Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 2, NUMBER/NUMERO 7, 1996 03 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

        President:  J.C. Yardley, University of/Universite d'Ottawa 


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


        Treasurer/Tresorier:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  768 Lines;  40 KBytes


CONTENTS:  Editor's rant / Classical Association of the Canadian West /

Ontario Classical Association / Conferences and guest lectures in Canada /

CAC Banquet / Latin course in Calgary / Excavations in Crete /

International Conferences / Amphoras Project / *Classics Ireland* / Societe

... d'histoire des religions / On-Line Directories of Ancient Historians in

USA and Germany 


Editor's Rant:  Three conferences take place this weekend:  an ancient 

history meeting at the University of New Brunswick;  a colloquium on 

Augustus at the University/Universite d'/Ottawa, and the meeting of the 

Classical Association of the Canadian West.  

This is precisely what was intended to be avoided by the creation of 

*CCB/BCEA* (*inter alia*).

I should be grateful to all colleagues for thoughts on how to avoid this 

situation from occurring again.  Maybe it just cannot be avoided, "*a mari 

usque ad mare*" ...

K.H. Kinzl




March 15-16, 1996

(Sessions at the Hotel Fort Garry)


6:30 p.m.	Registration (Gateway)

7:00 p.m.	Session I: Classical Art & Archaeology

		(Gateway) Chair - John Gahan

Michael Cosmopoulos (University of Manitoba): 

The 1995 Field Season of the University of Manitoba Excavations at Eleusis

Mark Lawall (University of Manitoba): 

Children, Weaving and Marriage on Two Lekythoi by the Amasis Painter

Albert Schachter (McGill University): 

The Nyktophylaxia of Delos


Patricia Vervoort (Lakehead University): 

Ariadne: the Symbol of Human Solitude

Maria Papaioannou-Nasiopoulos (University of British Columbia): 

Beauty, Virtue and Immortality: Identifying the Reclining Female from the

Via Latina Catacomb. 

Lea Stirling (University of Manitoba): 

Amphoras for Export: the 1995 Season of the Leptiminus Archaeological Project.

9:00 p.m.	Reception (Mezzanine)


9:00 a.m.	Session IIa: Roman Literature (Salon A/B) 

		Chair - Rory Egan

Michael Dewar (University of Calgary): 

Semina Iustis Discessere Locis: the Ordered Universe of Claudian's De Raptu


Alison Keith (University of Toronto): 

Bacchic Themes and Imagery in the Minyads' Tales: Ovid Metamorphoses 4.1-415

Christopher Marshall (Trent University): 

Backstage Plautus: Pseudolus and Curculio

Christina Vester (University of Calgary): 

Seneca's Ulysses

9:00 a.m.	Session IIb: Greek Literature & 

		The Classical Tradition (Salon C)

		Chair - Martin Cropp				

Laurel Bowman (University of Victoria): 

Sex, Drugs and Prophecy: The Construction of Patriarchy in the Trachiniai

Annabel Robinson (University of Regina): 

Jane Ellen Harrison: The Mature Years

Robert Todd (University of British Columbia): 

Enoch Powell's Inaugural at Sydney -1938

10:30 a.m. 	Break

11:00 a.m.	Session III: Arachnophobia (Salon A/B)

		Chair - Mark Golden

John Porter & Ann DeVito (University of Saskatchewan):

Reflections on Developing a WWW Page for a Classics Department

12:00	Lunch and Business (Mezzanine)

2:00 p.m. 	Session IVa: Roman History (Salon A/B)				

		Chair - David Mirhady

Bernard Kavanagh (University of Alberta): 

Valerius Asiaticus and Corbulo

Jo-Ann Shelton (University of California, Santa Barbara): 

Pompey's Elephants: The Reports of Spectator Compassion in 55 B.C.

2:00 p.m.	Session IVb: Ancient Philosophy (Salon C)

		Chair - Bob Todd				

Tanya DiTommaso (University of Guelph): 

The Question of Evil in Plotinus

Steven Robinson (University of Guelph): 

"...and for that I do censure you": On the Simonides Section of Plato's


3:00 p.m.	Break

SATURDAY, MARCH 16 (continued)

3:30 p.m.	Session V: Greek History (Salon A/B)

		Chair - Iain McDougall										 

Robert Buck (University of Alberta): 

Thrasybulus, the Forgotten Hero

Mark Golden (University of Winnipeg): 

Equestrian and Political Competition in Democratic Athens

David Mirhady (University of Alberta): 

The Ritual Background of Athenian Ostracism

Frances Skoczylas Pownall (University of Alberta): 

Why Does Ephorus Report a Twinned Comet?

Galen Rowe (University of Idaho): 

Demosthenes and Plato

7:00 p.m.	Banquet (La Verendrye)

CACW would like to thank the President and the Dean of the University of

Winnipeg for their generous support.


From:	IN%"jedmond@YorkU.CA"  "Jonathan Edmondson"  8-MAR-1996 




9:30	Coffee and Registration

10:00	Professor S. Georgia Nugent (Princeton University): "Flavian Epic:

the return of the undead?" 

11:15	Professor Jonathan Edmondson (York University): "Flavian Spectacle:

Inaugurating the Colosseum, A.D. 80" (illustrated)

12:15	Presentation, Harry C. Maynard Scholarships

12:30	Hot lunch with wine


1:30 - 3:00

Co-ordinators:	Professor Ariel Loftus (York University)

		Stephen Low (Humberside Collegiate)

		Margaret-Ann Gillis (Barrie Central Collegiate)

Participants will divide into two groups for concurrent workshops:

1. "Computers and Classical Studies: the Internet and Computer Assisted

Language Teaching" (A. Loftus and S. Low)

2. "Teaching Latin in the Elementary Schools" (M.-A. Gillis and students)


REGISTRATION FEE:  $26 ($15 for students), which includes coffee, juice,

muffins and hot lunch with wine. -- Participants are asked to register

before TUESDAY 23 APRIL. -- To register, please send a cheque or money

order made payable to Programme in Classical Studies to SUE PARSRAM,

Secretary, Programme in Classical Studies, Vanier College, York University,

4700 Keele St., North York, Ont. M3J 1P3. -- For information about

registration, please contact Sue Parsram (tel: 416-736-5910; fax:

416-736-5460; e-mail: 

The meeting is generously sponsored by Founders College (as part of the

college's 30th anniversary celebrations), the Faculty of Arts and the Office

of the Vice-President (Academic).


From:	IN%"jedmond@YorkU.CA"  "Jonathan Edmondson"  8-MAR-1996 



Friday 3 May 1996, Founders College, Senior Common Room (Founders 305)

9:30	Coffee and Registration

10:00	Alison Keith (Classics, University of Toronto): "Narrating the

tragedy of Thebes: dramatic allusion and Dionysian imagery in Ovid's

"Thebaid" (Metamorphoses 3-4)" 

11:00	Michael Herren (Atkinson Humanities, York University):  "Ironic

narrative in Vergil's account of Dido" 

11:20	Viola Stephens (Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, York

University):  "Portraying middle-aged women in Augustan poetry" 

11:40	Matthew Clark (Humanities, York University):  "Cynthia's eyes: the

gaze in Propertius" 

12:00	Discussion

12:30	Lunch

1:30	Guy Metraux (Visual Arts, York University):  "The visual rhetoric

of Roman villas" 

1:50	Paul Swarney (History/Humanities, York University):  "Creating the

portrait of a Roman aristocrat: Cn. Agricola and C. Plinius Secundus"

2:10	Jonathan Edmondson (History/Humanities, York University): 

"Re-membering Caligula: past and present in Cassius Dio's Roman History" 

2:30	Discussion

3:15	John Bodel (Classics, Rutgers University):  "'Once a slave ....':

realism, caricature and narrative balance in Petronius, Cena Trimalchionis"

4:00	Hugh Parry (Humanities, York University):  "Blind Fortune, Seeing

Fortune and reading narrative in Apuleius, Golden Ass"

