Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                               VOLUME/TOME 3,




                                 1997 04 09

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg


                           Edited by/redige par

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


                  Total document length:  371 Lines;  16 KBytes


                [1] 1997 Annual Meeting / Congrès Annuel


                        Études Classiques

              Classical Association of Canada

              Annual Meeting / Congrès Annuel

             Memorial University, St. John's NF

           1, 2, 3 June 1997 / 1, 2, 3 juin 1997

Saturday May 31 / Samedi le 31 mai 8:00 - 9:00pm / 20h 00 - 21h 00 Phoenix Editorial Board Meeting / Réunion du bureau de direction de Phoenix (Restaurant to be announced)
Sunday June 1 / Dimanche le 1er juin 8:00 - 9:00am / 8h 00 - 9h 00 Heads' Breakfast / Petit déjeuner des directeurs de départements S-2033 9:00 - 10:30am / 9h 00 - 10h 30 Session I - Ie Séance 1A Greek History/Histoire grecque A-2065: Chair/Président Adrian Tronson (Memorial University) 1. Thanos Fotiou (Carleton University): "The Boeotian incendiary device at Delium and the Byzantine 'Greek Fire'" (20 min) 2. Noreen Humble (University of Leeds): "Sophrosyne and the Spartans in Xenophon" (20 min) 3. Iain Bruce (Memorial University): "Philochorus on the King's Peace" (15 min) 4. T.R. Robinson (Carleton University): "Nearchus' phantom grain fleet: Scientific theory and historical speculation" (20 min) 10:30 - 11:00am / 10h 30 - 11h 00 coffee break / pause-café 11:00am - 12:30pm / 11h 00 - 12h 30 Session II - IIe Séance 2A Money in the Greek World/Finances du monde grec A-2065: Chair/Président Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto) 1. Léopold Migeotte (Université Laval): "Fêtes, concours et panégyries dans les cités grecques: Aspects financiers" (20 min) 2. Virginia Hunter (York University): "The Athenian public debtor: A legal and social perspective" (25 min) 3. Gwyneth Lewis (Langara College): "Loose change and Lysimachus" (20 min) 2B Greek Drama/Théâtre grec A-2071: Chair/Président Patricia Calkin (Dalhousie University) 1. Desmond Conacher (University of Toronto): "Nomos and physis in Euripidean drama" (20 min) 2. Leona M. MacLeod (Dalhousie University): "The Thesmophoriazusae as a critique of 'New Tragedy'" (20 min) Lunch / Déjeuner 12:30 - 2:00pm / 12h 30 - 14h 00 Meeting of Council I / Réunion du Conseil I A-4059 2:00 - 3:30pm / 14h 00 - 15h 30 Session III - IIIe Séance 3A Greek Prehistory/Préhistoire grecque A-2065: Chair/Président Adrian Tronson (Memorial University) 1. Jan Arvanitakis (University of Toronto): "Adaptive change and the development of palatial society in Minoan Crete" (20 min) 2. Kathryn Simonsen (University of Toronto): "Cremation and consumption" (20 min) 3B The Classical Tradition I/L'Antiquité renouvelée I A-2071: Chair/Président Robert Todd (University of British Columbia) 1. Ross Kilpatrick (Queens University): "T.R. Glover at Queen's (1896-1901): A centenary" (20 min) 2. Alexander David Kurke (Thorneloe University): "Immortality for a textual critic" (20 min) 3. Lloydetta Quaicoe (Memorial University): "Oedipus Africanus: Re-interpreting Greek tragedy in African contexts" (20 min) 3:30 - 4:00pm / 15h 30 - 16h 00 coffee break / pause-café 4:00 - 5:30pm / 16h 00 - 17h 30 Session IV - IVe Séance 4A Historiography/Historiographie A-2065: Chair/Président Iain McDougall (University of Winnipeg) 1. Catherine Rubincam (Erindale College, University of Toronto): "Qualification of numerals in the Bibliotheke of Diodorus" (25 min) 2. M. James Moscovich (University of Western Ontario): "Around the world in 80 books: Cassius Dio and the New-found Lands" (25 min) 3. Peter Hart O'Brien (Boston University): "Ambitiosius solito: Formal speeches and characterisation in Ammianus' Res Gestae 20 and 21" (20 min) 4B Latin Poetry/Poésie latine A-2071: Chair/Président Peter Smith (University of Victoria) 1. Roland Jeffreys (Carleton University): "'Augustan propaganda'-An appropriate term?" (20 min) 2. Catherine Bolton (Concordia University): "Water, water everywhere, and not a lover in sight" (20 min) 3. André Daviault (Université Laval): "En traduisant Ovide" (15) 5:00 - 7:00pm / 17h 00 - 19h 00 President's Reception / Réception du Président
Monday June 2 / Lundi le 2 juin 8:00 - 9:00am / 8h 00 - 9h 00 Women's Network Breakfast / Petit Déjeuner du Réseau de Femmes S-2033 9:00 - 10:30am / 9h 00 - 10h 30 Session V - Ve Séance 5A Homeric Poetry/Poesie homèrique A-2065: Chair/Président Rainer Friedrich (Dalhousie University) 1. Roberto Nickel (University of Toronto): "Aphrodite's gift and the judgement of Paris in Iliad 24" (20 min) 2. Wayne Ingalls (Mount Saint Vincent University): "Attitudes toward children in the Odyssey" (20 min) 3. Ian McDonald (Scarborough College, University of Toronto): "Penelope's nightingale: A Homeric simile reconsidered" (20 min) 4. Robert Schmiel (University of Calgary): "Homer transmogrified: The games for Opheltes (Dionysiaca 37)" (20 min) 5B Roman Constructions/Constructions romaines A-2071: Chair/Président Martin Kilmer (University of Ottawa) 1. John Thorp (University of Western Ontario): "Vitruvius' Vases" (20 min) 2. Paul Joseph Chénier (Stanford University): "Sign language: Communications from the Roman home" (20 min) 5C Excavations New and Old/Fouilles nouvelles et anciennes A-3017: Chair/Président Nigel Kennell (Memorial University) 1. Gerald P. Schaus (Wilfrid Laurier University): "Excavations in the acropolis sanctuary at Stymphalos, 1996" (20 min) 2. Carola M. Small (University of Alberta): "Archaeological field survey round Monte Irsi (South Italy): A report on the 1996 season" (15 min) 3. Alastair Small (University of Alberta): "Lucien Bonaparte's excavations at Tusculum" (20 min) 10:30 - 11:00am / 10h 30 - 11h 00 coffee break / pause café 11:00am - 12:30pm / 11h 00 - 12h 30 Session VI - VIe Séance 6A Greek Lyric/Poésie lyrique grecque A-2065: Chair/Président Ivan Cohen (Mount Allison University) 1. Eleanor Irwin (Scarborough College, University of Toronto): "A garden at Olympia: Pindar O. 3.24" (20 min) 2. George Robertson (Memorial University): "Wealth and virtue in Pindar and Bacchylides" (20 min) 3. Bonnie MacLachlan (University of Western Ontario): "To box or not to box with Eros? Anacreon 396 Page" (20 min) 6B The Classical Legacy/Présence de l'antiquité classique A-2071: Chair/Président Catherine Bolton (Concordia University) 1. Joshua Beer (Carleton University): "Euripides' Medea and Pericles' citizenship law: A Canadian perspective" (20 min) 2. Paul Murgatroyd (McMaster University): "The Virgil and mythology CD ROM" (15 min) 3. Richard J.A. Talbert (University of North Carolina): "Mapping the classical world in the 1990s: Progress and prospects" (20 min) 4. Beert C. Verstraete (Acadia University): "The ring found inside the fish: A comparison of the use of a similar folklore motif in Herodotus and a Dutch-Frisian folktale" (20 min) 12:30 - 2:00pm / 12h 30 - 14h 00 Lunch / Déjeuner 2:00 - 3:30pm / 14h 00 - 15h 30 Session VII - VIIe Séance 7A The CAC Women's Network/Le Réseau des Femmes de l'ACEC The Life Cycle of Women in Antiquity/Les âges de la vie des femmes dans l'antiquité A-2071: Chair/Président Catherine Rubincam (University of Toronto) 1. Candace Dawn Cain (University of Toronto): "Crocuses for the goddess and the rituals of womanhood: Reading meaning into the Late Bronze Age frescoes from Xeste 3 on Thera" (15 min) 2. Mary-Louise Mussell (Carleton University): "Home, husband, and hearth: Economic vs reproductive marginalization of women in the ancient world" (20 min) 3. Kelly Venour (University of Chicago): "The univira and the Augustan legislation on remarriage" (20 min) 7B Plato and Others/Platon et cie A-2071: Chair/Président Gerald Sandy (University of British Columbia) 1. Mark Joyal (Memorial University): "Patronymics in Plato (and others)" (20 min) 2. Vernon Provençal (Acadia University): "To idion and to koinon as principles of the family in Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics" (20 min) 3. Dennis K. House (Dalhousie University): "Aristotle's treatment of Plato's refutation of Parmenides" (20 min) 3:30 - 4:00pm / 15h 30 - 16h 00 coffee break / pause-café 4:00 - 5:30pm / 16h 00 - 17h 30 Session VIII - VIIIe Séance 8A Sophocles/Sophocle A-2065: Chair/Président George Robertson (Memorial University) 1. Patricia Calkin (Dalhousie University): "Odysseus in Sophocles' Ajax" (20 min) 2. Susan V. Walsh (University of King's College): "Cruelty and necessity: A study of Athena's role in Sophocles' Ajax" (20 min) 3. Rainer Friedrich (Dalhousie University): "Oidipous pharmakos: The Sophoclean Oidipous Tyrannos on the grid of theoreticism" (25 min) 8B "We, Claudii"/"Mémoires de Claudii" A-2071: Chair/Président Hélène Leclerc (Université de Montréal) 1. Ella Hermon (Université Laval): "Atta Clausus, le clan, la tribu et la terre" (25 min) 2. Harry W. Bird (University of Windsor): "Constantine, Claudius and the Historia Augusta" (20 min) 6:00 - 7:30pm / 18h 00 - 19h 30 Special Lecture / Conférence spéciale Chair/Président André Daviault A-1043 "A Note on the 'Alexander Mosaic'" Ernst Badian (Harvard University) Annual Banquet/Banquet Annuel The Crow's Nest 8:00pm / 20h 00
Tuesday June 3 / Mardi le 3 juin 9:00 - 10:30am / 9h 00 - 10h 30 Annual General Meeting / Assemblée générale A-1043 Chair/Président André Daviault 10:30 - 11:00am / 10h 30 - 11h 00 coffee break / pause-café 11:00am - 12:30pm / 11h 00 - 12h 30 Session IX - IXe Séance 9A Latin Literature/Littérature latine A-2065: Chair/Président James Butrica (Memorial University) 1. Peter Smith (University of Victoria): "Plautine slave jokes: Did they really die laughing?" (20 min) 2. Gerald Sandy (University of British Columbia): "Apuleius' Apology: Plato in defense of rhetoric" (15 min) 3. Gottskalk Jensson (University of Toronto): "Milesian tales: Short stories or novels?" (20 min) 9B Defunct Spaniards/La mort à l'espagnole A-2071: Chair/Président Iain Bruce (Memorial University) 1. Tina Saavedra (University of Chicago): "Stone as the great equalizer: Gender in inscriptions from Roman Spain" (15 min) 2. Jonathan Edmondson (York University): "Funerary monuments with portraits from Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain)" (20 min) 9C The Classical Tradition II/L'Antiquité renouvelée II A-3017: Chair/Président Mark Joyal (Memorial University) 1. Annabel Robinson (University of Regina): "Jane Harrison and the sogenannte Cambridge ritualists" (20 min) 2. Robert B. Todd (University of British Columbia): "The young man in the British Museum: The genesis of E.R. Dodds' "The Greeks and the Irrational'" (15 min) Lunch / Déjeuner 12:30 - 2:00pm / 12h 30 - 14h 00 Meeting of Council II / Réunion du conseil II A-4059 2:00 - 3:30pm / 14h 00 - 15h 30 Session X - Xe Séance 10A Greek Art/L'Art grec A-2065: Chair/Président Michael Parker (Sir Wilfrid Grenfell College) 1. Martin Kilmer (University of Ottawa): "Myth, letters, and attributes: Inscriptions in early Attic black-figure pottery" (25 min) 2. Cindy Nimchuk (University of Toronto): "East meets West-Or does it? The Assurbanipal 'Banquet' relief and Greek monoposiast scenes" (20 min) 3. Ken Cavalier (Simon Fraser University): "Possibilities for Periklean power politics on the Parthenon" (20 min) 10B Roman History and Religion/Histoire et religion romaine A-2071: Chair/Président Bernard Kavanaugh (Queens University) 1. Don Baronowski (Université McGill): "Quelques remarques sur les silences du colonel Polybe" (20 min) 2. Hélène Leclerc (Université de Montréal): "Le mode de sélection des vigintisexviri et des triumviri monetales sous la République" (20 min) 3. Mark Temelini (McGill University): "Collegia and the law: The right of association in Roman society" (20 min) 4. Roger Beck (Erindale College, University of Toronto): "Initiation and mimesis: New evidence for the Mithraic mysteries" (20 min) 3:30 - 4:00pm / 15h 30 - 16h 00 coffee break / pause-café 4:00 - 5:00pm / 16h 00 - 17h 00 Session XI - XIe Séance 11A Demagogues, Democrats, and Tyrants/Démagogues, démocrates, tyrans A-2065: Chair/Président Craig Cooper (University of Winnipeg) 1. George E. Pesely (Austin Peay State University): "Demagogues and tyrants in Archaic Greece" (20 min) 2. Ariel Loftus (York University): "Avoiding conflict in the Athenian Assembly and fifth-century ambassadors autokratores" (20 min) 3. Lionel Sanders (Concordia University): "What did Aristotle think of Dion?" (20 min) 11B Roman Epic/Poésie épique romaine A-2071: Chair/Président Robert Schmiel (University of Calgary) 1. Rebecca Nagel (University of Alberta): "Measurements of immortality in Latin epic" (15 min) 2. Sophia Papaioannou (University of Texas): "Pyrrhus' episode and the death of Turnus in Vergil's Aeneid" (20 min) 3. Elizabeth Kennedy Klaassen (Bryn Mawr College): "Altera Carthago Capua: Hannibal's Vergilian models in Punica II" (20 min) 5:00 - 7:00pm / 17h 00 - 19h 00 Reception / Réception Arts Building Cafeteria :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: N E X T REGULAR I S S U E : 1997 04 15. Deadline: 1997 04 10 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF