Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 3, NUMBER/NUMERO 3, 1996 11 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  956 Lines;  42 KBytes


        CONTENTS: [1] Registration for the 1997 Learneds / [2] CAC Sight 

        Translation Competitions / [3] Calls for Papers / [4] Seminars, 

        Lectures, Conferences, and Other Events / [5] In Memoriam: Pierre

        Grimal / [6] Positions Available / [7] E-mail Addresses: New and 

        Updated / [8] WWW Pages and Other Electronic Resources of Interest

        [9] Study Programs and Training Excavations / [10] Publications by 







MAY 31 - JUNE 14, 1997

          Tel: 709-737-4360

          Fax: 709-737-4449





This is the first test of an electronic distribution list for members of

learned societies attending the 1997 Congress to be held at Memorial

University in St John's, NF. 

In the past, in excess of 40,000 conference registration booklets were

printed and mailed, while registration figures are less than 10,000. We

want to reduce the waste -- both financial and environmental. To receive a

copy of the 1997 Registration and Information Booklet by mail next

January, please let us know by replying to this message, or by contacting

the Learneds Secretariat by phone, fax or Canada Post. As a conservation

measure, you may prefer to access the information (including registration,

accommodation and tour forms) on the world wide web (see the URL above). 

If you do wish to receive a registration kit, we would be grateful if you

could respond to this message as soon as possible: this may permit us to

avoid sending you a superfluous printed form in the mail. If you do

receive such a form after letting us know that you plan to register,

please pass it on to a colleague who may be interested in attending. If

you have already requested a registration form, please answer this message

in any event, as your previous request may not have been recorded, or may

have been recorded under a different mailing address. 

Please don't hesitate to contact us between now and the beginning of the






DU 31 MAI AU 14 JUIN 1997

          Tel: 709-737-4360

          Fax: 709-737-4449






Ce message inaugure une liste de distribution electronique destinee aux

membres des societes savantes qui se reuniront au prochain Congres des

societes savantes. 

Chaque annee, plus de 40 000 livrets d'inscription comportant plusieurs

pages sont expedies aux membres des Societes savantes. Moins de 10 000

congressistes finissent pourtant par s'inscrire. Le Secretariat du congres

a donc decide d'adresser le dossier d'inscription -- que nous comptons

mettre a la poste au mois de janvier comme d'habitude -- seulement aux

personnes qui le demandent. Pour recevoir une documentation imprimee, il

suffira d'adresser votre demande au Secretariat du congres en repondant

par l'affirmative au message present. Vous pourrez tout aussi bien prendre

contact avec le Secretariat par telephone, par telecopie ou par la poste.

Nous vous invitons par ailleurs a vous tenir au courant de l'organisation

du congres en consultant regulierement l'URL suivant:

Si vous souhaitez recevoir un dossier d'inscription, nous vous serons

reconnaissants de bien vouloir nous repondre immediatement: votre reponse

devrait nous permettre d'eviter de vous adresser un formulaire imprimee

par la poste. Si par hasard vous recevez tout de meme un tel formulaire

apres avoir demande votre dossier d'inscription, nous vous invitons a le

transmettre a un-e collegue qui pourrait s'y interesser. Si vous avez

demande un dossier d'inscription, veuillez quand meme repondre a ce

message, car votre demande n'a peut-etre pas ete enregistre, ou l'a ete

sous une adresse differente. 

N'hesitez jamais a prendre contact avec nous d'ici le debut du congres. 



The Classical Association of Canada is sponsoring Sight Translation

Competitions at both the Junior and Senior Levels in Greek and Latin. The

Latin papers will be written on January 23, 1997; the Greek papers on

January 30, 1997. Announcements, terms of competitions and entry forms

have been sent by mail to those institutions which have participated in

the past. Those who have not received this package may contact: 

          Dr. Patricia J. Calkin

          Department of Classics

          Dalhousie University

          1244 Le Marchant Street

          Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5





University of Memphis

February 28 - March 1, 1997

The 21st annual Mid-South Philosophy Conference is scheduled for Friday

afternoon and Saturday, February 28 - March 1, at the University of

Memphis. Papers on any topic of philosophic interest are welcome. Papers

are limited to 12 double-spaced pages. Send THREE printed copies as well

as a copy in WordPerfect or ASCII format on a computer diskette. All

copies must include a 100-word abstract, the paper's title, author's name,

institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, and email

address. Papers which do not meet these guidelines will not be considered.

