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Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
5.12 -- 15 08 1999 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: J. I. McDougall (University of Winnipeg)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>


[1]General Announcements (4)
(CAC website; CAC Listserver)
[2] Jobs Announcements (2)
(Dalhousie; Gustavus Adolphus; APA; Atrium)
[3] Conferences (2)
(3rd E. Togo Salmon [McMaster] )
[4] Calls for papers (4)
(Olympia and the Olympics [Sydney]; ACA [UNB]; Central Mediterranean Prehistory [London])
[5] Varia


[1] Announcements <Back>

a. The address for the new CAC web site:

b. A new CAC listserv has been established (CAC-LS) for individuals interested in participating in ongoing discussions concerning all aspects of Classics in Canada. To subscribe, simply send an e- mail to . Leave the subject area blank. In the message portion write: subscribe CAC-LS, leave a space and then put your name. From there, you'll get the obligatory welcome page that will give further instructions.


[2] Job Announcements <Back>
See the CCB Page (address = for a complete list of job announcements received at CCB since June 1, 1999.

From: Geoffrey Greatrex, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University

New Closing Date
---Applications are invited for a tenure-track appointment at the Assistant Professor level effective July 1, 2000 in Latin literature with a secondary interest in Greek literature. The successful candidate must be prepared to teach introductory and intermediate Greek and Latin language classes and introductory classes in ancient literature in translation. Applicants should also be prepared to teach and supervise research in Latin literature to the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. or be close to finishing and show competence in research and publication appropriate to their experience. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. This is, however, an entry level position. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Dalhousie University is an employment equity/affirmative action employer. The University encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal peoples, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women. A letter of application, complete and updated curriculum vitae, and three letters of professional recommendation should be sent to D.K. House, Chair, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3J5. The closing date for applications is November 15, 1999.


From: Stewart Flory <>
The Classics Department of Gustavus Adolphus College seeks someone to teach an upper- level Latin class in Cicero (a one-course, adjunct position). Gustavus is in St. Peter MN and the semester is 8 September to 10 December. If interested, please contact Chair Stewart Flory at (507)933-7640 or e-mail <>


For US jobs see the listings of the American Philological Association:


From: David Meadows>
---I have finally managed to update the Atrium jobs board, with 15 or so links to current (I believe) jobs as well as links to the APA, MSU, and CHE job listings. To visit the page, please point your browser to: liotheca/bulletin/jobs.html
---That said, I might as well also point out that you can receive all the listings as I receive them (whether sent directly to me or culled from online sources) by email by sending a blank message to:
---That said, and considering that there are 213 souls subscribed to the AtriumJobs list, it is also salutary to make an appeal to all folks who know of jobs at their institution to send them to me (if they haven't appeared on a major list). While at the website I only post full time positions at universities/colleges, I do send out part-time and Latin/Greek teaching (i.e. non-university) positions to the email list. Please note that the listings include Canada, the U.S., the U.K., etc..

(Editor's note: David's website, the Atrium, is well worth a visit; it contains numerous resources, references and materials of interest for Classicists.)


[3] Conferences <Back>

McMaster University
October 1 - 2, 1999
The Third E. Togo Salmon Conference:
Samnium: Settlement and Cultural Change

(Senate Chamber: Gilmour Hall)

Friday, October 1
1. Adriano La Regina, Soprintendenze archeologica di Roma

"The ver sacrum: migrations and settlements of the Samnites"

2. Helena Fracchia, University of Alberta
"Southern Samnium, Lucania, Apulia: settlement and cultural changes between 4th and 3rd centuries B.C."
3. Gianfranco De Benedittis, Campobasso
"Bovianum, Aesernia, Monte Vairano: considerazioni sull' evoluzione dell' insediamento nel Sannio Pentro"

4. Gianluca Tagliamonte, University of Rome
"Horsemen and Dioskouroi worship in Samnite sanctuaries"
5. Alexander McKay, McMaster University
"Samnites in Campania"

Saturday, October 2
6. Tim Cornell, University of Manchester

"The Place of the Samnite wars in the Roman historical tradition"
7. John Patterson, Cambridge University
"Samnium in the Roman empire"
8. Emma Dench, University of London
"Samnites in English: the legacy of E. Togo Salmon in the English-speaking world"
9. Discussion
"The future of Samnite studies"
Moderator: Maurizio Gualtieri, University of Perugia


