C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C A L B U L L E T I N C A N A D I E N D E S E T U D E S A N C I E N N E S VOLUME/TOME 1, NUMBER/NUMERO 10, 1995 06 15 Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publie par courrier electronique par la societe canadienne des etudes classiques President: J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa JCYARD@AIX1.UOTTAWA.CA Secretary/Secretaire: Ivan M. Cohen, Mount Allison University ICOHEN@MTA.CA Treasurer/Tresorier: J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg IAIN.MCDOUGALL@UWINNIPEG.CA Edited by/redige par K.H. Kinzl, Trent University KKINZL@TRENTU.CA ISSN 1198-9149 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Total document length: 695 Lines; 30 KBytes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CONTENTS: Message from the President CAC/SCEC: Constitution/statuts New edition of directory Varia :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT At the last Annual General Meeting of the Association, on Monday 29 May, the most important item which arose for discussion was the proposed phasing out by SSHRC of its administrative grants to Learned Societies and a reduction in funding to Learned Journals. We are not sure yet how these economies are to be implemented by SSHRC, but it seems likely that within three years the grant now accorded to us, the Classical Association, and to our "umbrella" organization, the Canadian Federation for the Humanities, will be terminated. This means that, as a society, we are facing the most serious budgetary problem in our history, and action will be necessary. On a proposal made by C.W.J. Eliot, seconded by E. Tiffou and passed without dissent, the A.G.M. accorded the council of the organization extraordinary powers to deal with the crisis. Given the gravity of our situation I think it appropriate to reproduce here, for the benefit of those unable to attend the meeting, the full text of the Eliot-Tiffou proposal: "In view of the serious financial constraints placed upon the Association by the decisions recently taken by SSHRC, namely to phase out administrative grants within the next three years and to reduce support for the learned journals that are successful in competition, and the need for immediate responses in order to protect the interests and objects of the Association, and to secure its future, the Association at its Annual General Meeting on 29 May 1995 agreed to the following: i) to instruct the Executive to prepare a plan of action for discussion by the Council and the Association, the latter at its next Annual General Meeting, to be distributed in writing to the membership in advance of the meeting; it is understood that the plan may involve substantive changes to the structure and operation of the Association; ii) to instruct the Executive , if it believes that the fees should be increased on 1 January 1996, to circulate a referendum to that effect to the membership in late 1995, and, if approved by a majority of the membership responding, to institute the new schedule on 1 January 1996, subject to a formal ratification at the next Annual General Meeting; iii) to instruct the Executive, if it believes following discussion with other members of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and the president, that a decision on the Association's continuing membership of the Federation must be taken before the next Annual General Meeting, to prepare a written report for distribution to the membership and to conduct a referendum to determine the Association's response; it is understood that in 2) and 3) above, if no action is considered necessary before the next Annual General Meeting, these matters may become part of the plan of action described in 1): and iv) the Executive is encouraged to carry on the business of the Association as effectively and prudently as possible, taking such cost-saving measures as the cancellation of the fall Council meeting and other actions as may be dictated by the need to preserve the Association's sound fiscal position." If you have thoughts on this matter which you would like to communicate to council, which will be discussing possible strategies at its fall meeting, please transmit them to me at jcyard@aix1.uottawa.ca. J.C. Yardley 12 June 1995 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONSTITUTION 1. The Association shall be called the Classical Association of Canada/ La Societe Canadienne des Etudes Classiques. It is hereinafter referred to as the Association. 2. The object of the Association shall be: a) To promote the study of the languages, literatures, history, archaeology, philosophy and, in general, civilizations of the ancient Greek and Roman world, their later influence, and their creative presence in contemporary culture. b) To publish Journals and monographs to communicate the findings of scholars in Classics. c) To advance the academic welfare of Classics in Canada. 3. a) Membership in the Association shall be open to anyone interested in the object of the Association. Institutional Membership, however, shall be restricted to Canadian Secondary Schools and Religious Houses. b) English and French are the official languages of the Association. 4. The Association shall: a) encourage the formation of local associations; b) make arrangements for lectures and meetings in various centres; c) publish two national journals of Classical Studies. 5. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association. The annual meeting shall elect the officers of the Association, receive the Treasurer's report, the Auditors' report, the Secretary's report and the Editors' reports, and transact the general business of the Association. At least thirty days notice of the annual meeting shall be given to members of the Association. 6. The officers of the Association shall be: The Honorary President The Immediate Past President (ex officio) The President The First Vice-President Two Other Vice-Presidents The President of the Classical Association (England and Wales) (ex officio) The Secretary The Treasurer The Editors of the official publications of the Association 7. The Council of the Association shall consist of the officers specified in section 6 and twelve other members elected at the annual meeting of the Association. The Council shall include members from at least seven provinces of Canada, and at least one member from the locality chosen for the annual meeting of the Association. a) All members of council shall be elected for a term of two years, except that the Honorary President shall be elected for a term of five years. b) The representative to the Federation Internationale des Associations d'Etudes Classiques (FIEC) shall be a member of Council ex officio unless he serves in another capacity. 8. Two auditors who are members of the Association residing in the same location as the Treasurer shall be appointed by Council on the recommendation of the Treasurer and shall audit the Treasurer's accounts for the year following the annual meeting. 9. The Constitution of the Association may be amended by the vote of at least two-thirds of the members attending an annual meeting, provided always that notice of the proposed amendment be given to members of the Association at least thirty days before the annual meeting. 10. The By-Laws of the Association may be amended by the vote of a majority of the members attending an annual meeting, provided always that notice of the proposed amendment be given to members of the Association at least thirty days before the annual meeting. By-Laws 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held at a date as close as circumstances permit to the date of the meetings of other Learned Societies, or at such other date as Council may determine. 2. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the place where other Learned Societies are meeting or in such other place as Council may determine. 3. The quorum of the Council of the Association shall consist of six of its members. 4. a) The Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee to draw up a slate of officers and other members of Council whose names will be presented at the next ensuing annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made, provided that the secretary has received written notice at least two weeks before the annual meeting. Such nominations must in each case be supported by at least five members of the Association and must be accompanied by the signed consent of the nominee. b) The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairman chosen from the Past Presidents of the Association, and as many other members of the Association as the Council may wish to appoint. c) The First Vice-President shall, on completion of his term, automatically succeed to the office of President without further election. d) An executive committee of the Council shall be established, composed of the President, First Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. This committee will report its actions directly to Council and act on urgent matters that must be resolved before the next meeting of Council. The committee shall have the authority to coopt new members to fill vacancies. 5. The Association shall include six categories of members: Life Members, Sustaining Members, Ordinary Members, Retired Members, Student Members, and Institutional Members. Anyone interested in the object of the Association shall be eligible for Life Membership, Sustaining Membership or Ordinary Membership. Anyone retired from full-time employment shall be eligible for Retired Membership. Any student formally enrolled in a school, high school, college or university shall be eligible for Student Membership. A married couple in any of the above categories may become Joint members. Each Membership, individual or joint, shall receive the Journals, except Institutional Members, who receive only Phoenix. 