Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes

                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 1, NUMBER/NUMERO 8, 1995 04 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

        President:  J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa 


         Secretary/Secretaire:  M. Silverthorne, McGill University 


        Treasurer/Tresorier:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  598 Lines;  32 KBytes








A PLEA ...

From:	IN%""  "gerald schaus F" 13-APR-1995 


must complete the purchase of its new quarters at Aiginitou 7, 3 blocks

behind the Hilton Hotel in Athens, by making the final payment of $16,000. 

The total purchase price is approximately $180,000 including the necessary

renovations. All but $1,000 of the total so far raised has come from the

Friends of CAIA, a group of Greeks and resident Canadians in Athens, and a

small one-time government grant.  The Friends have been so wonderfully

generous in raising money for our building, while supporters in CAIA have

only been asked to provide funds for operating expenses. Now we are facing

a difficult deadline to complete the purchase. For this reason we are

appealing strongly and urgently to the Classical community in Canada for

help in raising this final $16,000. Because CAIA is a registered charitable

organization, all donations are eligible for income tax receipts.

Contributions may be sent to Prof. Sheila Campbell, President of CAIA, c/o

Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Cres., Toronto,

Ontario, M5S 2C4. 


From:	IN%""  7-APR-1995 


The Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, invites

applications for a two-year contractual appointment at the rank of Lecturer

or Assistant Professor, depending on qualifications, commencing 1 September

1995.  A completed PhD is preferred.  Area of specialization is Greek

poetry.  The successful candidate should be qualified to teach

undergraduate courses in Greek and Latin, as well as Classical

Civilization.  There may be an opportunity for graduate-level teaching.

Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae and have three letters of

reference sent on their behalf.  Evidence of teaching ability is desirable.


The Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, invites

applications for an eight-month teaching term appointment at the rank of

Lecturer, commencing 1 September 1995.  PhD preferred or its near

completion.  The successful candidate should be qualified to teach

undergraduate courses in Greek and Latin, as well as in Classical

Civilization.  Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae and have three

letters of reference sent on their behalf.  Evidence of teaching ability is



Send applications before 30 April 1995 to:  Dr. Mark Joyal, Head,

Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NF 

A1C 5S7;  fax:  (709) 737-2135;  e-mail:

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements this advertisement is

directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  This appointment is

subject to budgetary approval.  Memorial University is committed to

employment equity. 


From:	IN%""  "John R. Porter" 11-APR-1995 


Applications are invited for a TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT IN CLASSICS at the

Instructor level for ten months, the appointment to date from September,

1995.  We are seeking a Classicist able to teach courses in Greek and Roman

Civilization, Myth, and Elementary Greek.  Evidence of success in teaching

languages and large classes in translation preferred.  Please send letter

of application, c.v., and the names of three referees who are sending

letters in support of your candidacy to: J. R. Porter, Acting Head,

Department of Classics, University of Saskatchewan, Arts Building, Room

617, 9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK  S7N 5A5.  The University of

Saskatchewan is committed to the principles of employment equity and

welcomes applications from all qualified candidates.  Women, people of

aboriginal descent, members of visible minorities, and people with

disabilities are invited to identify themselves as members of these

designated groups on their applications.  In accordance with Canadian

immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first

instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. 

Deadline for applications is June 30, 1995.


From:	IN%"slaterw@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA"  "Wm. Slater" 28-MAR-1995 



Dr. Claude Eilers, BA (Sask.), MA (McMaster), D.Phil. (Oxon.).  Assistant

professor on tenure track, Roman history. 

Dr. Sheila Dillon (NYU).  Visiting assistant professor, Greek Archaeology.

Dr. Dillon is at present Kenan Erim fellow at Aphrodisias. 

We shall be advertising a permanent position in Greek Archaeology in the 




The Department of Classical Studies of the University of Ottawa is pleased 

to announce the appointment of Dr Eleanor Dickey (D.Phil. 1994) Merton 

College, Oxford as Assistant Professor from July 1, 1995.  She is already 

the coauthor of a volume entitled *New Selected Odes of Pindar* published 

in the Bryn Mawr Commentaries series and her doctoral dissertation on 

*Greek Forms of Address: A Linguistic Analysis of Selected Prose Authors* 

has been accepted for publication in the Oxford Classical Monographs 

series.  She brings to the department interests in both Greek and Latin 

language, historical linguistics and socio-linguistics.

Le Departement d'Etudes anciennes de l'Universite d'Ottawa est heureux 

d'annoncer la nomination de Dr Eleanor Dickey au poste de professeur 

adjoint a partir du 1er juillet 1995.  Deja co-auteure d'un volume intitule 

*New Selected Odes of Pindar* publie par Bryn Mawr College, sa dissertation 

*Greek Froms of Address: A linguistic Analysis of Selected Prose Authors* 

est deja acceptee pour publication dans la serie Oxford Classical 

Monographs.  Elle apporte au departement ses interets dans les langues 

grecque et latine, dans la linguistique historique et dans la 



From:	IN%""  "Phyllis Forsyth"  3-APR-1995 

Reminder: The Annual Spring Meeting of the ONTARIO CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION is

taking place Saturday, April 22, 1995, at the University of Waterloo. The

theme is "Vanished Civilizations" and speakers will be Martin Kilmer (on

Greek and Etruscan Erotica in Etruscan tombs), Clinton Smith (on Celtic

oppida and trade), and Phyllis Forsyth (on Bronze Age Thera). Payment was

due April 10th, but latecomers can contact Len Curchin here at Waterloo.

Telephone: (519)888-4567 ext. 6883 or 2377. Or contact me through e-mail: 


From:	IN%""  "William G. Kerr" 10-APR-1995 


The 3rd annual University of New Brunswick Ancient History Colloquium 

is *tentatively* scheduled to take place in Fredericton on March 16, 

1996. This is a preliminary notice to alert scholars in Classics, 

History or related disciplines who might be interested in giving a 

paper or attending. The proposed theme is HINTERLAND AND METROPOLIS 

IN CLASSICAL HISTORY. For further information contact W.G. Kerr or H. 

Konishi, Dept. of Classics and Ancient History, University of New 

Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton NB E3B 5A3, tel. (506) 453-4763, 

fax (506) 453-5069, or



Creee en 1988 a Quebec, la Fondation *Humanitas* a pour objectif de

promouvoir les humanites greco-latines et dencourager letude des lettres

anciennes : litterature, philosophie, histoire et patristique. 

Dans cette optique, la Fondation *Humanitas* a pour mission de recolter les

fonds necessaires au financement de divers projets : institution de cours

intensifs de latin et de grec, presentation de pieces de theatre ou de

recitals du repertoire antique, autant dactions destinees a rappeler a

lhomme moderne que les lettres anciennes constituent un precieux heritage

quil ne saurait negliger sous peine de mecomprendre sa grandeur humaine. 

Composition de l'executif :

Marie-Jeanne Carriere       presidente

Paul-Hubert Poirier         vice-president                                      

Helene Touzel               secretaire

Marie-Pierre Bussieres      tresoriere

Categories de membres :

benevole              ad lib.

individuel             25.00 $

ami                   100.00 $

institutionnel        200.00 $

bienfaiteur         1 000.00 $ et plus

gouverneur          5 000.00 $ et plus

a vie              20 000.00 $ et plus

Devenir membre de la Fondation *Humanitas,* cest aider a montrer que ces

langues que lon dit trop souvent mortes sont bien vivantes, en nous et

autour de nous. 

Pour tout renseignement, adressez-vous au siege social de la Fondation : 

Fondation Humanitas

Cegep de Ste-Foy

2410 Chemin Ste-Foy QU  G1V 1T3


From:	IN%""  4-MAR-1995 

HOMO RELIGIOSUS, LUXEMBOURG.  An international association has been created

in December 1994 at SEMANT, Classics Dept. of Luxembourg University. The

aim is the scientific study of the history of religions in the tradition of

Pettazzoni, Dumezil and Eliade.  The board is meeting three times a year.

For membership apply to: SEMANT, Fax (352) 46 66 44-213 Luxembourg



From:	IN%""  9-APR-1995 

        *Lectureships in Classics at the University of Malawi*

    The Department of Classics at Chancellor College, University of Malawi,

announces the opening of two positions for Lecturer of Classics. 

Candidates should be qualified to teach beginning Latin and/or Greek, as

well as courses in classical culture and literature. In addition to

instruction in the classical languages, the department offers the following


    --  History of Political Institutions in Antiquity.  (A history and

composition course designed to suit the interests of students in the newly

democratic Malawi.)

    --  Greek Mythology and African Myth.  (A comparative approach to the

introduction of Greek mythology to African students.)

    --  Ancient Drama.

    --  Ancient Philosophy.

    --  Religions of Antiquity.  (With a comparative glance at traditional

African religions and rituals.)

    --  Greek and Roman Art & Archaeology.

    Chancellor College is the main campus of the University of Malawi. It

is located in Zomba, the old provincial capital of former British

Nyasaland.  All instruction is done in English, though English is a second

or third language for all students. 

    Salaries are poor by the standards of the First World.  Payment is in

the local currency the Malawi kwacha, which has recently suffered a series

of devaluations.  At current rates of exhange, a Lecturer's annual salary

is equivalent to CAD 2,800.  Applicants should understand that they are

being asked to work at virtually volunteer wages. 

    On the other hand, it must be said that at the level of the local

economy, a lecturer's salary is respectable and affords one a comfortable

life-style. The University supplies housing and furniture, and will cover

relocation costs. 

    All queries should be directed to the Head of Department, Tom Knight at

the following e-mail address:  or by regular post

to, P.O. Box 280, Zomba, Malawi.  Fax (265) 522 046. 





(from 1 October 1995)


The Department of Classics invites applications from candidates with

outstanding research achievement or potential for the appointment of

Lecturer in Classics. 


The person(s) appointed will be required to engage in research and

publication, teaching (both undergraduate and postgraduate), and

administration.  Applications are welcomed from candidates of any

speciality within the fields of Classics and Ancient History, but at least

one appointee will be a person with a substantial teaching capability in

the area of Latin literature, and ability to contribute to Latin and/or

Greek language teaching is a prerequisite. The details of teaching duties

will be determined in consultation with the Head of Department.  The

lecturer(s) will be expected to take their share of responsibility for one

or more aspects of the administration of the Department, and to take part

as appropriate in the Department's seminars. 

The intention is to appoint the person(s) of outstanding research

achievement or potential who can best carry out the above activities in a

manner combining high quality, high efficiency and good human relations

with colleagues, students, non-academic staff and others with whom they

may come into contact. 

Salary will be within Lecturer Grade A GBP 14,756 - 19,326 per annum,

according to qualifications and experience. 

Application forms are available from the Personnel Office, The University

of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham. NG7 2RD. Tel. 0115 951 5774

Fax: 0115 951 5205. Please quote ref. SMM/027.  Closing date: 28 April 1995 



LECTURER IN CLASSICS, University of Reading. Applications are invited for

the above post, available from October 1995, from applicants with a primary

research interest in classical literature.  The ability to teach Greek

literature is essential.  Salary in range GBP 14,756-25,735, plus pension

benefits.  Informal enquiries to Dr. T. Rajak, Head of Department (01734

318420). Apply for further particulars and application (2 copies) to

Personnel Officer, Univ of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading RG6

2AH (quoting reference no. AC9514).  Telephone 01734 318751.  Closing date

April 28. 



The UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK invites scholars of international reputation in

research and teaching to apply for the Professorship of Classics and

Ancient History. The post is coupled with the Chairmanship of the

Department. Preference will be given to a scholar in the field of Roman

Literature and/or Roman History.  The Department of Classics and Ancient

History has a reputation for innovative teaching.  Its current research

strengths are in East Roman Studies and in Poetry and Drama. 

Salary in the Professorial Range, minimum GBP 31,158 per annum.

For informal discussion, contact Professor Julian Gardner, Chairman of

Search Committee established for the post, Department of the History of

Art, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL. (Tel. [01144] 01203 523459) 

Further Particulars are available from the Personnel Office, University of

Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL. (Tel [01144] 01203 523627), quoting Ref. No.

