Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques

  CAC / SCEC home page


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 5, NUMBER/NUMERO 3, 1998 11 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

             President:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                           Edited by/redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University

                             KKINZL@TRENTU.CA                                     ISSN 1198-9149


                            914 Lines -- 45 Kb



[1]  [1.1] Congre\s annuel | Annual meeting 1999

     [1.2] Association announcements: Sight translation

     [1.3] PhD theses completed at Canadian Universities

     [1.4] Directory (*Classical Studies in Canadian Universities*)

     [1.5] State of the discipline

[2]  [2.1] Job openings

     [2.2] Fellowships, Scholarships

[3]  Summer 1999: excavations, courses, etc.

[4]  Lectures and seminars

[5]  Conferences

[6]  Calls for papers

[7]  Varia

[8]  Book length publications by members

[9]  W3 sites noted, vel sim.



[1.1] The first release regarding the 1999 SCEC | CAC Congre\s annuel |  

Annual meeting at Universite/ Laval appeared as a special bulletin (vol. 5,

special no 8), see




[1.2] Sight translation

From:	IN%"pcalkin@IS.Dal.Ca"  "Patricia J. Calkin" 19-OCT-1998 19:57:24.37

Subj:	RE: 1999 CAC Sight Translation Competitions

The Classical Association of Canada will sponsor Sight Translation

Competitions in Latin at the Junior and Senior levels on January 21, 1999.

The Competitions in Greek at the Junior and Senior levels will be held on

January 28, 1999.  This year the CAC is sponsoring a new competition in

latin for high school students only.  Packages of information and entry

forms have been mailed to Departments and Schools across the country.  If

you do not receive information and wish to enter students, please contact

Patricia J. Calkin, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax,

NS  B3H 3J5; tel: 902-494-2279; fax: 902-494-2467


[1.3] PhD theses completed at Canadian Universities

[Source: APA [sic!] Newsletter (by permission of the Executive Director)]

"McMaster University, Howard Jones Reporting:"

Alexis Young: Vending Scenes in the Sculpture of Roman Gaul (K. Dunbabin)

"University of Alberta, John-Paul Himka Reporting:"

Tana Joy Allen: Roman Healing Spas in Italy: A Study in Design and Function

(Alastair M. Small);  Maria B. Kozakiewicz: The Imagery of Ceres in the

Presentation of Imperial Women in the Julio-Claudian Period (Alastair M. 


"University of British Columbia, Phil[l]ip Harding Reporting:"

C. Gorrie: The Building Programme of Septimius Severus (A. Barrett);  D.

Johnson: Aelian's Varied History and Ancient Traditions of the Miscellany

(G. Sandy);  S. Bingham: The Praetorian Guard in the Political and Social

Life of Julio-Claudian Rome (A. Barrett)


[1.4] Directory (*Classical Studies in Canadian Universities*)

The National Library of Canada has archived the directory.  It will 

download a copy about four times a year (thus, the Trent site will always be 

a little more up-to-date).  The existence of a second site should be very

useful if Trent's server happens to be down (not likely, but it has happened). 

(ISSN 1198-9149)  The URL is


[1.5] State of the discipline

From:          "Jo-Marie Claassen" 


Date:          Thu, 22 Oct 1998 15:46:50 +0200

The Departments of Classics and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at

Stellenbosch are amalgamating as the Dept of Ancient Studies as from Jan 1

1999.  To celebrate their nuptuals, they are mounting an "Ancient week"

26-31 October. [See Programme below, "[5] Conferences".] 

Dr Jo-Marie Claassen, Dept. of Classics, Univ. of Stellenbosch, Private Bag

X01, 7602 Matieland, South Africa; e-mail:; phone:

+27-21-808-3138 work; +27-21-883-2956 home; fax: +27-21-808-4336 





There are two prime locations listing job openings, the latter only for the 


    There is also a convenient link from Michigan to the APA site:

For Canadian job announcements see the special releases of CCB / BCEA,

US jobs and some others are also ususally posted to the Classics-l and 

Classics-m lists, and UK jobs to the Classicists list.

I am not aware of electronic postings of jobs where the language of 

instruction is not English (if anyone knows, please inform me).



The University of Dublin, Trinity College, School of Classics

Applications are invited for the following appointment in the School of

Classics, tenable from 1 October 1999 (or as soon as possible thereafter)

Chair of Latin (1870)

Candidates should have a distinguished record of scholarly research in one

or more areas of Latin studies.  Administrative duties within the School of

Classics will include Headship of the School, in accordance with College's


Appointment will be made at an appropriate point of the professorial salary

scale, currently IRP 45,447 - 58,708. 

Further particulars relating to this appointment may be obtained from:

Michael Gleeson, Secretary to the College, West Theatre, Trinity College,

Dublin 2. Telephone: +353 (1) 608 2197/1722; Facsimile: +353 (1) 671 0037;


to whom formal applications should be sent, to arrive before the preferred

closing date of Friday, 11 December 1998.



The Executive Director Search Committee, consisting of Professors David

Konstan (Chair), Harry Evans, Julia Gaisser, Erich Gruen, Judith Hallett,

Michael Putnam, and Ruth Scodel, announces the following position: 

The American Philological Association seeks to hire a full-time

administrator with a background in Classics. The successful candidate will

become Executive Director-designate on or about 1 May 1999, and will assume

full duties on 1 July 1999.  The anticipated term of office is five years

with an annual review and the potential for renewal. Salary and benefits

will be commensurate with experience.  The Association expects to maintain

its current offices on the campus of New York University, but is willing to

consider proposals to locate the office elsewhere. 

The Executive Director is the chief operating officer of the Association,

reporting to the Board of Directors, working closely with, and actively

assisting, the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Divisions

(Education, Professional Matters, Program, Publications, Research).  The

Executive Director fosters communication and a spirit of cooperation with

the various constituencies of the Association, as well as with individual

members; represents the Association to the Conference of Administrative

Officers of the American Council of Learned Societies; and serves on the

Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of Scholars Press. 

Current duties of the Executive Director include:  Providing continuity

in leadership and policy formation for the Association;  Managing the

Association's finances and overseeing its business in compliance with the

policies and by-laws of the organization;  Supervising on a day-to-day

basis the office staff, and carrying out the Association's activities,

including office publications (Newsletter, Graduate Guide, Annual Meeting

Program, etc.); managing the annual meeting in coordination with the

Archaeological Institute of America; and overseeing the Placement Service. 

The Executive Director will play a major role in fund-raising and

developing new initiatives for the Association; will continue to develop

the Association's contacts with professional organizations in other

academic disciplines and with groups involved in teaching Latin and Greek

in the schools; and will bring our own disciplines to the attention of

appropriate government bodies, philanthropic institutions, and the public

at large.  The holder of the position, which calls for a combination of

academic, diplomatic, and managerial skills, will have considerable

influence on the future development of the Association, and of our entire

profession.  Flexibility and a willingness to develop new skills will be

important considerations in the minds of the Search Committee. 

Members are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates who might otherwise

not apply.  Applications and nominations, accompanied by a current

curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at

least three referees, should be sent to the Executive Director Search

Committee in care of the current Executive Director, John Marincola,

American Philological Association, 19 University Place, Room 328, New York

University, New York, NY 10003; tel.: 212-998-3575; fax: 212-995-4814;

e-mail:  Prospective candidates may request a detailed

description of current duties and operations of the office. 

Only those applications received at the APA office by 1 December 1998 can

be considered.  Interviews of short-listed candidates will be held at the

APA's Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on 27 December 1998. 

The American Philological Association is an Affirmative Action/Equal

Opportunity Employer.



Center for Hellenic Studies: Summer Scholars 1999

The Center for Hellenic Studies (Trustees for Harvard University) invites

applications for its Summer Scholars program, which will be held from June

23 to August 4, 1999. With its 45,000-volume specialized library and serene

wooded campus in Washington, D.C., the Center offers professional

classicists an opportunity for full-time research in a collegial

environment. The Summer Scholars program is designated for scholars of any

age or rank (including independent scholars and secondary school teachers

but not graduate students) who do not normally have access to a good

research library. Applicants working in any field of Classics are eligible;

given the strength of the Center's resources, some preference will be given

to research that focuses on text-based Ancient Greek studies. 

	Summer Scholars will receive a stipend of USD 500, as well as

fully-furnished housing on the Center's grounds (provided for

accompanying household members as well), 24-hour access to the library, a

study in the library building, and lunch on weekdays. In addition, the

Center can provide some assistance with transportation expenses. 

	Applications include an application form, C.V., project

description, and two letters of recommendation. Applications must be

postmarked by February 15, 1999; candidates will be notified of their

admission status in early April. Further information and application forms

are available from: 

Office of the Directors, Center for Hellenic Studies, 3100 Whitehaven

Street, NW, Washington DC 20008, tel: 202.234.3738, fax:202.797.3745,, website:


Pearson Fellowship

Nominations are invited for the 1999-2000 Lionel Pearson Fellowship.  The

Fellowship seeks to contribute to the training of American and Canadian

classicists by providing for a period of study at an English or Scottish

university.  It is open to majors in Greek, Latin, or Classics.  Applicants

should be in the final year of undergraduate study at an American or

Canadian university and should expect to obtain the B.A. by September of

1999, so as to be able to begin an academic year of postgraduate work at

that time.  Normally, the Fellowship is held in the academic year

immediately after graduation with a bachelor's degree.  The term of the

fellowship is one year; fellows may use the fellowship for one year of a

longer program of study, but under no circumstances will a Pearson

Fellowship be awarded for a period longer than one year.  The Fellowship

will pay all academic fees and will provide a living stipend to meet

estimated average living expenses; airfare and other necessary expenses of

travel will also be covered.  Total reimbursement for all expenses will not

exceed USD 25,000.  Fellows are responsible for determining the English or

Scottish university at which to take up the Fellowship, and for making all

applications for admissions.  Those who wish to nominate students for the

Fellowship should send the name and address of the student to the current

Chair, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267.  The Chair will then send

the application forms and all relevant material to the nominator. 

Nominations and inquiries may be made by letter, or e-mail

(  The deadline for nominations is October 16, 1998,

for completed applications November 13, 1998.  A short list of candidates

will be interviewed at the APA convention in Washington, DC in December




From:	IN%""  "Hector Williams"  2-NOV-1998 

The UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA plans to continue its excavations at the

site of ancient Stymphalos from July 4 to August 16, 1999 and invites

interested volunteers to contact the project.  We shall be digging houses,

streets, fortifications, and a sanctuary in the fifth season of excavations

at this site in the NE Peloponnese.  Cost including local transportation,

meals, hotel accommodation with private facilities, etc. is CAD 1900 or

CAD 500 with camping and lunches.  No experience is required.  For further

details please contact:  The Stymphalos Project, Department of Classical,

Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of B.C., Vancouver V6T 1Z1. 


Ohio University's Greek in Greece program for Spring quarter 1999 (March

25-June 6) and to enlist the aid of faculty and advisors in spreading the

word to their undergraduate and graduate students.  Those of you who are

more electronically conversant than I might do me a favor by cross-posting

this announcement to other lists that might have interested readers. 

Our Greek in Greece program is unique among study-abroad programs in

emphasizing the study of Greek language, both modern and Classical. 

It includes 4 courses:

1)  45 classroom hours of introductory Modern Greek at the Athens Centre


2)  an on-site survey of Greek archaeology and history that includes site

visits to many major sites in Attica (+Delphi and Thebes), the Peloponnese,

and Crete (3 weeks); 

3, 4) intermediate/advanced reading courses in Homer and Plato.  We read at

sight about 7 books of the Odyssey and several works from the Platonic

corpus (Erastai,  Lysis, and the first 30 Stephanus pages of the Phaedrus).

Usually we manage to read all these texts at least a second time and some

of them a third time. (4 weeks on remote Aegean islands, reading aloud as a

group 40-60 hours per week) 

To participate in the intermediate/advanced Greek classes students are

required to have completed at least 3 semesters' study of Classical Greek.

We will admit a few students who wish to pursue independent study of some

related field in lieu of the 2 Classical Greek courses.  They will need to

propose a serious topic of study and secure the cooperation of a faculty

member at their home institution who will supervise and grade their work. 

They need to be clear that during the final month of the trip while the

Greek students are reading Homer and Plato 8-10 hours/day, they will need

to be busy with their independent projects. 

Total estimated cost (including air fare):  USD 4000-USD 4400 + Ohio University

tuition (Undergraduate Ohio/out-of-state: USD 1441/USD 3108.

GraduateOhio/out-of-state: USD 1810/USD 3477). We welcome students from other

universities--whether on the quarter or the semester system.  Each of the 4

courses should transfer as a 3-semester-hour course. 

More detailed information is available at



University of Toronto:

Walter Graham Lecture, Department of Fine Art

Professor Sarah Morris (UCLA): "Imaginary Kings: Rulership in Prehistoric

and Early Greece"

November 24, 4:15 p.m. - University College, 140


The SCHOOL OF CLASSICS AT LEEDS will be holding a colloquium on narrative

issues in classical historiography on Friday April 16th 1999. The speakers

will be Carolyn Dewald, Christina Kraus, John Marincola, John Moles and

Christopher Pelling; the colloquium director will be Simon Hornblower. For

further information see our web-site at:




On Saturday January 30, 1999, the Classics Graduate students of McMaster

University will be holding their first annual student conference entitled:


This is a one day conference for students to presents papers on how aware

the Romans were of their past and the pasts of other cultures. We are

pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for the conference will be

J.P. Small from Rutgers University who will present a paper entitled: "Time

in Space: Pictorial Narrative in Classical Art".  The finalized programme

will appear in December's issue of the CAC bulletin. To register, please

fill out the attached form or visit our Website at:

Further inquiries can be sent to Audrey McSherry at: 

		        Pre-Registration Form

	            First Annual Student Conference

		      Saturday January 30, 1999

Please submit this form with your check to arrive no later than Friday

January 22, 1999 to Bridget Day, Department of Classics, McMaster

University, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4M2. 

The registration fee is CAD 10.00 for students and CAD 15.00 for other persons.

This includes a buffet lunch (cash bar) and morning coffee, juices etc.

Name __________________________  Address___________________________


Please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and enclose the

following information:

I enclose payment for _______students @ $10.00 = $__________;

________persons @ $15.00 = $___________.  Total $________.

Please list the names of person other than yourself for whom you are



The Twenty-Eighth Conference of the ISRAEL SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF

CLASSICAL STUDIES will be held on May 26-27,1999 at The Ben Gurion

University of the Negev in Beer Sheva. For further information please

contact the secretary of the society: Dr. Yulia Ustinova, Dept.of History,

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel; e-mail: 



A Conference in honour of Professor B.B. Shefton

30th June - 2nd July 1999

A conference will held at the Department of Classics, University of

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in honour of the 80th year of Professor Brian

Shefton. The conference will explore this important topic from a variety of

different methodological viewpoints. It will address the means by which

Greek identities were perceived and defined in the western Mediterranean,

both by the Greeks themselves and by non-Greeks, and the ways in which

these identities were modified by the colonial environment and contact with

non-Greek populations.  -  Speakers include: John Boardman (Oxford), David

Ridgway (Edinburgh), Jonathan Hall (Chicago), Carla Antonaccio (Wesleyan

University), Joseph Carter (Texas), Javier de Hoz (Madrid), Adolfo

Dominguez Monedero (Madrid), Maurizio Harari (Pavia), Alastair Small

(Edinburgh) [sic!], Richard Jones (Glasgow), Lorenzo Braccesi (Padua),

Emmanuele Curti (London), David Gill (Swansea).  -  For further details

contact Dr Kathryn Lomas, Department of Classics, University of Newcastle,

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK ( 


Conference Announcement:

"Queer Republic? Homosexuality in Greek Politics and Political Thought"

This half-day conference will look at the ways that the popularity of

homosexual relationships in Classical Greece inflected the political

dynamics of the city-state and provided powerful imagery for writers and

artists of the time to use in their portrayals of the classical polis. In

both papers and discussion, this conference will address the question of

whether homosexual relationships were central to the development of the

idea of the republic we have inherited from the Greeks.  -  Papers by

Gloria Pinney (Harvard), Kathryn Morgan (UCLA), David Leitao (San Francisco

State), Andrew Lear (UCLA), Matthew Crawford (University of Chicago);

responses by Martha Nussbaum and James Redfield (University of Chicago). 

Saturday, Feb. 13, 1-6 PM, at the Chicago Humanities Institute, Regenstein

Library Room S-102, University of Chicago, 1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL.

For further information, contact David Dodd,,

(773) 667-6945.


ARCHAIA: An interactive symposium on the subject of Archaic Greek society

and history, April 3rd, 1999 

[..........] Rather than clusters of scholarly presentations in formal

paper-sessions at some distance from the audience, however,

panel-participants will create and communicate their presentations in such

a way as to encourage and facilitate accessibility to and interaction with

the widest possible audience.  The intention is to make the audience fully

participant and interactive with the panelists in order to create the most

informative discourse possible for both.  The intention is that all

participants in the symposium, panelists and audience, will benefit from

the interaction and discussion.  At present panel-participants include

Robert Drews (Vanderbilt), Robin Osborne (Oxford), Cynthia Patterson

(Emory), A.J. Podlecki (British Columbia), and B.M. Lavelle

(Loyola-Chicago).  -  The symposium will last all day and be broken down

into morning and afternoon presentations and discussions.  This division

will be more temporal than topical, however.  A subscription luncheon is

available for those planning to attend and will separate the sessions.  A

reception will follow the symposium. (Accomodation for those planning to

attend from out of town may possibly arranged through the event-organizer.)

For further information about ARCHAIA contact:  Brian Lavelle, Department

of Classical Studies, Loyola University of Chicago, Crown Center 549, 6525

N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60626-5344; (773) 508-3658; 



The Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception, DEPARTMENT OF CLASSICS,

School of  Humanities, University of NOTTINGHAM, UK, announces an

international  conference on "Fragments of Sophocles" to be held at

Nightingale  Hall, University of Nottingham, from 17-19 July 2000.  Offers

of  papers on any topic bearing on this theme are warmly welcomed.  To 

offer a paper, or on any academic aspect of the conference, contact  Prof.

Alan Sommerstein at the address above (e- mail) or below (post, fax). 

Prof A H Sommerstein, Department of Classics, University of Nottingham,

University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK; Phone +44 (0)115 951 4805; Fax +44

(0)115 951 4811 



Dept. of Classics, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602; Tel: (021) 808-3139;

Fax: (021) 808-3827; e-mail: 


You are cordially invited to attend the 23rd biennial Conference of the

Classical Association of South Africa to be held at the University of the

Western Cape from 19 to 22 January 1999. 


Papers need not be on the conference theme. 

DEADLINE: If you intend to read a paper, please send an abstract of

your contribution before 6 November to the address above. 

Language:English or Afrikaans. 

Parallel sessions: Parallel sessions will take place if necessary. 

Length of papers: 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion. 

Registration: Please complete the form below and return to above address. 

General information

1. Accommodation

You are responsible for your own accommodation arrangements. Accomodation

is available in a University dormitory on campus (no transport needed) at

ZAR 110-00 pp/night (B + B) single and ZAR 100-00 pp/night (B + B) double.

Four rooms share one bathroom, small lounge area and facilities for making

coffe/tea. If you want to book Univirsity accommodation, please indicate

this on your application form and include an additional R100-00 with your

deposit. The committee will the n forward your booking to the University. 

2. Registration

Includes all teas and lunches, but does not include excursions and

conference dinner. Members of CASA: ZAR 250-00 Student members of CASA: ZAR

200-00; Non-CASA members: ZAR 330-00.  A deposit of ZAR 100-00 is payable

before November 6, 1998 and the balance on the first day of the conference,

between 08:00 and 09:00. Please make cheques and postal orders out to: CASA


3. Excursions

Wednesday - (i) Robben Island and V & A waterfront. ZAR 125-00 (transport

included). OR (ii) Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and V & A waterfront.

ZAR 30-00 (transport included).  Thursday morning - Early morning guided

walk in UWC's natural Cape shrub (fynbos) garden. Thursday evening -

Conference dinner at Rhebokskloof. ZAR 120-00 (drinks excluded, transport

to and from UWC included). 


1. General



 First name......................................................


Telephone: (home).......................................


Fax :...............................................................






Title of paper.................................................

................................................................ .... 


(Abstract (of not more than 200 words) can be e-mailed as well)

2. Accommodation

Are you interested in University accommodation? 


(If you are, we can only make arrangements once we have received your 


3. Transport

Are you interested in being met at Cape Town International Airport?

Yes............... No.....................

Flight details:


Flight number: ...................... Date................... 


Departure: (immediately after the conference)

Flight number.........................Date....................


4. Registration

Please indicate below:

I am a CASA member

I am a CASA student member

I am not a CASA member

(A deposit of ZAR 100 made out to CASA conference should reach the above 

address before 6 November.)

5. Participation

I am prepared to act as chair for a session. 

Yes........  No..........

6. Diet

Please indicate dietary preferences..............................

7. Excursions

Please indicate whether you would be interested in any of the 

following excursions:

Robben Island:   Yes........... No.......

OR  Kirstenbosch:  Yes.......... No..........

Early morning "fynbos" walk: Yes........ No........

Conference dinner at Rhebokskloof: Yes........... No......


[6]  Calls for papers

Pimps, Peasants, And Potentates: Low-Lifes and Leaders in the Ancient World

The graduate students in Classics from Duke and UNC Chapel Hill are asking

for submissions for their second annual joint colloquium.  You can see the

following announcement (and further details as they become available) at  -  Inquiries and abstracts should be sent

to or to the address below. 

Please submit an abstract of 250-350 words by mail, email, or fax no later

than 10 January 1999. Include your name, address, phone number, email

address, and affiliation. Participants will be notified by mail or email by

31 January 1999. Presentations will be limited to approximately 20 minutes.

Limited travel funding is available. 


Send your abstract and information to: 1999 Duke-UNC Colloquium

c/o Noel R. Fiser, Department of Classics, University of North Carolina,

212 Murphey Hall, CB #3145, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145;;

fax: 919.962.4036 






At a recent Presidential Forum, a powerful case was made for the need to

integrate the various research projects and approaches of the APA and AIA.

In its spirit of experimentation and self-conscious appropriation of the

earlier Greek tradition, the Hellenistic period by its very nature provides

an ideal subject for such interdisciplinarity. 


We invite abstracts for the third panel of a three-year colloquium on

'Urbanization and the Hellenistic World.' The large, multi-ethnic urban

centers that developed in the Hellenistic period are generally agreed to

have been very different in character from the _poleis_ of the Classical

period; each year's panel focuses on an inclusive topic that takes an

interdisciplinary approach to different aspects of this urbanization. 


For the 1999 panel on 'Hellenistic Kings and Religion' we seek papers which

examine the intersection of cult, cities, and Hellenistic kingship. Some

topics which might be considered include: the role of the kings in

sponsoring both national and city-centered cult; the place of religious

monuments in the new urban landscapes; the importance of women in both

royal and private cult in Hellenistic cities; and the relationship between

religious patronage and artistic patronage on the part of the kings. 


Papers from ALL disciplines are welcome. 


Abstracts for the next panel, of no more than 800 words, should be

sent by February 1, 1999 to:  Alexander Sens, Classics Department,

Georgetown University, Washington DC 2005; FAX: (202) 687-8000;, who will ensure that all abstracts are

circulated to referees anonymously. 


                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75 

          (CAD 45.00 for those earning less than CAD 30,000 per annum);

          sustaining CAD 90; life CAD 750; student CAC 30; retired 

          CAD 45); there are also joint memberships.  Contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 




[7]  VARIA

From Mark Joyal, Head, Department of Classics, Memorial University of


John Whittaker

It is with sadness that I convey news of the passing of our colleague

Professor John Whittaker on Saturday, November 7, after a long illness. His

funeral was held on Wednesday. He is survived by his wife Janet, his two

daughters Hel=8Ane and Sunniva, and his three grandchildren. 

John joined the Department of Classics at Memorial University of

Newfoundland in 1964. His first scholarly publication was in *Phoenix* in

1967, and was followed by a steady stream of books, articles, and reviews

which focused especially on the ancient reception and interpretation of

Plato, particularly during the period of the Roman Empire. His publications

contributed significantly to the growth in research on Middle Platonism and

Neoplatonism over the past three and a half decades. His many studies in

these areas culminated in the publication in 1990 of his Bud=82 edition of

the *Didaskalikos* of Alcinous, an author with whom his name will be

securely linked. In addition, John was a palaeographer and textual scholar

of the highest reputation and made important contributions to Patristic,

medieval, and renaissance studies. In recent years his interests also came

increasingly to include the study of the Ionian islands in the eighteenth

and nineteenth centuries, a field in which he published substantial works.

A full bibliography of his publications is given in *Studies in Plato and

the Platonic Tradition: Essays Presented to John Whittaker* (1997) (M.

Joyal, ed.) ix-xvi. 

Long before his retirement in 1997 John was recognized as one of Memorial

University's outstanding scholars, having been elevated to the rank of

University Research Professor in 1989. John's passing will however be felt

not only by his friends, colleagues, and former students at this

University, but by the Canadian classics community as well, which has lost

one of its most distinguished members. 


From:	IN%""  "Wayne John Hankey" 29-OCT-1998 11:35:26.02

                _Dionysius_ is back !

A new issue of Dionysius, initiating a new series, is ready to go the

printer. It will be mailed to subscribers in November. As the table of

contents shows, the new Dionysius will have substantially the same

character as before.

G. Nicholson, The Ontology of Plato's Phaedrus; C. Partenie, The

'productionist' framework of the Timaeus; G. Reydams-Schils, Roman and

Stoic: the Self as Mediator; R. Kilpatrick, Horace, Vergil and the Jews of

Rome; D. Nikulin, Intelligible Matter in Plotinus; H.J. Westra, Martinianus

Prae/Postmodernus ?; M. Harrington, Human Perspective in Eriugena's

Periphyseon; R.D. Crouse, Dante as Philosopher: Christian Aristotelianism;

W.J. Hankey, The Fate of Gilsonian Thomism in English-speaking North


_Dionysius_ is a journal of the Dept. of Classics, Dalhousie University,

and reflects the established character of its work. It publishes articles

on the history of ancient philosophy and theology, including Patristic

theology, and their _nachleben_. It has an especial interest in the

Aristotelian and Neoplatonic traditions. _Dionysius_ considers philosophy's

relation, both negative and positive, to Christian belief in both ancient

and modern times. As well as philosophical articles in the narrower sense,

_Dionysius_ will publish articles on Classical and later literature and

history and on Hellenic, Christian, Jewish and Islamic religion, especially

when they have a connection to philosophical questions. The editors are

R.D. Crouse, W.J. Hankey, D.K.. House, J.P. Atherton and R. Friedrich. Mss

should be addressed to Dr Hankey, who is the Secretary. 

The subscription price for the 1998 volume is CAD 25, which includes surface

postage. Airmail is CAD 6 more. Back issues of vol.1 (1977) to 15 (1991) are

available at CAD 20 each. Payment must be made in Canadian or US funds. 

Address: _Dionysius_, Dept. of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax,

Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3J5, e-mail 

From:	IN%""  "Wayne John Hankey" 15-NOV-1998 07:20:58.98

Dionysius (which is at the printer) now has an email address:

Those wishing to submit mss for Dionysius 17 (1999) may wish to write to

me at



Geoffrey Greatrex, Rome and Persia at War, 502-532. Leeds: Cairns, 1998.

Pp. xvi + 301. Price  GBP 40, USD 70. ISBN 0-905205-93-6. 


[9]  W3 SITES NOTED, vel sim.

Subject: ROMA


The VRoma Project: A Virtual Community for Teaching and Learning Classics

is an online "place," modeled upon the ancient city of Rome, where students

and instructors can interact live, hold courses and lectures, and share

resources for the study of the ancient world. The two-year project, funded

by a USD 190,000 grant from the Teaching with Technology Program of the

National Endowment for the Humanities, seeks to address two related issues:

"to improve and expand the teaching of classical languages and cultures

through technology-assisted collaboration between and among undergraduate

and secondary school Classics programs; and to enhance students' learning

of these topics through the excitement, immediacy, and 'virtual re-creation

of lost contexts' that modern technology can expedite." 

Project resources include texts, commentaries, images, maps, and teaching

materials. Participants can explore a virtual city set in 150 A.D. through

Vroma's MOO (an object oriented MUD, a type of multi-player interactive

game environment). The project also supports two intensive two-week summer

workshop involving college and high school Classics faculty. The second

workshop will be held July 14-25, 1998, at Miami University in Oxford,


For more information, link to Vroma at


The Leuven Database of Ancient Books

The LDAB is a database of Greek and Latin Literary Texts from 400 BC to AD

800. It is available on cd-rom at a price of 20 dollars and can be used on

Mac and PC. It contains basic information on more than 7000 literary texts

on papyrus, ostraca, wooden tablets and parchment and updates both the

catalogue of Pack and that of Van Haelst. I have also included those texts

from Herculaneum which are sufficiently well preserved for an

identification to be proposed and magical texts from PGM and Supplementum

Magicum. A start has been made to include also early Greek and Latin

codices up to AD 800.  -  Each entry in the data-base deals with one

ancient "book" (which may in fact also be a single sheet) and contains the

following information :  - reference to the catalogues of Pack, Van Haelst,

Gigante and to the work done by the Li=E8ge group of Paul Mertens - name of

the ancient author(s) - book title and reference - provenance (a

distinction is made between Egypt and the rest of the world) - date (by

century only) - writing material (papyrus, parchment etc.) - bookform

(roll, codex, single sheet) - limited bibliography (here only a small

selection is given, exhausitvity is not aimed at) - text genre (prose or

poetry with further subdivisions) - "culture" i.e. literature, religion and

"science" - religion (classical, christian, jewish) - edition (again a

selection including editio princeps and the best recent edition) - language

(Greek, Latin, bilingual) 

This data-base works with the Programme FilemakerPro. The programme is not

included on the cd-rom. 

On top of the data-base is a programme called "hit", which turns  the

mathematical data of the above data-base automatically into graphs and

charts.  "Hit" consists at this moment of six sections. It allows for

searches by author, by date, by provenance, by bookform, by material and by

culture. Each of these can be combined with another. Thus a graph can be

generated for the number of literary papyri in function of time, of the

Euripides papyri in function of time, of the third century BC papyri in

function of their bookform, of the "scientific" papyri (most of them school

books) in function of their material (often ostraca), of the Sappho papyri

in function of provenance (with a map of Egypt) etc. The programme has been

tested out successfully on Belgian schoolchildren and can be handled

without intimate knowledge of computers. To use it you need a computer with

a 256 colour monitor with at least 640 x 480 pixels. 

Both programmes are now on display on the following www.address, where

you will find a number of screen dumps illustrating the programme :

Orders should be put on my e-mail address :


Computing and the Classics [ISSN 8756-596X], a semi-annual newsletter

reporting on computer activities in research and instruction, is edited by

Joseph Tebben and is published with funds provided by The Ohio State

University.  Those who have information suitable for inclusion in this

newsletter, and those who wish to subscribe to the printed version of this

newsletter at no cost, are invited to contact the editor at 147 Adena Hall,

The Ohio State University at Newark, 1179 University Drive, Newark, OH

43055-1797 U.S.A.  E-mail:  Subscriptions to the

electronic version of this newsletter may be had by sending the message

subscribe comclass   to 

Joseph R. Tebben, The Ohio State University at Newark, 1179 University 

Drive, Newark, OH 43055-1797 U.S.A., netnote:, voice:








          NEXT REGULAR ISSUE:   1998 12 15.   Deadline: 1998 12 10