Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 3, NUMBER/NUMERO 8, 1997 04 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  979 Lines;  39 KBytes


          CONTENTS:  [1] CAC Business / [2] Calls for Papers /

          [3] Seminars, Lectures, Conferences, and Other Events /

          [4] Positions Available / [5] Department and Society Reports /

          [6] E-Mail Addresses: New and Updated / [7] WWW Pages and Other

          Electronic Resources of Interest / [8] Publications by Members /

          [9] Study Programs and Training Excavations




It has come to our attention that there is an error in the toll-free 

number for the Congress tours which is listed in the registration 

guide (p. 27). The correct number to call for tour registrations is 

the following:


For information concerning any aspect of the Congress, please 

contact the Secretariat at


Une erreur s'est glissee dans le dossier d'inscription en ce qui 

concerne le numero de telephone gratuit qui permet aux 

congressistes de prendre contact avec les agences d'excursions 

guidees. Il s'agit de composer le


Pour toute information au sujet du Congres, veuillez prendre 

contact avec le Secretariat:


David Graham

Coordonnateur, Secretariat des Societes Savantes Memorial 

University of Newfoundland



The winners of the 1997 CAC Sight Translation Competitions are:

Junior Greek

          1st prize: Janette Auer (Brock University)

          2nd prize: Christine Mitchell (Carleton University)

          3rd prize: Katina Janateas (University of Toronto)

          Honourable Mention:

               Andre Gonciar (University of Ottawa)

               Dejan Jankovic (Carleton University)

Junior Latin

          1st prize: Pascal Delorme (University of Montreal)

          2nd prize: James MacHattie (U.B.C.)

          3rd prize: Christine Wong (U. of Toronto Schools)

          Honourable Mention:

               Martin Sirois (University of Montreal)

               Shelley Reid (U.B.C.)

Senior Greek

          1st prize: Martin Sirois (University of Montreal)

          2nd prize: Jonathan Tracy (University of Toronto)

          3rd prize: Alexandra Harthel (McGill University)

          4th prize: Emmanuel Bourbouhakis (Concordia University)

          5th prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)

Senior Latin

          1st prize: Jonathan Tracy (University of Toronto)

          2nd prize: Melanie Williams (McMaster University)

          3rd prize: Kevin Wilkinson (U.B.C.)

          4th prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)

          5th prize: Karen Gallot (University of Montreal)

Congratulations to all the prize winners!!!

Patricia J Calkin (



I present the results of the 1995-96 CAC essay competition. A total of

eleven essays were submitted, three in French and eight in English. The

essays submitted represented a good range of the subdisciplines of

Classics, and the contributions ranged from first-year civilization

courses to fourth-year seminars. 

First Prize: Kenneth J. Thompson (York University) for "The Formation of

Social Attitudes concerning Social Mobility in Roman Society, 60 to 140


Second Prize: Jay Gamble (University of Waterloo) for "`Cursed Spite:' The

Precarious Heroism of Virgil's Aeneas" 

Third Prize: Genevieve Bourbonnais (University of Ottawa) for "Pergame:

protectrice de la culture grecque. Etude de la frise nord-ouest du Grand

autel de Zeus" 

Honourable Mention: Marie-Claire Goyer (Memorial University of

Newfoundland) for "Murder Most Macedonian" 

The essays submitted were all of excellent quality, but the first prize

winner stood out by virtue of his thorough analysis and clear exposition

of a complex subject. The author based his arguments upon the ancient

sources, with careful attention to the social positions and inherent

social biases, and also made judicious use of relevant and recent modern

authorities on the subject. The result is not only a contribution to

scholarship on perceptions of social mobility derived from literary

sources of the period from 60 to 140 A.D., but also a starting point for

future investigations of related social concerns. 

The essay awarded an Honourable Mention was unique in its integration of

modern parallels with ancient evidence. In this judge's opinion, it is

important to acknowledge the contributions such as this, which provide

fresh insights upon ancient problems from a non-specialist's perspective. 