33/A/94 (please mark clearly on envelope). 

Closing date for applications: 21st April 1995

An Equal Opportunities Employer



Colloqium: " *De vino veritas*: Wine in Greco-Roman Religion, Literature

and Culture".  Friday May 5 1995:  11 am - 6 pm.  Colloqium Director:  Dr

R.W. Brock (University of Leeds).  Colloquium Secretary:  Dr Malcolm Heath,

School of Classics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.  Papers by A.

Greaves (Leeds), Tim Santon (RHC, London), Hanneke Wirtjes (Wadham),

Matthew Leigh (University of Exeter), T.S. Johnson (Baylor University), 

Konstantinos Niafas (University of Exeter), Barbara Pavlock (Lehigh), H.W.

Bird (Windsor), Lucette M. Oostenbroek (Mare Vini Consultancy for wine

history), Simone Beta (Milano), J.J. Paterson (Newcastle upon Tyne) 


From:	IN%""  4-MAR-1995 

LATIN LINGUISTICS. A symposium is to be held at the Classics Department of

Luxembourg University (SEMANT) on October 16th and 17th 1995. General item:

Oratio soluta- Oratio numerosa. Rencontre sur les mecanismes linguistiques

de cohesion et de rupture dans la prose latine. Organized in cooperation

with Facultes Universitaires Saint Louis, Brussels, and Sorbonne, Paris.

Details from Prof.LONGREE via fax 32 2 211 7997 Brussels. 


Luxembourg University (Classics Department: SEMANT) on December 17th, 18th

and 19th 1995. Papers on buddhism, Egypt, Byzantium, Apollo and Dionysos,

the Hymn to Demeter, coptics hymns at Medinet Mahdi, St.John, soufism,

Mircea Eliade, hinduism  are scheduled. Participants come from U.S.,

France, Belgium, Italy and Luxembourg. Details available from Prof. Ternes

via e-mail: charles- or fax (352) 46 66 44 213. 


TOCS-IN [see *CCB/BCEA* 1.4, 1995 12 15]--HTML

From:	IN%""  "PMW Matheson"  3-APR-1995 

TOCS-IN is html searchable at URL:

This file has links to all the TOCS-IN data, including the

WAIS-indexed search program at the University of Virginia and a

complete list of all the journals covered. There are now links to full

tables of contents in HTML format for the journals; for articles which

are available on-line (as full text, preprint, or abstract) a link to

the text is also given. 

Note to editors of classics journals: if you are making articles available

on line (in any form: ftp, gopher, html), or if you change the machine

address of existing texts, please send e-mail to Philippa Matheson:

so that TOCS-IN can keep links to available texts up to date.


From:	IN%"" 30-MAR-1995


Within the few next months, *Arachne*, a new journal for classical studies,

will appear on the World Wide Web.  *Arachne* intends especially to act as

an "electronic voice" for European classical scholarship, but editors hope to

have this supplemented by a vigorous international input. We welcome and

encourage contributions from scholars throughout the world. 

*Arachne* maintains friendly contacts with *Electronic Antiquity.

Communicating the Classics*, which, along with *BMCR*, was the first  of

the electronic classical journals. We aim in the future for a number of

cooperative ventures with that journal. 

Title:  Arachne.  A Journal of Ancient Literature and History on the Web


Editors:  Maurizio Lana (CISI of Torino)

          Emanuele Narducci (University of Firenze)

Editorial Board:  Mario Citroni (University of Firenze);  Jean-Michel David

(University of Strasbourg);  Marco Fantuzzi (University of Firenze);  Don 

P. Fowler (Oxford); Konrad H. Kinzl (Trent University, Canada); Peter

Toohey (University of New England, Armidale). 

Glenn W. Most (University of Heidelberg) cooperates with this journal

helping us in the task of evaluating papers and assuring contacts with

German scholars. 

