C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C A L B U L L E T I N C A N A D I E N D E S E T U D E S A N C I E N N E S VOLUME/TOME 1, NUMBER/NUMERO 5, 1995 01 15 Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publie par courrier electronique par la societe canadienne des etudes anciennes President: J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa JCYARD@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Secretary/Secretaire: M. Silverthorne, McGill University SILVERTH@SOCIOLOGY.LAN.MCGILL.CA Treasurer/Tresorier: J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg IAIN.MCDOUGALL@UWINNIPEG.CA Edited by/redige par K.H. Kinzl, Trent University KKINZL@TRENTU.CA ISSN 1198-9149 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Total document length: 615 Lines; 31 KBytes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Editor's note: (1) The *Bulletin* is being sent to all Canadian university teachers for whom I have an e-mail address, and others who have expressed an interest in receiving it. If you no longer wish to receive the *Bulletin*, please, indicate this to me by regular e-mail message to kkinzl@trentu.ca. (2) I ask members themselves to provide the necessary information to publicise their recent book-lenght publications (be it as author, translator, or editor: I shall not list articles unless they can somehow be classed as qualifying as monographs in character). (3) I propose to publish a new, consolidated list of all e-mail addresses, which are scattered throughout the first five issues, in the next issue. Anyone who does not wish to be listed should please tell me so (but all addresses can be obtained by "browsing the Web" in any event). (4) Back issues of the *Bulletin* may be obtained via Gopher -- gopher://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca:7071 via WWW -- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DEPARTMENTAL NEWS From: IN%"aab@unixg.ubc.ca" "Anthony Arthur Barrett" 10-JAN-1995 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PLANS TO MERGE CLASSICS AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES The following letter was sent to Department Heads. I am sending it out on the Newsletter in case you did not see it. The text of the letter was as follows: "Dear Colleague, "As you may already have heard, the Department of Classics at UBC "will merge with the Department of Religious Studies, as of July 1, 1995. "You may be interested to hear some of the details, and I would be grateful "if you would circulate this letter in your Department. "In Spring, 1994, the UBC Senate made a ruling that means, in "effect, that with very few exceptions there will be no UBC Department with "fewer than 15 faculty members. The possibility of a merger between our two "Departments had, however, been considered long before this and we had "already initiated discussions with Religious Studies, even before the "Senate resolution was carried. As a consequence, we have been able to "complete an agreement very quickly. We shall be renamed the Department of "Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies. Classics will take 11 "original members into the new unit, Religious Studies 5. "In recognition of her faith in the new Department the Dean has "authorised three additional new appointments, one to [be] made by "Classics, one by Religious Studies, one to be agreed jointly by both. "Consequently we should start next July 1 with 19 members. In addition we "have been given a slide librarian for our exclusive use. Negotiations are "also being conducted with a private donor that could lead up to three "positions in Near Eastern Studies. Change is always disconcerting, but the "new arrangement will bring us clear academic advantages. Of the five "current members of Religious Studies, one, Paul Burns, is a traditionally "trained Classicist, who did his PhD on Vergil at Toronto, another was a "classics undergraduate, whose field is the Phoenicians, and a third works "on the New Testament. Conversely, a number of the Classics faculty have "an interest in various aspects of religion in antiquity. "We look upon this change as a promising development. Our offerings "will be expanded as a result of the merger, and perhaps more importantly, "we now feel that Classics as properly supported discipline has an assured "future at UBC. It is the intention of both merging units to keep existing "undergraduate and graduate programmes intact." -------------------------- From: IN%"11132@UCDASVM1.ADMIN.UCALGARY.CA" 12-JAN-1995 Subj: Message from Martin Cropp Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient History (Classics) University of Calgary GRADUATE PROGRAMME NEWS. University of Calgary, Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient History. Head: John Humphrey MA programme coordinator: Martin Cropp Despite R. Klein's best efforts the department's MA programme in Classics remains intact. Application for September 1995 admissions, awards and teaching assistantships are encouraged from students with substantial preparation in Greek and Latin and interests in the areas of history or literature. An information and application package is available from the Department. Current MA candidates (with thesis subject and supervisor): Diana Elson (Roman policy towards the Jews; J. Vanderspoel) Geraldine Chimirri-Russell (Coinage of Massilia; M. Hoskins Walbank) Robert West (Attitudes to animals in Roman literature and life: (M. Dewar/J. Humphrey) Stanley Kirk (The Furies and the persona of Orestes; R. Schmiel) (First-year MA:) Christina Vester, Bradley Levett ............................................................................ From: IN%"Andre.Daviault@fl.ulaval.ca" 5-JAN-1995 INVITATION A SOUMETTRE DES COMMUNICATIONS POUR LE CONGRES ANNUEL SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES ETUDES CLASSIQUES 27-29 MAI, 1995 UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A MONTREAL, MONTREAL, QUEBEC On sollicite des communications sur la litterature antique, l'histoire, l'archeologie, la philosophie, la religion, etc. Le congres annuel 1995 accueillera aussi au moins deux seances de 90 minutes chacune du Reseau des Femmes et des Amis de la SCEC, dont le theme est le suivant :" Le Multiculturalisme, un heritage du monde hellenistique". Instructions concernant les abreges : (A) Votre abrege doit correspondre aux caracteristiques generales suivantes: N'utiliser qu'une seule feuille, format 21.59 x 27.94 cm (8.5 x 11), papier blanc; dactylographier le texte et toute eventuelle addition en noir uniquement; laisser un espace d'au moins 2.54 cm (1 pouce) en haut de la page; indiquer seulement, en tete de l'abrege, le titre de votre communication, sans mentionner votre nom ni celui de votre institution; soumettre votre abrege en deux exemplaires au responsable du programme (voir ses coordonnees ci-dessous). (B) Relativement au contenu de l'abrege: celui-ci peut se presenter soit sous la forme d'un resume, soit sous la forme d'un expose des grandes lignes, des methodes et des buts de votre recherche, montrant les rapports qui existent entre votre communication et les etudes passees ou presentes (donner toutes les precisions utiles) dans le domaine que vous traitez. Au cas ou vous prendriez position sur un sujet controverse, il serait du plus grand interet que vous souligniez les points de vue que vous critiquez, defendez ou nuancez. La DATE LIMITE pour soumettre un abrege est le 31 janvier 1995 Les informations suivantes doivent accompagner les abreges : (A) (1) Titre de la communication; (2) nom de l'auteur; (3) adresse de l'auteur; (4) Etablissement (universite ou college) de l'auteur (si cette indication ne figure pas dans l'adresse de l'auteur); (5) Numeros de telephone au bureau et a domicile ainsi que numero de telecopie (FAX) et adresse de courrier electronique (si vous disposez de ce service). (B) (1) Cette communication a-t-elle ete presentee a un autre congres national ou international? (2) Cette communication a-t-elle ete presentee a une rencontre locale ou regionale? (3) Cette communication a-t-elle ete publiee? (C) (1) Duree des interventions (meme si la duree moyenne des communications est de 20 minutes, seront cependant considerees les communications variant de 10 a 30 minutes, mais sous reserve que tres peu de communications de 30 minutes pourront etre acceptees). (2) Quel est le materiel audio-visuel requis? (D) Avez-vous paye votre cotisation 1995 a la SCEC? Priere d'envoyer votre abrege a: Professeur A. Daviault, Responsable du Programme 1995 Doyen, Faculte des lettres Universite Laval, Quebec (Que.), Canada G1K 7P4 Telecopie (FAX): (418) 656-2019; telephone: (418) 656-3043 Courrier electronique: andre.daviault@fl.ulaval.ca ------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA MAY 27-29, 1995 UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A MONTREAL, MONTREAL, QUEBEC Papers are invited in ancient literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, religion, etc. At the 1995 meeting there will be two 90-minute sessions organized by the Women's Network [see next item in this bulletin] and Friends of the CAC and devoted specifically to "Multiculturalism: A Hellenistic Legacy". Instructions For Abstract: (A) Your abstract should adhere to the following general specifications: Use a single 21.59 x 27.94 cm (8.5 x 11 inch) sheet of white paper; type in black and make all additions in black; leave at least a 2.54 cm (one inch) margin at the top of the sheet; provide the title of your paper at the beginning of your abstract but do *not* give your name or affiliation; provide *two* copies of your abstract to the programme chairman (see below). (B) The contents of the abstract: You may submit as an abstract either a summary of the paper you intend to give, or a resume of the method and purposes of your investigation and its relationships to other specifically-named past or current studies in the same or similar areas. If you are taking a