4:20	Concluding Discussion

REGISTRATION FEE: $12 (students $6) (includes coffee, muffins, and buffet

lunch).  TO REGISTER:  1. Send a cheque (made payable to Programme in

Classical Studies, York University) BEFORE 26 APRIL to Sue Parsram,

Secretary, Programme in Classical Studies, Vanier College, York University,

4700 Keele St., North York, Ont. M3J 1P3. -- 2. For further information

contact Sue Parsram at 416-736-5910 (tel.), 416-736-5460 (fax) or (e-mail). 

The symposium is sponsored by the following:

Programme in Classical Studies; Division of Humanities; Founders College

(part of its 30th anniversary celebrations); Faculty of Arts; Office of the

Vice-President (Academic) 


From:	IN%""  8-MAR-1996 


Wednesday, March 20, 1996, 2-4 p.m.

Christine Panas, M.A., Universidad de Granada/University of Cincinnati:

'The Romanization of Spain' 

R 3232, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, 1265 Military Trail,

Scarborough ON 


From:	IN%""  "Hugh Mason"  8-MAR-1996 

26 March	Professor Jasper Griffin, Balliol College Oxford

		- Classical Athens: Tragedy, Democracy and Taxes

		UC 140	4:30

29 March	Professor Jasper Griffin (Seminar)

		Cult and Personality in Horace

		3:10, UC 256

19 April	Professor Michael Roberts, Wesleyan University

		Venantius Fortunatus

		3:10, UC 256


From:	IN%""  "Richard Parker"  8-MAR-1996 


Brock University (Banquet)

The venue for this years CAC banquet is the Queenston Heights Restaurant,

which is situated on parkland atop the Niagara Escarpment (a UNESCO "World

Biosphere Reserve") on the site of the Battle of Queenston Heights (13

October, 1812). Immediately adjacent to the restaurant is the 50 m./190 ft.

tall monument commemorating General Sir Issac Brock, the British General

who was killed there while leading the victorious charge.  Brock is the

eponymous hero of the host University.  The restaurant looks down upon the

historic village of Queenston, home of Laura Secord, another hero(ine) of

the War of 1812; it also offers a splendid panorama of the Niagara River,

Lake Ontario and --on a clear day-- the skyline of Toronto's waterfront. 

There is a five-stage self-guided tour of the battlefield that can be

easily traversed in the half-hour before dinner is served.  Diners will be

transported from the University by bus (included in the banquet price). 

Hope to see you there! 


From:	IN%""  "William E. Hutton"  5-MAR-1996 



(Latin 201/203)

The Department of Greek, Latin and Ancient History and the Faculty of

Continuing Education at the University of Calgary will be offering a

six-week intensive course in elementary Latin during the University's

Spring Session (May 13 - June 28, 1996).  The course is designed to

introduce students as rapidly as possible to the reading of actual Latin

texts.  It will be of most interest to those who need a reading knowledge

of Latin for their research and those who want a quick way to gain the

background necessary for study of Latin at a higher level.  At the end of

the course students will have covered all the essential features of Latin

grammar and will have acquired significantly more experience in actually

reading Latin than is normal for a regular sequence of first-year 


This course will be available both in a traditional classroom setting at

the University of Calgary campus and over the internet for those who are

unable to come to Calgary. 

The internet version of the course will be conducted roughly like a

correspondence course, with the added benefit of things that the internet

is uniquely capable of supplying:  rapid communication with the instructor

and a rigid schedule of assignments and exams which will help keep the

student's nose to the grindstone. 

Students will receive credit for Latin 201 and 203 (first- and

second-semester Latin) at the University of Calgary.  Transfer credit can

be arranged with the approval of the student's home institution.  Total

tuition and compulsory fees will amount to 622.55 Canadian dollars

(approximately $460 US, at current exchange rates).  Non-Canadian students

are currently required to pay an additional differential fee of $580,

although we are currently negotiating with administration to see if that

fee can be waived in the case of students who take the course by internet.

Completed applications from out-of-town students must be received, together

with payment of fees, by Wednesday, April 24.  Registra- tion and payment

deadline for all other students is May 14. 

For additional information and/or application forms, contact Dr W.E. Hutton

by any of the following media.  Updated news about the course will be

posted on the World Wide Web (see below for URL), and provided by e-mail to

those who register an interest. 

e-mail:;  phone: 403-220-5070;  post:  Department of

Greek, Latin and Ancient History, University of Calgary, 2500 University

Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N-1N4, Canada;  fax: 403-284-0848;  www: 


From:	IN%""  "David W. Rupp" 16-FEB-1996 


		at Petras (Siteia, Crete, Greece)


The Antichita Archaeological Research Teams Research Assistant Program

(AART RAP) was initiated in 1990 to teach undergraduate and graduate

students, teachers and interested laypeople the basic techniques and

procedures of archaeological excavation and recording.  The basic three

week non-credit program is designed for individuals with little or no

previous archaeological field experience and/or formal education in

archaeology.  For individuals with formal field school experience and/or

limited field experience there is also an advanced program or field seminar

.  Over the past six years 70 research assistants have been trained at

sites in both Cyprus and Greece.  The RAs have ranged in age from 15-65 and

have come from the US, Canada, England, Ireland, Jamaica, Grenada, New

Zealand, Greece and Cyprus. 

1996 PROGRAMS:  The 1996 AART RA programs will be held in association with

the Greek excavations at the Minoan Neopalaltial site of Petras as they

were in 1995. Petras is located in eastern Crete, just outside the town of

Siteia.  Dr. Metaxia Tsipopoulou, (24th Ephorate of the Greek

Archaeological Service) has been conducting systematic excavations here

since 1985 under license from the Greek Ministry of culture. 

PROGRAM 1 - BASIC:  Saturday, July 6th - Saturday, July 27th.  This is the

standard AART RA program for individuals with little or no previous

archaeological field experience.  There are 2-8 openings. 

PROGRAM 2 - ADVANCED: Tuesday, July 2nd - Saturday, July 27th.  This 4 week program is designed for individuals with 3-8 weeks 

prior archaeological excavation experience either on a formal field 

school or on a project.  There are 2-6 openings.

FEES:  Program 1:  US$700 / CDN$950;  Program 2:  US$500 / CDN$700

The fees include: instruction/supervision at the site; equipment used at

the site; the off-site excursions as described; room during the program;

background materials; welcome and farewell dinners, 1996 AART RAP t-shirt. 

NOT INCLUDED:  transatlantic airfare to/from Greece; ferry or airplane

to/from Crete; meals during program; travel in Crete; expenditures of a

personal nature. 


information and an application form may be

obtained by sending an email to Prof. Rupp (, by

writing (Antichita, 109 Village Road, St. Catharines, ON L2T 3C3) or by

calling (905 687 9976).  



Department of Classics, Keele University

Wednesday 27th March 1996, from 10.30 AM


KEN DOWDEN (Birmingham) "The Varieties of Priesthood among Greeks, 

		Romans and Barbarians"

PENELOPE GLARE (Keele) "The Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus and the 

		Imperial Cult"

SIMON SWAIN (Warwick) "Religion in the Second Sophistic"

SUSAN DEACY (Keele) "Gorgons, Amazons and Athena"

Lunch will be available (cost: 5 sterling, payable on the day)

For further details, please contact:

Susan Deacy, Department of Classics, Keele University, Keele, Staffs, 

ST5 5BG, U.K.

