Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 2, NUMBER/NUMERO 1, 1995 09 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

        President:  J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa 


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


        Treasurer/Tresorier:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  592 Lines;  29 KBytes



Departmental Reports

Conferences, etc. (Canada)


Vacant Positions

Conferences, etc. (international)

Varia (publications, awards, e-mail addresses, etc.)



Please send us a report on appointments, MA and PhD students in your 

programmes in 1995-96, and whatever you think is suited to reflect the 

academic life in our departments.

Also, could you, please, ask your new full-time appointees, including those 

on 8 to 12 month contracts, to send me the information normally listed in 

*Classical Studies in Canadian Universities* for an update of the on-line 

version:  academic degrees, rank, special interests in research and 

teaching, office (and, optional, home) phone number, e-mail address.




Christopher W. Marshall, BA (McGill), PhD (Edinburgh), Assistant 

Professor, 1995 09 01-1996 04 30

New name of the department:  Ancient History and Classics



From:	IN%""  "Phyllis Forsyth"  9-SEP-1995 

Bob Fowler is back from his sabbatical year at Oxford and has resumed the

chair of the department. He can be e-mailed at Nick Maes filled in ably as Bob's sabbatical

replacement, and is now back at Toronto. Susan Downie joins us again

(part-time) to teach beginning Greek in the Fall term. 

Phyllis Forsyth


Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexander Demandt (Freie Universitaet Berlin) spoke on 

Fri., Sep. 8, in the Classics Department, University of Toronto, on the 

topic "Plato on wine".


The Toronto Society of the Archaeological Institute of America

Wednesday, Sep. 27, 5:15:  James Russell (University of British Columbia)

Anemurium: History and Life of a Roman City in Southern Turkey

McLaughlin Planetarium (ROM), 100 Queen's Park Cr.  Admission is free.


From:	IN%""  "c.g. brown" 27-AUG-1995 

Cultural Messages in the Depiction of the Human Body in Antiquity

Saturday, September 30, 1995  

The Department of Classical Studies, The University of Western Ontario,

announces a one-day colloquium on Cultural Messages in the Depiction of the

Human Body in Antiquity, to be held on Saturday, September 30, 1995, at

Windermere Manor (located in the U.W.O. Research Park). 

9:00 a.m.   coffee

9:30 a.m.   Dr. Robyn A. Gillam (York University)

            "The Measured Body:  Some Thoughts on the Egyptian Canon of 


10:30 a.m.  coffee

10:45 a.m.  Professor Thomas H. Carpenter (Virginia Polytechnic 

            Institute and State University)

            "Satyrs, Symposiasts and Priapic Id-eology in Fifth Century 


12:15 p.m.  lunch

1:30  p.m.  Professor Eve D'Ambra (Vassar College)

            "The Female Nude in Roman Art:  Mythology, Medicine and 


For more information or to register, please call or write before 

September 15:  The Department of Classical Studies, The University of

Western Ontario, Talbot College, rm. 420 London, Ontario N6A 3K7

(519) 661-3045, fax: (519)661-3922 


From:	IN%"gepaul@mcmail.CIS.McMaster.CA"  "George Paul"  6-SEP-1995

REMINDER:  The Second Salmon Conference on "Roman Coins and Roman Society

under the Empire" will take place at McMaster University, Hamilton,

Ontario, on Friday and Saturday, 29-30 September, 1995. -- The speakers

will be:  William Metcalf, Patrick Bruun, Barbara Levick, Richard

Duncan-Jones, Anthony Barrett, Duncan Fishwick, Cathy King, Andrew Burnett.

-- Deadline for registration will be Friday, September 22nd. Graduate

students are welcome to attend. Registration forms and further information

for participants can be had by writing to:  Salmon Conference '95,

Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S

4M2. -- A copy of the registration form has been sent to the chair of every 

Classics Department in Canada.



The University of Winnipeg will host the 1996 meeting of the CACW on

Friday-Saturday, February 16-17, 1996, at the University of Winnipeg. The

precise location of the conference is still to be determined. 