stand on a controversial issue, it would be very helpful to know what views you are attacking, defending or modifying. The DEADLINE for submitting the abstract is January 31, 1995. The following information is required with the abstracts: (A) (1) Title of paper; (2) Name of author; (3) Address of author; (4) Affiliation of author (if different from address); (5) Office and/or home phone/fax/e-mail (if service is available). (B) (1) Was this paper given at another learned national or international meeting? (2) Was this paper given at a local or regional meeting? (3) Has this paper been published? (C) (1) Proposed length of paper (while 20 minutes is considered average, papers will be considered with lengths of 10 to 30 minutes, although it must be understood that very few papers of 30 minutes can be accepted); (2) What audio-visual aids are required? (D) Are you a paid-up member of the Classical Association of Canada? Please, send your abstracts to: Professor A. Daviault, Programme Adviser 1995 Doyen, Faculte des lettres Universite Laval Quebec QU G1K 7P4 Fax (418) 656-2019; telephone 656-3043 e-mail andre.daviault@fl.ulaval.ca ............................................................................ From: IN%"Andre.Daviault@fl.ulaval.ca" 15-DEC-1994 CALL FOR PAPERS The Women's Network and Friends of the Classical Association of Canada/ Societe canadienne des etudes classiques Annual Conference, Classical Association of Canada, May 1995/ Reunion annuelle, Societe canadienne des etudes classiques, mai 1995 Universite du Quebec a Montreal MULTICULTURALISM : A HELLENISTIC LEGACY LE MULTICULTURALISME : HERITAGE DU MONDE HELLENISTIQUE Le Reseau des femmes de la SCEC sollicite des communications sur le theme du multiculturalisme traite sous diverses perspectives (sociale, historique, litteraire, archeologique). Veuillez preciser sur le formulaire de soumission de la SCEC que votre communication concerne la seance des femmes. The Women's Network of the CAC invites submission of papers which focus on the stated theme of multiculturalism from various perspectives (social, historical, literary, archaeological). Please indicate on the CAC submission form that you would like your paper to be considered for this session. ............................................................................ From: IN%"PCALKIN@ac.dal.ca" 3-JAN-1995 CAC 1995 SIGHT TRANSLATION COMPETITIONS -- FINAL CALL FOR ENTRIES This is the final call for entries to the CAC 1995 sight Translation Competitions. Four Papers are offered: Junior (National) Latin and Senior Latin, to be written on January 19, 1995; Junior (National) Greek and Senior Greek, to be written on January 26, 1995. Those who have not yet entered, and wish to do so, should contact me (address below) sending just the number of entries anticipated for each paper. Patricia J. Calkin, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, 1244 LeMarchant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3J5. Tel: 902-292-3468; Fax: 902-494-2467 ............................................................................ From: IN%"mcropp@acs.ucalgary.ca" "Martin Cropp" 12-JAN-1995 JOINT MEETING, CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE CANADIAN WEST, CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. March 10-11, 1995. Banff Centre for the Performing Arts, Banff, Alberta. Organisers Bob Schmiel and Martin Cropp, Secretary Lillian Kogawa (University of Calgary). Supported by the SSHRCC and by the Faculty of Humanities and Department of Greek, Latin & Ancient History, University of Calgary. Over 40 papers will be given in the areas of Greek and Roman literature, history, ideology, art and archaeology, with speakers drawn from Quebec, Ontario and California as well as the member states and provinces of the CAPN and CACW. Sessions are scheduled from 4.00 p.m. on Friday March 10th to 4.30 p.m. on Saturday March 11th. An evening Banquet is scheduled on the Saturday. Accommodations for the Friday and Saturday nights (and indeed longer for any who wish) are available at the Banff Centre. Transport between Calgary and Banff is arranged. For programme information and registration package please contact, SOON, the CACW/CAPN Conference organisers, Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient History, University of Calgary, ALberta, T2N 1N4; Phone 403-220-5537; Fax 403-284-0848; e-mail 11132@ucdasvm1.admin.ucalgary.ca ............................................................................ From: IN%"irwin@macpost.scar.utoronto.ca" 2-JAN-1995 The Division of Humanities, Scarborough College, University of Toronto is holding a colloquium on the theme Wanderers, Pilgrims and Explorers on January 25th to 27th. Three Classicists are making presentations. Wednesday, January 25: 10:10 a.m. Ian McDonald: Sacred sites and city lights: famous Romans in famous places -- 11:10 a.m. Eleanor Irwin: Sharing a Pilgrimage: Egeria's travel journal Friday, January 27th: 12:10 p.m. Ann Boddington: Contacts between the Old and New Worlds in ancient times We welcome anyone who wishes to attend. All sessions will be in the Scarborough College Council Chamber. Contact Eleanor Irwin (416) 287 7128 or irwin@macpost.scar.utoronto.ca for more information. ............................................................................ From: IN%"forsyth@watarts.uwaterloo.ca" "Phyllis Forsyth" 9-JAN-1995 Professor Paul Potter of the University of Western Ontario will visit the University of Waterloo on Monday, January 30th, at 11:30 am, in Arts Lecture Building, Room 124, to speak on Roman medicine. Visitors welcome! Phyllis Forsyth, Acting Chair ............................................................................ From: IN%"slaterw@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca" "Wm. Slater" 13-JAN-1995 The Department of Classics, McMaster University, announces the preliminary programme for the SECOND TOGO SALMON CONFERENCE, 29-30 SEPTEMBER 1995. More detailed information will be made available later. The theme is "ROMAN COINS AND ROMAN SOCIETY UNDER THE EMPIRE." The speakers and their themes are: W.E. Metcalf, "Coins as primary evidence." P. Bruun (Helsinki) "Coins and Roman Imperial Government." B. Levick (Oxford) "The Messages of Roman Coinage: types and inscriptions." R. Duncan-Jones (Cambridge) "Coins and the Roman Imperial Economy." A. Barrett (UBC) "Currency Supply and Imperial Propaganda: a test case." D. Fishwick (Alberta) "Coinage and Cult: the principal monuments at Lugdunum, Tarraco, Merida." C.E. King (Oxford) "Coins and Roman Art: Portraiture." A. Burnett (British Museum) "Architecture and Monuments on Roman Coins." ............................................................................ From: IN%"icohen@mta.ca" 5-JAN-1995 MOUNT ALLISON UNIVERSITY: THE CRAKE DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN CLASSICS The Crake Foundation and the Department of Classics at Mount Allison University are pleased to announce the Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 1995-96. The Crake Fellowship is non-renewable, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who at the time of taking up the fellowship have completed all course and residential requirements for the Doctorate in Classics, passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship. The holder will be asked to teach the equivalent of one full course, give a public lecture, and be in Sackville from September to May. In 1995-96 the holder of the Crake Fellowship will receive $18,000, with an allowance of up to $2,500 to cover moving to Sackville and other research-associated expenses. Applications for the Crake Fellowship should include official transcripts and three letters of reference. The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission. Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis. Completed applications should be sent to: Dr. Ivan Cohen, Head, Department of Classics, Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B., E0A 3C0, by the DEADLINE date of February 24, 1995. ............................................................................ SUMMER COURSE IN GREECE From: IN%"hectorw@unixg.ubc.ca" "Hector Williams" 20-DEC-1994 The Department of Classics at the University of British Columbia announces a three week three credit course in the archaeology of Greek theatre in late June-mid July of 1995. Led by Professor A.J. Podlecki the course will focus not only on the remains of Greek theatres but also on the settings of a number of tragedies and comedies. There will also be visits to productions at ancient theatres at Epidauros and Athens. The number of participants will be limited to 20 with preference to undergraduate students although non-credit participants are welcome if space permits. Cost will be approximately $3100 ex Vancouver, including air, hotel, local travel, etc. plus UBC tuition if UBC credit desired. Please write Professor Podlecki at the Department of Classics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z1 for further information. ............................................................................ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE POLIS From: IN%"L.G.Mitchell@durham.ac.uk" 19-DEC-1994 The Development of the Polis in Archaic Greece 4-7 September, 1995 The principal speakers will be: Professor John Davies The origins of the polis, in Greece and elsewhere Dr Lin Foxhall The Solonian property classes in Athens Dr Mogens Hanson What was a polis? Dr Stephen Hodkinson Sparta Dr Catherine Morgan Religion in poleis and ethne Dr John Salmon Tyranny There will be shorter papers on topics including law, religion, trade and warfare, and on particular poleis including Athens. Those who would like to attend are invited to obtain further details from Lynette Mitchell or Peter Rhodes, Department of Classics, 38 North Bailey, Durham, DH1 3EU (tel.: + 191 374 2070, fax: + 191 374 3740, e-mail: L.G.Mitchell@durham.ac.uk): registration forms should be returned with payment by 30th June, 1995. ............................................................................ POSITION VACANT From: IN%"psinclai@benfranklin.hnet.uci.edu" "Patrick Sinclair" 19-DEC-1994 The UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE announces a tenure-track position for an Assistant Professor of Classics. The individual recruited for the position will be appointed full time in the Department of Classics and will be released from teaching responsibilities at least 50% time to provide administrative and technical support to UCI's Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. -- Requirements: PhD in Classics with an emphasis in Greek. Extensive expertise in computer application to Classical literature, computer hardware, computer software development, and systems design is essential. Additional expertise in academic areas related to the TLG's focus (e.g. lexicography, epigraphy, papyrology, or linguistics) is desirable, as is experience with the hardware and software environments employed by the TLG. -- The specific level within the Assistant Professor rank at which the individual will be appointed will correspond to the individual's qualifications, background, and experience. -- Letters of application should be submitted to the chair of the search committee, Professor Patrick Sinclair, Department of Classics, University of California, Irvine CA 92717-2000. Application deadline: January 30, 1995. UCI is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer committed to excellence through diversity. ............................................................................ "CANADIAN ACADEMIC INSTITUTE IN ATHENS" From: IN%"gschaus@mach1.wlu.ca" "gerald schaus F" 14-DEC-1994 I have just returned from Athens. What a stark contrast unfolded before my eyes over the three days, Dec. 1-3, 1994. The American School of Classical Studies hosted a brilliant international conference on Greek vase painting which included such luminaries as Sir John Boardman of Oxford, Erika Simon of Wuerzburg and Dietrich von Bothmer of New York's Metropolitan Museum, and was held in the stately hall of the American School's Gennadeion Library. At the same time, 3 blocks away, the entire Canadian Academic Institute (CAIA) was being packed into used cardboard boxes and sent to a dark warehouse for storage. It abandoned its spacious apartment beside the Canadian Embassy and left it an empty shell. There is, however, a sprightly creature called Hope trapped within those used boxes searching for a means to emerge. The foremost reason for optimism is a group in Athens called the Friends of CAIA. This group of Greeks and Canadians who are long-term residents in Athens has been in existence for about five years now. Through their hard efforts, wonderful enthusiasm and amazing generosity, they are poised to purchase an apartment (in the CAD 150-200,000 range [USD 110,00-175,00]) to be the new home of CAIA. They are right now digging deep into their own pockets to find the final CAD 30,000 [USD 22,000] or so. Canadians in Canada have contributed very little so far to this effort. It seems to me time that Canada helps its Friends. It is very frustrating to CAIA's Board in Canada that we have been able to promise only CAD 25,000 [USD 18,00] as operating funds in 1995 largely through the generosity of a very small number of people. This money is barely enough to move out of storage, pay for utilities, a salary for a half-time Assistant Director and some miscellaneous expenses. Thank heavens Prof. David Rupp of Brock Univ. has most kindly offered to act as Director during his sabbatical year in Athens with little recompense. We truly don't even have money to pay for a cleaner to come in. The Friends of CAIA look at our poor budget and almost weep in frustration at Canada's response. They know what CAIA has to offer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R E M I N D E R CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA MEMBERSHIP: The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service by the CAC to members of the CAC. If you are not at present a member, you may wish to consider joining. The regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 50 (sustaining CAD 60, life CAD 500, student or retired CAD 20); contact: Professor J. Iain McDougall, Treasurer, Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9, e-mail iain.mcdougall@uwinnipeg.ca !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! potentially to Hellenic studies because they see the contributions of the other foreign institutes in Athens. CAIA now has built up a good library, it has scholarship money to offer (Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship), it has had a lecture and exhibition series in the past, it is the main avenue for Canadian students and scholars to apply for study permits in Greece, and most importantly, it acts as a kind of home for Canadians who are visiting Greece. In a twist on the Greek myth, there is a Canadian "Pandora" in Athens which we might all help to create. First we must release Hope from the boxes. I witnessed the affection for CAIA which its wonderful Friends expressed while I was there. I can now only appeal on their behalf for support from Canadian Classicists, the main beneficiaries of CAIA. A personal membership is only $25.00; an institutional membership for your university is $500. Donations are vitally important and all are tax deductible since CAIA is registered as a charitable organization. We are trying to establish an endowment for CAIA for its long-term health, but we must also have annual operating funds to maintain a bare minimum of services. It would be marvelous to have Classicists respond sufficiently to this appeal to keep CAIA going, but probably too hopeful. We must also find friends in the greater community. In this we need help as well. Donations should be sent to Prof. Sheila Campbell (President of CAIA) at the Pontifical Institute, 59 Queen's Park Crescent, Toronto, M5S 2C4 or to me at the Classics Department, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, N2L 3C5. Pandora and Hope are there for us. Good wishes, Gerry Schaus, Treasurer CAIA ............................................................................ Upcoming meetings sponsored by the EDMONTON Chapter of the CANADIAN MEDITERRANEAN INSTITUTE: From: IN%"rbuck@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca" "Robert Buck" 13-JAN-1995 The next meeting is Feb 9 with Dr M. Wayman, "Ancient Metallurgy in the Mediterranean World" and Mar. 9, a Fund-Raising Social Evening with an Egyptian Theme. All meetings are held in Grant MacEwan College, 10700-104 Ave. Room A122 at 7:30 p.m. ............................................................................ From: IN%"gschaus@mach1.wlu.ca" "gerald schaus F" 27-DEC-1994 UPCOMING LECTURES sponsored by the Waterloo Region Chapter of the CANADIAN MEDITERRANEAN INSTITUTE: Sonia Hewitt, PhD. candidate, McMaster University, "On the Trail of Roman Private Baths in Morocco," to be held on Thursday, January 12, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 137 at 202 Regina St., Wilfrid Laurier University Prof. Michele George, Department of Classics, McMaster University, "Servus and Domus: The Slave in the Roman House," to be held on Thursday, February 2, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 137 at 202 Regina St., Wilfrid Laurier University Prof. Michele Daviau, Department of Religion and Culture, and Mr. Martin Beckman, Wilfrid Laurier University, "Pots and Lamps: Byzantine to Islamic at Tell Jawa," to be held on Thursday, March 9, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 137 at 202 Regina St., Wilfrid Laurier University ............................................................................ BOOK-LENGTH PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS Buck, Robert J.: Boiotia and the Boiotian league, 423-371 B.C. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press 1994. xx, 183 p. Paper: CAD 19.95, ISBN 0-88864-253-9 Hunter, Virginia J.: Policing Athens; social control in the Attic lawsuits, 420-320 B.C. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press 1994. xv, 303 p., ill. Cloth: USD 29.95, ISBN 0 691-03268-8 Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Epitome fo the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus. J.C. Yardley, translator; R. Develin, introduction and explanatory notes. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press 1994. ([APA] Classical resources series; no. 3.) [This is the first full English translation of Justin since John Selby Watson's version of 1853.] Code: 40 07 03. Cloth: USD 44.95, ISBN 1-55540-950-4; paper: USD 29.95, ISBN 1-55540-951-2. To order call 1-800-437-6692. ............................................................................ *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY* *EA* 2,4 is now available. It contains, under "(04) Keeping in Touch", a lengthy piece "Electronic Forums and Repositories for the Classics", by Ian Worthington. Cf. the blurb in *CCB/BCEA* 1,3 on how to gain access to *EA*. *EA* is also accessible via gopher or WWW from the Humanites Canada/ Humanities Canada gopher or WWW sites of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities/Federation canadienne des Etudes humaines. See above, Editor's note, (3). ............................................................................ E-MAIL ADDRESSES--NEW, CORRECTED, ETC. BROCK UNIVERSITY New: Casler, Frederick H. fcasler@spartan.ac.brocku.ca CARLETON UNIVERSITY New: Blockley, Roger C. roger_blockley@carleton.ca New: Fotiou, A.S. thanos_fotiou@carleton.ca SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY New: Armstrong, Lawrin D. lawrin_armstrong@sfu.ca :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: N E X T I S S U E : 1995 02 15. Deadline: 1995 02 10 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF