Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études anciennes


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                               VOLUME/TOME 3,




                                 1997 04 25

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

                 President:  A. Daviault, Universite Laval


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg


                           Edited by/redige par

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University


                       Acting Editor/Editeur par interim

                    J.R. Porter, University of Saskatchewan


                                                             ISSN 1198-9149


                  Total document length:  218 Lines;  9 KBytes


                    [1] Position: Concordia University /

      [2] MA programme in Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa



Assistant Professor, Classics

Pending budgetary approval, the Department of Classics, Modern Languages

and Linguistics of Concordia University invites applications for a

nine-and-one-half month Limited Term position in Classics at the level of

Assistant Professor, effective August 15, 1997 to May 31, 1998. Ph.D.

required, with primary specialization in Greek or Latin literature.

Demonstrated excellence in teaching and scholarly publication essential.

Teaching responsibilities may include Greek and Roman literature in

translation, Greek mythology and Latin poetry at the senior level. 

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement

is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Concordia

University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications

from women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and disabled persons.

All things being equal, women candidates will be given priority. 

Deadline for applications is May 26, 1997. Please submit application, with

curriculum vitae and the names of three referees to: 

          Dr. C. Vallejo, Acting Chair

          Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

          Concordia University, H663

          1455 boul. de Maisonneuve West

          Montreal, QC  H3G 1M8



The MA programme in Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa

(Department of Classics and Religious Studies) is now accepting

applications of qualified students for both September 1997 and January


The Classics sector of the new Department of Classics and Religious

Studies has been able to enrich its MA programme by coordinating the

exceptional resources available in the Ottawa area. In the Ottawa area, we

have one of the largest groups in North America of scholars working in

various aspects of Late Antiquity and in Medieval Studies. 

Our students are expected to know Greek and Latin and to read these

languages fluently. Therefore we place an emphasis on the student's

acquiring facility at reading Greek and Latin. At the same time the choice

of thesis topic can now be much broader and more interdisciplinary than

has been possible in the past. 


Students requesting admission must have an Honours BA in Classics or the

equivalent. (This normally means the equivalent of 9 trimester courses in

the one language and 6 in the other.) 

We only admit students who would normally qualify for external awards and

to whom we can also award graduate research assistantships. 


CLA 5900: This is a seminar in which all professors associated with the

programme introduce the scholarship of their own specialties. 

3 graduate courses

CLA 6998 Greek and Latin Sight Translation Examination

(to be successfully completed within 5 sessions of initial registration)

Thesis topic registration within 2 sessions of initial registration.

Thesis seminar (at which the topic is formally approved by all professors

in the department after study and discussion). This seminar must take

place within 3 sessions of initial registration. 

We expect that all candidates admitted to the programme will complete all

of their degree requirements within 18-24 months. 


Classics Sector

     D. Brearley    Late and Medieval Latin and Palaeography

     R. Burgess     Late Roman History and Historiography

     E. Dickey      Greek Language and Linguistics

     M. Kilmer      Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology

     J. Yardley     Latin Literature

Religious Studies Sector

     R. Pummer      Greek Religion; Roman Samaria

     C. Kazmierski  Patristics and Apocalyptic Literature

Adjunct Professors

     R. Blockley    Late Roman History

     E. Bloedow     Greek History and Archaeology

     M. Roussel     Greek Philosophy

Cross-appointed Professors

     D. Carlson     Medieval and Renaissance Latin (Dept. of English)

     G. Hunter      Roman Philosophy (Dept. of Philosophy)

     P. Kunstmann   Greek Language (Dept. of Lettres Francaises)


St Paul University

     G. Bloomquist  Patristics/ Ancient Rhetoric (Dept. of Theology)

     K. Coyle       Patristics/Augustine of Hippo (Dept. of Theology)

Carleton University's New College of the Humanities

     S. Wilson      Early Christianity


You are invited to contact the useful (bilingual) web site set up and 

administered by Pierre Desrochers, one of our students, at:

This (bilingual) site is updated monthly.

For a list of courses to be offered during the 1996-7 academic year, please 

contact the resource persons listed below.

The combined resources of the Library Systems at the University of 

Ottawa, Carleton University and St Paul University provide one of the 

strongest collections in Ancient Philosophy and Religion in North 

America. There are also exceptionally strong holdings in Late Antiquity 

and Medieval Studies, including rare editions of the texts of Patristic 


For further information and application forms contact:

          Professor Martin Kilmer,

          1997-98 Graduate Co-ordinator

          Department of Classics and Religious Studies

          #70 Laurier East,

          University of Ottawa

          Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5


          Tel: (613) 562 5800 ext 1335 (office and voice mail);



Appendix: Courses offered  Sept-Dec 1997 and Jan-Apr 1998

The University of Ottawa, like almost all Canadian universities, is

affected by the massive reorganization of existing resources which is

going on province-wide and nation-wide. Therefore formal course offerings

in 1997/8 will be limited. A protocol has been arranged whereby graduate

courses in certain other sectors will be accepted for credit in the

Classics MA. To have such courses accepted, these students will be

required to read certain texts in the original Greek or Latin, and will be

examined on their knowledge of these texts. 

Classics Courses:

     Medieval Latin -- Brearley -- Sept-Dec

     Etruscan Art and religion -- Kilmer --  Sept-Dec

Graduate courses are expected to be available in:

     Religious Studies




  N E X T    REGULAR    I S S U E :   1997 05 15.   Deadline: 1997 05 10