Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 3, NUMBER/NUMERO 2, 1996 10 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  956 Lines;  42 KBytes


        CONTENTS: [1] Registration for the 1997 Learneds / [ 2] Calls for

        Papers / [3] Seminars, Lectures, Conferences, and Other Events /

        [4] Departmental and Society Reports / [5] Positions Available /

        [6] Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Awards / 

        [7] E-mail Addresses: New and Updated / 

        [8] WWW Pages of Interest / [9] Study Program



Members of the CAC who plan to attend the 1997 Learneds in St. John's

should be aware that the Learneds Secretariat has decided not to send out

registration and information booklets to all members of all Learned

Societies but to send them out only upon request. In a brochure

distributed at Brock this year they announced a deadline of 15 October for

such requests, but it seems unlikely that this can be maintained

seriously. Booklets will be distributed in January or February, but

requests should be made as soon as possible. Information about the

Learneds is available on the Internet at

but currently booklets can be requested only through the e-mail address Members who read this message are requested

to make its contents known to members who do not have access to the

electronic bulletin. 

James L. Butrica




A graduate students' conference

Department of Classics, Brown University

February 7-8, 1997

The aim of this conference is to reassess the performative quality of

Greek and Roman texts, and map its extension into other modes of

discourse, other cultural institutions, and even into the medium of the

text, where performance is usually said to come to an end. In so doing we

hope to refocus our attentions on the power performance exerted over its

ancient audiences and improve our appreciation of this aspect of the


We invite submissions which deal with a range of issues starting from, but

not limited to, the following: criteria for distinguishing the

performative quality of the texts; the place and power of performance in

philosophy, in oratory; the ideology and ritual which underlie and

accompany performance; settings for performance other than the theater;

and finally, the transition from performance to writing. In addition to

panel discussions on these and similar topics, we will also hold a

roundtable devoted to one or two questions of broader interest.

3 copies of one-page abstracts, anonymous but with cover letter indicating

name, address, affiliation, and paper title, should be sent by October 15,

1996, to: 

          Viva Voce Abstracts

          c/o Dept. of Classics

          Box 1856

          Brown  University

          Providence, RI  02912-1856

Questions may be sent via e-mail to:

A fuller HTML version of this Call for Papers can be found at:



Spring 1997 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas

The 1997 annual meeting of the Association will be held in San Antonio on

May 1-3 (opening reception on the evening of Thursday, May 1, morning and

afternoon sessions for papers on May 2 and 3). The sessions on May 2 will

be held at the San Antonio Museum of Art, which has the largest and finest

collection of ancient art in the South and Southwest; the Museum galleries

will be open all day. The annual banquet on the evening of May 2 and the

two sessions on May 3 will be at Trinity University. A special morning

session on May 3 will comprise four invited papers by senior members of

the Association surveying recent work in Greek and Roman history. The

other three sessions will be devoted to the other topics announced in the

previous Newsletter, namely "Human Sacrifice in the Ancient World,"

"Women and Property," and "the Invention of Tradition" (as defined and

discussed by Eric Hobsbawm in the book of that title in relation to the

19th century).

If you wish to offer a paper for any one of these sessions, please submit

a title and abstract to the Chair of the organizing committee: 

          Dr. Colin Wells

          Department of Classical Studies

          Trinity University

          715 Stadium Drive

          San Antonio, TX 78212-7200


          fax (210) 736-7305

          tel. (210) 736-7647

Abstracts should not exceed 200 words in length and should specify how

long the paper will be -- either 15 or 30 minutes is acceptable. The

deadline for submissions is November 15 and we intend to publish the

provisional program right after Thanksgiving. 


(c) 50th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference: Classics Sections

University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

April 17-19, 1997

Brief (no more than 2-page) abstracts are solicited for at least one open

session (no specified topic) and the following two panel sessions. Each

session will have up to 5 papers. 


Humorous and satirical treatments of religious themes have a distinguished

pedigree in Greek and Latin literature and have been used, both in

antiquity and in later ages, to dismiss or rationalize religion. Yet these

texts can also contribute to a positive understanding of religious

consciousness or practice in antiquity. Papers are solicited which examine

these texts for such positive contributions, for example, in defining

"correct" religious opinion or action, distinguishing between religion and

superstition, etc.  We hope to include a broad chronological perspective,

and proposals ranging from the earliest Greek literature through Christian

Late Antiquity will be considered.


Recent scholarship has exploded the traditional contrast between Greek

openness and Roman prudery regarding the body, but what distinctions, if

any, has it left? This session explores the state of this question. Papers

are solicited arguing either that there are views and concepts of the

body that can be identified as characteristically Greek or Roman, or that

such distinctions are invalid or impossible. Proposals focusing on

multi-disciplinary approaches (e.g. Bourdieu, Laqueur, etc.) and the most

recent scholarship are particularly encouraged.

Proposals should be sent by November 22, 1996 electronically or by mail or

fax to either: 

          James Francis (

          Ross Scaife (


          Classics Department

          Patterson Tower 1015 phone (606) 257 3386

          University of Kentucky

          Lexington, KY 40506-0027 fax (606) 257-3743

Further information and details on registration may also be obtained from

the above and on-line at: 

Acceptance of your paper implies a commitment on your part to register and

attend the conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate

registration fee: $50 by April 1, $55 after April 1; $10 for graduate




Saturday, March 1, 1997

The Classics Graduate Association of the University of Virginia invites

graduate students to participate in a colloquium at the University of

Virginia. The featured speaker will be Eva Cantarella, author of

*Bisexuality in the Ancient World* and professor at the University of Milan.

Send abstracts to:

          Andrew Lear

          Department of Classics

          401 New Cabell Hall

          University of Virginia

          Charlottesville VA 22903-3196

For more information e-mail:


Deadline for abstracts is January 15, 1997.



In 1995 the AP syllabus was expanded by the inclusion of the Catullus-Ovid

option. In drawing conclusions from the results of the students who took

the Catullus-Ovid exam, Judith De Luce (CO 71.3 [1996]) observed that

since some students will be taking this exam earlier than they would have

taken the Vergil or Catullus-Horace exams, they will be less accomplished

in reading Latin, and this relative inexperience was reflected in their

answers. At the last ACL Institute, some teachers who taught the

Catullus-Ovid syllabus for the first time also expressed a desire for

ideas on how to make connections between selections from the two poets and

how to teach the poems more effectively for their students.

Consequently it seems opportune to devote a panel to the teaching of

poetry to secondary students in relation to the new AP Catullus-Ovid

option. We welcome proposals on how to teach more effectively critical

analysis of the poems in the syllabus and the writing of essays that

demonstrate students' critical analysis of the poems. We also solicit

proposals on aspects of amatory rhetoric in Catullus and Ovid, including

thematic links between the two poets, and connections between their

amatory poetry and modern amatory poetry and lyric.

Abstracts should be between 500-800 words and should include relevant

bibliographical items. Final presentations should be no more than 20-25

minutes in length. Proposed abstracts will be read anonymously by the

panel organizer (Dr. Judith Lynn Sebesta, Department of Classics,

University of South Dakota, Vermillion SD 57069) and members of the ACL

executive committee in accordance with APA guidelines. Please submit three

(3) copies of abstracts to Judith Sebesta by February 1, 1997. 

Judith Sebesta

Dept. of Classics, Box 171

U of South Dakota

Vermillion SD 57069

FAX: 605-677-5583 Phone: 605-677-5568




Universities of Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester

The Transpennine Ancient History Seminar (Universities of Leeds, Liverpool

and Manchester) announces a seminar series on The Sea in Antiquity during

1996/7, 1997/8 (and possibly 1998/9). The primary focus will be on the sea

as asset, hindrance, and resource, how it was used and exploited, the

resources necessary to do so, and its inherent limitations, from the late

Bronze Age to Justinian and from the Mediterranean and Black Seas to the

Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The first seminar, on the subject of

Piracy, will be held in Manchester in early/mid May 1997 in conjunction

with the annual "Norman Baynes" meeting of ancient historians at nearby

Keele University. Offers of papers from North American colleagues are

warmly welcomed. Please contact: 

          Prof. Tim Cornell

          Dept. of History

          Univ. of Manchester

          Manchester M13 9PL


          Fax: +161 275 3098



          Dr. Roger Brock

          School of Classics

          University of Leeds

          Leeds LS2 9JT





Mireille Corbier, Director of L'Annee Epigraphique, cordially invites all

the readers of this serial to assist in its publication by sending works

and articles for recension in the appropriate volume. Please send these


          L'Annee Epigraphique

          8 rue Jean-Calvin

          75005 Paris, France

          tel.: 33 1 45 35 01 77

          fax: 33 1 43 37 00 19

          e-mail: epigraph@msh-paris.

Your publications will augment the Fonds Pflaum collection, 8 rue

Jean-Calvin, second floor, accessible to all French and foreign

researchers Monday-Friday, 2-5 p.m. 




Thursday, 17 October at 4:00 PM

Terry Irwin (Cornell University)

"Ethics as an Inexact Science: On the Ambitions of Moral Theory"

University College 179

Tuesday, 22 October at 4:15 PM

Margaret C. Root (University of Michigan)

"Persia and the Parthenon: Current Agendas"

University College 140

Wednesday, 30 October at 4:15 PM

Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (Director, British School at Rome)

"To be Roman, Go Greek: Problems of Cultural Identity at Rome"

Rm. 205, 140 St. George St. (Claude T. Bissell Bldg.)

Friday, 1 November at 3:10 PM

Roger Beck (Erindale College and the Centre for the Study of Religion)

"The Mysteries of Mithras: A New Model of their Genesis"

University College 256

Wednesday, 6 November at 4:00 PM

John Grant (University of Toronto)

"Illustrations in Latin and Biblical Manuscripts/Texts"

Seminar room of 16 Hart House Circle

Friday, 8 November at 3:10 PM

G. Sandy (University of British Columbia)

"Ancient Greek and the Origins of the Novel in France"

University College 256

Wednesday, 13 November at 4:15 PM

E. Marianne Stern

"Hellenistic Luxury Glass"

University College 179

Wednesday, 4 December 1996 at 4:15 PM

Michael Koortbojian (University of Toronto)

"The Paradox of the Roman Portrait"

University College 140

Thursday, 5 December at 4:10 PM

J.M. Rist (University of Toronto)

"Plutarch s Amatorius: A Commentary on Plato's Theories of Love?"

Cartwright Hall, St. Hilda's College

Wednesday, 22 January 1997 at 4:15 PM

Roberta L. Shaw (Royal Ontario Museum)

"Wining and Dining in Ancient Egypt"

University College 140

Wednesday, 26 February 1997 at 4:15 PM

Prof. Eric Csapo (University of Toronto)

"Players and Painted Stage: Greek Artists on Dramatic and Pre-dramatic 


University College 140



The Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH) will present

three one-day workshops designed to familiarize participants with the

tools and techniques needed to work with electronic texts in research and

teaching. Topics to be addressed are: electronic resources for the

humanities (October 29, 1996); introduction to text encoding (December 6,

1996); and introduction to textual analysis (January 31, 1997). All

sessions will be held at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Additional

information may be obtained from Pamela Cohen ( or


          The Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities

          169 College Avenue

          New Brunswick, NJ 08903




A production of Euripides' *Orestes* is being staged at the University of

Alberta. It opens for a preview performance on Tuesday, November 19,

officially opens on November 20, and runs through Saturday, November 23.

