Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 3, NUMBER/NUMERO 1, 1996 09 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  718 Lines;  32 KBytes


        CONTENTS:  [1] Minutes of '96 AGM / [2] Calls for

        Papers / [3] Seminars, Lectures, and Conferences / 

        [4] Departmental Reports / [5] Positions Available / 

        [6] Fellowships / [7] E-mail Addresses: New and Updated / 

        [8] WWW Pages of Interest / [9] Publications and Works in 

        Progress by Members


[1]  CAC '96 AGM 

The minutes of the '96 AGM are now available on the WWW at:




A Graduate Student Conference

The University of Chicago

February 21 - 22, 1997

Especially since the Women's Classical Conference panel in 1985 on the

reappropriation of classical texts, feminists and other theorists have

mined the works of Ovid, finding in them ample material for discussion and

frequently contesting their meaning.  The goal of this conference is to

explore further these lines of inquiry by examining the use and importance

of gender and sex in the Ovidian corpus and the influence which Ovid's

interpretation of the female and the male has had on later literature.  We

welcome abstracts on any aspect of the relation of sex and gender to Ovid,

including topics which address: 

       - the value of the works of Ovid in recovering ancient gender roles

       - the author's use of gender ambiguity

       - the importance and relevance of Ovid to feminists

       - the construction (or deconstruction) of sex and gender difference

       - Ovid's focus on the body

       - the implications of a male writing about female experience

       - the manipulation of Ovidian models of sex and gender by later authors

Please send 4 copies of a 500-800 word abstract and one cover letter by

Friday, October 18th to:

          Conference - Ambiguous Bodies

          The University of Chicago

          Department of Classics

          1050 E. 59th Street

          Chicago, IL  60637

Questions and inquiries can be directed electronically to:

          Jill Connelly 

          Elizabeth Manwell




Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

14-18 April 1997

The ninth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics will be held in

Madrid, from Monday 14th to Friday 18th April 1997. The Colloquium is

organized by the Department of Classics of the Universidad Autonoma de

Madrid on behalf of the International Committee for Latin Linguistics, and

will take place in the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras on the campus of

Cantoblanco (Madrid). 

As usual, the Colloquium will be open to all scholars interested in the

interaction between Latin linguistics and philology. As in previous

occasions, the colloquium is open to all topics and theoretical approaches

in relation with Latin Linguistics. Since we are expected a large number

of participants, papers should be no longer than 20-25 minutes followed by

5-10 minutes discussion. Participants who wish to read a paper are

requested to state topics on the registration form enclosed with this

circular. In the second circular they will be requested to submit

abstracts (not later than 15 October 1996) and they will be informed of

acceptance on their topics after examination of the proposals by the

International Committee before the 15th December 1996. Papers should be

presented in any official language of the Colloquium (English, French,

German, Spanish). About fifty papers will be published in the Proceedings

of the Colloquium. The decision on the selection will be taken by the

International Committee. 

The registration fee will be 10.000 pts. ($80 US). More detailed

information will be given in the second circular, which will be sent to

all those who have returned the preregistration form enclosed before 30th

April 1996. 




Leeds International Latin Seminar

Friday 2nd May 1997

Colloquium Director: Professor T.J. Cornell (University of Manchester)

Those wishing to present a paper (10-15 minutes) at the Colloquium should

notify the Organizing Secretary (Dr. Malcolm Heath; address below) as soon

as possible and at all events before 31st January 1997. 

Organizing Secretary:

          Dr Malcolm Heath,

          School of Classics,

          University of Leeds,

          Leeds LS2 9JT, 

          Great Britain. 


The meetings are open to all academic participants, including

schoolteachers and their pupils. Visitors coming from other Universities,

and School parties, will be most welcome. They are asked to notify the

Organizing Secretary of their intention to attend. A limited amount of

overnight accommodation in Leeds can be provided free of charge to

visitors from other universities. Early notification is strongly advised. 

Undergraduates of the University of Leeds are also cordially invited to




The Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies will hold its

twenty-sixth annual conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in

Jerusalem on 28-29 May 1997. Papers may address all aspects of Greek and

Roman antiquity (including Classical Archaeology). The official languages

of the conference are Hebrew and English. Proposals for papers should

include a title and a synopsis of one page. Speakers are allocated thirty

minutes. It is recommended that speakers plan their papers to last twenty

minutes, allowing ten more minutes for discussion. Proposals should be

sent no later than March 1st 1997 to: 

          Dr Rachel Feig Vishnia

          Secretary of the Society

          Department of History

          Tel-Aviv University

          Tel-Aviv 69978


          Fax: 972-3-6406229





At the site of Ancient Olympia, June 1 to 5, 1997

Full proceedings will be published and papers will be indexed in SYNOPSIS,

The Greek Studies Index, Gordon & Breach Publishers. Languages of the

Congress are Greek and English. Paper submission procedures, the

Organizing and the Scientific Committees and the sponsors will be

announced shortly.

A tentative list of topics

- The nature of ancient Greek religion, education, philosophy,

science, art, athletics and other cultural activities from the view-point of 

the modern world and the universality of the Greek thought

- Topics on particular authors in relation to the modern world. 

- The Olympic spirit into the modern world.

- The diachronic development of Hellenism.

- Ancient Greek Natural Philosophy, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

- The 18th century constitutions and ancient Greek political thought.

- The Alexandrians and the engineering philosophy in the Arab world.

- Modern health sciences and Greek medicine.

- Modern computing and Hellenistic science.

- Multiculturalism in USA and "Black Athena"

- The ancient theater today.

- Ancient Greek, Byzantine and modern Greek music.

- The idea of peace and the amphictyoniae in ancient Greece.

- The ancient Greek and the modern religions.

- The survival of the arts in the modern world.

- The cosmopolitan ideas in ancient Greece.

- Women, eros, entertainment, human rights, slavery, urban development, 

military technology, alliances in Ancient Greece and the Modern World.

- Teaching and research of the Greek thought and language.

- The relation of the Ancient Greek language to Modern Greek and other 


There will be round-table discussions and cultural events related to the

ancient Greek arts and the modern Greek and world tradition. 

For more information:


          Gerasimos Lyberatos, Professor and Vise-Rector

          University of Patras, 26110 Patras, GREECE

          Tel: (061)-991-040, FAX: (061)-991-711


          Andrew Dimarogonas, W. Palm Professor of Mechanical Design

          Campus Box 1185, Washington University, 1 Brookings Drive

          St. Louis, MO 63130, USA

          Tel: (314)-935-6091, FAX: (314)-935-4014




The notice which appeared in the previous Bulletin concerning two events

connected with SEMANT and the Luxembourg Centre Universitaire was not

altogether accurate: 

- on March 3d and 4th 1997, there will be RENCONTRES SCIENTIFIQUES DE

LUXEMBOURG 9th edition, on the item 'Therapy in classical antiquity: why

and up to which point?' List of participants is available. Guests shall be


-there is a call for papers concerning a book to be edited by 'Homo

Religiosus, Luxembourg' on the aftermath of Dumezil's and Eliade's works

on the history of religions; the first deadline will be 1998; suggestions

are welcome, to be submitted to the scientific board of H.R. 

For more information contact (C.M.Ternes).





E.J. Champlin (Princeton University)

"Nero, from Myth to History"

George Ignatieff Theatre, Trinity College

Friday, Sept 27th, 4:30 p.m. 

Prof. Jonathan Burgess (University of Toronto)

"The Non-Homeric Nature of the Trojan War in Early Greek Art"

UC 256

Friday, October 11th, 3:10 p.m.

Roger Beck (Erindale College and Centre for the Study of Religion)

"The Mysteries of Mithras: A New Model of their Genesis"

UC 256

Friday, October 25th, 3:10 p.m.

D.S. Hutchinson (University of Toronto)

"A Recently Discovered Socratic Dialogue: PKoeln 205"

UC 256

Friday, November 15th, 3:10 p.m.




Roma, Farfa Sabina ITALY

24-26 September 1996

Organized by the Cultural Society Classiconorroena and the Swedish

Institute for Classical Studies at Rome, an International Meeting about

the two Swedish brothers Johannes and Olaus Magnus will take place in

Italy. The two brothers communicated the knowledge of Scandinavia to Italy

and Renaissance Europe, depicting their country and neighbouring areas

through the go-between of Greek-Roman classical Tradition. They published

their main works in Italy in the sophisticated Renaissance Latin. Olaus

wrote the Carta Matina (Venice 1539) and an encyclopedic work in 22 books,

the Historia de gentibus Septentrionalibus (The History of the Nordic

Peoples, Rome 1555); Johannes wrote the Historia de omnibus Gothorum

Sueonumque regibus (The History of the Gothic and Swedish Kings, Rome

1554). The languages of the Congress are English and Italian. 

For further information:

          Societa Classiconorroena,

          Institute for Latin Philology,

          University of Perugia,

          Via del Verzaro 61,

          tel. & fax (00) 39-75-5854907


Tuesday 24 September, 9.30 a.m.

Library of the College of St. Maria dell'Anima,

Via S.Maria dell'Anima 64, Rome:

          - salutation by prof. C. Nylander and prof. C. Santini and visit of 

Olaus Magnus' gravestone,

          - papers by K. Johannesson, R. Scarcia, B. Larsson, E. Nylander and 

following debate;

Tuesday 24 September, 3 p.m.

Library of the College of St. Maria dell'Anima:

          - papers by C. Santini, P. Gillgren, J. Myrdal, C. Frangmyr, G.-C. 

Wasberg and following debate.

Wednesday 25 September, 9.30 a.m.

Swedish Institute for Classical Studies at Rome,

Via Omero 14, Rome:

          - salutation by dr... Borje Magnusson - papers by T. Paroli, G. 

Brugnoli, M.-E. Ruggerini, G. Flammini, A. Maranini and following debate;

Wednesday 25 September, 3.30 p.m.

Swedish Institute for Classical Studies at Rome,

          - papers by F. Stok, S. Sconocchia, D. Poli, C. Cucina, A. Perelli 

and following discussion.

Thursday 26 September,

International Centre of St. Brigid at Farfa Sabina (Rieti),

via al Monastero 12:

          - papers by L. De Anna, P. Cherchi, C. Vecce and following debate.

          - conclusions by prof. F.-X. Dillmann.

Under the sponsorship of:

          Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma;

          Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Stockholm;

          Societa Geografica Italiana, Rieti, Ente per il Turismo di Rieti.

Note: Full titles of the papers available from prof. C. Santini



All meetings will be held in the School of Classics, Parkinson Building,

The University, Leeds, Great Britain. 

WORD-PLAY IN ROMAN POETRY Friday 1st November 1996 4.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. 

Professor David West (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne) "Etymology,

atomology in Lucretius?"

Professor James O'Hara (Wesleyan University) "Callimachus and Virgilian


Professor Hans-Christian Gunther (Universitat Freiburg) "Word-play in

Latin elegy"

Professor Stephen Hinds (University of Washington) "Propertius, Ovid and

the limits of etymologising interpretation"

Chair: Dr. Robert Maltby (University of Leeds)

ROMAN HISTORY & ROMAN POETRY Friday 14th February 1997 4.00 p.m. - 7.30


Dr. R.J. Clare (University of Leeds) "Octavian in the Georgics"

Professor M. Citroni Universita degli Studi di Firenze) "The memory of

Philippi in Horace and the interpretation of Epistle 1.20.23"

Professor T.P. Wiseman (University of Exeter) "Ovid and Servius Tullius

(Fasti 6.569-636)"

Professor W.J. Dominik (University of Natal) "History in Silius Italicus'


Chair: Professor Francis Cairns (University of Leeds)


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired

          CAD 30);  contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9,






1.  We are now a sector in the Department of Classics and Religious

Studies.  Currently we are physically separate from the Religious Studies

sector, but in January we shall be sharing facilities on the ground and

first floors of the new Arts building at 70 Laurier Ave. E.  Until then

all addresses and phone numbers remain the same.

2.  The new Chairman of the Department of Classics and Religious Studies

is Peter Beyer (of the Religious Studies sector).  The Associate Chairman

of the department is Richard Burgess (of the Classics sector).

3.  The five remaining professors in the classics sector are Denis

Brearley, Richard Burgess, Eleanor Dickey, Martin Kilmer, and John Yardley

(currently on sabbatical).  Michel Roussel, Jimmy Van de Maele, Ed

Bloedow, Michel Janon, and Louis Kelly have all retired.  Pierre Brind'

Amour has died and David Welsh is on long term disability.  Two positions

remain 'frozen' and are unlikely to be filled in the current

budget-cutting climate.  The rest have been cut (4.5). 

4.  Eleanor Dickey has just been awarded the prestigious J. C. Polanyi

Prize in Literature from the Government of Ontario.  It is a cash prize of

$15,000 and is named after John Charles Polanyi, the Nobel Laureate in

Chemistry.  Four awards (only one in the arts) have been made each year

since 1987 to the most promising new post-doctoral researchers that year

at an Ontario university.  Richard Burgess of this department won the

award in 1992.  This department is one of only two that have had multiple

award winners in the Literature category and we are the only classicists

to have ever won the award.  Eleanor has also just won the Hellenic

Foundation Prize for the best United Kingdom dissertation on Greek

literature and philosophy for 1996.