Tel: 01782 583053, fax: 01782 584256, e-mail  


The University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the University of

Chicago at Illinois will host the first

Chicago Area Conference on Ancient Philosophy, on March 30-31, 1996

Schedule of talks:

Saturday, March 30, 9:00-12:15

University of  Illinois at Chicago

Lower Level, Stevenson Hall, 701 S. Morgan Street

Constance Meinwald  (University of Illinois at Chicago): Introduction

9:00-10:30: Myles Burnyeat (All Souls, Oxford): "Plato on How not to Speak

of What is not: Euthydemus 283b-288a"

10:45-12:15: Alan Code (Ohio State): "Aristotle's Metaphysics as a Science

of   Causes"

Commentator: Ian Mueller (University of Chicago)


University of Chicago

122 Social Science Bldg., 1126 East 59th Street

3:00-4:30: Terence Irwin (Cornell): "Plato's Contribution to Meta-Ethics,

from Cudworth to Price"

Commentator: Richard Kraut (Northwestern)

4:45-6:15: Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago): "Kant and Stoic


Commentator: Julia Annas (University of Arizona)

Sunday, March 31, 10:00-1:15

Northwestern University

Room 108, Harris Hall, 1881 Sheridan Road, Evanston

10:00-11:30: Jonathan Lear (Yale): "Oedipus and Practical Reason"

Commentator: Elizabeth Asmis (University of Chicago)

11:45-1:15: A.A. Long (Berkeley): "Stoic Philosophers on Persons,

Property-Ownership and Community"

Commentator: Philip Mitsis (New York University)


1.  Accommodations at reasonable rates are available at the Wooded Isle

Suites, 5750 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago IL 60637, Phone: 312-288-6305,

Fax 312-288-8972. If you reserve a room by Friday, Feb. 28, and mention

that you will be attending the conference on ancient philosophy, you will

receive a 10% discount. Wooded Isle Suites is within walking distance of

conference events on the U. of C. campus.  Rooms are also available at the

Ramada Inn, 4900 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago IL 60615 (a short taxi ride

away from the U. of C. campus). When making your reservation, ask for a

discount for the conference on ancient philosophy. To receive a discount,

make your reservations by calling 800-237-4933.

2. All those attending the conference are also welcome to attend a paper by

Don Fowler, "Horace, Panaetius, and Postmodernism," on Friday, March 30

from 4:00-5:30, at the U. of C. Classics Bldg. 26, 1010 East 59th Street.

3. You are also invited to an informal gathering to get oriented and meet

others who will be attending the conference. The gathering will take place

on Friday March 30 at the home of Ian and Janel Mueller, 5532 S. Harper.

Food and drinks will be served. Drop in any time between 6- 9 p.m.

4. Complimentary coffee and rolls will be served on Saturday morning from

8:30-9:00 before the conference begins on the UIC Campus, on the lower

level of  Stevenson Hall (the location of the morning session).  Parking is

available at a small cost in the lot at the corner of Harrison and Morgan,

across from University Hall.  The campus is a longish walk or a short taxi

ride from the Loop.

5. Offprints of the Greek text of  Euthydemus  283b-288a will be

distributed prior to the presentation of Myles Burnyeat's paper.

6.  We will have lunch after the morning session at the Parthenon

restaurant, 314  S. Halsted St., between 12:30 and 2:00.  This is a short

walk from the UIC campus.  Please fill out the enclosed form and mail a

check, if you would like to attend the lunch.  At 2:00 we will arrange

transportation to the U. of C.  If taxis are needed, the cost will be about


7. After the Saturday afternoon session, dinner will be available at Robie

House, 5757 S. Woodlawn on the University of Chicago campus.  Parking can

easily be found on the Midway Plaisance. Please fill out the enclosed form

and mail a check, if you would like to attend the dinner.

8. Complimentary coffee and rolls will be served on Sunday morning from

9:30-10:00 before the conference resumes at the Northwestern campus,  at

108 Harris Hall.  Parking can easily be found on Sheridan or Hinman Aves.

If you have any questions about arrangements for the conference, please

contact Richard Kraut.  Office phone: (847) 491-3656; e-mail:

Reservations for lunch and dinner (cost of lunch: $20 [$10 for students]; 

cost of dinner: $30 [$15 for students]:  Make your check payable to either

Elizabeth Asmis or Richard Kraut, write "ancient philosophy lunch" (or "

... dinner" or " ... lunch and dinner") at the bottom and send it to

Richard Kraut, Philosophy Department, Northwestern University, 1818 Hinman

Av., Evanston, IL 60208-1315.  We must receive your reservation by March 10. 


