Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 4, NUMBER/NUMERO 3, 1997 11 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University

                             KKINZL@TRENTU.CA                                     ISSN 1198-9149


                            1086 LINES -- 49 K


[1]   Association announcements

[2]   Departmental reports

[3]   Lectures

[4]   Conferences and Calls for papers

[5]   Job openings

[6]   Summer courses/excavations

[7]   Varia

[8]   New www sites

[9]   E-mail addresses, corrected etc.


From:	IN%"" 12-NOV-1997 10:56:46.77

To:	IN%"" 

Subj:	G. Forrest

[....................] death of George Forrest; 

I quote for you what Osborne said: >Sad news from here, which may not have

caught up with you yet, is of the death of George Forrest last Tuesday,

after a long decline.< (Osborne sent this message to me on Saturday October




REMINDER:  CLASSICS-CANADA, our discussion list, is still there, and there 

has been some discussion recently regarding "destaffing" and the 

replacement of regular fulltime faculty with single course instructors.

To subscribe (or resubscribe), send message to:

with this in the body of the text (and nothing else):

   subscribe classics-canada first name last name

I was amused to see that our UK colleagues got round to establishing such a 

list only two years delayed (and then they set up two at the same time).  

More information in the next issue.  KHK



29-31 May, 1998, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario




- Use a single page of standard-size, white paper.

- Type or print in black only.

- Leave a space of at least 5 cm at the top of the page.

- The title of your paper should appear on the abstract, but not your name or 

that of your association.


The abstract of your paper may be presented as a summary or as a broad

outline of the methods and goals of your research showing the relationship

between your paper and past or present studies (provide all relevant

details) in the field that you are treating. If you are taking a position

on a controversial subject, it will be useful to specify the views that you

are criticizing, defending, or refining. 

Papers are invited on ancient literature, history, archaeology, philosophy,

religion, etc. The 1998 Annual Meeting will also include a session

organized by the Women's Network on aspects of women and myth. (If you

paper is intended for this session, please check here___ .) 


Include the following form with your abstract:

Title of paper:  



University affiliation: 

Telephone (office):                                 (home): 

Please check:

This paper has___ /  has not___ been presented at a national/international


This paper has___ /  has not___ been presented at a regional/local


This paper has___ /  has not___ been published.

If you have answered any of the above in the affirmative, give the date(s)

and location(s) of the presentation or publication: 

Length of presentation: ________ minutes. (Average length is 20 minutes.

Papers may range in length from 10 to 30 minutes, but it must be understood

that few papers of 30 minutes can be accepted.) 

Audio/visual aids required: 

I am___ / am not___ a paid-up member of the Classical Association of Canada.

Please send your abstracts to:       

Professor Iain McDougall, Programme Chair

Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,  Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2E9

Office: (204) 786-9343; Home: (204) 284-0397; Fax: (204) 774-4134;   





29-31 mai, 1998, Universite d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario





- N'utiliser qu'une seule feuille, format 8« x 11, papier blanc.

- Dactylographier en noir uniquement.

- Laissez un espace d'au moins 2 cm en haut de la page.

- Le titre de votre communication doit figurer sur votre abrege, 

mais ni votre nom ni celui de votre association.


L'abrege de votre communication peut se presenter sous forme de resume, ou

bien sous la forme d'un expose des grandes lignes des methodes et des

buts de votre recherche montrant les rapports qui existent entre votre

communication et les etudes passees ou presentes (donner toutes precisions

utiles) dans le domaine que vous traitez. Au cas ou vous prendriez position

sur un sujet controverse, il serait utile que vous precisiez les points de

vue que vous critiquez, defendez, ou nuancez. 

On solicite des communications sur la litterature antique, l'histoire,

l'archeologie, la philosophie, la religion, etc. Au congres 1998, le Reseau

des Femmes de la SCEC organisera une seance sur les femmes et la

mythologie. (Si votre communication est destinee pour cette seance,

veuillez cocher ici  .) 



Joindre a votre abrege:

Titre de la communication: 



College / Universite: 

Telephone (bureau):                          (residence): 

Veuillez cocher:

Cette communication a ___  / n'a pas ___ ete presentee a une assemblee


Cette communication a ___  / n'a pas ___ ete presentee a une assemblee


Cette communication a ___  / n'a pas ___ ete publiee.

Dans le cas d'une reponse affirmative, preciser le(s) date(s) et le(s)


Duree de ma communication: ______ minutes. (Duree moyenne 20 minutes. 

On considere cependant les communications variant de 10 a 30 minutes; 

il va de soi que tres peu de communications de 30 minutes pourront etre 

prises en consideration.)

Materiel audio-visuel dont j'aurai besoin: 

J'ai___ / je n'ai pas___ acquitte ma cotisation a la Societe.

Priere d'envoyer vos abreges a:      

Professor Iain McDougall, Programme Chair

Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg,  Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2E9

Office: (204) 786-9343; Home: (204) 284-0397; Fax: (204) 774-4134;   







The Classical Association of Canada's Focus on Women seeks proposals for

individual papers (15-20 minutes) for a panel on Women and Myth. The panel

will be held at the CAC meetings at the University of Ottawa, May 29-31,

1998. We encourage submissions treating Greek and Roman cultures across a

broad range of theoretical perspectives and from the various fields which

comprise the study of the ancient world (art and archaeology, literature,

history, religion, etc.). Specific topics could include women as

myth-tellers, the role of virgins or old women in myth, femmes fatales or

women as helpers. Papers not included in the panel organized by the Focus

on Women will automatically be considered for inclusion elsewhere in the

CAC programe. 

Note: In order to give a paper, the presenter must become a dues-paying

member of the CAC. Information on joining is available from the Programme

Chair. Abstracts are due January 17, 1998. Send one copy to the Programme

Chair and one copy to the Panel Organizers at the following addresses: 

Professor Iain McDougall, Programme Chair           

Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2E9 

Office: (204) 786-9343; Home: (204) 284-0397; Fax: (204) 774-4134;   



Panel Organisers, CAC Focus on Women

Department of Classics, University of Chicago

1010 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 60637 







Le Colloque sur la femme de la Societe canadienne des etudes classiques

aimerait recevoir des suggestions de communications individuelles (15 a 20

minutes) en vue d'une table ronde ayant pour theme "Les femmes et le

mythe." Cette table ronde se tiendra a l Universite d'Ottawa du 29 au 31

mai 1998 lors du Colloque de la Societe. Nous privilegions les exposes qui

traitent des cultures grecque et romaine du point de vue de perspectives

theoriques larges et a partir des domaines qui touchent l'etude de

l'Antiquite (art et archeologie, litterature, histoire, religion, etc.).

Quelques sujets possibles: les femmes comme conteuses de mythes, le role

des vierges ou des femmes agees dans le mythe, des femmes fatales ou des

femmes toujours pretes a aider. Les communications qui n'auront pas ete

retenues pour la table ronde seront prises en consideration pour

figurer dans un autre volet du programme. 

Important:  Pour pouvoir faire une communication, il faut etre membre en

regle de la Societe canadienne des etudes classiques; on peut obtenir les

modalites d'adhesion aupres du directeur du programme. Les resumes

des communications doivent nous parvenir au plus tard le 17 janvier 1998.

Priere d'en transmettre un exemplaire au directeur du programme et un autre

au comite d'organisation de la table ronde, comme suit: 

Professor Iain McDougall, Programme Chair             

Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2E9

Office: (204) 786-9343; Home: (204) 284-0397; Fax: (204) 774-4134;   



Panel Organisers, CAC Focus on Women

Department of Classics, University of Chicago

1010 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 60637


From: Iain McDougall 

Cc: Kelly Venour 

Subject: Re: Call for papers

I am organizing a plenary session of the Assn. at the AGM to address the

future shape of the discipline in Canada, to include issues such as the way

in which curriculum is likely to develop (esp. in new amalgamated depts),

whether the training grad. students receive serve them well as they enter a

changing job-market, and job prospects in general. In particular, I am

anxious to have these matters addressed, though not exclusively so, from

the point of view of grad.  students who are about to look for positions

and those who have recently secured them. (It should be stressed that this

is not designed to be a hand-wringing sessions, but rather a constructive

discussion to help Classicists in Canada adapt to rapidly changing

circumstances). The plenary session will take the form of a panel

discussion and I would welcome comments and suggestions, whether about

participants or about other important concerns might be included. 

Iain McDougall 


From:	IN%""  "Patricia J Calkin" 30-OCT-1997

Classical Association of Canada Sight Translation Competitions

The Classical Association of Canada announces the 1998 Sight Translation

Competitions in Greek and Latin at the Junior and Senior levels.  The

Junior and Senior Latin papers will be written on 22 January 1998, the

Junior and Senior Greek papers on 29 January 1998. 

For more information about levels and eligibility, and to enter students in

one or more papers, please contact: 

Patricia J. Calkin, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, 1244

LeMarchant Street, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3J5; tel: 902-494-3468; fax:

902-494-2467; e-mail: 



From:	IN%""  "Richard Parker" 15-OCT-1997 

ALAN BOOTH returns from leave January 1, 1998

CAROL U. MERRIAM has been re-appointed Assistant Professor on a

limited-term (9-month) contract.

e-mail address:

RICHARD PARKER continues as Chair through June 30, 1998; he will be on

sabbatical January 1-June 30, 1998

NOEL ROBERTSON is back from a productive sabbatical

DAVID RUPP is on sabbatical July 1-December, 31 1997.  He will

be Acting Chair from January 1-June 30, 1998

Enrolments top 600 with six dozen majors.

The department has been much depleted of late, with very high hopes that a

probationary position will be granted in the immediate future.  Meanwhile, 

helping us cope are the following instructors:




	(cultural anthropology)


	(Roman History; Comedy and Satire in translation)


	(Greek Civ; Greek Archaeology; Greek mythology)


	(Women in the Ancient World)


	(Art and Archaeology of Cyprus)


	(Ancient Near East)



From:	IN%"" 11-NOV-1997

The Montreal chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America presents 

a lecture by Dr. Jacques Perreault, Universite de Montreal, "Argilos et 

l'urbanisme colonial en territoire thrace."  This lecture will be held on 

Monday, November 24th, at 8 pm, Room W-215, Arts Building, McGill 

University, 853 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal.  For information, please 

call 514 481-3776 or 514 674-8039.


From:	IN%""  "Richard Parker" 15-OCT-1997


(all lectures held at 3:00 pm at Brock University in Thistle 325 a.k.a.

"The Podium Theatre")

Sunday November 16, 1997:	Professor Gretchen Umholtz, "Women

builders in the Ancient Greek World"

Sunday December 7, 19977:	Dr. Ron Williamson, "Legacy of Stone:

Ancient Life on the Niagara Frontier"

Sunday January 18, 1998:	Ms. Sarah Stewart, "The Idalion Survey

Project in Cyprus"

Sunday February 8, 1998:	Mr. Kevin Fisher, "Tell Fendi and the

Prehistory of the Jordan Valley"

Sunday March 29, 1998:		Professor Colin Wells, "The Roman Army on

the Rhine and the Euphrates"

Sunday April 19, 1998:		Professor Lynne A. Schepartz,

"Research in Prehistoric China and New Excavations in Panxian Dadong Cave"

Admission is free, non-members are welcome.  For further information


telephone: 905/688-3575



	The program of the 1997 APA Annual meeting has been posted at:


        The AIA's preliminary program is up now at





AT UNIVERSITY OF WALES CARDIFF, 7th-9th September 1998

An international conference exploring the function, value and meaning

of Herakles in the ancient world.

Organisers:  Nick Fisherl & Louis Rawlings.

Continuing a successful programme of international conferences (including

"Battle in Antiquity", "What is a God" and "Archaic Greece:New Evidence and

New approaches") under the aegis of the University of Wales Institute of

Classics and Ancient History (UWICAH). 

First call for papers.

The figure of Herakles/Hercules was widely known across the ancient

Mediterranean both as a mythological hero and as a god with cult

associations.  The manner in which such a demi-god was approached was

subject to great variation, from a figure of fun in Attic comedy, to the

syncretised promachos of cities such as Tyre.  As the originator of the

Olympic games, the performer of the Labours, wanderer, murderer of kin and

occasional madman, as well as the patron of tyrants and Roman emperors, the

ancestor of Macedonian Kings and archetypal strong-man, Herakles/Hercules

had an enduring attraction and fascination for many social groups and

individuals. The roles that he was assigned can be used to understand the

values and assumptions of these groups and the  importance of myth and

religion in such activities as war, sport, trade, and sympotic and

intellectual discourse. 

The conference aims to address questions about why Herakles/Hercules was an

attractive character to think with?  What made his cult so widespread, or

aided the assimilation of local cults into the Greco-Roman model?  What

ideological uses was he put to?  What attributes had the greatest resonance

for individuals and groups in the ancient Mediterranean.  Did anyone aspire

to be like him? What frameworks could be set up to further the analysis not

only of Herakles/Hercules but other heroes and divinities and their

cross-cultural and inter-regional appeal? 

Papers would be encouraged to address these issues and are actively sought

in the following areas (although other proposals are welcomed): 

The importance of Herakles/Hercules cults;  Herakles/Hercules as a role

model and patron of groups and individuals;  Herakles/Hercules and the

propaganda of legitimisation (for example for tyranny and monarchy);  The

demi-god in drama (as a stock character/paradigm); Hellenisation and

assimilation (particularly in Egypt, Early Italy, Phoenicia, Carthage and

the West; Melqart);  Iconography and visual representations (on pottery and

coins, sculpture etc.);  Roman views on Hercules;  Later reception of

Classical depictions. 

If you are interested in contributing a paper or wish for

further details then please email titles and abstracts (no more than

100 words)


The Bristol Myth Colloquium: Call for Papers

Following the success of the "Myth into Logos?" conference of July 1996,

the Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Bristol,

proposes to hold ongoing colloquia on myth, provisionally at two-year

intervals. The first of these is to take place 14-16 July 1998. Papers on

any aspect of myth are welcome, but we would be especially interested in

papers on one of these two themes: "Greek Myth and the West", exploring the

application and transformation of Greek myth in Sicily, Italy, Rome, and

Etruria, whether in foundation legends, literature, art, or philosophy; and

"Classical Myth and the Nineteenth Century", exploring the reception of

myth particularly in nineteenth-century Europe.  

The intention of the organisers is to establish a comfortable ambience in

which a free exchange of ideas and current work on the subject of mythology

can occur. Postgraduates and established scholars are equally welcome. The

conference venue will be Clifton Hill House, Bristol, a beautiful Georgian

home once belonging to John Addington Symonds. Some of the papers will be

circulated in advance, so that at the conference itself, after a brief

summary, the maximum of time can be devoted to discussion.  

We are very pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for 1998 will be

the distinguished biographer of Frazer, Professor Robert Ackerman of the

University of the Arts, Philadelphia.  

Registration will take place between 10:00 and 10:30 on 14 July. Full cost

for regular delegates arriving on the evening of 13 July (including

conference fee, accommodation and all meals) is GBP 148. Concessions are

available. Those interested in giving a paper of no more than 30 minutes in

duration are asked to submit a brief abstract to the undersigned - from

whom further information and booking forms are also available - by 28


Those wishing to proceed to the Triennial Conference at Cambridge 20-24

July may stay on at Clifton Hill House if they wish from 16-19 July at a

cost of GBP 20 per night (bed and breakfast).  

Early booking is advisable as numbers are limited. Anyone who responded to

the preliminary call for papers issued in the spring need not reply to this


Robert L. Fowler, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of

Bristol, 11 Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1TB, United Kingdom 

Tel.: +44 (0)117 928 8256  (dept. office with answering machine: 

928-7764); Fax:  +44 (0) 117 928 8678; E-mail:


CHOROS: A Graduate Student Conference on Archaic Greek Choral Poetry

Keynote Speakers:  Claude Calame (Universite de Lausanne)

                   Glenn Most (Universitaet Heidelberg)

April 24-25, 1998

Chicago Humanities Institute, The University of Chicago

The graduate students of the Department of Classical Languages and

Literatures of the University of Chicago are pleased to sponsor a graduate

student conference on archaic Greek choral poetry.  The conference will

embrace all aspects of choral poetry prior to the emergence of Greek tragic

and comic drama.  We invite papers that incorporate the varied approaches

of such fields as anthropology, archaeology, art history, religion,

linguistics, literary theory, as well as classical philology.  We also

encourage papers addressing issues of choral performance context, including

music, dance and costume. 

Please submit by mail three copies of an abstract (350 words maximum) for a

15-20 minute presentation by mail to Choral Conference, Department of

Classical Languages and Literatures, 1010 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 

60637.   Do not include your name on the abstracts but do include a

curriculum vitae with an e-mail address. Abstracts must be received by

January 15, 1998.  Participants will be notified by February 1, 1998. 

For further information please contact:

Carin Calabrese (773) 271-9026,;

Phillip Lenihan (773) 684-2894,; or

Daniella Reinhard (773) 288-1687,




University of Tuebingen (Germany), July 29 - August 2, 1998

Papers are invited on all aspects of the transmission, reception, and

impact of Graeco-Roman antiquity on other cultures and later periods, from

the ancient world itself to the present time. 

Conference languages will be English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

The style of the Fourth Meeting will be similar to that of the First,

Second, and Third Meetings (Boston University, March 1991; University of

Tuebingen, August 1992; and Boston University, March 1995; program

brochures of the Third Meeting are available upon request). Presentations

of 20, 30, or (in a few cases) 40 minutes will be arranged in thematic

sections and panels. This time the overall program will combine paper

sequences, including short discussion periods, with seminar style sessions.

While most papers will be presented in several parallel sections, there

will also be a few plenary and semi-plenary lectures. Proposals for

thematic panels, seminars, or larger units are welcome. 

Abstracts of papers (not more than 25 lines, one-and-a-half-spaced) and

proposals for panels etc., as well as any suggestions and inquiries

(including about the ISCT and the Society's quarterly *International

Journal of the Classical Tradition*) should be sent to the organizers at

Boston University as early as possible. The deadline for submission of

abstracts and proposals is December 15, 1997. Presenters will be notified

on behalf of the Program Committee by January 16, 1998. A preliminary

program will be available by February 20, the definitive program by May 1,

1998. A volume of copies of revised abstracts will be distributed for a fee

at the beginning of the Meeting. 

There will be a registration fee of $50 (or DM 80) due from all presenters

and other attendants.

We encourage communication by either mail or fax or e-mail to:

Profs. Wolfgang Haase/Meyer Reinhold, Institute for the Classical

Tradition, Boston University, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215,

USA;  Fax: (1) 617 - 353 7369; E-mail: 



Subject: Langford Conference

The Department of Classics of the Florida State University announces the

Fifth Annual Langford Conference, on the theme "Tragedy and the City."  The

conference will be conducted under the direction of Anne Burnett,1998

Langford Family Eminent Scholar in Classics* at the Florida State


Other speakers will include:  Simon Goldhill, Cambridge University;  Sheila

Murnaghan, University of Pennsylvania;  Nancy Rabinowitz, Hamilton College;

 Richard Seaford, University of Exeter;  Froma Zeitlin, Princeton


The conference will be held at the Turnbull Conference Center, Florida

State University, Tallahassee, Florida, February 27-28, 1998.

For more information, please contact Professor L. Golden

( or J. Sickinger ( or write

to: Langford Conference, Department of Classics, Florida State University,

Tallahassee, FL  32306-1510; tel. (850) 644-4259; fax (850) 644-4073.

*The Langford Family Eminent Scholar Chair and annual Langford Conference

were established in 1992 through the generous gift of  George and Marian

Langford and their sons Lawton and G. Robertson Lanford, Jr.



There are two prime locations listing job openings, the latter only for the 


    There is also a convenient link from here to the APA site:

Here listed are Canadian openings and openings in other countries which I

have not found at these sites.


From:	IN%"imorris@leland.Stanford.EDU"  "Ian Morris" 13-NOV-1997

To:	IN%""

Subj:	Greek lit position at Stanford

The Department of Classics at Stanford University wishes to advertise the

following position:

A tenured appointment at the rank of full Professor for a distinguished

scholar in Greek literature. The successful candidate will be the first

holder of a new chair endowed in honor of Toni and Isabelle Raubitschek.

The individual appointed will be expected to teach Greek literature at both

graduate and undergraduate levels, in the original language and in

translation, and also to contribute more broadly to the Classics

department's teaching program. 

Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, the names of at least

three referees, two samples of representative scholarly work, and samples

of teaching evaluations to Ian Morris, Chair, Department of Classics,

Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2080. Applications should reach the

department by December 12, 1997. Please include information on the type and

range of teaching experience. Applications from women and persons of color

are especially encouraged. 

Stanford University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.



Professorship of Classics

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates in any area of

Classics or Ancient History for the Professorship of Classics.  The

appointment will be made as soon as possible from a date to be arranged

with the person appointed. The Classics Department has a strong research

profile, having achieved a rating of 5 at the last Research Assessment

Exercise.  One of the Department's two established chairs falls vacant at

the end of 1997 with the departure of Professor Adams to Oxford.  

Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Gardner in the Department,

telephone 0118 931 8420,  Further information

about the Department of Classics will be found on its web site:

Applications One copy of the formal application form, together with

fourteen copies of any supplementary material should be addressed to The

Registrar, Room 214, Whiteknights House, P.O. Box 217, The University of

Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AH, and should reach him not later

than 28 November 1997.  (Candidates from overseas need send one copy of

supplementary material;  those who may not be able to adhere to the

closing date of 28 November 1997 are asked to inform The Registrar by that

date of their intention to submit an application). Candidates are

requested to give names of two or three persons to whom reference can be

made.  Envelopes should be marked "Confidential Chair Application". It is

the University's normal practice to take up references as soon as an

application is received.  Any candidate who does not wish his or her

referees to be approached at this stage should name them on a separate

sheet of paper clearly indicating this fact. 