6. a) i) Life members shall pay one fee of $500.00; Joint Life Members shall pay one joint fee of $700.00. ii) Sustaining Members shall pay an annual fee of $60.00; Joint Sustaining Members shall pay a joint annual fee of $80.00. iii) Ordinary members shall pay an annual fee of $50.00. iv) Joint Ordinary Members shall pay an annual fee of $70.00. v) Retired members shall pay an annual fee of $20.00. vi) Joint retired members shall pay an annual fee of $30.00. vii) Student members shall pay an annual fee of $20.00. viii) Joint student members shall pay a joint annual fee of $30.00. ix) Institutional Members, Libraries and other institutions and other non-members receiving Phoenix shall pay the same fee as Ordinary Members. These persons and Institutions may subscribe to Classical Views also for an additional fee of $5.00. b) Fees shall become payable on January 1st of each year. c) Members who fall two years in arrears shall be removed from the membership list upon completion of the second year of arrears. Until that point they shall be considered members in good standing. Once removed from the membership list, those removed for arrears shall not be eligible for readmission to membership until such time as the arrears have been cleared. 7. A provincial or regional association or a local society which desires affiliation with the Association shall make petition through the Secretary. This petition shall be dealt with at the Annual Meeting on the recommendation of the Council. 8. a) The names of the Journals shall be Phoenix and Classical Views/Echos du Monde Classique. b) Half of the annual membership fee shall be allocated to the Journals. The balance of the funding required from the Association shall be drawn from its other sources of revenue other than grants received by the Association as aid to support its administrative operations or any specific function. 9. a) The policy of Phoenix shall be established by an Editorial Board. b) The Editorial Board shall consist of: i) the Editor; ii) the Association Editor, the Reviews Editor, the Secretary-Treasurer. These officers shall be nominated by the Editor and appointed by the Council for a three-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment; iii) not more than 15 members nominated by the Editor and appointed by the Council of the Association for a three-year term. No member may serve consecutively for more than two terms. c) Phoenix shall be administered by an Editorial Committee, consisting of the Editor, the Associate Editor, the Reviews Editor, and the Secretary-Treasurer. d) A number of correspondents shall be appointed by the Council of the Association on the nomination of the Editor. These shall be chosen from distinguished scholars residing abroad and it will be their responsibility to promote the interests of the journal in the countries where they reside. They shall serve for a three-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment. [This text and the following text in French were generated by scanning the texts printed in *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique* NS 8.1 (1989) 113-121. The fees in By-Law/Reglement 6 were updated by the Treasurer/ Tresorier, J.I. McDougall. The text of the constitution/statuts will soon appear at our electronic sites (see end of issue). KHK] -------------------------- LA SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES ETUDES CLASSIQUES STATUTS 1. La Societe a pour nom officiel la Societe Canadienne des Etudes Classiques/The Classical Association of Canada. Elle sera ciapres appelee la Societe. 2. La Societe a pour but: a) De promouvoir l'etude des civilisations des Grecs et des Romains anciens: leur langue leur litterature, leur histoire leur archeologie, leur philosophie, leur influence ulterieure et leur presence creatrice dans le monde contemporain. b) De publier des journaux et des monographies pour la communication des recherches des savants dans les Etudes Classiques. c) De soutenir le bien-etre academique des Etudes Classiques au Canada. 3. a) Toute personne qui s'interesse au but de la Societe peut en devenir membre. Toutefois, la qualite de membre, en ce qui concerne les Institutions, sera limitee aux ecoles secondaires et etablissements religieux du Canada. b) L'anglais et le francais sont les langues officielles de la Societe. 4. La Societe: a) encourage la formation de societes locales; b) organise des conferences et des reunions en divers centres; c) publie deux reviews nationalies d'etudes classiques. 