Performances are at 8:00 p.m. each evening, with a Saturday matinee at

2:00 p.m. The play is sponsored by the BA Division of the Department of

Drama and is being put on under its production wing, Abbedam Productions. 



The Manchester-Newcastle Roman Italy Seminar

University of Newcastle upon Tyne

23 November, 1996


     Tim Cornell (Manchester): "Social Mobility and the State in Archaic 

           Central Italy"

     Fay Glinister (UCL): "The Creation of Sanctuaries in Archaic Central 


     Guy Bradley (Cardiff): "Religion and Identity in Archaic Umbria"

     Christopher Smith (St Andrews): "Pliny the Elder and Early Rome"

For further information contact Dr. Kathryn Lomas:



"Society, Politics and Literature. Ancient Greek Comedy"

November 26-30, 1996

Information is available on the WWW at:




March 7-9, 1997

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Arizona will host a

colloquium on Plato, March 7-9, 1997. Speakers will include Christopher

Bobonich, John Bussanich, Lloyd Gerson, Daniel Graham, Charles Kahn, Voula

Tsouna McKirahan, Mark McPherran, Terry Penner, Edvard Pettersson,

William Prior, George Rudebusch, Gerasimos Santas, Christopher Shields,

Nicholas Smith, and Peter Vernezze. 

Those interested in Plato are invited to attend and participate in a

discussion of Platonic philosophy in the context of a small, congenial,

informal gathering. Participants from cold climes will also note the

almost tropical temperatures (in the 70s) Tucson features in early March. 

For program and accommodation information, please contact Mark McPherran

( or Dale Cooke, conference assistant

( Updates to the program and other colloquium

information will periodically be posted on the web at: 



                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service

          by the CAC to members of the CAC. If you are not at

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining. The

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired

          CAD 30); contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9,






This year the OCA's fall meeting will be held jointly with the Classical

Association of the Empire State, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on

October 25-26. The program features about twenty lectures and workshops,

including such diverse topics as Latin teaching, mythology, crafts, and

computers. For further information contact 

The Education Faculty, University of Toronto will hold a one-month AQ

(additional qualification) course next June to train high school Classics

teachers, provided that we can locate enough candidates by December 1996.

Teachers from outside Ontario are invited to apply, but must arrange with

their own province to have the qualification recognized. Applicants need

two full credits in Latin and must have completed, or be currently

attending, teachers' college. Those interested should contact

Margaret-Anne Gillis at Barrie Central Collegiate, phone 705-726-1846,

fax 705-733-0608. 

The OCA has started an on-line discussion group. This provides a forum for

exchanging views on topics of interest to Ontario classicists at the

secondary and post-secondary levels, and for posting notices of

conferences, tours and the like. To join the list, send an e-mail message

to with nothing in the subject line, and

in the message block <SUBSCRIBE OCA> in lower-case letters. 

More OCA news can also be found on our home page:

The home page now includes a bibliography of electronic resources

available to Classicists through the Internet. 

Leonard Curchin, OCA President




Full time, tenure-track, initial 3-year appointment in Classical Studies

for Fall 1997. Classical Studies is an interdisciplinary program of 3

full-time faculty, housed within the Department of Foreign Languages and

Literatures, committed to a broad range of undergraduate teaching.

Candidates must teach both Classical Greek and Latin from the elementary

to the advanced level, as well as courses in Classical culture.

Qualifications: Ph.D. by August 15, 1997 required.  Teaching experience

and evidence of continuing research productivity required. Area of

specialization in Hellenic cultural studies, with emphasis on political

and intellectual history. Salary: commensurate with qualifications. Rank:

Assistant Professor.  Starting date: August 16, 1997. Complete application

must be received by November 8, 1996, including transcript, letters of

recommendation, curriculum vitae, and at least one representative sample

of professional writing. Send dossiers to: 

          Search Committee, Classical  Studies

          300 Pearson Hall

          Iowa State University

          Ames, IA  50011-2205

Women, minorities, and members of other protected groups are strongly

encouraged to apply. AA/EO Employer. Position is subject to final

budgetary approval. 

For information about the Classical Studies Program, visit our web page at:



The Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan has been

authorized to appoint a Visiting Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin

for the academic year 1997-98. We are seeking candidates with broad

competence in Greek and interests in teaching both graduate courses in

authors (Greek and Latin) and undergraduate courses in both languages and

Classical Civilization. We are particularly interested in applicants with

special expertise in Greek prose, literary and non-literary. The

Department welcomes applications from candidates representing a variety of

methodological positions. The Ph.D. should be completed by August 1997.

Dossiers and publications (at least one approved chapter of the

dissertation) should be sent by Nov. 15, 1996 to: 

          Professor Sharon Herbert, Chair

          Department of Classical Studies

          University of Michigan

          2160 Angell Hall

          Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003

The University of Michigan is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity




A one-year replacement position in the Department of Classics for

September 1997 to May 1998 has been approved and funded by the

administration. Candidates should be competent to teach both Greek and

Latin language and literature courses and courses in translation.

Demonstrated excellence in teaching is the first criterion. The normal

course schedule is 3 courses each semester and a January term class. The

appointment will be at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor for

candidates with degree in hand. 

Dossiers by November 15 to:

          Patricia N. Freiert

          Department of Classics

          Gustavus Adolphus College

          800 West College Ave.

          St. Peter, MN 56082-1498

Interviews at the APA-AIA meetings. It is the policy and practice of

Gustavus Adolphus College to provide equal educational and employment

opportunities for all. The College specifically encourages applications

from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. 

E-mail queries to: 



The Department of Classical Studies and Program in Comparative Literature

in conjunction with the International Institute at the University of

Michigan are seeking authorization to make an appointment in Modern Greek

Literature (rank commensurate with qualifications and experience). 

Candidates should be qualified to teach both ancient and modern Greek

language and literature and to participate fully in the Program in

Comparative Literature and the activities of the International Institute

as well as the Department of Classical Studies. Preference will be given

to candidates whose published work demonstrates interest in the links

between Modern Greek literature and popular culture and wider comparative

contexts such as the Balkans and Anatolia. The Ph.D. should be in Classics

or Comparative Literature and the degree must be completed no later than

Sept. 1, 1997. Dossiers should be sent by Nov. 27, 1996 to: 

          Professor Sharon Herbert, Chair

          Department of Classical Studies

          University of Michigan

          2160 Angell Hall

          Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1003

The University of Michigan is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity




The Department of the Classics at the University of Illinois at

Urbana-Champaign has been authorized to recommend the appointment of a

full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor of the Classics with an

emphasis on Latin language and literature, preferably prose, effective 21

August 1997. Applications for this position are invited. It is anticipated

that the appointment will be made at entry-level, but more advanced

candidates at a non-tenured level are not excluded from consideration. 

Qualifications: The person appointed is required to have in hand, or to

have completed all the requirements for, the Ph.D. in Classics or in a

related field of study by the starting date. The ability to conduct large

lecture courses and to carry out original scholarly research is essential.

Duties: (a) Teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Latin and Greek

language and literature and in classical civilization. (b) Pursuing an

active program of research and publication. 

Salary: Minimum starting salary will be $39,000.

Closing date: In order to be assured of full consideration, applicants

must see to it that a complete dossier, including at least three letters

of recommendation, is received in the Department by 1 December 1996. 

Applications and inquiries should be sent to:

          Professor David Sansone, Chair

          Department of the Classics

          University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

          4072 Foreign Languages Building

          707 South Mathews Avenue

          Urbana, IL 61801-3676

          Telephone: (217) 333-1008

          Fax: (217) 244-4239


The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action - Equal Opportunity




The Department of Classics at the University of Arizona invites

applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant

Professor in Classics, Ancient and Modern Greek. Candidates must have

completed their Ph.D. degree requirements in Classics by December 21,

1996. They must be experienced teachers, proficient in teaching both

ancient and modern Greek, and in giving large lecture courses on Greek

literature and culture. They must have native or near-native fluency in

modern Greek. Evidence of coherent research program is preferred. The

person appointed to this position will be expected to supervise the modern

Greek program, and to teach modern Greek at the elementary and

intermediate level; to teach ancient Greek at all levels, from elementary

to graduate courses; and to contribute to the General Education curriculum

of the college by giving courses in translation on Greek literature,

ancient and modern. A strong commitment to undergraduate teaching is

essential. The person appointed will also be expected to work closely with

the Hellenic community in building the modern Greek program. Appointment

would begin August, 1997. Candidates are requested to submit a letter of

application, a curriculum vitae, three current letters of recommendation,

and syllabi of courses taught, or descriptions of projected courses, to:

          Search Committee

          Department of  Classics

          The University of Arizona

          PO Box 210067

          Tucson, AZ 85721-0067

Closing date for receipt of all applications is December 1, 1996. The

University of Arizona is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. Women and Minorities 

are urged to apply. 



Willamette University announces a new tenure track position in Classics at

the Assistant Professor level beginning Fall 1997. The primary

responsibilities are for a sequence of courses in Latin and Greek

languages and literature, including a few courses in ancient texts in

translation as part of a new interdisciplinary classical studies program.

Teaching experience is preferred, as is a commitment to continued

scholarship and publication. Ph.D. or near completion is required. Salary

is competitive. Reading of files will begin on December 1, 1996 and will

continue until the position is filled. Interviews of previously notified

applicants will be held at the APA/AIA annual meeting in New York City

from Dec. 27-30, 1996.  Send a letter of application describing research

and teaching interests, vita, transcripts, and three letters of

recommendation to: 

          Prof. Lane McGaughy

          Religion Dept.

          Willamette University

          Salem, OR 97301

          att: Classics Search

Willamette University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 



Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Classics with Ph.D. in Classics in

hand at time of application, with proven strengths in both teaching and

research, to serve in an undergraduate program within a department of

foreign languages and literatures. Candidate must be able to teach Greek

and Latin at all undergraduate levels, and general-education courses in

Classical Mythology, Greek and Roman Civilization, Classical Themes and

Contemporary Life, and the like, with on-going research in some related

field, such as art, history, literature, philosophy, religion, or women's

studies.  The Classics program has majors in Classics and minors in Greek,

Latin, and Classical Civilization, and extensive commitments to general

education. To start mid-August, 1997; apply by December 6, 1996 or until

filled to: 

          Professor Thomas L. Keller, Chair

          Foreign Languages and  Literatures

          Mailcode 4521

          Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

          Carbondale, IL 62901-4521.






The Division of Humanities invites applications for a tenure-track

position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Classical Studies - Greek

Literature and Culture - to commence 1 July 1997. Required qualifications

include a completed Ph.D. or equivalent, outstanding scholarly promise and

an ongoing programme of research in Ancient Greek literature and culture.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop and teach courses in

Ancient Greek culture, to direct courses in Greek and Latin language and

literature, and to design and participate in inter-disciplinary

team-taught courses in the Division of Humanities. Duties may also include

teaching in the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The successful candidate will

participate fully and actively in the Programme in Classical Studies.

Salary is dependent upon qualifications and experience. The position is

subject to budgetary approval.

Applicants should send a letter of application, including a curriculum

vitae, and arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation to be

sent no later than December 15, 1996 directly to: 

      Professor Margo Gewurtz, Chair,

      Division of Humanities,

      York University, 

      4700 Keele Street,

      North York, Ontario.

      M3J 1P3. Canada.

      FAX: 416-736-5460

York University is implementing a policy of employment equity, including

affirmative action for women faculty. In accordance with Canadian

immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian

citizens and permanent residents of Canada.

For further information contact Professor Jonathan Edmondson, Director,

Programme in Classical Studies ( 



The Department of Classics of Washington University in St. Louis has been

authorized to make an appointment of an Assistant Professor, tenure-track,

with an emphasis on Latin language and literature, effective July 1, 1997.

We are looking for candidates who will participate in the university's

humanities program, Text and Tradition, particularly in the areas of

ancient political and ethical thought (Thucydides to Machiavelli). 

Candidates must have the Ph.D. in Classics in hand by the date of

appointment.  Washington University is an affirmative action, equal

opportunity employer. Employment eligibility verification required on

hire. Candidates should submit a dossier including CV, graduate

transcript, and 3 letters of recommendation, to: 

          Prof. George Pepe, Chair

          Campus Box 1050

          Washington University

          St. Louis MO 63130



The University of Evansville, a private institution affiliated with the

Methodist Church, and located in southwestern Indiana, invites

applications for a tenure-track position in Roman Archaeology beginning

August, 1997. Research specialization within the field of Roman

Archaeology is open. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate

courses in Roman Archaeology, Roman History, Latin language at all levels,

and World Cultures, an interdisciplinary freshman course.  Ability to

teach archaeology courses in other Mediterranean cultures (e.g., Egypt)

and/or Ancient Greek preferred. Normal teaching assignment is seven

courses per year. Strong commitment to excellence in teaching and advising

undergraduates required, along with professional activity. Ph.D. in hand

by August, 1997.

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, and

three letters of recommendation to: 

          Dr. Patrick M. Thomas, Chair

          Dept. of Archaeology/Art History

          Univ. of Evansville

          1800 Lincoln Avenue

          Evansville, IN 47722

Please indicate in application whether you will attend the annual meetings

of the AIA in December. The University of Evansville is an Affirmative

Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.



The CAMWS Teaching Awards Subcommittee is pleased to announce a

competition for the 1997 Semple, Grant, and CAMWS Travel Awards. 

The Semple Award is a $2,500 fellowship for attending the summer session

of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 

The Mary A. Grant Award is a $2,500 fellowship for attending the summer

session of the American Academy in Rome. 

The CAMWS Travel Grant is a $1,500 fellowship that the recipient may apply

to the summer travel program of his or her choice. 

Recipients of these awards must be current members of CAMWS who either:

-- currently hold teaching positions in Greek or Latin in an elementary or

secondary school in the CAMWS territory; or

-- are enrolled as graduate students in a degree-granting program in


Applications, including official transcripts and three letters of

recommendation, must be received no later than February 1, 1997 by the

chair of the subcommittee. For a complete application packet, please


          Jeffrey L. Buller

          Associate Dean, Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

          Georgia Southern University

          Landrum Box 8142

          Statesboro, GA 30460-8142

          InterNet: JBULLER@GSVMS2.CC.GaSou.EDU




          Leonard Curchin


          Clifford Ando  

          Matthew Clark  

          Michael Herren 

          Ariel Loftus   

          Steven Mason   

          Viola Stephens 





Ontario Classical Association home page

TLG Home Page (updated)



The Campania Society, Inc. announces the following 11-day study tour, to

be offered on two occasions in the Spring of 1997: 


(100 B.C. to A.D. 140)

February 13 - February 23, 1997 and February 20 - March 2, 1997

The tour will focus on the development of public spaces as monuments of

imperial power; elite and lower class living conditions; economic life in

the city; the religious landscape of the city; the topography of popular

entertainment (baths, theatres, amphitheatres, circuses, taverns,

brothels); tombs, burial and the disposal of the dead.

Further information available at:

The Department of History (Arts), York University, is mounting a Special

Topics half-course (AS/HIST 3930R.03: Urbs Roma) for students interested

in participating in this study tour for university credit. For further

details contact Jonathan Edmondson, Dept. of History, York University

( (The course has now been approved by the Faculty of



        N E X T    I S S U E :   1996 11 15.   Deadline: 1996 11 10