Contact: Craig Cooper, CACW Conference 1996, Department of Classics,

University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9; TEL:

(204) 786-9878; FAX: (204) 786-1824 


From:	IN%""  "William G. Kerr" 15-AUG-1995 


The 3rd annual University of New Brunswick Ancient History Colloquium will

take place in Fredericton, New Brunswick on March 16, 1996. A call for

papers is hereby extended to all interested scholars in Classics, History

or related disciplines. The theme is HINTERLAND AND METROPOLIS IN CLASSICAL

HISTORY. Drafts of papers should be submitted to the organizers no later

than January 31, 1996. Submissions should be sent to, and further

information can be had from, W.G. Kerr  or H. Konishi

, Dept. of Classics and Ancient History, University of New

Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton NB E3B 5A3, tel. (506) 453-4763, fax

(506) 453-5069. 


From:	IN%""  8-AUG-1995 

        The Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University)

invites applications for ten resident Junior Fellowships to be awarded for

the academic year 1996-97. With its 45,000-volume specialized library and

serene wooded campus in Washington, D.C., the Center offers an opportunity

for full-time research on a major project in ancient Greek studies, in a

collegial, international environment. Prerequisites for a Fellowship are

the Ph.D. (or its equivalent) at the time of application and professional

competence in ancient Greek studies as documented by published work. These

Fellowships are designated for scholars in the earlier stages of their

careers (generally up to about ten years beyond the doctorate). The maximum

stipend is $18,000, plus some support for professional travel and research

expenses; in addition, fully-furnished housing on the Center's grounds is

provided without charge to Fellows and their families. 

        For 1996-97, on an experimental basis, the Center will consider

awarding half-year Fellowships to two applicants who are unable to apply

for the full academic year. 

        Applications include a detailed project description, samples of

previous publications, and up to three letters of recommendation.

Applications must be postmarked by October 16, 1995. Further information

and application forms are available from: Office of the Directors, Center

for Hellenic Studies, 3100 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA.

Telephone: (202) 234 3738. Fax: (202) 797 3745. E-mail:




Humboldt Research Fellowships for Foreign Scholars

As many as 500 research fellowships are granted annually to highly

qualified scholars under 40 years of age enabling them to conduct research

in Germany on projects of their own choice. -- Applications: These may be

submitted by scholars in all academic fields and from all countries at any

time. There are no quotas with respect to either study areas or scholar

origins. Selection committee meetings are held in March. June/July and

November. -- Sponsorship period: 6-12 months. As many as four months of

this period may be spent at research institutions in other European

countries (for German research institutions elsewhere in Europe stays of as

many as six months are permitted). -- Monthly research fellowship stipends:

These will vary between DM 3,200 and DM 4,000 net: additional support is

available for travel, accompanying married partner, language course, and

other expenses. -- Application requirements: A doctoral degree or its

equivalent, superior academic achievement. peer-reviewed publications, a

specific research plan, a good command of the German language. 

Humboldt Research Awards for Foreign Scholars

As many as 200 Humboldt Research Awards are granted annually to

internationally recognized foreign scholars who may reside in any country

and conduct research in any academic field. -- Nominations: Eminent German

scholars may propose candidates at any time; applications from candidates

are not accepted. There is no age limit award selection committee meetings

are held 3 times a year, normally in March, June/July and November. --

Sponsorship period: Award winners are invited to spend between 4 and 12

months at German research institutions. Nominators may contact the

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Bonn. -- Total value of the award:

Between DM 20,000 and DM 120,000. -- Nominee requirements: Full/associate

professor or equivalent standing, internationally recognized research


U.S. Liaison Office: 1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W., Suite 2020.

Washington, DC 20007. Phone: (202) 296-2990; Fax (202) 833-8514; E-Mail: Main Office: Jean-Paul-Str. 12, D- 53173 Bonn,

Germany. Phone: (011-49- 228) 833-0 Fax: (011-49-228) 833199.



Nominations are invited for the 1996-97 Lionel Pearson Fellowship.  The 

Fellowship seeks to contribute to the training of American and Canadian 

classicists by providing for a period of study at an English or Scottish 

university.  It is open to majors in Greek, Latin, or Classics.  Applicants 

should be in the final year of undergraduate study at an American or 

Canadian university and should expect to obtain the B.A. by September 1996, 

so as to be able to begin an academic year of postgraduate work at that 

time.  Normally, the fellowship is held in the year immediately after 

graduation with a bachelor's degree.  The term of the fellowship is one 

year;  fellows may use the fellowship for one year of a longer program of 

study, but under no circumstances will a Pearson Fellowship be awarded for 

a period longer than one year.  The Fellowship will pay all academic fees 

and will provide a living stipend to meet estimated average living 

expenses;  airfare and other necessary expenses of travel will also be 

covered.  Total reimbursement for all expenses will not exceed USD 25,000.  