5. La Societe tient chaque annee une assemblee generale. Cette assemblee elit le bureau de la Societe, prend connaissance du rapport du tresorier, du rapport des verificateurs des comptes, du rapport du secretaire, des rapports des directeurs des revues, et regle les affaires courantes de la Societe. La date de l'assemblee generale annuelle doit etre communiquee aux membres de la Societe au moins trent jours a l'avance. 6. Le bureau de la Societe comprend: le president honoraire le president sortant de charge (d'office) le president le premier vice-president deux autres vice-presidents le president de la Societe des Etudes classiques d'Angleterre et du pays de Galles (d'office) le secretaire le tresorier les directeurs de publications officielles de la Societe 7. Le conseil de la Societe se compose des membres du bureau mentionnes a l'article 6 et de douze autres membres elus par l'assemblee annuelle. Au moins sept des provinces canadiennes doivent y etre representes, dont au moins un de l'endroit choisi pour l'assemblee annuelle de la Societe. a) Tous les membres du conseil ont un mandat de deux ans, sauf le president honoraire, dont le mandat et de cinq ans. b) Le delegue aupres de la Federation Internationale des Associations d'Etudes Classiques (FIEC) est membre d'office du conseil, pourvu qu'il n'en soit membre a un autre titre. 8. Deux verificateurs des comptes qui sont membres de la Societe demeurant au meme endroit que le tresorier sont proposes par le tresorier et nommes per le conseil. Ils sont charges de verifier le rapport du tresorier pour l'exercice qui suit l'assemblee annuelle. 9. Les statuts de la Societe peuvent etre modifes par le vote d'au moins des deux tiers des membres presents a l'assemblee annuelle, toujours a la condition qu'un avis du changement ait ete communique aux membres de la Societe au moins trente jours avant la dite assemblee. 10. Les reglements de la Societe peuvent etre modifies par le vote majoritaire des membres presents a l'assemblee annuelle, toujours a la condition qu'un avis du changement propose ait ete communique aux membres de la Societe au moins trente jours avant la dite assemblee. Reglements 1. L'assemblee annuelle de la Societe a lieu a une date aussi rapprochee que possible de celle des assemblees des autres societes savantes, ou a une autre date fixee par le conseil. 2. L'assemblee annuelle de la Societe a lieu au meme endroit que les assemblees des autres societes savantes, ou a tout autre endroit fixe par le conseil. 3. Le quorum du conseil est de six membres. 4. a) Le conseil nomme chaque annee un comite des candidatures charge de dresser une liste provisoire de candidats en vue d'une election des officiers et des autres membres du conseil, et cette liste est soumise a l'assemblee annuelle subsequente. D'autres candidats peuvent etre proposes, pourvu que le secretaire ait ete avise par ecrit de leur mise en candidature au moins deux semaines avant la tenue de l'assemblee annuelle. Chacune de ces nominations doit etre appuyee par au moins cinq membres de la Socieete et accompagnee d'une attestation ecrite du consentemcnt du candidat. b) Le comite des candidatures est compose d'un president choise parmi les anciens presidents de la Societe, et d'autant d'autres membres de la Societe que le conseil pourrait juger bon de designer. c) Le premier vice-president succede a la fin de son mandat au president en charge sans autre election. d) Le comite executif du conseil comprend de president, le premier vice-president, le secretaire et le tresorier. Il rend compte de toutes ses actions au conseil et traite les questions qui doivent etre etudiees avant la prochaine reunion du conseil. Il a le pouvoir de nommer de nouveaux membres du conseil en cas des postes libres. 5. La Societe comprend six categories de membres: des membres a vie, des membres bienfaiteurs, des membres adherents, des membres retraites, des membres etudiants, et des Institutions. Toute personne qui s'interesse au but de la Societe peut devenir membre a vie, membre bienfaiteur, ou membre adherent. Tout retraite d'un emplois a temps complet peut devenir membre retraite. Tout etudient officiellement inscrit dans une ecole secondaire, un college ou une universite peut devenir membre etudiant. Deux epoux dans toutes ces categories peuvent devenir membres conjoints. Tous les membres rec,oivent les revues, individuellement ou conjointement, sauf les institutions, qui re,coivent Phoenix seulement. 