I attribute the relatively low numbers of essays submitted for the 1995-96

contest to the somewhat late advertising last year as a result of the

"changing of the guard," and expect that the number of essays will rise

this year, when we will be able to advertise the contest earlier (i.e.,

during the term, when instructors are marking essays). I have already

received one submission. 

Frances Skoczylas (



The Ancient History Bulletin's new web-site can be found at:





Dans le but de faire connaître les qualités des étudiants oeuvrant dans le 

domaine de l'Antiquité classique, la SÉAQ publie chaque automne un numéro 

spécial constitué exclusivement de travaux particulièrement réussis, 

d'extraits de mémoire ou d'articles personnels rédigés par des étudiants 

des trois cycles universitaires. Nous invitons à nouveau les étudiants à 

nous soumettre les écrits qu'ils ont été amenés à composer sur l'un des 

multiples sujets propres à l'Antiquité: archéologie, littérature, histoire, 

philologie, linguistique, mythologie, philosophie, théologie, etc.

Afin de satisfaire certaines exigences dans la qualité de la présentation, 

des modalités de participation ont été établies. Ainsi, tout texte devra être 

approuvé par un professeur et nous parvenir accompagné d'un formulaire de 

présentation proposant les nom, prénom, programme, cycle, université et 

adresse permanente de l'étudiant ainsi que le titre du cours, le nom du 

professeur et sa signature. 

Les travaux ne dépasseront pas quinze pages (bibliographie et photos 

comprises, marges régulières, double interligne, caractères Times 12) 

et devront nous parvenir en deux exemplaires, dont un sur disquette 

(Macintosh de préférence). La SÉAQ ne s'engage pas cependant à publier 

tous les travaux reçus et aucun manuscrit ne sera retourné. 

Date de tombée: 15 Mai 1997


Département des Littératures

Faculté des Lettres

Université Laval

Québec G1K 7P4




To promote the quality of students working in classics, SEAQ publishes,

each fall, a special issue consisting of notable papers, memoirs, extracts

or personal articles written by students of the three university grades.

We invite students to submit their work in any of the many subjects

concerning antiquity: archaeology, literature, history, philology,

linguistics, mythology philosophy, theology, etc. 

To meet some exigencies of quality concerning the presentation, we have

established modalities of participation. Therefore, every text should be

approved by a teacher and sent with a cover letter presenting the name,

program, year, university and permanent address of the student and the

title of the course, the teacher's name and his/her signature. 

The papers must not exceed fifteen pages (bibliography and photographs

included, regular margins, double-spaced, Times 12) and should come to us

in two copies of which one should be sent on a diskette (preferably

Macintosh) or by electronic mail.  SEAQ does not engage itself to publish

all papers and will not return any of the scripts. 

Deadline for the next issue: 15 May 1997


Departement des Litteratures

Faculte des Lettres

Universite Laval

Quebec G1K 7P4




The Fourth Australian Women in Archaeology Conference

Cairns, Far North Queensland

3 July 1997 - 6 July 1997

The fourth "Women in Archaeology Conference" is to be held in Cairns - the

frontier to Far North Queensland and Cape York Peninsula - an area often

seen as a frontier for debate on cultural influences and commercial


The "Women in Archaeology Conference" is at the frontier of feminist

research into the archaeological discipline. It provides opportunities to

share viewpoints, discuss concerns, identify positive objectives and to

develop new initiatives that improve recognition of the contribution of

women to the archaeological record and to archaeological research. 

This conference aims to push back the frontier of women in archaeology by

setting new directions for the future. From the basis of what has been

achieved to date, directions for the next four years will be developed by

identifying achievable objectives, specific tasks and measurable results

-- in other words, the development of a four year plan of action. To do

this, there is a need to review what we have achieved to determine how we

will progress. The conference will provide a focussed forum by presenting

the past, present and future in two sections: 

SECTION 1: The past and present - what has been achieved since the first 

              conference in 1991

     How is feminist thought pervading archaeological discourse, 

         theory, methodology, etc.?

     Have we developed a feminist methodology?

     How has archaeology become engendered?

     How have workplace issues been addressed?

     Is gender being discerned in the archaeological record?

