Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 5, NUMBER/NUMERO 4, 1998 12 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 
                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 
                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

             President:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg
        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 
          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg
                           Edited by/redige par 
                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University
                             KKINZL@TRENTU.CA                                     ISSN 1198-9149
                            780 Lines -- 36 Kb


[1]  Association announcements: 
     1997-98 CAC Undergraduate Essay Competition     
[2]  [2.1] Job openings
     [2.2] Fellowships, Scholarships
[3]  Lectures, seminars, panels
[4]  Conferences
[5]  Calls for papers
[6]  Varia
[7]  W3 sites noted, vel sim.



From:	IN%""  "F Pownall" 27-NOV-1998 18:16:39.24

Dear colleague,

	It gives me great pleasure to announce the results of the 1997-98
CAC Undergraduate Essay Competition.  This year, 17 essays were received
(all in English) on a wide range of topics, ten by women and seven by men.
Once again, I am a little concerned about regional representation, as no
essays were received from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or the Maritimes.

	The results are as follows:

	First Prize:   Debra Nousek (University of Alberta) for "An
Historiographical Study of the Trial of Cn. Calpurnius Piso in A.D. 20"

	Second Prize:  Sarah Dykstra (University of Victoria) for
"Offspring of the Moon:   Orphism and 'Orphics' in the Classical Greek

	Third Prize:  James Richards (University of Toronto) for "The
`Madness' of the Emperor Gaius Caligula"

	In addition, the following essays were singled out for honourable

	Paula Malone (Wilfred Laurier University) for "The Attalid Gauls:
Representations of Barbarians in Hellenistic Art"
	Peter Tarrant (Memorial University) for "Major Literary
Representations of Cleopatra VII Throughout the Ages"
	Lawrence Morey (University of Toronto) for "Gods and Monsters:  The
Myth of Perseus and Medusa"

	The essays (with no names or identifying markings attached) were
judged by John Fitch (University of Victoria) and Riemer Faber (University
of Waterloo), along with Aara Suksi (University of Alberta), who kindly
agreed at the last minute to act as final arbitrator.

	One judge commented:  "Congratulations are due to competitors and
their instructors for submitting a good group of 17 essays, all of which
were stimulating and worthwhile, and the best of which were written in a
clear and engaging academic style.  Competitors are encouraged to
demonstrate awareness of the importance of primary sources, and to cite
ancient sources in proper format (e.g. Ov. /i/ Met. /i/ 11.146-56) rather
than by the page number of the modern source or translation.  It is also
valuable to show an awareness of the pitfalls of relying on English
translations.  Much attention is paid to competitors' critical judgement in
assessing the relative value and biasses of each ancient and modern
	Another judge commented:  "Whereas all were solid undergraduate
papers, a few stood out for their command of the chosen subject, and for
their eloquence.  The following observations may be noted.  The better
essays commenced with a clear statement of thesis or scope of the
investigation.  Forceful introductory paragraphs, stating both the
importance and appeal of the subject, helped to get the essays off to a
good start.  Careful promotion of the argument, with sufficient evidence as
may be expected from undergraduate papers, served well.  Other important
considerations for this juror were sufficient and proper use of both the
primary sources and modern critical literature (with little exception, in
English).  A good writing style distinguished the better papers.  Errors in
grammar and spelling did not go unnoticed.  And the essays which ended with
a proper recapitulation of the argument and a powerful assessment of the
importance of the conclusions drawn stood out from those which lacked

	Many thanks to the judges and to the instructors and students who
submitted essays to the contest, and congratulations to the winners. 

	As term draws to an end, I would like to remind CAC members to keep
in mind the 1998-99 contest while marking the current crop of undergraduate
essays.  Essays can be on any aspect of the ancient world, and can be of
any length (within reason) and at any level, from junior survey courses to
senior seminars.  Please be so kind as to draw the attention of your
colleagues and students to the contest; cash prizes will be awarded to the
winners, and the author of the winning essay will have the opportunity to
have it published electronically. 

	In order to allow the participation of students in summer courses,
the deadline for the receipt of the essays is August 15, 1999.  Please send
essays (please provide a clean copy) to: 

Frances Pownall, Department of History and Classics, 2-28 Tory, University
of Alberta, Edmonton AB  T6G 2H4 



For Canadian job announcements see the special releases of CCB / BCEA,

For US jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

US jobs and some others are also ususally posted to the Classics-l and 
Classics-m lists, and UK jobs to the Classicists list.

See also David Meadows's listings:
(On the day of publication of this bulletin, the link to "jobs" yields 
the message "File not found".)

I am not aware of electronic postings of jobs where the language of 
instruction is not English (if anyone knows, please inform me).



(A)  Recent CCB / BCEA Special Releases advertised positions in Canada:

(B)                 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD

                      AND LINGUISTICS

Applications are invited for the above post, tenable from 1 October 1999. 
Stipend according to age on the scale 16,655- 34,464 pounds sterling per
annum. The successful candidate may be offered a non-tutorial fellowship by
Wolfson College. Consideration will be given to classicists with teaching
experience and a research interest in Greek and/or Latin Historical
Linguistics, who have a good level of competence in Indo- European
Comparative Philology. They must also be trained in, and able to teach,
Linguistic Theory.  The post is for five years in the first instance but
can then be renewed until retiring age.  A sheet of written further
particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of the Faculty
of Literae Humaniores, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford  OX1
2JD (telephone +44 1865 270016; e-mail:
Applications including a full curriculum vitae, a description of current
research, and the name of three referees must be received at the above
address by 2 February 1999.  Candidates should ask their referees to send
their references directly so that they reach the above address by the same



Oxford University Graduate Scholarships in Classics and Ancient History   
(all figures in GBP)

We are delighted to announce that Oxford is for the first time this year
offering at least one University Graduate Scholarship in Classics and
Ancient History.  An award or awards will be offered in March to the best
of a gathered field of overseas and EEC applicants (for entry in October
An overseas applicant, if successful, will receive an award which will
cover both university and college fees (i.e.6,489 + c. 1,600) and will
provide a maintenance allowance of 6,500; that to a successful EEC
applicant will cover maintenance only, since such applicants can seek fees
awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Board.  (The University fee
for EEC students is lower, at 2,610.) 
The award is open to those who are applying initially to do one year
courses (MSt.), two year courses (MPhil.), and the doctorate: if admitted
to read for the MSt. the winner of the award would be granted it for one
year, with the possibility of extension for up to three more if he or she
went on to the doctorate; to a candidate admitted to read for the M. Phil.
the award would be for two years, with the possibility of extension for up
to two more if he or she went on to the doctorate; to a candidate admitted
to read for the doctorate the award would be for one year, with the
possibility of extension for up to two more. 
Since our aim is to maximise the number of talented non-British classicists
coming to Oxford, applicants for the studentship will be required also to
apply if eligible for an Overseas Research Studentship (to start this
process, please mention in your letter of application to the university
your wish to do so) and to provide evidence that they have applied for
other available scholarships from their home countries. 
The award will probably be associated with a particular college to which
the successful candidate will be required to transfer.  But this
arrangement has not been finalised and for the moment applicants should
name  a college of their choice in the normal way. 
There is no special application form for the scholarship; candidates should
apply to the university and signal on the application form their wish to be
considered for the university studentship.  Application forms and
information are available from the Graduate Admissions Office, University
Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD
This notice is also available on the www, at URL



From:	IN%"georgem@mcmail.cis.McMaster.CA"  "Michele George" 17-NOV-1998 


PROFESSOR RONALD STROUD, Mellon Professor of Classical Studies, American
School of Classical Studies at Athens: 

		"Grain, Taxes, and the Market: 
	How to Make a Profit in the Athenian agora"

Wednesday, February 3, 1999, 8:00 p.m., Camelford Hall (rm. 226), Divinity
College, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 

Professor Stroud, who will be visiting McMaster University February 2-4
1999 as a Hooker Distinguished Visiting Scholar, will share with us the
puzzles and conclusions of his work on a tremendously well-preserved and
extensive inscription recently discovered in the Athenian Agora.  This
remarkable document, carved in marble for public display in 374 B.C.,
offers an intimate glimpse into the competing interests of grain merchants
and tax authorities, and the interactions of supply, demand, and public
interest at the height of the Athenian democracy.  In  untangling of the
complexities of this unique text Professor Stroud has also identified a
new, previously unrecognized sanctuary in the heart of the Athenian Agora.
Please join us!

For more information, please contact Michele George (
or Gretchen Umholtz (




On Saturday January 30, 1999, the Classics Graduate students of McMASTER
UNIVERSITY will be holding their first Graduate student conference
This one day conference will explore aspects of the Roman world.
Registration information (and forms) can be found on the web, or can be
obtained by contacting the Conference Committee at either of the addresses
listed below. To register, please fill out the attached form or visit our
Website at: 
Further inquiries can be sent to Audrey McSherry at: 


9:15		Introductions
9:20 - 10:30	Keynote Speaker:  Dr.  Jocelyn Penny Small (Rutgers
		"Time in Space: Pictorial Narrative in Classical Art"
10:30 - 10:40	BREAK - Coffee and Tea
10:40 - 11:00	"Rearming Capaneus" - Rob Nau (McMaster University)
11:00 - 11:25	"Livy's View of the Remote Past" - Kelly Pilch (University
                of Western Ontario)
11:25 - 11:50	"Apoikestesis: The Mythological Significance of Augustus'
	 	Calendric Acts" - Benjamin Stevens (University of Chicago)
12:00 - 1:00	LUNCH
1:15 - 1:35	"The Caduceus and the Punic Wars: Sign of Peace or Roman
		Myth" -	Jennifer Moore (McMaster University)
1:35 - 2:00	"Captured in Stone: The Iconography of the Ara Pacis
		Augustae" -Jenara Franklin (University of Saskatchewan)
2:00 - 2:25	"Poetry Without Metre: Inventio and the Writing of Roman
		History"- Emmanuel Bourbouhakis (University of Western Ontario)
2:25 - 2:40	BREAK - Coffee and Tea
2:40 - 3:00	"Signum et Aetas: The Sequence of Ages in the Graeco-Roman 
		World" - Tim Pettipiece (University of Guelph)
3:00 - 3:20	"Foundation Iconography on Roman Coins" - Christa McInnis
		(Concordia University)
3:20 - 3:45	"Ammianus Marcellinus' Conception of the Past" - Eric
		Fournier - (Universite de Montreal)
3:45 - 4:05	"Magister Gregorius: The History of Pagan Rome through
		Christian Eyes" - Justine Dainard and Tricia Lang 
		(University of British Columbia)
4:05 - 4:10	Concluding Remarks
4:30		Reception 


		        Pre-Registration Form
	            First Annual Student Conference
		      Saturday January 30, 1999

Please submit this form with your check to arrive no later than Friday
January 22, 1999 to:
Bridget Day, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON,
L8S 4M2.
The registration fee is $10.00 for students and $15.00 for other persons.
This includes a buffet lunch (cash bar) and morning/afternoon  coffee,
juices, and a wine and cheese recpetion etc.

Name __________________________  Address___________________________


Please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and enclose the
following information:

I enclose payment for _______students @ $10.00 = $__________;
________persons @ $15.00 = $___________.  Total $________.

Please list on the reverse of this form the names of person other than
yourself for whom you are pre-registering.



Registration is now open for the CACW conference "Western Canada and the
Classical World:  Research, Fieldwork, Technologies", to be held at the
University of Calgary, Friday 19 and Saturday 20 February 1999.

Please consult the conference website
( for full information including
provisional programme, registration form, travel and accommodation
advice, and CACW subscription form.  If you are unable to print from the
web site and need hard copies, phone 403-220-5537 or e-mail:

The CACW Conference Registration and information package was mailed to
all current/recent CACW members on Monday, November 16.  Please allow
time for delivery.


Greek Iconography Conference

Department of Classics, The University of Reading
16th-18th August 1999.  In Honour of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood

Papers are expected to highlight theoretical approaches to Greek
iconography and their application.  Invited Participants include: 

Ruth Bardel, Susan Blundell, John-Gabriel Bodard, Jan Bremmer, Jane
Burrough, Shelley Hales, Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, Pantelis Michelakis,
Elizabeth Moignard, Robin Osborne, Olga Palagia, Robert Parker, Ian
Rutherford, Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood, Nigel Spivey, Nicki Waugh and
Dimitrios Yatromanolakis. 

For enquiries write to Jane Burrough or John-Gabriel Bodard,
Iconography Conference, Department of Classics, University of Reading,
PO Box 218, Reading RG6 6AA
or email: or

Any news and information on this conference will be made available on
the world-wide web at the address


From: "rick lafleur, classics uga" 

SHIFTING FRONTIERS III: Urban and Rural in Late Antiquity, ca. 200-600 AD.

Tentative Program

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 11 - 14 March 1999
For details Check out the Website at

Thursday 11 March 1999: Urban Centers

Session # 1       2:00 - 4:00
"Augsburg in Late Antiquity:  A Roman City in Transition" Gunther Gottlieb
(Universitaet Augsburg, Germany)
"The Late Ancient City and the Croatian Adriatic Coast," Miroslav Katic
"Bygone Rome in the Historia Augusta," Jacqueline Long (Loyola University,
"Re-Writing Rome:  Damasus and the Urbs Christiana," Dennis Trout (Tufts
Coffee Break  4:00 - 4:15
Plenary       4:15 - 5:15
"Towns, Vici and Villae:  Late Roman Military Society on the Frontiers of
the Province Valeria," Zsolt Visy (Pannonius University of Pe/cs, Hungary)
Reception    5:30 - 7:00

Friday  12 March 1999: Urban Centers

Session # 2       8:30 - 10:00
"Alexandria and the Mareotis Region," Christopher Haas (Villanova
"The Case of Late Antique Berytus:  Urban Wealth and Rural
Sustenance:  A Different Economic Dynamic," Linda Jones Hall (St. Mary's
College of Maryland) 
"Urban Space in Caesarea Maritima, Israel," Joseph Patrich (University of
Haifa, Israel)
Plenary       10:15 - 11:15
"Women and Horses and Power and War," John Drinkwater (University of
Nottingham, Great Britain)
Session # 3       11:15 - 12:15
"New Perspectives on the Topography of Pomeiupolis (Cilicia) and its
Environs in Late Antiquity," Erguen Lafli (Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany)
"Byzantine Urbanism at Petra:  Decline or Transformation?", Zbigniew Fiema
(Dumbarton Oaks) 
Lunch  12:30 - 1:30

Town and Country

Session #4       1:30 - 3:00
"Archaeological Perspectives on Rural Settlement in Late Antiquity in the
Upper Rhine and Danube Area,+ Helmut Bender (Universitaet Passau,
"Peasants as 'makeshift soldiers for the occasion": Sixth-century
Settlement Patterns in the Balkans," Florin Curta (Cornell University) 
"Ex toto Orbe Romano:   Urbanization and Ruralization in the
Carpathian-Danubian Region during Late Antiquity," Linda Ellis (San
Francisco State University) 

Colloquium   3:15 - 4:15

Session # 5       4:15 - 5:15
"Town and Countryside in Roman Arabia during Late Antiquity," David Graf
(University of Miami)
"Rabbinic Landscapes:  Roman, Urban and Rural Relations in Late Antique
Palestine," Hagith Sivan (University of Kansas) 

Banquet and Plenary   6:30 - 9:30
"Urban Life at Rome in Late Antiquity,"  Ge/za Alfoeldy (Universitaet
Heidelberg, Germany) 

Saturday  13 March:  Town and Country

Session # 6       8:30 - 9:30
"From Colonate to Slavery:  A History of the Peasantry in Visigothic
Spain," Luis Garcia-Moreno (Universidad de Alcala, Spain)
"The Interdependence of Town and Country in Late Antique Spain," Michael
Kulikowski (Washington and Lee University)
Coffee Break  9:30 - 9:45

Session # 7       9:45 - 10:45
"Rural and Urban Pottery Production in Byzantine Palestine:  A Discussion
of Relationships," Kate da Costa (University of Sydney, Australia)
"Rural Society and Economy in Late Roman Cyprus," Marcus Rautman
(University of Missouri, Columbia) 

Plenary 10:45 - 11:45
"The Preacher's Household:  Sermons and Gender-roles," Gillian Clark
(University of Liverpool, Great Britain)

Lunch  12:00 - 1:30


Session # 8       1:30 - 3:00
"From Pagan to Christian in Cities of Roman Anatolia," Kenneth Harl
(Tulane University)
"Christianizing the Rural Empire:  The Case of the Anatolian and Iberian
Pennisulas," Mark Graham (Michigan State University)
"Christianizing the Syrian Countryside:  An Archaeological and
Architectural Approach," Frank Kidner (San Francisco State University)
Coffee Break  3:00 - 3:15

Session # 9       3:15 - 4:15
"Core and Periphery:  The Christianization of the Aristocracy of Roman
Italy and the Western Provinces," Renee Salzman (University of California,
"The Continuity of Paganism in the Cities and Countryside of Late Roman
Africa," David Riggs (Christ Church, Oxford University. Great Britain) 

Colloquium    4:15 - 5:15

Sunday  14 March 1999:  Church and Clergy

Session # 10       8:30 - 10:00
"Nec sedere in villam:  Villa-Churches, Rural Piety and the Priscillianist
Controversy," Kim Bowles (Princeton University) 
"His locis ministrent presbyteri:  Urban Bishops and Country Priests in
Late Antique Gaul," Tracy Keefer (University of South Carolina) 
"Urban or Rural?  Church and Churchmen in Sub-Roman Britain," Christopher
Synder (Marymount University, Alexandria)
Coffee Break  10:00-10:15

Session # 11       10.15 - 11:15
"Monasteries and Pilgrimage in Cilicia and Isauria," Hugh Elton (Florida
International University)
"Egeria and Thecla Shrine at Seleucia in Isauria," Hiroaki Adachi (Doshisha
University, Japan) 


From:	IN%"" 21-NOV-1998 


Just a reminder.  The 6th Annual University of New Brunswick Ancient
History Colloquium is scheduled to take place in Fredericton, New
Brunswick, on 20 March 1999.  The conference is entitled: GREEKS ON THE
nature of the Roman reception of Greek ideas in a variety of areas
including, but not limited to, philosophy, the arts, medicine and law.
Those interested in presenting a paper should send abstracts to the
conference organizers by 31 Jan 99. The Keynote Speaker will be Prof. Brad
Inwood of the University of Toronto. For further information, contact James
S. Murray ( or John Geyssen (, Dept. of Classics
and Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400,
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5A3; tel. (506) 453-4763; fax
(506)447-3072; or visit the department's web page at . 


British Epigraphy Society - Spring Meeting 1999
Saturday 24 April 1999, 11.00 am - 5.00 pm.
School of History and Archaeology, Humanities Building,
Cardiff University.


This one-day colloquium is concerned with inscriptions and buildings in the
widest sense.  We invite suggestions for 20 or 40 minute papers. 
Particular topics include: 

the formulae of commemorative building inscriptions; inscriptions in
relation to buildings; their architectural and decorative functions; 
writing, the inscribed word and urban space; inscriptions as a source for
the history of buildings; the documentation of building activity and
finance by inscriptions. 

If you would like to contribute a paper or attend the colloquium, please
contact Professor Stephen Mitchell, Dept. of Classics and Ancient History,
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP.  Fax 01792 295739; e-mail: 


                              R E M I N D E R
          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 
          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 
          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 
          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 
          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75 
          (CAD 45.00 for those earning less than CAD 30,000 per annum);
          sustaining CAD 90; life CAD 750; student CAC 30; retired 
          CAD 45); there are also joint memberships.  Contact:
               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,  
               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 
               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 


[6]  VARIA

From:	IN%"cosmopo@cc.UManitoba.CA"  "Michael B. Cosmopoulos" 11-DEC-1998 

"The Department of Classics of the University of Manitoba is pleased 
to announce the establishment of a new Teaching and Research Centre 
on Hellenism.   The "University of Manitoba Centre for Hellenic 
Civilization"  is devoted to promoting teaching, research, and public 
education on aspects of the ancient, medieval, and modern Greek 
civilization.   For further information please visit our web site at:"

M. Cosmopoulos
Director, Centre for Hellenic Civilization


The APA LATE ANTIQUITY PANEL, together with _Translated Texts for
Historians_, is hosting a reception on Dec. 27th, the first day of the
annual meeting (Washington DC). There will be book displays, and the
organisers would also like to display course outlines to encourage
colleagues to start teaching late-antique options. If you would like to
register an interest in late antiquity, and / or would like a late-antique
course outline (UG or MA) to be on display (free advert!), but you're not
going yourself or sending a colleague, send me (preferably) a paper copy: 

Dr E.G.Clark, Classics and Ancient History, 12 Abercromby Square,
University of Liverpool  L69 3BX 


[7]  W3 SITES NOTED, vel sim.

BMCR 98.11.36, From the Editor's Disk:  Announcement

The editors of Bryn Mawr Classical Review are delighted to announce the
unveiling of a new BMCR web site,  This
contains a complete archive of all the reviews and other items (1584 as of
this writing) [..........]

Richard Hamilton, Bryn Mawr College
Jim O'Donnell, University of Pennsylvania


From:	IN%""  "Jan Radicke" 29-NOV-1998 11:50:09.21

we just founded a new electronic journal at Goettingen. It is called
"Goettinger Forum fuer Altertumswissenschaft (GFA)". You will find it
under in the web. 

Yours sincerely Jan Radicke

[Languages of publication: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish.]


From:	IN%""  "Bloessner Norbert"

Homepage der Klassischen Philologie der FU Berlin:


I am happy to announce a new discussion list as part of Ancient
Medicine/Medicina Antiqua, the website for Greek and Roman medicine,  MEDANT-L is an unmoderated, Internet-based
discussion list for ancient Greek and Roman medicine and medical thought. 

I hope that MEDANT-L will be a forum for students, scholars, and others
with an interest in the medical thought, practices, and writings of the
ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as of other pre-modern medical
traditions. The field is a rich one, and there is much to be done. By
sharing our ideas and questions, we can advance our knowledge. 

To join MEDANT-L, send an e-mail message with no subject to
MEDANTMGR@EA1785.ORG; in the body of the message type, "join MEDANT-L", and
nothing more. You should receive a message acknowledging your membership. 

To post a message to the list, send it to Please
respect the opinions of others, state your own clearly, and observe
ordinary courtesies. The principal language of Ancient Medicine/Medicina
Antiqua is English, but contributions in Latin, French, German, or Spanish
are welcome. 

Lee Pearcy, Chair, Department of Classics, The Episcopal Academy, Merion,
PA  19066, USA                         


ARCHPUB - Archaeological Publications Announcement List

ARCHPUB is a new moderated announcement list / discussion group aiming to
provide a platform for the announcement and review of archaeological
publications (ie recently published or forthcoming books, journals, etc.).
Updates and monthly additions to Archaeology on the Net Books Database will
also be announced through ARCHPUB. ARCHPUB is mainly an announcement list
with weekly 1 to 4 postings sent to the members by the list owner. These
are collected from over 50 discussion groups and web sites. List members
may contribute with their book announcements or reviews of particular
titles. The list is open to professionals, students, and others with an
interest in archaeology. 

To subscribe send the message:
subscribe ARCHPUB

More information is avaliable at:
Archaeology on the Net - Archaeology Resources Index


Association Internationale de Papyrologues (AIP)

After a long delay  the AIP Homepage is now on line. It contains:
- a brief history of the AIP (by Jean Bingen, former 
- a full list of members (with addresses);
- links to 50 more homepages devoted to Graeco-Roman Egypt and papyri.
Please send your corrections, additions and comments to:
The AIP Homepage will be regularly updated. 

Apres une longue attente (en raison de problemes techniques et d'un manque
personnel de competence), le site de l'AIP est maintenant operationnel. Il
- un bref historique de l'AIP (par Jean Bingen, ancien
- une liste complete des membres (avec adresses);
- des liens vers une cinquantaine de sites consacres a l'Egypte
greco-romaine et aux papyrus. 
Priere d'adresser vos corrections, additions et commentaires a: Le site de l'AIP sera regulierement mis a jour. 

Damian J. Robinson, Collections Development Manager, Archaeology Data
Service, University of York, King's Manor 



ARCHAEOSURVEY (a private firm) has carried out for over fifteen years non
destructive geophysical surveys which employ the most modern and effective
methods (magnetic, resistivity and radar surveys) in archaeological
Thanks to the above methods it is possible to detect the presence
underground of archaeological structures such as walls,foundations, floors,
roads, ditches,kilns, hearths, burials and tombs.  Our methods make it
possible to draw an "archaeological map" of the underground. [..........]
dr. Sandro Veronese chief geophysicist of ARCHAEOSURVEY

ARCHAEOSURVEY, Dr.Sandro Veronese, gall.B.Bernardino da Feltre, I-845100
Rovigo (Italy); tel. fax  +39 425 29133 




          NEXT REGULAR ISSUE:   1999 01 15.   Deadline: 1999 01 10