6. a) i)Les membres a vie cotisation unique de $500.00; les membres a vie conjoints payent une cotisation conjointe unique de $700.00. ii) Les membres bienfaiteurs payent une cotisation annuelle de $60.00; les membres bienfaiteurs conjoints payent une cotisation annuelle de $80.00. iii) Les membres adherents payent une cotisation annuelle de $50.00. iv) Les membres adherents conjoints payent une cotisation conjointe annuelle de $70.00. v) Les membres retraites payent une cotisation annuelle de $20.00. vi) Les membres retraites conjoints payent une cotisation annuelle conjointe de $30.00. vii) Les membres etudiants payent une cotisation annuelle de $20.00. viii) Les membres etudiants conjoints payent une cotisation conjointe annuelle de $30.00. ix) Les institutions qui sont membres de la Societe, les bibliotheques et autres institutions ainsi que les particuliers abonnes a Phoenix payent une cotisation egale a celle des membres adherents. Ces particulieurs et institutions peuvent en outre s'abonner aux Echos du Monde Classique pour un montant de $5.00. b) Les cotisations sont payables le 1er janvier de chaque annee. c) Le nom de tout membre en retard de deux ans sera raye de la liste des membres au bout de la deuxieme annee. Ce membre aura ete auparavant traite comme etant en regle. Une fois son nom raye, il ne pourra etre raye, il ne pourra etre readmis avant que ses arrerages n'aient ete regles. 7. Toute societe provinciale, ou regionale, ou locale qui desire etre affiliee a la Societe doit en faire la demande au secretaire de la Societe. Cette demande est ensuite presentee a l'assemblee annuelle sur la recommendation du conseil. 8. a) Les revues de la Societe porteront les noms de Phoenix et de Classical Views/Echos du Monde Classique. b) La motie de la somme des contisations annuelles sera allouee aux Revues de la Societe. Le solde de la subvention requise de la Societe s'obtiendra de toutes autres sources de revenu que les octrois que rec,oit la Societe pour frais d'administration ou toute fin specifiee. 9. a) La politique de Phoenix est etablie par un bureau de direction. b) Le bureau de direction comprend: i) le directeur; ii) le directeur-adjoint, le responsable des comptesrendus bibliographiques, le secretaire-tresorier. Ces officiers sont choisis par le directeur et nommes par le conseil de la Societe. La duree de leur mandat est de trois ans, avec possibilite de renouvellement; iii) 15 membres au maximum sont proposes par le directeur et nommes par le conseil pour un mandat de trois ans. Aucun membre ne peut servir plus de deux mandats consecutifs. c) Phoenix est administre par un comite de directeurs, qui comprend le directeur, le directeur-adjoint, le responsable des comptes rendus et le secretaire-tresorier. d) Un certain nombre de correspondents a l'etranger sont proposes par le directeur et nommes par le conseil de la Societe pour un mandat de trois ans avec possibilite de renouvellement; ils sont choisis parmi les savants les plus distingues et ont pour fonction d'assurer le rayonnement de la revue dans leurs pays respectifs. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *CLASSICAL STUDIES IN CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES* *CSCU*, 2nd ed., 1995, by K.H. Kinzl, is now available. It lists full time university teachers in Canadian Universities with their special fields in research and teaching, ranks and degrees. *CSCU* may be obtained from K.H. Kinzl, Department of Ancient History and Classics, Trent University, Peterborough ON K9J 7B8, Canada, at the cost of CAD 5.00; payment should be made in CAD by cheque or money order payable to the "Dept. of Ancient History and Classics, Trent University". *CSCU* is the quasi-official directory of the CAC/SCEC. ............................................................................ *THE ANCIENT HISTORY BULLETIN* Please visit our new home page, URL: *AHB* offers previews of articles, texts of some recent articles, a complete index, and information for contributors and subscribers. PLEASE, CONSIDER SENDING ARTICLES TO *AHB*. If you or your university library are not a subscriber, please consider subscribing. [K.H. Kinzl for the co-editors] ............................................................................ *ARACHNION. A NEW JOURNAL OF ANCIENT LITERATURE AND HISTORY ON THE WEB* [See Canadian Classical Bulletin vol. 1, no. 8; CANADIAN SCHOLARS ARE SPECIFICALLY URGED TO SEND ARTICLES TO *ARACHNION*; you may send your article to K.H. Kinzl, kkinzl@trentu.ca, who will forward it to the editors] The first issue of *ARACHNION* is now available. All texts are in html format, readable with Netscape or with a similar browser. URL: http://www.cisi.unito.it/arachne/arachne.html Some time ago we posted to this and to other lists a message announcing a new journal of classical matters on the World Wide Web. Note, please, that we changed the title of this journal from *ARACHNE* into *ARACHNION*, because we found this term less ambiguous (our concern was the idea of "Web"), and better suited to the Theocritean verses which we choose for our logo. Editors: MAURIZIO LANA (CISI of University of Torino) EMANUELE NARDUCCI (University of Firenze) Editorial Board: MARIO CITRONI (University of Firenze) JEAN-MICHEL DAVID (University of Strasbourg) MARCO FANTUZZI (University of Firenze) DON P. FOWLER (Jesus College, Oxford) HENRY D. JOCELYN (University of Manchester) KONRAD