Submissions:  Instructions on submission are given below.  Please note,

however, that *Arachne* is a refereed journal and looks for material of

comparable quality.  Contributions that we especially encourage are: 

papers dealings with subjects of large general interest;  brief

philological notes;  critical debates responding to the thesis of important

books or papers.  Note, however, that, for the moment, we do not plan to

publish a regular review of new books. 

Our project is largely experimental.  For the moment, *Arachne* makes no

claim for copyright to any material that it publishes. Please feel free to

republish material that we have already handled.  In the cause of fair

play, however, we would ask that you make reference to the fact that your

article has already appeared in *Arachne*, including the relevant

bibliographical information. If you wish to have considered for publication

an article that appeared elsewhere (or, for some particular reason, one

that is still in press), please clearly indicate where else the article

appeared or is to appear. 

Text may be submitted in two main e-formats: Word for Windows or Word for 

Mac; if this is not possible RTF is preferred.

You should format your text in italics for latin quotations, titles of 

quoted books and papers, and so on.

The text can be sent to the journal a) by e-mail or b) by regular mail.

a) If by e-mail:  attach it to a message, and encode it in uuencode format;

alternatively in binhex 4.0 format (the encoding is handled by your email

program: see the docs or your Sys Admin for help about this matter, if

needed);  mail this message to and send another

message to or to to

inform the editors that you sent the paper. Please do not send to ordinary mailing and messages: we check the

mail for *Arachne* only when we know that a text was sent for submission. 

b) If by regular mail:  mail to Emanuele Narducci, Dipartimento di Scienze

dell'antichita, via Alfani 31, I-50121 Firenze, Italy or to Maurizio Lana,

via Varallo 14, I-10153 Torino, Italy. 

Accepted Languages:  Accepted Languages are English, French, German, Italian

Length of Papers:  Maximum length of the paper should not exceed 20-25

pages, each of 2500 characters or so. 

Structure and Summary:  We would prefer you to divide your text into

sections, each with a subtitle (heading), so that the author himself gives

a summary of his paper. This summary is the very first approach to the

article by the would-be reader. Please try to make these headings

accurately reflect the contents of your article. 

Greek Quotations:  At present the html language underlying the Web does not

allow mixing multiple fonts into one single document. Greek characters may

appear in the Web documents only as image, not as text. These images take

up considerable disk space and require a considerable work if they are  to

be linked in the appopriate place to the text (this is however the task of

the editors). 

Contributors should arrange Greek text quotations as follows:

- for short quotations within the lines of your text give the Greek words

in transliterated form, with accents but no breathings (use "h" for rough

breathing). Use "e" for epsilon and eta, "o" for omega and omicron. 

- for longer quotations in "infratext" you should give the text in the Beta

coding of the TLG (Beta code is preferred to Greek fonts; then we will

choose the best Greek font for displaying on WWW). Please give exact

references for the quotations (Example: Plato, Res Publica [in italics] I,

344d-345d). The editors will convert the Greek text-Beta coding of longer

quotations into image(s) of Greek text that can be inserted into the Web

documents of *Arachne*. 

Notes (footnotes):  Producing footnotes readable in the hypertextual format

of World Wide Web (html) requires a considerable amount of time, because

each link must be established manually.  So please help us in this task by: 

reducing to a minimum the number, and possibly the length, of footnotes

(also conflating many bibliographical references in only one footnote);

giving the notes as endnotes (at the end of the paper and of the file) and

not as footnotes.

For bibliographical references to journals use the abbreviations of

*L'annee philologique*. Note the use of commas: Author, Title in italics,

Journal Abbreviation and Volume number (with no comma between), Year, Page 

(s).  For books: Author, Title in Italics, Place of Print and Year (with no

comma between), Page(s).  When cited again, please use short titles of

books and articles. 

