Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 3, NUMBER/NUMERO 4, 1996 12 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  965 Lines;  42 KBytes


        CONTENTS: [1] Calls for Papers / [2] Seminars, Lectures, 

        Conferences, and Other Events / [3] Departmental Reports / 

        [4] L'annee philologique / [5] Scholarships / 

        [6] Positions Available / [7] E-Mail Addresses: New and Updated / 

        [8] WWW Pages and Other Electronic Resources of Interest / 

        [9] Study Programs and Training Excavations / 

        [10] Educational Materials



(a) L'Association canadienne d'etudes classiques et l'Association

canadienne de philosophie vous invitent a soumettre des textes en vue d'un

mini-colloque bilingue, portant sur la philosophie ancienne en general,

qui se tiendra a St-Jean (Terre-Neuve) dans le cadre du prochain Congres

des Societes savantes. Chaque texte recu sera soumis a la procedure de

l'evaluation anonyme par des pairs. Nous vous prions de faire parvenir une

copie de votre texte, avant le 31 janvier 1997, a chacun des deux


The CAC and the CPA invite the submission of papers for a joint, bilingual

session on ancient philosophy to be held during the St. John's meetings of

the Learned Societies. Within ancient philosophy the topic is open. Please

submit two copies of your paper (in a form suitable for blind appraisal).

Send one copy to each of the organizers by 31 January 1997. 

     Anglophone organizer:            Organisateur francophone:

     Brad Inwood                      Prof. Louis-Andre Dorion

     Dept. of Classics                Universite de Montreal

     16 Hart House Circle             Departement de philosophie

     University of Toronto            C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville

     Toronto M5S 1A1                  Montreal, Qc., H3C 3J7



           (c. 1200 to 600 B.C.)

1997 Panel on "Approaching the Early Greek Economy" 

APA 1997, Chicago

David W. Tandy, University of Tennessee 

In Greece the period of c. 1200 to 600 embraces the transition from the

collapse of the Aegean Bronze Age palatial economies, through

restructurings of society in the Early Iron Age, to the emergence of

Archaic Greek city-states. Within ancient studies generally, early Greece

is a prime field for interdisciplinary work combining archaeology,

history, and literature, as well as for the deployment and testing of

anthropological and other social-scientific approaches to questions of

early society and economy, cultural continuity and change, political

development, and the social significance of material culture and of

literature and literary forms. In 1995, this colloquium presented a series

of papers on state formation; in 1996, the focus is on cultural continuity

and change.

For 1997, we welcome proposals for papers on early Greek economic

organization. How does one undertake to reconstruct or model the so-

called "primitive" forms of economic life at different stages of regional

and local social development? How did the embedded redistributive

economies in the local Aegean communities function? What part did gift-

exchange play in inter-community relations? What were the economic

relations between the Aegean and neighboring areas, and did these undergo

changes? How do we articulate the nature of Greek "trade" throughout this

time period? Does the movement of Greek goods require Greek movers? What

role(s) can be articulated for the Phoenicians in Mycenaean, Dark Age, and

Archaic local and regional economies? These suggestions are not, of

course, intended to be prescriptive. The colloquium is especially eager to

see proposals that consider the application of economic theory to the

material and literary records and proposals that trace economic continuity

or change over time.

All abstracts will be refereed anonymously, in writing, by two or more

readers. Submit abstracts (in the APA format, 500-800 words; see the APA

Newsletter for details) to: 

          David W. Tandy

          Department of Classics

          University of Tennessee

          Knoxville, TN 37996-0471



Deadline for abstracts is February 1, 1997.



1997 Topic: Greek Lyric 

APA 1997, Chicago

This colloquium understands ideology as that set of representations by

which we situate ourselves, and are ourselves situated, in relation to the

larger social world that surrounds us. Ideology, therefore, is not simply

a conspiracy of the ruling class but includes the full range of discourse

that can be elaborated both by regimes and by oppositional movements to

construct and maintain images of themselves.

One of the means through which this self-constructive activity took place

in antiquity was through its conscious or implicit investment in received

literary forms. It is through these forms that we propose to investigate

the complex ideological workings of the ancient Mediterranean world. The

colloquium will examine a specific genre each year.

The topic for the 1997 meeting will be Archaic and early classical Greek

lyric, defined broadly to include not only all poetry written in lyric

meters (whether individual or choral), but also elegy and iambus. We are

soliciting papers that study individual authors in their relation

(accessory, adversarial, or mixed) to the Archaic and early classical

polis, in particular their relation to the competition between

aristocratic and egalitarian discourses. We also welcome papers that

document the ideological orientation or historical evolution of lyric (and

its sub-genres), including its relation to the ideologies presented in

Homeric epic.

The coordinator for the 1997 colloquium will be Jeffrey S. Carnes. All

abstracts will be judged anonymously and should be sent no later than

February 1, 1997 to: 

          Barbara Gold, Secretary

          Ideology and Poetic Form Colloquium

          Classics Department

          Hamilton College

          Clinton, NY, 13323


If you are interested in being on the Ideology and Poetic Form Steering

Committee, please contact either: 

          Paul Allen Miller

          Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures

          Texas Tech University

          Lubbock, TX 79409




          Charles Platter

          Dept. of Classics

          University of Georgia

          Athens, GA 30602



Graduate students and younger scholars are encouraged to participate.



St Annes College Oxford

14-17 September 1997

Mission: DRH97 aims to become a new forum for all those affected by the

digitization of our common cultural heritage: the scholar producing or

using an electronic edition; the teacher using digital media in the

seminar room; the publisher finding new ways to reach new markets; the

librarian, curator, art historian, or archivist wishing to improve both

access to and conservation of the digital information that characterizes

contemporary culture and scholarship. 

Format : The conference will take up three intensive days of academic

papers, panel discussions, technical reports, and software demonstrations,

held this year in a comfortable Oxford college. The atmosphere will, we

hope, encourage a lot of energetic discussion, both formal and informal.

Leading practitioners of the application of digital techniques and

resources in the Humanities, from the worlds of scholarship,

librarianship, and publishing will be there, exchanging expertise,

experience, and opinions. 

Sponsors: The conference is sponsored by the British Library, the Office

for Humanities Communication, the Arts and Humanities Data Service, the

Centre for Computing in the Humanities of Kings College London, the

International Institute for Electronic Library Research of de Montfort

University, the Library of University College London, and the Humanities

Computing Unit of Oxford University. 

Timetable: Proposals are invited for academic papers, themed panel

sessions and reports of work in progress. Extended abstracts (1500 to two

thousand words) should be submitted by April 7th 1997. All proposals will

be reviewed by an independent panel. Full versions (2 to 4 thousand words)

of accepted papers will be required by July 7th 1997 for inclusion in the

conference proceedings. 

Themes: Creation of digital resources, textual, visual, and time-based; 

integration of digital resources as multimedia; policies and strategies

for electronic delivery, both commercial and non-commercial; cataloguing

and metadata aspects of resource discovery; pedagogic implications of

digital resources and electronic delivery; encoding standards;

intellectual property rights; funding, cost-recovery, and charging

mechanisms; digitization techniques and problems. 

Cost and accommodation: We hope to hold the conference fee at last year's

level (225 pounds, covering lunches, dinners, and the whole academic

programme). For accommodation, delegates can choose between ensuite rooms

at 45 pounds/day or study/bedrooms with shared bathroom at 30 pounds/day

for B & B. All accommodation is on campus in modern purpose-built blocks

adjoining the quadrangle and within a few minutes walk of all conference

facilities. The conference banquet will cost an additional 40 pounds. 

Further information: The conference web site at

will be regularly updated, and will include full details of the procedure

for submitting proposals, the programme, and registration information. 



The 40th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference, to be held in Omaha on

March 6-8, 1997, needs additional papers to fill a session on "Women in

the Ancient World." Scholars interested in presenting papers appropriate

to such a session are invited to send proposals (consisting of an

abstract, a c.v., and a cover letter) to: 

          Lorraine Gesick

          MVHC Program Coordinator

          Department of History

          University of Nebraska at Omaha


402-554-2794. Further inquiries can be made by e-mail to or by phone to 402-554-2593. 




The 1997 program is now available via the WWW at:





University of Saskatchewan

23-26 October 1997

A preliminary conference program is now available via the WWW at:

or via e-mail from John Porter at:



Wednesday, 22 January 1997 at 4:15 PM

Roberta L. Shaw (Royal Ontario Museum)

"Wining and Dining in Ancient Egypt"

University College 140

Wednesday, 26 February 1997 at 4:15 PM

Prof. Eric Csapo (University of Toronto)

"Players and Painted Stage: Greek Artists on Dramatic and Pre-dramatic 


University College 140



Symposia will be held on Thursday afternoons in the Master's Dining Room,

Vanier College, York University. The time is 4:15 for 4:30 at which time

the speaker will begin. Refreshments will be served. 

Jan 23, 1997

Ariel Loftus

"Relationships Between Greek City-states of the Fifth Century B.C."

March 13, 1997

Anne-Marie Lewis

"Lucan and Ovid"

April 10, 1997

Steve Mason

"The Aim and Audience of Josephus's Judean Antiquities"

April/May 1997

Short talks and wrap-up




San Diego State University

College of Arts and Letters

3:30 p.m., April 14, 1997

Casa Real, Aztec Center

The speaker will be Mary Lefkowitz, Mellon Professor of Humanities at

Wellesley College. The title of her lecture will be "The Origins of Greek

Civilization: The Afrocentric Theory." The event is open to the public. 



                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service

          by the CAC to members of the CAC. If you are not at

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining. The

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired

          CAD 30); contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9,





(a) The Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies at the University

of Waterloo is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Maria Liston as

an Assistant Professor (tenure-track). Dr. Liston has a BA in Classics and

a BA in Anthropology, as well as an MA in Classics, and a PhD in

Anthropology. She is both an active classicist and anthropologist,

currently conducting fieldwork at Kavousi on Crete and at Fort William

Henry in New York State. She has published several articles and field

reports on both Old and New World sites. She is an effective promoter of

the discipline of archaeology, as seen in her participation in television

programs commissioned for The Learning Channel and The Discovery Channel,

and in her numerous public lectures. Most important to the new department

is her outstanding record as a teacher: in 1995 Dr. Liston won the

President's Award for Excellence in Teaching at Adirondack College (New

York). Her appointment marks the culmination of a lengthy international

search for a joint appointment in the two disciplines which make up the

Faculty of Art's newest department. In the coming academic year she will

teach courses in both disciplines, and will offer our students new

opportunities in archaeological studies. We are all delighted to welcome


Phyllis Forsyth


(b) The Department of Classical Studies at The University of Western

Ontario is pleased to announce the launch of its new web page. We have

included information on our undergraduate and graduate programs in

Classical Studies and on the resources our department offers for the study

of Classics at Western. In addition, we have included links to other

Classics sites on the Internet in order to help both our students and

anyone else who is interested to access the wide variety of Classics and

Classics-related sites on the World Wide Web. Comments, suggestions and

inquiries about our site and our programs are welcome. The URL for our web

site is: 




[The following notices appeared recently on the University of Washington

Classics list.]

(a) For those interested, I have some publication dates for the printed

volumes of APh. The 1993 volume is to appear any day now. For the 1994 and

1995 volumes the Paris editors are planning a simultaneous publication,

expected for January 1998, since 1994 is the last volume that was

completed in the traditional manner (entries printed on slips that are

turned in to the printer, with consequent printing delays). The 1995

volume is the first that will be done entirely electronically, and the

plan is to make up a good part of our delay on that volume and more on the

1996 volume.

Lisa Carson 

Director, American Office


(b) The Database of Classical Bibliography, v.2 will be available from

Scholars Press on February 1, 1997. It will be introduced at the annual

meeting of the APA at 1:30 PM, Saturday, Dec. 28, in the Regent Parlor.

Demonstration copies will also be available in the Technology Showcase and

the Scholars Press booth. 

DCB v2 contains volumes 45-60 of the APh covering the years 1974-1989.

There are also several new software features including selectable French

or English interfaces (with thanks to Richard Goulet who provided the

French translations), a separate Greek word index, users notes in both

Windows and Macintosh versions, a newly designed search window with access

to all eighteen indexes, and facilities for printing or downloading

designated items from the results lists.

The price remains the same. 

Dee L. Clayman





The Lemmermann Foundation awards scholarships twice a year to university

students who need to study in Rome to carry out research and prepare a

thesis concerning Rome and Roman culture from the period Pre-Roman to the

present day in the subject areas of Literature, Archaeology, History of


Please visit the Lemmermann Foundation Home Page for deadlines, entry

requirements and winning applicants. The URL is: 

The 1997 scholarship's monthly amount is established at L.1.500.000

(Italian lira). 



c/o Studio Avvocati Romanelli

Mr. Guido F. Romanelli, Managing Partner

via Cosseria, 5 - 00192 Rome, Italy

tel: (+39-6) 324.30.23

fax: (+39-6) 321.26.46






Applications are invited for at least two appointments in Classics at the

rank of sessional lecturer or visiting assistant professor (1 September

1997 - 30 April 1998), subject to the availability of funds, to teach

courses in either Greek language and civilization, or in Latin and Roman

civilization. Current salary rate (8 months) is approximately $24,500 to

$29,500, depending upon qualifications and experience. Minimum

qualification: successful completion of Ph.D. comprehensive examinations,

or equivalent; completed Ph.D. and teaching experience preferred. 

Send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, university transcripts,

and three confidential letters of appraisal to: 

          Dr. David J. Hall, Chair

          Department of History and Classics

          University of Alberta

          Edmonton, Alberta

          Canada, T6G 2H4.  

Closing date: 28 February 1997.

The University of Alberta is committed to the principle of equity in

employment. As an employer we welcome diversity in the workplace and

encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including

Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible

minorities. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this

advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

American citizens who qualify under the Free Trade Agreement are exempt

from advance validation of employment by Canadian Employment and




Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History

Assistant Professor: probationary (tenure-track) beginning July 1, 1997,

subject to budgetary approval. Ph.D. required in ancient history.

Candidates are also requested to identify a second teaching field, such as

medieval, women's/gender, science/technology/medicine or intellectual


In accordance with Canadian Immigration Regulations, this advertisement is

directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. 

The University aspires to hire individuals who have a demonstrated

potential for excellence in teaching, research and scholarship. The

University is an equal opportunity employer and offers a non-smoking


The current minimum salary for an Assistant Professor is $37,500 per


Applicants should send a letter describing interest and qualifications in

all areas of teaching competence, and attach a curriculum vitae and


In addition, applicants should arrange to have three letters of reference

sent to: 

          Dr. Christopher Hosgood, Chair

          Department of History

          4401 University Drive

          Lethbridge, Alberta

          T1K 3M4

          Telephone: (403) 329-2541

          Fax: (403) 329-5108


The closing date for applications is January 31, 1997.



NOTE: The APA Placement Service's "Positions for Classicists" is now

available via the WWW at:

Only those non-Canadian positions that have yet to appear in that forum

will be listed here. 



Austin Peay State University invites applications and nominations for the

position of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Austin Peay State University, located in Clarksville, Tennessee, a city of

approximately 90,000 about fifty miles northwest of Nashville, is a

comprehensive regional and multicampus university enrolling some 8000

undergraduate and graduate students. Governed by the Tennessee Board of

Regents, the University is the designated liberal arts institution within

the system and also has professional programs in education, business, and

health fields. 

The College of Arts and Sciences, the University's largest college,

consists of thirteen departments and some 200 full-time faculty. The Dean

plays an important role in recruiting and evaluating faculty, developing

curricula, and coordinating the activities of department heads. The Dean

reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and is a member of the

Deans Council, a vital element in University governance.

Applicants are expected to present a record of college teaching,

scholarship appropriate for appointment as professor in one of the arts,

humanities, sciences/mathematics, or social sciences, as well as

administrative experience at the department or college level. A person

with experience in interdisciplinary instruction, publication or

performance, and technological applications is desirable, given the

liberal arts mission of the institution. The successful candidate should

have demonstrable administrative ability, good communication skills, and a

vision of and commitment to a liberal arts education.

Candidates should send a letter of application, including comments

relating to qualifications required for the position; a current resume;

official transcripts; and three recent letters of recommendation to:

          Steven K. Pontius 

          Vice President for Academic Affairs 

          Austin Peay State University 

          APSU Box 4505 

          Clarksville, Tenn. 37044 

Review of applications will begin January 13, 1997. 

Austin Peay State University is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative

Action Employer. Women, Minorities, and Members of Other Protected Groups

Encouraged to Apply. 



The Department of Classics, Bucknell University, seeks applicants for a

three-year replacement position at the assistant professor rank beginning

in August 1997. The successful candidate will be trained in Greek and

Latin philology, with a concentration in Greek literature, especially in

the areas of epic and drama. The three course load per semester will

include courses in the instruction of Greek and Latin at all levels and a

sequence of literature courses in translation; additionally, the

successful candidate will teach a lecture course on classical myth. The

candidate preferably will have the Ph.D. in hand by the time of the

interview, but candidates expecting the degree by July of 1997 will be

considered. Candidates who would wish to be interviewed at the American

Philological Association (APA) meetings in New York should send

immediately a letter of application, a cv, and at least three letters of

recommendation to: 

          Professor Mark W. Padilla,

              Chair of the Search Committee

          Department of Classics

          Bucknell University

          Lewisburg, PA 17837


Evidence of teaching proficiency is desirable. Inquiries, but not

applications, can be addressed via e-mail to; the

department telephone number is 717-524-1335. (Given the timing of the

announcement, candidates may not be notified about the scheduling of an

interview prior to the APA meetings.) Applications will be accepted until

February 1, 1997. The contract will be written as a two-year position with

a third year awarded upon a positive review early in the second year. 

Bucknell is a liberal arts university and offers competitive compensation. 

Information on the department's curriculum and staffing may be found on

the internet at:

Bucknell University encourages applications from women and members of

minority groups (EEO/AA).

[Addendum: Because Bucknell will not provide mail service to the

department in the critical days prior to the Christmas holiday, applicants

are asked to send materials arriving from December 21st to December 26th

to Professor Padilla's home address: 228 South Thirteenth Street,

Lewisburg, PA 17837, U.S.A.]



School of Social Sciences 

Department of History 


1. Proposed Appointment: Assistant/Associate Professor

2. Available for the Academic Year 1997-98 

3. Salary: Placement on the salary schedule is dependent upon academic

preparation and professional experience.

4. Teaching Load: 12 semester units. 

5. Course Level: Undergraduate and Graduate 

6. Specific Position Characteristics: Primary responsibilities of the

position include teaching courses on Greece and Rome, survey courses in

Western Civilization (from the Near East to the Middle Ages), and upper-

division courses in topical areas of antiquity (e.g. ancient religion,

women in antiquity, etc.). In addition, the successful candidate should

expect to offer an occasional graduate course at the M.A. level in special

areas of his/her own expertise, be competent to conduct upper-division

writing and research classes, and be willing to work closely with the

Classical Studies program in the promotion and teaching of Greek and Latin

languages and literature. 


1. Academic Preparation: The minimum requirement for appointment to this

position is a Ph.D.

2. Teaching or Other Professional Experience: Experienced, inspiring

teacher with promising record of scholarship. Clear evidence of scholarly

competence is essential, and eventual record of publication is necessary

for successful tenure. However, our primary prerequisite is a strong

commitment to, and proven excellence in, undergraduate instruction. Our

teaching load is substantial and demanding (8 semester classes per year),

and the department assumes a willingness to work closely with students

from a wide range of ethnic and social backgrounds, as part of a larger

commitment to the central San Joaquin at large. Candidates are invited to

attend the annual meeting of the American Philological Association,

December, 1996 in New York, for an informal interview. 

Applications: Correspondence, applications, and confidential papers should

be sent to --

          Warren E. Gade, Chair 

          Department of History 

          California State University, Fresno 

          5340 N. Campus Drive  M/S 21

          Fresno, California 93740-8019 


          Phone: (209) 278-2153 

          Fax: (209) 278-5321 

FILING DEADLINE: To ensure full consideration, applicants are encouraged

to have all application information on file by February 7, 1997.


The Immigration Report and Control Act of 186 requires the University to

inform you that we can employ only U.S. citizens and aliens lawfully

authorized to work in the U.S. Each new employee is required to present

documentation verifying his/her identity and right to accept employment.

California State University, Fresno is an Affirmative Action/Equal

Employment Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants receive equal

consideration in the selection process. We particularly encourage

applications from members of traditionally underrepresented groups

protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Vietnam era veterans,

and persons with physical disabilities. 



The University of South Florida, Division of Languages and Linguistics

seeks a Visiting Assistant Professor/Visiting Instructor with a background

in Latin Language and Roman Studies to fill a replacement position for

Spring semester 1997 (effective dates: 1/6/97 - 5/6/97). Responsibilities

will include teaching Beginning Latin courses and a lecture course in

Roman Civilization. Rank and salary are based on qualifications, but

somewhat negotiable. Send *curriculum vitae,* transcript, and three (3)

letters of recommendation to: 

          J .D. Noonan

          Division of Languages and Linguistics

          University of South Florida

          4202 E. Fowler Avenue

          CPR 107

          Tampa, FL 33620


Deadline for applications is December 15, 1996. The University of South

Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ Equal Access

Institution. Women and Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. For

disability accommodations, please call (813) 974-1774.

Inquiries may be directed to voice-mail at (813) 974-1774 or to e-mail at



The Department of Classics at Princeton University invites applications

for a position in Latin language and literature at the rank of Assistant

Professor, tenure-track. The position will begin in September 1997, by

which time the person appointed is expected to have the Ph.D. Candidates

should be prepared to teach at all levels, including courses in

translation. It is likely that we will also seek to fill a second

position, for a one-year appointment as Lecturer in Latin language and

literature. Unless they indicate otherwise, candidates will be considered

for both positions.

Princeton University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Applications and dossiers

(including CV, three letters of reference, and a writing sample) should be

sent by January 10, 1997 to:

          Latin Search Committee

          Department of Classics

          104 East Pyne

          Princeton University

          Princeton, NJ  08544-5264


Please include phone numbers or email address where you can be reached

from December 15-26, as we plan to begin interviewing candidates at the

APA meeting in New York.




          Joann Freed     

                 [corrected from previous issue]





     Classics Course Database

     Term Paper Emporium




University of Saskatchewan

Applications are available for students and volunteers interested in

participating in a seven week archaeological excavation at Tel Dor, Israel

from June 26 to August 10, 1997. Details are available at: 

or by contacting:



The Cultural Legacy of Roman & Medieval Spain 

May 2 - 16, 1997 


          Alexander G. McKay

          David L. Simon 

          Sonia C. Simon 

The Campanian Society's exploration into the eventful world of Roman,

Visigothic, Islamic and Christian Spain offers a diversified witnessing to

the historical and cultural experience of Spain from uniquely rich and

important vantage points. The directors bring their expert knowledge and

familiarity to a program which has been designed to highlight distinctive

sites, museums and galleries throughout the peninsula in Catalonia,

Andalusia, Murcia, Extremadura and Castille.

The role of Spain in the economic and political history of the Roman

Empire is formidable and impressive, and Roman art and literature

unquestionably reflect mutual influences at home and abroad. Remarkable

city planning, prodigious engineering and ardent religion are in the

foreground in the experience of the Late Roman Empire and the successor

Visigothic period offers impressive testimony to a constructive merging of

Hispano-Romans with their Gothic masters. The impact of Christianity and

Islam on the peninsula is profound and Spain's cultural ties with Europe

and the Middle East are impressive, visible phenomena. The cultural relics

of Islam, in architecture and in sculpture, in ivories, ceramics, textiles

and metalwork, and the flowering of Christian art into Romanesque forms

have been woven together to form the intricate and complex pattern that is


Our limits, of course, extend beyond the medieval world to later,

particularly modern architectural triumphs and to celebrated paintings by

Goya, Ribera, Velasquez, El Greco and Zurbaran in the Prado Museum and


The carefully assembled itinerary will be previewed daily by lectures and

by voice and musical tape recordings. Although Roman and Mediaeval Spain

provide the core material for our marvelous adventure, time and space will

be regularly assigned to the overall artistic and cultural aspects of

Spain, from its earliest awakenings to the present.

Program Includes: 

* Transatlantic flight from New York to Barcelona with return from Madrid. 

       Add On Fares are available from other cities. 

* Accommodations in first class hotels 

* Continental breakfast and 12 dinners 

* Transportation throughout session 

* All entrance fees to museums and archaeological sites 

* Sightseeing tours and excursions as described in itinerary 

* Study Guide and Reading Lists 

* Gratuities, taxes and service charges 

For additional information consult our website:

or contact us directly at: 

          The Campanian Society, Inc.

          P.O. Box 167 

          Oxford, Ohio 45056


          Telephone: (513) 524-4846 

          Fax: (513) 523-0276 



(c) This summer Rhodes College will be offering an overseas-studies course

on Greek art and architecture. The course runs from May 21 to June 16,

1997, and includes travel to sites on the Greek mainland and islands.

For a detailed itinerary and application form, please see our website at

the following address:


L. Tenzer 

Greek and Roman Studies 

Rhodes College 

Memphis, TN 38112



The Heritage of Naples Video Series

Now Available in English for NTSC (American Video System)

Videos Currently Available:

Archaeological Videos

          The Phlegraean Fields (57 minutes)

          The National Archaeological Museum (86 minutes)

          Pompeii, vol. 1 (69 minutes)

          Pompeii, vol.2 (65 minutes)

          Pompeii Outside the Walls (Villa of Mysteries, Oplontis, The Villa 

              at Stabiae, Villa Rustica, Antiquarium of Boscoreale) (70


          Herculaneum (68 minutes)

          Beneath the City of Naples (90 minutes)

Museums, Gardens, Culture Videos

          General Selection: An Overview (40 minutes)

          The Botanical Gardens (70 minutes)

          The Decumanus Inferior: Itineraries in the Historic Civic Center 

              (77 minutes)

          The Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum (36 minutes)

          The Royal Palace Museum (73 minutes)

          The Sansevero Chapel (51 minutes)

Cost for Videos: Each video costs $30.00 (plus postage and handling). The

complete series (13 videos) may be purchased for $360.00 (plus postage and

handling). PLEASE NOTE that we can also supply these videos in PAL (for

use on European videos systems). 

Ordering Instructions: Orders must be received by January 30th, 1997. 

Delivery of videos will be made by March 15th, 1997. 

For further information, visit the Campania WWW site at:


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1997 1 15.   Deadline: 1997 1 10