C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C A L B U L L E T I N C A N A D I E N D E S E T U D E S A N C I E N N E S VOLUME/TOME 1, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL RELEASE NO. 10/BULLETIN SPECIAL NO 10, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1995 03 23 Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publie par courrier electronique par la societe canadienne des etudes anciennes President: J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa JCYARD@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA Secretary/Secretaire: M. Silverthorne, McGill University SILVERTH@SOCIOLOGY.LAN.MCGILL.CA Treasurer/Tresorier: J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg IAIN.MCDOUGALL@UWINNIPEG.CA Edited by/redige par K.H. Kinzl, Trent University KKINZL@TRENTU.CA ISSN 1198-9149ANNUAL MEETING, CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA/SOCIETE CANADIENNE DES ETUDES CLASSIQUES, 1995 05 27-29, UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A MONTREAL, MONTREAL, QUEBEC [Note: location of papers to be announced in printed programme] SAMEDI LE 27 MAI 1995 SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1995 8.00 Petit dejeuner du Reseau des femmes / Women's Network Breakfast 9.00-10.30 I A LE MULTICULTURALISME : UN HERITAGE DU MONDE HELLENISTIQUE I MULTICULTURALISM : A HELLENISTIC LEGACY I President / Chair : Ingrid A. Holmberg (University of Victoria) 1. Ana Victoria Soady (Brock University) : "Bachofen and Multiculturalism : Mutterrecht Meets the Angel of the Hearth". (20 min.) 2. Noel Robertson (Brock University ) : "Life in the Old Country : an Alexandrian Poet Looks at Dorian Festivals". (20 min.) 3. Kathleen Donahue Sherwood (Graduate of Concordia University) : "Multiculturalism in Microcosm : The Evidence of the Terracotta Figurines from the Hellenistic Sanctuary of Demeter Thesmophoros at Mytilene". (20 min.) I B ARCHEOLOGIE CELTIQUE ET D'AFRIQUE ROMAINE I CELTIC AND ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY I President / Chair : Pierre Senay (Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres) 1. Leonard A. Curchin (University of Waterloo) : "The Cult of the Head in Central Spain." (15 min.) 2. Eric Haldenby (University of Waterloo) : "The Odeon at Carthage : Issues in Design and Construction". (30 min.) I C HISTORIOGRAPHIE GRECQUE GREEK HISTORIOGRAPHY President / Chair : Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto, Erindale College) 1. Gordon Shrimpton (University of Victoria) : "Time and Narrative in Thucydides". (20 min.) 2. Louis L'Allier (Universite Laval) : "Paradis perses et vision du monde chez Xenophon". (20 min.) 3. D.F. Buck (University of Prince Edward Island) : "The Limits of Fiction in Eunapius 'Histories'". (20 min.) 10.30-11.00 Pause-Cafe / Coffee Break 11.00-12.30 II A LE MULTICULTURALISME : UN HERITAGE DU MONDE HELLENISTIQUE II MULTICULTURALISM : A HELLENISTIC LEGACY II President / Chair : Bonnie MacLachlan (University of Western Ontario) 1. F. Nicholson (Queen's University) : "Le theme du gaulois vaincu en histoire et en art hellenistiques". (20 min.) 2. Clinton Smith (Peel Board of Education) : "Weighing for Acculturation". (20 min.) II B ARCHEOLOGIE CELTIQUE ET D'AFRIQUE ROMAINE II CELTIC AND ROMAN NORTH AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY II Prsident / Chair : Pierre Senay (Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres) 1. Sonia Hewitt (McMaster University) : "Public Access to Private Baths in Urban Domestic Architecture of Roman North Africa". (20 min.) 2. Lucinda L. Neuru (University of Waterloo) : "The Roman Villa at Sidi Ghrib, Tunisia". (20 min.) II C HISTOIRE GRECQUE I GREEK HISTORY I President / Chair : Anne Foley (Queen's University) 1. Jan Alexander Arvanitakis (University of Toronto) "The Rise of Palatial Society in Late Bronze Age Greece : A Multivariant Approach". (20 min.) 2. Anton G. Jansen (Brock University) : "Mycenaean Highways and the Size of the Mycenaean State". (20 min.) 3. A. Schachter (McGill University) : "Thesmophoria from a Boiotian Perspective". (20 min.) 12:45 Reunion du Conseil I / Meeting of Council I Dejeuner / Lunch 2.00-3.30 III A LE MULTICULTURALISME : UN HERITAGE DU MONDE HELLENISTIQUE III MULTICULTURALISM : A HELLENISTIC LEGACY III President / Chair : Catherine Bolton (Concordia University) 1. C.W. Marshall (Concordia University) : "Cultural Appropriation in The Persian of Plautus". (20 min.) 2. Judith Fletcher (Bryn Mawr College): "The Reader in the Text : Unity and Polyphony in Catullus 68". (20 min.) III B LITTERATURE LATINE : APULEE LATIN LITERATURE : APULEIUS President / Chair : Andre Daviault (UniversitÇ Laval) 1. Gerald Sandy (University of British Columbia) : "Apuleius : Philosophus Sophisticus Latinus". (20 min.) 2. Paul Murgatroyd (McMaster University) : "Three Apuleian Openings". (20 min.) III C HISTOIRE GRECQUE II GREEK HISTORY II President / Chair : John Thorp (University of Western Ontario) 1. Spiridon Konstadatos (McGill University) : "La contradiction entre l'individu et la collectivite a l'origine de l'essor ainsi que du declin d'Athenes". (15 min.) 2. Bruce Robertson (University of Toronto) : "Eleusinian Hieronymy Before Menekleides and the Charges Against Alcibiades". (20 min.) 3. George E. Pesely (Austin Peay State University) : "Theramenes and the Four Hundred". (20 min.) 4. Richard Parker (Brock University) : "Papyrus Rylands 490 : an Anonymous Philippica ?" (20 min.) 4.00 CONFERENCE SPECIALE / SPECIAL LECTURE President / Chair : John Yardley (University of Ottawa) JEAN SIRINELLI (Prof. emerite a la Sorbonne) "Problemes de la Paideia". 5.00 Reception du president / President's reception DIMANCHE LE 28 MAI 1995 SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1995 8.00 Petit dejeuner des directeurs de departement / Heads' Breakfast 9.00-10.30 IV A POESIE ROMAINE ROMAN POETRY I President / Chair : Paul Murgatroyd (McMaster University) 1. Riemer Faber (University of New Brunswick) : "Lathes, Chisels, and Polish : the Latin Poet as Wordsmith". (20 min.) 2. Margaret Drummond (University of Alberta) : "A Work in Fragmented Stone: Catullus' Carmen 64". (20 min.) IV B HISTORIOGRAPHIE ROMAINE I ROMAN HISTORIOGRAPHY I President / Chair : Etienne Tiffou (Universite de Montreal) 1. Marie-Pierre Bussieres (Universite Laval) : "L'annaliste G. Licinius Macer, specialiste de l'histoire des institutions romaines". (20 min.) 2. Alban Baudou (Universite Laval) : "Epouse modele de Pison, maitresse passionnee de Virgile : Amata, texte et iconographie". (20 min.) 3 Thomas E. Goud (University of New Brunswick) : "The Laws of History in Cicero's De oratore II". (20 min.) IV C PHILOSOPHIE GRECQUE I GREEK PHILOSOPHY I President / Chair : Michael Silverthorne (McGill University) 1. Mark Joyal (University of Newfoundland) : "The Divine Sign Did Not Oppose Me : a problem in Plato's Apology?" (20 min.) 2. Martin F. Reidy (Concordia University) : "Gorgias' Reform of Eleatic Education and the Sense of Noein". (20 min.) 3. Bonnie MacLachlan and John Thorp (University of Western Ontario) : "Plato and the Mysteries". (20 min.) 10.30-11.00 Pause-Cafe / Coffee Break 11.00-12.30 V A POESIE ROMAINE II ROMAN POETRY II President / Chair : John Yardley (University of Ottawa) 1. Kevin McCabe (Brock University) : "Ovid the Best Seller : An Examination of His Popularity and Influence". (20 min.) 2. Catherine Bolton (Concordia University) : "Elegy Upside Down : The Inversion of Elegiac and Epic Elements in Heroides 3". (20 min.) V B HISTORIOGRAPHIE ROMAINE II ROMAN HISTORIOGRAPHY II President / Chair : Ella Hermon (Universite Laval) 1. Michael Klaassen (University of Pennsylvania) : "The Paper Trail : Hand-Written Consular Lists from the Republic to Late Antiquity". (20 min.) 2. Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto, Erindale College) : "Gibbon's Use of Numbers and Numeral qualification". (25 min.) V C POESIE GRECQUE I GREEK POETRY I President / Chair : Eric Csapo (University of Toronto) 1. Patricia Fagan (University of Toronto) : "Nostos and Tradition : Odysseus and the Sirens". (20 min.) 2. Annette Teffeteller (Concordia University) : "Enjambement Again". (20 min.) 3. Eleanor Irwin (University of Toronto, Scarborough College) : "What are Flowers for? a Study of Flowers in the Landscape of Greek Epic". (20 min.) 12:45 Reunion du Bureau de Direction de Phoenix / Phoenix Editorial Board Meeting Dejeuner / Lunch 2.00-3.30 VI A ART GREC ET ARCHEOLOGIE I GREEK ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY I President / Chair : C.W.J. Eliot (University of Prince Edward Island) 1. Alison Barclay (University of Toronto) : "The Decorated Metal Plaques from Rhodes". (20 min.) 2. Kathryn Simonsen (University of Toronto) : "The Self-Sailing Skyphos : Dealing with Evidence for Greek Contacts with the Levant C.800-700 B.C.". (20 min.) 3. Jane A. Francis (Memorial University of Newfoundland) : "Archaistic Herms and Definitions of Style". (20 min.) 4. Joan E. and Frederick E. Winter (University of Toronto) "Representations of Architecture on Vases". (25 min.) VI B HISTOIRE ROMAINE I ROMAN HISTORY I President / Chair : Anthony A. Barrett (University of British Columbia) 1. J. C. Edmondson (York University) : "The Cultural Politics of Public Spectacle in Rome and the Greek East, 167-166 B.C.". (20 min.) 2. A.H. Mamoojee (Lakehead University) : "The Meaning of Cicero, in Toga Candida Fragment 8". (20 min.) 3. R. Drew Griffith (Queen's University) : "La tragedie d'Oedipe par Jules Cesar". (15 min.) 4. C.J. Simpson (Wilfrid Laurier University) : "The Curia Julia and the Ara Victoriae in August 29 B.C.". (20 min.) VI C POESIE GRECQUE II GREEK POETRY II President / Chair : Victor Matthews (University of Guelph) 1. Roberto Nickel (University of Toronto) : "The time of Demeter : Wrath and Withdrawal in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter". (20 min.) 2. Kelly Mac Farlane (University of Alberta) : "An Apologia for Alexidamus: Bacchylides' 11". (20 min.) 3. Ingrid E. Holmberg (University of Victoria) : "The Metis of Medea in Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica". (15 min.) 4. Robert Schmiel (University of Calgary) : "The Battle at the Hydaspes : Nonnos' Compositional Technique (Dionysiaca 22.1-24.143)". (20 min.) 3.30-4.00 Pause-Cafe / Coffee Break 4.00-5.30 VII A ART GREC ET ARCHEOLOGIE II GREEK ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY II President / Chair : Noel Robertson (Brock University) 1. Hector Williams (University of British Columbia) and Peter Rahn (Champlain Regional College) : "Excavations at Stymphalos - 1994". (20 min.) 2. Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) : "Mythology in Art : Some Neglected Work of Jane Harrison". (20 min.) 3. C.W.J. Eliot (University of Prince Edward Island) : "Venus Enslaved". (20 min.) VII B HISTOIRE ROMAINE II ROMAN HISTORY II President / Chair : Geraldine Thomas (Saint Mary's University) 1. Mark Temelini (McGill University) : "The Julio-Claudians and Mark Antony : Attitudes toward the Memory of an Ancestor". (20 min.) 2. Anthony A. Barrett (University of British Columbia) : "The Political Methods of Agrippina the Younger". (20 min.) VII C TRAGEDIE GRECQUE I GREEK TRAGEDY I President / Chair : Robert Schmiel (University of Calgary) 1. Laurel Bowman (University of Victoria) : "Magic Words : The Curse of Oedipus in the Oedipus at Colonus". (20 min.) 2. Aara L. Suksi (University of Toronto) : "The Nightingales of Sophocles". (20 min.) 3. Leona MacLeod (Dalhousie University) : "Politics and Ritual in Sophocles' Electra". (20 min.) 18.00 Banquet annuel / Annual Banquet Restaurant Claude Postel 443, rue Saint-Vincent Tel. : (514) 875-5067 LUNDI LE 29 MAI 1995 MONDAY, MAY 29, 1995 9.00-10.30 VIII ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ANNUELLE DE LA SCEC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE CAC Gratiarum actio : Etienne Tiffou (Universite de Montreal) 10.30-11.00 Pause-Cafe / Coffee Break 11.00-12.30 IX A POESIE ROMAINE III ROMAN POETRY III President / Chair : Konrad Kinzl (Trent University) 1. Dorota Dutsch (McGill University) :"Heus Homo, Tibi Dico. Forms of Address in the Comedies of Plautus". (15 min.) 2. Adrianne E. Pierce (Graduate of the Johns Hopkins University) : "Racing the Swift Foot of Time : Sexuality, Nature and Death in Horace". (20 min.) 3. Michel Garmaise (McMaster University) "Martial 12.93 : A Parody of a Lovers' Ritual". (20 min.) IX B TRAGEDIE GRECQUE II GREEK TRAGEDY II President / Chair : Desmond Conacher (University of Toronto) 1. Patricia J. Calkin (Dalhousie University) : "Laments for a Hero : Lamentation in Sophocles' Ajax". (20 min.) 2. Eric Csapo (University of Toronto) : "Mimesis, Ambiguity and the Spirit of the New Music in the First and Second Stasima of Euripides' Electra". (25 min.) 3. J.L. Butrica (Memorial University of Newfoundland) : "Callimachus on Democrates and Euripides' Andromache". (20 min.) IX C HISTOIRE GRECQUE III GREEK HISTORY III President / Chair : Annabel Robinson (University of Regina) 1. Virginia Hunter (York University) :"Rethinking the Prison of Athens". (20 min.) 2. Gwyneth Lewis (Langara College) : "Hellenistic Kings in Love". (20 min.) 3. Carl G. Johnson (University of British Columbia) : "The Rosetta Decree and the Egyptianization of Ptolemaic Kingship". (20 min.) 4. H. J. Mason (University of Toronto, New College) : "Pirates from Where? Longus, Daphnis and Chloe 1.28.1". (15 min.) 12:45 Reunion du Conseil II / Meeting of Council II Dejeuner / Lunch 2.00-3.30 X A POESIE ROMAINE IV ROMAN POETRY IV President / Chair : Lucien Finette (Universite Laval) 1. Roxanne M. Gentilcore (Smith College) : "Homelessness and Exile in Vergil's Aeneid". (20 min.) 2. Elisabeth Kennedy Klaassen (Bryn Mawr College) : "Foreigner Made Native, Native Made Foreigner : Imitation in Book 1 of Silius Italicus'Punica and Book 9 of Vergil's Aeneid". (20 min.) 3. Ian R. McDonald (University of Toronto, Scarborough College) : "Lucan's Troy and the Un-Making of the Trojan Legend". (20 min.) X B PHILOSOPHIE GRECQUE II GREEK PHILOSOPHY II President / Chair : Mark Joyal (Memorial University of Newfoundland) 1. Christopher G. Brown (University of Western Ontario) : "Life after Death and Holy Heroes : Pindar fr. 133 Maehler". (25 min.) 2. Rainer Friedrich (Dalhousie University) : "Euripides' Bacchae and Margaret Atwood's the Handmaid's Tale : The Political Dimension of Dionysianism". (25 min.) 3. Eric Lewis (McGill University) : "On the Authenticity and Placement of the Fourth Book of Aristotle's Meteorologica". (30 min.) X C HISTOIRE ROMAINE III ROMAN HISTORY III President / Chair : Iain McDougall (University of Winnipeg) 1. R. W. Burgess (University of Ottawa) : "The Continuatio Antiochiensis Eusebii : A Newly Discovered Source for the History of the Eastern Roman Empire, 326- 350". (25 min.) 2. Thomas G. Elliott (Erindale College) : "Athanasius as Forger". (25 min.) 3. Carol U. Merriam (Brock University) :"The Women of Roman Medicine". (20 min.) 4. M.F. Nicholson (Queen's University) : "The Romans and the Druids : The Legacy of Myth and of Reality". 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