Loyola College					Baltimore, MD

The Department of Classics at Loyola College in Maryland invites

applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant

Professor starting fall, 1998.  Teaching duties will include Greek and

Latin at all undergraduate levels and literature a nd civilization courses

in translation.  The successful candidate will also be expected to teach

courses on early Christianity/ancient religion in association with

Loyola's Catholic Studies Program.  Specializations in ancient religion

and/or early Christ ianity and Latin poetry preferred.  The Department of

Classics is introducing programs intended to enhance its recruitment of

high school students.  The successful candidate will play a leading role

in these initiatives.  Loyola is a medium-sized, student -oriented college

which fosters and expects scholarship.  Applicant must have completed the

Ph.D. by August 20, 1998.  Letter of application, curriculum vitae,

dossier and three letters of recommendation should be sent to:  Jo!  seph

J. Walsh, Chair, Department of Classics, Loyola College, 4501 North

Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21210.  Deadline:  December 5, 1997. 

Interviews will be held at the December APA meeting in Chicago. 

Loyola is a Jesuit, Catholic institution which welcomes applicants from

all backgrounds who can contribute to our unique educational mission. 

Loyola is an AA/EO employer which invites applications from women and

members of minority groups. 


Managing Editor

Arion, Journal of Humanities and the Classics

Boston University

Manage production of Arion Journal from inception to delivery. Review

manuscripts and essays; correspond with authors; read submissions and route

to appropriate readers; liaison to all journal vendors and contractors;

project expenses and manage budget; oversee office organization.

Requires: BA or equivalent in Classics or related field, and 1-3 years of

Classics, publishing or related experience.  Please send cover letter and

resume to:

        Joanne Letty

        Office of Personnel

        Boston University

        25 Buick Street

        Boston, MA  02215

Boston University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

Susan Wimler

Production Assistant

Arion: Journal of Humanities and the Classics

10 Lenox Street

Brookline, MA  02146

VOX: (617) 353-6480

FAX: (617) 353-5905




From:	IN%""  "Phyllis Forsyth" 12-NOV-1997

The Department of Anthropology and Classical Studies at the University of

Waterloo is offering a .5 credit field course in Greece (CLAS 390)

from May 17 - June 3, 1998. Led by Dr. Maria Liston, students will spend

time in Athens, visiting also Sunion and Eleusis; they will travel by bus

to Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Nauplion, Olympia, and Delphi. From Athens

they will then travel by ferry to Crete, where the sites visited include

Knossos, Agios Nikolaus, Gournia, Kavousi, Phaestos, Ayia Triada, and


The cost will be ca. $2600 per person (which includes airfare, all

transportation in Greece, lodging, some meals, entrance fees and

membership in the CAIA).

Students in the course will be given assigned readings prior to departure,

and must participate in all required activities; each must undertake a

research project resulting in noth an on-site presentation to the group

while in Greece and a final paper. Also required are the keeping of

journals of notes and observations, and there will be a final exam.

There may also be room for students wishing to audit the course, but those

taking the course for credit will be given priority.

A more extended description can be obtained by contacting Dr. Liston:

Phyllis Forsyth


From:	IN%""  "Anthony A. Barrett" 20-OCT-1997 




The 'Lunt' Fort at Baginton, Warwickshire

August, 1998

The Department of Classics at the University of British Columbia

will conduct a training excavation in July/ August 1998 at the

'Lunt', a Roman fort in central England, first built under Nero (in

approx. 6O AD) in connection with the revolt of Boadicea.

Excavation began in the 196O's, and in 1988 UBC began work on the

western defences. The site is well-known for the reconstruction of

areas where excavation is completed, including part of the eastern

rampart and gateway, granary (now the site museum) and gyrus.

Students are trained in all aspects of excavation, and subject to

satisfactory performance obtain six credits for Classical Studies

335, equivalent to one full-year course. Students from other

universities may take the course for transfer credit. There are no


The practicum will last for four weeks, from July 27- August 21. 

There will be a number of free days. Visiting lecturers will come

to the site, and excursions to other places of interest will be

organized at moderate cost. Baginton is located near Coventry

(direct bus service to London Airports), very close to Warwick,

Stratford-on-Avon and the Cotswolds.

Accommodation is at the University of Warwick (two miles from the

site) in five-person flats with private bedrooms and self-catering

facilities. The campus offers extensive eating and entertainment

facilities. Costs: students make their own travel arrangements to

Britain and register at UBC with the appropriate fee. A charge of

350 (pounds) covers the cost of accommodation, local staff,

excavation fees, daily transportation and refreshments on the site

for the whole period.

A deposit of $1OO (made out to 'A.A. Barrett') is required. Early

registration is recommended. In the event of cancellation, the

deposit is refunded if the place is filled.

Anthony A. Barrett, Department of Classics, University of British

Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1 Tel: (6O4) 822-4O64 (office),

228-8991 (home), Fax: (604) 822-9431, Email:

The first Roman fort on the 'Lunt', a plateau overlooking the river

Sowe to the south of the city of Coventry, seems to have begun in

ca. A.C. 60 in connection with the rebellion of Boudicca. Its

dimensions are unkown, but it may have been large enough to house

a legionary vexillation. At some point in the 60's it was reduced

to an auxiliary fort (Period II), covering approximately 1.21

hectares. This fort in turn underwent some modifications until its

abandonment ca. 80. There is some tenuous evidence of a brief

re-occupation in the 3d century. The excavation of the interior of

the Period II fort was completed in the early 70's. The

conventional features of an auxiliary fort were identified,

including the praetorium, barrack blocks and granaries. But there

are two striking anomalies, the 'gyrus', a circular structure some

35m in diameter, unique to this 2 site and of uncertain function,

and the sinuous shape of the eastern defences, for which no

compelling strategic or topographical explanations have been


The major excavations between 1967 and 1972 were followed by

reconstruction of the eastern defences, one of the granaries and

the gyrus. The University of British Columbia began work in 1988,

uncovering the northern section of the Period II western defenses

for the first time. Various buildings of Period I have been

unearthed, including a granary. It has also been demonstrated that

the western defenses exhibit the same curving pattern as the



[7]  VARIA

From:	IN%""  6-NOV-1997



Chers et cheres collegues,

Depuis maintenant quatre ans, la Societe des tudes anciennes du Quebec

publie en automne un recueil d'articles, en francais ou en anglais,

intitule La corne d'abondance. Cette publication est reservee aux travaux

longs que les etudiants ont composes durant l'annee et qui ont retenu

l'attention de leur professeur pour leur qualie et leur originalite. Tout

ce qui a trait a l'Antiquite, philosophie, histoire, archeologie, latin,

grec, theologie est susceptible d'etre publie. Nous vous demandons

aujourd'hui de bien vouloir aider vos etudiants a nous faire parvenir leurs

travaux et leur donner ainsi la chance d'effectuer une premiere

publication, modeste, certes, mais qui entrera neanmoins dans leur

Curriculum vitae. Cette annee, treize etudiants de premier cycle ont ainsi

vu leur travail publié.

Pour participer, il suffit d'envoyer deux copies du travail (dont une sur

disquette), accompagnees des coordonnees de l'etudiant et de la signature

du professeur, a Alban Baudou, Universite Laval, Departement des

litteratures, Ste-Foy, Qc, G1K 7P4 (

La date de tombee pour le prochain recueil est le 15 juin 1998.

Les modalites de presentation sont les suivantes :

15 pages maximum (photos comprises) ;

Double interligne ;

Caracteres Times 12 ;

Marges regulieres.

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir diffuser ces informations

aupres de tous vos etudiants.

En vous remerciant de l'attention que vous voudrez bien porter a cette

annonce et de l'aide que vous apporterez ainsi a la parution des travaux de

nos etudiants, nous vous prions d'agreer nos salutations les plus


Le Conseil de la SEAQ :  A. Daviault, President; J.-G. Rathe,

Vice-President; A. Baudou, Tresorier; T. Elie, Secretaire; P. Fleury; E.

Bakker; G. Theriault; A. Renaud. 


From: Wayne John Hankey 

Subject: Dionysius


You may wish to know that The Dept of Classics at Dalhousie is working to

begin publishing Dionysius again.  The new series will commence with a

volume which we plan to have appear late next Summer. The new Editorial

Board is Chaired by Robert Crouse. I am the new Secretary of the Board.


Should any of you have articles you wish to have considered they should be

sent, addressed to me, at one of the addresses below.  I am on half

Sabbatical at present and am about to leave for Europe where I shall stay

until Christmas.  At that point I can commence the consideration of any

material you may have sent.  The Deadline for submissions for the first

issue of the new series is February 1.  Submissions should be made in the

form of a hard copy and of a IBM compatible formatted file on diskette.


With best wishes, Dr. Wayne J. Hankey, Carnegie Professor of Classics,

King's College and Dalhousie University 


King's College, Halifax, NS B3H 2A1; telephone 902 422 1271

****In response to your inquiries about the focus of the new series of

Dionysius, I send this statement adopted by the Department of Classics:

The revised description of the Journal is as follows.  Dionysius is the

journal of the Department of Classics, Dalhousie University and reflects

the established character of its work.  It publishes articles on the

history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristic theology,

and their Nachleben.  It has an especial interest in the Aristotelian and

Neoplatonic traditions.  Dionysius considers philosophy's relation, both

negative and positive, to Christian belief in both ancient and modern

times.  As well as philosophical articles in the narrower sense, Dionysius

will publish articles on classical and later literature and history and on

Classical, Christian, Jewish and Islamic religion especially when they

have a connection to philosophical questions. 

While Dionysius does not regularly review books, it will publish Review

Articles on books within its area of especial interest and will accept

books sent to it for such treatment. 


New Journal: TEKMERIA

A new journal is being published annually by members of the Ancient 

History dept. of the University of Thessaloniki (the first volume 

appeared in 1995, and the second duly in 1996).  Its title reads as 


"TEKMERIA: Symboles sten Istoria tou Ellenikou kai Rwmaikou Kosmou - 

Beitraege zur Geschichte der griechischen und roemischen Welt - 

Contributions to the History of the Greek and Roman World - 

Contributions a l'Histoire du monde grec et romain".

The use of the most prominent European languages in its title makes 

the point that the  journal welcomes contributions in foreign 

languages (i.e. not only MGreek).

The forward that introduces the scope of the journal in the first volume

(1995) appears both in MGreek and in German, and every article is followed

by a one-to-two page summary in the scholar's choice of a different

language than the one used in the article. 

The editors of the journal believe that the scholarly community is in great

need of fast (or at least timely) publications of new inscriptions and

other sources that come to light and are studied in various countries.  The

journal, however, in no way intends to replace the publication of such

sources in the traditional corpora (such as, the "Inscriptiones Graecae"

and the "Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum"); but it encourages comparative

research and discussion of sources from different points of view. 

The journal also has a section entitled "Eranismata", which (i) includes

announcements concerning new, old (and other) findings, published already

in other books or journals, which are not widely known, and (ii) overviews

of scholarly opinions on various problems of historical and philological

interpretations of sources. 

The journal will not publish any book reviews.

Manuscripts of publication should be sent to one of the editors:

F. Gschnitzer, Seminar fuer Alte Geschichte, Universitaet Heidelberg,

Marstallhof 4, D-69117 Heidelberg

I. Touloumakos, University of Thessaloniki, Department of Classical

Philology and Ancient History GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece 

A sample of the contents of the first volume:

V.I. Anastasiadis, Theophanes and Mytilene's Fredom Reconsidered

A. Chaniotis, Kretische Inschriften

A. Kontoyiannis, La formule de datation de l'inscription SGDI, 1895.

P. Nigdelis, Zusammenfassung: Die Italikerfamilie der Auli Avii aus 

    Thessalonike und eine neue bilingue Weihinschrift der Avia 


Sample from the second volume:

I. M. Akamatis, Spolium Homericum Pellense

G. Labarre, The'ophane et l'octoi de la liberte' a` Mytile`ne: 

    Question de methode.

F. Quass, Zum Problem der Kultivierung brachliegenden Gemeindelandes 

    kaiserzeitlicher Sta"de Griechenlands.

M. S, Youni, `A propos de quatre inscriptions Olynthiennes. Quelqes 

remarques sur la "Su~rete' re'elle" au 4e`me s.av.J.C.

The journal is eagerly soliciting new submissions.


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75 

          (sustaining CAD 90, life CAD 750, student or retired 

          CAD 30);  contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 




From: Lisa Cerrato 

Subject: Roman Perseus texts now on the Web

The Perseus Project is pleased to announce the first release of Roman

Perseus texts and tools to the Web. In addition to the complete or partial

works of nine authors, we have Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary,

morphological analysis and search tools, and an English->Latin word search.

We have commentaries on the Aeneid and on Catullus. Please send comments

and questions to

We hope that you find these resources useful, and we will be adding to them


David Smith


Perseus Project


Lisa M. Cerrato

Program Coordinator

Perseus Project

Tufts University



Dr. Graham J. Oliver of the University of Liverpool has created a

Xenophon homepage at

This has a link to information about The World of Xenophon, an

international conference planned for early July 1999 in Liverpool.

For further information about the conference, contact Dr. C. J. Tuplin



This is to announce that the three-year APA Colloquium, *Translation in

Context*, now has its own website, featuring our mission statement, the call

for papers (which should appear in the October APA Newsletter--has anyone

received theirs yet?), and a bibliography of works on translation (still

under construction). Check it out at




Franco de Angelis   


Caroline Falkner    


David Wilson        





    (Constitution / Back issues of *CCB/BCEA* / Directory on-line / etc.)


          NEXT REGULAR ISSUE:   1997 12 15.   Deadline: 1997 12 10