Classical Association of Canada / Société canadienne des études classiques

  CAC / SCEC home page


                    C A N A D I A N   C L A S S I C A L

                       B   U   L   L   E   T   I   N

         C A N A D I E N   D E S   E T U D E S   A N C I E N N E S

                VOLUME/TOME 5, NUMBER/NUMERO 7, 1999 03 15

        Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/ 

                  Publie par courrier electronique par la 

                  societe canadienne des etudes classiques

             President:  J.I. McDougall, University of Winnipeg


        Secretary/Secretaire:  I.M. Cohen, Mount Allison University 


          Treasurer/Tresorier:  C. Cooper, University of Winnipeg



                 Founded and Edited by/cree et redige par 

                       K.H. Kinzl, Trent University

                             KKINZL@TRENTU.CA                         ISSN 1198-9149


                           Lines -- Kb



[1]  Association announcements

[2]  [2.1] Job openings

     [2.2] Summer 1999: courses etc.

[3]  Lectures, seminars, panels

[4]  Conferences

[5]  Calls for papers

[6]  Varia

[8]  Book length publications by members

[8]  W3 sites noted, vel sim.



Congre\s Annuel /Annual Meeting, Universite\ Laval, 1999 05 27-29

The preliminary programme can be found at:

Reminder:  The deadline for registration is 1999 03 31.




For Canadian job announcements see the special releases of CCB / BCEA,

For US jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:

US jobs and some others are usually also posted to the Classics-l and 

Classics-m lists, and UK jobs to the Classicists list (the latter usually 

forwarded by my to Classics-Canada).

I am not aware of electronic postings of jobs where the language of 

instruction is not English (if anyone knows, please inform me), except for 

this list of positions in France:


University of Toronto


97 St. George St., Toronto, Canada M5S 2E8

416-978-5513; fax 416-978-7307

The University of Toronto invites applications for two Contractually

Limited Term Appointments for one year beginning July 1, 1999.  Ph.D.

should be completed.  A preference will be given to applicants with a

successful record of teaching classical civilization courses but others may

also apply.  Salary commensurate with experience.  Teaching will be

principally in classical civilization courses. 

A curriculum vitae and letters from three referees should be sent to

Professor E. Robbins, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 97 St

George Street. Toronto M5S 2E8 by May 14, 1999. 

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements this advertisement is

directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.  In

accordance with its Employment Equity Policy the University of Toronto

encourages applications from qualified women or men, members of visible

minorities, aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. 



We are looking at new arrangements for the Directorship of the Athens

office, of CAIA for 1999 20001 or 1999-20002.  Funds are extremely limited,

and we are most open to various models.  One possibility would be for an

established Canadian scholar already living in Greece to take on the

Directorship half- time basically as a volunteer (possibly with a small

honorarium).  Another would be for a junior Canadian scholar (post-doctoral

or almost) to be Acting Director two-thirds time, receiving a small stipend

(of the order of $15,000CAN) and a room in the hostel, co-operating with a

senior Director based in Canada (who would be found at least one round-trip

air ticket to Athens each year).  The amount of office support in each case

will need careful arrangement. 

     Enquiries should be made to S. Campbell, 59 Queen's Park, Toronto M5S

2C4, or to  The deadline for submissions to the

Ad Hoc Committee is March 31; the Committee should communicate their

opinion to the Board soon thereafter. 


Nous essayons presentement d'etablir de nouveaux criteres pour le

directorat du bureau d'Athenes de "CAIA" pour les annees 1999-20001 ou

1999-2002.  Les fonds sont extremement limites, et nous accepterons

plusieurs modeles differents.  Une possibilite serait qu'un savant canadien

qui demeure en Grece actuellement, prenne la responsabilite de Directeur

benevolement a temps partiel (peut-etre avec des petits honoraires).  Un

autre possibilite serait qu'un jeune savant canadien (post-doctoral ou

presque) soit le Directeur suppleant le deux tiers du temps, recevant un

petit traitement (pres de CAD 15,000) et une chambre dans l'auberge, en

cooperation avec un Directeur superieur au Canada (qui recevrait au moins

un billet aller/retour a Athenes chaque annee).  Le montant de soutien de

bureau dans chaque circonstances necessitera une organisation soignee. 

Toutes enquetes devraient etre adressees a S. Campbell, 59 Queen's Park,

Toronto, M5S 2C4, ou a  La date limite pour les

soumissions au comite ad hoc est le 31er mars; le comite devrait

transmettre leurs opinions au conseil d'administration peu apres. 


[2.2]  SUMMER 1999



         The Center for Mediterranean Civilizations

         Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities

         Tel Aviv University, Israel

         11th - 22nd July 1999

         We are pleased to announce a workshop on THE ORIGINS OF THE

ALPHABET. The workshop will concentrate on the following: 

         (a) The 'invention' of the alphabet and the epigraphic situation

in the Eastern Mediterranean at the close of the second millennium B.C.E.

and the beginning of the first. 

         (b) The problem of the transmission of the West Semitic script to

ancient Greece.

          While naturally concentrating on Semitic and Greek alphabetic

writing, the programme of the workshop will also include introductory

lectures on cuneiform writing, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Hieroglyphic Luwian,

and Aegean scripts. Excursions to archaeological sites of related interest

are also planned. 

        Among the scholars who will lead the workshop are Aaron Demsky (Bar

Ilan University), a leading specialist in Hebrew and Semitic Epigraphy;

Orly Goldwasser (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), author of From Icon

to Metaphor (1995); Alan Johnston (University College London), co-editor,

since 1990, of L. H. Jeffery, The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece; Barry

Powell (University of Wisconsin-Madison), author of Homer and the Origin of

the Greek Alphabet (1991); Alexander Uchitel (The University of Haifa), a

leading specialist in Bronze Age archives; Roger D. Woodard, University of

Southern California, author of Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer (1997).

        The workshop should be of interest to graduate students and

postdoctorate fellows in Aegean and Near Eastern archaeology, Classics,

Ancient and Near Eastern history, and related disciplines.

        Registration fee: 200$.

        Accommodation: single rooms are available in apartments with shared

bathroom and cooking facilities (420$ for a minimum of twelve days; this

can be extended at the cost of 35$ per day).

        Lunch is available at the University at a cost of 65$ for the 

duration of the workshop.


PARTICIPANTS. Kindly send CV and one letter of recommendation.

        For further information and plan please contact

        Professor Margalit Finkelberg   E-mail:

        Department of Classics

        Faculty of Humanities

        Tel Aviv University, P.O.B. 39040

        Ramat Aviv, 69978 Tel Aviv




			Jennifer Moore

 	Department of Classics, McMaster University

	"BAKE, BLISTER, & BURN:  Industry and Economy at a Roman Kiln	

			site in Tunisia"

		   Wednesday March 31, 1999 at 8:00 p.m. 

		Camelford Hall (room 226), Divinity College 

			McMaster University.  

The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will be preceded by our

second Annual Banquet, which will be held from 5:30-7:30 in the Skylight

room of the Commons building on the Mac campus.  Tickets for the banquet

cost $25 ($20 for students), and can be obtained by contacting us by

Friday March 26.  For further information contact:

	Dr. Michele George, 		Dr. Gretchen Umholtz

	(905) 525-9140 x23452		(905) 525-9140 x24577


Inaugural Moses I. Finley Lecture

	The Program in Classics of Syracuse University is pleased to

announce a lecture series honoring the memory of Moses I. Finley.  Finley,

one of the most influential historians of this century, enjoyed a long and

distinguished career as a professor of ancient history and master of

Darwin College at Cambridge University.  He was a 1927 graduate of

Syracuse University. 

	The inaugural Finley Lecture will be given by Josiah Ober, Magie

Professor of Classics at Princeton University, who will speak on the

topic, "How Liberal was Classical Athens?  Political Participation and

Personal Liberty in an Ancient Democracy."  The lecture, which is free and

open to the public, will be Thursday, March 25, 1999, at 8:00 pm in the

Heroy Auditorium of the Heroy Geology Building at Syracuse University.


There will be a one-day colloquium on the Ancient Novel on Saturday,

May 8th in Corpus Christi College, Oxford (New Music Room). Programme :


9.45   R.Bracht Branham (Emory) : 'A Truer Story of the Novel'?

          Reply by Ewen Bowie (Oxford); discussion

11.15 Coffee

11.45 Niall Slater (Emory) : 'Spectator and Spectacle in Apuleius'

          Reply by Stephen Harrison (Oxford); discussion

1.15   Lunch


                  THE ANCIENT NOVEL

2.15   Simon Goldhill 'Seeing (and) the boundaries of genre'


3.15   Richard Hunter 'Oral fiction and fictional orality'


4.15  Tea

4.45  Tim Whitmarsh 'Reading readings in the novel'


5.45-6.15   Drinks

Sponsored by Emory University, Atlanta, and Corpus Christi College,

Oxford. Coffee, lunch, tea and drinks provided free of charge; a cold

buffet supper will be available after the end of the colloquium at

the the price of stlg6.00. Those wishing to attend should contact

Stephen Harrison at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, OX1 4JF

 ( by APRIL 23rd to book a place;

those wishing to stay for supper should also send him a cheque for

stlg6.00, made payable to Corpus Christi College, Oxford.




'Pinning the Tale: Apuleius' Golden Ass in its Cultural Context', a

conference at York University in Toronto, will be held Saturday, April

24, 1999 from 9:30 to 6:00.  The speakers and papers are Ewen Bowie,

'"Mea vetus prosapia": Apuleius' Greek Lineage'; Elaine Fantham, 'Venus

and Verismo: Multigeneric Aspects of Venus in the Metamorphoses'; Ellen

Finkelpearl, 'Animals and Underlings: Apuleius and the Life of Aesop';

James Rives, 'Philosophy and Cult in the World of Apuleius'; Gerald

Sandy, 'The Philosophical Education of a Latin Sophist at Athens'.  The

conference is timed to coincide with the Canadian Opera Company's

production of 'The Golden Ass', a new opera with libretto by Robertson

Davies and music by Randolph Peters (performances on April 13, 15, 17,

21, 23, and 25); for further information, contact the COC at

416-363-8833.  The conference will also include a talk by Richard

Bradshaw, the General Director of the COC, on the topic of the new

opera.  Registration for the conference is CA$10.00 or US$7.00; lunch

may also be purchased in advance for CA$15.00 or US$10.00.  For further

information and registration contact James Rives (416-736-2100, ext.



International Conference: The Poetry of Lucan (fwd)


International Conference

Florence, March 18, 1999

Sala della Presidenza della Facolta di Lettere, Piazza Brunelleschi 4,




9.00 AM


Expensa superorum et Caesaris ira (Lucano III 439-440): Ira e potere nel De

Bello Civili.


Catone e Pompeo nella Pharsalia (e alcune interpretazioni recenti)


Cesare e la selva di Marsiglia: deforestazione e illuminismo 



15.00 PM


Paradosso ed esemplarita' nell'episodio di Vulteio (B. C. IV, 402-581)

PETER TOOHEY (Armidale - Sidney):

Il corso del tempo in Lucano


Problemi di critica testuale lucanea



Home Phone: +39 - 55 - 7398667


Classical Association (UK), 1999 Meetings

The URL of the CA 99 website is

Gillian Clark


Ancient Greek Iconography Conference

Department of Classics, The University of Reading

16th-18th August 1999

In Honour of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood

Speakers to include:

Ruth Bardel, tba

Susan Blundell, 'Constructing Men and Women: The open...closed

        spectrum in Attic paintings'

John-Gabriel Bodard, 'The Paraphernalia of the Witch: Images of Kirke'

Jan Bremmer, 'Hephaestus and the Divine Hierarchy'

Jane Burrough, 'The Iconography of Harpies: Hunters or victims?'

Patricia Easterling, tba

Shelley Hales, 'Greek Iconographies, Hellenistic Ideals'

Sonia Klinger, 'The Deer in Domestic Contexts'

Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, 'Veiled or Unveiled: The anakalypsis gesture

        in Greek art'

Pantelis Michelakis, 'Achilles in 6th-5th Century Vase Paintings'

Elizabeth Moignard, '"Towers, Pillars or Frames?" Female framing figures'

John Oakley, 'Artistic Initiative: Its place in the study of ancient

        Greek iconography'

Robin Osborne, 'Reading Personifications'

Olga Palagia, 'The Arrhephoroi on the Athenian Acropolis'

Gloria Pinney, tba

Ian Rutherford, 'The "Winged Temple" at Delphi'

Nicki Waugh 'Artemis Orthia and her Equine Votives'

Dimitrios Yatromanolakis, 'Sappho and other Women Musicians on Vases'

For enquiries write to John-Gabriel Bodard or Jane Burrough,

Iconography Conference, Department of Classics, University of Reading,

PO Box 218, Reading RG6 6AA or email: or

Any news and information on this conference, including booking form

and programme will be made available on the world-wide web at the


John-Gabriel Bodard        

Reading Classics Department

Reading Greek Iconography Conference, 16-18 August 1999:



                              R E M I N D E R


          The bulletin is meant primarily to represent a service 

          by the CAC to members of the CAC.  If you are not at 

          present a member, you may wish to consider joining.  The 

          regular annual membership (which includes *Phoenix* and 

          *Classical Views/Echos du monde classique*) is CAD 75 

          (CAD 45.00 for those earning less than CAD 30,000 per annum);

          sustaining CAD 90; life CAD 750; student CAC 30; retired 

          CAD 45); there are also joint memberships.  Contact:

               Professor Craig Cooper, Treasurer,  

               Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, 

               515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB  R3B 2E9, 






Call for Papers: Classical Association, Bristol 2000

The Classical Association's annual conference in the year 2000 will be

held at the University of Bristol from Monday 17th April to Thursday

20th April.