Emanuele Narducci, Professore ordinario di Letteratura Latina, Universita

di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'antichita, via Alfani 31, I-50121

Firenze, Italy;  e-mail:;  Home Phone:




[SEE *CCB/BCEA* 1.3, 1995 11 15]

University of Tasmania

Peter Toohey (Founding Editor), Ian Worthington (Editor)

EDITORIAL BOARD: Jenny Strauss-Clay (Virginia) Elaine Fantham (Princeton)

Joseph Farrell (Pennsylvania) Sallie Goetsch (Michigan) Mark Golden

(Winnipeg) Peter Green (Austin) William Harris (Columbia) Brad Inwood

(Toronto) Barry Powell (Wisconsin) Harold Tarrant (Newcastle, NSW) 

VOL. 2 ISSUE 5 - MARCH 1995


Cavalier, K., 'Did Not Potters Portray Peisistratos Posthumously as


Narducci, Emanuele, '*Mysteria Rhetorum*. Cicerone e le Passioni


Milns, R.D., 'Historical Paradigms in Demosthenes' Public Speeches'


Fellowship in Classics:  University College, Dublin

Lectureship in Classics:  University of Witwatersrand


Announcing New Books

Electronic Forums & Repositories for the Classics, by Ian Worthington


From: Charles Marie TERNES 


On Wednesday March 29th, Prof.Dr.Egon SCHALLMAYER will be officially 

appointed as new director of the Saalburg/Museum. The rebuilt castellum of 

the COHORS SECVNDA RAETORVM remains one of the major sites to visit on the 

Roman limes, ten minutes by car from Frankfurt airport.



Bird, Harry W.:  The Liber de Caesaribus of Sextus Aurelius Victor.  Trans. 

with intro. and comm. by H.W. Bird.  Liverpool:  University Press 1994.  

Pp. xxx, 228; maps.  (Translated texts for historians. 27)  ISBN 0853232180


From:	IN%""  4-MAR-1995 

FESTSCHRIFT JULIEN RIES (Luxembourg, 1994).  Foi-Raison-Verbe is the

title of the Ries-Festschrift (ed. C.M.Ternes, Luxembourg Univ.) issued in

March 94. 277 pages, with contributions on Faith, Ratio and their various 

manifestations in historical religions, by scholars from Institut

Catholique (Paris), Louvain University (Belgium), Liege University

(Belgium) and SEMANT (Seminaire d'Etudes Anciennes at Luxembourg Univ.).

Contact Prof.Ternes via E-mail: 

FESTSCHRIFT RAYMOND CHEVALLIER (Luxembourg and Tours, December 1994). 3

vols., Archaeology, History and Latin literature presented to R.C. on his

65th birthday by his colleagues and former students. Brochure available

from Prof.Ternes (editor) via E-mail: 

GALLO-ROMAN RELIGION.  The Acta of a symposium held in Luxembourg and Trier

in 1993 have been edited by Luxembourg University (Prof. Ternes) and Clark

University (Worcester, MA; Prof.Burke). Contributions by major British,

Canadian, US, French, German, Swiss and Luxembourg scholars. Details

available from Prof. Ternes via E-mail 


From:	IN%""  "Wendy Helleman" 21-MAR-1995 

Wendy Elgersma Helleman (ed.):  Hellenization Revisited: Shaping a

Christian Response within the Greco-Roman World (Lanham, MD: Univ. Press

of America; co-published with the Institute for Christian Studies, 1994).  

Pp. 544.  

Cloth: ISBN 0-8191-9543-X; USD 69.50.  Paper: ISBN 0-8191-9544-8; USD 37.50

(available in Canada through the Institute for Christian Studies, 229

College St., Toronto ON  M5T 1R4. for CAD 49.50). 

This study, which includes a collection of essays, with an epilogue by the

editor, is focused on the role of Judaism and Gnosticism as two important

factors shaping early Christianity as it interacted with the Greco-Roman

culture of the time.  It is divided into four major sections: basic

positions, hellenistic judaism, gnosticism, patristic response, and

includes a substantive epilogue, bibliography and index.  





Pownall, M. Joseph     


Butrica, J.L.P.        

Joyal, Mark A.         

Tronson, Adrian          or:



Falkner, Caroline L.   


Hellema, Wendy E.      


J. Michael Chase       



NOTE:  A complete list of e-mail addresses appeared in 1.6, 1995 02 15


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1995 05 15.   Deadline: 1995 05 10


           via Gopher -- gopher://

 via WWW --