Wolfson College, Oxford conference

"Cultivating the Muse: power, desire, and inspiration in the classical


Cultivating the Muse: Power, Desire, and Inspiration in the Classical World.

A one day conference at Wolfson College, Oxford. Saturday 4th May 1996

11.00 First Session	11.00 Don Fowler (Oxford) The occult of the Muses

			11.30 Penny Murray (Warwick) Plato's Muses

			12.00 Discussion

12.30 Lunch	

2.00 Second Session	2.00 Effie Spentzou (Oxford) Stealing Apollos lyre: 

			eros and the maiden in ancient myth

			2.30 Micaela Janan (Duke) The Muse unruly and dead: 

			Acanthis in Propertius 4.5

3.00 Discussion 

3.30 Tea 	

4.00 Third Session 	4.00 Alison Sharrock (Keele) An amusing tale: 

			Ovids troubles with inspiration in the Metamorphoses

			4.30 John Henderson (Cambridge) If you cant find a 

			partner, find a wooden chair: Copa

			5.00 Discussion, leading into general discussion 

6.00 Finish 	

The registration fee is 6 UKpounds, and includes a buffet lunch and

afternoon tea. Cheques, payable to Wolfson College, Oxford, should be sent

to E. Spentzou, Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD by 26th April 1996: please

include a contact telephone number or email. 

For further information please contact: Effie Spentzou, Wolfson College,

Oxford, OX2 6UD fax: 01865 274125 email: 


On 11-12 May the nineteenth `Groningen Colloquium on the Novel' will be

held at the University of Groningen, Netherlands. it is organized by the

Apuleius Research Group of the Latin Department. There will be an Opening

Evening on Thursday the 10th of May, with two short papers on the reception

of the Alexander Romance (Richard Stoneman, London, and Marianne Elster,

Gerdau, Germany). On friday the 11th there will be sessions on the

Byzantine revival of the Greek Novels, and on the papyrus fragments.

Moreover, Prof. Klaus Alpers (Hamburg) will present a paper on a new

fragment of an ancient novel discovered by him. On saturday the 12th there

will be papers and discussions on the `Cupid and Psyche' tale in Apuleius'

Metamorphoses. There will also be a paper by Robert Carver (Oxford) on Sir

Philip Sidney and the Ancient Novel. This conference is open to staff and

students from all universities and other learned institutions. For detailed

information please contact Dr. Maaike Zimmerman, Department of Greek and

Latin, P.O. Box 716, NL-9700 AS Groningen. Email: 



Main topic: Plutarch and History

Zaragoza (Spain), 20-22 Junio 1996

Comite organizador: Presidente: Prof. Carlos Schrader; Secretario: Dr.

Vicente Ramon 

Address:  Area de Filologia Griega, Dpt. Ciencias de la Antiguedad,

Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, E-50009 Zaragoza

(Spain); fax: 76-761506; e-mail: 


The Spanish Plutarch Society (as Section of the International Plutarch

Society) is holding a biannual Conference with the purpose of up-dating the

present research on Plutarch's work, a trascendental figure in

philological, historical and cultural fields. 

Thus, this is to inform you that the V Spanish Symposium on Plutarch

(I.P.S.) will take place in Zaragoza, on 20 st., 21 st. and 22 st. of June

of 1996. As usual, the Symposium will be focused on both central and

complementary issues.  In this Conference the main subject is Plutarco y la

Historia. Likewise, the Symposium will have a Section on other subjects

such as Plutarco en el Humanismo y las Literaturas europeas and


The Symposium will include three main Lectures:

	20th: Plutarch's Lives: the Statesman as Moral Actor in History

(Prof. Ph.A.  Stadter. President of the U.S.A. Section of I.P.S.

University of North Carolina).

	21th: Plutarco y la comedia ateniense (Profa. R. Aguilar.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

	22th: Plutarco y la oratoria panegirica del s. IV a.C. (Prof. C.

Schrader.  Universidad de Zaragoza).

	In addition, the following Professors have accepted our invitation

to participate: A.B. Bosworth (University of Western Australia, Perth); I.

Gallo (Universita di Salerno); C. Garcia Gual (Universidad Complutense de

Madrid); G.  Nenci (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa); A.G. Nikolaidis

(University of Crete, Rethymno); J. Opsomer (Katholieke Universiteit

Leuven); L. Van der Stockt (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Still to

confirm the invitation: E.L. Bowie (Corpus Christi College, Oxford); S.-T.

Teodorsson (University of Goteborg); L.  Torraca (Universita di 


Everybody interested in make a contribution related to any of the subjects

of the Symposium (whose allowed reading-time will be 20 minutes) should

send an abstract (no less than 15 lines), before the 31st. March 1996, to

the address inclosed above (and to the name of President or Secretary of

the Symposium). 

Scientifical Committee will have the capacity to admite the communications.

The submitted communications rejected will be notified to the authors. 

Those people interested in participating in the Symposium should

send the registration form and pay the fees either by Bank Transfer or

Check to: V SIMPOSIO ESPANOL SOBRE PLUTARCO, Ibercaja. Agencia Urbana 67.

Ciudad Universitaria. 50009. Zaragoza.(Spain);  C.C.C: 


The fees are 9,000 pesetas. A fotocopy or confirmation of payment should be

sent to the President or Secretary of the Symposium (Prof. Schrader or Dr. 

Ramon). All the participants (with or without communication) will receive

the Proceedings published by the University of Zaragoza. A number of Grants

have been designed to help the post-graduate and ungraduate students

financially.  Therefore, those interested in applying for this financial

support should send the required application to the Organizing Committee.

This Committee has requested the formal and academic credit (2 credits)

from I.C.E. 


16th INTERN'L CONGRESS:  Archaeological conservation and its consequences

25-30 August 1996, Copenhagen

Information from 6 Buckingham St., London WC2N 6BA, tel. 0171 839 5975,

fax 0171 976 1564



Genre in Hellenistic poetry, 28-30 August 1996

Offers of papers and requests for further informiation should be made to

Professor Dr M.A. Harder, Vakgroep Grieks en Latijn, Postbus 716, NL-9700

AS Groningen, The Netherlands (fax: 050 637 263;  e-mail: 



Ancient Iran and the Mediterranean world, 3-5 September 1996

Information from Professor Dr Edward Dabrowa, Universytet Jagiellonski,

Instytut Historii, ul. Golebia 13, PL-31-007, Krakow 




The Rivals of Aristophanes, 10-12 September 1996

Brief papers will be given by Geoffrey Arnott (myth burlesque; editorial

principles);  Angus Bowie (myth, ritual, religion);  Thomas Braun

(Eupolis);  Christopher Collard (tragedy in comedy);  Stephen Colvin (non-

Athenian Greek);  James Davidson (*paignia*?);  Sir Kenneth Dover

(Linguistic innovation);  Nick Fisher (food and drink);  Dwora Gilula;

Edith Hall (gender);  Stephen Halliwell (sexual gibes);  Eric Handley


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 50 

          (sustaining CAD 60, life CAD 500, student or retired 

          CAD 20);  contact:

               Professor J. Iain McDougall, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 



(papyri);  Wolfgang Luppe (Kratinos);  John Marr (Plutarch's *Perikles*),

Martin Revermann (dramatic technique);  Ian Ruffell (fantasy?);  Keith

Sidwell (emergence of Middle Comedy);  Michael Silk (poetry);  Alan

Sommerstein (demagogue-comedy);  Oliver Taplin (audience);  John Wilkins

(edible choruses);  Bernhard Zimmermann (lyric). 

Changes may be made in this provisional programme.  The conference will

be non-residential.  Further information *after 1 April 1996* from David

Harvey, 53 Thornton Hill, Exeter, Devon EX4 4NR.