5.  Publishing news:  Eleanor Dickey's, *Greek Forms of Address* is about

to appear from Oxford University Press.  John Yardley currently has three

contracts with OUP, the most prestigious probably being for a translation

of Livy 31-40 for Oxford's *World's Classics* series.  Denis Brearley is

the contributing author of an about-to-appear volume of texts and

translations of the *Gospel of Nicodemus* and the *Vengeance of the

Saviour* for Cambridge University Press: *Two Old English Apocrypha and

their Manuscript Sources*, by J. E. Cross.  Richard Burgess is about to

complete the manuscript of his next book and Martin Kilmer is working on

the sequel to hi s popular *Greek Erotica* volume from Duckworth.

6.  Some statistics on the department: between 1981 and 1995 we increased

the number of students in our programmes by 175% making us the largest

Classics programme in Canada (119 last year; figures aren't in for this

year yet); since 1989 we have increased the number of students taking our

programmes as a second programme by roughly 100%; between 1990 and 1995 we

increased our first year registrations by 225%; and in the four years

between 1989 and 1995 we increased the number of registrations in our

courses by over 100%. 

7.  Admission to both our graduate programmes remains frozen.  The PhD is

dead and we are currently attempting to come up with a plan to save a much

reduced MA, though we are not hopeful.

8.  We still have our undergraduate programme and are trying our best to

offer decent concentration and honours programmes in both official

languages, though the loss of all regular funding for part-time teaching

will make this difficult.

9.  We should like to thank all of you who wrote and sent faxes to the

Acting Dean of Arts and Rector earlier this year.  As a result we were

able to stave off being swallowed by the Dept. of Modern Languages and

achieve a degree of autonomy within the new department.  Such are our

small victories in this brave new province.  Thank you all again! 



On September 1, 1996 the new Department of Anthropology and Classical

Studies at the University of Waterloo came into existence. Both

classicists and anthropologists are looking forward to new initiatives

that will offer our students more opportunities in both disciplines,

especially in archaeology. We hope to appoint an archaeologist who will

teach in both disciplines by January 1997. 

Most of you now know that Bob Fowler has left Waterloo for Bristol. We are

fortunate to have appointed Dr. Riemer Faber to a tenure-track position so

that our expertise in philology will remain strong. We are also delighted

to have with us this year Dr. Michael Ieradi (full-time), and, on a

part-time basis, Dr. Kristin Lord and Ms. Susan Downie.

We have lost Sally Haag and Robert Porter to our Early Retirement program,

but hope that they will consent to teach a course now and then. Both have

been long-time pillars of the department.

Phyllis Forsyth, Interim Chair

Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies




1. Three members of the Programme retired at the end of the 1995-96

academic year, taking advantage of York's early retirement package: 

          VIRGINIA HUNTER     (Department of History)

          HUGH PARRY          (Division of Humanities)

          CERI STEPHENS       (Division of Humanities).

All three are teaching one full course per year following their retirement

in accordance with the early retirement scheme. 

2. The Programme has also lost SANDY McKAY, whose contract as Adjunct

Professor in the Division of Humanities has now expired. He has been named

an Honorary Member of the Programme. The Programme honoured his many

contributions at York over the last six years by holding a very successful

conference last May on "Roman Narratives".


1. CLIFFORD ANDO (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1996) has taken up a

two-year appointment in Roman Culture as Visiting Assistant Professor in

the Division of Humanities. He specialises in ideology and nationalism

under the Roman Empire and in intellectual life in late antiquity.

2. MATTHEW CLARK (Visiting Assistant Professor, Division of Humanities)

has had his limited-term position in Greek culture extended for a second


3. ARIEL LOFTUS is in the second year of her two-year appointment in Greek

History. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor cross- appointed between

the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and the Department of

Humanities, Atkinson College.

C. LEAVES 1996-97

     MICHAEL HERREN (Humanities, Atkinson College) continues on

     leave thanks to his Killam Fellowship.

D. The following are returning from leaves/sabbaticals:

     PATRICK GRAY   (Humanities, Atkinson)

     STEVE MASON    (Humanities, Arts)

     VIOLA STEPHENS (Languages, Literatures and Linguistics,

                    Arts; Humanities, Atkinson)

     PAUL SWARNEY   (History/Humanities, Arts)


     PATRICK GRAY was promoted to Full Professor with effect from

     1 January 1996. 

Jonathan Edmondson

Department of History/Programme in Classical Studies



The University of Toronto invites application for a tenure track

appointment in the Department of Classics at the rank of Assistant

Professor, effective July 1, 1997. Candidates must have strong research

interests in Latin Literature and wish to participate in graduate teaching

and supervision.  Ph.D. required. Salary commensurate with qualifications. 