Fellows are responsible for determining the English or Scottish university 

at which to take up the Fellowship, and for making all applications for 

admissions.  Those who wish to nominate students for the fellowship should 

send the name and address of the student to the current Chair, Professor 

John Marincola, Department of Classics, Union College, Schenectady NY 

12308.  The Chair will then send the application forms and all relevant 

material to the student.  The deadline for nominations is October 15, 1995; 

for completed applications November 10, 1995.  A short list of candidates 

will be interviewed at the APA convention in San Diego in December 1995.



The Departments of History and Classics in the University of Chicago invite

applications for a joint tenure-track appointment in ancient Greek history.

The candidate chosen will present evidence of successful teaching and

scholarly promise and will have the PhD in hand by the beginning of the

appointment in Autumn 1996. 

Candidates are asked to provide a letter of application, an up-to-date

c.v., at least three letters of reference, and a sample of their scholarly

writing.  The deadline for applications is 15 November 1995. Please send

applications to: Chair, Ancient Greek History Search Committee / Department

of History / SS Box 123 / 1126 East 59th Street / Chicago, IL  60637 (fax

312-702-7550).  Questions may be sent to the same address. 

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity




The Department of Classics in the University of Chicago invites

applications for a tenure-track appointment in Later Latin. The candidate

chosen will present evidence of successful teaching and scholarly promise

and will have the PhD in hand by the beginning of the appointment in Autumn

1996. Preference will be given to candidates who are expert in the Latin

literature of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, who can teach Latin

at all levels in the department's programs, and who have a broad range of

interests and preparation, including history and palaeography.

Candidates are asked to provide a letter of application, an up-to-date

c.v., at least three letters of reference, and a sample of their scholarly

writing.  The deadline for applications is 15 November 1995. Please send

applications to: Chair, Medieval Latin Search Committee / Department of

Classics / 1010 East 59th Street / Chicago, IL  60637 (tel. 312-702-8514;

fax 312-702-9861).  Questions may be sent to the same address or, by

e-mail, to

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity




is soliciting abstracts for their 92nd annual meeting, to be held April 

10-13, 1996, at Loews Vanderbilt Plaza Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, at 

the invitation of Vanderbilt University.  If you wish to read a paper you

must be a member;  for requirements contact William H. Race, President,

CAMWS, Box 6329 Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN 37235, USA. 

Deadline:  1995 10 02. 



Friday, 3rd November 1995, 4.00 pm - 7.30 pm:  Politics and the epigram

Papers by G. Weber (Eichstaett), WJ Tatum (Florida State), KM Coleman 

(Trinity College, Dublin), EL Bowie (Corpus Christi College, Oxford).

Chair:  D Bain (Manchester)

Friday 16th February 1996:  Roman poetry and the philosophy of its time

Friday 3rd May 1996:  The Trojan War in ancient literature and art

Organizing Secretary:  Dr Malcolm Heath, School of Classics, University of 

Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, Great Britain


From:	IN%"" 16-JUN-1995 

-- Terzo Convegno Internazionale di Archeologia e Informatica, Roma, 

22 to 25 November 1995. CNR, Viale di Villa Massimo, I-00161 Roma. 

-- 35th Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Graecia: The Legacy of Magna 

Graecia. For information, contact: Istituto per la Storia della Magna 

Grecia, Via di Palma 50, Taranto, tel. 099 4533885. Registration fee 

150.000 lire. 6-11th October 1995.

From:	IN%"" 19-JUN-1995 


A symposium will be held in Brussels and Leuven on 5th, 6th and 7th of 

October 1995 on EQVESTER ORDO. Papers announced a.a. by Cl.Nicolet (Paris), 

W.Eck (Cologne), J.Scheid (Paris), Mrs.Pikhaus (Brussels), H.Devijver 

(Antwerpen), J.Andreau (Paris), X.Loriot (Paris), S.Panciera (Roma), 

M.Christol (Paris), G.Alfoeldy (Heidelberg). Items: general history of the 

ordo, liberti, promotion to the Senate, iconography, carmina epigraphica, 

evergetism, economic influence, presence in the army, provincial governors, 

new epigraphical evidence. Inscription fee: 1.200 fb. Contact: Mrs M.Th. 

Raepsaet Charlier 50 avenue F.D.Roosevelt 17, B-1050 Brussels (Belgium). 

Phone: (0032) 2 650 3563, Fax:(0032) 2 650 3919



NOTTINGHAM, 11th to 14th April (Thursday-Sunday) 1996

Panels or sessions are planned on Ancient Science, The Poetic Persona,

Rhetoric, Historiography, The Peloponnese, The Roman Provinces, and

Decadence.  Proposals for papers (30 minutes duration) on these oor any

aspecy of the Classical World are now invited from colleagues in schools

and universities;  proposals from graduate students are particularly

welcomed.  There are opportunities in the programme for panel discussions,

so group proposals are also invited. 

Titles and an abstract (one side of A4) should reach the organising

committee, for appraisal, no later than 31st August 1995.  They should be

sent to:  Dr. J.H. Molyneux, Department of Classics, University of

Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. 


From:	IN%""  "vishnia rachel" 22-AUG-1995 

	The Israel Society fot the Promotion of Classical Studies

			Call for Papers	 

The Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies will hold its

twenty-fifth annual conference at the University of Bar Ilan in Ramat-Gan

on 29-30 May 1996. Papers may address all aspects of Greek and Roman

antiquity (including Classical Archaeology). The official languages of the

conference are Hebrew and English. Proposals for papers should include a

title and a synopsis of one page. Speakers are allocated thirty minutes. It

is recommended that speakers plan their papers to last twenty minutes,

allowing ten more minutes for discussion. Proposals should be sent no later

than March 1st 1996 to Dr Rachel Feig-Vishnia, Secretary of the Society,

Department of History, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel. Fax:

972-3-6409457; E-mail: 


From:	IN%"Dominik@Classics.UND.AC.ZA" 31-AUG-1995  

EPOS AND LOGOS: Ancient Literature in its Oral Context.  Offers of papers

are invited for a conference on orality and literariness in the ancient

world to be hosted by the Department of Classics, University of Natal,

Durban, South Africa on July 1-5, 1996. Intending participants should

submit a working title as soon as possible; abstracts will be called for by

November 30, 1995.  Please reply to Professor E. A. Mackay, Department of

Classics, University of Natal, P. O. Box 18091, Durban 4014, South Africa. 

Phone (31) 260 


The Database of Classical Bibliography

The Scholars Press is now shipping the DCB.v1, twelve years of the Anne/e

philologique (vols. 47-58, 1976-1987) on CD-ROM. It is equipped with its

own retrieval software for Windows 3.1 and up and Macintosh system 7 and

up. Searching is done through eighteen indexes including a full text index

for subject searching ("chariots" in Homer, "imagination," "women AND

religion"), in all relevant languages including Greek, and an index of

modern languages ("Homer" in Japanese, "gardens" in German). In addition to

traditional Boolean searching within and between indexes, the DCB offers

range searching ("Homer" 1976-1980), a choice of three output formats

(Chicago B, MLA and tagged) and facilities for copying, downloading,

printing and revisiting results. The APh's internal cross-referencing

system has been automated, offering an easy path from book reviews to the

books reviewed, and articles in collections, to the collections themselves.

 A unique facility, integrating indexes from the TLG's Canon of Greek

Authors and Works, permits searching by Greek genre ("metaphor" in Greek

lyric poetry), Greek geographical origin (authors from Cyrene on "being"),

and ancient date ("democracy" in Greek authors of the 5th century). There

is a 122 page users guide. If you don't like the software, you can always

write your own. 

The DCB will be updated annually with 3-5 additional volumes of the APh

moving backwards and forwards in time. An international edition with

commands and help files in English, French and German will be available

next year. 


       Individuals: $85 per volume

       Institutions, according to size of LAN:

            4 or fewer hookups: $340 per volume

            5-15 hookups: $595 per volume

            More than 15: $2,400 per volume

     Orders and inquiries should be directed to the Scholars Press: 404-727-519

8; fax: 404-727-2348.

                                                    Dee L. Clayman



CLASSICS IRELAND on the World Wide Web

Volume 2 of CLASSICS IRELAND, the journal of the Classical Association of

Ireland, has already been issued in traditional form but now it is

available over the network.  It contains articles on history, ancient and

modern poetry, archaeology, rock music  etc. The table of contents to

volumes one and two is given below. Although it is available in electronic

form we would still appreciate it if you got your libraries to order a


The URL for the CLASSICS IRELAND home page is:  There you can find links

to both volumes one and two.  If you encounter any problems, mail me at 

If you wish to contribute to future issues or to order a printed copy for

your library, contact the editor Theresa Urbainczyk (email: 



                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 50 

          (sustaining CAD 60, life CAD 500, student or retired 

          CAD 20);  contact:

               Professor J. Iain McDougall, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 




From:	IN%""  "John R. Porter"  6-SEP-1995 

The WWW page for the Department of Classics at the University of

Saskatchewan has moved to a new address:

and has been expanded to include [lectures and background material on a

variety of subjects, and translations of ancient texts]. 

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please address them either to me

( or to Ann DeVito (

[Editor's note:  I propose to list W3 home pages of Canadian universities 

in the next issue.  Please alert me to the existence of your home page.]



From:	IN%""  "Martin Cropp" 18-JUN-1995 

C. Collard, M. Cropp, K. Lee, Selected Fragmentary Plays of Euripides,

Volume 1 (Warminster, Aris & Phillips: Classical Texts Series) is appearing

in July. It contains Texts and Translations, with Introductions and

Commentaries, of Telephus, Cretans, Stheneboea, Bellerophon, Cresphontes,

Erechtheus, Phaethon, Wise Melanippe and Captive Melanippe. PP. viii, 280.

Price GBP 15.95/USD 28.00 (limp), 35.00 GBP/USD 49.95 (cloth). 


K.H. Kinzl (ed.), K.A. Raaflaub (intro.):  Demokratia; der Weg zur 

Demokratie bei den Griechen.  Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 

1995.  (Wege der Forschung. 657.)  ISBN 3-534-09216-3.  Pp. VI, 452.



From:	IN%""  "Brad Inwood" 11-SEP-1995 

BRAD INWOOD, University of Toronto, has been awarded a National 

Humanities Centre fellowship for 1995-96. He will be working on the prose 

writings of Seneca the Younger. Previous recipients of NHC fellowships 

include Victor Matthews, University of Guelph (1986-87) and Mark Golden, 

University of Winnipeg (1987-88).



(Reprinted from *APA Newsletter* 18.4, August 1995, 8ff.)

University of Toronto:

Jonathan S. Burgess, *The death of Achilles in the *Iliad**, E.I. Robbins

Andrew L. Connolly, *Sophocles the perfecter of tragedy: studies in 

   *Rezeptionsgeschichte**,  E.I. Robbins

Sarah Pothecary, *Strabo and the 'inhabited world'*, A.R. Jones




Parker, Richard W.    


Francis, Jane         


Burgess, Richard W.   


Eliot, C.W.J.                   delete


Barnes, Timothy D.    



Begg, D.J. Ian                  delete

Bews, Janet P.        

Marshall, Christopher W.


Freed, Joanne: 1995-96               


Golden, Mark          

McDougall, Iain J.    


                          VISIT OUR WWW HOME PAGE 




   Founded / Fondée 1947



     * Officers of the Association / Membres de comité

     * Constitution of the Association

     * Statuts de la société

     * Society Publications / Publications de la société

     * Canadian Classical Bulletin / Bulletin canadien des études


          + Volume 2 / tome 2 (1995-96) (2.1 to appear / à paraître 1995

            09 15)

          + Volume 1 / tome 1 (1994-95)

     * Association Directory / Répertoire de l'association

     * E-mail addresses / Adresses de courrier électronique

     * 1995 Annual Meeting / Colloque annuel 1995

     * Minutes of the AGM 1995 / Procès-verbal de l'Assemblée General



     * Classical Studies Resources / Ressources pour les études anciennes

       (via Humanités Canada / Humanities Canada)


   Maintained by K.H. Kinzl. Comments, enquiries, etc. to:

   DATE: 1995 09 10

[Viewed through lynx]


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1995 10 15.   Deadline: 1995 10 10