From:	IN%"" 20-FEB-1996 14:25:32.56

We have [we hope] worked out the bugs at a new WWW site for information

about amphoras. The URL is

Here's the initial page...

                          THE AMPHORAS PROJECT

   Information on plain, unglazed, ceramic storage containers, with two

   handles, mostly pointed at the bottom, used to carry wine, oil, fish,

   and other commodities around the ancient Mediterranean. AMPHORAS is

   making available part of the archive collected by Virginia R. Grace at

   the excavations of the Agora at Athens, as well as some additional

   materials. Included are:

     * a bibliography of scholarly work on finding, identifying, and

       hypothesizing about Greek and Roman amphoras and the trade they

       carried, with a search index

     * passages in ancient Greek literature on the use of amphoras

       (quoted in English)

     * translations into English of works (or parts of works) published

       in Russian on amphoras

     * links to other Web sites with amphora information and/or images

       (excavations on land and underwater, etc) and other sources of


     * [eventually] a searchable database of descriptions and stamp

       readings of Greek (and some Roman) amphoras. 

Carolyn Koehler:

Philippa Matheson:


Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 16:24:54 +0000 (GMT)

From: Andrew Erskine 

This is to let everyone know that Classics Ireland volume 3 (1996) is now

available.  If anyone is interested in obtaining a copy, contact the editor

Theresa Urbainczyk (  We do encourage libraries to

order copies because it helps our finances, but as with last year's edition

an electronic version will be put out as soon as I can sort it out. 

Earlier volumes can be seen at 

Contents of Classics Ireland volume 3 1996

"Sir George Cockburn: an Irish traveller and collecter" by Raymond Astbury

"The Bones of St Peter?" by John Curran

"Brothels, Baths and Babes: prostitution in the Byzantine Holy Land" by

Claudine Dauphin 

"Laser-Quests: unnoticed allusions to contraception in a poet and a 

princeps" by Nick Fisher

"A modest proposal for education in Ireland" by D.R. Howlett

"Slavery in the Roman Empire: numbers and origins" by John Madden	

"Seamus Heaney's Cure at Troy: Politics and Poetry" by Marianne McDonald

"George Thomson" by Sean O Luing

"Orpheus Reborn: Gottfried Benn's Orpheus' Death" by Hugh Ridley

"The Politics of Aeschylus' Eumenides" by Keith Sidwell

Book Reviews


From:	IN%""  "Charles Marie [Ternes]"  9-MAR-1996

Revival of the 'Societe belgo-luxembourgeoise d'histoire des religions. Section

de l'I.A.H.R.

On 6th March 1996, the belgo-luxembourgish association for the history of

religion has taken a new start in Liege (B). Officers of the board are:

Julien Ries (pres.), Lambros Couloubaritsis and Charles M.Ternes

(vice-pres.), Andre Motte (secretary) and Vinciane Pirenne Delforge

(treas.). Professors Derchain, Tihon, Marchetti and  Massaux are members of

the board. The opening ceremony was enhanced by a key-note given by Michel

Meslin, president of the Sorbonne, on the item: 'How can we understand a

religious fact?' The association plans to issue a bulletin giving

information on events in its working-field and bibliography of recent

publications (with a short commentary) and to hold a symposium in 1997 in

Namur (Facultes Notre-Dame). The annual subscription fee is 10 US dollars.

Contacts via SEMANT (Prof.Ternes) on CompuServe 101607,1755. 



-- Talbert's and Wallace's *Directory of Ancient Historians in the US*,

1992 (and out of print), is now available on-line, with up-dates being

added as they come in: 


-- A directory of departments of ancient history in the Federal Republic of 

Germany, compiled by the Kommission fuer Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des 

Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts (January, 1996), is now available 






Delete R. Nielsen


Delete A. Booth


Carl Widstrand      




    (Constitution / Back issues of *CCB/BCEA* / Directory on-line / etc.)

                       Soon to come:  1996 programme


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1996 04 15.   Deadline: 1996 04 10