Send submissions to: 

          Professor James B. Sauer

          Department of Philosophy

          Saint Mary's University

          One Camino Santa Maria

          San Antonio, TX 78228-8566

Papers must be submitted by JANUARY 4. Papers will be reviewed by a

committee, and notification of acceptance will be made in late January.

Each paper will have a commentator. Those interested in commenting should

notify Professor Sauer no later than January 24 of availability and areas

of interest. Professor Sauer's email address is and

his telephone number is 210-431-6860. 

Professor Jean Grondin of the University of Montreal will be the keynote

speaker. Funding for the keynote speaker is provided by the University of

Memphis Center for the Humanities, directed by Professor Thomas Nenon. 

Professor Nenon has reserved rooms for Friday (2/28) and Saturday (3/1) at

the Holiday Inn Midtown on 1837 Union Avenue, a ten minute drive from

campus. The room rate is $59.00 per night. Make reservations directly; the

hotel's telephone number is 901-278- 4100. The airport shuttle goes to the

hotel for ten dollars. 

Please encourage undergraduate students to attend and submit papers to the

University of Memphis UNDERGRADUATE PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE, which will be

running parallel sessions. Papers may be on any area of philosophy. Papers

are limited to 12 double-spaced pages (preference will be given to

well-focused shorter papers). Papers must be submitted by January 24;

review of submissions will begin on January 13. Send TWO printed copies

with a 100-word abstract to: Undergraduate Philosophy Club, Department of

Philosophy, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152. Include a telephone

number or email address. 

The Mid-South Philosophy Conference is supported and underwritten by the

Philosophy Department and Center for the Humanities of the University of

Memphis, as well as by the Philosophy Department and Institute of Liberal

Arts of Oklahoma City University. Visit:




Trent University

November 13-16

A production of Prometheus Bound will be staged in the "The Pit" of Lady

Eaton College, Main Campus of Trent University, from November 13 through

16, at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $4.00 and are available through Martin Boyne

(Senior Tutor of Champlain College and producer/director of the Trent

Classics Drama Group), who would like interested parties to contact him by

e-mail: MBoyne @TrentU.Ca. 



Friday, 29 November at 3:10 PM

Gottskalk Jensson (University of Toronto)

"Narratio in Personis and Modern Narratology"

Walden Room in the University College Union

79 St. George Street

Wednesday, 4 December 1996 at 4:15 PM

Michael Koortbojian (University of Toronto)

"The Paradox of the Roman Portrait"

University College 140

Thursday, 5 December at 4:10 PM

J.M. Rist (University of Toronto)

"Plutarch s Amatorius: A Commentary on Plato's Theories of Love?"

Cartwright Hall, St. Hilda's College

Wednesday, 22 January 1997 at 4:15 PM

Roberta L. Shaw (Royal Ontario Museum)

"Wining and Dining in Ancient Egypt"

University College 140

Wednesday, 26 February 1997 at 4:15 PM

Prof. Eric Csapo (University of Toronto)

"Players and Painted Stage: Greek Artists on Dramatic and Pre-dramatic 


University College 140



Oberlin College

Department of Classics 

The Greeks and the Rational

by Jonathan Barnes

Professor of Ancient Philosophy

University of Geneva

February 17-21, 1997

Faith and Logic (Feb. 17, 8 PM)

Science and Logic (Feb. 18, 8 PM)

Skepticism and Logic (Feb. 20, 8 PM)

The Origins of Logic (Feb. 21, 4:30 PM)


All lectures will take place in Bailey Lecture Hall, room 105 of the King

Building, on the campus of Oberlin College, Oberlin Ohio. 



A Conference in Honor of John J. Peradotto 

March 7-9, 1997 

Georgia Museum of Art 

Athens, Georgia 

The University of Georgia, with generous grants from the Office of the

Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Humanities Center, and the

Department of Classics, and with additional support from the College of

Wooster, the State University of New York at Buffalo, and the University

of Georgia Museum of Art, is pleased to announce a colloquium entitled

Interdisciplinarity and the Classics. The conference will honor John J.

Peradotto, Raymond Professor of Classics and Distinguished University

Professor at SUNY-Buffalo, in recognition of more than four decades of

teaching and scholarship and in particular of his pioneering work with the

journal Arethusa, which he edited from 1975 95 and which has served as a

forum for interdisciplinary work in Classics. The event will be hosted by

the University of Georgia and held at the new Georgia Museum of Art. All

sessions are open to the public.