H. KINZL (Trent University, Peterborough) PETER TOOHEY (University of New England, Armidale) GLENN W. MOST (University of Heidelberg) cooperates with this journal helping us in the task of evaluating papers and assuring contacts with German scholars. IN THE FIRST ISSUE: Editoriale - Foreword from the Editors Noi e l'antico, di Antonio La Penna (Firenze) Les rois de Rome. Autopsie d'un recit historico-legendaire, di Jacques Poucet (Louvain-La-Neuve - Bruxelles) Epic and Rhetoric: Speech-making and Persuasion in Homer and Apollonius, di Peter Toohey (Armidale). La comunicazione letteraria a Roma tra pubblico e privato, di Mario Citroni (Firenze) NOTE CRITICHE E DISCUSSIONI: Der unbegrenzbare Abenteurer, di Glenn W. Most (Heidelberg) COMPUTING AND THE HUMANITIES: Strumenti informatici per gli studi classici, di Maurizio Lana (Torino) IN THE NEXT ISSUES OF *ARACHNION*: Jean-Michel David (Strasbourg), Lorsque le chef s'adresse a ses hommes: un exemple de representation du pouvoir romain Don P. Fowler (Oxford), Modern Literary Theory and Latin Poetry: some Anglo-American Perspectives Mario Labate (Firenze), Eumolpo e gli altri, ovvero lo spazio della poesia Arnaldo Marcone (Parma), I cambiamenti nell'Impero romano Gianpiero Rosati (Udine), Sangue sulla scena. Un precetto oraziano (A. P. 185) e la Medea di Seneca and other essays by David Bain (Machester), Alessandro Barchiesi (Verona), Guglielmo Cavallo (Roma), Paolo Desideri (Firenze), Marco Fantuzzi (Firenze), Richard Hunter (Cambridge), Italo Lana (Torino), Carol Jan Swearingen (Texas Christian University, Ft. Worth). ............................................................................ *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY* [See CCB/BCEA 1.3] Volume 3 Issue 1 (June 1995) is now available. Access is via gopher or ftp or www. The journal file name of this issue is 3,1-June1995. Previous issues may also be accessed in the same way. GOPHER: -- info.utas.edu.au and through gopher: -- open top level document called Publications -- open Electronic Antiquity. -- open 3,1-June1995. -- open (01)contents first for list of contents, then other files as appropriate FTP: -- ftp.utas.edu.au (or info.utas.edu.au) --> departments --> classics --> antiquity. -- In Antiquity you will see the files as described above. WWW: ftp://ftp.utas.edu.au/departments/classics/antiquity/3,1-June1995 ............................................................................ A LIST OF ANCIENT HISTORY DEPARTMENTS IN GERMANY (chairs, and other professors and research and teaching personnel, 10 pp.), compiled in the Institute for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute in Munich, may be obtained at cost (self-addressed envelope, with Canadian stamps affixed if at all possible) from K.H. Kinzl, Department of Ancient History and Classics, Trent University, Peterborough ON K9J 7B8, Canada, e-mail kkinzl@trentu.ca. ............................................................................ E-MAIL ADDRESSES OF CANADIAN UNIVERSITY TEACHERS--NEW, CORRECTED, ETC.: UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Edinger, Harry G. delete; send e-mail to departmental address (cnrs@unixg.ubc.ca) UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA: Yardley, John C. jcyard@aix1.uottawa.ca YORK UNIVERSITY: Edmondson, Jonathan jedmond@yorku.ca Swarney, Paul R. pswarney@yorku.ca Naddaf, Gerard naddaf@nexus.yorku.ca Metraux, Guy P.R. gmetraux@yorku.ca Gray, Patrick T.R. pgray@yorku.ca A complete list dated 1995 04 18 is available at the WWW site mentioned below. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Editor's Note: If you no longer wish automatically to receive copies of the bulletin, please, tell me so by e-mail (kkinzl@trentu.ca). I thank the many colleagues who have been very gracious in expressing appreciation of my efforts, both privately and at the 1995 AGM in Montreal, and I take this to extend to J. Yardley who proposed the Bulletin at the Council meeting in Calgary. I repeat, however, my request for criticism. I would invite you to visit the home pages of the Classical Association of Canada/Association canadienne des etudes anciennes on the WWW (developed) and gopher (rudimentary): (OWNERS OF *CLASSICAL STUDIES IN CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES* SHOULD NOTE THAT WRONG INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON PAGE 26--THE URL GIVEN ABOVE IS THE CORRECT ONE) gopher://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca:7071/11/fra/Soc/classics gopher://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca:7071/11/english/soc/classics :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: N E X T I S S U E : 1995 09 15. Deadline: 1995 09 10 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF via Gopher -- gopher://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca:7071 via WWW --