A curriculum vitae, letters from three referees, and a specimen of written

work of ca 30 pages should be sent to Professor E.I. Robbins, Department

of Classics, University of Toronto, 16 Hart House Circle, Toronto M5S 1A1,

by December 15, 1996. 

In accordance with its Employment Equity Policy the University of Toronto

encourages applications from qualified women and men, members of visible

minorities, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. 



The Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University)  invites

applications for ten resident Junior Fellowships to be awarded for the

academic year 1997-98. With its 45,000-volume specialized library and

serene wooded campus in Washington, D.C., the Center offers an opportunity

for full-time research on a major project in a collegial, international

environment. Prerequisites for a Fellowship are the Ph.D. (or its

equivalent)  at the time of application and professional competence in

ancient Greek studies as documented by published work. The Center is

designated for scholars in the earlier stages of their careers (generally

up to about ten years beyond the doctorate). The maximum stipend is

$20,000 U.S., plus some support for professional travel and research

expenses; in addition, fully-furnished housing on the Center's grounds is

provided without charge to Fellows and their families.

For 1997-98, on an experimental basis, the Center will consider awarding

half-year Fellowships to two applicants who are unable to apply for the

full academic year. 

Applications include a detailed project description, samples of previous

publications, and up to three letters of recommendation. Applications must

be postmarked by October 15, 1996. Further information and application

forms are available from: Office of the Directors, Center for Hellenic

Studies, 3100 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA. Telephone: 

(202) 234 3738. Fax: (202) 797 3745. E-mail: 




          David Mirhady


          Herman Pontes


          Christopher W. Marshall





Classical Studies, York University

Civilisations Grecque et Romaine (Jean-Luc Brazeau, Universite de Montreal)

ORB Online Encyclopedia: Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean

Pagina Ausonii (C.M. Ternes)

School Sucks (a glimpse of the ugly side of the Web)



(a) The 25th volume of *Bulletin des Antiquites Luxembourgeoises* includes

papers by J.J. Beck on Xenophon, C.M. Ternes on 17th century codices by

Jean-Guillaume, Alexander Wiltheim (S.I.) on Roman Luxembourg, and

detailed reviews of recent books of general and regional interest.

Information from (C.M.Ternes). 

(b) Der Neue Pauly will contain contributions by several members of the

CAC. Information available at:

(c) James Evans' "The Classical Tradition in Canada" has appeared in

July/August issue of *The Literary Review of Canada*, issue 51.

(d) Indexation des fragmenta et testimonia de F. Jacoby

Dans le cadre de la continuation de l'oeuvre de Felix Jacoby, un programme

d'indexation complete des sept volumes de fragments deja sortis est

actuellement en cours sous l'egide de l'Universite de Leuven (Belgique),

ou le professeur G. Schepens dirige aussi l'edition des fragments des

biographes (partie IV de Jacoby). En accord avec l'editeur, E.J. Brill

(Leiden), nous preparons une premiere serie d'index qui devrait voir le

jour en 1998, consacree aux auteurs sources de fragments. Le traitement se

fait par base de donnees. Trois volumes sont d'ores et deja prevus: un

index et deux tables frequentielles: 

- l'index des auteurs qui citent des fragments, selon l'ordre qui

apparait chez Jacoby, avec resolution de toutes les abreviations. 

- une table frequentielle reprenant, pour chaque historien fragmentaire

(ex. Hecatee de Milet), la liste alphabetique des auteurs-source (ex.

Athenee de Naucratis) qui le citent. 

- une table frequentielle reprenant, par ordre alphabetique, tous les

auteurs- source de l'ensemble des historiens fragmentaires. 

Une quatrieme table frequentielle est actuellement a l'etude, en fait une

variation de la seconde, qui reprendrait, pour chaque historien

fragmentaire (ex. Hecatee de Milet), la liste chronologique des auteurs-


Les testimonia sont traites identiquement, mais de facon separee.

Calendrier prevu:

     Mise en chantier du travail               1995

     Livraison du manuscrit (informatique)     1997

     Encodage des testimonia                   termine

     Traitement des testimonia                 aout 1996

     Encodage des fragmenta                    decembre 1996

     Traitement des fragmenta                  1997

     Edition (E.J. Brill, Leiden)              1998

Le travail etant difficile, toute suggestion est la bienvenue:

Pierre et Marie Bonnechere

Universite de Montreal (Histoire et Centre d'Etudes Classiques)

C.P. 6128 succ. centre-ville

H3C 3J7  Montreal, Qc

Tel. (514) 343-5943      

Fax: (514) 343-2347


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1996 10 15.   Deadline: 1996 10 10