Over twenty-five scholars from Classics and related disciplines

(anthropology, art history, history, comparative literature) will gather

on March 7- 9, 1997, to discuss the concept of interdisciplinarity in

theory and in practice, its promise and its problems. These include eight

featured speakers: Helen Bacon, Simon Goldhill, Marilyn Katz, David

Konstan, Gregory Nagy, Peter Rose, Joseph Russo, and Froma Zeitlin; four

respondents: Ivan Karp, Michael Herzfeld, Charles Segal, and Laura

Slatkin; and sixteen workshop participants: Deborah Boedeker, Susan Cole,

Carolyn Dewald, Caroline Eades, Joseph Farrell, Helene Foley, Natalie

Kampen, Rachel Kitzinger, Francoise Letoublon, Martha Malamud, Mitchell

Miller, Ian Morris, Sheila Murnaghan, Matthew Santirocco, Seth Schein, and

Joseph Schork. The workshops will explore the following subjects:

          I. Classics and Its Traditional Neighbors 

          II. Classics and Contemporary Culture 

          III. Interdisciplinarity, Classics, and the Institution 

          IV. Classics and Cultural Studies

A wrap-up session will feature John J. Peradotto, the honoree, and the

conference organizers: Thomas Falkner, Nancy Felson- Rubin, and David

Konstan. Keith Dickson, a fourth organizer, though unable to participate

in the conference, will assist in editing a planned volume of conference


A small conference fee (to cover meals) will be charged to out-of-town

participants who are not on the program. A complete schedule of conference

events and registration materials will be sent out in January, 1997. For

further information: 

          Interdisciplinarity Conference

          Department of Classics

          Park Hall 

          University of University of Georgia

          Athens, GA 30602-6203 

          Telephone: 706-542-2153 



          Travel: Uniglobe/Gulliver Travel, (800) 541 0807, (706) 549 7081 



(e) AGON 

A Conference on "Common Place, Tragic Fate, Contemporary Return and

Democratic Future of the Classical" 

The Ohio State University

Holiday Inn on the Lane 

April 10-13, 1997 

Speakers include Mary Beard (Classics, University of Cambridge), Elizabeth

Bellamy (English, University of New Hampshire), Rebecca Bushnell (English,

University of Pennsylvania), John Casey (English, University of

Cambridge), Cornelius Castoriadis (Ecole des Hautes Etudes), Michael

Crozier (Politics, University of Melbourne), Alice Donohue (Classical

Archaeology, Bryn Mawr), S.N. Eisenstadt (Hebrew University of Jerusalem),

John Ely (Politics, University of San Francisco), Peter Euben (Politics,

UC Santa Cruz), Carlo Ginzburg (UCLA), Simon Goldhill (Classics,

University of Cambridge), Kermit Hall (History and Law, Ohio State

University), Agnes Heller (New School For Social Research), Ralph Johnson

(Classics, University of Chicago), Artemis Leontis (Modern Greek Program,

Ohio State University), Michael Lykoudis (Architecture, University of

Notre Dame), Indra Kagis McEwen (Art History, McGill University), Oswyn

Murray (Oxford). 

For further information: 

          Professor Vassilis Lambropoulos 

          Professor of Modern Greek 

          Department of Greek and Latin 

          Columbus, Ohio 43210-1229 

          phone: 614-292-6168 




A conference in honor of Eileen M. Preston's retirement from Concordia 


The Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Concordia University

14-15 March, 1997

Russell Breen Senate Chamber (DL-200)

Loyola Campus

7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

Montreal, Quebec

Friday, March 14th, 1997

8:00 Keynote speaker: Dr. Egbert Bakker, Universite de Montreal

"The Near and the Far: From Homeric Performance to Pindaric Victory Ode"

Reception to follow.

Saturday, March 15th, 1997

9:00 Opening remarks

9:30 Coffee

10:00 Dr. Annette Teffeteller, Concordia University

"Korinna and the Critics"

11:00 Dr. Douglas Gerber, University of Western Ontario

"Sappho and Homer"

12:00 Lunch (Administration Building, Room 307)

2:00 Dr. Jonathan Burgess, University of Toronto "'As is the Generation of

Leaves': Constructions of 'Homer' in the Archaic Age" 

3:00 Dr. Judith Fletcher, Wilfrid Laurier University

"Euripides and the Poetic Tradition"

4:00 Coffee

4:30 Dr. Christopher W. Marshall, University of Victoria

"The Mouse that Roared: Homeric Allusion in the Batrachomuomachia"

5:30 Closing Remarks

Sessions are chaired by Dr. M.C. Bolton and Dr. J. Francis.

