Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                               VOLUME/TOME 3,




                                 1996 12 20

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  196 Lines;  8 KBytes


       [1] Two Calls for Papers / [2] Latin via the Internet



a) PAC RIM SEMINAR (18-22 JUNE 1997)

The Department of Classics, University of Natal, South Africa, is hosting

the Eleventh Pacific Rim Seminar in Durban from 18-22 June 1997. The

conference theme is 'Writing Revolution: Roman Literary Responses to

Political Change.'

The purpose of this posting is to encourage scholars in Canada to offer a

paper who have not yet done so. I would like to attract a couple of more

scholars from Canada to the Seminar in Durban. I have generally not

invited scholars from North America to give papers unless they have

attended previous Pacific Rim Seminars, but I would like to encourage

Canadian scholars to attend and give papers. 

In early January 1997 I shall be applying for conference funding from the

Centre for Science Development, South Africa. (Applications for funding

must be submitted five months in advance of the commencement of any

conference.) I shall provide names of participants and their university

affiliations; it will also help my funding application if I can provide

titles of papers. Therefore, I request that you forward me your

provisional title by 3rd January 1997. (I will call for final titles of

papers and 100-word abstracts at a much later date.) Naturally the title

of your paper should reflect the conference theme. 

The following have offered to present papers at the Pacific Rim Seminar: 


     Robin Bond (University of Christchurch)

     Peter Davis (University of Tasmania)

     John Penwill (University of LaTrobe, Bendigo)

     Tom Stevenson (University of Auckland)

     Gail Tatham (University of Otago)

     Kathryn Welch (University of Sydney)

     Marcus Wilson (University of Auckland)


     Anthony Boyle (University of Southern California)

     Martha Davis (Temple University)

     Jessica Dietrich (Hamilton College)

     Hannah Fearnley (University of Southern California)

     Martin Helzle (Case Western Reserve University)

     Mark Morford (University of Virginia)

     Christine Zarbin Perkell (Emory University)


     John Atkinson (University of Cape Town)

     Chuck Chandler (University of Cape Town)

     Jo-Marie Claassen (University of Stellenbosch)

     Marianne Dircksen (Potchefstroom University for CHE)

     Richard Evans (University of South Africa)

     Anne Gosling (University of Natal, Durban)

     Segun Ige (University of Natal, Durban)

     Marc Kleijwegt (University of South Africa)

     Godfrey Mader (University of South Africa)

     Suzanne Sharland (Potchefstroom University for CHE)

     Peter Tennant (University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg)

     Sjarlene Thom (University of Stellenbosch)

     Elizabeth Tait (University of Natal, Durban)

     David Wardle (University of Cape Town)

William J. Dominik

Department of Classics

University of Natal

Durban 4041

South Africa

E-mail (Office):

Fax (Department): +27 (31) 260.2698

Phone (Office): +27 (31) 260.1306

Phone (Secretary): +27 (31) 260.2312


b) OPSIS: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference

April 4-6, 1997

Department of Classics, SUNY at Buffalo


Under the theme OPSIS, the graduate students at the State University of

New York at Buffalo are planning an interdisciplinary conference dealing

with issues of PERCEPTION.  Papers are encouraged from graduate students

in a variety of disciplines: Classics, Art History, Philosophy,

Anthropology, Classical Archaeology, English, Comparative Literature,

Media Studies, Political Science, et alia. One of our main goals is to

continue the precedent begun with last year's successful conference,

TRANSLATIO (translation or transformation).  This year we have chosen the

theme of OPSIS, for which papers should address questions of perception

relating to the ancient world - id est, interpretations of the

archaeological record, women and gender, race, the individual within the

collective, theatrical performance and audience, the source material for

aesthetic writing in modern literature, the portrayal of ancient

archetypes in popular cinema.... 

Papers should be 15-20 minutes in presentation.  All submissions should be

one-page abstracts of approximately 300 words (no full-length papers,

please).  Mail submissions to: 

     OPSIS Conference

     c/o Department of Classics

     712 Clemens Hall

     SUNY Buffalo

     Buffalo, NY  14260

     DEADLINE:  February 7, 1997

     Notifications are scheduled for early March.

For more information, contact:

     Holly  An' Oyster or Melissa Considine

     (716) 885-3788


     Allison Glazebrook

Conference Co-sponsored by: Graduate Student Association, Sub Board I,

Inc., Raymond Chair, Department of Classics, and Classics Graduate Student




The Department of Classics (Federal University of Parana, Brazil) and the

Department of Sciences of Antiquity (Zaragoza University, Spain), have

organized an introductory course of Latin via the Internet. The course

starts the 9th of January 1996. Subscriptions are open to 1st January. 

Information about this course:

Classics home-page:

Contacts: (to 18/12/96) (from 20/12/96)

M. Pilar Rivero


  N E X T    REGULAR    I S S U E :   1997 01 15.   Deadline: 1997 01 10