The year 2000 offers an opportunity for classicists to look forward as

well as back. To this end, we particularly encourage reflective,

adventurous and innovative proposals. Panels are currently planned on

	Millenarianism and fin de sie\cle  - then and now

	Changing perceptions of historicism

	Translations (translatability and cultural assimilation)

	Postcolonialism and the classicist

	Temporality: chronologies, calendars, and the philosophy of time

	Reading image and text together

Proposals for papers (20-25 minutes duration) on these or any aspect of

the Classical world are now invited; proposals from graduate students

and schoolteachers are especially welcomed, as are offers of

co-ordinated panels. Title and abstract (one side of A4) should be sent

to the undersigned not later than 31st August 1999. 

Robert L. Fowler

Department of Classics and Ancient History

University of Bristol

11 Woodland Road

Bristol BS8 1TB

United Kingdom

Tel.: (0117) 928 8256  (dept. office with answerphone: 928-7764)

Fax: (0117) 928 8678



Call for papers

Feminist Theory and Classics III: The Next Generation

University of Southern California

May 18-21, 2000

	The third Feminist Theory and Classics conference will be held in

Los Angeles, at the University of Southern California, from May 18-21,

2000.  The major goal of this conference will be to address the

generational shift in feminism, and specifically within Classics.  In an

effort to create an environment in which feminists of all generations can

speak to one another, the program will feature an all-workshop format

which will bring together presenters with various levels of experience.

	 The program committee is looking for proposals either for

individual presentations or for workshops.  Proposals for presentations

will be grouped by the program committee into workshops.  Proposals for

workshops may be submitted either by a group of presenters or by an

individual.  In the latter case, the program committee will work with the

proposer to develop a series of additional presenters for the workshop.

	All proposals should be no more than one page in length, and

should fall into one of the four following topic areas:

1) THEORY.  Presenters in this category might address recent developments

in feminist theory, how these have or have not been taken up in Classics,

the relationship between feminist theory and other theoretical discourses

(e.g., gender studies, queer theory), what further developments might be

fruitful, etc.  Please submit a brief annotated bibliography along with

your abstract.

2) PEDAGOGY.  Presenters in this category might consider both course

content and pedagogical method at all levels of instruction, addressing,

for example, course design, team-teaching, interdisciplinary teaching,

incorporating gender into the curriculum.  Please submit a syllabus or any

other relevant material with your abstract.

3)  HOW TO.  Presenters in this category might address practical issues

such as how to run a conference, how to publish an article, how to

organize a panel for a conference, how to get a job and/or tenure.  Please

submit a c.v. with your abstract.

4)  SURVIVAL.  Presenters might address the difficulties facing feminists

in the discipline today, such as surviving sexual harassment, racism,

ableism, homophobia, as well as combining life and career (e.g.,

motherhood, taking care of aging parents).  Please submit supporting

material -- e.g., bibliography, personal statement, etc. -- with your


	All proposals should be submitted anonymously, with title only.

On a separate cover sheet, please indicate your name, your address, your

affiliation (if any), and the title of your proposal.  Please send 6

copies to:  Program Committee: Feminist Theory and Classics III,

Department of Classics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106.

Questions:  Please contact Sara Lindheim,,

805-893-7897, or Rainer Mack,, 805-893-7593, or

Bella Zweig,, 520-621-1213.


DEADLINE:  May 15, 1999.

The organizers hope to provide need-based financial support to help cover

the costs of travel and lodging.  For further information, please contact

Amy Richlin at  


'Redefining the End':

A graduate conference to be held on Saturday 4th December 1999 at the


Our conference will focus on the theme of the endings of periods and eras

in Greek and Roman antiquity.  Abstracts are welcomed for papers which

discuss, challenge or defy definitions of 'the end'.  The conference will

be intra-disciplinary, and encourages papers redefining the ends of eras

within the fields of literature, philosophy, history and archaeology.

Abstracts for 20-minute papers may be mailed to:

David Creese

Department of Classics

University of Birmingham

Edgbaston, Birmingham

B15 2TT

For further information, please write to Mr Creese at the above address, or

by e-mail at:

Deadline for submission of abstracts:  31 July 1999


[6]  VARIA

Athens News, Letters to the Editor, 1999 02 28.


Greece's National Library

AFTER a quarter of a century living abroad, I returned to my homeland to

semi-retire. The need to explore and visit the best that Athens can offer,

led me to the door of the National Library on Panepistimiou Street. I was

dumbfounded when I saw the garbage and dirt (bird droppings, cigarette

butts, even toilet paper) decorating the curved stairs as well as the

entrance to the library, not to mention the obscene graffiti all over the

entrance walls. 

Upon entering, the sight was not much better. The wind, as the door opened,

had blown newspapers, and they were scattered all over the floor, and none

of the working people attending the area bothered to gather them up. Once

inside the main library room, to my amazement, I saw all sorts of litter

items scattered along the walls of the bookshelves. Cigarette butts, pieces

of cut wiring, large bound newspaper books just laying or resting on the

walls. The total picture was that of a totally neglected library, nothing

that belongs to a future EMU country, even to a city with such a glorious

past! I was so sad to see that no-one cares! I am ashamed to let my

children see this sight. How can one explain this to our tourists? What are

our excuses? Does anyone listen? Would this country wake up? 

S. Skiada


Dr. Adam D. Blistein Chosen as New APA Executive Director

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Adam D. Blistein to the

position of Executive Director of the American Philological Association.

Dr. Blistein will assume the duties of his new post on July 1, 1999. 

Dr. Blistein was graduated from Haverford College with a B.A. in Classics

in 1971, and received his Ph.D. from Yale University in Classical Languages

and Literature in May 1980.  His dissertation, written under the direction

of Jeffrey Henderson and C. John Herington, was entitled, "The Nature and

Significance of the Protagonists in the Fifth-Century Comedies of

Aristophanes."  After serving as a Lecturer at Haverford College in 1980,

Dr. Blistein became Assistant to the Executive Director of the Institute

for the Study of Human Issues in Philadelphia.  In 1983 he moved to the

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in Philadelphia, a

non-profit professional association that now serves over 14,000 scientists

and physicians around the world engaged in cancer research.  At AACR he has

been Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Senior Administrator,

Associate Director of Administration, and (since 1995) Director of

Administration.  The Search Committee was particularly impressed by Dr.

Blistein's work with AACR in its move to a professionalized staff, and in

its growth in membership, meetings, and other programs over the last few

years.  Dr. Blistein demonstrated the combination of academic, diplomatic,

and managerial skills for which the position calls. 

With Dr. Blistein at the helm, the APA will relocate its headquarters

during the summer to the campus of the University of Pennsylvania.  The

Search Committee would like to thank the University, and particularly Ralph

Rosen and Rebecca Bushnell, for their assistance and generosity in

providing the Association with suitable office space. [..........]

David Konstan

President, American Philological Association



From:	IN%""  8-MAR-1999 15:40:49.26

Subj:	(Fwd) IMPORTANT: more Info on Latin and the IB curriculum (fwd

Marty Abbott has provided additional information on Latin and the IB

curriculum, including an address to which college folks can write.

Sheila Dickison

President, ACL

Attention Latin Teachers in IB Programs and College Professors of Classics!

The article in the recent issue of the American Classical League Newsletter

about changes in the International Baccalaureate Program was inaccurate. 

The process of moving Latin from a Group 6 subject to a Group 2 subject is

still under consideration by the IBO.  A survey of all IB schools worldwide

was recently conducted and one of the survey questions concerned the moving

of Latin to Group 2. 

For the information of college and university professors of Classics, the

International Baccalaureate program which is now recognized in hundreds of

institutions of higher education worldwide including the United States. 

The program, however, requires a high level of proficiency in a modern

language while relegating Latin and Greek to secondary positions in the

curriculum. The result is that very few students in the program have room

in their schedules for a long sequence of study of two languages. Because

of increased efforts to raise standards and increase accountability (the IB

program has outside assessments), schools across our country are adopting

the IB program.  As a result, many Latin programs at these schools are

dwindling.  We know that this has a detrimental effect on Latin and Greek

programs at post-secondary institutions.  Please continue reading to find

out how you can help. [..........]


From: Michael Arnush 

Subject: Creation of Classics Department

I am pleased to announce that the Skidmore faculty have ratified the

transformation of the College's Classics Program to the Department of

Classics. The faculty, formerly part of the Department of Foreign Languages

and Literatures, will now be housed in a separate and autonomous

department. This welcome move comes as the result of an external review and

recommendation made three years ago by Barbara Gold (Hamilton), James Helm

(Oberlin), and Barbara McManus (New Rochelle). Our thanks to them for their

encouragement and support in adding a Classics department to our larger


[I forwarded this to my University's Academic VP and Dean of Arts and 

Science--both of whom answer to the last name Taylor--who instantly 

replied--NOT.  KHHK]


[7]  Book length publications by members:

From APh 1997 on-line (see below [8])

V.  Histoire et civilisation / A.  Histoire generale / d) Le monde

grec des ages obscurs a l'époque hellenistique - Etudes

Ager, Sheila L.  Interstate arbitrations in the Greek world, 337-90 B.C.

Berkeley (Calif.) : University of California Pr., 1996. XVII-579 p. index.

(Hellenistic culture and society ; 18).                  [67-09179 


From:	IN%""  "IAN C. STOREY" 11-MAR-1999 10:44:16.02

_Aristophanes I_, tr. Peter Meineck with introductions by Ian C. 

Storey, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1998 [plays are: _Clouds_, _Wasps_, 



[8]  W3 SITES NOTED, vel sim.

Announcing AnPhilNet: Aph on the Web

The editors of l'Annee philologique are happy to announce a free and

anonymous APH web site, open to all internet users. The site presently

contains 18,000 bibliographic records and abstracts, which are to be

published as volume 67, covering publications that appeared in 1996.

The database includes a main file containing the APh records in a simple

format, along with the list of APh sections and their contents, a list of

sigla used as periodical abbreviations, and a list of the periodical

fascicles excerpted in the database.

The main file can be consulted using the following: an index of ancient

authors, the APh's secondary rubrics (which appear in the Deuxieme partie),

and an index of words in the titles, the abstracts or the notes. It is also

possible to do a multi-criteria search using boolean operators (AND, OR,

AND NOT) on a number of indexed rubrics (modern authors, including those of

book reviews; ancient authors; record numbers).

At present users can work in French or English.

The URL for the new site is:

Questions and comments may be sent to:


Searchable PIR2 name list index

PIR team at Berlin have made their entire name index (elite Romans from c.

30 BC -- AD 280) available for searching via a World Wide Web interface.

The search interface accepts the full range of PERL regular expressions, so

substring searches, range searches and partial matches are all possible.

The search returns the complete (in so far as it is known) titulature of

each individual matched, accompanied by the appropriate PIR2 citation. If

the relevant volume of PIR2 has not yet appeared, a reference to RE or

another source is provided. 

The PIR2 web site:

The search interface:


CONCEYST - Eichstaetter Konkordanzprogramm zur griechischen Epigraphik.

Das Konkordanzsystem CONCEYST ist nach laengeren Vorarbeiten im

Zusammenhang einer dreijaehrigen Foerderung (1996 bis 1998) durch das

Schwerpunktprogramm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) "Historische

Grundlagenforschung im antiken Kleinasien -- Epigraphik, Numismatik und

Geographie" für das elektronische Corpus der Inschriften von Bithynien und

Pontus entstanden. Nach Beendigung der Foerderung durch die DFG wird das

Projekt am Lehrstuhl fuer Alte Geschichte der Katholischen Universitaet

Eichstaett im Rahmen der zur Verfuegung stehenden Mittel fortgefuehrt.


From: "Barbara F. McManus" 

Subject: Announcement of new site

As part of my work on the VRoma Project, I have put up a new site that

is a series of web pages on Roman history and civilization that teachers

and students may find useful. The direct URL is


and there is also a link to the site on the VRoma Home Page

. Each main topic page concludes with a

"Sources" page that lists selected books and external links, and also

contains thumbnails of all the VRoma images used in the pages for that

topic. These thumbnails provide an easy way for people to see a small

sample of the hundreds of images available in the VRoma Image Archive

 for their own

non-commercial use .



Dear Professor , visit  ARCHAEOSURVEY' web site at for information about the

high-resolution geophysical methods used in archaeological research.You'll

find many examples of magnetometer, resistivity and radar surveys. 

Dr. Sandro Veronese 

Chief geophysicist of ARCHAEOSURVEY







          NEXT REGULAR ISSUE:   1999 04 15.   Deadline: 1999 04 10