     How are indigenous women's concerns being addressed by the community, 

         archaeologists and government cultural heritage managers?

SECTION 2: The future -- the four-year plan

     Where do we want to be in four years time?

     What needs to happen? Types of activities that will achieve the 


     How can it be made to happen? Identification of specific goals, aims and 


     Who can make it happen?

"Feminism on the Frontier" aims to present ideas in varied formats. You

may wish to present and read a paper or you may think of a different way

to share your knowledge to encourage participation and to provoke

discussion -- group discussions, theatre, forums, posters, poetry, song.

Let's change the way conferences are run and put the conference forum on

the "frontier". 

If you would like to organise a session, present a paper, poster or visual

experience please contact Jillian Comber or send abstracts/ideas to: 

          Jillian Comber

          Department of Environment

          PO Box 2066

          Cairns QLD 4870


          TEL (AUS 61) 70-523069

          FAX (AUS 61) 70-523080

[Field Trip in the Kuranda Rainforest: 2 - 5 July]




The British Epigraphy Society

Spring Colloquium

Saturday, April 26, 1997

St. John's College, Oxford

Provisional Programme

9.30 Coffee

10.00 Dr. N. P. Milner: "Alan Hall's Kibyratis Surveys: the problem of


10.45 Mr. G. Williamson: "Burials in Roman Lycia: text and monument" 

11.30 M. Alain Bresson: "Rhodes and Lycian History in the second century


12.15 Dr. C. V. Crowther: "Iasos, Rhodes and Caria in the 2nd century BC" 

12.45 M. Alain Bresson: demonstration of PETRAE computer programme

1.00 Lunch

2.15 Prof. G. M. Rogers: "Lysimachus and the Hellenistic re-foundation of


3.00 Mrs. C. Roueche, M. Denis Feissel: "Re-examining the late antique

          inscriptions of Ephesos " 

3.45 Tea

4.30 Ms. B. Dignas: "Rome and the asulia of sanctuaries in Asia Minor " 

5.15 Dr. Onno Van Nijf: "The epigraphic habits of professional

          associations in Roman Asia Minor " 

It will be possible for small groups to visit the CSAD for 20 minutes at

1.45 and 6.00 p.m. 

The colloquium is open to all. The cost will be L3.00 to members of the

Society, and L6.00 to non-members; this includes morning coffee and

afternoon tea. A hot buffet lunch will be available at a cost of L10.00;

this must be ordered by 15 April. 



Department of Classics

Brooklyn College

"Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character"

Dr. Jonathan Shay, Staff Psychiatrist, Veterans Administration Outpatient

Clinic (Boston, Mass.) and author of the much-acclaimed book *Achilles in 


          Date: May 7, 1997

          Place: Occidental Lounge, Student Center (SUBO)

          Campus Road

          Brooklyn College

          Brooklyn, NY

          Time: 12:15-2:00 PM

For more information e-mail Roger Dunkle ( or

call the department office (718- 951-5191). 



University of Keele

Saturday, May 17

The Norman Baynes meeting is an informal conference for ancient historians

which aims to be informative and provide a context for contacts to be made

amongst colleagues. Size would militate against the ethos of the

conference so it is open only to those who hold a full-time post, i.e. it

is not open to undergraduate or graduate students

The date for the 1997 Norman Baynes Meeting is Saturday and Sunday

17th-18th May at the University of Keele. Accommodation will be in the

Hawthorns Conference Hotel. The form of the meeting will be as follows: 

16.00-16.30 Tea and biscuits in the Hawthorns Refectory.

17.00 1ST SESSION held in the Senior Common Room, Keele Hall

      Guy Rogers: Ethnic History ancient and modern

19.30 Dinner in the Hawthorns Refectory. Wines will be available for

purchase at dinner, and a bar will be open afterwards. 

Sunday, May 18

08.00-09.00 Breakfast in the Hawthorns Refectory.

09.00-10.45 The Senior Common Room in Keele Hall will be available for

people to meet. 

10.00 Coffee in the Hawthorns Refectory.

11.00 BUSINESS SESSION (Senior Common Room, Keele Hall), followed by brief 


     The Tiber Valley Project (John Patterson)

     Fragments of Roman Historians (Tim Cornell, Christopher Smith, Ed Bispham)

     Roman Provincial Coinage (Andrew Burnett)

     Epigraphical Manuscripts (Michael Crawford)

13.00 Lunch in the Hawthorns Refectory.

The deadline for bookings is May 2, and bookings which risk arriving after

this date should be checked by e-mail ( or telephone

(01782-583052 or 583049) in case accommodation is no longer available. 



Graduate Conference

Department of Classics

Reading University

8th-9th July 1997

Including papers from (provisional list):

Special guest speaker: Dr. Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, "The Hesiodic Myth

of five Races and the Tolerance of Plurality in Greek Mythology" 

     *David Hayden (Reading), "Christ/Orpheus figure in the iconography of 

         the Callistus catacomb"

     *Rosemary Marcus (Oxford), "Distortion of mythological names in early 

         modern Greek"

     *Elly Black (Reading), "Helen in 3 plays of Euripides"

     *Anthi Dipla (Archaeology, Oxford), "Images of women, images of power: 

         Atalanta, Eos and Clytaimnestra"

     *Deborah Mogg (Cardiff), "Influences of Orphism on the religion and 

         iconography of 4th century Roman Britain"

     *John-Gabriel Bodard (Reading), "Kirke and Medeia constructed as witches 

         in Greek literature and myth"

     *Ellie Ribeiro (Archaeology, Reading), "Looking for the goddess


     *Nicky Cavanagh (Birmingham), "Magical and mythological hair, the

         Ro(man) gaze"

     *Amanda Howey (Reading), "Myth of Lilith and Jewish women"

     *Katie Gilchrist (Oxford), "Paradigm of Penelope in Sophocles' Trachiniae"

     *Janice Siegal (Temple University, Philadelphia), "Procne in classical 

         poetry and iconography and beyond"

The conference will be held in the Ure Museum, in the Department of

Classics. A midnight talk will take place out in the wilderness beside

Whiteknights lake (you'll need strong nerves for this one!). 


Bed and Breakfast accommodation can be arranged in a hall close to the

campus for ca. 19 pounds. To ensure a bed in a hall, please book asap as

early July is a very busy time. Alternatively, a few floors are available

at local PG students' homes free of charge. For all enquiries about

accommodation and booking please contact Elena Berger (e-mail or c/o the

department; addresses below). 


The conference fee of 15 pounds will include meals. Please book as soon as

possible as places are limited.

To book, e-mail to find out about availability

and cost of accommodation (or use the form on the web page). Cheques

should be made payable to: "P/G Mythology", and sent to: 

          Elena Berger

          Classics, FoLSS

          University of Reading


          PO Box 218

          Reading RG6 6AA

          United Kingdom

All other enquiries will also be answered.


The world-wide web address for information about this conference,

including this message and updates, is: 


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired

          CAD 30);  contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9,






NOTE: The APA Placement Service's "Positions for Classicists"  is now

available via the WWW at:

Only those non-Canadian positions that have yet to appear in that forum

will be listed here. 



The Department of Classics at Chancellor College, University of Malawi,

welcomes applications for two two-year positions (renewable), at the level

of Lecturer or above, for the academic year beginning in January, 1998.

Applicants must have completed or be nearing the completion of their

Doctoral dissertation and should ideally be able to demonstrate

substantial teaching experience. Strength in Latin and Greek instruction

would be particularly advantageous. Otherwise, those with a background in

Ancient History, Classical Literature, Mythology, Linguistics, and/or

Philosophy would be welcome. The department is currently unable to include

in its curriculum the more technically specialized fields such as

Archaeology, Epigraphy, Papyrology and so forth. 