The registration fee for this conference is $15 before February 28; $20 at

the door. This fee includes the Friday evening reception, coffee and lunch

on Saturday. 

For further information, contact:

          Jane Francis or M. Catherine Bolton

          Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

          Concordia University

          (514) 848-2490 or 848-2488



The University of Cincinnati 

18-20 April 1997 

The conference registration fee is $75.00 (early registration), $85.00

(late registration), students $25.00. An optional charge of $31.50 will

include the Banquet Saturday night, with keynote speaker Dr. James D.

Muhly, whose distinguished publications have encompassed most of the

topics to be addressed in the conference.

Attendees are responsible for arranging their own housing, but a block of

rooms has been reserved at the Vernon Manor Hotel, 1-800-543-3999.

For more information, including a conference registration form and a hard

copy of the preliminary program, please send an e-mail to Dr. Eric H.

Cline at or write:

          Dr. Diane Harris-Cline 

          Classics Department 

          M.L. 0226 

          University of Cincinnati 

          Cincinnati, OH 45221-0226 


Friday, 18th April: (Faculty Club, University of Cincinnati) 

"The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium BC: Selected Topics

from Helene Kantor's AIA Monograph Fifty Years Later"

8:00-8:45 BREAKFAST 

8:45-9:00 Welcoming Remarks: C. Brian Rose, University of Cincinnati 

Chair: James Muhly, University of Pennsylvania 

1-2. First Expansion of Aegean Commerce in the Middle Bronze Age 

9:00-9:30 1. Middle Minoan Objects in the Near East 

Philip Betancourt, Temple University 

9:30-10:00 2. Aegean Ornaments and Designs in Egypt 

Elizabeth Barber, Occidental College 

3-4. Second Phase of Aegean Relations with the East in the 

Late Bronze I-II Periods 

10:00-10:30 3. Aegean LB I-II Pottery in the East 

Vronwy Hankey, University College London 

10:30-11:00 4. Aegeans in Egyptian Tombs 

Ellen Davis, Queens College, NY 

11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK 

Chair: Michalis Fotiadis, University of Michigan 

5-7. Influence of the Aegean on the Arts of Egypt, Anatolia and Western Asia 

        in the Late Bronze I and II Periods 

11:30-12:00 5. Egypt (Tombs and Daggers) 

Robert Laffineur, University of Liege 

12:00-12:30 6. Western Asia 

Marian Feldman and Irene Winter, Harvard University 

12:30-1:00 7. Minoan Frescoes in the Eastern Mediterranean 

W-D. Niemeier, Universitat Heidelberg 

1:00-2:30 LUNCH 

Chair: Emily Vermeule, Harvard University 

8-10. Late Helladic III Commerce and Its Effect upon the Art of the Near East 

2:30-3:00 8. Late Mycenaean Trade 

Al Leonard, Jr., University of Arizona 

3:00-3:30 9. LH III Influence in Egyptian and Oriental Art 

Robert Koehl, Hunter College 

3:30-4:00 10. "International Style" in Aegean and Asia 

Annie Caubet, Musee de Louvre 

Chair: Eric Cline, University of Cincinnati 

4:00-5:00 DISCUSSION 


Saturday, 19th April (Open to General Public): 

(Faculty Club, University of Cincinnati) 

"Blegen, Rawson, and the Mycenaean Age: Cultural Interaction Between the

Aegean and the Near East in the Late Bronze Age" 

8:00-8:45 BREAKFAST 

8:45-9:00 Welcoming Remarks: Jack Davis, University of Cincinnati 

Chair: Machteld Mellink, Bryn Mawr College 

11-12. The Near East and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age, Pt. I 

9:00-9:45 11. Cyprus and the Aegean 

Vassos Karageorghis, University of Cyprus 

9:45-10:30 12. Anatolia and the Aegean 

Christopher Mee, University of Liverpool 

10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK 

Chair: Diane Harris-Cline, University of Cincinnati 

13-15. The Near East and the Aegean in the Late Bronze Age, Pt. II 

11:00-11:45 13. Egypt and the Aegean 

Robert Merrillees, Australian Ambassador to Greece 

11:45-12:30 14. Syro-Palestine and the Aegean 

Eliezer Oren, Ben Gurion University 

12:30-1:15 15. Sea Peoples and the Aegean 

Trude Dothan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

1:15-2:45 LUNCH 

Chair: Malcolm Wiener, INSTAP 

16-18. Iconography, Trade, and the Sea 

2:45-3:30 16. Iconography and Trade 

Janice Crowley, University of Tasmania 

3:30-4:15 17. Bronze Age Shipwrecks 

George Bass, Texas A & M University 

4:15-5:00 18. Bronze Age Trade Overview 

A. Bernard Knapp, University of Glasgow 

5:00-7:00 BREAK 

Chair/Host: Tamara Stech, University of Pennsylvania 

7:00-10:00 RECEPTION and DINNER 

19. Keynote Address: James D. Muhly, University of Pennsylvania 


Sunday, 20th April: (Faculty Club, University of Cincinnati) 

"The Aegean and the Orient in the Second Millennium BC/AD" 

8:00-8:45 BREAKFAST 

8:45-9:00 Welcoming Remarks: Gisela Walberg, University of Cincinnati 

Chair: Jeremy Rutter, Dartmouth College 

20-23. Influences East and West 

9:00-9:30 20. Stone Vases 

Katie Demakopoulou, National Museum at Athens 

9:30-10:00 21. Ivories 

John Younger and Paul Rehak, Duke University 

10:00-10:30 22. Ceramics 

Paul Astrom, University of Goteborg 

10:30-11:00 23. Metallurgy 

Hartmut Matthaus, Universitat Heidelberg 

11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK 

Chair: Jack Davis, University of Cincinnati 

24-26. The Future is Now: Where Do We Go From Here?, Pt. I 

11:30-12:00 24. Aslihan Yener, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago 

12:00-12:30 25. Sarah Morris, University of California, Los Angeles 

12:30-1:00 26. Cynthia Shelmerdine, University of Texas at Austin 

1:00-2:30 LUNCH 

Chair: John Younger, Duke University 

27-29. The Future is Now: Where Do We Go From Here?, Pt. II 

2:30-3:00 27. L. Vance Watrous, SUNY Buffalo 

3:00-3:30 28. Sturt Manning, University of Reading 

3:30-4:00 29. Joan Aruz, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY 

4:00-4:30 30. Andrew and Susan Sherratt, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 

Chair: Eric Cline, University of Cincinnati 




                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service

          by the CAC to members of the CAC. If you are not at

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining. The

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired

          CAD 30); contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9,





Professor Pierre Grimal passed away on the last day of October. Born in

1912, he was for twenty years THE lecturer in Latin at the Sorbonne in

Paris. His numerous books and papers reach from history (the Scipiones,

the Empire, Nero) and archaeology (Roman gardens, Roman civilisation) to

Latin literature (editions of Cicero, Apuleius, Plautus, Tacitus),

monographs on Seneca, Virgil, Horace, even to historical fiction

(Pomponius Atticus, Agrippina). Prof. Grimal was Director of the Latin

Institute of the Sorbonne, for long years 'administrateur' of the Paris

'Societe des Etudes Latines' and Member of the Academie des Belles Lettres

et Inscriptions. 

Communicated by Charles M. Ternes, SEMANT, Luxembourg.








The Department of History (Arts) invites applications for a tenure-track

position in Ancient Greek Social History at the rank of Assistant

Professor, to commence July 1, 1997. Required qualifications include a

completed Ph.D or equivalent and an ongoing programme of research in any

area of the social history of Ancient Greece. Preference will be given to

candidates with teaching experience, publications, and research interests

in the 6th to 4th centuries B.C. 

The successful candidate will display promise of an international

reputation in the social history of Ancient Greece and will be expected to

participate fully in the activities of the Programme in Classical Studies.

Candidates should send a curriculum vitae along with three confidential

letters of reference to: Professor Adrian Shubert, Chair, Department of

History, Faculty of Arts, York University, 4700 Keele Street, North York,

Ontario, M3J 1P3. Applications must be received by January 15, 1997. 

York University is implementing a policy of employment equity, including

affirmative action for women faculty. In accordance with Canadian

immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian

citizens and permanent residents. All positions at York University are

subject to budgetary approval. 

For further information, contact Jonathan Edmondson, Director, Programme

in Classical Studies, York University ( 



NOTE: The APA Placement Service's "Positions for Classicists" is now

available via the WWW at: 

Only positions those non-Canadian positions that have yet to appear in

that forum will be listed here. 



Calvin College invites applications for a possible term appointment (two

years), beginning in September, 1997. Candidates should be competent to

teach Latin and Greek at all undergraduate levels, and should have earned

(or be near to earning) a Ph.D. in classics or a closely related field;

ability and willingness to teach in one of Calvin's cross- disciplinary

programs or to assist in English or History courses will be welcome as

well. Since Calvin is a college of the Christian Reformed Church,

affirmation of the Christian faith as expressed in the Reformed creeds is

required for appointment. Applicants should send resumes and letters of

reference to Mark F. Williams, Classics Department chair, Calvin College,

Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Applications should be received by Dec. 15, 1996

for fullest consideration. Calvin College is an equal opportunity




School of Historical Studies 

Olden Lane 

Princeton, New Jersey 08540 

Announcement of Mellon Fellowships for Assistant Professors 

THE SCHOOL OF HISTORICAL STUDIES at the Institute for Advanced Study, with

the support of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, has established a program of

one year memberships for assistant professors at universities and colleges

in the United States and Canada to support promising young scholars who

have embarked on professional careers. While at the Institute they will be

expected to engage exclusively in scholarly research and writing.

Two appointments will be made for 1997-98. 

ASSISTANT PROFESSORS in areas represented in the School of Historical

Studies (Greek and Roman civilization, the history of Europe, Islamic

culture, the history of modern international relations, and the history of

art) may apply, provided at the time of their arrival they will have

served at least two and not more than four years as assistant professors

in institutions of higher learning in the United States or Canada and

provided they can return to their institution.

APPOINTMENTS will be for one full year (July 1 through June 30 with the

option of staying through the second summer until August 15) and will

carry all the privileges of Membership at the Institute for Advanced

Study. The stipend will match the combined salary and benefits at the

Member's home institution.

APPLICATION FORMS may be obtained from the Administrative Officer, School

of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey

08540 and should be returned to the Administrative Officer by January 30,

1997. Applicants should submit a c.v., a bibliography of publications, a

concise account (not more than three pages) of the work to be performed

during the tenure of the membership, and three letters of recommendation.

Copies of published writings should be submitted and additional

documentation (such as a copy of the thesis) may be requested. As part of

the selection process short-listed applicants will be requested to come to

the Institute for an Interview in early March. Awards will be announced by

April 1.



The Department of Classics at Oberlin College invites applications for a

full-time tenure- track faculty position in the College of Arts and

Sciences. Initial appointment to this position will be for a term of four

years, beginning July 1, 1997, and will carry the rank of Assistant

Professor of Classics or higher.

The incumbent will teach courses in the general area of Classical

Civilization, including language instruction at all undergraduate levels.

Expertise in feminist applications to Classical literature and/or ancient

social history is desirable. He or she will also be expected to

participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including

academic advising, service on committees, and sustained scholarly


Among the qualifications required for appointment is the Ph.D. degree (in

hand or expected by August 31, 1997). Candidates must demonstrate interest

and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful teaching

experience at the college level is desirable.

The Department of Classics has three full-time faculty and teaches the

wide range of courses in Classical Civilization, including Greek and Roman

literature, ancient history, and mythology, as well as four years each of

Latin and Greek.

To be assured of consideration, a letter of application, including a

Curriculum Vitae, graduate academic transcripts, and at least three

letters of reference, should be sent by December 20, 1996 to: 

          Thomas Van Nortwick, Chair, 

          Department of Classics, 

          Oberlin College, 

          Oberlin, Ohio, 44074

Application materials received after that date may be considered until the

position is filled. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience.

Equal Opportunity Employer: Oberlin College is a leading Liberal Arts

institution that has admitted women since its beginnings in 1833 and

historically has been a leader in the education of African-Americans.



The Classical Studies Program at Phoenix College, a member of the Maricopa

College District, is hiring a faculty member to teach first and second

year Latin and the "great books" of the history, philosophy, and

literature of Western civilization/composition to freshmen and sophomores

in the Classical Studies Program and to plan and conduct community

seminars and assist the director in Program development. 

Publication/potential for scholarship desired. Background in visual arts,

including architecture, and computer experience desired. The position

begins with the 1997-98 academic year. The salary range is from $33,566 to

$57,635. Applications, including an official application form, MUST be

filed at the District Employee Services Office after November 1 and before

November 19. Candidates should telephone (602) 731-8465 and request

materials for applying for job posting #96970600-2 at Phoenix College. 

Candidates are also encouraged to send a curriculum vitae,

recommendations, and transcripts to the chairperson of the Classics Search

Committee, Barbara C. Van Sittert at Phoenix College, 1202 West Thomas

Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85013. Phoenix College, one of the Maricopa

Colleges, is an EEO/AA Institution.

          Barbara C. Van Sittert, Director  

          Classical Studies 

          Phoenix College 

          1202 West Thomas Road 

          Phoenix, AZ 85013

          Tel: (602)285-7538

          Fax: (602)285-7700




The Graduate Library at the University of Michigan is hiring a

papyrologist at the rank of Assistant Archivist to collaborate in the

creation of the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS). This is

a cooperative project among six universities with major papyrological

collections and is partially supported by NEH.

DUTIES: In consultation with the Library units concerned and the

papyrologists of the Project (Traianos Gagos and Ludwig Koenen), the new

papyrologist will engage in the preservation and digitization of some 700

papyri, the creation and maintenance of the descriptive database, the

loading of these data into the World Wide Web, and the supervision of

students engaged in these tasks. The position is for one year, beginning

on January 1, 1997. The position will report to T. Gagos, the Library's

Associate Archivist in Papyrology.

REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced degree in Classics, Ancient History or

related fields, formal training in papyrology, experience in deciphering

Greek papyri, knowledge of Greek papyrus documents, and publications in

papyrology. Familiarity with digitization and electronic database design

and creation also will be helpful.

Applications (including c.v., three recommendations, and relevant

publications or dissertation chapters) should be sent to: Professor Ludwig

Koenen, 807 Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan, Ann

Arbor, MI 48109-1205 by November 30, 1996.

Further inquires about the nature of the work should be directed to T.

Gagos ( or L. Koenen ( by e-mail or

phone at (313) 764-9369.

The University of Michigan is a non-discriminatory, affirmative action




The University of Texas at Austin invites applications for a position of

Social Science/Humanities Research Associate III to supervise the

undergraduate student-related activities mainly of the departments of

Classics and Philosophy with regard to the application of computer

technology. Position to begin February 1, 1997. Candidate should have

experience and real interest in the application of computer technology in

teaching and instruction in labs and classroom situations. Macintosh

hardware and software knowledge and experience essential.

Preferred candidates will have, or be in final stages of, Ph.D. in

Classics and/or Classical Archaeology broadly defined. Understanding of

classroom instruction and interest in new technologies and pedagogy also

preferred. Appointee will become a key staff member of the College of

Liberal Arts and will work within a department of 24.5 full-time faculty,

40 graduate students and 65 undergraduate majors that teaches ca. 7000

students per year in Classical languages, history, literature and culture.

The department of Classics at UT Austin has long been an innovator in

computer applications for instruction in the Classics. If the appointee is

interested, there is a *possibility* that s/he may be able to teach an

occasional course in order to build up his/her resume in teaching to

complement the full experience to be gained in computer applications, all

with a view to eventual placement in an academic position. Targeted salary

$25,000 per year with benefits. The department will be interviewing for

this position in New York. Please send curriculum vitae and letter

describing computer experience and interests to:

          Prof. Andrew Riggsby

          Search Committee (Computer) 

          Department of Classics 

          WAG 123, 

          University of Texas at Austin 

          Austin, TX 78712-1181 


The University of Texas at Austin is an Affirmative Action/Equal

Opportunity Employer.




          Michael Garmaise


          Patrick Baker   


          Ernie Weinrib   



          Joann Freed     





          Argos: the first peer-reviewed, limited area search engine (LASE) on

              the World-Wide Web, designed to cover the ancient and

              medieval worlds


          Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources


          Histos: The New Electronic Journal Of Ancient Historiography


          Villa of the Mysteries


          The Late Antiquity Newsletter

                    Ralph W. Mathisen, Editor

                    Dept. of History

                    Univ. of S. Carolina

                    Columbia, S.C. 29208 



                    FAX: 803-777-4494






The 'Lunt' Fort at Baginton, Warwickshire

August, 1997

The Department of Classics at the University of British Columbia will

conduct a training excavation in August 1997 at the 'Lunt', a Roman fort

in central England, first built under Nero (in approx. 60 AD) in

connection with the revolt of Boadicea. Excavation began in the 1960's,

and in 1988 UBC began work on the western defences. The site is well-known

for the reconstruction of areas where excavation is completed, including

part of the eastern rampart and gateway, granary (now the site museum) and

gyrus (cavalry training enclosure). 

Students are trained in all aspects of excavation, and subject to

satisfactory performance obtain six credits for Classical Studies 335,

equivalent to one full-year course. Students from other universities may

take the course for transfer credit. There are no prerequisites. 

The practicum will last for four weeks, from July 28- August 22 There will

be a number of free days. Visiting lecturers will come to the site, and

excursions to other places of interest will be organized at moderate cost.

Baginton is located near Coventry (direct bus service to London Airports),

very close to Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon and the Cotswolds. 

Accommodation is at the University of Warwick (two miles from the site) in

five-person flats with private bedrooms and self-catering facilities. The

campus offers extensive eating and entertainment facilities. Costs:

students make their own travel arrangements to Britain and register at UBC

with the appropriate fee. A charge of 345 (pounds) covers the cost of

accommodation, local staff, excavation fees, daily transportation and

refreshments on the site for the whole period. 

A deposit of $100 (made out to 'A.A. Barrett') is required. Early

registration is recommended. In the event of cancellation, the deposit is

refunded if the place is filled. 

For further details:

          Anthony A. Barrett

          Department of Classics

          University of British Columbia

          Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1

          Tel: (604) 822-4064 (office), 228-8991 (home)

          Fax: (604) 822-9431


Brief accounts of the excavation appear in Classical Views 33 (1989)

255-62, 36 (1992)  201-209. There is a small display outside Buchanan




The Canadian Academic Institute in Athens is sponsoring a study tour of

major archaeological sites and museums in central and southern Greece for

the summer of 1997. Participants will visit such important sites as the

Acropolis and Agora in Athens, Thebes, Delphi, Corinth, Isthmia, Olympia,

Mycenae, Tiryns, Argos, Aigina and Delos, and their associated museums. As

an added, optional feature, there is an opportunity for participants to

take part in the Canadian excavations at ancient Stymphalos in Arcadia at

the end of the study tour (numbers are limited by the accommodations

available in Stymphalia). 

This is an excellent chance for students to become familiar with the

monuments of Classical and Pre-Classical Greece. Participants will learn

first hand about the most important archaeological discoveries in Greece

and what they have to tell us about the development of Greek culture

through the ages. Academic credit for this program of study is available

by arrangement through the student's home institution. It is not available

through Memorial University of Newfoundland. 

DATES: 7-28 June 1997

COSTS: $1,900 plus tuition and airfare

INCLUDES: Shared accommodations, breakfasts, ground transportation, museum 

entrance fees, and tips


          Dr. Glenn Peers

          25a Homewood Avenue

          Kitchener, Ontario N2M 1X1

          Tel. (519)579-0704

          Fax (519)746-3097


Participants will be expected to present reports or lead discussion at one

or two of the sites or museums and write a final paper or take an

examination at the end of the study program. 

The site of Stymphalos has both Classical and Byzantine remains and has

been excavated by the University of British Columbia and the University of

Toronto since 1993. A limited number of participants in the study tour

will be offered the chance to volunteer in these excavations for a one

week period, or longer if accommodations are available. Costs for this are






Applications are invited from students interested in taking part in a

six-week archaeological fieldschool at Carthage, Tunisia from May 26th to

July 7th, 1977. The project will involve the continued excavation of a

Roman bath building at Bir El Djebbana on the outskirts of the ancient

city. Excavation at the site has so far uncovered a large swimming pool,

several mosaic pavements, and part of a Late Antique cemetery.

The cost of the dig is $1200 plus the University of Alberta course fee

(around $650). Students are responsible for arranging their own travel to

and from Tunisia. In addition, students will be asked to bring with them a

number of basic supplies (e.g., trowels, notebooks, etc.). The excavation

team will live in rented accommodation in Carthage and students will be

provided with all meals while at the dig house. 

The closing date for applications is March 1st, 1997. Individual

applications will be considered in the order in which they are received.

Previous digging experience is not required, but priority will be given to

students with some knowledge of the Classical World. There will be space

for a maximum of fifteen students. 

For more information and an application form, please write to:

          Dr. Jeremy Rossiter (Director)

          Archaeological Fieldschool at Carthage

          Department of History and Classics

          University of Alberta

          Edmonton, Alberta   T6G 2H4


(d) The Department of Classical Studies at Duke University announces the

Duke in Rome Summer 1997 Program, May 22-June 23 (1 course credit), led by

Prof. Paul Rehak (

For more information, see the program's web site at: 




Didaskalia 3.1

Electronic Antiquity, Volume 3 Issue 5 (October 1996)




        N E X T    I S S U E :   1996 12 15.   Deadline: 1996 12 10