Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 4, NUMBER/NUMERO 2, 1997 10 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University

                             KKINZL@TRENTU.CA                                     ISSN 1198-9149


              Total document length:  937 Lines;  47 KBytes


[1]   Editor's remarks

[2]   Conferences and lectures

[3]   Calls for papers

[4]   Job openings; fellowships

[5]   Varia

[6]   New www sites

[7]   E-mail addresses, corrected etc.


[1]   Editor's remarks:  All recipients of the bulletin will no doubt agree

that Professor John R. Porter, acting editor 1996-97, has set new standards

of quality and efficiency in the compilation and production of *CCB/BCEA*. 

I am also convinced that all will join me in thanking John for having

so splendidly performed this "thankless job" (his words) and persuading him

that the job was not a "thankless" one after all. 

Second, I was surprised to learn by accident that one of our members abroad

was in Canada a week ago (this was not of course the first such incident). 

I seem to recall that the mandate and purpose of this bulletin has been, 

inter alia, to avoid such occurrences.  I plead with colleagues who host

events for visitors from abroad or anywhere on this continent to share this

information by way of this bulletin with everybody else;  so that we can

either attempt to issue connecting invitations or at least travel to hear

their talks. 

Third, I urge recipients of the bulletin to communicate to me criticism 

(it's too long, too short, or the contents are of little interest, and 

other items should be included, etc. etc.).  I may of course put the notice 

of a complainant at the very end of a deliberately lengthy issue of no 

content.  But, seriously, the bulletin is yours, not mine, and you play the 

most important role in improving it. 



The Montreal Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America presents a

lecture by Mr. Mark Wilson Jones (AIA Kress Lecturer), Rome University,

entitled "The Origins and Meaning of the Doric Order."  This lecture takes

place on Monday, October 20, 1977 at 8 pm, Room W-215, Arts Building,

McGill University, 853 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec. The public is

cordially invited to attend.  For information, please call (514) 481-3776

or 674-8039. 

Dr. Jane Francis, Secretary, AIA Montreal, CMLL, Concordia University, 1455

de Maisonneuve Blvd W., Montreal, Quebec  H3G 1M8; 


The Toronto Society of the Archaeological Institute of America.

Lecture Series, 1997-1998

Oct. 22, 4:15    Mark Wilson Jones, Rome University.  Samuel H. Kress

Lectureship in Ancient Art: The Enigma of the Pantheon 

Nov. 26, 4:15    Edward J. Keall, Royal Ontario Museum. Encountering a

Bronze Age Megalith Culture on the Red Sea Coast of Yemen 

Jan. 28, 4:15    Michele George, McMaster University. *Incomparabiles

Nutritores*: Child Minders of Roman Biographical Sarcophagi 

March 4, 4:15    T. Cuyler Young, University of Toronto. Persians and Late

Phrygians at Gordion: The New Archaeological Evidence 

April 1, 4:15    Michael B. Cosmopoulos, University of Manitoba. From Here

to Eternity: The Ancient Mystery Cult at Eleusis.  To be followed by our

annual Members' Banquet 

All lectures to be held in Lecture Room 146 of University College,

University of Toronto, 15 King's College Circle

Admission is free and non-members are most welcome.



Folks in the neighborhood of Oberlin College (35 miles SW of Cleveland)

might be interested in the following talks scheduled for this fall:

Thurs. Oct 16, 4:30 PM  "Insult and Humiliation in Socratic Athens"

      by Don Lateiner of Ohio Wesleyan University (King Building 337)

Thurs. Nov 13, 4:30 PM  "Performing Aeschylus: The Difference Women

      Make"  by Mary Kay Gamel, Santa Cruz (King Building room 337)

All who can are cordially invited to attend.  If you let us know in

advance that you are coming, we will include you in the hospitality.

James J. Helm, Department of Classics, Oberlin College, Oberlin OH  44074




"Priests, Magicians and Incantations in Hellenistic Egypt"

Saturday, November 8, 1997 at the Chicago Humanities Institute,

Regenstein Library, The University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Room S 118

9:00 AM   David Frankfurter (University of New Hampshire).  "Priests,

Stereotype Appropriation and the Hellenization of the Egyptian Incantation"

10:30 AM   Christopher A. Faraone (University of Chicago). "Greek and

Egyptian Traditions in the Incantations from Hellenistic Egypt" 

1:00 PM   Robert Ritner (University of Chicago). "Seven Brides with Seven

Stingers: The Philinna Papyrus Incantation and the Scorpion Wives of


2:30 PM   Alexander Jones, (University of Toronto). "Astral Omens and

Incantations in Ptolemaic and Greco-Roman Egypt" 

4:00 PM   Matthew Dickie (University of Illinois, Chicago). "Bolus of

Mendes: The Learned Magician and the Collection and Transmission of Magical

Lore in Hellenistic Egypt" 

5:30-6:30 PM   Reception and Roundtable Discussion: Hans-Dieter Betz

(University of Chicago), Fritz Graf (University of Basel), and Sarah Iles

Johnston (Ohio State University) 

Sponsored by the Visiting Committee to the Division of the Humanities and

the Workshop on Ancient Societies.

Persons with a disability who believe they may need assistance:

please contact Barbara Collins in advance at 773-702-8274.

A Fourth Meeting, April 4, 1998 at the Chicago Humanities Center

entitled "Narrative Strategies in Greek and Egyptian Prose of the

Hellenistic Period" includes speakers Ludwig Koenen, John Tait, John

Dillery, H.J. Thissen and Ian Rutherford.


APA's 129th ANNUAL MEETING, DEC 27-30, 1997, CHICAGO, IL

As an attendee of the APA Annual Meeting, 5-10% off the lowest fare

is available by simply calling Association Travel Concepts, the official

agency of the APA.

United Airlines & USAir are proud to he official co-carriers for APA

United:  5% oft lowest applicable fares, some restrictions apply.* Save

10% on unrestricted coach fares, with seven day advance purchase.

USAir:  5% off lowest applicable fares, some restrictions apply.* Save

10% on unrestricted coach fares, with seven day advance purchase.


CONFERENCE:   The Department of Classics at Xavier University (Cincinnati)

announces a conference on 'Seneca in Production' to be held February 20 and

21 at Xavier University.  Speakers will be Fred Ahl (translator), Elaine

Fantham, Sander Goldberg, George W.M. Harrison, Brian Hook, C.W. Marshall,

Jo-Ann Shelton, Cathy Springfield (Producer) and Gyllian Raby (Director).

The mounting of a production of Seneca's *Trojan Women* offers an

invaluable opportunity for scholars to explore whether Seneca's plays

received formal production, and if they did how they might have been

staged.  Participants will each be given up to an hour to develop and

demonstrate their points of view, which touch not just upon the plays

themselves but also upon the social milieu and the influence of Seneca's

plays from antiquity to today.  The public is welcome.  For further

information contact George W.M. Harrison at 


CALL FOR PAPERS: The 11th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women,

"Breaking Boundaries," will be held on June 4-6, 1998 at the University of

Rochester, Rochester, New York.  The Program Committee welcomes proposals

that transcend regional, disciplinary, and cultural boundaries; that break

traditional boundaries of academic presentation and explore innovative ways

of presenting material and involving the audience.  The Committee also

seeks proposals that discuss pedagogy, public history, collaborative

research, and feminist activism.  The Committee encourages international

participation and panels that represent a diversity of participants. 

We prefer proposals for complete panels (normally two papers, one

commentator, and a chair) or roundtables, especially those with cross-

national and comparative themes.  Individual papers will also be

considered.  The Program Committee may rearrange panels; submission of a

proposal will be taken as agreement with this proviso.  No one may appear

more than once on the program in any capacity. 

Please submit proposals in triplicate, postmarked by January 31, 1998, in a

single packet marked "Berkshire Conference" to the appropriate co-chair. 

Each proposal must include: 1) panel title or roundtable theme; 2) title

and onepage abstract of each paper or presentation; 3) name and address of

contact person; 4) one-page vita for participant, including current

address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address; 5) a

self-addressed, stamped postcard for return upon receipt of packet. 


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 10:19:38 -0400 (EDT)

From: Gregory Daugherty 

Subject: CAMWS meeting

	Since we are beginning the process of putting together the program

for the April CAMWS meeting in VA, it would be helpful to hear (off list)

from any groups which would like to hold receptions or similar events at

the meeting. While we do not have any official "affiliated" groups, several

(Vergilian Society, WCC, CSAAR etc) regularly request space. Since times

for such events are quite limited, it would be helpful to hear from them

ASAP. I have already begun blocking out times and rooms. 

	It promises to be a very good meeting. We received almost 300

abstracts for papers and panels, 90% of which were in good order and

complete. Individual acknowledgements will be sent out tomorrow or tuesday.

I hope to have travel and hotel information posted on the homepage by the

end of the month. 


# Gregory N. Daugherty       Email: #

# Department of Classics     Phone: 804-752-7275     #

# Randolph-Macon College     Fax:   804-752-7231     #

# P.O. Box 5005              ICBM:  37d 45.687' N    #

# Ashland, VA 23005-5505            77d 28.622' W    #

# CAMWS= #

# CAMWS office PH: 804-752-3732 EM: #




Problems in Editing for the Electronic Medium

7 - 9 November 1997

University of Toronto

The Conference on Editorial Problems, founded in 1964, holds annual

conferences to examine methods of editing texts. Attendance usually consists

of approximately 60 to 100 professional academic editors, together with

delegates from publishing houses, granting agencies, and elsewhere. The

invited papers are collected into a Conference volume published in time for

the next Conference. Thirty-one volumes are now in print or in the Press,

the most recent volumes from the University of Toronto Press. 

The objective of the 33rd annual Conference is to examine the practice of

editing as it is shaped by the electronic medium, and to explore the

practicality of the opportunities and the problems that come from their

implementation. Papers from 7 invited speakers will be followed by a panel

of Toronto scholars from a wide variety of disciplines. The speakers are

o  Julia Flanders (Brown), "Data or Wisdom? Electronic editing, 

     empiricism, and the quantification of knowledge

o  John Lavagnino (Brown), "Access"

o  Jerome McGann (Virginia), "The Contradictory Imperatives of Eye and Mind"

o  Peter Robinson (De Montfort, Oxford), "The Canterbury Tales Project and 

     other electronic editions: where next?

o  Peter Shillingsburg (Mississippi), "The Dank Cellar of Electronic Texts"

o  C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (Illinois at Chicago), "Why You Should Not Teach 

     Your Edition How to Swim"

o  Kathryn Sutherland (Oxford), "The Real Presences of Texts"

The panelists are Andrew Hughes (Music), Alex Jones (Classics), Ian

Lancashire (English, panel chair), Keren Rice (Linguistics), Gary Shawver

(Medieval Studies), Jens Wollesen (Fine Art History), Russon Wooldridge


Unlike previous Conferences, "Computing the Edition" will be published in

two versions: one on paper, for the volume from the University of Toronto

Press, the other designed for the electronic medium.

The number of attendees is strictly limited, so we recommend you register as

soon as possible.

Details about the 1997 Conference, including a registration form and

information on hotels and the amenities of Toronto may be found at the 1997

Conference Web site, . Enquiries

are welcome, to>.

Convenors: Willard McCarty (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's

College London)

Dr. Willard McCarty, Senior Lecturer, King's College London

voice: +44 (0)171 873 2784 fax: +44 (0)171 873 5801


Fred Unwalla (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto)

Conference Co-ordinator: Jennifer Forbes (Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto)




Below is an updated call for papers for a conference being held at Stanford

University in February 1998. We will be accepting abstracts through October

15, 1997. If you have any questions not answered below, please email the

address given in the call, or contact me personally at 

Meredith Ann English, Dept. of Classics, Stanford University

Polis and Urbs:  Interpreting Civic Space and Identity

A graduate student symposium at Stanford University

February 27-28, 1998

[....................]There are two goals of this symposium:  to allow

graduate students to present their research in a formal setting and to

encourage interdisciplinary analysis of the ancient Mediterranean world. 

Graduate students in Classics, as well as in the other humanities and

social sciences, are encouraged to submit an abstract accompanied by a CV

before October 15, 1997.  We will contact prospective presenters by

November 21, 1997.  Papers will be delivered in a panel format, with twenty

minutes allotted to each presentation; questions and discussion will

follow.  In addition to the student panels, Professors Michael H. Jameson

(Stanford University) and Catharine Edwards (University of Bristol) will

deliver keynote addresses. 