All potential candidates should, before application, consider the

implications of the University's employment terms: the salary range of a

Lecturer is from 67,500 Malawi Kwacha (MK) to MK124,358. That of Senior

Lecturer is from MK113,153 to MK143,591; Associate Professor: MK127,485 to

MK161,078; Professor: MK131,333 to MK197,325. These annual salary figures

are augmented by a non-taxable Professional allowance of MK1,971 per

month. The Malawi kwacha is currently exchanged at about 15 kwacha to one

U.S. dollar, which means that the annual salary of a well-paid Lecturer is

around US$7,200. The University does, however, also provide a two or three

bedroom house, with basic furnishing; air passage here and return for the

staff member and his/her family, with reasonable household baggage

allowance; an Education allowance for the tuition of children. Although

the salary figures seem very low by First World standards, it _is_

possible to live in reasonable comfort for the duration of one's contract.

Those who recognize this advertisement from last Fall should note that the

salary figures have been increased by about 80% since that time, while the

kwacha has remained stable against major foreign currencies. 

Interested candidates should send: a copy of their most recent CV,

including the FAX numbers and e-mail addresses of three referees and a

cover letter demonstrating sincere interest in teaching classics in Malawi


          Dr. Henri de Marcellus, Head

          Department of Classics

          Chancellor College

          P.O. Box 280

          Zomba, Malawi (East Africa)

They should also arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be

sent separately to the same address. It would be best if applications were

to be posted by June 1, 1997, though those posted after that date may

still be considered. 



The Classics Department at Emory University invites applications for a

one-year replacement position in Classics at assistant professor rank

beginning Fall, 1997. Candidates should be literary generalists with the

ability to teach Greek, Latin, and Classical Civilization courses at all

undergraduate levels. Particular strength in teaching elementary Latin is

desirable. The Department would also welcome a proposal for an innovative

Classical Civilization course. Candidates with teaching experience, Ph.D.

preferred. Letters of application and dossiers should be sent no later

than April 30, 1997 to: 

          Professor Peter Bing, Chair

          Department of Classics

          404 N. Callaway Building

          Emory University

          Atlanta, GA 30322


Emory University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 



The assistant professor position beginning Fall 1997 listed several weeks

ago at Hunter College CUNY in classical archaeology/Latin has been


Responsibilities: teach courses in classical archaeology (with a

specialization in Roman and/or Hellenistic periods), classical culture and

Latin at all levels, including courses in the MA in the Teaching of Latin

program. Productive ongoing research and scholarship. Participation in

departmental and college committees. 

Qualifications: PhD required at time of appointment. Some teaching

experience desirable. 

Salary: commensurate with qualifications and experience. Salary range:


Send dossier and three letters of reference to:

          Professor Tamara M. Green

          Department of Classical and Oriental Studies

          Hunter Collete

          695 Park Avenue

          New York, NY




The Department of Classics at the State University of New York at Buffalo

has been authorized to appoint a part-time lecturer in Latin literature

and Roman Civilization for a one year position for the academic year

1997-1998 The lecturer will teach one undergraduate course in the fall and

an undergraduate course and graduate seminar in the spring. The person

will also supervise the TA's teaching elementary and intermediate

undergraduate Latin and assist with the advisement of undergraduate and

graduate students. The person will also serve as departmental liaison with

the Latin teachers of the Classical Association of Western New York and

the Classical Association of the Empire State, helping to develop

cooperative programs between UB and the Latin teachers of New York. The

authorized salary for the position is $19,500 and includes benefits. 

Candidates who are ABD as well as those with completed PH.D's and no more

than two years of full time teaching are urged to apply. Applicants should

be prepared to teach undergraduate and graduate Latin and Classical

Civilization. Applications should include a resume, three letters of

recommendation, a sample of published work or work in progress, teaching

evaluations (if available) and an outline for a proposed graduate seminar

in Latin literature (preferably of the Republic or Augustan periods).

Applications should be completed by April 21 and sent to: 

          Dr Stephen L. Dyson, Chair

          Department of Classics

          State University of New York at Buffalo

          712 Clemens Hall

          Buffalo, NY 14260


          Fax: 716-645-2225

The University at Buffalo is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity

Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. No person shall be

subject to discrimination on the basis of age, creed, color, disability,

national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital or

veteran status. 

Questions about the position should be addressed to Dr Dyson at 716-645-

2154 ext 1114 or email CLDYSON@UBVMS.CC.BUFFALO.EDU.




As part of its commitment to making the most of technological

developments, the Department of Classics at McMaster University would like

to draw attention to the following: 

i.) This summer, the Department (in conjunction with the Centre for

Continuing Education) is presenting a pair of mini- courses: 

AutoCad for Archaeologists I is a nine session course designed to teach

archaeologists the basics of using AutoCad to draw objects, buildings, and

site plans in 2D and 3D. 

AutoCad for Archaeologists II is a nine session continuation of

instruction which focusses on more sophisticated drawing and rendering

techniques as well as customizing AutoCad for specialized purposes

(including site documentation). 

Both courses will be taught by David Meadows.

For more information, contact either:

          Carmen Camillieri


          David Meadows

ii.) To fill a great void in the world of scholarly mailing lists, and as

a precursor to further activities, the Department has also set up a

mailing list devoted to epigraphy: 

EPIGRAPH-L is a scholarly discussion list devoted to the study of

Classical Epigraphy. It will provide a forum for all aspects of such

study, ranging from the discussion of specific inscriptions and problems

associated with them, to announcements of conferences and colloquia (and

perhaps even summaries of papers presented), to notices of publication of

appropriate monographs and journals, to whatever else seems to be germane

to the study of epigraphy. And while the primary focus of the list is the

discussion of inscriptions from the Greek and Roman worlds, discussion of

inscriptions from 'peripheral cultures' is also welcome. It is hoped that

the list will serve as a clearing house to link members of the

'epigraphical community' worldwide and as such, the 'official' language of

the list is English, but contributions are also welcome in French, German,

and Italian. 

To subscribe to EPIGRAPH-L:

Send a message to:

Leave the subject line blank and as the body of your message:

          subscribe epigraph-l 



With apologies for any cross-listings, I'd like to inform interested

colleagues that the Eleusis Archaeological Project Web Page is now up. The

page includes PERSEPHONE (the Newsletter of the project), a summary of the

1994 season results and a more detailed report on the results of the 1995


The url address is as follows:

If you run into any problems, please let me know.

Michael B. Cosmopoulos

Associate Professor, Classics

Vice-Provost, University College

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB. R3T 2M8

Tel (204) 474-9171

Fax (204) 261-0021


(c) Fondation Humanitas

Créée en 1988 a Québec, la Fondation Humanitas a pour objectif de promouvoir 

les humanités gréco-latines et d'encourager l'étude des lettres anciennes: 

littérature, philosophie, histoire et patristique. 

Dans cette optique, la Fondation Humanitas a pour mission de récolter les 

fonds nécessaires au financement de divers projets: institution de cours 

intensifs de latin et de grec, présentation de pièces de théâtre ou de 

récitals du répertoire antique, autant d'actions destinées a rappeler a 

l'homme moderne que les lettres anciennes constituent un précieux heritage 

qu'il ne saurait négliger sous peine de mécomprendre sa grandeur humaine.

Composition de l'exécutif:

          Jean-Marc Narbonne, Président

          Léopold Migeotte, Vice-président

          Anne Pasquier, Secrétaire

          Alban Baudou, Trésorier

Categories de membres:

          Bénévole: ad lib.

          Individuel: 25.00 $

          Ami: 100.00 $

          Institutionnel: 200.00 $

          Bienfaiteur: 1 000.00 $ et plus

          Gouverneur: 5 000.00 $ et plus

          À vie: 20 000.00 $ et plus

Devenir membre de la Fondation Humanitas, c'est aider a montrer que ces 

langues que l'on dit trop souvent mortes sont bien vivantes, en nous et 

autour de nous.

Pour tout renseignement, adressez-vous au siège social de la Fondation:

          Fondation Humanitas

          Cegep de Ste-Foy

          2410 Chemin Ste-Foy

          Québec G1V 1T3



The Fondation Humanitas

The Fondation Humanitas is a fund that was created in Quebec City in 1988

to promote Greek and Latin classics and to encourage the study of pure

humanities: literature, philosophy, history and patristics.

The mission of the Fondation Humanitas is to raise funds to finance

various projects, including the introduction of intensive Latin and Greek

language courses and the presentation of plays or recitals from the

antique repertoire. Such activities are designed to remind modern men and

women that pure humanities are part of a priceless heritage which should

not be ignored by those who seek to develop a good understanding of the

greatness of mankind. 

Executive Committee:

          Jean-Marc Narbonne, Chairperson

          Leopold Migeotte, Vice-president

          Anne Pasquier, Secretary

          Alban Baudou, Treasurer

Types of memberships:

          Volunteer: ad lib.

          Individual: $25.00

          Friend: $100.00

          Institution: $200.00

          Benefactor: $1,000.00 and more

          Governor: $5,000.00 and more

          Lifetime: $20,000.00 and more

Your donation to the Fondation Humanitas will help us to demonstrate that

these so-called dead languages are quite alive, both within and around us. 

For more information, please contact the Fondation executive office at: 

          Fondation Humanitas

          Cegep de Ste-Foy

          2410 Chemin Ste-Foy

          Quebec G1V 1T3




We are having some problems with a proposal from the Bodleian to move the

Classics Reading Rooms for a year in 1998- 9 to the basement of the Law

Library while Duke Humfrey's Library is having its death-watch beetle

eradicated. This would separate the Classics collections from the rest of

the library -- including, for instance, the Patristics material, and the

material from Duke Humfrey's itself -- and cause a great deal of trouble

for the Faculty at a time when the Ashmolean Library will also probably be

in turmoil because of the building of the Sackler Library. We have made

some alternative suggestions, and we suspect the new Director of Library

Services is sympathetic, but it would help to have some outside support in

our campaign. If colleagues in the UK and outside who are familiar with

the Bodleian could drop a short (polite!) email to the Director of Library

Services and Bodley's Librarian, Reg Carr (,

expressing concern at the proposals, and hoping that a way could be found

to keep the Classics Reading Rooms in the main library, it would be very

much appreciated. We don't want to make too much of this at this stage,

but the more expressions of concern he receives, the more chance we have

of not being exiled to outer darkness. If you could copy any messages sent

to myself ( and Chris Pelling

(, we would much appreciate it: either

of us would be very happy to provide any further information.




          hugh maclean





     Bibliography On Roman Luxembourg (Provincia Belgica)

     Patrologia Latina Database (Commercial)

     Fonts for Patristic Scholars

     Introduction Interet de l'Etude du Droit Romain

     A Temporal Model of The Temple of Antoninus Pius and Faustina and Context

     Ostia: Harbour of Ancient Rome

     Roman Military Sites in Britain



     DAVIAULT Andre et HEUZE Philippe, *Ovide Amours, 

     Traduction et presentation*, Editions Payot & Rivages, Paris, 

     1996, 123 p., ISBN: 2-7436-0128-0, ISSN: 1158-5690.




The Department of Classical Studies is offering a full year of

introductory Latin (LATIN 131-132) in six weeks (from 30 June 1997 - 8

August 1997). The class will meet five times a week, four hours a day, at

Loyola's Lakeshore Campus right beside Lake Michigan. 

Students will learn all the basics of Latin so that, by the end of the

course, they will be able to read Latin texts and be ready to enter

standard intermediary college Latin courses at Loyola or elsewhere. 

Class time will be divided between the introduction of new material,

practice, and review of familiar material. Two instructors will be

available for much personal attention. 

Tuition of $1,950.00 covers the six credits of what amounts to a regular

two-semester (or one-year) course. 

Students not currently enrolled at Loyola should contact:

          Director of Summer Sessions

          Loyola University of Chicago

          Lewis Towers 401

          820 N. Michigan Avenue

          Chicago, Illinois 60611


          Telephone: 312-915-6501

For further information on the course, please contact:

          Summer Latin Course

          Department of Classical Studies

          Loyola University of Chicago

          Crown Center 575

          6525 N. Sheridan Road

          Chicago, Illinois 60626


          Telephone: 773-508-3650


Please also visit our classical studies webpage at:


        N E X T    I S S U E :   1997 05 15.   Deadline: 1997 05 10