:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C A N A D I A N C L A S S I C A L B U L L E T I N C A N A D I E N D E S E T U D E S A N C I E N N E S VOLUME/TOME 2, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL RELEASE NO. 4/BULLETIN SPECIAL NO 4, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1995 11 29 Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ Publie par courrier electronique par la societe canadienne des etudes classiques President: J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa JCYARD@AIX1.UOTTAWA.CA Secretary/Secretaire: I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University ICOHEN@MTA.CA Treasurer/Tresorier: J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg MCDOUGLL@IO.UWINNIPEG.CA Edited by/redige par K.H. Kinzl, Trent University KKINZL@TRENTU.CA ISSN 1198-9149 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EDITOR'S NOTE: This Special Release/Bulletin special announces the launching of an experimental discussion group on the internet. I append the text that greets you when you subscribe to the list by sending a message from your address to mailserv@trentu.ca Do not write in the CC: and SUBJECT: lines in the text portion of your message, type a single line subscribe classics-canada first name last name ............................................................................ Welcome to the CLASSICS-CANADA discussion group. This experimental discussion group has been set up on the initiative of K.H. Kinzl, editor, Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des etudes anciennes, and J.C. Yardley, President, Classical Association of Canada/Societe canadienne des etudes classiques, in response to an emergency situation in Canadian, but especially Ontario, university history: governments attempt to revamp our institutions by radical funding changes, and individual university administrations react in ways which may equally change the face of our institutions and academic programmes. A proposal to to establish such a discussion group received vigorous support from a number fo members--from British Columbia to Nova Scotia--who expressed their support in e-mail messages to the editor and the association president. All Canadian university teachers in Classical Studies, whether full time or part time and regardless of CAC/SCEC membership, as well as students at any level, and any other interested persons in any country, are invited to participate in this experiment. The purpose is first to exchange information in order to prevent the spread of rumour, and allow us to judge our own situation in relation to others; second, to serve as an alarm once administrations' plans become evident (especially after the release of the Financial Statement of the Minister of Finance of the Province of Ontario on 1995 11 29); third, to develop possible strategies, perhaps based on the experience of departments which already have experienced "change"; and to pool our creative resources. To subscribe, send a message to: mailserv@trentu.ca Do not write in the CC: or SUBJECT: lines In the text portion of your message, type a single line subscribe classics-canada first name last name To cancel your subscription, follow the same steps but type unsubscribe instead of subscribe. (Do not send your subscription request to the list address.) To participate, send your message from your own address to classics-canada@trentu.ca Your message will then be sent to all subscribers. This is an unmoderated list. The list is owned and managed by K.H. Kinzl, on behalf of the CAC/SCEC :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: [From the Classics List, University of Washington, 1994] Email Etiquette: - Read through all of your mail before replying on a subject. [The most effective way is to look at your directory of new messages before reading messages.] The original question may have been answered or subsequent information may influence your response. - Please do not send messages without some context if you are replying to a previous posting, and do not send out messages which only express agreement with another's posting or short quips. [....] - All mailers are different. When using a REPLY feature check to make sure you are responding to your intended audience, whether it be the entire group or the original poster. - Please accurately identify the topic of your posting in the 'Subject' line. - Each posting should include a signature which identifies the sender and his/her organizational affiliation. - Resist the temptation to fire off a response. Write the response, and re-read it. Messages which simply express agreement are not necessary and only create superfluous traffic. The more brief your message is, the more likely it is to be read. Be as concise as possible. - Please keep the nature of our list under consideration. [....] - The list-owner or other subscribers may intervene infrequently and re-direct conversation which has veered far from course. Members who wish to continue the former topic are encouraged to do so privately. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A final note: please remember that anyone can subscribe to this list, including of course your Dean. K.H. Kinzl Chair, Ancient History and Classics, Trent University e-mail: kkinzl@trentu.ca 1995 11 27