees should be addressed to Dr. K. M. D. Dunbabin, Chair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4M2, CANADA (FAX (905)577-6930). 6. August 1, 1995, subject to budgetary approval. 7. Those applications received before November 30 1994 will be assured of consideration. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. McMaster is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and women. ............................................................................ (2) MCMASTER UNIVERSITY 1. The Department of Classics of McMaster University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Roman History and Historiography. 2. Requirements are a Ph.D. in classics and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research. 3. Responsibilities will include teaching ancient history and historiography at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and Latin and Greek at the undergraduate level. 4. Salary dependent upon qualifications; minimum salaries for Assistant or Associate Professor in 1994/95 are $39,981 and $51,682, respectively. 5. Applications, including curriculum vitae and letters sent by three or more academic referees should be addressed to Dr. K. M. D. Dunbabin, Chair, Department of Classics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4M2 CANADA (FAX (905)577-6930). 6. August 1, 1995, subject to final budgetary approval. 7. Applications received before November 30, 1994 will be assured of consideration. In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. McMaster is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and women. ............................................................................ (3) UNIVERSITE D'OTTAWA/UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA Le Departement des Etudes anciennes de l'Universite d'Ottawa sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeur adjoint en Etudes grecques menant a la permanence a partir du 1er juillet 1995. Les candidats possederont un doctorat en Etudes anciennes et seront capables d'enseigner les cours de grec et de latin. Un dossier de publications qui permet d'etre admis(e) a l'Ecole des Etudes superieures et de la Recherche de l'Universite est souhaitable. L'Universite d'Ottawa est une universite bilingue. Compte tenu des besoins des programmes, le bilinguisme actif est une condition d'embauche. L'Universite applique une politique d'equite en matiere d'emploi et invite particulierement les femmes a presenter leurs candidatures. Le traitement et la charge de travail seront en conformite avec la convention collective. Conformement aux exigences prescrites en matiere d'immigration au Canada, cet avis de concours s'adresse aux citoyens canadiens, aux residents permanents ainsi qu'aux etrangers. Priere d'adresser sa lettre de candidature, son curriculum vitae et trois lettres de recommandation, avant le 1er janvier 1995, a: Monsieur Denis Brearley Directeur Departement des Etudes anciennes Universite d'Ottawa B.P. 450, succursale A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5 The Department of Classical Studies of the University of Ottawa announces the opening of a full-time, tenure-track position, starting July 1st 1995, in Greek Studies at the level of Assistant Professor. A PhD in the field is required with the ability to teach courses in both Greek and Latin. The successful candidate should have a strong enough record of research to be admitted to the School of Graduate Studies. The University of Ottawa is a bilingual University committed to instruction in both official languages. Given the needs of the programs, active bilingualism is a condition of hiring. In compliance with Canadian immigration laws, this position is offered to Canadian citizens, landed immigrants and foreign applicants. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience, and in keeping with the University's Collective Agreement. The University of Ottawa is committed to an employment equity programme and strongly encourages applications from women. Applications, including a curriculum vitae and the letters of 3 referees, should be sent before the 1st of January 1995 to: Dr Denis Brearley Chairman Department of Classical Studies University of Ottawa P.O. Box 450, Station A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5 ............................................................................ (4) UNIVERSITE D'OTTAWA/UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA Le Departement des Etudes anciennes de l'Universite d'Ottawa sollicite des candidatures pour un poste de professeur agrege en Etudes romaines menant a la permanence a partir du 1er juillet 1995. Les candidats possederont un doctorat en Etudes anciennes. Un dossier de publications qui permet d'etre admis(e) a l'Ecole des Etudes superieures et de la Recherche de l'Universite est indispensable. L'Universite d'Ottawa est une universite bilingue. Compte tenu des besoins des programmes, le bilinguisme actif est une condition d'embauche. L'Universite applique une politique d'equite en matiere d'emploi et invite particulierement les femmes a presenter leurs candidatures. Le traitement et la charge de travail seront en conformite avec la convention collective. Conformement aux exigences prescrites en matiere d'immigration au Canada, cet avis de concours s'adresse aux citoyens canadiens et aux residents permanents. Priere d'adresser sa lettre de candidature, son curriculum vitae et trois lettres de recommandation, avant le 1er janvier 1995, a: Monsieur Denis Brearley Directeur Departement des Etudes anciennes Universite d'Ottawa B.P. 450, succursale A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5. The Department of Classical Studies of the University of Ottawa announces the opening of a full-time, tenure-track position, starting July 1st 1995, in Roman Studies at the level of Associate Professor. PhD in the field is required. It is essential for the successful candidate to have a strong enough record of research to be admitted to the School of Graduate Studies. The University of Ottawa is a bilingual University committed to instruction in both official languages. Given the needs of the programs, active bilingualism is a condition of hiring. In compliance with Canadian immigration laws, this position is offered to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience, and in keeping with the University's Collective Agreement. The University of Ottawa is committed to an employment equity programme and strongly encourages applications by women. Applications, including a curriculum vitae and the letters of 3 referees, should be sent before the 1st of January 1995 to: Dr Denis Brearley Chairman Department of Classical Studies University of Ottawa P.O. Box 450, Station A Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 6N5. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::