Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes

                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                               VOLUME/TOME 1, 




                                 1995 02 25

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes anciennes

        President:  J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa 


         Secretary/Secretaire:  M. Silverthorne, McGill University 


        Treasurer/Tresorier:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


NIPISSING UNIVERSITY, Spring session 1995

Nipissing University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Classics

Spring session 1995 (May 1 - June 30)

CLAS 2505E:  Classical Art and Architecture.  A study of ancient Greek and 

Roman art and architecture based on archaeological evidence and historical 

and literary records. (6 cr.)  [There are 3 classes per week, each class

consisting of 3 hours of instruction;  Dr. Diana Walton.] -- Applicants who

possess a Ph.D. will be given preference.  --  In accordance with Canadian

immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian

citizens and permanent residents.  -- The stipend for a six-credit course

is $ 5,845, plus moving and accommodation expenses [$ 1,400;  Dr. Walton].

Please send curriculum vitae, university transcripts and three letters of

reference to Prof. R. Bergquist, Associate Dean of Arts and Science,

Nipissing University, 100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay ON  P1B 8L7,

tel. (705) 474-3450, fax (705) 474-1947. 