[4] Calls for Papers <Back>

Olympia and the Olympics:
Festival & Identity in the Ancient World

Sydney, 3-7 July, 2000
---This conference is being organized jointly by the University of Sydney and Macquarie University in association with the Australian Society of Classical Studies (ASCS). The conference will be part of the Sydney 2000 cultural program and will be held at the University of Sydney. It will coincide with an exhibition of Greek antiquities on loan from the Greek government as part of the celebration of the Olympic Games, and mounted by the Powerhouse Museum. The conference, which should attract national as well as international participation, aims to raise the profile of ancient world studies in Australia.
---While Olympia and the Olympics will provide the immediate focus the conference will also focus on festival, identity and competition in the ancient world more generally. Archaeological, literary and historical aspects of the themes will be considered. The program will comprise plenary sessions, seminars and workshops. Public lectures will also be included.
---Plenary speakers are expected to include: Michael B. Poliakoff, Mark Golden.
Contact persons: Professor Kevin H. Lee, School of Archaeology, Classics & Ancient History, University of Sydney, SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2006 Australia <>
Dr David J. Phillips, School of History, Philosophy & Politics, Macquarie University, SYDNEY, N.S.W. 2109 Australia <>

Web-site: s.html

Closing date for registration and submission of abstracts: 31 January 2000.


From: John Geyssen <>

The 14th Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association
2nd Call for Papers
---The Department of Classics & Ancient History (UNB Fredericton) invites submission of abstracts for papers to be presented at a conference scheduled for 22-23 October 1999. The general theme of the ACA conference is
Paideia and Eruditio:
Teaching and Learning in the Classical Tradition
---We invite papers on all aspects of this theme including (but not restricted to) Greek and Roman pedagogy, schools and teachers, the presentation of learning and education in classical art and literature, the discussion of learning among the philosophers and rhetors, sophistic education in Greece and Rome, and didactic literature. We also encourage the submission of papers dealing with the tradition and/or the present state of the teaching of Classics. Our keynote speaker will be
Professor Alexander Dalzell
(retired from the Department of Classics of the University of Toronto)
"Erasmus: Humanist and Educator"
8:00pm, 22 October

Abstracts should be submitted by 15 September 1999. > Address all requests for further information to Dr. John Geyssen <> or Dr. James Murray <>.


Workshop in Central Mediterranean Prehistory
November 13, 1999
Accordia Research Centre, University College London
2nd Call for Papers

---We have received a number of proposals for papers to be given at the 1-day workshop in Central Mediterranean Prehistory, Saturday, 13 November 1999, at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
---Would all those interested please send titles and brief abstracts by the end of September. Because of field work commitments, these should be sent in August to John Robb (Southampton) or in September to Mark Pearce (Nottingham) - addresses below.
---The workshop is organized by John Robb (Southampton) and Mark Pearce (Nottingham) and sponsored by the Accordia Research Center, University of London.
---Description of Conference: This is a day to talk shop to discuss our recent work on Italian prehistory, much of it unpublished and in progress. Italian prehistory doesn't have a single primary journal or outlet in the Anglophone world, and there are few occasions when we can discuss our research and share ideas and information with colleagues interested in the region for its own sake. We are seeking papers on all periods from the Paleolithic through to the Iron Age, from Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Malta. Participants at all levels from student to professor are welcomed, and we would like to accommodate all or most interested speakers. Contributions can be either synthetic, interpretive or issue- oriented papers (20 minutes) or short reports on analyses or fieldwork in progress. The latter will be presented as posters in a formal session with a scheduled, chaired viewing tour. Please let your colleagues and students know about the workshop.
---Dr John Robb, Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BF UK tel. 01703-592247 fax 01703-593032 <>
---Dr Mark Pearce, Dept of Archaeology, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD UK tel. +44.(0)115.951.4839 fax. +44.(0)115.951.4812 <>


[5] Varia <Back>

From: Luis Carlos Juan Tovar:
I am pleased to inform you that ARQUEOHISPANIA is available in Internet, the first guide of resources related to the archeology of the ancient world in Hispania. It comprises over a 1200 links, of which around 800 correspond to the hispano-portuguese archeology. The remainder correspond to other zones of Europe, Northern Africa and the Near East, related to the Roman Empire. These are distributed in the following sections:
-University Departments, Research Centers and Official Organizations.
-Research Projects.
-Archeological Excavations and Sites.
-Geography, Cartography and GIS.
-Museums and Expositions
-Archeological Associations, Groups and Companies.
-Electronic Publications. On-line text and magnetic media.
-Indices of printed Publications. Bibliographies. Catalogs.
-Books in the Net.
-Conferences. Courses. Forums. Chats.
-The Archeology of Ancient times in the WWW.
---Its address is: and is also available in

---Likewise there is a bulletin board and a news service, as well as an electronic journal ARQUEOHISPANIA, the first dedicated to Ancient Archeology in Hispania of which there is a brief presentation, the rules for publications and the editorial team. The period for reception of works for number 1 is now open. Recently we have incorporated to this wide offer, the possibility of sending via email of a free weekly bulletin, in which one can find news and novelty which are added to our guide each Monday.


Next regular issue 15/09/1999
Send submissions to <>