Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 2, NUMBER/NUMERO 6, 1996 02 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

        President:  J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa 


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


        Treasurer/Tresorier:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  688 Lines;  33 KBytes


CONTENTS:  CAC essay competition / Athens Institute / Positions,

excavations, etc. / Conferences, lectures, etc. / Toronto Region Summer

Programme / Priam's gold in Moscow / Varia / *Arachnion* / Latin language

tutorial programme 


Editor's plea:  I occasionally find material from Canada which is clearly

of interest to our subscribers appearing on the Classics list first, or

being sent to me only after I request a copy.  Can you, please, think "CCB"

first and "Classics List" second, when you have news to announce?  Also,

may I ask you to remind as many of your colleagues as you can, in the USA,

UK, ZA, NZ, AUS, and anywhere else in the world, to send newsworthy items to

us?  Thank you very much in advance for your help.  KHK



The discussion list Classics-Canada has been around since late November.  

We have 112 subscribers, at latest count.  If you wish to find out more

about it, please visit our WWW site (URL at end of this bulletin), where

you find instructions on how to join, and also the record of discussion. 



From:	IN%""  "James Butrica"  7-FEB-1996 

1 February 1996

Dear Colleague,

The belated results of the 1995 Essay Competition sponsored by the

Classical Association of Canada are as follows: 

First prize: Frederick Tetu (Universite Laval), Analyse Structurale et

Mythe Platonicien 

Second prize: J.L. Murray (Queen's University), Old Women in the Roman

Empire: A Study of the Representation of Aging Women Through 

Medical Discourse and Roman Literature

Third prize: Marica Cassis (University of Alberta), A Short History of

Aspasia of Miletus 

In his paper, the obvious standout among the 37 generally good essays

submitted, Tetu demonstrates not only a firm grasp of the principles of

structuralism but, more importantly, the ability to subject their use by

Luc Brisson to a mature and sophisticated analysis. 

In addition, two essays receive special mention:

Max Nelson (University of Toronto), The Obscenity of Catullus

Trevor Devall (University of Alberta), A Letter to the Senate

Nelson's paper, on a certain alleged unguent, is really a scholarly article

rather than an undergraduate essay; Devall's is an account of Hannibal's

cavalry, cast as a letter to the Roman Senate from a Gallic warrior who

served with it. For the good of the discipline, both within academia and in

the larger community, we need both of these kinds of achievement, the

philological and the creative. 

After guiding this competition for a decade, I have announced my

resignation to the President and Council of CAC. Whether there will be a

competition in 1996, and who will guide it if there is, rest in their lap. 


James L. Butrica

Department of Classics

Memorial University


From:	IN%""  "gerald schaus F"  9-FEB-1996 

On Wednesday evening, January 31, 1996,  a gathering of 120 invited guests

witnessed the inauguration of the newly purchased and renovated quarters of

the Canadian Archaeological/Academic Institute in Athens at Odos Dion.

Aiginitou 7 near the Hilton Hotel. Speakers at the event included H.E. Mr.

Derek Fraser, Canadian Ambassador to Greece who "opened" the Costas

Constantinidis Reading Room, Dr. Efthalia Constantinidis, President of the

Friends of CAIA, and Mr. Nicholas Zias, Head of Division for the

Restoration of Antiquities, Greek Archaeological Service. Honoured for

their support of the Institute were Mr. and Dr. Constantinidis, Mr. Ion

Vorres, the Canadian Women's Club of Greece, and representatives of three

Canadian companies: Bank of Nova Scotia, Neoset Furniture, and TVX Gold.

Dr. David Jordan, Director of the Institute, hosted the event which should

do much to re-establish Canada's presence in the foreign archaeological

community of Athens. 


From:	IN%""  "Hector Williams" 27-JAN-1996 

EXCAVATIONS AT STYMPHALOS:  The Department of Classics at UBC and the

Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens will be sponsoring the third

season of excavations at the late classical/Hellenistic city of Stymphalos

from June 15-July 31.  We shall be digging Hellenistic houses and roads and

a sanctuary of Athena that produced an archaic kore last summer.  There are

opportunities for volunteers to work with experienced graduate students and

professional staff.  Cost for shared hotel room with private facilities,

meals and local expenses at the site will be $1500 CDN; camping is also

possible as a cheaper option.  For details please email E.H.Williams at or fax 604-822-9431 or write him at Dept. of Classics,

UBC, Vancouver V6T 1Z1 by March 1 or earlier. 


From:	IN%""  "Jennifer Forbes" 18-JAN-1996 

Volunteers needed for an ongoing excavation of a 13th C. Cistercian

monastery in Greece (Arcadia).  Digging will take place during the

month of June into the month of July, for four weeks.  duties include

excavation, notebook keeping, pottery washing, small find catalogu-

ing etc.  Graduate students preferred but senior undergraduates will

also be considered.  Experience is not necessary but a letter of

reference from a faculty member is required.  Accommodations may be

in a taverna, billeting in private homes, or camping.  Meals are

included with accommodations, or campers may make their own.  

Costs vary according to arrangements, from approximately $1000

(Canadian) for the 4 weeks, less for campers.  These costs are for

on site costs only, and do not include travel.  

Please contact Prof. S. Campbell by e-mail:,

or by fax 416-971-2059, or by regular mail @ The Pontifical Institute

of Mediaeval Studies, 59 Queen's Park Cres. E., Univ. of Toronto,

Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 2C4.


From:	IN%""  "gerald schaus F"  7-FEB-1996 


ACADEMIQUE EN ATHENES invites applicants for the Homer and Dorothy Thompson

Fellowship to the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens from Sept. 1

1996 to May 31, 1997.  The applicant must be pursuing graduate or post-

doctoral studies and have a clear need to work in Greece, must be a

Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. 

In addition to his or her studies, the Fellow assists the director of CAIA

with the work of the office (10 hours per week).  Therefore some previous

experience in Greece and some modern Greek is recommended. 

Stipend of $3000 (Canadian funds), plus reduced rent in the CAIA hostel for

the period of the fellowship. 

Write before May 15, 1996, enclosing a curriculum vitae, outlining proposed

research and have three referees send letters to The Canadian Academic

Institute in Athens, care of 59 Queen's Park Cres. E., Toronto, ON, Canada,

M5C 2C4. 


From: DR J ROY