Send abstracts to:

Graduate Student Committee for Symposia, Stanford University, Department of

Classics, Stanford, CA  94305-2080, [USA]. (415) 723-2581 

For more information:  Send e-mail to or see

the link at


TEXT & PRESENTATION XXII: The 22nd annual Comparative Drama Conference at

the University of Florida will be held March 26- 28, 1998.  Papers on all

aspects of drama, ancient to modern, across disciplines, social issues and

drama techniques are invited.  Please send one-page abstract, with name and

academic affiliation on top left by November 17 to the conference director:

Karelisa Hartigan, Classics Box 117435, University of Florida, Gainesville,

FL 32611; FAX: 352/846-0297; e-mail: 



20-21 FEBRUARY 1998

Taking Stock at the Millennium:  Ancient Art and its Legacies

The Department of the History of Art at Cornell University announces its

annual graduate symposium.  Submissions to this forum need not be limited

by period, culture, or medium, but are encouraged to address issues in

disciplines including but not limited to Art History, Architecture, and

Archaeology.  Graduate students who are currently engaged in advanced work

are invited to submit a one-page abstract, along with a cover letter and

curriculum vitae.  Abstracts submitted via e-mail will NOT be considered. 

In order to be considered for presentation, proposals must be RECEIVED no

later than December 5, 1997.  Questions may be submitted to 

Please respond to:

History of Art and Archaeology, Annual Graduate Symposium, 35 Goldwin Smith

Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3201, [USA] 


The Association of Ancient Historians:  SPRING MEETING -- CALL FOR PAPERS

The Association of Ancient Historians will hold its annual Spring Meeting

on May 1-3, 1998.  Hosted by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,

the meeting will be held at the University's Robert Allerton Conference

center, about 25 miles [ca. 40 km] from Urbana- Champaign.  This beautiful

facility includes a refurbished mansion set in a park of 1750 wooded acres,

with twin rooms and private baths. (A few double rooms and/or shared baths

will also be available.) Meals will be included in the housing costs. 

Tentative topics for the meeting include:

1.  From city-state to empire

2.  From *provincia* to province

3.  Great families, great houses, great gardens, great wealth

4.  Asia Minor (John Eadie is organizing this session)

If you would be interested in presenting a paper at one of these sessions,

or have a topic that you would like to suggest, please contact Richard

Mitchell, Department of History, 309 Gregory Hall, 810 South Wright Street,

Urbana, IL 61801, [USA] 

Professor Mitchell can also be reached via e-mail at

or by FAX at 217-333-2297.

The preferred timeline is: summaries of papers in October, with a rough

draft in February and final draft in March. 


CALL FOR PAPERS for the 1998 MGSA/MLA Panel in San Francisco

Panel Topic: "Greek Performance in Context"


Performance study and performance criticism will bring together scholars

and practitioners from a wide variety of fields in order to discuss

practical and theoretical issues of (re-)presentation, relating to problems

of self, gender, orality and literacy, audience interaction, the

modernization of "dated" Greek texts, meta-theatrical and extra-dramatic

performance, interaction between spectacle, text, music and dance. In

particular, we welcome papers addressing the verbal, paraverbal, and visual

dimensions of nineteenth and early twentieth-century Greek (popular)

performance (Karaghiozis, Athenian epitheorisi theater, etc.), its social

context and audience, as well as its analogies with other cultures. 

Deadline for submission of abstracts (minimum 500 words) and vitae: March

15, 1998

For information, please contact:  Gonda Van Steen, Dept. of Classics, P.O.

Box 210067, Tucson, AZ 85721-0067, [USA]; email: 



Organizers: Elizabeth Vandiver, Northwestern University

Richard Armstrong, University of Houston

This colloquium was suggested by the interest shown in last year's panel

Choosing a Translation: What Is At Stake?  The three-year format  will

allow continued discussion in greater depth than was possible in the 1996

panel. Although as a profession we deal with translation on a daily basis

in publications and in the classroom, we rarely have the opportunity to

discuss the topic formally.  We hope to change that with this extended

exploration of literary translation. 


For 1998, we are soliciting papers on translations of epic into any

language from any epoch. Our conception of epic is broad enough to include

poets such as Lucretius, Apollonius and Aratus, as well as Homer and

Vergil. Where possible, papers should discuss the claims and motivations of

the translator, as these often expose certain telling presuppositions about

language or literary tradition. 

Submit abstracts to Elizabeth Vandiver, Department of Classics,

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-2200. Abstracts will be judged

anonymously by three referees. For additional information, contact either

Elizabeth Vandiver at, or Richard Armstrong at This colloquium will soon have its own website to

help maintain continuity over its three years of development. 



At the request of Prof. Marina Krasnoperova of St. Petersburg University, I

would like to post the following announcement about next year's St.

Petersburg State University Conference on linguistics and applied poetics

in contemporary scholarship.  This conference will be one of the most

important in the past ten or fifteen years, bringing together distinguished

scholars from Europe, North America and Russia to discuss crucial issues in

poetics, versification and rhythmics.  It will also serve as a forum for

debate about the current clash between newer theories of rhythm and the

older Slavic methodologies based on empirical and statistical analysis of


Although the working language is Russian, paper topics are not limited to

any language.  Classicists with some Russian skills should find it

invaluable, and the university itself is housed in a spectacular complex on

University Embankment across the Neva from the Hermitage.  The conference

will be a good excuse to see Europe's most unusual--and in my opinion

matchless--city.  Not to mention the Marinsky Opera and Ballet, the

Alexander Theater, the great Bolshoi Zal, the Russian Museum and much more

off the heavily trodden tourist route. 

Steven J. Willett

University of Shizuoka, Hamamatsu Campus          

    St. Petersburg State University and the Institute of the Russian

Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) plan to conduct an

international conference entitled "Linguistic and Applied Poetics in

Contemporary Scholarship." 

    The following topics have been proposed:

  1.  The legacy of twentieth-century formal poetics and

    prospects for its development.

  2.  Contemporary linguistic theories about metrics and verse


  3.  Rhythm, rhyme, and their interaction with the linguistic

    levels of a verse text (phonetics, morphology, syntax, and

    lexical semantics).

  4.  Comparative study of the poetics of the literary and

    folklore text.

  5.  Comparative study of the poetics of texts in different

    languages.  Linguistic problems in translation.

  6.  Modeling the processes for the generation and perception of

    a verse text.

  7.  Development of precise methods in the study of verse and


  8.  The interdisciplinary connections of poetics in the system

    of contemporary scholarship.  Applied poetics.

    Program Committee: H. Baran, J. Bailey, M. Gasparov, M. Krasnoperova,

I. Lilly, A. Proxorov, T. Skulacheva, B. Scherr. 

    Organizing Committee: M. Gasparov (Chair, Moscow), M. Krasnoperova

(Deputy Chair, St. Petersburg), B. Scherr (Deputy Chair, USA), J. Bailey

(USA), A. Gerd (St. Petersburg), I. Lilly (New Zealand), G. Martynenko

(Secretary, St. Petersburg), A. Proxorov (Moscow), T. Skulacheva (Moscow),

E. Kazarcev (Assistant Secretary, St. Petersburg). 

    The conference has been planned for June 22 through June 28, 1998 in

the Peterhof Complex of St. Petersburg University. 

    Russian will be the working language of the conference.

    Proposals of not more than one page must be received before November 1,

1997 to be considered for acceptance by the Program Committee.  The title

and contents of the paper, author's name, mailing address, telephone, fax

number, and Email address must be included. 

    Proposals from participants in Europe and America should be sent to the

following address: 

Professor Barry Scherr, Department of Russian, Dartmouth College, 44 North

College Steet, Hanover, NH 03755-1801, phone: 1-603-646-2628, fax:

1-603-646-1557, Email: 

     Proposals from  participants  in  Russia  and  other  new independent

states of the former Soviet Union should  be  sent to the following


Rossija, 123019 Moskva, Volhonka 18/2, Institut russkogo jazyka, otdel

stilistiki jazyka hudozhestvennoj literatury, Tat'yane Vladimirovne

Skulachevoj; e-mail:; fax 291-23-17; phone: (095)


Rossija, 198904 S.Peterburg, Petrodvorets, Bibliotechnaja pl. d.2, NIIMM

SPbGU, prof. Marine Abramovne Krasnoperovoj; e-mail:; fax: 428-70-39; phone:  (812) 428-41-49 

    Information about travel, living, and eating arrangements will be

communicated in the Letter of Invitation. 

The Organizing Committee.



The JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (JAC) is published annually by the

institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (Northeast Normal

University, Changchun, Jilin province. The people's Republic of China). The

Journal aims to provide a forum for the discussion of various aspects of

the cultural and historical process in the Near Eastern and Mediterranean

world, encompassing, studies of individual civilizations as well as common

elements, contacts and interactions among them (e-g, in such traditional

fields as Assyriology, Classics, Egyptiology, Hittitology, etc.). The

Journal welcomes articles dealing with history, philology, art, archaeology

and linguistics which are intended to illuminate the material and spiritual

culture of that region. Articles discussing other cultures will be

considered for publication if they are clearly relevant to the Near Eastern

and Mediterranean region. Information about new discoveries and current

scholarly events is also welcome. Publishers are encouraged to send review

copies of books in relevant fields. Technical information for contributors:

Articles may be written in English, French or German. We ask the authors

not to exceed 3O typewritten double-spaced pages for articles and & pages

for reviews and current scientific events. Authors may also enclose 4-6

black-and-white photographs. Styles standardly employed in humanities and

social science publications are acceptable in JAC. Authors should provide a

list of abbreviations used in their articles. We encourage the sending of

manuscripts on computer disk. At present we can accommodate 3.5 inch

microdiskcttes prepared in either Wordperfect (IBM PC compatible, version

4/.1 or above) or Microsoft Word (Apple Macintosh systems, version 4.O,

and Word for Windows, version Z.0). please enclose a double-spaced hard

copy. All communications, manuscripts, disks and books for review should

be send to Dr. J. Hao, Journal of Ancient Civilizations, institute for the

History of Ancient Civilizations. Northeast Normal University, Changchun,

Jilin Prov. 130024, P. R. China. 



There are two prime locations listing job openings, the latter only for the 


    There is also a convenient link from here to the APA site:

Here listed are Canadian openings and openings in other countries which I

have not found at these sites. 


From:	IN%"jedmond@YorkU.CA"  "Jonathan Edmondson"  3-OCT-1997 09:05:00.68




	The Division of Humanities, York University, invites applications

for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in Classical

Studies, to commence 1 July 1998. Required qualifications include a

completed Ph.D. or equivalent and an ongoing programme of publication and

research in the area of Roman literature and culture. Candidates should

show promise of excellence in teaching and in scholarly research and


	The successful candidate will develop and teach courses in Roman

literature and culture, direct courses in Greek and Latin language and

literature, and design and participate in interdisciplinary, team-taught

courses in the Division of Humanities. Duties may include teaching in the

Faculty of Graduate Studies. Active participation in the Programme in

Classical Studies is also expected. Preference will be given to candidates

whose professional experience in teaching critical skills at the

university-level will benefit the Division's Foundations (General

Education) Programme.  The Division of Humanities actively promotes

scholarly teaching and research that ranges across traditional disciplinary

boundaries and seeks a candidate sympathetic to these goals. Salary is

dependent upon qualifications and experience. The position is subject to

budgetary approval. 

	Applicants should send a letter of application, including a

curriculum vitae, and arrange for three confidential letters of

recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Michael Creal, Acting

Chair, Division of Humanities, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto,

Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada (FAX: 416-736-5460) no later than 15 December


	York University is implementing a policy of employment equity,

including affirmative action for women faculty. In accordance with Canadian

immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed towards Canadian

citizens and permanent residents of Canada. 

Jonathan Edmondson, Associate Professor, Acting Chair, Department of

History, Director, Programme in Classical Studies, York University, 4700

Keele St., Toronto ON  M3J 1P3. Canada. Tel.: (416) 736 5123; Fax: (416)

736 5836 


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 10:14:43

From: Roger Dunkle 

Job Posting:  Brooklyn College

The Department of Classics at Brooklyn College of the City University of

New York invites applications for a full-time tenure track position at the

rank of assistant Professor, effective Fall 1998. 

Applicants must be prepared to teach classics courses in English

translation, and Greek and Latin at every level including the CUNY doctoral

program. We especially seek applicants with research and teaching interests

in the religions of the Greco-Roman world and the relationships among

various cultures in antiquity.  The candidate should also be prepared to

contribute to curriculum development. Familiarity with computer technology

in teaching and research is expected. 

The candidate must have the Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 1998. Starting salary

ranges from $29,931 to $45,672, depending on qualifications and experience.

Application review begins immediately. Closing date for receipt of

applications is December 31, 1997. Send a letter of application, curriculum

vitae, and three letters of reference to Professor Roger Dunkle, Classics

Department, Brooklyn College, 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889.

Brooklyn College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/IRCA/Americans

with Disabilities Act employer.

Note: This is an anticipated vacancy, subject to financial ability.

Roger Dunkle, Classics Chair; (718) 951-5191 (voice); (718) 951-4765 (fax).

E-Mail: (college), (home) 



                        POSITION IN ANCIENT HISTORY

The Department of History at Tel Aviv University, Israel, seeks to fill a

position (tenure-track) in ancient history, effective October 1998. The

candidate should have completed all the requirements towards a Ph.D. degree

by the time he or she begins work. Rank (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer,

Associate Professor or Full Professor) will be determined according to

qualifications. Preference will be given to candidates whose main field of

research is Greek history. 

Teaching responsibilities include introductory courses in Greek and Roman

history and specialized courses for both undergraduate and graduate

students. The appointed candidate will be required to live in Israel, in

the Tel Aviv area, and to begin teaching in Hebrew after two years of


Confidentiality is guaranteed. Please send a full dossier and request three

senior scholars to send letters of reference to Professor Miriam

Eliav-Feldon, Chair, Department of History, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

69978, Israel, by January 1, 1998. 



The Department of Classics, Greek, and Latin seeks to fill the Detroit

Chair of Modern Greek Studies.  Rank and tenure status will be commensurate

with qualifications and experience.  The successful candidate will teach

courses at the university level in Modern Greek language and culture and

related subjects, depending on qualifications.  This person will also

conduct scholarly research in an appropriate field, and will have


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75 

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired 

          CAD 30);  contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 



departmental service responsibilities as appropriate, including supervision

of a non-credit, community-oriented program in Modern Greek.  Minimum

qualifications:  PhD in a suitable field, preferably Classics, in hand or

expected by Fall 1998;  teaching experience at the university level.  Send

dossiers by November 21, 1997 to Kathleen McNamee, Chair, Dept of Classics,

Greek, and Latin, Wayne State University, Detroit MI 48202;  (313)


Questions via e-mail can be addressed to me ( or

Professor McNamee (



--  The School of Historical Studies of the Institute for Advanced Study in

Princeton is seeking applications for Membership for the 1998/1999 academic

year.  Applicants should hold the PhD and have substantial publications in

one or more of the following fields: Greek and Roman Civilization, European

History, Islamic Culture, Art History, International Relations. Application

materials may be obtained from the Administrative Officer, School of

Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540

(email Completed applications are due November 15. 1997.

--  Mellon Fellowships at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Open to promising scholars who have served 2-4 years as assistant

professors in institutions of higher education in North America and who

will return to those institutions after the one-year period of the

fellowship.  Apply to the address given above.  Completed applications are

due November 15, 1997. 


[5]   VARIA


We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. John Marincola

to the newly created position of Executive Director of the Association. 

Dr. Marincola assumed the duties of his new post on July 1, 1997.  Dr.

Marincola received his B.A. degree, magna cum laude, from the

University of Pennsylvania (1979) and his Ph.D. from Brown University

(1985).  He is the author of Authority and Tradition in Ancient His-

toriography (1997), was responsible for the new edition of Selincourt's

Penguin translation ' of Herodotus, and has published a number of

articles and reviews, especially on Greek historiography.  He has wide

experience giving papers on a variety of topics in Greek and Latin

Literature.  After two years as an Assistant Professor at Holy Cross

College, he went to Union College, Schenectady, New York, as visiting

Assistant Professor (1986-89), Assistant Professor (1989-93) and

Associate Professor (1993-1997).  He has been very active in service to

Union College in a variety of roles, and has served as Department

Chair since 1994.  He has worked for the APA as a member (1992-93)

and Chair (1993-96) of the Lionel Pearson Fellowship Committee.  He

demonstrates the combination of academic, diplomatic and managerial

skills for which the position calls.


The relocation of the APA office from Holy Cross College in

Worcester, Massachusetts, to New York University has taken place. 

We request the understanding and the patience of the membership

during this period of transition.  All previously mailed APA

correspondence with self-return envelopes (e.g. 1997 Election ballots)

or addresses (e.g. Abstracts for the 1997 Annual Meeting) should

continue to be sent to the APA Office at Holy Cross College, which is

now in a phase-down mode and scheduled to terminate all official

operations there on September 30, 1997.  All new correspondence,

especially Placement Service communications, should be directed

immediately to: The American Philological Association, 19 University

Place, Room 328, New York University, New  York, NY 100034556;

Phone: 212/9983575; FAX: 212/995-4814; E-mail:


From:	IN%""  "Bruce Robertson" 29-SEP-1997 


Two New Java-based Greek Tools

1.  DisplayGreek is a Java applet which properly displays polytonic Greek

in web pages regardless of the fonts or system used by the person viewing

the text.  It is useful for presenting a text under study or providing

facing translations.

To use DisplayGreek, you need not install the applet on your web server.

For more information and an on-line tutorial, see:

2. A web page that alphabetically sorts Ancient Greek. Text can be entered

in the BetaCode or GreekKeys standards, and the output is provided in

alphabetical order or in original order assigned with an alphabetical

ordinal. The site is suited for sorting indices and providing

databases that have Greek text fields with an alphabetical sort field. 

To use this service, see:


                                  ORDER FORM

                          APA GUIDE TO GRADUATE PROGRAMS

                                    IN THE

                            UNITED STATES AND CANADA

Sixth Edition (1997-98)                             $15.00 per copy, postpaid



      For the most current edition, please return this form with your check

or money order to the American Philological Association, 19 University

Place, Room 328, New York University, New York, NY 10003-4556. 




CAIA is a non-profit, charitable organization whose mission is to promote

scholarly research in Greece, and to strengthen the cultural ties between

Canadians and Greeks. It provides Canadian students and scholars working in

Greece with facilities and services to further their studies in Classics,

Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Greek History, the History of Art,

Anthropology and Fine Arts. It also offers members practical assistance in

dealing with unfamiliar customs and regulations. 


Membership in CAIA brings with it two issues of the CAIA BULLETIN per year

providing news of Canadian research projects in Greece and events of

interest. CAIA has a hostel in Athens, and can apply for museum passes in

Greece for members. 

Memberships: Student - $15.00; Regular - $25.00; Fellow - $100.00


Address - in Canada: Canadian Academic Institute in Athens, c/o Prof.

Sheila Campbell, 59 Queen's Park Cres., Toronto, ON, M5S 2C4 

        - in Greece: Canadian Archaeological Institute in Greece, Odos

Dion. Aiginetou 7, GR-11528 Athens, Greece;  email: 



A site for the Classical Association of Scotland is now in operation


In addition to general information on the Association and its own meetings,

there is a listing of related societies in Scotland and their meetings,

links to other organizations in the UK, and a section on recent publications

from Scottish universities.

Graham Whitaker

Secretary, Classical Association of Scotland (Glasgow & West Centre),

Glasgow University Library, Glasgow G12 8QE, Scotland.  Fax: (+44) 141-330

4952.  Phone: (+44) 141-330 6782.  E-mail: 


Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada/Federation canadienne

des sciences humaines et sociales,

web site:


We have just created the ARCHAEOLOGY RING. This ring is dedicated to

internet sites which feature archaeological information. The purpose of

this ring is to expose a wide variety of sites to the viewers.

The Archaeology Ring groups sites with archaeological content together

in one ring. All these sites belong to associations or foundations which

perform or describe archaeological excavations. Field Work servers are

welcome on this ring, too. There is no limitation regarding the period;

the range covers prehistorical, protohistorical, classical up to modern

industry archaeology. Any site,as long as it is suitable for all age

groups, may join this ring.

A person finding The Archaeology Ring logo can visit every member's

site, without having to use a search engine or know the other sites'

Internet location.

Joining the Archaeology Ring is absolutely free. If you're interested in

joining this ring, please view the ring's page at

for more information about how to join the ring.

Jos Thiel

Archaeology in Luxembourg


Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 03:37:21 -0400 (EDT)


Subject: New web site: Homer and the Papyri

I am pleased to announce a new web site entitled "Homer and the Papyri." This

consists of a.) up-to-date lists of papyri pertinent to the Iliad and the

Odyssey, and b.) a repertoire of variant readings contained in these papyri.


Dana F. Sutton, The University of California, Irvine


"Maecenas".  Images of Greece and Rome

[Fairly good photography; poor resolution--but it loads fast;  KHK]




Home page


Marshall, Christopher W.




(Constitution / Back issues of *CCB/BCEA* / Directory on-line / etc.) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: N E X T I S S U E : 1997 11 15. Deadline: 1997 11 10 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF